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Or maybe republicans learned that its possible to get away with trying to subvert the will of the people which makes their apparent willingness to try it again this november all the more frightening. After all, as the saying goes, a failed coup is just practice. Joining me now democratic Congressman Conley of virginia is a member of the House Foreign Affairs committee and the house account ability committee. Welcome back. What does it mean to have a former president and Presumptive Republican nominee and his allies refused to commit to accept the 2024 president ial election . I think its a dagger at the heart of american democracy. This is truly a critical moment for americans who love their country. We have an absolute demigod will stop at nothing to try to get back in the white house with lots of enablers among republican ranks in congress and throughout the country. Americans have to understand the imminent threat he and that rhetoric represent. Do you have any worry about the possibility of another january 6th style insurrection on January 6th 2025 . Unfortunately, a number of republicans in the congress after january 6th characterized it asked tourists who just got excited minimizing and normalizing violence. Trump has never made any secret in his rallies and in his statements that there is a subtext of violence that is permissible, at least under his banner. So i think that is another part of the danger we face that he is clearly setting the ground for more violence, more insurrection and he gets to decide when and where and why. President biden has already said he expects or doesnt expect trump to accept the Election Results in november if he loses so what is congress doing to prepare for that possibility . I know youre technically in the minority as a democrat what kind of discussions our members having about this if any . We did pass one piece of legislation to clarify the role of the ceremonial event after the election and the role of the Vice President but that alone is not going to necessarily stop people from challenging the results. We have seen that when he says it has to be fair and his accolades say that, who gets to decide whats fair . For example they challenged Election Results in over 60 federal courts, they lost every single challenge. I would call that a pretty strong judgment that was rendered by the federal judiciary that the election was fair and that joe biden was clearly elected placement. They still do not accept it. I think its a real warning sign that No Matter What, unless he wins, they are not going to accept the results of the forthcoming election. Let me get you on one more thing. On thursday the fbi warned that china, russia and iran are among the foreign adversaries who are increasing their efforts to influence the november election with the use of artificial intelligence, are we as a nation ready for what could be unleashed on us on the american electorate . I hope so but i look back at the election of 2016 and there was clear russian influence got directly in the Trump Campaign and in social media. Theyve only gotten better at it. We have had prominent republicans in Congress Like the chairman of the Intelligence Committee in the House Foreign Affairs committee actually saying they have colleagues in the Republican Caucus who are russian thoughts and taking rushing russian material and mainstreaming in the United States through social media. That is a very troublesome development. One of the members of congress doing that is Marjorie Taylor greene of georgia but we dont have time to talk about her right now. Thank you very much. Thank you for coming to The Sunday Show. Joining me now to continue this conversation is a History Professor from New York University and author of strongman, mussolini to the present. Thank you very much. As is her way Hillary Clinton was blunt in her assessment during appearance on morning joe on thursday. Maybe this would be our last election because someone who will not accept the validity of an election is someone who does not believe in elections. He believes in his own power, his own right to power and his demand that he be installed regardless of whether he gets the votes are not. You wrote that if trump wends it will be worse than you can imagine and a National Security disaster. The aim is to destroy america to the benefit of autocrats around the world. Elaborate on why you and secretary clinton are rightfully alarmed . This is somebody who already tried to stay in office illegally with a violent coup attempt and is still running around which is very unusual in the international pantheon, usually people who do what trump did are in jail or forced into exile. The other thing that is notable is every time he and his enablers say they might not accept the election where they use this word Election Integrity which means how do i fix elections so i can stay in power get to power, thats what that means for them, they are habituating the American Public to accept the idea that he might have to do something extraordinary or even violence to deal with the situation. This has been going on a long time. One of his biggest enablers and loyalist, matt gates showed up at the Iowa State Fair last summer and he actually said, only through force will we bring change to a corrupt town like washington, d. C. They are playing not only with the idea that the election, we cant accept it because it might not be fair, probably wont be fair but also that we have to use violence to change history for the better and we are freedom and biden is a tyrant. That gets to what Congressman Conley said to our interview we talked about the subtext of violence that is permissible and that he donald trump decides what level of violence is permissible which makes this whole situation extremely dangerous as you well