Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

lawyers. while biden's campaign cash advantage is getting bigger. the surge of conspiracy theories about the baltimore bridge collapse. and convicted ex-crypto king sam bankman fried is facing decades in prison. his sentencing now just hours away as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. good evening once again. we are now 223 days away from the election. and we are learning more about the crossover between donald trump's political fund raising and his court cases. according to the new york times, donald trump has spent, are you ready for this number, more than $100 million on legal bills since 2021. that is more than 90 grand a day. tell your kid to be lawyers one day. trump has relied almost completely on donations to fight the results of the 2020 election to pay for it all. the $254 million donation number you see at the top of your screen is what trump managed to raise the day after the election and president biden's inauguration. only a little fraction of that money went toward challenging the election results. but now that money is drying up and trump will either have to find another source of cash to start footing the bills. a new quinnipiac poll has biden leading trump by three. but that is within the margin of error. a bloomberg poll found the numbers are going up in six of seven swing states but still trailing or statistically tied with trump. this comes as president biden wraps up an 18-day travel schedule following hi state of the union. he made stops in eight different states that could be crucial in november. let's get smarter with the help of our leader this evening. michael has covered president biden, his family and inner circle of advisers over ten years. mckay, a staff writer for the atlantic and a new msnbc political contributor. could we start with this reporting? there have to be, can they get fight this? >> they can try. generally speaking this is more of a political problem than a legal problem. he has apparently followed the guidelines about what he can spend money on. it is he was speaking primarily as a defendant, regardless of how much donald trump is spending on lawyers, if he makes it back to 1600 penn, it was more than worth it. >> well, he could also argue we could laugh and say i thought he was a rich guy not paying his own bills. he would argue that makes him a smart rich guy. why would he use his own money if legally, he can use other people's? but mckay, he is currently struggling to fund raise. at least this time around now that it is public could that make it more difficult? >> you want to see where the money is going and i think it will become more and more complicated to get donors to keep ponying up when you have stories like you saw in the associated press this week showing that in key battleground states across the country, the trump campaign has effectively no general election campaign apparatus. joe biden has hired 350 new staffers, opened 100 new offices across battleground states this month alone. the trump campaign has done basically nothing. i think that if you are a republican donor and considering whether to raise money on donald trump's campaign, you will have to start reading those stories and thinking am i raising money for his legal fees or for the general election? if he can't make a compelling argument it will be hard to raise moneys. >> what about republicans in the down ballot races? should they be worried there won't be any rnc money left for them after trump takes it all to pay his lawyers? >> well, i think that you are going to see mounting discontent and increasingly public discontent if that is in fact the case. it is clear that there has been some behind the scenes blow back on this question. you see laura trump, donald trump's daughter-in-law furiously back pedaling saying the rnc will not cover his legal bills after all. we are not going to do that. you don't see her go out and make comments like that unless you are in a situation where you are hearing privately not just from donors but republican officials that they are extremely frustrated. >> you mean sitting down with garrett haake is not how laura trump like to start every wednesday? i'm shocked. >> it's how i like to start my day. >> totally. me too. let's talk about president biden. because while donald trump is dealing with these legal bills, the president has been out there come paining. 18 days, 18 states. >> we are trying to out-work our competitors. get inside the campaign playbook. get the scoop on what the strategy is. they said these are the battleground states and we are learning not just based on where the president has been this month where he thinks he can compete. how he competes. he goes to north carolina. i was at the event talking healthcare. abortion rights. the expansion of medicaid in north carolina. they think those are the issues the president can run on and win. we know the impact of the housing crisis in 2008. the affordability crisis is still a big issue there. so, we are learning a lot about how the biden team thinks they can win in november. and one of the things that is a point of contrast during the same 18 days, donald trump was only holding one campaign event the entire time. so we have talked a lot about age as an issue in this campaign. the biden campaign is wondering when is anybody going to notice we are the only ones campaigning? the one running in the basement? donald trump. >> i want to talk about president biden and his messaging. we are not hearing him use the term biden-onics anymore. there are a lot of great data points about the economy. but inflation looms. is that the reason he is hearing that from voters and that has him changing his message something. >> they say there is a good economic story to tell. but they want to hear empathy from the president. yes, the trends look good. the stock market is high, but biden has never been somebody who puts his economic value on what the dow jones says. he wants to know what the middle class, the person who grew up in a community like his thinks. so when you take the biden campaign's strategy, they were thinking when it was originating, let's look at how successful obama care was. they wanted to get ahead of what they thought republicans would do. maybe they dialed away from the slogan, but that is not stopping him from trying to talk about it. it comes down to a gut feel. >> let's talk about donald trump and his classified documents casement he was indicted over nine months ago. right? it seems like aileen cannon is tipping the scales for imevery chance she possibly can get. >> it is uncanny the outside help he has had. he is in the good tier. >> there is no question this is not a complicated litigation. the mar-a-lago documents case is probably the most straightforward all of his criminal indictments he is facing so the fact it has been as slow and we have not seen much movement, it is an indication beyond what he has been saying, you are seeing how the justice system works. one thing i will point out is i think aileen cannon has gotten a bit gun shy because of how she has been treated. she is not as quick to make any hasty decisions. not that she was moving at rocket speed before. >> she is not making any decisions. a gift to trump. >> of course it is. but to answer your question, i do not see this getting off the ground before the end of the year. >> different case. let's talk about the hush money case here in new york. less than 24 hours, donald trump was issued a partial gag order he is out there attacking two people tied to this case. but not mentioned in the gag order. the judge and the judge's daughter. any possible consequences for trump or is he going to keep on trucking? >> he will keep on trucking. it is a difficult space for judge marshawn to be in. there is a technical conflict of interest sayingly silence you talking about me. should he have to right to do that regarding his safety? absolutely. but we are talking a two tiered system of justice. i could not be in court for a traffic ticket and talk about the judge the way donald trump has without pacing repercussions so it is important to point out and to illustrate how the notions of power continue to play out. and how the people tiptoe around this man with no regard for the rule of law. >> let's talk about another very powerful man who does have great regard for the rule of law. president obama. new york times is reporting that the former president is now working a lot more closely with the biden team. not just on doing a potential appearance or fundraiser but actual strategy help for the president. because of his grave concern that trump could win this thing. >> yeah. president obama is all in. a lot is at stake. including his legacy. he and his team are talking to the