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You cannot post it . How the Biden Campaign is putting them front and center in a new ad. The president s huge Fundraising Hall last month. What the cass advantage means for the general election. The 11th hour gets underway this monday night. Good evening once again. I and stephanie live from miami. We are 232 days away from election and there is big news in the world of Donald Trumps court cases and his finances. Trumps lawyers say they have been unable to get the gigantic pond in the 464 million judgment for trump and his codefendants in the fraud case. They have tried 30 Different Companies to get the bond with no luck. It would stop the Attorney General from collecting the judgment during the appeals process. Now trump is hoping a appeal court steps and otherwise they can start ceasing his assets one week from today. Meanwhile trump spent the weekend unleashing more Dark Rhetoric on the campaign trail. Reporter the Trump Campaign faces blowback amid mister trumps new inflammatory rhetoric against what he calls criminal migrants. They are not people in my opinion but i am not allowed to say that because the radical left say that is a terrible thing to say. Reporter the policy keeps migrants waiting outside of the u. S. , the Biden Administration is releasing 85 of migrants into the u. S. While they wait for asylum decisions. Tonight also talked about using the word bloodbath. We will put a 100 tariff on every single car the comes across the line and you will not be able to sell those cars. If i do not get elected it is going to be a bloodbath. That will be the least of it. Reporter mister trump saying he was referring to biden allowing imports that he says are killing the auto industry. Calling democratic attacks misinformation. I used the word bloodbath about auto trade because we are getting ripped off with bidens dumb auto policy. Reporter the campaign rejecting it was only about cars. Every day trump is promoting and encouraging Political Violence on the stump. Lets say it is only about cars, wait until i tell you about how the terrorists work. Until then lets get started with our lead off panel. Mark joins us, the former advisor to George W Bush and john mccain and jim making his debut appearance, cnns chief National Security analyst and anchor but he is also the author of the new must read book the return of great powers. Russia, china and the next world war. Lets start with this. It is one thing to post bond for a guy, it is another to bond a rich realistic guy for 100 million. It is another to bond a rich realistic guy for 500 million and it is quite another to bond one for 500 million when he needs it because he was just found liable for financial fraud. What upstanding institution would want to write that bond, most likely none which is why he is looking elsewhere and that is why it is so scary when you think about potential conflicts of interest. What do you think carol . Absolutely, one of the bizarre things about this event is trump said in the deposition a year ago i have more than 400 million in hard cold cash, his lawyers are now saying we went to 30 Different Companies and we cannot make liquid this money. There is a long track record as you point out of Foreign Investors bailing trump out or supporting because he did not have enough cash on hand, his various ventures especially his trump tower branding all over the world. I suppose there is the possibility that a foreign savior can come in and provide him with money however we do not know that yet. All we know is trump is crying for saying he cannot get the money available at this point and it is not possible. It is ironic because he said he had this much on cash and literally days ago the lawyer said he absolutely has this much money, he is a billionaire. But apparently he says he really does not. I can think of two guys that know about former Foreign Investors that bailed trump out, one of them is trump biographer tim obrien, hugh says trumps Money Problems make him a overseas mark and i want to share what his former fixer Michael Cohen said about it. What if hypothetically the money is coming from saudi arabia, through a back Shore Channel from russia, it leaves a president ial candidate basically owing a foreign entity all at the expense of americas National Security. This is no joke. What do you think . For this book, i spoke to a whole collection of trumps own former advisors, people that served him at a senior level in his last demonstration, the retired general john kelly, john bolton, his deputy National Security advisor, when they look for a Single Thread through his foreignpolicy which they have difficulty defining, the one common thing is Self Interest. John bolton says in so many words in the book he looks for what serves his own interests, whether those be financial, political or his own judgment as to whether it makes him look good or strong and this is a issue that extends to all of the challenges facing the u. S. Now particularly, russia and china, that you cannot according to the former advisors, find a core philosophy behind it other than Self Interest and if there is Something Else common to it, that is a admiration for strongmen around the world, desperate. They talk about his affinity for russias president , his admiration of chinas leader. And as his abilities as a negotiator he can get a better deal for the country when the fact is, those countries have none of americas interests at heart and keep in mind as i speak