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republican congressman george santos, one day after a scathing report alleged he used campaign funds to pay for everything from botox to luxury spending sprees. also breaking this morning, we'll play for you brand-new audio of former president donald trump telling journalist jonathan carl about what he was doing on the 6th of january. could it end up as evidence in his federal elections case? overseas, gaza residents caught in the middle of another communications blackout as israeli forces say they are searching the region's hospitals for hamas. we'll talk to congresswoman madeleine dean, just back from a visit to israel, about what families there are telling her. and humanitarian crisis at the border takes center stage today as president biden meets with mexico's president in california. and we begin this hour with that breaking news on capitol hill, where the house ethics committee chair has filed a resolution to expel embattled republican george santos from congress. it comes after a blistering report on thursday tt prompted santos to announce he will not run for re-election. the ethics committee accuses santos of using campaign contributions to pay for stays in the hamptons, atlantic city, as well as las vegas and shopping trips and spa services including botox. in response, santos slammed the committee as biased, said he will not back down. joining us now, nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali. good morning. what happens next with this resolution and how likely is it that he could be voted out? >> reporter: it is likely, but we won't know for at least another week, jose. that's because even though that resolution has been filed, it won't be able to be taken up until after thanksgiving. of course, the person who filed it, the head of the ethics committee, congressman goetz, doing so, he said, separate from his capacity as committee chairman and from his role in the ethics committee. i think that's important, especially given the fact that ethics committee members typically try to stay out of any kind of fray between members in terms of ongoing investigations. there were a lot of members, though, who were waiting to see what the ethics committee would say, and what they would find, in order to consider whether or not they should expel santos and even though ethics committee members have tended to be mum on this, now that the report is out, we're not just hearing from guest who is filing that expulsion resolution, but one of the democrats on the committee as well. watch. >> i'm pleased to report that at least the republicans on the committee are equally appalled with us about his conduct, and frankly i think all of us on the committee would have liked to have him out much sooner, but i have to -- i really have to say, it was an intensive investigation and mounds and mounds of evidence that was reviewed to put together that report. >> reporter: certainly she mentions there the mounds of evidence. you have that graphic up on the screen earlier of all of the different substantive allegations made by the ethics committee. a report of their findings, everything from hermes and ferragamo to onlyfans. now we'll see what happens next when lawmakers get back to town, but santos himself said he's not running again, he said he's going to defend himself against all of these allegations, but there is the question of what happens in the year or so that is left of his term if he's voted out. >> yeah, so what would it look like if he's voted out? >> reporter: we would see a special election. and this is why we have seen top republican house lawmakers kind of drag their feet on wanting to expel him. there has been no shortage of frustration and ire directed at santos from republicans and democrats alike. i don't know i found many lawmakers in this building willing to condone or defend his behavior and the allegations that continue to mount against him. nevertheless, republicans in leadership know how to do the basic math here. it always has been a question of how do they maintain their ever so slim majority in the house by keeping santos, it keeps one more vote on their side. if and when this goes to a special election in the state of new york, it has been deemed a lean democrat district. you already got folks lining up there on the ballot in long island. and what it would do, when and if he's expelled, is trigger a special election sometime next year that many people on both the republican and democratic sides think would tip democrat. that would just chip away at an already very slim republican majority. >> ali vitali on capitol hill, thank you so very much. this morning, nbc news obtained a new audio recording that could have an impact on former president donald trump's federal election interference case. in march 2021, trump spoke with jonathan carl, the journalist, and talked about how the secret service stopped him from going to the capitol on the 6th of january. take alisten. >> but if you look a the real size of that crowd, it was never reported