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reports." hunter biden's federal gun trial racing toward its conclusion after we just learned he will not testify in his own defense. we're live at the courthouse in delaware where the jury could get this case today. plus, a crucial step in donald trump's path towards sentencing. the pre-sentencing probation interview set for today and what that will look like. tears of joy as four hostages freed from hamas after nearly 250 days are reunited with their loved ones. new details on the heavy price paid for achieving this rescue. good morning. it is 10:00 eastern. thanks so much for joining us. i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york. we begin with breaking news from a courthouse in delaware this morning where we just learned hunter biden will not take the stand in his own defense in his federal gun trial. so we could see this trial now reach its conclusion quite quickly with closing arguments likely beginning today, meaning the fate of the president's son could possibly be in the hands of the jury by this afternoon. nbc's ken dilanian is outside the courthouse. also with us, former prosecutor jeremy sell land and former new york district attorney catherine christian. what do we know about this decision for hunter biden not to testify, ken? >> reporter: hunter biden's legal team is not reading out their reasons, but they're fairly obvious. it would have been hugely risky for hunter biden to get on the stand. the first we he would have been asked is did he use crack cocaine in october of 2015, there are text messages he said he did. if he lied he's exposing himself to just as much criminal liability as if he's convicted in this case. it would have been extremely perilous no matter what the defense was saying beforehand to put him on the stand today. coupled with that, on friday, his oldest daughter was a witness in this case, and it did not go well for the defense. under direct examination by hunter biden's lawyer, she presented a sympathetic hunter biden. she said he was doing well during the period he had bought the gun. she was confronted with text messages where she was in anguished conversations where there was concern about his drugs addiction. this was a rough defense by the hunter biden team. the case is going into the hands of the jury and we'll see how long they dlib rate. >> jeremy, witness testimony is over. is this the right call for hunter biden not to take the stand? >> absolutely. there's a line from the movie or documentary the al kim mist, solo climber is only for the best climber on the best day. same thing applies here. the best client, the best defendant on the very best day. here to the point we just heard, what are you going to say, that i didn't use drugs on this particular day when you have it butt ring on one side and the other and your daughter just came out whose sympathy and heart strings was genuine, but she was impeached fairly well. no, he may not have been on certain times, on this day you're still not giving me the right answer i want. i think it's the right move otherwise exposing himself to a perjury charge and maybe using the advantage of nullification, hanging a juror if possible. you don't want to jeopardize that. >> catherine the last witness to take the stand was naomi, hunter biden's daughter. she testified that around the time the gun was purchased that her father seemed hopeful and sober, a couple of key words there before he submitted the gun application. based on what we heard during this trial the three witnesses who testified on behalf of the defense, did they provide reasonable doubt? >> well, the defense hopes so. i have a different view of the cross-examination of his daughter. when i was a prosecutor, you had family members routinely, the mother, the child, testify on behalf of the defendant. if they weren't involved in the criminal activity i was very gentle with them because the jury knows why they're there, they love they father, they love their husband. i would just limit it to you weren't there on october 12th, 2018 when your father filled out this application, correct? you don't know whether or not on that day he was using drugs, correct? and sit down. i thought the prosecutor was a little too nasty to her, trying to make it seem he's really not that good of a father, he's texting you in the middle of the night. >> that could work against the prosecution. >> it could. >> it's not the own that the prosecutors think it is. all the defense has here is reasonable doubt. on that day that want the jury to know, think of it literally. he was not using drugs. in his head, as a recovering addict, he wasn't addicted to drugs on that day. >> as we look toward jury instructions, hunter biden's team asked for specifics and tweaks to be made and for the judge to say certain things in one particular section. what do we know about where the judge landed on this issue and what we can expect that the jurors will hear? >> reporter: those negotiations are still ongoing. i want to clear one thing up. the prosecution doesn't have to prove in this case that he used drugs on the day he purchased the gun. that's explicitly not the case and it's in the jury instructions. they just have to show he was a drug user at the time or addicted the drug. at the time is loosely defined in the law. in terms of the jury instructions, what hunter biden's lawyers were trying to insert, and i don't believe they were successful but we haven't gotten the final word, is the theory of the defense that mr. biden didn't knowingly lie on that form and what was in his own mund was very important even if the