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We know better. Look at the facts. He was inviting the heckle to the point that he was like, what did you say . You guys dont want another two, trillion dollar tax cut . He has turned the State Of The Union into an interactive speech. It was difficult to sit through. It was a hyper partisan speech. These guys are whining about, oh. There was no unity. Marjorie taylor green was on the house floor wearing a maga hat. This was a happy warrior. He gave not only as good as hes got but he gave better. They call it golden Super Tuesday for a reason. This is a big one. There will be a rematch. We like that rematch. It is now up to donald trump to earn the votes in our party. Here is the simple truth. You cant love your country only when you win. Good evening. Once again, i am stephanie ruhle. Where 242 days out from the election and it has been quite a week. Donald trump is now the Presumptive Republican nominee and we saw a fiery state of the Union Address from President Biden. He touted his own accomplishments but he also made it clear. He was warning us about his predecessors record. My predecessor, a former republican president , tells you, quote, do whatever the hell you want. Thats a quote. A former president actually said that to putin. My predecessor, and some of you here, seek to bury the truth about january 6th. I will not do that. This is a moment to seek the truth and to bury the lies. Here is the simple truth. You cant love your country only when you win. My predecessor is determined to see roe v. Wade overturned. He brags about it. Unlike my predecessor, i know who we are as americans. With that, lets bring in our nightcap. I warn you, it is a spectacular one. We have molly jongfast, also of vanity fair correspondent and a host of the fast politics podcast. We also have the president and ceo of the Leadership Conference on civil and human rights and the former assistant attorney. The correspondent, christine romans, and mary, the editor of whats next, slate news daily podcast. I know you want to go first, molly. Already taking notes. Getting extra credit before we start. You first. It was clearly a big night for the president. What was your take away . First of all, i love to be right. For so long, i have been like, the guy is actually really good. You are going to be shocked. I was sitting there like, if i am wrong, this is going to be really embarrassing. I was really happy. I thought he did a great job. Some lines were really good. I thought his delivery was really good. But there were things that stuck out to me. Like, you cant only love this country when you win. He has said this before but it is a really good line. The only republican clapping . Mitt romney. So many times have we talked about things. The republican most likely to potentially endorse joe biden. Right. And one of the very few republicans who Still Believes in what we are supposed to be doing in this country. This larger democracy. So i thought that was very good. I also, when he said, if you dont want the money for your districts . We will take it back. That was amazing. I was looking at mike johnson and he couldnt clap, like the lead pipes. Taking the lead out of the water for children. He couldnt clap for, lets have every third grader in America Reading and lets expand tutoring. I am pretty sure everyone can give that one a round of applause. It really shows where trump has put the Republican Party and i thought that was really interesting. I know ahead of the speech, you really wanted the president to urge people to understand how important it is to protect democracy. There he was, in the room, standing before congress where the instruction happened three years ago. Do you think you got that point home . Oh, yeah. I just want to say, molly is always right. She has supported me. Just saying. And molly is totally right about what he delivered. To this point, he started with democracy in such an interesting way. It took me aback because he started with ukraine. I thought, waits. Weights. What is he doing . And then it became very eloquently clear that he was starting with this theme of democracy in the context of his subtheme, which was history. And it was history, not just history that we are in in terms of our period, but the history we are going to make. Because he is also underscoring, i may be older, but i am wiser. We will come back to that. But he linked it and immediately made it not just a formal policy issue, which is why i was surprised. I thought most americans dont vote on public policy. But he quickly brings it into january 6th and the insurrection, which is what sets up his point about, you cant just let this country love this country when you win. It is also what is at stake in terms of democracy. I will say, as someone else has said, i want to hear him say it. I want to hear him say that it is about our right to vote. I want to hear him say it. The john lewis voting advancement act. The freedom to vote act. Because the other point is the reason we have the big lies that are just lies, old lies, not even new lies about voter fraud. That great seth meyers set it up for the State Of The Union when he reminds us about all of trumps indictments. They tried to take an election and he is reminding us about january 6th but he is reminding us in a way that brings us back to the fundamentals of what lawmaking and leadership are and what protecting democracy is and that it is for all of us. And when he looks at the Supreme Court and the justices that are sitting there, okay. I was like. You didnt think you were going to get that out of joe biden. I did not. When he said, yeah. Supreme courts, women are not without electoral power. No kidding. Which was also a message to talk about. But it is what we all needed to hear because these are fundamentals of the first fundamental right we have ever had taken from us in the history of this country. And that was what he made clear throughout. But he