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Welcome to The Sunday Show. Im jonathan. We are following Breaking News out of iran. Earlier today, a helicopter carrying iranian president crash landed in a mountainous region in the countrys northwest north of order with azerbaijan. Irans for their Foreign Minister and other State Officials were also on board. According to media reports, rescuers have had a hard time reaching the crash site due to poor weather and heavy fog in the area. At this hour, there is still no word on the president s condition. However, rescuers have reportedly pinpointed the location of the downed chopper and made contact with two of the passengers. Joining me now, nbc news Correspondent Josh whose following developments on this story. Life for us in london, josh, whats the latest on the Rescue Efforts . Well, this is the early hours of the morning in iran and, jonathan, it is been nearly 12 hours since we believe that that plane went down and we still do not know i should say helicopter, not plane. The fate of the helicopter, the president or the Foreign Minister was also bored the helicopter as they were returning from a visit near the border with azerbaijan. As you mentioned, two people on the helicopter have made contact with the rescue authorities. That is according to irans Executive Vice Minister who is not actually said what he learned or what rescue officials learned from the individuals about the fate of the people who are on board. We know that dozens of Search And Rescue teams are looking for the helicopter. We learned recently they have pinpointed the location despite the intense fog, the bad weather that both was cited as a key reason for that helicopter going down and also has been complicated the search and Rescue Efforts over the past many hours, jonathan. Just to emphasize a point you made about it being in the middle of the night just for viewers, it is 1 32 a. M. In iran right now. One more question for you, josh, what is been the reaction from the iranian government and the International Community to what is happening there. Well, the iranian government has urged everyone to pray for the Foreign Minister, for the president , and others who were on board. That is certainly a cause for concern. Weve heard from the Supreme Leader, the key decisionmaker in iran. Who said that while he does want people to pray for their safe return, he is also urging calm telling everyone no matter what happens, the work of irans government will continue unabated. We are starting hear from other governments as Well Including president putins russia who says that russia is sending two planes along with helicopters and about the Search And Rescue individuals to help with the effort in iran. Of course, russia and iran are close partners. They have collaborated to Supply Weapons for russias war in ukraine and in the u. S. We have heard from Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer who says he was briefed by intelligence officials in the u. S. And so far according to them he says there are no signs of foul play, simply bad weather that led to a very unfortunate incident. All right. Nbc news is Josh Letterman coming to us live from monday. Thank you so much for that update, that report. Now lets turn to the executive Vice President at Quincy Institute and author of the book losing an enemy, obama, iran and the triumph of diplomacy. Its great to see you again. There is a lot we still dont know. Im just wondering, what would happen next if iranian authorities were to announce that president raisi died in the crash . If they announce tomorrow that he actually has been killed in that crash than the Vice President , the first Vice President will take over. Only then interim because they will be Holding Elections within the next 50 days. That will be a challenge. Elections have dropped dramatically the last couple of years. There were parliamentary elections just a week or so ago and the capital of tehran only 7 participated. This is largely because the population have lost faith that change really can come through the ballot box as long as hardliners do not allow candidates that are not in line with the hardliners to be able to stand for the election. It will be a very challenging task for them when it comes to Holding Elections that will have the population participate. This is interesting because im sitting here wondering, in the Power Structure of iran, who actually runs the country . Is it the president or is it Supreme Leader ali who has been in place since 1989 . So, ultimately, the power really lies with the Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader is not supreme in the sense that he can overrule Everyone Else in the system. Others do have powers as well. The presidency, on the normal circumstances, is quite a powerful position. But on raisi, i dont think it has yet. He has not made his mark. Its largely because he is in line with the Supreme Leader. Its not clear to what extent hes driving his own line or if hes acting on behalf of the Supreme Leader. The reason why his death nevertheless will be impactful is precisely because of the coming elections as well as the fact that he was a candidate. Perhaps even a leading candidate, to take over from the super and current Supreme Leader. Thats