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I cant stress this enough, this is an Ongoing Investigation in the early stages. More information will come out, in conjunction with the Attorney Generals Office as the lead prosecutor. We cant share all of our information right now and im sure you understand that. Im going to give out two numbers that go to a tip line. 911 is also appropriate for this, but if anyone can call these two numbers, this would go to the state police tip line. Area code 2072139526. 2075099002. And well be sending something out later that has that information in it, if you werent able to grab that now. Again this is a very fluid situation, we have a lot of resources as chief st. Pierre had mentioned earlier that are on the ground, in a coordinated effort to apprehend this individual. We have notified the department of education, and they have determined what theyre going to do with the schools. A lot of schools, area schools were shut down today based on our conversation with them. Again, as more information comes in, well be providing it to you. Thank you for your time. This is a very difficult time for, i think the community of lewiston, difficult time for obviously the victims families, and it is a tough time for Law Enforcement. A Rough Night Last night. But were committed to bringing, you know, whoever is responsible this to justice, and, again, were currently looking for mr. Card right now, someone we would like to apprehend. Thank you. Thank you colonel. Fbi Special Agent in charge cohen if you could join me, please. Thank you. My name is jodie cohen, Special Agent in charge of fbi boston division, which covers the state of maine. Our hearts go out to everyone who is impacted as a result of this senseless violence. The fbi is working hand and hand with our Law Enforcement partners, our Evidence Team is here processing the very extensive scenes, were providing investigative and tactical support as well as Victim Specialists are working with those affected by this tragedy. As this very active Investigation Continues to unfold, were asking the public to stay vigilant and come forward with any information that you might have that you feel is helpful to our investigators. My pledge is that the fbi will carry out this investigative case with rigor. We will workday and night alongside our Law Enforcement partners to get the answers to the questions this community deserves. We thank the public for your continued cooperation and patience as we continue to work this very active investigation. Thank you. Appreciate that. And i would say that the reality here from a Resource Standpoint is that when we asked for anything, the answer has been yes, period. Tactical teams, Evidence Response Teams, full blown investigative units, detective units, that have come from multiple states, whether it is the commissioners from vermont and New Hampshire reaching out to me directly, massachusetts saying what do you need, mike, what can we do for the state of maine . We are now prepared to try to take a few questions and keep in mind again we may not be able to answer as in depth as you would like and we dont plan on taking a great deal of questions. I think followup press events will allow for that. Sir . No one has talked about the weapon that was used here. Ar15 style, so i hope someone can talk about that. The other thing here is there are reports that this individual had Mental Health issues, that he made threats to shoot up the National Guard, so clearly there were some signs he was on someones radar. The question becomes why is he in possession of this weapon and certainly why wasnt he stopped sooner . Yeah, i think those are all valid questions and certainly questions that we are looking into now. But not questions we can answer today. Considering this occurred last night, there is still an active search for the suspect in question, so i appreciate those questions, but not something were going to be able to answer right now. Is it something youre investigating and certainly one of those things that we want to follow up on. All aspects of that. Go ahead right here. Yes. Can you give us a sense of the ages of who has died, how many are under 18 and how many are over 18 . Im not sure we have that information with us today. We wanted to break it down by gender, because thats something we had readily available, we did not break this down into age ranges at all. What can you tell us about the background of the suspect in this case . The Person Of Interest, because i noticed the language is very clear, youre saying Person Of Interest, not suspect. So why use that terminology and what can you tell us about his background . I think we used Person Of Interest last night for half of the room that was here, for that press event. As the colonel mentioned, there is now Arrest Warrants for murder for this particular individual. Mr. Card. So he is viewed as a suspect and there is a full court press by all of our partners to bring him into custody. What was the second piece of that question . What can you tell us about his background . Someone asked about the idea that, you know, he had voiced concerns about his own Mental Health, committed according to language in a Police Bulletin to a Mental Health facility for weeks, how could someone who fits that profile still be in possession of semiautomatic weapons . I do think statutes around firearms and the possession of those are pretty complex. I know that we will be reviewing that information as we move forward. But thats not an answer that were prepared to give today because that leads to motive, youre talking about Behavioral Health issues and how that impacts the situation. I would expect youll hear back from us on that in the future. Right here, sir. Ive got a question about we have seen helicopters as far north as monmouth. You tell us about what is leading you that far