pulled it back to, what does it do for us on an everyday living point . How has it changed our lives . You actually mentioned the one, stephanie, that i was going to say. He talked about our kids learning in school. He talked about the things that democrats have dropped the ball on. All republicans have done is weapons education and not made it about education for all of us. It is a weapon to divide us. He brought us back to what the government is supposed to do for us. Shouldnt everybody read. He did talk a lot about the economy. How do you think he did. I think last year when he talked about airline fees and hidden fees, that was in the speech last year and it was criticized. People feel terrible about the economy. He did it again, but trying to show, look. Wall street is at record highs. On the same day it hit record highs, he is talking about nickeled and Dimed Americans and what his policies are going to do. Big picture, small picture, but also the tax fairness, as he calls it. So i think he reset the table, on easley, with the agenda for a second term. I think he did well on the economy. I also think that people are starting to feel less terrible about the economy. The state of the economy is strong. The american perception of the economy is skeptical at best. Bingo. There is this big grand canyon that he has to navigate. To feel what is really happening great and i think, you know, yesterday he just reset the table for that conversation. He took us to the Kitchen Table and then he reset it. I like it. Well, he really made me feel like that was a huge part of this. Just. Besides saying that he was speaking too loud, they argued, how could he make this so partisan, so political . I think michael still said at the top of the show, Marjorie Taylor green was in full campaign gear. The last time donald trump gave a state of the Union Address, he literally gave a metal to rush limbaugh. So given that those are the arguments against President Biden speech that republicans are giving, is that conceding, he got that one. Lets be clear. It is not that he did something new here. He accepted the terms of the speech. Over the last decade, the speech has changed. You used to sit there and it was like going to church. That is not what it is like right now. Right now, some guy is going to get up and call you a liar. Marjorie taylor green is going to get up and where her maga hat. That is what the State Of The Union is now. Political performance. I think that is important to talk about because i think we have to linger a bit in how a lot of people work feeling before this speech. Nervous. We were feeling like, this is someone who is older and also this is a rerun. We have been here before. So simultaneously, dread and boredom. That is what we are going into the speech with. Dread, boredom, lack of enthusiasm. You were set up for a great night. But there was a low bar to clear, which he did. And i think that performance is really important. He really used the foils of the Republican Party and just stepped up to them. And i was thinking about the selection. The reset of elections. Falling in love with candidates. Maybe this is more how the Wall Street Journal Talks about this. You know what i mean . Like, make a decision and accept the tax benefit. Someone else talked last night and whether she had a high bar or a low bar, i think it is safe to say she did not clear. It was a republican response. Alabama center. Lets just share a bit of it. The True Unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this. Our families are hurting. Our country can do better. I am almost afraid to continue because molly is going to set herself on fire. Obviously, her remarks were widely panned but it was the full alabama senator Tommy Turberville today who said, he was saying she did a good job. He said, she was picked as a housewife, not just as a senator , somebody who sees it from a different perspective. First of all, lets just say this. There is nothing wrong with being a housewife. She is not a housewife. She is a u. S. Senator. The how telling is this, that this is where republicans want to lead us to. You know, lets go back to that kitchen where that mother is, where that mother is, where should be flanked by her children. Is that the message they tried to send us last night . They are a mess. Everything that is not trump in this party is a mess. He is a mess, too, but at least trump is a thing. Everything else is not trump in the Republican Party but still trump like. They didnt have a lot of great choices. They liked her because she was young and a woman and didnt seem to crazy. And you couldnt put Marjorie Taylor green there. There are not a ton of choices and a lot of these republicans are retiring. I would say that was part of it. I thought it was a bad choice to begin with because alabama has this ibf stuff where the governor signed a legislation which still says that all of these people, completely crazy. It identifies you if you want to kill them because its good business. Its so crazy. So i think that she was the only choice they could find. She overacted. Look. The republican state of the Union Response is cursed from bobby tittle to marco rubio. They never can do it right. But this was next level. Christine, one group of voters that both donald trump and joe biden need to focus on, especially this week, are nikki haley voters. President biden, within the first two minutes of his votes last night, referenced ronald reagan. When you look at his remarks and when you look at katie britt, do you think did a better job trying to appeal to those voters . Where are those voters going to go . The president s speech, he was talking to democrats last night. Do haley voters who were looking for something for the president , do they find it . I dont know. I dont think they have it in donald trump slant at this moment. So what changed it for those people in the Middle Of The Road . The haley voters . I dont know that anything changed for them. I think they might still be in the wilderness. I think that is certainly true about who the president was speaking to last night and what nikki haley voters are probably thinking. I just have a different analysis of it, which is, this is a turnout election. 