an important factor in all this. What is president raisis relationship, like, with the west . And the United States in particular . Well, under his president ship, again, its not driven by him by by the larger constructive grouping that he represents, the iranians have essentially given up on the idea that the west is willing to have a sustained relationship with iran. They dont believe the west is capable of having sustained sanctions for very long. As your member, donald trump did pull out of an agreement that no obama had negotiated. Instead, under his government, the shift their focus towards russia, towards china, but most importantly towards their neighbors and they really focused on improving their relationship with the immediate neighborhood. Well really deep prioritizing the United States in the west. One more question for you, we still dont know about the fate of president raisi but if you were to be declared dead, what impact might that have on tensions in the middle east . Well, one of the things i think would probably worry folks at the white house right now, there is no love lost for raisi, im sure but if this leads to a debilitating crisis in the Iranian Regime it could have a negative over Spillover Effect for the United States. Theyve held that some of these groups they are supporting as a result of indirect negotiations with the u. S. Theres been a bit of a truce. If theres a debilitating crisis within the Iranian Regime, perhaps their control over these groups will suffer. Perhaps discipline of these groups will deteriorate and meet may actually see a renewed attack against u. S. Troops in the region. Thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show and giving us a primer on the iranian government structure and its role in the region. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. We will continue to monitor the Helicopter Search in iran and bring you any updates when we get them. Coming up, Speaker Mike Johnson is as dangerous to democracy as donald trump and i will talk about why with vermont congressman, becca, member of the house budget and judiciary committees. Plus, reaction to President Biden speech earlier today. What he said and how the campus reaction at a time of pro palestinian protest on campuses nationwide. Dont go anywhere. You are watching The Sunday Show. Show. What straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space . 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As trumps hush money alleged Interference Trial in your continues, a parade of maga minions has fought to his side. The Rotating Door of loyalists has include Top Republican lawmakers and vp wannabes like florida senator rick scott and north dakota governor doug. But the most striking and most powerful visitor was the man who was second in line to the presidency, house Speaker Mike Johnson. Yes. The very same mike johnson who touts himself as a, quote, Bible Believing Christian who has advised all of us to read the bible to understand his worldview. Apparently, his religious ethics take a dramatic back seat when it comes to trump who is on trial for allegedly having a dalliance with the star he allegedly paid off in return for her silence. On tuesday outside the manhattan courthouse the speaker fiercely defended the disgraced four times indicted on 88 counts former president parroting lies and attacking our Justice System in the process. I called President Trump and told him i wanted to be here myself to call out what is a travesty of justice. The people are losing faith right now in this country. In our institutions. They are losing faith in our system of justice. The judicial system in our country has been weapon not against President Trump. The system is using all of the tools at its disposable disposal right now to punish one president and provide cover for another. What makes this especially galling is that Speaker Johnsons Criminal Court came just 11 days after House Democrats saved his job. It is safe to say they are not happy about it. One senior democratic member told actos, quote, inserting himself into the president s criminal trial, it is unprecedented for speaker of the house of representatives. But no one should be shocked by Speaker Johnsons manhattan sidewalk musings. In fact, they provide the perfect opportunity to remind everyone of an increasingly undeniable fact. As much as we discuss how much of a threat trump poses to our democracy, Speaker Johnson who trump has dubbed maga mike is just as dangerous. People close to johnson told david of the new yorker that the speakers, quote, deference to trump is not what should most scare liberals, rather, its a johnsons slickness. The way he doggedly masks his hard right agenda behind his soft exterior. And if past is prologue, we can already guess how far he plans to take that hard right agenda. Speaker johnson was the key architect behind his partys objectives to certifying the 2020 Election Results. Speaker johnson has championed legislation to ban abortion nationwide. Speaker johnson has said that the Separation Of Church And State is a, quote, misnomer. And Speaker Johnson has attacked the Lgbtq Plus Community and has called same sex marriage, quote, a dark harbinger of chaos. So, do not let his mildmannered Golly Gee Will occurs demeanor