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her front door. she never made it. >> we can't explain what happened in those 20 steps. >> it just didn't make sense to me. >> a working mom murdered. >> it was hard to imagine that anybody would be capable of something like that. >> reporter: police started with the men in her life. was one of them behind her death? >> everybody was a suspect. >> the estranged husband. >> you know you are a person of interest. >> the ex. >> oh susie where are you? >> the brand new boyfriend. and the unbelievable thing, they were all there the morning of the murder. so who did it? >> my stomach was in my throughout. >> all of us were a little taken aback. >> it was hard for my brain to wrap around that. the spring air was a cold blanket around the pickup >> reporter: it was early morning. still dark. the spring air was a cold blanket around the pickup parked an runs near the main street of little glendive, montana. at 5:20 a.m., the passenger side door opened, the woman got out and made it to her apartment. her coat disheveled. the bra slung over one arm. the man's eyes on her. to her, to the woman now crossing the sidewalk to her doorway. susie. lightning the a bottle. >> they were all there. >> reporter: there at susie's front door. >> each one of them was part of that crime scene. >> reporter: but how many and who? who are the eyes in the dark that started that awful cascade of events? of terrible things? >> i just dropped the phone and cried and cried and cried. i just couldn't believe that could happen three times. in one family. >> reporter: sunlight in the badlands of eastern montana is like nothing else. that wide blue arch of unsollied sky. the vast rolling prairie. dotted sparsely with tiny old hamlets in which business is personal and friends and families have worked the same sun baked places for generations. places like circle. population 600. susie's hometown. >> she livened thins up a lot. >> reporter: this was susie's sister carleen. she was the fifth of six kids. >> she loved them horses and she loved to go riding. her and i would go riding quite a bit. >> reporter: susie's love affair with horses grew as she did and shaped her work ethic. her sister-in-law val. >> she was not afraid to be out there shoveling manure or fixing a fence. she was a feisty thing. >> reporter: but if there was one word most used to describe susie, it wasn't so much feisty as. >> fun with capital f. >> she was very impulsive so she didn't think a lot ahead. she just kind of went with the moment. >> reporter: and so when susie went off to a technical school three hours away in billings and got herself a boyfriend, perhaps what happened next shouldn't come as a big surprise. >> she was pregnant. and you get married. that's just what you do. >> reporter: and so, she did. they made a big happy thing of it. the whole family gathered in circle for a real country church wedding where susie introduced her parents and siblings to her new husband. a kid named marty. >> what was that like for you two? finding out she was pregnant and things were going to be a little different than you thought. >> you know, the whole family accepted it because it was susie's choice. >> reporter: before long, susie gave birth to a little girl named mariah followed by a son, shaye. but no surprise, the marriage didn't last. >> she loved her kids. they were a big part of her life. and when her and marty split, they were really everything in her life. >> reporter: so late 90s now, susie was working as a medical transcriptionist in a town less than an hour from circle. a place called glendive. that is where she met ted casey. he was the real deal. a grown-up this time. a rancher, 14 years older than susie. >> he had horses and that was just right for her. >> reporter: wedding number two. this was 1998. the kids called ted dad. then there were two more kids. girls. and for almost a decade, the marriage seemed to be just fine. but by then, susie was sharing secrets with val about ted. >> he wanted to tame her i think. i guess i joke around and said he wanted her to be home in time for the 10:00 news. he didn't want her to stay out and have fun. fun was just beginning. at 10:00. >> reporter: but the casey ranch, love started to feel like one more chore to be put off until tomorrow. >> they grew awe part. >> reporter: then one liquid evening at a bar, things went seriously sideways. ted got mad, dumped a beer on susie's head. slapped her. spent the night in jail. not long after, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor domestic assault. susie was gone from the ranch. >> she wasn't very happy with ted and she was starting to make some good decisions to find some happiness again. >> reporter: and so by the spring of 2008, susie and the kids were living at the ponderosa apartments here in downtown glendiver. a little town like this, people noticed what susie was up to. liked her, but noticed. >> people thought of her as someone who was going through a time. kind of sowing some wild oats. she liked to have fun. and she was having a lot of fun. >> reporter: then it got to that friday evening in april. >> when she came in to see me, she was really happy. and, she had makeup on. so i knew something was up. >> reporter: so val watched as susie bounded out the door to take her two youngest kids to ted for the night while the two older kids fended for themselves and susie headed out on the town. >> i'm like this girl's got to have a date tonight. >> reporter: and the very next morning. >> mom, pick up. >> reporter: when susie worried children and increasingly frantic family called to check on her. >> call me when you get the message. >> reporter: susie who always kept her phone within reach did not answer. coming up, susie casey's sudden disappearance triggers a desperate search. >> what do you do? how do you find somebody? >> i was going to backtrack all of her steps. you could tell the house was dark and it was kind of, it was an eerie feeling. >> reporter: when dateline continues. line continues. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit toward another glorious spring day in glendive, montana. marya larson (recording): hi, mom. >> :reporter: the morning sun warmed to another glorious spring day in glendive, montana. but in the ponderosa apartments it was anxiety in the air. as 14-year-old mariah tried again and again and again to get her mother susie. she knew her mother enjoyed evenings out and trusted her two older children to look after themselves in the apartment. but she never once failed to come home. mariah's next call was to her grandparents. >> she told grandma. mom ain't around. >> reporter: so mariah's anxiety affected jack and marlene too. >> mariah was pretty growed up and smart. >> the more level headed one. >> right. >> reporter: soon phones were ringing all over. susie's sister carlene. >> i thought this is silly. she went somewhere and the kids forgot. >> reporter: the kids were sufferly independent to get themselves up and leave for their respective activities but from susie, not a word. across town, sister-in-law val had not heard yet that susie failed to come home. >> we had a craft show in town and i thought maybe she would want to come with me. then she didn't respond that morning. and i thought that was kind of odd. when i was at the actual craft show i got the call from rusty. >> reporter: her husband, susie's little brother. >> what did he say? >> he told me the kids couldn't find susie when they woke up and everybody was just really worried because that just wasn't susie. she would never just not tell her children or be there for them. and she wasn't there. >> reporter: val's next attempt to reach susie wasn't quite so calm. >> you need to call me back as soon as you get this message. your dad's freaking out because nobody can find you. >> what do you do? how do you find somebody? >> i was a detective. i was going to backtrack all of her steps. so that's exactly what i did. >> reporter: cal made some calls. found susie had been drinking with friends the night before until about 11:00 p.m. when she left for what was apparently a date with a new boyfriend. someone susie had just started seeing after her separation from her husband, ted. val's mind was racing. >> i also thought that maybe she had just fainted somewhere. or had a heart attack or accident or anything. >> reporter: still, when her mind settled her first move was. >> i justifying youred that i had to go to ted's. >> because? >> maybe she was at ted's and they were having an argument and she couldn't answer the phone. >> maybe something happened. >> maybe something happened. >> reporter: remember, ted casey had pleaded guilty to assaulting susie six months before. that is why she moved off the ranch to the apartment. but when val arrived at ted's place? >> you could tell the house was