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Preview of what he will say and why the speech this critical right now. High stakes diplomacy, Vice President harris makes a passionate call for an immediate sixweek ceasefire in gaza as diplomatic efforts intensify in the middle east in washington. Super tuesday showdown, donald trump and nikki haley prepared to face off in 16 states, including colorado, which could see a Supreme Court ruling tomorrow in its efforts to keep trump off the primary ballot. And the other kjp on snl. Pleasure to be with you to talk about the most vigorous name ive known, joe biden. I mean, dana, look at the schedule. Seven a. M. , soulcycle class, and im not talking about taking one, he leads it. [laughter] im jonathan capehart, this is the sunday show. From the Campaign Trail to capitol hill, this week is all about the State Of The Union. And i dont just mean President Bidens big speech on thursday. In two days, 16 states will hold president ial primaries or caucuses on super tuesday, giving millions of americans a say in who the democratic and republican president ial nominees should be, not that there will be any surprises expected in the results. And fridays congresses next funding deadline. There is some good news to report on that front, with House Speaker mike johnson and Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer announcing just an hour ago the first six Funding Bills needed to avert a partial government shutdown. Between those key dates, march 5th and march 8th, President Biden will deliver his third State Of The Union address, perhaps the biggest audience you will have all year to share his vision with lawmakers and voters. And it all takes place on an auspicious state. March six will mark the 15th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, will must be a march of Voting Rights from selma to montgomery turned bloody when Alabama State troopers turned on the marchers. Watched in horror as African Americans, including a young john lewis, were tear gassed, beaten, and chased back over the Edmund Pettus bridge. The march then was about making the promise of democracy open to all americans. On thursday, biden will speak to the nation as the president leading the charge to protect our democracy today. A few hours ago in selma, Vice President harris previewed some of the themes that could come up in bidens speech. From Voting Rights to foreign aid. And before crossing the historic Edmund Pettus bridge, Vice President harris called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. Given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire. For at least the next six weeks, which is what is currently on the table. This will get the hostages out and get a significant amount of aid in. But joining me now, White House Press secretary Karine Jean Pierre. Kareem, thank you for coming to the sunday show. We just heard Vice President harris call for immediate cease fire, as she outlined a possible sixweek deal between israel and hamas. Is the president hoping to officially announce such a deal during the State Of The Union . So here is what i will say, what you heard from the Vice President is what this president has been reiterating, what we have been reiterating. The president spoke about this on friday, he is trying to get this hostage deal that would bring hostages home, including americans, and get that all important humanitarian aid into gaza. It would, it would hopefully last for an extended period of time, the fight would be paused for an extended period of time. And there is a deal on the table right now. There is a hostage deal on the table, that hamas should take. This is something that the president has been very serious about, weve been dealing with this for the past several weeks. And hamas should take this deal. We want to make sure that we get these hostages home, american hostages as well, and that important humanitarian aid. You heard us this week announced 53 million of usaid that the administrator, was in the region just a couple of days ago, announcing that. You heard us talk about airdropping of humanitarian aid. But just yesterday, but we need to pause this fight, so we can get those hostages home, and get more aid in. And thats what the Vice President reiterated today in selma alabama. I know you are not at the negotiating table, cause youre sitting right here, youre sitting right here with me. But, is it likely that, or is the president hoping that when he stands in the house on thursday, that he will be able to definitively say, we have a deal, and aid is now flowing into gaza . Is that the hope . What i can say is, this is a priority, this is a priority for the president to secure this hostage deal. We want it done asap. We want it done right away. As i just stated, there is a hostage deal on the table right now. Hamas needs to take it. Lets talk, lets bring the conversation stateside. It is great news, Speaker Johnson and Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer had Just Announced the agreement on the first six Funding Bills that keep the government partially open. Its their job, its their job. Right, that is the president confident that Speaker Johnson can get them passed by that deadline on friday . And will the president express that urgency in his speech . Look, we need a long Term Solution here, not a fix. Weve been kicking the can down the road, and it is a fix. The American People deserve for congress to do their job, and to keep the government open. We are talking about programs that American Families need. And so, the president has been very clear, as you know, he met with the big for just a couple of days ago