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Clarence thomas and chaired those hearings. Our coverage of the State Of The Union will continue now with our colleagues. Dont go anywhere. Stay right here. Good evening and welcome to msnbcs State Of The Union coverage. Imtonight President Joe Biden gave a rousing speech just a few feet from where we are now. Noting the country is eyeing a reflection point with democracy under threat at home and abroad. Here is how he opened his speech, invoking fdr in 1941 telling congress that hitler was on the march. President roosevelts purpose is to wake up congress and alert the American People. That this was no ordinary time. Freedom in democracy were under assault in the world. And now its we who face some unprecedented moment in history of the union. Yes, our purpose tonight is to wake up congress and to alert the American People that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since president lincoln and The Civil War Had Freedom Of Democracy and as they are today. What makes our moment rare is the freedom of democracy under attack at both at home and overseas. At the very same time. And that was just the beginning. Drawing a sharp contrast on everything from democracy to tax cuts to reproductive rights. If you, the American People send me a congress that supports the right to choose, i promise you i will restore roe v. Wade as the Law Of The Land again. The president also joked several times about his age to applause and to laughter. He ended his speech laying out his vision for the future. I see a future where defending democracy, you dont diminish it. I see a future to restore the right to choose and protect our freedoms, not take them away. I see a future for the middle class finally has a fair shot and the wealthy have to pay their fair share in taxes. I see a future where we save the planet from the crime crisis and our country from gun violence. Above all, i see a future for all americans. Simone, was this the speech you were expecting . Yeah, look, i think i was expecting the president to go out there and make his case. People have to remember to take a step back. This will be the largest stage that hes going to have between now and when folks start voting. People watch sports a lot and football and basketball, the oscars will get a lot of views. And so this is a nonpartisan arena if you will when they come to speak directly to the American People that maybe they would not see him at the podium notate up into clips. Not seeing him in manipulated ways or through the lens about his interview. So i thought he came and he got the job done. And they had everything and inspiration and they had hope. They had a direct, you know, if you will to the Supreme Court justices, and with using the words of the former justice while they are sitting in the front row. And that operator needs an emmy. From the president they came down the aisle, shaking hands. What you saw tonight, President Joe Biden at his best. He likes being around people, hes a good retail politician, and he understood the stage he was on. He was comfortable. He was inviting the heckle. He was like what did you say . And oh, you dont like that . Sometimes members of Congress Took the debate and sometimes they didnt. But the image of the Vice President of america, Kamala Harris standing up clapping, there was a lot to talk about. But speaker mike johnson, not emoting to too much. In previous years, everyone would stand and clap for, you know, education for children. You should be able to stand and clap about democracy. Thats the thing you should be able to do. I came away from this gob smacked. Well, ill tell you why. Out of the gate, i dont know if you noticed that the president was not formally introduced to congress. He ascended the podium and began his speech. And the speaker didnt get a chance to say ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States for another round of applause. They told me in that moment, the president intended to own that room. That his goal tonight was to make it very clear. You think im old . I got something for you. You think im slow . I got something for you. You dont like my policies . I will talk about the ones you voted for. In a real way, the conversations that are long overdue between joe biden and the American People. Not joe biden and republicans in congress. But joe biden and the American People. And i think in the main, folks watching this got a little smile on their face and they would go uncle joe, okay, i see you. That was a good solid moment for him. There are a lot of scenes well get into it, but he owned that moment from the moment he walked into the room. Again, he was the last to leave and the first president to do that where he stays around. If you watch him afterwards, hes senator biden on the floor with those members. And every turn hell find a way to remind you of why he has been successful in American Politics and why the missteps and the misspoken word occasionally, people still gravitate towards him. This is what the president said when the camera panned for the Supreme Court justices. The decision to overturn roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court majority wrote women are not without electoral or political power. He goes no kidding, clearly theyre bragging about overturning roe v. Wade has no clue about the power of women in america. He goes on to talk about reproductive. And he looked at the justices and said with all due respect, that is a part of joe that i heard you say it, a lot of us have been saying in the political space. Let the man go out and be the man and connect with the people, and when he does, it is a good day for the country and it is a good day for his efforts to convince them to win them over. This speech had a lot of politics in it. I said before it would be about performance and delivery, and he definitely performed. He definitely delivered. The policy was substantive, and i think were going to see hopefully the implication of that policy, folks going out there talking about it, tapping officials, the president , the Vice President over the next couple of days. We have a lot to unpack and so luckily we have two hours. Lets bring in correspondent julie sirkin, and nbc correspondent, gabe gutierrez. How did the white house feel tonight went . Reporter ive been speaking to several sources. One of them told me this was a feisty speech, and that President Biden clearly met the bar here. Youve been talking about it, a speech thats very heavy on policy. But it might be remembered by how the president delivered the performance of this. He spoke about reproductive rights early on. He talked about raising taxes on billionaires and large companies. But helping out the middle class. And he also talked a lot about a foreign policy. Some of the speech that got most of the attention, alicia, is when he took on republicans over the issue, calling out republicans for what they see is obstructionism when it comes to the Security Bill and saying the name of laken riley, the young woman in georgia, murdered allegedly. The president did say her name, although they did say the wrong first name. Allies of the president say hes not afraid to take on republicans on the issue and they feel this will be a winnable issue in the coming months, flipping the script on republicans who have sought to dominate the Immigration Issue before. He announced that new policy in gaza that the u. S. Military will now lead this Emergency Mission to try to get more aid, Huen Matarian humanitarian aid. Now i can tell you alicia and symone, right before the speech got started, there were protesters outside the white house and also outside the capitol who are very upset with the president s handling of the israelhamas war. That