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unprecedented now, for the first time in american history, a former president convicted for his criminal behavior while still serving as presumptive republican nominee for president. donald trump calls the verdict rigged and himself, quote, a political prisoner. newsbreak, he is not in prison. maga outrage, trump allies including the house speaker and several potential vice presidential candidates are blasting the verdict and unleashing dangerous rhetoric against the justice system and our democracy itself. but no one is above the law. president biden warns the attacks are reckless and irresponsible while trying to keep his campaign focused on issues important to voters. we will talk about it all, the prosecution and the politics with congresswoman maxine waters of california and politics nation host, the reverend al sharpton. nbc analysts and prosecutor. i'm jonathan kay part, this is the saturday show. historic victory for american justice, accountability and the rule of law. a sad and solemn moment for the country, tonight, we find ourselves in uncharted territory . for the first time, former american president and presumptive nominee for the 2024 republican nomination has been convicted of a felony. on thursday, a trait of donald trump's peers found him guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his new york election interference trial. now, the twice impeached former president remains indicted in three other criminal cases manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, widely criticized for bringing the hush money election interference case is the only prosecutor, so far, who has been able to hold trump criminally accountable before the november election. the trump sentencing is set for july 11th, four days before the party plans to formally nominate him for a third time at the republican national convention at milwaukee, wisconsin. remember, a conviction does not prevent trump from running for president, which means four times indicted on 88 counts found liable for federal fraud and sexual abuse, instigated insurrection to stop the peaceful transfer of power, disgraced former president could end up back in the white house. here is the smallest of silver linings, since thursday's conviction happened in a state case, trump won't be able to use executive power to pardon himself if he wants another term. not everyone is thrilled the court system, at least for now, has caught up to the man once referred to as tough on don since the verdict, split screen of reactions to the outcome. on one side, earth one, folks are lauding the rule of law and sacrifice made by the 12 men and women of the jury they spent weeks hearing testimony from 22 different witnesses reviewing more than 200 exhibits, deliberating more than nine hours before reaching the unanimous guilty verdict on all 34 counts. you know, exactly how or justice system is supposed to function. in alternate reality, earth two, there has been complete hair on fire maga meltdown. yesterday, trump posted to social media in all caps rage, quote, i am a political prisoner of a feeling nation asked that someone might want to tell him he is not technically a prisoner, yet area in fact, he is at home in bedminster, new jersey as we speak. trump held a press conference yesterday in which he laid out a list of grievances including attack on judge juan merchan and calling the trial rigged. >> this is a case if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. these are bad people, this is a scam, it is a rigged trial area it should not have been at that venue, we should not have had that judge. >> trump is not the only one peddling this nonsense. his enablers not only parroting the baseless claims it was rigged, they are demanding retribution. >> purely political exercise, not illegal, everybody knows that. >> the most outrageous travesty of ever seeing the problem here, democrats have crossed a line in which now the court system is the political weapon and it is very hard for not to come back the other way. >> this is a justice system that hunts republicans while protecting democrats. it was certainly a hoax, a sham. his clear vengeance is mine saith the lord, leave that there the best way of making this world even is success is the best revenge. let's win. >> in his first public remarks since the verdict, president biden express how dangerous the maga rhetoric is around the trial and how important the justice system is in times like this. >> the american principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed. it is reckless, it is dangerous, it is irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict to our justice system endured nearly 250 years. it is the cornerstone of america , our justice system. the justices should be respected. >> doing is necrotic congressman maxine waters of california. the reverend al sharpton, host of msnbc politics nation, founder and president of national action network and author of righteous troublemakers, untold stories of the social justice movement in america. tim miller, host of the podcast on msnbc political analyst, michelle goldberg, opinion columnist at the new york times and also msnbc political analyst. this is fantastic to have all four of you on the show today. congresswoman waters, i'm starting with you because you predicted years ago, you said, i'm counting on stormy. your reaction to thursday's incredible verdict. >> thank you