last week. And they were all in agreement, everybody in the room agreed with the president , agreed with the Vice President , that we need to keep the government open, weve got to make sure that we get that National Security supplemental done. Ukraine needs our help, there are defending their democracy, they are fighting a tyrant, mr. Putin. And weve got to continue that. And so, look, they all agree, the leadership agrees that we have to keep the government open, that we have to move forward with the National Security supplemental. The president wants to see that happen. So lets say it does happen, march 8th. And then lets say unicorns exist, and march 22nd deadline, which is the second deadline, also is met. That would be great. But ive seen this movie before. So, people need to understand. If lawmakers dont pass both tranches of bills by april 30th , there will be an across the board, 1 cut to the federal budget. Is the white house preparing for that possibility . So look, we always prepare for any possibility, thats what we have to do, thats what the president has to do as the president of the United States. But this should not be happening. We should not be coming to a place where congress, republicans in the house, or congress is not doing their jobs and not keeping the government open. It is their basic duty, it is their basic duty to keep the government open. But to your question, we are always going to be prepared that something that omb and others in the federal government, are going to make sure that we are prepared for whatever comes next. But, it is their job, it is legislation, thats what they are supposed to be doing in congress, legislating. Im just wondering. [laughter] because you have now said, this is their job, this is their job. You mentioned a moment ago last week, the president met with the big four, and according to the reports threeyear ganged up on one. And apparently in the reporting, it said that the president and the speaker had their own little set aside. In that meeting, did the president of the United States say to the speaker of the house , it was your job . It is your job to pass a budget . I think the president has said that many times, in private and in public. Obviously, im not going to get into a private conversation that he had with the speaker. I mean, you can. No im not going to do that, but the president has been clear, he has been very clear, to make sure these critical make sure continue, and dont stop. It is their job to legislate, it is their simple, simple job to keep one of their number one priorities to keep that government open. And theyve got to do, it theyve got to do it. Weve got about two minutes left, and ive got to get you on a bunch of stuff. The visit to the southern border, the president said to donald trump, hey, lets work together. You come to me, or ill come to you, and lets do something about the border. Has there been any response from either donald trump or his campaign to that offer . Im going to be careful, because he is a candidate, donald trump is a candidate, the former president , so im going to lead his campaign and his people speak to that. What i can say is look, you are going to hear the president on thursday speak to, speak about the State Of The Union, obviously speak to congress, but also millions of americans who are going to be watching. This is a president that has done more in his three years as president , then most president s have done in their two terms. And that is pushing historic pieces of legislation. Youre going to hear him talk about that, youre going to hear him talk about the future, how he sees the future for the American People. Youre going to hear him talk about how he is going to continue to protect some of these historic legislation, or now obviously that republicans want to repeal. And also implement them. But also, this leads to the question that you just asked me , he is going to talk about democracy, fighting for our democracy, fighting for our freedom. Lets not forget what republicans are trying to do to womens health, right, womens reproductive rights, reproductive freedom. So thats what youre going to continue to hear. And he is going to be on the side of the American People, thats as far as im going to get to answer your question. [laughter] and so, you took care of the ivf question. And the president has made a point, and in his previous State Of The Union addresses, to mention the trans community. Are we going to hear him talk about max benedict . So look, let me just say, this is really really important , so let me just say about mex benedict, as a mom, and you dont have to be apparent to understand how devastating and tragic. A kid should be allowed to go to school, and feel safe. In our hearts go out to mex their family obviously the people who loved them. And it is incredibly devastating to hear. There is an investigation going on, that the department of edge so i want to be super mindful. But that should not have happened. It should not have happened one more thing, a little more and definitely lighthearted, as we showed in our show open, you were a character on Saturday Night Live. Last night, i want to play a clip from the cold open, where again, you explain the president s busy schedule. I tend to three train time. And thats all before a lunch, where he eats five Hole Chickens and a raw potato. [laughter] karine, biden is 81 years, it isnt that a little concerning . Only if youre scared of wisdom. [laughter] thats a good line. Only if youre scared of wisdom. I love that. Are you a fan of the impression . I think it was well done. Actually, it was the first time seeing it live, or i have heard about