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State of the Union Address. Our Special Coverage begins two hours from right now. The beat with ari starts right now. Hi, nicolle. See you soon. See you soon. Welcome to a Special Edition of the beat on State Of The Union night. You know how it works. Were looking at the capitol where people will be gathering soon. This is the final State Of The Union of the president s first term. They could not be sure that these primaries would be over or what else would be happening in the country when they scheduled this, but the primaries did functionally end yesterday, as nikki haley dropped off republican race, so tonight, the president speaks to the a largest audience. As that reality sets in for many, you watch the news, but a lot of people dont follow this every day. Theyre hearing this week, we got a rematch, yep, trump has cleared the field, yeah, its going to be this, and at this Pivotal Moment that, like it or not weve seen on both sides not a ton of excitement, but its whats happening. Hes going to try to close what many see as the gap between the signs of a strong economy, and some of the perceptions out there, which are also understandable as we covered it. The president walks the line, while understanding and acknowledges a lot of disruption and pain weve had in the covid economy. Then theres the age question that you heard about that. The president speaks tonight in a big setting with a lot of people, a lot of pressure, has a chance to demonstrate his fortitude. Theres also talk about getting into new policies announced as part of every State Of The Union, but when you look at the controversies over the ongoing middle east war, we are told, and were going to get into this, the president will speak about that, then theres the contrast on Reproductive Rights, honors democracy itself as donald trump is the opponent. The president says were going to be a very energized president tonight, and on the economy, the president will say we gets excerpt a bit i came to office to get us through one of the toughest periods in our nations history. And we have. It doesnt make the news, but in thousands of cities and towns, the American People are writing the greatest Comeback Story never told. Our source there is the white house. Thats my ren session of it. Youll hear the actual president do it if the excerpts hold up. Ill tell you something interests before i bring in the most recent Chief Of Staff before the current one, ron klain. What were seeing is the president trying to do some that president s in both parties have done, it includes the internet, the untraditional content thats circulating out there, appeared some of it misheading, either downplayed or outright lied about the Comeback Story. Now, if you are a dark brand of taylor swift conspiracy theorist, and if you are, we adopt have time for you here on the news, but if you are, you might say all of wall street must be in collusion, because if you follow the stock market. It closed at a record alltime high. Not everyone benefits from that, but its a bit of sin chronicity, not something the government can control, but the president will speak about that tonight. Were always in a media of fragmentation. Its still one of the few things that commands a giant audience. We it tell you over 25 million americans watched last year. There was a memorable moment when the president basically found a way to play republicans over what was then floating discussions about republicans trying to cut key safety net measures like Social Security and medicare. Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some republicans want medicare and Social Security to sunset. Im not saying its the majority ill give you a copy of the proposal. As we all apparently agreed, Social Security and medicare is off the books now, right . All right. [ cheers and applause ] that was an unscripted moment. It speaking to something very oldfashioned. You get everyone in the same rook and have a back and forth. Some democrats said that moment helped shift the debate. Tonight is a big night. If youve been watching the news lately, you may say, ari, i thought Super Tuesday was a big night, and then all the legal news. The truth is, in all our fractured environment, especially recently, we have a rematch, what is the president achieving . Is he too old . If theyre both too old, what do we do . This is a night when tens of millions will take in the president and see the republicans and democrats in the crowd. We will see as a nation how were doing. With that in mind, we have the perfect leadoff guest. Ron klain, the former Chief Of Staff to President Biden across the first two years. He was the president s righthand person. He is someone who had the ultimate power in washington, the power to control, schedule and shape everything going into the oval office. Not really an exaggerate. Thanks for taking the time. Thank you, ari. Its a big night. One excerpt, whats going on happen . As you alluded to Third Quarter what Public Policy is to the super bowl for nfl. Many people watch the super bowl, and million of people who dont want cable news, they watch the state of union. Its the president s chance to lay out the agenda, what he wants to do this year and four more years if he got reelected. The president will talk about his accomplishments, of course, talk about the State Of The Union. What people want to hear is, whats next . Theres a reason why you go to the movies they give you the coming attractions. I think thats