dark and there were no cars there and it was kind of an eerie feeling. i just felt like i couldn't get out of the car by myself. >> reporter: so she decided to leave and picked up her husband rusty. the two of them got a key to susie's apartment. they opened the door. and here's what they found. this was a video tape the police made later. >> as we kind of walked through the apartment, and realized she wasn't there, the adrenaline burst that something isn't right. something isn't right. >> it's empty. she's not here. she's gone. >> she's not here. yeah. >> reporter: so val decided to go find that new boyfriend susie had a date with. the last person to be seen with her. his name was brad holzer. >> he would know where she was. >> reporter: brad lived with his soon to be ex-wife less than five minutes from susie's apartment. val drove over, knocked on a door. >> i said susie's not home. we can't find her. we are really worried. and then i remember exactly what he said to me. he said what do you mean she isn't home? i dropped her off at 5:00 a.m. that's when it hit that we are going to the police. something is not right. >> reporter: it certainly wasn't. a man whose marriage was breaking up, the last man to be with her, didn't know a thing? really? coming up, susie's new boyfriend fields a few questions down at the station. >> did you guys make out or anything before? >> probably for five minutes yeah. >> before she exited the truck? >> yeah. >> did you ever wonder about brad and whether he was capable of any bad thing? >> when she went missing i wondered about everybody. everybody was a suspect. >> when dateline continues. sus. >> when dateline continues. h. well, with your home, auto, boat and rv all bundled with progressive you've got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -- -are you done? -aaand there it is. well, at least your vehicles are protected. let's hit the road. hey fam! i'm just at this beautiful lake that i just discovered. practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance. 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>> when she went missing i wondered about everybody. everybody was a suspect. your mind just continues to play and play different scenarios of what could have happened and where she is. >> reporter: while that question remained unanswered, brad came in for an interview. >> appreciate you. >> no problem. >> reporter: brad told the police that he and susie actually had quite a long history. >> how long have you known susie? >> we went out in high school. she was 16, i was 19. >> reporter: then they lost touch two decades until saint patrick's day, 2008. just three weeks before she disappeared. when their eyes met in a bar downtown. >> she came up to me and said hi. i knew who she was right away. recognized her immediately. >> reporter: in the weeks since, they spent every possible moment together. though given her kids and their respective tangled marital issues, it was complicated. the night before she disappeared, said brad, susie had been drinking with a couple of girlfriends before he picked her up and they drove out of town to sit by the yellowstone river. >> that's where we were about 10:45 or 11:00 until 5:00 a.m. drove out there and parked. did the same thing we usually did. talked, kissed, stuff like that. >> reporter: it was just about 5:00 in the morning when he drove back to town and parked across are the street from susie's apartment. >> did you guys make out or anything before? >> probably for about five minutes yeah. >> before she exited the car? >> yeah. >> she got out. walked back to her across the street to her place like she normally does. i know she was at least halfway across the street when i turned. she was that close to get into that apartment. >> reporter: brad swore he drove straight home and went to bed. then brad cast suspicion elsewhere. >> brad, do you know where susan is at? i have no idea. >> where do you think she is? >> my guess would be ted. he has to be behind this somehow. >> reporter: and there was one more thing. someone sent him a weird email the moment before his last date with susie. maybe ted was behind it somehow. here it is. it reads how's your government loosened? how does your wife feel about it? the sender? a denise johnson. >> still in the dark as to who sent that and who the hell denise johnson is. >> reporter: a missing woman, a mysterious email. one guy pointing toward another. >> there is somebody out there. some jealousy. i needed to find out who sent the emails. >> reporter: so they told brad don't leave town and they set out to talk to susie's soon to be ex ted casey. coming up. >> so much pressure and after a while, you know, it explodes. >> reporter: the scorned husband in the interrogation room and details of a confrontation with susie. >> thoughts about ted were not friendly ones at that point? >> no. >> reporter: when dateline continues. eporter: when datelie continues. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified. it's gotta be tide. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. in april 2008, the whereabouts of susie >> reporter: by the sunday of that anxious weekend in april of 2008. the where abouts of susie casey was a local preoccupation in glendive, montana. >> there was talk of people saying we saw her walking down the street. >> reporter: olivia couldn't hear what people was saying. >> did she go home with someone? >> reporter: susie's mother was afraid something awful had happened. she called sister carleen, two hours away in north dakota. >> i knew something was really, really wrong so we packed up and headed to glendive to help. >> reporter: but where could they look? glendive is the largest town in a sparsely populated county the size of delaware. >> we had four wheelers, people on foot. and nothing. >> reporter: meanwhile, they processed susie's chevy trailblazer. for any sort of evidence. same in her apartment. and found nothing. nothing of particular importance anyway. but then they had a look around outside susie's apartment building. and found something rather curious. a couple of curious things actually. thing one was a shoe print in the alcove of the building next door to susie's place. thing two, over in the rally 40 or 50 feet away looks like something had been dragged. something heavy along the ground near the dumpster. did either of those things have anything to do with susie's disappearance? maybe the rejected husband could tell them. ted casey. the morning susie vanished, he went to work, helped his brother with a project and went to a rodeo. so by the next day, police were very eager to talk to ted. >> thoughts about ted were not friendly ones at that point. >> no. >> reporter: ted had reasons to be upset with the woman who was leaving him. he was angry, humiliated. a costly divorce was looming, child support to pay. first, they asked ted about that incident in the bar the night they arrested him and put him in jail. >> i dumped a drink on her head. barely slapped her. i mean, we were both drinking and you know, didn't mean to. it just happened. but you know, i suppose you get to such a, so much pressure and after a while, you know, it explodes. >> reporter: explodes? that was a curious thing to say. ted insisted he had last seen susie about 7:00 the evening before she disappeared. when she dropped off the two little girls at his house for the night. but ted did admit that he confronted susie on the phone a couple of hours later after receiving a strange phone call himself around 9:00 p.m. >> what was said? >> just that brad olzer or whatever has been screwing your wife. click. >> reporter: brad holzer, susie's boyfriend of three weeks. >> what did you think about this deal with brad when you heard about it? >> well, i wasn't very happy. i mean, i called her up. and said hey. who is this brad holzer or whatever? i just got a call you have been doing him. oh no, no, no. i would never do that i would never cheat on you. i said you know we are still married though we are not living together. and, i just hung up the phone you know. she called me right back. and then she admitted she knew the guy. she knew who he was. and that was about the end of the conversation. >> reporter: was he upset? yes, of course he said he was. and yet, ted told his interrogator he fell asleep right away and got up around 5:00 a.m. to do chores and drop off his girls with a babysitter and meet a coworker at city hall by 6:00. >> it was by 6:00 you know at the very latest. i was thinking it was ten to six when i got there. >> reporter: but here's the thing. ted drove right past susie's apartment. he admitted as much on his way to the meeting at the city hall. and his own time line put him there at her front door within minutes of when she walked across the street disheveled after making out with brad holzer. the very time susie vanished off the