it. I got about two dozen texts this look, it was well done. And, i dont know what else to say. [laughter] what are you supposed to say . Well you know, youve become, you are embedded in the culture, you become an icon when you are parodied by Saturday Night Live. So you have arrived again, again. White House Press Secretary karine jeanpierre, as always, thank you so much for coming to the sunday show. Thank you. And coming up, we will dig into white house efforts for a ceasefire deal between israel and hamas one day after the u. S. Air dropped critical aid to desperate gazan civilians. David ignatius of the Washington Post joins me next to talk about what could be a Pivotal Moment in the u. S. Israel relationship and for President Biden. And later, the busiest day of the president ial primary calendar, super tuesday. Its nikki haleys makeor break moment and the next step towards a Marathon Rematch between President Joe Biden and donald trump. Stay with us. With us. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. Thats great. I know, ive bee telling everyone. Baby liberty. Oh baby liberty. How many people did you tell . Only pay for what you need. Jingle liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Baby liberty. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. With nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my Migraine Attacks all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. 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Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. Whoa, how did you defeat them . Nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. With a little kung fu strength and by connecting my devices to the most powerful force of all. Skadoosh. Hah, huh . Cool right . Amazing. Harness the power of xfinity internet and stay connected to the things you love. Ah, theyll be like this for hours. Hello dad, hello dad, hello da. Uhoh. Good bunnies. Ahh the push for a ceasefire and Hostage Agreement between israel and hamas is intensifying tonight. A hamas delegation is now in cairo for preliminary talks with the egyptian officials. The Israeli Government has already accepted the proposed framework of the ceasefire deal, which both sides hope will take effect by march 10th, the first day of the muslim holiday ramadan. As we mentioned, a few hours ago, Vice President Kamala Harris called for a sixweek ceasefire during remarks in selma. Tomorrow in washington, she and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan will meet with benny gantz, a member of Benjamin Netanyahus war cabinet. A meeting, politico reports, represent a sign of widening cracks in israels government. This comes as the United States faces growing pressure to act after the idf reportedly opened fire on a crowd of gazans lining up at a food convoy last week, which led to the deaths of more than 100 people. Youll remember that yesterday, the u. S. Military airdropped 66 pallets of food into gaza, enough to feed about 38,000 people. Aid groups called that, quote, completely insufficient for gazas 2 million residents, many of whom are facing starvation. Joining me now, David Ignatius, Foreign Affairs columnist with the Washington Post and an msnbc contributor. David, as always, thank you very much for coming to sunday show. Are you optimistic that the ceasefire deal will happen . So, the phrase Guarded Optimism is probably about right. Its true, as Karine Jean Pierre said, theres a deal on the table. The fervent hope that the Biden Administration is that it can be agreed before ramadan starts in a week. And the problem is that hamas is still resisting accepting that deal. We had Vice President harris saying there must be an immediate cease fire. Is she speaking to hamas, . Israel has basically already agreed to the terms the u. S. Set forward. My understanding, jonathan, is that part of whats holding this up is hamas is saying, is this a temporary ceasefire, which is what israel is offering, or is this the permanent ceasefire that hamas wants . And it isnt the permanent ceasefire yet. So i think thats part of the difficulty. But i think theres enough in it for hamas that id say its better than 50 chance that this will happen by the start of ramadan. So, you sort of answered my next question, which is does hamas want a deal . Im wondering, youve said israel has agreed to the deal on the table. Does that mean that Prime Minister netanyahu is signed off . That he is game for this deal the only sticking point, the only remaining factor is hamas needs to say yes . Netanyahu has signed off on the deal. The basics of the deal are that 40 of the israeli hostages who are elderly, who are wounded in some way, women would be released, and there would be a sixweek pause in the fighting. Thats time when lots of humanitarian assistance could be put in. The u. S. Hope is that israel would be so eager to get the remaining hostages, the male hostages, the additional number beyond the 40, that it would extend that temporary pause for many weeks more, so that the temporary ceasefire could be prolonged. And then, theres a virtuous cycle, then our arab partners start to do things to try to stabilize things. We have negotiations in lebanon to calm down the israel lebanon border. A whole series of things begin to happen, the u. S. Hopes. But were not there yet, at the point where hamas says youve got a deal. And thats whats happening right now in cairo, is that bargaining. David, lets talk about the meeting thats supposed to happen tomorrow between Vice President harris, National Security adviser Jake Sullivan, and benny gantz, who is reportedly coming to the u. S. In defiance of netanyahu. What does that tell