correctly. there were -- it's the biggest crd i've ever spoken in front of by far. >> really. >> by far. that went down to the washington - tt went back to the washington monument. >> you told them you were going to go to the capitol. were you just -- >> i woing to and the secret service said you can't and by the time i would have and then when i got back, i said i wanted to gback, i was thinking about goingac during the problem to stop the problem, doing it myself. secret service didn't like that idea too much. >>so, what -- >> and, you know what, i've been very well received. don't foet, the people that went to washington that day, in my opinion, they went because they thought the election was rigged. that's why they went. >> and with us now to talk more about this, and more, nbc news justice reporter ryan reilly, the author of the new book "sedition hunters: how january 6th broke the justice system" and paul butler, former federal prosecutor who is now a law professor at georgetown university, he is an msnbc legal analyst. ryan, what is the significance of what trump has to say in this recording? >> i think in addition to confirming some of the testimony or parts of the testimony that we heard from cassidy hutchinson about trump's desire to actually go down to the capitol that day, it also reveals that he did know the power that he had over that crowd. in fact, talked about wanting to go down there to stop it. and, you know what is interesting about that is hours went by without any word from the president until finally an edited video came out in which he sort of praised their intelligence. i watched video after video after video of january 6th itself and i've seen these videos of the reaction that the crowd had when he finally put out that video. and that did finally calm the crowd. there was an impact when he finally had this message from the president saying, you know, go home, we love you, you're very special. remember this day forever. even that positive spin on january 6th, when having officers being brutalized, had an impact on the crowd. some people were in fact going away from the capitol because they heard trump do it, jose. >> do you think there are any legal implications to what trump has to say in that recording? >> so, jose, if -- this is a big if, if the special counsel had charged trump with incitement or treason, this would be extremely probative evidence. prosecutors would argue that trump was the general of the army that attacked the capitol and by extension attacked the united states. but, trump isn't being prosecuted for the violence of the insurrection. the special counsel probably thought that the election interference charges are easier to prove. the indictment does say that trump exploited the violence of the insurrection. so jack smith could try to get this tape admitted as evidence of that allegation. so, remember, trump watched the mayhem on tv for 187 minutes, now we know that he believed that he, alone, had the power to make those insurrectionists go home. and he did nothing to stop it. >> and so, paul, meanwhile, on monday, the u.s. circuit court of appeals for washington, d.c. is going to be hearing arguments in donald trump's appeal of a gag order in the federal election interference case. what is the likelihood that trump will be able to get that gag order overturned? >> you know, this is really an issue of first impression, we never had a president who has been charged with a crime, much less subject to a gag order. gag orders usually apply to people other than the defendant. in this case, though, jack smith is saying that he's concerned about violence. he's concerned that trump's violent rhetoric could get somebody killed or seriously injured and jack smith says that's also what happened on january 6th. it is a legitimate concern. so, an important issue before the court. not only free speech, but we have the person who is the leading candidate for the republican nomination to be president of the united states. the country should hear from him, but if his comments are going to incite further violence and get folks hurt, that's something that the judge properly takes into account. >> and, also, paul, turning to some developments in president biden's handling of classified documents, nbc news reports a special counsel investigating this interviewed biden's son hunter. what does it say about the state of that investigation? >> it means that the president probably should be concerned. he was interviewed last month. there have been months of negotiations over the terms of that interview. usually the interview of the subject of an investigation happens right before the investigation closes. so, i'm sure there is concerns about whether the special counsel is listening to those house republicans who raised questions about whether hunter biden had access to the documents that were stored at biden's home in delaware. hunter's lawyer says that that house was hunter's only permanent address during that time. so, again, if the special counsel is raising that as an issue now, it sounds like that the -- it sounds like the investigation isn't near completion and, again, that's got to be concerning for the president. >> ryan reilly and paul butler, thank you so very much. up next, the u.n.'s new warning about the threat of starvation facing residents of gaza as israeli forces warn more gaza neighborhoods to evacuate. congresswoman madeleine tells us what she saw. we'll chat in just 60 seconds. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. s. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. time stops. 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>> reporter: well, according to a doctor inside of the al shifa hospital, the israeli military was still operating inside the complex today. we managed to reach him. it has been difficult to reach the doctors inside of al shifa. we managed to get through to the director of the burns unit. he described this desperate situation playing out in the hospital. he said there is very little fuel, very little electricity. he said the israeli military did provide some food and water to those inside the hospital. there is about 600 patients shielding inside the hospital as well as staff and internally displaced people. now, i asked him about the allegations from the israeli military. they have been searching the complex. so far they said they found a number of weapons as well as what appears they allege to be the entrance to a tunnel. i asked him about the allegation that hamas has been exploiting the hospital for its own use. take a listen to what he had to say to that. what is your response to those allegations? >> reporter: he said that the patients inside of the intensive care unit within al shifa hospital are dying. he said that about 43 patients have died so far, due to a lack of oxygen and he's pleading as the military operation is under way, preventing them from leaving or entering the hospital. he's pleading with the international community to evacuate everyone inside of the hospital. i was speaking with a w.h.o. spokesperson who provided me with a statement, they said they're working on that. they're working with a number of international partners to secure a safe route out of the hospital. also pointing to those fuel shortages saying that the palestinian red crescent ambulances need fuel to be able to evacuate patients from al shifa hospital. jose? >> erin, the doctor saying there were just some weapons doesn't mean that it is any kind of a central -- at least if you believe what the idf video is, and, again, we can't confirm it. but the video shows not only, you know, weapons, long guns, but rpgs and grenades. so, anyway, there you see the video. there are the kalashnikovs, but they're also showing -- we can't confirm the videos are indeed what they say they are, but what they're showing is some, you know, backpacks with some weapons and ammunition and as well as, you know, rpgs and grenades. but, erin, we're also hearing from news about israeli raids in the west bank. >> reporter: yeah. that's right. overnight there was a raid at a refugee camp in the west bank. according to the palestinian health ministry, three were killed during that raid and 15 were injured. according to palestinian news agency. a number of paramedics at the local hospital were interrogated and ambulances searched. the israeli military put out a statement saying that that raid was in fact targeting a terrorist cell. the israeli military saying they killed, quote, five terrorists saying additional terrorists, quote, who fired and hurled explosive devices at the security forces were neutralized during the activity. all this, of course, comes amidst increasing tensions happening there in the west bank. jose? >> erin mclaughlin in tel aviv, thank you very much. joining us now is democratic congressman madeleine dean of pennsylvania, a member of the house foreign affairs and judiciary committee. she just returned from a congressional trip to israel. congresswoman, thank you for your time. what did you learn on this trip? >> well, it is good to be with you. and this conversation is so very, very difficult, the suffering that we are seeing is just unbearable. we landed in tel aviv, we were allowed to be on the ground only 12 hours. we landed in tel aviv. it was a very quiet place, different from when i was there last. it was bustling and bright, filled with young people. it was quiet, very few people on the street, we were schooled in security measures, where the bomb shelters are, et cetera. we had a series of four meetings. first with our ambassador lou, so glad he's there, with his whole team. and then with prime minister netanyahu. then with minister of defense gallant and then fourth meeting with families of hostages. all of the meetings were meaningful. i would tell you the meeting with the prime minister began and we were warned of this, began with a 20-minute video compilation of the brutality and the horror of a fraction of what happened on october 7th. images that i'll never forget. just the absolute barbarism, the burning of people, the beheadings, and then we began our