Transcripts For MSNBCW All 20240605 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW All 20240605

safe and good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks at nbc news, thank you for staying up late. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> let's say trump is behind bars, and it's a possibility, would he make a speech from prison? >> working out the logistics of a convict convention. >> everything is being thought about and considered. >> as maga conspiracy theories go pouf in the house. >> did you select a judge in the case? did you select a jury in the case? >> no. >> to make the conviction of donald trump stick with birders and a ex-president possibly going to jail. >> i am okay with the. >> the criminal charges just keep coming. >> the complete charge can of chess broke, michael roman, and james troopers conspired to commit the crime dashboard striding an object. >> senator bernie sanders on the netanyahu speech to congress. good news pointing to a seismic transformation on the climate front despite the deniers. >> the seas will rise 1/8 of an inch. that means more beachfront property. >> all in starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. ever since a former president of the united states was convicted of 34 filaments , the republican party made the calculation that they through the lot as possible temper tantrum in unison then maybe they could convince that the thing was rigged buzz the sheer volume of their whining and histrionics. >> this is like the soviet style thing. show me the person and also the crime. >> it was a political smear job. it's what you see in banana republics. >> this is what you see communist countries. >> the most outrageous travesty and democrats across the line. >> it's a justice system that hunts republicans while protecting democrats. this was a hoax and sham. >> yesterday was a sad day for america. you had a partisan which one in new york. >> it's a total travesty. we should not mince words. it's a dangerous day for the country. >> do we want to become a country where we jail political opponents. >> i think they are concerned about it as we are. >> scream and lie and whine passionately. that's the whole plan. this is not a few oddballs. the entire party down the line is caring it out. everyone including on capitol hill today. the house judiciary committee trotted out every insane conspiracy theory about trump being railroaded and laid them at the feet of the current attorney general merrick garland. you might think, wait, merrick garland? the guy from the department of justice? it's a manhattan prosecution against trump. it was not a federal case. merrick garland did not bring it. you would be right. the repacked couplet -- the republicans have the basis theory. >> justice is no longer blind. it's driven by politics. example number 1 is former president trump. >> for the first time in american history we have a presidential administration working to put its opponent in jail. that's a fact. >> jack smith, special counsel, three days after former president trump announces he's running for president. >> as i understand, jack smith was a principal player in the irs targeting of the tea party. >> will the criminal justice provide all documents, all correspondence between the department and alvin bragg's office and fani willis office and letitia james office? >> the fact james smith changed dess the rate of the president's son. >> i have given my life to the law. i care deeply about the love. >> lagging [ laughter ] i have given my life to the law like our savior. matt gaetz cares deeply about the law. we know the facts are the opposite of what's being alleged or insinuated or sometimes fabricated. the investigation into the crimes donald trump was convicted for, new york, 34 guilty kountze was initiated when donald trump was the president of the united states. we were all around back then. it was done by his department of justice and 2017. the trump department of justice that proved an indicted for federal crimes former attorney michael cohen for the cover-up of hush money payments to stormy daniels on behalf of trump as criminal violations of federal criminal law. that was overseen by the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. that men you see there. also investigating rudy giuliani's trips to ukraine in search of dirt on joe biden. in 2020, after he refused to be -- he was fired by trump and his then attorney general bill barr. he would say as much after he left the doj telling reporters as president, donald trump pushed him and his colleagues to prosecute his perceived political rivals. upshot of that is trump managed to shut down the federal hush money investigation even though he was he unindicted co- conspirator number 1. that was how the case ended up being picked up by the local manhattan da who does not report to the feds at all. trump has been charged with felonies and four different jurisdictions. the three outstanding cases are awaiting trial. one held up in an appeal for the supreme court of one third of whose members were nominated by trump. the ex-president has spent, as you know, as we covered on the program and resulted in multiple citations were condemned and cake orders, every possible moment, screaming at the people prosecuting him and the judges and the court officers and issue commands to his party allies, calling for other -- prosecuted. a target on the people who were anonymous officers of the court. as trump's authoritarian justice takes over the entire republican party which is what we are seeing the last few days, all this performative outrage, the week after he became the first felony convicted ex-president in u.s. history, the current president of the united states, joe biden and his first lady, are quietly watching their last living son hunter be prosecuted by the biden department of justice. the man running the prosecution against hunter biden, david weiss, is a trump administration holdover and he was held over specifically in that role even though the president would be well within his rights to not hold him over, he was held over by merrick garland. new president and new u.s. attorney. he was held over by the fact he is a trump appointee because he had overseen this case. do you know how long this guy was overseeing the hunter biden case? five years. okay? replacing him might have appeared to be political impropriety on the biden administration so david weiss state. hunter biden has been targeted by conspiracy theories for the better part of a decade and endless hearings and the like, is now being prosecuted by the department of justice in the person of david weiss for incredibly arcane alleged defense. the allegation is that when hunter biden purchased a handgun in 2018, he lied on the federal form when he said he had not abused drugs. he possessed the handgun for, wait for it, 11 days. he lied on the form about drug use and had the handgun for 11 days and he now faces 25 years in prison. it's a prosecution that is so rare, so out there, so draconian , that even trey gaudi, the far right ex-congressman and for a federal, prosecutor has trouble believing. >> i did gun prosecutions for six years. i went after convicted felons. i went after people who were fugitives from justice. i went after different people who were prohibited from possessing a firearm. i bet you there were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide up attics are unlawful drug users who possess firearms relied on applications. there were not a dozen, which makes you wonder, for the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why are you pursuing this one? >> despite the republican cries of the biden crime family in biden doj doing the president's son dirty work, is joe biden's last living son sits prosecution that was initiated under trump and no one else in the country is being prosecuted for, joe biden has not said one thing. he has not fired the prosecutor. he has not gone after the courts or the investigation. the first lady is sitting quietly in court as this plays how. this on the day they are screaming on capitol hill about the weaponize department of justice. take a step back, shall we? can you imagine a universe in which donald trump allows the doj to prosecute don jr. and keeps mom about it? as republicans have ratcheted up the extreme links that go to to essentially tear dow, joe bi to extraordinary lengths in the opposite direction. there's a question as to whether any of this is getting through to voters. sarah, the focus group podcast, the columnist for "the new york times" and they join me now. you spent time talking to voters in these focus groups and you are part of an effort to put out these billboards of i won't foot for a convicted felon which is a new campaign in different states. report: -- republican voters and they will not vote for him. do you think these wildly different views of the law get through to voters and to the voters that matter? >> okay. when you were playing that montage of republicans, they were saying the same thing. i come from a background in republican communications. what they are doing is they are building their own echo chamber. they are constructing their own narrative. they are going on offense. in a normal, sane world, the facts of a convicted felon president would be very bad when it comes to swing voters, but they know if they push, if they go on offense, if they lie or spin, but they all say the same thing together unanimously, that they can amplify this message. that breaks through so much of the noise and social media, and that's what breaks through to voters. one of the reasons we wanted to do this billboard campaign is democrats need to go on offense. democrats need to start building their own echo chamber. they need to explain to voters that it's insane to have a president who is convicted of a crime. if they want to argue about, should it have been a felony versus a misdemeanor, let them do that. he is a convicted felon by a jury of his peers for crimes he committed. as we know, he has been indicted in many other crimes. it's a moment to go on offense to make sure voters hear the message of terms conviction and not what republicans are doing. this is one way in which democrats often do not rise to the same communication challenge that republicans do. i think there's a lot of reasons for that. fragmented coalition and unwillingness to lie shamelessly. there does need to be an effort that this sticks to voters right now. >> one of the reasons to be charitable, and i think it's important, because it something we wrestle with too. there's a symmetry because you do not want to view the entire judicial system as a partisan cudgel. you want to invest in its independence and respecting the process. michelle, i liked your column. i feel i'm losing -- we were here in 2016 with the chance of lock her up. when the former president compares himself to the russian leader alexa noah vonleh, who died earlier this year, he is giving himself permission to act like vladimir putin. what do you mean? >> the authoritarian rhetoric, total denial of reality and it's meant to make you feel like you're losing your mind. it's destabilizing. the narrative that republicans are >> as two parts . it's unprecedented weaponization of the justice system in the second part is and donald trump will be justified in doing the same thing to his opponents. he said, a line has been crossed. the rest of the quote was something like, it will come back around and