biden team. it is what is happening tomorrow. there is a major fundraiser. barack obama, bill clinton raising money for joe biden. it will raise about $15 million for the campaign. >> here in new york city? >> right across the street. radio city. so plan accordingly so it will be a little bit of a zoo. but this will be a major event bringing a lot of money for the campaign. but what is helpful to the current president i was told when he was at the white house, they were taping content about the affordable care act. he was talking about, listen, your state of the union was great. it has gotten people fired up. stay out on the road. keep doing what you are doing. these two men work so closely together in the administration. there was a little bit of hurt feelings. let's say on the part of the president. he did not support him running in 2016. they are fully locked arms in this. >> i understand hurt feelings. and no. you came for obama. all right, mckay, very sad news. former senator joe lieberman died at age 82. a fiercely independent voice on the hill. he served as al gore's running mate in 2000 but we heard from him most recently because he has been the chairman of no labels, the group trying to field a no party ticket for president. what is his legacy by what no labels is up to right now? >> it is interesting. i think what is happening with no labels, for a long time i think he was seen as in some ways an ideal statesman right? he was happy to work across the aisle. he was once floated as a potential running mate that shows just how kind of politically eclectic his various friendships and positions were. a lot of people would look at him sand they that the senate should have more people like that. that is what we wanted from the senate. but we are now at a moment where our politics is much more polarized and divided. the stakes seem higherment a lot of people believe that the stakes are the very existence of democracy in america so there is not as much patience for or appetite for what lieberman was up to. and no labels kind of represents where that sort of centerrism can go wrong. because a loft of people have real questions about what they are actually trying to achieve. will they ultimately serve as a spoiler to get donald trump back to the white house? there has been really good reporting on the demind the scenes of the no labels operations. even some of their own donors are questioning what they are up to. but i hope that we can remember what, the good that lieberman did and the period of washington he represented which is a period when frankly it was, you could argue that politics was taking place between the 20-yard lines on a football field. meaning that republicans and democrats were a lot closer together 30 or 40 years ago. but it is still you know, i think what no labels is up to is going to be something that hurts his legacy going forward probably. >> all right, before we go, charles, new topic. you have to do extra credit tonight. talk us through what is happening to sean combs. it has been reported two of his homes in la and miami have been raided. a source telling nbc news he is the subject of a federal criminal investigation. there is a ton we do not know. but what can you tell us? >> this is probably not a good sign for him. we know very little about the situation. but here is what i do know. is you cannot get a warrant to conduct a raid if you do not have a demonstration of probable cause. at this point it is likely the investigators are trying not to go on a fishing expedition. another thing that is interesting is yes, we know that diddy was the target of the raids but who else is involved? i'm not certain this investigation is squarely limited to sean combs. finally, we all know he has a bunch of civil cases that he is dealing with. is it possible that some of those allegations and some of those witnesses are going to feed into this investigation because that is very plausible in terms of how law enforcement conducts their investigation. we could see the civil cases become part of the criminal charges. >> is it possible, would you say, in your experience, it is probable? >> that he is getting arrested? >> no, that some of these people associated in the civil cases. >> yes. >> that would be a yes. >> yes. >> i will not ask you. i see mike sweating going like i'm not here for diddy questions. i got that. no worries. thank you so much. my family sweating on that. when we come back, the misinformation machine ran wild. after the baltimore bridge collapsed. awful, disgusting, unimaginable. but it happened. the new rnc chair insists that 2020 is in the past. but did her father-in-law get that memo? the 11th hour just getting underway on a wednesday night. underway on a wednesday night. when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. what we do know is a bridge like this one completed in the 1970s was simply not made to withstand a direct impact on a critical support pier from a vessel that weighs about 200 million pounds. >> tonight, investigators are learning more about the deadly collision that destroyed the key bridge in baltimore. nbc's tom costello has the latest. >> reporter: while the dali remains trapped under tons of wreckage from the collapsed bridge. teams were on board today gathering evidence and identifying key crew members to interview. already investigators have downloaded data from the ship's so-called black box includeing the ship's speed, position, power, and throttle settings at 1:30 a.m. tuesday. >> that will help us, enable us to begin to put together a time line of events. that occurred prior to the striking of the bridge. >> reporter: investigators will also look at whether the ship received contaminated fuel which could have shut down the engines causing it to lose power before crashing into the bridge. while we wait for answers, one thing is for sure. misinformation about the collapse has been spreading unchecked. according to axios on the site formerly known as twitter, there were quote baseless claims the ship had been the victim of a cyber attack or had intentionally rammed into the bridge. absolute lies. some posts blamed, ready for this? diversity and inclusion initiatives. at side it was an attack from israel. it is such garbage and it wasn't just randos on social media. public figures, people like maria on fox news who used to be an icon in business news. she blamed it on the border. the open border. marjorie taylor greene speculated it was an intentional attack and nancy mays blamed joe biden's infrastructure bill. all of this is false disgusting garbage and it happened within the last 48 hours. some bodies have not been recovered. clint watts joins me. he is an msnbc national security analyst. i'm upset, disappointed and disgusted. it has not even been a full two days since the collapse and these conspiracy theories are everywhere. they are spreading faster than they used to. what is going on? >> it is not surprising. that lies out pace the truth. any time there is a catastrophe, something, some sort of tragedy that happened and induces fear, you see these conspiracies immediately begin to pop up. important to remember audiences tend to believe things when they are scared or where they have seen something they have never seen before. the vulnerability is really something that people prey on. everything from criminal fraudsters trying to get people to click on link to donate things to conspiracy theorists drawing attention to themselves. the key thing is these things are not exactly the same. the theme is not exactly the same. but it rhymes. we have seen the conspiracy theories. there were 9/11 hoax conspiracies. this is very similar in terms of how it pops up. it is the same folks that do it over and over again. and they push them faster than we can know the truth. they are still trying to get to the bottom of why this happened now. >> but clint it is not just your crazy uncle grandpa spreading these spear theories. the reason people believe is because they are hearing it from trusted sources. from their local congresswoman. who is say it was joe biden's infrastructure bill. from the morning news lady on fox saying it was the open borders. how damaging is that, that is not just coming from some weirdos on the fringe but public figures. >> it hits the three criteria of what people believe. first, most, or from a trusted source. if you are hearing that from many different sources they trust, it is really hard to disrupt that now. you saw secretary buttigieg going out with the facts. you were mentioning what some of those causes might mean. we don't know yet. meanwhile, a fire hose of falsehoods will be launched. the mainstream eco system as well. when you combine all of that together, people are not sure what to believe and i can tell you i received a text