Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240702

familiar security concerns on capitol hill after decision announced last night by house republicans, plus, how the 14th amendment fight just took a puzzling new turn in colorado. the headline that highlights what could be key for democrats in 2024. a very good at all of you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, welcome everyone to alex witt reports. we have breaking news in the israel-hamas war. rocket fire lighting up the night sky once again on the israel gaza border. as israel's military is pushing on with its increasing military offensive in southern gaza. meanwhile, a massive march in jerusalem, thousands of people demanding the resolution in the effort to get those 200 plus hostages kidnapped by hamas on october 7th, bring them back home. we've got a lot to get to know, with our jay gray who's in tel aviv. jay, welcome in again. israel indicating it is prepared to intensify military operations. is this the next phase? the start of the next phase in the war against hamas? >> it would certainly seem to be, alex, there is no question that the mission is expanding inside of gaza. we know that there have been significant airstrikes throughout the last 24 hours to the south right now. the idf says they have control of the northern portion of gaza, as well as gaza city, and feel like they are beginning to move on. a lot of the forces in a lot of the fighting are now in some of the densely populated urban areas. as they continue to move south, there are reports today of a hit on a school. hamas says that dozens of people were killed. the idf, to this point, has not commented on that situation. we do know that tens of thousands have been moving to the south, at the urging of the idf, where they were told there would be more safe. and it would have more aid in that area. they have warned those that are in the south right now to, quote, stay out of harm's way. and we know that we've seen airstrikes today as well in -- and rafah. those areas. they are definitely focusing more on the south at this point. >> jay gray in tel aviv, thank you for that update. we appreciate that. we're gonna be checking in with our reporter in beirut on the latest in the situation to the north of israel, that will happen later on this hour. also, this breaking news, new potential security concerns at theu. capitol. afr use republicans on friday ved to publicly leas a trove ofjanuary 6th capitol riot footage, speaker mike johnson saying, he plans to soon finish posting online over 40,000 hours of video. joining me now is nbc's ryan riley, author of the book sedition hunters. how january 6th broke the justice system. ryan, as i welcome you, access to the footage has many worried it could be used to endanger those that are inside the capitol at some point. what other concerns here? >> i think the real concern would probably be about evacuation routes that lawmakers typically use. some of that as already trickled out, in fact, on january 6th itself, senators accidentally gave up one of the locations where they went to hide during the attack. overall, looking through this footage, some of this footage has been released previously, portions of an have been released previously, this is really going to help online investigators actually identify even more people who went inside the capitol. although speaker mike johnson has said they're going to try to blur faces going forward. some of the criminals, who enter the capitol that day, he says they don't want them to get doxxed. that's basically a nod to this notion that a lot of the tips that are coming into the fbi are coming from the sedition hunters community. overall, what we've seen thus far, is just a lot of misinformation in downplaying of january 6th. a lot of the videos that are circulating on x, formerly known as twitter, by a lot of right-wing figures, or showing some may be some of these calmer moments, they're cherry-picking these moments where an officer is not losing a finger because he had assaulted on the west side of the capitol on january 6th. where officers aren't under a vicious assault under a mob of rioters and being pepper sprayed and having their own weapons used against them. they're just picking these moments to try to downplay the severity and the violence of what happened on january 6th. i think that could really be a true threat going forward. we had just a huge portion of the country not believing the -- of what happened on january 6th, thinking this was some sort of fbi set up, or this was all antifa. some conspiracy theories that have been circulating for the past two years. that's really why this is all coming out. because a lot of the republican base believes, theoretically, it wouldn't be beneficial for mike johnson to put out all of these videos, because of january 6th. that's what they're really getting at here they're trying to bring up these conspiracy theories. and prove that january 6th wasn't as bad as it was. >> it almost renders me speechless when you say that. let me ask you this question, and then the last because you reported on friday judge tanya chutkan issued that order denying donald trump's demand to strike mentions of the january 6th incide from his federal election inteerence trial. it's set to go to trial injust over three months. what else can you tell us about this ruling? >> yeah, this is an important ruling, ultimately what she decided here was that because the jurors are actually going to receive the indictment directly, they're gonna receive her instructions, this doesn't really ultimately matter. but given the video and the audiotape that we saw come out in jonathan carl's book, in connection with that with this week, which shows that donald trump knew the power that he had over the crowd, this is going to be a very important part of jack smith's case. showing that donald trump knew how he could influence this group, and didn't do much during that violence. they're basically, what they're saying is, this violence was part of the ultimate plot, alex. it's gonna play a crucial role in this upcoming trial. when it starts in march. as you mentioned. >> okay, ryan reilly. thank you very much for the conversation. appreciate that. also new today, nbc reports growing dysfunction in congress, well a leading house democrat calls out republicans on their lack of civility. >> that's what's going on in the republican party,'s civil war. they had the same march that we had when we were in the majority in the last congress. four votes. we have differences. we are not a monolithic party. but one thing we do have was the scene not to have and that is civility. i don't think that what we've seen in recent days from the republican congress is anything akin to what anybody would be teaching their children going forward. >> capitol hill correspondent julie tsirkin has the very latest on this. julie, i'm gonna ask you to give us a sense of what all that chaos looked like in congress this week? >> come on, alex, you know the first rule of fight club is you don't talk about it. but i guess here we are. this week certainly started off with a near brawl on both chambers of this building. in the house, yet tim burchett, one of the republicans voted to oust kevin mccarthy from the speakership, sweet apparently saying that the speaker had kidney punched him. had jab him. then on the other side of the capitol, you had senator mark way mullin, a former mma fighter, in a hearing with the teamsters president basically say he won you want to fight, let's get up and go. tensions were certainly running high after the complete chaos that we've seen over the last ten weeks. it's not often that the house is in session for that long, certainly tempers were flaring. it was time for them to all go home, as they did early on wednesday. for the thanksgiving holiday to be with family and friends and try to cool down a bit. before they get back into session for a lot of work. he thought it would only go up from there. however, the week ended with that explosive ethics report about george santos, alleging that he discredited the house, that he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds of on everything from botox to onlyfans to vacations and honeymoons. really everything under the sun. yesterday, you actually had a motion filed to expel him from the house. things are just only getting crazier and weirder around here. >> you know, you could've said looking a bunch of nursery schoolers who missed their nap. but anyway, let me ask you about the long to do list ahead of the after break the thanksgiving break, how are lawmakers planning to push legislation through so quickly? is there any hope they're gonna do it in a civilized way? >> that's the big question. i'm not even sure that republicans, especially those in the house, know the answer to that. look, my sources are telling me, the main priority they're gonna have when they get back from the thanksgiving break, national security supplemental requested by the president, aid to ukraine, eight israel, the indo-pacific region, and of course, the border security concerns that particularly republicans in the house have said they will not allow any of the other priorities to pass without some meaningful policy changes. sources i spoke to told me that really they gotta get that done by the end of the year. the moment they're an election year, in january, it's gonna get a lot harder for them to compromise and negotiate on all of these policy matters. then you also have the separate issue of actually funding the government, and keeping it open for a full year. hard-line conservatives i spoke to, members of the house freedom caucus, said they take johnson at his word, he would not pass additional short term funding bills. they're