north of the scene where you found the car . We have Law Enforcement assets deployed over a number of communities, doing followups on a number of different things. So, as you can imagine, there is a great deal of Search Warrants that were following up on, we have partners that helicopters from the New Hampshire state police, that copter was here last night to assist us as well. So whether we have tactical elements out or were searching an area, some of those air assets would be very, very valuable for us. Thats what theyre doing. Were not going to speak to what brings us to a specific Community One way or the other. Yes, maam. Right here. The unidentified victims, what are people encouraged to do . Is there dna being tested from Family Members . Do they have missing loved ones . What is that approach right now . We did have a family a Reunification Center open last night. We have Behavioral Health liaisons fully engaged to work with families and work with loved ones and work with victims for that matter that may be in the hospital and seeking treatment. So, those things are actively occurring. Were dealing with each one of those situations separately. So do we need dna on that, waiting to find a loved one, some kind of Family Member we can make a notification . I think that varies across the board. Ill take two more questions. Two more. Right here. Yes. Think were all concerned around motive. You say triggering, thats a motive for us, thats not something were prepared to discuss today. But i do appreciate the question. It is clearly something that is important. One additional followup from you. Can you help us understand why the locations, why this bar, why this Bowling Alley . Was he looking for someone . Was he looking for something . I think that does speak to motive. I appreciate the followup, but not something were prepared to answer today. One more question. Right here, sir. Right here. To clarify, the Arrest Warrant is issued today and can you say if card is still in the state or even still alive . Well, were actively searching for him. If i knew the answers to those questions, then this would be a different Press Conference, i would assume. So, we dont know his location. And ill leave it at that. And we are working with the Attorney Generals Office with reference to with that in mind, were done taking questions for now. Were going to actually take off at this point. Thank you very much for being here. I appreciate it. Thank you, everybody. Thank you for joining us for our second hour of special coverage. Im ana cabrera. Were continuing to follow the Breaking News out of maine where you saw Law Enforcement wrapped up a News Conference, following this horrific Shooting Spree that left at least 18 people dead and at least 13 people injured. Here is what we know at this hour. This is a massive manhunt right now for this man, 40yearold robert card, who Officials Say is now considered a suspect and Arrest Warrant has been issued for him on at least eight counts of murder because they identified eight of the victims at this point. A Law Enforcement bulletin says card recently reported Mental Health issues, including hearing voices, he was threatening even to shoot up a National Guard base. This search is now forcing multiple businesses to close for the day, schools are canceled, multiple towns have been advised to shelter in place as this search continues. Lets begin this hour with nbc news correspondent Antonia Hylton who is live from lewiston, maine, also with us, frank figliuzzi, the former Assistant Director for counterintelligence at the fbi, also Msnbc National Security analyst. So, antonia, we had this update from officials. Bring us up to speed on this investigation, what more do we know . Reporter well, ana, first we heard from governor janet mills, that we have confirmed 18 people were killed, 13 others injured and are receiving medical care at facilities like the one behind me here. And as you just laid out, this massive manhunt is still under way here in lewiston and lisbon and bowdoin. There is still a shelter in place order. It is a bit of a ghost town in this area. People are staying home, not going to school, not going to work, not going out and patronizing businesses, but actually even beyond that shelter in place order were hearing that schools and areas as far away as 45 minutes in portland are closing because so many people were connected to folks here. This is a very tight knit community. So you can really only just begin to imagine the shock waves and grief, and because this is still an active investigation, and they are actively state, federal, and local partners searching for robert card right now, families are struggling to even begin the grieving process, to get an understanding of what transpired last night. I dont know if you can see behind me here there are officers on the scene here at the Central Medical center who have long guns, a reminder there is an active threat here, even as people are trying to seek treatment, trying to go to Reunification Centers and get information, that there is still a hunt going on. And people are fearful. You can feel that. I was just listening to some of the local radio shows and people are calling in to some of their familiar hosts and actively grieving, talking about, you know, how in shock they are feeling, how much they never expected Something Like this to rock a Community Like the one here. And so, you know, there is just this sense that were still at the very beginning stages of both the investigation, but also, you know, this understanding that the Community Still hasnt even fully been able to articulate all their concerns and the confusion. We just heard our colleague sam brock call out some of the questions in the Press Conference around, you know, the status of his Mental Health, how he was able to have firearms like this in the first place, those