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three years later, he came back and killed. new reporting on the fighting in gaza. is israel reporting to flood hamas tunnels with sea water? what new satellite images tell us. plus, another day, another censure, what was once rare punishment gets handed down again, this time against a democratic congressman who falsely pulled a fire alarm. it's the third censure this year. and pro trump fake electors, nevada, the top republican officials facing felony charges. our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments. we begin in las vegas with nbc's dana griffin, and those new details on a college campus shooting that killed three people. what more, dana, are we learning about the suspect? >> reporter: we've learned the suspect's name, 67-year-old anthony polito. as you mentioned, he unsuccessfully sought employment here at unlv. if that's part of the motive, investigators haven't said so. right now on campus, we are looking over our shoulders through this breezeway, which leads to the building where the shooting occurred. we've seen the coroner staff here taking pictures, looking around. we've also seen several students in what appears to be staff members being escorted into nearby buildings, possibly to get belongings. i interviewed a student moments ago. he told me that the students that live on campus are being housed in a separate building, kind of big enough to house so many -- a ton of students. they're sleeping there. he lives off campus. he tells me that he was on the 5th floor of this building when that shooting happened. he says he feared for his life, texted his mom, telling her that he loved her, and didn't think he was going to make it. he says he was actually meeting a professor in that professor's office. the professor left to go to the restroom. he says he has not seen or heard from his professor since, and believes and is afraid that the professor may be one of the victims. again, investigators have not released those details, but that's the sentiment we're getting here. there's a lot of questions. fear, anxiety. a lot of people came to the school because they felt they would be safe. this is another scar on this community that has experienced now another mass shooting. the last one, 2017, the deadliest shooting in modern american history. we've heard from professors, students, parents. listen to what they're telling us. >> we heard the clips of a semiautomatic weapon. it was a very disturbing thing to hear. >> i honestly didn't think i was going to make it out of there alive. >> we can't even send our kids to school without worrying if something like this is going to happen. >> reporter: we've also interviewed, one of my colleagues interviewed a student that was inside that building and experienced the 2017 mass shooting that killed some 60 people at that concert in vegas. let's listen to what he told our colleague, steve patterson. >> i was involved in something like this. i was at the route 91, the shooting october 1st. >> reporter: you were at the mass shooting in 2017? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: you were at the music festival? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: you were in the crowd. >> i was working one of the concession stands. >> reporter: you heard those gunshots? >> yes. >> reporter: what were you thinking then? >> it was the same thing, fight or flight, trying to get low, trying to get down. >> reporter: fight or flight, and i think a lot of students felt that. the other student i interviewed said he was looking around for things. this is where we are, chris, mass shootings are supposed to be very rare, but the fact that you've got one student who has now lived through two, that's too much, chris. >> one is too much. but we are hearing over and over again is that there are students now, more and more, for whom they are having multiple brushes with death from shootings. and i keep thinking about the kids you talked to or student you talked to last hour. this is supposed to be best time of your life, not the end of it, dana griffin, your reporting has been so great. thank you so much for being there. we appreciate it. let's go overseas where authorities had been bracing for a march of ultranationalists. hala gorani is there for us. what is latest on that, and israel's plans, we understand they're thinking about flooding the tunnels with sea water? >> reporter: i'll start what's going on in jerusalem, it was calm, a group limited to 200 participants of extreme right wing nationalists some of whom are calling for essentially the destruction of the mosque itself and complete jewish control over what they call the temple and the muslims call haram shareef. police have cordoned off the street. on that front, looks like things are calm, in gaza, the health ministry is reporting that more than 17,000 people have now been killed since october 7th. the situation in khan younis is dire. we are seeing bombardments over russia. the question about whether or not israel is considering using sea water to flood tunnels they say are being used by hamas is one that is very much open here in israel. authorities are not confirming it. though nbc news, as you mentioned, has reviewed satellite imagery that compares the situation on october 8th with the picture on november 30th. and according to