message last night. someone asking who was behind this. they were asking me personally. and i had no reason to believe. it just tells you i feel it myself. if you are out in the hope looking at the information space, ten years ago, we would assume things are true. today, you have to really go in thinking maybe it is false or quite a bit off especially in dynamic breaking news scenarios like this. >> some of these conspiracy theories also focus on the deep state. i want to point out what the actual state accomplished in baltimore yesterday. after the ship sent out a may day call at 1:00 in the morning, local law enforceable had minutes to shut down traffic. officers tried to get the construction workers off the bridge. but for them, it was too late. within hours, the fbi and the ntsb were on the ground. the coast guard and recovery divers were in the water and they were coordinating with members of congress and the transportation secretary. it is extraordinary what they did. this level of coordination prevented this disaster from being even worse. this is an extraordinary example of local and state government working. how do we recognize this? how do we honor this? we know when the governor gets it wrong. we all talk about it. but every day, day in, day out, it is these government workers. it is the infrastructure. it keeps us functioning. and safe. >> you are telling the first story really i have heard about this. it is important to note, everything that went right in term of the response. absolute catastrophe. look at how bad it would have been. having driven across the bridge dozens of times. that is a bridge that is heavily trafficked. it was in the middle of the night. what they pulled off in terms of the response, how quickly they responded, it is remarkable they were able to do this, emergency response to law enforcement. so you know, hats off to all the responders that were there. and they likely prevented a lot more lives from being lost just in the last 48 hours. >> extraordinary heros and we are grateful for them. clint, thank you so much for joining us tonight. when we come back, the rnc claims it is ready to move past trump's 2020 election loss. we will get into it when the 11th hour continues. 11th hour continues. has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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especially if trump spreads lies at every election he can get. >> i don't think any of us should think trump is not going to drown out everyone in this. if the rnc is doing what she is hinting at. she is hinting they could go big on early voting. that is the true test. look at what a politician does, not necessarily what they say. trump may be saying that it is stolen and it was rigged but if they are listening into the idea of banking early votes and trusting mail by vote, that is a strong indication that the mechanics of this and the rnc is proceeding as though the last election wasn't stolen. it wasn't rigged. and they will try to win by the rules that are out there. >> amanda, this shift is being called a dramatic shift in messaging. what i am about to share, none of what she is saying is true. watch this. >> we had to learn a couple of hard lessons in 2020. believe me. we are taking those. we are applying them. all across the country and every single state, and we want to ensure that indeed, every single legal vote is counted. >> every single legal vote was counted in 2020. >> i feel like she is playing a big joke on us. we know the things donald trump is saying. technically, yes. the 2020 election was in the past. every halfway decent election official want republicans to go to early voting and she will try to do that. while at the same time, they are very clearly screening to make sure that election deniers are going to the rnc. there was a story in the washington post this morning talking about how there is a litmus test for that. new employees are asked. do you believe the election is stolen? the reason she has that job is because ronna mcdaniel was ousted by the rnc because she didn't clean to the election integrity issues hard enough. did all kind of things in arizona that caused a lot of damage. two election officials in the state. at the same time, her rnc is doing everything it can to keep the big election lies going. and so i just think it is very hard to take anything that she says with a straight face. >> she is changing her messaging when she is talking to garrett haake but they are certainly not changing what they are doing behind the scenes and on the ground. hans, the biden administration is changing some of their messaging. but not their work. >> he said it on tuesday. so my colleague alex thompson i had noticed this. the president had gone totally radio silent on biden-onics and it was on tuesday he said it for the first time in two months. in north carolina, we had to tweak our league a little bit. but the story holds and it is even truer when you look at congressional democrats. there is a big pickup on using biden-omics over the summer. to do what barack obama did for obama care. take a liability. take something toxic and turn it into a political asset. and the white house pressed on this over the summer. they got some pushback on democrats who didn't think it was a great idea. the bigger drop off, there is a big dropoff from what the president is in his verbage. and presidential speeches, a lot of time and effort go into them. president biden speaks off the tough on occasion but what the president says matters and they do think about this quite critically. on the congressional side, all the social media posting, it has dropped off a cliff. and that tells us something. that yes, the economy has improved. consumer confidence is up. the consumer sentiment is up higher. we will get the final reading at the end of the month. that is the one thing that one data point that the white house is looking at but it has flat lined a little bit. consumers are not quite feeling it the way the white house wants them to. and they appear to be shifting gears a little bit. >> it is that inflation and it doesn't feel good. >> i will let you go. i know you like to have a late night drink before bed night. sam bankman fried will learn his future tomorrow when he gets his sentencing. when the 11th hour continues. e regarding our health. and our doctors told us that we needed to lose weight. i saw a golo commercial and i thought, "we really need to try this." as the weeks went by, the weight came off. we learned to make healthy choices and be supportive of each other. together, we've lost 170 pounds. golo worked for us. since losing weight on golo, i'm feeling grateful and hopeful about the future. (energizing music) “i did just pay 60% less for my ticket with the gametime app.” “it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets.” “i guess i'm just a better fan than you.” “(crowd cheering) i've got to get the gametime app.” “download the gametime app and use promo code viva to get $20 off your first purchase.” an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. i still love to surf, snowboard, directly at the source. and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. you hear that tune? sam bankman fried is about to face the music. the former silicon valley golden boy will be sentenced tomorrow. he of course was convicted for fraud and conspiracy last year. a scheme that led to the collapse of ftx crypto currency exchange. lawyers said six-and-a-half years that could be enough. here now the expert on all things sam bankman fried. give it to us. the sentencing is hours away. >> it is up to him. he could go over than that. >> isn't that the same donald trump argument? hey, there were no victims so i should be okay. he still committed. he was found guilty of committing massive fraud. >> the reason the money has been recovered is he made a bunch of bets with other people's money. they will get enough to pay back the victims. the judge already heard this argument during the trial. and it sounds like you are telling me this guy went and robbed fort knox. he still robbed fort knox. this is irrelevant. i don't know if he will like that argument any better now. >> how can sam conduct himself during the trial and how is that going to play? >> even before the trial, he was annoying the judge from the start. he got, he was out on house arrest. he was at his parents' house. he had a pretty cushy setup. went to prison for using a vpn to use the super bowl. and for leaking his ex- girlfriend's diaries to the new york times. they said that was tampering with a key witness. if he was testifying in his own defense, when he was asked about almost any facts related to ftx, he kept saying i don't recall. i don't recall. when he was presented with evidence of statements he had made