Wagner tonight wherever you get your podcast. Now it is time for the last word with Lawrence Odonnell. Good evening. Good evening. All they have been trying to think, when is the last time i was in a room with donald trump . Because i was in a room with him today and i think, i am pretty sure this is correct, that it was 13 years ago at the white house Correspondents Dinner in 2011 when president obama had some thoughts with donald trump. That was a big one. I was sitting a couple of tables away, over there, watching the trump side of that and went down to the courtroom today to discover, alex, that 13 years later, his hair is exactly the same color. It has not aged a bit. Like a fine, fine wine. So there is a lot. There is a lot to talk about. I feel like there are a number of premises of jokes. Like donald trump and Lawrence Odonnell walk into a courtroom. There is more there. It turns out when i was walking out there was kind of a moment and were going to get to that. A moment . Im looking forward to more on that, lawrence. That is a deep tease, as they say in our business. Have a good show. Thank you. At 4 26 p. M. Today, Maggie Haberman posted this to the live update of The Trump Trial, reporting from inside the courtroom. Trump left the courtroom Squinting Strangely at Lawrence Odonnell, the msnbc host, as he did. Adam class field who has been in the story every day in the courtroom every day reported the story this way. He mutters under his breath, i was sitting right next to him, meaning right next to me. My first time in The Trump Trial courtroom and it seems donald trump was not really pleased to see me. That is a shot of me. It looks like i am very far behind donald trump, but i am actually in the first row available to the press and visually there was nothing between donald trump and me when i was sitting there and later in the afternoon i was sitting at an even better spot. And i have my interpretation of what Donald Trumps face and eyes were trying to say to me and what drove him to create a final moment in the courtroom today that was worthy of New York Times reporting. That moment was actually captured in an instant sketch by the brilliant artist in the courtroom for new york magazine, isabel borman, who will join us at the end of the hour tonight to share with the artists i finds in looking around the courtroom, especially at donald trump. She has been in all of The Trump Trials and has seen more of his behavior as a defendant in a courtroom than possibly any well possibly anyone else and never saw anything like she saw today when donald trump was walking out and looked at me. These were her words. He went full joker on you. That is a much better description than i couldve come up with. She will show us your sketch of his flash of anger with me at the end of the hour. He should not have done it, of course. Donald trump should not have drawn attention to me. Donald trumps political advisor was there, sitting in the front row reserved for trump Family Members who did not show up once again. Boris epshteyn was sitting in front of me and knew i was there. He shouldve told donald trump when you walk by odonnell, dont give him the satisfaction of making a moment about him, but defendants like donald trump always make mistakes and courtrooms. And mistakes are what have Slandered Donald Trump in criminal courtrooms. Manhattans criminal Courtroom 1530, is a room of broken lives. Like all criminal courtrooms, it has seen an endless parade of the broken lives lived by the people who have made the worst mistake in their lives that leaves them sitting in the defendants chair in that courtroom. Other than the falsely accused, very bad mistakes, often a series of bad mistakes, lead to criminal courtrooms. Donald trump was not the only broken life in that room on display today. The broken man sitting beside him at the Defense Table rose once again to defend the indefensible. Everyone in new york legal circles, including people i respect the most, have at one point or another told me that todd blanche is an excellent lawyer. Some of the people who told me that months ago have switched to the past tense. Was an excellent lawyer before he sold his professional soul to donald trump. Todd blanche was a much respected, highly paid partner enemas days partner in a Prestigious Manhattan Law Form and acquiring valuable skills. He couldve stayed in that partnership for the rest of his professional life. He couldve been wellregarded for the rest of his professional life. Instead, to take on donald trump as a client he had to quit his law firm because the law firm wanted no association with donald trump and having quit his law firm he moved with his family to florida to become a fulltime Trump Defense lawyer, working for exactly one client. There is no good story in the history of jurisprudence about a criminal Defense Lawyer who decides to work for only one client. The client who has enough criminal Legal Business to keep that lawyer employed for years and years and years. Even Mafia Lawyers have had many other clients not in organized crime. In criminal Courtroom 1530, Todd Blanche Last week suffered the ultimate professional humiliation when judge merchan said to him, you are losing all credibility with the court. As i said at the time you can spend a lifetime in courtrooms