then. you have heard donald trump make this mind insane claim that he never said lock her up. >> on camera. >> then he says i was so magnanimous. i did not prosecute hillary clinton. let's be clear, he tried to prosecute her. >> he tweeted that jeff sessions all the time. >> he demanded privately that jeff sessions prosecute hillary clinton. he said i magnanimously decide not to prosecute hillary clinton but because of what happened to me, i will feel differently. they are creating this story in which they are the victims of all the misdeeds they are planning to commit. >> there is a real menace. it's not just the whining. it is the menace of the promise of we will come after you. donald trump is talking about the immunity -- immunity case. we are going to find a way to indict joe biden if the case does not go my way. there is this threat that is latent in all this rhetoric. >> the menace has always been a weirdly underreported or under discussed part of what donald trump does. it is not just this. donald trump uses menace not just to say i will prosecute my political enemies, but the specter of political violence. this is a way in which the republicans rhetoric and donald trump's rhetoric specifically and look at manifests, ask any republican who has stood up to trump over the last six or seven years, and they will tell you the extent to which they have dealt with the threats and and what happened on january 6 with trump saying we have to fight or we won't have a country anymore, he does it at the rallies. the way he uses i don't know language that's meant to be violent all the time. menace is a part of the trump sauce. it's baked in their. >> part of what is dizzying about this is they're doing it the same day that the president's son is being prosecuted for dasha talk to a bunch of folks in the system and thus it never happens. extremely rare, five year -- this is what he said. i think gun prosecutions for six years and i went after convicted felons. i bet there were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide of attics are unlawful gun users who possess firearms. it makes you wonder of all the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why this? >> i'm not going to speak to lie this case, but you see democrats bending over backwards to respect the rule of law. kidding nothing -- >> it's so wild. two people know there is the study of contrast into the care? >> there is no banana republic on earth where the president's son is prosecuted by his own justice department unless he's ordering it. just what happens when republican front runner recently convicted on 34 felony counts with three more indictments pending meets with his new probation officer. whole new world donald trump will enter. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. donald trump is supposed to sit down with the new york city probation officer will interview him. something all convicted felons are supposed to do. a chance to make a good impression and explain why they deserve a lighter punishment. trump will likely have to tell her probation officer he has three other active indictments. based on the interview and things like his propensity to reoffend, the probation officer will write a presentence report with the recommendation in anticipation of the sentencing hearing scheduled for july 11. prison or jail sentence for felony falsification of business records which is been convicted of is not common. we should be clear. citing his own research, and the most serious of these cases, about 10% of the total incarceration was imposed. that doesn't mean -- in 2015, new york construction executive pleaded guilty to one count of falsifying records as part of a bribery scheme. he was sentenced to one year partial imprisonment spending monday evenings through wednesday mornings at rakers trail. in new york city judge, police department, he had a recent op- ed titled a supervised new york city judges. judge merchan put on a master class. it's good to have you here. the normal order of operations is the person convicted sits down with the probation officer for an interview and that officer writes up a memo. how do they come to their conclusions in the memo? and how important are those recommendations in the sentencing? >> it's called a presentencing investigation in the report follows it. one thing you mentioned in the lead up is the indictments he has pending. i don't think that should factor in it at all. he is presumed innocent. what could factor in -- >> you don't think for another person just convicted, three active indictments, you don't think the probation officer would take this into account? >> frankly, he should be presumed innocent. >> you think they should not. >> is problem may lie with the other three indicted cases. if he is convicted of any one of those cases, he has a conviction on this one, 34 felony counts. the convictions would and must be taken into account. when the federal analysis, the january 6 case, the falsified document case. he is 34 in new york, felony counts that he stands convicted of, could be a ticket to prison on those counts were a strong factor. what they will be looking at here, does he show a sense of accountability? a sense of remorse? he has pretty much answered those questions. we have heard is semi-crazed, i will say in my opinion, semi- crazed public attention out of trump tower where he continues to unfairly, evidence free, blasting of the judge and the entire system. we know how that will go. something i think will be looked at very seriously when the probation officer prepares the presentencing report to the judge, which the judge is required to consider but not necessarily abide by. the judge makes the sentencing decision. it's the seriousness of the conviction. you talked about a study and it's not unheard of that people can go to jail him cases like this, but all things equal, they will also consider, as they must, a 77-year-old defendant. no prior record. nonviolent felony? maximum incarceration time four years. that should weigh in the favor of the defendant. convicted defendant trump. the seriousness in this case i think is rather unique. in terms of -- usually they are falsifying business records to get out of paying some taxes, skimming money off the top. accountants working together. inherits, the connecting charge here was a violation of new york election law. the essence of which two or more individuals engaged in a conspiracy in order to obtain the election, prevent someone from being elected or get someone elected. in this case it was to get elected. who were the two are more? donald trump, michael cohen. that election charge, that's the felony bump up charge. >> for the construction guy it was bribery. >> rate. that means the unanimous jury found falsification of business records and the violation of new york election. that is called, my view of that, that's called corrupting an election. corrupting a presidential election. by the way, not corrupting a presidential election where donald trump in 2016 beat hillary clinton in a landslide. it was a squeaker. pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan a total of 80,000 votes. the essence of the conviction as it was to ensure the stormy daniels story would not break in the last two weeks of october, on the heels of the access hollywood tape. at the same time, hillary clinton was getting hit with a james comey investigation. >> it's arguably -- >> it was a volatile mix. what is clear here, we will never know if trump won because of that, but we will know he is convicted of 34 felony counts that in essence corrupted the election in new york state, a presidential election. in my judgment, that's about as serious a falsification of business records being bumped to a felony as i'm aware of. >> very well said. george grasso, thank you. another trump lawyer gets charged again for trying to steal the 2020 election. remember that one? the ongoing state-level lever to hold the trump game accountable. your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. it's been nearly 3.5 years since he attempted coup of january 6. there are charges coming in nearly every week it seems against the people involved. on the ground and in the offices. today it's in wisconsin were state attorney general announced felony charges of forgery against three men involved in the attempt to submit bank electoral votes. michael roman was head of election day operations. james troupis, former judge and trump campaign attorney. ken chesebro is one of the masterminds behind the fake collectors ploy. he has already pleaded guilty to the election interference case in fulton county, georgia. he's cooperating in arizona. michael roman was charge in fulton county and arizona. it's the first time james troupis has been charged. he joins dozens of lesser-known in the multiple fake collectors games in georgia, michigan, nevada, and arizona. of course, the reason those were happening in different states is one man was behind it all who was trying to stay in power against the will of the people and listed as unindicted co- conspirator in michigan and arizona. he's facing charges in fulton county and federal election interference charge. he is essentially bailed out by the supreme court that seems intent on delaying the federal trial until after voters go to the polls in november. i am joined by legal correspondent and former litigator lisa rubin. tell me about these charges brought by the attorney general in wisconsin. >> the attorney general has done something more surgical than we have seen and other states. only charging three. ken chesebro, michael roman, and james troupis. wisconsin is the original sin in some ways because troupis and kenneth chesebro were licensed to practice in wisconsin and no one another. mid-november is when they first get together and he says i have this idea. he writes the memo and shares it with troupis and he says i think this has traction and i'd like to put this with people. sooner than he knows it, chesebro is enmeshed in heady conversations with people who were then at the center of power in the trump world. rudy giuliani are paperlike boris epshteyn. one of the things it's important for people to know is wisconsin is where this fake collectors scheme was launched. it has residents because chesebro attended the fake collectors meeting in wisconsin. he went along for the ride and took pictures of himself. there is video of him them. his final that before going to january 6 and tagging along with alec jones was to deliver the fake elector certificate from wisconsin, take it from the republican party in wisconsin, and give them to another staffer on the hill who would ensure they got into the hands of mike pence's legislative liaison on the floor the senate. it was like, who do you we trust? >> they tried to recruit ron johnson. >> the staffer involved in the handoff was so nervous that she infamously tests that i feel like a drug dealer. >> she is talking about the drop and she says i feel like a drug dealer because -- and i want to stay on this. john bolton describe rudy giuliani's shenanigans in his operations that was the subject of the first impeachment, do not want to be involved in whatever rudy's drug deal is. that means i know there's something illicit happening. when someone says it feels like a drug deal, you understand this is not on the level. >> it's not on the level. one of the things that's -- the 10 fake collectors in wisconsin prior to this indictment were subject to a civil