type of new policy trying to let people know hes trying to get humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. Now this speech delivered in front of millions of americans widely seen as the kick off to The General Election season. The white house announcing that the president will be traveling to several Battleground States in the coming weeks, going to pennsylvania tomorrow, also georgia over the weekend. And Cabinet Secretaries will also be fanning out over the coming weeks to try and sell the president s agenda. But again, bidens allies, i think that he would deliver on this speech that it was a fiery speech, and that they really sold their agenda to a wide swath of america here. Alicia . Yes, gabe, on gaza. The president saying in his speech tonight, they have been working on establishing an immediate ceasefire that would last for six weeks. Some critics, they immediately noticed they were looking to hear the words permanent ceasefire. Again, everyone still not happy. Julie sorkin, you were there at the capitol. I know coming out of the president s state of the Union Address. When the Vice President and speaker johnson descended from the dance and came out, you were in the hallway. What did you ask speaker johnson and what did he say . Reporter well speaker johnson, symone, told me he thought the speech was overly partisan. This is the tone i also heard from other republicans. They were really unified in saying this was a divisive speech, a campaign speech, that he had no unity in anything that he said. They thought the immigration moment that gabe was referencing when he read that pin that Marjorie Taylor greene had handed him with the name of laken riley was scripted as one senator had told me. On the opposite side though, i heard from democrats, Border State Democrat who told me he thought that moment was everything. He thought that biden was able to flip the script on republicans when it comes to the Immigration Issue, one in which republicans have capitalized on for the last several years. I want to talk quickly about that moment on gaza. I spoke to jamal bowman, before the speech tonight as well. In the chambers, she told me she didnt know how she would react, depending on what the president had said to protest in some ways and the guest is a Palestinian Woman who is a student here. Jamal bowman after the speech told me that the president went farther in criticizing israel than any president he had heard from. But overall democrats appeared very happy with this speech. Some democrats telling me they believe this was a slam dunk, that they believe biden was funny when it came to his age. He was angry about injustice. Those are some of the words that senator Richard Blumenthal had used in describing this speech to me. Certainly they feel very positive about how biden had performed here. On the flipside again, you have republicans speaking to that Campaign Style that biden had used. Johnson, funny enough a couple moments ago told my colleague, frank thorpe, that he was practicing his poker face behind biden. You saw him making certain expressions when it came to that. But all in all, of course, johnsons first moment in that game in that stage behind the president there and democrats and republicans, certainly coming away with completely different views of how this speech went, which is as expected. All right, nbc julie sorkin and gabe gutierrez. Thank you so much. You heard this, the commentary, michael, from republicans, this idea that somehow this speech was more partisan than they expected . Oh, please, spare me. These guys are whining about oh, there was no unity. Marjorie Taylor Greene was on the house floor wearing a maga hat. Confronting the president of the United States. So spare me the unity crab. They dont care about unity. And all the faint, the offense that the president was partisan or the president , you know, sounded more political or the president didnt unify. Unify . What are you trying to unify . You dont want to unify with the president. You had a chance and you want legislation and you saw senator langford sitting there, agreeing with the president when the president said, well, i had a bill and the republican conservative wrote it. And you guys tore it up. Perhaps i think we do have some sound particularly from the president talking about Vladimir Putin. I want to maybe, this is what they are talking about. Okay. Now my predecessor, a former republican president tells putin, do whatever the hell you want. Thats a quote. A former president actually said that bowing down to russian leader. I think it is outrageous and dangerous and unacceptable. That is a unifying moment for me. I would agree. I think that it speaks volumes to where republicans in the House Of Representatives or not just House Of Representatives, but where they are when apparently joe biden talking about Vladimir Putin trampling on the sovereignty of democratic nations abroad our allies. Members of nato that that is somehow partisan. It is not something they agree with. You expect something to be triggered, right . Thats the whole point. To be triggered is a part of it. I think what you were teeing up when you were talking about the partisan piece of it that there were a number of times about over a dozen, where there was very sharp contrasts from the president with his predecessor and on a range of issues. On a range of issues from democracy to reproductive rights. There was a contrast being drawn from it. What was articulated by the president at the very top of the speech, sort of right out the gate was the stakes are extraordinarily high, right . And i cant begin this with pleasantries, and he didnt. That was stark. Most of the times as you both know, these speeches will tend to begin with a state of the economy. That is what voters tend to be motivated by. They tend to care about. He did not start there. They made deliberate choices in saying the stakes are very high at home and abroad. And that set the tone for the rest of the speech, right . To say we are talking about a choice here, and i want to draw that choice out for you as clearly as possible. Yes, that is actually a very interesting quote. I wrote down in the very beginning that the president has gone straight for the gut. He walked up to that podium and he looked everyone in the eye and he was like let me help you understand what were confronting here. He set up the two freedoms. The freedoms globally and the freedom of individual rights and liberties personal freedom. Personal choices that are very important both here and abroad. And i thought that contrast was very compel being as he kept pounding at the gut. Because he was relentless in the beginning of that speech. It was almost as if symone, i found myself saying okay. And it was just one after the other. I really think folks should go back and look at what joe biden said when he first announced he wanted to run for president in 2019. And then what he said throughout 2019 and into 2020, what joe biden said in his state, not the State Of The Union, but when he took the Oath Of Office and his inaugural address. What he said in his first address to congress, which is a joint address to congress and not the State Of The Union. What he said in the top of the year. He has been consistent. So the reason, i think he started the speech the way he did is because that is what he truly believes. When i sat down and talked to joe biden in 2019. I was like well why do you want to run for president . And he said because i think were in the battle for the soul of the nation, and it is not just a Talking Point for him. I do believe that he believes it. He feels this really. And i think we saw that in the top of his remarks tonight and so much to dig into. President biden, they had them in their sights tonight. He was not afraid to demand action from them and to call them out in front of tonights audience of millions for overturning roe v. Wade. Give ways to billionaires and so much more we are going to discuss next. The United States will get more humanitarian assistance to gaza. Tonight im directing the u. S. Military to lead an Emergency Mission to establish a temporary period in the mediterranean on the coast of gaza that can receive large shipments, food, water, medicine, temporary shelter. No u. S. Boots will be on the ground. A temporary pier will get into gaza every day. [ applause ] and israel must do its part. Israel must allow more aid into gaza and ensure humanitarian workers arent caught in the crossfire. Theyre announcing theyre going to have a crossing in northern gaza. The leadership and humanitarian assistance cannot be second in consideration or a bargaining chip. Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be priority. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Im under 7. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. I lost some weight. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. 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The United States walks away, it will put ukraine at risk. Europe is at risk, the free world will be at risk, and bullying others to do what they wish to do us harm. My message to president putin, who i have known for a long time, is simple. We will not walk away. [ applause ] we will not bow down. I will not bow down. Joining us now is democratic congressman steven. Chairman, thank you for coming in with us in studio today. We appreciate it. You were just at the capitol literally around the corner. Yes. You were in the Chamber Tonight obviously. The Congressional Black Caucus members were out there in force. How do you all think the president did tonight . Did he meet your expectations . He met the moment. He centered the American People as the reason that we have this incredible comeback from the pandemic and the economic downturn. He talked about the historic job creation that has occurred. The fact we have historic unemployment in black and latino communities. We have created more than 14 million new Small Businesses in just the last three years led by black women and latinas. This is a historic comeback and he centers the people. Thats what ive been asking the administration in this president and Vice President to do. We did this. The American People did this. He also talked about the possibilities of what more we can do. I was so pleased he focused on housing and the fact that is so important to building equity, building wealth, closing the racial wealth gap. He talks specifically about ways that we could have pathways to homeownership, reducing the cost of rent, addressing homelessness in communities. But he also challenged the American People that we have to come together, that there is a clear contrast for those that want to build up our country verses those who want to tear it down. Those who want to build up communities, those who want to tear it down. Those who want to bring us together to solve Problems Verses those who want to tear us apart. And i think now the American People have a clear contrast in november. One of the contrasts of the president was between himself and his former predecessor on the question of obamacare. I want you to take a quick listen to what the president had to say and we will talk about it on the other side. Folks, the Affordable Care act is still a very big deal. [ applause ] over 100 million of you can no longer be denied Health Insurance because of previous conditions. My predecessor and many in this chamber want to take those drugs away by repealing Affordable Care act. [ booing ] im not going to let that happen. We stopped you 50 times before and we will stop you again. I also appreciate the fact that this is firm ground for democrats and it puts republicans in a political position where obamacare has proven to be very successful. People like it. It is my understanding that this is a part of what we will see the president leaning into the question of obamacare and reproductive rights in the next questions. As it should be. We have a choice between President Biden and Vice President harris who are fighting to give access to healthcare. Expand coverage, reduce healthcare cost, cap insulin at 35 a month. Cap outofpocket costs for seniors at 2,000 a year. We are trying to he talked about expanding those benefits for more americans verses donald trump and the republicans in the house who want to take those benefits away. We are talking about protecting a womans right to make her own Healthcare Decisions about her body or a familys ability to have a child through ivf. The other side wants to take that away. They want to deny women the freedom to make decisions about when to start a family and whether to start a family, and that will be centered. I love the fact that the president said to the Supreme Court justices, you are going to find out just how powerful women are at the ballot box this november. That is what i was talking about. That was a good one. I like that. So i want to sort of focus a little bit more on a bit of an internal problem. Coming into tonight, the president clearly had some issues with progressives in his party. The 100,000 michiganers had a different perspective on his leadership around the middle east. But he came in and started punching folks in the gut. Certainly took some welldeserved shots at my party. But also i think some clarifying moments for some in his own party. Do you think he started to scratch the itch for some of the more progressive members in the house who have been at odds with his leadership on a number of fronts . Even out across the country, democrats, particularly young voters, who would look at his leadership and they were like no, i dont want a piece of that. Do you think he started to scratch that issue to say yeah, maybe i missed something about this guy that i underestimated or i didnt understand. Well, he clearly talked about the fact that he is on the side of the American People that he is fighting for them every single day despite the obstruction from republicans in congress. We have a conservative ideologically driven Supreme Court who is taking away fundamental freedoms, fundamental rights. Now theyre trying to take away Economic Opportunity from everything from being able to have access to capital to eliminating student debt, despite that obstruction, the president has found ways to still deliver for the American People. More than three and a half million families and students have student relief debt, over 140 million. Thats central to the issue. Yes, there are difficult issues particularly around international affairs. But what i appreciate about the president is he spoke directly to the Israeli Government and to netanyahu to say yes, you have a right to defend yourself, but you also have a responsibility to protect innocent people in gaza and in the palestinian area. That is an important issue that people care about. We are seeing the images of the destruction of lives and people, and that is something we have to hold israel accountable to as they defend their right to exist. Definitely not a conversation thats going away. Mr. Chairman, Darryl George, young man out of texas, who has been suspended because of the way in which he has locked hair, cornrowed back, and he was suspended because of his lock hair, which violated a policy. He was the guest of the caucus tonight. We heard a lot of nods to civil rights, Voting Rights tonight. Today is now friday. Anniversary of 59th Anniversary of the actual Bloody Sunday that day on the bridge. John lewis and others on the bridge, you all commemorated that this past weekend. Do