evidence suggested to other people he was a drug user, if he didn't consider himself a drug user, that was instrumental. the judge seemed to be leaning against including that in the jury instructions. we'll have to seeality the end of the day how she decided. >> let me read to you, jeremy, what the defense asked the judge to read to the jury in these instructions. quote, mr. biden's response to the charges is never knowingly either possessed a gun when he thought of himself as a user of drugs or addicted to them and he did into knowingly lie on a form that asked him are you a user or addict because he didn't believe he was a user or addict at the time. the judge called this an argument that she didn't think it was appropriate for her to say this. do you agree? >> i agree. it seems as if you're adding issues of fact that's up for debate. that's an argument for the prosecution and the defense. he didn't have to use it on that day but certainly relevant as to when was the last time he was using drugs and when he started again, if you believe he stopped. this is more of an issue of fact. this is where you say in your closing this is why you should believe a particular reason or particular set of theories. that's not what you do with the jjry instructions. >> catherine, is there anything specific you think either the defense or prosecution needs to clear up in the closing arguments? >> all the defense has is what they want the judge to instruct the jury on which they're not going to. he was in recovery, there was no intent on his part to do that. the prosecution has, here's the book, here's his voice, he was an addict. he says he was. they are saying proof beyond a reasonable doubt. the defense is saying realistically, it is true. when you're in recovery, you take one daf at a time. if the jury believes that on behalf of the defense, then there's the reasonable doubt. >> the jury foreperson we know as a sister struggled with addiction and does, is my understanding. how do you expect this component to sit with the jury? >> i think that's something that he has to weave into the story. it's not just proof beyond a reasonable doubt. when you look at the evidence and the facts that's what you have to argue. there's no nullification per se. the elements of the crime are the elements of the crime. you want to play to the heart strings. if i remember correctly, lowell alleged i'm in aa, i'm an addict. you're an addict forever even if you're not using. if i can get you as a jury to feel my pain and understand that people suffer and shouldn't be punished for suffering and he had that file for 11 days, he's throwing the elements of knowing an addiction, then maybe you can get that nullification. this is not like donald trump where you're going to get someone to say i feel such compassion for falsifying business records. this is so different. this is a different animal. you have to add that element into your summation as a defense. >> thank you both so much. stand by. more questions for you related to other legal news. thank you, ken dilanian. keep us posted at the courthouse. up next, the rescue of four israeli hostages leading to one of the bloodiest days of this war in gaza. what it means for new cease-fire efforts. plus, donald trump's felony conviction means he's experiencing a key part of the judicial process, a presentencing hearing today. also, the next frontier for tech companies. apple's big announcement today and what it means for you. later, the shark attack sparking fear at some u.s. beaches. we're back in 90 seconds. we're back in 90 seconds le-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil. 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proposal some ten days ago. the prime minister has refused to publicly endorse that proposal. but secretary blinken told our own andrea mitchell a few minutes ago that, as far as the united states is concerned, israel is on board with this deal, and the only thing standing in the way of a cease-fire now is hamas accepting it. this comes as doctors in tel aviv say those four rescued hostages are in generally good xn after eight months of hamas activity. this morning dramatic new video and details of the operation that brought home four hostages. one falling to his knees at the sight of his mother. noa argamani telling israel's president, i'm so happy to be here. noa's screams heard around the world as she was kidnapped on october 7th. 245 days later, the idf says it stormed two apartments finding the male hostages in one and new york city noshgs nshgsoa in the other. a vehicle carrying hostages broke down in an intense gun battle. forcing a transfer to a different car. noa loaded onto a helicopter taking off from northern gaza and landing into the arms of her father. we first met her father on october 8th, 24 hours after his only child was kidnapped. this weekend he told us i'm feeling wonderful. in gaza the health ministry says around 270 people were killed in the israeli raid including more than 60 children. nora lost both her young sons, her husband in critical condition. our whole family is destroyed she says. israel says hamas deliberately holds hostages in crowded civilian areas. just a day after the aid, israel's war cabinet breaking apart. centrist minister benny gantz resigning, accusing benjamin netanyahu of playing politics with the war and calling for new elections. while there was celebration in tel aviv over the rescue this weekend, 120 hostages including eight americans are still in gaza. this morning news of a possible u.s. plan without israel to release them. u.s. officials tell nbc news the bakes has discussed potentially