in the past. >> well, the prosecutors believe they are making the argument that they think he will reoffend if he is given the chance. >> it is a funny argument. they are saying that he has such a twisted personal philosophy he convinced himself that he wanted to do good for the world and the way to do it was to make a ton of money through fraud. if the opportunity presents itself again. he would do it again. and if anyone needs a deterrent, it's him. >> what do you think will happen? you have followed this from the beginning. early on, he was talking to journal ists. he is not speaking to anyone. how do you see this playing out? >> i think it is pretty crazy. i think am i next to the next mark zuckerberg? i think he is going to be going to prison for most of the rest of his adult life. >> where is ftx now? i'm thinking about the giant estate. the penthouse, the building in the bahamas. where is all that? where is the team? where are the assets and the buildings? >> so, the bankruptcy lawyers who sam is very mad at and has this whole conspiracy theory they are the ones responsible for its failure. they have seized these assets and are in the process of selling them off. the weird thing is among the assets they recovered were about a billion dollars worth of tokens called solana. >> it's all a circus and we will leave it there. a circus and he has found himself in a big fat cage. i'm guessing you will be in court tomorrow. >> i'll be there. >> front row. >> thank you so much. when we come back, i need you to stick around for our most important story of the night. fathers, husbands, and sons. we will remember and honor the victims of the baltimore bridge collapse when the 11th hour continues. r continues. people who simply just went to work yesterday to work on potholes, they had no idea that them going to work was going to turn into a deadly occurrence. but you know, when i had the chance to speak with their families and pray with and for their families, they just reminded me of who they were as people. they were fathers. they were sons. they were husbands. they were people who their families relied on. >> the last thing before we go tonight, remembering the victims of the bridge collapse in baltimore. families are grieving tonight as maryland state police announced that the bodies of two of the missing construction workers were recovered from a submerged pickup truck this morning. 35-year-old alejandro fuentes originally from mexico and 26- year-old dorlian cabrera, originally from guatemala. four other workers remain missing and are resumed dead. our own tom llamas has more. >> reporter: some of the missing construction workers were inside their cars at the time of the collapse. you can actually see their vehicles lights blinking on the bridge just before impact. >> it will be very, very difficult i think to find them. >> reporter: jeffrey pritzker is an executive with the construction company. he say it is entire company is in mourning and still in shock. >> did the message get to your employees that the ship was going to crash into the bridge? do you know if they realized that? >> i don't know. i wasn't there. i can only tell you they were right in the middle span of that bridge. right in the center of the middle span. so, i doubt if they heard anything frankly or knew it was going to happen. >> you are saying it may have been caught completely by surprise? >> may have been. >> reporter: one member of their crew survived and is still unable to speak about what happened. among the missing, miguel luna, a father of six from el salvador. there he is at a gender reveal party for his grandchild just this month. and manor sandoval. his brother, emotional saying it is not easy seeing the bridge now. knowing that monster of iron is trapping my brother. >> according to the washington post, both men were members of an immigrant organization called casa. their executive director said this. in a time when there is so much hatred against the immigrant community, we look to the quiet leadership of mayner and miguel and how they upheld our society so americans can live comfortably. we are grateful for their contributions of these hard, hard working men. our hearts go out to their families tonight. and on that note, i wish you all a very good and a very safe night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. see you at the end of tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> what are your strengths and weaknesses and do you believe

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Joe Biden , Donald Trump , Contrast , Campaign , Republican , Leaders , Display , Isolation , Solidarity , Democrats , Optics , United , President , Building , Fund Raising Event , Campaign Cash Lead , Election , One , 11th Hour , Bills , Candidate , Word , Nominee , Cost , Stephanie Ruhle , 11 , Lawyers , Conspiracy Theories , Baltimore , Campaign Cash Advantage , Bridge Collapse , Surge , Sam Bankman Fried , Sentencing , Prison , Ex Crypto , Court Cases , New York Times , Fund , Crossover , 223 , Number , Kid , 00 Million , 100 Million , 90 , 2021 , Trump , Donations , Screen , Donation Number , Results , Top , 254 Million , 2020 , 54 Million , Hush Money , Source , Cash , Fraction , Election Results , Inauguration , Biden Leading Trump , Three , Error , Margin , Quinnipiac Poll , Swing States , Numbers , Poll , Following Hi State Of The Union , Bloomberg , Eight , Seven , Six , 18 , States , Help , Michael , Mckay , Evening , Leader , Advisers , Family , Inner Circle , Ten , Msnbc Political Contributor , Atlantic , Reporting , Problem , Guidelines , Guy , It , Spending , Defendant , Penn , 1600 , People , Money , Raise , Public , Stories , Donors , Associated Press , Biden Campaign , Battleground States , Offices , Country , Staffers , General Election Campaign Apparatus , 350 , 100 , Trump Campaign , Donor , Nothing , Argument , Moneys , Fees , Rnc , Won T , Ballot Races , Left , Case , Question , Scenes , Fact , Discontent , Laura Trump , Wall , Pedaling , Daughter In Law , Situation , Officials , Haake , Hearing , Comments , Let S Talk , Strategy , Competitors , Scoop , Campaign Playbook , Learning , Event , Medicaid , Healthcare , Abortion Rights , North Carolina , Expansion , Lot , Things , Team , Impact , Issue , Point , Affordability Crisis , Housing Crisis , Win , 2008 , Ones , Age , Running , Anybody , One Campaign , Messaging , Biden Onics , Basement , Data Points , Something , Reason , Story , Message , Inflation , Economy , Voters , Empathy , Yes , Somebody , Person , Stock Market , Community , Value , Class , Trends , Dow Jones , Obama Care , Originating , Feel , Slogan , Let , Aileen Cannon , Talk , Documents , Scales , Nine , Chance , Litigation , Indictments , Tier , Mar A Lago , Indication , Movement , Saying , Thing , Decisions , Justice System Works , Rocket Speed , Gun Shy , Course , Ground , Gift , New York , Judge , Gag Order , Consequences , Daughter , Two , 24 , Trucking , Space , Conflict Of Interest Sayingly , Way , Court , Tiered System , Safety , Traffic Ticket , Justice , Pacing Repercussions , Power , Man , Regard , Notions , Rule Of Law , President Obama , Fundraiser , Concern , Appearance , Grave , Biden Team , Legacy , Stake , Bill Clinton Raising , 15 Million , 5 Million , Bit , Plan , Zoo , The Street , Radio City , Content , On The Road , White House , Doing , Part , Administration , Men , Feelings , Arms , 2016 , Joe Lieberman , Labels , Running Mate , News , Group , Chairman , Voice , The Hill , Al Gore , 2000 , 82 , Party Ticket , Statesman , Ways , Aisle , Kind , Politics , Senate , Friendships , Positions , Sand , Stakes , Democracy In America , Appetite , Patience , Existence , What Lieberman , Sort , Questions , Centerrism , Loft , Questioning , Spoiler , Operations , Demind , Good , Washington , Place , Football Field , 30 , 40 , 20 , Right , Topic , Credit , Charles , Ton , Us , Nbc News , Sean Combs , Homes , Subject Of A Federal Criminal Investigation , La , Miami , Demonstration , Sign , Warrant , Raid , Investigators , Diddy , Cause , Raids , Target , Fishing Expedition , Some , Bunch , Cases , Investigation , Witnesses , Allegations , Law Enforcement , Terms , Experience , Charges , Mike Sweating , Bridge , Back , Family Sweating , Worries , Misinformation Machine Ran Wild , Father In Law , Get , Memo , Unimaginable , Disgusting , Awful , Rnc Chair , Anything , Party , House , Wall To Wifi , Coverage , Xfinity , Dream Do Come True , Wall To , Shannon Barnes , Everyone , Speeds , Devices , Xfinity 10g Network , Mom And Dad , 10 , 1970 , Collision , Vessel , Support , Pier , 200 Million , Reporter , Black Box Includeing The Ship , Data , Evidence , Crew Members , Latest , Wreckage , Dali , Tons , Tom Costello , Teams , Events , Speed , Position , Time Line , Tuesday , 1 , Ship , Fuel , Striking , Engines , Collapse , Cyber Attack , Victim , Misinformation , Answers , Site , Sure , Twitter , Quote Baseless Claims , Axios , Attack , Posts , Diversity , Side , Lies , Initiatives , Inclusion , Garbage , Figures , Business News , Border , Wasn T Just Randos On Social Media , Icon , Maria On Fox News , Israel , Infrastructure Bill , Open Border , Nancy Mays , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Clint Watts , Bodies , 48 , National Security Analyst , Msnbc , Truth , Everywhere , Catastrophe , Audiences , Conspiracies , Fear , Tragedy , Vulnerability , Everything , Same , Conspiracy Theorists , Fraudsters , Theme , Link , Attention , Folks , Hoax Conspiracies , It Rhymes , 9 11 , Grandpa , Spear Theories , Bottom , Crazy , Sources , Borders , Congresswoman , Morning News Lady , Fox , Most , Fringe , Weirdos , Criteria , First , Facts , Causes , Secretary Buttigieg , Eco System , Fire Hose , Falsehoods , Together , Last Night , Someone , Information Space , Hope , Breaking News Scenarios , Deep State , Estate , Law , Officers , Traffic , May Day , 00 , Construction Workers , Members , Divers , Recovery , Water , Congress , Ntsb , Coast Guard , Fbi , Level , Example , State Government , Transportation Secretary , Disaster , Coordination , Government Workers , Governor , Note , Infrastructure , Safe , Functioning , Response , Times , Term , Middle , Dozens , Hats , Emergency Response , Responders , Lives , Heros , Election Loss , Idea , Policy , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Call Coventry , 100000 , 00000 , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Snacks , App , Deals , Ticket , Tickets , Fan , Gametime , 60 , Life , Energy , Flight , Cirkul , Walmart , 202 , Notes , Shift , Chair , Basis , Reality , Cannot , 2024 , Amanda Carpenter , Hans Nichols , More , Project Democracy , Writer , Editor , Anyone , Jim Demint , Spreads , Staffer , Senior , Ted Cruz , Voting , Politician , Test , Wasn T Stolen , Vote , Banking , Votes , Mail , Mechanics , It Wasn T , Rules , None , Share , Lessons , Couple , Single , Joke , Technically , Employees , Washington Post , Litmus Test , Election Deniers , Ronna Mcdaniel , Job , Issues , Integrity , Damage , Arizona , Face , Alex Thompson , Work , Time , League , Radio Silent On Biden Onics , Summer , Pickup , Liability , Biden Omics , Drop Off , Pushback , Asset , Didn T , Speeches , Matters , Dropoff , Verbage , Effort , Occasion , Consumer Sentiment , Consumer Confidence , Posting , Cliff , Consumers , Reading , The End , Doesn T Feel Good , Bed Night , Weight , Each Other , Commercial , Health , Doctors , Golo , Choices , Music , 170 , Voltaren , Alternative , Crowd Cheering , Purchase , Promo Code , Use , Pills , 0 , Medicine , Pain , Arthritis Pain Relief Gel , Surf , Snowboard , Magnesium , Strength , Benefits , Bone Health , Skate , Muscle , Qunol Magnesium , Qunol , Brand , Tune , Golden Boy , Silicon Valley , Fraud , Ftx Crypto , Conspiracy , Scheme , Led , Expert , Victims , Isn T , Bets , Trial , Fort Knox , Vpn , Start , Parents , Setup , House Arrest , Diaries , Ex Girlfriend , Super Bowl , Witness , Defense , Tampering , I Don T Recall , Ftx , Prosecutors , Statements , Philosophy , World , Opportunity , Deterrent , Beginning , Journal Ists , Mark Zuckerberg , Who Sam , Assets , Buildings , Adult , Rest , Penthouse , Bahamas , Conspiracy Theory , Failure , Process , Tokens , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Circus , I Ll Be There , Solana , Big Fat Cage , Front Row , Fathers , Husbands , Sons , Potholes , R , Families , Occurrence , On , Maryland State Police , Workers , Pickup Truck , Guatemala , Mexico , Dorlian Cabrera , Alejandro Fuentes , Four , 35 , 26 , Cars , Vehicles , Tom Llamas , Company , Executive , Construction Company , Mourning , Shock , Jeffrey Pritzker , Center , I Don T Know , Member , Crew , Surprise , Miguel Luna , Manor Sandoval , Brother , Grandchild , Gender , El Salvador , Immigrant , Executive Director , Iron , Monster , Organization , Casa , Leadership , Immigrant Community , Hatred , Society , Americans , Mayner , Colleagues , Contributions , Networks , Hearts , Hard , Hard Working Men , Thanks , Strengths , Weaknesses ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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lawyers. while biden's campaign cash advantage is getting bigger. the surge of conspiracy theories about the baltimore bridge collapse. and convicted ex-crypto king sam bankman fried is facing decades in prison. his sentencing now just hours away as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. good evening once again. we are now 223 days away from the election. and we are learning more about the crossover between donald trump's political fund raising and his court cases. according to the new york times, donald trump has spent, are you ready for this number, more than $100 million on legal bills since 2021. that is more than 90 grand a day. tell your kid to be lawyers one day. trump has relied almost completely on donations to fight the results of the 2020 election to pay for it all. the $254 million donation number you see at the top of your screen is what trump managed to raise the day after the election and president biden's inauguration. only a little fraction of that money went toward challenging the election results. but now that money is drying up and trump will either have to find another source of cash to start footing the bills. a new quinnipiac poll has biden leading trump by three. but that is within the margin of error. a bloomberg poll found the numbers are going up in six of seven swing states but still trailing or statistically tied with trump. this comes as president biden wraps up an 18-day travel schedule following hi state of the union. he made stops in eight different states that could be crucial in november. let's get smarter with the help of our leader this evening. michael has covered president biden, his family and inner circle of advisers over ten years. mckay, a staff writer for the atlantic and a new msnbc political contributor. could we start with this reporting? there have to be, can they get fight this? >> they can try. generally speaking this is more of a political problem than a legal problem. he has apparently followed the guidelines about what he can spend money on. it is he was speaking primarily as a defendant, regardless of how much donald trump is spending on lawyers, if he makes it back to 1600 penn, it was more than worth it. >> well, he could also argue we could laugh and say i thought he was a rich guy not paying his own bills. he would argue that makes him a smart rich guy. why would he use his own money if legally, he can use other people's? but mckay, he is currently struggling to fund raise. at least this time around now that it is public could that make it more difficult? >> you want to see where the money is going and i think it will become more and more complicated to get donors to keep ponying up when you have stories like you saw in the associated press this week showing that in key battleground states across the country, the trump campaign has effectively no general election campaign apparatus. joe biden has hired 350 new staffers, opened 100 new offices across battleground states this month alone. the trump campaign has done basically nothing. i think that if you are a republican donor and considering whether to raise money on donald trump's campaign, you will have to start reading those stories and thinking am i raising money for his legal fees or for the general election? if he can't make a compelling argument it will be hard to raise moneys. >> what about republicans in the down ballot races? should they be worried there won't be any rnc money left for them after trump takes it all to pay his lawyers? >> well, i think that you are going to see mounting discontent and increasingly public discontent if that is in fact the case. it is clear that there has been some behind the scenes blow back on this question. you see laura trump, donald trump's daughter-in-law furiously back pedaling saying the rnc will not cover his legal bills after all. we are not going to do that. you don't see her go out and make comments like that unless you are in a situation where you are hearing privately not just from donors but republican officials that they are extremely frustrated. >> you mean sitting down with garrett haake is not how laura trump like to start every wednesday? i'm shocked. >> it's how i like to start my day. >> totally. me too. let's talk about president biden. because while donald trump is dealing with these legal bills, the president has been out there come paining. 