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Card is now formally a suspect, he has been charged with eight counts of murder. One for each of the victims identified by police so far. As Police Identify more of the victims, we anticipate the number of charges will rise. Tonight, authorities reiterated that card is still at large. And the man hunt is continuing by air, land, nc. In the last hour, there is been significant Law Enforcement presence near a home in bowden, maine, in connection to their search for robert card. According to the nbc affiliate, a Search Warrant was executed at that home earlier today. It is Standard Practice to search any property affiliated with a suspect, and Law Enforcement officials tell nbc news that, as of right now, there is no clear indication that card is in that home. Or at any specific address. You are looking at live footage of this police searched near that bowden home, or shortly after seven pm, eastern, our nbc news affiliate reported police saying, robert come out with your hands up. Mean state police say that sort of Loudspeaker Announcement is standard procedure when executing a Search Warrant. Law enforcement is still urging anyone with knowledge of cards where boats to contact them at the number you see weight on your screen. This is still very much alive story. We are following the ongoing manhunt and we are going to bring you the latest news on that front as we have it. But we start this evening with some clarity about what happened last night. Last evening, at 6 56 pm, Police Received the first 911 call notifying them that a man had walked into the just in Time Recreation Center and Bowling Alley and had begun shooting. Here is how a witness inside the Bowling Alley described that moment. We were inside. Normal night of bowling. He just came in, a loud pop. I was, bowling had my back turned to the door. As soon as i turned and saw, there was not a balloon, holding a weapon. I booked it. Down the lane, i slid basically into where the pins are, and climbed up the machine. On top of the machines for ten minutes until the cops got there. Nbc has not independently confirmed this. Another lewiston resident told associated press, wednesday nights practice night for a youth bowling league. He told the ap, he and his son normally attend that evening, but they did not last night. My son is 15 years old. Hes in the lewiston on youth bowling league. Wednesday nights practice for the children. So, normally we go. This time, we decided to skip it on a whim i guess. It turned out, possibly to be a lifesaving situation. My brother is, you help from the lead. From what i hear, he was on the side where the shooter was not. So, he was able to shepherds him kids out. At the just in time bowlingdead alley. 12 minutes after the first alley, Police Received multiple calls that a man had me into a local bar, shipping geese bar, and ben shooting. Its a ten minute drive from the Bowling Alley, the shooter appears to have been moving very quickly. Last night was industry night at the bar. If you were to the bar, or the restaurant industry, youve got 85 off your bill. The bar was also hosting a corn whole tournament, organized by the american death corn hole players association. That group was together deaf heart, of hearing, and a child of deaf adults only beanbag toss tournaments. The borough hosts won every wednesday night. Ultimately, eight individuals were found dead at the bar. Another three individuals were pronounced dead later at area hospitals. There are still eight patients at the Central Maine Medical Center tonight, five are in stable condition, three are in critical condition. Police still do not know of a motive in these shootings, nbc news spoke with a suspect sister in law, katie card. She said that cover robert card, began to hear voices a couple of months ago, when he started using high powered hearing aids. Voices, she said, karen believed were saying horrible things about him. Again, nbc news has not independently confirmed this detail, the daily beast also spoke with katie card. She told them that robert card specifically insisted that he heard voices bashing him at the just in time recreation Bowling Alley and at smoggys bar. What we know about the suspect so far, card is 40 years old, he is a firearms instructor, he is a long time Army Reservist. The Unofficial Department of defense tells nbc news, this july, leaders of Cards Reservist unit informed their superiors that robert card was behaving erratically. Out of concern for his safety, the unit requested that Law Enforcement be contacted. To senior Law Enforcement officials tell nbc news, card was this then sent by his Military Unit Commanders to a Mental Health facility for two weeks before being released. For senior Law Enforcement officials also told nbc news tonight, a note was found by investigators in robert cards home. Abc news is reporting, the note is being described as a suicide note, addressed to the suspect on, but nbc news has not yet confirmed this. As i said, this is still very much an ongoing situation. Tonight, Public Schools in the area, bates college, along with county, in northern saginaw county, are all still under shelter in