conversation with the prime minister. and so when it came my time to speak, and the prime minister made the argument that this is a fight for civilization, when it came my time to speak, i told him where i represent, a place he knows well because he was schooled here, cheltenham high school. i said, what my constituents want is to make sure that you preserve civilian life, innocent life as you pursue this war, as you pursue hamas. hamas is the enemy. and the civilians must be protected. humanitarian aid must get in. we see a real challenge to that right now. >> congresswoman, you talk about that 20-minute video, which is presumably part of, half of a longer video that members of the israeli government have been showing to press and other people. what is it about that that moved you so much? >> the grotesque inhumanity of it. the joy that the terrorists took in bludgeoning someone who was nearly dead, in what appeared to be a kitchen, but then taking joy in bludgeoning him in the head. the children, the babies, the young people by the scores, hundreds, probably one of the most upsetting videos was a video from inside a home where a father and two little boys, maybe 13 and 11, run through, early morning, in their underwear, they run through their own kitchen to the safe house in the back. the terrorists come, the father clearly in front of the boys, hidden behind him, terrorists throws in i guess a grenade, the father falls into the doorway, slumps over, dead, as the little boys run out, bloodied, and sit in their kitchen, and cry out for mama. and say why am i alive. daddy is dead. why am i alive? what is to become of children who suffer this whether in israel or in gaza? what i did take away is that the united states is an indispensable partner here, a nation that must guide israel to pursue this war, justly, proportionally, protecting human life, rescuing people from these hospitals, and we must be the leader to ensure a future of peace when hamas is uprooted. peace for palestinian people. the two-state solution must come out of these horrible actions. >> congresswoman madeleine, i thank you so much for being with us this morning. i very much appreciate your time and your voice. thanks. >> thank you, jose. up next, the white house is calling it repugnant. why social media searches for osama bin laden have gone up by more than 4,000% this week. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. wk you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. 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>> well, what is so interesting is even a few years go, jose, you would have seen a major platform like that perhaps making an argument about the value of enabling a sort of free marketplace of ideas and very early libertarian ideas about social media which drove so many of the founders of those platforms. that's no longer the world we're in. each of these platforms has a specific policy against promoting terrorist content or content that in any way glorifies acts of terrorism. in this case, tiktok said it specifically violates its content and has immediately begun pulling down anyone searching -- posting under the #lettertoamerica. searches for bin laden continue to move. but that is the nature of social media at this hour, jose. >> unbelievable. what are the concerns about the spread of disinformation on a platform like tiktok, among a group of young americans who probably don't even remember 9/11. >> first of all, let's talk about how disturbing it is that this kind of content resurfaced and is making its way across these platforms to the speed it has. the idea that anyone is finding any kind of empathy or sympathy or using this letter and this content as an awakening of some people who posted, a wakening to american foreign policy, that is so incredibly disturbing. and i just have to say, to anyone who feels that way, if that is your source, for education on american foreign policy, i implore you to find new sources. there are plenty out there. but let's talk about this. i don't want to get into the details of what is in that letter. clearly speaks to both anti-semitic, hate speech and to homophobic hate speech. we're talking at a time of rising anti-semitism, that was happening even before the israel-hamas war began. it had been ticking up, it has accelerated at pace since then as has islamophobia. those are two sides of the same coin, when you're talking about bigotry and targeting of religious minorities and there is no place for either of that speech in a civilized society. there is a lot of space between supporting a terrorist leader as some videos purport to do and criticizing your own government and their foreign policy. and also speaking at a time when we're seeing a lot of particularly young americans increasingly uncomfortable with america's support of israel and israel's conduct in the war. we had a poll out just earlier this week at pbs news hour in which it showed that some 38% of americans said they believe that israel's conduct and response to the war so far has been just about right. but also 