Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703

slowly trickle into gaza. today, just 20 trucks carrying supplies crossed from gaza, crossed into gaza from egypt, for the first time since the war started two weeks ago. the world port elgin a za'shawn calling it a, quote, drop in the ocean, for what is still needed. the red cross has also pushed for a, quote, steady stream of aid to meet the needs of palestinians in gaza. people have been forced to ration food, and they are drinking unsafe water. the aide arrived as israel defense forces announced the bombardment of gaza will continue, with promised to attack hamas even stronger. the idf estimates about 700,000 people have moved to southern gaza. more than 4000 people have died in gaza since the outbreak of the war. today, thousands of people rallied at pro palestinian demonstrations in cities across the world including washington d.c., new york, -- and sydney. protesters are calling for a cease-fire to end the killings of civilians trapped in the middle of the israel-hamas war. today, president biden was briefed about the latest developments by his national security team, earlier, the president spoke with the two american hostages released by hamas. >> i'm just delighted we're able to get you out. we've been working on it a long time. we're going to get them all out, god willing. >> yes, god willing. >> i just want to say, i hope you're both not only feeling good, but in good health as well. >> yes, sir, yes we are. thank you very much, god bless you. >> god bless you guys. >> hamas terrorists kidnapped judith raanan and natalie raanan during the surprise attack in israel on october 7th. the mother and daughter from chicago were in israel visiting family at the time of the terror attack that left more than 1000 civilians dead in israel. with us now, nbc news correspondent ellison barber, ellison, you have any sense when a ground invasion into gaza may begin, and the latest on the ground in gaza this hour? >> yeah, that is the big question, when will this begin? a spokesperson for israel's defense forces today said that they are moving closer to launching this ground offensive into gaza. but they have been saying that for quite a while now. just the other day, we heard the defense minister at the israel gaza border speaking to combat troops. telling them you have seen gaza from the outside, soon you will see it from the inside. a spokes person with the israeli prime minister's office at a press briefing today said that they had moved forward on some of the final preparations and approvals to launch the next phase of war, which will include a ground offensive. but speaking with idf soldiers in this area, one told us they've been told three times that tonight would be the night, on three different days, for the ground offensive to start. and then it hasn't happened just yet. but what we can tell you is that the equipment, the troops, they are all in a position to launch a ground assault into northern gaza, when that directive is given. we have seen, throughout the day today, missile strikes coming from gaza into central and southern israel, as well as missile strikes, and artillery bombardments inside of gaza. we have new video from our team on the ground, in gaza, showing an airstrike that happened this morning. people on the ground there, they say this was an israeli airstrike. the idf has not commented yet, but it happened in gaza city, in the area of the al-shati refugee camp. at least one home that was struck when that rocket fell had people inside of it, civilians. there's a moment i want to show you of a woman, her name is mona. she had come down to the scene as rescuers were pulling debris back, looking for any indication of survivors, and watched as they were searching. she then walked two miles to a nearby hospital, and when she got to that hospital, she found out that nine of her family members had died in the blast. i want you to hear some of the moments, some of the pain when she found that out, as she cries up. >> [crying] >> in a different point, she is crying out, saying, my father, my mother, oh my god, what do i do now. i have no one left, all my family is gone, they killed them. at one point, she called out asking what do i do now? the reporting we have now from our team inside, that woman, she lost her mother, her father, as well as some nieces, and her brother, and i believe it was a sister-in-law. she wasn't just absolute agony realizing that all of them were gone. she had been nearby when the missile hit, and heard it. she was in a different home. but she knew the home that was hit. that's where her family was. israel has told anyone living in northern gaza to evacuate to the south. they say that about 700,000 people have evacuated south, so far. and that when they do launch this ground offensive, they plan to focus their efforts, their military might, on gaza city, and northern gaza. because they say that is where hamas primarily operates out of. they have said that they do everything they can and that is feasibly possible to limit the toll on civilians. they claim that hamas uses civilians as, quote, unquote, human shields. and that they often launch rockets from the areas where they know civilians will be. but the reality, and we see it in this new footage we are getting from our team inside of gaza, is that there are a lot of civilians that are impacted