fool you. As the new yorker points out, Conservative Activists David whose known Speaker Johnson for decades use an old cowboy axiom to describe him. He will make you smile before he hits you in the mouth so that you wont bloody your lips when he breaks her teeth. Joining me now, democratic congresswoman becca of vermont. Member of the house budget and judiciary committees. Welcome back to the sun show. In your action to Speaker Johnson, not only defending trump at his criminal trial but also attacking the criminal Justice System. Oh, it is disgusting, jonathan. We should not be surprised but i think we all imagine that there will be eventually some bottom, clearly, we are wrong every time. They just go lower and lower. As he said, you know, it is shocking to have the speaker of the house going down to the courthouse of manhattan to interfere with a criminal trial , one that is involving Election Interference, as you said. Yes, it is a Porn Star Hush Money Trial but it is also Election Interference and to see him there reminds all of us that really he is not standing for democracy. He is not standing for the American People. He is standing for one man. This should scare all of us. He is one of the many apologists and enablers that i served with in congress right now and you are right. He is dangerous. Now, you voted to table congresswoman Marjorie Taylor grains motion to vacate Speaker Johnson from the chair earlier this month but after you voted to save him, he went ahead to push messaging bills meant to drive wedges among democrats and jam them up with voters including the bill to rebuke President Biden for pausing and arm shipment to israel. If Speaker Johnson faces another effort to oust him from the position, should he expect your help, democrats help to save him again . No, he should not expect that. The problem that we have, jonathan, i think you know, is that there is nobody else in the wings within the republican conference who currently has the votes to get elected. The republicans are not willing to enter into a powersharing agreement. What does that mean . It means another few weeks of utter chaos and dysfunction. We have real legislation to pass and we have already wasted so much time this session. Not just with chaos and dysfunction, but with ridiculous bills like freedom for refrigerators. Those kinds of things. And we, i think, stood strongly against the motion to vacate specifically too because it involved Marjorie Taylor greene, who is a Conflict Entrepreneur and there are never any consequences for her behavior. We saw that certainly this week again. For me, my vote to table was a rebuke of Marjorie Taylor greene and the lengths to which she goes to disrupt the work that were doing or trying to do on behalf of the American People. This is a woman who has brought pornography into her committee. She screams at the president from the well of the house. She Wears Campaign materials into the chamber. All violations of house rules. What does johnson do . Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, we should expect that if it comes to another vote to see if we will continue with him as speaker, he will not have my support. You know, David Kirkpatrick of the new yorker asked Speaker Johnson how he would respond if trump contested the 2024 Election Results and whether he would again urge republicans to reject electors if he deemed the states voting process constantly to shelley effective. He replied that he would, quote, follow the constitution. As kirkpatrick points out in the piece, following the constitution, it really depends on what the speaker supports. So, do you believe him . Do believe Speaker Johnson when he says he will follow the constitution when it comes to legitimacy of the 2024 election . It is certainly very hard to believe him given that he also says that he follows the bible and the teachings of, you know, his savior as he has said, jesus christ. The fact that he made that a cornerstone, not just of his speech when he became speaker, but we have had to listen to his preaching on other occasions. So, no, it is very difficult to believe somebody who is showing up at election Interference Trial that involves a porn star and hush money, how could we possibly believe him and take him at his word. It is, as i said, absolutely frightening to serve alongside these apologists and enablers who clearly, clearly, are not there to work on behalf of the American People. They are there to serve one man and that is the former president donald trump. We have seen this before. This is incredibly dangerous. Well, and, this is my last question for you, congresswoman, but he gets to what you were just saying because Speaker Johnson also told kirkpatrick of the new yorker that a second trump term would be like the first but, quote, on turbo adding, quote, i think we are going to be right off to the races. And therein lies the danger, right . Johnson would be a trump enabler and would use trump to further his own far right goals. Absolutely. And, so, as a american myself, this deeply frightens me. It frightens me for all the women across this country who are demanding the reproductive rights back. For all the people on the margins. This is not somebody that we can trust to follow the constitution or, frankly, to follow his