for having us all on today. let me say, it is a sad day for this country. i'm still shocked and amazed his supporters would follow him with the lies and distortions that he continues to give to the american people. he says it is rigged, he says if they can do this to me, they can do it to you, bringing in others to cover the lies he is telling. i'm amazed those who claim to be so patriotic, are so unpatriotic. i'm watching not only what happened january 6th in washington, d.c., but what is happening now. men and women in the republican party don't have the courage nor the patriotism to stand up for democracy and what is good for america. and understand and be able to honestly say to the american public, this used to be president, this former president is wrong. wherever he loses, he will say it is rigged, he will say that somehow he does not deserve to have to be lawful. as the president said, no one is above the law. those jurors on that jury are to be commended for what they have done. you had seven men and five women who stepped up to the plate and did the hard work and rolled out to america and told america the truth, this man is guilty. not one time, two times, three times, all 34 counts. that is amazing. >> right, 34 times. as you were speaking, you could not see him beforehand, he was nodding in agreement when you are talking about republicans not having the courage to stand up, to stand up for the truth. what is up with these folks? >> it is worse than that, i was nodding when congresswoman waters was talking about how they are being unpatriotic. it is hard to imagine this as some of the group republican, it used to be republicans, if you turned the flag upside down and attacked the fbi and said that the u.s. justice system is rigged and we are a banana republic, that would be anathema to people in a publicly -- for publican party for years. respecting the systems. these people sound like anarchists, they are authoritarian, they want to tear down the entire justice system, you have tim scott talking about the justice system is hunting republicans. this is absurd, hunter biden starts on trial, the president signed in two days. >> when we played the sound file of senator scott talking about vengeance and everything, you were like, whoa. your reaction to that. >> i don't know how you take blatant lies and end your, quoting the bible. it was a little difficult for me. let me say this, we need to underscore, this whole case was about a man trying to cover his deeds because he wanted to win an election in 2016 against hillary clinton. he had been exposed with that access hollywood tape where he talked about how you do with women, you grow them, i'm cleaning up what he really said, many americans have seen that. if the stormy daniels affair come out on top of that, it would have probably defeated him in his own mind. the reason that is important, he was running against hillary clinton, talk about, lock her up , about things that were absolutely ridiculous, some server at her house or something. he was saying, lock her up to fast forward to now, we find 34 felonies and you have republicans saying, how dare you? that is how he got there, accusing somebody of a crime and covering up his crime when there was no crime. what is at stake for america, if hillary clinton had become president, we would not have had three supreme court justices that overturned roe versus wade, hurt voting rights, turned down affirmative- action. that was the difference for people who said that voting does not matter. >> michelle, let me bring you in before break, i will read something from the cut, if donald trump ends up in a jail cell this year, it will be thanks in part to the remarkable testimony of a pornography star he has been doing everything in his power to shame, silence, and discredit for eight years. >> she has been through hell and so brave and steadfast. the fact that she testified at all is evidence of donald trump's unbelievable stubbornness. there was no reason for her to testify except donald trump's defense, not only there was nothing illegal about the money but that he had not slept with her at all. it is lie on top of lies which more than a little bit, they're often numbing in the political sphere but we see they don't work in the legal sphere. >> i want to bring up something that speaker johnson said, his reaction to the verdict. let's play that and we will talk about it. >> i do believe the supreme court should step in, obviously, this is unprecedented and dangerous to the system. the justices on the court, i know many of them personally, i think they're deeply concerned about that, as we are. i think they will set the straight but it will take a while, you're right, the process takes a while to play out. this will be overturned, no question about it, it will take some time. >> tim, the supreme court, do they have any jurisdiction, what is he talking about? >> these guys have become so presumptuous they really do think the supreme court is a political arm that will do their bidding. that is how they act, how they treat the supreme court, that is how samuel alito acts when he feels like he can go to fox and lie about what happened with the flag outside his house. no, they don't have jurisdiction but that is one lie about the process. going back to tim scott, he said that the biden administration did the prosecution went it was a d.a., no doj involvement. they don't understand the system or they are blatantly lying. >> the