experts it appears as though some sort of pipe, some sort of pipe system or network has been connected to the sea water. will they use it to flood the tunnels? there are of course operational tunnels about what that would mean, and also humanitarian questions about what it would mean for civilians and for any potential hostages held in those tunnels. as i mentioned, the israelis are saying we will not comment on any operational plans, but interestingly, they have not denied that that's a possible tactic that they might use, chris. >> hala gorani, thank you for that. now to capitol hill where the house has censured a member of congress for pulling a fire alarm on the day of a key vote. nbc's sahil kapur is reporting from capitol hill. so censuring used to be a rare form of punishment. this is the third this year, although only the fifth, i think, of the 21st century. anyway, tell us what's going on and what the reaction has been? >> reporter: chris, the vote was 214 to 191, just three democrats joined republicans in favor of this censure resolution. the author of the resolution, congressman lisa mcclean of michigan, accused bowen of deliberately pulling a fire alarm, but opening a door he wasn't supposed to in order to obstruct the house vote. bowman said he wasn't trying to obstruct the vote. he was trying to rush to the vote. he has noted that he has since apologized for it, took responsibility and settled the issue with d.c. by paying a $1,000 fine. the ethics committee voted against it. bowman did what he was supposed to. he stood there as the speaker read the votes out loud. mcclain has endorsed donald trump, which gives her no credibility on law and order. >> mr. speaker, this is a profoundly stupid resolution. under republican control this chamber has become a place where trivial issues get debated passionately, and important ones, not at all. what a waste of time and money. they have turned this place into a joke. they came into the majority talking a big game. but have delivered nothing. not a single damn thing. >> reporter: now, chris, before this one in the last four decades, there had been just two censures in the last five months there have been three censures. let's put up the list of the members of congress who have been censured over the past decades. this is a more routine thing in the house. it's not just censure, it's impeachment resolutions. they are privileged. they used to be rare. now thrown around like confetti because the house has become a rankero to the best of your recollection -- rankerous place. nbc's natasha korecki has the latest, one of the witnesses for the prosecution in this case is going to be one of donald trump's former attorneys. tell us about it. >> reporter: that's right, ken chesebro was listed on the witness list, attached to the indictments that were returned yesterday. now, there has been some reporting, including in the "washington post" last week that chesebro was cooperating in different cases. we've seen a version of this case in different states. this one is happening now in nevada. but on the prosecution's witness list is ken chesebro, which is of course significant. he's close to the president. he's the former attorney, and he's accused of helping master mind this whole fake elector scheme. now, you know, we're seeing images of the gop chair there, michael mcdonald. one thing that's pretty significant here is that the gop hierarchy in nevada was just charged with trying to derail an election and give an advantage to donald trump. that same gop hierarchy is going to be running the presidential primary caucuses in nevada in just two and a half months, and these are just charges, so there's nothing stopping trwarw. >> natasha korecki, thank you for that. and coming up, did last night's fiery republican debate change any hearts and minds in the state that votes first next year? you've got to hear what some voters have to say about it. we'll head to iowa in 60 seconds. in 60 seconds. are provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take 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let him finish. >> is he fit? >> we have an opportunity -- >> guys, no talking over each other. >> the debate was filled with insults, one liners, and as you saw at times, it was a bit of a brawl, very little of it was aimed at the front runner which brings us back to are any voters questioning whether to vote for trump now? particularly in the state that will vote first, just 39 days from now. we sent nbc's priscilla thompson to iowa to find out. also with us, matthew dowd, former chief strategist for bush, cheney, 2004. you went to a watch party. did voters see anything that would make them want to switch support? >> reporter: i watched the debate with two dozen iowa republicans and independents, and after it was over, that was the exact question i asked them. did anything you saw on that stage last night make you change your mind, and not a single hand in that room went up. it feels like at this point there are a lot of voters who are already pretty dug in on who they'll be supporting. i want to play a little bit of some of those conversations. >> i thought there were a lot of fireworks going on. it was interesting to watch the candidates interact, and trump is still the winner. >> vivek is the splashiest. >> trump wins again, but we love vivek. >> my ideal would