questions are emerging, but when we know that 18 people are dead, and that only eight so far have been identified, that means theyre still actively trying to reach out to families and notify them before we as press get more information about who the victims are, what their families look like and what folks are going through at the moment. They did go through at least their genders and they said, two separate locations, the first location, at the Bowling Alley, one female and six males who were killed. And then at the bar grille, eight males, seven found dead inside, one person outside and three other victims to the hospital and succumbed to their injuries. What stood out you to in this Press Conference, frank . A couple of things. As we already said, we got our first accurate number of dead, so we have got clarity on that. Im disturbed to hear that less than half of those, only eight have been positively identified. And it is disturbing because that often means beyond just trying to find next of kin, who are often out of state, particularly if were talking about College Student victim, it is also likely because they need dna and why am i saying that . You heard that referenced in the Press Conference, it is because when youre talking about death by high powered weapon, often a body becomes unidentifiable. And the fbi will come in, im told the fbis Lab Resources are there. The fbi has something called rapid dna and within an hour now they can actually take a sample from a Family Member, take a sample from an unknown victim, and develop a dna profile in about an hour and make a positive identification. It is grim business. We heard the state police have taken the lead here, very logical when were talking about a state wide and maybe even a multistate search at this point. They have got those resources, they have got the connections across not only maine, but throughout new england, so it is logical there, and we heard the Attorney Generals Office of the state will take the prosecution. We also heard that were not calling this individual a Person Of Interest, but rather that there are Arrest Warrants, at least eight murders charged in those Arrest Warrants, were dealing with a suspect, not someone who is a Person Of Interest anymore. And they were quick to shut down questions around motive and his Mental Health history, frank. They didnt really offer any new information about this suspect. Does that surprise you . It doesnt surprise me because it is such an active investigation. We dont even have this guy in handcuffs. We dont know where he is. And so giving out details, trying to engage in conjecture, yes, he was fired from a job, or yes this was his trigger or someone looked at him funny at one of the locations, all of that really not helpful or pertinent for the public to know while theyre searching for this guy. And i caution people, when youre dealing with someone with this degree of mental illness, that what makes sense to him as to why he chose targets make absolutely no sense to us. I found that over and over again. He could even get caught and confess and it wont make sense to anyone other than perhaps these were the busiest places on a wednesday night. Small town, there is a Corn Hole Tournament, there is a family night at the Bowling Alley, maybe that was literally the only show in town for him in terms of finding his targets. Youre right, we dont know anything at this point in terms of motivations. But it is striking to me that he goes into this Bowling Alley, little before 7 00, opens fire, ultimately kills more than half a dozen people on that one location, and then leaves, has to get into his car, doesnt walk out the door and go to the next house down, the next business that is right next door, he instead drives across town to then continue his killing spree, frank. It is just chilling and is that significant . Well, it goes toward a very persistent, planned individual. Hes not going to stop. He knew he would move from one location to another, if he was permitted to do so. Meaning that he wasnt stopped first by Law Enforcement. So, this suspect is a driven individual. As it is often the case with Spree Killers generally. They just go on auto pilot and dont stop until they are stopped. Unfortunately. And i know we heard the governor commend Law Enforcement for their response and i get that, and she mentionedhe words i think swift response. Well need a timeline after this. When the time isight and all is said and done, im sure there will be an investigative response, study. I dont know if this was swift or not, to be honest with you. I dont understand quite frankly how the movement was allowed to continue. I dont know we dont know yet if Police Actually laid eyes on this guy or not. But well find out in due time as there will be undoubtedly an investigation into all of this and then, of course, the really overriding issue, how did someone who seems to have been committed, seems to have articulated threats to harm people recently, how did this not result in at least a temporary seizure of weapons . Did this even get entered into the National Instant check system . All of that we need answers. And was he still an active trainer when it comes to firearms as we have been discussing and yet we know had these Mental Health issues that were raised, was even committed to a Mental Health institution of some sort for a couple of weeks this past summer. Frank, because we dont have a lot of tangible evidence at this point, or clues, we do have the pictures of what this person looks like, the Surveillance Images of him, you know, walking into one of these shooting locations, no face coverings, no body armor, we also know we have a vehicle also that they put a picture of out there. As somebody with a trained eye, we look at this and say, okay, now we know what he looks like, we know somewhat the type of weapon he may use, but are