litigation brought by people including mary mccord from georgetown university. when they settled that, they only -- they admitted wrongdoing and said biden is a lawfully elected president. we were told we needed to do this in order to preserve the campaign's writes should've prevailed in litigation and we were tricked. we did not understand by signing this they would continue this irrespective of whether they won or lost. >> i don't know if we have the document itself is an alignment, but chesebro and one of the documents uses the term weaponize to to describe how he wants to marshal the electoral count act which is a federal law that guides this process. we will weaponize. >> it's important when he says this and the scheme of events. on december 16, 2020, through their friend reince priebus who becomes trump's first chief of staff, troupis and chesebro go to meet with trump . the substance of the conversation is not discussed but another reporting, they went to talk to him about what the prospects could be going ahead. they were warned, do not get him overly excited. that's exactly what chesebro did. the next day he's trying to be a more moderating force and says things would've been better if we had one co-litigation, particularly in wisconsin and other courts. we still have the chance if we can weaponize the electoral count act and use it as a cudgel to show these democrats are relying on a unconstitutional law to circumscribe the rights to debate this in the senate. >> chesebro taking the pictures of the fake ceremony with his mask on. there he is right now. i thought about the arsonist to comes to watch the fire. there he is taking it all in. >> thank you. just how well do you remember what donald trump was saying about climate change when he was president? >> it will start getting cooler. you just watch. >> i wish science agreed with you. >> -- >> more on the presumptive republican nominee complete misunderstanding of climate and science in general. science in i'm trevor and i lost 132 pounds on golo. at 26 years old my doctor wanted to put me on medication and i wasn't having that. i tried other diets and they just didn't work didn't last. release worked fast. after a week i had more energy, mental clarity, and my cravings were gone. i've lost 132 pounds and i will never, ever, gain that weight back. thanks to golo. in a fox interview this weekend, donald trump said maybe the dumbest thing ever spoken about climate change. let's be clear, there's been a lot of competition. >> they say the seas will rise over the next 400 years. it means beachfront property. think of the. they will rise, who knows? >> it's not an eighth of an inch over 400 years, but that's a genuine real estate genius. the seas rise and there's more beachfront property? are you sure about that? donald trump own some prime beachfront property, two acres of the, mar-a-lago. thanks to climate change that beach will start going under rising waters. it's in the path of what's expected to be an extremely active hurricane season which scientists forecasting 70 to 25 storms because a north atlantic is unprecedentedly warm thanks to climate change. keep an eye on that. donald trump's dad joke goes to show he and republicans have given up even trying to deny climate changes happening in their cracking jokes and pretending it's no big deal. in reality, what we do about the carbon pollution that is about the most important issue in this upcoming election and presents one of the star differences between the candidates, the parties, and the two governing coalitions. i don't think people appreciate this. over the past three years, we have seen the most seismic transformation in our production of energy since the dawn of the industrial revolution when we started using fossil fuels. that may sound like a stretch, i know it's a big claim, but it is not. it's the single most important story about the biden numbers because the transformation has been spurred in no small part by president biden's landmark legislation, the inflation reduction act. biggest climate -- private companies announced $110 billion in clean energy manufacturing investments. in 2023, the u.s. generated a record 164,000 gigawatt hours of solar hours. the energy department expects it to grow 75% by 2025. get this, the u.s. department of energy says 81% of all new power added to the grid, 81%, will be provided by just solar power and batteries. only 4% will be fossil fuel. this comes amid new research showing china may have already hit its peak of carbon dioxide admissions. is competing with the u.s. full tilt, rapidly growing its renewable power generation. it's a shocking turnaround for the biggest carbon emitter. according to another estimate, global carbon emissions may have peaked last year. at least at home, the question is whether or not this transformation, which is finally, belatedly, actually happening. whether it is continued or destroyed by donald trump and the fossil fuel executives from home he has solicited $1 billion. that is what is on the table in the selection. the selection. e ♪♪ ♪♪ at each day's staaart. ♪♪ ♪♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪♪ ♪♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ ♪♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪♪ in an interview what time magazine, president biden was asked whether netanyahu is prolonging the seizure of gaza for his own political gain. i responded, there's every reason for people to draw the conclusion. this comes after the times of israel recently reported that an ada netanyahu said the hostages in gaza, the government will not agree to -- in exchange for deal to release his remaining in captivity. that was a week ago. two far right parties part of his governing coalition are threatening to quit the government if the deal is accepted which would collapse the netanyahu government entirely. all of which makes it odd that they extended the extremely rare privilege of addressing the u.s. congress as soon as next week. particularly given the fact that one of them, chuck schumer, is already called for netanyahu to resign. the fact that netanyahu spent his career actively working to get republicans elected over democrats in the u.s. to say nothing on the war of catastrophe is brought on palestinians. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court is seeking -- for allegations of war crimes. bernie sanders, chairman of health, education pension committee announced he will not be attending the speech before congress. senator, were you given -- was the democratic caucus in the senate given input into this decision to invite him or a heads up? >> that is a good question and to the best of my knowledge, there has been very little debate on this decision. i think i speak not just for myself but a number of other senators who think that decision is a very bad one. you do not, a foreign leader by addressing a joint session of congress who is currently engaged in creating the worst humanitarian disaster in modern history of this country. as we all know, israel has a right to defend itself against hamas terrorism and the terrible attack of october 7, but what it is doing now is going to war against the entire palestinian people. what we are seeing now is starvation and famine impacting thousands and thousands of children. the architect of the policy is not somebody you honor by bringing to the u.s. congress, in my view. >> i went to place something the speaker of the house mike johnson had to say about you specifically. i want you to respond. he is one of the four leaders who invited netanyahu and this is what speaker johnson had to say about your objections. >> this is a time to choose a side. bernie sanders wants to sign with paris, so be it and if other democrats, it's on them. i pray and hope and expect that most of the members of the house of both parties and the senate will join us for this historic address. >> were to say to being siding with the terrorists? >> it's a disgusting lie. he said it yesterday and said it again today. if you are part of the maga group, right-wing republicans, big lies, you say lies over and over and hope people believe them. i have said from day one of this terrible war what hamas did is atrocious. the leader of hamas is a war criminal and should be in jail. israel had every right to defend itself against hamas. what johnson is doing is what right-wing people to. if you -- back in the day if you stood up for civil rights or social justice, they called you a communist. if you are prepared to take on netanyahu's outrageous war against the palestinian people, now they claim you are a sympathetic to terrorists and. it's a lie and i am not happy with what he is saying. >> it's more than rhetoric. the house today, bipartisan vote, a minority of democrats voting for this provision, i think 40 and vast majority of republicans voting for it. they passed legislation that would impose sanctions against the international criminal court for its move to issue arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu and other officials in the war against hamas. it unlikely to get a boat but since i have you here, i suspect you would not support that but i want to ask you what you think about the house passing it? >> i would not support it and it's a terrible idea. the function of the icc is to implement international law. geneva convention and other laws established after the horrors of the world war ii. last year, the icc said that putin is a war criminal which i believe he is. kidnapping thousands of ukrainian children and starting the worst land war in europe since world war ii. he is a war criminal. recently, last month, they said the leader of hamas is a war criminal. for having started this war and the terrible atrocities against innocent israelis. you know what? netanyahu who is now bringing about an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, destroying housing, the infrastructure, the health care system and creating conditions in which thousands of children could starve to death, that is a violation of international laws well and he should be charge with there. >> the president came forward and announced an endorsement of the contours of a deal that had been a deal, as far as my understanding, and there's lots of back and forth so it's hard to nail down, but the contours of a deal between israel and hamas for release of hostages in exchange for his cessation of hostilities for a period of time and maybe the transitions. it seemed he was attempting to try to stop both sides from backing out of the deal publicly. what is your reaction to him attempting to do that, and you have hope this could happen? >> i disagree with the president's general policies toward israel and what's happening in gaza. he is trying. on occasion, to do the right thing. i think anyone who is aware of the level of suffering and destruction in gaza once an immediate cease-fire. you need massive amounts of humanitarian aid to save thousands and thousands of children. of course, netanyahu undermines the president's of the united states. let's all be clear. this is not some abstract war fought in another part of the world. we are as americans, our tax dollars are funding this war. netanyahu singh, mr. president, thank you for that 10 million dollars for military aid, but we will not listen to you. i think that is outrageous. reason number 465 why he should not be invited to speak to the joint session of congress. >> senator bernie sanders, thank you. that is all in.