18 days, 18 states. >> we are trying to out-work our competitors. get inside the campaign playbook. get the scoop on what the strategy is. they said these are the battleground states and we are learning not just based on where the president has been this month where he thinks he can compete. how he competes. he goes to north carolina. i was at the event talking healthcare. abortion rights. the expansion of medicaid in north carolina. they think those are the issues the president can run on and win. we know the impact of the housing crisis in 2008. the affordability crisis is still a big issue there. so, we are learning a lot about how the biden team thinks they can win in november. and one of the things that is a point of contrast during the same 18 days, donald trump was only holding one campaign event the entire time. so we have talked a lot about age as an issue in this campaign. the biden campaign is wondering when is anybody going to notice we are the only ones campaigning? the one running in the basement? donald trump. >> i want to talk about president biden and his messaging. we are not hearing him use the term biden-onics anymore. there are a lot of great data points about the economy. but inflation looms. is that the reason he is hearing that from voters and that has him changing his message something. >> they say there is a good economic story to tell. but they want to hear empathy from the president. yes, the trends look good. the stock market is high, but biden has never been somebody who puts his economic value on what the dow jones says. he wants to know what the middle class, the person who grew up in a community like his thinks. so when you take the biden campaign's strategy, they were thinking when it was originating, let's look at how successful obama care was. they wanted to get ahead of what they thought republicans would do. maybe they dialed away from the slogan, but that is not stopping him from trying to talk about it. it comes down to a gut feel. >> let's talk about donald trump and his classified documents casement he was indicted over nine months ago. right? it seems like aileen cannon is tipping the scales for imevery chance she possibly can get. >> it is uncanny the outside help he has had. he is in the good tier. >> there is no question this is not a complicated litigation. the mar-a-lago documents case is probably the most straightforward all of his criminal indictments he is facing so the fact it has been as slow and we have not seen much movement, it is an indication beyond what he has been saying, you are seeing how the justice system works. one thing i will point out is i think aileen cannon has gotten a bit gun shy because of how she has been treated. she is not as quick to make any hasty decisions. not that she was moving at rocket speed before. >> she is not making any decisions. a gift to trump. >> of course it is. but to answer your question, i do not see this getting off the ground before the end of the year. >> different case. let's talk about the hush money case here in new york. less than 24 hours, donald trump was issued a partial gag order he is out there attacking two people tied to this case. but not mentioned in the gag order. the judge and the judge's daughter. any possible consequences for trump or is he going to keep on trucking? >> he will keep on trucking. it is a difficult space for judge marshawn to be in. there is a technical conflict of interest sayingly silence you talking about me. should he have to right to do that regarding his safety? absolutely. but we are talking a two tiered system of justice. i could not be in court for a traffic ticket and talk about the judge the way donald trump has without pacing repercussions so it is important to point out and to illustrate how the notions of power continue to play out. and how the people tiptoe around this man with no regard for the rule of law. >> let's talk about another very powerful man who does have great regard for the rule of law. president obama. new york times is reporting that the former president is now working a lot more closely with the biden team. not just on doing a potential appearance or fundraiser but actual strategy help for the president. because of his grave concern that trump could win this thing. >> yeah. president obama is all in. a lot is at stake. including his legacy. he and his team are talking to the biden team. it is what is happening tomorrow. there is a major fundraiser. barack obama, bill clinton raising money for joe biden. it will raise about $15 million for the campaign. >> here in new york city? >> right across the street. radio city. so plan accordingly so it will be a little bit of a zoo. but this will be a major event bringing a lot of money for the campaign. but what is helpful to the current president i was told when he was at the white house, they were taping content about the affordable care act. he was talking about, listen, your state of the union was great. it has gotten people fired up. stay out on the road. keep doing what you are doing. these two men work so closely together in the administration. there was a little bit of hurt feelings. let's say on the part of the president. he did not support him running in 2016. they are fully locked arms in this. >> i understand hurt feelings. and no. you came for obama. all right, mckay, very sad news. former senator joe lieberman died at age 82. a fiercely independent voice on the hill. he served as al gore's running mate in 2000 but we heard from him most recently because he has been the chairman of no labels, the group trying to field a no party ticket for president. what is his legacy by what no labels is up to right now? >> it is interesting. i think what is happening with no labels, for a long time i think he was seen as in some ways an ideal statesman right? he was happy to work across the aisle. he was once floated as a potential running mate that shows just how kind of politically eclectic his various friendships and positions were. a lot of people would look at him sand they that the senate should have more people like that. that is what we wanted from the senate. but we are now at a moment where our politics is much more polarized and divided. the stakes seem higherment a lot of people believe that the stakes are the very existence of democracy in america so there is not as much patience for or appetite for what lieberman was up to. and no labels kind of represents where that sort of centerrism can go wrong. because a loft of people have real questions about what they are actually trying to achieve. will they ultimately serve as a spoiler to get donald trump back to the white house? there has been really good reporting on the demind the scenes of the no labels operations. even some of their own donors are questioning what they are up to. but i hope that we can remember what, the good that lieberman did and the period of washington he represented which is a period when frankly it was, you could argue that politics was taking place between the 20-yard lines on a football field. meaning that republicans and democrats were a lot closer together 30 or 40 years ago. but it is still you know, i think what no labels is up to is going to be something that hurts his legacy going forward probably. >> all right, before we go, charles, new topic. you have to do extra credit tonight. talk us through what is happening to sean combs. it has been reported two of his homes in la and miami have been raided. a source telling nbc news he is the subject of a federal criminal investigation. there is a ton we do not know. but what can you tell us? >> this is probably not a good sign for him. we know very little about the situation. but here is what i do know. is you cannot get a warrant to conduct a raid if you do not have a demonstration of probable cause. at this point it is likely the investigators are trying not to go on a fishing expedition. another thing that is interesting is yes, we know that diddy was the target of the raids but who else is involved? i'm not certain this investigation is squarely limited to sean combs. finally, we all know he has a bunch of civil cases that he is dealing with. is it possible that some of those allegations and some of those witnesses are going to feed into this investigation because that is very plausible in terms of how law enforcement conducts their investigation. we could see the civil cases become part of the criminal charges. >> is it possible, would you say, in your experience, it is probable? >> that he is getting arrested? >> no, that some of these people associated in the civil cases. >> yes. >> that would be a yes. >> yes. >> i will not ask you. i see mike sweating going like i'm not here for diddy questions. i got that. no worries. thank you so much. my family sweating on that. when we come back, the misinformation machine ran wild. after the baltimore bridge collapsed. awful, disgusting, unimaginable. but