Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

his cash crunch is not the only reason he is a national security threat. susan rights is here to discuss this and more. the supreme court will hear arguments this week on -- which is used in more than half of all abortions. the third-party threat, the presidential candidates that will not take the election but could have a impact on the november election. why democrats are preparing a aggressive counterattack. our panel will sound off on the political news of the week. this is the sunday show. trump is staring down a expensive deadline and time is running out. the self-proclaimed billionaire has less than 24 hours to post bond for a civil fraud judgment of more than 450 million. if he fails to cough up the cash, the attorney general could seize the former presidents assets including some of his most prized properties. despite his social media bluster about having almost 500 million in cash we should listen to his lawyers who said his ability to pay the bond is a practical impossibility. his lawyers asked the appeals court to reduce, delay or waive the bond requirement entirely but so far they have yet to issue a ruling. i am not going to lie, it has been fun watching trumps public financial freak out, but it is not funny. he is now the republic presidential nominee and it could have national security implications for the country if he goes back to the white house. we have seen this movie before, after he was elected in 2016 his financial entanglements made him a security threat back in. according to a report in the oversight committee trump received at least 7 .8 million from foreign government paid to his businesses during two of his four years in the white house. the report also revealed the majority of the money came from china with saudi arabia and others contributing smaller amounts. today we are not talking about foreign leaders staying in a hotel trying to curry favor with president trump, we are now talking about a want to be future president in desperate need to pay a fraud penalty to keep his empire intact. former trump lawyer and fixer michael cohen explains why this is a huge problem. >> it is not about the money. it is not about whether he can or he cannot, how does he get the money? what if hypothetically it is coming from a foreign entity, they could certainly make the payment for him. the u.s. and its national security will be on the line because donald will be indebted to that foreign entity. >> being indebted to the foreign entity will be the least of it. and in his cozy relationship with dictators like vladimir and the u.s. is a election away from having a president who himself could be the biggest national and global security threat the world has ever seen. joining me now is susan rights, the former director of the domestic policy counsel for the biden administration, the former national security advisor and former un ambassador in the obama administration. welcome back to the sunday show. >> great to be with you. >> on the specific concern about trump being indebted to a foreign entity how concerned should we be about that? >> i think it is a real concern, we have to wait and see how his financial situation plays out but should it come to a point where he is required to take money from the individual or a entity foreign or domestic that he is therefore then beholden to, his financial interests as has been the case ever since we experienced trump will be for most in his mind about the national interest, he consistently puts his personal and political interests ahead of the american people. as michael cohen said, if there were a situation where he had to take money from a foreign entity in a quantity as large as we are talking here, more than half $1 billion, that would be a grave concern. that is one of the many ways that we need to be careful and concerned about trump as a threat to our national security. >> you have several national security concerns about trump that are all interrelated. what is the foundational concern? cozying up to autocrats like vladimir or saying to him do whatever you want if nations do not pay more for their defense? >> they are linked and they are both of paramount concern. the fact that trump has said recently that as far as he is concerned he can do what he wants to nato and attack nato countries and back gives him no concern. it is fundamentally contrary to our national security interests. nato is the most effective alliance in global history. 1 billion people on both sides of the atlantic fall under its security umbrella. the only time nato has invoked article 5 was when we were attacked on 9/11. so we are directly tied up in the security of nato and our partners there. when trump says his dictator friend can have at nato and he does not care we need to be concerned. >> does the fight over funding for ukraine and trump's influence on capitol hill feet into your concern? >> absolutely. the fact that ukraine which has bravely and boldly fought for over two years holding off a unprovoked aggression by russia and is waiting desperately for the u.s. to join with our european partners and provide the military and financial support that ukraine so badly needs is a outrage. we should be supporting ukraine, we are not doing the fighting, ukrainians are doing the fighting and this is a battle for the future of europe and democracy. vladimir has been perfectly clear. if he were able to succeed in ukraine, his intent is to keep rolling into nato countries and other parts of europe. this is not his first foray into other sovereign countries, he did it in georgia, he did it income europe and he is doing it in the rest of the crane and he is promising to take the effort further if we let him do so. so trumps urging of the republicans in congress to block ukraine it is a direct favor to vladimir and it underscores why we need to be concerned about trump potentially returning to the white house. >> the baltic states and poland are especially concerned about what happens in ukraine. in your last interview as national security advisor under obama i asked what is the number one thing your successor has to worry about and you told me what makes you think there is only one? what do you think are the dangers that faces the u.s. today that would be exacerbated by another trump presidency? >> we talked about ukraine nato and national security, we also need to be concerned about vladimir's relationship with china, as you said in the opening he has a history of accepting money from the chinese communist party. he has delivered ambiguous signals to china, we need to worry about the security of taiwan in that event and our allies throughout asia. trump's message is clear. he does not believe in alliances. he does not believe in bedrock relationships which have been the foundation of our national security and global security. he wants to pull the underpinnings out of our alliances in europe and asia and that is a gift to two people on the planet. china and russia. >> given everything we have been talking about ambassador, once trump is the