be trump/vivek ticket because vivek would be the ideal assassination insurance for trump. if they took trump out, they would get trump squared in vivek. >> reporter: and, chris, that's exactly what i heard from so many folks in the room, trump or vivek ramaswamy. there were also nikki haley supporters there. she took a lot of heat in the debate, but in the end, they still felt like she was just positioned to win the general election. i'll tell you one name that didn't come up in the room last night, governor ron desantis, but we are at his event today in cedar rapids, building behind me, talked to voters as they were going in, and a lot of those folks still undecided. i spoke to folks who were supporting senator tim scott, and are now giving ron desantis a look. none of the people i talked to in the line headed into the event today watched the debate last night. we have seen the ratings going down. and a lot of people are saying they don't need to see the debate. they're hearing more of the same they heard in the first debate, they want to hear from the candidates in iowa. >> that's the one thing that hasn't changed from the beginning of time, the iowa voters expect you to talk to them directly. that's so interesting, priscilla, thank you. >> so much to dig into. but look, we heard folks saying ramaswamy for number two. he doesn't want to be vp, at least he says he doesn't. he does sound a lot like trump. he spouts a lot of debunked conspiracy theories. just a few examples. >> why am i the only person on the stage who says january 6th looks like it was an inside job, that the government lied to us for 20 years about saudi arabia's involvement in 9/11, that the great replacement theory is not some grand right wing conspiracy theory. >> in spite of the folks who watched the debate with priscilla, he hasn't really moved in the polls, so what's his end game here? >> well, i mean, who knows with the guy who has that size of an ego in the course of this. he certainly hasn't made any friends of anybody on stage or probably anybody as part of the sort of republican infrastructure that would support candidates in this. my guess is that he hopes that donald trump becomes the nominee, and then he has either a place on the ticket or a place in the cabinet. that's my guess of where he is on this. it is so telling, as i liste to that report from iowa, something i have said all along is, one, donald trump has a solid base of support, and it's only increased over the course of four debates. he hasn't attended one of. he's gone from 20 points ahead in iowa to 25 points ahead in iowa. the other thing, it's striking listening to that report is that the guy that spouts the most outrageous crazy conspiracy theories that have been completely debunked is the second pick for many of those candidates that support donald trump. that is terribly concerning. >> so you're going to be shocked to hear this, given what you just said, but we have just been told by a source very close that there is no chance, no shot that donald trump will attend one of these two newly announced debates. i'm trying to figure out if you're running against him what you do now. let me give you one example. we heard a little snippet in the beginning of chris christie raising the age question. desantis refusing to answer if trump is fit. but on the campaign trail, he said, oh, trump has been wedded to the teleprompter, he's lost all the zip on his fast ball. why would you say that on the campaign trail but then dance around it on the debate stage? >> i think they have figured out, i guess, that they don't -- they're in fear of trump's base, which seems to be over 50% of the vote in this. and, you know, if you're a strategist for donald trump or donald trump in the course of this, just think about this from 2016. 2016 where he won the republican nomination, at this point in time, 40 days before iowa, donald trump was 4 points behind in iowa, and only 10 points up nationally. it was a very close race. today he's 25 points ahead in iowa, and 45 points ahead nationally in this. so why would you put yourself in a debate that could be sort of disruptive to that momentum that he's carried and that solid base of support here in the course of this. what is amazing to me is these candidates who the biggest forums they have for wins this race are the debates. they're more important than advertising, more important than visits, because they talked to the most voters at one time who have the potential to vote in the republican caucus and primary in this. none of them with the exception of chris christie understand that this race isn't for second place. all of them think they're acting like this is for second place, the only thing that has changed is who is second and who is third. ron desantis was second for a long period of time, closer to trump, and then nikki haley in some of the polls in new hampshire, she's vaulted up to second. they all seem to be fighting over mayor of munchkinland, and are unwilling to understand that the problem is the wicked witch of the west, and they keep having this debate and this conversation among themselves, when the person they should be running against is donald trump. it's amazing to me. >> matthew dowd, please stay with us, we have more to talk about. >> thank you. just ahead, a texas judge's decision after a pregnant woman was forced