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To repeal the states near total abortion ban from 1864. It took multiple attempts to repeal the law with the exceptions only the save the mothers life and imprison anyone who helps a woman obtain an abortion. Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs will sign the bill tomorrow adding in a statement quote while this repeal is essential to saving womens lives it is just the beginning of the fight to protect Reproductive Health care in arizona. That is good news. But, as Vice President Kamala Harris noted, quote, while Arizona Democrats have worked to clean up the devastating mess created by trump and his extremist allies, the states existing ban with no exception for rape or incest remains in effect. In florida, women there woke up to a new reality after a near total abortion ban prohibiting the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy before most women even know they are pregnant went into effect today. Earlier today, Vice President harris was in jacksonville, florida to mark the rollback of rights for women. She repeatedly emphasized Donald Trumps role calling him the architect of the post Roe Landscape in america. Donald trump did this. Donald trump hand picked three members of the United States Supreme Court. Because he intended for them to overturn roe. As he intended they did. More than 20 states have abortion bans. More than 20 Trump Abortion Bans. And today, this very day, at the stroke of midnight, another Trump Abortion Ban went into effect here in florida. As of this morning, 4 million women in this state woke up with fewer reproductive freedoms than they had last night. This is the new reality under a Trump Abortion Ban. Donald trump did this. The Vice President mentioned donald trump by name more than 20 times today. The most she ever has in any Campaign Speech according to a campaign official. Jacksonville mayor donna deagon and Florida Democratic house leader who will both join us in a moment spoke before Vice President harris. Pregnant women in florida are less safe. And less in control of their own health and their own future than they were yesterday. May 1st, 2024, will forever mark a day when we took a giant and dangerous step backwards. Today because of what donald trump did. Floridas extreme abortion ban goes into effect. And its impacts will be felt here at home, all across the southeast. And by underresourced and minority women the most. Voters in arizona and florida will have a chance to make their voices heard in november through Ballot Initiatives that would protect Abortion Rights in their respective state constitutions. So far, voter ins every state that brought the issue directly to the ballot have sided with protecting womens rights. Donald trump is now refusing to say whether he would sign a federal abortion ban. Vice president harris reminded voters of that today. Donald trumps friends in the United States congress are trying to pass a national ban. And understand a national ban would outlaw abortion in every single state. Even in states like new york and california. And now, trump wants us to believe he will not sign a national ban. Well i say enough with the gaslighting. Enough with the gaslighting. In an interview with Time Magazine, the reporter noted that trump said that Abortion Policies should be left to the state including monitoring womens pregnancies. I think they might do that, he said. When i the reporter asked if he would be comfortable with states prosecuting women for having abortions beyond the point the laws permit, he says it is irrelevant whether im uncomfortable or not. It is totally irrelevant because the states will make those decisions. But President Biden took aim at those comments by donald trump today in this ad. Folks, donald trump said on Time Magazine it is shocking after overturning roe and said women should be punished for accessing Reproductive Health care. This should be a decision between a woman and her doctor and the government should get out of peoples lives. Joining us now, Arizona Attorney general chris mays. Thank you for coming to the last word. Your reaction to the passing today. Thanks for having me. Well, obviously, it is a good day in arizona. We are Breathing Something of a sigh of relief after our legislature finally repealed this insane 1864 near total abortion ban that was written at a time when arizona wasnt a state. Women couldnt vote and The Civil War was still raging. As you noted we are still not out of the woods. There could be a period of time a few months here in arizona where that 1864 ban actually goes into effect. Im working as hard as i can to prevent that from happening. The repeal of the ban wont go into a place. Obviously it is a good day. We are talking about the women of our state having to live under an 1864 ban. If it is implemented, jonathan, will end up with a woman dying here. And, the Vice President today said that though this repeal is relief, the Vice President noted that arizona still is under a 15week abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. The work is not over. The work is absolutely not over. I believe the people of arizona are going to sign a Ballot Initiative in november. That 15 week ban has no exceptions for rape or incest. And i have been talking to doctors and chief medical officers from hospitals all across the state of arizona, jonathan. Who are living under that 15 week ban having to make decisions about how close a woman gets to death before they care for her. When they have an emergency in their pregnancy, that is unacceptable in the year 2024 that doctors are having to consult with attorneys about whether or not they can provide care to a woman and save her life. So yeah, we have a lot of work to do in arizona to make sure that women retain and have the right to control our own bodies and the right to live. You beat the republican candidate to become the top prosecutor by 240 votes. Some people think voting doesnt matter and i wonder if you could just speak to that for a minute, because this morning people in arizona were living under a law that could be used to prosecute them for their health care choices. One small correction. 