place orders. The man hunt for robert card is very much underway. Last night at 9 56 pm, the police found cards weight subaru, abandoned at a boat launch in nearby lisbon, maine. Two sources from there with the matter tell nbc news, a gun was found in the car. Officials are still investigating whether that gun is the weapon used in the massacres yesterday. More than 350 local and federal Law Enforcement officers are actively searching for the suspect, robert card, this evening. That includes sea and Air Search Teams from the coast guard, because of the potential that card could be fleeing by boat. The Police Standoff we are monitoring out of bowdoin, maine. Again, a reporter with our nbc Affiliate Station heard police say, robert, come out with your hands up. Again, we do not know for certain that card is in this house, this is all still unfolding as we speak. Joining me now from on the ground in bowdoin, maine. Nbc news correspondent george soliz. George, thank you for joining me tonight. Can tells any more about what is happening in or around that house in bowdoin, maine, the subject of so much interest . Yeah, good evening, alex. Certainly, a mass exodus of police is what we saw within the last five or ten minutes or so after the large caravan of authorities left what was left was a swat unit parked where its now just essentially a black hole. Avoid over there. You saw some officers on foot with flashlights, canvassing this property. Massive here. Right now, we really just have is a large presence of media that was here during that giant influx of attention that arose here at the property, when you have the helicopter circling. You had the drones here around the property. You heard those call of robert, we have you surround it. Camilla grant up. As you mentioned, all pretty standup it comes to those Search Warrants. Now the question becomes, have authorities learned of a new location . Is there any other reason for them to come back to this property as they did more than once . So, these are the questions, as you mentioned, at home here, they did find a note. And we see still working to verify the content of that note. You mentioned what was found in the car, that subaru that was found in lisbon, a town about 20 or so minutes from here. Authorities are still working to verify whether that gun may have been used in that mass shooting. At this moment, the question still remains, where is robert card tonight . Could he still be in this area . Is he in this town, and one of the adjoining towns . Is it even within state lines . Again for a while theyre, it seemed like the attention was heavily focused here in bowdoin. Still have the helicopter, even after all of the cops left. Now, it is quiet. Still pitch black out here, authorities were telling us to keep our lights down as they were in this neighborhood, in this area. My colleague, sam brock, was here, saying that the property here that they own is hundreds of acres belonging to robert cards family here. You mentioned some of the reports from the family, obviously, of concern. As it relates to his Mental Health. I myself have been in the adjoining towns today. Talking to residents, people who are impacted by the shutdown. I spoke with a mother today in lisbon, where that car was found, who was carrying a weapon today. Out in the open. She said, if, he heaven forbid, appeared out of nowhere, she wanted to make sure she could protect her child. That is just some of the context of what were dealing with around here. We were outside of the hospital today, you mentioned, still people recovering outside of their. You saw officers with long guns as medical personnel were fluctuating in and out. We know a lot of medical personnel have been in that hospital, helping the people that were injured in this shooting. Earlier today, i spoke with the relative of someone who died in that bowling ali. A man identified as bill young, his son also died about 14 years old, chris young dying in that Bowling Alley. The family, of course, inconsolable tonight. As they learned, excuse, Me Erin Young was the young mans name. Inconsolable tonight. After learning they were among the victims. At one point, they had no idea. Theyre trying to get in touch with him. And they couldnt. They said the last known location of that Cell Phone Pinged at that Bowling Alley. They were calling. Desperately. Checking the hospitals. Checking that reunification center. To no avail. So, they waited, they waited, until finally, where did come down from authorities, they were unfortunately among the deceased. So, obviously, as daybreak comes, there will be more stories of survivors, more stories of the deceased. It is just weighing so avidly on this town. At the end of, it is about the people here. The communities that have been impacted. They are so close knit here, weve been saying this today, a lot. This state is not see this type of mass casualty. Last year alone, maine reported 29 murders. Here, you have 18 in one night. A lot of people still coming to terms with what happened in this community. Again, when you see these pockets of police activity, potentially zeroing in on this suspect, people pay attention. People are hoping that this