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that state of the race less than six weeks out from the iowa caucus. kevin mccarthy officially stepping down. what his departure means amid chaos on capitol hill. then, pop megastar taylor swift named time magazine's person of the year. her global impact far beyond the charts, as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. ♪ ♪ ♪ good evening once again, i'm stephanie ruhle at headquarters here in new york city. tonight, some of the republicans running for president held for fourth and final debate before the iowa caucuses, now less than six weeks away. ron desantis, nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy, and chris christie came out swinging, facing off at tuscaloosa, alabama at a trump free event. trump free, why? because the former president was a no-show once again. but despite him not being there, things got heated and he did quickly. >> i am sick of republicans who are not willing to stand up and fight back against what the lift is doing to this country. you have other candidates up here like nikki haley. she calfs anytime that left comes after her. anytime that media comes after her. >> aren't you too tight with the banks and billionaires to win over the gop's working class base? >> and reference to donors coming on board, we will take support from anybody we can take support from. i have been a conservator all my life. >> nikki, you were bankrupt when you left fit you in. after you became -- left that you, anybody can military contractor and now you're a multimillionaire. that math does not act up. it adds up to the fact you are corrupt. >> we've had these three acting as the race is between the floor of us. the fifth guy, who doesn't have the guts to show up and stand here, he's unfit to be president. and there is no bigger issue in this race, megan, then donald trump. >> were you saying it's time to bomb iran? >> no, i was not saying it's time to bump around. but i will tell you, i dealt with iran every day when i was at that enough nations. and they only respond to. strength >> they reject this myth -- somebody had a cup of coffee stand at the u. n. and makes a billion bucks after his real foreign policy experience. it takes an outsider to look at the black expression -- >> the fourth debate. you'll be voting and the first 20 minutes as the most open ulcers boulevard in america. >> all of them finish. >> i want to say something else. we are now 25 minutes into this debate. and he has insulted nikki haley's basic intelligence, not her positions, her basic intelligence. this is a smart, accomplished woman, you should stop insulting her. >> -- close an average from new jersey to new york. so do yourself a favor, walk yourself let off the stage. >> governor christie, trump was asked last night if he would be a dictator in a second term in office. he said, no, except for tonight. one pledging to seal the southern border. he's also pledging to begin the largest deportation in american history, saying, migrants are poisoning the blood of american history. he's expected to round up an estimated 11 million immigrants in the united states. what do you make of that plant? >> there is no mystery of what he wants to do. he started off his campaign by saying, i am retribution. these guys on the stage make it seem like his conduct is acceptable. let me make it clear. his conduct is unacceptable. >> your campaign is running ads showing trump confused and you've said he's, quote, lost the zip on his fastball. you seem to be saying donald trump is not long mentally fit to be president. is that what you think? >> father time is undefeated. let me just respond to some of the things they're. the media is making a big deal about what he said about some of his colleagues. jusremind people, that's not how he governed. he didn't even fire dr. fauci. he didn't fire christopher wray. he didn't clean up the swamp. >> the question was very fit -- direct. is he front to be president or isn't he? the rest of the speech is interesting but completely nonresponsive. >> we have an opportunity to nominate someone for two terms will be spitting nails for two terms -- >> that you think he's fit? >> we should not nominate somebody -- >> he's not going to answer. he's afraid to answer. >> here is my issue with all three of my other colleagues on this debate stage. all three of them have been licking donald trump's boots for years, for money and endorsements. i'm the only person -- >> thank you. >> that's what it's going to take, not people looking his boots one-time and now criticize him when it's convenient. >> i told you they came out swinging. so let's get smarter with the help of our lead off panel. nbc capitol hill correspondent ali vitali, who's lucky enough to be at the debate. msnbc senior political analyst matthew dowd, he's also a former george w. bush's strategist and founder of country over party. and stuart stevens, is here. veteran of the mitt romney and george w. bush presidential campaigns, now with lincoln project. his new book, get it for the holidays, the conspiracy to end america, five was my own party's driven our democracy to autocracy. okay, matthew. i was tote, this debate, there are going to talk about donald trump. every day this week, we keep hearing, the threat of what a second term would look like. the looming idea of that dictator. yet, it took 17 minutes into that debate, and chris christie alone, to be the only person to take on the one thing that matters and that one thing keeping all of them from the nomination. donald trump. >> well, i thought chris christie might and and augment of the other