and never hear a judge say that to a good lawyer, never. Todays Court Session began with what was scheduled as a half hour hearing about Donald Trumps latest violations of the judges gag order. The prosecution presented those for new violations in a 10 minute, tight, logical, seemingly irrefutable presentation. The worst of the violations was Donald Trumps comment last week about the jury. The prosecutor read it to the judge. The first item he raised, quote, this is what donald trump said. That jury was picked so fast, 95 democrats. The area is almost all democrat. You think of it as a purely democrat area. It is a very unfair situation, that i can tell you. The prosecutor then went on to cite other violations in the gag order which forbids donald trump from making any Public Comments about witnesses. Prosecutors cited recent comments about Michael Cohen and david pecker. When todd blanche stood up to defend Donald Trumps apparent violations of the gag order, he rambled on without making a single legal point for 20 minutes. And never said a word about the most serious violation, Donald Trumps attack on the jury. Todd blanche was trying to defend Donald Trumps comments about witnesses. He said, quote, he cant just say no comment repeatedly when he is running for president. That is, of course, a lie. That is a lawyer telling a lie in a courtroom. It is not just a point of argument. Candidates refused to comment on issues all the time. No one does it more than donald trump. Donald trump very specifically refused to declare his position on abortion for months and months during republican president ial primaries. No politician in our history has refused to answer more questions than donald trump. While his mouth is still moving, saying other things in response to the question, usually nonsense and lies having nothing to do with the question. And just to sink todd blanche even deeper into the darkness of his broken professional life, donald trump himself proved todd blanche was lying at the end of the day. After donald trump walked angrily past me into the hallway of the courtroom, where he spoke to a pool of reporters with the cameras rolling, the last question asked of him was what did he think of the witness who took up most of the trial day today, Keith Davidson . And donald trump said, well, im not allowed to testify. Im under a gag order, i guess, i cant testify. Now we are going to be appealing the gag order. I would love to answer that question. It is a very easy question. The easiest question so far, but im not allowed to testify because this is a judge was totally conflicted. He has me under an unconstitutional gag order. Those were Donald Trumps words. Of course donald trump is not a master of the english language. He did not mean testify. He simply meant i cannot answer your question because i am under a gag order. Todd blanche may have learned nothing in the courtroom today, but donald trump did. He learned from that hearing how to respond to a question about witnesses in this case, which is to not answer at all and if he wants to, cite his gag order, which is exactly what donald trump did at the end of the day. Donald trumps response in the hallway today directly contradicted todd blanche. Directly destroyed todd blanches credibility and again, the principal argument in defense of Donald Trumps violations of the gag order. So a week after the judge tells todd blanche he has lost credibility with the judge, how could it get worse for todd blanche . Donald trump found a way to make it worse today. Donald trump went out in the hallway at the end of the day and in effect ridiculed todd blanches defense of Donald Trumps violations of the gag order. Apparently todd blanche had no intention of even addressing the worst violation of the gag order presented by the prosecutors, which was Donald Trumps comments and attacks against the jury who he accuses of being 95 democrat without having any idea how many of those jurors might be democrats, how many might be republicans. 12 of them voted for donald trump. Judge merchan is not an inpatient judge. There are some who could accuse him of being too patient, like this morning. He let todd blanche say nothing for over 20 minutes today before the judge finally had to interrupt him and say, can i ask you to address the comments that were made about the jury . Todd blanche began with the stupidest possible response about the actual words donald trump said. Donald trump told the judge, it was a 15 second statement out of an interview that was over 21 minutes long. It doesnt matter if the interview were five days long. What matters is what donald trump said. Did he violate the order . The judge repeatedly had to ask todd blanche, did he violate the gag order . Todd blanche actually said, quote, the gag order specifically references any prospective juror or any juror in this criminal proceeding, so he wasnt referencing juror number 4 is a democrat. Whereupon you could see the judge give up on todd blanche. He shook his head. The judge shook his head, smiled in a strained way just a bit. I silently laughed at the preposterous thing that todd blanche just said. It was the most preposterous possible answer todd blanche couldve given. I wasnt talking about juror number 4. You cant find that reaction in the script, the reaction of