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Mr. Speaker mr. Speaker, you may agree with this, but we are back here 22 days into this republican manufactured chaos and House Republicans have brought us to the exact same position that we were back then. All of the infighting, all of the disarray, just to end up where we were three weeks ago. These past few weeks we have been left wondering if republicans were truly intent on solving our issues, reopening the house of representatives and rallying around someone to lead this chamber, or has this been about Something Else . Has this been about a focus of House Republicans to find the person who can pass their extreme litmus test to oppose marriage equality, enact a nationwide abortion ban without exceptions, gut Social Security and medicare, and support overturning a free and fair election. Its a fair question. Its a fair question. [ applause ] nowhere nowhere in that Candidate Questionnaire is it about growing the middle class, helping our communities, keeping the cost of Health Care Lower and making the lives of Everyday Americans better. The gentlewoman from new york said it right, this has been about one thing. This has been about who can appease donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] House Republicans have put their names behind someone who has been called the most important architect of the Electoral College objections. He spearheaded thats fair. Thats fair. We know how you feel. Yeah, youve made that clear. He spearheaded the legal effort joined by more than 100 of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle in support of a dangerous and baseless lawsuit to overturn the results of the 2020 election. On the eve of january 6th, some of my republican colleagues even called this a failed strategy, yet those same individuals stand plan to stand right next to him today. Mr. Speaker pro tem, House Democrats believe that when members of this body voted to reject the results of the 2020 election, they forfeited their ability to lead this chamber. [ cheers and applause ] on this side of the aisle, we know what leadership looks like. Hakeem jeffries has never turned his back on the will of the american people. The son of two social workers, hes always stood by the side of working families. The most pressing needs of Everyday Americans are his north star. He believes that everyone in america should have the opportunity to get ahead and achieve their version of the american dream. He believes that access to Affordable Health care is a right, not a privilege. He believes that reproductive freedom must be guaranteed, not stripped away. He believes that working families, not the wealthy and the wellconnected should be rewarded. He believes in growing the middle class so that everyone can succeed. He believes that our schools and our communities should be safe and free from gun violence. He believes that investing in public schools, not depriving students of factbased education by banning books. He believes he believes in taking care of our seniors and our veterans, not slashing their benefits. He believes in living up to the promise that america is a Beacon Of Hope and a land of opportunity. He believes in defending democracy against all enemies and adversaries foreign and domestic. He believes in standing by our allies, israel and ukraine. [ applause ] and he believes in keeping our government running and open. Let me be clear, let me be clear. This is not just a belief system. Leader jeffries has the track record to back it up. He is certainly a far contrast from who republicans have nominated with or without their votes to nominate today. But if House Republicans choose, they can still join us on a bipartisan path forward. Lets come together to fund our government, support our allies abroad, and deliver for working families, end the chaos and the dysfunction, end the extremism. Lets open up the peoples house. I yield back, mr. Speaker. The Reading Clerk will now call the role. Adams. Jeffries. Aderholt, johnson. Aguilar, jeffries. Alford. Servant leader honorable mike johnson. Johnson. Allen. Mike johnson. Johnson. Allred. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Amaday. Mike johnson. Johnson. Armstrong. Johnson. Johnson. Arrington. Mike johnson. Johnson. Jeffries. Babbin. Mike johnson of louisiana. Bacon. Mike johnson. Johnson. Balderson. Johnson. Johnson. Jeffries. Jeffries. Banks. Mike johnson. Barr. Mike johnson. Johnson. Barrigan. Jeffries. Bean of florida. Mike johnson. Johnson. Beatty. Jeffries. Jeffries. Pence. Mike johnson. Mike johnson. Barra. Jeffries. Berg man. Mike johnson. Biggs. Mike johnson. Johnson bishop of georgia. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Bishop of north carolina. Mike johnson. Johnson. Blumenauer. Jeffries. Jeffries. Blunt rochester. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Boebert. The honorable mike johnson. Johnson. Bonamici. Hakeem jeffreys. Jeffries. Bost. Mike johnson. Johnson. Bowman. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Boyle of pennsylvania. Boyle of pennsylvania. Brecheen. Mike johnson. Johnson. Brown. Hakeem jeffrey. Jeffries. Brownley. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Buchanan. Mike johnson. Johnson. Buck. Mike johnson. Johnson. Bucshon. Mike johnson. Johnson. Budzinski. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Burchett. Mike johnson. Johnson. Burgess. Mike johnson. Johnson. Burlison. Mike johnson. Johnson. Bush. Jeffries. Calvert. Mike johnson. Johnson. Cammack. Mike johnson. Johnson. Caraveo. Jeffries. Jeffries. Carbajal. Jeffries. Jeffries. Cardenas. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Carey. Johnson. Johnson. Carl. Mike johnson. Johnson. Carson. Jeffries. Carter of georgia. Mike johnson. Johnson. Carter of louisiana. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Carter of texas. Mike johnson. Johnson. Cartwright. Jeffries. Jeffries. Casar. Jeffries. Jeffries. Case. Jeffries. Jeffries. Casten. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Castor of florida. Jeffries. Jeffries. Castro of texas. Jeffries. Jeffries. Chavezderemer. Mike johnson. Johnson. Cherfilusmccormick. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Chu. Hakeem jeffries jeffries. Ciscomani. Jeffries. Clark of massachusetts. Hakeem jeffries. Clark of new york. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Cleaver. Jeffries. Jeffries. Cline. Servant leader mike johnson. Johnson. Cloud. The honorable mike johnson. Johnson. Clyburn. Jeffries. Jeffries. Clyde. The honorable mike johnson of louisiana. Johnson. Cohen. Jeffries. Jeffries. Cole. Mike johnson. Johnson. Collins. Mike johnson. Johnson. Comer. Johnson. Johnson. Connolly. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Correa. Correa. Costa. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Courtney. Jeffries. Jeffries. Craig. Happy anniversary to my wife, Hakeem Jeffries. [ cheers and applause ] jeffries. Crane. Mike johnson. Johnson. Crawford. Johnson. Johnson. Crenshaw. Mike johnson. Johnson. Crockett. For the 19th time in two months, Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Crow. Jeffries. Cuellar. Jeffries. Jeffries. Curtis. Johnson. Johnson, davis of kansas. Jeffries. Davidson. Johnson. Davis of illinois. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Davis of north carolina. Jeffries. Jeffries. Dean of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Jeffries. Degette. Jeffries. Jeffries. De la cruz. Johnson. Johnson. Delauro. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Delbene. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Deluzio. Jeffries. Jeffries. Desaunier. Jeffries. Desjarlais. Johnson. Johnson. Desposito. Mike johnson. Johnson. Diazbalart. Johnson. Johnson. Dingell. Jeffries. Jeffries. Doggett. Jeffries. Jeffries. Donalds. Johnson. Johnson. Duarte. Johnson. Duncan. Honorable gentleman from the great state of louisiana, mike johnson. Johnson. Dunn of florida. Johnson. Johnson. Edwards. Mike johnson. Mike johnson. Ellzey. Mike johnson. Johnson. Emmer. Mike johnson. [ cheers and applause ] johnson. Escobar. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Eshoo. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Espalliat. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Estes. Mike johnson. Johnson. Evans. Jeffries. Jeffries. Ezell. Big mike johnson. Johnson. Fallon. Proudly and enthusiastically votes for mike johnson. Johnson. Feenstra, johnson. Ferguson. Mike johnson. Johnson. Finstad. Mike johnson. Johnson. Fischbach. The honorable mike johnson. Johnson. Fitzgerald. Johnson. Johnson. Fitzpatrick. Johnson. Fleischmann. Johnson. Fletcher. Jeffries. Jeffries. Flood. Johnson. Johnson. Foster. Jeffries. Foushee. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Foxx. Johnson. Johnson. Lois frankel. Jeffreys. Jeffries. Scott franklin. Mike johnson. Johnson. Frost. Jeffries. Jeffries. Fry. Mike johnson. Johnson. Fulcher. Johnson. Johnson. Gaetz. Mike johnson. Johnson. Gallagher. Mike johnson. Johnson. Gallego. Gallego. Garamendi. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Garbarino. Johnson. Johnson. Mike garcia. Mike johnson. Johnson. Robert garcia. Jeffries. Jeffries. Garcia of illinois. Jeffries. Jeffries. Garcia of texas. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries gimenez. Mike johnson. Johnson. Golden of maine. Jeffries. Jeffries. Goldman of new york. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Gomez. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Tony gonzales. Mike johnson. Johnson. Vincente gonzalez, fin sen ta gonzalez. Good of virginia. Johnson. Johnson. Gooden of texas. Johnson. Johnson. Gosar. Johnson. Gottheimer. Jeffries. Jeffries. Jeffries. Granger. Mike johnson. Johnson. Graves of louisiana. Johnson. Graves of missouri. Johnson. Johnson. Green of tennessee. Mike johnson. Johnson. Green of texas. The speaker in waiting, the honorable Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Greene of georgia. Mike johnson. Johnson. Griffith. Mike johnson. Johnson. Grijalva. Jeffries. Grothman. Johnson. Guest. Johnson. Johnson. Guthrie. Johnson. Johnson. Hageman. Mike johnson. Johnson. Harder of california. Jeffries. Jeffries. Harris. Johnson louisiana. Johnson. Harshbarger. Johnson. Hayes. Jeffries. Jeffries. Hern. Mike johnson. Johnson. [ applause ] higgins of louisiana. Mike johnson. Johnson. Higgins of new york. Jeffries. Jeffries. Hill. Did he say johnson . I didnt hear. Johnson. Himes. Jeffries. Jeffries. Hinson. Mike johnson. Johnson. Horsford. For our democracy, Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Houchin. Mike johnson. Johnson. Houlahan. Jeffries. Hoyer. Jeffries. Jeffries. Hoyle of oregon. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Hudson. James mike johnson. Johnson. Huffman. Jeffries. Jeffries. Huizenga. Mike johnson. Johnson. Hunt. Mike johnson. Johnson. Issa. Mike johnson. Johnson. Ivey. Jeffries. Jeffries. Jackson of illinois. The honorable Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Jackson of north carolina. Jeffries. Jackson of texas. Mike johnson. Johnson. Jackson lee. The distinguished gentleman, Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Jacobs. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. James. Mike johnson. Johnson. Jayapal. Hakeem jeffreys. Jeffries. Jeffries. Jeffries. [ cheers and applause ] johnson of georgia. Freedom for women, i cast my vote for Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Johnson of louisiana. Johnson. [ cheers and applause ] johnson of ohio. Mike johnson. Johnson. Johnson of south dakota. Johnson. Jordan. Johnson. [ applause ] joyce of ohio, joyce of ohio. Johnson. Joyce of pennsylvania. Mike johnson. Johnson. Kamlagerdove. The honorable Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Kaptur. Jeffries. Kean of new jersey. Johnson. Keating. Jeffries. Jeffries. Kelly of illinois. Jeffries. Kelly of mississippi. Mike johnson. Johnson. Kelly of pennsylvania. Mike johnson. Johnson. Khanna. Jeffreys. Jeffries. Kiggans of virginia. Mike johnson. Kildee. Hakeem jeffries. Kiley. Kilmer, jeffries. Kim of california. Johnson. Johnson. Kim of new jersey. Jeffries. Krishnamoorthi. Jeffries. Jeffries. Kuster. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Kustoff. Mike johnson. Johnson. Lahood. Mike johnson. Johnson. Lalota. Mike johnson. Johnson. Lamalfa. Mike johnson. Johnson. Lamborn. Johnson. Johnson. Landsman. Landsman. Jeffries. Jeffries. Langworthy. Mike johnson. Johnson. Larsen of washington. Jeffries. Jeffries. Larson of connecticut. Jeffries. Jeffries. Latta. Johnson. Johnson. Laturner. Johnson. Johnson. Lawler. Mike johnson. Johnson. Lee of california. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Lee of florida. Johnson. Johnson. Lee of nevada. Jeffries. Jeffries. Lee of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Jeffries. Leger fernandez. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Lesko. Proudly mike johnson. Johnson. Letlow. Mike johnson. Johnson. Levin. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Lieu. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Lofgren. Jeffries. Jeffries. Loudermilk. Mike johnson. Johnson. Lucas. Johnson. Johnson. Luetkemeyer. Johnson. Johnson. Luna. Johnson. Johnson. Luttrell. Johnson. Johnson. Lynch. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Mace. Mike johnson. Johnson. Magaziner. Jeffries. Jeffries. Maliotakis. Johnson. Johnson. Mann. I like mike johnson. Johnson. Manning. Jeffries. Jeffries. Massie. Mike johnson. Johnson. Mast. Johnson. Johnson. Matsui. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Mcbath. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Mccarthy. Johnson. Johnson. [ applause ] mccaul. Johnson. Mcclain. Mikon son. Mcclelland. Hakeem jeffries. Mcclintock. Johnson. Johnson. Mccollum. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Mccormick. Mike johnson. Johnson. Mcgarvey. Jeffries. Mcgovern. Jeffries. Jeffries. Mchenry. Johnson. [ applause ] meeks. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Menendez. Hakeem jeffries. Meng. Hakeem jeffries. Meuser. Mike johnson. Johnson. Mfume. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffreys. Miller of illinois. Mike johnson. Johnson. Miller of ohio. Johnson. Johnson. Miller of west virginia. Mike johnson. Millermeeks. Johnson. Johnson. Mills. For the republic, mike johnson. Johnson. Molinaro. Mike johnson. Molnar. Mike johnson. Mooney. Mike johnson. Moore of alabama. Johnson. Moore of utah. Mike johnson. Johnson. Moore of wisconsin. Jeffries. Moran. Mike johnson. Morelle. Jeffries. Jeffries. Moskowitz. Jeffries. Jeffries. Moulton. Jeffries. Jeffries. Mrvan. Jeffries. Jeffries. Mullin. Jeffries. Jeffries. Murphy. Bless your heart, mike johnson. Johnson. Nadler. Jeffries. Jeffreys. Napolitano. Jeffries. Jeffries. Neal. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Neguse. Jeffries. Jeffries. Nehls. Johnson. Johnson. Newhouse. Johnson of louisiana. Johnson. Nickel. Jeffries. Jeffries. Norcross. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Norman. Mike johnson. Johnson. Nunn of iowa. Miracle mike johnson. Johnson. Obernolte. Mike johnson. Johnson. Ocasiocortez. Jeffries. Jeffries. Ogles. The uniter, johnson. Johnson. Omar. Jeffries. Jeffries. Owens. Mike johnson. Johnson. Pallone. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Palmer. Mike johnson. Johnson. Panetta. Jeffries. Pappas. Jeffries. Pascrell. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Payne. Gentleman from new york, Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Pelosi. As one who knows and respects the role of speaker, Hakeem Jeffries. [ cheers and applause ] peltola. Jeffries. Pence. Johnson. Perez. Jeffries. Jeffries. Perry. Mike johnson. Johnson. Peters. Jeffries. Pettersen. Jeffries. Pfluger. Mike johnson. Phillips. Jeffries. Pingree. Jeffries. Jeffries. Pocan. Jeffries. Jeffries. Porter. Jeffries. Jeffries. Posey. Johnson. Pressley. Jeffries. Jeffries. Quigley. Jeffries. Jeffries. Ramirez. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Raskin. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Reschenthaler. Mike johnson. Johnson. Rodgers of washington. Johnson. Rogers of alabama. Johnson. Johnson. Rogers of kentucky. Johnson. Rose. Mike johnson. Johnson. Rosendale. Mike johnson. Johnson. Ross. Jeffries. Jeffries. Rouzer. Johnson. Roy. Johnson. Johnson. Ruiz. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Ruppersberger. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Rutherford. The very honorable mike johnson. Johnson. Ryan. Jeffries. Jeffries. Salazar. My brother in christ. Johnson. Salinas. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Sanchez. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Santos. Mike johnson. Johnson. Sarbanes. Jeffries, jeffries. Jeffries. Scalise. Great state of louisiana, mike johnson. Johnson. [ applause ] scanlon. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Schakowsky. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Schiff. Hakeem jeffreys. Hakeem jeffries. Schneider. Jeffries. Jeffries. Scholten jeffries. Schrier jeffries. Schweikert. Johnson. Johnson. Austin scott. Johnson. David scott. Jeffries. Jeffries. Scott of virginia. Jeffries. Jeffries. Self. Mike johnson. Johnson. Sessions. Mike johnson. Johnson. Sewell. Because i know how to count, jeffries. Jeffries. Sherman, jeffries. Sherrill. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Simpson, johnson. Slotkin. Jeffries. Jeffries. Smith of sse johnson. Johnson. Smith of nebraska. Mike johnson. Johnson. Smith of new jersey. Mike johnson. Johnson. Smith of washington. Jeffries. Jeffries. Smucker. Mike johnson. Johnson. Sorensen. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Soto. Hakeem jeffreys. Spanberger. Hakeem jeffreys. Spartz. Mike johnson. Johnson. Stansbury. This time and every time, Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Stanton. Jeffries. Jeffries. Stauber. Mike johnson. Johnson. Steel. Johnson. Stefanik. Mike johnson. Johnson. Steil. Johnson. Steube. Mike johnson. Johnson. Stevens. Jeffries. Jeffries. Strickland. For the protection of voting rights, Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Strong. Johnson. Swalwell, jeffries. Sykes. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Takano. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Tenney. The honorable mike johnson of louisiana. Johnson. Thanedar. Jeffries. Thompson of california. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Thompson of mississippi. Jeffries. Jeffries. Thompson of pennsylvania. Johnson. Tiffany. Mike johnson. Johnson. Timmons. Johnson. Johnson. Titus. Jeffries. Jeffries. Tlaib. Jeffries. Jeffries. Tokuda. Jeffries. Jeffries. Tonko. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Torres of california. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Torres of new york. Jeffries. Thahan. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Trone. Jeffries. Jeffries. Turner. Johnson. Johnson. Underwood, jeffries. Valadao. Johnson. Johnson. Van drew. We are back better than ever, mike johnson. Johnson. Van duyne, johnson. Van orden. Van orden. Vargas. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Vasquez. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Veasey. Jeffries. Jeffries. Velazquez. Hakeem. Jeffries. Wagner. Mike johnson. Johnson wallberg. Mr. Mike johnson. Johnson. Waltz. Johnson. Johnson. Wasserman schultz. Jeffries. Jeffries. Waters. He supports freedom of choice, Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Watson coleman. As the only candidate who represents the integrity of this house [ applause ] watson coleman. Do i need to say Hakeem Jeffries again . Because i will. Jeffries. The house will come to order. The clerk, the staffs and the tellers deserve to have the attention of the house. The clerk will continue. Weber of texas. Kelly johnsons husband, mike johnson. Johnson. Webster of florida. Johnson. Wenstrup. Mike johnson. Johnson. Westerman. Mike johnson. Johnson. Wexton. Jeffries. Wild. Jeffries. Jeffries. Williams of georgia. Fulton county georgia votes for Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries. Williams of new york. Mike johnson. Johnson. Williams of texas. Mike johnson. Johnson. Wilson of florida. Wilson of florida. Hakeem jeffries. Jeffries. Wilson of south carolina. Mike johnson. Johnson. Wittman, mike johnson. Womack. With the 217th pick on day 22 without a speaker and chaos in the house of representatives throughout that time, it appears now that mike johnson of louisiana is the new speaker of the house, but let me go to Steve Kornacki who is tracking it for us as he always does. Steve, what can you tell us . He definitely will be the next speaker of the house. There are only a handful of votes still left to come. You see johnson now at 218. There are 220 republicans voting today in that chamber we know, so only two more to come, and the big thing is this. Weve been tracking all of the republicans who voted against jim jordan at any point, all of the republicans who come from Biden Districts who night think that perhaps johnson is too conservative for their district, and weve tracked all of the republicans who voted present in that Conference Meeting last night, every single one of them voted for johnson. You can see it here, not a single defection, a broad range of republicans here who had objected to previous nominees like jim jordan. Theyre all on board here. Tom kean a republican from new jersey, thats a Biden District republican. Kay granger, she had objected to jim jordan. She votes for johnson. Mike garcia from a doubledigit Biden District. He votes for garcia. You see the pattern here, every member had a different reason for opposing jim jordan before, and every last one of them is on board with johnson. This looks like it is a unanimous vote from republicans. They have one absent republican over in israel. The 220 republicans in that chamber have all voted for johnson. He will be the next speaker. Steve, thank you. What an extraordinary turn of events, ali vitali, this is someone who a decade ago wasnt even in politics. Now he is second in line to the presidency, one of the most powerful politicians in the United States. How did he do it . Reporter well, he did it through a conference that was full of frustration and fatigue. This is someone who most of them werent even