you about netanyahus war cabinet and netanyahus relationship with President Biden . So, we know that Netanyahu Relationship with biden, its not good. It hasnt been good for nine months. He was not coming to the white house. Its interesting that gantz, a member of the war cabinet, its coming before the Prime Minister, im sure that by the reason why the Prime Minister was upset, that gantz is going. Its very interesting that gantz is good to be with Vice President harris. Its clearly an attempt resource stature as someone dealing with key Foreign Policy issues. I would not be surprised if there is a meeting, biden walked into the Vice President s office, my friend Martin Indica speculated on x there might be that ola side meeting tomorrow that would add to the president ial push, Vice President ial push to make this deal happen. You asked, what does this tell us about is politics . The war cabinet, in which gantz is a member, headed by netanyahu, is beginning to splinter. And there is growing speculation that that war cabinet is not going to survive much longer and there are growing calls now for israeli elections, which would bring in a new government. Gantz, in the polling, gantzs party are far ahead of netanyahu. If the election were held tomorrow, it appears gantz would overwhelmingly win. Netanyahu knows that. So thats another political factor in this very complicated mix thats moving towards what we hope is a ceasefire. But you can see why its so complicated and difficult. David ignatius at the Washington Post, thank you, as always, for coming to the sunday show. You bet. And up next, a pivotal week ahead as voters in more than a dozen states head to the polls to choose their parties president ial nominee. What to know ahead of super tuesday and how a possible Supreme Court ruling tomorrow could be a factor. Dont go anywhere. Uld be a fac. Dont go anywhere. Especially when theyre egglands best. Taste so deliciously fresh. With better nutrition, too. We love our eggs any style. As long as theyre the best. Egglands best. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. man excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us . 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A man who served under secretary clinton in the state department. Where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. I see a fighter, a tenacious problemsolver. Who will go to congress and protect Abortion Rights and our democracy. Because he sees a Better Future for all of us. Im peter dixon and i with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. Nikki haley could pick up her first primary win tonight when polls close in the republican president ial primary , right here in washington, d. C. But the real spotlight is on super tuesday, march 5th. Its the busiest day in the president ial primary calendar. Hundreds of delegates are at stake as voters and caucus goers in 16 states and territories choose their nominees. That list includes colorado and maine, where donald trump faces 14th Amendment challenges to his eligibility when to appear in the primary ballot, because hes an insurrectionist. Anyway. Tomorrow could be the day we find that the Supreme Courts ruling on colorados attempt to remove trump from its primary ballot. The high court is set to issue rulings in the morning. Joining me now, msnbc political contributor eugene daniels. Hes a political White House Correspondent and play playbook newsletter. Also with me cofounder of the Lincoln Project and former republican strategist. Hes the author of running against the devil, a plot to save america from trump. And democrats from themselves. And former democratic congresswoman Donna Edwards of shes an msnbc political analyst. Thank you all very much for being here. Rick, we could get a colorado tomorr. Rom the supremes we could. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Are we at the point where we are just going to have to rely on the ballot box instead of the 14th Amendment challenges to stop trump . 100 , jonathan. Look, is if hes taken off the ballot in these states, be that illicit may. But nobody can think theres gonna be a miracle from the court or anything else thats going to save them, other than getting out and voting him out. Voting in such large numbers that he cant pretend that he was cheated in some way. And i think the reliance on the 14th Amendment thing will probably fail with this Supreme Court. And we shouldnt be planning on that. We should be planning to have to run 50 state, hard won, in the trenches campaign from now until election day, 200 days from now. Donna, what do you think . I think ric is right about this. It really asked to be fought at the ballot box. And i think the Biden Campaign has been focused on the ballot box. These other things are kind of sideshows. But thats not where the real find us. Eugene, im coming to you on a different matter. Lets switch some gears up on you, and talk about the Vice President. Earlier today, calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. Its interesting. Shes there at the Edmund Pettus bridge in selma, alabama. But she states the speech by talking about gaza. Why her . Why there . And not only is she talking about it, she talks about it for a while. It wasnt a quick it was over, and over. And she had a few different notes, right . She repeated on the ceasefire. She repeated a lot of what President Biden said on friday. Not a lot of people caught those, but when he was with the italian Prime Minister, just before he told press, no excuses, he said the six weeks, which is a thing thats on the table, he said theyre working behind the scenes, puzzling with israel, to make sure