official republican presidential nominee at the convention in july, he will get access to classified intelligence briefings while he is awaiting trial in federal court on multiple felony charges for violating the espionage act for his mishandling of classified material. should he be able to get to classified briefings while he is -- while he is standing indicted on violations of the espionage act? >> this is a very serious question and the intelligence community and the leadership of that will need to take care.. this is a unprecedented situation, never have we had a presidential nominee or a former president of the u.s. indicted for the mishandling of classified information and efforts to obstruct and cover- up that mishandling. it is extremely serious and therefore one needs to be careful about what information is in his hands until he is president of the u.s. the outcome i hope we will not experience. in the meantime we have the question of whether he would get a handful of classified briefings which has been traditionally been the case for the nominee of the opposing party. or in the case of low income then both nominees but these are not daily briefings you receive as the president of the u.s., these would be 1-3 briefings on subjects that the intelligence community will be able to tailor as they saw appropriate. >> got it. ambassador susan rice, thank you very much for coming back to the sunday show. next, a new post wade reality, the supreme court case that could make it harder to get the widely used medical abortion pill --, even in states that protect reproductive rights. the president of reproductive freedom of all joins me to discuss what is at stake. later, marjorie taylor green defense or threat to oust speaker johnson. stay with us you are watching the sunday show on msnbc. msnbc. 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>> it never has been and another interesting fact about the doctors, not one of them is a prescriber, none of them are abortion providers. everything from a dentist to a family physician, it is a wild case and it is why this has been a political tactic to institute a backdoor national abortion band by undercutting fda authority to authorize the drug. >> if i am remembering correctly, this is all about the fda's power to approve a drug for sale >> it gets a little messy. the trump appointed judge, the district court that was the only court that allows for judge shopping, none of the plaintiffs were from where the court is, they filed their to get into this one judges court, the same judge who has done a lot of crazy decisions we have heard of including the recent birth control case, including a gun case that you covered. so you have this group that filed this case to get into this court and the judge rules against the fda because the authorization was problematic. the fifth circuit more narrowly took up the case and that is what the supreme court is hearing. they are questioning the telemedicine ability for doctors to prescribe over telehealth which is a big deal with the abortion bands and the opportunity for brick-and- mortar folks to dispense like walgreens versus going to the doctor for the pill. >> are you worried that a decision against the fda in the case can open the floodgates and put other previously approved and widely used drugs in jeopardy including other forms of contraception? >> absolutely, not only are we worried, the big association filed briefs and the manufacturer intervened. the argument form a makes is entirely about how this will completely disrupt the equalization for research, innovation and regulation for the country for all medications but particularly those that are perceived as controversial. everything from vaccines to ivf. >> we are all focused on this drug for a reason because that is the drug at issue but the court making a decision about how the fda decides what to authorize, the implications go beyond abortion. they go into other things. i want to get you on something else, in a new report by the post, physicians said they are seeing a explosion of missed information on birth control and side effects, mostly from online videos like this. >> having a period is stupid. >> i used to do that too and i cannot believe how brainwashed we have been as women. >> the truth is birth control will give you a lot of symptoms so instead teach our women to live in tune with cycles. >> you are only fertile for 24 hours each month. >> those are all lies. >> these are not medical professionals i am guessing, i have not fact checked the videos but i will hazard the guess. there has always been a huge amount of misinformation about our reproductive health. the antiabortion movement has been steeped in trying to stop access to everything from morning after pills, birth control and ivf for decades and it is not surprising in the fall of roe v wade we are seeing a resurgence of funded opportunities to push very bad anti-scientific rhetoric about earth control. the truth of the matter is over 90% of americans support access to birth control and they use it . it is the thing that has allowed women to enter our workforce. when you think about the root cause of the movement it comes down to power and control and who they want in the marketplace. >> will you be at the court on tuesday? >> i will be. >> how do you think it will go? >> i think it will be a mess because of the makeup of the court but the narrow tailoring of the case and the standing issue is the foremost issue and it is wild, it gives me a sliver of hope. >> we will hang on that. thank you as always for coming to the sunday show. next as the biden campaign steps up its focus on latino voters, losing them to trump is not there only were be. i am joined next to discuss the potential impact of third-party candidates on the outcome of this election. shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist, and ask about attr-cm. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. the biden campaign is stepping up efforts to some shore up support in the latino community. during a recent stop in phoenix the president told voters i need you back pointing out they are the reason he defeated trump in 2020 and a new campaign ad highlights trumps racist rhetoric against the crucial voting block. >> this is a guide that calls latinos criminals drug dealers and more. what the is he talking about? the reason we are as good as we are is because we are the most diverse country in the world. >> what the is he talking about? i like that. while hosting the 11th hour i was surprised when contributor maria told me her biggest fear was not that latino voters would choose trump over biden rather her fear is that they would choose a third-party candidate. reuters seems to echo the concerns, early scenarios show a third-party candidate is likely to take more votes from biden then from trump. keep in mind the most prominent third-party candidate robert kennedy junior is on the ballot in one state, utah. it claims to have qualified in three others according to the campaign. other candidates like west and stein are expected to garner