really hoping that this would mean a full year funding bill gets passed sometime in january, even february, those two funding clips. again, uphill battle to actually make that happen. >> for sure, okay, we'll see what happens first in january than a couple weeks later in february. thank, you julie. winning and losing at the same time in colorado, what lies ahead for the fight to keep donald trump off the ballot there. we're back in 60 seconds. we're back in 60 seconds the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. two big developments in the trials of donald trump, florida judge aileen cannon is rejecting jack smith's attempt to set december deadlines in the mar-a-lago classified documents case. and a new report in the guardian estimates the case is now running about four months behind schedule. joining me now, charles coleman, former brooklyn new york prosecutor, and our civil rights attorney in an msnbc legal analyst. okay, my friend, let's get into this. asok atrump's legal schedule, look at that calendar and hocolicated it is. if judge cannon says she wot even consider certain deadlines in thiscase until march, where might this mar-a-lago case land on the calendar? >> well, alex, wherever it lands, this is exactly what donald trump's defense team wanted. they were trying to get this delayed as long as they could. this was the perfect case to do it. and the reason i say that is, the number of documents that are involved in the classifications of these documents required certain level of clearance for them to even get access to the discovery. then they potentially dragged their feet in terms of getting clearance necessary, judge aileen cannon hasn't shown doubling us to push this case along. i'm fully expecting that there could be an argument and that there will be an argument to move this past the election, and expect this might happen. which is something that his defense team was angling for from the very beginning. >> there is something else, i want to take a look at the tweet from oursnbc colleague andrew weissmann. he says, judge cannon's bias is showing inject smi has to be weighing weather, when and how to seek her reversal by the court of appeals in her removal. is there an option or process for prosecutors to seek her removal? >> there is. well i do respect my colleague, andrew weissmann's tweet and opinion, i don't necessarily think it's risen to the level where that's likely going to happen. i think that, even if checks mid were to do so, that's more of a chess move than anything else. at the point that he is moving to ask the court of appeals for her removal, if it's not granted, they're still going to be an high placed on judge cannon her decisions, she's aware of that. that's more of a strategy thing that it is a practical thing in terms of how having removed. you can in a case where georgia showed themselves to be incredibly biased towards a particular party. seek to have them removed if they're not going to recuse themselves. i think one of the chief argument in this case would be, number one, that judge cannon is a trump appointee. number two, the fact that she's appointee and she's repeatedly shown herself to give rulings, one of which, for example, during the investigation, pretty indictment she was even reversed, on in favor of donald trump. does tend to show that there's a certain level of bias there that the public should be concerned about. >> in any event though, charles, to the rules on how classified information can and cannot be used in a trial, does that naturally lend themselves to delays? >> not necessarily. i think we are talking about here, not only those rules in those classifications, but also the volume. you're really talking about a high volume of documents which have to be reviewed. and which will be considered in terms of what is shown to the jury, and made available and how those mechanisms take place. there is a mechanism in the law in trial, in criminal trials, for how to deal with these sorts of documents, so, it does there is a required plan the prosecutors will have to lay out that the defense will then agree to or disagree to end the judge with an approved. so, i think that it's important to understand that it's not just a classifications, it's also the volume, and what documents the prosecutors will seek to introduce, that will play a factor in terms of how long this actually takes. >> here's a head-scratcher on a different topic, alaska but the colorado judge's ruling on the 14th amendment. she ruled donald trump can be on the delegate ballot, there but says he engaged in insurrection. the judge said the wording of section three of the 14th amendment does not apply specifically to the office of president. are you surprised by this? >> alex, ultimately, i'm not. i think that most people, or many people for that matter, would agree that donald trump did, in some fashion, engage an insurrection, i think the question ultimately comes down to, if it's not defining explicitly in the constitution as to what the standard is that would be necessary in order to remove someone from the ballot. how can we at this point in time, during the unprecedented nature of former president who is now a candidate in an election season, facing criminal charges, remove this person from the ballot. i've said, for a very long time, that there is the political lens in the legal lens through which this has to be examined. and i did not expect that he was going to be removed, and this is proven me, ray had jack smith, for example chosen to indict him on insurrection or seditious conspiracy, not saying that he should have, but had he done, so he had been convicted, we would be having a very different conversation. but because he's not facing any criminal charges, it's a very difficult bar to meet. >> let's take a look at the georgia criminal case against trump, the judge issued that protective order for evidence. prosecutors deemed sensitive, and that came after a videos released showing three defendants who took plea deals, giving up the goods in interviews with prosecutors including this bombshell from former trump legal spokesperson, jenna ellis. >> he said to me, in a kind of excited tone. well, we don't care. we're not gonna leave. i said, what do you mean? he said, well, the boss, meaning president trump, the boss is not gonna leave under any circumstances. we are just gonna stay in power. and i said him, well, doesn't quite work that way you realize? he said, we don't care. >> is there a public interest case to be made for this type of information? is there greater danger to having it come out before trial? >> alex, one of things i love talking about two, we can be honest with each other. and cover-up winter different topics, when it comes to this. the prejudice to the actual trial, given the nature and severity of it, is going to outweigh the public's interest in having this information before the trial. once the information comes out a trial, that is a very different conversation, but for anyone who's interested in the notion of justice and securing a fair and impartial trial, to see justice served you do not want this information coming out in advance. it makes the road to actually trying the case far more challenging and much more difficult. it's to preserve the integrity of the justice system, this stuff has to stay under wraps until and unless it comes out a trial. >> charles coleman, thank you so much, my friend, good to see you. it is an article you made of missed, with chilling headline. how the next republican president could stop most abortions without congress. that's next. that's next. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. new today, nbc news exclusive report on two different letters sent out by the biden white house. with separate messages to pro israeli and pro palestinian americans. joining me now, nbc's jonathan allen, who co authored this new report. welcome, john. let me read for everyone the crux of this from your article, one letter emphasizes biden t fo israel against the pure evil of terrorism, the other focuses on the administration's work to protect civilians in gaza. what more can you tell us about this? and you did hear white house explanation? right? >> absolutely. good afternoon, alex. i think what's going on here, the white house says it's not unheard of, occasionally, they have very complex issues they'll have multiple versions of a letter they want to make sure that they're showing respect to the views of the letter writers. the situation here you don't usually see this kind of divergent emphasis. i spoke to somebody who worked in a prior administration, in the correspondence office, which is the one that responds to the letters, who said that they often did, you know, their best to have as little divergence as possible, even when they did have multiple messages. none of the things that the president is saying in these letters one set to pro palestinian folks, one to pro israel folks. not in conflict with his policy, actually advertising one side to one set of litter rioters, and the other side to the other set. >> just want to say, nothing about its policies is being misrepresented, it's all 100 percent true. it's just the focus. >> right, what they're saying to folks who are pro israel or concerned about israel's defense, what the white house is saying, or what the president saying, because his signature is on this, at least the audio version of. it the president stands with israel, what they're saying is the president is going to pursue and help israel and pursue hamas, and prioritizing hostages. what he saying to folks who are concerned about the loss of life in gaza is, that he's committed to humanitarian into aid to gaza, and then getting civilian loss of life, which actually he says, that