know. Why are some republicans falling in line with trump on the predenial of Election Results and his dangerous rhetoric. Im just wondering is it their own desire of power or are they afraid to denounce him . Its a combination of both. When you have a party thats enthralled to a cult leader and somebody who is very dangerous, that is coming out in evidence of his criminal trial, they all know exactly how dangerous he is. How he could, theres been repercussions for anybody who crosses them who doesnt fall in line, longago jeff sessions, a long line of these people. They have learned that its best to repeat talking points so now we have Election Integrity, you will hear about that and he also will test them in public. He humiliates them to see how much they will submit to him. He said to tim scott and Lindsey Graham. They are kind of conditioned by him now. This is been going on a long time to be the authoritarian puppet. Its a sad situation for our country. As frightening as all of this is, we as americans are powerless here. Are we . No, absolutely not. My mantras is never under estimate the american people. This comes from studying what people have done in the past when they have had their rights taken away and they found a way to get them back. We are in a situation, we can still stop this and mobilize and talk to people who are perhaps in the maga world and tell them what the outcomes will be because as i tweeted, its always worse than you think and more people will be affected than anybody can imagine. Talk to folks in the maga world and hopefully they will see the danger but the other thing folks can do is vote and vote as if democracy depends on it because it does. Ruth, thank you so much for coming to The Sunday Show. Coming up in less than 24 hours, Donald Trumps former fixer, Michael Cohen will take the stand and whats expected to be days of explosive testimony. He once said he would take a bullet for trump but now he is a main witness in a criminal case against him. The critical democratic primary and maryland on tuesday that could have an impact on the Balance Of Power in the United States senate. One of the candidates joined us next. You are watching The Sunday Show on msnbc. 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Upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have toptier talent and everything from pr to Project Management because this is how we work now. And theyre all coming . Those who are still from pr with us, yes. Nagement grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Im concerned, im a little apprehensive. Tomorrow Michael Cohen is said to testify in the criminal trial it will be pivotal to the Prosecution Effort to tie his former boss to alleged Hush Money Election Interference crimes trump has denied the charges even slamming Michael Cohen as a convicted liar. Hes not wrong but Michael Cohen said he lied to congress on trumps behalf. The former fixer has already helped defeat the former president and another trial. He testified in the Civil Fraud Case that resulted in a 454 million judgment against judgment. The judge writing in his final ruling that the factfinder does not believe pleading guilty to perjury means you can never tell the truth. Michael cohen told the truth. Tomorrows testimony will be an even more crucial testimony for credibility. Reporting that he will be on the stand for at least a couple days and that the prosecution has been preparing him for this moment for a year. Former federal prosecutor joining me now, a Senior Writer for politico now. Welcome back to The Sunday Show. Michael cohen has downplayed his role calling himself a narrator rather than a star witness. He is a star witness, he is a central component have the governments case at this point lets just assume for purposes of our discussion that they are prepared to conclude that the records were falsified, the payment records were falsified, in order to convict trump you need to conclude that the falsification was intended to aid or conceal a crime. Thus far there has only been light circumstantial evidence that i think would satisfy that element. Cohen could provide potentially direct evidence about what trump was told about why the records were falsified in the manner they were and what the purpose was. We havent heard any of that in the course of the trial. That will be crucial to obtaining a conviction. The effective it may have been to conceal a crime, it has to be intent, beyond a reasonable doubt. But he has to put that in his head. Could we see new evidence come out from Michael Collins testimony . I think its likely we will hear him describe conversations between him and donald trump about the records, even in the indictments there are references to conversations that are very abbreviated. Expectation is we will hear about this conversations in more detail. Meaning red or there could be audio that is played in trial or recording . It is possible, i guess it will just be cohen testifying because Michael Cohen has no shame about sharing cordio. Recordings. Michael cohen keeps saying he lied on Donald Trumps behalf, that was only true with his lies to congress. He lies to the justice department, the irs, thanks, none of that was for trump, it was all for him. After the Court Decision you read, was favorable to cohen, a couple months later a federal judge concluded he perjured himself so the whole story of Michael Cohens credibility and history is more complicated than people have the ability to process. Given what you just said, if you are on the Prosecution Team call right now, how worried would you be about his testimony tomorrow . Or this coming week . Not so much worried about tomorrow because the first day or two, presumably will put him on and have had a plan worked out but the cross that will be the problem. I dont know, anybody who has seen Michael Cohen