Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

the great bill bradley gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie starts right now. tonight the new york ag gears up to seize trump's asset ins west chester. and what big moves for biden immediate for november. and we talk to a reporter who has been covering the chaos in haiti as the 11th hour gets underway. good evening once again. i'm stephanie ruhle live from miami. we are now 229 days away from the election. and donald trump is now lagging behind biden big time when it comes to campaign cash. and he is running out of time to post a nearly half a billion dollar bond in his civil fraud trial. trump has until monday to secure that bond. if he cannot make it happen, the new york attorney general tish james can start moveing in to seize his asset. james has registered his civil fraud judgment with officials allowing the ag to more easily secure liens on two of the real estate mogul's most valuable properties. those are just a couple of trump's prized properties in new york. and you recall during his campaign and during his time in the white house, he repeatedly made a point to brag about his business and business and his big time assets. >> when you have real estate. i have a lot of them. big stuff. great stuff. >> i ran and everybody knew i was a rich person. i built a great company. and people knew that. >> my company was the strongest it ever was. especially being in development and real estate all over the world. >> i built a great company. one of the great companies. one of the great real estate companies. some of the most incredible assets in the world. >> meanwhile, the washington post reports trump is well behind biden on campaign cash. even as his legal bills are skyrocketing. the post says federal election commission reports show that the save america political action committee, the trump campaign uses to pay legal bills for the former president and many associates spent more than it raised in february with the vast majority of its spending going to legal costs. the save america pac reported spending about $7 million in february. that comes down to 240 grand a day. meanwhile, trump may be coming into a huge payday from his truth social platform. tomorrow shareholders are set to vote on a merger between truth social and a publicly traded shell company. if this gets approved trump could get three-and-a-half billion dollars. i will explain that in a second. so let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. joyce vance joins us. she spent 25 years as a federal prosecutor. bryan schwartz is here. and david johnson. he has written not one, not two, but three books on trump and his finances. bryan, let's start with this deal. because people might not realize it. we talk about how trump needs money. he might be about to make a whole lot of it very soon. when and if this company goes public, which could be as soon as monday, the value of trump's shares could skyrocket over $3 billion. right? by next week, the ticker djt may be on the public markets. can you explain this deal to us and how trump might be seeing this money? >> well, you know, the overhead company really has to approve this. but if we get to that point and truth social goes public, we have seen trump can't cash out his shares. worth about $4 billion. he can't cash them out for another six months. so being able to access that cash, when he gets that, he can use it for whatever he wants but being able to access that cash will not come to fruition for a matter of months. so the key here with this is even if we see this whole process expedited, trump will not be able to see much of that cash and use it for his benefit at least not for now. >> but can he borrow against it? >> i think he can. i think he could borrow against it but that will be a big process. because the monday deadline is approaching quickly. this company truth social has run into issues before. moving forward with these votes. so the question is are the shareholders which by the way are mainly all go pro trump people going to move ahead with this on friday, it will be right on time. could we see the machinations of this play out? >> david, it is not a done deal. let's say it goes through. this thing is trading in the public markets. it is not a guarantee that the stock is going to perform. the underlying company and all of these people besides trump that have been involved in this company, it has been riddled with scandal from the start. >> and if donald were to try when the six month lockup period ends to unload the stock and turn it into cash, it would nose dive the shares, you sell small portions if you are an insider over time. but, you know, perhaps he can borrow against it. a lot of executives have paid plans where they borrow against money they haven't received yet. but they have earned so he potentially could do that. but it will depend on what happens with the shareholders of the other company where they will go along with this. >> all right david. put this merger aseed. you know donald trump and his finances better than anyone else i know. what do you think he is looking at in terms of getting this bond he needs? >> he was out yesterday begging for $5 contributions. that is how much he has been reduced here. but, undoubtedly, he is on the phone trying to get someone with a lot of money. and that's a national security nightmare for us. because someone puts up the money. and the judge specifically seemed to direct the monitor to look into where, who is behind the money for the bond in the e jean carroll case. but, if donald gets the money from say, a member of putin's criminal gang, the oligarchs, and he gets back to the white house, that is an absolute national security nightmare to have a president, the united states, do you want to have some american have leverage over donald trump? >> we were worried about his lenders. this would be colossally worse, i want to stay on it. >> is there any effort on the part of your team to secure this money through another country? saudi arabia or russia? >> well there's rules and regulation that's are public. i can't speak about strategy that requires certain things and we have to follow those rules. >> here is what she didn't say. she did not say no. what do you make of her response? >> i think she just answered the question. and it is an enormous security risk. i think this is one of those points where we always say but shouldn't this be the job of the republican party? shouldn't someone be saying it's clear someone who presents this level of national security risk can't be a candidate for the president of the united states. and yet donald trump is already there. it is clear the transition of the republican party to become the party of donald trump is complete if it wasn't previously completed. because there is no denial here, we have to contemplate the risk if there is a bond in the next few days, it will be funded by foreign sources or sources that will have some sort of inappropriate control on a candidate for the presidency. >> david, we mentioned before tih james officially registered this judgment with officials in westchester. what else do we need to know about this? >> well, she is likely to first go after his bank accounts. and donald gets a lot of money from licensing his name. so there are buildings with his name on them in india. the middle east. and elsewhere for which he gets a cash flow. she will seize all of that cash from him. he will be able to continue the routine businesses when the beer company delivers. there will be no money movements outside of the ordinary unless they are approved by the monitor and the judge significantly expanded her duties and responsibilities today including saying in effect, go take a look at who is behind the chub bond in the e. jean carroll case. any bond he produces in this case. if you need more expansive powers, just come to me. i'll give them to you. >> joyce, what sticks out to you in this reporting? is this formal procedure for tish james to register