by this. and it's not just here, and there, it's every day, it's constant. whole blocks of neighborhoods have been wiped out since this war began on october 7th. the same time, alicia, you still have over 200 people who have been abducted, and are still held hostage inside of gaza right now, and families here in israel desperate for answers, desperately hoping that they might be released, like those two american israeli hostages were just yesterday. alicia? >> we're going to be talking about this hostage is a little later in the show. that's sound from mono will stay with all of us for. longtime ellison barber, as always, thank you. today, egypt hosted a peace summit between world leaders as israel prepares for that anticipated ground evasion. nbc news foreign correspondent megan fitzgerald joins us from cairo for more on those peace talks and the ongoing effort to get more aid into gaza. >> yeah, president sisi of egypt held a global peace summit today. it was well attended. there were leaders from all across the world, from north america, all across europe, asia, and certainly here across the arab world, the middle east. typically, from the summit, what we see is a joint communiqué, a joint statement. we didn't see that today. but there were a lot of things that these leaders agreed on. the first, being that they want to see the bombings, and the attacks on these innocent civilians in gaza, they want to see that come to a stop, immediately. they want to see more aid going into gaza, at a faster rate. now, today, of course, for the first time, we saw a 20 trucked convoy making its way from egypt across the rafah border crossing into gaza. but the leaders agreed that it's not enough and it's not going in fast enough. they also agree that there should be a two state solution. that's something they want to see as a way of peace being peaceful, and more peaceful region moving forward. , now we also heard from the u.n. secretary general, antonio guterres, who spoke really passionately today, i want you to listen to a little bit of what he had to say. >> nothing can justify the assault by hamas that terrorized israeli civilians. and those abhorrent attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people. >> now, king abdullah of jordan, speaking for many of the arab nations, when he called the actions that israel are taking against the civilians, the killing of those civilians in gaza, he said, it's a war crime, according to international law, and a red line. back to you. >> nbc's megan fitzgerald, thank you. joining us now, msnbc military analyst, lewd tired -- stephen twitty, the israeli military announcing today plans have been approved to, quote, expand operational activities against hamas. what are you watching for as the world braces for unanticipated ground invasion? >> yeah, i think the conditions are set. they've had time to assemble, and that's what you've been seeing out in the field. the troops are assembled now. they also had time to gather intelligence. they had time to reverse their plans, and now it is a matter of hours, in my view, before this ground attack starts. and you will be able to understand that because the first thing that you should see happening is an increase in air power. and then you should see multiple breaches through the fence line, the border wall. and ground forces commence their attack through the border wall, where they will seize a portion of the gaza strip, clear it, they will do clearing operations -- and they will go street to street, tunnel to tunnel, building to building, ensure that they cleared those areas. and it will be a tremendous fight on both sides. you can expect ieds, you can expect snipers. you can expect buildings being booby trapped. this is going to be a hard fight for the israelis, hard fight for hamas. and i hate to say this, probably many non-combative's we'll see as casualties. and probably see those casualties being a combination, obviously, of dead, and wounded. >> we're going to talk about that throughout the show. you mentioned the tunnels, general twitty, hamas claims they've built about 300 miles of tunnelsunderneath gaza. the washington post reporting, according to military strategists, some tunnels, quote, hasrelatively sophisticated rocket assembly lines. motor assembly works, she, metal and explosive stores, and warhead fabrication workshops. other tunnels hold command posts, and smaller arms. and the deepest tunnels are where hamas leaders live and meet. talk to me about the complexity of this, as it relates specifically to these tunnels -- the danger ahead. >> yes, so, you can imagine, once you enter, you are committed. being committed means that you are going to have to clear, and often cases, these tunnels are going to be dark. and they are going to be confusing. as you know, someone will lack air. so, hopefully, the israelis have been training on tunnel complex. i've been to israel, i've seen the tunnel complexes from the other side of the border. they are complex on the other side. so, the tremendous amount of tunnel complex, it will create confusion. but it will cause the israelis to have to attack the complexes. and also secure the top surface to ensure that hamas doesn't come behind them in that tunnel, where they have a final attack they have to deal with, and a rear attack. it's going to be very complex getting through these tunnels. >> general twitty, there