face of the earth. as the glendive police department checked out the story, ted went home to look after the two youngest girls who were now living with him full time while susie's two older kids went to live with val and her husband. >> mariah was just tormented. she didn't know what to do with herself. she was so close to her mom. it was just really hard for her. >> reporter: harder and harder for everyone as day after day, the search for susie produced nothing. >> as time went on, it was clear she wasn't around anywhere. so it was just really a scary time. >> what were those days like? >> they were pure hell. just waiting and waiting for the phone to ring. >> reporter: and then, nearly a month after susie's disappearance, it did. coming up. >> the hardest day of my life. >> reporter: the horrifying discovery by the river. and another discovery at the station. brad holzer's wife. what was she doing there? >> right now, both you and brad are. >> reporter: when dateline continues. are. >> reporter: when dateline continues. and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. how long have you been tracking the value of our car? because advil targets pain at theshould we sell it?ation. we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. are you still struggling with your bra? it's time for you to try knix. makers of the world's comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at and sizes up to a g-cup, right now. both you and brad are. keith morrison : when dateline continues. keith morrison : nearly a month after susie casey vanished on an early spring morning in glendive, nearly a month after susie casey vanished on an early spring morning in glendive, montana, it was the yellowstone river that finally gave her back. >> i was sitting at my desk and the sheriff at the time walked over saying there is a body floating in fallon. >> reporter: a small town 28 miles upstream from glendive. >> we jumped in the vehicle. by the time we got there, it was on shore. took a look. i knew. at that point, we are changing from missing persons to homicide. >> reporter: susie's family gathered at val and rusty's house. >> i knew it couldn't have been anybody else. i had a job to do. my job was to keep this family together. to get us through this. the authorities came and told us adults it was her body. i didn't let my emotions just run with it. because i knew we had those children downstairs. >> reporter: the older two, mariah, 14, shea, 12, carleen is the one who told them. >> that's the hardest day of my life. and i have had a lot of hard days but that was the hardest, i think. that was tough. but, when we finished up, i stepped outside. and, there were two perfect double rainbows. and i thought it's going to be all right. it just felt like a sign susie was letting us know okay, you finally found me. now we will work through it and it will be all right. >> reporter: as word spread susie had finally been found, the town of glendive both mourned and relaxed to some degree. >> i think it was almost like a sense of relief. like oh, we found her. now we can see what happens. >> reporter: agents from montana's department of criminal investigation had been called in to help the local police. dci agent lee johnson. >> we determined from the autopsy she was not breathing when she went in the water. it was not a drowning. >> she was killed first. >> correct. >> and her hiyoid bone was broken consistent with strangulation. >> reporter: when? and by whom? at this time, brad, the last person known who have seen susie alive had been interviewed time and again. >> when she left, she was wearing my white sweatshirt. >> reporter: and they talked repeatedly to brad's wife. though they maintain they had no motive to kill susie. they were headed for a divorce. >> basically, i need to start from the beginning with you. >> reporter: how did she feel really? after all, they were still living together. did brad's wife who might be considered the odd woman out in a love triangle have a reason to get rid of susie? >> honestly? , we have a variety of suspects and both you and brad are. >> reporter: but brad's story didn't change. he and susie were out all night. then he drove her home and went home and went to sleep. his wife insisted it was true. she came home from a date of her own about 6:00 a.m. and found him already asleep. >> i went in and the bedroom door was closed. i looked in and he was in bed sleeping. >> reporter: but brad's wife added to the mystery as well. because it turned out she, too, claims she got a strange phone call that week. the week susie disappeared. >> they said, can we leave a message for brad? i said okay. and they said, tell him to stop messing around with married women. and i said what are you talking about? then she hung up. >> so it was a female? >> yeah. >> reporter: a woman? this was getting stranger by the minute. ted claimed it was a male who called him to rat on susie. brad said a female named denise johnson sent him an email asking how his wife felt about his girlfriend. but police really needed something concrete. something physical. proof of brad's where about to back up his story and clear his name. and? >> it was just by fluke we decided to check the bank for the footage. sure enough, there it is. >> reporter: the bank. a u.s. bank branch just a couple of doors now from susie's apartment. well of course it had a camera on its atm so they asked to see the video. and what do you know? though very grainy and extremely hard to see clearly, it appeared to back up everything brad said. early in the morning, just before 5:00 a.m., you can see a pickup pull up. >> we see brad holzer pull up in his vehicle on the security cameras. and susan casey is with him in the vehicle for a beard of time. over 20 minutes. the dome light comes on. we believe that is when susie exits the vehicle. and this was about 5:19 a.m. >> reporter: then brad's pickup pulled away out of frame. >> so then, when brad's wife is interviewed, she had been out all night. she comes home and said when she got home at 6:00 a.m., that brad was in bed sleeping. we have a time frame from 5:20 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. where brad holzer has to commit this homicide and dispose of the body or hide it and dispose of it later. we didn't feel mr. holzer had strong opportunity in that time period and certainly didn't have much of a motive to murder susan casey. >> reporter: so hear that was quite a relief for brad as you might imagine who has replayed the scene countless times. saying goodnight to susie and pulling away before she got in the apartment. >> it bothers me that i didn't wait and watch. but there is no reason that anybody should be there. it is 5:00 in the morning. the whole town was dead. i just remember needing to get home. wanting to get home. didn't cross my mind for a second that anything had happened. or anyone was there. >> reporter: the gallant little gesture he didn't make. brad holzer has all kinds of time to think about that. >> sometimes i think about her. yeah. i wonder what we would be doing right now. there could have been a future there. >> reporter: susie was laid to rest on a sunny day in may 2008 in the little cemetery outside her hometown. no one the slightest aware of how much more was still to come. coming up. >> it was seeming like you didn't make it home last night. >> reporter: an angry message from susie's husband ted and a closer look at his story. >> you know you were a person of interest. >> yes. >> exactly what did he do the morning of the murder when dateline continues. the murdern dateline continues. better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ hey hon. hey dad...