about this in the book, it is not my assessment, it is his own former senior advisors assessment of his motivations. Liz cheney put it this way, she said is it a coincidence that trump took over the rnc and installed his daughter in law as cochair at the same time he has become desperate for money and cannot post bond . What is the rest of the Republican Party thinking or saying when they are watching this . There is a whole collision of financial problems facing trump right now. The first question i asked is if he testifies under oath that he had 400 million and he does not, i am not a lawyer but it sounds like perjury, secondly i would say there is a real financial crunch across the board and that is clearly why he put laura trump at the rnc and white republicans are freaking out because they know trump is taking all of the money for himself and the legal problems and they will not have it for what it is supposed to be used for which is other republicans running for senate all over the country. This is something that we know trumps ego is built around, the perception that he has a lot of money so it will be interesting to watch him psychologically over the next couple of weeks as that perception crumbles under the reality that he really does not have the money. Lets go deeper into the trump psyche, his properties are everything to him. Especially those with his name on it. What happens if a week from now james starts seizing them . I think it is potentially problematic for him, if there is anything he associates himself more closely than the presidency and being the ruler of america it is being the head of trump work. He pretended to a lot of americans that he was putting his sons in charge of it to eliminate potential Conflict Of Interest but it is his baby and i am no real estate tycoon, i do not know what each of the parties are truly worth but i know that these companies dont believe they can bank on these items. They dont believe that a man that has been found essentially liable in a criminal case of fraudulently claiming they were worth more than they were at different times, they are not willing to stick their money on the value of these items so i wonder if they will end up getting pennies on the dollar here but he is going to probably go ballistic as this occurs and the rhetoric you have seen him priming his face for, about how he will detect everybody from the criminal immigrants though climb among the Immigrant Population is quite low compared to white males born in america, even though he is ending up the rhetoric there he is going to amp up the rhetoric about the persecution he faces in this case, that his land, his valuable items, the items he built from the ground up are being stolen from him and all of you voters and supporters of his should be prepared for your items to be seized. I can see the advertising now and the prompter for what he is going to be saying. Lets talk about his rhetoric. Ronald reagan talked about a shining city on the hill, trump gives us American Carnage and a bloodbath. What is going on . It is dystopic but i like you say, if we take him at his word that he was talking about the economic bloodbath, to me the greater story here are the implications of what 100 tariff on cars would do. The reason i drifted over the Republican Party in the 90s was largely because of trade policy, i was a radical free trader and that is what republicans are about. You are the economic expert, what will happen to the cost of cards . That is the absurdity of it, for fax say, if you put a tariff on cars, it will Costs Thousands of american jobs, pallet of fact went through it over the weekend. This idea of putting a tariff on it, consumers will pay for it and it will cost american drops. Either way trump wants to have it, the bloodbath does not work. Lets talk about the words, even if we said this is trump tough talk, your book goes into his affinity for dictators, what do you think of . What do you connected to you hear his words and think about the dictators he looks up to ask fun he has a fascination, not just with the dictators themselves, but with the power they have and his senior advisors say he admires that power. He imagines what he could do with such power and thinks he deserves unfettered power without checks and balances. It is not just the words or how he speaks about the leaders and again one of the most consistent threads through his Public Comments as a refusal to criticize russia in any way. He puts himself on a level with them and inherent in that stephanie, is his not seeing a difference between the countries, he said that as well, he does not see the u. S. As any better than the system china lives under were russia lives under when you i and i know there are enormous differences. People that challenge them for power do not end up well. So it is a problem, it is a choice. In the fall. You have a different way of looking at the world represented by trump and that is a choice voters have to make. The final thing i will say is that trump extends his admiration even to hitler. John kelly said so on the record, trump said hitler did some good things. He admired the loyalty of hitlers generals, it is amazing to be hearing that, it is a firsthand account of what the current gop nominee for president thinks. What the republicans think about all of this . Even if they by trump was only talking about the auto industry, they remember when he told the proud boys to standby. Are they buying this . We do not know if anybody is cutting