negotiating a unilateral deal with hamas to free american hostages if the current cease-fire talks fail. now, that resignation by benny gantz means there are fewer mod rates inside the israeli government to balance out those far right cabinet ministers who are deeply opposed to the cease-fire deal laid out by president biden. prime minister netanyahu shooting back at gantz saying this is not the time to abandon the campaign. >> raf sanchez, thank you. joining us joel rubin, former deputy assistant secretary of state in the obama administration. it's good to see you. how could this hostage operation impact the larger war and especially the cease-fire negotiations? >> ana, it's great to be with you. this was a remarkable rescue. what it does, it does give confidence to the israeli people that their military, the idf can rescue israelis. the hard, cold reality is that the best way to get the hostages out is to have a deal. that's what we saw back in november where a significant amount of hostages, dozens were released. there are still 120 individuals, the majority we hope alive, as well as many deceased, there. this means the deal that president biden put forward is the one that needs to go through. that's the one that will allow for a continued release of hostages. it's very unfortunate hamas has not agreed to this. we've seen the results. israel is going to continue to search for their people, continue to conduct operations like we saw over the weekend. that has a high cost for the palestinian people. hamas, it is really playing dangerous games with its own people right now in gaza. >> and you point out it's unknown exactly how many hostages are still alive, how many may be deceased and still in hamas custody. the bakes has discussed potentially negotiating unilaterally with hamas to free u.s. hostages. such negotiations would not include israel and would be conducted through qatari intermediaries. do you think the u.s. should go this route? what would it mean for the u.s.-israel relationship? >> we've got, i believe, a half dozen american citizens there. this president is committed to getting americans out wherever they may be. if his proposal now for this cease-fire deal which gets hostages out does not move forward then he should, yes, go forward with trying to get americans out as well. that would not preclude the deal overall. the idea is to get a cease-fire that brings stability to gaza, ends the suffering of the palestinian people and ultimately move hamas out of power. that's why we're seeing the dynamics as well in israeli politics. minister gantz left the coalition government over the weekend largely because he's concerned there's not a day-after plan for stabilizing gaza, preventing an insurgency and keeping hamas out of power. this is in the political arena as well in israel. very critical for the united states to go our own way if we need to, but it doesn't mean the issues will be resolved overall. >> no end in sight i think is the fear right now for so many people personally affected as well as the broader region and the u.s., seeing where things are headed. secretary blinken is there, beginning his eighth diplomatic mission to the middle east since october 7th today. what goals do you think he has for this trip? >> i think first and foremost the secretary will reiterate the crucial importance of getting hamas to agree to what the president biden has posed. secretary blinken will go to egypt as well, israel and jordan and meet with the qataris. these are our allies right now in getting this deal done. of course, he's ending up taking the temperature of this new government. as raf mentioned, it's going to be different. minister gantz, he was in the war cabinet, not part of the governing coalition. while he moves out of war cabinet, decision-making role, the government still maintains it as it was prior to his departure. this is a very right wing government. so gantz is looking to see if he can move the politics there. i think the secretary is going to try to gauge whether or not that's going to happen. >> joel rubin, i appreciate your insights and expertise. thanks for taking the time. to europe where far right political groups made significant gains in the european parliament prompting a political power shift that has world leaders nervous. french president macron calling a snap legislative election after his party was handed a humbling defeat at the hands of the anti-immigration and ultra conservative national party. in germany, chancellor schultz saw his social democratic's party with their worst result ever. the change inside the european parliament could make it more difficult to pass new legislation around issues like climate change. next on nourts, another first for a former american president and current presidential candidate. what we're learning about donald trump's presentencing probation interview happening today. plus, we're hearing from democratic voters about their frustrations with the biden 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he has to be up front and honest. that's what you have to pay attention to. if he were to say i didn't do this, it's a scheme and a lie, that's all a scam, that's getting back to the judge and will impact his decision when it comes to his sentence. be honest and up front. if you just took a plea and you chak your story, it will impact your case and your sentence. do not do that. >> catherine, this other curveball we're keeping an eye on, a social media post that the judge discovered, brought to the attention of the attorneys in this case. the post made the day before the verdict. it allegedly said my cousin is a juror