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The arguments in this criminal trial of donald trump, the firstever for a first president. Michael cohen was on the stand. We saw the team both rest. And we saw the Defense Witnesses stumble. New ba grueling three days. The defense has called their first witness. After yesterdays fireworks. Tossed and his testimony was almost stricken from the record. The defense has rested its case after calling two witnesses. Donald trump did not testify in his own defense. That is how it went down. Michael cohens cross was not all smooth sailing. He was saying that he himself stole from the organization. Prosecutors got their turn with cohen on redirect where they basically said, were you too busy . And he said, he was not. The point was that it mattered and he got the confirmation and the prosecutors are going to continue to turn the jury. To look about wire we are hearing from you. Not because he is a model citizen, because he was the person that was picked to be involved in all this stuff. He is a key witness. The jury heard this simple statement that you have heard, fictional, law and order, or real. Your honor, the people rest. That is the only time that we think any prosecutors anywhere in this country will be able to say that about donald trump. This is the only trial scheduled to conclude by the election. The evidence supplied means that the people, saying that they have proven every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. That is their case. His lawyers got to stand up and start their counter arguments. Use on the highlight reel, this is what they have used to discredit him. His name is robert costello. He had a tough go of it this week. If you followed our coverage, we will tell you exactly what happens. If it is what you hope happened, whatever side you like is winning or losing, we will tell you what is really happening. For costello, the key witness that they used, it was a disaster. The judge found him arrogant and scolded him, you do not give me side i and roll your eyes. Again, i will show you how the judge put it. This is not our commentary. This judge has been very fair throughout, mellow at times. He said, the witness was contemptuous. That is a legal term, meaning that you can be held in contempt. The judge did not try to jail him that day because it would become a distraction. Experts said that the Defense Lawyers wouldve been better not calling this witness at all. It was after that witness that they rested their case and said that they have completed their mission. He has every right not to testify. They had two days of control, they called the two witnesses. This is normal, routine. Because the prosecutors have the burden of providing witnesses and evidence. The defense does not have to do anything. They called a couple of people to poke a couple holes. The lawyers have been hashing it out towards the end of the week. Testimony now complete. The final phase of the trial is underway. A trial about the Jury Instructions, what will be the last words to the jury before they decide the fate of donald trump in the trial . The showdown between the prosecution and defense set to take place next tuesday when they present before the jury. These instructions matter a lot. More than closing arguments. That is a big deal that we will be covering, that is the last thing that the jury hears. The last thing that they hear on the roles matters a lot. It comes from the judge. The lawyers here are clashing about what goes in those instructions. All of this will go to guide how the jury considers what he knew and what he intended. Ive told you this as fair as i can, the allegations here in the crimes have been proven by which i mean, when you have the paperwork and he will have his signature on it, you have proven the basic element of fraud. This is not what they said it was and they lied about it. You have paperwork showing it. That is not the whole case. You need to have his intent as well as the second thing about this campaign crime. His lawyers wanted to take all of this and make it more complex with a higher kind of burden than the law might require. Basically asking for special treatment. They have the right to make these requests. The judge has been through this rodeo before, he is in charge and he can say no. They did make some ground on some issues. When they asked the judge to consider the nature of the case, the defendant was present, the judge said, i will not change the law, i will not do that. You cannot just say that he is important. Remember, no one is above the law. He was dozing off throughout the course of the trial. A contrast to how he was during the Jury Instruction arguments. Sometimes he plays more of an aloof person than he actually is. He is an actor in many ways. Suddenly we saw that he can perk up and pay attention. No napping during the debate over the Jury Instruction. This defendant knows exactly how important they are. On tuesday, they hear the closing arguments. They might have to stay late. With the idea being that you can see the timeline here, they set aside enough time after the break, everyone can rest, because they are human beings. The jury will sit down and is hoping to have them here these arguments and finish them on tuesday and turned to deliberations on wednesday. If you thought this was not transparent, Jury Deliberations are secret, completely. Hour by hour, we will know nothing about what they are doing, what they are thinking, what the debates are, until they submit questions that can be read out to the judge in court. We dont know how lothe deliberations will take and we do not know which parts of these cases will matter to the jury. Stormy daniels testifying about something that he says is a big deal. This could be interesting to hear. Michael cohen, what he said. And what he was attacked on. Did he Tell The