Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702 : comparemela

Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702

as far as the hostages, nine of them are children. the youngest star for. two of those children are four years old. one of them is abigail dunn, four-year-old american girl who you mentioned, just ten four on friday, which was the first day of the cease-fire agreement. obviously, that announcement, massively important to american audiences. we heard president biden speak on it earlier. we know that prime minister benjamin netanyahu over spoke to president biden. we know there are more americans being held hostage in the gaza strip, two of whom are women, therefore potentially included in the framework of this cease-fire agreement. reverend? >> now, what can we anticipate -- fourth and final day of the truce coming tomorrow? what can we anticipate? >> given the way things have gone the last three days, reverend, we can anticipate to see more or less the same thing tomorrow. a group of israeli hostages reduced from the gaza strip -- hamas has been releasing outside of the framework of this agreement, and a final group of palestinian prisoners also released into the occupied territories. today went much more smoothly than yesterday. there was a tense moment yesterday in which hamas delayed for several hours the release of the hostages from the gaza strip. today, we saw no delays, no real hiccups. that said, reverend, we should not take for granted that this truce will hold or that this exchange of hostages and prisoners will actually take place. this is always been a fragile and tenuous agreement. additionally, a leave you with this, reverend, we are hearing positive notes from both parties involved in this conflict. both hamas and israel, with respect to their willingness to extend the cease-fire additionally, day-by-day, this was a possibility that was always built into the possibility of the agreement. we're hearing positive signs from the parties involved, including the united states, which has been involved in brokering this agreement. all parties seem willing to extend it. but again, we cannot count on that to happen until we actually see it happen. reverend? >> all right, thank you to nbc's david noriega in israel. joining me now is jeremy bash, former chief of staff at the cia and the department of defense under president obama. jeremy, as we mentioned earlier, 17 hostages were released by hamas today, including a four year old american israeli. and an exchange, israel released 39 palestinian prisoners, all of whom were minors. president biden set of four-year-old american, abigail edan, is now in israel. take a listen. >> two days ago, two days ago, one of our fellow americans, a little girl named abigail, turned four years old. she spent her birthday, that birthday, at least 50 days before that, held hostage by hamas. today, she's free, and jill and i, together with so many americans, are praying for the fact that she is gonna be all right. you know, she's free, and she's an israel now. so, those who are now wrapping abigail in love and care and supportive services she needs with -- >> what are your thoughts on the efficiency of how this exchange went, jeremy? >> well, rev, the last couple days have gone according to plan, but after this four-day truce, that will still be 180 hostages still under hamas control, including nine americans. and so, we think about those nine americans, and i just want to mention their first names quickly, because we can't forget them. -- today, we saw the release of two americans, who is the elderly woman who needed urgent medical care, which is why the hostages moved directly from the gaza strip into israel without even going into egypt forest. she was brought back to a medical facility. and of course, four year old abigail, who had to witness the murder of her own parents before being abducted by terrorists and held underground for the last two months. and so, this is a horrific situation. is obviously a sigh of relief for the families who are experiencing these reunification's. but president biden and his counterparts in the region, from israel, from egypt, from qatar, from other countries, cannot, must not, and shall not rest until all hundred and 80 hostages are returned home. >> now, national security adviser jake sullivan didn't rule out the possibility that the four-day cease-fire or pause could be extended when he appeared on meet the press today, saying the next step is largely up to hamas. the white house has been under intense pressure from within its own party to push for an end to the fighting and to curb civilian casualties. how likely do you think it is for this pause to go beyond tomorrow? >> i think there's a good chance, i would say, maybe a better than even chance that the pause continues. and the reason i say that, of, is i truly believe that it's an hamas's interest to not have the idf come barreling down on them. the last few months have seen very significant gains by the idf in gaza. the idf has taken our many hamas leaders. they've taken many tunnels, many aspects of hamas's command and control, and hamas once this period of quiet. they also want the fuel, and they want the relief inside the gaza strip. i also think it's an israel's interest to continue to see the return of hostages. the netanyahu government is under intense pressure from the israeli people to work tirelessly to get these hostages back. so there is an alignment between both sides in this ward to continue this period of quiet, to continue this truce. and the long run, though, rev, in the long run, i think we have to figure out a way to degrade hamas capability and to continue to deter them from attacking -- commit another october 7th terrorist attack, again killing 30 americans and taking 14 american hostages. that would not be in america's national security interest. >> yesterday, vice president kamala harris weighed in on the pause during a visit in los angeles. take a listen. >> so, we're gonna continue to be diligent and vigilant in doing all that we can in that regard to ensure that there is humanitarian aid going in, but hostages are going out, and our highest priority, of course, at the american citizens who are being held. >> is the united states doing enough here in supplying aid to gaza? the supplies that runs low there? >> yeah. the united states has coordinated up to 200 trucks of food and fuel and water and medical supplies into the gaza strip. we in the united states are working very closely with our counterparts in the win as well as with other arab governments, including egypt, which has that contiguous land border, as well as the government of qatar, to make sure that aid goes in. that's very important, because of course, israel and the united states and these other countries are not at war with the palestinian people. israel is at war with hamas, which is using the palestinian people not only as human shields, but they're using it as a way to prevent any effort to remove them from power. as you know, rev, and as your viewers know, israel left the gaza strip in 2005, and since then, for the better part of 17 years, hamas has been the government there. they have been in control of the governmental ministries. they have decided how much aid, how much food, how much fuel gets to the people. they decide whether it's been diverted -- rockets, missiles, by weapons. and so, at the end of the day, that's gonna have to be a position by the arab leaders and the palestinian people. who shall govern the gaza strip? do you trust hamas to do that? do you want them there? or would you rather have new palestinian leadership? i think all people who speak piece, who want reconciliation, we want an end to violence, have to be thinking about that day after. what does palestinian leadership look like in the future? >> all right. thank you, jeremy bash. switching gears now, joining me is new york city mayor eric adams. mayor adams, thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. >> i want to get into the migrant situation and budget challenges. but i wanted to have you also to discuss a number of issues facing the city. but first, i have to ask you about several adams in the news relating to you and hear administration. on wednesday, a lawsuit was filed against you by a woman who says you sexually assaulted her while you both were working for the city in 1993. you said thursday, you don't recall ever even meeting the accuser. what more can you tell us about this case, if anything, and why it's being brought, if, as you say, you didn't even know the person? >> i don't know them. and i want to be clear, the law that was passed that allowed a look back period of any form of action like this, i support the law. i think it should be used and not abused. i have no idea why this was brought forth. i don't recall ever meeting this person, over 30 years ago. this was stated took place. and people like you, who know me, i have always fought on behalf of not only women, specifically, but in general, uplifting people. and protecting people. i protected people for 22 years as a police officer, and i know what it is to make sure that people should always receive the protection that they deserve. and we don't know the full scope of what this allegation is, but it's gonna fog the process, and i want to continue to do what i have to do to make sure the city navigates -- challenging time. >> there's also the fbi campaign finance investigation federal authorities have this month raided the homes of your chief fund-raiser, as well as another aid, and seized several of your electronic devices. the probe was reportedly looking at whether a turkish consulate building may have been approved -- he said you're cooperating with investigators, and haven't been accused of any wrongdoing. but for city residents who are concerned about corruption and who read stories about your past trips to turkey, and have questions, what is your message to them right now, mister