it happened. the new rnc chair insists that 2020 is in the past. but did her father-in-law get that memo? the 11th hour just getting underway on a wednesday night. underway on a wednesday night. when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. what we do know is a bridge like this one completed in the 1970s was simply not made to withstand a direct impact on a critical support pier from a vessel that weighs about 200 million pounds. >> tonight, investigators are learning more about the deadly collision that destroyed the key bridge in baltimore. nbc's tom costello has the latest. >> reporter: while the dali remains trapped under tons of wreckage from the collapsed bridge. teams were on board today gathering evidence and identifying key crew members to interview. already investigators have downloaded data from the ship's so-called black box includeing the ship's speed, position, power, and throttle settings at 1:30 a.m. tuesday. >> that will help us, enable us to begin to put together a time line of events. that occurred prior to the striking of the bridge. >> reporter: investigators will also look at whether the ship received contaminated fuel which could have shut down the engines causing it to lose power before crashing into the bridge. while we wait for answers, one thing is for sure. misinformation about the collapse has been spreading unchecked. according to axios on the site formerly known as twitter, there were quote baseless claims the ship had been the victim of a cyber attack or had intentionally rammed into the bridge. absolute lies. some posts blamed, ready for this? diversity and inclusion initiatives. at side it was an attack from israel. it is such garbage and it wasn't just randos on social media. public figures, people like maria on fox news who used to be an icon in business news. she blamed it on the border. the open border. marjorie taylor greene speculated it was an intentional attack and nancy mays blamed joe biden's infrastructure bill. all of this is false disgusting garbage and it happened within the last 48 hours. some bodies have not been recovered. clint watts joins me. he is an msnbc national security analyst. i'm upset, disappointed and disgusted. it has not even been a full two days since the collapse and these conspiracy theories are everywhere. they are spreading faster than they used to. what is going on? >> it is not surprising. that lies out pace the truth. any time there is a catastrophe, something, some sort of tragedy that happened and induces fear, you see these conspiracies immediately begin to pop up. important to remember audiences tend to believe things when they are scared or where they have seen something they have never seen before. the vulnerability is really something that people prey on. everything from criminal fraudsters trying to get people to click on link to donate things to conspiracy theorists drawing attention to themselves. the key thing is these things are not exactly the same. the theme is not exactly the same. but it rhymes. we have seen the conspiracy theories. there were 9/11 hoax conspiracies. this is very similar in terms of how it pops up. it is the same folks that do it over and over again. and they push them faster than we can know the truth. they are still trying to get to the bottom of why this happened now. >> but clint it is not just your crazy uncle grandpa spreading these spear theories. the reason people believe is because they are hearing it from trusted sources. from their local congresswoman. who is say it was joe biden's infrastructure bill. from the morning news lady on fox saying it was the open borders. how damaging is that, that is not just coming from some weirdos on the fringe but public figures. >> it hits the three criteria of what people believe. first, most, or from a trusted source. if you are hearing that from many different sources they trust, it is really hard to disrupt that now. you saw secretary buttigieg going out with the facts. you were mentioning what some of those causes might mean. we don't know yet. meanwhile, a fire hose of falsehoods will be launched. the mainstream eco system as well. when you combine all of that together, people are not sure what to believe and i can tell you i received a text message last night. someone asking who was behind this. they were asking me personally. and i had no reason to believe. it just tells you i feel it myself. if you are out in the hope looking at the information space, ten years ago, we would assume things are true. today, you have to really go in thinking maybe it is false or quite a bit off especially in dynamic breaking news scenarios like this. >> some of these conspiracy theories also focus on the deep state. i want to point out what the actual state accomplished in baltimore yesterday. after the ship sent out a may day call at 1:00 in the morning, local law enforceable had minutes to shut down traffic. officers tried to get the construction workers off the bridge. but for them, it was too late. within hours, the fbi and the ntsb were on the ground. the coast guard and recovery divers were in the water and they were coordinating with members of congress and the transportation secretary. it is extraordinary what they did. this level of coordination prevented this disaster from being even worse. this is an extraordinary example of local and state government working. how do we recognize this? how do we honor this? we know when the governor gets it wrong. we all talk about it. but every day, day in, day out, it is these government workers. it is the infrastructure. it keeps us functioning. and safe. >> you are telling the first story really i have heard about this. it is important to note, everything that went right in term of the response. absolute catastrophe. look at how bad it would have been. having driven across the bridge dozens of times. that is a bridge that is heavily trafficked. it was in the middle of the night. what they pulled off in terms of the response, how quickly they responded, it is remarkable they were able to do this, emergency response to law enforcement. so you know, hats off to all the responders that were there. and they likely prevented a lot more lives from being lost just in the last 48 hours. >> extraordinary heros and we are grateful for them. clint, thank you so much for joining us tonight. when we come back, the rnc claims it is ready to move past trump's 2020 election loss. we will get into it when the 11th hour continues. 11th hour continues. has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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especially if trump spreads lies at every election he can get. >> i don't think any of us should think trump is not going to drown out everyone in this. if the rnc is doing what she is hinting at. she is hinting they could go big on early voting. that is the true test. look at what a politician does, not necessarily what they say. trump may be saying that it is stolen and it was rigged but if they are listening into the idea of banking early votes and trusting mail by vote, that is a strong indication that the mechanics of this and the rnc is proceeding as though the last election wasn't stolen. it wasn't rigged. and they will try to win by the rules that are out there. >> amanda, this shift is being called a dramatic shift in messaging. what i am about to share, none of what she is saying is true. watch this. >> we had to learn a couple of hard lessons in 2020. believe me. we are taking those. we are applying them. all across the country and every single state, and we want to ensure that indeed, every single legal vote is counted. >> every single legal vote was counted in 2020. >> i feel like she is playing a big joke on us. we know the things donald trump is saying. technically, yes. the 2020 election was in the past. every halfway decent election official want republicans to go to early voting and she will try to do that. while at the same time, they are very clearly screening to make sure that election deniers are going to the rnc. there was a story in the washington post this morning talking about how there is a litmus test for that. new employees are asked. do you believe the election is stolen? the reason she has that job is because ronna mcdaniel was ousted by the rnc because she didn't clean to the election integrity issues hard enough. did all kind of things in arizona that caused a lot of damage. two election officials in the state. at the same time, her rnc is doing everything it can to keep the big election lies going. and so i just think it is very hard to take anything that she says with a straight face. >> she is changing her messaging when she is talking to garrett haake but they are certainly not changing what they are doing behind the scenes