Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240702

just hours ago, the new house speaker, mike johnson, unveiled his plan to keep the government funded. it is a two-step approach, funding some parts of the government until january. others through february. this new plan does not include spending cuts, nor additional military aid to israel. this untested strategy also serves as a major first test for speaker johnson, who has -limited experience with budget battles. he's already getting pushback from his own caucus. texas congressman chip roy saying, today, quote, it's 100% clean and i 100% oppose. nbc confirms roy is one of three republicans already saying no deal. meanwhile, the white house calls this plan, quote, recipe up plan for more republican chaos and more shot down. house republicans wasting precious time with an un-serious proposal that has been panned but members of both parties. nbc news capitol hill correspondent, julie tsirkin, has more. >> hey, alicia. six days ahead of next friday's government shutdown, deadline, we finally have a plan from house speaker mike johnson on how he plans to avert that shutdown deadline. he talked about it with his colleagues, republicans, on a phone call a couple of hours ago. laying this out. he's calling it a two step continuing resolution. that's because on january 19th, half of the agencies, roughly, health will run out of funding. then on february 2nd, other agencies will run out of funding. it's really an untested situation. democrats certainly not in favor of it. in fact, a couple of moments after this pummels revealed, senator brian schatz, a democrat on the senate appropriations committee, posted on x saying, quote, we are going to pass a clean short term cr. the only question is whether we do it stupidly and catastrophically or we do it like adults. now, this plan is clean. meaning there are no spending cuts and this bill. that's something that was a red line for democrats. house democratic leader hakeem jeffries at the end of this week told me the only thing they'll except is a plan that maintains spending levels on current levels, 2023 levels that were under leader schumer, speaker pelosi when she controlled this branch. it's something democrats are very serious about. a couple of minutes ago i heard from a senior democratic leader who said they are glad, it's a good thing, quote, they say, the speaker didn't include unnecessary cuts and kept defense funding with the second round of programs. we are hearing from some republicans who aren't thrilled about this. hard-line conservatives, talk about someone like congressman chip roy who posted on x, while the meeting with republicans was still happening, he didn't agree. -- it sounds like he's [ >> certainly slamming speaker johnson, sounds like he's been the same predicament that former ousted speaker kevin mccarthy had just a month and a half ago. we also heard from congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and told me she never votes for cr's, making it clear she's a no on this one too. tuesday could be the earliest we see a vote on the house floor. the big question though if johnson can get 2 to 17 with just republicans or whether he's gonna have to work across the aisle and get some democrats to join him too. >> nbc's julie tsirkin, thank you for the report. the spending fight underscores what is on the line when focus contemplate which party should control government, when they hit to the ballot box next year. last week served as a reminder of the whiplash nature of american politics. democrats made a strong showing tuesday for off-year elections, and ohio, a solid red state, voters enshrine the right to abortion access into the state's constitution. kentucky's race for governor >> reelected governor andy beshear, and in virginia, -- this all comes nearly 18 months after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade. this tuesday shows that ruling, it is still reshaping elections. democrats celebrate his hard-fought victories, the slate of new polling paints a different picture in the race for the white house. just as before today's election, a new york times poll found donald trump leading president biden in a five out of six battleground states in a hypothetical rematch. of that polling, susan glasser of the new yorker writes, whichever poll you choose to believe or not, the data point overwhelmingly to biden sitting near historic lows in popularity and being essentially tied with trump, a man who is running on an explicit platform of revenge, retribution, and constitution termination. it will not get revenge being fought and so trump's plan to govern, should he be given a second term. new reporting for the new york times dives into trump's new plans for immigration, putting crackdowns on illegal immigration, building can't to prepare for nasty deportations. as we so often say on the show, cruelty is the point. joining me now, joining me now, fernand amandi president of dixon and armando international and from florida, carlos curbelo -- both are see -- msnbc political analysts. it's good to see you both. congressman, i want to talk about the funding fight. the white house is calling this unserious. you also have far-right republicans saying this is a no go. tell me, we were do you think this is all going? >> alicia, welcome speaker johnson to that wacky world of managing the house republican conference. the squeeze is on. democrats aren't going to support his plan. extreme right wing republicans or strarting to oppose his plan. and some of the centrist members i've already heard from, experts and doubts about setting up multiple cliffs. the last thing the government needs in washington, d. c., alicia, at the last in congress needs is more cliffs. some of the conservative members and the house republican conference want to use those clips as leverage, but we all know how those cliffs and, sometimes. congress ends up falling off those cliffs and government shuts down. so, put on your seatbelts the next few days, there is gonna be turbulence. >> here is the thing. we often talk about how the gop caucus is ungovernable. you have one republican member saying that jesus christ himself could not get this caucus to get its act together, which seems pretty on point. that's not just politics, right? it's not just machinations in the house. in this case, we're talking about people who rely on government benefits. not being able to access the benefits they need, that they pay into, because a cohort of republicans were not serious about governing. they were not serious about doing the very basic of duties and making sure the government was funded into the new year. >> you touch on it there. i think fundamentally, the point, is yes, the republican party now control the congress, or the house, cannot govern. it is ungovernable. it's not just a cliché. it's true. but i think you almost have to pull the layer back, because the one thing they said they could do, at least, electorally, was win elections. we keep seeing, in these 2023 results, all the way back in 2022 and 2020 and 2018, they're on a hell of a losing streak at the ballot box themselves. so when you asked the question, what can this republican party of today do, i'm not sure there is much. you also heard congressman curbelo say, at the outset, the onus here on passing and making sure this government doesn't go into a shutdown is on the republican party. they have set the situation up, where they will appropriately and correctly bear all the blame and responsibility, and it's not up to the democrats to bail them out. they need to put together and present a responsible bill that will fund the government and all those services, that so many millions of americans are counting on. and if they don't, they're facing electoral apocalypse. even more than they've experienced in 2020 fall. >> fernand amandi, part of the reason i do not allow you to have a weekend off is because last weekend, i invited you on the program -- we were on air is less pull of numbers came out and you, st. louis, and these are the numbers that you want. it's also more complex and that's part of the reason the campaign has to get started today. and so, one of the reasons i wanted you to come back and have this conversation with us is because i want you to help me square the polling numbers we're seeing from the new york states and many more add in the element of complexity, that the electorate you see adoring these off cycle elections, is not the same electorate you're gonna see come november. >> well, you know, take it from this polster. i'm gonna talk about polls. this is gonna sound strange. through all the polls out the window. i don't believe the polls mean anything right now, and not until we really get into the post convention period will that be the case, alicia. because, again, if you want to look at indicators of future performance, look at these election results. in election after election, whether it's a special elections, midterm elections, even presidential elections dating back to 2020 and before. democrats are performing where they need to. what i will say is this. one thing i discovered and the early part of 2022 it is despite president biden's low approval rating, his lower popularity, voters are saying in spite of all of those things, given the opportunity, i'm still going to vote for the democrats in the face of this extreme authoritarian project, which today's maga republican party represents and will even be more so under a donald trump nomination in 2024. that doesn't mean they should rest on their laurels, everything is fine, because it's not. as we said last, week these are warning signs. they need to react appropriately. but they shouldn't gloom or doom just on the basis of these soft poll numbers right now. >> the pollster who tells you to not believe the polls, yourself sabotaging your own business in the name of democracy. thank you for that, fernand amandi. carlos, i do wonder -- i get the point. there is a saliency question around reproductive rights and the