to take her baby's lethal diagnosis to court. that's coming up next. ext. ever e would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de 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diagnosed with an almost always fatal condition. this is the first case where a pregnant person is asking a court for an emergency abortion since roe v. wade was overturned. kate cox and her husband broke down in tears as the judge granted the emergency order and said the idea that miss cox wants desperately to be a parent and this law might actually cause her to lose that ability is shocking and would be a genuine miscarriage of justice. nbc's marissa parra is following this, and davis law professor, mary ziegler. walk us through everything that happened in court today, and tell us what happens now. >> as you mentioned, this is historic, the first attempt to seek a court-ordered abortion since the overturning of roe v. wade, but far from the first legal battle since dobbs. it's important to remember the emergency nature of all of this. that was a major factor in not just the decision but the me line. some background here, kate cox is 20 weeks pregnant, you see her on her screen. she's had two c sections from two previous children. she's actively seeking and hopio have her third child. she's carrying a fetushahas trisomy 18, 90 to 95% doot survive beyond the first year. doctors told her she's required to continue with her pregnancy. at 19 weeks, she was told her fetus has no chance of survival. she's been to the er four times. her lawyers argue her future fertility was not only at risk, her life was at risk if she carries this pregnancy. that is why her legal team filed an emergency appeal, and though this was filed tuesday, we have a decision by noon today, this is just two days later, and remember, that is significant because there is that other lawsuit that was filed by roughly 20 women in texas, and that was in march. we're not expecting a decision on that until mid-summer of next year. so the emergency nature of this is a big factor as we mentioned. what happens next? how does this impact other women, not just in texas but around the country is the major question people are asking here of course. it's important to remember that today's decision only pertains to kate cox as well as her medical team, her ob/gyn, her physician. it does not apply to other women. this is a very specific case. i want to take you to what we heard today in the immediate after math from cox's arguing attorney. >> i want to emphasize how unforgivable it is that kate had to beg for health care. no one should have to do this, and the reality is that 99% of people cannot. what is happening in texas right now is a human rights violation. >> so in that call that happened in the aftermath of that decision, the arguing attorney did reiterate several times how there are many women in kate cox's position who may have a similar position, or a similar case but are not able to even afford to have a legal team take this to court. we expect the state to hear this. we are waiting on a time line. one last thing i will add, in terms of next steps for cox, her team said they are not going to give specifics on when or where she will receive an abortion for safety reasons, they say. >> thank you for that. professor you're one of the world's leading historians of the u.s. abortion debate. tell us how this fits into that picture, how significant you think this decision is? >> it's really unusual. one of the things that's really remarkable to me as a historian is we're saying kate cox's name, seeing her picture and face. in the pre-roe era, jane roe was not named jane roe. people were scared of the stigma put on them. the courage it takes for someone to go to court and say, this is my story, this is my experience. i need this abortion for this reason is really remarkable. even seeking a court ordered abortion at all rather than just challenging the constitutionality of the law is very unusual pre or post dobbs. this could be the start of a change in how some of these laws are litigated. we have seen many more women and pregnant people coming forward rather than relying on providers and telling their own stories. >> the idea, though, that they have to be litigated might point to a problem with the law. a lot of restrictive abortion laws use language like health and life of a mother, but what does that actually mean? obviously there was some dispute in this case. could a case like this potentially help define it, least in texas or make states take another look at what they mean when they write these restrictions? >> absolutely. i think litigation like this is intended to expose how unworkable exceptions can be. part of that unworkability just stems from the penalties. ms. cox physician noted that they believed she was entitled to an abortion under texas's exception, but they were unwilling to gamble that interpretation given the threat of life imprisonment, which is what texas's law authorizes. any ambiguity combined with harsh penalty wills necessarily mean physicians turning way patients who may qualify under exceptions, and whatever exception a state draws, there's going to be people left out. texas here is saying, our law doesn't cover fatal fetal abnormalities. if it did, there would be a state that said, our law doesn't cover sexual assault victims. i