entertaining until just earlier this week when he officially threw his hat in the ring after jim jordan dropped out of the race. We have covered every twist and turn of this. I think its important for us to find out now that we stand finally, it seems, at the end of this speakers journey, that johnson was able to do something which even Kevin Mccarthy was not, which is getting The Speakership on the first ballot, of course, and also doing it with not 97 or 96 of the conference behind him but doing it with all 100 republicans behind him and ready to move on to open the house, and they certainly have their work cut out for them, chris. This is someone whos going to have to face challenges immediately, not just on the domestic front with a Government Funding deadline looming on November 17th but also someone whos going to face pressure internally to move swiftly not just on condemnations of hamas, a resolution is drafted, but then moving forward on to sending aid to israel. This is something that has been the root of the paralysis of the house over the course of the last three or four weeks now without a speaker, they havent been able to do any business. Now they will be able to do just that. I will tell you on the steps where im standing and where ive stood before you so many times, chris, well be waiting to see members, but youll also seeing theyre laying cables and putting speakers out here. Were Reading Tea Leaves at this point, but its very likely that we could see from the man who is the speaker elect of the house of representatives now, mike johnson. Again, this has just been such a Long Time Coming and i take you back even to last night when members were huddled for more than ten hours in a room in the long worth building, just across from where im standing. There was Frustration Spilling out of that room, disbelief that they were back not drawing board yet again. Even an idea being floated by onetime speaker Kevin Mccarthy to reinstall himself as speaker as my colleague scott wong and i reported. Putting mccarthy back in power next to another man who wanted The Speakership, jim jordan, a duelheaded figure atop the republican conference. All of these different ideas were being bandied about because the conference was in the words of one member, desperate. Ultimately, though, we watched all of them able to come together and vote for mike johnson here after threeplus weeks of back and forth infighting and back biting. The house or at least as soon as they gavel it will be back open. Thank you very much. Lets go now to the rose garden of the white house, worth noting the new speaker of the house has been opposing new funding for ukraine. A key priority for joe biden who is there with a key ally from australia, the prime minister, lets listen. Devastation by hamas is completely understandable. Israel has the right and i would add responsibility to respond to the slaughter of their people, and we will ensure israel has what it needs to defend itself against these terrorists. Thats a guarantee. We also have to remember hamas does not represent, let me say it again, hamas does not represent the vast majority of the Palestinian People in the gaza strip or anywhere else. Hamas is hiding behind Palestinian Civilians and its despicable and not surprisingly cowardly as well. This also puts an added burden on israel while they go after hamas. But that does not lessen the need to operate and align with the laws of war. For israel it has to do everything in its power as difficult as it is to protect innocent civilians, and its difficult. I want to thank the israelis and the palestinians, and president Assisi Of Egypt for working with the United States to make sure that food, water and medical supplies are getting through to innocent people in gaza. The flow needs to increase and were working very hard with our partners to make that happen. Were also working around the clock together with our partners in the region to secure the release of hostages. And including american citizens left behind and held by hamas. And the safe passage of foreign nationals out of gaza. Not just americans but australians and a whole range of people were trapped in gaza. I want to take a moment to look ahead toward the future that we seek. Israels and palestinians deserve to live side by side in safety, dignity and peace. Theres no going back to the status quo as it stood on october the 6th. That means ensuring hamas can no longer terrorize israel and use