(sniffs) that smell could be 8,000,000 odor causing bacteria. good thing adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria that detergents leave behind. clean is good, sanitized is better. ♪ ♪ and i smoked while i was pregnant. this is the view i had of my baby in the nicu. my tip is: speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. keith morrison : love and money make the world go round, and upset stomach. of course. though here, as anywhere, they also happen to be >> reporter: love and money make the world go round, of course. though here, as anywhere, they also happened to be leading motives for murder. husbands scorned. convicted of misdemeanor domestic assault. on the hook for alimony, child support. and a life insurance beneficiary. so of course, the cops had reason to suspect ted. got him to admit he drove right past susie's apartment right around the time she disappeared. that she was angry. he tried today reach her on the phone. >> actually i called susie but every time i called her, i left city hall. >> reporter: yes, here is the angry voice mail ted left. >> well, susie, i just called mariah. and seems like you didn't make it home last night. so maybe what somebody called me and said maybe it's true. or you are doing somebody else. >> reporter: so once again, those age old motives pointed at the husband. >> 90% of the time you would be right. >> reporter: but was it possible ted would be the exception that proves the rule? a little checking revealed that ted was in work that morning as seen by a coworker exactly when he said he was. >> if he did commit a homicide, when would he have disposed of the body? >> reporter: they found susie upstream 28 miles from glendive. so once again, they pulled out the atm video from the u.s. bank next to her apartment building. ted said he dropped the girls off at his brother's house that morning and drove to city hall to work. it is a small town and city hall is just blocks from susie's place. ted said he drove right past her apartment. and sure enough. >> we could see a vehicle driving by. approximate the time ted said he drove by. >> reporter: the time, 5:52 a.m. like the time ted told the police. >> he has a is a minute window where he is dropping his kids off and drives to city hall and works there a period of time. >> given how close together everything was, wouldn't have taken much time to kill susie, hide her body and retrieve it later for disposal. possible, quite. the angry message he left on her voice mail? the time stamp proved it was hours after she vanished meaning that either ted was trying to fool the police with the voice mail or he didn't have any idea what happened to susie. and therefore this time, the husband didn't do it if he was telling the truth. >> you know you are a person of interest. >> and you can expect that. >> but how was it to be treated that way? >> it doesn't feel good. you know every place you go, everything you do, you got people watching. talking, pointing, but id did nothing wrong and i had nothing to hide from it. >> did the police believe that? you would think if they did, they would make some sort of announcement that ted was in the clear. but they did not. and so, it was awkward, especially when they were looking for susie. >> did you take part in the search? >> i did. >> what is that like? it is a tough situation. >> that would suggest you knew where she was because you put her there. >> reporter: ted was still a target of the imvest grace. and suddenly a single parent of two little girls. >> six days seemed like six months. you weren't sleeping much. i had headaches every day over a month. all day long. >> so how do you tell a little girl her mother is not coming home? >> i just told them. >> how did they take it? >> they broke down. you know, they didn't let me out of their sight quite a few days. >> i can imagine. >> and especially when it came nighttime, they were glued to you. >> reporter: there was, remember, an insurance policy on susie's life. ted was the beneficiary. wasn't a lot. but they cut the check. and ted casey cashed it. >> what did you do with it? >> paid her funeral expenses. and split it between the kids. >> could have kept it. >> but that wasn't enough to do. >> was it enough to be very much help to the kids? >> not much. there was probably maybe 3,000, $4,000 left. after the funeral expenses. but it helped shea and mariah too. >> reporter: so does ted sound like a guilty man? but if it wasn't him, and it wasn't the boyfriend, brad, then who killed susie? and why? there was something in the air that night. no doubt about it. not every deadly sin, but certainly several swirling in one city block in little glendive, montana. who owned those eyes in the dark that watched susie casey in the moments before she disappeared? >> mom? >> reporter: from the first moments it dawned on the kids, parents, siblings that susie had not come home, not all of them. >> give me a call. >> reporter: tried calling the woman who never went anywhere without her phone. >> hello. just me. >> reporter: that phone was her lifeline. as susie's brother rusty and sister-in-law val said during their interviews with investigators. >> i appreciate you guys coming in. >> reporter: among whom was then captain ty. >> i thought let's see which phone calls she had. >> reporter: that is when a very strange story began to emerge. >> that is where we have seen all the phone calls from a number that we didn't know who it delonged to. >> reporter: a number nobody recognized calling susie again and again. all night long. but did that mystery caller leave a message? knight ere of them knew how to access rusty's voice mail. but they did know who just might. >> when i called mariah and asked her if she knew her mother's password to get into the voice mail, she knew it instantly. ty was sitting across the table from us and the messages started to play. >> if you don't call me back by 1:00. >> over and over again, it was the same voice. >> i would love to hear from you and make sure everything is okay with you. >> and they were starting to get more desperate and needy. >> i don't know what to do. you won't answer me. >> like really reminded me of when you are a teenager and you have your first crush and the guy or the girl goes to call the next day and they don't answer. usually most of us would stop. >> please let me know that you are okay. >> but as the teenager sometimes their emotion are not under control and they will continue to call. >> i still need to hear from you please. >> it was like that. but the messages just continued to get closer together. and just more desperate. >> please let me know that you're okay. please. everybody is very worried about you. >> i just thought this guy is strange to call that many times. obsessive. >> and we're all worried? >> yeah, who was he talking about. >> reporter: who was this guy? who was he to susie? and why did he leave 22 voice mail messages for susie? coming up. >> oh susie, where are you? where are you? >> the mystery caller revealed. and a revelation for the police. >> were you thinking that you two would get back together? >> that was the plan. >> when dateline continues. dat keith morrison : detectives investigating the murder of susie casey had unlocked a clue on her cell phone: detectives investigating the murder of susie casey had unlocked a clue on her cell phone, 22 voicemail messages, each one more urgent than the last from a number susie's family did not recognize. >> please call me, i'm worried. >> but who was he? sister-in-law racked her brain for answers, and then suddenly she knew. susie had only hinted at it, but there was another man in her life, someone from her past with whom she had reconnected after marriage to ted well apart. this man, her long ago first husband, the father of her two older children, marty larson. >> did she talk about him at all? >> i knew she had a previous marriage and she had mariah, but i did not know anything more than that. >> marty had been out of susie's life for more than a decade. no contacts. no child support. nothing. but then, in 2007, mariah, curious about her biological father, found him on the internet. marty came to visit a time or two. at least once, susie took the kids to see him, three hours across the prairie in billings, montana. her parents were among the very few people who knew and they were not happy. >> we got into an argument and i said, susie, you don't want to do this. and i said, the family isn't really going to go for this. she said, you're never going to disown me. so i just backed up and said, i'm not going to lose my daughter over him. and that was the end of it. >> how serious it got, maybe no one knew. maybe they were just friendly but maybe it was more than that. now, investigator aldrich typed marty lawson in the that a beta -- database. remember, susie married ted pretty quickly after she left marty back in 1998, but that was not the end of it. not long after the wedding, apparently in a fit, marty drove from billing to and ivan turned up outside of the newlyweds' house with a shotgun. what he intended to do with it was never made clear. he was convicted of criminal trespass and slapped with a lifetime restraining order. no contact with susie or ted, ever. >> at that point i had a little red flag go up and said, boy, this is something we need to look at here. >> judging from his 22 phone messages, marty, and by the way, his given first name was walter, was very worried about susie. desperate even, as those nighttime hours went by without a word from her. but marty still lived three hours away in billings, is that where he was calling from? once you find a way to find out, look at the cell phone towers. >> we looked at marty's telephone records and we actually see him pinking from billings all the way to glenn.. >> it is a long, lonely road. even at the elevated speeds of i-94, it is a good three hours east, northeast across the rolling prairie from billings to the ponderosa apartment building in downtown glendive. ping, ping, ping pesty ever