extent to which that is motivating specifically as an isolated issue, not seen in the global context of the economy and other things that will drive voters to the polls. but i still have to wonder if republicans watch what happened this week and said, this is not a winner for us. it's not a winner, the way we thought it was a winner. people talk to us about being radical and multiple contexts, including this authoritarian strain within the republican party. this issue, this is feeding into the idea that we are not where other americans are. so i'm curious, your sense -- we know how democrats felt watching this week's elections. are national republicans saying, hey, going into 2024, this is not a winner and we've got to back off of it? >> alicia, they're really waking up to the reality after so many losses. you heard nikki haley, especially, at that last nbc news republican debate, really dancing around the issue, talking about how even though people don't think about the issues the way she does, states rights have to be respected. and donald trump has openly criticized people like ron desantis, who signed a six-week ban in the state of florida. people ask me, have republicans gone too far on abortion? are they worried about it? and of course the answer is yes. when donald trump, the front runner and the republican primary is openly attacking other republicans for being too, restrictive when it comes to the abortion issue. so, yes, there's a lot of peril in the future for republicans on abortion. but democrats can't just rely on that. joe biden's numbers are very low, and that's keeping republicans in the game. >> i want to ask you fernand, about this reporting from the new york times. a new interview, trump advisor stephen miller outlined trump's anor immigration if trump were to win back the white house. the times reporting, quote, trump's want to revive his first term border policies, including banning entry by people from certain muslim majority nations. he wants to scour the country for unauthorized immigrants and deport people by the millions per year. to ease e strain on i. c. e. detention facilities, trump wants to build huge camps to detain people while their cases are processed and they await deportation flights. you match that with the reporting about how he wants to go to -- use the doj to go after his political rivals. he is telling us what his vision for this country is. and if you can't believe it, it is even darker than what he sold to americans during his first term. i wonder who you believe he is trying to appeal to with this message? >> first of all, i believe him. believe donald trump. what he's telling you is what he intends on doing. alicia, lets -- you know, obviously, the, ridiculous, offensive notion that he's going to round up and go after these, quote, undesirable immigrants and scour the country, and language that sounds out of a george orwell novel, a sign bad enough. think about what it would mean and how quickly the mechanism of a rounding up police could be and how quickly that could be and now -- apply to the next type of undesirable. is that undesirable political opponents? donald trump this week said, he plans on using and weaponizing the department of justice and other entities took go after political opponents. this idea of going across the country and rounding up undesirables, you can insert whatever category of what the enemies list of the trump administration would be, if god forbid he went in 2024. and believe when he says he's going to implement that, because i believe, if he does, he will. >> i want to ask you, carlos, before all of you go, you mentioned nikki haley, the sort of pivot, the softening on abortion. and i wonder if you noticed during that last debate, that she's still very reluctant to take shots at donald trump? right? that is one pivot she's not willing to make. what do you make of it, if you think it's a strategically sound? >> alicia, i think nikki haley has seen a couple of models. ron desantis tried to follow donald trump to the nomination. very difficult to defeat someone when you're imitating them. people like chris christie and others are struggling because they've taken the full anti trump plane. nikki haley's trying to go around donald trump. it's interesting. i mean, typically, if you want to defeat someone, you go right at them. but this is a weird time in the republican primary. so, nikki haley is trying to finess this and go around donald trump. maybe it works out for her. but at the end of the day, every candidate, every republican is going to have to say the truth about what they think about donald trump, his election lies, and his entire record. she might be able to avoid it for a while, but at some point she's gonna have to address these issues head on. >> it's a weird time. might be the understatement about the republican party in this moment, but i will take it. fernand amandi, carlos curbelo, as always, thank you both so much. ahead, standing between trump and four more years of retribution and chaos, more than 90 criminal counts against him. paul butler will help us break down when we might get an answer on some of them. plus, we go live to tel aviv. but first, with richard lui the other big stories we're tracking this hour on msnbc. >> good evening. fbi agents seizing phones and an ipad from new york city mayor eric adams. this is part of an ongoing investigation into his campaign fundraising, says a lawyer for the mayor. the fbi previously searched the home of adam's main fund-raiser. the mayor denies any wrongdoing and says he and his staff are cooperating with the investigation. president biden delivered a speech at arlington national cemetery today, to mark veterans day. biden honored veterans and, their quote, families who, quote, always kept that light of liberty shining bright. and one of the thousands small earthquakes shook iceland. authorities declared a state of emergency, evacuating and entire town on saturday. scientists say the increase in tremors means a large volcanic eruption could be imminent. more american voices after this break. here are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the 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benjamin netanyahu said today that israel will control security in gaza after its campaign to destroy hamas is over. netanyahu also says israel will not agree to a cease-fire in gaza, until all the israeli hostages returned safely. the national address came as the israeli military stepped up its bombardment and ground operations in gaza. the red cross reported today, israeli tanks surrounded and attacked a hospital, after power was cut off at gaza al-shifa hospital affect the pediatric and intensive care facilities. today, the palestinian health ministry said at least to infants died because of the power outage. doctors without borders called for an immediate cease fire -- nbc's reporter joins me now from gaza. what do we know about hospitals and the situation tonight? >> you mentioned they're premature babies dying. we are hearing from the director of the hospitals saying that 39 babies who are in incubators and therefore relying on power to oxygenate these and debaters were removed from those incubators and placed in a room where they were swaddled in order to keep the manually warm, because the actual machinery isn't operating anymore. and two of the 39, unfortunately, lost their lives. we understand there are very limited options now and she's the hospital and other hospitals in northern gaza, where many of the medical facilities are completely out of commission. there are few power points in some of the hospitals that are being used, for really just the most drastic, that most medically as a interventions. but this is all happening against the backdrop of this mass displacement of people from the northern part of gaza to the south, as the israeli military has time and again said people need to move. it's important to note, the shifa hospital is not able to just connect people from life support and move him, and there are still 600 or 700 patients there. we did hear from at him on the ground, who sent us a video of a man who was making his way south, down that gaza strip, describing what he saw along the way. listen. >> we saw limbs, bodies, thrown left and right. but we can't do anything. we saw people, children, that were left and right. i can't move. we couldn't move. we couldn't do anything. we were so tired after we walk past the bridge. the wadi gaza bridge. >> it's also important to note, the shifa hospital among others is struggling to bury its dead. they have no work to put them. they cannot get excavating material to even dig a mass grave. so oftentimes, they're leaving bodies where they, lay where they passed away. so to really, really dire situation. and it's only getting worse, according to the medical authorities on the ground, alicia. >> hala, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address, what stood out to you? >> once again saying the security situation, security control over gaza will remain in israel's hands. this is something we heard from him a few days ago. this is a message that has received very differently depending on what side of this conflict iran. as far as israel are concerned, many of that mindset,, yes this isn't history. that will allow us to be protected from hamas rockets. but as for the palestinians, especially those displaced from the north of gaza, a concern, this means that their displacement might once again be permanent. i've heard from, and i've spoken, over the last several weeks since i've been here, to senior palestinian officials in the west bank, have topped their biggest concern is that the security corridor or buffer zone or whatever the israeli military and government call it will end up being a permanent fixture and will be annexed to the state of israel. that is one of the biggest worries right now. benjamin netanyahu repeating that motion in his speech again, this evening. >> hala gorani, thank you. in london, demonstrators took to the