him a check. We know there is a Money Problem and we know that he is having high donor problems. So across the board, republicans are at a huge disadvantage financially. That is always a reflection of what the donor class thinks about their candidate so you know there is anxiety going on and of a lot of it of course has to be that the donors are looking at a lot of the Public Policy announcements like carrots and asking what are you talking about . That is the reason i became a republican because of free trade and this guy is talking about 100 Trade Tariffs and i will not give them a check if that is what he is talking about for trade policy. Biden is taking advantage of this with a new digital ad including the bloodbath comment, a montage, his promise to free january 6 defendants, we are seeing biden get a lot more aggressive when it comes to using trumps own words. What is your take . I think that is really smart, i advocated for a long time that he needs to toughen up, there have been stories of biden getting angry and i said great. Take it to trump. In the 2004 election and i was part of george bushs campaign, we started the campaign behind, bush was unpopular and the only way we took that election was making sure it was not a choice on bush but a referendum on our opposition and that is what biden needs to do with trump. Before we go there is now reporting that trump is reportedly considering ringing back the king of the Ostrich Feather Blazer himself Paul Manafort, what is your take on that . One thing Paul Manafort had was deep ties to rich and powerful people overseas. Rich and powerful russians, he was involved in ukraine on the prorussian side and by the way convicted of crimes before he was pardoned by trump so there is that but again, the Common Thread in trumps forward policy and you can trace the thread from Paul Manafort that helped the pro russian candidates in ukraine, to trumps first impeachment when he withheld military resist assistance to ukraine when it was already at war to get a political favor against biden, to now trumps apparent opposition to ukraine aid from the u. S. And the pressure he is putting on republicans in the house to prevent that from getting past. Paul manafort is problematic given his convictions but beyond that, his ties to folks on the wrong side of this war. The russian invasion of ukraine, that is a consistent thread through trumps foreign policy. It is not a opinion but in short, Paul Manafort has a lot of bad guys Phone Numbers on speed dial. Thank you for being here and congratulations on your new book. When we come back we are Digging Deeper into trumps failure to secure the massive bond in the civil fraud case, what the next move is. We get into it. Later great news for the Biden Campaign as Trumps Campaign is hitting a cask crunch, i am talking about old School Campaign fundraising. I will break down one of bidens Largest Campaign holes yet. We are just Getting Started in miami on a monday night. Y nigh. Rsv is out there. For those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. Arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. I chose arexvy. Rsv . Make it arexvy. Business. Its not a ninetofive proposition. Its all day and into the night. 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Lets get back to the 464 million judgment in the Civil Fraud Case Against Trump and the codefendants. 30 Different Companies that provide appeal bonds have denied the former president. In a court filing the lawyers described securing a bond as a practical impossibility. Here is what the new York Attorney general said last month. If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment we will seek a Judgment Enforcement mechanism in court and ask the judge to seize his assets. She is coming for you. For more lets bring in former new york prosecutor charles coleman. Is trump basically relying on the Appeals Court to overturn this and if they do not, then what . He is ruling on the Appeals Court but he has to get there first and what i mean is, even as he is trying to appeal the decision the judgment is a separate matter. He will have to deal with the serious issue around the bond and it does not appear he has the hard cash or can satisfy the bond with any other assets that is necessary to state that off, he has finally reached a point in the program where we have to come back to reality and stop playing in fantasyland. You had a guarantor in the eiji carol case, somebody that ponied Up Tens Of Millions to stave off the payment for the appeal there. You cannot find half of 1 billion to do that in this case. He is trying to make a last ditch appeal to the judge to make a different decision than the original decision he made when he made the decision itself. You are the judge that presided over the trial and you are the judge that entered the judgment so at this point he has no incentive to lower the bond necessary in order for trump to have his behind saved yet again. That was the same judge sitting on the bench when trump and his lawyers said he absolutely had the money. At this point now that they are saying he does not, can he be found liable for perjury . I do not know if it is a matter of perjury in as much the statement of itself could have been qualified around his Real Property assets and the values there but in terms of him saying he had hard cash, he could technically be found guilty of perjury for that, i sincerely doubt that albert would decide to go and prosecute him for perjuring himself on the stand