think states are in the business of drawing lines that are going to play pretty badly with the american public. >> professor mary ziegler, your expertise is invaluable, thank you for that. we appreciate it. new data is giving us the clearest picture yet of state bands in a post-roe world have forced paties to travel long distances. a reproductive health care research group that supports abortion rights, 92,100 people traveled out of state for abtion care in the first half of this year. that's more than twice the number in 2020 when roe was stil t law of the land. states that border places with aborti bs saw the biggest jump. new mexico, 74% of people seeking abortions now come from out of state. in illinois, nearly 19,000 people came from out of state. and 42% of abortions in south carolina were for people from another state. up next, a major funding fight on capitol hill with potentially devastating implications overseas. can both sides find a solution and fast. and later, have you ever shipped out a gift but wondered if it would ever get there in one piece. well, nbc news has some new tips on how to ensure your holiday packages stay safe. that's ahead. that's ahead ♪♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. these plans are made to support your whole health with $0 annual physical exams, $0 lab tests and $0 preventive care like mammograms and 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>> reporter: given that republicans are not going to relent off their demands that border affixes, immigration reform be tied to any aid to ukraine, that was illustrated to me by senator lindsey graham, for example, one of the fiercest hawks to sending aid to ukraine, who told me, he thinks the border is more of a concern than ukraine, given all of that, they really have three options forward. according to my sources. the first is they somehow get a deal done on reforms to the border that could be mustered by republicans in the house, before they leave for holiday break. they end up passing that with assistance for ukraine and aid to israel and taiwan. that really seems like an unlikely option now given that the clock is ticking. they're set to be out on break next week, and we really don't even have a new offer from republicans that they had presented to democrats. the second option here, and most lawmakers that i have spoken to are hoping for is they can at least clinch some kind of agreement, some kind of framework before they leave for the new year for the holidays on the border, on immigration reform, and on ukraine aid so they can pass it in january. if they don't get that done, when they come back in january and start these negotiations fresh, it will be so much harder for them to get something through, especially in the republican-led house and an election year. nonetheless, i want you to take a listen to what some senators involved in the process said this morning. watch. >> we don't have a framework that we can give back to our colleagues in the republican conference, and give them confidence that we're going to reduce flows. it's unlikely that we get done by christmas, and i hope i'm proven wrong. >> i don't think there's anything arbitrarily necessary about the holiday break. but i do think we need to get serious and make progress before the holiday break because there's so much happening after the beginning of the new year. >> of course he's referencing the funding fight that lawmakers are preparing for come january, but i have to tell you, chris, just within the last couple of minutes, some of the key negotiators, including senator langford, senator murphy, and senator sinema huddled for an hour, trying to restart the talks when it comes to this issue. again, anything that manages to pass in the senate has to pass in the house, and yesterday speaker johnson told me no comment when it comes to hr2, the partisan republican bill that has no chance in the senate when it comes to the border, if that is the red line that he's willing to accept and nothing less. >> julie tskin, thank you for that. matthew, "punchbowl news" is reporting that democrats are fretting that house republican leaders may send members home for the holidays end of next week, without acting, which could be devastating for ukraine. if you were a betting man, what are the chances you think something gets done here? >> i bet something gets done because mitch mcconnell, i know mitch mcconnell wants something to happen, and at some point he's going to weigh in and say we've got to get this done. this is a democracy we need to stand by, and it will actually end up costing us more money if we don't do this now, and if russia takes over ukraine and we're in a situation that we're defending nato countries that are going to feel threatened by russia's presence, if ukraine doesn't win there. my bet is because mitch mcconnell is ultimately going to be the adult in the room, that something gets down. the huge concern i have is that the crazy part of the house caucus that has gop has become is starting to bleed over to the senate, which was the mature people in the prose. we're having more and more republicans there that are like house members willing to blowing up the whole thing, including our international systems in order to sort of achieve something, and so i think mitch mcconnell still has the power. my bet is he's able to get it done. >> we're going to call you on that in a couple of weeks. we'll reconvene and see how it's going. matthew dowd, thank you so much for sticking around to talk to us. a new lawsuit accuses the company that owns facebook and instagram of being a breeding ground for child predators. new mexico's attorney general, the man behind that suit joins me next. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. is jansig reports" only on msnbc blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere. students in a new kind of classroom. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪ harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪ so when minds grow, opportunities follow. 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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. now to a stunning accusation against meta. a new lawsuit from the state of new mexico accuses meta of steering underaged users to sexually explicit content and promoting those minors accounts to suspected child predators. the civil suit filed on tuesday argues that meta's platforms, facebook and instagram, are a breeding ground for predators who target children for human trafficking. the distribution of sexual images, grooming and solicitation, adding that meta's motive for doing so is profit. new mexico attorney general raul torrez filed this lawsuit and joins us now. thank you so much for joining us. your office conducted its own undercover operation creating fake accounts for children, in one case as i understand, a fictional bad mom. tell us about what you found? >> what we found was shocking. it was a flood basically of sexually explicit material into these accounts, solicitations for sex acts, and what was pretty clearly a platform that had no guardrails in place, and in fact, looked to be steering that kind of content and those predators to what these people believed was a vulnerable child. >> we have a statement from meta that reads child exploitation is a horrific crime, and online predators are determined criminals. we use sophisticated technology, hire child safety experts, report content to the national center for missing and exploited children and share information and tools with other companies and law enforcement including state attorneys general to help root out predators. in one month alone, we disabled more than half a million accounts for violating our child safety policies. so are they right? and what more should meta be doing in your mind to protect kids? >> what they're doing clearly isn't enough. and if it were, the accounts that we set up certainly wouldn't have been flooded with that kind of material, and wouldn't have exposed, you know, the account holder to this level of threat, i think, from not just here in the united states but across the world. they specifically need to do more to warn people, warn parents in particular about the dangers associated with these platforms but they need to go further than that. they actually need to take affirmative steps to change how the algorithm is designed and the features that are included in the platforms themselves, real age verification not allowing unconnected adults to have direct contact with child victims. these are all the kind of things that are pretty straightforward and basic. frankly, i was shocked, you know, as a former internet crimes prosecutor, this is something that i expected to not be as prevalent in this space. and the sheer scale and scope of what we found was really disturbing and we felt it was necessary to take this action to send a signal to meta, and its executives that they have to be forthcoming and they have to do a whole lot more to protect children in these spaces. >> so what was the precipitating factor, idea, report, whatever it was that made your office decide that you needed to do this investigation? >> well, we have known for quite some time that social media platforms in general have been a space that has been utilized by predators to make contact. we have child victims here in new mexico and others in jurisdictions around the country that have been identified and groomed and frankly hunted on these platforms. so we decided to open up our own investigation to really test how pervasive that problem was. one of the most shocking findings that we discovered was that the account that was opened of what purported to be a 13-year-old girl had thousands of followers within a very short period of time filled with explicit material and solicitations for sex, but rather than taking affirmative steps to try and protect that child, facebook actually sent them a message about how to open up a professional account. it's just a clear example of the kind of safeguards that are clearly missing from these platforms. >> we have this on the banner that's on the screen right now, but meta ceo mark zuckerberg is named as a defendant. what responsibility do you believe he has for this problem? >> well, you know, he's named as a defendant in part because he has made representations about the safety of this site, the safety of this project, of these products. but more importantly, he's been intimately involved and directly involved in decisions associated with specific features that we believe have made children less safe on those platforms. he has a role to play in this, both in failing to be forthcoming with policy makers, parents, members