these images and other information more useful to Law Enforcement than just identifying him . Yes. Look. Were looking at a confident, trained shooter. He has the stance. He has the look in his eye. He has magazines. Youll notice the pockets of his cargo pants weighted down with various things, they could easily be extra magazines, side arms, they could even be explosive devices or knives. Hes ready. He might have some source of fuel, meaning protein for him to eat if he needs to get Into The Woods and hide. The fact that hes brazen about leaving his car at the dock, this is somebody who is probably not going to easily surrender. Hes identified himself, hes saying this is who i am, this is what im going to do, what are you going to do about it . And thats the history of Spree Killers. They simply either harm themselves or Law Enforcement has a violent encounter with them. So, we heard from the police chief say this is an all Hands On Deck effort with local, state, federal officials that are participating in this investigation. Given what we know about this individual, the Potential Weaponry he may have, what types of assets do you think they are using in this search, and their strategy in trying to, one, locate him and then, second, what they do once they do locate him . Yeah, you heard the fbis Special Agent in charge out of boston, who is responsible for the state of maine as well, and you heard her reference tactical, investigative resources, Evidence Response Team resources, and witness victim witness specialists. Lets talk about the investigative and the tactical side of things. Thats a concession that there are tactical fbi resources on the ground. That would mean boston has a large fbi s. W. A. T. Team. I would not be surprised that as we saw in the Boston Marathon bombing, where they had a lengthy pursuit of those bombers, that the Fbis Hostage Rescue Team is at least on standby if not already in the air. Theyre in quantico, virginia, the elite of the elite in terms of the United States Law Enforcement tactical teams. Why is that significant . There has got to be a plan developed for when this individual is encountered. It will be extremely high risk. He will likely shoot it out. And so everything from how you have ballistic protection and shields, the state of the Art Technology that allows you to know where he is inside the building, that youre approaching, and how that is done, that should be done by highly trained tactical personnel. The fbi offers that, the state of maine has that as well. Theyll partner together on a plan. I have to tell you, in many spree cases, it is the Patrol Officer who is out there looking, who turns a corner, and sees something and is the first to encounter the subject. In that case, there again, there should be a plan, if there is even time to call in additional resources. But that Patrol Officer may not have that kind of time. We will continue to follow every development here. Frank figliuzzi, thank you so much for offering your expertise and insights into this investigation. And, of course, Antonia Hylton, thank you for the reporting. Come back us to as you learn more information as this is an ongoing and developing manhunt now. I also am just getting word, President Biden has issued a statement on this shooting. Lets get to nbc News White House correspondent allie raffa. What is the president saying . Reporter we know that the president and Vice President have continued to be briefed since learning of this Mass Shooting during the state dinner with the australian Prime Minister last night. And we have a new statement from President Biden this morning. He says in part, quote, once again our nation is in mourning after yet another senseless and tragic Mass Shooting. He says he and the first lady are praying for the americans who have lost their lived, for those still in critical care, for the families, survivors and Community Members enduring shock and grief. He talks about the residents of this area as this manhunt is still ongoing. He says hes urging area residents to heed these warnings and guidance of local officials. He talks about the phone calls that hes had with local leaders. He talks about his conversations with maines governor, Senators Collins and king and Congressman Golden Last Night in which he offered the full support of the federal government as these efforts are still ongoing. And he continues, he says in part, quote, this is not normal, we cannot accept it. He talks about the progress that has been made on gun safety through the bipartisan Safer Communities act. Remember that was passed after that Mass Shooting at the Topps Grocery store in buffalo as well as the Uvalde Shooting in texas. The biggest Gun Legislation in around three decades. He says that even with that, and the new office of Gun Violence Prevention that was announced just last month that the president the Vice President is now running. He says it is simply not enough and he ends this stement saying today in the wake of yet another tragedy i urge republican lawmakers in congress to fulfill their duty to protect th american people, work with us to pas bill banning Assault Weapons and high capacity magazines to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and ending immunity from liability for gun manufacturers. This is the very least we owe every american who will bear the scars, physical and mental, of the latest attack. And the president pushing for that Assault Weapons ban really for decades now, but with the current makeup of congress it seems like as of now thats very unlikely. There is the shortterm, the longterm, we know the president was on the phone with officials, even during that state dinner. He has ordered the flags to be at halfstaff, which we have now seen has already taken place. Allie raffa, thank you for that update from the white house. Coming up, well talk to the mayor of