and said trump is getting convicted. thank you, folks, for all of your hard work. nbc hasn't verified the claims in that comment or who posted it. it has since been deleted. but what does this mean for the case? >> probably a lie and a hoax, and i think that same person reposted that he was joking. but it has to be taken seriously by the judge. he's the one who alerted the parties and will be part of the motion to set aside the verdict that the defense is going to file. it will be most likely refuted at any hearing. but he had to take it seriously, judge merchan. >> is this something that could become appealable? >> and something to go right back to the court itself to say, hey, the trial shouldn't have resulted this way, this is substantial harm to my client. this verdict has to be overturned. you're not going to wait to appeal it but will no doubt be part of the appeal. >> thank you so much. turning now to the 2024 campaign trail where donald trump seems to be carrying one message from his historic guilty verdict, revenge. in several interviews since that verdict trump has suggested he would seek retribution against his so-called political enemies if he returns to the white house. here are some of the recent comments. >> a lot of republicans who want retribution, they want to do that. we'll wait to see what happens. it's a terrible, terrible path that they're leading us to. and it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them. >> revenge does take time. >> it does. >> sometimes revenge can be justified. >> joining us now, rina shah, former gop congressional adviser and political strategist and alicia johnston, a biden senior campaign adviser. rina, drum's message of retribution, could it hurt him with other republicans and independents? >> without a doubt there is a moment in which we sid that is so unique. people are scared because we know by now to believe donald trump. the moderates in the party, though they have not shrunk in size, they've remained pretty steady, they don't know what to do. there's a conundrum of do we, again, trust donald trump -- when you talk about trusting donald trump, that flips both ways. you don't know what day of the week to trust him on and what issue to trust him on. there's a moment also in which we have to say, is this a play of which republicans can get to the hearts of these people and say it's not about country over party. trump will do better for you, just put all this other stuff aside, don't trust biden. again, look at trump, have the nostalgia and let's move forward. i'm not sure. it's a weird moment for republicans and nobody knows how to gain it. >> let's listen to some of donald trump's most outlandish comments in vegas over the weekend. here he is talking about the january 6th capitol rye eters. >> the j 6 warriors, they were warriors. more than anything else, they're victims of what happened. all they were doing was protesting a rigged election. >> he has called them hostages before. now he's calling the january 6th rioters warriors. what's your reaction? >> i'm not surprised that donald trump is using this rhetoric. i think we all have to stop being surprised and call it for what it is. he is showing us that the republican party doesn't care about this country nor democracy about this horrific attack on january 6th. all they care about is power and they see him as the way towards power. they're willing to destroy the country through him. while it's shocking for us, and i hope independents and moderates who are swing voters pay attention, this is not going to stop the republican party from bolstering up donald trump which is so unfortunate and, therefore, democrats and independents need to show up on election day and make their voices heard. >> trump supporters turned out in tlinlt heat to hear his message which also included this. >> you feel the breeze? i don't want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don't care about you, i just want your vote. i don't care. >> he later said he was joking. rena, he is literally saying i don't care about you, i just want your vote. is there an element of truth there? >> there's a lot of truth right there because at this point in the game, you have to turn out your base. if you're worried about them turning out, you've got to give them stuff to get excited about. that's why he does these rallies. he believes showing up gives them enough excitement. i do believe a large number of supporters are also looking for a little bit more. the moment is okay right now because he's just come off this conviction which gets them angry and makes them want to kind of turn their guns on washington, not literally, of course. what we are worried about right now, as people that want to put country over party, that want to see trumpism collapse, we are worried that this base will be angry enough if we go further and see more convictions -- i want to see donald trump held accountable. i want to see him -- the rule of law applied to him because he is a private citizen. the republican party that is overrun by maga, again, has that problem. if maga doesn't have something to turn out for, do they even turn out? >> so alencia, let's talk about how the democrats have been framing this campaign and their strategy. our nbc news teams have been talking to voters on both sides of the aisle. in conversations with dozens of democratic voters, specifically biden supporters, they've expressed frustration that the president is failing to adequately communicate his accomplishments. here is a sample of what we're hearing. >> he needs to do better at basically putting it in people's face, i accomplished this, i did