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second trump term. plus, it's not just gaza. the west bank is in flames as israeli attacks escalate. my conversation with palestinian policy decision -- and why a pack is raising money to try to get rid of the squad. the man who literally look wrote the book on them, ryan grim, will join me live. nearly three years ago, in february, 2021, i launched the show an msnbc right here, live on a sunday night, with a warning about how donald trump and the maga gop were threatening our democracy and how journalists needed to wake up to that threat. speak out about that threat. watch. >> people sometimes say journalists shouldn't be biased. no, journalists should have a bias. a bias towards democracy. we should be proudly pro democracy and proud to call ourselves democrats. small d democrats. >> nearly three years later, i worry that too many journalists, too many pundits, to many in our media have yet to take that mission statement urgently or seriously enough. even as a disgraced, defeated, twice impeached, four times indicted insurrection inciting ex president runs again for the white house and even leads joe biden in multiple polls. just think about the past few weeks, in which the new york times revealed that a second trump term when involves sweeping raids, giant camps, and mass deportations. the past few weeks in which the washington post revealed that trump was prepared for a second term in office by name in the vigils he wants to investigate or prosecute, and his associates drafting plans to potentially enact the surrection act on his first day in office to all him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations. the past few weeks, in which trump threatened to go after this network, msnbc, once he's back in power, and repeatedly offered to his political opponents as vermin, echoing not see propaganda. do you think the wider media in this country over the past few weeks has sufficiently conveyed the extent of the threat facing america from the second trump term? i've spent enough time in energy addressing and sharing these plans and remarks from the former and possibly future president? you, because you watch the show or because you watch -- the prospects of a second trump authoritarian term in office. but are your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors, your kids sufficiently concerned? appropriately aware? how many of them even know about trump calling millions of americans vermin? do you think it got the same coverage as hillary clinton saying deplorables in 2016? or have we become numb to the trumpian threat? have we normalized it? have we continued to grade trump and his authoritarian acolytes on a curve? have we become the fraud in the boiling fascist plot? in fact, forget the past few weeks. just consider what donald trump was saying, ranting yesterday, in a speech in iowa, that the elections in this country are so rigged, apparently, that they weren't rigged, and through divine supervision, he, trump, when california and new york and illinois. no, really. >> but i think if you had a real election and jesus came down and got came down and said, i'm gonna be the script keeper here, i think we'd win their. i think we'd win in illinois, and i think we'd win in new york. >> so, there was, as ever, the big lie. the dangerous delusional authoritarian big lie that you just heard ovation. there was also the casual races threat of voter intimidation and cities with large black populations. >> so the most important part of what's coming up is to guard the vote. and you should go into detroit, and you could go into philadelphia, and you should go into some of these places, atlanta, and you should go into some of these places, and we've gotta watch those votes when they come in. >> there was the now predictable praise and admiration for foreign dictators. >> can you imagine president xi, who's a piece of granite, he's tough and smart, he's at the top of his game -- >> and are very stable genius who brags about being able to read of prompter better than sleepy joe biden even ended up accidentally telling the truth about the threat he poses to american democracy when he misread his prompter. >> we've been waging an all out war in american democracy. >> yes. yes, he has. and yet, that fact, that undeniable, unavoidable fact, the trump has been waging a war on american democracy, hasn't been given the significance and attention and concern that it deserves. what does it seem like the person the most concerned about the threat of a second trump presidency as, of all people, republican liz cheney? >> people who say, well, if he's elected, it's not that dangerous because we have all these checks and balances, don't fully understand the extent to which the republicans in congress today have been co-opted. one of the things that we see happening today is a sort of sleepwalking into dictatorship in the united states. >> i agree 100 percent with liz cheney, and now, i did not think those would be words that would ever come out of my mouth. still, too many people, journalists, citizens, politicians, have decided to turn a blind eye to trump's rhetoric, trump's threats, trump's plans for a second term. have pretended to be more concerned about joe biden's age or the threat of inflation, enough decided to treat this coming election as just another normal presidential election. it's