in both the letters. >> okay, john, thank you so much, i appreciate the exclusive reporting. i'm gonna pick up on that right now have a great saturday. joining me for strategy talk, former white house press secretary, an msnbc political analyst, robert gibbs. my good friend here. robert, how much should the israel-hamas war and its fallout be part of the biden team calculation, as it looks towards 2024, and when i was just discussing there, these different letters, are they good? is it a necessary strategy? >> well, i think it's a complicated issue that requires probably more than eight seconds to explain all that at stake. and all they are working on. i think, in many ways, we can hold these two thoughts together really in a single letter. helping israel pursue the destruction of hamas, well the same, time trying to minimize the loss of life in gaza. and getting humanitarian assistance to palestinians that are stuck there. i don't think those are two narratives, quite frankly that fight each other, as much as they do sit next to each other in a complicated landscape of an issue. >> so, you don't think it was such a good idea? >> no, look, look, i think it's not all that big a deal. i think, again, there clearly, as jonathan said, they're talking to the person that wrote the letter. i think it was his, it is fine. i think it works well either way. i don't think it's a huge deal. i don't think it's a big difference, quite frankly, in all of what the president has been saying publicly. >> are using it to move on from this topic, my friend? anyway, we are going to. here's a clear winning issue for the president and democrats. that is abortion. at least nine states are now proposing ballot measures in 2024, and a number of them swing states, could this issue being on the ballot keep places like arizona and nevada on the dam side of the ledger, if you will, it feels like it could be enough. >> well, look, as we've seen since the supreme court decided in the dobbs decision, more than two years ago, the impact in the effectiveness of this issue in red states, in blue states, and in purple states. i don't think that's going to change one bit inside of the 2024 election. i think having these referendums on states that are crucial to democratic reelection efforts, is going to help drive turnout, it's going to help excite the base. probably more than anything, it's going to really, i think, create a political problem for republicans. there are a decent number of pro-choice republicans. that will find this a compelling issue to vote on. and driving those voters out and putting this choice in front of them as well as the presidential choice, and how each of them would approach this issue is exactly the type of voter that you're going to have to reach to when an extraordinarily close election. this pretty chilng headline coming from axios, suggesting that republican president can unilaterally overturn abortion rights? is that possible? >> you know, i think that seems to be a bit of a stretch to me, i think the supreme court certainly has delineated this to the states. i mean, it's entirely possible, i guess, that they could go back to the supreme court with some other case, look, i think there's plenty of political fodder in what each of these states are doing. you see this affecting the presidential campaigns. just last night, in iowa, nikki haley was asked, she went to great lengths at the last debate to give a very nuanced answer about consensus, she was asked at a forum of christian conservatives if she was governor of south carolina, still, which he signed a six-week abortion ban? she said yes. as the governor, if she had been the governor of the state. and went on to give that large long complicated answer around consensus. i think it's gonna be a hard circle to square if she's the nominee, if donald trump is in the same state running ads saying, i'm the reason that roe got overturned, i appointed all the supreme court justices. i think that's going to be hard for them to run away from. i think it's gonna be hard for them to nuance away from. even as much as they may ultimately try, again, the impact of this s en very clear elections. >> one had percent. jim messina, who you will know, managed to break obama's reelection in 2012 says that the biden campaign doesn'ne to panic just yet. that obama also struggd with poor polling before he won a second term. his messageo biden's this, doubled down on the battleground states, and remind americans of the chaos of the first trump presidency. i mean, it sounds simple, right? >> yeah, i wish it were altogether as easy as it was in four paragraphs. look, i don't think it's time for the biden campaign to panic. but i think anybody that looks at those state polls are, quite frankly state polls that have come since those new york times polls, that show the president trailing trump or haley or even desantis in some of the states, i think it is a flashing red warning light. think it means the campaign s to ramp up its efforts to put this choice in fronof voters more clearly. i think it's time go and make this part of a campaign. i think this race will change fundamentally when there is a campaign. i think because that choice will be more clear, it'll be more active, my recommendation would be start that campaign now. start imprinting that choice more and more forward fashion in front of voters. earlier. i think waiting until we have a pretty good sense of who the nominee's gonna be. you'd bet a pretty good amount of money right now it's gonna be trump. talk about trump a lot more. >> okay, i can say, the biden campaign in emails you're seeing. they're stepping it up now. there you have they listen to you, obviously thank you so much robert gibbs, good to see. it is a story that unfolded yesterday that left a lot of us saying out loud, he did what? 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>> yeah, i absolutely have concerns. i mean, what's missing out of that, statement is also gonna give access to potentially foreign adversaries, domestic adversaries, it shows a lot of the entrances, a lot of the tunnels, it shows how these people access the buildings, it shows weaknesses, security gaps. i could go on and on. about the concerns i have about this effort to release these tapes. that's something that should not be taken lightly. when you think about that. when we think about the world that we're living in right now, we are putting our leaders at risk, yet once again. and given the narratives that are being spun on, this given this information that is being spread now on these tapes, they're flipping the narrative again. it was certainly calculated decision by johnson to release them. clearly supportive of trump, trump is commanding his courage in quotes from releasing those tapes. i think that tells you everything. i think that tells you where his loyalty lies. that certainly not to those oath of office to. office that he. took the it relies on donald trump. >> this is political then by that last statement. and also, i'm curious how much a foreign adversary could glean from this. and does mike johnson know this? >> well, he'd certainly be incredibly naive and probably shush should not be serving as speaker of the house if he doesn't understand that aspect. i know other republicans that are serving on the hill certainly understand the gravity of the situation. but what kevin mccarthy himself did not release these tapes for that exact reason, i think that was one of the reasons he gave. it was because of national security concerns. i do think it's political. i think all of this is just part of the ongoing game, the republicans continue to play and i say republicans lightly, because this is really more the far-right wing of the party. and they don't care. they don't care about the fact that they release false narratives, false narratives on social media that are continuing right now. and it's part of the whole spin. it enables trump at a greater level, that's all this does. >> speaking of january 6th, in an audio interview released this week, donald trump recounted to abc news jonathan carroll, with whom i just spoke, about his attempt to join supporters at the capitol on january 6th. after his stop the steal rally. the secrvice stopped him. here's what donald said. >> you told h're nna go up to -- secret service -- by the time i would ha going to -- the problem didn't like that idea. i could've done the. you know what? i would've been very well received. the people that went to washington that day, in my opinion, they went because the they thought the election was rigged. that's why they went. >> what do you make of donald trump saying he wanted to go to the capitol? and stop the problem. first of, all is that credible? and then prosecutors could they, in the election interference case, could they consider these remarks as evidence and ultimately use his own words against him? >> i mean, i would think so. he's basically admitting, saying, yeah. i wanted to be a part of this. i actually wanted to overturn an election. i think again as he would's plan was. was he going to get in front of mike pence in order him again and try to take over. even though he's really not part of the process? >> by the, way he could stop the problem, that indicates that he knew they were his people. and that they had gone his direction. >> absolutely, look, he's repeating the election that's written right there repeatedly over over again. the other thing that will say about this, you know what? thank, you donald trump. thank you for confirming cassidy hutchinson statements about the fact that he wanted to go. basically, fighting with the secret service people in the car, remember that story? and she got a lot of flak from him. she was attacked by him, and one of the