it? >> referee: think what you would like to see if you were in her position, it is an assurety bond. that the easiest path forward is the district attorney. but since it is likely she is not going to have that easy path, she has to go after the most accessible assets. some of those are properties in nearby west chester county. it is a little bit easier for her to go after items in new york. there is the trump national golf course sitting there. and other assets she could use if there is no bond in place by the close of business on monday. >> all right, new but related topic. donald trump's campaign fund raising is taking a serious hit as his legal bills are climbing. now there is this new deal with the rnc to get more cash for guess what? paying his legal expenses. what's the deal with that? >> well so much for the rnc not paying for donald trump's legal bills. that might be true. there is kind of a catch here now. so there is a joint fund raising operation that allows efforts to go to the trump campaign. money to go to the rnc. but also, and this is key, money to go to the political action committee that pays for donald trump's legal bills and it has paid millions of dollars as we just mentioned at the top here for donald trump's legal bills and his allies. just a month ago, we are talking north of $5 million. while the rnc says they will not pay for trump's legal bills, there is a political operation that was launched days ago that splits up money and we have up up to $5,000. these checks will go to a pac for trump's legal bills. >> does this explain even more about trump's rnc takeover and why it was so important to him? >> oh yes, donald only wants family or pier totally dependent on him around you but that is not how thing work and there is often friction between the head of the rnc or dnc or white house over what direction to go. but donald wants to put people who are totally loyal to him. in donald trump's world, loyalty runs one direction. everybody else that he deals with, you, me, anybody else, we are just objects. we are not human beings. transcript came out today that his valet testified that when he went in and told trump during the insurrection someone had been shot and killed, he was completely blaise. that is how totally lacking in empathy is and how he is all about the money which defines who he is and about control. >> my goodness. you also reported on the biden campaign. courting haley's big donors. i get it. a lot of never trumpers might in the end vote for joe biden but are they writing him big check ins. >> i think they are doing something just as important. trying to raise joe biden money. so what we are talking about here is while donald trump is going through the motions trying to figure out how to pay for his legal bills and get money for his campaign, posting a bond. joe biden is sitting back with his team and recruiting some of nikki haley's bundlers. these are business leaders who are good at raising money for campaigns. they call it their people in their rolodex and these people give a certain amount of money to campaigns so they have been doing this behind the scenes while all this other stuff has been going on with donald trump and they had some success with it. he has come on board and he will be helping joe biden. and he will be trying to work this issue for republican leaning business leaders. he seem to be starting the process now. i just think it is indicative of where biden is right now. versus donald trump in a way. >> and is donald trump successful at getting big donor to help him? >> it is kind of a complex issue. there are clearly people who are going to help donald trump in the business community raise money. there is a major event coming up april 6th hosted by john paulson. but they are not necessarily right now in many cases jumping over to help donald trump either. and that is really key. they are not going around maybe all of them saying okay, we will go help biden now. but there are certainly in some cases not helping trump. and they are focusing on congress instead. and that is another issue that trump will have to figure out as we go forward here. how is he going to mend that bridge? broken largely due to the fact trump has been ripping haley donors left and right? >> sure has. quick, a new topic. i want to turn to the trump case that was supposed to start next week. cause of delay. today the da begged the judge to let the case start next month. what's going on? >> the trump objections to the case claiming discovery violations by the da meant that it should be dismissed or delayed, those have really frittered out today. it turns out what happened is that there was a failure to turn over documents. only because federal prosecutors didn't have them when the manhattan da requested them. at a much later date, trump asked for documents. at that point in time, the southern district did have them and they turned them over. but the important thing to keep straight is that trump has not been indicted by federal prosecutors. his discovery obligations are not from them. they are from the manhattan da. they did everything they could to get documents turned over to trump. this hearing is scheduled to start monday morning and this case will be back on track for maybe an april or slightly later trial. >> all right thank you all for starting us off tonight. when we return, joe biden trolls trump over his cash crunch. all as the president celebrates a day of economic wins. and later, if you feel like iphone prices are too high, well so does the justice department. it is a sweeping new antitrust lawsuit against apple. 11th hour just getting underway on a busy thursday night. on a busy thursday night. scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. my name is oluseyi use with caution in dogs with a histo and some of myorders. favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. so while the presumptive republican nominee for president is asking campaign donor to help cover his legal bills, his presumed opponent already boasts a huge cash advantage. but that is not the only win that president joe biden has racked up. this week alone, thanks to the chips act, he signed into law, biden awarded $20 billion to intel to expand microchip manufacturing in the u.s. which the administration says will create 10,000 new jobs. today president biden forgave nearly $6 billion of student debt for public service workers. oh, and the stock market, by the way, hit another record high. for more, i want to bring in nbc who's correspondent mike. he has created president biden, his family, and his inner circle for more than a decade. jennifer joins us, former white house communications director for president obama and carlos of florida. mike, let's start with you. of course, we have also seen biden's new joke about donald trump's debt. but you have been following the president on the campaign trail. what have you noticed? >> he is on the campaign trail. he spent last week in the midwest. and michigan, wisconsin trying to shore up that law for 2024. this week, he is in the sun belt state. nevada, arizona. spent today in texas. and, donald trump is nowhere to be found on the campaign trail really at this point. and, this is four years ago, we were talking about biden running a campaign out of his basement turned covid. now it looks like the tables have turned just a little bit. but what i also see when you have the president out there doing these economic focused events, you think of the hard work of governing in the first two years with congress trying to get the major initiatives passed. yes, the president's poll numbers are still not where they need to be for an incumbent to be successful but they explained the disconnect of a lot of the fruit of those legislative efforts have not been visible to the american people. tens of thousands of manufacturing and construction jobs that will come online. at a time we know the democracy and the freedom planks will be front and center. >> how hard is it, though, for him to thread that needle and