own socalled morality. Congresswoman becca balint, as a gay american, im right there with you, sister. Thanks for having me. Becca balint of vermont. Thanks as always for coming to The Sunday Show. Appreciated. Up next, President Biden appeals to the young black vote during his speech at Morehouse College today. The reaction to what he said and the potential impact on his reelection campaign. Stay with us. Stay with us. Like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. Magic. New ultra foamy magic eraser. Engineered to minimize noise. And built for adventure. Which can also be your own quiet cabin in the woods. The fully electric q8 etron. An electric vehicle that recharges you. How we get there matters. Higher shipping rates may be the cost of doing business. but at what cost . Turn shipping to your advantage. With low cost ground shipping from the United States postal service. My daughter and i finally had that conversation. Oh, no, not about that. About what comes next in life. For her. I may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. 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Well, thats my commitment to you. To show you, democracy, democracy democracy is stolen away. Black men are being killed in the streets. We bear witness. For me, that means to call the poison of white supremacy. Throwdown systemic racism. While his morehouse address was not a campaign event, biden used his time to tout with his administration has done for africanamericans. Immediately following his speech, the president flew to detroit where he stopped to talk to voters ahead of his speech tonight at the naacp fight for Freedom Fund Dinner which is a campaign events. Whether before the graduates, alumni and graduates or at events in michigan the president is making it clear that in the face of polling that shows Support Softening on africanamericans, he knows black voters will be key to his prospects for reelection. Joining me now, jennings, chair of the Young Democrats of georgia black caucus and anthony, former director of the office of Public Affairs and Senior Adviser to attorney general merrick garland. Hes also an msnbc justice and Legal Affairs analyst and, most importantly, a proud morehouse graduate. Thank you both very much for coming to The Sunday Show. What did you think of President Bidens address today . I thought the speech was everything i wanted it to be. I think he stood 10 toes on a lot of points that i felt like he needs to be fitting. Of course, we want to keep the main focus on the graduates as people were saying before but i think it is important for us as the black community to be aware of all the things that he has done and the biggest thing is how much money has been going to hbc you. I think he caught the moment in my opinion. Anthony, how do you think the president did especially given that his appearance was opposed by Faculty Members and students . I agree, i think joe biden met the moment. He appropriately kept his remarks focused on the students , rightly weaving in a bit more of his personal narrative and explaining how his administration is positively impacting peoples lives. Now, bobbys protest, jonathan, ahead. Go there. So, ive never been to one to believe that joe biden would face widespread protest at Morehouse College. Two reasons. Number one, covid. These young men graduated from high school when covid was raging. They never had a formal graduation and the pump and the circumstance that goes along with it. The second tell is that there were never any permanent encampments, protesting what the crisis that is happening in gaza. To be clear, that does not mean that students did not care and dont care deeply about it because i believe they do. It suggests to me that they also had other pressing priorities like making their own financial ends meet. Jonathan, i will tell you, like, when i was at morehouse, like, most of my colleagues there, we had other jobs while we were taking full loads. I remember one time i had three jobs one semester because i needed to send money home so that my folks could keep the lights on. And that type of a nuance and context, that is what was missing in this debate. Not to mention really the overlay of what the president has done on Student Loan Debt reduction. That is transformative for these young people. I mean, you want to talk about closing the racial wealth gap . I mean, there there there you would be hardpressed to find any Policy Announcement that would do that. Right. When he talked about Student Loan Debt relief he got applause. Applause for that. The Morehouse Valedictorian used his address to call for a ceasefire in gaza. Listen. It is my stance as a morehouse man, nay, as a human being, to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the gaza strip. And then the president used his speech to reiterate his call for an immediate cease fire and also recognize the protest. Listen. In a democracy, we debate dissent about americas role in the world. I want to say this very clearly, i support peaceful nonviolent protest. Your voices should be heard. And i promise you, i hear them. It is a humanitarian crisis in gaza. That is why i have called for an immediate ceasefire. An immediate ceasefire. Stop the fighting. Bring the hostages home. Now, this is a vitally