mayor? >> well, i've been consistent on one thing, reverend sharpton, to my team. number one, we participated all investigations, and we follow the law. we follow the rules. i stated as a former law enforcement person, i know what it is to follow the rules and follow the law, and i'm telling my team to do that. we want the same thing -- southern district once. it's to find out exactly what took place, and people point to the number of trips to turkey. i traveled to africa seven or eight times, south america, central america, to china, new york city is an international city, and we have some of the largest population of the various diasporas of all of these various groups, and i try to make it clear that we are welcoming city, and we want to have these international relationships. the united nations sits off the east river of the city. and that's the role i have as the mayor of the city of new york. so we are going to be as cooperative as possible to give any information that is needed. i continually tell my team to cooperate and follow the rules and the law, and that's what we're doing. >> switching gears. i'm glad to have you join us thursday at the action networks house in harlem to serve thanksgiving meals to the needy. you've been there just about every year, talking about 31 years and on christmas since you've been mayor. it was different this year. a number of migrant refugees seeking shelter right now. you have been very vocal about the dire situation that large u.s. cities face as temperatures drop and shelters are full. many of these migrants are coming from climates that they are not ready for the winter year. chicago, other places. what needs to happen right now to address this issue mister mayor? >> and you're right. as i joined the national action networks and others on thanksgiving day throughout the week, on wednesdays i'm giving out food every wednesday just about on 34th street. we also travel throughout the city and your analysis as a correct one. as i saw the faces of people, i saw different groups. people coming from west africa, from south to central america. russian-speaking locations, all coming through our southern border and making their way to new york city, chicago, los angeles, houston, other municipalities as you see playing out in massachusetts right now. they basically stated that they don't have any more room. we've opened over 210, what we call humanitarian relief centers. several different various shelters systems. even opening a large -- on floyd bennett field. this is going to cost five billion dollars in the fiscal year. seven billion dollars that we need to find in january. it is economically not sustainable and the place is not sustainable. other cities, people are sleeping in precincts, hospitals, sleeping on the streets. we must come up with a real decompression strategy and ensure that we can use the 108 -- from towns, villages, municipalities, just rubber at this solution across the country and not just certain cities. it's not sustainable, it's unfair to the migrants and unfair to new york taxpayers in the city. >> we saw an audit from the new york times or the last couple of days, there have been thousands of migrants coming in from china that come through south america. it is not just just trying to see that one nationality or some people for their own biased reasons for them to do. but if you're taking heed as other mayors are for budget cuts that you have to propose early, and you did earlier this month, cutting spending at every city agency being the closing libraries on sundays. you have talked about the cost of caring for migrants in haiti for more federal help. what do you say to critics who view your cuts to social spending in particular only making it worse for the problems of homelessness and crime. and you're trying to address that. could the cuts be done differently than what you have laid out? what could the federal government do to help you and other mayors? >> i joined them. i know that new york is angry. i know that migrants are angry. they want to work. they have the opportunity to work in our city and state, and our country. we have a large number of jobs available. this isn't the type of budget that i want. i want a budget where i'm investing in children, families, clean streets. making sure that we continue to get success it we're seeing in the decrease of crime in the city. homicides and shootings are down double digits and our transit system, you're seeing 4 million riders peaking now in our system. this is the budget i, one and i respect the fact that new york is angry. by law, i have to balance the budget in this november plan that was a readjustment. it was the realization that the numbers that we put in place last at the beginning of the year last, year it was not really fitting with the costs were going to be. by law, i am required to balance the budget. when you're looking at roughly 33 billion dollars, it's really what we have on the money having to come from somewhere. we are seeing the perfect storm. the sun is setting for the covid dollars that we've received. we are seeing union contract that had to be settled. many union members were going without contracts. we are seeing the migrant crises. we would not be recovering financially as fast as we want. the team is doing a great job of trying to minimize the pain, but this is the reality that we would face if we don't get the help from the national government that we deserve. >> mayor eric adams, thank you for being on politicsnation with me tonight. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, i will tell you what you can do to rise up against the scourge of hate spreading across the country. and, later as the biden administration works around the clock to free american hostages, americans that are looking at this are seeing republicans bringing politics in the middle of intense negotiations. we will be right back. back. es fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. 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it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try new tide fabric rinse. welcome back to politicsnation. we're following breaking news this evening. senate majority leader chuck schumer telling his democratic colleagues he intends to bring president biden's 105 billion dollar aid package for israel, ukraine, and the border to a floor vote the week after next. lawmakers are hoping to secure a deal by christmas, but members on both sides of the aisle are expressing serious reservations. joining me now is congresswoman jennifer lee mcallen, who is a democrat of virginia. a congresswoman, thank you for being with us. let me go right to it. your republican colleague, congressman mike turner, was on meet the press this morning, saying it would be difficult to pass an aid deal with by the end of the year unless the biden administration meets gop demands on border security. democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut was on another sunday show, stressing support for conditions on israel aid, and making sure ukraine is included in the package. where do negotiations stand? >> well, i think that there are a significant number of democrats who support the presidents plan as introduced and think that we need to provide aid for our allies in israel and ukraine, and humanitarian aid for civilians in gaza. and we support that package, and that any republican wish list, particularly the poison pills that they continue to put on must pass ridge legislation throughout the year that had nothing to do with those items i just mentioned, should be dealt with separately. but we have serious needs, in ukraine, israel, and in gaza, the need to be met as quickly as possible, and i support a bill that will do that. we >> now, i want to switch to voting rights. the latest version of democrats voting rights bill in for the late congressman john lewis introduced in september by alabama congresswoman terry -- your colleague, her bill restores to voting rights acts protections that have been undermined by the robin supreme court. requirements for states with discriminatory histories and legal mechanisms making it easier to file voter discrimination lawsuits. republicans are unlikely to support any bill expanding voting rights ahead of 2024. why was it strategically important to bring this bill back up now? >> well, first of all, we filed on i think it was national voter registration day, and it is always the right time to push forward for voting rights. our democracy is at its most fragile probably since the civil war. since this voting rights act has been counted, we've seen a rash of bills across the south in particular, but across the country putting barriers in place. virginia is one of the only states that is gone the opposite direction and strength and voting rights, thanks to a bill that i passed with delegate -- 2021. but you're right to vote shouldn't depend on what state you live in, and we need to make sure that we're restoring the voting rights act which has been critically important to having a democracy by and for all of the people. >> not to mention the circuit ruling that we are now groups and individuals we can't go to court or sue on behalf of section two of the voting rights act. it must come from the attorney general, which is all the more reason you better have a president that will nominate an attorney general that fights for voting rights until that is dealt with. but another issue congress will have to tackle when they return on tuesday's new york congressman george santos, is facing another expulsion for an ethics committee report alleging he used campaign money in appropriately. desantis's last out on an event friday, accusing his fellow lawmakers of engaging in corruption. what's your response to what santos had to say, and what's your stance on this latest expulsion effort? >> well, george santos has shown from day one that is work can't be trusted. he lies about just about everything. it wouldn't surprise me if he's