trump inner circle or enablers. who said that she was lying, well, i never believe she, was i know cassidy hutchinson's integrity, and i worked with her. and i know how close she was to this inner circle. so,, thank you for confirming that. because now we know, firsthand, that he is stating this himself. >> as you've no doubt heard in recent weeks, donalp necessitated all the violent and racism of his stames. he's referred to his political rivals as vermin, echoing not see propaganda, rhetoric and then awhile back he said immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country, and a new report suggested, olivia, that he plans to round up immigrants in mass detention camps in deport millions. how do you interpret this language? these plans? >> look, i think the statements are horrifying. i think we should take them very seriously. he did the same thing when he was first running for office. back in 2016, where he made statements someone not as aggressive as this, but he still refer to migrants as criminals and rapists. but i think this is just more of the same. he's getting more aggressive certainly, i think we need to take it seriously, look, i was there in the trump administration. where he talked about shooting people. he talked about shooting migrants on the border. he wanted to carry out these plans. he had these insane plans. when he talks about these camps, believe him. because he will do it. and he's got people in his inner circle, like stephen miller and others who are actually already drawing up these plans. we've seen this in the plans to take over the u.s. government. the project 2025 plan. if you're not tracking, that i strongly suggest that, as americans, we look into that. because they are laying the groundwork, here they've had several years to do it. they had the first time around, where they tested the system, they tested the court system, i know this firsthand, i was in the meetings where they discussed using the courts. it didn't matter that i got held up in litigation, because it allowed them policies to continue in some instances, i just want to be very clear that this will come to fruition. should he come back into the oval office. >> okay, olivia troye. sobering, thank you very much. next, yet another conspiracy theory, lobbed by a republican in a fiery capitol hill hearing. this one matter slipped under your radar. radar with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. 46 past with breaking news from the israel lebanon border. the idf strikes back at hezbollah, after rockets rained down on israel early this morning. nbc's matt bradley, he's in lebanon now with the very latest for us. matt, are you seeing any serious escalation along the border with hezbollah? >> yeah, great question, alex. we haven't really seen what we could call an escalation, it's an escalation from the pastoral days. not necessarily for the entire six weeks that we've been here. the fighting has long been quite fierce along the border. just today, we saw hezbollah, which is the dominant military force in southern lebanon, they said they had shot down an israeli drone, that would be a massive escalation, the israelis, for their part, said they had intercepted hezbollah missile that was firing at one of their aircraft. it also look like those two stories are matching up. it's really difficult for anybody to verify which story is correct. from the israeli side, it was from lebanese officials as well, they said they launched a rocket at the town of map atia, which is very far from the border. well, well within the lebanon proper, and towards where we are now here in beirut. clearly, there's a lot of escalation but, none of this so far is anymore, or worse than what we've been seeing over the last six weeks. alex? speaking of the last six weeks, we've been talking about the possibility of a wider regional conflict, all this time, where does that stand as the strikes are increasing on both sides? >> yeah, i mean, that's the question everybody here is asking, both here in lebanon, throughout the wider region, washington in europe. that's really the question everybody's mind. if this were to break out into wider war, it really could be even worse than what we're seeing right now in gaza and israel. because of the weapons that hezbollah, which i just mentioned are bringing to bear. we've been hearing bellicose statements on both sides, from -- the head of hezbollah, and now just toy, from -- he is the israelister of defense, he said that heollah makes a mistake that israel is ready on la, air and sea. they will know what to do if that happens. interesting to note here, alex when we talk to policymakers, diplomats here, that word mistake. so far, it looks like both sides, including hezbollah, which like hamas, is backed by iran, and like a mouse is considered a terrorist organization by the united states, it doesn't seem like it wants to escalate the war. and neither do these rallies. again, we're still seeing these incredibly fierce back and forth attacks. there's been nearly 80 hezbollah fighters killed. the problem that everybody is worried about, is a mistake. alex? >> for good reason. okay, matt bradley, thank you very much. let's bring in peter baker, msnbc political analyst and chief white house correspondent for the new york times. peter, welcome, my friend. according to a new reuters if those poll, u.s. support for israel is declining only 32% of respondents said the u.s. should back israel. that's down 9% from october. what is the white house calculation on this? peter? how concerning is it to the administration? >> well, i think the white house recognizes that the campaign against hamas has created enough civilian casualties in gaza, that is disturbing a lot of people. the whales will tell you they're disturbed as well. i think they're urging israel to take air in how it approaches his military campaign. they'll argue, in fact, they've already influenced how israel is taking this on, they have in fact changed, israel's approach in a way that they have in terms to pay off that says minimize civilian casualties, open up humanitarian aid to gaza and so on. it's not surprising to see the american public reacting viscerally to the pictures they can see from the ground in gaza. with literally thousands of people killed there. i think that's a worrisome trend, for the administration which wants to continue to rally support for israel, they have a right to defend himself in the wake of the brutal october 7th attacks by hamas. >> i want to move on to talk about something else rubber sobering, the calm air this week. i wt to ask you about the economist, wch said that in its annual world ahead guide, trump is the wld biggest danger in 2024. warning the moral authority of the u.s. would decline, quote, because america will have voted him in while knowing the worst. so, do you agree with this dire warning about a second trump term? in terms of how it's being perceived? >> well, my wife and i were just in berlin a couple of weeks back, that was certainly the message we heard from a lot of german officials, top senior people in the government there. they are, in fact worried about a trump return to the white house. they remember what it was like when he was president. how he seemed to undermine the western alliance. nato. they worried that, if he would infect pulled the united states out of nato, at the very we undermine the american commitment to its nato allies. he basically said that on the campaign trail this year. he doesn't believe in the article five commitments united states makes, when they helped defend nato allies, i think germany particular because we happen to be there, it's very clear how worried now they are. trump referred to beat up on germany, let's say, that on russia he was much more harsh toward germany's leader at the time than ever was to erdogan reputed. no question that a lot of america's allies overseas are watching this election with great deal of trepidation. >> you know what happened on wednesday, house homeland security hearing got pretty contentious one republican congressman clay higgins accuse fbi director christopher wray of using fbi agents to fuel the violence on january 6th. take a listen to this, peter. >> if you are asking whether the violence at the capitol on january 6th was part of some operation orchestrated by fbi sources and or agents, the answer is an emphatic no. no violence orchestrated by fbi sources or agents. >> these bosses are nefarious in nature and are filled with fbi informants as trump supporters. reporter tour caplan january 6th. your days coming. >> i mean, when is this kind of gop conspiracy theory going to work its way out of the political bloodstream? >> well, as long as we elect people like that, we won't. obviously, this is an elected official who was chosen by his constituents. his constituents support this kind of dabbling in conspiracy theories you continue to be there on for politically. it goes without saying, it probably shouldn't, there's gonna be zero evidence of what he's talking about. this is just the fantasy of the conspiratorial right. there's no evidence whatsoever to suggest of the january 6th attack as anything other within what it appeared to be. very clear was. you don't need to see more tape to understand it was. we have her on tape, we show the tape. it's been investigated time in time again. there's no secret cabal, no secret conspiracy out that it's gonna cover this thing, at least we can see, certainly not that congressman has evidence of. >> peter baker, thanksgiving week, i'm always thankful for you. thanks, my friend. thank you so much. see you soon. it has been said love makes the world go round, what happens when love is paired with high? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240702