thing, as clear as any can make in this. there are too afraid and they wouldn't do it. i thought it was fairly clear and i didn't see any of the three denying his indictment. what i don't understand, and i haven't understood from the start of this race, i would love stuart's perspective on this. adrian think why they think fighting for second is a. when it's as if they want to lead that lollipop guild or that lullaby lead and that's what their goal is. and they're leaving that wicked witch of the west alone. they think by leaving that lollipop killed there somehow want this. right there all and munchkin lands. they haven't removed themselves from munchkin land. chris christie is the only one who's trying to step up and slight wicket which in the course of this. i mean, he's at two or 3% right now, he's not going anywhere. i don't understand nikki haley, ron desantis, and vivek ramaswamy. he is the tenant from back to the future -- >> oh my god. >> he is, he's the tenant without a personality and he's going nowhere. >> probably not as athletic. either stuart, weigh in here. i saw mike murphy's tweet after the debate that said that chris christie's best not, he should drop out. >> i don't get this. chris christie is the only one speaking the truth. i worked for chris christie -- i was proud of him tonight. the greatest threat to america isn't muslims coming over the southern border, it's donald trump. it's obvious. everybody should know that. i just understand how someone like nikki haley, she can sound like some echoes of a party that i once joined, particularly on foreign policy. but the angels say that donald trump is convicted of a felony for basically overthrow the united states government, he'll support him. i don't understand what that is not disqualifying. i think it is disqualify. anytime it goes to the core of this counter at the republican party, it isn't interesting that number one issue in this country, which is the threat to democracy that donald trump and trumpism faces. >> elie, you are in the spin room. what are you hearing? what stood out? >> i think this is clearly the point in the race we are starting to see that knives come out and a much more efficient fashion. that was the case on the debate night tonight. if you watch nothing else, and nothing else about this race, it would know nikki haley was the person on that stage everyone wanted to take down. that's for obvious reason. she surging in the polls. i want to make it whatever mode of is saying. i appreciate chris christie reminding us were still on earth day. the idea donald trump is very much in this race, leading the pack, and you don't become president or even that nominee by coming in second in the primaries. that's a real problem for all these people on the stage. as is the fact that i think as much as it's coming for us to what chris christie basing as out of step with his party for pointing out and crippling effect their front-runner is under multiple felony indictments and is facing multiple felony allegations in court, that puts chris christie out of step with the quote unquote law and order republican party. that is stunning, and i think it's also incumbent on us to remember the fact, as much as it's bizarre the party doesn't want to seem to fix this or contained with her anti-small d democratic values, voters don't care. when i talk to them, those who are still hung up on the big lie don't care to hear the truth of that situation, that trump actually lost the election. this is where the party is. so, chris christie is out of step with the party. and that is probably why people are saying he should drop out of that performance, because he's clearly not nobody that represents where republicans are at right now. but that's a larger problem for the party itself. it's the same one they've been contending with, frankly, since 2015 and 2016. >> matthew, what do you think chris christie's strategy is? i spoke to a big chris christie dinner when he first entered the race. i spoke to them recently, they said listen. we don't expect him to get that nomination. we expect him to pull a chris christie and be a human wrecking ball. that guy who goes for it, and potentially clears a path for someone like nikki haley. and then he's in her good graces. tonight, we certainly saw him defending her every chance he could, or most chances, certainly went and came to vivek. what do you think christie's game plan is? >> you know, i have criticized chris christie in the past, and i've been on various things with chris christie and i've been critical of his enabling of donald trump for too long. but i have to give him a praise for even though it's late, commit to the table and telling the truth. and i think, if the only person's -- purpose he serve is to get on a debate stage and tell the truth when everybody else won't is a good thing for our country. because he's going to go on fox news and on news nation, which is like an a. i. version of fox news with amateurs, i didn't get the production of it, and my guess is not many republican primary voters didn't get that debate because they couldn't find it on the cable list of the channel actually was. chris christie is like liz cheng and a different way. trying to tell the truth to the american public. chris christie is doing a really hard job which is telling the truth to people that don't want to believe. it and fit serves a purpose. and he might not be successful. personally, he's likely not going to be successful, personally, and this. but he's willing to take the boos, take that hits, and tell the truth on state with no one else is willing to do. and i think that's a good