madness. it's dangerous, denialist, madness. and i'm sorry, but it ends in only one place. the end of american democracy. don't take my word for it. for once, take donald trump's. joining me now are jason stanley, professor of philosophy at yale university, an expert on fascism, and coauthor of the book the politics of language. and, molly jong-fast, most of the fast politics podcast and a special correspondent for vanity fair. thank you both for joining me. jason, liz cheney says we're sleepwalking into a dictatorship, but correct me if i'm wrong -- it's not gonna be the kind of dictatorship with concentration camps and martial law overnight, is it? that's not what we're gonna get. we're gonna get trump borrowing from the abend playbook in hungary, from the -- what would that look like here in america in terms of his use of the doj, or the irs, or his approach to the media and universities? >> so, he'll be targeting media and targeting universities. viktor orban targeted central year peña ferocity and drove out from hungary the best university in that hunger -- marxists, lgbt supporters, and vilified them in those terms. he forced media companies to sell themselves to his friends using tax framework and the courts. so we can expect that. we're already seeing this kind of attack on universities and schools throughout the country. that's why it's so ironic that, as everything trump does, it's so hypocritical for him to talk about his opponents attacking free speech. that's what we're gonna see. the first thing is we're gonna see speech critical speech being targeted by political operatives and the judicial system. >> molly, the media advocacy an activist group, media matters for america, this week di a study showing that t b broadcast networks provided 18 times more coverage of clinton's 2016 deployed as comment than trump's 2023 vermin remark. his fascist rhetoric has all but become normalized, has it not? >> so, i think there's a problem with journalists that we're seeing, which is the sort of normalcy bias. right? they want to treat things as normal, and they're worried about looking partisan. i'm talking about straight news journalists, not really opinion journalists. they're worried about looking partisan, so they understate things in order to not seem hysterical. and so, what happens is the road to fascism is literally lined with stories that understate the urgency of the situation. and if you look back at old reporting from the new york times pre-hit layer, you know, there's similar staff. hit lair hideaway in the clouds, right? i think the larger problem here is that the mainstream media is not built to be able to sort of protect democracy from fascism. so when it comes down the line, they don't know what to do with it. that's what we saw again and again. and what happened with hillary clinton is that -- so focused on the odds that they forgot about the stakes. >> indeed. and in terms of the stakes and what donald trump stands for, and who stands with him, jason, i want to put up this image from yesterday in iowa, where trump was literally prayed over by a group of supporters. i want to be clear here. i have no objection to prayer. i'm a believer myself, and i think it's fine to have people of faith and politics. what's disturbing is the cultish nature of support for trump, and this idea from his supporters that he has some sort of instrument of god's will, god's wrath. and i wonder, jason, how does that fit with the traditional fascist playbook? >> well, the leader plays this very particular role in fascism. the leader embodies the nation. donald trump embodies the nation for christian nationalists. christian nationalists want this to be a christian country, a white christian country, or, for many non white americans, a christian country, and trump is the religious father, as it was, the god ordained person to lead them. it's very common in fascist mythology that while the leader plays this very specific role, the leader is the person whom all authority is given. they have the authority over truth. they have authority over factuality. and your devotion to him is absolute. if you want to see what this looks like for business, look at a country like russia. we know that trump is gonna fill all the commerce department with loyalists. all these departments upon which business depends, with loyalists whose subservience is only to him. this is where all the organizations just become subservient to the leader. it's not good for business. it's just loyalists doing deals for other loyalists. so this will be terrible for the american business community. it will be horrible for the press. it will be horrible for our great universities and schools. and it will be the end of american democracy. >> we should point out also, hilarious to see donald trump's face as all thespeople pray around him. he's probably never prayed in his life. molly, what was your reaction when trump threatened to go after msnbc this week? this network? if or when he gets into office. and i want to pick up what you said earlier, media bias, the media is not equipped to cover this. i've got a step further and say they're not equipped to cover it where it's a republican. i'm pretty sure if a democrat running for office had threatened to shut down fox news, they would've been crazy, crazy angry response in the media. but for some ways, and when trump says -- >> right. a lot