Palestinian Civilians as human shields. It also means that when this crisis is over, there has to be a vision of what comes next. And in our view, it has to be a twostate solution. It means a concentrated effort from all of the parties, israelis, palestinians, regional partners, global leaders, to put us on a path toward peace. In the past few weeks, i have spoken to leaders throughout the region, including king abdul of jordan, president Assisi Of Egypt, president abbas and the palestinian authority, and just yesterday with the crown prince of saudi arabia making sure theres real hope for the future, about the need to work toward a greater integration for israel while insisting that the aspirations of the Palestinian People will be part, will be part of that future as well. Im convinced one of the reasons hamas attacked when they did, and i have no proof of this, my instinct tells me is because of the progress we were making toward regional integration for israel and regional integration overall. We cant leave that work behind, and one more word on this. I continue to be alarmed about extremist settlers attacking palestinians in the west bank pouring gasoline on fires. This was a deal. The deal was made and theyre attacking the palestinians in places that theyre entitled to be. It has to stop. They have to be held accountable. It has to stop now. Mr. Prime minister, i want to thank you for your partnership and your friendship, quite frankly, during this difficult hour. Over the past few weeks and many months before we have seen each other, and weve seen our Alliance Grow more critical than ever. We need to continue to make this important progress. In our discussions today, weve done just that. First, were pioneering new advancements in innovation, deepening our cooperation. It feels like biotechnology, quantum computing, Cyber Security and a lot more. Were signing new Technology Safeguards agreement to create more opportunities for American Space companies to launch vehicles from australia. And weve launched a new Artificial Intelligence initiative between our National Laboratories to drive revolutionary responsible research on humans biggest challenges, fighting hunger, curbing pandemics, predicting Natural Disaster and ending cancer as we know it. As a matter of fact, both of our wives are at the Cancer Institute right now, and so much more. Second, were accelerating action on climate change. We had a good meeting with secretary kerry and your team. And were all together on that. In may, we established the Climate Critical Minerals and Clean Energy Compact to elevate our climate cooperation, alongside our defense and economic cooperation. And were already beginning to see the impacts, we have created a Critical Minerals task force, to build secure supply chains. Were investing in sustainable infrastructure in the pacific islands, including 65 million for a sub c communication cable, to boost connectivity in the region, and were Modernizing Funding for small and mediumsized businesses across the indopacific to help the transition to clean energy, and finally, the alliance between australia and the United States is an anchor. I believe this in every fiber of my being, an anchor, to peace and prosperity in the indopacific and around the world. We see this through our work with our quad partners, india and japan. To ensure free, open, prosperous and secure. I also see it where together with the united kingdom, were making a generational investments in our shared security. Last week i sent congress a Budget Request with commitments to boost our Submarine Production and maintenance capacity here in the United States. I want to thank you, mr. Prime minister. For the historic Investments Australia has made to strengthen the submarine Industry Base as well. Democrats, republicans alike understand the Strategic Value it brings to our nations and i urge congress to pass our august legislation this year. We also see the strength of our alliance and unwavering support for ukraine, both countries. Against brutality and aggression. Australia is a critical partner, together with the United States and 50 other nations. 50 other nations we have been able to put together all doing our part to support ukraine. I want to thank you, mr. Prime minister, for the new package in military aid you have recently announced and its for ukraine. Look australia and the United States also share in my view, a

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