thing that jumped out to me even more so than the entire thing of what the speaker said, when he said, i know many of them personally. >> that's right to >> i know many of them personally, implying that they and he are on the same page, they are not going to be making a judicial decision, they are lying politically and in this case, maybe lying in terms of donald trump. because why would you even say, i know them personally, when you say they ought to be ruling on fairness of the law? >> on the merritt. >> it is to confirm what many of us suspected, these were political nominees based on partisan commitment, that is why we have deep concerns about this court. >> congressman, real fast. >> okay, started talking about, i predicted this, i knew stormy was a very strong woman and she was not going to take it from donald trump. she stepped forward, detail by detail, i expected her to do that and because of her, this case has gotten to where it has gotten to. she was the one that caused them to discover he had lied on and filed false documents. thank you, stormy. >> don't go anywhere because this whole panel will be back, we have a lot to talk about this historic moment for country. later on, some perspective from nbc news presidential historian about where americans go from here during election season that could feel like flying an airplane into a hurricane. stay right here, you are watching the saturday show on msnbc. [music playing] at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. my panel is back with me, democratic congressman maxine waters of california, the reverend al sharpton, host of politics nation, msnbc political analyst tim miller and michelle goldberg. i will go to the political analyst first on this, michelle, i'm coming to you. before the verdict, republican senate candidate of maryland, larry hogan post on twitter, quote, regardless of the result, i urge all-americans to respect the verdict and legal process. after the verdict, the senior adviser on the trump campaign, quote tweeted that saying, you just ended your campaign. how much of an albatross is this conviction of donald trump going to be for republican candidates down the ballot from trump? >> i would imagine, i think we have already seen polling and it is very early so it is hard to gauge, most people approve of this conviction. i saw one poll today that said 49% of independents think that donald trump should drop out of the campaign, i think 15% of republicans. so yes, obviously, it is not just this conviction, it is donald trump in general. i think we have seen over and over again, the republican party is in a bind at many places because on the one hand, you have the kind of candidates donald trump and his support keep losing, not universally but have lost many, many winnable races. that kind of candidates that can win in blue states are not part of the republican base. >> here is the devils goal advocate, i don't know if it is a right way to put it, people have suggested that the quote tweet of hogan could help him in a blue state like maryland to show he is independent of donald trump. is that going to work when you're running in a party about two, one, doing lots of anti- reproductive right things around the country, and we have two reproductive rights cases the supreme court will probably go the wrong way on to >> hogan is a deep outlier, he is the only one not advancing the delusional attacks on the justice system, the mega talking points all the other candidates are. it is a unique situation. i think it could help trump attacking him in blue state like maryland. the problem is he has so many landmines in front of him, what will he say to the question of, if donald trump wins again, would you vote to convict? should he be allowed to pardon himself? there are all these questions, it is very hard to be a republican and move away from trump in any way rhetorically because you get beaten down by the macha folks and legitimate questions from the left on how to deal with outlaw president. >> do you think he will be able to walk that dental floss thin line? >> he is a very rare breed, i think it is possible for hogan but it will be tough. >> the two democratic strategists here, if you will, is this a sound bite or statement, it is a campaign statement from the biden campaign, the biden campaign right the threat trump poses to the democracy has never been greater, running on his campaign of revenge and retribution pledging to be a dictator and they want and calling for the constitution to be terminated so he can regain and keep power, second trump term means chaos ripping away freedoms, on and on, it is up to the american people to reject in november. rev, how should the biden campaign and democrats respond to this? there are people saying, why are they out there in minute one hammering away at the conviction? i'm sort of of the mind, we have time. >> we not only have time, we have three other cases. i think you have to be careful not to make it look like they are what trump is saying that it is a political witch hunt. there are three other cases, what we really need to raise is this is about saving this country from going into entire authoritarian type of government, which is what trump is trying to do. the contrast of this is striking to me because had it not been for the civil and voting rights movement, we would not be talking about reform. >> you would not have a black manhattan d.a. that prosecuted this, we would not have