important for the president to do that tonight. Lets talk pros and cons. A big con has been the age issue, maybe unfairly, on the internet, tiktok, a lot of people talk about this. And fairly applies to both candidates. Thats a con, and is that something he has to explicitly address . On the pro side, it bears repeating, you couldnt have scheduled a better market close. When he says, hey, Main Street Jobs and wall street and investments in this country are on the up, who can factually disagree with that . Well, some people would disagree unfactually, but the president gets to make hi case tonight. Part of that will be about that, but part of it will be what he wants to do moving forward. Not everyone benefits from the wall street close, and some people are still feeling squeezed, so hell talk about what to do to bring costs down, healthcare costs specifically, Broader Consumer costs, and will talk about housing, a new proposal to give a tax credit to firsttime home buyers, and a tax credit to encourage people to sell their starter homes, so theres more of a supply. Instead of just complaining about it, joe biden will make proposals to do something about it. I didnt mention the age thing. Does he talk about only the State Of The Union, but the state of biden . When voters actually see the president in his big moments, they tend to grow their confidence in him. We had a lot of questions last year. It was my second to the last day at the white house. You saw the engagement, and people left thinking thats a vigorous president. I think hell address it. The question is too old for what . They want to see the vigor and plans to address the publics problems. And theres a bit of a passing reference, and so much has changed, ron in our times. They give us they quotes. Im he says, my lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. A future based on the core values that have defined america. Some other people my age see a different story of resentment, revenge, retribution, thats not me. You know him so well. Whats he saying . I think hes a very good capturing of his core philosophy. The president is an optimist. He believes in open, in this country. We dont have to make it great. And its getting greater all the time. Youre talking about his values. Theres an implied contrast there to President Trump. What should people know about him . Hes vigorous, mentally acute. He has great meetings in the white house, asks hard requests, insists on getting into the details and i think youll see him lead in that way tonight. And hell continue to try to deliver for the American People. Do you think it comes ain these settings that he cares . Yeah, of course. Well have these debates all the year. I get the family some people are just showing up, or there for the glory or perks. Does he also show, hay, i does he also show, hay, i [ inaudible ] the president grew up in scranton, no privileges, and he understand what a lot of people we had a catastrophe in 2020. Hes been bringing it back. A lot of people were still hurting. The president will talk about what hell do to make lives better. Viewers of the beat know i keep it real. We loved having you on before you took the job. I appreciate that. During the two years we never could get you on. I was really busy. We asked you to stay longer, you agreed, which i appreciate it. So ron klain, who we do have now, stays with us, so thats a good reason for everyone to stay through the break. Let me tell people whats coming up. Jen psaki will also be here on one of the biggest nights in the nation. President s are making their case in a fundamentally different way. I have no more campaigns to run. My only agenda [ laughter ] i know, because i won both of them. Dracula, lets fight back against discomfort. With new poligrip power max hold comfort. It has Superior Hold Plus keeps us comfy all day with its pressure absording layer. Time for a bite if your mouth could talk it would ask for. Poligrip. An alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medicine directly at the source. Voltaren, the joy of movement. We are back on a big news night. The news that comes out of the State Of The Union is, of course, the speech, but the white house also tends to highlight issues with special guests. Two years ago after the russian invasion, it was that countrys ambassador that the president spotlighted. Going in a different direction than President Trump using the power an porch to honor a divisive controversial person, rush limbaugh. Other administrations have used this night to do things that are a little more Service Oriented hosts, to talk about astronauts, veterans, people who served americas traditions. Tonight we can tell you that the white house is spotlighting two figures, two mothers as republicans have cracked down on womens rights, abortion, ivf in the wake of the gop gutting roe v wade. Weredown now by washington correspondent who as observed and covered many of these, and back with us, ron klain, President Bidens former Chief Of Staff. Yamiche, your thoughts there on who theyre spotlighting. Its clear President Biden wants to make it clear that women in this country, if he is reelected will have a President Backing and access to Reproductive Rights as a whole. Its not lost on me that the excerpts the white house just put out are talking about Reproductive Rights. The president says in particular if Congress Sends me a bill i can act and have roe v. Wade the law of the land, i will do it. Since youre doing it, this is what we do on nights like this, the