more aid is able to get in. But when you talk to people around the Vice President , having her Say Something very similar to the president means Different Things to different people, right . Having the black and brown women say that whats happening to brown people in the middle east, it feels different. Then, people sometimes actually listen in a different way. So theyre trying to get that message out that theyre pushing israel, giving her ability to do that. She is also, and ive been reporting on this last year. She has worked on talking to the administration. They want to focus more on humanitarian issues. She wanted, and just told the president , when shes advising him, thats where they should focus a lot of their energy is. Because, you know, she says all the things about israel, on the humanitarian side, they work as an administration, doing in saying enough. Also, she has a meeting tomorrow with benny gantz. We were talking about that. So you want her to have, going into that meeting, yes, ive talked to him, shes an expert now. And, also my colleague, David Ignatius at the post, was talking about how this meeting tomorrow is about giving her experience and exposure and everything. And i didnt have time to bring this point up. If you are reading the readouts of her day, you know shes been talking to leaders in the middle east, and in the arab world, since october 7th. This will not be a new thing for her tomorrow. I see you, donna, trying to get in. I do. Because its been a constant discounting of the Vice President s commitment on a raise of Foreign Policy issues. Shes at the center of it. So this is, i thought, an effort to get at several groups of voters the president has been struggling with. Young people, black and brown people, and progressives. That side of people. And it was interesting. When she said, immediate cease fire, the roar, the sustained roar from the crowd, to your point, depending on whos listening, its not like what she said was new, but it was new to the folks here in the audience. The New York Times reports that donald trump has barely mentioned the war in the middle east. Why hasnt this been a top issue for him, or republicans . Look. I think one of the main things, its a difficulty for them right now, is they are screaming loud every day that america is in foreign wars and shouldnt be helping ukraine, and we shouldnt help, you know, any of our allies in nato, and trump has been very quiet on this for two reasons. One, practical. He has no real solution to the cyber. Hes a guy who really had a relationship with netanyahu that was almost like every other sort of authoritarian figure. Sort of survival for netanyahu. The other part of this is a big chunk of trumps base doesnt like israel either. Oh, i thought you were gonna go on to say more about that. Because that sort of runs counter to what i thought. This is non zero fraction of the Republican Party today, you know, theres a lot of people in the Republican Party who adopted Steve Bannons rule, i have no enemies to my right. Which is why people like trump and desantis are silent about the neonazis in the Republican Party these days. Thats one of the rare complexities here. Such a centerpiece of the Republican Party is still held up very highly by the evangelical movement. Theres a part of the Republican Congress now that is not so friendly to the jews. Okay. I was thinking of the evangelicals, but yes, there is that growing wing of the party. Its a complex its not good with anything complex. Dont go anywhere, my panel is sticking around to sound off on some of the other big news of the week, including why donald trump is endorsing one republican candidate for governor who is known for his vicious rhetoric against women, the lgbtq community, and even mass shooting survivors. Not a problem for trump, who compared this to dr. Martin luther king junior. You heard me. I said what i said. You dont want to miss this. [laughter] stay with us. Stay with us. Oh what a good time we will have you. Can make it happen. Try Dietary Supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. With nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my Migraine Attacks all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. Talk to your doctor about nurtec today. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. This is the greatest Sleep Innovation ever created. its the patented gelflex grid inside every purple mattress. 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Only on verizon. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. In North Carolina, the man likely to be the republican nominee for governor has a long history of over the top, bigoted comments. The states current lieutenant governor, mark robinson, has mocked sexual abuse survivors, used antisemitic tropes, and claimed the acceptance of homosexuality could lead to the , quote, end of civilization. His cv must have blown up by now. Some of what he said is so file we wont even repeated on this show. But, this is how donald trump describes robinson. This is Martin Luther king on steroids, okay . Now, i told that to mark. I said, i think youre better than Martin Luther king. I think you are Martin Luther king times to. I am bereft of words. Joining me again, my allstar political kenner rick wilson, cofounder of the Lincoln Project, an msnbc political analyst, former congresswoman, Donna Edwards. All right. Since youre not here at the table, rick, you go first. What in the entire what . I dont know. Comey crazy, but Martin Luther king, one of the most consequential, important, and world shaping figures of the last hundred years or longer, its not the same as a jumped up yeah