thing. >> and stuart, where are his supporters? all of us can say, man, those george bush republicans, republicans like that to have you, and all these republicans out there saying, we need something new, we're sick of this, we need to get away from donald trump. are there more than 2% of republican voters out there? >> no. that's the answer. look, chattanooga lost to alabama earlier in the season and they had a better evening than the republican party did. the party is in a very, very bad place. at the core of it is a refusal to acknowledge the essence of democracy. which is somebody has to be willing to lose. and that republican party has decided, as the president said, it's -- when they lose. i'm with matthew. i was incredibly disappointed when chris christie, a guy i love, endorsed donald trump. it broke my heart. but this is somebody who's up there speak the truth and i guess we have to meet people who are they are in the moment. and if it wasn't for him up there, he's giving the party an alternative. at least, he can't say at the end of the day, when they nominate trump, there wasn't someone up there who gave them no choice. and i think that's incredibly important for the country to see. and i think donald trump is going to lose this race and it's going to be part of the process of the republican party collapsing. >> he gave america another choice, but almost no republicans wanted to make that choice. ali, for nikki haley tonight, did she put ron desantis behind her and show people that she should be the person in second? but >> i think, she showed people she is a person in second. that's kind of what you showed,? right you touch when anything by being in second. i think we can't underscore that enough. but she showed she's the person in second, at least right now, because everyone was attacking her. if you are desantis, you had to have a big night tonight. and i think he's more than held his own. his campaign has been hemorrhaging. drama behind the scenes has been the mainstay narrative. it's not been him on the stump. in fact, there is still been a problem with him on the, stump connecting with voters. it's partly what you're seeing him continue to fall in the polls, as people like kelly continue to surge. but i also think nikki haley is someone, and you let me, i love to dig into dinner dynamics on debates like this, it's fascinating to watch the only woman on the stage be the person drawing all the attacks. research will show you, woman have to stay above the fray because they can't be seen as too aggressive, but they're also expected to defend themselves and hold their own. the fact chris christie was able to jump in and give her a boost against vivek ramaswamy, that's helpful in that way voters will metabolized haley as someone who's clearly intelligence, clearly has foreign policy chops, but also has people on the stage will act as validators. even her opponents. that being said, as someone who's watched daily no for the better part of the year, she -- wasn't able to capture her regular cadence of getting into her stump stage points and that was problematic. it was clear she was playing defense tonight. at the end of the day, i'm not sure how many people are going to be watching this debate. it's happening in such a vacuum. because this isn't that real primary. it's a subset of the real primary. but as long as donald trump is not on that stage, he doesn't have to defend himself, he doesn't have to attack anyone, and the whole stage will lose something if they want the debate to mean anything. >> stuart, ready for this? i understand who donald trump voter. is i understand nikki haley's voter is. i understand woodpeckers christie. who is voting for vivek ramaswamy and who is picking ron desantis? >> you know, they're both just weird guys. these are not people who interact in a normal way -- >> i want to know what voter is saying that's my boy? >> look, i think it's easier to answer for desantis. there was a police out there that he fit that model of republicans who've done well getting the nomination, big state governors. reagan, bush, romney won the nomination. the difference is, he really isn't like them. he's a big government conservative. just think about it. someone is running for president of the united states who is governor of a state and happiness company ani mean, hown possible? because he thin really good to the st analywe're also trackin, very serious news to.late breaks tonight. another deadly shooting on a college at l a hospital and the suspect has man in his oat this, put on what has mumost police respon so campus putting. students and faculty shelter in place for hours. >> we heard the clips of semi automatic weapons just going through what felt like about 30 seconds. it was a very, very disturbing thing to hear. >> in a statement, president biden said, he was praying for families of the victims and said this. this is not normal and we can never let it become normal. here is the problem, though. it is. coming up, after losing the gavel, kevin mccarthy is not leaving the house altogether. max rose and luke broadwater are here on what is next for a congress as retirements mount and gridlock continues. and later, the important lawsuit out of texas on abortion. you need to hear about this one. joyce vance joins us to explain what exactly is going on and why it matters for abortion rights around this company. the 11th hour getting underway on a very serious wednesday night. get life insurance," hm. i have a few minutes. i can do that now. oh, that fast? 