talk about the money that will be in people's pocketbooks? when he is on the campaign trail, talking to people, they are saying my housing costs are expensive. their everyday lives are expensive. >> yeah. this is still a major challenge. it is something that democrats are telling me they want to hear the president do what he does so well. be more empathetic and you hear him say that. there's a lot more work to do. he has talked about what would be at the top of the list for a second term agenda. lowering costs austere lates to child care. they are pointing and you will see the president in a little bit of a popular sweet at times. some of the grocery prices went up. a lot of this is also corporations taking profits. you will see him hammer some of these issues as well. >> we hear from ceos who say we are starting to see how much we can flex in terms of pricing meaning how much can they charge us and the fact that we are willing to pay those high prices. jennifer, the president has also been chipping away, i say chipping away but it has been huge, at the student debt issue. today, announcing another $6 billion. will any of this piece by piece stuff get through to young voters? this was a huge priority for them. >> this is why his cash advantage matters so much. because biden is the candidate that people need to learn more about. and so, you know, trump doesn't have any problem breaking through. and he is not, it is not as if he is trying to put forward accomplishments or an agenda the way biden is. so what is important about the cash advantage is that biden can announce it like he did today. and then he can go on digital and do ads from now until election day. mike was talking about the travel that he has been doing. what has been smart about that, they are taking that travel, doesn't just do an official event. he will go somewhere and go onto ice cream or do something elsewhere he can capture more viral video moment. every trip they do. they are creating content and they have the money to put behind it. so people know what he has done. and that is the critically important piece for biden. he has the means. something is different. there is money behind ads he can do to tell people what has happened. and even if you know, when you and mike were talk about people not feeling the impacts of some of the accomplishments of this ad, i have a plan, it's working. people can buy into that larger vision even as things still feel a little dicey. >> the president is also making a big push reaching out to latino voters. they were an important part of his coalition. think it will work? >> it is a very important factor in this election. we have seen for a few years now that the two parties have been trading voters. democrats have been getting more suburban voters. while republican haves been gaining ground with minority groups, hispanics and to alesser degree, african americans. that could end up deciding the result of this election. so for biden and the democrats it is critical to invest more in the hispanic community which is challenging for them. a lot of the issues that are pushing are the culture war issues. but biden can emphasize the economy. these jobs that donald trump promised would come back to the united states under this administration, the jobs are actually coming back. manufacturing jobs are being created here. many hispanic families throughout this country. so that is what he need to emphasize. so he can get the votes in time to win this election in november. >> michael, there is another interesting one. democrats are preparing to counter potential third party threats to biden. according to your reporting that includes the kennedy family stepping up to help biden. it was just last week, we saw maria, rfk jr. 's first cousin with the president. and the first lady at the white house. how significant is that? >> well, to president biden to the biden campaign, rfk jr. looms out there as a major political spoiler in his bid for a second term. but for the kennedy family, there is another risk here. they are seeing the possibility and afraid, frankly, that they could see their cousin, their father, their relative tip the election to donald trump and that would spoil the legacy of service that this higher family has had. and that photo, the powerful photo we saw of dozens of kennedys from three generations with the president on saint patrick's day, outside the oval office was such a powerful one. and it really just signaled the beginning of a much more stepped up effort on their part to make it clear to the american people they are squarely behind president biden. we have debates within our family. entitled to their opinion. but this is really shows the concern that democrats have. in a thin election margin so tight, every vote could matter and they need to do more to combat the threat of third party votes here. >> let's talk about marco rubio, carlos, because senator marco rubio of florida has said it would be an honor to serve as donald trump's vice president. but i just want to remind our audience, this was marco rubio in 2016. >> we are not going to turn over the conservative movement to a con artist telling people one thing but spent 40 years sticking it to working americans and now claims to be their champion. >> every business he has ever run that has gone bankrupt, this guy bankrupted a casino. have you seen his hands? they're like this. and you know what they say about men with small hands. you can't trust them. you can't trust them. you can't trust them. >> you know what they say about men with no shame or dignity? ask marco. >> what is going on here? >> well, number one, we don't know if this is serious or not. the trump campaign likes to throw out a bunch of name. >> it is serious. it would be an honor. >> it has been a long journey for marco rubio from the clips we saw to where we are today. just like it has been for a lot of republicans who back in 2016 kind of realized who donald trump was. the danger he represented and now they are kind of following the republican base to get behind donald trump. but, going back to your question about hispanics, that is why donald trump is throwing this out there. because republicans think they can continue making gains with hispanics which is why it is so important for biden and his campaign to focus on that community. >> did these guys learn nothing from mike pence's experience? mike pence or michael cohen or all the insurrectionists siting in prison. donald trump does not care. >> why anyone would want that job, even if you thought trump would win is sort of the worst case scenario. i just, i can't comprehend why people, why anyone who wants a future in the republican party would want this job. >> you would have to move from his home state. he would have to resign from the senate. that is a big risk for donald trump in my opinion. >> it is a big risk for donald trump? >> it's a big risk for anyone to take for donald trump. >> yes, but they all seem, but that is the amazing thing over and overment people do it. and then each one, one at a time, just fall off a cliff for him. >> that's right. >> extraordinary, we will leave it there. carlos, thank you. michael, thank you. jennifer, thanks. when we come back, the doj's landmark lawsuit against apple. what this massive anti-trust case could mean for your phone but also why it has a lot of businesses scared that the administration could be anti- business. when the 11th hour continues. business. when the 11th hour continues. why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. come on, scout. now, there's librela. the first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life!, online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. go to and see how much you can save. hi, i'm tali and i lost 85 pounds on golo. (upbeat music) i started golo because i was unhealthy due to my weight. the minute i started taking the golo release, i knew it was working. i was not hungry, and i did not have any cravings. since losing weight with