you feel as though the pieces of the speech i dont think we heard the word dei, but it was nodded to. Do you feel as though the president effectively spoke to those pieces tonight, and what more do you want to see in this chore that is going to be launched from the president , Vice President , Cabinet Secretaries on down in that particular order . I was honored to have Darryl George and his mother in the gallery tonight as the guest of the Congressional Black Caucus. This is an 11th grader attending a high school in texas, who is not being permitted to attend school. Hes actually on inhouse suspension because of the style of his hair. They are more concerned with whats on his head than whats in his head. And we spoke to him a number of members spoke to him and his mother. It was a very emotional meeting because it really goes to the essence of theyre trying to break this young mans spirit. Theyre trying to break him down. And we talk a lot about the prisoned, The School To Prison Pipeline and the need to disrupt that, and really whats happening right here is unconscionable. Im calling on the Department Of Education to intervene on this situation, to make sure this young man returns to school, that he receives the education hes entitled to under the law. And we are going to do everything within our power. Yes, there are other issues. They want to ban books, they want to ban bodies, and they want to now ban locks. They are more concerned with controlling people than they are with giving people freedom. We do have more work to do on protecting issues on diversity and equity. We have more work to do to ensure the economic tools that have helped create wealth particularly in the black community in business are upheld. Thats why i call on Corporate America to affirm the business. And im pleased with the work the administration is doing, but we have more work to do because were not going back. Im going to be absolutely clear, the predecessor to this administration, donald trump, wants to take us back, back 50 years. We just commemorated the 59th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday. As you walk over that bridge, and you remember our late congressman john lewis and the other foot soldiers who marched with him, they marched for Voting Rights. They marched for freedom and for opportunity. And those are the very things that are now under attack, they are under assault, and there are certain people who want to take us back. We want to move forward. There are certain people who want to tear down our communities. We want to build them up. There are certain people who want to divide us. We want to bring people together. Thats the choice that is on the ballot in november. I thought the president did a great job of laying that out. Now the American People have a clear choice, and weve got work to do to make sure they understand the importance of their voice and being heard at the ballot box. Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, steven horsford, thank you so much for coming in tonight. Glad to be here. Coming up, folks for 241 days, just 241 days and that countdown is to election day. President biden put maga republicans on notice tonight about exactly how he plans to run for reelection this year. Heres what ive done, and sheer what the other side has done and has offered, and that offer is nothing. Thats next. Transformational in this moment in history happened 58, 59 years ago today in selma, alabama. Hundreds of foot soldiers for justice marched across the bridge named after the grand dragon of the ku klux klan, to claim their fundamental right to vote. They were beaten, they were bloodied, and they were left for dead. Our late founder john lewis was on that march. We miss him. 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By the way, i noticed some of you voted against it and theyre cheering on that money coming in. Im with you. Im with you. Many of you dont want that money in your districts, just let me know. If you dont want the cash, we can dash. That was Biden Poking Fun at Congressional Democrats who have been all too happy to take credit for the infrastructure project, his bipartisan infrastructure bill brought to their districts. One of his biggest Success Stories indeed. Joining our conversation now is congressman robert garcia, a democrat from california, and the Biden Campaign surrogate. Its so good to have you in the house, congressman. So how about those shovelready projects that all those republicans out there are taking credit for . Nah, listen, they are taking credit for all these projects in their districts. The president delivered huge tonight. I mean just the energy, the vision, just the looking forward. You can feel it in the room. All my colleagues, i mean the democrats are really excited to hear the president lay out a vision for the future, not just to talk about the infrastructure projects, lowering the price of insulin. All the things he has done, but actually focused on the future. That is something for us that is really important tonight. I mean you talk about the future that we could play this and what he talked about on housing, which alicia talks about this all the time that housing is something that is right in front of the American People that everyone is dealing with, the rent is too high. It is very expensive to buy a house. If you have money, you can buy a house, but you feel broke. I want to play this for you about the president talking about the cost of housing. I know the cost of housing is so important to you. Inflation keeps coming down, Mortgage Rates will come down as well and the fed acknowledges that. But im not waiting. I want to provide an annual tax credit that will give americans 400 a month for the next two years as Mortgage Rates come down, to put towards their mortgages when they buy their first home or trade up for a little more space. Thats for two years. Often when americans express it, housing is one of the key pillars of that affordability that the we tend to talk about eggs, we talk about gas. We dont talk about one of the baselines, which is your housing. One of the things i heard sent from housing, this is about feeling secure. If you cannot put a roof over your familys head. If you cannot guarantee your familys housing. Then you feel personally like a failure and you feel insecure at the most base level. And for me, one of the highlights of the speech, for folks across the country. They know people are talking about the cost of housing. Not only the president addresses homeownership, which we know is the key to the american dream. We want everyone to be able to own a home. He talks about renters. He talks about the rent, how expensive it is for folks to get by and how expensive it is to pay the rent. So people wanted to hear the president talk about housing, talking about the rent being too high. He did that tonight. That is going to be a home run part of the speech for Working Families across the country. The fact he stuck to these kind of Kitchen Table issues around housing, healthcare, insulin, i think thats going to resonate. I think youre going to hear a lot of Working Families tonight just be very satisfied with the biden speech. Theyre hearing the policy. Yeah. There were some other things in the speech. There were. That they were not written down. You talked about, we talked on camera about marge eerie taylor green, the congresswoman from georgia and the buttons she had and the outfit that was a violation. When the president came down the aisle and was greeting folks, she greeted him, gave him a button. There was a point in the speech where he pulls out the button, literally this speech had everything, he had props. Pulls out this button and says the name of the young man who was killed in georgia, i think