Truth . Those are the things that the jury will care about, we dont know. Not as an exercise, but as the humility of the Justice System and how it is supposed to work. We are not supposed to know in advance. It is what happens inside among the jury members, the jury of your peers, that is all that matters in this room in the week ahead. We have two legal experts that know about how important that process is. We will get to that when we are back together in 90 seconds. Se. knock on the door are you using all the old spice . Oops. old spice mnemonic only purples Gel Flex Grid passes the raw egg test. No other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. Oops. Memory foam doesnt come close. Get your best sleep guaranteed. Save up to 800 during our memorial day sale. Visit purple. Com or a store near you smile you found it. The feeling of Finding Psoriasis cant filter out the real you. 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Plus, ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Call today we uphold the solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law. No amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring american principal. Alvin bragg speaking. The only time that he announced the case in public. The criminal trial this year of president donald trump. We are joined by our analyst. I want you to broaden it now, we are day by day. This is our special. When we look at the entire case, what has been proven, what is the most clear and convincing evidence and what reasonable doubts can still be there . All in, all holistic. Something that gets lost is one of the things that has been established beyond any question at all and is not a battleground in this trial. Something shocking. David testimony, there is not just a catch and kill scheme, to intentionally defame opponents. The media outlet that people view as a down market media outlet, in cahoots with a political candidate. Just from a political perspective, to me, it should still be shocking. To the jurors, that is one of the reasons that they may care about this case. That is one of the eight intent that shows this is a felony. I will go back to you on part two, part one, moderators privilege. You made an important part. Down market, this tablet matters a lot. I want to echo what you are saying. It is not for us to say what is better, the new yorker or the atlantic. This was a secret agreement unfair to the voters, obviously and all of the republican primary candidates who complained. That there was something going on and it was not exposed then. We think that the law as a search for truth, i appreciate what you are saying. The case has exposed more truth. We know all the politics about that. You make a good point, i give you back the ball. Let me begin really quickly. Really quickly, the area where there will be a pitched battle, what did he know about the false business records. I think we will hear a lot about putting together pecker, hope hicks, and how unlikely it would be that Michael Cohen by any stretch of the imagination knew about the scheme, why they would keep it from donald trump. You will hear that is the main battleground. That will be the main issue. I completely agree. Proving that there was an agreement to influence the election. There is so much evidence about that piece. Hearing from david pecker about the meeting was set up. Direct conversations between Michael Cohen and donald trump and also hearing about the fact that even after the election, not just david pecker but Hope Hicks Hearing donald trump say, if any of these stories got out, it wouldve been damaging to the campaign. I dont see any way you would describe why they were delaying the payments, if the purpose was to prevent embarrassment to his family or to himself and not to the campaign. Otherwise, you wouldve made the payment at any point. That point is very strong and there are witnesses that cooperate with each other on that. The evidence that he caused these to be made, it does not have to be direct, there was not evidence that he was directing or requesting anyone to make those false business records. Where do we get this evidence . There will be an argument that he was working with different people. They all understood that there would be a reimbursement to Michael Cohen. There was a very important document that donald trump signed saying that Michael Cohen would be reimbursed for expenses. The burden of proof is not on the defense. They presented no theory as to what those expenses were. It was 100,000. If it is not these checks and these are for future legal expenses, what were these other payments for . Right. The evidence comes together really well that donald trump knew that these payments of 30,000 5000 were for the reimbursement of that case. Did you ever binge watch those shows where you have to catch up on the story . Yeah . My question to you, how will the d. A. Take that approach, that everyone remembers, they dont even try to cover everything that happened and they quickly tell you, remember when they hid the gun and then found the gone and then now they found the drugs. What will the prosecution do . We showed some of these witnesses, 20 in total, they will not summarize everything, how will they cat everyone up to get the key witnesses to drill home what they want the jury to remember . I think Michael Cohen being the last witness, he laid out the story. I would use his testimony to layout again. And continue to operate. The delaying of the payments, why did that happen . You heard why that happened. Donald trump did not want to make the payment until after the election. You heard that from keith davidson. Then you saw the emails about all of the excuses that he came up with. Weve through all the evidence here. Show all the ways that he has cooperated along the way. Andrew . To followup on what kristi is saying, you do use