some votes and no labels which is focused on putting together a unity ticket says that ticket will be on the ballot in 18 states, they have yet to field candidates for said unity ticket. joining me now maria, president and ceo of voter latino and cornell, a democratic strategist and our political analyst. thank you for coming back to the sunday show. so why are you concerned that latino voters will go for a third-party choice? >> first i wish i was on sat with both of you, you both look so dapper as always. in all seriousness, we are in the business of not just understanding the polls but how people's behaviors are shipping up and one thing we are learning is that latinos do not understand the totality of what biden's agenda has done for them so they are susceptible, especially younger voters on social media, decide yet that if you do not like either candidate perhaps do a third- party but it is basically a de facto vote for trump. latinos do not favor trump, they recognize it was not just his rhetoric but his policies and the dangerous rhetoric that translated to real consequences when it came to the el paso massacre and family separation. the reason we saw biden go into arizona and we will see him go deep into pennsylvania talking to latinos as well is because he recognizes now that he is on the eve of a election he needs to demonstrate with receipts what he has done for the community. one of the things they are looking for is not just student loan forgiveness or lowering the cost of insulin they will look at how the president is talking about immigration reform as it relates to their loved ones. individuals that have been here for 20 years that are essential workers farmworkers or the aca recipients, will he start recognizing their need to be safeguarded? >> let me get one more question to you before i go to cornell, do you think the advertisement we showed at the top of the segment, do you think it will blunt the potential threat of third-party candidates? >> i would encourage the president to talk more about what he has delivered for the latino community. they need to recognize the reason why we are at one of the highest employment rates we have ever experienced, one of the reasons we lowered or forgiven's student loans are because of the policies he has passed and he needs to talk about a clear vision, why he needs to be in office for four more years and i encourage him to really embrace the idea of providing pathway citizenship for undocumented individuals who have been here for decades and who have been paying taxes for decades, the news cycle have forgotten about the immigrants, they are the ones that are the reason the gang of eight came together in the first place and it is time for people to hear from the president what he will safeguard their loved ones. in a place like arizona we are expecting 160 thousand latino youth that immigration is one of their top three issues. >> cornell, whenever we talk about third-party candidates, it is always who does the third- party candidate take away from and some polling indicates third-party candidates are more likely to hurt biden then trump. do you believe that is true? >> it is 2016 all over again. he is victorious by subtraction. i am going to do math on your show. go to michigan in 2016, he got 47%, and 2020 it was 47%. the difference between hillary's performance and obama's performance in 2016 was almost directly in line with the percentage of young voters that voted third-party. looking for the off ramp. what do i think trump will get this time? 47% but the difference is can biden pull back the coalition, the totality of the agenda is interesting. i am hearing the same thing from focus groups of young voters. they do not know what biden has been doing for them and they are frustrated and cynical. they are not voting for trump but they are looking for a offramp and the third-party candidates are the offramp. >> in the focus groups, you hear the frustration, does anybody say, do you know about this? >> what they say is and i should invite you to some of these focus groups. we may do some next week. we give them a list, biden today executive orders to ban chokeholds? i do not know about this, why have we not heard about it? biden has forgiven how many billions of dollars of student loans? it is not breaking through to them. >> when they hear this and they are surprised, as their opinion change? or do they hold onto the skepticism? >> you do have to show some receipts, you cannot make another round of promises if you do not think you kept the promises you already made. why would i vote for you if you made this promise is the first time so he does need to get some credibility around fighting for their agenda before pivoting to focus on the future. he has to show receipts for what he has done for them. >> he is doing that now though. >> yes, hopefully. >> he is either doing it or he is not. >> they have the campaign resources to do it and i think there are rolling it out and doing it. >> really fast. >> the way young people consume information is sideload on social media platforms, that is the challenge. that is what has to break through and that is what they are trying to do. >> i am in trouble for going over, thank you for being here today. next on the sunday show, marjorie taylor greene says she is not the one causing chaos. despite her push to oust speaker mike johnson for keeping the government running. chaos? child, please. i will discuss the wild week on capitol hill and what happens next with my panel when we come back. back. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. breathing claritin clear is like... 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>> it is a toxic work environment. i am reminded of the obama care debate, there was a thing called adverse care selection, where sick people sign up and healthy people opt out and it is unsustainable. i think the republican party has a adverse selection problem. the bad people, the marjorie greens of the world are attracted to the republican party now and good young conservatives like gallagher are out of here. >> it used to be that i am announcing i am not running for reelection, now it is, it is 4:00 and i quit today. >> two separate announcements, i am not running for reelection and then a few weeks later, i am calling it quits early. >> what we are hearing from marjorie taylor sounded like a triple dog there. we know from a christmas story that it trumps everything, you have to go through with it. will she really go through with it? >> i think she will especially if johnson puts a ukraine bill on the floor. what is notable about this is she is doing this before johnson has decided to do about ukraine aid. his aides have stated he will explore different paths when they get back from the two week recess sometime in april but she is literally firing a warning shot and sank do not think about it and that will be in the back of his mind. we do not even know what he is going to do yet. >> if you read punch bowl news, you know speaker johnson is the person that holds whatever decisions he will make