is the resolution. But at this hour, alex, the man hunt, this intensive manhunt, is still continuing. George solis, thank you for the great boarding. Do stay safe. I want to turn now to our nbc news correspondent for investigations, tom winter. Tom, thanks for being here. Just to close the loop on this house in bowdoin, maine. The loudspeaker saying, robert, come out. It had a lot of people hopeful that this was the end of this 24 hours of terror. It sounds like that was Standard Operating Procedure for Law Enforcement. Standard operating procedure. What they want to do, they want to give whoevers in that house an opportunity, one, to make themselves known. So, nobody shows anything, or flashes anything that could be misconstrued. First thing. Second thing, if he is inside that home. It gives them an opportunity to come out, hey, were here. Dont want to problem. Come out of the house. Lets end this. But all of the homes, according to our reporting, and im gonna fold in here through the next couple of minutes that we speak, one of my colleague jonathan candle in, in andrew talking to a number of Law Enforcement officials, briefed on this. Have direct knowledge of the matter. There is no indication that hes inside that particular home. That weve been talking about. The georgias been talking about. Theres no indication that hes necessarily in that area specifically. But as they go from house to house, they like to come back from time to time, and try to identify, is there anywhere we didnt search . Is there a particular storage shed . As you can imagine, it may. You can have a snow blower. Youre gonna have winter. Youre atvs. You have all your stuff. Are there any places in these properties you should give a second look. Double back at all . These are properties that are known to him. We know that. Thats the reason why theyre doing with doing. To georgias point about the lights being down, certain technical capabilities that Law Enforcement is going to use in the situations. So, the fewer lights that are on from our perspective, the better for laws forsman. Its a massive search underway. Yet, based on the pointed interest in the last hour, it appears to have not actually amounted to much. It is owns apprehending the suspect. Other anymore reasons need to be allocated here. Give us a sense of the scope of this investigation. And whether Law Enforcement thinks its adequate . Sure. From a standpoint of whats happening, it may feel like much not much is happening. Theres a lot of things theyve got to check off. Two Different Things that are going on. Lost person theory, which is used to try to determine, okay, we know the individuals of a certain age. A certain background. A certain physical fitness. Who is actually trying to allude Law Enforcement. So, where would that individual go . Theres actually science and data behind it. Not something thats talked about very often. Thats the first thing. Second thing thats going on, you want to make sure you hit all your known points. Whats gonna be comparable to this individual . Very clearly based on all of our reporting, what may have triggered him for this incident, which appears at this point, according to multiple senior Law Enforcement officials, perhaps it was something involving and now ex girlfriend, who had a nexus to one of the locations that were shot last night. Or something that she particular like to do. That had him interested in committing one of these acts of violence. Youre not dealing with somebody, anybody who does, is not a rational person. We talked about that last night. If somebody is in particular Mental Health distress, what are gonna be some of the things theyre gonna be comforting to the individual . Where theyre gonna go . Yes, there are not hitting the oil in the well, so to speak. At the same point, theyre also crossing of a lot of different places where this person might be, places they might want to search for additional clues, as weve gone back there to try to get food . As you gone there try to get clothing . Yes, were not seeing a person in handcuffs right now or a dead suspect. On the other hand, theyre trying to move along and pick up all these areas as they continue their work. Tom, i apologize in advance for asking you a question that you may not know the answer to, the boat. We know the coast guard is looking by sea. Because robert card apparently had access to a boat. He may have owned a boat, 15 foot boat, so, far has not been retrieved. Is that right . I want to be a little careful here. There is a report that is out that i do not believe is accurate about the boat being missing at this time. I cant get into a lot more details than that. The coast guard naturally would want to look. First and foremost, people need to understand, youve got a body of water. Its a great place for somebody to run into a natural obstacle. Its a potentially great place for somebody to hide. The u. S. Coast guard has all sorts capabilities, theyre highly trained, the idea theyre gonna be running Up And Down The River thats in that area, obviously, were not too far from the ocean. To try to figure out where this individual is. And given the idea, even though its not that cold, certainly by main