lying now. i'm gonna vote to expel we because the ethics report, raises serious allegations. we know he lied to get elected. we know he's lied since he's been in office, and these allegations are very serious and show that he does not deserve the privilege to serve in congress. >> democrats controlled the virginia general assembly after the states election two weeks ago. and they just introduced a slate of bills to raise the state tax minimum wage, to ban assault style firearms, and to restore voting rights for former felons. they also introduced an amendment to enshrine abortion access after abortion played a key role in this month's election. and democrats have had some recent successes getting similar amendments passed and other states. what are your thoughts when on your party's recent successes in virginia, and how they're trying to build on them so far? >> well, i'm ecstatic about them. i worked very hard to ensure that they happened. as you know, i began the year as a member of the state senate where i carry that very constitutional amendment on abortion myself. so i'm ecstatic to see that it is moving forward. i'm ecstatic to see that we are building on the progress, the generation progress that we made in 2020 and 2021. all of which was on the ballot. and voters made it clear they wanted us to continue the job of protecting access to reproductive rights, voting rights, and they wanted us to build an economy so -- that's what these bills are gonna do, and i can't wait to see them pass. >> congresswoman, thank you for being with us this evening. we're coming up, former president trump we mix a deep drive into nikki haley territory at this weekend's parliamentary bowl. but, will he be dancing in the end zone? come primary time in south carolina? our political panel breaks it down next. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. 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(♪♪) welcome back to politicsnation. let's go now to our my political panel. -- democratic strategist and former executive director of the new york state democratic party, and miles taylor, republican strategist and former department of homeland security chief of staff. basil, earlier today, more than a dozen hostages were released by hamas and returned to israel, including a four-year-old american girl. the biden administration has been working hard behind the scenes to secure the release of more american hostages, and to extend the cease-fire as long as possible. do you think these efforts can help heal the rift inside the democratic party about the white house's handling of the conflict so far? >> i do, rev, and historically, foreign policy does not motivate voters. but in this modern united states, and certainly in the modern democratic party, which is significantly more diverse, you have a lot of first and second generation voters that are keenly aware of what's happening around the world, and particularly young voters, who really want to be engaged and, you know, what they're administration, and democrats more broadly, to be more active and human rights issues around the world. so i do think that this will help energize a lot of voters who were previously doubting on joe biden. even though people talk about his age, with the don't talk about is the experience, and the experience in this case that is showing particularly in the ways his administration dealt with netanyahu and in their conversations with officials and qatar. so, these pictures are very important. the hostages coming home, very important. but also, those images of aid going into gaza, very critical, particularly as there's about to be negotiations, as you talked about earlier, on support and funding for israel and ukraine. so i do think that it helps men that riff, if you will. >> now miles, before the release of abigail today, president biden was under fire from republicans for not bringing american hostages home. for example, republican congressman cory mills said on acts that the biden administration, quote, failed, and was, quote, am i a. and donald trump took to truth social to criticize the hostage deal while the details were still being worked out. how reckless is it to attack the president politically while he's trying to negotiate the release of hostages when? >> well, rev, i think it is pretty reckless to turn it into a political issue. but republicans are trying to find some sort of comparison to history here. in fact, i think what you'll find is that behind the scenes, they're talking about the comparisons to jimmy carter and the hostage crisis in iran, and how when ronald reagan came in as president, and hostages were released, it was a boon to that republican administration. they're trying to find some analogy here and exploit this crisis for political gain, but as you noted, i think that the deal that was announced, it takes some of the oxygen out of those republican -- the biden administration is not doing something, and puts additional points on the board for the white house. but i normally agree with basil. the one place i think all disagree today is i'm not sure it moves the needle very much for president biden politically within the democratic party. but because another point basil had made -- international relations and foreign policy don't tend to really motivate voters. and i think the battle lines on the israel palestine conflict have become very, very fundamental, and i don't think that bodes well for the white house. >> now, basil, let's switch gears. a new years time report we -- crucial in electing two democratic senators in 2021. they're facing a cash crunch as donations dry up and border enthusiasm is waning. we've been watching biden's sagging poll numbers, especially with african americans. how troubling is this story to you, if at all? >> it is a little troubling. and i actually want to talk about miles's point earlier in relation to this story. because in many ways, there are parts of the democratic party, some voters, that actually don't like the fact that the president is talking about sending aid to israel, sending aid to ukraine, because there's a lot of conversation about, what about us? what about americans who've been here for a while? particularly when you throw in the migrant crisis, which has become such a huge issue particularly in new york and some of the northeastern states. so, when it comes to georgia, i think it's also part of a bigger problem, which is that state parties have been struggling for a long period of time. as someone who used to run the street party -- understands that the parties that were used to, and that function well when they elect -- if they're not supported, there are very few entities that are able to actually fill that void. and so, i do hope that the biden administration, the campaign, i should say, actually starts to put some more money in the street, so to speak, to be able to get some of this energy going. and i say it every time that i have an opportunity to. you've got to activate kamala harris. the vice president can talk about intersectionality in ways that know joe biden and many other democrats cannot. she is the party's secret weapon we. they're utilizing her more, but they can still do a lot more to be able to -- >> now, miles, trump showed up in the wee parliamentary bowl in south carolina yesterday to watch the rivalry football game between university of south carolina and -- which is when nikki haley's alma mater. trump got a lot of tears, but also some loud boos. take a listen. (crowd chanting) >> as successful at was he at upstaging nikki haley on her own home turf? even though she wasn't at the game. >> look, he was successful, rev. and i'm not listening to the booth, and looking at the polls. what worries me is right now, donald trump leads with 53% of republicans supporting him and south carolina to nikki haley's 22%. he is fire in the league. and let me remind you, this is the state that essentially handed donald trump the nomination in 2016 when he only won 30%, around 33% of the vote among republicans. so donald trump has increased his voting share in south carolina, and keep in mind, that's only 12 weeks away. and that state could potentially determine whether or not donald trump is the nominee. because of nikki haley's as most formidable challenger, and she's defeated on her home turf, then donald trump is very, very likely to be the republican nominee. >> basil smikle, miles taylor, thank you both for being with us. thank you both again. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. easterseals is a place that people go with many disabilities. mother: the care and the love that they give to families, it's just... extraordinary. your urgently needed support can help people of all ages and at all stages of life have all the access they need to address barriers and thrive. looking at this beautiful baby that i have and not knowing what his future looked like. i knew he needed help. good job. keep going. easterseals has been trusted by families nationwide for over 100 years. step... i'm almost there. yes you are. offering important disability and community services like critical health programs, therapies and so much more. please go online, call or scan right now with your life-changing gift of just $19 a month. child: i wasn't able to walk as long or ride my bike. but now, strengthening with easterseals made me able to do that. visit, call or scan the code on your screen and join today with your gift of $19 a month. do it right now and we'll send you this t-shirt as a thank you. easterseals is our happy place. it brings joy. they make you feel like you belong. people with disabilities deserve to be fully included, to lead productive independent lives. and i think anyone who donates to easterseals sees that. thank you, cause there's a lot of people with disabilities out there. people like me. your gift of $19 a month can connect people to easterseals and make all the difference so please, don't wait. i have long stood for a two-state