had a black women d.a. in georgia and a black judge in washington that will sit on the federal cases had it not been for dr. king and jesse jackson, and maxine waters. i'm proud we are in the system and will make it work. that is why, i had the central park five on my show saying, it did not work for me, let's make it work for everybody fairly. we can go down to the court in march, go in front of the gaggle of microphones because that is what they wanted, to say it was us forcing it. we let a jury hear the evidence , as congressman waters said, stormy stood up, the song, call it stormy monday but tuesday is just as bad. >> congresswoman waters, your name invoked several times, we will give you the last word, what do you think? >> let me say that when i tweeted about trump talking about the constitution, i basically said in my tweet, he had disregarded the constitution, he does not have respect for the constitution. i got over 1.3 million hits on that, i think the final analysis, the american people see through him and will be guarded in how they deal with this election. let me say this, i'm worried he is so divisive and he is talking about retribution and talking about revenge, i think that is dangerous. he even mentioned civil war at one point, he talked about there would be bloodshed. i'm going to spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system, asking them, tell us what is going on with the domestic terrorists, are they preparing a civil war against us? should we be concerned about our safety? what is he doing with this divisive language? it is dangerous and we are going to have to make sure that we understand we are not at risk with this man talking in the way that he is doing this is not good for this country but he does not care about democracy, he does not care about the constitution of the united states. he is in love with putin and russia and kim jong-un and north korea and all of that. it is not just use a criminal, this is a man who disrespects the constitution and democracy and we've got to find out what they are doing as domestic terrorists tried to take over the government january 6th, how far is this going to go? are they going to be attacking, who are they going to attack? what are we going to do? i've got to get on, we are trying to get an investigation going about that. >> mm-hmm. with that, believe it there. congresswoman maxine waters of california, reverend sharpton, tim miller, michelle goldberg, thank you for coming to the saturday show. when we return, now a jury convicted trump on 34 felony counts, what happens to him next is up to judge merchan. explaining how the former president's behavior between now and july 11th could affect his sentencing. armin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. charmin, enjoy the go. 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>> is a really hard question, i don't envy their position, to be honest. i will say do whatever their pre-decision is, as the trial is going on and trump was the -- condemning the same comments and rants, increasing the art -- odds prosecutors ask for prison time and that odds that judge merchan would send him to prison for a period of time. i don't want to say more likely than not but this is not helping him. >> let me have you read more tea leaves, judge merchan put cfo allen weisselberg behind bars despite him being a first- time offender and in the 70s, does that signal anything to you about the trump potential sentence? >> it does, it suggests to me the prosecutors are prepared to ask for prison time. i don't think it is entirely an accident the prosecutors secured two different prison terms for weisselberg. if they wanted to see prison time for trump, one argument they could make, perfectly fair and in my mind, resident argument, wesley berg served two prison terms for conduct he did in part to benefit trump if you have the trump cfo going to prison for conduct that benefited trump, why should trump, the principal, get off for some of that same conduct? that would be the argument if i was the prosecutor, that would be the argument i would make. >> let me play for you something i played the last block, this is speaker johnson talking about getting the supreme court involved. listen to this area's day i do believe the supreme court should step in, obviously it is unprecedented and dangerous. the justices on the court, i know many of them personally, i think they're deeply concerned about that, as we are. i think they will set it straight but it will take a while, you're right, the process takes a while to turn around. it will take some time. >> the supreme court should step in, is that a thing? >> it is unlikely. i have to say most of what the speaker said is not accurate. >> okay, good. >> i don't know how he is so confident about those things, it is unsettling. he contributed to politicizing the process and the trial, it is unfortunate he continues to do it. the likelihood of the supreme court getting involved, i don't know, trump could exhaust his appeals in the near court system and attempt to go to the supreme court, todd blanche may be we will go to the supreme court. the most disturbing thing about johnson's comment is how confident he is that the supreme court would weigh in for trump. i think that says more about his assessment of the political and politicized nature of the court under that conservative super majority than it does about the trump conviction. >> his statement, i know