very close. and tj is not the only conservative, congressman chip roy also does not like it. here is what he said on cnn. >> i have been public about this, i think johnson made a mistake when he walked away putting pressure on democratic colleagues to come to the table. i do not think the bill is reflective of what the american people want but i promise you if you put a ukraine bill on the floor and you have not secured the border there will be a problem within the ranks. >> so i am confused. there was a bill that was making its way through the senate that was going to sit sure the border and give money to ukraine israel and taiwan and folks like chip roy said no we are not doing it. help me understand why speaker johnson is in trouble for whatever he said were has not said what he will do yet. >> i think that will actually pass through congress and it was really good actually. >> just the foreign aid portion by 70 votes. >> part of it is the absurdity, the catch-22. we cannot do anything about ukraine because we have not passed a border bill but we cannot pass a border bill because i will not let you. you cannot imagine ronald reagan saying we want to help our allies standing up to the soviets in the 80s, unless you passed tax reform 2 we will not do it, if you are a conservative who cares about freedom and standing by our allies and preventing authoritarians from rolling over their neighbors then you should do that anyway whether you get another thing you also want or not. >> let's hear from congresswoman edwards, a guy that used to have a gavel, he was another one that said peace out. kevin mccarthy on face the nation this morning. >> the one advice i would give to the conference and the speaker is do not be fearful of a motion to vacate, i do not think they can do it again. that was based on matt gates trying to stop the ethics debate. focus on the country, focus on the job you are supposed to do and do it fearlessly. >> andrew, am i wrong in thinking, he just took a brick that to matt gates. he is still out there trying to get revenge on matt gates. >> it is a vendetta for sure, what is notable here is if they do go forward with the motion to vacate you have a question of what will democrats do? obviously they did not try to save speaker mccarthy but with ukraine in the conversation there are some suggesting if johnson commits to putting a ukraine bill on the floor i will not join with marjorie taylor greene to force him out. that is something speaker johnson can consider as well. the downside is he is a speaker that serves at the pleasure of the democrats which is not a good thing in the republican conference. >> okay donna, if you were in congress today and you were in this situation, would you vote to save speaker johnson if a motion to vacate is filed? >> it would have to be a really good deal to be honest. i think democrats cannot just offer to bailout johnson in the hope that he will do something that benefits the american people or syrups the interest of the people of ukraine, israel and taiwan. johnson has a ever shrinking majority, almost every single week he serves. so he has to cut a deal with democrats. even on the spending bill, he lost 112 republicans and that will happen on every single piece of nature legislation put forward because he has a solid core and now a majority in his party who will not pass anything that results in democratic votes. he is between a rock and a hard place but democrats should not give him a easy out. >> keep in mind when gallagher leaves in april, speaker johnson's majority will be one. my panel is sticking around, when we come back fulton county da willis has a warning for trump and his codefendants. cod lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with leqvio. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio. lower. longer. leqvio® you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. this thing? 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>> willis had a big responsibility jonathan. if democrats really believe trump is a threat they owe it to all of us to not put their personal stuff ahead of it. she has allowed this to become a distraction and handed trump steen a cudgel to use against her and she should be beyond reproach and suspicion, she was not and she does not seem upset or sad about it. >> donna i will bounce it back to you. reaction? >> willis has moved on. she will try this case no matter what it is that the opposition might say. good for her because this was not about her it is about trump and his allies trying to steal a election. >> andrew the when a piece of this? >> i will say it has been used as a cudgel to undermine the case against trump and you have seen republicans on capitol hill use it to their advantage but what i will say is there is a subset of republicans on capitol hill worried about the impact these legal cases will have on trump and the presidential race even those that endorsed him and the effects on the down ballot races for the senate and house. that is a concern in the back of the heads of many republicans and when you're able to use something like this to push back and attack it helps them. >> andrew, matt, donna, thank you all very much. for coming to the sunday show. that will do it for me today. thank you for watching i am back next saturday and sunday at 6:00 eastern break here on msnbc. you can follow us on x, instragram and threads. you can also catch clips of the show on youtube. youtube. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. 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his cash crunch is not the only reason he is a national security threat. susan rights is here to discuss this and more. the supreme court will hear arguments this week on -- which is used in more than half of all abortions. the third-party threat, the presidential candidates that will not take the election but could have a impact on the november election. why democrats are preparing a aggressive counterattack. our panel will sound off on the political news of the week. this is the sunday show. trump is staring down a expensive deadline and time is running out. the self-proclaimed billionaire has less than 24 hours to post bond for a civil fraud judgment of more than 450 million. if he fails to cough up the cash, the attorney general could seize the former presidents assets including some of his most prized properties. despite his social media bluster about having almost 500 million in cash we should listen to his lawyers who said his ability to pay the bond is a practical impossibility. his lawyers asked the appeals court to reduce, delay or waive the bond requirement entirely but so far they have yet to issue a ruling. i am not going to lie, it has been fun watching trumps public financial freak out, but it is not funny. he is now the republic presidential nominee and it could have national security implications for the country if he goes back to the white house. we have seen this movie before, after he was elected in 2016 his financial entanglements made him a security threat back in. according to a report in