on television, this is not a man terribly composed or as cognitively fluent as he would like to believe he is. I dont have a nicer way to say it. He could easily be taken apart during crossexamination and if he blows up and starts railing against whoever and going off the cuff because he will be up there for hours. Potentially days on cross. Can he hold it together . I dont know. He does not seem to have a lot of selfcontrol. Most of the key witnesses have already dumped on him before this. I was going to ask about him doing prolific in the podcast. All terrible ideas for a witness. Spike im going to skip that. Lets get to the former Trump Organization cfo who allegedly is part of this whole scheme, the judge mentioned him as a potential witness, neither the prosecution nor the defense wants him to appear as a witness , im going to read this from the daily beast. Is a beautiful description because nobody knows what a pest off old man suffering in jail for the Second Time Around after once again taking the fall for his boss might say. He is a loaded gun and he can point in either direction. By with the judge want him to take the stand . I am equally confused by this. Im sure its happened before but ive personally never seen this happen or hurt this happen where neither side has asked for this witness to attend. I dont even know why he would think the government would want to call him. They just have him plead out to perjury so why would they believe anything he has to say or why would they sponsor him as a witness in front of the jury when they dont believe he is credible . Trumps lawyers dont want him there either so i dont know what this is about. Could the judge forced him, forced weisselberg to come testify . Its a good question. I dont think so, neither side has subpoenaed him. I think you would have to be there voluntarily in some sense. Its a very strange thing. Im very curious to see how it unfolds. We will see about weisselberg in the next few days but all eyes are on Michael Cohen for the next few days. You very much for coming back to The Sunday Show. Tight primary race were a senate seat in maryland on tuesday could be one of the most expensive primary contests ever. Democratic candidate angela joins me live to discuss what she thinks she can win next week and in november when control of the senate will be at stake. St. my name is jaxon, and i have spastic cerebral palsy. Its a mouthful. One of the harder things is the Little Things that i need help with getting dressed, brushing your teeth, being able to go out with your friends by yourself. Those are hard because you dont want help, but you need it. Children like jaxon need continued support for the rest of their lives. Whoa, whoa, whoa. And you can help. Please join easterseals right now, with your monthly gift. Im almost there. 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The mercedesmaybach eqs suv. With six months until election day super close president ial race isnt the only concern for democrats, control of the United States senate is up for grabs. Democrats currently hold a 51 to 49 Seat Majority and will have to defend 22 seat, at least eight of which are shaping up to be competitive races. One of marilyns senate seats is on the line. Right now rinse georges County Executive, angela is locked in a fierce Democratic Battle With Millionaire Congressman Daniel Tron that will be decided on tuesday. He has already spent 61 million of his own money on his campaign. Making this one of the most expensive primaries in history. Meanwhile she has received endorsements from emilys list, the Washington Post and much of the states Political Establishment including governor westmore, and several u. S. Senators. Whoever wins the democratic primary on tuesday will likely face republican larry hogan, the states popular, former two term governor. Joining me now is rinse georges County Executive angela alsobrooks. Thank you for coming to The Sunday Show. Inc. You for having me. Early polls showed you in an Uphill Battle and he has outspent you 10 to 1. Can you overcome those challenges . What makes you think you can . What we know now as a result of an external poll, an independent poll released last week shows after spending 62 million trying to buy this race, i have now not only past my opponent in the polls, we are on course to win the race on tuesday. This Grassroots Coalition that we have built across the state has really locked in. Its a very exciting race and people are responding to both the message as well as my record. The message is about every day hardworking people. The families who are concerned in this moment about economic opportunity. The fact that all of our families want the same thing, to afford the cost of living and to live in safe and Affordable Homes and to be able to really have a womans right to choose. I have an 18yearold daughter and today on mothers day i think about the privacy and freedom we want for our daughters, we want them to have more right, not fewer rights than we have. These are some of the messages resonating right now. The messages ive been talking about with voters. Congressman trone insists that you are not the right candidate to beat larry hogan who is the likely republican candidate. He is a twoterm governor and was term limited out, a republican and blue marilyn and he was very popular. Here is what he told Washington Post. Every poll thats been out there got my opponent loses, every single pole. Ive been even and a head on multiple poles and i dont need the financing to beat larry hogan, i have the resources to beat larry hogan and a matchup across the board against larry hogan. The question there is can you beat larry hogan . He was wrong, it appears the independent poll that came out last week shows i am not only eating the congressman but im also beating larry hogan by double digits in a