who we are down from North Carolina. And the fact that there are people around donald trump you dont say to him, donald, please never say that again, thats embarrassing to you and to america and the world. Thats insane. The fact that people dont say that to Donald Trump Tells you everything about the crew of sycophants around him. This guy isnt just a generic marga. You read through the record, he is a vicious person. That guy is a hater. And if theres one thing that went in the third king was not, he was not a man with hate in his heart. And you are kind to call them sycophants. Theres this offense, but donna, you kind of have to know that making that comparison is wrong in order to tell the boss, you know what . You shouldnt say is off like that. What did come from donald trump. And im gonna tell you, full disclosure, im from North Carolina. I can assure you that the people of North Carolina really are not following this guy, mark robinson. I, mean he is an absolute disaster. And i think donald trump just embraces anyone who embraces him. His comments were no surprise. And donald trump has no idea of history, and so he would not be able to identify Martin Luther king junior or his ideas thats really clear in those remarks. Remember eugene, i think it was Donald Trumps first year, first black History Month where he was reading from the paper, talking about frederick douglass, lots of people are talking that him, hes getting real popular. Yeah. Right. I mean, we can move on. [laughter] i will, say im trying to keep my job as a journalist. But what i will say, is when you mark robinson, the way he talks about people, this is another example of what republicans were worried about. And have been shown they should be worried about in 2022. Or again in 2024. People picking people who are far to the right, say things like that, who were so inside of the american kind of political system, and the way that folks are supposed to be talking, and being the nominee and not winning. Right . That is a concern that people have, deeply, within the Republican Party. And this is another example of that. I believe the turn of phrase was, candidate quality. From Mitch Mcconnell the Senate Minority republican, Senate Minority leader, who announced that he would be stepping down from his Leadership Post in november, after the november election. And you know, the folks at Saturday Night Live, they, through the years, they have loved taking it right to Mitch Mcconnell. No matter what theyre talking about, they always do this formulation where they say his name, and then they Say Something funny, like really outrageously funny. They went overboard. Not overboard. They had fun with that last night. Watch this. Mcconnell has been leader for almost 20 years. But he first got involved in politics back in 1968, when he lost a fiddle contrast to the devil. Mitch mcconnell, seen here walking out of a theater after watching 12 years a slave. [laughter] announced he would step down in november. Theyll be replaced by the number two republican in the senate, offers an Embryo Holding an assault rifle. And thats just a taste, rick, of what Saturday Night Live has done with Mitch Mcconnell. But, all laughs aside, Mitch Mcconnell has been a consequential figure in american history. Just given what he did to the Supreme Court alone. The guy who had one moment where he could have redeemed himself, just one moment could have redeemed himself. And that was after january 6th, when the house impeached donald trump, and Mitch Mcconnell could have made the decision to rally his troops in the, senate which he has under his control. To condemn donald trump and convict him. He would not be on the stage, trump would not be on the stage today, it will be a totally different world that we are living in. But Mitch Mcconnell, in that moment, decided to make a political tradeoff. His people said oh, we can build a governing majority with the same people who invaded the u. S. Capitol, and violently assaulted police officers, while trying to overthrow an election. That would be how Mitch Mcconnell is remember. It will not be any legislative accomplishment, it would be for the core manipulation. And for that one day that he had a chance to step up, and step into history, and he chose not to. And eugene, in a sense you are in the news side here at the table, and you know all of those folks in that building over there. The likelihood that any of the three johns and thune, who are part of Mitch Mcconnells leadership team, will any one of them be the next elite republican leader, given their relationship with trump . They are hopeful. But probably has the best relationship, and kind of the best when it comes to the maga wing of the Republican Party. I will say, rick scott from florida says he is going to have some kind of announcement this week, he has been very quiet about what it is. So we might see somebody other than in all im going to say is, my response to rick scott getting in that race is, sure champ. Eugene daniels, former congresswoman, thank you all so much for coming back to the sunday show. And next, reflecting on todays anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march in selma, alabama, and how 59 years later, the assault on Voting Rights is still having an impact on our democracy. Derek johnson, head of the naacp, joins me live to discuss a new report on how its affecting people of color, after the break. The break. When, you cannot get it back. But you can repair it with Pronamel Repair. It penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. I recommend Pronamel Repair. With new Pronamel Repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. Hi. My name is kim and i am 41 years old. Ive been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. I see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. Im still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. 