the oversight committee trump received at least 7 .8 million from foreign government paid to his businesses during two of his four years in the white house. the report also revealed the majority of the money came from china with saudi arabia and others contributing smaller amounts. today we are not talking about foreign leaders staying in a hotel trying to curry favor with president trump, we are now talking about a want to be future president in desperate need to pay a fraud penalty to keep his empire intact. former trump lawyer and fixer michael cohen explains why this is a huge problem. >> it is not about the money. it is not about whether he can or he cannot, how does he get the money? what if hypothetically it is coming from a foreign entity, they could certainly make the payment for him. the u.s. and its national security will be on the line because donald will be indebted to that foreign entity. >> being indebted to the foreign entity will be the least of it. and in his cozy relationship with dictators like vladimir and the u.s. is a election away from having a president who himself could be the biggest national and global security threat the world has ever seen. joining me now is susan rights, the former director of the domestic policy counsel for the biden administration, the former national security advisor and former un ambassador in the obama administration. welcome back to the sunday show. >> great to be with you. >> on the specific concern about trump being indebted to a foreign entity how concerned should we be about that? >> i think it is a real concern, we have to wait and see how his financial situation plays out but should it come to a point where he is required to take money from the individual or a entity foreign or domestic that he is therefore then beholden to, his financial interests as has been the case ever since we experienced trump will be for most in his mind about the national interest, he consistently puts his personal and political interests ahead of the american people. as michael cohen said, if there were a situation where he had to take money from a foreign entity in a quantity as large as we are talking here, more than half $1 billion, that would be a grave concern. that is one of the many ways that we need to be careful and concerned about trump as a threat to our national security. >> you have several national security concerns about trump that are all interrelated. what is the foundational concern? cozying up to autocrats like vladimir or saying to him do whatever you want if nations do not pay more for their defense? >> they are linked and they are both of paramount concern. the fact that trump has said recently that as far as he is concerned he can do what he wants to nato and attack nato countries and back gives him no concern. it is fundamentally contrary to our national security interests. nato is the most effective alliance in global history. 1 billion people on both sides of the atlantic fall under its security umbrella. the only time nato has invoked article 5 was when we were attacked on 9/11. so we are directly tied up in the security of nato and our partners there. when trump says his dictator friend can have at nato and he does not care we need to be concerned. >> does the fight over funding for ukraine and trump's influence on capitol hill feet into your concern? >> absolutely. the fact that ukraine which has bravely and boldly fought for over two years holding off a unprovoked aggression by russia and is waiting desperately for the u.s. to join with our european partners and provide the military and financial support that ukraine so badly needs is a outrage. we should be supporting ukraine, we are not doing the fighting, ukrainians are doing the fighting and this is a battle for the future of europe and democracy. vladimir has been perfectly clear. if he were able to succeed in ukraine, his intent is to keep rolling into nato countries and other parts of europe. this is not his first foray into other sovereign countries, he did it in georgia, he did it income europe and he is doing it in the rest of the crane and he is promising to take the effort further if we let him do so. so trumps urging of the republicans in congress to block ukraine it is a direct favor to vladimir and it underscores why we need to be concerned about trump potentially returning to the white house. >> the baltic states and poland are especially concerned about what happens in ukraine. in your last interview as national security advisor under obama i asked what is the number one thing your successor has to worry about and you told me what makes you think there is only one? what do you think are the dangers that faces the u.s. today that would be exacerbated by another trump presidency? >> we talked about ukraine nato and national security, we also need to be concerned about vladimir's relationship with china, as you said in the opening he has a history of accepting money from the chinese communist party. he has delivered ambiguous signals to china, we need to worry about the security of taiwan in that event and our allies throughout asia. trump's message is clear. he does not believe in alliances. he does not believe in bedrock relationships which have been the foundation of our national security and global security. he wants to pull the underpinnings out of our alliances in europe and asia and that is a gift to two people on the planet. china and russia. >> given everything we have been talking about ambassador, once trump is the official republican presidential nominee at the convention in july, he will get access to classified intelligence briefings while he is awaiting trial in federal court on multiple felony charges for violating the espionage act for his mishandling of classified material. should he be able to get to classified briefings while he is -- while he is standing indicted on violations of the espionage act? >> this is a very serious question and the intelligence community and the leadership of that will need to take care.. this is a unprecedented situation, never have we had a presidential nominee or a former president of the u.s. indicted for the mishandling of classified information and efforts to obstruct and cover- up that mishandling. it is extremely serious and therefore one needs to be careful about what information is in his hands until he is president of the u.s. the outcome i hope we will not experience. in the meantime we have the question of whether he would get a handful of classified briefings which has been traditionally been the case for the nominee of the opposing party. or in the case of low income then both nominees but these are not daily briefings you receive as the president of the u.s., these would be 1-3 briefings on subjects that the intelligence community will be able to tailor as they saw appropriate. >> got it. ambassador susan rice, thank you very much for coming back to the sunday show. next, a new post wade reality, the supreme court case that could make it harder to get the widely used medical abortion pill --, even in states that protect reproductive rights. the president of reproductive freedom of all joins me to discuss what is at stake. later, marjorie taylor green defense or threat to oust speaker johnson. stay with us you are watching the sunday show on msnbc. msnbc. 