a timeline, a powerpoint or physical chart. I expect he will do it through a powerpoint to try and create the timing here. It is so good for the government , you create this timeline and layer it with things that are hard evidence from record, emails, things that cannot be disputed, the signatures. Then layer into the timeline, things that are softer. There are certain people, hope hicks, there is no way to challenge her testimony. All of these different pieces. The only thing i would do slightly differently, it will be interesting to see what happens, i might present everything and then focus on Michael Cohen. Focus on how strong the case is before you get to him. The defense will want to say that he is indispensable to finding a conviction, the state will want to say that he is not indispensable, he is additional and he is credible. You know, you will hear so much of the defense saying that the prosecution has to have you rely on him and obviously, they will be shoring him up with cooperation. Which he is. The last defense witness, was some of the best corroboration. That was a good point. I like these specials, something we have not heard about yet. Yes or no, do you think we will hear the defense say, where is alec, when will we hear from him . Yes or no . Yes. I want to get both of you. Kristi . Yes. I think they will try that. And then both explanations. I do not do predictions. I think it is likely that they will hit that. That will be an interesting piece. If you are thinking about working with the trump organization, the cfo has been to jail twice. For the jury, first andrew and then kristi. That is tricky. The defense does not have a burden to do anything. You can say that they do not have to do anything. They did choose to put on a case. They have the ability to put forth witnesses. If they thought that those people would be helpful, they have the right to call them. Frankly, the big missing witnesses are people aligned with them and in their control. No one was preventing them from calling them, you have to do it in a very careful way so that you do not suggest that they have an obligation to call them. Yeah, if the defense makes that argument, you will hear that they couldve called him as well. In a careful way. The idea that he was equally available to both sides. Then you will hear some arguments from the lawyers that some Jury Instruction should be given to the jury about just that fact. He was fully available to both sides and both sides chose not to call him. We have not seen the Jury Instructions yet. If the defense opens the door on that, my instruction may be warranted. Super interesting to hear both of you with the nuance for how it works. You can imagine the defense saying if this is such a strong case, why dont they have the guy who drew up this terrible plan, he is a crook and a liar. We dont trust him. There are more rules than how they talk. Andrew comes back a little later, i appreciate both of you. When we tell you that we are doing these specials, what makes it special . Its not the anchor. I will give you an answer to that. Tonight, we have Doris Goodwin, the great historian. She is here for the special. That is coming up. Another special guest, a lawyer for one of the key witnesses with me for the first time, coming up. Coming up. For maximum air flow. So, i breathe better. And we both sleep better. And stay married. wife saving for retirement was tough enough. husband and navigating markets can be challenging at times. Etter. Fisher Investments i understand. 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Scotts turf builder healthy plusim your inneray. Child. Get in. Listen, what you really need in life is some freakin torque. What . Horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. What happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance . How about you love and accept this . Pppppowershot when can i drive . You already are the dodge hornet r t. The totally torquedout crossover. The former president coming to facetoface with adult film actress, Stormy Daniels. Was a hush money . I was concerned for my family and their safety. She dealt with it well. She will not let her story be mischaracterized. Stormy daniels is a key witness in this trial. She spent eight hours on the stand. Her testimony is crucial to what happens next. We are joined by her lawyer. Thanks for being here. My pleasure. What did she get across as a key witness in this trial . She brought the genuineness, the openness and transparency and the ability to deal with the cross. And to go through the facts. Even if there were contradictions. She appeared very credible, genuine, and the jury got to see a person not experienced this and what happened to her. She related very well in the courtroom. We have seen different approaches throughout the trial. It is fair to say that Michael Cohen had a worse cross exam. He is a convict. Ms. Daniels is not in that same position. It was clear that her cross was not the worst moment. She did pretty well, its fair to say. They discuss with her, what about the hundred 30,000 . She said, the money did not matter to me. The whole thing is about money. And trumps attorney was able to say, if you did not know what his involvement was, we have learned that the money came out of a Michael Cohen loan, does any of that matter to the issue . How should people understand what she said there . What we hear about the need is the Access Hollywood tape. That was a defeated effort on trumps side of things. That was the motivation and that has been said. Stormy would not have known what was going on behind the scenes and she knew what was going on from her perspective. From her perspective, she thought that if this is documented and done in a way that if something happens to me, i will feel like i have reason protection that it is known about. That was her plan. To go public