listening cell towers, and suddenly, the cop had some homework to do. he knew from the towers that marty larson was the third man to put himself near susie casey the night she vanished, which is why he called the state department of criminal investigation. soon after marty returned from glendive, agent lee johnson found himself standing outside marty's apartment, staring at this freshly washed minivan. video, again, courtesy of the police. >> it was obviously very clean on the exterior because it had been through an automatic car wash. the interior of the vehicle had heavy condensation on the inside. the building had been shampooed, carpets clean. when you get in the cargo area at the back of the van, had been vigorously cleaned out with some type of solution, water, maybe some cleaning solution. >> and in marty's apartment. >> there was an empty bottle of toilet cleaner in the garbage. detectives looked at the toilets in the residence, they did not look like they were recently cleaned, yet, we have an empty container of lysol bathroom cleaner. >> that was not all they found in the garbage. there was this. it appeared to be a list of expenses, at as if someone was planning their las vegas wedding. >> basically the breakdown of a trip for lodging, paying for a minister to marry them, and a return trip home. >> then, when investigators asked marty to take off his shirt to me they saw scratches on his back. how in heaven's name would he have gotten those? some sort of struggle, perhaps? while the search for susie was still going on, the agent suggested they all sit down for a little q&a. marty said, sure, but-- >> may i ask you a question first? am i under arrest for something? being charged with something? >> no. >> marty said, he has susie had connected the year before, mostly for the children. right away, said marty, they fell for each other all over again, like true soulmates. that time 10 years prior when he had taken a shotgun to ted and susie's house, all forgiven. he was a different man now. >> the 10 years we were apart, i spent thinking she hated me, she thought i hated her. and in fact, we still love each other very much. >> where you kind of thinking you two would get back together? >> that was the plan. >> so, said marty, just before susie went out the night she vanished, he talked to her on the phone. >> make sure you don't drink too much, you don't need to get a dui and get in trouble like that. >> and she promised to call him back later. >> i said, fine sleeping, it's okay, wake me up. >> after all, thoughts marty, they were a couple again. it was his business to worry about her. when she did not call-- >> i called her at 12:30 because i had not heard from her. and i thought, you know, i wanted to make sure everything was okay. >> if you don't call me back before 1:00-- >> i thought she had gotten arrested. and then i thought, i'm going to go up there and see if she is okay. make sure she got home, make sure everything is okay. >> what time did you leave billings? >> 1:30-ish. >> sure enough, when police pulled video at the blue basket, timestamp said 1:39 a.m. . so, he drove, he said, calling and leaving voicemail messages for susie during the entire 230 mile trip. >> i just need to hear from you. please, please call me. >> expecting to hear back from her, saying, i am fine, don't come. but susie's call never came. >> what time did you get to glendive? >> 4:30 , a quarter to 5:00. >> and the truth, marty's cell phone pinged on a tiawah in glendive just before 4:30 a.m. her car was parked outside as if she was home. >> i went in the building, i went up and knocked on the door, softly because her bedroom is near the door, hoping it would wake her, not any of the kids. and hoping she'd come and tell me she was okay. and there was no answer, so i went out and called and text a few times to wake her up. >> so, did you ever encounter susie at all? >> no, i wish i would have seen her. >> he swore he did not see susie arrive just before 5:00 a.m. with brad. did not see what they were doing in the truck. did not see her across the street to her door at 5:19 a.m. but he did leave town, he said, a video from another nearby bank seemed to back him up at 5:45 a.m., leaving one last frantic voicemail. >> hello, just hoping to hear you are okay. >> police, of course, are paid to be skeptical. >> there is no doubt in my mind you saw her this morning. >> no, i didn't. >> that marty stuck to his story and when detectives asked why his minivan was so freshly washed-- >> i was on my way up there, i had to do one major thing, there was a dead deer i hit in the road and there was a bunch of deer stuck to the bottom of it. i went and cleaned the bugs off, hoping if i drive through the carwash it would spray the beer off. >> a deer, really? but-- did you check into whether or not he actually did hit a deer? >> we did, we checked with the highway patrol and said, it was consistent with a deer it was not a live here that he hits running, it was actually laying on the interstate. >> and when they tested, sure enough it was not human, it was animal tissue. but then, when police asked if there was any way they would find susie's dna in, or on, even under the van, marty said something, as he often did, that made police wonder. >> well, i guess what i am saying is, what i thought is that was a deer. i guess i don't know for certain that it could have been her. >>, was he trying to tell police he ran susie down? >> is there something you want to tell us? >> no, i have not done anything. you can look, you can scraped everything off underneath that van, it is deer. as far as i know. >> and if that wasn't weird enough, as the detectives left the room-- >> oh susie, where are you? where are you? those kids need you, i need you . i love you, susie. i just wish i knew where you were. >> need hardly to say it, marty was now the prime suspect. the man in the crosshairs. but, suspicion is so easy. the real question was, did he provably do it? what cop or prosecutor would want to stake his or her career on a wild bet like that? coming up. >> susie's death consumed him. he was going to get justice for our family, even if he had to do it himself. >> a whole new tragedy is about to hit susie's family when "dateline" continues. eline" c . only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. 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there were signs, like those obsessive voicemails, and the bank video, his own admission that he hoped to reunite with susie. the probability he saw susie canoodling with brad, the minivan washed fairly well on his return home, and yet, marty larson was not arrested. >> i think that frustration was really, really hard for the family. >> what was your expectation? that they would look at this material they had and go and arrest marty? >> i guess i anticipated that these things would move forward and who was responsible would be held accountable, and time just kept on going. >> the thing is, at that point, susie's soup sister-in- law val, and her husband, were still hearing that marty and ted were both suspects. at the time, susie's two youngest kids were with ted. the older two, shay and mariah, were living with val and rusty. >> it was extremely difficult for shay and mariah both. i remember, we were so excited for him to have his own bedroom his own space, but at night, he could not sleep in his room. he had to sleep with mariah. >> because? >> he was scared marty was going to come and take him. >> his own father? >> i don't think he ever really called him father. i don't think any of us did. i think he was just afraid of marty. >> val had a newborn of her own to go along with those extra responsibilities, and an overwhelming sadness that sneaked into her bed, her kitchen, her life, an un- welcomed houseguest that simply refused to leave. >> my son was four months old when susie was taken from us. i don't remember i don't remember him walking. i don't remember those moments i should remember as a mother. >> meanwhile, the investigation was stuck in the weeds. >> i was thinking, a couple of months, we're going to have an arrest. we just did not have the pieces at the time that we needed. >> 2008, ted kept to himself, marty moved. left building-- billings, moved to phoenix, got a job. at home, in glendive, susie's brother, val's husband, rusty, was having trouble with the rage . >> susie's death consumed him. he would not sleep much at night and he told me one night that he just wanted to stop feeling. i think it's just haunted him that he felt like he could've done something. >> and by the time a representative of montana's attorney general's office met with the family, many thought they were teetering on the edge of sanity, still wondering, marty or ted? what was the holdup? >> that day i asked if she could tell us, as a family that ted was no longer a suspect, because