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Outrageous Travesty , Hoax , Sham , Country , Partisan , Total Travesty , Words , One , Party , Lie , Opponents , Oddballs , Plan , Scream , Trump , House Judiciary Committee , Conspiracy Theory , Capitol Hill , Everyone , Railroaded , Prosecution , Merrick Garland , Department Of Justice , Guy , Feet , Manhattan , Wait , Justice , Politics , Basis Theory , Blind , Couplet , Example , Repacked , 1 , Administration , Fact , Jack Smith , History , Opponent , Three , Department , Office , Criminal Justice , Documents , Tea Party , Fani Willis Office , Targeting , Player , Correspondence , James Smith , Irs , Alvin Bragg , Law , Son , Life , Rate , Love , Lagging , Laughter , Dess , Facts , Savior , Opposite , Matt Gaetz , Investigation , Crimes , Guilty Kountze , 2017 , Michael Cohen , Criminal Law , Violations , Indicted , Cover Up , Hush Money Payments , Behalf , Stormy Daniels , Joe Biden S Last Living Son , Rudy Giuliani , Men , Trips , Dirt , U S Attorney For The Southern District Of New York , Ukraine , 2020 , Bill Barr , Reporters , Number , Hush Money Investigation , Upshot , Rivals , Cases , Trial , Felonies , Feds , Jurisdictions , Local Manhattan Da , Four , International Criminal Court , Members , Cake Orders , Appeal , Citations , Program , People , Issue , Judges , Officers , Officers Of The Court , Target , Mother , Allies , Felony , Performative Outrage , First Lady , President Of The United States , Last Living Son Hunter , Biden Department Of Justice , Hunter Biden , Man , Rights , Holdover , Role , David Weiss , Attorney , Appointee , Part , Estate , Conspiracy Theories , Impropriety , Five , Allegation , Defense , Hearings , Like , It , Handgun , Form , Drugs , Drug Use , 2018 , 11 , Prosecutor , Trouble , Ex Congressman , Trey Gaudi , 25 , Felons , Gun Prosecutions , Firearm , Fugitives , Six , Attics , Users , Dozen , Firearms , Drug , Applications , 10 , Doing , Crime Family , Cries , Delaware , Biden Doj , Dirty Work , Courts , No One Else , Weaponize , Step Back , Universe In , Don Jr , Links , Doj , Mom , Voters , Question , The New York Times , Columnist , Direction , Lengths , Podcast , The Focus Group , Joe Bi , Dow , Sarah , Effort , Billboards , Groups , States , Felon , Report , Campaign , Views , Background , Montage , Offense , World , Felon President , Narrative , Echo Chamber , Communications , Message , Spin , Reasons , Billboard Campaign , Social Media , Noise , Misdemeanor , Peers , Way , Terms Conviction , Communication Challenge , Sticks , Unwillingness , Fragmented Coalition , System , Cudgel , It Something , Symmetry , Chance , Clock , Process , Michelle , Column , Independence , Russian , 2016 , Rhetoric , Noah Vonleh , Reality , Denial , Permission , Vladimir Putin , Alexa , Mind , Parts , Weaponization , Two , Something , Rest , Quote , Claim , Hillary Clinton , On Camera , Jeff Sessions , Story , Victims , Misdeeds , Menace , Immunity Case , Immunity , Promise , Threat , Latent , Underreported , Violence , Specter , Enemies , Manifests , Seven , Threats , Rallies , Extent , January 6 , 6 , Language , Sauce , Dasha , Bunch , Folks , Gun Users , Rule Of Law , Nothing , Study , Banana Republic , Earth , Contrast , Care , Kidding , Probation Officer , Felony Counts , Indictments , Runner , Whole New World , Verizon Wireless , Craig , Meg , Real Estate , Money , Pet Shop , Company , Fleet , Equipment , T Mobile , Bird Squawks , At T , Bill , Possibilities , Comcast Business Mobile , Smarter Savings , 70 , Interview , Punishment , Impression , Things , To Reoffend , Presentence Report , Recommendation , Sentencing Hearing , Anticipation , July 11 , Business Records , Serious , Felony Falsification , Sentence , Research , Count , Construction Executive , Records , Doesn T Mean , Falsifying , Bribery Scheme , Incarceration , 2015 , Imprisonment , Police Department , Wednesday Mornings , Rakers Trail , Op Ed , Memo , Order , Operations , Officer , Master Class , Merchan , Lead , Recommendations , Sentencing , Conclusions , Account , Problem , Convictions , Analysis , Document Case , Case , Of , Ticket , Sense , Factor , Accountability , Questions , Remorse , Opinion , Counts , Semi Crazed , Semi Crazed Public , Attention , Trump Tower , Presentencing , Sentencing Decision , Seriousness , Him , Record , Defendant , Defendant Trump , Favor , 77 , Skimming Money , Terms , Top , Taxes , Violation , Essence , Election Law , Individuals , Accountants , Election , Someone , More , Conspiracy , Election Charge , Felony Bump Up Charge , Construction Guy , Falsification , View , Wisconsin , Votes , Landslide , Michigan , Beat , Squeaker , Pennsylvania , 80000 , Access Hollywood , October , Heels , Hit , Mix , James Comey , New York State , Judgment , Lever , Game Accountable , Store , Control , Lawyer , Brand , George Grasso , Best , Channel , Planet , Sale , Tools , Scale , Checkout , Stage , Shopify , Coup , Offices , State Attorney General , Ground , It S , 3 5 , James Troupis , Felony Charges , Election Day Operations , Attempt , Head , Forgery , Ken Chesebro , Collectors , Election Interference Case , Campaign Attorney , Fulton County , Masterminds , Ploy , Georgia , Arizona , Time , Dozens , Reason , Course , Power , Will , Games , Nevada , Interference , Unindicted Co Conspirator , Supreme Court , Lisa Rubin , Attorney General , Polls , Correspondent , Charging , Original Sin , Ways , Troupis , Mid November , Idea , Another , No One , Shares , Conversations , Traction , Center , Boris Epshteyn , Scheme , Residents , Alec Jones , Pictures , Elector , Along For The Ride , Video , Final , Tagging , Certificate , Staffer , Hands , The Hill , Mike Pence , Senate , Ron Johnson , Handoff , Floor , Liaison , Tests , Drug Dealer , Subject , Shenanigans , Drop , John Bolton , Drug Deal , Happening , Whatever , Impeachment , Litigation , Indictment , People Including Mary Mccord , Wrongdoing , Georgetown University , Document , Irrespective , Alignment , Term , Events , Chief Of Staff , Chesebro Go , 16 , December 16 2020 , Prospects , Conversation , Reporting , Substance , Force , Co Litigation , Fire , Arsonist , Ceremony , Mask On , Science , General , Nominee , Misunderstanding , Doctor , Medication , Golo , 26 , 132 , Mental Clarity , Release , Diets , Didn T Work Last , Cravings , Thanks , Weight , Climate Change , Weekend , Competition , Fox , 400 , Genius , Eighth , Prime Beachfront Property , Beach , Mar A Lago , Storms , North Atlantic , Hurricane Season , Waters , Path , Dad Joke , Eye , Deal , Carbon Pollution , Jokes , The Star , Parties , Transformation , Governing Coalitions , Differences , Candidates , Production , Numbers , Fossil Fuels , Stretch , Single , Industrial Revolution , Companies , Inflation Reduction Act , Biden S Landmark Legislation , Energy Department , Investments , Manufacturing , 2025 , 75 , 2023 , 110 Billion , 10 Billion , 164000 , 81 , Solar Power , Batteries , Grid , 81 , Full Tilt , Power Generation , Admissions , Peak , Fossil Fuel , China , Carbon Dioxide , 4 , Turnaround , Estimate , Carbon Emitter , Global Carbon Emissions , Home , Least , Fossil Fuel Executives , 1 Billion , Billion , Selection , Table , Day S Staaart , Seeee , Taking Jardiance , Risk , Death , Sugar , A1c , Body , Adults , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Twenty Four , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Symptoms , Side Effects , Dehydration , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Perineum , Genital Yeast , Skin , Stop Taking Jardiance , Reaction , Blood Sugar , Limb Loss , Legs , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Pill , Netanyahu Singh , Time Magazine , Israel , Gaza , Conclusion , Seizure , Gain , Government , Hostages , Exchange , Governing Coalition , Captivity , It Odd , Privilege , Netanyahu , Career , Chuck Schumer , War , Chief Prosecutor , War Crimes , Allegations , Catastrophe , Palestinians , Decision , Health , Given Input , Caucus , Education Pension Committee , Senators , Heads Up , Debate , Joint Session Of Congress , Disaster , Right , Hamas , Know , Terrorism , Attack , October 7 , 7 , Children , Somebody , Famine Impacting Thousands , Thousands , Policy , Starvation , Architect , Speaker , Leaders , Objections , Mike Johnson , Hope , Most , Side , Paris , House , Terrorists , Address , Siding , Group , Lies , Day One , Big Lies , Leader , War Criminal , What Johnson , Social Justice , Communist , Legislation , Officials , Arrest Warrants , Bipartisan Vote , Provision , Minority , Majority , Sanctions , Move , 40 , Boat , Laws , International Law , Function , World War Ii , Icc , Geneva Convention , Horrors , Putin , Kidnapping Thousands , Land War In Europe , Atrocities , Israelis , Housing , Health Care System , Infrastructure , Contours , Endorsement , Conditions , Lots , Understanding , Cessation , Transitions , Hostilities , Backing , Sides , Policies , Anyone , Level , Cease Fire , Aid , Occasion , Suffering , Destruction , Amounts , Let , Tax Dollars , Military Aid , 10 Million , 10 Million Dollars , Session Of Congress , 465 ,