matchup in a general election so it shows that the voters again are really leaning in, what theyre interested in hearing is about a positive vision, one that shows us where we can go, this race is about the future and the kind of maryland we want to build the kind of country we want to build. This Grassroots Coalition we have built based on the issues that we share is one that will help us defeat larry hogan in the fall and it will also help us defeat my opponent on tuesday. If you are the democratic nominee, how hard are you going to try to tie him to the republican nominee for president . If i am successful, larry hogan is a republican and a party that is led by donald trump, he was invited into this race by Mitch Mcconnell who said this was the get of the year, larry hogan also has a very clear record that shows him to be antichoice, hes a person who is not been supportive of paid and family medical leave, it is the opposite of the average maryland her. He is going to vote with the Republican Caucus, no doubt about it. The Supreme Court is on the line, choice is on the line, there are so many issues that are of concern to not only marylanders but americans and this is an important race. Let me get you on one more thing. If you win the primary and go on to win the general election in november, you would become the first black person elected to represent maryland in the United States senate, you would also only be the fourth black woman to serve in the senate. What would that mean to you . It is an honor for me to have an opportunity because i realize how much was done before i got here. I think of Shirley Cheese Him and Sherry Beasley who ran a north carolina. This is what i know also. Every person deserves to see him or herself in the senate, every race, every gender, every background. I believe it makes our policy stronger and our country stronger and its so important that we all be represented. That way the lived experiences of all of us are significant and its also really exciting. I have the support of barbara who said she is the first woman elected in maryland but does not want to be the only. Right now there are no women in the delegation. All delegates are men, its an exciting race. One question i always ask candidates, working people find you . Angela alsobrooks. Com. Go look at it right now. We are excited for tuesday. Thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show. Spoke with also need to put out that we reached out to trounce campaign and he was unable to join us. Its time to sound off with my panel on the latest news of the week including Donald Trumps bizarre rally at the jersey shore where he praised a fictional Serial Killer. You heard me. You are watching The Sunday Show. Stay with us. How we get there matters. Deep down, i knew something was wrong. Since my fatigue and lightheadedness would come and go, i figured it wasnt a big deal. Then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means theres about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. Symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or Light Headedness can come and go. But if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. If you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. Holding off on seeing a doctor wont change whether or not you have afib. But if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. 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I know im Making Light Of Donald Trump and his loving on lector but this is some serious stuff. There was nothing from the crowd , is he just poking his own crowd . Thats what i want to know. I think he has dementia and he says so many crazy things all of the time, hes clearly on some cognitive decline here. We just have to call it out for what it is. Its a very frightening thing to think this person would have nuclear weapons, the guy is out there talking about having dinner with Hannibal Lector. Lets move on, going to waste any more time on this insanity. Lets talk about something very serious. Senator Lindsey Graham was on meet the press today and here is what he said when talking about the situation between the United States and israel and the president and the actions hes taken the last few days because of the way Benjamin Netanyahu is conducting the war. Watch this. Wasnt okay for america to drop two Nuclear Bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki to end their existential threat war, why was it okay for us to do that . Israel do whatever you have to do to survive as a jewish state. I wanted to play that because when i heard that, i was immediately alarmed because it sounds to me like senator graham is saying to the israeli prime minister, drop Nuclear Bombs on gaza if thats what you need to do to eliminate hamas, has Lindsey Graham got off the deep end . The really sad thing about this is anything. I think this is a case where the president is doing a very good job in a difficult situation. Lindsey graham is another one of these sad characters that floats around the Republican Party who seems to just say anything in the moment. There was a time he was a serious human being. At the root of all of this, the Republican Party is not a governing party. Is not a Serious Party with serious people. That is just the reality. Has a white house given any kind of reaction to what senator graham had to say here . Not yet and they dont always do so. They hear senator graham and others who are trump like at times saying things like this and they tend to ignore it, especially if they think it will not be helpful. Them coming in and talking about the actions that theyve already taken or said they would take when it comes to israel and Benjamin Netanyahu probably not going to lower the temperature over there so theyre unlikely to rethink but i will say its interesting to hear what he had to say because we are at