of this stuff has been under covered, the trump stuff especially. that vermin comment. if there were ever a dehumanizing call, an authoritarian catchphrase, that is it. i was shocked that didn't get more coverage. you have seen him try really hard to discredit the media. remember, in 2015 2016, he focused almost entirely on cnn. fake news cnn. the goal, he knew that his people watched cnn. some of them did. he wanted to discredit them. i think that he has broadened that. he thinks it's worked in certain ways. media distrust is at the highest troubles in many years. a lot of this has worked, and i think that trump will continue. we are vulnerable to all of these authoritarian plays. we've seen it. that's what's really scary >> a quick yes or no question, it's what i've asked guess on my peacock show this month. i'll say the same thing to both of you. if donald trump wins the 2024 presidential election, will we be having another election in 2028, jason? >> i think we will be having a fake election, the sort that you have in authoritarian countries. not a free and fair election ever again. >> at best, we will have a fake election, at worst, we will have no elections. >> that is an important if depressing no to end on. it is important that we talk about this stuff. i wish more journalists would. professor jason stanley, molly, thank you both for your analysis. we appreciate it. coming up next, my conversation with the general secretary of the palestinian national initiative and the call occupied west bank, dr. elizabeth about gucci. we're talking about palestinians not just getting killed in record numbers in gaza, but in the west bank to. stick around. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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[screaming] those are israeli soldiers rating a west bank home, throwing a man to the ground and beating him before they arrest him. he was lucky to live, as israeli forces use aerial bombs, drones, tanks, and bulldozers to attack west bank villages and refugee camps. leaving scores dead, or injured, or homeless, including children. since october 7th, tlence in the west bank against palestinians has exploded. by the u.n.'s estimate, in the seventh week since october 7th attacks, israeli forces killed more palestinians in the west bank than in any entire year. more than in any whole year since record keeping began. again, this is the occupied west bank, where hamas has never ruled the way that hamas is in constant complaint with the government there, the palestinian authority. in fact, last month of israeli forces in the west bank bulldozed a memorial to yesterday reflect, the first leader of the palestinian authority, who is a long-standing political rival of hamas. if the whole point of israel's war is to combat hamas, why all the violence in the west bank where hamas holds no offices and no hostages? why go after an arafat statue? the violence, by the way, not just from the military, but from the heavily armed israeli settlers. they can count on the support of fellow settler, the israeli finance minister who said recently in residence to pulling the two thirds of the million palestinian -- supporting the attacks on october 7th, quote, there are 2 million not seize in judean and samaria, who hate us exactly as do the not seize of hamas ices in gaza. he's referring to the west bank when he says judeo-and some area. that's where he's saying 2 million palestinian azzi's, men, women, and children live. the settlers violence there is so bad that even if the only two members of the united states conference they were in israel during the october 7th attacks, democratic representative dan goldman and senator cory booker wrote to president biden earlier this week urging pressure on israel to restrain settlers who are bent on making a two-state solution impossible. it is not just the settlers that are interested in a two state solution. only weeks before this current war started, benjamin netanyahu gave a speech at the u.n. holding a map of the quote, new middle east, a map which showed gaza and the west bank as a part of israel's territory. while many continue to argue about the dangers of college students in the united states carrying pro palestinian signs that say from the river to the sea, it is strange that they are ignoring in israeli prime minister proudly toting a map in which palestine didn't exist. all at the same time while his military and the most extreme settlers carry out a campaign of violence and displacement across the occupied west bank. earlier, i spoke with doctor must iffy -- palestinian activist. he's a secretary general and cofounder of the palestinian national indicative. >> doctor barghouti, thank you for joining us on the show. every palestinian i have had on this show since october 7th, i have asked about what life is like in gaza. i have to begin by asking you what is life like today in the occupied west bank? >> it is absolutely horrible. the israeli army has cut into 224 small islands, or ghettos if you want. by 650 military checkpoints, many of these checkpoints are closed down completely. the travel from one area to another used to take 30 minutes, and could now take two and a half hours today. there are many areas where we cannot send our medical teams because the israeli army is preventing us from doing that. especially areas behind apartheid rule. many areas near the settlements. more than that, there is a very serious amount of israeli settlers there against palestinians. yesterday, they attack palestinians in the south village, and have burned houses, attacked people, and so for more than ten people were killed by israeli settlers terror. 