in that way, i think at this point the level of embarrassment he faces for having made those audacious claims and now so quickly after saying that having it turn around in his face and it is clear he was not telling the truth will be sufficient but in the legal sense i suppose it does technically qualify as perjury. A sworn statement that he gave under oath that he knows to be false which fits the definition. Explain to us what companies rarely accept real estate as collateral . It is a complicated process, you are not accounting for the mortgages on the property, who did the deed actually belongs to, the valuation on the property, all of the taxes that may be due, what it may be worth want, it may not necessarily be the same value, not to mention these things take time to liquidate in the event that somebody actually does the fault on what the a surety bond is supposed to cover so in the event trump had to pay the money the a surety bond has to be relinquished and they ended up needing to liquidate property assets, they are now in the situation where they would have to go through a entire new set of mechanisms to liquidate the properties and you also do not know what the values of the properties will be. So if they really want hard cash or liquid assets, things they will turn into cash quickly if not cash it self in terms of assuring a bond of this magnitude. I am making you work overtime tonight, i have a different storyline and a hard question to explain. In florida, judge cannon is asking the prosecution and defense for competing Jury Instructions in the classified documents case, andrew has said this could wind up in the 11th circuit, can you help us understand this . I want to put this in perspective and i do not mind the overtime, it is not uncommon for judges to ask parties to submit proposed Jury Instructions and what happens is the judge will take some from the prosecution, some from the defense and they merged them and they come up with some in the middle. That is something Trial Attorneys see all the time, you have to do it when youre talking about civil or criminal trials, what was unusual was the different framings she gave as part of the instructions, especially as it deals with the president ial records act, she tried to define it in a way that was not clear in a way that almost suggested she is somehow considering that the Supreme Court may on some Level Grant A Immunity Claim which will change the framing of this entire conversation so the framing she gave to the attorneys in this case was unusual. The instruction itself to come up with Jury Instructions and submit, that is routine as Trial Attorneys will tell you. It is going to get complicated, i am sorry we are out of time, i had loads of questions about the former trump ally peter that will be reporting to jail in florida tomorrow but we do not have time. Great to see you. When we come back, President Biden is on a impressive Fundraising Streak from small donors. We will break down his cash advantage over trump with the general election less than eight months away. It is on when The 11th Hour continues. Continues. They are some of the hottest the Biden Campaign is making major money moves. Last month the campaign raked in 53 million. The strongest grassroots fundraising month since it launched, bringing the total to 155 million. Lets bring in Florida Democratic party chairwoman, contributor brian tyler and tyler pager, he just completed a three part series about President Biden. It is a dig number but what is really special is these are not big checks. Talk to us about how many individual donors are in there. They are very excited about this number and not just because of the size but because of how much larger it is than the former president trumps fundraising. His financial concerns as it relates to legal challenges, his campaign is also having Trouble Raising Money and as the Biden Campaign has a advantage over the president they are excited to apply those resources to make up ground as we see biden trailing behind trump in pulling but it is clear that the current president has work to do. One of the advantages is the small dollar fundraising network. The campaign tops growth in the area with most of the money coming from people just giving a few dollars, under 20 and the president is finding success with the big high dollar donors as well, a big event coming up later this month with former president obama and clinton. Biden will appear with them in new york. It has been one of the few bright spots for the campaign over the last several weeks as the president has kicked into high gear his general election campaign. The big dollar event is to be expected. When you hear about the small dollar donors it is the Bernie Sanders flavor, is that a surprise to see that from biden . Are they new . We are seeing that donor base grow over the last four years from when he ran in 2020. Biden is somebody who throughout his career has not been the best fundraiser. He does not like it. He would much rather be out talking to people, shaking hands and kissing babies, the classical retail politicking. What we have seen from the president s he has been able to broaden his appeal to all sorts of democrats that want to chip in. One of the ways he is raising money is a very large email list. Many of your viewers get email and Text Messages from joe biden and, the harris asking them to chip in five or 10. One of the things we saw after it was activated was after the state of the union, the campaign raised more