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safe and good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks at nbc news, thank you for staying up late. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> let's say trump is behind bars, and it's a possibility, would he make a speech from prison? >> working out the logistics of a convict convention. >> everything is being thought about and considered. >> as maga conspiracy theories go pouf in the house. >> did you select a judge in the case? did you select a jury in the case? >> no. >> to make the conviction of donald trump stick with birders and a ex-president possibly going to jail. >> i am okay with the. >> the criminal charges just keep coming. >> the complete charge can of chess broke, michael roman, and james troopers conspired to commit the crime dashboard striding an object. >> senator bernie sanders on the netanyahu speech to congress. good news pointing to a seismic transformation on the climate front despite the deniers. >> the seas will rise 1/8 of an inch. that means more beachfront property. >> all in starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. ever since a former president of the united states was convicted of 34 filaments , the republican party made the calculation that they through the lot as possible temper tantrum in unison then maybe they could convince that the thing was rigged buzz the sheer volume of their whining and histrionics. >> this is like the soviet style thing. show me the person and also the crime. >> it was a political smear job. it's what you see in banana republics. >> this is what you see communist countries. >> the most outrageous travesty and democrats across the line. >> it's a justice system that hunts republicans while protecting democrats. this was a hoax and sham. >> yesterday was a sad day for america. you had a partisan which one in new york. >> it's a total travesty. we should not mince words. it's a dangerous day for the country. >> do we want to become a country where we jail political opponents. >> i think they are concerned about it as we are. >> scream and lie and whine passionately. that's the whole plan. this is not a few oddballs. the entire party down the line is caring it out. everyone including on capitol hill today. the house judiciary committee trotted out every insane conspiracy theory about trump being railroaded and laid them at the feet of the current attorney general merrick garland. you might think, wait, merrick garland? the guy from the department of justice? it's a manhattan prosecution against trump. it was not a federal case. merrick garland did not bring it. you would be right. the repacked couplet -- the republicans have the basis theory. >> justice is no longer blind. it's driven by politics. example number 1 is former president trump. >> for the first time in american history we have a presidential administration working to put its opponent in jail. that's a fact. >> jack smith, special counsel, three days after former president trump announces he's running for president. >> as i understand, jack smith was a principal player in the irs targeting of the tea party. >> will the criminal justice provide all documents, all correspondence between the department and alvin bragg's office and fani willis office and letitia james office? >> the fact james smith changed dess the rate of the president's son. >> i have given my life to the law. i care deeply about the love. >> lagging [ laughter ] i have given my life to the law like our savior. matt gaetz cares deeply about the law. we know the facts are the opposite of what's being alleged or insinuated or sometimes fabricated. the investigation into the crimes donald trump was convicted for, new york, 34 guilty kountze was initiated when donald trump was the president of the united states. we were all around back then. it was done by his department of justice and 2017. the trump department of justice that proved an indicted for federal crimes former attorney michael cohen for the cover-up of hush money payments to stormy daniels on behalf of trump as criminal violations of federal criminal law. that was overseen by the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. that men you see there. also investigating rudy giuliani's trips to ukraine in search of dirt on joe biden. in 2020, after he refused to be -- he was fired by trump and his then attorney general bill barr. he would say as much after he left the doj telling reporters as president, donald trump pushed him and his colleagues to prosecute his perceived political rivals. upshot of that is trump managed to shut down the federal hush money investigation even though he was he unindicted co- conspirator number 1. that was how the case ended up being picked up by the local manhattan da who does not report to the feds at all. trump has been charged with felonies and four different jurisdictions. the three outstanding cases are awaiting trial. one held up in an appeal for the supreme court of one third of whose members were nominated by trump. the ex-president has spent, as you know, as we covered on the program and resulted in multiple citations were condemned and cake orders, every possible moment, screaming at the people prosecuting him and the judges and the court officers and issue commands to his party allies, calling for other -- prosecuted. a target on the people who were anonymous officers of the court. as trump's authoritarian justice takes over the entire republican party which is what we are seeing the last few days, all this performative outrage, the week after he became the first felony convicted ex-president in u.s. history, the current president of the united states, joe biden and his first lady, are quietly watching their last living son hunter be prosecuted by the biden department of justice. the man running the prosecution against hunter biden, david weiss, is a trump administration holdover and he was held over specifically in that role even though the president would be well within his rights to not hold him over, he was held over by merrick garland. new president and new u.s. attorney. he was held over by the fact he is a trump appointee because he had overseen this case. do you know how long this guy was overseeing the hunter biden case? five years. okay? replacing him might have appeared to be political impropriety on the biden administration so david weiss state. hunter biden has been targeted by conspiracy theories for the better part of a decade and endless hearings and the like, is now being prosecuted by the department of justice in the person of david weiss for incredibly arcane alleged defense. the allegation is that when hunter biden purchased a handgun in 2018, he lied on the federal form when he said he had not abused drugs. he possessed the handgun for, wait for it, 11 days. he lied on the form about drug use and had the handgun for 11 days and he now faces 25 years in prison. it's a prosecution that is so rare, so out there, so draconian , that even trey gaudi, the far right ex-congressman and for a federal, prosecutor has trouble believing. >> i did gun prosecutions for six years. i went after convicted felons. i went after people who were fugitives from justice. i went after different people who were prohibited from possessing a firearm. i bet you there were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide up attics are unlawful drug users who possess firearms relied on applications. there were not a dozen, which makes you wonder, for the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why are you pursuing this one? >> despite the republican cries of the biden crime family in biden doj doing the president's son dirty work, is joe biden's last living son sits prosecution that was initiated under trump and no one else in the country is being prosecuted for, joe biden has not said one thing. he has not fired the prosecutor. he has not gone after the courts or the investigation. the first lady is sitting quietly in court as this plays how. this on the day they are screaming on capitol hill about the weaponize department of justice. take a step back, shall we? can you imagine a universe in which donald trump allows the doj to prosecute don jr. and keeps mom about it? as republicans have ratcheted up the extreme links that go to to essentially tear dow, joe bi to extraordinary lengths in the opposite direction. there's a question as to whether any of this is getting through to voters. sarah, the focus group podcast, the columnist for "the new york times" and they join me now. you spent time talking to voters in these focus groups and you are part of an effort to put out these billboards of i won't foot for a convicted felon which is a new campaign in different states. report: -- republican voters and they will not vote for him. do you