golo, i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back. shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free we are still following news that has rattled silicon valley. apple is being sued by biden over the monopoly on the market. this is the latest on the growing trust crack down on big tech. >> reporter: merrick garland announcing a landmark lawsuit today accusing tech giant apple of leveraging its dominance over the smartphone market to box out competitors in a way that hurts customers. >> apple has consolidated its monopoly power by making other products worse. consumers should not have to pay higher prices. >> reporter: more than a dozen states in nearly a 90-page complaint. accusing them of violating anti- trust laws through the iphone, apple watch and apple pay. they say the tech behemoth deliberately makes products less compatible with its competitor's devices. >> is any iphone user who received a green text message or received a tiny video can attest. >> reporter: apple calling out tim cook referentsing this exchange cook had back in 2022 when he was asked if the company would fix the problems associated with texting video with iphones and androids. >> i can't send my mom videos and she can't me. >> buy your mom an iphone. >> reporter: apple calling the lawsuit wrong on the facts and the law. saying it threatens who we are. if successful, it would hinder our ability to create the kind of technology people expect from apple. the years of regulatory scrutiny. fueling its growth into one of the most valuable companies in the world. people love their iphones. it is the most popular smartphone brand in the united states. >> it's a complicated one. thank you to laura for that report. as we come back, the u.s. is evacuating americans from haiti as the gang violence breaks everything down. we hear from someone who has been covering the region for decades when the 11th hour continues. the biden administration has started the dangerous process of evacuating american citizens out of haiti. violence has rapidly escalated and criminal gangs have overrun the nation's capitol. my colleague guad venegas has more. >> reporter: this is what relief looks like. a plane of 14 u.s. citizens including children arriving in central florida after a harrowing escape from haiti. >> it took a couple of tries. and they didn't give up. they stayed with us until the end of the mission. >> reporter: felipe was on board this flight chartered by the state of florida with his wife and two-year-old son. >> very difficult part was getting around and making it to the airport to fly out. we were dealing with little kids. not adults. so that made it even more stressful on the parents, and, it was just scary. >> reporter: they were lucky. there are still more than a thousand americans in haiti. but with the airport in port-au- prince shutters, gun battles in the streets and armed gangs running the capital, most americans have no way out. >> it is worse than a war zone. >> reporter: private security contractors going door to door trying to rescue them. >> helicopter got surrounded today at the airport. it had to take off in a manner that was just, i don't want to say unsafe. but the tower told him he might not be able to land there again. >> reporter: another flight arriving in miami today. 66 more americans now on u.s. soil. >> how is the country right now? >> the country needs help. >> reporter: a country in chaos and people terrified for their lives hoping to get out. please, please care about this story. i want to bring in jacqueline charles. caribbean correspondent for the miami herald. she was a pulitzer prize finalist for her coverage of the 2010 haiti earthquake and has reported on haiti in the english speaking caribbean two decades. i appreciate you being here. how bad is it there right now? >> i mean, it's pretty bad. people are literally running for their lives. it is chaotic. there is no neighborhood that is really safe in the capitol. if you are outside of the capitol, you still have a sense of calm. but in port-au-prince, you hear the gunshots at any moment. people are terrorized, people are afraid. people are tired. the sea port has been shut down. the airport is not working because there are no commercial flights since the fourth of march. those who can get out are trying to get on one of these flights or these helicopters. but, it is risky. >> how did haiti get here? this beautiful island, the sam island as the dominican republic. a beautiful island of beautiful people. how did it become the end of the world? >> i don't know if it's the end of the world, but it is a country in chaos. it is in a constitutional crisis. the president was killed on the 7th of july, 2021. prior to that, he had not had an election in four years and we had an earthquake in 2010. instead of goings going up, things went down. billions of dollars were promised by the international community that never really made it. so what we have watched is the downward spiral of a nation that struggled and people will tell you during a dictatorship, things were different. the lights were on 24 hours. >> what could get them out of this? right now you have multiple crisis. security, humanitarian. the police are doing the best they can,. >> but it is a tiny police force. >> it is. it is less than 9,000 police officers throughout the entire country for 11.4 million people. and only a couple hundred are actually involved in these anti- gang operations so imagine as i'm speaking to you right now, there are three simultaneous gang attacks happening in the capitol. the first thing they need is security. and of course, it is the political crisis. it was a push to have a presidential council and have some sort of transition. what they need is a moment to breathe. they need some peace. they need to be able to open their doors and be in their house and not feel armed bandits are going to come in. >> how are people getting food? what is it like day in and day out? >> you go into the grocery stores. the shelves are bare. pot able water is hard to find. we are getting fuel because the police do have control of some parts of the port. but the hospitals, their hospitals have been completely shut down. taken over by gangs or cant function because of people the doctors or nurses cannot get there. one in four children are chronically malnourished over what, 360,000 people have been forced out of homes in the last couple of years. and women are being collectively raped. it is being used as a tool by the armed groups. it is an awful situation. i have heard caribbean leaders say more people have died in haiti than in ukraine. but yeah. people are not thinking about the story. it is less than two hours. i have friends in haiti. the last couple of years. i had a moment, i was speaking with a friend of mine in port- au-prince. i remember what it was like going to her house so freely and not having to worry about being kidnapped or killed. i said to her, do you have somebody in the house with you? do you have a plan? are you okay? i wish you were in miami at this moment. because this is the uncertainty people are living with. >> she probably wishes she was, too. >> nope, she says she is glad she is in haiti. the reality for haitians, as troubling as the country is, there is an attachment to that place. i was there in january of last year. i needed to be there. i needed to walk the streets. i needed to just enjoy that country. there is something about the country. the individuals you saw that came back today, they had to come back. what we heard, they are breathing for their country. food, fuel, medicine, or armed gangs basically invading their space. >> it is such an important story and we really need people to care about it. >> thank you. when we come back, the viral ad campaign challenging perceptions as we mark world down syndrome day. don't go to bed yet. you'll want to see this when the 11th hour continues. when the 11th hour continues. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. the last thing before we go tonight, assume that i can. today is world down syndrome day. and this week, an international awareness campaign launched to challenge negative biases that people with down syndrome can face. in the ad, 22-year-old actress and model madison tevlin addresses stereotypes and the idea that people like her cannot live independently. well, i will let miss madison speak for herself. watch this. >> hey bartender. you assume that i cannot drink a margarita. so you don't serve me a margarita? your assumption becomes reality. you assume that i cannot live on my own. so you don't encourage me to live on my own. so i don't live on my own. coach, you assume that i cannot hit harder. so you don't train me to hit harder. so i don't hit harder. and teacher, you assume that i cannot learn shakespeare. so you don't teach me shakespeare. >> old mcdonald had a farm. >> so i don't learn shakespeare. but if all your assumptions become reality, then you will see that i can drink a margarita. when you serve me a margarita. so i drink a margarita. i can live on my own. so i live on my own. assume that i can hit harder. so i hit harder. assume that i can learn shakespeare. so, what fools these mortals be. i learn shakespeare. you assume i can't. i can go to parties, i can have sex, i can be on stage. assume that i can, so maybe i will. we know you will, madison. and i would certainly have a margarita with you any day of the week. a fantastic reminder. not to underestimate those who are different. that message takes us off the air tonight. on that really beautiful and important note, i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. see you at the end of tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> he is a structured penalty and he needs cash now. >> is this the time to

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the great bill bradley gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie starts right now. tonight the new york ag gears up to seize trump's asset ins west chester. and what big moves for biden immediate for november. and we talk to a reporter who has been covering the chaos in haiti as the 11th hour gets underway. good evening once again. i'm stephanie ruhle live from miami. we are now 229 days away from the election. and donald trump is now lagging behind biden big time when it comes to campaign cash. and he is running out of time to post a nearly half a billion dollar bond in his civil fraud trial. trump has until monday to secure that bond. if he cannot make it happen, the new york attorney general tish james can start moveing in to seize his asset. james has registered his civil fraud judgment with officials allowing the ag to more easily secure liens on two of the real estate mogul's most valuable properties. those are just a couple of trump's prized properties in new york. and you recall during his campaign and during his time in the white house, he repeatedly made a point to brag about his business and business and his big time assets. >> when you have real estate. i have a lot of them. big stuff. great stuff. >> i ran and everybody knew i was a rich person. i built a great company. and people knew that. >> my company was the strongest it ever was. especially being in development and real estate all over the world. >> i built a great company. one of the great companies. one of the great real estate companies. some of the most incredible assets in the world. >> meanwhile, the washington post reports trump is well behind biden on campaign cash. even as his legal bills are skyrocketing. the post says federal election commission reports show that the save america political action committee, the trump campaign uses to pay legal bills for the former president and many associates spent more than it raised in february with the vast majority of its spending going to legal costs. the save america pac reported spending about $7 million in february. that comes down to 240 grand a day. meanwhile, trump may be coming into a huge payday from his truth social platform. tomorrow shareholders are set to vote on a merger between truth social and a publicly traded shell company. if this gets approved trump could get three-and-a-half billion dollars. i will explain that in a second. so let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. joyce vance joins us. she spent 25 years as a federal prosecutor. bryan schwartz is here. and david johnson. he has written not one, not two, but three books on trump and his finances. bryan, let's start with this deal. because people might not realize it. we talk about how trump needs money. he might be about to make a whole lot of it very soon. when and if this company goes public, which could be as soon as monday, the value of trump's shares could skyrocket over $3 billion. right? by next week, the ticker djt may be on the public markets. can you explain this deal to us and how trump might be seeing this money? >> well, you know, the overhead company really has to approve this. but if we get to that point and truth social goes public, we have seen trump can't cash out his shares. worth about $4 billion. he can't cash them out for another six months. so being able to access that cash, when he gets that, he can use it for whatever he wants but being able to access that cash will not come to fruition for a matter of months. so the key here with this is even if we see this whole process expedited, trump will not be able to see much of that cash and use it for his benefit at least not for now. >> but can he borrow against it? >> i think he can. i think he could borrow against it but that will be a big process. because the monday deadline is approaching quickly. this company truth social has run into issues before. moving forward with these votes. so the question is are the shareholders which by the way are mainly all go pro trump people going to move ahead with this on friday, it will be right on time. could we see the machinations of this play out? >> david, it is not a done deal. let's say it goes through. this thing is trading in the public markets. it is not a guarantee that the stock is going to perform. the underlying company and all of these people besides trump that have been involved in this company, it has been riddled with scandal from the start. >> and if donald were to try when the six month lockup period ends to unload the stock and turn it into cash, it would nose dive the shares, you sell small portions if you are an insider over time. but, you know, perhaps he can borrow against it. a lot of executives have paid plans where they borrow against money they haven't received yet. but they have earned so he potentially could do that. but it will depend on what happens with the shareholders of the other company where they will go along with this. >> all right david. put this merger aseed. you know donald trump and his finances better than anyone else i know. what do you think he is looking at in terms of getting this bond he needs? >> he was out yesterday begging for $5 contributions. that is how much he has been reduced here. but, undoubtedly, he is on the phone trying to get someone with a lot of money. and that's a national security nightmare for us. because someone puts up the money. and the judge specifically seemed to direct the monitor to look into where, who is behind the money for the bond in the e jean carroll case. but, if donald gets the money from say, a member of putin's criminal gang, the oligarchs, and he gets back to the white house, that is an absolute national security nightmare to have a president, the united states, do you want to have some american have leverage over donald trump? >> we were worried about his lenders. this would be colossally worse, i want to stay on it. >> is there any effort on the part of your team to secure this money through another country? saudi arabia or russia? >> well there's rules and regulation that's are public. i can't speak about strategy that requires certain things and we have to follow those rules. >> here is what she didn't say. she did not say no. what do you make of her response? >> i