and review what happened. Documented in the form of a Disclosure Agreement or a payment of some money at least to document that. That is why she did. In the questioning, his lawyers suggested and argued that her work in her career makes her less than credible. Or somehow a questionable individual, i do not know if they will return to that in closing, did they cross the line there . The jury saw who she really was and why she dealt with in her life, she has had incredible success in the film industry. And she is involved in film. Apples flat. That was the narrative that he believed to take advantage of her. That she would not tell people or bring more women into his severe. What they are accusing her of now made her a target in my view. Clark, it is no secret to our viewers that this job has exposure and heat. Keith davidson testified in this trial, you represented her and were convicted of crimes related to the representation of her and is still in prison. Since you are here, we heard from his first jailhouse interview in some time. I want to give you the benefit of responding. He did say things about the history with your client. This is the wrong case at the wrong time. I think that the case is stale at this juncture. This had been represented to me that she had not attempted to extort donald trump in the campaign in the waning days of 2016. That they had come to her. I believed her when she told me that repeatedly. I came to learn in 2019 i was not true. He no longer represents her, your response . An interesting perspective of a guy that was convicted of extortion. To suggest it is an extortion case. In 2019 i began representing her and in March Of 2019 i was involved and had conversations that revealed that we knew that he had in forged her name and embezzled the money. He was not returning her phone calls for weeks. The idea that he came into the knowledge that she was doing something wrong fully is nonsense. Understood. You represent her now, we wanted to get you on that. Final question. Do you have more . The ability to reinvent himself is quite interesting. Fair enough. In closing, do you have any views of what you expect when the jury gets to the end of the case, what does this mean and whatever the result might be to ms. Daniels who has been through a lot. She has. Its hard to predict what the jurors think. When they get into the deliberative process, different results occur. It will be interesting to see the verdict. It will benefit the prosecution greatly to go last and explain the evidence in a way that is powerful and i do not believe that there is any doubt that the criminal acts occurred. Will the jury convict him . That is the issue. Understood. Thank you for your time. Thank you. We appreciate it. We have a response and we also have an interview with candace goodwin. Into th to actively repair acid weakened enamel. I recommend pronamel repair. With new pronamel Repair Mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. Are you still struggling with your bra . Its time for you to try knix. Makers of the worlds comfiest wireless bras. For revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a gcup, find your new favorite bra today at knix. Com i thought water would help with these dry spots. Thats lawn disease. But Scotts Healthy Plus will cure it lawn disease . Been going around. So like other people have it and its not. Pick up a bag of the new Scotts Turf Builder healthy plus lawn food today. Feed your lawn. Feed it. We are back with andrew weissmann. I just heard from Stormy Daniels lawyer there. Her first lawyer who did this deal was a witness. Her second lawyer was convicted of crimes related to dishonesty. Here is the third. Im curious about what you heard. Sure. One thing that is really striking with the clip that you played. We heard it from bob costello. I have always been taught as a lawyer, there is a continuing duty of loyalty to your client. You might not recommend them, you cannot just get on tv and besmirch them. There is something that is a lawyer, i was stunned. When you have a client, you have that obligation to them. He is representing her. Representing her interests and other lawyers should not be doing anything different. I was in court and the whole case here is that donald trump is accused of not wanting her story to come out. There was a Cross Examination of her and her testimony was not all that important to the case. This is if she was telling the truth or not, almost irrelevant. Because the issue is, did you want that story out there or not . David pecker and hope hicks has damaging information to give to the jury. In many ways, what you saw was a continuation of the reason that he did not want to do that and have the story come out and is adamant in trying to prove that this did not happen and did not want people to believe it. This is what the actual charge is. Finally, Stormy Daniels did a really good job in Cross Examination. Humanizing herself and making people understand who she is. She is wicked smart as the young kids say. Yeah. All of that is fair. For the jury getting this narrative, as you say, to hear from her as a person, that is important. The d. A. Was very clear, there was a doorman story that was very clearly in opening arguments, you will hear about other things they did that were false. If you will lie about this and his lawyers are presenting that story, we will hear from the witness herself. Andrew weissmann , thank you for being here. Glad to be here. Take care. We want that perspective on ms. Daniels perspective. Perspe. A oncedaily pill for moderate to severe Plaque Psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. Its like the feeling of finding youre so ready for your closeup. Or finding you dont have to hide your skin just your background. Oncedaily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. Dont take if youre allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. Sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. Serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. 