was a quote from susan glasser's newest piece in the u.s. -- new yorker. some senior israeli officials told the americans to expect a war that could last as long as ten years. your thoughts? >> well, what i will tell, you more is uncertain. i've done it a couple of times, i've got five combat tours, and i expect attack in baghdad, be gone for days later. but as you, know we stayed there almost 20 years. more is uncertain. but what i will caution all, as you know, the longer the israeli stay in gaza, they are more apt to start fueling the arab world with their presence of being there. so it's best that the israelis go, and get their mission done, do the things that they need to do to destroy hamas, to figure out where the hostages are located, ensure that two missiles cannot attack into their country. stabilize the humanitarian front, and then depart. but we will see what they do here. but i'm anticipating this to be a long war. i'm not so sure ten years, though. >> that note of uncertainty from someone who knows, retired lieutenant general, steph twitty, thank you so much sir. still to come, an in-depth look at what this aid means for medical professionals and civilians in gaza. and why more, much more, is desperately needed. plus, president biden lays out the stakes, tying conflict abroad to democracy in danger here at home. and with 100 billion dollars in aid on the line, can republicans get their act together to push that aid package through congress? not having a speaker, well that does not help the situation. first, to jessica layton with the other big stories we are tracking this hour on msnbc. jessica? >> alicia, thank you. the president of a synagogue in detroit was found stabbed to death outside her home early saturday. samantha wall worked on several political campaigns, including for michigan's attorney general. police have not yet released a motive. an fbi spokesman tells nbc news, quote, the fbi is aware of the incident and we will assist the detroit police department has requested. a 10,000 dollar reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of a man wanted in a targeted killing of a judge in maryland. police say 49-year-old pedro ago tight shot andrew wilkinson outside his home, thursday. just hours after that judge gave a goatees estranged wife custody of their four young children. ago today is considered armed and dangerous, and he may be driving a silver mercedes. and, tennessee police are searching for an inmate who escaped while being transported to a court hearing wednesday morning. 51 year old shaun williams was being held on several sexual assault and drug charges, a 7500 dollar reward is being offered in that case. i'm jessica layton in new york, more american voices, right after this. after this at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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for the american people. >> jim jordan is out for a third time. the ohio congressman failed to get enough votes friday to get the speaker's gavel, leaving house republicans, scrambling to find a speaker who could secure enough votes. today, minnesota congressman, tom emmer, and launched his bid. he has kevin mccarthy's endorsement. for president trump and his allies are already trying to derail his bid, because he did not help trump's efforts in 2020. candidates have until noon tomorrow to throw their hats in the ring before republicans plan to vote again starting on tuesday. hanging over this continued chaos, and a member of funding deadline, aid to israel and ukraine is on hold, nbc's julie tsirkin is on capitol hill when we're. >> moments after, minutes after jim jordan faces a stunning defeat behind closed doors and that secret ballot, where nearly half of the conference voted against him causing jordan to drop out, i was outside of that room and multiple people told me that they were already planning to get in the running for speaker. now we have a list that is at least nearly one dozen candidates long, including two members of leadership who served under ousted speaker, kevin mccarthy. that includes congressman tom emmer, the chief vote counter here on the republican side of the house chamber, he is not trying to round up those votes for himself. everybody who wants to file to be speaker has until noon tomorrow to do so. then they will come back into town on monday night when temper has cooled and flare down a little bit according to the republicans i spoke to you. that is what they are hoping for. they really want someone who can unify the party and get them moving forward. because, again, they have a lot on the line here. surely it will be a steep climb for any of these candidates to get the gavel. but they do have pressure building, the white house sending over the supplemental funding request to go to ukraine, israel and to secure our, border there's also a government funding deadline looming just around the corner, the senate will begin processing that request next week. so when the candidate form happens on monday, night tuesday morning, they are hoping to actually hold a speaker election, the speaker told me yesterday that he hopes by next friday that he will have his job back as chairman of the financial services committee. so perhaps a little bit of wishful thinking. but certainly republicans around here are getting really tired of the infighting and they want to have a speaker as we