important issue but i do wonder, does the Israel Hamas War resonate with black voters . Is a concern number one, two, or three . I think right now it is concern number one. It is a hot topic issue right now. I do feel like going back to the Commencement Speech and the valedictorian, shot out to him. I think you did an amazing job. He did exactly what he was supposed to do by acknowledging his family, shot out to his brother, his nieces and nephews, and he used his platform for what i believe what the president also stood on and said that that is what democracy is all about. It is a number one issue but i would like for black people to also realize that there are some issues at home that really need attention just like palestine. Anthony, this is probably perhaps my favorite moment, one of my favorite moments in the president s speech. He references Vice President harris during his address. Watch this. Well, i have no idea, no doubt, the Morehouse Men will be president one day just after an a. K. A. From howard. And so, for me, that was all kinds of hot because i think he did several things. With that comment. He basically said, Vice President harris is going to run for president in his mind in 2028 but he also acknowledged that she also went to an hbcu. She went to howard. She was a member of a. K. A. , one of the divine nine. Right. We just saw the president having fun and i hope we see a little bit more of that president over the next six months. You know, not the button up joe biden but the joe biden who is just riffing and having fun. Whats clear for me is that there was a lot of love, not just for this president on this campus but for this Vice President. What was notable to me, that was your favorite moment, my favorite moment was at the end when there were chants of four more years. For this president , and this Vice President. Interesting. Very interesting. I like this combination. We are going to have to have this conversation again because im just going to be perfectly honest, im so tired of the stories they keep saying that donald trump is running away with the black vote in the Blackmail Vote because that aint ever going to happen. Anthony, devante, thank you very much. Anthony is going to stick around to be in the sound off. Coming up, donald trump cyst or criminal trial in new york could be in the hands of a jury by the end of the week. But first, his lawyers will resume Cross Examination of his former fixer, michael tomorrow. Msnbc legal analyst glenn joins me next to tell us we what we can expect. Expect. Ou e europe on a viking longship, youll spend less time getting there and more time being there. Viking. Exploring the world in comfort. vo if you have graves disease. And itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. People with graves could also get thyroid eye disease, or ted, which may need a different doctor. Find a ted Eye Specialist at isitted. Com. [coughing] copd isnt pretty. Im out of breath, and often out of the picture. But this is my story. and with oncedaily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. Because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flareups. 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They have already said he will be there last witness and with trump all but certain not to testify, jurors could begin deliberations by the end of the week. Joining me now, glenn, former federal prosecutor and a msnbc legal analyst. Glenn, thank you as always for coming to The Sunday Show. Do you expect the prosecution tomorrow took tried to clean up the damage created by the Cross Examination of Michael Cohen . Oh, yes, they will careen up clean up any answers that need to be addressed. They will try to box the witnesses into answering yes or no when we all know in our common experiences sometimes you can answer question fully and accurately with a yes or no answer. So, this is where Michael Cohen will have the opportunity to explain his answers and i think the prosecutors will certainly, you know, redirect him in a way that makes clear. You know, mr. Cohen, you lied a bunch previously. Yes, i did. And you admitted you allied a bunch previously. Correct. Yes. Including under oath. Thats true. Now, who are you telling those lies for . For whose benefit . Well, for donald trump. And how did it work out for you . Not so well. I went to prison. Now, you said you want to see donald trump be held accountable for his crimes. Yes. Well, do you think he is more likely to be held accountable for his crimes if you tell this jury Nothing But The Truth or if you tell them a whole bunch of lies the way you tried to do before congress . And i think Michael Cohen will likely answer if i tell the jury just the truth and then the prosecutors last, and is that what you have been trying to do over the course of the 15 hours that you testified before this jury . Yes, sir, thats what i tried to do. They will clean him up. They will make clear that even though he lied in the past to help donald trump and went to prison for it, he is not looking to go to prison again. He is telling the truth and i think the jurors will see that. Do you think the evidence against trump that prosecutors laid out is Strong Enough to convict in spite of the stumbles we are talking about . I do. You know, Michael