this, and the benefits you did now are because of me and my administration. that needs to be clearer. i don't think many people do know what he has actually gotten done. >> alencia, do you agree with that? >> i hear that sentiment all the time. i've actually said something similar on national television, and that's the biden administration needs to be out here bragging about the accomplishments of this historic administration. it is not enough -- this is not 2020. it's not enough to run against donald trump and talk about the existential crisis that he is. the country knows that. we have to talk about why president biden and vice president harris are the leaders for the next four years, whether it's abortion rights, the things they want to do around gun control. in addition to talking about the accomplishments, they also have to talk about the fact that the promises that folks feel they haven't kept aren't because they aren't trying, it's because of republican opposition, whether in congress or in the states with governors or local elected leaders. so i need for the biden campaign to be a little less humble and throw it in people's face and brag literally ability all the things they've been doing for the american people since the pandemic until now. >> rina shah, alencia johnson, thank you both. up next on "ana cabrera reports," no relief. where triple-digit temperatures are hovering as americans grapple with oppressive heat. plus, the highway from hell. the catastrophic collapse wounding one critical transportation artery. pse wounding one critical transportation artery. recipes that are more than their ingredients. ♪ [smoke alarm] recipes written by hand and lost to time... can now be analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. preserving memories and helping to write new ones. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪♪ (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... empower families across the globe. so i wear a lot of hats. my restaurants, my tattoo shop... and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. 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(inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ we're back with a big update from hunter biden's gun trial. the defense has just rested. the prosecutors are now beginning a short rebuttal. nbc's ken dilanian is back with us from outside the courthouse. ken, fill us in. what do we know, and what's next? >> reporter: ana, the defense has formally rested its case. the case is not going to the jury quite yet because the prosecution is calling fbi agent erica jensen for what they describe as a brief rebuttal. we don't know exactly what she's going to say. we do know they used her as a vehicle to bring into evidence text messages and other kinds of messages from hunter biden's icloud and his laptop, some of which provided evidence of his drug use. so given that the defense's whole argument was that he was not using drugs or not knowingly a drug addict during the period he bought the gun, it stands to reason they're bringing her back up to discuss more of that text message evidence about his drug use. after that there will be closing statements, and then the jury will get the case. we still believe they're on track to get it today. >> right. and the prosecution starts and the closing arguments and the defense finishing up. millions of americans under excess sooif heat warnings today across the west and the southwest as the national weather service warns trinlt temperatures will continue to roast the region. portions of arizona could reach 111 degrees or even higher while las vegas is forecast to reach a sweltering 108 tomorrow and 110 on wednesday. central and northern california also with triple digits forecast through wednesday. in wyoming the state's department of transportation is racing to repair critical mountain highway after a landslide sent portions of the road tumbling down a mountain side. look at these images here. this highway is a crucial link connecting some of the nation's most popular summer tourist destinations like yellowstone national park in jackson hole, and its closure could have a catastrophic economic impact. nbc's dana griffin has more. >> reporter: an emergency declaration after a mountain road near the popular jackson hole tourist destination catastrophically failed. >> this site moved for decades. starting thursday it started moving a lot faster. >> reporter: drone video showing the tea ton pass that plunged 70 feet down the mountain. this eight-inch crack started forming by thursday. by friday, 10-12 inches forms. >> overnight it slid all the way down, complete failure. >> reporter: this road connects jackson to towns in east hide oh. 10,000 vehicles pass through each day including families who commute to work and school. >> i'm anticipating that my two-hour commute just turned into a six-hour commute. >> reporter: stur richl helps feed david anderson's family. he warns the collapse will impact from workers to tourist. >> if they don't come, the economy crashes here. if you're a tourist, prepare to pay more than you normally would. >> reporter: 40% of the population comes from idaho to support grand teton national park, yellowstone and luxury resorts. >> could this take weeks, months before people start accessing that road? >> i'm hoping to do it in less than months. we know how important it is. >> reporter: crews working to revive a vital transportation lifeline destroyed by mother nature. dana griffin, nbc news. >> our thanks to dana griffin for that reporting. up next on "ana cabrera reports," it's being build as apple's, quote, most important event in more than a decade. the company's big announcement and what it could mean for how you use their tech. plus, the threat in the shallows. the string of shark attacks scaring beachgoers. k attacks scaring beachgoers ting these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time. and you've lived with the damage it caused. whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. but even after all these years, restoration is still possible. learn how at when you purchase a pair of bombas socks, tees, or underwear, you also donate one to someone facing homelessness. one purchased equals one donated. 