38% believed it had been too much. while that's noteworthy, it is 12 points higher than it was just a month ago and it now comprises the majority of democrats. so what we're seeing the longer the war this goes on and as people are watching and many have seen, i should mention, you know, i heard congresswoman dean speaking so passionately and intimately about those horrific videos from october 7th, which i have also seen, these are things you will never, ever forget once you've seen them, but there is now millions of americans also seeing horrific videos of the loss of life among gazan civilians and they're increasingly uncomfortable watching this as this goes by. i asked secretary of state antony blinken about this last night. and he said it is gut wrenching, it is heart breaking. we have to ask what we would do if this was us, if it was happening to us and continued to defend america's position. jose? >> thank you, amna, thank you for that. i think it is important we always put context and reality in what at times seem like a world of very little basis of reality. thank you. thank you for being with us this morning. up next, the preview of president biden's meeting with mexico's president, just hours from now in san francisco. plus, we're joined by congressman joaquin castro of texas who is slamming his state's newest border bill. why he's calling on the justice department to step in. congressman, always a pleasure to see you. we'll speak in just a minute. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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>> reporter: it is a meeting that we didn't even know was going to take place until a couple of days ago because president obrador didn't know if he was going to come to apec. he decided to make the trip and have this meeting with president biden and, of course, the relationship between the u.s. and mexico is a key one. it is a very essential alliance, but it is not without its very complicated issues. there is one area of cooperation that the u.s. president would like to get more agreement from in terms of fentanyl and we, of course, saw that was a key issue in president biden's meeting with president xi earlier in the week in terms of cracking down on the global supply chain. president lopez obrador sometimes deied that fentanyl is being made with other illicit drugs in mexico. this is where he needs to get some cooperation here, what ends up happening is that the drugs are smuggled through cartels in the southern border into the united states. that's a big priority for the u.s. and combined with that issue is the issue overall of migration and border security. we know the two will be discussing that as well. in addition to the topic of cuba. but this is a relationship that is, of course, very important for the continent. we know the three leaders of north america will be meeting once again, we expect, before he's set to leave his term there are those very consequential elections in mexico coming that i'm sure will be a part of the agenda as well. jose? >> monica alba in san francisco. thank you so very much. and now to texas, where governor greg abbott said he looks forward to signing a controversial immigration bill into law. senate bill 4 would make it a new state crime to enter texas illegally. it also gives state and local law enforcement the power to arrest and order undocumented migrants to leave the u.s. the bill's sponsor says it is meant to target migrants who recently crossed into texas. but civil rights organizations and immigrant advocacy groups warn it could very well lead to racial profiling. with us now to talk more about this is texas congressman joaquin castro. good to see you. i thank you for your time. what are your thoughts on this bill that could very well become law shortly? >> well, it is a racist, dangerous antiimmigrant bill. and, jose, you have to realize that within the last month or two, the most powerful republican political action committee in the state of texas that influences all the state wide republican office holders had a meeting with the most notorious white supremacist in the united states, and so that is who is driving the agenda at the state legislature in austin, texas. and what is going to happen is that people who are speaking spanish in public, people who are latinos in the cities in south texas, like mcallen and brownsville and all over, they're going to get targeted as well as people in the big cities across texas and in other places as well. >> yeah, i mean, if you're going to be looking for people to speak spanish in texas, not just the border communities, how about the entire country? and specifically in texas, congressman, where, you know, it is just part of an everyday vernacular. but congressman, back in 2012, i know you know this more than most, the u.s. supreme court struck down most of arizona's sb-1070, in many ways similar, it was. the justices at that time said states cannot establish their own immigration laws, but texas, well, looks like this is an immigration law, what are the potential legal and