enter week for without anybody in charge on this side of the capitol. alicia? >> nbc's julie tsirkin for us on capitol hill. thank, you julie. with us now, political analyst, former republican congressman, carlos curbelo. before we even get to the mechanics, to the political fallout of this, i just want you to set the stakes for us given the business that u.s. congress has before it. >> alicia, this is a major crisis. this is a country that is facing two wars that we are at least somewhat involved in. this is a country that is facing a government funding deadline coming up here in a few weeks. and this is a country where every day, americans have less trust and confidence in the government. so, one of the two houses of congress was completely leader lists and runner lists. this is a major crisis. now, it shouldn't be a surprise, alicia, this has been a long time coming for house republicans in 2015, the only reason that john boehner got elected speaker of the house that term is because 20 democrats were away from the chamber that they, at a funeral. otherwise, he would have fallen short. >> carlos, you are right, this is a long time coming, i think one of the reasons this has been so interesting to follow is because it is really exposing some of the dynamics within the caucus itself. for example, if this was jordan's third field attempt he won 194 votes. yet, any secret, voting secret vote after that so you do not have to have your name shared, he only got 86 votes. to me, that says a lot about the state of the gop. >> well, there's a lot of built up resentment against people like jim jordan. jim jordan is the architect of the chaos that the republican house is living. i told you about john boehner in 2015, it was jim jordan, his allies, who worked to undermine boehner. it was jim jordan and his allies who were a headache for paul ryan when he was speaker for three and a half years. and it was jim jordan, and his allies, or at least those who he inspired, it will ultimately took down kevin mccarthy. so a lot of these republicans, even though publicly, they do not want to get sideways with the republican base, they do not like jim jordan, they resent that it is members like him who have put them in this embarrassing, difficult position. >> let me ask you, i've heard so many different scenarios laid out here about how this could move forward. we have minority leader, hakeem jeffries, telling nbc that he believes a bipartisan path forward is still possib to elect a speaker, because, quote, there are still reasonable republicans on the other side of the aisle. your thoughts? >> well, it is true. when there is a secret ballot election, you find out that it is true. unfortunately, a lot of republicans are not willing to speak up publicly. they are afraid of getting attacked by donald trump. but when they can vote in a basement by secret ballot, the truth does come out. there are a lot of republicans who would like to work with democrats to at least get the house open again. there is a path forwar a alicia, it might be the only path forward. because although you are seeing all of these candidates that are going to step forward now, and run for speaker, one of them may win a majority of house republicans, but are they going to be able to get the requisite 217 votes on the floor of the house? kevin mccarthy was not able to do until the 15th time and then he was deposed. steve scalise was not going to be able to do. and jim jordan clearly was not able to do it after three attempts. so can any republican get those 217 votes? there is a good chance that they don't get those 217 votes. if they don't, eventually, the house has to open. and the only way to do that will be by empowering patrick mchenry with the support of at least some democrats. >> i've only got 30 seconds left, but i do need to ask you about this. the mccarthy endorsement, you, know the attempt by trump to derail him -- >> yeah. he is, i would say, the slight favorite right now because he is in leadership. he does have an organization that he can depend on to help with members. but he's going to face the wrath of donald trump and the members who respond to donald trump in the house republican conference. namely, people like jim jordan, matt gaetz, and that whole crowd. so, amr could get the majority of the house republican conference. but he may get vetoed by the minority republicans on the floor of the house. >> the next thing that we are looking for, noon tomorrow, we will see of those three who are considering move over into actually running, carlos curbelo, as always, thank you. two former trump leaders plead guilty. what this means for the former president. plus, thousands dead, and those still alive are waiting hours for the most invasive necessities. the humanitarian crisis is unfolding right now and gaza. ght now and gaza new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. r really whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. been offered a beauty campaign when i was in my twenties or my thirties or my forties. it wasn't until i was 48 years old, when i thought that was way behind me. here you come along and ask me to join you on this journey with meaningful beauty. announcer no matter what 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[limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> donald trump's legal jeopardy has grown in fulton