think she just answered the question. and it is an enormous security risk. i think this is one of those points where we always say but shouldn't this be the job of the republican party? shouldn't someone be saying it's clear someone who presents this level of national security risk can't be a candidate for the president of the united states. and yet donald trump is already there. it is clear the transition of the republican party to become the party of donald trump is complete if it wasn't previously completed. because there is no denial here, we have to contemplate the risk if there is a bond in the next few days, it will be funded by foreign sources or sources that will have some sort of inappropriate control on a candidate for the presidency. >> david, we mentioned before tih james officially registered this judgment with officials in westchester. what else do we need to know about this? >> well, she is likely to first go after his bank accounts. and donald gets a lot of money from licensing his name. so there are buildings with his name on them in india. the middle east. and elsewhere for which he gets a cash flow. she will seize all of that cash from him. he will be able to continue the routine businesses when the beer company delivers. there will be no money movements outside of the ordinary unless they are approved by the monitor and the judge significantly expanded her duties and responsibilities today including saying in effect, go take a look at who is behind the chub bond in the e. jean carroll case. any bond he produces in this case. if you need more expansive powers, just come to me. i'll give them to you. >> joyce, what sticks out to you in this reporting? is this formal procedure for tish james to register it? >> referee: think what you would like to see if you were in her position, it is an assurety bond. that the easiest path forward is the district attorney. but since it is likely she is not going to have that easy path, she has to go after the most accessible assets. some of those are properties in nearby west chester county. it is a little bit easier for her to go after items in new york. there is the trump national golf course sitting there. and other assets she could use if there is no bond in place by the close of business on monday. >> all right, new but related topic. donald trump's campaign fund raising is taking a serious hit as his legal bills are climbing. now there is this new deal with the rnc to get more cash for guess what? paying his legal expenses. what's the deal with that? >> well so much for the rnc not paying for donald trump's legal bills. that might be true. there is kind of a catch here now. so there is a joint fund raising operation that allows efforts to go to the trump campaign. money to go to the rnc. but also, and this is key, money to go to the political action committee that pays for donald trump's legal bills and it has paid millions of dollars as we just mentioned at the top here for donald trump's legal bills and his allies. just a month ago, we are talking north of $5 million. while the rnc says they will not pay for trump's legal bills, there is a political operation that was launched days ago that splits up money and we have up up to $5,000. these checks will go to a pac for trump's legal bills. >> does this explain even more about trump's rnc takeover and why it was so important to him? >> oh yes, donald only wants family or pier totally dependent on him around you but that is not how thing work and there is often friction between the head of the rnc or dnc or white house over what direction to go. but donald wants to put people who are totally loyal to him. in donald trump's world, loyalty runs one direction. everybody else that he deals with, you, me, anybody else, we are just objects. we are not human beings. transcript came out today that his valet testified that when he went in and told trump during the insurrection someone had been shot and killed, he was completely blaise. that is how totally lacking in empathy is and how he is all about the money which defines who he is and about control. >> my goodness. you also reported on the biden campaign. courting haley's big donors. i get it. a lot of never trumpers might in the end vote for joe biden but are they writing him big check ins. >> i think they are doing something just as important. trying to raise joe biden money. so what we are talking about here is while donald trump is going through the motions trying to figure out how to pay for his legal bills and get money for his campaign, posting a bond. joe biden is sitting back with his team and recruiting some of nikki haley's bundlers. these are business leaders who are good at raising money for campaigns. they call it their people in their rolodex and these people give a certain amount of money to campaigns so they have been doing this behind the scenes while all this other stuff has been going on with donald trump and they had some success with it. he has come on board and he will be helping joe biden. and he will be trying to work this issue for republican leaning business leaders. he seem to be starting the process now. i just think it is indicative of where biden is right now. versus donald trump in a way. >> and is donald trump successful at getting big donor to help him? >> it is kind of a complex issue. there are clearly people who are going to help donald trump in the business community raise money. there is a major event coming up april 6th hosted by john paulson. but they are not necessarily right now in many cases jumping over to help donald trump either. and that is really key. they are not going around maybe all of them saying okay, we will go help biden now. but there are certainly in some cases not helping trump. and they are focusing on congress instead. and that is another issue that trump will have to figure out as we go forward here. how is he going to mend that bridge? broken largely due to the fact trump has been ripping haley donors left and right? >> sure has. quick, a new topic. i want to turn to the trump case that was supposed to start next week. cause of delay. today the da begged the judge to let the case start next month. what's going on? >> the trump objections to the case claiming discovery violations by the da meant that it should be dismissed or delayed, those have really frittered out today. it turns out what happened is that there was a failure to turn over documents. only because federal prosecutors didn't have them when the manhattan da requested them. at a much later date, trump asked for documents. at that point in time, the southern district did have them and they turned them over. but the important thing to keep straight is that trump has not been indicted by federal prosecutors. his discovery obligations are not from them. they are from the manhattan da. they did everything they could to get documents turned over to trump. this hearing is scheduled to start monday morning and this case will be back on track for maybe an april or slightly later trial. >> all right thank you all for starting us off tonight. when we return, joe biden trolls trump over his cash crunch. all as the president celebrates a day of economic wins. and later, if you feel like iphone prices are too high, well so does the justice department. it is a sweeping new antitrust lawsuit against apple. 