2020 was a turnout election. 2016 was a turnout election. So this is a question about both who has a desire to show up and then who can show up. And i am saying both of those things with intention because one of the things that the president needed to do that night, last night, is really energize his base. He needed to energize his base and i think he advanced the ball , if that is the Playing Field that he was on. And i think he was. The flipside is about who can. It is the fact that we have already seen this. We know that Voter Suppression laws have been working and they have been working on the very voters who are reliably democratic voters. It is a very intentional strategy that is often, as we know, in the rulings we see, including this ideological Supreme Court, saying, yeah. We cant let that stand. It is discriminatory because it is now front and center. There is a study that shows 14 million more voters of color would have voted if it wasnt for the removal of protections that we have created because of breaking the rules. But i say that because the truth is, if the president did his job and if donald trump keeps her performing the way he is performing, it is likely that some of these folks dont turn out. It is not just if whether they vote. Mary. I think this week, i had someone on the show and i was shocked at how bracingly honest she was. This reminds me of 2016. I am behind joe biden 100 . Like, how are you squaring this right now with the State Of The Union . She said, my spidey senses are tingling. This is looking really bad. It is all because of turnout. Can i say one thing . The pundit field complex. The mainstream media. The new york times. They ran so many pieces about how biden is old. I have been in this white house. I have talked to people. I think he is pretty sharp. And people are like, no, molly. You are just a partisan. And with sharp, i was like, yeah. He is sharp. So with a lot of this there was a narrative that the gop really gave us something to run with. But the enthusiasm factor, used to things. He does have a gen z issue. And they have had a historic turnout. 2022 was a big part of this. I will say this because we also should not lame them. We have to be careful about the narrative here. I just say that because i think a big part of what he was thinking about was, look. I am going to deliver some things that i care about and i think he communicated that. In eight months, young people have shortterm memories so we have time to get them motivated. Nobody is going anywhere. When we come back, republicans talking about The Good Old Days of President Trump and a lot of americans actually agree that things were better four years ago. How have they forgotten so much . When our nightcap in the 11th hour continues. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. This is remington. Hes a member of the family, for sure. We always fed them kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. But. He was getting picky we heard about the farmers dog. 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With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. My name is oluseyi nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. And some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. Now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. Giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. Four years ago next week, before i came into office, the country was hit by the worst pandemic of the century. Remember the fear, the losses, the crime and the murder rate, the raging virus that took more than 1 million american lives of loved ones . Millions left behind. A crisis of isolation and loneliness. Four years might not seem that long but in politics it is long enough to forget a lot of things. This week, 65 of voters told a cbs news poll that the trump economy was good. Just 38 said it was good under President Biden. The reason trump is leading overall in some of those polls is because americans are forgetting just how bad things were four years ago. Our nightcap still with us. Christine, personality aside, President Bidens economy is clearly outperforming Donald Trumps. Why do you think it doesnt translate . I think covid stole our optimism. Four years ago today, we were shutting things down. What we have lived through has stolen our ability to look at the bright side of things and we become comfortable with discomfort and with not knowing what is going to happen next and i think that is reflected in every single pole. You can tell people, the economy is strong. It was strong for three years. We didnt have a recession. We withstood a banking crisis. They say, yeah. Nobody believes it. I am convinced covid stole our optimism and it will take time to heal that. Republicans are playing up this contrast. Look back for years. Just watch this. Are you better off today than you were four years ago . The answer for hardworking americans across the country is a resounding no. We have to go back to that. 2017 to 2020. We want those four years one more time. Remember how good things were when trump or president . Folks have done better under trump than they do under biden. America was stronger when trump was in office. I dont need to rattle off economic thoughts, but four years ago, our schools were closed. Businesses were closed. We had better economic recovery than any country in the developed world. What you make of this . That somehow we forgot. So sadly, it seems that if you say a lie often enough, some people start to think it is true. I am not saying that is because americans arent i think that is a brilliant way of saying it. We have lost so much of that optimism. I also think it is one of the things President Biden did last night. He