a time when this country is rethinking the way we acted in world war ii and when we dropped atomic bombs and it shows, where the Republican Party is right now. At this point, when it comes to showing strength, No Matter What it sounds like or looks like, that is a huge part of how donald trump has operated and how hes changed forever the Republican Party. I would love to get your view on senator grahams remarks. As we marched towards this election were so much is on the line, we consistently see just a level of irresponsibility in the conversation. The level of protest and energy thats really pushed President Biden to take this important step i think is a recognition of where this public is and how people dont want their tax dollars going to the type of abuses that we are seeing. At the same time, to see people talk so irresponsibly about war and death and people in power have a responsibility to be conscious and direct and at the same time we see so much attacks on College Protesters and those speaking out and you have a United States senator just completely acting irresponsibly, i hope the republic continues to look at what they are seeing and recognizing who in power, we simply cannot trust to move us forward. Dont go anywhere, much more with my son off panel after the break. Break. 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Charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. Charmin, enjoy the go. We are back with my sound off panel. Stewart, eugene ember shot i have three stories to get to and 4 1 2 minutes to do it. The first one listen to this New Hampshire State Representative, im not even saying his name. Do you agree with the Point Of View that if we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, will we do this to people who are ripe fertile age and may have pregnancy and they may be involved, are we not in fact making abortion a much more desirable alternative when marriage might be the right solution . Were shot, that was a republican New Hampshire State Representative and this is a hearing on passing a bill to ban child marriage. You know that i worked for years on Marriage Equality during my time at glad and worked to navigate the messaging complications and worked to train loving and committed couples all around the country who had all sorts of attacks against their morals and who they were, all sorts of slurs thrown at them around who they were and whether or not they should be able to build a family and have the laws of this country to protect that family. To watch the same type of right wingers that were moving those attacks, having crazy, outrageous arguments to support Something Like children getting married and not actually supporting all of the protections we need to provide to young people to get through their lives and graduate from high school and have choices beyond that, its outrageous but what it does is it speaks to the kind of hypocrisy and the arguments that continue to get thrown at those of us who are working to make sure our laws are truly fair for folks who want to enter into loving and committed airships as adults. This is coming to you from a Virginia School Board Meeting where they are renaming schools for confederate traders, watch this. People dont the time to think about students who like me who would not be proud to graduate with the name stonewall jackson. He fought for slavery to be a constitutional right. Why . Just why . Is a little personal, its part of this element that the Republican Party and the conservatism in america is at war with the modern world. The world is going away from this sort of stuff. The University Of Mississippi is taking down all of its confederate things. This is not where the majority of the country is going. This is a become my home state, the last state to take down the state flag which was basically the confederate battle flag. All of this, nikki haley having a position on slavery thats clear, its really unfortunate. Were Running Out Of Time but i want to play this from a hearing in new york city, comets from the new York City School transfer, david banks. If we really care about solving for antisemitism and i believe this deeply, its not about having gotcha moments, its about teaching, you have to raise the consciousness of young people. I Call Congress quite frankly to put the call out to action to bring us together to talk about how we solve for this. This convening for too many people across america and education feels like the ultimate gotcha moment. Eugene cut you cover washington and the white house but congress is involved in that, how serious is congress when it comes to actually doing something about antisemitism . The answer is not really on these kinds of things. He is right, they want to have the moments, they see them and they feel emboldened to take on some chancellors and president s in those sorts of things but they could do a lot more. The president has been working on this issue in the house battling antisemitism, they could do a lot more in congress. Mostly everyone agrees on it. Yet nothing. Eugene robinson, stuart stevens, rashid, Rashad Robinson , what did i call you, thank you very much for coming back to The Sunday Show. A special mothers day greeting after the break. Chief doug. Inaudible Sounds ooooo ah. Elevator Doors Opening Inaudible Sounds i thought you were right behind me. Only pay for what you need. 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This was last summer when she came to Marthas Vineyard for the first time to visit. As you can see, she was real happy, one to be at Marthas Vineyard, and two, to have that cocktail. That does it for me. Thanks for watching The Sunday Show. Ill be back next saturday. Im andrea canning, and this is dateline. You get a knock at your door that would change your life. Yeah

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