11th hour just getting underway on a busy thursday night. on a busy thursday night. scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. my name is oluseyi use with caution in dogs with a histo and some of myorders. favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. so while the presumptive republican nominee for president is asking campaign donor to help cover his legal bills, his presumed opponent already boasts a huge cash advantage. but that is not the only win that president joe biden has racked up. this week alone, thanks to the chips act, he signed into law, biden awarded $20 billion to intel to expand microchip manufacturing in the u.s. which the administration says will create 10,000 new jobs. today president biden forgave nearly $6 billion of student debt for public service workers. oh, and the stock market, by the way, hit another record high. for more, i want to bring in nbc who's correspondent mike. he has created president biden, his family, and his inner circle for more than a decade. jennifer joins us, former white house communications director for president obama and carlos of florida. mike, let's start with you. of course, we have also seen biden's new joke about donald trump's debt. but you have been following the president on the campaign trail. what have you noticed? >> he is on the campaign trail. he spent last week in the midwest. and michigan, wisconsin trying to shore up that law for 2024. this week, he is in the sun belt state. nevada, arizona. spent today in texas. and, donald trump is nowhere to be found on the campaign trail really at this point. and, this is four years ago, we were talking about biden running a campaign out of his basement turned covid. now it looks like the tables have turned just a little bit. but what i also see when you have the president out there doing these economic focused events, you think of the hard work of governing in the first two years with congress trying to get the major initiatives passed. yes, the president's poll numbers are still not where they need to be for an incumbent to be successful but they explained the disconnect of a lot of the fruit of those legislative efforts have not been visible to the american people. tens of thousands of manufacturing and construction jobs that will come online. at a time we know the democracy and the freedom planks will be front and center. >> how hard is it, though, for him to thread that needle and talk about the money that will be in people's pocketbooks? when he is on the campaign trail, talking to people, they are saying my housing costs are expensive. their everyday lives are expensive. >> yeah. this is still a major challenge. it is something that democrats are telling me they want to hear the president do what he does so well. be more empathetic and you hear him say that. there's a lot more work to do. he has talked about what would be at the top of the list for a second term agenda. lowering costs austere lates to child care. they are pointing and you will see the president in a little bit of a popular sweet at times. some of the grocery prices went up. a lot of this is also corporations taking profits. you will see him hammer some of these issues as well. >> we hear from ceos who say we are starting to see how much we can flex in terms of pricing meaning how much can they charge us and the fact that we are willing to pay those high prices. jennifer, the president has also been chipping away, i say chipping away but it has been huge, at the student debt issue. today, announcing another $6 billion. will any of this piece by piece stuff get through to young voters? this was a huge priority for them. >> this is why his cash advantage matters so much. because biden is the candidate that people need to learn more about. and so, you know, trump doesn't have any problem breaking through. and he is not, it is not as if he is trying to put forward accomplishments or an agenda the way biden is. so what is important about the cash advantage is that biden can announce it like he did today. and then he can go on digital and do ads from now until election day. mike was talking about the travel that he has been doing. what has been smart about that, they are taking that travel, doesn't just do an official event. he will go somewhere and go onto ice cream or do something elsewhere he can capture more viral video moment. every trip they do. they are creating content and they have the money to put behind it. so people know what he has done. and that is the critically important piece for biden. he has the means. something is different. there is money behind ads he can do to tell people what has happened. and even if you know, when you and mike were talk about people not feeling the impacts of some of the accomplishments of this ad, i have a plan, it's working. people can buy into that larger vision even as things still feel a little dicey. >> the president is also making a big push reaching out to latino voters. they were an important part of his coalition. think it will work? >> it is a very important factor in this election. we have seen for a few years now that the two parties have been trading voters. democrats have been getting more suburban voters. while republican haves been gaining ground with minority groups, hispanics and to alesser degree, african americans. that could end up deciding the result of this election. so for biden and the democrats it is critical to invest more in the hispanic community which is challenging for them. a lot of the issues that are pushing are the culture war issues. but biden can emphasize the economy. these jobs that donald trump promised would come back to the united states under this administration, the jobs are actually coming back. manufacturing jobs are being created here. many hispanic families throughout this country. so that is what he need to emphasize. so he can get the votes in time to win this election in november. >> michael, there is another interesting one. democrats are preparing to counter potential third party threats to biden. according to your reporting that includes the kennedy family stepping up to help biden. it was just last week, we saw maria, rfk jr. 's first cousin with the president. and the first lady at the white house. how significant is that? >> well, to president biden to the biden campaign, rfk jr. looms out there as a major political spoiler in his bid for a second term. but for the kennedy family, there is another risk here. they are seeing the possibility and afraid, frankly, that they could see their cousin, their father, their relative tip the election to donald trump and that would spoil the legacy of service that this higher family has had. and that photo, the powerful photo we saw of dozens of kennedys from three generations with the president on saint patrick's day, outside the oval office was such a powerful one. and it really just signaled the beginning of a much more stepped up effort on their part to make it clear to the american people they are squarely behind president biden. we have debates within our family. entitled to their opinion. but this is really shows the concern that democrats have. in a thin election margin so tight, every vote could matter and they need to do more to combat the threat of third party votes here. >> let's talk about marco rubio, carlos, because senator marco rubio of florida has said it would be an honor to serve as donald trump's vice president. but i just want to remind our audience, this was marco rubio in 2016. >> we are not going to turn over the conservative movement to a con artist telling people one thing but spent 40 years sticking it to working americans and now claims to be their champion. >> every business he has ever run that has gone bankrupt, this guy bankrupted a casino. have you seen his hands? they're like this. and you know what they say about men with small hands. you can't trust them. you can't trust them. you can't trust them. >> you know what they say about men with no shame or dignity? ask marco. >> what is going on here? >> well, number one, we don't know if this is serious or not. the trump campaign likes to throw out a bunch of name. >> it is serious. it would be an honor. >> it has been a long journey for marco rubio from the clips we saw to where we are today. just like it has been for a lot of republicans who back in 2016 kind of realized who donald trump was. the danger he represented and now they are kind of following the republican base to get behind donald trump. but, going back to your question about hispanics, that is why donald trump is throwing this out there. because republicans think they can continue making gains with hispanics which is why it is so important for biden and his campaign to