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familiar security concerns on capitol hill after decision announced last night by house republicans, plus, how the 14th amendment fight just took a puzzling new turn in colorado. the headline that highlights what could be key for democrats in 2024. a very good at all of you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, welcome everyone to alex witt reports. we have breaking news in the israel-hamas war. rocket fire lighting up the night sky once again on the israel gaza border. as israel's military is pushing on with its increasing military offensive in southern gaza. meanwhile, a massive march in jerusalem, thousands of people demanding the resolution in the effort to get those 200 plus hostages kidnapped by hamas on october 7th, bring them back home. we've got a lot to get to know, with our jay gray who's in tel aviv. jay, welcome in again. israel indicating it is prepared to intensify military operations. is this the next phase? the start of the next phase in the war against hamas? >> it would certainly seem to be, alex, there is no question that the mission is expanding inside of gaza. we know that there have been significant airstrikes throughout the last 24 hours to the south right now. the idf says they have control of the northern portion of gaza, as well as gaza city, and feel like they are beginning to move on. a lot of the forces in a lot of the fighting are now in some of the densely populated urban areas. as they continue to move south, there are reports today of a hit on a school. hamas says that dozens of people were killed. the idf, to this point, has not commented on that situation. we do know that tens of thousands have been moving to the south, at the urging of the idf, where they were told there would be more safe. and it would have more aid in that area. they have warned those that are in the south right now to, quote, stay out of harm's way. and we know that we've seen airstrikes today as well in -- and rafah. those areas. they are definitely focusing more on the south at this point. >> jay gray in tel aviv, thank you for that update. we appreciate that. we're gonna be checking in with our reporter in beirut on the latest in the situation to the north of israel, that will happen later on this hour. also, this breaking news, new potential security concerns at theu. capitol. afr use republicans on friday ved to publicly leas a trove ofjanuary 6th capitol riot footage, speaker mike johnson saying, he plans to soon finish posting online over 40,000 hours of video. joining me now is nbc's ryan riley, author of the book sedition hunters. how january 6th broke the justice system. ryan, as i welcome you, access to the footage has many worried it could be used to endanger those that are inside the capitol at some point. what other concerns here? >> i think the real concern would probably be about evacuation routes that lawmakers typically use. some of that as already trickled out, in fact, on january 6th itself, senators accidentally gave up one of the locations where they went to hide during the attack. overall, looking through this footage, some of this footage has been released previously, portions of an have been released previously, this is really going to help online investigators actually identify even more people who went inside the capitol. although speaker mike johnson has said they're going to try to blur faces going forward. some of the criminals, who enter the capitol that day, he says they don't want them to get doxxed. that's basically a nod to this notion that a lot of the tips that are coming into the fbi are coming from the sedition hunters community. overall, what we've seen thus far, is just a lot of misinformation in downplaying of january 6th. a lot of the videos that are circulating on x, formerly known as twitter, by a lot of right-wing figures, or showing some may be some of these calmer moments, they're cherry-picking these moments where an officer is not losing a finger because he had assaulted on the west side of the capitol on january 6th. where officers aren't under a vicious assault under a mob of rioters and being pepper sprayed and having their own weapons used against them. they're just picking these moments to try to downplay the severity and the violence of what happened on january 6th. i think that could really be a true threat going forward. we had just a huge portion of the country not believing the -- of what happened on january 6th, thinking this was some sort of fbi set up, or this was all antifa. some conspiracy theories that have been circulating for the past two years. that's really why this is all coming out. because a lot of the republican base believes, theoretically, it wouldn't be beneficial for mike johnson to put out all of these videos, because of january 6th. that's what they're really getting at here they're trying to bring up these conspiracy theories. and prove that january 6th wasn't as bad as it was. >> it almost renders me speechless when you say that. let me ask you this question, and then the last because you reported on friday judge tanya chutkan issued that order denying donald trump's demand to strike mentions of the january 6th incide from his federal election inteerence trial. it's set to go to trial injust over three months. what else can you tell us about this ruling? >> yeah, this is an important ruling, ultimately what she decided here was that because the jurors are actually going to receive the indictment directly, they're gonna receive her instructions, this doesn't really ultimately matter. but given the video and the audiotape that we saw come out in jonathan carl's book, in connection with that with this week, which shows that donald trump knew the power that he had over the crowd, this is going to be a very important part of jack smith's case. showing that donald trump knew how he could influence this group, and didn't do much during that violence. they're basically, what they're saying is, this violence was part of the ultimate plot, alex. it's gonna play a crucial role in this upcoming trial. when it starts in march. as you mentioned. >> okay, ryan reilly. thank you very much for the conversation. appreciate that. also new today, nbc reports growing dysfunction in congress, well a leading house democrat calls out republicans on their lack of civility. >> that's what's going on in the republican party,'s civil war. they had the same march that we had when we were in the majority in the last congress. four votes. we have differences. we are not a monolithic party. but one thing we do have was the scene not to have and that is civility. i don't think that what we've seen in recent days from the republican congress is anything akin to what anybody would be teaching their children going forward. >> capitol hill correspondent julie tsirkin has the very latest on this. julie, i'm gonna ask you to give us a sense of what all that chaos looked like in congress this week? >> come on, alex, you know the first rule of fight club is you don't talk about it. but i guess here we are. this week certainly started off with a near brawl on both chambers of this building. in the house, yet tim burchett, one of the republicans voted to oust kevin mccarthy from the speakership, sweet apparently saying that the speaker had kidney punched him. had jab him. then on the other side of the capitol, you had senator mark way mullin, a former mma fighter, in a hearing with the teamsters president basically say he won you want to fight, let's get up and go. tensions were certainly running high after the complete chaos that we've seen over the last ten weeks. it's not often that the house is in session for that long, certainly tempers were flaring. it was time for them to all go home, as they did early on wednesday. for the thanksgiving holiday to be with family and friends and try to cool down a bit. before they get back into session for a lot of work. he thought it would only go up from there. however, the week ended with that explosive ethics report about george santos, alleging that he discredited the house, that he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds of on everything from botox to onlyfans to vacations and honeymoons. really everything under the sun. yesterday, you actually had a motion filed to expel him from the house. things are just only getting crazier and weirder around here. >> you know, you could've said looking a bunch of nursery schoolers who missed their nap. but anyway, let me ask you about the long to do list ahead of the after break the thanksgiving break, how are lawmakers planning to push legislation through so quickly? is there any hope they're gonna do it in a civilized way? >> that's the big question. i'm not even sure that republicans, especially those in the house, know the answer to that. look, my sources are telling me, the main priority they're gonna have when they get back from the thanksgiving break, national security supplemental requested by the president, aid to ukraine, eight israel, the indo-pacific region, and of course, the border security concerns that particularly republicans in the house have said they will not allow any of the other priorities to pass without some meaningful policy changes. sources i spoke to told me that really they gotta get that done by the end of the year. the moment they're an election year, in january, it's gonna get a lot harder for them to compromise and negotiate on all of these policy matters. then you also have the separate issue of actually funding the government, and keeping it open for a full year. hard-line conservatives i spoke to, members of the house freedom caucus, said they take johnson at his word, he would not pass additional short term funding bills. they're