county, georgia. two former trump attorneys are taking plea deals to avoid prison time. sydney powell and kenneth chesebro will now serve probation, pay fines, write an apology letter to the citizens of georgia, and it will be required to testify at future trials. that is bad news if you are donald trump. remember, he's viewed as trump's conspiracist and chief, pushing false voter fraud claims and dozens of lawsuits. she has now admitted her role in the january 2021 breach of election systems in coffee county. she proposed a fake elector scheme instructing trump on how to overturn the 2020 results. but that is now attorney christopher matty, he is -- and chris, jonesboro and powell will spend any time behind bars under these plea bills. what do these terms tell you about what these two offer in terms of testimony? >> well, it is hard to say exactly what they can offer in terms of testimony. what we know is that because we have to admit under oath the elements of the crimes that they plead guilty to, is that at least they are going to have to acknowledge on sidney paul's behalf that she interfered with the voters, and voting officials in georgia, and with respect to chesbrough, that he conspired. he conspired to submit false electors from the state of georgia. the question is going to be, who did he conspire with? it is not clear, from his plea allocution, who exactly he is prepared to admit that he agreed to do that with, but i think that what prosecutors are likely thinking is, moving these defendants into the column means that it is going to simplify their case against the remaining defendants. they can choose, at the time of trial, whether to represent their testimony or not. now, my instinct is that neither one of these people is going to be inclined to help the prosecution. so there is some risk in putting them on the stand, and associating yourself with the testimony through the prosecutor. but they know what they are going to say, because they, both of them, they recorded those proffers. so at a minimum, the statements that they have given the prosecutors are locked, in and prosecutors will be able to decide whether they want to use them. >> chris, you lead me to exactly where i wanted to go which is a chesbrough tierney says that he doesn't expect it's going to take the stand against trump. i want you to take a listen to what he told my colleague, katie phang, earlier today. >> someone asked me earlier if you were donald trump, would you be worried? and i said, personally, honestly, no. it is not that mr. chesbrough is trying to protect donald trump, or anyone else. i personally don't believe the state will call him to testify on their behalf. >> chris, your thoughts? >> well, you know, he knows, and the prosecutor knows which has pros going to stand. i don't put a whole lot of faith in what might be signaling to donald trump, but what is clear is that the prosecutors now have a lawyer, who has admitted under oath that he committed crimes in furtherance of conspiracy, in which they also allege donald trump us apart. that, in and of itself. it is pretty powerful. and if chesbrough gets on the stand, the first thing he's going to have to admit is that he stood in the georgia courtroom, and pled guilty to a felony as a lawyer, with a submission of false electors slates. and the next question is, did donald trump know that that is what you were up to? that is compelling testimony. he may not break the case wide open, and as we know, donald trump is alleged to have engaged in a number of elements of this conspiracy. but those facts alone are pretty damning, and i think that we make donald trump uncomfortable if he's sitting at the defense table. >> need i remind you that chesbrough, powell, they were also mentioned in trump's federal election indictment. i wonder, based on what we saw here, how they might end up hoping the special counsel. >> it wouldn't surprise me at all if they have had conversations with the special counsel, i mean, pleading guilty in georgia does create some risk for them in connection with the federal case. and i suspect that they are making themselves available as witnesses to jack smith as well. it is hard to know what those behind the scene discussions may be, and whether or not jack smith feels like he would need them to prove his case. but certainly, you know, donald trump's lawyers are asking themselves do we now need to contend with these witnesses in the child that is coming up? very quickly you pull? >> over to ask you about trump's new york fraud trial. did he find trump for violating his gag order? why start their? >> well, i think, just like judge chutkan in d.c. has been struggling with this, how do you enforce protective orders and gag orders against some person who has shown no willingness to abide by them. there are consequences associated with putting trump in jail that both of these judges probably want to avoid. so you are starting at, in the new york judges case, at $5,000 as a signal that they are willing, that this new york judge is willing to impose penalties for the gag order and trump can expect them to escalate should he continue his behavior. the whole idea here is to deter trump from doing what he has done. which in this case, was really, very cruel to basically put a photograph of a courtroom employee upon the internet for his followers to go after. so, i think the judge is showing that he's