the two little girls were living with ted at the time, and mariah and saint were living with me. i just felt like i was the only person trying to salvage the relationship with the little girls and their siblings and i just wanted her to crush that wall down and say, he was not a suspect. her response to me was that the case is still moving forward, and he is still a suspect. >> quite a thing to hear. >> yeah. i just really felt like i needed to hear that at that time and i did not get to hear that and that it was still that he could possibly have involvement. >> ted, who still lived under a cloud of suspicion, believed marty killed susie. >> there were a lot of nights i did not sleep very well wondering if someone would show up in the middle of the night with a gun. >> but it was rusty, during his many sleepless nights who devised a plan to do with police and prosecutors seemed unwilling or unable to do. >> he was going to get justice for our family, even if he had to do it himself. >> what do you mean by that? >> he had made several plans about how he was going to kill marty, take marty's life, just like marty, took susie's. >> what would you say to him when he said things like that? >> that the case is moving forward, that was not something he needed to do. that we had a son and our son needed him, and me. and that he couldn't leave us. >> eventually, it all came to that anyway. first, val and rusty divorced . and then, in november 2011, 3 1/2 years after the night susie was murdered. >> i get a phone call in the middle of the night, it was really impossible to believe that. >> rusty, her brother, 32 years old, died by suicide. >> we already had lost susie. this can't be happening too. so, it was really hard for my brain to wrap around that. >> and so, jack and marlene went to the cemetery in circle to lay another child to rest. >> it crushed them. and then to lose their two youngest, it seemed like they aged 15 years. >> do you think rusty would be around today if they had moved quicker on that case? >> i try not to go there. there is all of these what if's, what if's. >> then, it was not long after her rusty was put in the ground, a new county attorney was elected in glendive. you have already met her . olivia rieger. >> i really felt like we had a duty to give some sort of explanation to jack and marty-- marlene for their family. if the case was going to go somewhere, or if it wasn't, they needed to know. they could not be left dangling out there. >> and they certainly were dangling. >> absolutely. >> and if that were all, the hope for justice might simply end there. one morning, as olivia was settling into her new office, there was a not at the door, a man had come to call, and he smiled and said, hi, i'm brent light, and we are going to try a homicide. >> my stomach was in my throat. speak make an arrest at last, and new anguish that no one in the family thought coming. >> that hit you pretty hard, didn't it? >> when "dateline" continues. e . i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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because i am new here. he brought boxes of files and said, i'm going to be back in six weeks and i want you to get on this and read all this stuff and we are going to talk about how we are going to do this. >> this is brent light, who before he showed up at olivia's door, was appointed the attorney general's chief prosecutor. the ag's office helped small jurisdictions handle big cases. >> how did you get involved in this particular case? >> i had come to the attorney general's office. there was another chief prosecutor at that time, simply did not think it was enough evidence. i then took her position and told my team, let's look really hard at this. and months later, after a very hard look, i thought it was a great case. i thought circumstantially, it was overwhelming. >> and then brant light met with susie's family, asked for their patients, and promised he would issue an arrest warrant for the man he was now convinced was the killer, marty larson. >> i saw a family, a good, strong family, to have this death occur, to have her get out of the car and never make it to the front door, 20 steps, and we can't explain what happened to her in those 20 steps, i thought they deserved to find out. >> in february 2012, almost four years after susie's murder , a phoenix s.w.a.t. team descended on marty larson as he walked out of his apartment on his way to work. back in glendive, a certain ex suspect finally relaxed. >> when you know he was under arrest, how did it change your life? >> it took a lot of stress off me ears >> mr. larson, i am assistant chief aldrich with the glendive police department, how are you? >> and the man who took susie's original missing persons report sat down to interview marty. >> you can say, you're crazy, i don't want to talk to you at all. i find a guy sitting with his legs crossed, and arms crossed to the side ears >> the only thing i have to say is, i have no idea what happened to her. i don't know how she passed away. that's it. i pretty much knew when i was targeted years ago that something like this could happen at any time. i knew this date could come. >> what did that say to you? >> that said to me that he'd always be thinking in the back of his head that he would be arrested for this crime. >> they took marty back to montana, stuck him in the county jail to await his murder trial. and as the spring of 2012 arrived, it seemed that things were finally looking up for susie's family. >> it was a lot of relief, especially mom and dad i think really felt like susie would finally get some justice. >> and there was another reason , finally, for the family to celebrate. susie's eldest child, mariah, was graduating from high school. senior photos were taken, announcements were printed out and sent out. a party was planned in circle. and then, the day before the ceremony-- >> she had said, it's going to be my graduation and my mom is not here to see me. and i said, but she will be with you. and she cried. >> and so, mariah and marlene dried their tears, and the young girl bounded out of the house and drove away. >> what happened, anyway? >> they said to me she fell asleep. >> went off the road. >> there were no skid marks or nothing until she hit the ditch . that kid would never leave without her seatbelt on. not like she didn't have it on, and throat her out. >> mariah larson was just 18 years old. >> all i remember is answering the phone, my mom telling me, that is all i remember. i just dropped the phone and just cried. cried, and cried, and cried. i just, i couldn't believe that that could happen three times in one family. >> i never really grieved for susie, just like i never really grieved for rusty, until mariah's accident. and that was the day i grieved for all three of them. >> i can't imagine that scope of loss. i don't know how you managed it. >> i don't know, either. >> that hit you pretty hard, when she was killed. is that the point that gets you every time? >> yeah. >> marya was laid to rest in that little cemetery outside circle, next to her uncle, rusty, and her mom, susie. >> she'd had a hard time living without her mom. i guess, she finally went to be with her mom. it was tough. just couldn't make it through that one, three of them. >> and right along with the family that date was the new prosecutor on the case. >> it showed me a lot about brant light, because he traveled from helena , after only meeting that girl one time, he came to helena to her funeral. >> and he had a message for the family and for marty larson. >> it was very clear in this case from both sides, there would not be plea negotiations. we never talked negotiations. we simply talk about trial. let's go to trial. >> bravado? essential cases, especially like this one, can be tricky things. coming up, that shoe print, those drag marks, and the surveillance video from the bank , would any of it point to marty? >> he looked like a different person. all of us work a little taken aback. >> when "dateline" continues. and tough to keep wo ndering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. hi, a new survey for you. neighborhoods in miami and fort lauderdale still contending with standing water after three days of torrential rain there, almost 20 inches of water don't want southern border. the worst has passed, but showers are expected through the weekend. the justice department confirmed friday that attorney general garland will not face charges. he was in canton for refusing to to hold head over audiotapes of president biden and special counsel. have a good day. day. apartr glendive, is, as we have said, not a very big place. the walk from susie's apartment door to the county courthouse with take less than a minute. five years from crime to trial, five years and one city block i'm aware in april 2013, marty larson finally faced