really hoping that this would mean a full year funding bill gets passed sometime in january, even february, those two funding clips. again, uphill battle to actually make that happen. >> for sure, okay, we'll see what happens first in january than a couple weeks later in february. thank, you julie. winning and losing at the same time in colorado, what lies ahead for the fight to keep donald trump off the ballot there. we're back in 60 seconds. we're back in 60 seconds the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. two big developments in the trials of donald trump, florida judge aileen cannon is rejecting jack smith's attempt to set december deadlines in the mar-a-lago classified documents case. and a new report in the guardian estimates the case is now running about four months behind schedule. joining me now, charles coleman, former brooklyn new york prosecutor, and our civil rights attorney in an msnbc legal analyst. okay, my friend, let's get into this. asok atrump's legal schedule, look at that calendar and hocolicated it is. if judge cannon says she wot even consider certain deadlines in thiscase until march, where might this mar-a-lago case land on the calendar? >> well, alex, wherever it lands, this is exactly what donald trump's defense team wanted. they were trying to get this delayed as long as they could. this was the perfect case to do it. and the reason i say that is, the number of documents that are involved in the classifications of these documents required certain level of clearance for them to even get access to the discovery. then they potentially dragged their feet in terms of getting clearance necessary, judge aileen cannon hasn't shown doubling us to push this case along. i'm fully expecting that there could be an argument and that there will be an argument to move this past the election, and expect this might happen. which is something that his defense team was angling for from the very beginning. >> there is something else, i want to take a look at the tweet from oursnbc colleague andrew weissmann. he says, judge cannon's bias is showing inject smi has to be weighing weather, when and how to seek her reversal by the court of appeals in her removal. is there an option or process for prosecutors to seek her removal? >> there is. well i do respect my colleague, andrew weissmann's tweet and opinion, i don't necessarily think it's risen to the level where that's likely going to happen. i think that, even if checks mid were to do so, that's more of a chess move than anything else. at the point that he is moving to ask the court of appeals for her removal, if it's not granted, they're still going to be an high placed on judge cannon her decisions, she's aware of that. that's more of a strategy thing that it is a practical thing in terms of how having removed. you can in a case where georgia showed themselves to be incredibly biased towards a particular party. seek to have them removed if they're not going to recuse themselves. i think one of the chief argument in this case would be, number one, that judge cannon is a trump appointee. number two, the fact that she's appointee and she's repeatedly shown herself to give rulings, one of which, for example, during the investigation, pretty indictment she was even reversed, on in favor of donald trump. does tend to show that there's a certain level of bias there that the public should be concerned about. >> in any event though, charles, to the rules on how classified information can and cannot be used in a trial, does that naturally lend themselves to delays? >> not necessarily. i think we are talking about here, not only those rules in those classifications, but also the volume. you're really talking about a high volume of documents which have to be reviewed. and which will be considered in terms of what is shown to the jury, and made available and how those mechanisms take place. there is a mechanism in the law in trial, in criminal trials, for how to deal with these sorts of documents, so, it does there is a required plan the prosecutors will have to lay out that the defense will then agree to or disagree to end the judge with an approved. so, i think that it's important to understand that it's not just a classifications, it's also the volume, and what documents the prosecutors will seek to introduce, that will play a factor in terms of how long this actually takes. >> here's a head-scratcher on a different topic, alaska but the colorado judge's ruling on the 14th amendment. she ruled donald trump can be on the delegate ballot, there but says he engaged in insurrection. the judge said the wording of section three of the 14th amendment does not apply specifically to the office of president. are you surprised by this? >> alex, ultimately, i'm not. i think that most people, or many people for that matter, would agree that donald trump did, in some fashion, engage an insurrection, i think the question ultimately comes down to, if it's not defining explicitly in the constitution as to what the standard is that would be necessary in order to remove someone from the ballot. how can we at this point in time, during the unprecedented nature of former president who is now a candidate in an election season, facing criminal charges, remove this person from the ballot. i've said, for a very long time, that there is the political lens in the legal lens through which this has to be examined. and i did not expect that he was going to be removed, and this is proven me, ray had jack smith, for example chosen to indict him on insurrection or seditious conspiracy, not saying that he should have, but had he done, so he had been convicted, we would be having a very different conversation. but because he's not facing any criminal charges, it's a very difficult bar to meet. >> let's take a look at the georgia criminal case against trump, the judge issued that protective order for evidence. prosecutors deemed sensitive, and that came after a videos released showing three defendants who took plea deals, giving up the goods in interviews with prosecutors including this bombshell from former trump legal spokesperson, jenna ellis. >> he said to me, in a kind of excited tone. well, we don't care. we're not gonna leave. i said, what do you mean? he said, well, the boss, meaning president trump, the boss is not gonna leave under any circumstances. we are just gonna stay in power. and i said him, well, doesn't quite work that way you realize? he said, we don't care. >> is there a public interest case to be made for this type of information? is there greater danger to having it come out before trial? >> alex, one of things i love talking about two, we can be honest with each other. and cover-up winter different topics, when it comes to this. the prejudice to the actual trial, given the nature and severity of it, is going to outweigh the public's interest in having this information before the trial. once the information comes out a trial, that is a very different conversation, but for anyone who's interested in the notion of justice and securing a fair and impartial trial, to see justice served you do not want this information coming out in advance. it makes the road to actually trying the case far more challenging and much more difficult. it's to preserve the integrity of the justice system, this stuff has to stay under wraps until and unless it comes out a trial. >> charles coleman, thank you so much, my friend, good to see you. it is an article you made of missed, with chilling headline. how the next republican president could stop most abortions without congress. that's next. that's next. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. new today, nbc news exclusive report on two different letters sent out by the biden white house. with separate messages to pro israeli and pro palestinian americans. joining me now, nbc's jonathan allen, who co authored this new report. welcome, john. let me read for everyone the crux of this from your article, one letter emphasizes biden t fo israel against the pure evil of terrorism, the other focuses on the administration's work to protect civilians in gaza. what more can you tell us about this? and you did hear white house explanation? right? >> absolutely. good afternoon, alex. i think what's going on here, the white house says it's not unheard of, occasionally, they have very complex issues they'll have multiple versions of a letter they want to make sure that they're showing respect to the views of the letter writers. the situation here you don't usually see this kind of divergent emphasis. i spoke to somebody who worked in a prior administration, in the correspondence office, which is the one that responds to the letters, who said that they often did, you know, their best to have as little divergence as possible, even when they did have multiple messages. none of the things that the president is saying in these letters one set to pro palestinian folks, one to pro israel folks. not in conflict with his policy, actually advertising one side to one set of litter rioters, and the other side to the other set. >> just want to say, nothing about its policies is being misrepresented, it's all 100 percent true. it's just the focus. >> right, what they're saying to folks who are pro israel or concerned about israel's defense, what the white house is saying, or what the president saying, because his signature is on this, at least the audio version of. it the president stands with israel, what they're saying is the president is going to pursue and help israel and pursue hamas, and prioritizing hostages. what he saying to folks who are concerned about the loss of life in gaza is, that he's committed to humanitarian into aid to gaza, and then getting civilian loss of life, which actually he says, that