280 votes. But it is the closest race in the history of arizona state. It means every vote matters. I believe i was elected to protect the women of this state to protect reproductive rights because of those 280 votes. We have an attorney general who will fight for freedom and our liberties and i will do everything i can to make sure we protect reproductive rights in our state. And we carry out the will of our voters. They want freedom and to control their own destiny. Thank you for joining us. Joining us now, thank you both for being here, leader driscoll, tell us how you and your constituents feel about this ban going into effect today. What did it mean to have Vice President harris here today . It meant so much to us in florida to have our Vice President with us. She has traveled to florida multiple times. With us last year on the anniversary of roe v. Wade. She has been able to stand with lawmakers. Listened to practitioners. She has been the ally we need. The mood is at the same time somber and a little bit hopeful you know. This extreme abortion ban is going to prevent most women from getting an abortion because they wont know they are pregnant. But we have the opportunity to enshrine Abortion Access in floridas constitution. And so, Vice President s visit gave us the boost of energy we are need. He is still bragging about the Supreme Court overturning roe. They wanted to get abortion out of the federal government. Everyone wanted that. That was uniform. So now, the states decide. And they are going to vote in different states. And it has been an amazing process. But basically, the states decide on abortion. And people are absolutely thrilled with the way that is going on. So your victory was seen as part of the post dobbs wave. There are a lot of unaffiliated voters. What are you hearing from voters . We certainly have the numbers to pass the referendum. People are very concerned about this government overreach into the lives of women. As you know, florida is a privacy state. It is written into the constitution. People feel strongly about that. So it is with a great deal of optimism we go into this election season believing that voters in florida will stand up for the rights of women and stand against government intrusion. And stand for freedom for women in florida. Do Nondemocrattic Voters understand that republican lawmakers from trump to desantis are responsible for this . Look i think they do. When i won election in jacksonville, i won with a large amount of independent voters and a good deal of Republican Voters as well. I think people are fatigued with the rhetoric. With the overreach we are seeing on issues like this. And i think they are ready for people representing them that want to simply get things done for their communities. This is not what floridians want. It is very clear in the numbers that floridians believe they should have control over their own Health Care Decisions. I believe you will see floridians come out enforce. That Abortion Access is important. Leader driscol, florida used to be a safe haven for women in surrounding southern states. Whats the impact of this ban not just on floridians but women in neighboring states . Well, this abortion ban, youre right. It doesnt just impact women in florida. It effectively impacts women all throughout the southeast. And there are many women who would travel to florida for Abortion Care and now they wont be able to. I think the next closest state might be North Carolina or virginia. And heres the other thing to note. This ban is not going to stop floridas women getting abortions. It just means those who cant travel out of state will not be able to travel. It will impact underresourced women and minority women the most. This ban has sweeping implications far beyond florida. I agree floridians will show up in the polls. We had a special election in january where we flipped a house seat from red to blue and nearly 70 of independents voted with us in that race. And it is because we talked about the issue of abortion. So im very hopeful for this fall. Mayor, do you believe republicans will stop at banning abortion . What and other rights to privacy . This is the concern. I think im a threetime cancer survivor. I had to go through a lot of chemotherapy. And choose medications and care. And the thought that the government could have any sort of role in choosing what i would do with my body, how i would handle my own Health Care Decisions is frightening to me. And today, we took a step in the direction of that. Women have less rights today to determine their own health care than they had yesterday. Absolutely incredible. Florida House Democratic leader driscol and mayor deagon. Thank you both very much for coming to the last word. Coming up, today, for the First Time Since his criminal trial started last month, donald trump spent a few hours on the Campaign Trail. Starting in the battleground state, joe biden won by just 20,000 votes in 2020. Thats next. In 2020. Thats next. Nothing dims my light like a migraine. With nurtec odt, i found relief. The only Migraine Medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. To those with migraine, i see you. For the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of Episodic Migraine in adults. 