a jury. >> clearly, to me, he was the person that committed that crime right now, my chore was to prove it. >> but when marty walked in, the courtroom gast. >> he sure did not look like the picture i was shown of him. >> yet lost 77 pounds, so he looked like a different person altogether. i think there was a little bit of shock in everybody's mind that all of us were taken aback. >> wait, was it intentional? more on that in a minute. first prosecutor listed for what he says was motives for marty to kill susan. motives as old as time, jealousy, pride rage. >> i think marty was absolutely convinced he and susie would get back together. i really did think he thought that was going to happen. and all of a sudden, he's not. >> that's why the prosecutor said, the phone records backed it up, marty made those phone calls. estranged, but still married people, something was going on. >> i think at that point he thought, well, let me just break this up. his efforts were all about taking them up. >> that efforts included emails, although marty denied it. >> did you send the emails? >> no, i did not. >> a search on marty's computer revealed that he had created that email account under the name denise johnson, and sent those letters to brad, asking how his wife felt about his girlfriend. and when police showed up at marty's door that first time? >> he is erasing things on his computer and defragmenting his hard drive. >> the night susie disappeared, phone records revealed that she and marty last spoke at 9:51 p.m. . by then, susie was aware that marty had been trying to sabotage her relationship with brad. after the phone call, susie called her daughter, marya with a question . >> she wanted to know how to restrict a number. i asked her why, she told me, because marty was calling. was calling ted and saying stuff about my mom. >> the phone records show that susie stopped returning marty's calls. that's why at 1:39 a.m., marty was called on that gas station surveillance grammar, leaving billings to head towards glendive. >> i think when he left billings, it was never his intent to kill her. it was his intent to confront her . to find her and confront her about what was going on. >> the jury heard that marty left 22 voicemails as he drove the next three hours, his cell phone banking in glendive just before 4:30 a.m. then, by his own admission, marty part right around the corner from susie's apartment building. next to the bank. and that's when the bank's atm started telling a story like nothing else could hear 4:37 a.m., prosecutors argue this figure is marty, walking toward susie's apartment. >> are the rate was he got to susie's apartment report brad and she returned and there is this little concave, this your front. we believe that is where he was standing. >> that, said the prosecutor, is when he left that footprint. then, the tape showed at 4:52 a.m., brad and susie pulled up in brad's truck. 5:19 a.m., the dome light came on. susie opened the door, got out, just steps from her apartment. >> when she stepped out of brad's car, after he had stood in that concave for 15 to 20 minutes as they are in the car, doing whatever they were doing, i think he was extremely angry and when he saw her, i think he confronted her. i think she confronted him right back. >> i think when she told him that she was going to continue a relationship with brad and that marty and her were done, i think he said, nobody is going to have susie. >> he came out of that little alley. i think that's when he strangled her. >> strangled her, how secure it is argued, but not before susie left those telltale scratch marks found on marty's back. the state's theory, that marty dragged her body across the alley, leaving those drag marks near the dumpster. then, at 5:38 a.m., a figure walked back toward marty's minivan. >> after he walks back, the next thing you see is that silver vanpool back in front of susan's. there is about a five minute wait. i believe he is putting the body into the back of that van and you see the van pull aside. >> that, says prosecutors, is when marty started driving back to billings. >> you have a body in your van. i think the river was the fastest and easiest way for him , and to buy him some time. >> prosecutors introduced this video, showing marty at 8:15 a.m., 70 miles down the road, stopping for gas wearing a white t-shirt and black shoes that were never found. did he throw them away when he dumped her body? at 10:29 a.m., marty was back in billings, leaving his first divorce whale-- voicemail and was five hours here this one with a decidedly different tone . >> good morning, sweetie. i was just hoping that you were willing to talk to me. i have my phone charging right now. could you give me a call? thank you. >> totally different tenor, when he still had not talked to her. i would have thought he would have been even more angry that as time went by, that he still has not returned your calls, he is going into alibi mode. >> and the final piece to the puzzle for prosecutors? >> remember how marty vigorously cleaned his minivan inside and out? not quite enough. one hair was found. it was in the back of the van, where you put a body. >> and of course we did the mitochondrial dna, and it was hers. it was in the back where we believe he laid her. >> so, a strong circumstantial case. except, the marty who showed up in court did not look a bit like the man in the video. >> my belief was, he tried to change his look so he would not look like the person who was on the bank atm. there is a big, husky guy, maybe 210 pound man, and here is a person who might not be 150 pounds, 160 pounds. >>, would it work mark after all, the state's case was entirely circumstantial. there were no eyewitnesses. the bank video was so bad, even the judge wondered at times what he was looking at. and they never found shoes to match the footprint in the out cove. but yet taken a chance on a difficult case and the defense was yet to come. coming up. >> ted casey, i believe, was the only one who had a real motive. >> a shock from the defense, was the wrong man on trial? >> i could not have done that. >> do you see how it looks? >> yeah, i can. >> marty larson speaks, when "dateline" continues. 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>> i guess, the main thing is, i had nothing to do with killing susie. i would never have done anything to her, or to take her away from my kids, or her two little girls. i couldn't have done that here it's >> marty insisted that his very last contact with susie was that phone call 9:51 p.m., eight hours before she disappeared. >> what happened in that conversation? why did she not want to talk to you at all afterwards and block your number? >> during that call, she called to ask me, i can't remember if she asked me or accused me of calling ted here it's >> and in fact you had? >> i did. >> and she was mad about it? >> i told her i did not do it, it was not me. it's >> why did you do that? why did you like about it? >> the line was, i knew i had done something stupid and i felt guilty about it. why i did it, a lot of it was because, being hurt. because of what she had been telling me was that whatever she had, as far as a relationship with brad, she'd been telling me for a week to 10 days or so that that was over. >> apparently it wasn't. >> know. and i guess somewhere in my head , i suspected that. that is why i sent the emails. there was a lot of confusion. >> confusion, or something else that made him decide to drive three hours to susie's place in the middle of the night. >> that's a bad decision, you see that now? >> oh yeah. the whole time i was driving, i was hoping she would respond and say, i'm fine. so i could just turn and go home. that was all i wanted to know, that she was okay. >> and still, marty insisted that when he got back to her apartment, he just did not see susie right across the street with that guy, brad. no. he claimed he waited in a spot where he couldn't have seen her walking to the door. >> that's the part that sticks with me your time thinking, here's a guy that cares deeply about this woman and what she is up to, and he sits where he can't see the entrance to her apartment building. don't give me that, that's crazy. >> i can't make people believe me, believe anything weird i know what i did. i know where i was. >> listen, you put yourself there, that's the point. you put yourself at the crime scene. >> i put myself in a position for them to look at me. >> writes, you have the opportunity, you have the motive . >> is just being in the vicinity -- >> you could have, in other words? >> yes, in that timeframe. >> do you see how this looks marks >> i can. i can. there are a lot of things i don't understand myself why i do. i don't understand, especially now, why i couldn't have just stayed home and try to contact her a few times. i guess in my head, i thought i had