political ramifications of this? >> well, that's absolutely right. and this legislation is very similar to what arizona tried to do, but i think it goes even further than arizona's legislation and what you have now is texas with extremist republicans in this case, wanting to do a kind of test case, they got a new supreme court, so they want to test out whether this new supreme court is going to allow states like texas and arizona and others to basically have a big part in designing immigration law. but the supremacy clause of the united states constitution clearly gives that right to the federal government and not to the states. but in the meantime, this is going to be a very dangerous piece of legislation. myself and many others are encouraging the justice department to ask for an injunction, to file for an injunction, to try to stop this from going forward. >> congressman, thank you very much for being with us. we have to continue our conversation. it has been a while since you and i spoke and i look forward to continuing our conversation. >> absolutely. >> thanks. up next, music mogul sean combs vehemently denying shocking allegations against him, brought by an ex-girlfriend. what she claims he did to her for years. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. y. you're watching "jose diaz-balart repos"rt on msnbc. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. 49 past the hour. a new bombshell lawsuit accuses music mogul sean combs, known as diddy, of rape, abuse and violent behaviorbehavior. it was brought by musician cassie. a rejected for combs rejected the allegations and called them offensive and outrageous. joining us now is entertainment correspondent chloe melas. what do we know about the allegations and what happens next? >> good morning, jose. cassie is saying she's finally ready to tell her side of the story after living for years in darkness. sean's team is calling this outrageous. sean combs facing a slew of allegations, including rape and sex trafficking. in a stunning new civil lawsuit filed thursday by his longtime partner, singer cassie. ♪♪ according to the complaint, she alleges combs asserted complete control over her personal and professional life. throughout their relationship, she says she endured a cycle of abuse and violence for more than a decade. the lawsuit even detailing combs thanking her during a lifetime achievement award speech on bet last year. >> cassie for holding me down in the dark times, love. >> she's accusing the rapper of forcing her into unwanted sexual encounters with male sex workers through the use of illegal substances and threats of violence. saying combs allegedly recorded the sex acts to reinforce her inability to escape. the complaint going on to accuse combs of uncontrollable rage, alleging that he often punched, beat, kicked and stomped on her. then allegedly used his money to hide evidence of abuse, including putting her in a hotel for days to heal. she accusing combs of rape, saying as their relationship was nearing the end, he forced himself into her apartment in 2018. the acclaimed music producer vehemently denying the allegations. his attorney calling them offensive and outrageous, writing in part, for the past six months, mr. combs has been subjected to her demand of $30 million under the threat of writing a damaging book about their relationship, which was unequivocally rejected as blackmail. in a statement to nbc news, her attorneys are saying that sean combs offered her eight figures to silence her and to prevent her from filing this lawsuit. his team is coming out sand say -- coming out and saying she should not be applauded. we will stay on this. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. up next, the thanksgiving travel rush is on. analysts expect a record number of people to fly. can the airlines handle the crowds? i think it's going to be tough. we will look into that. 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(christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. sound like you? so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. 56 past the hour. thanksgiving is less than a week to go. the busy thanksgiving travel period kicks off today. from now until the 28th, the tsa expects to screen 30 million passengers at the nation's airports. george, how is it looking today? >> happy early thanksgiving to you. pretty good here in at philadelphia international. we are getting into the afternoon rush. you mentioned it, a possible record breaking 30 million people expected to be screened over the next 12 days. that's not counting how many are expected to be added after the sunday. we talked to travelers. we have been looking at the misery map. not a lot of misery. more smiles, which is something we like to see. we know the holiday season is starting to ramp up. one of my favorite things to do is talking to travelers, finding out where they are going, how far they are going. a lot of people are thankful for the pre-check. it will make the biggest difference in getting from airport a through airport b. what do