than 10 million in the 24 hours after the state of the union. That was one example where the campaign is pushing out on digital and social media to the millions of democrats part of the larger universe. One of the things the Biden Campaign is trying to do is tap into the universe and activate those people that have powered democrats to success in the midterms in the last president ial election and using the trump factor now that it is clear it is a biden versus trump rates. The Biden Campaign is trying to get the message across to voters that this is a Binary Choice and it is leading to a lot of donations from democrats and others from around the country. It is fair to say florida is a complicated state. Talk to us about what people in the state are telling you because there is reports that the Biden Campaign is looking to expand their map and i in florida. Trumps adopted and runs home state. It is complicated, both trump and ron lives here but florida has been frustrated with what ron has done to the state, we have a six week abortion ban, a tax on immigration, a tax on book banning and all of these things going on and now we have this opportunity for citizens to have a seat at the table again and say we are back in the game and we are ready to fight for the state so you are seeing people come to events and you are seeing people want to participate. People are excited and biden did a fantastic job at the state of the Union Address talking about the issues important to the people of this state so we keep saying, do not ever count us out, we are ready to play in the president sees we are back in the game. Lets talk about the Trump Campaign, we keep talking about hitting the wall, small donor fatigue, major Donor Hesitation and we have not mentioned his massive legal bills. Is it a surprise that trump is having Trouble Raising Money . Look at what he spent the last few years doing to his supporters, he has lifted them through an fts, trading cards, hats, sneakers, of course there is no money left when he is trying to tap this well, beyond that he is espousing issues that American People are not on board with. It is trying to raise money at the same time it is promising banning abortion, that is not going to draw support from americans. His issues on healthcare, jobs, the economy, and democracy itself, so it is no surprise he is having Trouble Raising Money. On the surface it sounds terrible but we live in a age of misinformation and foreign interference. At any point, could bad foreign actors change everything . They can and a half before but i think it is on us, democrats, the Biden Campaign to make sure people know the truth and stay aggressive in the messaging which is something democrats have had a tough time doing in the past but we finally found issues we can sink our teeth into. Dobbs is one of them. Look at the results in 2022 and 2023 on the back of dobbs. It is not Getting Better for republicans, it is getting worse. People are clearly recognizing that. So of course anything can go south at a moments notice but look at how democrats have been able to message this issue. They continue to go off the cliff so we will keep hammering away at this issue as long as they want to keep being extreme on it. Lets talk about no labels. They do not like to speak for themselves but they are operating in the shadows in a big way. Their latest possibility, the former Lieutenant Governor of georgia jeff duncan is the latest to say no i am not interested in your unity ticket. What is no labels doing . They came into the mix saying if we are going to have trump and biden we want the American People to have a choice but at the end of the day democrats are coming home, the are realizing the existential threat of another trump presidency. All of these conversations about thirdparty candidates, everybody is like you will never win so lets go back to basics, lets go back to where we understand that biden has to be reelected so no labels will go away. What will get them to go away . More people coming out and saying i am out. You are seeing that from elected officials, people that were thinking that they would maybe run and the excitement of running but at the end of the day they look at the numbers, the understand they have no shot, they would be a spoiler for one of these two presidencies and they said we need to get back to the basics. That is making sure biden is reelected. No nikki no larry hogan, no dice no labels. Thank you. When we come back, concerns in arizona, Trump Supporters could try to disrupt the election, we will talk with one official about how the big lie is still causing problems there, when The 11th Hour continues. Continues. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. It is not groundhog day, tomorrow is primary day in arizona but it feels like. Officials there are already focusing on november, there are concerns about efforts to disrupt the general election and raised doubts about the outcome. I cannot believe it is happening again and of course biden narrowly took the stay in 2020 and the big lie took hold there. We saw it last month in arizona, protrump protesters disrupted a board of supervisors meeting, one county official said this was a organized attack in a Dress Rehearsal for the election. He is in charge of voting and elections there, he joins me now. You have a hard job, how are you getting ready for tomorrows primary . We would do everything we possibly can, we have a great team and we feel confident, we have been living with this for