the justices personally, was very telling. last question, you criticized d.a. bragg for bringing the case , michael cohen would be a disaster, has the outcome changed your mind? >> i still think have the justice department done its job correctly and investigated trump quickly on the 2020 election issue when biden came in the office, this case never would have been charged, it would not exist in my position, this case should not exist. that is not alvin bragg's fault, it was never alvin bragg's fault that he filled this gap. i will say, of michael cohen defended, i thought he did poorly. i will say, going over this, assessing people, i think the prosecutors, particularly joshua stein glass and susan glass did a very good job prosecuting the case. they did not investigate the case so they inherited all of the weaknesses people like me were talking about. i think they did really impressive job litigating the case on behalf of the d.a.s office. highly professional and efficient organize. >> ankush khardori , thank you for coming to the saturday show. up next, today's june 1st, the first day of pride month. we look at massive new effort to fight for lgbtq+ rights under attack across the country. i talked to the ceo of lambda legal, kevin jennings, about a sweeping strategy ahead on the saturday show. rinv that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. help heal your painful skin— disrupt the itch & rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. deep down, i knew something was wrong. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light- headedness can come and go. but if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. holding off on seeing a doctor won't change whether or not you have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at when i think about purpose, i don't know if st. jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing. their donations are funding the research. the research is allowing for the treatments to happen. and those treatments provide cures. and the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing lives all around the world. ♪♪ >> ♪ which side are you on ♪ protesters filled the statehouse urging governor sununu to veto anti-lgbtq legislation on his desk. the bill would roll back protections for transgender adults and require schools to notify parents of any lgbtq content in class. on the same day as those demonstrations in new hampshire, the governor of south carolina celebrated his state's new ban. it became the 25th state to outlaw best practice medical care for transgender youth. the restrictions reflect surge in anti-lgbtq legislation across the country with the aclu tracking 500 bills so far this year. that is why on this first day pride month, the nonprofit lambda legal launching $180 million campaign to fight for lgbtq rights in court lambda legal says it is the largest investment in the history of the lgbtq equality movement. joining me to kick off pride month is kevin jennings, ceo of lambda legal, thank you for coming to the saturday show. >> thank you for having me on. >> tell me about the $180 million campaign, how to help lambda legal challenge anti- lgbtq bills across the country? >> 25 states past restrictions on trans healthcare which means lambda legal has a pivotal role to play. we are the communities last line of defense, the only hope is can lambda legal strike down the laws in court? we are looking at the unstoppable future campaign to raise the funds to challenge as many laws as humanly possible by hiring additional attorneys that will enable us to make sure that hate does not become law. >> u.s., as i mentioned before, raking last year's record for the number of anti-lgbtq laws enacted. i keep wondering, why is this happening now? >> i think it is cynical politics, if you want my honest opinion. the extreme right figured out an issue where they can take advantage of the fact a lot of people do not know trans people, not aware of the struggles of trans people, passing off misinformation as truth and as a result, they are getting people whipped into a frenzy. i think it is genuinely cynical politics and effort to score cheap political points. >> every time lambda presented the case before the supreme court, you won. how concerned are you that this supreme court, with its 6-3 conservative super majority, will strip us of our rights? we just saw this in dobbs, the dobbs concurrence, he said lawrence should be reconsidered. >> lambda is very proud, won marriage equality. also proud of the fact, this court with only one change in personnel, ruled in the ball stop decision you could not fire people based on gender identity or sexual orientation. we asked the court to consider a case where we are counsel in tennessee, a situation they have dam trans healthcare for young people. we are asking the court to overturn that ban and we are confident we are on the right side of history and we can win. >> last question, the president called on congress repeatedly to pass the equality act, it is going nowhere and we all know that. how would it improve the legal landscape for lgbtq americans if it were to pass? >> eye sore interesting poll, 70% of americans already thought there was a federal law that protected lgbtq+ people from discrimination. that is not true, the equality act was first introduced in 1974, 50 years ago. congress has yet to act. it is critical we pass the equality act and enshrine american law that discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation is not acceptable. >> lambda legal ceo kevin jennings, thank you very much for coming to the saturday show . coming up, how worried americans can move forward after donald trump's guilty verdict and repair for what promises to be unprecedented election season. nbc news presidential historian michael beschloss joins me next to give us his thoughts. you are watching the saturday show on nbc. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. as we continue coverage of donald trump's guilty verdict with his new york criminal trial, it is important to keep emphasizing historic unprecedented moment our country is in. never before has former american president indicted and convicted in a criminal case, let alone while running for president again to our nation has ever seen anything like this to look back at our history might offer some clues about how to move forward. let's ask michael beschloss, nbc news presidential historian and author of presidents of war, thank you for coming to the show . >> it is great to be together as always, thank you. >> of the verdict on the former president on 34 criminal counts while running for president, there's no legal or political precedent for what we are witnessing but how does this compare to other destabilizing moments in our history? >> i think the choice is clear, we have a convicted felon, in days of yore, if it convicted felon had run for alderman, probably as high he or she would have aspired until the last couple decades, that person would have said, i served my time, i learned my lesson, i have remorse, there will be no one more zealous more than i am and forcing our legal system. instead, you and i saw that land at the bottom of the brass elevator at trump tower yesterday by the presumed republican nominee of this year, he is saying the system is rotten, i want to dismantle parts of the constitution, i think people should not respect the law. many have someone promising at the same time to be dictator for a day, never for a day, as you know, it will be four years, if not his lifetime, if that begins. at the same time he is saying, i will dismantle our rule of law, which is the glory of america, keeps the peace, assures fairness when it works for all americans. you've got dictatorship and anarchy at the same time. do you, jonathan, think the majority of americans is going to vote for dictatorship and anarchy in november? i don't think so. >> i don't think so either, however, we have seen some things. >> we have seen things we never expected. >> the founding fathers seemed to have prepared for every threat to the republic that they created but they did not appear to have a convicted felon running for president on their bingo card. would they be appalled by what happened on thursday? meaning, this former president, current candidate for president, being convicted on felony charges by a jury of his peers? >> most of the founders would cry if they saw what donald trump has been accused of and convicted of, 34 felonies. because they assume when the constitution was written, you and i know that the founders were by no means perfect people. they were flawed. >> they thought they established a system that would keep convicted criminals out of the presidency. they assumed anyone who ran for president would have the decency and love of country and the knowledge of how hard it was to achieve our independence, that there would only be people of good character like george washington. the other thing they thought they had done was established a system, electoral college, decentralized voting by states, other things, as well as american public that would not willingly vote for a convicted criminal to be there president, they thought that was so unlikely. you can read the record of the constitutional convention in philadelphia, there is not one word about, what should we put in the constitution to make sure no convicted criminal because president? that is how far, sadly, this country is come. i don't think a convicted criminal will be elected this year. >> less then a minute left, what can americans do to make sure we get through this with the republic intact, because there are fears of political violence and calls for retribution? >> this is going to be a five months period and many more of the kind we have never seen before, sadly. we should race ourselves and expect the worst. hostile countries that want trump elected doing things in the world that make it look chaotic so they can say, joe biden is not in control. upheaval in the cities so donald trump can say to the suburban women, let's say outside philadelphia, you may not like me but without me, you will not have law and order. expect this, if we're lucky, it won't happen, if we are not lucky, it will. make sure that through all of this, that central choices preserved, people understand this is a choice between joe biden, who loves democracy, and donald trump that wants to bring you both dictatorship and anarchy at the same time. make sure the people understand that is our choice. >> mm-hmm, even shorter, keep your eyes on the prize. michael beschloss, thank you very much. thank you very much for coming to the saturday show. had we remember marian robinson, the mother of first lady michelle obama, the first or another and understated hero of the obama white house. we will be right back. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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