auburn, maine, the town next door to lewiston. Theyre also under a shelter in place order. Plus, we ryll talk to a retired fbi agent and criminal profile bere what sticks out to her about this suspect. First, a plea from a Grieving Lewiston resident. Just pray for the families, pray for these victims. God, things have got to be changed have got to change. We have to start doing better. We have to start doing better. vo get iphone15 pro, apple tv 4k and 6 months of apple one. All three on us. Only on verizon. bridget with Thyroid Eye Disease i hid from the camera. And i wanted to hide from the world. For years, i thought my t. E. D. Was beyond help. But then i asked my doctor about tepezza. vo tepezza is the only medicine that treats t. E. D. At the source not just the symptoms. In a Clinical Study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. Tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. 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The army now confirms he is a reservist, but has no combat deployments. Nbcs tom winter is with us now with mary ellen otoole, retired fbi agent and Criminal Profiler and Current Program director at George Mason Universitys forensics science program. Thank you so much for being with us. Let me start with tom here, you are digging into this suspect. And the potential weapon used in all of this. What more have you learned . Sure, so, it is an Assault Rifle type weapon and hopefully well be able to tell you the specific make later. It is very typical hold on, tom. Im sorry to interrupt. Were going live to a Press Conference with a medical professional now on the update of the victims. I also wanted to say it has been a very challenging 16 hours as im sure you heard from the Law Enforcement officials who have been very supportive over the past half day. We had some heroic efforts by our team members last night, continuing into today. They provided expert and compassionate care. One of the challenges with identifying patients early on was the speed with which our teams needed to act. We had the first patient arrive at 7 24 p. M. And over the next 45 minutes we received a total of 14 patients. Eight of those patients were admitted to our hospital, three of those patients are deceased, two are discharged home and one was transferred to maine medical center. We also had one patient that was taken to st. Marys hospital. For the eight patients who are currently admitted, five of those are in stable condition. Three are in critical condition. Were not going to comment at this time on the gender or the ages of those patients. Nor are we going to comment on the nature of those injuries. Id like to thank also all the hospitals, healthcare providers, ems agencies, and air service from augusta to portland. We have incredible support throughout the night and into today. We had an outpouring support and offers of assistance, and very much appreciate all those efforts. Once again, i want to extend our thoughts and prayers to the families, to their loved ones, and to the victims who have been impacted by this tragedy. Thank you very much for your respect for our caregivers and for those families. Can you describe the range of injuries . Were not going to comment on the nature of the injuries at this time. Can you say if any of the victims were children under the age of 18 . Not going to comment on the ages or the gender of any of the patients at this time. Can you tell us what kind of [ inaudible ] sure. So our team, were a level three Trauma Center. That means that we have in house at all times trained trauma surgeons, trained anesthesiologists, and expert Emergency Department staff. As i mentioned, when the first patient arrived at 7 24, we had approximately 25 team members, physicians, nurses, Respiratory Therapists already available to take care of that patient. By the time the 14th patient came in approximately 45 minutes later, that number had ballooned to about 50 or 60 care providers. They have gone through extensive training to be prepared for those injuries and were very thankful that they were there and prepared to help take care of the patients that we received. Do all the patients come by ambulance, were there any that came by private vehicle or walk in . All the patients were brought in either by ambulance or by first responders. Doctor, i know hospitals train all the time for mass casualty events. How did that training prepare you and did it match the reality . Again, i think our team did an amazing job, they provided a high level of expertise, were very thankful that they were able to get as many patients into our trauma bays and into our Operating Rooms as we were able to. They train regularly and, again, i think it showed. Who coordinated . Do you, st. Marys or as i mentioned, as you can tell by the time frame, that situation unfolded very, very quickly. So i would suggest that they just they came to us based on the experience of the Ambulance Drivers and the proximity to our facility. What was the what was the triage role yourself . We receive the patients as they came to us. What was the number of people on duty at the hospital last night . How did that correspond to normal Staffing Levels . We had normal staffing available last night. And as i mentioned, when i referenced the ballooning, we had team members we had approximately 100 team members who were off duty come into the hospital to help ensure that we were able to care for not only the patients that we received, from these horrible scenes, but also take care of the patients that we had there. Were seeing Sheriff Deputies and Police Officers from other jurisdictions come here to help out. Is it similar when it comes to healthcare . Are you seeing doctors and nurses from other towns and areas come and lend a hand and if so that is that something that is helpful and that you like to see happen . You know, in certainly