the room. You cant find the judges physical reaction to what he heard todd blanche say. The transcript is just words and there is so much that happens in that room beyond the words. In presenting this violation about the jury, the prosecutor said he used his platform to criticize the seated jury in this case. There is no inference needed. It is not just any jury. It is these jurors in this case, sitting right in this room in a few minutes and todd blanche is a disgraceful and guaranteed to lose violation of the gag order, to actually say donald trump did not specify any one of the jurors. No he didnt. He specified every one of the jurors. Everyone of them who filed into that room at the end of the hearing and passed by donald trump as fast as they could, without looking at him in any way, as if there were an obstacle there that they had to speed past, something dangerous. I have never seen a faster walking jury in my life. A jury who wants to pass by that defendant. Move past the defendant over and done with as fast as their legs can carry them. It is not unusual for some jurors to take in the room when they enter in cases. Their eyes sometimes fall on the prosecutor, often on the judge. Sometimes on the defendant. Frequently smile at the judge. Sometimes there can be small smiles that are flashed around the room by jurors that dont really tell you anything about what they are thinking, but often show you that a group of people are entering this room with hints of humanity on display. Not so with the trump jury when they enter. When they took their places in the jury box, which i had a very full view of in the afternoon, they settled into their roles and all pay very strict attention at all times to what is happening in that room and it does not seem that any of them have likely complained about freezing in the courtroom as donald trump has done relentlessly, including one of the middle aged jurors who was wearing nothing but a tshirt all day. That is how freezing it wasnt in the courtroom. But as a defendant in the courtroom everyone moment must be chilling. Certainly it is for donald trump. Donald trump spent most of his courtroom day listening to someone he has never met. The third broken life on display in the courtroom today, Keith Davidson, a lawyer who even todd blanche can look down on. Keith davidsons testimony revealed that he makes much or most of his living as a Bottom Feeder in the cesspool that no Law School Student has ever aspired to. Attorney Keith Davidson negotiated 130,000 hush money payment to stars Stormy Daniels to guarantee her silence about her one, according to her, very quick sexual encounter with donald trump. That he negotiated the 130,000 deal with Michael Cohen is documented in email records, Text Messages and voice recording records. There is absolutely no reasonable doubt left in the room about Keith Davidson negotiating that deal on behalf of Stormy Daniels with Michael Cohen. That is the essence of his testimony. That is what it is about. That is why he is a witness. But when your life goes so far off course that you find yourself negotiating Hush Money Payments with president ial candidates so that you can help hide the truth about that candidate from voters for a fee of 10,000 that you earn from that transaction, it might not be the only unseemly thing youve been involved with in your life. And so on crossexamination, much to Donald Trumps delight, i am sure, but to no relevant point, Donald Trumps other criminal Defense Lawyer, emil bove, tried to expose Keith Davidsons role in trying to arrange Hush Money Payments and successfully arranging Hush Money Payments, in one case for as much as 2 million, from other Famous Men Including hulk hogan and charlie sheen. Keith davidson was also involved in Trafficking Information about the treatment of young Actress Lindsay Lohan in a rehab facility. This testimony from this person who has sullied his law degree, took place in a building filled with honorable lawyers working for Government Salaries or for Public Defender wages who every day make the law a noble calling. But every courthouse has the other kind of lawyers. The worst kind of lawyers, passing through those court houses every day, too. And with every bit of dirt that Keith Davidson revealed about himself and every bit of dirt that was thrown at him by Donald Trumps lawyer, what really mattered in that room is that the oldest person in the room, sitting under a crown of blonde hair at the Defense Table, lived his life in such a way that his future was in the hands of Keith Davidson in october, 2016, when he was asking the people of the United States of america to make him the next president. I was sitting in the front row of the reporter section of the courtroom, which is actually the third row of spectator seats. The first row is reserved for Circuit Sevis agents. For Secret Service agents. The second row is for the family and then there is the third row, where in the afternoon there was nothing, nothing between me and the back of Donald Trumps head. The same seat was occupied last week by the writer, jonathan alter, who wrote at some length for the Washington Monthly about his day of contemplation staring at, quote, the back of his head. The meticulously coiffed souffle. What you see under the hair in that courtroom is a ver