standards tonight. That somebody could try to get across that river, it feels to me like a really smart thing for them to do. I dont think one key into much on the board at this point. If we get more details, we can share on that, we certainly will. Just cognizant of the fact that its 2023, individuals have the ability to stream our program. You never know whos gonna watch this. There is that. But i think back to last night, when we unite first started talking about the totality of this tragedy, started to become clear. Theres so much more that we know, so much more that we dont know. As we continue on this path. I think the potential motives come into a little bit more clarity, what individuals current mindset is obviously very much an open question. I want, as much for focusing on the idea of a man hunt, this person could be out there, could be trying to move from place to place, obviously, rural. You saw how dark it was behind george. The other component of this, this individual may be dead. They maybe did, because they committed suicide. I think thats something that, died by suicide. I think its something that we have to keep in mind as well. Thats a potential. The note that was left behind, i dont get into a lot of detail about whats behind that, i dont know describe the way that other News Organizations have. As for as where this investigation goes from here, you mentioned resources. There are at least, according to reporting weve done, 350 members of Law Enforcement working on this. They have just they were up till two, almost 2 30 this morning, with their helicopters. They were back at it all day long. The fbi brings enormous technical capabilities, theyve got some enormous technical capabilities under their. We started talk about swat last night. Thats been augmented since then. And they bring investigators capabilities, combined with the mainstay police, and the new england say police agencies, which are very familiar with this. The idea of searching for somebody in the rural parts of new england, for the New Hampshire maine state police, is not at all if one thing to them. They are definitely capable of doing stuff. Will stand by for, more tom winter, such important, Essential Reporting in this hour, thanks so much for your energies. When we come back, the massacre in lewiston prompts one congressman to change his stance on Assault Style weapons. Plus, questions about how the suspect reportedly in the throes or mental crisis, how he was allowed to keep those guns. That is next. That is next [man struggles] i need some sleep. 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Because when you help feed kids, you feed their hopes, their dreams, and futures. Kids need you now more than ever. So please call this number right now to join me in helping hungry kids or go online to helpnokidhungry. Org and Help Feed Hungry Kids today. Cargurus. Shop. Buy. Sell. Online. I have opposed efforts to ban Deadly Weapons of war, like the Assault Rifle used to carry out this crime. The time has now come for me to take responsibility for this failure. Which is why i now call on the United States congress to ban Assault Rifles. Like the one used by the sick, perpetrator of this mass killing. That was main congressman democrat jared golden, whose district includes the city of lewiston, grappling in realtime with the reality that lewiston will now forever be associated with a gruesome massacre. That raises, once again, the question of what can be done to prevent this from happening yet again. The suspect in the killings, robert card, a 40 ruled Army Reservist in trained firearms instructor, used a sniper rifle that he purchased legally this year. Also this year, and reportedly sometime after that gun purchase, the suspect had a Mental Health crisis. When that involved threats of shooting a military base. To senior Law Enforcement officials tell nbc news the suspect was sent by members of his Military Unit for two weeks of inpatient psychiatric treatment. Robert cards sisterinlaw also tells nbc news, the families alerted police and military officials when the group concerned about Mental Health. Given those accounts, how was mr. Card still able to have a gun . Federal law prohibits someone who has been formally committed to a Mental Health facility from having guns. There are also socalled Red Flag Laws in 21 states. That allow families to petition judges to order someone to give up their weapons temporarily if they are deemed to pose a threat to themselves or others. The state of maine as a weaker version of this kind of law, socalled yellow flag law, that it requires extra procedures before petitioning and a judge. It is unclear at this moment whether any attempt was made to use a yellow flag look to take the shooting suspect weapons. But in a state that has been remarkably pro gun, a state that does not require Background Checks on all gun sales, a state where citizens are allowed to carry guns without permits, president s are still questioning how this happened. One resident of lewiston told nbc news, it has been a major, major shock, we never expected Something Like this to happen here. We always felt super safe. Joining us now, margaret groban, former