streets today, calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. police arrested at least 150 protesters and 82 counterprotesters nearby. nbc's megan fitzgerald has more from london. >> good to be with. you were talking hundreds of thousands of people packing the streets here in london. this is up the fifth consecutive weekend of pro palestinian demonstrators. but according to organize, this is the largest. we've been speaking with people throughout the day. some folks have no connection to the middle east. others do. but everyone's calling for the same message. they want as he's for immediately, and they want more humanitarian aid to breach the people of gaza. take a listen to what some folks had to say. >> i've spent most of my life working there as a u.s. diplomat, and i'm horrified by our support for this really brutal attack on civilians in palestine. >> over the last few weeks, it's become hard to stomach. the images, videos, stuff like that coming from gaza. and at this point, we can't claim ignorance. inaction is an act in itself. at the end of the day, you have to take a stand and say this is not right. it's not hard to do. >> i'm mainly here because of the innocent children that are dying. the innocent parents that are having to carry on with your future, without your children. i'm here for the orphan children of palestine. and i'm here in solidarity with palestine. >> police have been very concerned about violence, so they've doubled to presence and the straight. they're gonna have presence all throughout the weekend. they told us, some 1800 police officers will be vigilance, to ensure there is no violent acts that occur. as far as organism are concerned, the cellist of just the start of the demonstrations that will come. >> nbc's megan fitzgerald reporting for us from london. thank you, megan. coming up, we'll hear from a family who spent 27 days trapped inside gaza. their story of survival. but first, a new ruling on when the mar-a-lago documents case against former president trump will go to trial. legal analyst paul butler helps us put it all into context. stay with us. when i first learned 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deadlines for submission discovery material. she also said she had reconstruct literal tight end here and march. for now, trump's trial date in florida is set for may -- less than five months before the presidential election. joining us now, paul butler a georgetown law professor and a former federal prosecutor. paul butler, thank you so much for being here. help us make sense of this timing. what do you make of it? >> judge cannon said no to trump's request to delay the trial, but it was more like no for right now. feel free to hit me up and march, i might just say yes. the judge said she understands it's not just donald trump who has the right to a speedy trial, the public also has that right. that's true. so the judge left the door open to delay the trial later. she said there's an unusually high volume of evidence. and she knows that trump has criminal trials scheduled in december -- sorry, in d. c. and new york he also has to prepare for. alicia, i do think the judge is slow walking this case. for example, she got the motion to delay the trial from september 22nd, and she didn't decide until yesterday. supposed to file the main briefs last week, but the judge gave him an extension until february 22nd of next year. she's not acting like a judge who's trying to move a case along. >> i think there may be some subtext to what you're saying. judge cannon is of course a trump appointee. other previous rulings, she's favored him, unfortunate an appeal. there are two questions with aileen cannon, one a question of competencies around this area of judicial review and secondarily a question of whether or not as a trump appointee she is, in fact, biased. i wonder if what we've seen this week has informed you are thinking that other question? >> you know, she has a plausible reason for delaying the trial. in that there are voluminous no of motions and the evidence is hard to look at. some of it has to be viewed in a secure facility. what i'm going to be really interested in, is july 15th. that's when the republican national convention starts. if trump wins the nomination, the campaign would go into full gear. and a criminal trial, the defendant has to be in court every day. so i don't know if judge cannon would actually acknowledge that trump's campaign is a reason to postpone the trial until after the election, but she would actually decide that date. judge chutkan in the d. c. interference trial has been very clear, that she's treating trump like every other defendant. the day job doesn't matter. but again, judge cannon has shown a lot more deference to the former president. >> the day job, hearing running for president as the day job will never grow to me. trump has joined nbc, other news outlets were pushing for cameras at his d. c. election inference trial. i've got to know from, you what do you think is motivating the bush? >> that he knows it's not going to happen. news organizations are appealing to the judicial conference. the judicial conference has already said it doesn't have the power to allow cameras in the courtroom. it the organization that makes policy for federal court. even if it wanted to make a change or an exception for the president, it would have to go through the normal process. there is no way that's going to happen and time for the election interference trial. trump knows that. i don't think there's any way he wants all of the evidence that jack smith has assembled paraded before the public. especially, that trial scheduled to start the day after -- sorry, the day before the super tuesday primaries. >> every time we bring up the calendar, i'm reminded there is truly something happening almost every day. let's talk about what's happening on monday. trump's new york fraud trial resumes on monday. don jr. back to testify. i wonder what you're expecting from the defense monthlong case? >> the state rests on wednesday. the defense gets started on monday, starting with don jr.. the defense trump's adult sons are using is they got dragged into the middle of a fight between their dad and letitia james. they are saying, they relied on the accountants and lawyers who filed the financial statements, that the judge says are fraudulent. the problem with that defense is that both don junior and eric signed documents saying they were responsible for the preparation of the financial statements. the former president also signed those statements which, again, the judge has ruled were false and misleading. >> paul butler, as always, thank you for spending part of your weekend with us, bringing us her expertise. coming up, former president trump is telling us exactly how he plans to use the doj if he were reelected. former deputy assistant attorney general lisa graves joins us. but first, escape from gaza. hear from the family who spent 27 days trying to get out of a war zone and who they had to leave behind. 15 pro for your husband! iphone 15 pro — ♪ (wife) carolers! to tell me you 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after spending 27 days trapped and gaza. nbc reporter antonia hilton spoke with them about your journey home and the lasting effects of fleeing a war zone. >> for aboud, wafaa, and one year old youssef. this is the very first time outside. playing in the grass, trying out this win at home in massachusetts in over a month. just days ago, they were one of the palestinian american families pleading to go through the rafah crossing and flee gaza. >> our biggest hope was that this is a nightmare we it wake up from. >> they were visiting family in northern gaza, when they awoke on october 7th to the unmistakable sounds of war. >> air strikes intensified at night. as soon as the sun sets, everybody knows it's time to start praying for the not to pass and be alive in the morning. >> how does that affect you as a parent, when your number one hope in the world is to keep your child safe, wondering if you're going to be able to do that? >> to be honest, when we were there, it was one question. i used to pray, like, every moment. please, don't take one of us, three of us. >> it made us feel helpless, i think. youssef could end up being like the many other innocent children that have died. and that was heartbreaking for us. >> wafaa and the cat would entertain use of, as aboud waited in hours long lines for food and often dirty water. >> by the time you get to the line -- the amount of humiliation you've seen, standing in lines for something as basic is bread. it's a white as you. >> after being turned away repeatedly at the egyptian border, on them for a second, finally. they receive permission to cross. but safety for this son meant living their parents and siblings in uncertainty. >> no one that bad news could come at any moment makes it hard to start feeling normal. even if not physically, we're very much still and. >> it's making it impossible to find pace, even back home in the u. s.. antonia hilton, nbc news, massachusetts. >> very much still ended. next, former deputy assistant attorney general for two presidents, lisa graves on donald trump's threats to weaponize the justice department if he were to serve a second term. and tomorrow, msnbc films presents serving in secret, that latest installment of the turning point documentary series from executive producer trevor noah. the film traces the united states military's long history of discrimination against lgbtq servicemen and women. that is tomorrow, ten pm eastern right here on msnbc or streaming on peacock. and my favorite homes are wayfair homes. the wayfair homes just have that razzle dazzle. they redid the guest room. all at prices you can't believe but you should and blitzen fast shipping, north pole in two days so this year go to wayfair for goodness sake. the gifts. you have one job nick. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which 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election. they called it weaponization. and the people aren't going to stand for. it's yet, they've done something that allows the next party, if i happen to be president and i see somebody who's doing well and beating me very badly, i say, go down and indict them. mostly what that would mean, they'd be out of business. that be out. they'd be out of the election. >> joining me now, former deputy assistant attorney general lisa graves. lisa, i want to know both what do you make of trump's threats to use the doj for political retribution but also the first part of his answer where he is accusing the current administration of doing the same, once again, without any evidence. >> he's certainly lying, yet again. this is affection he's trying to create. this justice department under merrick garland has followed the rules, cut square corners and is not engaged in any political retribution. it's pursuits affects as they found them. as are the other attorneys in other jurisdictions like georgia and new york. i think what he said is just chilling and frightening and awfully inappropriate for any candidate for presidency and the united states. it was my honor as deputy assistant attorney general to come to work at the justice department and walk through those aluminum doors where it was engraved, the place of justice is a hellish place. i think of the type of men and women heat surround himself -- people who've been abducted like john eastman and jeffrey clark, frequent fliers at the federalist society, frequent contributors have been invited because of their willingness to aid him and his political agenda to overturn an american election and overturn the votes of the american people. it's simply chilling and completely outrageous and inappropriate. >> lisa, as you call it chilling, it brings to question -- we always circle back. to our that guardrails in place in order to protect this country from him making good on that promise? >> i'm concerned very much because of the number of judges that donald trump put on the federal courts, including the u.s. supreme court. and how politicized it's become. how the trump faction has been leading our judicial system got a very dark path in terms of its willingness to supply precedent. these roles, these understandings and policies about not intervention, about the president not dictating political retribution through the justice department, or the fbi, these are vital roles for the health of our democracy. i'm not sure that we can have confidence that the justice trump has chosen will honor those roles. i hope, as we saw in his presidency, that judges would stand up and defend the rule of law. but he's chosen a number of people who seem very willing to set aside long-standing precedent that americans rely upon. so i'm worried we don't have the guardrails in place. >> i would argue that there was -- there are compounded interest, dual ten years in what he laid out in that interview. there is both a danger of his promise to use doj to go after political enemies. i'm equally concerned by the first part of what he said, which is the sly he's continuing to sell to his supporters, to the american people. that this is already ongoing. we often talk about the ways in which he reset and undermined norms, the way in which there was a devaluation of american institutions. that lie, once it is repeated a certain number of times, and not debunked, as you did so specifically at the beginning of your first answer, it festers and it becomes more dangerous. and that would seem to me, to be part of his intent in saying that, during the interview. >> alicia, i agree with you completely. this is a very dangerous lie, a fiction he's trying to create. and that comes in the aftermath of him seeking to, you, know embrace these chance of lock her up around hillary clinton. his efforts to redirect foreign policy and domestic policy to basically attack biden while he was in the white house. and so, i just think it is extraordinarily dangerous, extraordinarily chilling. and it's also very disappointing that people who probably went along with the chants when he was basically indicating his intent to try to politicize the justice department, would know somehow claim or embrace this notion the justice department under biden has let the genie out of the bottle. it's just a lie. but it's an extraordinarily dangerous lie for our democracy. and it's actually thunderous lie for someone who's the front runner and the race for the presidency next year. >> i've got less than a minute left, and i want to ask, at least, in this in a few trump defended family separation, saying, if immigrant families note that we support, they won't come. family separation in addition to being incredibly damaging for migrants, affecting also -- creating a host of legal problems as well from the doj vantage point, we've got about 30 seconds left. the challenges that process. >> it's just devastating from humanitarian standpoint. he's shown he has no adherence to the rule of law. the fourth amendment specifically provides people born in the united states are citizens. the idea he would separate families of citizens for here is just extraordinary. it's wrong, it's morally wrong. >> lisa graves, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. we've got more american voices after a short break. and tonight on ayman, new nbc news reporting on threats to election workers and multiple states. is this the beginning of a dangerous election cycle? donna edwards, barbara mcquade, janet griswold -- and all star panel weighing in, tonight, eight pm eastern, right here on msnbc. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré 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Voices , Citizens , Standpoint , Adherence , Amendment , Ayman , Shingrix , States , Shingles , Beginning , Election Workers , Election Cycle , Star Panel Weighing In , Shingles Doesn T Care , Janet Griswold , Donna Edwards , Barbara Mcquade , Eight , 50 , Fainting , Swelling , Dose , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Dog Walking Business , Hundreds , Stomach , Shivering , Fever , Car Insurance , Money , Liberty Mutual , Dog Barks , Glucose , Bunny , Pay , Carbs , Glucose Level , A1c , Cgm , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , Freestylelibre Us Hi , Video Calls , Lots , My Name , 41 , Botox , Cosmetic , Expressions , Camera , Person , Forehead Lines , Frown Lines , Injection , Feet , Crow , Fda , Skin Infection , Speaking , Breathing , Eye Problems , Injection Site Pain , Muscle Weakness , Eyelid Swelling , Difficulty Swallowing , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Muscle , Medications , Conditions , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Botoxcosmetic Com , Handle , Media , Sea Backdoor , Saturday , On The Air , 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Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240702 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240702

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just hours ago, the new house speaker, mike johnson, unveiled his plan to keep the government funded. it is a two-step approach, funding some parts of the government until january. others through february. this new plan does not include spending cuts, nor additional military aid to israel. this untested strategy also serves as a major first test for speaker johnson, who has -limited experience with budget battles. he's already getting pushback from his own caucus. texas congressman chip roy saying, today, quote, it's 100% clean and i 100% oppose. nbc confirms roy is one of three republicans already saying no deal. meanwhile, the white house calls this plan, quote, recipe up plan for more republican chaos and more shot down. house republicans wasting precious time with an un-serious proposal that has been panned but members of both parties. nbc news capitol hill correspondent, julie tsirkin, has more. >> hey, alicia. six days ahead of next friday's government shutdown, deadline, we finally have a plan from house speaker mike johnson on how he plans to avert that shutdown deadline. he talked about it with his colleagues, republicans, on a phone call a couple of hours ago. laying this out. he's calling it a two step continuing resolution. that's because on january 19th, half of the agencies, roughly, health will run out of funding. then on february 2nd, other agencies will run out of funding. it's really an untested situation. democrats certainly not in favor of it. in fact, a couple of moments after this pummels revealed, senator brian schatz, a democrat on the senate appropriations committee, posted on x saying, quote, we are going to pass a clean short term cr. the only question is whether we do it stupidly and catastrophically or we do it like adults. now, this plan is clean. meaning there are no spending cuts and this bill. that's something that was a red line for democrats. house democratic leader hakeem jeffries at the end of this week told me the only thing they'll except is a plan that maintains spending levels on current levels, 2023 levels that were under leader schumer, speaker pelosi when she controlled this branch. it's something democrats are very serious about. a couple of minutes ago i heard from a senior democratic leader who said they are glad, it's a good thing, quote, they say, the speaker didn't include unnecessary cuts and kept defense funding with the second round of programs. we are hearing from some republicans who aren't thrilled about this. hard-line conservatives, talk about someone like congressman chip roy who posted on x, while the meeting with republicans was still happening, he didn't agree. -- it sounds like he's [ >> certainly slamming speaker johnson, sounds like he's been the same predicament that former ousted speaker kevin mccarthy had just a month and a half ago. we also heard from congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and told me she never votes for cr's, making it clear she's a no on this one too. tuesday could be the earliest we see a vote on