Marjorie Taylor greene and other republicans were going to use that as a foil, and he was killed by an undocumented woman. And so the president uses the term illegal when he was responding, and in the heat of the moment. I heard the word illegal, there were people in the Text Messages that heard the word illegal. I wonder what you thought about that moment . I mean two things. First, one is Marjorie Taylor greene is a disgrace, and the fact she pulled that stunt, wore that hat was so disrespectful. She should not be allowed to do that and that is actually shameful what she did. Just completely gross. To be clear it was a woman who was killed. Absolutely. Look, i wouldnt have used the word illegal. I think the president quickly shifted, he began talking about immigrants, right after that. I think that as an immigrant myself, i think it was hard to hear the president talk about the importance of immigrants and to push back on donald trump and his rhetoric essentially calling us for somehow poisoning the blood of the country. So i think he shifted off that. That is not a word that anyone should use to describe anybody. And i think it is unfortunate that republicans are trying to create wedges especially around immigration. At end of the day the president wants to secure and help fix the border. The president wants an immigration proposal, and thats what we should be focused on. All right, all right. The congressman has spoken. Congressman robert garcia, thank you very much for joining us at the table. Appreciate you. Thank you. Well be right back with msnbcs coverage of President Bidens state of the Union Address. Dont you go anywhere. 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You know what, we were talking off air about that moment, when the president used the term illegal. What was interesting was, for me, the politics of that moment. You know its going to come back, republicans will grab that clip and try to make a lot of it. I dont think they should. People need to cool their jets about that because its not something that took away from the speech, for me, and it reflects on the difference between the various cultures that exist and the way people perceive certain things and for the president , i think it was just a moment. In the heat of it. Its more complicated, Immigrant Rights Advocates have, for years, its about humanizing immigrants so we can have a conversation that comes from a place of shared humanity rather than the idea that someone is defined by a single act or law. I think a lot of folks feel there was ground lost and that some of the core messages around an Immigration System that is orderly, fair, and humane were undermined. It i bet somewhere, there is a Senior Adviser that may or may not work at the white house thats on the phone with some reporters right now, Holding Court in one of the bars, as we speak saying, well they say hes beholden to the progressives but he used the term illegal, they are working to spin it and you know what . I think it will be all right, but words matter. Words do matter and i think the feedback is also important. In my experience, when you say some stuff, people give you feedback. Our staff now would be like, sir . You cant recite of the fact there are a lot of americans that that language resonates with. We have an entire hour to discuss this because our special coverage of the state of the Union Address continues after a quick break. Stick around. We need to circle back. Our diversity, across american life, banning books is wrongerasing history, lets make history. Get help reaching your goals with j. P. 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Plus, ask how to get up to a 800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. Dont wait, call and switch today we are caught up in the drama of trying to use democratic means to save our democracy from people who are not using democratic means because they want to end democracy. There is so much procedural drama that it is easy to forget. Through this process, we are in. We are picking a president with all of the highstakes of that. Welcome back to msnbcs State Of The Union coverage. President Biden Mcclure Democracy is under threat. The president reminded lawmakers of the January 6th Capital attack three years ago. History is watching, just like history watched three years ago on januarys next, when insurrectionist start of this capital. Many of you are here and were on that darkest of days. We saw with our own eyes the insurrectionists were not patriots. They came to stop the peaceful transfer of power, to overturn the people. Lies, about the plot to steal the election, posed a great and grievous threat to u. S. Democracy and has since the civil war. They failed. America stood. America stood strong and democracy prevailed. Joining us now is the Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute of politics and Public Service and brendan buck, the former Press Secretary to former republican speaker, jon weiner. I feel like this is now the latenight i love it. You have advised a number of speakers who have sat in that chamber, behind the president , giving that speech. What did you think of Micah Johnson . He had some nods, some smirks, i dont think i saw him and up. What did you make of his performance . He would turn to joe biden and say look, we are not sending up all night. What was very clear was mike johnson did not have control over his members. What republicans need to realize is these moments where you are engaging with the president dont work out well for you. The president has the structural advantage anything inc. They can just go at him and he will melt, that hasnt happened. Last year they got back and forth with him and they won, Marjorie Taylor green tried to beat him into something and he won the moment and that probably sticks out to me the most. She showed up as a proper tour and he showed up as the president. He has every, the imagery, hes higher than them, he has the camera, every advantage you could want. Given that she probably believes he senile and can do that, she was probably surprised that he could handle that. I want to get your thoughts before we get to the overall, what did you think of the president s delivery, his approach, coming out strong, not allowing the speaker to introduce him . I think thats a first in the history of State Of The Union speeches. Clearly, the president had an agenda that he wanted to get through and convey. What was your take as someone who has been in that chamber, working with the speaker, knowing the protocols, and how they generally perform . Theres a lot of conversation about it being partisan. I think its okay. It was a partisan speech, undoubtedly. He went after his actual opponent which i dont think ive seen before but i think it was the right tactical decision. We talked about, how will he balance of firing at the base and extending an open hand to nikki haley voters . Its hard to do both. You kind of have to pick and i think this is probably the more urgent need they had. Youre probably not going to win over nikki haley voters by being a soft, gentle democrat. Youll have to make the point that donald trump is such a big threat that you cant do that so i think it was the right way to go about it. Was it amazing that he will have forever . No. Expectations have been so lowered that it easily cleared the bar. Some of those assess rents are very subjective and open to interpretation, as we can tell from the number of people who i think did feel it was impressed with and felt his performance exceeded expectations and i think its important to contextualize this in the week that was. This was a huge, race reshaping week. Yet nikki haley drop out, Dean Phillips dropped out, you have this crystallize is a two person race which i think speaks to your point about the fact that the president and his team understood that and in many ways, The General Election starts in a clear way right now. There were contrast. 