35 communities have been evicted. practically there is a hole attack on palestinian populations, not only by the israeli army, but also by the israeli settlers. add to that defected since the 7th of october, the israeli army arrested no less than 3500 people. 2200 of those are under the so-called administered attention, that means they are in their jail without knowing why. >> doctor barghouti, when you hear, you mentioned settlers. the israeli finance minister is a settler. when you hear him call 2 million west bank palestinians not seize, what is your reaction to that? >> i think that the real fascist nazi is him himself. him himself did not shy away from calling himself -- he called himself a fascist homophobe. this man has said that the palestinians, the the settlers in the west bank so the palestinians can lose any state of their own. and then palestinians would have to choose between three options. either to emigrate, which is ethnic cleansing, which they are trying to do now in gaza. of course, in the west bank. or they accept the life of subjugation for israel, which is apartheid. or die, which is genocide. that is exactly what they are doing today in gaza. >> let's talk about hamas. a poll last month from a palestinian research group shows that hamas is actually getting higher support among west bank palestinians than from palestinians in gaza. are israel's activities, the release of the palestinian detainees, or is it hamas's attack? what is it that is driving this new and extra support for hamas in the west bank? >> three factors. first of all, the fact that israelis are attacking them. they are victims of this israeli attack. more importantly, palestinians are supporting the principle of resistance. resisting occupation, resisting the injustices that they are subjected to. and resisting the system of apartheid. another very important factor is that the other way, which is the palestinian authority way, bending hopes on negotiations with israel on the possibility of some kind of a deal with israel, which has failed drastically. after 30 years, all we have seen is expansion of settlements, the killing of the possibility of a palestinian state. and so the continuous occupation. people see that the resistance is the better way then they negotiations, which is real. >> and so on that note, you talk about the breakdown of negotiations. one last question for you. do you still believe that there is a prospect of a two-state solution? have you given up on it? have most palestinians given up on it? >> i have written about that, that israel gave that option. the only possibility for a palestinian state to leave is if israel, somehow the international community will find the courage to force israel to remove its settlers from the west bank. if they do not do that, they will not be a two state solution. the only alternative to a two state solution is wondrous democratic state, which is the only alternative to one apartheid state reality, which we live in. today, there is another very dangerous situation in gaza, where israel is bombarding day and night. 10,000 airstrikes and 60 days. more than 35,000 tons of explosions on people. you are talking about 64,000 people killed or injured. if that had happened in the united states, you would be talking about 10 million people injured or killed, and less than 60 days. that is the kind of ethnic cleansing we are facing today, which is the main obstacle to the possibility of peace. >> doctor mustafa barghouti, we'll have to leave it there. please stay safe, thank you for your time. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ still to come, author of the squad ryan graham, discussing the progressive wing of the democratic party and what feature they have. don't forget, you can listen to the mehdi hasan show and free anytime you get your podcasts. ime you get your podcasts. like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? 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because they are outspoken opposition to israel's assault on gaza. to understand how progressives like omar, tlaib, alexandra ocasio-cortez, jamal bowman, cori bush, they have come under heigen scrutiny and great criticism from both conservatives and many liberals. firs you have to go back to the beginning, november 18. upon winning their house elections, the four soon to be congresswoman gathered to take a selfie, which ocasio-cortez posted with a simple caption that red squad. ocasio-cortez and omar would later be featured with then speaker nancy pelosi on the cover of rolling stone, their faces featured above the text, women shaping the future. although they soon felt with pelosi under a number of issues. the squad lacks proper-backed causes, like medicare for all, and a green new deal. eventually expanded in recent years with bowman and busch joining the ranks in 2021, and representatives greg costs are in summer league following suit this year. now that members of the squad led the call for a cease-fire in gaza, they've got a pack coming after them. in a new book called the squad, author ryan grim reveals that aipac had already become