in the shortterm there is an outpouring of assistance that is being offered. And you dont know what resources you need or dont need, so it is helpful. We were able to organize those resources and use them effectively. As an example, we had Ambulance Services from other counties coming on site. At one point, we had approximately ten ambulance Crews Standing by outside of our Trauma Center to ensure if we had patients who needed to be transferred they could be transferred. We received nurses and physicians from some of our area hospitals. We had helicopter support, not only from our own life flight of maine but also from Boston Med Flight and dartmouth. So, the answer, the long answer to that or the short answer is yes. What about the lockdown . There was a Large Police Presence outside of the hospital this morning. How long do you anticipate that to be in effect and why exactly do you need armed personnel at the hospital at this time . Were taking the lead from Law Enforcement and theyre the ones who are telling us what we need to do and how we need to do it. As long as the city is in what is the term they use, shelter in place, as long as were in a shelter in place, we will continue to remain in our current status. This kind of event happens a lot in america, a lot of hospitals like yours have to deal with situations like this. Do you have a professional opinion about the fact that this is part of what the American Medical Community regularly has to respond to . It is a good question. I dont know that i have a professional opinion about having to respond to this. I would just say that it is a tragedy and, you know, i think we should do our best to respect the families, those people who have been impacted, the caregivers. Ill just add one thing, just talking about that, we do have an incredible amount of support for people who are going through a difficult time right now. Mental health issues, any kind of, you know, stress or anxiety from not only the events that have happened, but having to witness some of it. And so were continuing to provide those resources and much to the question asked earlier about other areas and other neighboring towns or communities, we received a lot of support from neighboring towns, communities and agencies from around the state in order to offer support. Not only to the patients and families that we have, but also to our team members. Last question. Is there a call for a blood drive . People want to know if they can help out. For right now we and i believe the other Trauma Centers in the state are very adequately supplied with blood and other supplies. I think the one thing that i would ask for people who are at home right now is if you are in an area where youre being asked to shelter in place, please do so and stay safe. Can you go back to one point earlier, can you the amount of time that elapsed from when you first got notified, first patient arrived to the last one, and obviously some admitted, some not. Sure. Yeah. The time frame was approximately 45 minutes. And we received 14 patients, critically ill patients at that time over 45 minutes. That happened very quickly and our teams responded exceptionally well. Thank you, all. Well keep you posted. Youre listening to dr. John alexander from central maine medical center, which saw the vast majority of people who were injured brought to their facility. He called it a level three Trauma Center. So there are about 25 people or so ready to receive those victims last night when they got word of this event happening. And in about 45 minutes they received 14 victims who he called critically ill at the time they came in. It sounds like three people died after arriving at the hospital. He said three are still in critical condition. And this has been an overnight around the clock effort to try to save lives. He didnt get into would not comment on the nature of the injuries or any more information related to the identity of those victims. But did thank all the personnel who have been working as hard as possible to save those lives. Well, of course, bring more information about the victims to you as we learn who they are and more about the nature of the injuies also sustained in this Mass Shooting event. I do want to turn right now to the mayor of nearby auburn, maine, jason levesque. This is another community in a shelter in place status. We know auburn and lewiston are sort of twin cities. When we look at how unusual this sort of violence is for you and your state and your community, just 29 homicides in maine last year, and then in one night, lewiston just saw at least 18 gunrelated deaths. How are you trying to just make sense of this . I dont think i can make sense of this. I dont think anyone can make sense of this. This is a senseless act. What we can do is focus on mourning our loved ones we lost from our community. We focus on our families and helping ease their suffering and their pain and become stronger as a community to this and honor their memories that way. And then so you cant make sense of this. How would you describe what your community is going through right now . It is hard. It is hard really to say obviously because everybody is sheltering in place. Communication is sporadic and disjointed. I have reached a lot of folks reached out to me and talked to a lot of people in the last 18 hours or so, 12 plus hours. It is shock. This is probably normal in this situation. With all the number of fatalities, casualties in general, especially at two very popular places, not just for lewiston, but the entire community, were going to be touched. Everybody is going to be one degree separated from knowing someone who is involved. So this is something that were going to go through over next few days and weeks and months. Really kind of internalizing, understanding and moving on. You said everybody is going to know somebody. At this stage, do you