100 . Look, where i think i disagree a little bit is i dont think this was purely a base consolidation speech. I think this was, maybe not reaching out to nikki haley voters, but the independent voters hes been struggling with lately. Independent voters like the idea of protecting a womans right to choose and investing in Reproductive Health. Independent voters like the idea of Fighting Junk fees and raising costs. Time after time, he hit the issues that dont just speak to the Democratic Base but that he knows, gun control, he knows reach out to suburban moms, independent voters, and draw them in. In that sense, it was a pretty good general election speech. Yeah, it was partisan. It was partisan in the sense that it was making the case for his reelection, not that it was purely a democratic speech. Why are we saying it was partisan . Like it was. Why . For the first time ive seen in the State Of The Union, we have a president knows who is general election candidate was. And that the former president of the United States of america. The immediate past. But hes running for president. Two things can be true at the same time. Donald trump botched the handling of a pandemic and that matters because thats the point, that was what directly preceded joe bidens administration. What joe biden and Kamala Harris have done or had to do, what they meant or what they missed is connected to the administration prior. Listen to other speeches and president in their electionyear , do not, even if they dont know who their upcoming opponent is, they do not look backwards. They look forward. When you look backwards at the guy you are running against, yeah, it will come off part is paid thats not a criticism. As he basically said, it made sense to do what he did but dont pretend it was not partisan. They dont always go after their opponent but they do drop contrast. Donald trump, in his 2020 State Of The Union speech, the year of his reelection campaign, went after the radical left in his speech, drawing a contrast. And that was partisan. Thats the point. But in a State Of The Union, the president goes out there to make his case for his agenda, right . Thats what president s do. Often one of the best ways to do that is to draw a contrast with the other sides agenda and i think that totally legitimate. Im not saying it was partisan because it was a criticism, i was happy to see him out there tonight making a force case that as a democrat, i wish he had been making sooner. I agree, because that if nothing else was for me, a critical turning point. For the first time, he almost seemed unfettered. Kind of relieved to be able to smack some folks around and do the biden thing the way he likes to do the biden thing, which i think says a lot about how the republicans responded. They always think they have the upper hand until they realize they dont and there are any number of moments being where i think the party in that context, republicans, should have at least understood the moment enough to stand up and applaud, i dont know, democracy . Fighting cancer . Educating children . You have become so hardened in your response to the guy on the stage and you become such, do you think they lose sight of the moment to get close to the guy whos winning the room and win at the same time . Its such an insular party. They believe their own Talking Points so much its hard for them to imagine it could be anything other than that hes a horrible person and absolutely, they are convinced he can barely function but heres the thing we should appreciate. Poll after poll shows that even democrats are concerned about his age. That was why this was important. Nothing he said was all that important, lets be honest. How he presented himself politically is much more important. The Big Take Away was that he did not, he did not fall flat on his face in the way the Marjorie Taylor greens of the world were begging for. They were certain he would not be able to get through that without embarrassing himself. Thats crazy. This is the third, joe bidens been president for three years. He is given an inaugural address, he takes questions from the press, not as regularly as i think he should be, this is his second State Of The Union, third if you want to count the joint address, in what universe, what kind of tea were they sipping to believe the man could not get up there and rise to the occasion . It goes back to that point about just how insular and high on their own supply they become that they believe that and what was striking to me was that you had, for all of that nonsense, the circus in the sideshow, you had the president , clear, straight at the gate that the stakes are high. As simone said, you heard echoes of his original campaign which is crisis at home, crisis abroad, you need someone day one whos ready to hit the ground running and there were echoes of what weve heard before, but a restating of the case to say, i will make it to you again and tell you this moment that we find ourselves in, the stakes are even higher. I think thats absolutely right. One thing i think you can say about joe biden with a great deal of confidence is the man is who he is and who he always has been. This is a guy who believes in a worldview that he has been arguing and articulating since he first entered Public Service. What we saw tonight was him applying that to this moment. Things stakes are high, this is who we are, this is who we need to be, and the threats are coming from more places than ever. What was astonishing to me, going back to the issue of the republican response in the room at the time dont worry, we will get to it all. In the room was, yeah, they wouldnt stand for certain things and i saw some republican commentary saying, i cant believe joe biden led off with an issue as devices as ukraine. You think he would have reached out to something that brings us together. For me, i thought it was crazy that people thought an american president standing up and saying we will not bow down to one of the worlds greatest dictators, they thought that was divisive and thats where i think you saw two very different approaches to this entire campaign season. Joe bidens actually reaching out beyond his base, republicans are only talking to theirs. Marjorie taylor green was not being a provocateur. She was standing up there because she didnt care how bad it looked to anyone out side her voters in georgia. I have to sneak in a quick break and brandon, youll be sticking with us. We will be right back. Does anyone think the tax code is fair . Do you really think the wealthy corporations need another 2 trillion tax break . I dont. I will keep fighting to make it fair, under my plan. Nobody earning less than 400,000 a year will pay an additional penny and federal taxes. Not one penny. They havent, yet. Good to go bingewatch. Good to go out even later. 