in both the letters. >> okay, john, thank you so much, i appreciate the exclusive reporting. i'm gonna pick up on that right now have a great saturday. joining me for strategy talk, former white house press secretary, an msnbc political analyst, robert gibbs. my good friend here. robert, how much should the israel-hamas war and its fallout be part of the biden team calculation, as it looks towards 2024, and when i was just discussing there, these different letters, are they good? is it a necessary strategy? >> well, i think it's a complicated issue that requires probably more than eight seconds to explain all that at stake. and all they are working on. i think, in many ways, we can hold these two thoughts together really in a single letter. helping israel pursue the destruction of hamas, well the same, time trying to minimize the loss of life in gaza. and getting humanitarian assistance to palestinians that are stuck there. i don't think those are two narratives, quite frankly that fight each other, as much as they do sit next to each other in a complicated landscape of an issue. >> so, you don't think it was such a good idea? >> no, look, look, i think it's not all that big a deal. i think, again, there clearly, as jonathan said, they're talking to the person that wrote the letter. i think it was his, it is fine. i think it works well either way. i don't think it's a huge deal. i don't think it's a big difference, quite frankly, in all of what the president has been saying publicly. >> are using it to move on from this topic, my friend? anyway, we are going to. here's a clear winning issue for the president and democrats. that is abortion. at least nine states are now proposing ballot measures in 2024, and a number of them swing states, could this issue being on the ballot keep places like arizona and nevada on the dam side of the ledger, if you will, it feels like it could be enough. >> well, look, as we've seen since the supreme court decided in the dobbs decision, more than two years ago, the impact in the effectiveness of this issue in red states, in blue states, and in purple states. i don't think that's going to change one bit inside of the 2024 election. i think having these referendums on states that are crucial to democratic reelection efforts, is going to help drive turnout, it's going to help excite the base. probably more than anything, it's going to really, i think, create a political problem for republicans. there are a decent number of pro-choice republicans. that will find this a compelling issue to vote on. and driving those voters out and putting this choice in front of them as well as the presidential choice, and how each of them would approach this issue is exactly the type of voter that you're going to have to reach to when an extraordinarily close election. this pretty chilng headline coming from axios, suggesting that republican president can unilaterally overturn abortion rights? is that possible? >> you know, i think that seems to be a bit of a stretch to me, i think the supreme court certainly has delineated this to the states. i mean, it's entirely possible, i guess, that they could go back to the supreme court with some other case, look, i think there's plenty of political fodder in what each of these states are doing. you see this affecting the presidential campaigns. just last night, in iowa, nikki haley was asked, she went to great lengths at the last debate to give a very nuanced answer about consensus, she was asked at a forum of christian conservatives if she was governor of south carolina, still, which he signed a six-week abortion ban? she said yes. as the governor, if she had been the governor of the state. and went on to give that large long complicated answer around consensus. i think it's gonna be a hard circle to square if she's the nominee, if donald trump is in the same state running ads saying, i'm the reason that roe got overturned, i appointed all the supreme court justices. i think that's going to be hard for them to run away from. i think it's gonna be hard for them to nuance away from. even as much as they may ultimately try, again, the impact of this s en very clear elections. >> one had percent. jim messina, who you will know, managed to break obama's reelection in 2012 says that the biden campaign doesn'ne to panic just yet. that obama also struggd with poor polling before he won a second term. his messageo biden's this, doubled down on the battleground states, and remind americans of the chaos of the first trump presidency. i mean, it sounds simple, right? >> yeah, i wish it were altogether as easy as it was in four paragraphs. look, i don't think it's time for the biden campaign to panic. but i think anybody that looks at those state polls are, quite frankly state polls that have come since those new york times polls, that show the president trailing trump or haley or even desantis in some of the states, i think it is a flashing red warning light. think it means the campaign s to ramp up its efforts to put this choice in fronof voters more clearly. i think it's time go and make this part of a campaign. i think this race will change fundamentally when there is a campaign. i think because that choice will be more clear, it'll be more active, my recommendation would be start that campaign now. start imprinting that choice more and more forward fashion in front of voters. earlier. i think waiting until we have a pretty good sense of who the nominee's gonna be. you'd bet a pretty good amount of money right now it's gonna be trump. talk about trump a lot more. >> okay, i can say, the biden campaign in emails you're seeing. they're stepping it up now. there you have they listen to you, obviously thank you so much robert gibbs, good to see. it is a story that unfolded yesterday that left a lot of us saying out loud, he did what? 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>> yeah, i absolutely have concerns. i mean, what's missing out of that, statement is also gonna give access to potentially foreign adversaries, domestic adversaries, it shows a lot of the entrances, a lot of the tunnels, it shows how these people access the buildings, it shows weaknesses, security gaps. i could go on and on. about the concerns i have about this effort to release these tapes. that's something that should not be taken lightly. when you think about that. when we think about the world that we're living in right now, we are putting our leaders at risk, yet once again. and given the narratives that are being spun on, this given this information that is being spread now on these tapes, they're flipping the narrative again. it was certainly calculated decision by johnson to release them. clearly supportive of trump, trump is commanding his courage in quotes from releasing those tapes. i think that tells you everything. i think that tells you where his loyalty lies. that certainly not to those oath of office to. office that he. took the it relies on donald trump. >> this is political then by that last statement. and also, i'm curious how much a foreign adversary could glean from this. and does mike johnson know this? >> well, he'd certainly be incredibly naive and probably shush should not be serving as speaker of the house if he doesn't understand that aspect. i know other republicans that are serving on the hill certainly understand the gravity of the situation. but what kevin mccarthy himself did not release these tapes for that exact reason, i think that was one of the reasons he gave. it was because of national security concerns. i do think it's political. i think all of this is just part of the ongoing game, the republicans continue to play and i say republicans lightly, because this is really more the far-right wing of the party. and they don't care. they don't care about the fact that they release false narratives, false narratives on social media that are continuing right now. and it's part of the whole spin. it enables trump at a greater level, that's all this does. >> speaking of january 6th, in an audio interview released this week, donald trump recounted to abc news jonathan carroll, with whom i just spoke, about his attempt to join supporters at the capitol on january 6th. after his stop the steal rally. the secrvice stopped him. here's what donald said. >> you told h're nna go up to -- secret service -- by the time i would ha going to -- the problem didn't like that idea. i could've done the. you know what? i would've been very well received. the people that went to washington that day, in my opinion, they went because the they thought the election was rigged. that's why they went. >> what do you make of donald trump saying he wanted to go to the capitol? and stop the problem. first of, all is that credible? and then prosecutors could they, in the election interference case, could they consider these remarks as evidence and ultimately use his own words against him? >> i mean, i would think so. he's basically admitting, saying, yeah. i wanted to be a part of this. i actually wanted to overturn an election. i think again as he would's plan was. was he going to get in front of mike pence in order him again and try to take over. even though he's really not part of the process? >> by the, way he could stop the problem, that indicates that he knew they were his people. and that they had gone his direction. >> absolutely, look, he's repeating the election that's written right there repeatedly over over again. the other thing that will say about this, you know what? thank, you donald trump. thank you for confirming cassidy hutchinson statements about the fact that he wanted to go. basically, fighting with the secret service people in the car, remember that story? and she got a lot of flak from him. she was attacked by him, and one of the