federal prosecutor, who now teaches Second Amendment in firearm law at the university of maine. Shes also a board member of the main gun safety coalition, a Nonprofit Organization that at the case for stricter gun laws. Professor groban, thank you for being here. I am sorry for anyone you know in maine who has been affected by this horrible tragedy. Let me first start with federal gun laws. It sounds, at first glance, as though that law should have been in effect for this individual who is in a Mental Health facility, and who had firearms. What happened here . Yes, the federal law is very narrowly drawn. It would only apply, the firearm bin, would only apply if mr. Card had been involuntarily committed to that mental hospital. What that meant also the. And we still dont know whether or not he committed himself voluntarily, or involuntarily. That makes a world of difference. That is a massive distinction, isnt it . Thats someone who could be having psychotic or Mental Health episodes where he is hearing voices, but he checked himself into an inpatient care facility, can still possess a gun, according to federal law. In fact, the law provides, if that person has to be told of the fire arm consequences, if they are involuntarily committed, which leads some individuals to commit themselves voluntarily. That bill will not be subject to the fire a ban. Can we talk about the second layer protection here, which is the yellow flag law that mean has in place . I know you call that yellow flag law pathetic. Could you elaborate on. That way dont think its effective . Yes, i feel like, certainly, is better than nothing. But i think it creates obstacles that really allow it to be used effectively in our state. Because it requires three different determinations that someone is a danger to themselves or others. First, you have to go through the police. And you have to call the police to come to your house and find that this person is a danger to themselves or others. A lot of people with Family Members in crisis arent comfortable, for obvious reasons, involving the police. Either theyre worried about the response, theyre worried about their loved ones gonna be arrested. It is gonna be fatal to review. Foundation or most danger to police in respond thing to these incidents as well they feel trauma from responding. First, the police. Have to respond. Big initial to sound an awful lot like interests then they have to. Be seen by Mental Health professional. Who makes a determination whether or not that person, a second person, makes a determination if that person is a danger to themselves or others. That is in writing. And then it goes to a judge, to make the determination that that person is a danger to themselves. So, it creates these layer, that really are not necessary. Makes it much more difficult for this law to be effective. Now, what has been used, i think its been used around 80 times. Which is a good thing. But it could be even better. Especially in a state Where Gun Suicide is one of our biggest gun problems. But you see acostas family got. To check even many boxes that exist in terms of the yellow flag law. They alert Law Enforcement, and military officials, somethings not right. We are worried about robert cards behavior. Yet, it just wasnt enough to get the weapon. Seized and so with Red Flag Laws, that family, with their loved one in distress, can go straight to the court and file an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, concerned about people misusing the process, do it under penalty of perjury, saying my loved one is in crisis, and where theyre gonna sought Harlem Selves and others, please take their guns. Away judges are used to dealing with these issues. They make determinations about safety and danger every day of the week. When they set bail, when they sentence people, so this is not an uncomfortable situation for a judge to be in. And i think maine would be really well served if we improved our yellow flag law. The other issue, is we havelimited Mental Health professionals in this state. So are using these Mental Health professionals for an assessment, but not for treatment. Wow. Clearly, something needs to be change. The big question, is will it . Thank you for your time and expertise. Its great to have you here in new york today. Thank you so much. More ahead this evening, the fate of over 200 hostages being held by hamas and other radical groups is still uncertain. A former director of Hostage Recovery for the u. S. Government joins me later in the hour, but first, there is a lot to know about the new speaker of the house, mike johnson. Most of it is really really controversial. That is next. At is next as someone living with Type 2 Diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. With Type 2 Diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. Even at your a1c goal, youre still at risk. Which if ignored could bring you here. May put you in one of those. Or even worse. Too much . Thats the point. Get real about your risks and do something about it. Talk to your Health Care Provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. Learn more at getrealaboutdiabetes. Com this is a dark time in hows the chicken . The