Cohen was corroborated before he hit the stand with Witness Testimony like of david pecker and hope hicks and Stormy Daniels and Keith Davidson and with lots and lots of hard evidence, documentation, phone records, text messages, most ledger entries and checks that were written and signed by donald trump on his personal checking account. There is no reason for donald trump to have been reimbursing Michael Cohen of Michael Cohen had not mean the Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels as donald trump approved of and directed in order to bury deeply damaging information so donald trump had a better shot at winning the election which is what makes this a Campaign Finance series of crimes. I think the evidence is fairly strong. Do you think the defense will call any witnesses or even present their own case . I dont. You know, ordinarily Defense Attorneys will say will call 50 witnesses and when push comes to shove the call one or two or perhaps none. I do think it is instructive that the prosecutors have decided to end on Michael Cohen. What i can tell you, jonathan, when i was prosecuting we wanted to start strong but more importantly we wanted to finish strong in the prosecutors obviously think Michael Cohen helped carry the day and that is why they are stopping on his testimony. I dont think we will see much by way of a defense from donald trump and then they will go into Closing Arguments and the jury could have this case as early as midweek. You just anticipated question three and question four with that last answer. So, how long do Closing Arguments usually take . You know, usually couple of hours. Two, three hours, depending on the length of the trial, i dont think the prosecutors will want to overstay their welcome. They will want to put all the pieces of the puzzle together because the jury has been hearing bits and pieces, not necessarily in chronological order, they will assemble that puzzle verbally for the jury. They will show a picture that has emerged in that picture is that donald trump falsified Business Records to gain unfair advantage in a president ial election. Really quick, if the jury gets his case, if it goes to the jury for deliberation by midweek, as you say, should we be on guard for a decision by thursday or friday . I asked that question because next friday will be Memorial Day Weekend friday. One holidays are coming up or even when weekends are coming up, i think jurors feel this urge to try to decide the case so they can leave the courthouse permanently. Let me tell you, jonathan, ive had juries deliberate for 30 minutes in a trial that took me two or three weeks to try. Ive had them deliberate for a month albeit in a lengthier trial. All bets are off once it gets into the hands of the jury with respect to the timing that we can expect to see a verdict delivered. Glenn, always great to see you. Thank you very much for coming back to The Sunday Show. Up next, its time to sound off with my Political Panel get their reactions to the latest news including Trump Lashing out at President Biden with a tirade of baseless alley allegations. Well, thats no surprise. At an Nra Convention, dont go anywhere. You are watching The Sunday Show. Y show. Ps. Their four point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. So, i breathe better. And we both sleep better. And stay married. Oooh i cant wait for this Family Getaway shingles doesnt care. Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. Ahhh, theres nothing like a day out with friends. Thats nice, but shingles doesnt care 99 of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. 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Joining me now, jennifer rubin, msnbc political analyst, opinion writer at the Washington Post and author writer of resistance, how women save democracy from donald trump and anthony is back with me im not going to waste any of our six minutes talking about what he just said. Im going to talk about congressman Byron Donalds of florida. On sunday morning futures, you know youre in trouble when you are being corrected by maria. Watch this. You could tell the joe biden comes in. Hes jacked up and as the hour goes by, he slowly winds down. The American People need to understand if they are giving him some injection so he can actually look like he is coherent and with us because the other parts at a time i want to say, look, these are serious charges that he is jacked up. We are not doctors. We have no idea. Jennifer, come on. Yes, this is a new republican thing because biden did so well at the State Of The Union they have to make up a story which is that hes jacked up. It is also becoming the excuse that donald trump will use, i suspect, to get out of the debates because now he wants people yes, so, thats not happening and donald trump is just playing chicken. He knows he cant hold it together for a full 90 minutes or two hours so is looking for excuses. Let me say this, we just saw the morehouse commencement. This is supposed to be the day when we are celebrating blackmail excellence and you have to go play this clip of im sorry. Come on, man. My hope ears that this guy reassesses the image that he is putting out into the world and that when he makes political attacks as he tries to climb this conservative latter that he