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kevin! >> wow. yeah. i don't think he's wasting a ton of time trying to get -- >> no he's not! >> all of his career, which should prove to be more lucrative than being a member of congress. that said, he's been essentially miserable and to create -- depressed in congress since he was kicked out a speaker. he's been sitting in his office with almost nothing to do. he complains to everyone about what he views as the unfair treatment of him. obviously he is getting into scuffles with fellow republicans in the halls. he's in a bad place on the hill. and so it makes saints that he would want to get out of congress, given the embarrassing way he was kicked out of power and the fact that people who he views as his inferiors were able to get the upper hand on him. and send him so low. but yeah. once you resign from congress, my understanding is there is a year prohibition on lobbying. so this will give him a quicker start to start making money, real heavy money, before he can, before his term authority end. >> max, to you think he is now going to spend his time on the outside going after his opponents? i don't mean democrats. republicans, as luke said, he viewed as inferior. came out, caused all these problems for him. he's got a ton of money and his super pac. is he going to use it to get them? >> no, in six weeks, he's going to be a another wall street guy saying he's socially liberal and fiscal conservative. you know that type really well. >> i'm familiar with them. >> kevin mccarthy's 16 years in congress, there was one consistent trend. he doesn't believe anything and he always just thought about his political tomorrow, never in the long term. it was just about himself. no court believes whatsoever. >> max, there is a whole lot of people in congress that fit and that category. >> i've got to tell you. i served with him. i don't think there were any that rose to his level. but what we do see is that the world he created, this world were the extremist republican base is so empowered, kevin's career is over. that lives on. if you had told me at the beginning of this year that by january one, when in 24, nancy pelosi would still be and congress, serving with grace and respect and kevin mccarthy would be retired, hanging out at wall street holiday functions, i never would have believed you. but this is politics. >> and this is where we are. luke, when we hear, now, republicans are going to have such a narrow majority, it's going to be so difficult for them to pass anything, they're not really trying to pass anything, though? >> i mean, other than their messaging bills that will have no chance of passing the senate. i mean, you are seeing that play out with the border debate right now. and the funding for ukraine and israel, where house republicans are insisting on their border bill, which not a single democrat voted for in the house. they made no attempt to find a part of some compromise in the house. that that is the line they're drawing floor. aid to ukraine and israel, it is this parliament bill that they've -- only republicans will vote for. so yes. it's tougher for them to pass things. but are they really even trying to pass things with democrats? and there are trite record to tie it has been to simply pass those right-wing bills that president trump favors and that the hard right is in favor of. >> i want to talk about this problem around getting more aid, whether it's israel or ukraine. and i want to share some comments we heard from lindsey graham. watch this. >> what happens if ukraine funding isn't passed this year? what happens if you can't pass funding to ukraine? >> then we'll take it up next year. >> does it become complicated in election year? >> iâm more worried about our border than ukraine. >> you are? >> 100%. >> it's not one or the other. lindsey graham was one of ukraine's biggest supporters in congress a year ago. what does that tell you? >> lindsey graham, you know, always moves with the extremist base of that republican party. >> he didn't always, he didn't. always >> well -- >> when john mccain was alive -- >> there was a brief moment where he criticize donald trump, until he went back to -- >> there was a brief moment right after the insurrection, the day after that, people yelled at him in an airport and he said forget, forget it, forget it. >> we should give him credit -- >> but earlier in his career. >> my point is, the modern-day lindsey graham is a perfect litmus test for where the extremist base of the republican party actually is, and right now that extremist base, which controls the republican party, that maga movement does not care about the fight for democracy. does not care about democracy, period. in effect, their disdain for democracy leads them to actually disregard israel, our supposed truly best ally abroad. that nation we should care most about defending, that's using their words. but they hate democracy. and they want to stand with putin, even if it means standing against israel. it's disgraceful. >> what is your thought on brakes and yours? he came out against giving israel billions of dollars without restrictions, and he's citing humanitarian conditions in gaza. >> i think bernie sanders current student, i've cited not just as a democrat, a patriot, but also as a jew, i think it's disgraceful. i think it's the false equivalency between hamas as a terrorist organization and israel threatened to defend itself, and i may add as the only democracy in the region. that's not to say peace should not be pursued. it's not to say, in every possible instance, israel should be attempting to display courageous restaurant and uphold its values. but for him to stand up and do that today, appealing to the democratic party's own extremist elements, i think was a horrible stand to take. >> max rose, good to see you, thank you for being here. luke broadwater, thank you so much. when we come back, a grim diagnosis for one woman in texas and her baby. now she's asking a court. imagine this. she's amidst a horrible diagnosis about her unborn child, and now she's in court asking a court to let her end her pregnancy. in a state with some of the strictest abortion laws. we are going to get into it and what it could mean for the country. when the 11th hour continues. m the inside. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. when i look in the mirror, i don't even recognize myself. golo really works. it■s beginning to look alot like savings! blendjets holiday sale is on now! give the gift of convenience the blendjet 2 portable blender is perfect for everyone on your list. even that picky relative who hates everything. and dont forget the accessories! theyre all on sale! dont wait! our most popular colors and patterns will sell out! go to and take advantage of our holiday sale now. now ttexas. and a lawsuit we haveot seen in this country and 50 years. a 31 year old dallas woman, who is 20 weeks pregnant, is suing the state so she can get an abortion. her vegas was recently diagnosed with a condition that is almost always fatal. her dog or say, continue the programs he put an interim health as well. texas abortion ban, of course, does have some exceptions for the life and health of the pregnant woman. but many say, they are legally unclear. joining me now to discuss, former u.s. attorney joyce vance, who spent four years as a federal prosecutor. joyce, you and i are both moderate. i cannot imagine being 20 weeks pregnant, finding out a diagnosis like this and has been to be in court to fight to make decisions for my own health and my families. how significant is this lawsuit? >> the lawsuit is significant. the problem is an important one. this is what people mean when we hear them say that a portion 's health care. this fetus has trisomy 18. even if it survived until birth, it will not have a life ahead of it. but the mother's help's -- health is at risk. she has underlying conditions that could be elevated and it may will impair her ability to be a future children. she's got to little kids. she said, she'd like to have a large family, but doctors have told her this process is likely to lead to scouring that means she won't be able to have another child. so instead of getting to make these decisions herself with her husband and daughter, shaye's forced to ask a state court judge in travis county, texas to make decisions about her medical care. it's to mean. its second plus settles and ship. and in this case, it's the opposite of being pro-life. it's anti-life. >> how do you set this plan completely, in court? >> well, texas courts and the state legislature, quite frankly, whose job is have to provide some clarity. because here is the problem. this woman's doctor is looking at a law that says taken provide and abortion if necessary for her health. but because that hasn't been spelled out, any doctor who decides to perform an abortion does at risk that they will be incarcerated. that they will be prosecuted, put in prison, find, and lose their license to practice. and even her husband is at risk. recall, before there was dobbs, there was texas's sba, the bill that allows vigilante justice and anyone, any place, can go after her husband for helping her get an abortion out of state if that's what they decide to do. so i think, the supreme court that has created this situation, will be first, went this issue for just, him to tell state they must provide clarity and certainty for people. the problem is, how long will that take and help many more women will have to suffer before we get there? >> that's my next question. here, this woman is in court. the clock is ticking. how long does a take to make decisions like this for the court? >> you, know you would hope the courts would move speedily. but they don't always move quickly. and in fact, there is another case and state court in texas brought by this woman's lawyers were they asked the state to declare that women in certain situations could get abortions. the state trial court level judge agreed with their request. texas attorney general appealed. that case is now tied up in the texas supreme court. there is still no clarity for women in texas. >> i am thinking about that woman, her children, her husband. all of their collective health. so joyce, thank you so much. a really, really important story. when we come back. in a time of polarization, there is one person that has brought us all together. and she just snagged times person of the year. we are talking taylor swift. the 11th hour continues. people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? 