think these wildly different views of the law get through to voters and to the voters that matter? >> okay. when you were playing that montage of republicans, they were saying the same thing. i come from a background in republican communications. what they are doing is they are building their own echo chamber. they are constructing their own narrative. they are going on offense. in a normal, sane world, the facts of a convicted felon president would be very bad when it comes to swing voters, but they know if they push, if they go on offense, if they lie or spin, but they all say the same thing together unanimously, that they can amplify this message. that breaks through so much of the noise and social media, and that's what breaks through to voters. one of the reasons we wanted to do this billboard campaign is democrats need to go on offense. democrats need to start building their own echo chamber. they need to explain to voters that it's insane to have a president who is convicted of a crime. if they want to argue about, should it have been a felony versus a misdemeanor, let them do that. he is a convicted felon by a jury of his peers for crimes he committed. as we know, he has been indicted in many other crimes. it's a moment to go on offense to make sure voters hear the message of terms conviction and not what republicans are doing. this is one way in which democrats often do not rise to the same communication challenge that republicans do. i think there's a lot of reasons for that. fragmented coalition and unwillingness to lie shamelessly. there does need to be an effort that this sticks to voters right now. >> one of the reasons to be charitable, and i think it's important, because it something we wrestle with too. there's a symmetry because you do not want to view the entire judicial system as a partisan cudgel. you want to invest in its independence and respecting the process. michelle, i liked your column. i feel i'm losing -- we were here in 2016 with the chance of lock her up. when the former president compares himself to the russian leader alexa noah vonleh, who died earlier this year, he is giving himself permission to act like vladimir putin. what do you mean? >> the authoritarian rhetoric, total denial of reality and it's meant to make you feel like you're losing your mind. it's destabilizing. the narrative that republicans are >> as two parts . it's unprecedented weaponization of the justice system in the second part is and donald trump will be justified in doing the same thing to his opponents. he said, a line has been crossed. the rest of the quote was something like, it will come back around and then. you have heard donald trump make this mind insane claim that he never said lock her up. >> on camera. >> then he says i was so magnanimous. i did not prosecute hillary clinton. let's be clear, he tried to prosecute her. >> he tweeted that jeff sessions all the time. >> he demanded privately that jeff sessions prosecute hillary clinton. he said i magnanimously decide not to prosecute hillary clinton but because of what happened to me, i will feel differently. they are creating this story in which they are the victims of all the misdeeds they are planning to commit. >> there is a real menace. it's not just the whining. it is the menace of the promise of we will come after you. donald trump is talking about the immunity -- immunity case. we are going to find a way to indict joe biden if the case does not go my way. there is this threat that is latent in all this rhetoric. >> the menace has always been a weirdly underreported or under discussed part of what donald trump does. it is not just this. donald trump uses menace not just to say i will prosecute my political enemies, but the specter of political violence. this is a way in which the republicans rhetoric and donald trump's rhetoric specifically and look at manifests, ask any republican who has stood up to trump over the last six or seven years, and they will tell you the extent to which they have dealt with the threats and and what happened on january 6 with trump saying we have to fight or we won't have a country anymore, he does it at the rallies. the way he uses i don't know language that's meant to be violent all the time. menace is a part of the trump sauce. it's baked in their. >> part of what is dizzying about this is they're doing it the same day that the president's son is being prosecuted for dasha talk to a bunch of folks in the system and thus it never happens. extremely rare, five year -- this is what he said. i think gun prosecutions for six years and i went after convicted felons. i bet there were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide of attics are unlawful gun users who possess firearms. it makes you wonder of all the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why this? >> i'm not going to speak to lie this case, but you see democrats bending over backwards to respect the rule of law. kidding nothing -- >> it's so wild. two people know there is the study of contrast into the care? >> there is no banana republic on earth where the president's son is prosecuted by his own justice department unless he's ordering it. just what happens when republican front runner recently convicted on 34 felony counts with three more indictments pending meets with his new probation officer. whole new world donald trump will enter. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. donald trump is supposed to sit down with the new york city probation officer will interview him. something all convicted felons are supposed to do. a chance to make a good impression and explain why they deserve a lighter punishment. trump will likely have to tell her probation officer he has three other active indictments. based on the interview and things like his propensity to reoffend, the probation officer will write a presentence report with the recommendation in anticipation of the sentencing hearing scheduled for july 11. prison or jail sentence for felony falsification of business records which is been convicted of is not common. we should be clear. citing his own research, and the most serious of these cases, about 10% of the total incarceration was imposed. that doesn't mean -- in 2015, new york construction executive pleaded guilty to one count of falsifying records as part of a bribery scheme. he was sentenced to one year partial imprisonment spending monday evenings through wednesday mornings at rakers trail. in new york city judge, police department, he had a recent op- ed titled a supervised new york city judges. judge merchan put on a master class. it's good to have you here. the normal order of operations is the person convicted sits down with the probation officer for an interview and that officer writes up a memo. how do they come to their conclusions in the memo? and how important are those recommendations in the sentencing? >> it's called a presentencing investigation in the report follows it. one thing you mentioned in the lead up is the indictments he has pending. i don't think that should factor in it at all. he is presumed innocent. what could factor in -- >> you don't think for another person just convicted, three active indictments, you don't think the probation officer would take this into account? >> frankly, he should be presumed innocent. >> you think they should not. >> is problem may lie with the other three indicted cases. if he is convicted of any one of those cases, he has a conviction on this one, 34 felony counts. the convictions would and must be taken into account. when the federal analysis, the january 6 case, the falsified document case. he is 34 in new york, felony counts that he stands convicted of, could be a ticket to prison on those counts were a strong factor. what they will be looking at here, does he show a sense of accountability? a sense of remorse? he has pretty much answered those questions. we have heard is semi-crazed, i will say in my opinion, semi- crazed public attention out of trump tower where he continues to unfairly, evidence free, blasting of the judge and the entire system. we know how that will go. something i think will be looked at very seriously when the probation officer prepares the presentencing report to the judge, which the judge is required to consider but not necessarily abide by. the judge makes the sentencing decision. it's the seriousness of the conviction. you talked about a study and it's not unheard of that people can go to jail him cases like this, but all things equal, they will also consider, as they must, a 77-year-old defendant. no prior record. nonviolent felony? maximum incarceration time four years. that should weigh in the favor of the defendant. convicted defendant trump. the seriousness in this case i think is rather unique. in terms of -- usually they are falsifying business records to get out of paying some taxes, skimming money off the top. accountants working together. inherits, the connecting charge