does so in a way that is honest and is authentic and is rooted in truth without debasing himself. For a minute i thought you were talking about trump. Oh, you just dragged byron donald. Right. Well, lets talk about another look, this is neither blackmail nor excellence, this is senator marco rubio on meet the press. Just listen. Listen to the question that Kristen Welker asks him and then listen to his answer. Will you accept the Election Results of 2024 no matter what happens, senator . No matter what happens . No, if its in on their election. Senator, no matter who wins. You are asking the wrong person. The democrats are the ones whove opposed every republican victory. Every single one. No democrat has refused to concede. Hillary clinton said the election was stolen from her. Hillary clinton conceded the race which is what Kristen Welker pushed back on. We cannot play you the entire back and forth. Jennifer, is he auditioning for Vice President . Is that why this why he looks so ridiculous . Yes. Im old enough to remember when he was a serious person. When he was in favor of immigration, when he wanted to be an alternative to trumpet remember . He ran against him. This is just pathetic. I think he has lost all self respect. Hes groveling. When they do this, they betray their own oath. They take an oath to the constitution and part of that constitution is you will accept and support the peaceful transfer of power. They are setting up another january 6. He should be ashamed of himself, although he has no shame. More portly, the constituents of florida in the United States and more generally should listen to these people. They are incapable of fulfilling their oaths of office. You know, anthony, one of the things in an interview that the president did, i care for who he did it with but he asked, you know, are you concerned about whether trump is going to accept the Election Results and the president said flat out, oh, he is not going to accept the results. As gary as his response was, it actually comforted me because it told me the president sees what is coming. Thats mean his as ministration sees what is coming which means his Campaign Sees what is coming and, so, we are about to go through but at least everybodys eyes are open. Thats right. Jennifer hit the nail on the head. Planting the seeds right now the contest this election. The other thing that he said that actually ticked me off a little bit, he said that democrats had opposed every election since 2000. We talked about hillary clinton. I worked on the campaign from the Iowa Caucuses through the florida recount and on december 13th, 2000, the u. S. Supreme court Down The Street shut it down, right . I didnt like it. Al gore didnt like it and millions of our supporters didnt like it. Al gore excepted the results of the election and he moved on. Thats what all these people need to do, even if you dont like it, it does not give you license to try to burn everything down. Thats what they are still trying to do. And Vice President Concession Speech is one of the best speeches he has ever given and one of the best political speeches in american history. Governor westmore was on meet the press today and listen to what he had to say about now the republican nominee for senate from maryland. This is a person who when roe v. Wade fell, under his watch, when he was governor, he veto legislation to increase privacy for women. He veto legislation that increased Abortion Protections for women and i think people are starting to be able to notice that what he is saying now is not just disingenuous, but, frankly, it is the same type of a problem with politics that he rails on. He is actually the prime example of what people are so frustrated about. That is governor wes more talking about former governor larry hogan the republican candidate for senate was now changing his stance on abortion saying now he is prochoice. This does not surprise me. The day of reckoning has come. He is actually republican and the people of maryland were overwhelmingly democratic, overwhelmingly prochoice, are going to hear a lot about that. Thank goodness the people of maryland selected angela who is a very articulate, very smart, very smartly feisty, extremely valiant on the issue of choice. She is not going to let the people of maryland forget who is in favor of choice and he was just blowing with the wind. And she did that last sunday. She was on The Sunday Show and i told her afterwards, like, i think youre going to win and she won. Listen, i like larry hogan. Hes a good dude. I would not volk vote for larry over angela up for everything you just said. Black women have been the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades and it would be really nice to have more than one black woman in the United States senate at a time. Anthony, jennifer, thank you both very much for coming to The Sunday Show. And we are going to have more of The Sunday Show after the break right here on msnbc. To online crime are 1 in 4. You need aura. You, your family all protected from scary online stuff. 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A symbol of solidarity for trump found hanging on the home of a Supreme Court justice after the last election. What can be done

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