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Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. What a Wonderful World [laughing] ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. We hear these words, unprecedented, consequential, whatever happens in the week ahead, they have rested the case of the first criminal trial of any former president. This is history. It has captured the nations attention and is reaching a massive audience as we live through history. This trial, while not televised, is being discussed and shared and broadcasted its own way through Digital Tools and social media today. We are nearing the end of the trump trial. This was the worst day in court for donald trump. I do not want to have to put you in jail. We do not give trump and his lawyers enough credit for the strategy they developed. What a loser. Donald trump does not testify. This is how millions of americans are learning of things that are happening. You and i might read the transcripts or follow on tv and listen to lawyers. A lot of people get it this way. Trump and his allies are trying to shape how people understand what is happening inside the trial and are arguing that the whole thing is a witchhunt or unfair. Polling shows that most Americans Trust juries. The jury system about whether we trust each other to follow these rules is more trusted than other aspects of the system. One third of Republican Voters say that if he is convicted in the next week or two, they will no longer be able to vote for him. As promised and promoted, Doris Goodwin is with us tonight. The unfinished love story, of the 1960s. I am glad to be here for this historic moment. I will start with the straightforward easy question. What do we need to keep in mind when we are living through history like this . Does it matter that many people who process the outcome of this trial go on to vote are learning about it in new mediums. Including the internet with all of its pros and cons. Will be really important is how the country regards whatever the jury decides. I love the idea that there is trust in the jury decisions. That is such an important thing. If the former president were to be convicted, and if people began to attack the jury system as we attacked after the election was lost, the Electoral System was attacked. Then i think the country will be in trouble. What we have to hope is that somehow we can educate the country as to what the jury means to have 12 citizens, if convicted on why we need to trust that as we have trusted enormous amount of our time. And the acceptance of the decision as it is. We have not accepted what happened in the election. If we were to have another distrust of another institution, the country is going to really be in trouble. It is up to the media to do what it can right now to describe what it means to have those 12 people come to that decision. That is the chapter that is ahead of us and is more important than the decision itself. The Justice System has its problems and we have covered them. It is supposed to be more independent, less political than the other branches, obviously. That has worked in some ways. The numbers that i have referred to, i want to do the comparison when you look at congress and the presidency, people have no confidence. That depends on the situation. The Supreme Court has fallen in the last five or 10 years and is seen not as a problem with the court, people think that the court has become too political. Now they are getting politician like numbers. Let me flip the question, if he is not convicted and so many people feel that they have seen the public evidence of a crime, what is important for people to consider on that side as well . You are right. Then, there might be an argument on the part of the people that are disappointed on the decision. The rule of law was not applied fairly because some people were in power. You do not trust the jury in that sense. We have to put our trust in the jury. One of the things that Abraham Lincoln said which is to be determined in the people who might not vote for the former president if convicted, lincoln said that public sentiment was more important than a law that is passed by congress. He meant if a sudden feeling develops in the country, not just Public Opinion and a sudden opinion developed there was nothing that would stop that from being undone. If the feeling is that this is the wrong thing that this president did and he should not be elected, that is one decision that will be made, it will be public sentiment and that will be the history about how this country is responding. If the institutions hold up. It is striking when you put it that way. There is this backstop. Because things have gone this intense with republican attacks on the rule of law itself. We need it more than ever. Doris goodwin, i want to mention your new book. It debuted on number one. People can find that wherever you get your books. We always love having doris on, it is a treat. We have been reporting from inside the courtroom, our whole team, the lawyers and anchors that you see, next week, we will be back there. I will be inside the war room to report on closing arguments, you can see what we share from that footage. Go for any of your favorite shows to find your extra coverage. Keep it locked here on msnbc. Efficiencies, and greater agility. marquis with a custom private 5g network. Our customers get what they want, when they want it. jen now were even smarter and ready for whats next. vo achieve enterprise intelligence. Its your vision, its your verizon. So, what are you thinking . Im thinking. speaking to self about our honeymoon. What about africa . Safari . 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