the house floor. the big question though if johnson can get 2 to 17 with just republicans or whether he's gonna have to work across the aisle and get some democrats to join him too. >> nbc's julie tsirkin, thank you for the report. the spending fight underscores what is on the line when focus contemplate which party should control government, when they hit to the ballot box next year. last week served as a reminder of the whiplash nature of american politics. democrats made a strong showing tuesday for off-year elections, and ohio, a solid red state, voters enshrine the right to abortion access into the state's constitution. kentucky's race for governor >> reelected governor andy beshear, and in virginia, -- this all comes nearly 18 months after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade. this tuesday shows that ruling, it is still reshaping elections. democrats celebrate his hard-fought victories, the slate of new polling paints a different picture in the race for the white house. just as before today's election, a new york times poll found donald trump leading president biden in a five out of six battleground states in a hypothetical rematch. of that polling, susan glasser of the new yorker writes, whichever poll you choose to believe or not, the data point overwhelmingly to biden sitting near historic lows in popularity and being essentially tied with trump, a man who is running on an explicit platform of revenge, retribution, and constitution termination. it will not get revenge being fought and so trump's plan to govern, should he be given a second term. new reporting for the new york times dives into trump's new plans for immigration, putting crackdowns on illegal immigration, building can't to prepare for nasty deportations. as we so often say on the show, cruelty is the point. joining me now, joining me now, fernand amandi president of dixon and armando international and from florida, carlos curbelo -- both are see -- msnbc political analysts. it's good to see you both. congressman, i want to talk about the funding fight. the white house is calling this unserious. you also have far-right republicans saying this is a no go. tell me, we were do you think this is all going? >> alicia, welcome speaker johnson to that wacky world of managing the house republican conference. the squeeze is on. democrats aren't going to support his plan. extreme right wing republicans or strarting to oppose his plan. and some of the centrist members i've already heard from, experts and doubts about setting up multiple cliffs. the last thing the government needs in washington, d. c., alicia, at the last in congress needs is more cliffs. some of the conservative members and the house republican conference want to use those clips as leverage, but we all know how those cliffs and, sometimes. congress ends up falling off those cliffs and government shuts down. so, put on your seatbelts the next few days, there is gonna be turbulence. >> here is the thing. we often talk about how the gop caucus is ungovernable. you have one republican member saying that jesus christ himself could not get this caucus to get its act together, which seems pretty on point. that's not just politics, right? it's not just machinations in the house. in this case, we're talking about people who rely on government benefits. not being able to access the benefits they need, that they pay into, because a cohort of republicans were not serious about governing. they were not serious about doing the very basic of duties and making sure the government was funded into the new year. >> you touch on it there. i think fundamentally, the point, is yes, the republican party now control the congress, or the house, cannot govern. it is ungovernable. it's not just a cliché. it's true. but i think you almost have to pull the layer back, because the one thing they said they could do, at least, electorally, was win elections. we keep seeing, in these 2023 results, all the way back in 2022 and 2020 and 2018, they're on a hell of a losing streak at the ballot box themselves. so when you asked the question, what can this republican party of today do, i'm not sure there is much. you also heard congressman curbelo say, at the outset, the onus here on passing and making sure this government doesn't go into a shutdown is on the republican party. they have set the situation up, where they will appropriately and correctly bear all the blame and responsibility, and it's not up to the democrats to bail them out. they need to put together and present a responsible bill that will fund the government and all those services, that so many millions of americans are counting on. and if they don't, they're facing electoral apocalypse. even more than they've experienced in 2020 fall. >> fernand amandi, part of the reason i do not allow you to have a weekend off is because last weekend, i invited you on the program -- we were on air is less pull of numbers came out and you, st. louis, and these are the numbers that you want. it's also more complex and that's part of the reason the campaign has to get started today. and so, one of the reasons i wanted you to come back and have this conversation with us is because i want you to help me square the polling numbers we're seeing from the new york states and many more add in the element of complexity, that the electorate you see adoring these off cycle elections, is not the same electorate you're gonna see come november. >> well, you know, take it from this polster. i'm gonna talk about polls. this is gonna sound strange. through all the polls out the window. i don't believe the polls mean anything right now, and not until we really get into the post convention period will that be the case, alicia. because, again, if you want to look at indicators of future performance, look at these election results. in election after election, whether it's a special elections, midterm elections, even presidential elections dating back to 2020 and before. democrats are performing where they need to. what i will say is this. one thing i discovered and the early part of 2022 it is despite president biden's low approval rating, his lower popularity, voters are saying in spite of all of those things, given the opportunity, i'm still going to vote for the democrats in the face of this extreme authoritarian project, which today's maga republican party represents and will even be more so under a donald trump nomination in 2024. that doesn't mean they should rest on their laurels, everything is fine, because it's not. as we said last, week these are warning signs. they need to react appropriately. but they shouldn't gloom or doom just on the basis of these soft poll numbers right now. >> the pollster who tells you to not believe the polls, yourself sabotaging your own business in the name of democracy. thank you for that, fernand amandi. carlos, i do wonder -- i get the point. there is a saliency question around reproductive rights and the extent to which that is motivating specifically as an isolated issue, not seen in the global context of the economy and other things that will drive voters to the polls. but i still have to wonder if republicans watch what happened this week and said, this is not a winner for us. it's not a winner, the way we thought it was a winner. people talk to us about being radical and multiple contexts, including this authoritarian strain within the republican party. this issue, this is feeding into the idea that we are not where other americans are. so i'm curious, your sense -- we know how democrats felt watching this week's elections. are national republicans saying, hey, going into 2024, this is not a winner and we've got to back off of it? >> alicia, they're really waking up to the reality after so many losses. you heard nikki haley, especially, at that last nbc news republican debate, really dancing around the issue, talking about how even though people don't think about the issues the way she does, states rights have to be respected. and donald trump has openly criticized people like ron desantis, who signed a six-week ban in the state of florida. people ask me, have republicans gone too far on abortion? are they worried about it? and of course the answer is yes. when donald trump, the front runner and the republican primary is openly attacking other republicans for being too, restrictive when it comes to the abortion issue. so, yes, there's a lot of peril in the future for republicans on abortion. but democrats can't just rely on that. joe biden's numbers are very low, and that's keeping republicans in the game. >> i want to ask you fernand, about this reporting from the new york times. a new interview, trump advisor stephen miller outlined trump's anor immigration if trump were to win back the white house. the times reporting, quote, trump's want to revive his first term border policies, including banning entry by people from certain muslim majority nations. he wants to scour the country for unauthorized immigrants and deport people by the millions per year. to ease e strain on i. c. e. detention facilities, trump wants to build huge camps to detain people while their cases are processed and they await deportation flights. you match that with the reporting about how he wants to go to -- use the doj to go after his political rivals. he is telling us what his vision for this country is. and if you can't believe it, it is even darker than what he sold to americans during his first term. i wonder who you believe he is trying to appeal to with this message? >> first of all, i believe him. believe donald trump. what he's telling you is what he intends on doing. alicia, lets -- you know, obviously, the, ridiculous, offensive notion that he's going to round up and go after these, quote, undesirable immigrants and scour the country, and language that sounds out of a george orwell novel, a sign bad enough. think about what it would mean and how quickly the mechanism of a rounding up police could be and how quickly that could be and now -- apply to the next type of undesirable. is