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Is actually progress at 225 miles per hour. Shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 in all ntt indycar® series races. Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. And theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. I would prefer a president that truly seemed invested in serving the american people. And you feel like that hasnt been the case with trump so far . Ever. Joe biden won wisconsin by 20,682 votes. Flipping a state donald trump won in 2016. After spending the weekend at his house in florida, today, donald trump spent his day off from his criminal trial in new york in the midwest doing one Campaign Event in wisconsin and one in michigan. Another state joe biden won in 2020. Trumps pitch to those Swing State Voters . Praising the Supreme Court justices for overturning roe. Vowing to bring back a muslim ban on day one of a second term. And saying the Republican Party is plunging. Last week we saw numbers showing the economy is crashing with the gop growth crashing. Think of that, its plunging. Say what now . The gop may be plunging into chaos. But the gdp, the gross domestic product, isnt. Economic growth did slow more than expected in the first quarter. It drew at an annual rate of 1. 6 . Below the 2. 4 estimate. Predicted after back to back block buster gdp numbers. Despite that, unemployment remains below 4 . And wages and salaries for all workers rose and one wall street analysis called this american economy, quote, a wolf in sheeps clothing. Ie, incredibly strong and looks mild and trump said this. After power had been transferred and it seemed like january 6th would be the end of trump in trumpism. We are not going to allow this horror to continue. We were a great nation. Joining us now, gwynn moore of wisconsin. A member of the House Ways And Means and the house joint economic committee. Todays rally can only be seen as a preview of whats to come since the Republican Convention will be in your home city of milwaukee this summer and trump is claiming middle and Working Class people will do better under him than under President Biden. What do you say to that . I was just tickled to death to hear your opening. As you recounted the absolute absurdities of the trump claims. I think he was right when he said the gop, if he said that, the gop was plunging. The gdp always grows because we have a huge economy. But in order to have paid for those tax cuts, the 2 trillion that he gave away, you know, the majority of them, 75, 80 of them to the wealthiest americans, the gdp would have had to have grown by 6 for that to have happened. It didnt. That is what has caused some of the deficits we are experiencing. That he gave all of his friends all of this money. And you know we had senator phil graham come back an testify before the ways and Means Committee last week. And could repeatedly assert it. That people in the lowest of the economic spectrum had gotten 5,000, he finally had to laugh and said i was averaging it out. There is no averaging it out. This is the give away to the wealthiest people. To corporations. It didnt help Small Businesses. And he should stop asking people if they are better off now than they were four years ago. Because Everybody Knows what they were doing four years ago as we hid from covid and died and found ourselves being evicted and our businesses closes. He should stop asking that question. Congresswoman, in that Time Magazine interview, and elsewhere, he has been talking about renewing those tax cuts and i bring that up because here is what is so fun. In the latest law school poll, 53 of registered voters in wisconsin believe that donald trump is better on the economy while 34 believe that joe biden is better. What is it going to take to get wisconsin battleground voters to come around on the economy and hear what you were saying a moment ago but also hear what the president and the Vice President have been saying from the white house and from the Campaign Trail about the economy . Well you know, people need to look at the facts. It is important for people to recognize that when their community and their neighbors all have jobs and the economy lifts, that is what we should aspire to. We dont have that many billionaires in wisconsin except for maybe the one running against tammy valen. We dont have that many billionaires. If you are going to evaluate the economy based on the couple of people who are doing well. You know, there are people who benefited from the economy. You take Small Businesses for example. Or we talk about the 199 rule where we have provided a pass through to lower Small Business owners taxes down to 21 . Well, heres the point. This benefits a small number of Small Businesses. But it benefits a whole lot more businesses that are pretending to be, that are really corporations that ought not have the benefit. Let me get you on one more thing before i have to