reminded people of the amazing recovery we made. As we know, it wasnt just that our kids were in school and we were isolated at home. People were dying. Dying. There was a city that had Refrigeration Trucks sitting on corners and, to this day, many of us still have the sound of sirens ringing in our ears because those sirens were ringing nonstop. Even when no one was in the streets, because most people were too afraid to be in them. That is what we came back from. And, you know, he also said, when he talked about what was impact recovery, reducing Child Poverty by 40 . Like, 40 . We are the same of the globe by virtue of our wealth that we had so many children going hundred hungry. People in their homes were actually getting a check to make sure that they were able to still buy food and put it on the table and make sure they did not become homeless. Those were the things that we did and that is what we have to remind them of. Christine, even if you look ahead at what Donald Trumps proposed policies are, mass deportation. That will hurt our Labor Shortage and make things more expensive. Inflationary. And then you look back and say, what is it that people are so connected to . Big business. Heading for Corporate Tax cuts. Do people understand what he is looking to do from an economic standpoint . Because it wont help the everyday consumer. I think most people just see the strength he projects and that is what he relates to. I also think something has happened in the past four years with grocery prices. Prices are 17 higher overall right now than they were. Groceries are up 25 . Gas prices are down, but groceries. Those Inflation Scars are still pretty fresh, and that feeds into this feeling that things were better under trump. We didnt have to pay so much for ground beef and eggs under trump. We can explain all the reasons why, and the inflation is starting to moderate, but that is not how every single time i am on the phone with my mother, she is telling the price of ground beef and eggs. Chicken wings. Every time i talk to her. Its not just the economy. Think about the chaos that ensued every single day that President Trump was in office. President biden has a war chest of Campaign Dollars behind him. If he spent the next 242 days using all of his social Media Outlets and every media outlet reminding the american people, trump said this. Trump said that. Would that be the reminder people need . Maybe. I think trump did that the first time around. If you look at the reports about it, everyone agrees it led to unemployment. But then covid came in. And that giant bill he put through. And biden kept them all on, too so the policy didnt really change. He is promising to do more but we kind of memory hold what happened because of it. Covid came, a huge emergency. It clears the docs in your brains and you are not thinking about this. Youre thinking, we did this before or it you know . Donald trump did a spectacularly bad job with covid. Like, shockingly bad. Our death rate was significantly higher than it shouldve been. It is funny because i heard him give a speech where he said, i didnt get any credit for covid. I think to myself, you are very lucky. Isnt that funny . There is no talk about what a bad job Anthony Fauci did her things he did wrong. You dont hear that much about what a terrible job the president did at the time. We acknowledged we were going through a pandemic. He could have just not politicized it. He could have said, this is a pandemic. Theres a lot we dont know. We are learning as we go. Which was the truth. But instead, he told his people that this was political and that they could take ivermectin and not wear masks. These people were so taken advantage of. And many, many, many hundreds of thousands died. Do you also remember that it was donald trump, as a president , who helped contribute to the rise of anti asian hate and violence . By calling it, by associating it with china. He called it the china virus. So all of that, what people were experiencing and feeling, the isolation and fear and all of those things, and then some people got injured in the most horrific way. When you say that, it makes me think back to four years ago. Right now, people are like, im not excited about joe biden. I dont love joe biden. You werent excited about him four years ago. They were voting against donald trump and they were voting for competency, normalcy. Have we forgotten that . Is joe just not exciting enough . I think last night was the joe biden the got elected in 2020. We just need to see more of that. Because he was, policy makes good politics. He has got a lot of good policy. I mean, you live in some of these states, they are building bridges. The chip stuff is very boring but we brought manufacturing back. They brought manufacturing back to america. That is a huge deal. So i do actually think that there is a lot of really good policy. If he gets out there and screams about it, by the way, i love the screaming. He should scream all the time. If he gets out there and screams about it, i think that will go far. How does that balance . He wants to look forward, inspire people, while at the same time, reminding people of where we were and what we had heard it is interesting. Youve got two incumbents running against one another. It is an unprecedented situation. How do you see the selection . Is it an election where you have two incumbents . Is it an election where you have someone who has been running like donald trump against other people . Is he successful . All those things. But i think what is interesting and what you saw in the speech last night was something that is really important for us to Pay Attention to in the economy. Harry beacon had an interesting article in the post a couple of weeks back where he said, why cant democrats run in the economy . Because we need to address the fundamental insecurity people feel. People see their Grocery Bills go up. They see their Housing Costs go up. He started hitting that