focus on that community. >> did these guys learn nothing from mike pence's experience? mike pence or michael cohen or all the insurrectionists siting in prison. donald trump does not care. >> why anyone would want that job, even if you thought trump would win is sort of the worst case scenario. i just, i can't comprehend why people, why anyone who wants a future in the republican party would want this job. >> you would have to move from his home state. he would have to resign from the senate. that is a big risk for donald trump in my opinion. >> it is a big risk for donald trump? >> it's a big risk for anyone to take for donald trump. >> yes, but they all seem, but that is the amazing thing over and overment people do it. and then each one, one at a time, just fall off a cliff for him. >> that's right. >> extraordinary, we will leave it there. carlos, thank you. michael, thank you. jennifer, thanks. when we come back, the doj's landmark lawsuit against apple. what this massive anti-trust case could mean for your phone but also why it has a lot of businesses scared that the administration could be anti- business. when the 11th hour continues. business. when the 11th hour continues. why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. come on, scout. now, there's librela. the first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life!, online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. go to and see how much you can save. hi, i'm tali and i lost 85 pounds on golo. 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>> the country needs help. >> reporter: a country in chaos and people terrified for their lives hoping to get out. please, please care about this story. i want to bring in jacqueline charles. caribbean correspondent for the miami herald. she was a pulitzer prize finalist for her coverage of the 2010 haiti earthquake and has reported on haiti in the english speaking caribbean two decades. i appreciate you being here. how bad is it there right now? >> i mean, it's pretty bad. people are literally running for their lives. it is chaotic. there is no neighborhood that is really safe in the capitol. if you are outside of the capitol, you still have a sense of calm. but in port-au-prince, you hear the gunshots at any moment. people are terrorized, people are afraid. people are tired. the sea port has been shut down. the airport is not working because there are no commercial flights since the fourth of march. those who can get out are trying to get on one of these flights or these helicopters. but, it is risky. >> how did haiti get here? this beautiful island, the sam island as the dominican republic. a beautiful island of beautiful people. how did it become the end of the world? >> i don't know if it's the end of the world, but it is a country in chaos. it is in a constitutional crisis. the president was killed on the 7th of july, 2021. prior to that, he had not had an election in four years and we had an earthquake in 2010. instead of goings going up, things went down. billions of dollars were promised by the international community that never really made it. so what we have watched is the downward spiral of a nation that struggled and people will tell you during a dictatorship, things were different. the lights were on 24 hours. >> what could get them out of this? right now you have multiple crisis. security, humanitarian. the police are doing the best they can,. >> but it is a tiny police force. >> it is. it is less than 9,000 police officers throughout the entire country for 11.4 million people. and only a couple hundred are actually involved in these anti- gang operations so imagine as i'm speaking to you right now, there are three simultaneous gang attacks happening in the capitol. the first thing they need is security. and of course, it is the political crisis. it was a push to have a presidential council and have some sort of transition. what they need is a moment to breathe. they need some peace. they need to be able to open their doors and be in their house and not feel armed bandits are going to come in. >> how are people getting food? what is it like day in and day out? >> you go into the grocery stores. the shelves are bare. pot able water is hard to find. we are getting fuel because the police do have control of some parts of the port. but the hospitals, their hospitals have been completely shut down. taken over by gangs or cant function because of people the doctors or nurses cannot get there. one in four children are chronically malnourished over what, 360,000 people have been forced out of homes in the last couple of years. and women are being collectively raped. it is being used as a tool by the armed groups. it is an awful situation. i have heard caribbean leaders say more people have died in haiti than in ukraine. but yeah. people are not thinking about the story. it is less than two hours. i have friends in haiti. the last couple of years. i had a moment, i was speaking with a friend of mine in port- au-prince. i remember what it was like going to her house so freely and not having to worry about being kidnapped or killed. i said to her, do you have somebody in the house with you? do you have a plan? are you okay? i wish you were in miami at this moment. because this is the uncertainty people are living with. >> she probably wishes she was, too. >> nope, she says she is glad she is in haiti. the reality for haitians, as troubling as the country is, there is an attachment to that place. i was there in january of last year. i needed to be there. i needed to walk the streets. i needed to just enjoy that country. there is something about the country. the individuals you saw that came back today, they had to come back. what we heard, they are breathing for their country. food, fuel, medicine, or armed gangs basically invading their space. >> it is such an important story and we really need people to care about it. >> thank you. when we come back, the viral ad campaign challenging perceptions as we mark world down syndrome day. don't go to bed yet. you'll want to see this when the 11th hour continues. when the 11th hour continues. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. the last thing before we go tonight, assume that i can. today is world down syndrome day. and this week, an international awareness campaign launched to challenge negative biases that people with down syndrome can face. in the ad, 22-year-old actress and model madison tevlin addresses stereotypes and the idea that people like her cannot live independently. well, i will let miss madison speak for herself. watch this. >> hey bartender. you assume that i cannot drink a margarita. so you don't serve me a margarita? your assumption becomes reality. you assume that i cannot live on my own. so you don't encourage me to live on my own. so i don't live on my own. coach, you assume that i cannot hit harder. so you don't train me to hit harder. so i don't hit harder. and teacher, you assume that i cannot learn shakespeare. so you don't teach me shakespeare. >> old mcdonald had a farm. >> so i don't learn shakespeare. but if all your assumptions become reality, then you will see that i can drink a margarita. when you serve me a margarita. so i drink a margarita. i can live on my own. so i live on my own. assume that i can hit harder. so i hit harder. assume that i can learn shakespeare. so, what fools these mortals be. i learn shakespeare. you assume i can't. i can go to parties, i can have sex, i can be on stage. assume that i can, so maybe i will. we know you will, madison. and i would certainly have a margarita with you any day of the week. a fantastic reminder. not to underestimate those who are different. that message takes us off the air tonight. on that really beautiful and important note, i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. see you at the end of tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> he is a structured penalty and he needs cash now. >> is this the time to

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