know any of the victims . Yes, several. Can you share anything about them as we honor and lift their memories up and celebrate who they are and try to support their families . At this time, no. No. At this time it is still grief. Still grieving, for individuals. Their immediate families, friends, and, you know, you have to respect that and i do. Absolutely. Foremost priority, the Overall Health of the entire community. Thats what were focusing on now. Thank you for sharing that. Im so sorry for what your community is experiencing and you personally. Im sure youre grieving right now. What do you want people to know about this area, the twin cities, auburn and lewiston . It is and will continue to be a great area. This is a Wonderful Community with wonderful people. Great work ethic, great life ethic, if you would. We embrace life. We embrace happiness, joy, and thats what makes this community great. Thats also the strength that will help us get through this. It is going to continue to make this community great. So, their memories will always be eternal. Mmhmm. Well, this is very painful, i know, for your community right now. And scary as well, given somebody is still on the loose. Mayor jason levesque, thank you for taking the time. I appreciate your time. Our hearts go out to you and your whole community there. Thank you very much. Now i want to bring in mary ellen otoole, a retired fbi agent and Criminal Profiler and were joined by Jim Cavanaugh as well, retired atf Special Agent in charge and former atf hostage negotiator. Hes also an msnbc contributor. Mary ellen, just everything that we know at this point about the suspect, robert card, what sticks out to you and how do you think officials are starting to build a profile . What sticks out to me from a behavioral perspective is that hes gone quiet, hes gone dormant and thats not typical of most Mass Shootings. They go in and take advantage of the victims being off guard, so that they can achieve maximum lethality, which is what he did in at both locations. And then he just goes very quiet and there is certainly a possibility that he can come out of the quiet and become kind of pounce and become confrontational with Law Enforcement. That would be very unusual, though. I think it is as likely that he is already suicided and thats why we have not been able to locate him. But both possibilities exist, and listening to the Press Conference a few moments ago, sounded like they were preparing for both. But from a behavioral perspective, for him to come out now and pounce and confront Law Enforcement, of course, suicide by cop, that, to me, that is becoming less and less likely. According to the daily beast, who spoke to Family Members of robert card, they have been messaging him, urging him to surrender. Mary ellen, in a situation like this, is that helpful . It could be helpful depending on his relationship with the Family Members. If the Family Members in his opinion have contributed to his actions, thats not going to be helpful. So, i know that they love their family, but, again, not understanding yet what contributed to his deciding to do this, having some people come in and now reach out to him can actually be a problem. Jim, this is someone who we have learned knows firearms well, and is comfortable using them. How does that play a role in now how authorities are approaching this situation and this manhunt . Well, right, ana, like mary ellen said, if hes still alive and decides to, you know, do a suicide by cop, this guy would be very challenging because he can fire that rifle with great accuracy being a firearms instructor. It also has a scope on the top of it. So he can take a long shot and be accurate with it. Thats a devastating weapon if he would be bunkered up in some cabin or, you know, encounter Law Enforcement team, Patrol Officers, state troopers, he could be very deadly. As i agree with mary ellen, this is what the commanders have to do. We always brought in the Behavioral Analysis section at fbi and we had couple of atf agents all assigned there as well and they would give commanders this kind of insight that mary ellen has given us today what could he be thinking, what could he be doing, what are some of the possibilities, how can we use our forces to get ahead of this guy. If hes dead, you know, youre planning for worst case, but youll eventually find him. But, you know, the danger is that hes not, and he comes out and goes on more killing or goes for more killing somewhere. And you dont locate him until you hear the first shots. You could feel the pressure in that News Conference when you watch it. You can feel it. It was like the inside of a submarine. Those commanders are feeling it. They want to find this guy. They want to find him before anybody else is hurt. They told us they found his car, what they believe to be his car, about eight miles from the shooting scene and we know this is a community that is just off major interstates. I95, i93, boston a couple hours south, canada is just a couple of hours to the north. It is a pretty rural state. How does all of that shape the Law Enforcement response to this, jim . Yeah. It is much wider. It is a much wider effort across the region. You got to get his picture out, you dont know what car hes traveling in, if he is, and so it is much more difficult for officers, uniformed officers. I was a uniformed officer on a highway. You get reports of killers, cop killers, you may not have the vehicle theyre in. Who is it . Where is it . Is he kidnapped somebody . Is he holding Somebody Hostage in their vehicle . Is he in a stolen vehicle . You are watching everything like a hawk to see what might happen. And, you know, back to what mary ellen said, after the spree of these two scenes, was he spent . Was he spent enough that he went and just killed himself you know behind some warehouse or out in the woods . I think