really hard. Trying to buy a house is hard. Frankly, donald trump does address that. He addresses it headon. And so. Yes. And he said title insurance, for example. Title insurance fees. The white house thinks they can waive those. They can save family money. That is what they are going after. They are going after the levers of power without congress that will not help. They have to tell people that they are doing it. Right. When my credit card fees are capped and i am looking at my bill, am i really going to think, joe biden did that for me. Just like when i get a raise, is it because i am so good at my job . He just has to make sure they put his name and let him sign. It was a good move. Donald trump put his name on those checks and he gets credit for. But the jury is out on whether this Kitchen Table relate ability that they are pushing well actually land. People still feel pretty bad about the inflation that they lived through. Price levels are higher today than they were. Home insurance and Auto Insurance are terrible. A lot of things are happening and they are trying to let people know, we are doing what we can, but a lot of that is out of their hands. You also have student debt. There are people in this country who no longer have student debt because of joe biden. So i do think it is important. Everybody is staying right here. When we come back, Savannah Guthrie says in her new book that the most vulnerable thing she has ever done. I sat down to talk with her about faith and gods love. The nightcap continues. 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I never really thought i would be writing a book about anything. Certainly not face. Even though faith is really important to me and it always has been. I grew up with faith. I have been in a relationship with god all these years. If you know me, as you do, my friends, my family, my colleagues, Everybody Knows this about me, but i wasnt looking to get out there and write some book about faith and religion. But the opportunity came to me, and i knew i had something good to say about god. It is a Pretty Simple message. The book is called mostly what god does, and the rest of the sentence is, mostly what god does is love you. It is simple but not easy to believe. But if you could believe it, i think everything would change. So it is a love letter to god, this book, about the love letter he writes to us. People often put faith or religion in this separate category. Or they think, i am not a religious person. You say the opposite in this book. Absolutely. I think faith is for everyone and for all of us that want to believe, even if sometimes we come with a lot of doubt. I wrote a lot about that because i think faith and doubt are not opposites. I think they go handinhand. I think faith doubt, in a way, is faith being exercised, being exerted, questions being asked. Apathy and indifference are more the Polar Opposite to faith, in my opinion. By the way, i should give my disclaimer. I am a biblical scholar. I am not a seminarian. I went to church count. I dont think that counts. I am not holding up my life as any type of model to follow. Quite the opposite. This book is full of my mistakes in my setbacks and disappointments and despair. Through it all, what i found was this relationship with god really transcends all of that. In the book, you talk about, god loves you the way you love your children. And for people who dont have faith, or for people who are overwhelmed, parents, they feel like they have no one and nothing. Is that idea, that connection, what you are hoping to get people to see . In that, he is always with you and here for you. It will be okay. I really believe that god is really usually more about show and tell then stone tablets from the mountain. Except for that one time with moses. And i think parenthood is the greatest show and tell. The greatest metaphor god could have provided, because there is really no other relationship like it, where the love is truly unconditional. But also, the way we adore our kids, the way we marvel at them and relish their accomplishments and delight in their milestones. You know, god feels that way about us. How do you know that . I know that because he says so. If you believe the bible, it is shot through the scriptures. The metaphor that god himself uses from father to child. Be joyous as Children Of God because that is exactly who you are. That is from scripture. And the point is that god takes great delight in us. Another word from scripture. And so when you think about how you love your child, and you let it in for just a moment that god loves you that we, too, he doesnt just love you because he has to. He likes you. He enjoys you. He adores you. If you let that in for just a moment, of course he would be changed. And not only that, stephanie, if you can really feel it, you couldnt keep it within. You couldnt contain it. I know we have a broken world. There is a lot in this book about those questions and about doubt. I have those questions. By the way, there are no satisfactory answers in this life. One thing i have realized is that if we could really dip in and soak in and feel this love of god that is so profound and so personal and so meaningful and so specific to us, we couldnt contain it. We would start to spread it around. It would start to show up in our relationships. And one by one, maybe the world would change a little bit. While. Then, my last question, because i think in this time of hopelessness, what is it that gives you faith . Well, faith is a leap. I love to use my intellects and i do not think that faith is antiintellectual. On the contrary, i think that if you can make that initial leap of faith, you will find that your mind and your heart and your brain are stimulated like never before. But it is a leap. And i write about this. Like i think anyone of faith has thought, what if we come to the end of our lives and find out none of it was true . You know, something i learned as a little kid and grow