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(vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. hold up. if asthma isn't treating you right... you might be treating it wrong. and i know, you've been going through it. but what if you get to it. a key source of your asthma inflammation. enter nucala. it isn't your rescue treatment and it's not a steroid. it's an autoinjector you can do at home. just once a month. nucala targets and reduces eosinophils and helps your symptoms. think less asthma attacks... less need for oral steroids... less asthma-related hospital visits. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. it's not you - it's your symptoms. so, help get ahead of your asthma. get to the source, measured with simple blood testing. ask your specialist about nucala. my name is oluseyi measured with simple blood testing. and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. president biden is taking action to advance the study of women's healthcare. he signed a executive order to increase funding opportunities for biomedical research and strengthened data standards. biden also announced 20 new commitments by federal agencies which includes 200 million for the national institutes of health in a effort to close gaps in women's health research. the action comes as women across the country brace for the conservative super majority supreme court to take up the biggest abortion case since overturning wade in 2022. they will hear arguments in a challenge in using the drug -- used in half of all abortions in the country. they will focus on a decision from the fifth circuit court of appeals that ruled against the fda's decision to make it widely available. a decision against the fda will have far-reaching implications nationwide including impacting access to the drug in states that do not restrict reproductive rights. joining me now, the president of reproductive freedom for all, as always welcome to the sunday show. the plaintiffs in this case are antiabortion doctors that argued in the lower courts that the drug is not safe to be on the market. it is 97 point for effective with low complication rates so this is not about the science is it? >> it never has been and another interesting fact about the doctors, not one of them is a prescriber, none of them are abortion providers. everything from a dentist to a family physician, it is a wild case and it is why this has been a political tactic to institute a backdoor national abortion band by undercutting fda authority to authorize the drug. >> if i am remembering correctly, this is all about the fda's power to approve a drug for sale >> it gets a little messy. the trump appointed judge, the district court that was the only court that allows for judge shopping, none of the plaintiffs were from where the court is, they filed their to get into this one judges court, the same judge who has done a lot of crazy decisions we have heard of including the recent birth control case, including a gun case that you covered. so you have this group that filed this case to get into this court and the judge rules against the fda because the authorization was problematic. the fifth circuit more narrowly took up the case and that is what the supreme court is hearing. they are questioning the telemedicine ability for doctors to prescribe over telehealth which is a big deal with the abortion bands and the opportunity for brick-and- mortar folks to dispense like walgreens versus going to the doctor for the pill. >> are you worried that a decision against the fda in the case can open the floodgates and put other previously approved and widely used drugs in jeopardy including other forms of contraception? >> absolutely, not only are we worried, the big association filed briefs and the manufacturer intervened. the argument form a makes is entirely about how this will completely disrupt the equalization for research, innovation and regulation for the country for all medications but particularly those that are perceived as controversial. everything from vaccines to ivf. >> we are all focused on this drug for a reason because that is the drug at issue but the court making a decision about how the fda decides what to authorize, the implications go beyond abortion. they go into other things. i want to get you on something else, in a new report by the post, physicians said they are seeing a explosion of missed information on birth control and side effects, mostly from online videos like this. >> having a period is stupid. >> i used to do that too and i cannot believe how brainwashed we have been as women. >> the truth is birth control will give you a lot of symptoms so instead teach our women to live in tune with cycles. >> you are only fertile for 24 hours each month. >> those are all lies. >> these are not medical professionals i am guessing, i have not fact checked the videos but i will hazard the guess. there has always been a huge amount of misinformation about our reproductive health. the antiabortion movement has been steeped in trying to stop access to everything from morning after pills, birth control and ivf for decades and it is not surprising in the fall of roe v wade we are seeing a resurgence of funded opportunities to push very bad anti-scientific rhetoric about earth control. the truth of the matter is over 90% of americans support access to birth control and they use it . it is the thing that has allowed women to enter our workforce. when you think about the root cause of the movement it comes down to power and control and who they want in the marketplace. >> will you be at the court on tuesday? >> i will be. >> how do you think it will go? >> i think it will be a mess because of the makeup of the court but the narrow tailoring of the case and the standing issue is the foremost issue and it is wild, it gives me a sliver of hope. >> we will hang on that. thank you as always for coming to the sunday show. next as the biden campaign steps up its focus on latino voters, losing them to trump is not there only were be. i am joined next to discuss the potential impact of third-party candidates on the outcome of this election. shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist, and ask about attr-cm. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. the biden campaign is stepping up efforts to some shore up support in the latino community. during a recent stop in phoenix the president told voters i need you back pointing out they are the reason he defeated trump in 2020 and a new campaign ad highlights trumps racist rhetoric against the crucial voting block. >> this is a guide that calls latinos criminals drug dealers and more. what the is he talking about? the reason we are as good as we are is because we are the most diverse country in the world. >> what the is he talking about? i like that. while hosting the 11th hour i was surprised when contributor maria told me her biggest fear was not that latino voters would choose trump over biden rather her fear is that they would choose a third-party candidate. reuters seems to echo the concerns, early scenarios show a third-party candidate is likely to take more votes from biden then from trump. keep in mind the most prominent third-party candidate robert kennedy junior is on the ballot in one state, utah. it claims to have qualified in three others according to the campaign. other candidates like west and stein are expected to garner some votes and no labels which is focused on putting together a unity ticket says that ticket will be on the ballot in 18 states, they have yet to field candidates for said unity ticket. joining me now maria, president and ceo of voter latino and cornell, a democratic strategist and our political analyst. thank you for coming back to the sunday show. so why are you concerned that latino voters will go for a third-party choice? >> first i wish i was on sat with both of you, you both look so dapper as always. in all seriousness, we are in the business of not just understanding the polls but how people's behaviors are shipping up and one thing we are learning is that latinos do not understand the totality of what biden's agenda has done for them so they are susceptible, especially younger voters on social media, decide yet that if you do not like either candidate perhaps do a third- party but it is basically a de facto vote for trump. latinos do not favor trump, they recognize it was not just his rhetoric but his policies and the dangerous rhetoric that translated to real consequences when it came to the el paso massacre and family separation. the reason we saw biden go into arizona and we will see him go deep into pennsylvania talking to latinos as well is because he recognizes now that he is on the eve of a election he needs to demonstrate with receipts what he has done for the community. one of the things they are looking for is not just student loan forgiveness or lowering the cost of insulin they will look at how the president is talking about immigration reform as it relates to their loved ones. individuals that have been here for 20 years that are essential workers farmworkers or the aca recipients, will he start recognizing their need to be safeguarded? >> let me get one more question to you before i go to cornell, do you think the advertisement we showed at the top of the segment, do you think it will blunt the potential threat of third-party candidates? >> i would encourage the president to talk more about what he has delivered for the latino community. they need to recognize the reason why we are at one of the highest employment rates we have ever experienced, one of the reasons we lowered or forgiven's student loans are because of the policies he has passed and he needs to talk about a clear vision, why he needs to be in office for four more years and i encourage him to really embrace the idea of providing pathway citizenship for undocumented individuals who have been here for decades and who have been paying taxes for decades, the news cycle have forgotten about the immigrants, they are the ones that are the reason the gang of eight came together in the first place and it is time for people to hear from the president what he will safeguard their loved ones. in a place like arizona we are expecting 160 thousand latino youth that immigration is one of their top three issues. >> cornell, whenever we talk about third-party candidates, it is always who does the third- party candidate take away from and some polling indicates third-party candidates are more likely to hurt biden then trump. do you believe that is true? >> it is 2016 all over again. he is victorious by subtraction. i am going to do math on your show. go to michigan in 2016, he got 47%, and 2020 it was 47%. the difference between hillary's performance and obama's performance in 2016 was almost directly in line with the percentage of young voters that voted third-party. looking for the off ramp. what do i think trump will get this time? 47% but the difference is can biden pull back the coalition, the totality of the agenda is interesting. i am hearing the same thing from focus groups of young voters. they do not know what biden has been doing for them and they are frustrated and cynical. they are not voting for trump but they are looking for a offramp and the third-party candidates are the offramp. >> in the focus groups, you hear the frustration, does anybody say, do you know about this? >> what they say is and i should invite you to some of these focus groups. we may do some next week. we give them a list, biden today executive orders to ban chokeholds? i do not know about this, why have we not heard about it? biden has forgiven how many billions of dollars of student loans? it is not breaking through to them. >> when they hear this and they are surprised, as their opinion change? or do they hold onto the skepticism? >> you do have to show some receipts, you cannot make another round of promises if you do not think you kept the promises you already made. why would i vote for you if you made this promise is the first time so he does need to get some credibility around fighting for their agenda before pivoting to focus on the future. he has to show receipts for what he has done for them. >> he is doing that now though. >> yes, hopefully. >> he is either doing it or he is not. >> they have the campaign resources to do it and i think there are rolling it out and doing it. >> really fast. >> the way young people consume information is sideload on social media platforms, that is the challenge. that is what has to break through and that is what they are trying to do. >> i am in trouble for going over, thank you for being here today. next on the sunday show, marjorie taylor greene says she is not the one causing chaos. despite her push to oust speaker mike johnson for keeping the government running. chaos? child, please. i will discuss the wild week on capitol hill and what happens next with my panel when we come back. back. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. breathing claritin clear is like... (♪♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. those people stepping down early and leaving are the ones leaving us at risk of the democrats controlling the majority. not me. i filed a motion but have not called it to the floor. it is like giving a notice saying we need a new speaker. it may take weeks or months. speaker johnson cannot remain as speaker of the house. >> that was congresswoman marjorie taylor greene defending her decision to file a motion to vacate house speaker mike johnson and calling out republicans like buck and gallagher that are retiring early. joining me now is donna edwards, matt lewis and andrea, a senior reporter for punch bowl news. i want to go round robin starting with the former congresswoman. reacting to what we just heard from the congresswoman from georgia. >>'s is a woman calling from the cheap seats. she really is out of control here, she is the one that has created the chaos and now blaming it on people that are leaving because she created the chaos. >> what do you think? >> it is a toxic work environment. i am reminded of the obama care debate, there was a thing called adverse care selection, where sick people sign up and healthy people opt out and it is unsustainable. i think the republican party has a adverse selection problem. the bad people, the marjorie greens of the world are attracted to the republican party now and good young conservatives like gallagher are out of here. >> it used to be that i am announcing i am not running for reelection, now it is, it is 4:00 and i quit today. >> two separate announcements, i am not running for reelection and then a few weeks later, i am calling it quits early. >> what we are hearing from marjorie taylor sounded like a triple dog there. we know from a christmas story that it trumps everything, you have to go through with it. will she really go through with it? >> i think she will especially if johnson puts a ukraine bill on the floor. what is notable about this is she is doing this before johnson has decided to do about ukraine aid. his aides have stated he will explore different paths when they get back from the two week recess sometime in april but she is literally firing a warning shot and sank do not think about it and that will be in the back of his mind. we do not even know what he is going to do yet. >> if you read punch bowl news, you know speaker johnson is the person that holds whatever decisions he will make very close. and tj is not the only conservative, congressman chip roy also does not like it. here is what he said on cnn. >> i have been public about this, i think johnson made a mistake when he walked away putting pressure on democratic colleagues to come to the table. i do not think the bill is reflective of what the american people want but i promise you if you put a ukraine bill on the floor and you have not secured the border there will be a problem within the ranks. >> so i am confused. there was a bill that was making its way through the senate that was going to sit sure the border and give money to ukraine israel and taiwan and folks like chip roy said no we are not doing it. help me understand why speaker johnson is in trouble for whatever he said were has not said what he will do yet. >> i think that will actually pass through congress and it was really good actually. >> just the foreign aid portion by 70 votes. >> part of it is the absurdity, the catch-22. we cannot do anything about ukraine because we have not passed a border bill but we cannot pass a border bill because i will not let you. you cannot imagine ronald reagan saying we want to help our allies standing up to the soviets in the 80s, unless you passed tax reform 2 we will not do it, if you are a conservative who cares about freedom and standing by our allies and preventing authoritarians from rolling over their neighbors then you should do that anyway whether you get another thing you also want or not. >> let's hear from congresswoman edwards, a guy that used to have a gavel, he was another one that said peace out. kevin mccarthy on face the nation this morning. >> the one advice i would give to the conference and the speaker is do not be fearful of a motion to vacate, i do not think they can do it again. that was based on matt gates trying to stop the ethics debate. focus on the country, focus on the job you are supposed to do and do it fearlessly. >> andrew, am i wrong in thinking, he just took a brick that to matt gates. he is still out there trying to get revenge on matt gates. >> it is a vendetta for sure, what is notable here is if they do go forward with the motion to vacate you have a question of what will democrats do? obviously they did not try to save speaker mccarthy but with ukraine in the conversation there are some suggesting if johnson commits to putting a ukraine bill on the floor i will not join with marjorie taylor greene to force him out. that is something speaker johnson can consider as well. the downside is he is a speaker that serves at the pleasure of the democrats which is not a good thing in the republican conference. >> okay donna, if you were in congress today and you were in this situation, would you vote to save speaker johnson if a motion to vacate is filed? >> it would have to be a really good deal to be honest. i think democrats cannot just offer to bailout johnson in the hope that he will do something that benefits the american people or syrups the interest of the people of ukraine, israel and taiwan. johnson has a ever shrinking majority, almost every single week he serves. so he has to cut a deal with democrats. even on the spending bill, he lost 112 republicans and that will happen on every single piece of nature legislation put forward because he has a solid core and now a majority in his party who will not pass anything that results in democratic votes. he is between a rock and a hard place but democrats should not give him a easy out. >> keep in mind when gallagher leaves in april, speaker johnson's majority will be one. my panel is sticking around, when we come back fulton county da willis has a warning for trump and his codefendants. cod lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with leqvio. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio. lower. longer. leqvio® you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. this thing? 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>> willis had a big responsibility jonathan. if democrats really believe trump is a threat they owe it to all of us to not put their personal stuff ahead of it. she has allowed this to become a distraction and handed trump steen a cudgel to use against her and she should be beyond reproach and suspicion, she was not and she does not seem upset or sad about it. >> donna i will bounce it back to you. reaction? >> willis has moved on. she will try this case no matter what it is that the opposition might say. good for her because this was not about her it is about trump and his allies trying to steal a election. >> andrew the when a piece of this? >> i will say it has been used as a cudgel to undermine the case against trump and you have seen republicans on capitol hill use it to their advantage but what i will say is there is a subset of republicans on capitol hill worried about the impact these legal cases will have on trump and the presidential race even those that endorsed him and the effects on the down ballot races for the senate and house. that is a concern in the back of the heads of many republicans and when you're able to use something like this to push back and attack it helps them. >> andrew, matt, donna, thank you all very much. for coming to the sunday show. that will do it for me today. thank you for watching i am back next saturday and sunday at 6:00 eastern break here on msnbc. you can follow us on x, instragram and threads. you can also catch clips of the show on youtube. youtube. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? 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