attacking this quite as early as 2021 earlier that year, after progressive members of congress denounced israel's killing of palestinian civilians, and a senior aipac official said that they're seeing, quote, much more vocal detractors of the u.s. israel relationship we're having an impact on the discussion. we need to respond. so, question, can an under fire squad survived the 2024 primary season? journalist and author ryan grimm will join me after the break to discuss. can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstoppables in wash scent booster keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. get 6x longer-lasting freshness plus odor production with downy unstopables. try for under $5. at bombas, we're obsessed with comfort. quality. movement. because your basic things should be your best things. one purchased equals one donated. visit and get 20% off your first order. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. ♪♪ >> before the break, i talked about how we've all come to know the squad as the progressive left wing of the house democrats. a new book by the intercept d.c. bureau chief, ryan, graham called the squad, aoc and the hope of a political future, pulls -- relationships with certain congressional leaders. ryan graham joins me now. ryan, congratulations on the book. you say in the book, and you talk a great deal in the book, and it's very timely, given the war in gaza, how aipac has targeted that members of the squad of the pro palestinian views, anti israeli views, as early as 2021, when they denounced israel's bombing of gaza back then. that's not this reported hundred million dollar pushed to primary them because of their call for a cease-fire. what's their reaction to this push by aipac? >> -- justice democrats is the organization that kind of was spawned by the staffers from the first bernie sanders campaign. they, you know, recruited and supported a lot of the squad. they supported all of the squad, but some of them have continued to elect further squad merit-based since. they've been a bit in retreat in recent years, but in terms of fundraising, staffing, but i think this, you know, there's a phrase that nothing focuses the mind like the hangman's news. and the question has been called by aipac. the threat is out there, but like you said, 100 million dollars are going to be spent to purge the party of critics of israel. and so the only choice is to organize and fight back. and for my understanding, there is a broad based effort underway with a broad coalition of projects of groups to figure out how they can push back against the storm of money that they know is coming the next primary cycle. >> of course, what's fascinating is that despite being incumbents, they can't automatically rely on the support of party leadership, which normally comes in behind incumbents. and what you reveal in your book is some of the tensions that we kind of suspected existed between nancy pelosi and aoc and others. what's really interesting in the book, and some of the extracts that have made it into media reporting as well, right? is that aoc is telling you, actually, it's not just about amorphous establishment leadership. it was specifically about pelosi. she actually gets along fine with hakeem jeffries. it's nancy pelosi she had issues with. >> some of this, i think, has to do with the way that pelosi, you, know when she first came to office in the 19 80s and when she rose to become leader of the party, was seen as somebody from the progressive flank. and so, as people get older and see new generations coming behind them, they get a little bit concerned when people say, wait a minute, i'm the one who's, you know, the proud liberal, the lion here, the progressive champion, and she would often tell the squad, and tell protest groups as well, i've got protest signs in my basement that are older than you. whereas aoc response, okay, but my night collecting dust. and that really gets to the tension there. and so -- but now that hakeem jeffries's leader, the parties in the minority, and so i think it's kind of easier to organize your caucus in the minority because you're just fighting against the majority party. you don't have decisions to make over what your agenda is because you're not gonna be able to go past an agenda anyway. >> so, there's also more of them, rain. this cori bush. in addition to the original quartet. and i wonder, what does the future look like for the squad? because at one point, they were seen as the future of the democratic party, dragging left. bernie sanders as a runner-up to joe biden -- is not running for president again. biden is running again. you're getting some guests joining the discussion, i can say. tommy that's, brian. what is the future of the squad? are we actually gonna see a weekend, smaller squad? a weekend, smaller left come november 2024? >> we'll see. i, mean this is a pivotal moment. this is the time where -- brittani, come on. it is past my bedtime, like 8:30 they're supposed to be in bed. >> i've always been paranoid that my daughter would do that in my home studio. she hasn't, but you have. carry on. i'm sure she cares about the future as well. >> she very much does. you know, this is the moment. this is where the question is being called. and we'll know at the end of this primary whether or not they're going to be a big part of this party going forward and not. >> and