that undesirable political opponents? donald trump this week said, he plans on using and weaponizing the department of justice and other entities took go after political opponents. this idea of going across the country and rounding up undesirables, you can insert whatever category of what the enemies list of the trump administration would be, if god forbid he went in 2024. and believe when he says he's going to implement that, because i believe, if he does, he will. >> i want to ask you, carlos, before all of you go, you mentioned nikki haley, the sort of pivot, the softening on abortion. and i wonder if you noticed during that last debate, that she's still very reluctant to take shots at donald trump? right? that is one pivot she's not willing to make. what do you make of it, if you think it's a strategically sound? >> alicia, i think nikki haley has seen a couple of models. ron desantis tried to follow donald trump to the nomination. very difficult to defeat someone when you're imitating them. people like chris christie and others are struggling because they've taken the full anti trump plane. nikki haley's trying to go around donald trump. it's interesting. i mean, typically, if you want to defeat someone, you go right at them. but this is a weird time in the republican primary. so, nikki haley is trying to finess this and go around donald trump. maybe it works out for her. but at the end of the day, every candidate, every republican is going to have to say the truth about what they think about donald trump, his election lies, and his entire record. she might be able to avoid it for a while, but at some point she's gonna have to address these issues head on. >> it's a weird time. might be the understatement about the republican party in this moment, but i will take it. fernand amandi, carlos curbelo, as always, thank you both so much. ahead, standing between trump and four more years of retribution and chaos, more than 90 criminal counts against him. paul butler will help us break down when we might get an answer on some of them. plus, we go live to tel aviv. but first, with richard lui the other big stories we're tracking this hour on msnbc. >> good evening. fbi agents seizing phones and an ipad from new york city mayor eric adams. this is part of an ongoing investigation into his campaign fundraising, says a lawyer for the mayor. the fbi previously searched the home of adam's main fund-raiser. the mayor denies any wrongdoing and says he and his staff are cooperating with the investigation. president biden delivered a speech at arlington national cemetery today, to mark veterans day. biden honored veterans and, their quote, families who, quote, always kept that light of liberty shining bright. and one of the thousands small earthquakes shook iceland. authorities declared a state of emergency, evacuating and entire town on saturday. scientists say the increase in tremors means a large volcanic eruption could be imminent. more american voices after this break. here are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the 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benjamin netanyahu said today that israel will control security in gaza after its campaign to destroy hamas is over. netanyahu also says israel will not agree to a cease-fire in gaza, until all the israeli hostages returned safely. the national address came as the israeli military stepped up its bombardment and ground operations in gaza. the red cross reported today, israeli tanks surrounded and attacked a hospital, after power was cut off at gaza al-shifa hospital affect the pediatric and intensive care facilities. today, the palestinian health ministry said at least to infants died because of the power outage. doctors without borders called for an immediate cease fire -- nbc's reporter joins me now from gaza. what do we know about hospitals and the situation tonight? >> you mentioned they're premature babies dying. we are hearing from the director of the hospitals saying that 39 babies who are in incubators and therefore relying on power to oxygenate these and debaters were removed from those incubators and placed in a room where they were swaddled in order to keep the manually warm, because the actual machinery isn't operating anymore. and two of the 39, unfortunately, lost their lives. we understand there are very limited options now and she's the hospital and other hospitals in northern gaza, where many of the medical facilities are completely out of commission. there are few power points in some of the hospitals that are being used, for really just the most drastic, that most medically as a interventions. but this is all happening against the backdrop of this mass displacement of people from the northern part of gaza to the south, as the israeli military has time and again said people need to move. it's important to note, the shifa hospital is not able to just connect people from life support and move him, and there are still 600 or 700 patients there. we did hear from at him on the ground, who sent us a video of a man who was making his way south, down that gaza strip, describing what he saw along the way. listen. >> we saw limbs, bodies, thrown left and right. but we can't do anything. we saw people, children, that were left and right. i can't move. we couldn't move. we couldn't do anything. we were so tired after we walk past the bridge. the wadi gaza bridge. >> it's also important to note, the shifa hospital among others is struggling to bury its dead. they have no work to put them. they cannot get excavating material to even dig a mass grave. so oftentimes, they're leaving bodies where they, lay where they passed away. so to really, really dire situation. and it's only getting worse, according to the medical authorities on the ground, alicia. >> hala, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address, what stood out to you? >> once again saying the security situation, security control over gaza will remain in israel's hands. this is something we heard from him a few days ago. this is a message that has received very differently depending on what side of this conflict iran. as far as israel are concerned, many of that mindset,, yes this isn't history. that will allow us to be protected from hamas rockets. but as for the palestinians, especially those displaced from the north of gaza, a concern, this means that their displacement might once again be permanent. i've heard from, and i've spoken, over the last several weeks since i've been here, to senior palestinian officials in the west bank, have topped their biggest concern is that the security corridor or buffer zone or whatever the israeli military and government call it will end up being a permanent fixture and will be annexed to the state of israel. that is one of the biggest worries right now. benjamin netanyahu repeating that motion in his speech again, this evening. >> hala gorani, thank you. in london, demonstrators took to the streets today, calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. police arrested at least 150 protesters and 82 counterprotesters nearby. nbc's megan fitzgerald has more from london. >> good to be with. you were talking hundreds of thousands of people packing the streets here in london. this is up the fifth consecutive weekend of pro palestinian demonstrators. but according to organize, this is the largest. we've been speaking with people throughout the day. some folks have no connection to the middle east. others do. but everyone's calling for the same message. they want as he's for immediately, and they want more humanitarian aid to breach the people of gaza. take a listen to what some folks had to say. >> i've spent most of my life working there as a u.s. diplomat, and i'm horrified by our support for this really brutal attack on civilians in palestine. >> over the last few weeks, it's become hard to stomach. the images, videos, stuff like that coming from gaza. and at this point, we can't claim ignorance. inaction is an act in itself. at the end of the day, you have to take a stand and say this is not right. it's not hard to do. >> i'm mainly here because of the innocent children that are dying. the innocent parents that are having to carry on with your future, without your children. i'm here for the orphan children of palestine. and i'm here in solidarity with palestine. >> police have been very concerned about violence, so they've doubled to presence and the straight. they're gonna have presence all throughout the weekend. they told us, some 1800 police officers will be vigilance, to ensure there is no violent acts that occur. as far as organism are concerned, the cellist of just the start of the demonstrations that will come. >> nbc's megan fitzgerald reporting for us from london. thank you, megan. coming up, we'll hear from a family who spent 27 days trapped inside gaza. their story of survival. but first, a new ruling on when the mar-a-lago documents case against former president trump will go to trial. legal analyst paul butler helps us put it all into context. stay with us. when i first learned 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deadlines for submission discovery material. she also said she had reconstruct literal tight end here and march. for now, trump's trial date in florida is set for may -- less than five months before the presidential election. joining us now, paul butler a georgetown law professor and a former federal prosecutor. paul butler, thank you so much for being here. help us make sense of this timing. what do you make of it? >> judge cannon said no to trump's request to delay the trial, but it was more like no for right now. feel free to hit me up and march, i might just say yes. the judge said she understands it's not just donald trump who has the right to a speedy trial, the public also has that right. that's true. so the judge left the door open to delay the trial later. she said there's an unusually high volume of evidence. and she knows that trump has criminal trials scheduled in december -- sorry, in