solution to the issue of israel and palestine. and that it should be achieved with respect for human life, particularly of civilians, on both sides of the argument. even 22 years ago, i stood with sharon perez in july and -- in gaza, against terrorism. and i've been consistently feeling that way ever since, publicly as well as in my communication with leaders on all sides. that is why i was glad to see hostages released, and reunited with their families, and prisoners released and brought back to gaza. we must rise above violence at all costs. but clearly, we should be about not using civilians that are not decision-makers and opinion creators as collateral damage for those that don't want to see a solution to a very serious problem. we'll be right back. back. 95% of women had visibler skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. >> that does it for me, thank see the difference with olay. you for watching. i will see you back here next weekend. five pm eastern. right now, it is american voices with alicia menendez. thank you so much, reverend sharpton. hello everyone, i'm alicia menendez. tonight, tracking the release of a third group of hostages held by hamas in gaza. 17 more were released today, including a four-year-old american girl named abigail a dan. she is now recovering in israel. hamas killed both of our parents before rescued from the kibbutz. she will not only with her intern israel. in exchange for the latest round of hostages, israel released 39 palestinian prisoners, leaving check large celebrations in the west bank. that is not the only thing the

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Hostages , Children , American Girl , Nine , One , Two , Star , Abigail Dunn , Four , Ten , Joe Biden , Cease Fire Agreement , American , Prime Minister , Benjamin Netanyahu , Audiences , Announcement , Nine Americans , Gaza Strip , Hostage , Reverend , Women , Framework , Way , Thing , Truce , Group , Things , Israeli , Three , Hamas , Agreement , Palestinian Prisoners , Territories , Release , Hiccups , Delays , Place , Exchange , Conflict , Parties , Prisoners , Leave , Notes , Cease Fire , Possibility , Signs , Respect , Willingness , Jeremy Bash , Right , David Noriega , Nbc , Obama , Department Of Defense , Cia , 17 , Wall , Old American , Minors , Abigail Edan , 39 , Little Girl , Listen , Birthday , 50 , Fact , Care , Gonna , Love , Services , Rev , Thoughts , Plan , Jeremy , Control , Names , 180 , Woman , Course , Egypt Forest , Old Abigail , Parents , Facility , Murder , Families , Situation , Relief , Terrorists , Sigh , Reunification S , Home , Counterparts , Countries , Region , Qatar , National Security Adviser , Cannot , 80 , Pause , Jake Sullivan , Step , Meet The Press , Didn T Rule , Democratic Party , White House , Pressure , End , Fighting , Casualties , Reason , Chance , Leaders , In Gaza , Interest , Idf , Barreling , Gains , Fuel , Quiet , Command , Return , Aspects , Tunnels , People , Government , Sides , Alignment , Award , Long Run , Attacking , Capability , Kamala Harris , Security Interest , Terrorist Attack , October 7th , Yesterday , 7 , 14 , 30 , Los Angeles , Visit , Regard , Aid , Citizens , Priority , Food , Trucks , Supplies , Water , 200 , Governments , Win , Land Border , Arab , Power , War , Effort , Human Shields , Part , Ministries , Left , Viewers , 2005 , Weapons , Rockets , Missiles , Violence , Position , Piece , Reconciliation , Palestinian Leadership , Eric Adams , Mayor , New York City , Leadership , City , Number , Budget , Issues , Show , Challenges , Administration , On Wednesday , Adams , News , Case , Accuser , If , Anything , 1993 , Law , Form , Action , Person , Idea , Behalf , General , Police Officer , Protection , 22 , Allegation , Campaign Finance Investigation , Scope , Navigates , Gonna Fog The Process , Fbi , Devices , Probe , Homes , Several , Consulate Building , Chief Fund Raiser , Authorities , Haven T , Residents , Trips , Corruption , Stories , Investigators , Wrongdoing , Approved , Turkey , Team , Rules , Message , Investigations , Reverend Sharpton , Questions , Number One , Law Enforcement Person , Southern District , Times , Central America , South America , Diasporas , Population , China , Eight , Seven , Groups , Role , Relationships , United Nations , East River , Information , Switching Gears , Cooperative , Needy , Action Networks , Meals , Harlem , 31 , Cities , Shelter , Refugees , Migrants , Many , Places , Shelters , Temperatures , Climates , Chicago , Issue , Others , On Wednesdays , South , Analysis , 34th Street , West Africa , 34 , Border , Municipalities , Locations , Houston , Russian , Massachusetts , Large , Shelters Systems , Centers , Room , 210 , Floyd Bennett Field , Seven Billion Dollars , Seven Billion , Five Billion Dollars , Five Billion , Streets , Strategy , Precincts , Hospitals , Real Decompression , 108 , Country , Solution , In The City , Audit , New York Times , Rubber , Towns , Villages , Taxpayers , Nationality , Thousands , Spending , Mayors , Reasons , Budget Cuts , Heed , City Agency , Help , Cuts , Critics , Cost , Libraries , Caring , Sundays , Crime , Problems , Homelessness , Estate , Isn T The Type , Opportunity , Jobs , Success It , Transit System , Decrease , Shootings , Homicides , Digits , 4 Million , System , Readjustment , Costs , Numbers , Realization , Last , 33 Billion , 33 Billion Dollars , Money , Union Contract , The Sun , Storm , Somewhere , Setting , Job , Pain , Reality , Union Members , Contracts , Crises , Fast , Coming Up , Politicsnation , Republicans , Hate , Politics , Scourge , Middle , Negotiations , Dovato , Medicines , Hiv Pills , Back , Yes , 3 , 4 , Don T , Ingredients , Side Effects , Doctor , Stop Dovato , Dofetilide , 2 , Reaction , Baby , Liver Problems , Buildup , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Symptoms , Kidney , Lactic Acid , Headache , Tiredness , Nausea , Diarrhea , Anxiety , Trouble Sleeping , Eggs , Pharmacist , Supplement , Family , Nature , Brand , Best , Vitamin , 1 , Taste , Eggland S Best , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Problem , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Data , Xfinity 10g Network , Xfinity , 10 , Rash , World , Incidents , Hate Crimes , 300 , Harassment , College Campuses , Figure , Assaults , Vandalism , Anti Defamation League , Hate Crime , Fake Blood , The Street , Police , Protesters , Safe , Property , Jewish , Students , President , Advisor , Lobbying Group , Reports Anti Arabic , Council On American Islamic Relations , Islamophobia , Activist , Language , Stalking , Charges , Berating A Street 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, Ethics , Office , Privilege , Virginia General Assembly , Amendment , Abortion , Successes , Election , Minimum Wage , Firearms , Slate , Restore Voting Rights , Assault Style , Felons , Amendments , Member , Generation Progress , Progress , 2020 , Voters , Access , Economy , Ballot , Gonna Do , Nikki Haley , Territory , Drive , Bowl , South Carolina , Panel , End Zone , Airways , Lungs , Health Conditions , 94 , 82 , Immune Systems , Reactions , Injection Site Pain , Fatigue , Strategist , Executive Director , Let S Go , Basil , Miles Taylor , New York State , Chief Of Staff , Department Of Homeland Security , Scenes , Foreign Policy , Efforts , Rift , Handling , Lot , Generation , Around The World , Experience , Human Rights , Will Help , Age , The Don T Talk About , Ways , Officials , Netanyahu , Conversations , Images , Pictures , Coming Home , Fire , Funding , Abigail Today , Men , Riff , Quote , Congressman , Example , Donald Trump , Hostage Deal , Truth , Details , Sort , Comparison , Hostage Crisis , Comparisons , Ronald Reagan , Jimmy Carter , Iran , Boon , Crisis , Analogy , Gain , Oxygen , Something , Needle , Relations , Points , Board , Disagree , Point Basil , Israel Palestine Conflict , Battle Lines , Senators , Donations , Enthusiasm , Cash Crunch , Let S Switch Gears , Story , Poll Numbers , Troubling , African Americans , Parts , Relation , Point , Conversation , Some , State Parties , Georgia , Someone , Entities , Campaign , Hope , Void , Function , Street Party , Energy , More , Intersectionality , Weapon , Trump , Football Game , Tears , Crowd Chanting , Boos , Alma Mater , University Of South Carolina , Home Turf , Game , Upstaging , Polls , Booth , 53 , Nomination , League , 2016 , Nominee , Vote , Voting Share , Mind , 12 , 33 , Challenger , Basil Smikle , Easterseals , Stay , Up Next , Disabilities , Mother , Life , Wages , Stages , Community Services , Disability , 100 , Gift , Health Programs , Child , Therapies , Bike , 9 , 19 , Screen , Code , Visit Helpeasterseals Com , T Shirt , Joy , Anyone , Lives , Difference , Don T Wait , Two State Solution , Palestine , Terrorism , Human Life , Argument , Sharon Perez In July , Communication , Decision Makers , Opinion , Collateral Damage , Skin , Moisturized , Olay , 95 , Voices , Alicia Menendez , Five , Both , Abigail A Dan , Celebrations , Kibbutz , Ground , West Bank ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702