president , according to prepared remarks will say that, they have no clue about the power of women in america. Theyll find out again in 2024. Yamiche, explain to us what you see there. I see Biden Administration making sure theyre highlighting in particular this issue of Reproductive Rights. As i said, their excerpts, the top one, the very first excerpt is about Reproductive Rights. Ive been talking to women in alabama who were impacted by this. One woman said i hope our suffering was not in vain. She hopes the president will have federal protections for abortion rights and ivf treatments. There are so many women dealing with the trauma and the fact that lawmakers were the reason why, and a judge was the reason would you they were stopped in having these treatments they paid thousands for, and they put their bodies on the line for, families who said theyve been trying for years to have children, so you see the administration trying to use personal stories. One of the women is from alabama, will be sitting in the first ladys box. She has a personal story. Her treatments were stopped in the middle, paused because of this ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court saying embryos are people. And a woman there, amanda, she was with the first lady last year. Shes suing texas, because she nearly died, because doctors refused until the very last mint for a necessary abortion, unit she got so sick that she ended up in the icu. Ron . I agree with everything that yamiche said. Its an important issue for the president and important issue for congress. As you saw there, the president would sign it into law, everything since the Supreme Court decided dobbs. The day the Dobbs Decision came down, the president predicted it, they wont stop there. Its a direct Straight Line from the Supreme Court decision in dobbs. Its not a surprise that, as you strip away individual rights, dominos start to fall, including womens right to Reproductive Health care. There will be a woman in the first ladys court thats in the middle of this ruling. Given the power you have held there, im curious how much folks in your position now, or in the campaign, are aware young people seem to feel like, what is the difference . Theyre exhausted, same rematch. Tiktok has supplanted google as the most used platform. Heres what some of them are saying. Take a look. Biden and trump are two sides of the same coin, along with our whole entire political system here in the United States. So, whats the plan . Okay. You vote for a thirdparty candidate who will not win. Theyre both morally depraved to the level they are automatically disqualified. You have a right to criticize what joe biden is doing. I want you to also think about who is he going up against and what they are willing to do. The president and campaigns speaks to that view, which might be more prevalent than people might realize . We have a lot of disaffected young voters. Youll hear what the president will do. Tonight is not a political speech, but its about governing, but obviously if has political implications. That difference will become clearer and clearer to young voters, as all voters. I think a lot of young voters who worked for him in 2020, will be back in 2024. Its a serious problem, but i think the president and campaign will address it over the course of the campaign. Yamiche, what do you think . What i think is theres a lot of young people who are telling me in Mime Reporting i was just in philadelphia and heard this. I was in alabama and georgia, a number of people are saying it cant be the lesser of two evils anymore, that the person on the other side, that he cant be the reason i vote for him. I was texting, with someone, who says biden has a big problem. Prove to me why i should be voting for him. We already know what trump is, and black people in particular, their lives might not be different under trump or biden. Of course, thats her view, but ive heard that echoed over and over. People are filing like, i survived trump, i can do it again. I also waltz want to tell you the issue of gaza and thousands of civilians of women and children killed are part of why people are pointing to this idea they adopt see a difference in biden and trump. Young and old black leaders are saying that President Biden needs to support a perm inept ceasefire. Hes now backing a temporary ceasefire, but the energy an whether hes better than trump or whether people even want to go to the polls, deals with the issue of the middle east. Ron, go ahead. First of all, i think youll hear the president address it. The white house has already announced hell have new ways to get aid to gaza. Were going to build a pier in gaza to get aid there, so they can hear the president address that. Also, in terms of black voters, the president is focused on the need and concerns of black america. Its below 6 for a sustained period of time for the first time in history. Hes done more to fund hbcus, the First Executive order on federal policing to get Policing Practices under control at the federal level, and continues to work for the george floyd bill and voting rights. He has an agenda. I think hes made progress, and theres more work to do. Ron here for more than one block, and yamiche, also. Thank you both. The unprecedented contrast of the quadruple indicted opponent. Jen psaki is also here with us. Stay tuned. Opponent jen psaki is also here with us stay tuned the era of Big Government is over. Over you. Can make it happen. Try Dietary Supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. J. P. Morgan Wealth Management knows its easy to get lost in investment research. Get help with j. P morgan personal advisors. Hey, david ready to get started . Work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. 