of the public, but also in terming what kind of features should be included in these platforms. >> new mexico attorney general raul torrez, this is such an important story. i thank you for coming on the program. >> thank you, chris. we have an update now on the palestinian-american student who was shot along with two of his friends during a thanksgiving weekend in vermont. take a look at this video. it shows the moment that hisham was released from the hospital to rousing applause. he is now paralyzed from the waist down after being shot by a man he didn't even know. at the time, he and his friends were speaking arabic, and two were wearing traditional palestinian scarves. his mother tells nbc news her son is quote, resolute and resilient, as he gets ready to start rehab. still ahead, with the holiday shopping season in full swing, nbc news goes behind the scenes for an exclusive look at how the multibillion dollar christmas gift industry gets presents under the tree on time. t small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud. hi, my name is damion clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans include a healthy options allowance, a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto a prepaid card each month. and whatever you don't spend, carries over from each month. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. and our large networks of doctors, hospitals and pharmacies. so, call the number on your screen now and ask about a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. humana. a more human way to healthcare. the subway series is getting an upgrade. the new #33. the teriyaki blitz. with double cheese and teriyaki-marinated meat. it's like a perfect steak spiral in the double cheese coverage. if you say so, peyton. who knew the subway series could get even better? 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Camera , Capitol On January 6th , February 13th Special Election , Quote , Candidate , 13 , February 13th , Aid , Ukraine , Advance , Battlefield , Agenda , Sake , Putin , Security , Press Briefing , Chicken , Consequences , Everybody , Julie Tsirkin Is Reporting , Doesn T Get , Kyiv , Negotiations , Border Affixes , Lindsey Graham , Their , Immigration Reform , First , Border , Concern , Options , Deal , Reforms , Sources , Hawks , Holiday Break , Option , Ticking , Clock , Assistance , Taiwan , Lawmakers , Agreement , Offer , Framework , Done , Holidays , Listen , Senators , Watch , Process , Conference , Christmas , Flows , Wrong , Confidence , Progress , Langford , Negotiators , Sinema , Senator Murphy , Senate , Red Line , Comment , Bill , Hr2 , Johnson , Oman , Acting , Home , Leaders , Julie Tskin , Punchbowl News , Mitch Mcconnell , Chances , Nato , Democracy , Snow , Bet , There , Presence , Adult , Ukraine Doesn T Win , Prose , Order , Power , Systems , Couple , He Didn T , 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Exploited Children , Crime , Child Safety Experts , Criminals , Child Exploitation , State Attorneys General , Companies , Child Safety Policies , Law Enforcement , Tools , Information , A Million , Isn T Enough , Parents , Level , Account Holder , Dangers , Features , Age Verification , Algorithm , Frankly , Internet Crimes Prosecutor , Adults , Space , Action , Signal , Scale , Scope , Spaces , Executives , Investigation , Others , Social Media Platforms , Jurisdictions , Findings , Account , Followers , Thousands , Old Girl , Banner , Safeguards , Message , Mark Zuckerberg , Defendant , Representations , Safety , Decisions , Products , Site , Project , Policy Makers , Terming , Role , Both , Chris , Program , Video , Update , Palestinian American , Vermont , Hisham , Applause , Waist , Palestinian Scarves , Son , Rehab , Resilient , Arabic , Resolute , Tree , Scenes , Season , Swing , Multibillion Dollar Christmas Gift Industry , News , Medicare And Medicaid , My Name , Damion Clark , Hi , Options Allowance , Benefits , Special Needs , Pay , Whatever , Month , Groceries , Brent , Utilities , Over The Counter Items , Card , Spend , Rides , Pharmacies , Hospitals , Networks , Appointments , Humana , Series , Healthcare , Human Way , Double Cheese , Upgrade , Teriyaki Blitz , Meat , Steak Spiral , Subway , 33 , Cheese Coverage , Baby Grand Piano , Save , Center Stage , Peyton , Liberty Bibberty , Isn T , Liberty , Breath , Mustache , Copd , Airways , Trelegy , Inhaler , Flare Ups , 3 , Breathing Problems , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Lung Function , Breathing , Vision Changes , Eye , Chest Pain , Spain , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Tongue , Swelling , Mouth , Problems Urinating , What A Wonderful World , Duck A L Orange , Birds , L Orange On Top , Holiday Shopping , Family , Data Correspondent , Congratulations , Gifts , Brian Cheung , Grinch , Title , Fedex Facilities , Packages , Glasses , Hip Mom , Test , Poster , Set , Harry Styles , Wait , Shout Out , Yep , Jen , Tests , Glass , Facility , 2 , Top , Weight , Pressure , Load , Bruises , Bumps , 283 , Turbulence , Plane , Feet , 2 1 , Pieces , Wine Glasses , Trouble , Paper , Padding , Tips , Box , Bottom , Shipping , Tribute Room , Thanks , Katy Tur Reports , Posters , Ryan Nobles , 00 , Defense Witnesses , Front Row Seat , Katy Tur , 250 Million , 50 Million ,

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