trump inner circle or enablers. who said that she was lying, well, i never believe she, was i know cassidy hutchinson's integrity, and i worked with her. and i know how close she was to this inner circle. so,, thank you for confirming that. because now we know, firsthand, that he is stating this himself. >> as you've no doubt heard in recent weeks, donalp necessitated all the violent and racism of his stames. he's referred to his political rivals as vermin, echoing not see propaganda, rhetoric and then awhile back he said immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country, and a new report suggested, olivia, that he plans to round up immigrants in mass detention camps in deport millions. how do you interpret this language? these plans? >> look, i think the statements are horrifying. i think we should take them very seriously. he did the same thing when he was first running for office. back in 2016, where he made statements someone not as aggressive as this, but he still refer to migrants as criminals and rapists. but i think this is just more of the same. he's getting more aggressive certainly, i think we need to take it seriously, look, i was there in the trump administration. where he talked about shooting people. he talked about shooting migrants on the border. he wanted to carry out these plans. he had these insane plans. when he talks about these camps, believe him. because he will do it. and he's got people in his inner circle, like stephen miller and others who are actually already drawing up these plans. we've seen this in the plans to take over the u.s. government. the project 2025 plan. if you're not tracking, that i strongly suggest that, as americans, we look into that. because they are laying the groundwork, here they've had several years to do it. they had the first time around, where they tested the system, they tested the court system, i know this firsthand, i was in the meetings where they discussed using the courts. it didn't matter that i got held up in litigation, because it allowed them policies to continue in some instances, i just want to be very clear that this will come to fruition. should he come back into the oval office. >> okay, olivia troye. sobering, thank you very much. next, yet another conspiracy theory, lobbed by a republican in a fiery capitol hill hearing. this one matter slipped under your radar. radar with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. 46 past with breaking news from the israel lebanon border. the idf strikes back at hezbollah, after rockets rained down on israel early this morning. nbc's matt bradley, he's in lebanon now with the very latest for us. matt, are you seeing any serious escalation along the border with hezbollah? >> yeah, great question, alex. we haven't really seen what we could call an escalation, it's an escalation from the pastoral days. not necessarily for the entire six weeks that we've been here. the fighting has long been quite fierce along the border. just today, we saw hezbollah, which is the dominant military force in southern lebanon, they said they had shot down an israeli drone, that would be a massive escalation, the israelis, for their part, said they had intercepted hezbollah missile that was firing at one of their aircraft. it also look like those two stories are matching up. it's really difficult for anybody to verify which story is correct. from the israeli side, it was from lebanese officials as well, they said they launched a rocket at the town of map atia, which is very far from the border. well, well within the lebanon proper, and towards where we are now here in beirut. clearly, there's a lot of escalation but, none of this so far is anymore, or worse than what we've been seeing over the last six weeks. alex? speaking of the last six weeks, we've been talking about the possibility of a wider regional conflict, all this time, where does that stand as the strikes are increasing on both sides? >> yeah, i mean, that's the question everybody here is asking, both here in lebanon, throughout the wider region, washington in europe. that's really the question everybody's mind. if this were to break out into wider war, it really could be even worse than what we're seeing right now in gaza and israel. because of the weapons that hezbollah, which i just mentioned are bringing to bear. we've been hearing bellicose statements on both sides, from -- the head of hezbollah, and now just toy, from -- he is the israelister of defense, he said that heollah makes a mistake that israel is ready on la, air and sea. they will know what to do if that happens. interesting to note here, alex when we talk to policymakers, diplomats here, that word mistake. so far, it looks like both sides, including hezbollah, which like hamas, is backed by iran, and like a mouse is considered a terrorist organization by the united states, it doesn't seem like it wants to escalate the war. and neither do these rallies. again, we're still seeing these incredibly fierce back and forth attacks. there's been nearly 80 hezbollah fighters killed. the problem that everybody is worried about, is a mistake. alex? >> for good reason. okay, matt bradley, thank you very much. let's bring in peter baker, msnbc political analyst and chief white house correspondent for the new york times. peter, welcome, my friend. according to a new reuters if those poll, u.s. support for israel is declining only 32% of respondents said the u.s. should back israel. that's down 9% from october. what is the white house calculation on this? peter? how concerning is it to the administration? >> well, i think the white house recognizes that the campaign against hamas has created enough civilian casualties in gaza, that is disturbing a lot of people. the whales will tell you they're disturbed as well. i think they're urging israel to take air in how it approaches his military campaign. they'll argue, in fact, they've already influenced how israel is taking this on, they have in fact changed, israel's approach in a way that they have in terms to pay off that says minimize civilian casualties, open up humanitarian aid to gaza and so on. it's not surprising to see the american public reacting viscerally to the pictures they can see from the ground in gaza. with literally thousands of people killed there. i think that's a worrisome trend, for the administration which wants to continue to rally support for israel, they have a right to defend himself in the wake of the brutal october 7th attacks by hamas. >> i want to move on to talk about something else rubber sobering, the calm air this week. i wt to ask you about the economist, wch said that in its annual world ahead guide, trump is the wld biggest danger in 2024. warning the moral authority of the u.s. would decline, quote, because america will have voted him in while knowing the worst. so, do you agree with this dire warning about a second trump term? in terms of how it's being perceived? >> well, my wife and i were just in berlin a couple of weeks back, that was certainly the message we heard from a lot of german officials, top senior people in the government there. they are, in fact worried about a trump return to the white house. they remember what it was like when he was president. how he seemed to undermine the western alliance. nato. they worried that, if he would infect pulled the united states out of nato, at the very we undermine the american commitment to its nato allies. he basically said that on the campaign trail this year. he doesn't believe in the article five commitments united states makes, when they helped defend nato allies, i think germany particular because we happen to be there, it's very clear how worried now they are. trump referred to beat up on germany, let's say, that on russia he was much more harsh toward germany's leader at the time than ever was to erdogan reputed. no question that a lot of america's allies overseas are watching this election with great deal of trepidation. >> you know what happened on wednesday, house homeland security hearing got pretty contentious one republican congressman clay higgins accuse fbi director christopher wray of using fbi agents to fuel the violence on january 6th. take a listen to this, peter. >> if you are asking whether the violence at the capitol on january 6th was part of some operation orchestrated by fbi sources and or agents, the answer is an emphatic no. no violence orchestrated by fbi sources or agents. >> these bosses are nefarious in nature and are filled with fbi informants as trump supporters. reporter tour caplan january 6th. your days coming. >> i mean, when is this kind of gop conspiracy theory going to work its way out of the political bloodstream? >> well, as long as we elect people like that, we won't. obviously, this is an elected official who was chosen by his constituents. his constituents support this kind of dabbling in conspiracy theories you continue to be there on for politically. it goes without saying, it probably shouldn't, there's gonna be zero evidence of what he's talking about. this is just the fantasy of the conspiratorial right. there's no evidence whatsoever to suggest of the january 6th attack as anything other within what it appeared to be. very clear was. you don't need to see more tape to understand it was. we have her on tape, we show the tape. it's been investigated time in time again. there's no secret cabal, no secret conspiracy out that it's gonna cover this thing, at least we can see, certainly not that congressman has evidence of. >> peter baker, thanksgiving week, i'm always thankful for you. thanks, my friend. thank you so much. see you soon. it has been said love makes the world go round, what happens when love is paired with high? 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