it is possible. But did he gain energy from it . Did he reconstitute himself . Does he want a higher body count . Possible as well. And those are all questions that commanders are facing right now as they put their forces out, you know, across the region. If hes in a car, he can show up anywhere. He can show up in boston, new york, you know, portland, he can show up anywhere if hes in a car. But suicide or waiting for the police to find him. If he did that, he can only carry so much food. He will be limited by physics and terrain and by planning. That brings up this idea that its possible, it could be a lengthy search. We know in other highprofile cases it has taken days, even weeks to catch a suspect. We will stay on top of this. At this point, again, the suspect has been identified as 40yearold robert card, believed to be armed and dangerous. I appreciate talking with you and value your expertise and your insights that you share. Thank you for joining us. You have been standing by for us some time. More on how a typical wednesday night turned into tragedy and chaos. The latest on the manhunt for the suspect in these Mass Shootings. S. I got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Im under 7. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. I lost some weight. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. Dont take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. 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His son was the manager at the bar and grill targeted last night. He learned that joe was killed in last nights attack. First, we are so, so deeply sorry for your loss. Thank you for taking a moment to talk with us. If you could share, whats going through your mind as you process this . Oh, boy. Right now its, what are we going to do tomorrow, the next day, and how are we going to handle all this . His poor wife is just torn apart from the news which took 14 plus hours to tell us and notify us of this, which is just totally a nightmare. None of us slept. We were up all night. We didnt know where to go, who to turn to. The state police took over the crime scene. They didnt notify any of us people that are waiting to hear about something or anything. I guess the fbi got involved. They were there by 11 00 or 12 00. Again, they didnt notify anybody or reach out to anybody. They knew we were all looking for our loved ones, because the hospital had all of our names. Everybody that was looking for a loved one, the hospital had our names. All they had to do was check in with the hospital. They knew thats where we were all sent. But they have to whatever they call it sweep the place and this and that. They cant touch the bodies. They cant do this while we are all suffering and dying in a nightmare that we dont understand. This does sound like such an unimaginable situation to have to go through this and the nightmare you describe. I can understand or i probably cant understand how you must feel. I just want you to know how much my heart is with you right now. What do you want us to know about joe . I want you to know that joe was a great, great son. Loving husband. He had two grandchildren and a Stepson Living at home with them, bringing them all up. Loved thousands of people. Thousands of people loved him. He started all the sports games that they have been doing for the past five, six years. He has grown that business tremendously. Again, like i said, thousands of people he would help anybody, work with anybody, put on any kind of a tournament that they wanted, raise money for many, many groups. He was actually going to do a Corn Hole Tournament in November 11th to raise money for the veterans. Of course, now, thats not thats not going to work now because he is dead. A hell of a loss in the community. Done everything he could in the community. He took over his moms homestead when she passed away. He remodeled, rebuilt it all. Two brothers that live side by side with him. We have another brother that live lives out of state. Its crazy. Its still a nightmare. I know he is gone. I have gone through this before. I lost a daughter in a car accident over 25 years ago in lisbon. Now i lost a son across the river. I live in auburn. So did my son. Now i lost him to somebody that has a sick illness. I dont know exactly whats wrong with the man or what happened. Im just i guess im still in cloud nine somewhere, i think. Leroy, nobody should have to go through what you are going through as a parent, to lose a son in this manner. Just so unbelievable. If you can, walk us through those events last night, those moments when you realized your son was unaccounted for. Well, when it all started, i had one son that called me, my youngest son called me and said, dad, i just heard that joey was shot and might be dead. Of course, i almost fell to my knees and everything. Dont tell me that. It just brought back when my daughter was killed. I got that phone call saying, your daughter has been killed. It brought it all back. I fell apart. Leroy walker, thank you so much, again, for talking with us. Please, be well. Our hearts are going to remain with you, your community, and wishing you strength and comfort right now. I just would like to finish by saying, my love goes out to all the other families. Im so sorry. Thank you. Im so sorry. Joe sounds like he made such a difference in this world. He has such a beautiful smile. You described what an incredible person that he was. Thank you for sharing his memory with us. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thats going to wrap up this hour of our breaking News Coverage. Thank you for joining us. Andrea mitchell picks up our Breaking News right now. Good day. Im Andrea Mitchell in washington, on this somber day around the nation. Continuing our breaking News Coverage of another Mass Shooting in america

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