emotionally attached to, or it was a crutch or some feeling i got in the Church Service was good music. What i decided a while back was, i dont care. I would rather spend my life hopeful and end up wrong then spend my life hopeless and be right. Its a better way to be. And no one knows the answer. Sister, that is a message we need more than ever right now. I love and appreciate you. I love you. Thank you so much. Dont go anywhere. When we return, it is time for our mvps of the week when our nightcap continues. Tourists tourists that turn into scientists. Tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. That can be analyzed by ai in real time. So researchers can identify which areas are at risk. And help life underwater flourish. My Mental Health was much better. But i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. Td can be caused by some Mental Health meds. And its unlikely to improve without treatment. I felt like my movements were in the spotlight. 1prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults thats always one pill, once daily. Ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. People taking ingrezza can stay on most Mental Health meds. Ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntingtons disease. 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Especially this whole biden should drop out news cycle, which i hated and never believed and was furious with everyone who said. She got a lot of flak, too. Here is this woman, the highest elected woman ever in our country, and she is a woman of color and she has been great. You know, she is out there on the road, talking about reproductive health. She is at hbcu and the crowd is going crazy. She is really, and i think she is subjected to so much sexism and so much racism. I feel like i hated. She is my mvp maia. What she said, but my mvp is betty mae fox, who was one of the guests at the State Of The Union. But the thing about Bettie Mae Fikes is she was a member of the student coordinating committee. We should talk about this. It is the Bettie Mae Fikes of this world that made this Race Movement what it is. And it is a 16yearold told you dont to go to the grocery store. She stopped at that meeting, went to the rally, got arrested, refused to be arrested. They had to drag her out of there. That is where we are going in the future. All right. President s get too much credit and blame for the economy. Parents get too much credit and blame for their childrens up and downs. But i would like to give mama kelce, donna kelce, to big successful burly foot while playing sons who teach that empathy is cool. I remember when you didnt cry in sports and you didnt talk about how much you love your family. I think it is great that we are raising generations of boys who can cry and show that they love their brothers. I love your pick. We have many mvps because i believe that the women of france show us what can be done when you get yourself together. Our audience doesnt know what they did this week. They have a constitutional amendment, they made it so that in france, abortion is constitutionally protected. This is huge. What i loved about this when i was reading about it is that the constitutional expert, a woman, by the way, said, what this does is it corrects the fact that constitutions were Written By Men For men. They didnt work for women. This corrects that. It makes it explicitly about women. I love that. It wasnt just reproductive freedom. It was abortionrights. They said it out loud. And they saw what was happening with us and did it. They dont actually really need this, but it shows us whats possible. You know what i mean . That would never happen here. Make it happen. Of course it can happen you were just talking about her negative people are. Look at the optimism at this table. A surplus of optimism. Thats good. My mvp comes from the world of sports. You dont know her name. It is linda sinrod, an 83year old hockey player in the washington, d. C. Area. After Figure Skating in college, she took up hockey in her 30s, because, quote, why not . Her son, peter, was just eight years old when she started playing. He thought gearing up and hitting the ice was what all moms do. Guinness World Records declared linda sinrod the oldest female hockey player. This saturday she will be among the women honored with the Pop Puck Drop at the capitals game in washington. She says she has no plans to hang up her skates anytime soon. Her eightyearold son peter grew up to be a regular on this program. His wife and sometimes his son. Peter baker of the new york times. A proud son who came to tell us the story of his amazing, amazing mother. Isnt that like the greatest surprise ever . That is so good. I love peter and susan and their son, theo, even more. And there was one less thing i wanted to share tonight. You might not have noticed. You probably looked at the show and thought, wow. That is a good nightcap tonight. But tonight, all of our guests were women. You werent here to talk about womens issues or the gender gap or reproductive rights. They were all here tonight because they are the absolute best in their field. Talented, smart, extraordinary in every way, and they just happen to be women. Every International Womens day since 2012, since i got into tv, i have been doing this show. A show of all extraordinary women. So that makes 13 very lucky years of an allfemale broadcast on this very day. So i am going to drink these incredible, incredible women. Christine, mary, maya , molly. Savanna, who also joined us tonight on this very special International Womens day. And on that fantastic note, i wish you all a very, very good night. Member, if this wasnt enough, you can also watch the nightcap here saturdays at 11 30 p. M. Eastern. From all of our colleagues across the networks at nbc news and a very long week we had with you, thank you for seeing staying up late with us tonight. We will see you on monday. 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