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With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. Vice president Kamala Harris made an impassioned plea for Voting Rights today, as she joined other dignitaries in selma alabama, to commemorate the 59th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday. Finally on late john lewis, and about 600 other marches for Voting Rights on the Edmund Pettus bridge in 1965, shocked the nation and galvanized support for the Voting Rights act, which passed just four months later. But in 2013, the Supreme Court struck down a key part of the Voting Rights act that required states with a history of discrimination to get preclearance, before passing new voting restrictions. A new study by the Brennan Center for justice found that Racial Disparities in Voter Turnouts have grown since then, especially in counties that used to be under federal oversight. And keep in mind, a bill to help expand the governments ability to respond to voting discrimination, the john lewis Voting Rights advancement act, continues to languish in congress. Joining me now, derek johnson, president and ceo of the naacp. Mr. Johnson, as always, thank you so much for coming to the sunday show. Were you surprised at all by the results of this study from the Brennan Center . Not surprised, disappointed. And reenergized. We keep talk about this upcoming election as if its about candidate a or candidate b, Political Party or Political Party be. This is about democracy or fascism. And whats at stake is the rights of African Americans to have a voice in governance, the right of African Americans to elect candidates of their choice. And this report truly demonstrated, in a concrete way, that ever since the shelby decision of gutting section 45 of the Voting Rights act, and, Voting Rights access have been under attack for African Americans and other communities. You know, you recently, you and several civil rights leaders met with Vice President harris to discuss Voting Rights. What was the outcome of that meeting . The outcome was the recognition that we must continue to push for the john lewis advancement act. However, at the end of the day, elections have consequences. Is not enough, we need congressional action. And the only way we can get to congressional action, with a congress that is functional, is to elect officials who actually are willing to govern for the whole of america, and not govern for the few. And right now, considering the make of of the house and their dysfunction, not much is actually going to move. And novembers election is really going to determine what the true outcomes are. So then, really i mean the john lewis Voting Rights advancement act was reinstated oozed in the senate, this past week. But listening to your answer, you are not putting any eggs in the basket of the current congress. You are looking to the American People, to send, to send to washington and the next congress, people who are willing to protect Voting Rights, and a whole host of other rights that are on the line this november. Look, you always introduce legislation, you push hard, you fight as much as you can, to get something passed. And in fact in the house, there is a slim majority. And its shrinking fast. And there are always opportunities to advanced if you are prepared in position. So we must be prepared. The introduction of the bill is important, thats the imposition. Being prepared if something happened that could trigger some to move forward, we have to be ready for that. But short of something happening in the house, we also need to be prepared for november. And really frame the conversation about whats at stake for our communities. Not about individual candidates, but whats at stake. And trust me, if someone as a fascist, shows up as a fascist, they will govern as a fascist. And let me get you on one more thing. A super pac backing donald trump is planning to start airing radio ads, radio spots next week, aimed at black voters in georgia, pennsylvania, and michigan. What do you think of trumps outreach to black voters . Well, to this point, its been demeaning. Actually offensive. So you know, theyve got account with a better game than what they have come up with. And the problem with him and others of his ilk, they think gimmicks will get them voters, as opposed to true policy solutions. They have yet to offer true policy solutions, as relates to the African American condition, the quality of life. More or less true policy positions, as it relates to just any policy. Reactionary his interest, and not the broad interest of communities that represent this country. Well i mean, he, he did sneakers. And got those mugshot tshirts. I mean, im just amplifying your point, he is not, he is not serious. Derek johnson, president and ceo of the naacp, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. And that will do it for me today. Thank you for watching, ill be back next saturday and sunday, at six pm eastern, right here on msnbc. Remember to follow us on x, instagram, tiktok, and threads using the handle at weekend capehart. You can also catch clips of the show on youtube. Keep it right here, ayman is next. Next. And stomach pain. Talk to your doctor about nurtec today. If youre living with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. Now theres skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin. And show it off. 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