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Get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. Visit xfinitymobile. Com today to learn more. Trumps marches on of his quest to win the nomination. Dont miss the weekend. As weve been discussing during the state of the Union Address, President Biden was not afraid to challenge republicans in fiery exchanges. And exploded the federal deficit. They added more to the National Debt than any president ial term in american history. Check the numbers. The bipartisan bill, the toughest Border Security reform weve seen. You dont think so, you dont like that bill . That conservatives got together and said was a good bill . Ill be darned, thats amazing. The federal chamber of commerce, yeah, youre saying no, look at the facts. I know. I know you know how to read. I love it, i love it, i love it. Brandon is back with us. Thats a moment. I mean, really, you know . It was a great moment and ill be honest, i was nervous about if that moment would come. He had a moment like that last year in the state of the Union Address where he parlayed the heckling and turned it into a win on Social Security and it was such a good moment. You cant force a moment like that so i was worried they would try too hard to recreate it but it was not forced. Hes that naturally good at parlaying against an opponent and the republicans, they set the tone for themselves and he swooped in. This was an issue, the immigration bill, that republicans put up for this president and at some point, it was the perfect venue pedialyte republicans literally on record saying, i dont want to give joe biden a win, though, of course hes going to take advantage of that but they were not smart enough to be disciplined in the moment, there, to your point. Hes better at this than people give him credit for it i need to know what you thought of the official response. All. It was interesting. I think that this is the right choice, shes the kind of person we want to show that we are not all Marjorie Taylor green. The delivery was unfortunate. She was clearly over coached and as someone who has been involved in these response sometimes it will come out of the woodwork and hire people, i dont know what happened, i thought she was delivering what was, the message got lost, for me, and thats unfortunate. Thats hard to walk back, but i generally believe that if you want to do a good state of the Union Response, i thought that the idea was sound. I want to know what the panel thinks about the kitchen. I want to be clear. Thats the Junior Senator from alabama. I worked for female politicians. The Junior Senator does not belong in the kitchen in a very lovely blouse, as though shes not a sitting member of congress. I hear nothing about her experience in the senate, she ran the Alabama Chamber of congress. She was chief of staff. You would not get that from what we saw. What is with it . I dont think she was trying to project her very impressive resume. I think she was trying to project suburban mom. Suburban moms belong in the kitchen . I dont, look. The two worst jobs in washington . National party chair and state of the Union Response. It rarely goes well and any Media Consultant or Campaign Staffer who gets that call and says yeah, you should do this, is doing their boss it is service more often than not and when we do, they tend to overproduce and try to over coached and pushes people into being someone they are not. Kenny britt is impressive. I think that she would be a potent running mate for donald trump and someone that i think a debate, it would be engaging to watch, but when they overproduce . Look, i think that if you ever watch your speeches, youd see that. What she did tonight, it would be a caricature. You know, people who didnt know who she was thought she was an actress playing a politician. That, to your point, is unfortunate but heres the rub. We are overthinking some of this. This is a real baseline approach that i think republicans took. Ive been in these rooms for a lot of the. The audience was not necessarily the folks, more broadly speaking. This was cultured and catered in a way, it was deliberate. The Workaday Mom Look was deliberate. It was a direct appeal to suburban white women to come back home. Its time to leave joe biden and come back home and this was the opening salvo in what will be a very important conversation for republicans going forward. So there was some reporting in the New York Times about the fact that they are were Talking Points being released, she came off like americas mom, she gets that, lets move away from the style, which we all agree missed the mark and talk about the substance. Its not an accident that shes from alabama, given ivf and actions of the Supreme Court, so its telling to me that she touched on idf, saying vaguely that republicans would fight to protect it despite the fact that there was legislation before the u. S. Senate that would have protected ivf, that a member of the Republican Party shot down and she pivoted off quickly. Even stylistically, she was trying to say, you can come home. There was a lot of fear, a lot of fears, but i did not hear a positive vision. I dont think that we as a party figured out Reproductive Health is issues. I think the party is generally breathing a sigh of relief after the state of Alabama Pass Legislation to protect idf. She had to check the box. Nikki haley, Ron Desantis Vomit donald trump, no and figure out how to talk about this in a way that not a losing issue. She had to move on from it. I thought that this was, at least tonally, better than last year. It was much more, it was an effort to show that we are not only that. I think that she was at least trying to not the scary republican. I mean, she painted a very negative picture of joe bidens america. I get it, in a sense because the state of the Union Response is typically a response. Its typically designed to paint the president in the worst light possible, but to your point, where i think republicans are struggling right now is they are not offering an alternative. They are offering fear and they are offering a promise to go back to a time that a lot of people dont want to go back to. That time never existed. Im talking about four years ago. Katie brett actually had a real opportunity to say, heres what you get with ice. Heres what the Republican Party stands for and heres how we want to move the needle. I dont shes in a position to say that because the person that gets to decide is, before i take us out, you talk about ivf. He noted that its only been around since the 1960s. I am more concerned, frankly, what people actually believe. Look no one wants to answer that, we can go. Go ahead. No, i think that abortion is one thing. Ivf is not the same and there was this rush, is that what every republican believes . No. Would there be implications of this bill that people didnt appreciate . I dont think the person who will was a scheme and if it was, i dont think that people were realizing, should they have a better handle . Its not the unified position in any sense, even in a pro life community, and it snowballed, and youre trying to put it back in the tube. The question is, is an embryo and unborn baby . What have you next week. David blair is with us, hes been on all day and we will talk about the highlight from biden tonight. Stay with us, you are watching msnbc. I promise i will restore roe v wade as Law Of The Land again. With ubrelvy, theres another option. One dose works fast to eliminate Migraine Pain treat it anytime, anywhere. 