let you go. The New York Times reports and i will quote here, residents can see evidence of federal money from laws passed under the Biden Administration if they know where to look. Of the more than One Billion Dollars from Milwaukee County in the American Rescue plan act, the infrastructure act. Much is harder to see. So congresswoman moore, how are you communicating those investments to your constituents . We will have to take advantage of these few months that we have. This president has reduced student debt and eliminated student debt. Everybody knows somebody who has benefited from this. Those lead pipes, not only are we getting rid of them, but we have black men working as a Black Business is fully employing people to dig up the lead pipes we are seeing people who are paying no more than 35 a month for their insulin. You know, other things like the Affordable Care act, that the president is vowing to get rid of. I have three granddaughters who have benefited from the prohibition that allows kids to stay on their Parents Health care until they are 26 years old so i want people to not be blinded by what is right in front of their faces when they drive down the street and see the orange cones, thats money. Thats not just the traffic jam. Congresswoman moore, thank you for being here and giving me a new acronym. I didnt realize im a bmw. A black man working. Congresswoman moore, thank you for coming to the last word. Joining us now, the chairman of the Democratic Party of wisconsin. Thank you for being here. I have to say it was especially galling to have donald trump in wisconsin on may day. An International Day of celebrations of workers rights. This is a union state where unions have been under attack especially by people donald trump had put into office. Scott walker smashed unions here. Donald trump picked up the baton. Appointed antiunion Supreme Court justices. And Union Density went down until joe biden became president. Now we have the most pro Union President in american history. The first to ever walk on the picket line. Unions are bouncing back in wisconsin. The number of Union Members is going up for the first time in really three decades in our state. And thats a great thing for workers and for everyone who wants to be in the middle class and it is infuriating that biden would come here on this special day of celebration of workers to bring his lies and ridiculous attacks. You meant trump. Sorry. Oh my gosh. Biden is welcome any may day. And any labor day in our state and has been here on labor day in our state. Trump is the person who really led the Billionaire Charge against unions and against workers during his presidency. Despite talking a big con. He just sticks workers with the bill every single time. So i want to pick up on something you talked about. How galling it was to you that donald trump, it was in the state on may day. Which celebrates workers. But i want to point something out. Bloomberg report thats donald trump is winning Financial Support from Grass Roots Campaign contributors who work for highly unionized workplaces. This is according to fec data. What does joe biden have to do to win over Union Workers in washington . He is doing a ton to make sure they have funds in their pockets. The key period is really now through election day. Unions do extraordinary work to make sure their members know who is sticking up for their paychecks or Union Organizing rights. They were organizing all over the states. There are constantly new jobs to do. I think we will see a lot of that on the air waves. And people will be talking to one another. Trump is a con man. He tries to fool people. Convince them he is on their side, then stiffs them. He refuses to pay his own contractors and he does the same thing for this country. Unless you are a Billionaire Friend of his, maralago member, he will leave you worse off. Anyone who is rebuilding the state of wisconsin. Has to spread the word that one candidate joe biden is on the side of workers and one candidate donald trump will screw them over. And we will leave it there. Ben, thank you very much for coming to the last word. Coming up, donald trump praised the conservative Supreme Court justices by name on the Campaign Trail today. As they are currently weighing whether to grant him complete criminal immunity. And he is openly dangling pardons for the convicted criminals who attack the capitol and its Police Forces on january 6th. Neil joins us next. Uary 6th. Neil joins us next. In here, you can expect to find Crystal Clear audio, expansive display space, endless entertainment, and more comfort for everyone. But even with all that. We still left room for all the unpredictability, spontaneity and unexpected things youll find out here. The new 2024 Grand Cherokee lineup. Jeep. Theres only one. Disrupts my skin, night and day. Despite treatment, its still not under control. But now i have rinvoq. Rinvoq is a oncedaily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema fast. Some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. Some achieved dramatic Skin Clearance as early as 2 weeks. And many taking rinvoq saw clear or almostclear skin. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. 