100 million donations and counting. visit and get 20% off your first order. welcome back. the pressure is on for apple snow off the new fruits of its labor today at the annual worldwide developers conference kicking off this morning in california. the tech giant is expected to reveal what ceo tim cook is calling big plans for how they will be incorporating new artificial intelligence soft wear into lines of its best-selling products. let's bring in nbc news business and data correspondent brian cheung with more. apple long resisted using the term ai when talking about its products. what's changed and what are you expecting to hear on the stage today? >> reporter: ana, what's changed is competition has heated up in the ai space. when you talk about google and open ai already unveiling their ambitious new plans and the future for ai in their technology. you have apple, some saying, are a little late to the bunch. the talk is if you can't beat them, maybe you should join them. there's some chatter about apple announcing later today there could be a partnership with open ai, what is largely considered to be the leader in the ai development space right now. what does that look like? it could be integration into siri, integration into the mail and the notes and the apple music that's already on your iphone. again, we don't know exactly what the announcement is going to be. we'll get more details at 10:00 a.m. pacific, 1:00 p.m. eastern. it sounds like apple is trying to make a name for itself in the ai space. >> what about data security and privacy? what's apple and privacy, what's apple saying about how they're planning to keep their billions of users safe. that will likely play a significant new role in our day-to-day lives. >> and that's what makes this so significant. this is the worldwide developer conference, wwdc, it's usually something that's kind of inside baseball for software developers as opposed to the consumers like you and me. because this ai is going to be so transformative in the way that we interact with our phones and technology at large. the stakes are high when it comes to making sure they get cay ta and privacy right. being a first mover may not be an advantage for other countries. maybe they're learning things from google that has faced criticism. we'll see if apple makes this an opt in as opposed to an opt out situation. >> thanks so much, brian cheung for the preview. up next on "ana cabrera reports" an olympic snub, what caitlin clark is saying about not playing for team usa in the paris games. fear in florida after back-to-back shark attacks this weekend. ttacks this weekend. migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. so this is pickleball? it's basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one's free. welcome back. team usa is causing an upset on the sidelines with women's basketball phenom caitlin clark not making the olympic roster. the formal announcement still hasn't been made, but a source familiar with this decision tells nbc news the team will include 12 veterans and clark won't make the cut. clark shattered the ncaa's all-time scoring record this year and has been credited with really boosting women's basketball viewership. she's just started her pro career and fans were hoping she could add some buzz to paris, but clark says no harm no foul. >> honestly no disappointment. i think it just gives you something to work for. it's a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. it's a little more motivation. >> what a class act. the women's team is expected to include previous champs like brittney griner and diana taurisi and will be going for their eighth consecutive gold in paris. a recent string of shark attacks has swimmers on edge as they head to the beach with two attacks off the florida coast on the same day just a few miles apart. yet another taking place in hawaii. nbc news correspondent marissa parra is live from walton county, florida. what are officials saying about these recent attacks? >> reporter: hey, you can just imagine how shocking this was for everyone here. it was in the waters behind me that a woman was swimming. she was attacked by a shark in the middle of the afternoon, and then it was just 90 minutes later, two teenagers also attacked a few miles away from here, which experts say all of this is extremely rare. in florida new shark sightings have swimmers on edge this morning. videos showing a close call near destin. the fins of a massive shark seen just feet away from a man and a small child on a paddle board over the weekend, all in shallow waters. videos of close encounters like these on florida's gulf side going viral. the area on high alert after back-to-back shark attacks led to beach closures and red flag warnings in walton county near popular panama city beach. >> like getting struck by lightning. you don't think it's going to happen and then two in one day, it's just insane. >> reporter: on friday afternoon 45-year-old elizabeth foley was swimming near a sand bar when she was bitten by a shark