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Take a listen. The working people, the working people who built this country pay more than millionaires and billionaires do. We have two ways to go. Republicans can cut Social Security and get more tax breaks than the wealthy . Thats the proposal . Oh, no, you dont want another 2 trillion tax cut . I thought that was what your plan was. Thats good to hear. Youre not going to cut another 2 trillion . Good to hear. I will make them pay their fair share. The president made it accessible and i know that that is hard to do in his speech, affordability was a through line. They talked about medicare and negotiating drug prices and how his administration wants that available to everyone, so how do you get the lofty policy people in the room when you are writing this and then you get to what we got tonight, something everyone can understand. Part of being a speechwriter, if you stand and say, i dont understand the policy from a policy perspective, if i dont get it, then i dont know how to translate it to other people not living and breathing this are going to get it. I thought President Biden did this well. Without being too aggressive, he called out villains and i think thats important because if you talk to people, its not just that prices are high and affordability is challenging. The specific, that a big difference between that. If you have the rhetorical device, then you also need to rely on heroes who came across as the hero . Most speakers, and its not just because politicians have large egos, most think of themselves as the hero and more than that, and movement. What can we do together . Thats what joe biden was talking about, i have a set of plans, i have answers to these problems, not vindictive way. There was a moment where he said, wall street is not the villain. Theres a moment he said delaware is full of corporations and you have to stand up for delaware. But that doesnt mean you get to take advantage of people, but i have a way to do it. How do you put it together . After you do, and everybody is like, oh. We are so proud of this, and you are saying no edits, and no edits. And the president gets up and has unscripted moments where, whats on the prompter and on the paper is not is what is coming out of his mouth. Do you find yourself as the one who wrote the script, going oh, please get back on point, get back on point, or do you ride the rift with them and do you get the vibe because he found something in that moment, caused by folks tackling, that he could have them ad lib. And expand or contract . How do you look at those moments . Can you describe to people . At the white house i dont think they understand you are back there at the prompter when the president is giving his speech and when you are at the capital, same thing. Different room, on the prompter and when he goes off script, someone is actually doing the prompter, its not automated. I dont know as much about that. You didnt want to be joe bidens teleprompter operator. I think that one of the questions for a speechwriter is essentially, working for different people is a different job. When i was working for president obama, he would go off script. You could see him read the speech like oh, who wrote this . Its good, i can do better, and then he would and inevitably, i would be like, i totally wrote that. That can be great, and i think that bidens reach writers, they were not upset he went off script. Not every speechwriter is that lucky, but i was fortunate. That is where the president and his each writer set that stage, but i thought there was an exquisite moment at the end of this speech, the president speaking to expectations around his age and the discourse around his age. In my career, ive been told i was too young. They let me on elevators to vote sometime, not a joke. Ive been told im too old. Whether young or old, ive always known what indoors. Ive known our northstar. The idea is that we are all created equal and that deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. We never fully lived up to that idea and would never walked away from it, either. I wont walk away from it now. Talk to me about Pivoting Off The Question that is seen as a core political liability and making a case for candidacy. What struck me is how risky it was. From a speechwriting perspective, i could almost, see, should we even do this . What you saw was, he had to do a great job for what, an hour, an hour plus . If he had these stumbles, even just a few, when he said ive been called to old, that would have been the line of the night. He was pushing all his chips in the middle of the table in deciding to end, that said im old, i used to be young, this is about timeless values. Its a brave and gutsy thing for him and his team. I hope that you enjoyed watching the speech and not having to be the person at the prompter. You had a long day,to stomach this saturday, our colleague will sit down with President Biden, the first interview after delivering the state of the Union Address this saturday at 6 00 and you dont want to miss it. Its because of you our future is bright, it because of you that we can proudly say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. And were done. hmm, what about these . looks right. [thud] [rushing liquid] nooo. Nooooo. Nooooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper only bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. And bounty is 2x more absorbent so you can use less and get the job done with one. This works. [thud] kind of. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. And get four rolls in one with the bounty mega roll. Our longest lastng roll. Its time. Yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. 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That is not me. Whats interesting to me, there were lofty ideals, Eiffel Display and the piece that you were obsessed about affordability. Last year you hold. Since the State Of The Union, there has been movement on that. Last week, or is it this week . All weeks run together. Credit card fees, a row came out from the ministration that attacked the late fees at a democrat that makes a monumental world of difference. We talk about the everyday regular folks across the country as what you have to do, that is a great little Talking Point. Thats a great little bit. Folks dont know that. Here is my point and the reason i say it the way i did, tonight was a very good night for joe biden. As much as members of my party will beat their caved in chest about all of this, they know it was a good night. They know at several moments as the president said earlier, he plunked them. They walked into. Deservedly so. America now needs to, i think you can say safely, hes got their attention. Hes got the attention of the members of the house. This is two times in a row he played us. Maybe next time we will know better . The American People, i think he has gotten their attention. I dont know how it will translate into polling, it is too soon to talk about that. There will be a lot of hit pieces out there tomorrow to talk about the latest polls. Do not Pay Attention to this stuff. Focus on what the man did in front of your very eyes tonight. You will walk away from that moment going, i get it. Policy matters. There were people talking about the content of the speech not mattering that the way he does it in the mormons. The content of the speech matters. Joe biden believes you have to say it and sell it. Its not a coincidence that they are fanning out. It is friday and hes going to phoenix tomorrow. The credit card fees, the cost of childcare as 7 of your income, those of the things that regular people care about. The housing, that is real for them. He has to bring the real joe biden to that conversation. He cannot allow his team to birdcage him. And to put the formalities of the presidency around him. We know he is president and we love that he has. All right . Now let him be uncle joe. Let him be senator joe. He was senator biden at the end of that speech. He was the last one out of the room talking with his fellow colleagues, former colleagues, and members of the house. If they do that, not only will this be an instructive pattern until, it will be important to the americans with clarity, give me the 81yearold who knows america as opposed to the one who wants to take america down. To your point of not reading into the polls for the next 24 hours. He set the scene, now its up to him and his ministration to celebrate thank you for joining us. As always, you can catch the three of us back here on msnbc bright and early, 8 00 a. M. Eastern, every saturday and sunday. 8 00 to 10 00 eastern on msnbc. Have a great night. 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