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(guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. do i know where i'm gonna be or even want to be in 20 years? absolutely not. i tell myself, it's actually really ungrateful to assume you have 20 years. be stoked you have today. >> the girl on the bleachers, the madwoman, and the mastermind. those are just a few of the nicknames taylor swift has gone back during her career and today she earned another one. a biggie. me magazine officially crowned the pop megastar person of the year. her massively popular eras tour is not only on track to become the biggest global tour of all-time, it also is the first ever to gross over one billion dollars. and her childhood home state news favorite honored her with us amazing headline. berks county woman named times 2023 person of the year. i'm going to bring in someone special, bryan west. the official taylor swift reporter. that is his job for usa today. bryan, welcome, i'm glad you're here. let's talk about today. we have had beatlemania. we have had elvis. but have we ever had anything like taylor swift? >> hi stephanie, thank you so much for having me on. taylor swift is entering her time person of the year era, and i don't think we've ever had somebody quite like taylor. she is a complete powerful engine and a force that is only just picking up in momentum. she says in her concert, it's been a long time coming. but i think we're only just seeing the beginning. >> light spoke about that. because she has built a legacy to last. her relationship with her fans and that loyalty they have to her, to put it in her words, what do so many fade but she's still here? >> if you look at just the past year of her massive impact, you could talk about the economy. so every city that she doesn't, there are millions of dollars that are important. you see members of the talons changing that name. and glendale, that cold at swift city for a couple of days while she was in town. she's in the magical -- education center, harvard is offering a close. more than ten universities are adding her to your course catalog. and she's one of the only artists who's written all of her own songs, or collaborate with others. there's only one cover she's done in her massive dystrophy. she is recording of her albums again, this year she recorded speaking out pillars version and not keen on pillows version. that's because she once ownership. that's eight out of ten albums she can call her own. then you look at this tour. like you said, it's estimated to make more at a billion dollars. she's already gone to 66 cities and next year's projected to go to 86 cities and she's not even said if next year is the end of the tour. i've been really impressed by what she did in the movie industry. she bypassed production studios, went straight to a distributor, struck a deal, shattered that record, $100 million of presales and then there was the nfl. it's already super popular, has a ton of the rose, and somehow tailor it's even more eyes to the nfl. >> i can't believe that movie. i went to. it you won't burn, there is a commemorative cop, a commemorative jumbo popcorn tub and the movie itself didn't even have any behind the scenes footage. it was just a show. people were dancing in the aisles and love every minute of it. i want to talk -- >> you can watch it on streaming, as well. >> i've got a ten year old just waiting for it. i want to talk about this cover story because taylor swift is not without conflict. she's had huge conflicts. lots of high-profile people trying to take her down and her career. and she doesn't told about them. in the confederate, she says, she's not going to dignify it because she knows that trash takes itself out. >> every time. that was one of my favorite lines that she said. this is what she's so popular among her fan base. she's unapologetically herself. to the 2023 merriam-webster word of that year, she is authentic. and that's what fans. love she holds up a merit to her vulnerability, her struggles, and how she's been able to rise from the ashes over and over. and one of her songs, that she just released on streaming, stop your losing me, she says that she's this phoenix that's constantly rising from the ashes. and not just the point of relation people appreciate. that's why there was a code for what's allegedly her next re-recorded album, reputation, that's supposed to be coming next. >> let's talk about you for a moment. you've got this job, ahead of thousands of candidates, allegedly even someone whose job it was to cover the white house. i want to understand, what's your background? who are you a culture reporter before? did you cover music? did you cover sports? did you cover politics? because taylor swift spans it all. and now that you cover her, can you no longer be a swiftie, because you've got to be objective, brother. >> i'm really glad you're asking those questions. i'm a journalist first and i'm a taylor swift fan second. but i do have the experience to back it up. i went to northwestern university, that michael school of journalism. i then worked and newsrooms for more than a decade across the nation. even interned at 30 rock for the today show on nbc news. i've won awards -- including two emmy awards. and i've covered it all. there was a few years for nbc in phoenix i covered breaking news, current news, political news, everything. and included the feature. that's actually how i got to tell. or during reputation, the first time around, i was made fun of by the anchors for being a fan of tiller at a time she was coming from her cancellation. and i said that to her team. and the team sent me back this box and say taylor would like to meet you. >> get out of town. >> all of that combined allowed me to have this position. and what i really appreciate that most is a left news five years ago to focus on mental health and sobriety. i've been sober for five years. i've so many valuable lessons. what i truly see is a male commission of all of my crossroads coming together, with life lessons that has allowed me to have this opportunity. >> well, rock on. congratulations and what a beat to have. bryan west, thank you for joining us. and of course, congratulations to taylor. when we come back, he brought the humor to tough topics and changed the face of television. we remember the great norman lear when the 11th hour continues. 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