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In his interview with Time Magazine this week, one of the many disturbing exchanges donald trump had with the reporter was a discussion about pardoning the January 6th Rioters. The reporter said you have called the men and women who have been prosecuted for their actions on january fth hostages and political prisoners. More than 800 of these people have been sentenced through our judicial system. Most of whom pleaded guilty. Some of them have been convicted by juries. You said you will pardon them. Are you calling into question the conclusions of the Justice System in more than 800 cases . Trump then speaks without answering the question. Repeatedly attacking the u. S. Judicial system with a string of lies we are not going to show you. Trump is then asked will you consider pardoning every one of them . Trump answers, i would consider that, yes. So what is Trump Telegraphing to his supporters with that answer as another election looms . Sounds like he is saying there is a real get out of jail free card for this kind of lawlessness. That crimes committed for him are not really crimes. That message is dangerous. That message is unamerican. That message is the message of a would be autocrat. Joining us now, neil catial. Who has argued more than 50 cases before the Supreme Court. A professor at Georgetown Law and host of the Podcast Court side with neil catial as well as an msnbc legal analyst. Always great to see you. How did you react when you read what he said about pardoning the January 6th Rioters . I think it speaks volumes about trump that he has proposed Blanket Pardons for the January 6th Rioters and wasnt even the scariest idea in that one interview. You have already talk about the scariest stuff. He said he would consider pardon donning every single capitol rioters. That includes people who brought firearms, a tomahawk ax. Even an explosive device into the capitol. It was absurd. And trump lies so compulsively, i dont know that he even knows the difference between what actually happened and what is in his head. In the interview, he said only ashley, no last name died. No, seven people died. Trump claims he in that interview he offered 10,000 soldiers to stop the january 6th attacks and pelosi was the one who said no to that. That is proven by the dod official time line. No mention of any such request. This is just lie upon lie dangerous and unamerican. Trump repeated something we have heard before. Quote. I happen to think a president has to have immunity because otherwise it will be just a ceremonial position. Neil . Could trumps public lobbying for immunity make it harder for conservatives on the Supreme Court to decide in his favor . Well i mean it is just such a bogus argument for him to be saying this. We have had 46 president s that werent named trump. And we have done fine. It was based on the idea the immunity of king george iii was antithetical to everything we believed in. And trump wants to resurrect that time. Speaking about President Biden, trump also told time, quote, you take a look at not only his criminal acts of taking a lot of money and being a manchurian candidate, biden im sure will be prosecuted for all of his crimes because he has committed many crimes. Neil . [ laughter ] i mean come on. The criminal defendant doth protest too much. Exactly. He is talking out both sides of his mouthment he literally said moments ago president s have to be immune. Now he is saying he wants to go after and prosecute biden. None of this makes any sense. Look, if the country reflects donald trump, well have no one to blame but ourselves. He is not attempting to hide his contempt for american democracy or the american constitution. I mean, he is giving us his game plan in this interview. In the election denialism he has had all throughout, in his claims about weaponnizing the Justice Department of which this biden claim is part. So you know. We should go in with our eyes open here. Neil, as always, thank you for coming to the last word. And coming up, the fight to win the votes of black voters especially young black men. In battleground georgia. Well talk to a genz activist who is doing the work about what is on the mind of undecided voters. Undecided voters. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. Nothing on my skin means everything nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Learn how abbvie could help you save. 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Does she take my old spice total Body Deodorant with 24 7 freshness, and use it all over her total body and all over their total bodies . Unbelievable. old spice mnemonic this week, Vice President , harris traveled to the State Of Georgia where she touted the Biden Administrations economic record and with small Black Business owners, while there, she also told mainly why she is traveling from state to state speaking with black voters. The president i come from a place of understanding that yes, it is very significant that our economic policies have resulted in black unemployment being at historic lows, and it is important to understand that like all people, when we are focused on the dreams and desires of black men and young black men, its good to have a job, but to have a career, to be able to grow and build wealth, to be able to buy a home, to be able to go on a nice vacation from time to time, right . To take care of their family, to build equity so that when their children want to go to college they have some resources to help pay for the tuition, right, so the work that im doing in this tour is really to speak to that part of a broader and a very broad based Economic Policy thats about strengthening the economy for