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[ cheers and applause ] sometimes its the things that happen in the speech that you dont hear. A memorable point, the ending where then Speaker Pelosi was ripping up the copy of her speech. The beginning of this speech goes along way, much of the preparation has the entire administration, especially different agencies and groups theres a writing part, a policy part, and our next guest knows will almost more than anybody. Jen psaki joins us here. She was one of the many howls experts werent involved in this and who we actually visited over the years when we would report on the rampup to this very process, the State Of The Union in both the obama and biden presidencies. Lets take a look. This is sort of the world series and final four for the obama speechwriting situation. How close do you feel youre being done . All work in progress. We try, to the greatest extent possible, to wrap up the development process, the analytical work before the really serious speechwriting begins. He has a late night back and forth. He comes back with changes. Hes extraordinarily has neat handwriting. First when i saw it, i thought it was a font. How many rewray this. I have done sheero. I dont write the speech. Reporter President Biden is about to thing his first speech. Hes going to do the walk down the aisle. Hell wear a mask and take it off. How do you think when he likes a line . I can tell you how when he doesnt like a line. Sometimes he wants to bring in a policy person and ask questions. Hes focused, how is it that we can grow and support americas middle class. The likely thing he as most likely to strike. An acronym. Dont give him an acronym. Reporter hes addressing a nation on edge over the war in ukraine. Its going to be hectic. He understands the challenges, what the American People are going through. Reporter will you tell you how many drafts there have been so far . Its just one big ongoing graft here. Reporter Weft Laughter over here. It is really about giving an update on what youre doing. Announcer madam speaker, the president of the United States. [ cheers and applause ] we are back with the aforementioned jen psaki. That was you in the white house. That brings me back. What we saw when we do those visits, including with you, this is such a big countdown, and so many people involved, yet you want something tonight that is clear and still feels like it was written with one voice. I think whats important to remember is this process it may have started before christmas. It starts week, if not months, before you State Of The Union is delivered, a bunch of policy ideas that are narrowed down. The very tricky part of this process is cant be a list of accomplishments and even proposals. People will snooze on their couch, or turn it off. It has to be a story, a narrative. How do you do that while also talking about your accomplishments . And talking about moves forward. What you saw there was a bit of that process. Everybodys looking a little tired in those clips. But its a big binder thats narrowed down to a speech thats an hour. It takes all of those people involved. Policy experts, cabinet members, my friend cody keenan wrote a book called Amazing Grace talking about the speech process. People used to wait outside the bathroom to pitch their ideas. I can confirm that happens, but its a compilation of weeks, even months, of efforts and process. The stakes are high anytime you want to get the president to say anything. I was writing with the isaacson book about elon musk, just getting him to say it once was a deal, getting him to say it at the State Of The Union is a bigger deal. America has a larger population, the viewership has gone down, but we em show clinton 40 million, obama 37, biden 23, down to 27 million. Those are larger trend lines, but 27 Million People tonight would still be a lot. How does that fit into what happens when the administration of people saying, we want the president to mention this, wait, its too much stuff. It has to fit into the story. The best speeches are telling a story, theyre a narrative. Look, as the president thinking about it, you think about speeches, act 1, 2 and 3. Act 1 is a broad opening pulling in all of the audience. Last year he congratulated Mitch Mcconnell on being the longestserved senate lead, whatever he was. He was in the nat. Long time. Leadership in the senate. That was an olive branch. Mike johnson is the new speaker. Then this is the economy, lay out things that people dont digest. Hes created more jobs than any other president. Inflation is down by 6 . Youll hear him do all of those things. Then think of it an arc. Foreign policy. Gaza im sure will be talked about, ukraine, russia, in the frame of democracy. The end of the speech is when you get a soars moment. Last year he talked about an inflection point. In there also sprinkled will be talking about abortion access, and one of the exempts thats been out, we saw that, also expect him to talk about immigration. Its an arc, the whole speech. You think about the audience, pulling in the audience to invite them to listen, hear about it, but you want them to feel inspired at the end. First of all super interesting to hear you lay it out. It gives us a lens for tonight. Maybe youre good at this. [ laughter ] second, but the other people you alluded to, you always want moments. In the old days they were sound bites, but now it mike tiktoks. Its the same concept. The next day and days ahead, weve shown some of those tonight. How much in your process did you deliberately plan that this this would be a breakout, this would be a clip, and how much of that just happens . Some of it you can plan, and some of it you prep for, which means, some of it you plan, like last year, they had the Social Security moment. They scripted that, they planned for that. It looked unscripted. The back and forth was unscripted. He had to be agile in the moment, but planning to put republicans on the room in the spot was written into the speech. Let met interrupt with a political joke. Go for it. I love your jokes. Youre part rap, part dad who could have seen republicans in the well would be rude to the sitting president. How did you see that coming . They vet for, they plan for. The other piece you cant exactly plan for, but prep for is, what are the Marjorie Taylor greens of the world going to yell about, right . Is It Immigration . Thats probably a good bet. What is the president going to say in respond . How does he handle the moment . Does it acknowledge it . And in my Fantasy Scripting of this, not writing the State Of The Union, honestly, he has a moment calling out mike johnson and sis you and i know there was a bipartisan deal that would have helped. Briefly, what did we learn about jen, other than fantasy football, your fantasies in your mind are about Immigration Policy standoffs . I think its safe to say people watching right now watch the beat have also read past State Of The Unions, and also have the moments. Im running over on time. My last question is about the Supreme Court. We know the president has different instincts, one is to say, look whats going on, and this is wrong, but his other instinct is pretty traditional and do you see him calling out the Supreme Court in any way or not . I think i would be surprised if he did. Hes a traditionalist. I dont expect him to call out trump by name, though he certainly alludes to him clearly those bragging about overturning roe versus wade, we know who hes talking about. He can allude to it without naming names. I dont think hell put the Supreme Court on the spot. Were going to let you go, but were not saying goodbye. Well see you tonight with the Special Coverage. 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Allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. Most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. Ask about ubrelvy. man excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us . Were nausea and sleepiness. tony oh, no problem. man thanks. tony yes, problem. You need verizon. Get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. So you can take all the pics vo tradein any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. Only on verizon. President Biden Tonight will be the first president to deliver a State Of The Union while facing off against a former president who has four different criminal indictments. Maybe this has been become normalized or routine, but its not. We should known that past president s have really gotten into it. When you are the executive, the main other thing out there is the law that can constrain or affect whats going on. Think about ford and carter. When i became president only five months ago, i promised the last congress a policy of communication, conciliation, compromise and cooperation. I renew that pledge to the new message of this congress. For the first time in a generation, we are not haunted by a Major International crisis or by domestic turmoil. We now have a rare and a priceless opportunity to address persistent problems and burdens. President carter arguing that watergate nixonance tur mold had hobbled their problems. Many in private will say about the same about President Trumps criminal burdens. With all due deference to separation of power, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that i believe will open the floodgates for special interests, including foreign corporations, to spend without limits in our that was about corporate spending, but many people are even more exercised about what this trumpifyed Supreme Court did. Many say this year is the chance to respond to the unelected Supreme Court. 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Lets talk with one of the your excerpts that you signed off news, the Comeback Story. And i dont know if you could have scripted it any better, but you have the markets closing at an alltime high and headlines to that effect. Wall street rallies, s p 500 posts report closing high. Tell us about this. The president tonight will talk about the american Comeback Story that hasnt really been told across the country. Look, we have come out of a Global Pandemic and a supply chain crisis. And had the strongest recovery anywhere in the world here in the United States of america. 