d. c. and new york he also has to prepare for. alicia, i do think the judge is slow walking this case. for example, she got the motion to delay the trial from september 22nd, and she didn't decide until yesterday. supposed to file the main briefs last week, but the judge gave him an extension until february 22nd of next year. she's not acting like a judge who's trying to move a case along. >> i think there may be some subtext to what you're saying. judge cannon is of course a trump appointee. other previous rulings, she's favored him, unfortunate an appeal. there are two questions with aileen cannon, one a question of competencies around this area of judicial review and secondarily a question of whether or not as a trump appointee she is, in fact, biased. i wonder if what we've seen this week has informed you are thinking that other question? >> you know, she has a plausible reason for delaying the trial. in that there are voluminous no of motions and the evidence is hard to look at. some of it has to be viewed in a secure facility. what i'm going to be really interested in, is july 15th. that's when the republican national convention starts. if trump wins the nomination, the campaign would go into full gear. and a criminal trial, the defendant has to be in court every day. so i don't know if judge cannon would actually acknowledge that trump's campaign is a reason to postpone the trial until after the election, but she would actually decide that date. judge chutkan in the d. c. interference trial has been very clear, that she's treating trump like every other defendant. the day job doesn't matter. but again, judge cannon has shown a lot more deference to the former president. >> the day job, hearing running for president as the day job will never grow to me. trump has joined nbc, other news outlets were pushing for cameras at his d. c. election inference trial. i've got to know from, you what do you think is motivating the bush? >> that he knows it's not going to happen. news organizations are appealing to the judicial conference. the judicial conference has already said it doesn't have the power to allow cameras in the courtroom. it the organization that makes policy for federal court. even if it wanted to make a change or an exception for the president, it would have to go through the normal process. there is no way that's going to happen and time for the election interference trial. trump knows that. i don't think there's any way he wants all of the evidence that jack smith has assembled paraded before the public. especially, that trial scheduled to start the day after -- sorry, the day before the super tuesday primaries. >> every time we bring up the calendar, i'm reminded there is truly something happening almost every day. let's talk about what's happening on monday. trump's new york fraud trial resumes on monday. don jr. back to testify. i wonder what you're expecting from the defense monthlong case? >> the state rests on wednesday. the defense gets started on monday, starting with don jr.. the defense trump's adult sons are using is they got dragged into the middle of a fight between their dad and letitia james. they are saying, they relied on the accountants and lawyers who filed the financial statements, that the judge says are fraudulent. the problem with that defense is that both don junior and eric signed documents saying they were responsible for the preparation of the financial statements. the former president also signed those statements which, again, the judge has ruled were false and misleading. >> paul butler, as always, thank you for spending part of your weekend with us, bringing us her expertise. coming up, former president trump is telling us exactly how he plans to use the doj if he were reelected. former deputy assistant attorney general lisa graves joins us. but first, escape from gaza. hear from the family who spent 27 days trying to get out of a war zone and who they had to leave behind. 15 pro for your husband! iphone 15 pro — ♪ (wife) carolers! to tell me you 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after spending 27 days trapped and gaza. nbc reporter antonia hilton spoke with them about your journey home and the lasting effects of fleeing a war zone. >> for aboud, wafaa, and one year old youssef. this is the very first time outside. playing in the grass, trying out this win at home in massachusetts in over a month. just days ago, they were one of the palestinian american families pleading to go through the rafah crossing and flee gaza. >> our biggest hope was that this is a nightmare we it wake up from. >> they were visiting family in northern gaza, when they awoke on october 7th to the unmistakable sounds of war. >> air strikes intensified at night. as soon as the sun sets, everybody knows it's time to start praying for the not to pass and be alive in the morning. >> how does that affect you as a parent, when your number one hope in the world is to keep your child safe, wondering if you're going to be able to do that? >> to be honest, when we were there, it was one question. i used to pray, like, every moment. please, don't take one of us, three of us. >> it made us feel helpless, i think. youssef could end up being like the many other innocent children that have died. and that was heartbreaking for us. >> wafaa and the cat would entertain use of, as aboud waited in hours long lines for food and often dirty water. >> by the time you get to the line -- the amount of humiliation you've seen, standing in lines for something as basic is bread. it's a white as you. >> after being turned away repeatedly at the egyptian border, on them for a second, finally. they receive permission to cross. but safety for this son meant living their parents and siblings in uncertainty. >> no one that bad news could come at any moment makes it hard to start feeling normal. even if not physically, we're very much still and. >> it's making it impossible to find pace, even back home in the u. s.. antonia hilton, nbc news, massachusetts. >> very much still ended. next, former deputy assistant attorney general for two presidents, lisa graves on donald trump's threats to weaponize the justice department if he were to serve a second term. and tomorrow, msnbc films presents serving in secret, that latest installment of the turning point documentary series from executive producer trevor noah. the film traces the united states military's long history of discrimination against lgbtq servicemen and women. that is tomorrow, ten pm eastern right here on msnbc or streaming on peacock. and my favorite homes are wayfair homes. the wayfair homes just have that razzle dazzle. they redid the guest room. all at prices you can't believe but you should and blitzen fast shipping, north pole in two days so this year go to wayfair for goodness sake. the gifts. you have one job nick. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ >> we make it a point not to amplify donald trump on the show, unless it's truly important for you to hear it. this is one of those moments. this week, trump told us at the what he's planned if he were to be reelected. the former president telling univision he would use the justice department to after his enemies. take a listen. >> they have done and documents in order to win an election. they called it weaponization. and the people aren't going to stand for. it's yet, they've done something that allows the next party, if i happen to be president and i see somebody who's doing well and beating me very badly, i say, go down and indict them. mostly what that would mean, they'd be out of business. that be out. they'd be out of the election. >> joining me now, former deputy assistant attorney general lisa graves. lisa, i want to know both what do you make of trump's threats to use the doj for political retribution but also the first part of his answer where he is accusing the current administration of doing the same, once again, without any evidence. >> he's certainly lying, yet again. this is affection he's trying to create. this justice department under merrick garland has followed the rules, cut square corners and is not engaged in any political retribution. it's pursuits affects as they found them. as are the other attorneys in other jurisdictions like georgia and new york. i think what he said is just chilling and frightening and awfully inappropriate for any candidate for presidency and the united states. it was my honor as deputy assistant attorney general to come to work at the justice department and walk through those aluminum doors where it was engraved, the place of justice is a hellish place. i think of the type of men and women heat surround himself -- people who've been abducted like john eastman and jeffrey clark, frequent fliers at the federalist society, frequent contributors have been invited because of their willingness to aid him and his political agenda to overturn an american election and overturn the votes of the american people. it's simply chilling and completely outrageous and inappropriate. >> lisa, as you call it chilling, it brings to question -- we always circle back. to our that guardrails in place in order to protect this country from him making good on that promise? >> i'm concerned very much because of the number of judges that donald trump put on the federal courts, including the u.s. supreme court. and how politicized it's become. how the trump faction has been leading our judicial system got a very dark path in terms of its willingness to supply precedent. these roles, these understandings and policies about not intervention, about the president not dictating political retribution through the justice department, or the fbi, these are vital roles for the health of our democracy. i'm not sure that we can have confidence that the justice trump has chosen will honor those roles. i hope, as we saw in his presidency, that judges would stand up and defend the rule of law. but he's chosen a number of people who seem very willing to set aside long-standing precedent that americans rely upon. so