everyone as a whole, but truly understanding the hopes and the desires and ambitions and making sure that we are meeting folks were there. This marks the fourth time this year that Vice President Harasses Travel To Georgia and later this month, President Biden will speak at morehouse colleges commencement, a historically black college in atlanta that was the alma mater of dr. Martin luther king jr. The bidenharris campaigns focus on young black voters shows it is paying attention to the lack of enthusiasm among this very important voting block. More black men said they plan to back donald trump this fall according to a recent wall street journal poll, some 30 of them said they were either definitely or probably going to vote for the former republican president. In the wall street journal poll, 11 of black women said they were definitely or probably going to vote for trump. In that same poll, 57 of black male voters in the Battleground States set they support President Biden file 77 percent of black women said they support the president. Joining us now, devante jennings. He is the chair of the Young Democrats of georgia black caucus. Thank you very much for being here. You have been helping to reach would be voters in georgia. What are you hearing from them . We are really hearing that we want to be in the forefront, how we are right now, how they are making the tours around and making us the priority in this election year. We want to see Something Like that all year round. We appreciate a lot of the things going on right now. We would love to see the support and efforts keep going all throughout the year, outside of election year. In my bed. I should be calling you chairman jennings, so chairman jennings, you said that your younger friends are divided on voting for President Biden. What issues seem to be keeping them from giving the president their support . A lot of the issues are around cannabis reform, which you know, a couple days ago President Bidens administration has done some work with that. I think the next step would have to be expungement when it comes to criminal records. You know, a lot of our communities have been affected by these things and i think once we start seeing the Biden Administration making a change toward the criminal Justice System that has affected our communities, i think a lot more people are going to start getting on board. Vice president harris was in atlanta this week discussing entrepreneurship and what the Biden Administration has done to help Uplift Minority businesses, through debt relief and first time home buyer programs and so on. Are these messages resonating with black voters . Yes, and i actually was at that event and got to hear everything that she was talking about, and i think people were blown away honestly. I think that is exactly what the Administration Needs to keep doing. They need to keep bringing to the forefront what they are doing, highlighting their wins and showing exactly what the plan is. I think theyre doing a great job of getting away from just saying one side is racist or one side doesnt care about your economic growth, and actually laying out a detailed plan, so i was extremely impressed. What it specifically works for you . Was it the fact that they issued a detailed plan, talk specifics . Yes and it was more than just how do we get the black vote. I think when you say things like how do you get the black vote, you start to make especially younger black people feel like we are just a political pond but once you start laying out a mission and you are saying these are going to be the resources we will make available to you and this is the science that we see affecting your community and the things that you need, here are the resources and how we plan to go about it, that starts to resonate with people a lot more. Let me get you on one more thing because earlier, i mentioned a Wall Street Journal Report on an increase of black voters considering voting for prompt former president trump. Im sorry, i dont buy it. Do you, and if so, what do you think is behind that support, and are you concerned about that . There is some support for him but i think the numbers are inflated. If you go look at the science and the work that the New Georgia Project is done, i think it would debunk a lot of that. Its nowhere near that high. A lot of his tactics that he is using are going to catch some peoples attention, but a lot of people, and i have great faith within not just the black community, but us as black men, to see past all that and see through the smoke and mirrors. I can guarantee one thing. With the work we are doing and we at the Young Democrats of georgia black caucus are going to do, were going to make sure that doesnt happen. Thank you very much for coming to the last word. Thank you. Tonights last word is next. S another option. One dose works fast to eliminate Migraine Pain treat it anytime, anywhere. Without worrying where you are or if its too late. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. Most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. Migraine pain relief starts with u. Ask about ubrelvy. Learn how abbvie could help you save. And were done. hmm, what about these . looks right. [thud] [rushing liquid] nooo. Nooooo. Nooooooo. 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Why democrats are coming to his rescue as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night

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