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as far as the hostages, nine of them are children. the youngest star for. two of those children are four years old. one of them is abigail dunn, four-year-old american girl who you mentioned, just ten four on friday, which was the first day of the cease-fire agreement. obviously, that announcement, massively important to american audiences. we heard president biden speak on it earlier. we know that prime minister benjamin netanyahu over spoke to president biden. we know there are more americans being held hostage in the gaza strip, two of whom are women, therefore potentially included in the framework of this cease-fire agreement. reverend? >> now, what can we anticipate -- fourth and final day of the truce coming tomorrow? what can we anticipate? >> given the way things have gone the last three days, reverend, we can anticipate to see more or less the same thing tomorrow. a group of israeli hostages reduced from the gaza strip -- hamas has been releasing outside of the framework of this agreement, and a final group of palestinian prisoners also released into the occupied territories. today went much more smoothly than yesterday. there was a tense moment yesterday in which hamas delayed for several hours the release of the hostages from the gaza strip. today, we saw no delays, no real hiccups. that said, reverend, we should not take for granted that this truce will hold or that this exchange of hostages and prisoners will actually take place. this is always been a fragile and tenuous agreement. additionally, a leave you with this, reverend, we are hearing positive notes from both parties involved in this conflict. both hamas and israel, with respect to their willingness to extend the cease-fire additionally, day-by-day, this was a possibility that was always built into the possibility of the agreement. we're hearing positive signs from the parties involved, including the united states, which has been involved in brokering this agreement. all parties seem willing to extend it. but again, we cannot count on that to happen until we actually see it happen. reverend? >> all right, thank you to nbc's david noriega in israel. joining me now is jeremy bash, former chief of staff at the cia and the department of defense under president obama. jeremy, as we mentioned earlier, 17 hostages were released by hamas today, including a four year old american israeli. and an exchange, israel released 39 palestinian prisoners, all of whom were minors. president biden set of four-year-old american, abigail edan, is now in israel. take a listen. >> two days ago, two days ago, one of our fellow americans, a little girl named abigail, turned four years old. she spent her birthday, that birthday, at least 50 days before that, held hostage by hamas. today, she's free, and jill and i, together with so many americans, are praying for the fact that she is gonna be all right. you know, she's free, and she's an israel now. so, those who are now wrapping abigail in love and care and supportive services she needs with -- >> what are your thoughts on the efficiency of how this exchange went, jeremy? >> well, rev, the last couple days have gone according to plan, but after this four-day truce, that will still be 180 hostages still under hamas control, including nine americans. and so, we think about those nine americans, and i just want to mention their first names quickly, because we can't forget them. -- today, we saw the release of two americans, who is the elderly woman who needed urgent medical care, which is why the hostages moved directly from the gaza strip into israel without even going into egypt forest. she was brought back to a medical facility. and of course, four year old abigail, who had to witness the murder of her own parents before being abducted by terrorists and held underground for the last two months. and so, this is a horrific situation. is obviously a sigh of relief for the families who are experiencing these reunification's. but president biden and his counterparts in the region, from israel, from egypt, from qatar, from other countries, cannot, must not, and shall not rest until all hundred and 80 hostages are returned home. >> now, national security adviser jake sullivan didn't rule out the possibility that the four-day cease-fire or pause could be extended when he appeared on meet the press today, saying the next step is largely up to hamas. the white house has been under intense pressure from within its own party to push for an end to the fighting and to curb civilian casualties. how likely do you think it is for this pause to go beyond tomorrow? >> i think there's a good chance, i would say, maybe a better than even chance that the pause continues. and the reason i say that, of, is i truly believe that it's an hamas's interest to not have the idf come barreling down on them. the last few months have seen very significant gains by the idf in gaza. the idf has taken our many hamas leaders. they've taken many tunnels, many aspects of hamas's command and control, and hamas once this period of quiet. they also want the fuel, and they want the relief inside the gaza strip. i also think it's an israel's interest to continue to see the return of hostages. the netanyahu government is under intense pressure from the israeli people to work tirelessly to get these hostages back. so there is an alignment between both sides in this ward to continue this period of quiet, to continue this truce. and the long run, though, rev, in the long run, i think we have to figure out a way to degrade hamas capability and to continue to deter them from attacking -- commit another october 7th terrorist attack, again killing 30 americans and taking 14 american hostages. that would not be in america's national security interest. >> yesterday, vice president kamala harris weighed in on the pause during a visit in los angeles. take a listen. >> so, we're gonna continue to be diligent and vigilant in doing all that we can in that regard to ensure that there is humanitarian aid going in, but hostages are going out, and our highest priority, of course, at the american citizens who are being held. >> is the united states doing enough here in supplying aid to gaza? the supplies that runs low there? >> yeah. the united states has coordinated up to 200 trucks of food and fuel and water and medical supplies into the gaza strip. we in the united states are working very closely with our counterparts in the win as well as with other arab governments, including egypt, which has that contiguous land border, as well as the government of qatar, to make sure that aid goes in. that's very important, because of course, israel and the united states and these other countries are not at war with the palestinian people. israel is at war with hamas, which is using the palestinian people not only as human shields, but they're using it as a way to prevent any effort to remove them from power. as you know, rev, and as your viewers know, israel left the gaza strip in 2005, and since then, for the better part of 17 years, hamas has been the government there. they have been in control of the governmental ministries. they have decided how much aid, how much food, how much fuel gets to the people. they decide whether it's been diverted -- rockets, missiles, by weapons. and so, at the end of the day, that's gonna have to be a position by the arab leaders and the palestinian people. who shall govern the gaza strip? do you trust hamas to do that? do you want them there? or would you rather have new palestinian leadership? i think all people who speak piece, who want reconciliation, we want an end to violence, have to be thinking about that day after. what does palestinian leadership look like in the future? >> all right. thank you, jeremy bash. switching gears now, joining me is new york city mayor eric adams. mayor adams, thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. >> i want to get into the migrant situation and budget challenges. but i wanted to have you also to discuss a number of issues facing the city. but first, i have to ask you about several adams in the news relating to you and hear administration. on wednesday, a lawsuit was filed against you by a woman who says you sexually assaulted her while you both were working for the city in 1993. you said thursday, you don't recall ever even meeting the accuser. what more can you tell us about this case, if anything, and why it's being brought, if, as you say, you didn't even know the person? >> i don't know them. and i want to be clear, the law that was passed that allowed a look back period of any form of action like this, i support the law. i think it should be used and not abused. i have no idea why this was brought forth. i don't recall ever meeting this person, over 30 years ago. this was stated took place. and people like you, who know me, i have always fought on behalf of not only women, specifically, but in general, uplifting people. and protecting people. i protected people for 22 years as a police officer, and i know what it is to make sure that people should always receive the protection that they deserve. and we don't know the full scope of what this allegation is, but it's gonna fog the process, and i want to continue to do what i have to do to make sure the city navigates -- challenging time. >> there's also the fbi campaign finance investigation federal authorities have this month raided the homes of your chief fund-raiser, as well as another aid, and seized several of your electronic devices. the probe was reportedly looking at whether a turkish consulate building may have been approved -- he said you're cooperating with investigators, and haven't been accused of any wrongdoing. but for city residents who are concerned about corruption and who read stories about your past trips to turkey, and have questions, what is your message to them right now, mister mayor? >> well, i've been consistent on one thing, reverend sharpton, to my team. number one, we participated all investigations, and we follow the law. we follow the rules. i stated as a former law enforcement person, i know what it is to follow the rules and follow the law, and i'm telling my team to do that. we want the same thing -- southern district once. it's to find out exactly what took place, and people point to the number of trips to turkey. i traveled to africa seven or eight times, south america, central america, to china, new york city is an international city, and we have some of the largest population of the various diasporas of all of these various groups, and i try to make it clear that we are welcoming city, and we want to have these international relationships. the united nations sits off the east river of the city. and that's the role i have as the mayor of the city of new york. so we are going to be as cooperative as possible to give any information that is