prawns are delicious. Oh, i have a shellfish allergy. One prawn. Very good. Did i say Chicken Wrong . Tired of people not listening to what you want . Its truffle season ah thats okay. Never enough truffles. How much are they . Its a lot. Oh okay im good, that its like a priceless piece of art. Enjoy. Or when they sell you what they want . Yeah. The more we understand you, the better we can help you. Thats what u. S. Bank is for. Huge relief. Yeah. America. A lot of problems. And we are really really hopeful and prayerful. Prayer is appropriate in a time like this, that the evil can and, and this senseless violence can stop. Thats the statement this morning, on behalf of the entire house of representatives. Everyone wants this to end, and i will leave it there. That was the speaker of the house, mike johnson, today, suggesting prayer after a massacre in lewiston, maine. Now, 61 of the American Public supports on assault weapons ban, but the speaker, a deeply conservative congressman from louisiana has not said much about Gun Safety Legislation and is unlikely to. That is because being out of step with public sentiment is sort of a calling card for new speaker in the house. As is being at odds with the facts. In december of 2020, and president trumps bidding, congressman johnsons bill sent an email from his personal address to every House Republican. He wanted them to sign on to an amicus brief for a texas lawsuit that was trying to invalidate the Electoral College votes from georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin, all States Joe Biden had won. And if threats werent already implied, he let his colleagues know for certain that he, meaning trump, we will be anxiously awaiting the finalist to reveal. And the email, from mike johnson, the threat from trump worked. In the end, more than 60 of House Republicans signed on to Mike Johnsons amicus brief. And the lawsuit, the one the brief for supporting, the lawsuit itself was way out there. According to the new york times, the lawyer for the House Republican leadership told mr. Johnson that his arguments were unconstitutional. Come congresswoman liz cheney also a lawyer called the brief embarrassing. A very conservative Supreme Court agreed with them. They threw the lawsuit out. Boating rights attorney marc elias characterized in this way. Other than events that took place on january six, the texas case was the most profoundly antidemocratic act in the postelection period. That is what mike johnson was rallying republican support for. The most profoundly antidemocratic act in the postelection period. And that was after johnson served as part of Donald Trumps defense team in the house during trumps first impeachment hearing, and after he tried to expunge both trump impeachments. And then the run johnsons positions before he even entered congress. New york times Congressional Correspondent Andy Carney Reports that when mike johnson was an attorney for the conservative legal group the Alliance Defense fund, johnson spoke out against homosexuality, calling it an inherently unnatural, and a dangerous lifestyle. He linked to beast geniality. In 2004, and johnson proclaimed experts predict homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and anarchy that can doom even the strongest republic. Gay rights are not the only subject where mr. Johnson is wildly out of step with the American Public. As a congressman, he has called for a National Abortion ban as recently as 2021, and he cosponsored a 20week abortion ban last year. He even managed to blame School Shootings on abortion. This is what he said to journalists here in 2015. Many women use abortion as a form of birth control, you know, in certain segments of society, and its just shocking and sad, but this is where we are. When you break up the nuclear family, when you tell a generation of people that life has no value, no meaning, that its expendable, then you do wind up with school shooters. Abortion, School Shootings. That is the man republicans now have leading the United States house of representatives. We were times congressional reporter andy carney who just wrote about the elevation of mike johnson, she joins me next. Stay with with me. With with me. Proven over 90 effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. 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To show youre a part of the movement to protect the rights guaranteed to all of us by the us constitution. We protect everyones rights, the freedom of religion, the freedom of expression, racial justice, lgbtq rights, the rights of the disabled. We are here for everyone. It is more important than ever to take a stand. So please join us today. Because We The People means all the people, including you. So call now or go online to my aclu. Org to become a guardian of liberty. we have generations of low riding in our family. were not sworn in, were born in. Seeing my baby girl ava cruise with me reminds me exactly how i was with my pops. and thats important to me because the Serrano Legacy continues. at the end of the day, the problem is the human heart. Its not the guns. Its not the weapons. At the end of the day we have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves, and