here was a violation of new york election law. the essence of which two or more individuals engaged in a conspiracy in order to obtain the election, prevent someone from being elected or get someone elected. in this case it was to get elected. who were the two are more? donald trump, michael cohen. that election charge, that's the felony bump up charge. >> for the construction guy it was bribery. >> rate. that means the unanimous jury found falsification of business records and the violation of new york election. that is called, my view of that, that's called corrupting an election. corrupting a presidential election. by the way, not corrupting a presidential election where donald trump in 2016 beat hillary clinton in a landslide. it was a squeaker. pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan a total of 80,000 votes. the essence of the conviction as it was to ensure the stormy daniels story would not break in the last two weeks of october, on the heels of the access hollywood tape. at the same time, hillary clinton was getting hit with a james comey investigation. >> it's arguably -- >> it was a volatile mix. what is clear here, we will never know if trump won because of that, but we will know he is convicted of 34 felony counts that in essence corrupted the election in new york state, a presidential election. in my judgment, that's about as serious a falsification of business records being bumped to a felony as i'm aware of. >> very well said. george grasso, thank you. another trump lawyer gets charged again for trying to steal the 2020 election. remember that one? the ongoing state-level lever to hold the trump game accountable. your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. it's been nearly 3.5 years since he attempted coup of january 6. there are charges coming in nearly every week it seems against the people involved. on the ground and in the offices. today it's in wisconsin were state attorney general announced felony charges of forgery against three men involved in the attempt to submit bank electoral votes. michael roman was head of election day operations. james troupis, former judge and trump campaign attorney. ken chesebro is one of the masterminds behind the fake collectors ploy. he has already pleaded guilty to the election interference case in fulton county, georgia. he's cooperating in arizona. michael roman was charge in fulton county and arizona. it's the first time james troupis has been charged. he joins dozens of lesser-known in the multiple fake collectors games in georgia, michigan, nevada, and arizona. of course, the reason those were happening in different states is one man was behind it all who was trying to stay in power against the will of the people and listed as unindicted co- conspirator in michigan and arizona. he's facing charges in fulton county and federal election interference charge. he is essentially bailed out by the supreme court that seems intent on delaying the federal trial until after voters go to the polls in november. i am joined by legal correspondent and former litigator lisa rubin. tell me about these charges brought by the attorney general in wisconsin. >> the attorney general has done something more surgical than we have seen and other states. only charging three. ken chesebro, michael roman, and james troupis. wisconsin is the original sin in some ways because troupis and kenneth chesebro were licensed to practice in wisconsin and no one another. mid-november is when they first get together and he says i have this idea. he writes the memo and shares it with troupis and he says i think this has traction and i'd like to put this with people. sooner than he knows it, chesebro is enmeshed in heady conversations with people who were then at the center of power in the trump world. rudy giuliani are paperlike boris epshteyn. one of the things it's important for people to know is wisconsin is where this fake collectors scheme was launched. it has residents because chesebro attended the fake collectors meeting in wisconsin. he went along for the ride and took pictures of himself. there is video of him them. his final that before going to january 6 and tagging along with alec jones was to deliver the fake elector certificate from wisconsin, take it from the republican party in wisconsin, and give them to another staffer on the hill who would ensure they got into the hands of mike pence's legislative liaison on the floor the senate. it was like, who do you we trust? >> they tried to recruit ron johnson. >> the staffer involved in the handoff was so nervous that she infamously tests that i feel like a drug dealer. >> she is talking about the drop and she says i feel like a drug dealer because -- and i want to stay on this. john bolton describe rudy giuliani's shenanigans in his operations that was the subject of the first impeachment, do not want to be involved in whatever rudy's drug deal is. that means i know there's something illicit happening. when someone says it feels like a drug deal, you understand this is not on the level. >> it's not on the level. one of the things that's -- the 10 fake collectors in wisconsin prior to this indictment were subject to a civil litigation brought by people including mary mccord from georgetown university. when they settled that, they only -- they admitted wrongdoing and said biden is a lawfully elected president. we were told we needed to do this in order to preserve the campaign's writes should've prevailed in litigation and we were tricked. we did not understand by signing this they would continue this irrespective of whether they won or lost. >> i don't know if we have the document itself is an alignment, but chesebro and one of the documents uses the term weaponize to to describe how he wants to marshal the electoral count act which is a federal law that guides this process. we will weaponize. >> it's important when he says this and the scheme of events. on december 16, 2020, through their friend reince priebus who becomes trump's first chief of staff, troupis and chesebro go to meet with trump . the substance of the conversation is not discussed but another reporting, they went to talk to him about what the prospects could be going ahead. they were warned, do not get him overly excited. that's exactly what chesebro did. the next day he's trying to be a more moderating force and says things would've been better if we had one co-litigation, particularly in wisconsin and other courts. we still have the chance if we can weaponize the electoral count act and use it as a cudgel to show these democrats are relying on a unconstitutional law to circumscribe the rights to debate this in the senate. >> chesebro taking the pictures of the fake ceremony with his mask on. there he is right now. i thought about the arsonist to comes to watch the fire. there he is taking it all in. >> thank you. just how well do you remember what donald trump was saying about climate change when he was president? >> it will start getting cooler. you just watch. >> i wish science agreed with you. >> -- >> more on the presumptive republican nominee complete misunderstanding of climate and science in general. science in i'm trevor and i lost 132 pounds on golo. at 26 years old my doctor wanted to put me on medication and i wasn't having that. i tried other diets and they just didn't work didn't last. release worked fast. after a week i had more energy, mental clarity, and my cravings were gone. i've lost 132 pounds and i will never, ever, gain that weight back. thanks to golo. in a fox interview this weekend, donald trump said maybe the dumbest thing ever spoken about climate change. let's be clear, there's been a lot of competition. >> they say the seas will rise over the next 400 years. it means beachfront property. think of the. they will rise, who knows? >> it's not an eighth of an inch over 400 years, but that's a genuine real estate genius. the seas rise and there's more beachfront property? are you sure about that? donald trump own some prime beachfront property, two acres of the, mar-a-lago. thanks to climate change that beach will start going under rising waters. it's in the path of what's expected to be an extremely active hurricane season which scientists forecasting 70 to 25 storms because a north atlantic is unprecedentedly warm thanks to climate change. keep an eye on that. donald trump's dad joke goes to show he and republicans have given up even trying to deny climate changes happening in their cracking jokes and pretending it's no big deal. in reality, what we do about the carbon pollution that is about the most important issue in this upcoming election and presents one of the star differences between the candidates, the parties, and the two governing coalitions. i don't think people appreciate this. over the past three years, we have seen the most seismic transformation in our production of energy since the dawn of the industrial revolution when we started using fossil fuels. that