15 million jobs created under this president. The revival of manufacturing in this country, 800,000 manufacturing jobs created under this president after we had been hemorrhaging them. And its impacting cities and towns across the country, from pennsylvania to wisconsin to arizona. Things like were building semiconductors again in this country that Power Refrigerators and cars instead of overseas in asia. You have seen the revival of the auto industry, which had been losing jobs under President Trump. The president will talk about that story and all the progress that we have made. Wages are up, inflation is down by twothirds. Its come down more than anywhere else in the entire world here in the u. S. I wanted to also talk about what your strategy is. People have noticed theres a lot of serious stuff, lord knows, and im sure youll get into that, but you have put the president on late night, today a video going around where hes with some of the nations most famous fictional president s including the beloved morgan freeman. Were showing him on the screen in that film deep impact. Who wouldnt love a president like that . Biden sort of talked to them about big speeches. Lets take a look. I never spoke to so many president s all at one time. Hope is the Strongest Force we have. Always bears remembering theres no crying in politics. Love and compassion as a leader are strengths, theyre not weaknesses. We cant be consumed by our petty differences and well be united in our common interests. This is fun. Its nice, it might encourage more people to remember whats happening tonight. Whats your strategy here . Well, the strategy, ari, is the fact that, look, its easy to reach political junkies. They watch the news every night and still read the paper in the morning but the average american, theyre going about their day, making lunch for their kids. They dont necessarily have time for all that. So we need to find ways to draw people in. We had digital creators here at the white house today who reached millions of people. We communicate across social media platforms. The president isnt just going to give the state of the Union Address tonight. Hes actually going to travel across the country for the next month, philadelphia this weekend, atlanta this weekend. And continue this message directly to the American People about the american Comeback Story and the defense of democracy that hell talk about tonight. I wanted to throw up some of the numbers. Im sure youre familiar. A lot of folks talk about them. Obama around this time, wasnt doing gangbusters but 45 approval. Trump, a little above that. Biden, a bit below that. Those numbers seem a little stuck. Do you think thats a reflection of the president s performance, of maybe a different era were in, the era of high Approval Ratings are over with things being so divisive, or are you trying to get that number back up . I think it will go back up, ari. Thats been true for leaders around the world coming out of the pandemic and out of the supply chain crisis. Its been a tough moment for americans. But were coming back so much stronger. We have got the strongest recovery anywhere in the world. Inflation was at 9 just a year and a half ago. Now its down to 3 . Youre seeing the Consumer Confidence numbers start to rise over the past two months. They have increased by 25 points, which is the most in 30 years. So i think people are starting to feel it. Theyre starting to assess their personal finances. As improving. But ultimately, look, americans are going to have a choice to make later this year. The president will start to outline whats at stake in that choice here tonight in the state of the Union Address. I want to warn you y have just about 90 seconds left in fairness to the next complex question. We have seen these excerpts. I told viewers thats a tradition. We have seen news come out and ron klain, your former colleague mentioned it earlier about the president speaking about the mideast situation and gaza and humanitarian aid there. Thats the final question. What can you tell us about that news coming out of the white house tonight . I can tell you the president has been working every waking hour to get to a hostage deal in the middle east that would get hostages out of gaza and humanitarian assistance in. And begin the process of the ceasefire, starting with the sixweek ceasefire from which you can build. The president has been working around the clock to get humanitarian assistance in to palestinians that have nothing to do with hamas, innocent civilians. Hes been working with the israelis to doso by land. He started last week with the jordanians, air drops into gaza, and tonight, hell announce a maritime corridor that will bring ships in that can get much more aid into gaza to the civilians who desperately need it there. Understood. Very interesting. I dont know your whole schedule in life, but i know you have plans coming up tonight. So ill let you get to it, sir. From the white house, thank you. Thanks, ari. We appreciate it. A little Preview Window into whats coming tonight. I encourage you to keep it locked here because msnbcs Special Coverage continues over the course of the whole night. Rachel and our whole team comes in at 8 00 p. M. A preview, setup, newsworthy interviews, hear the speech, hear the republican response, and more from the panel as well as joy reid next. Keep it locked on msnbc on this big State Of The Union night. You. Can make it happen. Try Dietary Supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. Get help reaching your goals with j. P. Morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. Use it to set and track your goals, big and small. And see how changes you make today. Could help put them within reach. From your first big move to retiring poolside and the other goals along the way. Wealth plan can help get you there. J. P. Morgan Wealth Management. A perfect day for a Family Outing shingles doesnt care. But shingrix protects. Only shingrix is proven over 90 effective. 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