you make of the pre-check line? >> it's a little longer than it usually is. >> it's usually shorter. >> what does that tell you about the return of people traveling for the holiday? >> i think it's -- travel is definitely back. >> tra definitely back. gas is cheaper. the traffic picture does look good. some weather considerations later on during the thanksgiving travel period. overall, people are happy with what they will get for the holiday travel. >> spend extra time when you get to the airport. take a little bit more time. you will need it. thank you very much, george. turning to some good news to finish the week. a kansas city barber is going without pay for an entire week to be able to feed those in need this thanksgiving holiday. it's a tradition that fred has been keeping up with for years. in 2021, he fed 27 families. in 2022, he reached 96. this time around, he is going big. he will serve 150 families. in addition to going without pay, he is collecting donations all week long. >> we going to buy the turkeys, cake mix, butter, eggs, everything to cook meals at home for their family. you can't just have turkey and mashed potatoes and green beans and think that's a meal. we want to make sure they got seconds. >> that's fred. that's a great thing. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," israeli forces move through several hospitals in gaza searching for evidence of hamas and hostages, as they release more video they

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Stomach Pain , Back Pain , Side Effects , Liver , Difficulty Sleeping , Diarrhea , Story , Network , Businesses , Writers , Airline , 160 , Help , Communities , Bank , Startup , Technologies , Architects , Innovation Labs , Iphone , Plan , Condition , Carolers , Husband , Black Friday , Ipad , Titanium , Apple , Go , Wake Up , Let S Go , C Mon , Gracie , Engine Revving , Family Thing , Color , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Huh Hey , Chances , Finances , 24 7 , Ohhhh , Apec Summit In San Francisco , 39 , Stopgap Funding Bill , Government Shutdown , Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador , Monica Alba , The End , Presidency , Live In San Francisco , Seeing , Regimes , Cheerleader , Cuba , Monica , Nicaragua , Hope , Couple , Relationship , Apec , Obrador Didn T , Cooperation , Fentanyl , Issues , Alliance , Agreement , Saw , Area , Supply Chain , President Xi , Drugs , Cartels , Priority , Continent , Leaders , Immigration , Border Security , North America , Topic , Part , Agenda , Bill 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Eye Specialist , Photos , Olay Hyaluronic , Difference , Moisturized , Olay , 95 , Stroke , Heart Valve Problem , Shot , Catch , Afib , Warfarin , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Stroke Risk , Eliquis Patients , 97 , Bruise , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Medicines , Blood Thinner , Procedures , Power E Trade , Charting , Trading , Powerful , Market , Feel , Analysis , Opportunities , Scans , Sentiment , Morgan Stanley , React , Design Business , Borders , Store , Markets , Opportunity , Futures Ladder , Bobby , Business Internet , Business Grade Internet , Exploding , Show , Sean Combs , Rape , Abuse , Bombshell Lawsuit , Music Mogul , 49 , Musician Cassie , Combs , Violent Behaviorbehavior , Chloe Melas , Lawsuit , Outrageous , Darkness , Sex Trafficking , Slew , Complaint , Me Down In The Dark Times , Cycle , Lifetime Achievement Award Speech On Bet Last Year , Threats , Rapper , Substances , Sex Workers , Encounters , Sex Acts , Inability , Beat , Uncontrollable Rage , Kicked , Heal , Hotel , Apartment , Music Producer , 2018 , Attorney , Writing , Demand , Six , 30 Million , 00 Million , Attorneys , Blackmail , Figures , Eight , Sand Say , Record Number , The Thanksgiving Travel Rush Is On , Analysts , Crowds , Airlines , Time , Anything , Godaddy Website , Cheesecake Cookies , Chookie , Sales , Owner , Vet , My Name , Josh Sanabria , 5 6 , Perfect , Loan , Financing Piece , Alexandra , Risks , Type 2 Diabetes , Steps , Heart Attack , Death , Goal , Point , A1c , Dove Body Wash , Health Care Provider , Heart Failure , Change , Picture , Care , Micro Moisture , 24 , Irregular Heartbeat , Rare , Disease , Serious , Shortness Of Breath , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Sound , Cardiologist , Attr Cm , Wifi , Homework , Power Outages , Battery Back Up , Xfinity , 10g Network , 56 , Airports , Passengers , Tsa , 28 , Philadelphia International , George , Travelers , Record , Sunday , Afternoon Rush , Finding Out , Smiles , Holiday Season , Misery , Misery Map , Airport A , Pre Check , Line , Airport B , Travel , Holiday , Return , Traffic Picture , Gas , Tra , Airport , Weather Considerations , Holiday Travel , Barber , Kansas City , Tradition , Fred , Fed 27 , 96 , 2022 , Eggs , Donations , Turkeys , Butter , Cake Mix , 150 , Family , Meals , Meal , Turkey , Green Beans , Mashed Potatoes , Privilege , Andrea Mitchell , Andrea Mitchell Reports ,

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