three and half years so we have been Getting Better at security, communications and giving people responsible outlets to be involved but there is a wariness and a fatigue because it really is groundhog day. Every day we have been talking about the same things and hearing the same allegations and that is certainly frustrating. It is a colossal waste of time and money to solve something that is nonsense. Now here you are not just dealing with tomorrow, you have huge concerns over november . We had a lot of buyin from Law Enforcement so if you saw a photo of it today, it would look different, we have a imposing wrought iron fence, we have barricades around that, armed personnel and that is a indictment of the system but they are steps to make sure we feel are necessary to make sure ballots are safe, the voters and the people working the system are safe. I hate that we are here as a county or as a country but we will do what we need to do to make sure we are safe. I want to understand how we got here, you are a republican but you have talked about what you call incentives to peddle election denial listen. Why is it the big lie has been so influential in arizona . It is a little bit of a chicken and egg, you have leaders that know better that continue to feed this to constituents. This is visceral for the constituents so in turn they donate to people that talk about this, they show up to rallies, get emotional and demand it from the leaders so i think it takes a special type of leader who is disciplined who is going to say no i will not go down that path and indulge something that is a be momentarily good for me as a elected official but is bad for the system and we need to demand more of those leaders and hold them accountable. When one of these people does something unlawful or crazy, it is not so farfetched to imagine that was going to happen when some of the leaders speak to millions of people in violent terms so i think we need to say that is on your hands and the person getting arrested, you are in part responsible for that and the threat that made its way to a line worker in the election department, you are partly responsible for that. I hope other people, donors in the Business Community to step up and say we do not want that in our society. You regularly have to do with the consequences, members of your own party have attacked you for upholding elections and doing your job. Notably from carrie lake who is running again, this time for the senate, what is that like for you . It is suboptimal obviously. I wish the conversation was about the marginal income tax rate, something near and dear to my heart, or regulatory policy or something but this has become so visceral because she is taking her cues from the leader of the Republican Party now and it continues to be a topic and i do not know what it is about this but it plays into something that was laden with the american public, the notion that the world is being manipulated around me. Setting that aside, wherever you are on the 20 20 election or the 2022 election, we want to make you feel better in the forthcoming election because we do not want to have to go through this for the next 24 years because it is not productive. Anyone with out i would say there is a responsible way to do it, reach out to the office, get a tour, get involved, asked questions, we can show you if you let us so you can feel better about the process. That is why we are involved in social media and doing tours and that is why it should be incumbent with the leaders to be doing this but that is not what we originally signed up for. Stephen is helping to bring marginal tax rate back to the conversation. It is good to have you. Good luck tomorrow, i hope everything goes off well and safely. Thank you. This man lost his job a week ago and a few days later this same guy led his team into March Madness. You do not want to miss this incredible comeback story when The 11th Hour continues. Contin. The last thing before we go, the comeback coach. It is time to start filling out brackets because March Madness kicks off this week and Steve Patterson has a story about a coach that lost his job last week and now his team is heading to the tournament. You have to check out this comeback. If you made a top 10 list of the most unlikely scenarios into March Madness this has to be number one. They have punched their ticket to the ncaa tournament. It has been a wild work week for the head coach dan munson. After 17 years the school parted ways with him after a terrible season. Five straight losses. The school made a mutual decision, he would finish the final games. That is when you hew the craziest Cinderella Story in college ball this year. What you think it was that lit that fire . Monday was a emotional day, probably the worst day of the week and maybe the best day of my life. In a run of a lifetime, with the coaches legacy on the line the beach started bawling out of its mind, long beach scoring three victories in three days. I knew how much they loved me and they showed it. By the end of the street he and his boys are putting an extension on their own March Madness. We are going to live the dream this week. Punching a Premium Ticket to The Last Dance for coach dan. Long beach estate will face off against number two seed arizona on thursday and i am rooting for them. On that note i wish you a good night. From all of our colleagues across the network with nbc news. Late with me. Ill see you tomorrow

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