last question, ryan, aoc, what does she do next year? did she run for the senate? we >> saw, i don't think so. here's my point when i think about her running for the senate. and i write in the book that some of her staffers would say, look, when you thinking about whether or not to endorse bernie sanders, you have to realize that bernie sanders is actually more popular in upstate new york then you are, according to the polling at this point. so getting behind somebody like bernie actually moves you forward. so the idea that -- basically, the point here is she would have, i think, a better chance of winning the white house and she would winning a senate seat. so if they're equally difficult, at some point, she's gonna make the run at the right house. >> intriguing. ryan graham and ryan grimms daughter, thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> you've got it. >> coming up at the top of the hour, with ayman mohyeldin, congressman robert garcia on donald trump's threat to repeal obamacare should he win reelection. and a special farewell from the congressman to his colleague, george santos. he was one of the leading democratic voices who helped to push out the republican congressman. but first, tonight, amen and i are gonna talk about elon musk's dumpster fire of a performance -- don't go away. don't go away. lement brand. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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(dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. thank you for watching. it's amazing what real food can do. that's a show tonight. now, it's time to hand it over to my good friend ali. good evening, ali. >>, i'm mehdi, it's ayman, not ali. >> i'm so sorry. i was having a mosque moment. have a watch. >> jonathan, the only reason i'm here is because your friend. like, what was my speaking fee? >> you're not making any -- first of all, i'm andrea. >> yeah, cy. >> it's okay. second of all, we've known each other for a very long time. >> yeah, ayman, that was elon musk at the summit on wednesday with andrew, who's a good friend of his. but that wasn't even the most embarrassing or news making moment of the conference. everyone can make a slip. it's actually this moment that really stood out from that 19 minute exchange. let's have a watch. >> we talked about -- >> don't advertise. >> you don't want them to advertise? >> no. >> what do you mean? >> if somebody is gonna try to blacked mail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go bleep yourself. >> so, amen, this was elon musk telling advertises to go f themselves because he thinks he's being blackmailed by them, even though big corporations aren't blackmailing twitter or acts. they just don't want their ads being placed next to not see content. this is a man -- that's what he paid for it, and halved it in value. so, yeah, i think elon musk is a walking demonstration of the myth of the billionaire genius. >> yeah. and you can understand why advertisers don't want to be associated with a man who is reckless with his words and is responsible for a company that's supposed to be responsible with the word of the public square, so to speak. just take a listen to what he said. obviously, everyone right now is listening closely and following what is happening between israel and the war in gaza, but look at what -- calling for a cease-fire. watch this. >> everyone here has seen the massive demonstrations for hamas in every major city in the west. that should be jarring. well, a number of those organizations received funding from prominent people in the jewish community. >> this is a man who has one of the largest platforms in the world. people from wall street to main street, you choose everywhere, media journalists, pundits watch his words very carefully, listen what he says very carefully. here he is describing what the world has seen in terms of millions of protests, peaceful protests, cross sectional, every kind of person you can imagine, every type of demographic you can imagine across section of society, and he's just labeling them all as hamas sympathizers because they took to the streets calling for a cease-fire or calling for the end of the world in gaza. it just goes to show something you and i have talked about, mehdi, repeatedly on the show. the dehumanization of not just palestinians, but even those who are calling for a cease-fire, calling for an end to the war, are being brandished as terrorist sympathizers in the words of elon musk at this forum. it's just disgraceful, to be honest. >> it's disgraceful. it's also a reminder that billionaires should stay in their lanes. bill do rockets, build their cars. you're not an expert on geopolitics. you don't know anything about the middle east. it's desire to see him being hosted by the president and prime minister of israel like he's a visiting statesman. by the way, as journalists -- israeli media outlets have said, that trip was a disgrace. let's be clear. he went there to israel watch is antisemitism, and benjamin netanyahu let him do it, which is a reminder that next time benjamin netanyahu accuses some palestinian or muslim or leftist of antisemitism, we shouldn't really take him seriously, because he's been collaborating with the guy who pushed of been antisemitism and hosted them. >> and not only pushed open antisemitism, but as you've noted this week, even pushing all kinds of other conspiracy