taking it seriously, and we will see whether or not those fines need to escalate in order to prevent trump from doing this type of thing. >> christopher matty, as always, thank you so much for taking some time to be with us. next, the need for humanitarian aid in gaza, the health care system, it is on the brink. some help was let in today, what about more? and next hour, two american hostages were released. nearly 200 are still held hostage by hamas. what can be done to release them. >> a trickle of desperately needed humanitarian aid made its way into gaza through the border crossing with egypt. authorities allowed just 28 trucks in. israel told palestinians in the northern part of gaza to leave their homes ahead of unanticipated ground invasion. there are now resorting to rationing food and water. more is needed again, 20 trucks, 2.3 million palestinians. consider the scene, over 200 trucks, carrying 3000 tons of aid, were amassed on the egyptian side of the border on the palestinian side, hundreds of foreign passport holders wait anxiously for the crossing to open. it is unclear when or if that will happen. joining us now, the president and cofounder of met global. thank you so much for joining us again. what is it that you are currently hearing from your contacts in gaza, what this means for their patients, the injuries and illnesses that they are seeing, the impact that it is having on the health care system overall? >> thank you alicia, for having me. what i am hearing is the situation is much worse than last time we talked. it is beyond catastrophic. everything is running out, including hope. electricity, of course, diesel fuel, that is necessary to operate generators in the hospital. hospitals can go back to the middle ages where you don't have access to ventilators, or monitors, or elevators, or even iv pumps. doctors have been rationing everything, including gods, to some stopped the bleeding. they're running out of space to put patients, the capacity of hospitals are about 100 and 50%. that means every hospital is much more occupied than its capacity. and they are running out of space to place that bodies in the morgues. and on top of that, you have a shortage of food, doctors, nurses, telling me that they are eating only canned food. there's no access to clean water. the average palestinian in gaza right now has access to three leaders of water, and there's 50 minimum that the world health organization recommends. then, we have these trucks, which as you mentioned, it is a drop in the ocean. before this war, every day, 400 and 50 to 600 trucks of food and water, and supplies, diesel fuel we're entering gaza. right now, we have only 20. which is less than 3% then the daily need and gaza. >> something you said to me that really jumped out to me, everything is running out, including hope. and i think about these medical professionals who are giving care and community when they are also experiencing grief and loss. yes, there are ex administering physical care. but they also are in the position of being in the support to having to administer emotional care. what is the toll that this is taking on the providers themselves? >> it is immense. this doctor who is a pediatrician works with the organizations, a small children's hospital, told me that he cannot stop working because his community needs him at this point. he lost his house yesterday. he sent me a picture of his destroyed house. he sleeping in the hospital with family. he is lucky, he said his family and himself are alive. but you can imagine, the toll on doctors and nurses who are trying to take care of their community and children, and among most of the victims, there are children and elderly is of the 4000 or so. and then 13,000 injured. so, they don't have means to treat their patients, and they are not safe themselves. he cannot evacuate this hospital, even though this hospital was needed to be evacuated. because there's not enough events in the south. he has children in the icu, on ventilators, he has newborns on incubators. there's no cars to transport them to the south, and there are no beds in the south. so logistically, it's impossible to evacuate this house but they had to stay there when he had to be with them and treat as many as they can with the limited resources. >> understanding that we talk about the aid we are talking about it in the larger context of what is unfolding. help us understand as we watch the trucks crossing to the border, what is the most needed, what is the most helpful, what is it that you are watching for? >> i think that what is most needed is the continuation of the aid. i mean, 20 trucks is a joke. the palestinians still have a sense that there is a joke from the international community. but they need diesel fuel for electricity. these trucks don't have diesel fuel, they have to support victims from a place to place, they have clean water and food, and this was necessary for anesthesia. they were doing this surgery on patients without anesthesia. imagine a child, a woman, or elderly, and getting to the o.r., where the surgeon is doing surgery on you without anesthesia. running out of pain medication. running out of blood products. all of these are needed, they are much more massive than -- the slowness of this community. the government can help on this, and sending medications and medical supplies, besides the ship that we had sent to support the war. >> we will talk a little later in the show about this diplomatic efforts. dr. zaher sal, thank you as always for helping us keep focus on the humanitarian crisis. i appreciate your time. next, nbc news presidential historian, michael beschloss, on his oval office address met the moment here at home and on the world stage. i want you to be sure to follow this show on twitter, instagram, and on tiktok. we are at alicia on msnbc. more american voices continues after this. teafr this you know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? 