may sound like a stretch, i know it's a big claim, but it is not. it's the single most important story about the biden numbers because the transformation has been spurred in no small part by president biden's landmark legislation, the inflation reduction act. biggest climate -- private companies announced $110 billion in clean energy manufacturing investments. in 2023, the u.s. generated a record 164,000 gigawatt hours of solar hours. the energy department expects it to grow 75% by 2025. get this, the u.s. department of energy says 81% of all new power added to the grid, 81%, will be provided by just solar power and batteries. only 4% will be fossil fuel. this comes amid new research showing china may have already hit its peak of carbon dioxide admissions. is competing with the u.s. full tilt, rapidly growing its renewable power generation. it's a shocking turnaround for the biggest carbon emitter. according to another estimate, global carbon emissions may have peaked last year. at least at home, the question is whether or not this transformation, which is finally, belatedly, actually happening. whether it is continued or destroyed by donald trump and the fossil fuel executives from home he has solicited $1 billion. that is what is on the table in the selection. the selection. e ♪♪ ♪♪ at each day's staaart. ♪♪ ♪♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪♪ ♪♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ ♪♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪♪ in an interview what time magazine, president biden was asked whether netanyahu is prolonging the seizure of gaza for his own political gain. i responded, there's every reason for people to draw the conclusion. this comes after the times of israel recently reported that an ada netanyahu said the hostages in gaza, the government will not agree to -- in exchange for deal to release his remaining in captivity. that was a week ago. two far right parties part of his governing coalition are threatening to quit the government if the deal is accepted which would collapse the netanyahu government entirely. all of which makes it odd that they extended the extremely rare privilege of addressing the u.s. congress as soon as next week. particularly given the fact that one of them, chuck schumer, is already called for netanyahu to resign. the fact that netanyahu spent his career actively working to get republicans elected over democrats in the u.s. to say nothing on the war of catastrophe is brought on palestinians. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court is seeking -- for allegations of war crimes. bernie sanders, chairman of health, education pension committee announced he will not be attending the speech before congress. senator, were you given -- was the democratic caucus in the senate given input into this decision to invite him or a heads up? >> that is a good question and to the best of my knowledge, there has been very little debate on this decision. i think i speak not just for myself but a number of other senators who think that decision is a very bad one. you do not, a foreign leader by addressing a joint session of congress who is currently engaged in creating the worst humanitarian disaster in modern history of this country. as we all know, israel has a right to defend itself against hamas terrorism and the terrible attack of october 7, but what it is doing now is going to war against the entire palestinian people. what we are seeing now is starvation and famine impacting thousands and thousands of children. the architect of the policy is not somebody you honor by bringing to the u.s. congress, in my view. >> i went to place something the speaker of the house mike johnson had to say about you specifically. i want you to respond. he is one of the four leaders who invited netanyahu and this is what speaker johnson had to say about your objections. >> this is a time to choose a side. bernie sanders wants to sign with paris, so be it and if other democrats, it's on them. i pray and hope and expect that most of the members of the house of both parties and the senate will join us for this historic address. >> were to say to being siding with the terrorists? >> it's a disgusting lie. he said it yesterday and said it again today. if you are part of the maga group, right-wing republicans, big lies, you say lies over and over and hope people believe them. i have said from day one of this terrible war what hamas did is atrocious. the leader of hamas is a war criminal and should be in jail. israel had every right to defend itself against hamas. what johnson is doing is what right-wing people to. if you -- back in the day if you stood up for civil rights or social justice, they called you a communist. if you are prepared to take on netanyahu's outrageous war against the palestinian people, now they claim you are a sympathetic to terrorists and. it's a lie and i am not happy with what he is saying. >> it's more than rhetoric. the house today, bipartisan vote, a minority of democrats voting for this provision, i think 40 and vast majority of republicans voting for it. they passed legislation that would impose sanctions against the international criminal court for its move to issue arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu and other officials in the war against hamas. it unlikely to get a boat but since i have you here, i suspect you would not support that but i want to ask you what you think about the house passing it? >> i would not support it and it's a terrible idea. the function of the icc is to implement international law. geneva convention and other laws established after the horrors of the world war ii. last year, the icc said that putin is a war criminal which i believe he is. kidnapping thousands of ukrainian children and starting the worst land war in europe since world war ii. he is a war criminal. recently, last month, they said the leader of hamas is a war criminal. for having started this war and the terrible atrocities against innocent israelis. you know what? netanyahu who is now bringing about an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, destroying housing, the infrastructure, the health care system and creating conditions in which thousands of children could starve to death, that is a violation of international laws well and he should be charge with there. >> the president came forward and announced an endorsement of the contours of a deal that had been a deal, as far as my understanding, and there's lots of back and forth so it's hard to nail down, but the contours of a deal between israel and hamas for release of hostages in exchange for his cessation of hostilities for a period of time and maybe the transitions. it seemed he was attempting to try to stop both sides from backing out of the deal publicly. what is your reaction to him attempting to do that, and you have hope this could happen? >> i disagree with the president's general policies toward israel and what's happening in gaza. he is trying. on occasion, to do the right thing. i think anyone who is aware of the level of suffering and destruction in gaza once an immediate cease-fire. you need massive amounts of humanitarian aid to save thousands and thousands of children. of course, netanyahu undermines the president's of the united states. let's all be clear. this is not some abstract war fought in another part of the world. we are as americans, our tax dollars are funding this war. netanyahu singh, mr. president, thank you for that 10 million dollars for military aid, but we will not listen to you. i think that is outrageous. reason number 465 why he should not be invited to speak to the joint session of congress. >> senator bernie sanders, thank you. that is all in.

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Alignment , Term , Events , Chief Of Staff , Chesebro Go , 16 , December 16 2020 , Prospects , Conversation , Reporting , Substance , Force , Co Litigation , Fire , Arsonist , Ceremony , Mask On , Science , General , Nominee , Misunderstanding , Doctor , Medication , Golo , 26 , 132 , Mental Clarity , Release , Diets , Didn T Work Last , Cravings , Thanks , Weight , Climate Change , Weekend , Competition , Fox , 400 , Genius , Eighth , Prime Beachfront Property , Beach , Mar A Lago , Storms , North Atlantic , Hurricane Season , Waters , Path , Dad Joke , Eye , Deal , Carbon Pollution , Jokes , The Star , Parties , Transformation , Governing Coalitions , Differences , Candidates , Production , Numbers , Fossil Fuels , Stretch , Single , Industrial Revolution , Companies , Inflation Reduction Act , Biden S Landmark Legislation , Energy Department , Investments , Manufacturing , 2025 , 75 , 2023 , 110 Billion , 10 Billion , 164000 , 81 , Solar Power , Batteries , Grid , 81 , Full Tilt , 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Military Aid , 10 Million , 10 Million Dollars , Session Of Congress , 465 ,

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