some thought that i could do something to help if she needed help. >> sometimes with a girl like susie, the thing you can do to help is just walk away? >> yeah, probably would have been best, at least for me. >> marty larson's jury was out about as long as it took marty to drive from billings to glendive before or susie left this life, three hours. >> guilty. what was it like to hear the guilty verdict? >> everybody hollered, hugged. it was just like a big weight lifted off you. >> there is something hugely important about justice. couldn't bring her back, of course, but did the verdict matter? oh yes. it's >> it did really set my mind at ease. it really did help us to move on. >> every time we get a guilty verdict, the first time i do a search of the family. i love for that two or three minutes to look in their eyes, see the smile on their faces, and see the joy they have. for me, that is what it is all about. >> i will never, ever in my whole career have a time that i loved being a prosecutor like i did right then. >> this is where marty larson was sent to serve his time, crossroads correctional in shelby, montana, of near the canadian border. >> what did they sentence you to ? >> 110 years. >> your first parole possibility is? >> 2042. >> that's a long wait. >> yes, it is. >> of course, it's far more than just a long wait for susie, rusty, marya. the cascade of grief beyond that night was deep and long. >> i just can't understand how the guilt, and the emotions aren't just consuming him. because losing her, it's still consuming us. [ crying ] >> he took her life, and he took part of our heart, but he'll never break this family up . and he hasn't. >> no, he hasn't. shay, just 12 when his mom was murdered, graduated from high school in 2013. ted and susie's daughters were junior bridesmaids when there aunt val remarried. but there are too many from this family in the circle village theory, not something a family gets used to . they just learn to work around it. they go on. >> we are not victims, we are survivors. survivors keep on living life. and we are survivors. ga, the m of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts—act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre. 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Rhythm Problems , Feelings , Suicide , Changes , Attention , Behaviors , Mood , Angioedema , Ingrezza May , Problems , Side Effect , Sleepiness , Report Fevers , Muscles , Bacteria , Odor , Smell , Hon , Hey Dad , 8000000 , Lysol , Detergents , 99 9 , Baby , View , Opening , Shingles Doesn T Care , Nicu , 1 800 Quit Now , Love And Money Make The World Go Round , Motives , Husbands , Misdemeanor Domestic Assault , Hook , Alimony , Him , Life Insurance Beneficiary , Cops , Left , Somebody Else , Exception , Checking , Rule , Atm Video , Vehicle Driving , Window , 52 , Wouldn T , Voice , Stamp , Disposal , Mail , Truth , It Doesn T , Feel Good , Announcement , Pointing , Talking , Clear , Situation , Headaches , Parent , Target , Grace , Imvest , Mother , Nighttime , Insurance Policy , Sight , Funeral Expenses , Wasn T A Lot , Check , Beneficiary , Sound , 3000 , 4000 , 000 , Wasn T Him , Wasn T The Boyfriend , City Block , Swirling , Sin , No Doubt , Lifeline , Phone Calls , Investigators , Interviews , Mystery Caller , Calling Susie Again And , Knight Ere , Messages , Password , Table , Answer , Control , Emotion , Crush , Obsessive , 22 , Oh Susie , Revelation , Plan , Detectives , Cell Phone , Clue , Sister In Law , Answers , Marty Larson , Father , Internet , Contacts , 2007 , Prairie , Daughter , Investigator Aldrich , Kill Marty , Wedding , Beta , Database , Fit , Marty Lawson , Shotgun , Billing , Ivan , Newlyweds , Red Flag , Contact , Phone Messages , Lifetime Restraining Order , Trespass , Boy , Seven , The Way , Walter , Cell Phone Towers , Long , Telephone Records , Glenn , Speeds , Lonely Road , I 94 , 94 , Cop , Homework , Downtown Glendive , Cell Towers , Ping , Ping Pesty , State Department Of Criminal Investigation , Minivan , Exterior , Van , Building , Interior , Condensation , Inside , Car Wash , Carpets , Shampooed , Cargo Area , Garbage , Toilet Cleaner , Solution , Type , Cleaning Solution , Bathroom Cleaner , Container , Expenses , Residence , Toilets , List , Las Vegas Wedding , Return Trip , Breakdown , Minister , Shirt , Scratches , Lodging , Sit Down , Struggle , Q A , Heaven , True Soulmates , Fact , Trouble , Dui , Thoughts Marty , Fine Sleeping , Business , 30 , Timestamp , Blue Basket , 230 , 39 , Saying , Cell Phone Pinged , Tiawah , 4 , Bedroom , Leave Town , Hello , Deer , Bottom , Beer Off , Bunch , Carwash , Highway Patrol , Whether , Interstate , Animal Tissue , Wonder , Dna In , Underneath , Room , Wasn T Weird Enough , I Need You , I Love You , Real Question , Prime Suspect , Crosshairs , Justice , Prosecutor , Her , Career , Stake , Wild Bet , Tragedy , Eline , Noel , 36 , Swivel Head , Swiffer Powermop , Cleaning Tool , Mop , 360 , Weight , Release , Smarter , 85 , Don T Wait Go , Reaction , Ex Husband , Meaning , Bride , Admission , Probability , Bank Video , Signs , Obsessive Voicemails , Frustration , Susie Canoodling , Expectation , Accountable , Material , Val , Both , Shay , Space , Newborn , Houseguest , Responsibilities , Kitchen , Investigation , Weeds , Arrest , Pieces , Val S Husband , Rage , Susie S Brother , Phoenix , Thought , Holdup , Teetering , Representative , Attorney General S Office , Edge Of Sanity , Saint , Relationship , Say , Case , Forward , Response , Cloud , Involvement , Prosecutors , Middle , Gun , Take Marty , Plans , Night Susie , He Couldn T Leave , November 2011 , 3 1 2 , 2011 , Lost Susie , 32 , 15 , County Attorney , Put , Olivia Rieger , Explanation , Duty , Hope , Throat , Brent Light , Anguish , Hit , Ingrezza Ah , Medicines , Dovato , Shiv , Craig , Treatment , Hiv Pills , Leo , 3 , 2 , Liver Problems , Buildup , Stop Dovato , Symptoms , Dofetilide , Lactic Acid , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Nausea , Diarrhea , Kidney , Trouble Sleeping , Scarcely , Cause , Boxes , Files , Attorney General , Chief Prosecutor , Cases , Jurisdictions , The Ag , Position , Team , Brant Light , Killer , Arrest Warrant , Circumstantially , Good , Swat Team , 2012 , February 2012 , Ex Suspect , Stress , Larson , Sat Down To , Police Department , Guy Sitting , Arms , Side Ears , Legs , Thinking , Crime , Murder Trial , County Jail , Party , Announcements , Photos , Ceremony , Graduation , Tears , Ditch , Skid Marks , It On , Seatbelt , 18 , Cried , Loss , Scope , Marya , Uncle , Just Couldn T , Funeral , Helena , Trial , Sides , Let S Go , Plea Negotiations , Negotiations , Bravado , Essential Cases , It Point , Surveillance Video , Those Drag Marks , Trelegy , Beauty , All Of Us , Ndering , Inhaler , Flare Ups , Airways , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Breathing , Spain , Eye , Vision Changes , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Mouth , What A Wonderful World , Copd , Protection , Dandruff , Dyes , Silicones , Sulfates , Dandruff Protection , Head Shoulders , Job Done , Survey , Garland , Showers , Torrential Rain There , Neighborhoods , Worst , Water Don T Want Southern Border , Miami , Fort Lauderdale , Biden , Special Counsel , Apartr Glendive , Charges , Audiotapes , Canton , County Courthouse , Walk , Jury , April 2013 , 2013 , Picture , Courtroom Gast , 77 , Shock , Wait , Kill Susan , Pride Rage , Phone Records , Estranged , Efforts , Search On Marty , Computer , Letters , Email Account , Denise Johnson , Hard Drive , 51 , Calling , Gas Station Surveillance , Grammar , Intent , Voicemails , Cell Phone Banking , Corner , Figure , Walking Toward Susie , 37 , Front , Footprint , Concave , The Door , Tape , The Dome Light , Got Out , Doing , Alley , The State , Drag Marks , Scratch , Theory , Vanpool , 38 , River , Van Pull , Shoes , White T Shirt , Gas , 8 , 70 , Divorce Whale , Tone , 29 , Sweetie , Tenor , Piece , Angry , Puzzle , Alibi Mode , Mitochondrial Dna , Court , Belief , Others , Big , Husky Guy , 210 , 150 , 160 , Eyewitnesses , Defense , Judge , Chance , Cove , Cold Water , Napkins , Socks , Guacamole , Use , Tide Works , Laundry Questions , Chocolate , Temperature , Cycle , Eyebrows , Crabs , Scout , Chew , Simparica Trio , Ticks , Dogs , Disorders , Caution , Simparica , Heartworm Disease , Intestinal Worms , Class , Seizures , Drug , Protection Go With Simparica Trio , Defense Attorney , Headline , Prosecution , Speculation , Review , Randy Hood , Aspects , Recounting , Occasions , Alibi , Killing Susie , Defendant , Eight , Confusion , Something Else , Decision , Oh Yeah , Spot , Listen , Entrance , Crazy , Vicinity , Writes , Timeframe , Words , Marks , Least , Verdict , Guilty , Everybody Hollered , Couldn T , Matter , Time , Move On , 2042 , 110 ,

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