thats the Second Amendment. Its not the time to be talking about legislation. Were in the middle of legislation where the middle of it. Now this is not the time to talk about ridges legislation. That was the new speaker of the house, congressman mike johnson, in an interview with fox news, this evening. Joining me now is annie carney, Congressional Correspondent in the new york times. Any, mike johnson saying the problem is that the human hearts and not guns, its the right, protecting the right of citizens to defend themselves. I dont know if anyone has flag this for congressman johnson, but maines apartmentless carry state. You can have a concealed weapon without a permit. And that did not stop a lone gunman from massacring 15 people. Annie, what was the calculation of moderates, normies, theyre being called in a conference, in electing this individual . I think that what happened wires after three weeks of being unable to wrap rally around any speaker, they were worn down. They had shown some spine the people didnt really expect with him and they rejected jim jordan on the house floor and just said, tacitly refused to support jim jordan, who is more wellknown and has more baggage more enemies. Mike johnson kind of, he has never served in leadership. He has never shared a powerful committee in conference. Hes basically been a backbencher since 2017. Hes developed fewer enemies and fewer people who just personally despise him. What we saw over the past three weeks was people taking a personal grudges on colleagues they simply cant stand. I Johnson Johnson have a lot of enemies because he has never been in a position of great power in the house. So he would have never reason to this position and been elected unanimously by the House Republicans if it wasnt after three weeks and four failed candidates for speaker. Ultimately conservatives got someone really in the mold of jim jordan. He called jim jordan mentor. You went through all of his social conservative positions. Hes a deeply evangelical christian, religious conservative, on social issues. He was an election denier, and moderates all voted for him, partly because it was just time the, the deadlock really couldnt go on any longer. It was time to come together. And he doesnt have that many enemies. And this is what they purchased, an individual who believes that a massacre in maine is about the human heart or not guns are Gun Safety Legislation. Ive got to ask you, any, it sounds from the porting we have this evening, that conservatives in this conference are gonna allow a shortterm Spending Bill to keep the government open, a sort of honeymoon period for their new speaker. But one wonder is worth the price he must pay in return is, and whether or not some of their most florid fever dreams, their conservative dreams of impeaching, for example, joe biden, i think that the speaker of the house might actually deliver on . Do you have a sense of what The Wish List is from conservatives, and how malleable the new speaker might be in terms of delivering on it . No, not really, yet. I think today was kind of, for a lot of people, a breather after these three horrible weeks of chaos. I dont think theres going to be a very long grace period here for him. Well see if they keep the government funded. If they dont pass some sort of short term Spending Bill next month, well have a government shutdown. Well see if they give him a little more leeway. But he still has to pass Appropriations Bills with deep cuts. Well see if you can do that. And then he didnt mention the impeachment of joe biden in his first speak as speaker yesterday. It wasnt mentioned. But i think that, in a way, and inexperienced speaker like this give some of the other members of the leadership team, like steve scalise, and elise stefanik, more power at this moment. Hes rile relying on this moment. He was sort of cut out of the inner circle, but kevin mccarthy, the former speaker who relied on a few of his trusted aides and dont really trust the other people who are technically in leadership, the Majority Leader in the conference chair. I think were gonna see an inexperienced leader leaning on them a bit more. Elise stefanik is one of trumps closest allies in the house. Certainly will be pushing for an impeachment. But he hasnt mentioned that yet. The first thing the bring up Resolution Support of israel and he said his next priority was going to be dealing with the border crisis. He has to, the first short term crisis on his hands is this. Looming government shutdown, and well see where he goes from there. But we dont know a lot about where he is is a leader, because this is a very inexperienced Rank And File member arising to this position and the extraordinary thing that would, that no one would ever have guessed that you can become speaker like. This is a sign of times that the fact that you did mention Impeachment Proceedings against the sitting president as a hopeful sign on day one. That wasnt mentioned in the first 24 hours of his new job, but thats a sign of hope. Any county, thank you for other Great Reporting and analysis. I appreciate your time tonight. When we come back, ten american hostages are believed to be held by hamas and gaza. So how is the white house trying to get them back . We are speak to the man who, until last month, served as the director of Hostage Recovery for the american government. Thats next. Thats next. When i was diagnosed with hiv, i didnt know who i would be. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. And ask your Healthcare Provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in many people whether youre 18 or 80. 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According to Israeli Defense forces, hamas and other Terrorist Groups are holding 224 hostages in gaza. Ten americans are believed to be among them and President Biden says they release it is number one priority. He has reportedly asked the government of israel to delay a gowned Ground Invasion of gaza, hoping to buy time for Hostage Negotiations. Its unclear how successful he will be. Yesterdays real nouns dissent tanks into Northern Gaza as part of preparations for the next stage of fighting. Joining me now is chris oleary, former director of Hostage Recovery for the u. S. Government. He also has decades of experience working in counterterrorism and Hostage Rescue and recovery efforts. Chris, thanks for being here tonight. Good to be here. Can i just ask you, from the negotiation perspective, how essential delaying a Ground Invasion is, in terms of leverage with hamas or other Terrorist Organizations . Well, i dont know that its essential for leverage. Hamas has all the leverage right now. But it gives the opportunity for the qataris and partnership from egypt as well, to continue the conversation. During that period, information has been gleaned, as well, to help identify who was holding hostages, start looking for information on where they would be held, their condition, so its an ongoing conversation and a negotiation to try to get some concessions from each side. But right now hamas has all the leverage. Why do you think hamas released the four hostages that they did . Its two israeli women, to american women. Was that a display of good faith . How do you read that . Everything they have done, hamas is a terrorist organization. Yeah. And they terrorize. Taking hostages is part of that broader strategy. Everything they have done to this point is by design and calculated, and releasing these two americans, in my assessment, would be just so discordant between the United States and israel, which was a very tight bond in the beginning, steel is very tight but now theres a deviation on where we see things. The next step to israeli women it looks like a humanitarian because they were older, and now you have the Hostage Families in israel asking for a delay while the victims of october 7th are acting for vengeance. So it starts to erode the unity of effort. Thats what they want. Its to promote schism. Do you have any thesis as to why they chose the people they chose . The israeli women or two older women, but the american women were a young woman and her mother. They are obviously much younger people and much older people that are being held hostage. The americans that were released, the Older American Women Woman did have reportedly some medical conditions. That is not in the interest of hamas, to have something go wrong. Theyre not releasing her because of humanitarian reasons. You can think of them as cattle ranchers. They are looking at the hostages as something that they want to center market, eventually. You want to keep them healthy, and you want to be able to get a good price for them later on. Pure and simple. The calculation. There is not a humanitarian bone in their body. What is happening Behind Closed Doors . If you could tell us, we understand the Hostage Negotiations are ongoing, but what does that meaningfully look like in terms of the regional partners the u. S. Is working through . The United States has a great standard. It was born out of the obama administration, and a failure, but it was recognized by president obama and they did a complete hostage review. We recognized our mistakes from what happened with failures for james foley and Kayla Mueller and the other hostages. So now its a whole government approach which is what i sat over, along with my partner, roger carsons, special president ial envoy for hostage affairs. When americans take that entire enterprise synchronize is our efforts. What weve recognizes it need to be connected to the International Community as well. So we have started building those exercises and strengthening that connective tissue, trying to build for the worstcase scenario. Nobody envisioned something this catastrophic. But it is you highlighted earlier, this is an International Community problem. There is an opportunity to go back to the united nations, and 1979 convention of Hostage Taking identifies Hostage Taking is a violation of human rights and criminal law. The fact that this is something, to some degree the International Community is looked at is a problem that needs to be solved and, an exercise that needs to be run, is heartening in a moment that seemed so chaotic and without end. Such a pleasure to have you. I really appreciate your

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