i'm worried we don't have the guardrails in place. >> i would argue that there was -- there are compounded interest, dual ten years in what he laid out in that interview. there is both a danger of his promise to use doj to go after political enemies. i'm equally concerned by the first part of what he said, which is the sly he's continuing to sell to his supporters, to the american people. that this is already ongoing. we often talk about the ways in which he reset and undermined norms, the way in which there was a devaluation of american institutions. that lie, once it is repeated a certain number of times, and not debunked, as you did so specifically at the beginning of your first answer, it festers and it becomes more dangerous. and that would seem to me, to be part of his intent in saying that, during the interview. >> alicia, i agree with you completely. this is a very dangerous lie, a fiction he's trying to create. and that comes in the aftermath of him seeking to, you, know embrace these chance of lock her up around hillary clinton. his efforts to redirect foreign policy and domestic policy to basically attack biden while he was in the white house. and so, i just think it is extraordinarily dangerous, extraordinarily chilling. and it's also very disappointing that people who probably went along with the chants when he was basically indicating his intent to try to politicize the justice department, would know somehow claim or embrace this notion the justice department under biden has let the genie out of the bottle. it's just a lie. but it's an extraordinarily dangerous lie for our democracy. and it's actually thunderous lie for someone who's the front runner and the race for the presidency next year. >> i've got less than a minute left, and i want to ask, at least, in this in a few trump defended family separation, saying, if immigrant families note that we support, they won't come. family separation in addition to being incredibly damaging for migrants, affecting also -- creating a host of legal problems as well from the doj vantage point, we've got about 30 seconds left. the challenges that process. >> it's just devastating from humanitarian standpoint. he's shown he has no adherence to the rule of law. the fourth amendment specifically provides people born in the united states are citizens. the idea he would separate families of citizens for here is just extraordinary. it's wrong, it's morally wrong. >> lisa graves, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. we've got more american voices after a short break. and tonight on ayman, new nbc news reporting on threats to election workers and multiple states. is this the beginning of a dangerous election cycle? donna edwards, barbara mcquade, janet griswold -- and all star panel weighing in, tonight, eight pm eastern, right here on msnbc. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré 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Stanley , Nuh Uh , Isn T , Cartwheel , Yes , Oh Yeah , Yeeaahhhh , Child , Resources , Internet Essentials Program , Son , Generation , Hidden Genius Project , Skills , Fellas , Benjamin Netanyahu , Goals , Goli , United States Military , In Gaza , Cease Fire , Address , Hostages , Security , Hamas , Gaza Al Shifa Hospital , Power , Intensive Care Facilities , Operations , Bombardment , Tanks , Infants , Palestinian Health Ministry , Red Cross , Reporter , Doctors Without Borders , Power Outage , Hospitals , Babies , Hearing , Incubators , Debaters , Director , 39 , Order , Room , Lives , Options , Machinery Isn T Operating Anymore , Interventions , Northern Gaza , Many , Power Points , Facilities , Commission , Drastic , South , Backdrop , Mass Displacement , Note , Video , Life Support , 700 , 600 , Children , Left , Bodies , We Saw Limbs , Move , We Couldn T Move , Excavating , Dead , Bridge , Work , Mass Grave , Wadi Gaza Bridge , Security Control Over Gaza , Hands , Security Situation , Hala Gorani , Conflict , Side , Mindset , Isn T History , Iran , Concern , North , Displacement , Rockets , Palestinians , Officials , Buffer Zone , Security Corridor , Fixture , West Bank , Demonstrators , Streets , Motion , London , Evening , Speech , Worries , Police , Hundreds Of Thousands , Counterprotesters , Megan Fitzgerald , 150 , 82 , Folks , Largest , Connection , Everyone , Calling , Aid , Middle East , Life , Support , Stuff , Videos , Palestine , Civilians , Diplomat , Attack , Images , Stand , Inaction , Ignorance , Parents , Future , Solidarity , Presence , Weekend , Facts , Straight , Police Officers , Organism , Violence , Vigilance , 1800 , Family , Megan , Demonstrations , Inside Gaza , Story , Cellist , Survival , Megan Fitzgerald Reporting , Coming Up , 27 , Documents , Former , Hand Specialist , Stay , Physician , My Dupuytren S Contracture , Mar A Lago , Second Hand Specialist , Nonsurgical Options , Hand , Tabletop Test , Flat , Surgery , Dupuytren S Contracture , Findahandspecialist Com , Don T Wait , Car Tires Screeching , Food , Relief , Heartburn Strikes , Tums , Sleep Support , Gordon Home , Giggles , Delsym , Gertrude , 12 , Judge , Deadlines , Delay Tactics , Tight End , Submission Discovery Material , May , Law Professor , Prosecutor , Georgetown , Aileen Cannon , Timing , Fraud Trial , Request , Right , The Public , Evidence , Trials , Trial , D C , The , Extension , Volume , Example , Briefs , Door , September 22nd , 22 , February 22nd , Questions , Trump Appointee , Rulings , Competencies , Subtext , Appeal , Judicial Review , Area , Whether , Facility , Motions , Republican National Convention , July 15th , 15 , Gear , Defendant , President , Cameras , Doesn T Matter , Interference Trial , Election Inference Trial , Deference , Hearing Running , Day Job , Job , News Outlets , Chutkan , Conference , Bush , News Organizations , Process , Organization , Policy , Courtroom , Federal Court , Election Interference Trial , Change , Exception , Public , Jack Smith , Primaries , Talk , Calendar , Super Tuesday , Let , Defense , Sons , Defense Trump , Statements , Accountants , Problem , Fight , Lawyers , Middle , Dad , Letitia James , Preparation , Misleading , Junior , Spending , Expertise , Lisa Graves , Husband , War Zone , Iphone , Apple , Wife , Carolers , Pro , Wreck , Tv , Aaannnnnddddd , 4k , Condition , Cowboy , Daddy , Titanium , Apple Tv , Vo , Mhmmm , Generations , Deep Exhale , Blood , Cowgirl , Farmers , Ancestry , Family Heritage , Gift , Rsv , Breath , Breaths , Breath Matters , Em , Trumpet Music Plays , 579 , Vaccine , Diabetes , Abrysvo , Heart Disease , Respiratory Disease , Prevention , Asthma , Copd , Rsv Vaccine , Pfizer , 60 , Headache , Ingredients , Tiredness , Immune System , Response , Injection Site , Pain , Muscle Pain , Retailers , Deep Breath , Abrysvo Com , Feeling , Psoriasis Treatment , Chance , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Kind , Thighs , Splendor , Infections , Reactions , Ability , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Muscle Problems , Changes , Kidney Problems , Liver , Tb , Labs , Lymphoma , Cancers , Triglycerides , Find , Risks , Hiding , Dermatologist , Palestinian American , Jak Inhibitors , Effects , Antonia Hilton , Journey , Families , Massachusetts , Youssef , Crossing , Playing , Grass , Wafaa , Aboud , Rafah , Hope , Nightmare , War , Air Strikes , Sets , Everybody , October 7th , Sun , 7 , Parent , Safe , Feel , Take One Of Us , Use , Cat , Water , Lines , Bread , Amount , Humiliation , White , Second , Border , Cross , Permission , Being , Safety , News , Space , Deputy Assistant Attorney General , No One , Uncertainty , Siblings , Next , Department , Justice , Threats , Presidents , Installment , Lisa Graves On , Msnbc Films Presents Serving In Secret , Women , Trevor Noah , History , Documentary Series , Film , Discrimination , Lgbtq Servicemen , Ten , Wayfair Homes , Homes , Guest Room , Peacock , Razzle Dazzle , Gifts , Prices , Fast Shipping , Job Nick , North Pole , Goodness Sake , Blitzen , Amplify , Listen , Univision , Somebody , Weaponization , Out Of Business , Same , Justice Department Under Merrick Garland , Rules , Affection , Cut Square Corners , Presidency , Pursuits , Attorneys , Jurisdictions , Honor , Georgia , Contributors , Place , Doors , Men , Surround , Willingness , Fliers , John Eastman , Federalist Society , Jeffrey Clark , Guardrails , Votes , Agenda , Judges , Number , Promise , Courts , Roles , Faction , System , Intervention , Policies , Terms , Understandings , Supply Precedent , Path , Confidence , Precedent , Rule Of Law , Interest , Danger , Ways , Supporters , Devaluation , Norms , Lie , Institutions , Intent , Fiction , Foreign Policy , Aftermath , Clock , Efforts , Hillary Clinton , Chants , Department Under Biden , Runner , Genie , Bottle , Family Separation , We Support , Immigrant , Addition , Migrants , Problems , Host , Doj Vantage Point , 30 , Voices , Citizens , Standpoint , Adherence , Amendment , Ayman , Shingrix , States , Shingles , Beginning , Election Workers , Election Cycle , Star Panel Weighing In , Shingles Doesn T Care , Janet Griswold , Donna Edwards , Barbara Mcquade , Eight , 50 , Fainting , Swelling , Dose , Redness , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Dog Walking Business , Hundreds , Stomach , Shivering , Fever , Car Insurance , Money , Liberty Mutual , Dog Barks , Glucose , Bunny , Pay , Carbs , Glucose Level , A1c , Cgm , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , Freestylelibre Us Hi , Video Calls , Lots , My Name , 41 , Botox , Cosmetic , Expressions , Camera , Person , Forehead Lines , Frown Lines , Injection , Feet , Crow , Fda , Skin Infection , Speaking , Breathing , Eye Problems , Injection Site Pain , Muscle Weakness , Eyelid Swelling , Difficulty Swallowing , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Muscle , Medications , Conditions , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Botoxcosmetic Com , Handle , Media , Sea Backdoor , Saturday , On The Air , No Brainer ,

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