theories as well. >> yeah. just before we got, i've gotta point this out. a seven year old crazy qanon as conspiracy theory called pizzagate, which led to a man walking into a d.c. pizza parlor and shooting a nap, that conspiracy theory is now being boosted by a man with the most clear twitter followers on planet earth, elon musk. it is so reckless and irresponsible. >> and, again as an example of how a conspiracy theory has real world consequences. it's not just a meme, it's not just something on social media that caused media -- this is a conspiracy theory that -- genuinely believed and showed up at a pizza parlor in virginia and shot it up based off of this line which is not only been debunked, but has been categorically rejected by every sane person i think on this planet right now who is using this platform. but not for elon musk, who continues to perpetuate it after all this time. many, it's always great to see, my friend. thank you so much. enjoy the rest of your evening off. end. than tonight on ayman, electl crisis. voters are about to go to the polls before donald trump's criminal trials get underway. plus, dire warnings. one of the ex presidents own attorneys told him he might be committing a crime in the classified documents case. her message now in the hands of the special counsel. and, he wants to repeal what? donald trump is serious about overturning obamacare. democratic congressman robert garcia joins me live onset to react to that and more. i am ayman mohyeldin, let's get started. tonight, we begin with donald trump's legal chaos, and how it is quite schedule is soon going to collide with his political calendar. on the civil side, trump's fraud trial as soon wrapping up. the judge has already found trump's two adult sons and the trump organization liable for inflating the values of real estate properti to get favorable loan deals. the tr

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Season , Loved Ones , Risk , Virus , Increases , Pharmacist , Don T Wait , Clothes , Production , Detergent , Wash Scent Booster , Laundry , Odor , Downy Unstopables , Downy Unstoppables , 6 , Comfort , Quality , Movement , Bombas , Visit Bombas Com , 20 , , Symptoms , Relief , Psoriatic Arthritis , Cosentyx , Skin Reactions , Psoriasis , Journey , Reactions , Have , Infections , Infection , Eczema , Fatal , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Eggs , Taste , Superior Nutrition , Eggland S Best , Aoc , Future , Hope , Relationships , Pulls , The Intercept D C , Bureau Chief , Leaders , Congratulations , Views , Anti Israeli Views , Organization , Bernie Sanders , Staffers , Justice , Bit , Staffing , Fundraising , Retreat , Party , Mind , Hangman , Phrase , Groups , Critics , Understanding , Choice , Effort , Projects , Coalition , Incumbents , Party Leadership , Storm , Cycle , Extracts , Well , Media Reporting , Tensions , Amorphous Establishment Leadership , Hakeem Jeffries , Somebody , Generations , Progressive Flank , 19 , 80 , I M The One , Protest Groups , Champion , Lion , Liberal , Protest Signs , Basement , Aoc Response , Tension , Night Collecting Dust , Parties , Agenda , Minority , Majority Party , Caucus , Decisions , Addition , Quartet , Rain , Runner Up , Weekend , Guests , Left , Brian , Tommy , November 2024 , Daughter , Brittani , Bedtime , Bed , Come On , 8 , Home Studio , She Hasn T , Carry On , Saw , Senate , Whether , Polling , The Point , Upstate New York , Chance , Seat , Run , Ryan Grimms , Intriguing , Ayman Mohyeldin , Reelection , Farewell , Congressman Robert Garcia , Elon Musk , Colleague , Performance , Voices , Amen , Dumpster Fire , George Santos , Dog Walking Business , Walking , Car Insurance , Hundreds , Lement Brand , Go Away , Don T Go Away , Liberty Mutual , Bunny , Sesame , Dog Barks , Ahhhh , Ahhhhh , Calm Down Taco , Sit Duchess , Archie , Anything , Grime , Mopping , Dirt , All In One , Swiffer Wetjet , Love It , Haze , Heart Failure , Picture , Serious , Disease , Not Ali , Mosque , Reason , Jonathan , Each Other , Friend , Second , Speaking Fee , Cy , Andrew , Everyone , Wasn T , Summit , Slip , Exchange , Don T Advertise , Blackmailed , Advertising , Mail , Telling , Content , Facts , Corporations , Ads Being , Twitter , Company , Walking Demonstration , Advertisers , Value , Myth , Billionaire Genius , Word , The Public Square , Listen , West , Calling , What , City , Jewish Community , Funding , Platforms , World , Everywhere , Protests , Pundits , Main Street , Wall Street , Peaceful Protests , Demographic , Sympathizers , Streets , Section , Society , Type , Cross Sectional , Dehumanization , The End Of World , Billionaires , Reminder , Terrorist Sympathizers , Being , Forum , Planes , Rockets , Statesman , Cars , Geopolitics , Desire , Media Outlets , Middle East , Antisemitism , Trip , Disgrace , Kinds , Collaborating , Conspiracy Theories , Called Pizzagate , Pizza Parlor , D C , Nap , Gotta Point This Out , Crazy Qanon , Seven , Consequences , Followers , Example , Meme , Planet Earth , Social Media , Debunked , Virginia , Planet , Platform , Rest , Presidents , Trials , Voters , Warnings , Documents , Attorneys , Crime , Electl Crisis , Special Counsel , Hands , Case , Message , Overturning Obamacare , Schedule , Chaos , Calendar , Loan Deals , Judge , Fraud Trial , Values , Sons , Adult , Real Estate , Tr ,

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