and on the ground. hans, the biden administration is changing some of their messaging. but not their work. >> he said it on tuesday. so my colleague alex thompson i had noticed this. the president had gone totally radio silent on biden-onics and it was on tuesday he said it for the first time in two months. in north carolina, we had to tweak our league a little bit. but the story holds and it is even truer when you look at congressional democrats. there is a big pickup on using biden-omics over the summer. to do what barack obama did for obama care. take a liability. take something toxic and turn it into a political asset. and the white house pressed on this over the summer. they got some pushback on democrats who didn't think it was a great idea. the bigger drop off, there is a big dropoff from what the president is in his verbage. and presidential speeches, a lot of time and effort go into them. president biden speaks off the tough on occasion but what the president says matters and they do think about this quite critically. on the congressional side, all the social media posting, it has dropped off a cliff. and that tells us something. that yes, the economy has improved. consumer confidence is up. the consumer sentiment is up higher. we will get the final reading at the end of the month. that is the one thing that one data point that the white house is looking at but it has flat lined a little bit. consumers are not quite feeling it the way the white house wants them to. and they appear to be shifting gears a little bit. >> it is that inflation and it doesn't feel good. >> i will let you go. i know you like to have a late night drink before bed night. sam bankman fried will learn his future tomorrow when he gets his sentencing. when the 11th hour continues. e regarding our health. and our doctors told us that we needed to lose weight. i saw a golo commercial and i thought, "we really need to try this." as the weeks went by, the weight came off. we learned to make healthy choices and be supportive of each other. together, we've lost 170 pounds. golo worked for us. since losing weight on golo, i'm feeling grateful and hopeful about the future. (energizing music) “i did just pay 60% less for my ticket with the gametime app.” “it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets.” “i guess i'm just a better fan than you.” “(crowd cheering) i've got to get the gametime app.” “download the gametime app and use promo code viva to get $20 off your first purchase.” an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. i still love to surf, snowboard, directly at the source. and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. you hear that tune? sam bankman fried is about to face the music. the former silicon valley golden boy will be sentenced tomorrow. he of course was convicted for fraud and conspiracy last year. a scheme that led to the collapse of ftx crypto currency exchange. lawyers said six-and-a-half years that could be enough. here now the expert on all things sam bankman fried. give it to us. the sentencing is hours away. >> it is up to him. he could go over than that. >> isn't that the same donald trump argument? hey, there were no victims so i should be okay. he still committed. he was found guilty of committing massive fraud. >> the reason the money has been recovered is he made a bunch of bets with other people's money. they will get enough to pay back the victims. the judge already heard this argument during the trial. and it sounds like you are telling me this guy went and robbed fort knox. he still robbed fort knox. this is irrelevant. i don't know if he will like that argument any better now. >> how can sam conduct himself during the trial and how is that going to play? >> even before the trial, he was annoying the judge from the start. he got, he was out on house arrest. he was at his parents' house. he had a pretty cushy setup. went to prison for using a vpn to use the super bowl. and for leaking his ex- girlfriend's diaries to the new york times. they said that was tampering with a key witness. if he was testifying in his own defense, when he was asked about almost any facts related to ftx, he kept saying i don't recall. i don't recall. when he was presented with evidence of statements he had made in the past. >> well, the prosecutors believe they are making the argument that they think he will reoffend if he is given the chance. >> it is a funny argument. they are saying that he has such a twisted personal philosophy he convinced himself that he wanted to do good for the world and the way to do it was to make a ton of money through fraud. if the opportunity presents itself again. he would do it again. and if anyone needs a deterrent, it's him. >> what do you think will happen? you have followed this from the beginning. early on, he was talking to journal ists. he is not speaking to anyone. how do you see this playing out? >> i think it is pretty crazy. i think am i next to the next mark zuckerberg? i think he is going to be going to prison for most of the rest of his adult life. >> where is ftx now? i'm thinking about the giant estate. the penthouse, the building in the bahamas. where is all that? where is the team? where are the assets and the buildings? >> so, the bankruptcy lawyers who sam is very mad at and has this whole conspiracy theory they are the ones responsible for its failure. they have seized these assets and are in the process of selling them off. the weird thing is among the assets they recovered were about a billion dollars worth of tokens called solana. >> it's all a circus and we will leave it there. a circus and he has found himself in a big fat cage. i'm guessing you will be in court tomorrow. >> i'll be there. >> front row. >> thank you so much. when we come back, i need you to stick around for our most important story of the night. fathers, husbands, and sons. we will remember and honor the victims of the baltimore bridge collapse when the 11th hour continues. r continues. people who simply just went to work yesterday to work on potholes, they had no idea that them going to work was going to turn into a deadly occurrence. but you know, when i had the chance to speak with their families and pray with and for their families, they just reminded me of who they were as people. they were fathers. they were sons. they were husbands. they were people who their families relied on. >> the last thing before we go tonight, remembering the victims of the bridge collapse in baltimore. families are grieving tonight as maryland state police announced that the bodies of two of the missing construction workers were recovered from a submerged pickup truck this morning. 35-year-old alejandro fuentes originally from mexico and 26- year-old dorlian cabrera, originally from guatemala. four other workers remain missing and are resumed dead. our own tom llamas has more. >> reporter: some of the missing construction workers were inside their cars at the time of the collapse. you can actually see their vehicles lights blinking on the bridge just before impact. >> it will be very, very difficult i think to find them. >> reporter: jeffrey pritzker is an executive with the construction company. he say it is entire company is in mourning and still in shock. >> did the message get to your employees that the ship was going to crash into the bridge? do you know if they realized that? >> i don't know. i wasn't there. i can only tell you they were right in the middle span of that bridge. right in the center of the middle span. so, i doubt if they heard anything frankly or knew it was going to happen. >> you are saying it may have been caught completely by surprise? >> may have been. >> reporter: one member of their crew survived and is still unable to speak about what happened. among the missing, miguel luna, a father of six from el salvador. there he is at a gender reveal party for his grandchild just this month. and manor sandoval. his brother, emotional saying it is not easy seeing the bridge now. knowing that monster of iron is trapping my brother. >> according to the washington post, both men were members of an immigrant organization called casa. their executive director said this. in a time when there is so much hatred against the immigrant community, we look to the quiet leadership of mayner and miguel and how they upheld our society so americans can live comfortably. we are grateful for their contributions of these hard, hard working men. our hearts go out to their families tonight. and on that note, i wish you all a very good and a very safe night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. see you at the end of tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> what are your strengths and weaknesses and do you believe

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