needed. i continually tell my team to cooperate and follow the rules and the law, and that's what we're doing. >> switching gears. i'm glad to have you join us thursday at the action networks house in harlem to serve thanksgiving meals to the needy. you've been there just about every year, talking about 31 years and on christmas since you've been mayor. it was different this year. a number of migrant refugees seeking shelter right now. you have been very vocal about the dire situation that large u.s. cities face as temperatures drop and shelters are full. many of these migrants are coming from climates that they are not ready for the winter year. chicago, other places. what needs to happen right now to address this issue mister mayor? >> and you're right. as i joined the national action networks and others on thanksgiving day throughout the week, on wednesdays i'm giving out food every wednesday just about on 34th street. we also travel throughout the city and your analysis as a correct one. as i saw the faces of people, i saw different groups. people coming from west africa, from south to central america. russian-speaking locations, all coming through our southern border and making their way to new york city, chicago, los angeles, houston, other municipalities as you see playing out in massachusetts right now. they basically stated that they don't have any more room. we've opened over 210, what we call humanitarian relief centers. several different various shelters systems. even opening a large -- on floyd bennett field. this is going to cost five billion dollars in the fiscal year. seven billion dollars that we need to find in january. it is economically not sustainable and the place is not sustainable. other cities, people are sleeping in precincts, hospitals, sleeping on the streets. we must come up with a real decompression strategy and ensure that we can use the 108 -- from towns, villages, municipalities, just rubber at this solution across the country and not just certain cities. it's not sustainable, it's unfair to the migrants and unfair to new york taxpayers in the city. >> we saw an audit from the new york times or the last couple of days, there have been thousands of migrants coming in from china that come through south america. it is not just just trying to see that one nationality or some people for their own biased reasons for them to do. but if you're taking heed as other mayors are for budget cuts that you have to propose early, and you did earlier this month, cutting spending at every city agency being the closing libraries on sundays. you have talked about the cost of caring for migrants in haiti for more federal help. what do you say to critics who view your cuts to social spending in particular only making it worse for the problems of homelessness and crime. and you're trying to address that. could the cuts be done differently than what you have laid out? what could the federal government do to help you and other mayors? >> i joined them. i know that new york is angry. i know that migrants are angry. they want to work. they have the opportunity to work in our city and state, and our country. we have a large number of jobs available. this isn't the type of budget that i want. i want a budget where i'm investing in children, families, clean streets. making sure that we continue to get success it we're seeing in the decrease of crime in the city. homicides and shootings are down double digits and our transit system, you're seeing 4 million riders peaking now in our system. this is the budget i, one and i respect the fact that new york is angry. by law, i have to balance the budget in this november plan that was a readjustment. it was the realization that the numbers that we put in place last at the beginning of the year last, year it was not really fitting with the costs were going to be. by law, i am required to balance the budget. when you're looking at roughly 33 billion dollars, it's really what we have on the money having to come from somewhere. we are seeing the perfect storm. the sun is setting for the covid dollars that we've received. we are seeing union contract that had to be settled. many union members were going without contracts. we are seeing the migrant crises. we would not be recovering financially as fast as we want. the team is doing a great job of trying to minimize the pain, but this is the reality that we would face if we don't get the help from the national government that we deserve. >> mayor eric adams, thank you for being on politicsnation with me tonight. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, i will tell you what you can do to rise up against the scourge of hate spreading across the country. and, later as the biden administration works around the clock to free american hostages, americans that are looking at this are seeing republicans bringing politics in the middle of intense negotiations. we will be right back. back. es fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. 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it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try new tide fabric rinse. welcome back to politicsnation. we're following breaking news this evening. senate majority leader chuck schumer telling his democratic colleagues he intends to bring president biden's 105 billion dollar aid package for israel, ukraine, and the border to a floor vote the week after next. lawmakers are hoping to secure a deal by christmas, but members on both sides of the aisle are expressing serious reservations. joining me now is congresswoman jennifer lee mcallen, who is a democrat of virginia. a congresswoman, thank you for being with us. let me go right to it. your republican colleague, congressman mike turner, was on meet the press this morning, saying it would be difficult to pass an aid deal with by the end of the year unless the biden administration meets gop demands on border security. democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut was on another sunday show, stressing support for conditions on israel aid, and making sure ukraine is included in the package. where do negotiations stand? >> well, i think that there are a significant number of democrats who support the presidents plan as introduced and think that we need to provide aid for our allies in israel and ukraine, and humanitarian aid for civilians in gaza. and we support that package, and that any republican wish list, particularly the poison pills that they continue to put on must pass ridge legislation throughout the year that had nothing to do with those items i just mentioned, should be dealt with separately. but we have serious needs, in ukraine, israel, and in gaza, the need to be met as quickly as possible, and i support a bill that will do that. we >> now, i want to switch to voting rights. the latest version of democrats voting rights bill in for the late congressman john lewis introduced in september by alabama congresswoman terry -- your colleague, her bill restores to voting rights acts protections that have been undermined by the robin supreme court. requirements for states with discriminatory histories and legal mechanisms making it easier to file voter discrimination lawsuits. republicans are unlikely to support any bill expanding voting rights ahead of 2024. why was it strategically important to bring this bill back up now? >> well, first of all, we filed on i think it was national voter registration day, and it is always the right time to push forward for voting rights. our democracy is at its most fragile probably since the civil war. since this voting rights act has been counted, we've seen a rash of bills across the south in particular, but across the country putting barriers in place. virginia is one of the only states that is gone the opposite direction and strength and voting rights, thanks to a bill that i passed with delegate -- 2021. but you're right to vote shouldn't depend on what state you live in, and we need to make sure that we're restoring the voting rights act which has been critically important to having a democracy by and for all of the people. >> not to mention the circuit ruling that we are now groups and individuals we can't go to court or sue on behalf of section two of the voting rights act. it must come from the attorney general, which is all the more reason you better have a president that will nominate an attorney general that fights for voting rights until that is dealt with. but another issue congress will have to tackle when they return on tuesday's new york congressman george santos, is facing another expulsion for an ethics committee report alleging he used campaign money in appropriately. desantis's last out on an event friday, accusing his fellow lawmakers of engaging in corruption. what's your response to what santos had to say, and what's your stance on this latest expulsion effort? >> well, george santos has shown from day one that is work can't be trusted. he lies about just about everything. it wouldn't surprise me if he's lying now. i'm gonna vote to expel we because the ethics report, raises serious allegations. we know he lied to get elected. we know he's lied since he's been in office, and these allegations are very serious and show that he does not deserve the privilege to serve in congress. >> democrats controlled the virginia general assembly after the states election two weeks ago. and they just introduced a slate of bills to raise the state tax minimum wage, to ban assault style firearms, and to restore voting rights for former felons. they also introduced an amendment to enshrine abortion access after abortion played a key role in this month's election. and democrats have had some recent successes getting similar amendments passed and other states. what are your thoughts when on your party's recent successes in virginia, and how they're trying to build on them so far? >> well, i'm ecstatic about them. i worked very hard to ensure that they happened. as you know, i began the year as a member of the state senate where i carry that very constitutional amendment on abortion myself. so i'm ecstatic to see that it is moving forward. i'm ecstatic to see that we are building on the progress, the generation progress that we made in 2020 and 2021. all of which was on the ballot. and voters made it clear they wanted us to continue the job of protecting access to reproductive rights, voting rights, and they wanted us to build an economy so -- that's what these bills are gonna do, and i can't wait to see them pass. >> congresswoman, thank you for being with us this evening. we're coming up, former president trump we mix a deep drive into nikki haley territory at this weekend's parliamentary bowl. but, will he be dancing in the end zone? come primary time in south carolina? our political panel breaks it down next. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. 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(♪♪) welcome back to politicsnation. let's go now to our my political panel. -- democratic strategist and former executive director of the new york state democratic party, and miles taylor, republican strategist and former department of homeland security chief of staff. basil, earlier today, more than a dozen hostages were released by hamas and returned to israel, including a four-year-old american girl. the biden administration has been working hard behind the scenes to secure the release of more american hostages, and to extend the cease-fire as long as possible. do you think these efforts can help heal the rift inside the democratic party about the white house's handling of the conflict so far? >> i do, rev, and historically, foreign policy does not motivate voters. but in this modern united states, and certainly in the modern democratic party, which is significantly more diverse, you have a lot of first and second generation voters that are keenly aware of what's happening around the world, and particularly young voters, who really want to be engaged and, you know, what they're administration, and democrats more broadly, to be more active and human rights issues around the world. so i do think that this will help energize a lot of voters who were previously doubting on joe biden. even though people talk about his age, with the don't talk about is the experience, and the experience in this case that is showing particularly in the ways his administration dealt with netanyahu and in their conversations with officials and qatar. so, these pictures are very important. the hostages coming home, very important. but also, those images of aid going into gaza, very critical, particularly as there's about to be negotiations, as you talked about earlier, on support and funding for israel and ukraine. so i do think that it helps men that riff, if you will. >> now miles, before the release of abigail today, president biden was under fire from republicans for not bringing american hostages home. for example, republican congressman cory mills said on acts that the biden administration, quote, failed, and was, quote, am i a. and donald trump took to truth social to criticize the hostage deal while the details were still being worked out. how reckless is it to attack the president politically while he's trying to negotiate the release of hostages when? >> well, rev, i think it is pretty reckless to turn it into a political issue. but republicans are trying to find some sort of comparison to history here. in fact, i think what you'll find is that behind the scenes, they're talking about the comparisons to jimmy carter and the hostage crisis in iran, and how when ronald reagan came in as president, and hostages were released, it was a boon to that republican administration. they're trying to find some analogy here and exploit this crisis for political gain, but as you noted, i think that the deal that was announced, it takes some of the oxygen out of those republican -- the biden administration is not doing something, and puts additional points on the board for the white house. but i normally agree with basil. the one place i think all disagree today is i'm not sure it moves the needle very much for president biden politically within the democratic party. but because another point basil had made -- international relations and foreign policy don't tend to really motivate voters. and i think the battle lines on the israel palestine conflict have become very, very fundamental, and i don't think that bodes well for the white house. >> now, basil, let's switch gears. a new years time report we -- crucial in electing two democratic senators in 2021. they're facing a cash crunch as donations dry up and border enthusiasm is waning. we've been watching biden's sagging poll numbers, especially with african americans. how troubling is this story to you, if at all? >> it is a little troubling. and i actually want to talk about miles's point earlier in relation to this story. because in many ways, there are parts of the democratic party, some voters, that actually don't like the fact that the president is talking about sending aid to israel, sending aid to ukraine, because there's a lot of conversation about, what about us? what about americans who've been here for a while? particularly when you throw in the migrant crisis, which has become such a huge issue particularly in new york and some of the northeastern states. so, when it comes to georgia, i think it's also part of a bigger problem, which is that state parties have been struggling for a long period of time. as someone who used to run the street party -- understands that the parties that were used to, and that function well when they elect -- if they're not supported, there are very few entities that are able to actually fill that void. and so, i do hope that the biden administration, the campaign, i should say, actually starts to put some more money in the street, so to speak, to be able to get some of this energy going. and i say it every time that i have an opportunity to. you've got to activate kamala harris. the vice president can talk about intersectionality in ways that know joe biden and many other democrats cannot. she is the party's secret weapon we. they're utilizing her more, but they can still do a lot more to be able to -- >> now, miles, trump showed up in the wee parliamentary bowl in south carolina yesterday to watch the rivalry football game between university of south carolina and -- which is when nikki haley's alma mater. trump got a lot of tears, but also some loud boos. take a listen. (crowd chanting) >> as successful at was he at upstaging nikki haley on her own home turf? even though she wasn't at the game. >> look, he was successful, rev. and i'm not listening to the booth, and looking at the polls. what worries me is right now, donald trump leads with 53% of republicans supporting him and south carolina to nikki haley's 22%. he is fire in the league. and let me remind you, this is the state that essentially handed donald trump the nomination in 2016 when he only won 30%, around 33% of the vote among republicans. so donald trump has increased his voting share in south carolina, and keep in mind, that's only 12 weeks away. and that state could potentially determine whether or not donald trump is the nominee. because of nikki haley's as most formidable challenger, and she's defeated on her home turf, then donald trump is very, very likely to be the republican nominee. >> basil smikle, miles taylor, thank you both for being with us. thank you both again. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. easterseals is a place that people go with many disabilities. mother: the care and the love that they give to families, it's just... extraordinary. your urgently needed support can help people of all ages and at all stages of life have all the access they need to address barriers and thrive. looking at this beautiful baby that i have and not knowing what his future looked like. i knew he needed help. good job. keep going. easterseals has been trusted by families nationwide for over 100 years. step... i'm almost there. yes you are. offering important disability and community services like critical health programs, therapies and so much more. please go online, call or scan right now with your life-changing gift of just $19 a month. child: i wasn't able to walk as long or ride my bike. but now, strengthening with easterseals made me able to do that. visit, call or scan the code on your screen and join today with your gift of $19 a month. do it right now and we'll send you this t-shirt as a thank you. easterseals is our happy place. it brings joy. they make you feel like you belong. people with disabilities deserve to be fully included, to lead productive independent lives. and i think anyone who donates to easterseals sees that. thank you, cause there's a lot of people with disabilities out there. people like me. your gift of $19 a month can connect people to easterseals and make all the difference so please, don't wait. i have long stood for a two-state solution to the issue of israel and palestine. and that it should be achieved with respect for human life, particularly of civilians, on both sides of the argument. even 22 years ago, i stood with sharon perez in july and -- in gaza, against terrorism. and i've been consistently feeling that way ever since, publicly as well as in my communication with leaders on all sides. that is why i was glad to see hostages released, and reunited with their families, and prisoners released and brought back to gaza. we must rise above violence at all costs. but clearly, we should be about not using civilians that are not decision-makers and opinion creators as collateral damage for those that don't want to see a solution to a very serious problem. we'll be right back. back. 95% of women had visibler skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. >> that does it for me, thank see the difference with olay. you for watching. i will see you back here next weekend. five pm eastern. right now, it is american voices with alicia menendez. thank you so much, reverend sharpton. hello everyone, i'm alicia menendez. tonight, tracking the release of a third group of hostages held by hamas in gaza. 17 more were released today, including a four-year-old american girl named abigail a dan. she is now recovering in israel. hamas killed both of our parents before rescued from the kibbutz. she will not only with her intern israel. in exchange for the latest round of hostages, israel released 39 palestinian prisoners, leaving check large celebrations in the west bank. that is not the only thing the