losing part of her left arm. then just 90 minutes later, about four miles away police responded to a call about a second attack. this time on two teenage girls. one of the teens was critically injured with wounds to her hand and leg. this video shows bystanders jumping in to help rescue her, including two doctors in the right place at the right time. >> she was in and out of consciousness from blood loss. we were able to apply tourniquets and apply pressure. >> reporter: though it's unclear whether it was the same shark in both incidents, experts say back-to-back attacks are rare. >> it's unusual. i mean, they're predators. they make a living by eating other animals. >> reporter: and on the same day as those shark attacks in florida, there was a different shark attack in hawaii, in that case a 25-year-old woman was hospitalized with serious lacerations. all of it weeks after 19-year-old damiana humphrey fended off a five-foot shark with her bare hands and n galveston, texas. >> as soon as the shark attacked me, my body just naturally started punching it. >> reporter: authorities around walton county, florida, keeping a close eye on the shoreline from the land, sea and skies reporting a notable presence of bull sharks, urging beachgoers to stay shark aware. >> we're just going to be extra cautious and make sure we're super safe. >> reporter: so those victims at last check are all stable, ana, but a couple of things i want to point out here. of course we cover this because there are lives that are forever changed from what happened on friday, but i do want to point out just how rare this is. a shark lab study that was done over the course of several years showed that surfers and swimmers in california were near sharks 97% of the time, and during those three years of studying that, there were no shark attacks. you have a higher chance of being struck by lightning than you do by getting attacked by a shark, ana. it is always so important for us to point out. we know that the water is their home, and they are nearby so often, and so statistically speaking when you look at how close they are to us in the waters, the chances of an actual attack are extremely rare. >> it's all relative and perspective is important, thank you so much, marissa parra for that reporting. that does it for us today. josé diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now. ♪♪

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Gop , Rina Shah , Independents , Campaign Adviser , Drum , Moderates , Size , Conundrum , Trust , Stuff , Country , Play , Hearts , Don T Trust Biden , Vegas , Nostalgia , Nobody , Victims , 6th Rioters Warriors , Election , Doing , Capitol Rye Eters , January 6th , 6 , Reaction , Rhetoric , Attack , Care , Democracy , Election Day , Swing Voters , Democrats , Supporters , Tlinlt , Voices , Vote , Voter , Don T Care , Breeze , Anybody , Truth , Game , Base , Conviction , Excitement , Rallies , Number , Guns , Trumpism Collapse , Washington , Citizen , Convictions , Maga , Rule Of Law , Trash Talk , Teams , Problem , Maga Doesn T , Strategy , Let S , Accomplishments , Frustration , Sides , Sample , Aisle , Face , Needs , Benefits , Sentiment , Television , Leaders , Harris , Crisis , 2020 , Folks , Addition , Abortion Rights , Gun Control , States , Governors , Congress , Opposition , Ability , Temperatures , Cup , Heat , Triple , Pandemic , Alencia Johnson , Americans Grapple , Highway 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Northern California , Las Vegas , Arizona , Central , 108 , 111 , 110 , Road , Mountain Side , Racing , Landslide , Link , Images , Wyoming The State , Mountain Highway , Department Of Transportation , Closure , Summer Tourist Destinations , Impact , Dana Griffin , Yellowstone National Park , Jackson Hole , Emergency Declaration , Site , Tourist Destination Catastrophically , Mountain Road , Popular Jackson Hole , Drone Video , Feet , Eforms , Mountain , Failure , Down , Tea Ton Pass , 70 , Commute , Vehicles , Towns , School , Hide Oh , Stur Richl Helps Feed David Anderson , Six , 10000 , Tourist , Workers , Population , 40 , Resorts , Idaho To Support Grand Teton National Park , Reporting , Mother Nature , Transportation Lifeline , Crews , Shark Attacks , String , Beachgoers , Company , Threat , Event , Shallows , Nutrition , Boost , Protein , Projects , Job Criteria , Candidates , Shortlist , Job , Project Managers , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Thyroid Eye Disease , Restoration , Pair , 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Retirement , Clinic , Got Him , Sidelines , Roster , Upset , Record , The Team , Veterans , Source , Women S Basketball Viewership , Ncaa , The Cut , Pro Career , Buzz , Fans , Foul , Disappointment , Women , Motivation , Dream , Class , Champs , Brittney Griner , Attacks , Edge , Marissa Parra , Place , Beach , Gold , Coast , Hawaii , Diana Taurisi , Waters , Swimming , Walton County , Everyone , Shark , Swimmers , Afternoon , Teenagers , Florida New Shark Sightings , Videos , Call , Paddle Board , On Florida S Gulf Side , Fins , Encounters , Destin , Lightning , Shark Attacks Led , Beach Closures , Area , Warnings , Panama City Beach , Red Flag , Sand Bar , Arm , Elizabeth Foley , 45 , Bystanders , Consciousness , Teens , Wounds , Girls , Leg , Tourniquets , Blood Loss , Incidents , Predators , Animals , Lacerations , Living , 19 , Shoreline , Authorities , Texas , Damiana Humphrey , Galveston , Five , Presence , Bull Sharks , Land , Skies , Sea , Stable , Shark Lab Study , Surfers , 97 , Chances , Water , Perspective , JosÉ Diaz ,

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