Related Keywords

Hostages , Children , American Girl , Nine , One , Two , Star , Abigail Dunn , Four , Ten , Joe Biden , Cease Fire Agreement , American , Prime Minister , Benjamin Netanyahu , Audiences , Announcement , Nine Americans , Gaza Strip , Hostage , Reverend , Women , Framework , Way , Thing , Truce , Group , Things , Israeli , Three , Hamas , Agreement , Palestinian Prisoners , Territories , Release , Hiccups , Delays , Place , Exchange , Conflict , Parties , Prisoners , Leave , Notes , Cease Fire , Possibility , Signs , Respect , Willingness , Jeremy Bash , Right , David Noriega , Nbc , Obama , Department Of Defense , Cia , 17 , Wall , Old American , Minors , Abigail Edan , 39 , Little Girl , Listen , Birthday , 50 , Fact , Care , Gonna , Love , Services , Rev , Thoughts , Plan , Jeremy , Control , Names , 180 , Woman , Course , Egypt Forest , Old Abigail , Parents , Facility , Murder , Families , Situation , Relief , Terrorists , Sigh , Reunification S , Home , Counterparts , Countries , Region , Qatar , National Security Adviser , Cannot , 80 , Pause , Jake Sullivan , Step , Meet The Press , Didn T Rule , Democratic Party , White House , Pressure , End , Fighting , Casualties , Reason , Chance , Leaders , In Gaza , Interest , Idf , Barreling , Gains , Fuel , Quiet , Command , Return , Aspects , Tunnels , People , Government , Sides , Alignment , Award , Long Run , Attacking , Capability , Kamala Harris , Security Interest , Terrorist Attack , October 7th , Yesterday , 7 , 14 , 30 , Los Angeles , Visit , Regard , Aid , Citizens , Priority , Food , Trucks , Supplies , Water , 200 , Governments , Win , Land Border , Arab , Power , War , Effort , Human Shields , Part , Ministries , Left , Viewers , 2005 , Weapons , Rockets , Missiles , Violence , Position , Piece , Reconciliation , Palestinian Leadership , Eric Adams , Mayor , New York City , Leadership , City , Number , Budget , Issues , Show , Challenges , Administration , On Wednesday , Adams , News , Case , Accuser , If , Anything , 1993 , Law , Form , Action , Person , Idea , Behalf , General , Police Officer , Protection , 22 , Allegation , Campaign Finance Investigation , Scope , Navigates , Gonna Fog The Process , Fbi , Devices , Probe , Homes , Several , Consulate Building , Chief Fund Raiser , Authorities , Haven T , Residents , Trips , Corruption , Stories , Investigators , Wrongdoing , Approved , Turkey , Team , Rules , Message , Investigations , Reverend Sharpton , Questions , Number One , Law Enforcement Person , Southern District , Times , Central America , South America , Diasporas , Population , China , Eight , Seven , Groups , Role , Relationships , United Nations , East River , Information , Switching Gears , Cooperative , Needy , Action Networks , Meals , Harlem , 31 , Cities , Shelter , Refugees , Migrants , Many , Places , Shelters , Temperatures , Climates , Chicago , Issue , Others , On Wednesdays , South , Analysis , 34th Street , West Africa , 34 , Border , Municipalities , Locations , Houston , Russian , Massachusetts , Large , Shelters Systems , Centers , Room , 210 , Floyd Bennett Field , Seven Billion Dollars , Seven Billion , Five Billion Dollars , Five Billion , Streets , Strategy , Precincts , Hospitals , Real Decompression , 108 , Country , Solution , In The City , Audit , New York Times , Rubber , Towns , Villages , Taxpayers , Nationality , Thousands , Spending , Mayors , Reasons , Budget Cuts , Heed , City Agency , Help , Cuts , Critics , Cost , Libraries , Caring , Sundays , Crime , Problems , Homelessness , Estate , Isn T The Type , Opportunity , Jobs , Success It , Transit System , Decrease , Shootings , Homicides , Digits , 4 Million , System , Readjustment , Costs , Numbers , Realization , Last , 33 Billion , 33 Billion Dollars , Money , Union Contract , The Sun , Storm , Somewhere , Setting , Job , Pain , Reality , Union Members , Contracts , Crises , Fast , Coming Up , Politicsnation , Republicans , Hate , Politics , Scourge , Middle , Negotiations , Dovato , Medicines , Hiv Pills , Back , Yes , 3 , 4 , Don T , Ingredients , Side Effects , Doctor , Stop Dovato , Dofetilide , 2 , Reaction , Baby , Liver Problems , Buildup , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Symptoms , Kidney , Lactic Acid , Headache , Tiredness , Nausea , Diarrhea , Anxiety , Trouble Sleeping , Eggs , Pharmacist , Supplement , Family , Nature , Brand , Best , Vitamin , 1 , Taste , Eggland S Best , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Problem , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Data , Xfinity 10g Network , Xfinity , 10 , Rash , World , Incidents , Hate Crimes , 300 , Harassment , College Campuses , Figure , Assaults , Vandalism , Anti Defamation League , Hate Crime , Fake Blood , The Street , Police , Protesters , Safe , Property , Jewish , Students , President , Advisor , Lobbying Group , Reports Anti Arabic , Council On American Islamic Relations , Islamophobia , Activist , Language , Stalking , Charges , Berating A Street Vendor In Manhattan , Facts , All Of Us , Justification , Bigotry , Executives , Creators , Celebrities , Tiktok , Companies , Antisemitism , Parent Company , Call , Social Media Site , Researchers , Advertising , Msnbc , Ads , Congress , Boardrooms , Halls , Neighborhoods , Content Glorifying Hitler , Behavior , Work , Feelings , Resentment , Space , Root , Seeds , Logic , Appeal , Peace , Rsv , Abrysvo , Breath , Breath Matters , Rsv Vaccine , Pfizer , Vaccine , Everyone , Respiratory Disease , Asthma , Diabetes , Copd , Heart Disease , Prevention , Risk , 60 , Response , Muscle Pain , Immune System , Injection Site , Retailers , Abrysvo Com , Deep Breath , Nerve , Teeth Sensitivity , Somebody , Sensodyne Toothpaste , Tooth , Poking , Sensodyne , Tide Fabric , Salad Bowl , Odors , Doc , Hack , Vinegar , Patients , Detergent , Deep Odors , Chuck Schumer , Senate , Ukraine , Floor Vote , Evening , Breaking News , Aid Package , Colleagues , 105 Billion , 105 Billion Dollar , Jennifer Lee Mcallen , Christmas , Lawmakers , Reservations , Aisle , Members , Colleague , Republican , Mike Turner , Press , Morning , Virginia , Chris Murphy , The End , Aid Deal , Border Security , Support , Package , Conditions , Connecticut , Civilians , Presidents , Allies , Wish List , Poison Pills , Items , Nothing , Ridge Legislation , Bill , Voting Rights , Need , Needs , Separately , Version , John Lewis , Rights , Congresswoman , Alabama , Protections , Robin Supreme Court , States , Voter Discrimination Lawsuits , Histories , Requirements , Mechanisms , 2024 , Barriers , Democracy , Bills , Voter Registration , Particular , Civil War , Voting Rights Act , Strength , Thanks , Direction , Shouldn T , Delegate , Circuit Ruling , 2021 , Attorney General , Section , Sue , Individuals , Fights , George Santos , Campaign Money , Event , Expulsion , Desantis , Ethics Committee Report Alleging , Everything , Santos , Expulsion Effort , Day One , Stance , It Wouldn T , Allegations , Report , Ethics , Office , Privilege , Virginia General Assembly , Amendment , Abortion , Successes , Election , Minimum Wage , Firearms , Slate , Restore Voting Rights , Assault Style , Felons , Amendments , Member , Generation Progress , Progress , 2020 , Voters , Access , Economy , Ballot , Gonna Do , Nikki Haley , Territory , Drive , Bowl , South Carolina , Panel , End Zone , Airways , Lungs , Health Conditions , 94 , 82 , Immune Systems , Reactions , Injection Site Pain , Fatigue , Strategist , Executive Director , Let S Go , Basil , Miles Taylor , New York State , Chief Of Staff , Department Of Homeland Security , Scenes , Foreign Policy , Efforts , Rift , Handling , Lot , Generation , Around The World , Experience , Human Rights , Will Help , Age , The Don T Talk About , Ways , Officials , Netanyahu , Conversations , Images , Pictures , Coming Home , Fire , Funding , Abigail Today , Men , Riff , Quote , Congressman , Example , Donald Trump , Hostage Deal , Truth , Details , Sort , Comparison , Hostage Crisis , Comparisons , Ronald Reagan , Jimmy Carter , Iran , Boon , Crisis , Analogy , Gain , Oxygen , Something , Needle , Relations , Points , Board , Disagree , Point Basil , Israel Palestine Conflict , Battle Lines , Senators , Donations , Enthusiasm , Cash Crunch , Let S Switch Gears , Story , Poll Numbers , Troubling , African Americans , Parts , Relation , Point , Conversation , Some , State Parties , Georgia , Someone , Entities , Campaign , Hope , Void , Function , Street Party , Energy , More , Intersectionality , Weapon , Trump , Football Game , Tears , Crowd Chanting , Boos , Alma Mater , University Of South Carolina , Home Turf , Game , Upstaging , Polls , Booth , 53 , Nomination , League , 2016 , Nominee , Vote , Voting Share , Mind , 12 , 33 , Challenger , Basil Smikle , Easterseals , Stay , Up Next , Disabilities , Mother , Life , Wages , Stages , Community Services , Disability , 100 , Gift , Health Programs , Child , Therapies , Bike , 9 , 19 , Screen , Code , Visit Helpeasterseals Com , T Shirt , Joy , Anyone , Lives , Difference , Don T Wait , Two State Solution , Palestine , Terrorism , Human Life , Argument , Sharon Perez In July , Communication , Decision Makers , Opinion , Collateral Damage , Skin , Moisturized , Olay , 95 , Voices , Alicia Menendez , Five , Both , Abigail A Dan , Celebrations , Kibbutz , Ground , West Bank ,

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