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>> i thought that the address was great, and i also thought that here is a case where you are getting a president who has had life experience, the age to live through it that we are getting the benefit of. not only 15 years and national leadership, but look at when joe biden was born. 1942, almost the middle of world war ii. he knew the lessons after world war ii, of what to do when you bend people like hitler, and mussolini, and the japanese. that is what he's talking about. and in that speech, he lived through the cold war, and then, 1962, he was 20 years old, he watched jon kennedy deal with a cuban missile crisis and watch the biggest lesson from that. the lesson is that kennedy himself said later on, that was a crisis that unless kennedy kept it managed, and made sure that there were no false signals by the americans to the soviets, without that, it could have spiraled like world war i into a conflict that could've killed tens of millions of people. in this case, in a single nuclear exchange. joe biden, this is the stuff that he's written in the history book. these are things he's been thinking about and experiencing for half the century. >> lived experience. imagine that. the atlantic has highlighted how president biden's trip to rael is the second time a u.s. president traveled to an active war zone. not controlled by his own military. i know that you know this, but the first president to do that was also joe biden when he traveled to kyiv last february. why is that significant. the optics, the choice to make that trip, why is it important in this moment? >> number one, it shows that the guy has got physical courage. a lot of people would not have done that because it was physically dangerous. and in both ukraine and israel. people like james madison, and 1814 at the time of the british attack on d.c., and lincoln in 1864 at the time of the confederate attack on d.c., and modern times president in iraq in afghanistan, they were basically there to extort american troops. joe biden was in ukraine, and in israel this week, facing danger for a specific reason. that is that he knows from his experience as a leader in foreign policy, again, this has been going on for decades, for instance, when he meets with netanyahu. in private, he could ask him to do things, that maybe it is not possible to do what you are doing in the video link or a telephone. the same thing meeting zelenskyy in kyiv, in ukraine, as he did last winter. so this is what you get with a president who knows these things out of this kind of experience. >> let me ask you about the point you make about the fact that this couldn't be accomplished on zoom. the push and pull that president biden is reportedly doing with netanyahu, where he is supporting netanyahu in public, encouraging restraint in private, is there a correlation in history? what would history teach it about the private public push. >> history would teach you that this is something that you cannot do, not only without being a good negotiator with biden, but also with empathy. this is someone who understands the plight of the jewish people, and also the background of the suffering of the palestinian people. and one thing, if i could say a personal thing, alicia, there was a congressman, i'm sure you know, that maybe even met named tom bluntest from california. he died about 15 years ago. the only member of congress, who was a jewish survivor of the holocaust, he grew up in hungary, lost almost all of his immediate family who were murdered by the not sees. he told me years ago, before i knew very much about joe biden, that joe biden, his friend, of all of the people that he knew, joe biden was the only person who was not jewish and who wouldn't, then, physically, through the holocaust, who had some serious understanding of what he had been through. i think that we saw that on display, when joe biden was talking not only to netanyahu, but those survivors of the attack by hamas, just a couple of days ago. >> absolutely incredible. that's why we turn to you. nbc news, presidential historian, as always, thank you for your time, sir. >> thank you, always, alicia. be well. >> at the top of the hour in a live update from israel, as the u.s. works to de-escalate times in the north with lebanon. plus, two weeks into this war and look at the heightened concerns of islamophobia and antisemitism here at home. later, innocent civilians trapped by war, you are going to hear their stories, stay with us. with us. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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Correspondent Ellison Barber , Ground Offensive , Defense Minister , Spokesperson , Defense Forces , Person , Some , From The Inside , Outside , Press Briefing , Preparations , Israel Gaza Border , Prime Minister S Office , Troops , Area , Times , Phase , One , Approvals , Three , Position , Hasn T , Northern Gaza , Missile , Ground Assault , Equipment , Directive , Airstrike , Missile Strikes , Artillery Bombardments , Video , Home , Rocket , Refugee Camp , Al Shati , Woman , It , Name , Survivors , Scene , Debris Back , Indication , Rescuers , Hospital , Pain , Family Members , Moments , Out , Blast , Nine , Point , Father , Saying , Oh My God , Reporting , Team Inside , Left , Wall , Sister In Law , Missile Hit , Brother , Nieces , Agony , South , Efforts , Hit , Anyone , Evacuated South , Everything , Toll , Military Might , On Gaza City , Lot , Rockets , Areas , Footage , Human Shields , Reality , Constant , Blocks , Neighborhoods , 200 , Little , Hostage , Families , Answers , Show , World Leaders , Megan Fitzgerald , Peace Summit , Longtime Ellison Barber , Sound , Ground Evasion , Mono , Foreign Correspondent , More , Leaders , Summit Today , Sisi Of Egypt , Effort , Peace Talks , North America , Cairo , Things , The Middle East , CommuniquÉ , Statement , Summit , First , Arab World , Asia , Europe , Course , Attacks , Bombings , Stop , Rate , Something , Way , Rafah Border Crossing Into Gaza , Convoy , State Solution , Peace Being Peaceful , Antonio Guterres , Bit , Nothing , Region , U N , Assault , Punishment , Many , Killing , Abdullah , Actions , War Crime , International Law , Jordan , Nations , Plans , Msnbc , Military , Stephen Twitty , Military Analyst , Red Line , Lewd Tired , Conditions , Invasion , Activities , Matter , Ground Attack , Intelligence , View , The Field , Thing , Air Power , Breaches , Increase , Happening , Attack , Ground Forces , Clearing Operations , Fence Line , Portion , Border Wall , Gaza Strip , Fight , Sides , Tunnel To , 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Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703

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slowly trickle into gaza. today, just 20 trucks carrying supplies crossed from gaza, crossed into gaza from egypt, for the first time since the war started two weeks ago. the world port elgin a za'shawn calling it a, quote, drop in the ocean, for what is still needed. the red cross has also pushed for a, quote, steady stream of aid to meet the needs of palestinians in gaza. people have been forced to ration food, and they are drinking unsafe water. the aide arrived as israel defense forces announced the bombardment of gaza will continue, with promised to attack hamas even stronger. the idf estimates about 700,000 people have moved to southern gaza. more than 4000 people have died in gaza since the outbreak of the war. today, thousands of people rallied at pro palestinian demonstrations in cities across the world including washington d.c., new york, -- and sydney. protesters are calling for a cease-fire to end the killings of civilians trapped in the middle of the israel-hamas war. today, president biden was briefed about the latest developments by his national security team, earlier, the president spoke with the two american hostages released by hamas. >> i'm just delighted we're able to get you out. we've been working on it a long time. we're going to get them all out, god willing. >> yes, god willing. >> i just want to say, i hope you're both not only feeling good, but in good health as well. >> yes, sir, yes we are. thank you very much, god bless you. >> god bless you guys. >> hamas terrorists kidnapped judith raanan and natalie raanan during the surprise attack in israel on october 7th. the mother and daughter from chicago were in israel visiting family at the time of the terror attack that left more than 1000 civilians dead in israel. with us now, nbc news correspondent ellison barber, ellison, you have any sense when a ground invasion into gaza may begin, and the latest on the ground in gaza this hour? >> yeah, that is the big question, when will this begin? a spokesperson for israel's defense forces today said that they are moving closer to launching this ground offensive into gaza. but they have been saying that for quite a while now. just the other day, we heard the defense minister at the israel gaza border speaking to combat troops. telling them you have seen gaza from the outside, soon you will see it from the inside. a spokes person with the israeli prime minister's office at a press briefing today said that they had moved forward on some of the final preparations and approvals to launch the next phase of war, which will include a ground offensive. but speaking with idf soldiers in this area, one told us they've been told three times that tonight would be the night, on three different days, for the ground offensive to start. and then it hasn't happened just yet. but what we can tell you is that the equipment, the troops, they are all in a position to launch a ground assault into northern gaza, when that directive is given. we have seen, throughout the day today, missile strikes coming from gaza into central and southern israel, as well as missile strikes, and artillery bombardments inside of gaza. we have new video from our team on the ground, in gaza, showing an airstrike that happened this morning. people on the ground there, they say this was an israeli airstrike. the idf has not commented yet, but it happened in gaza city, in the area of the al-shati refugee camp. at least one home that was struck when that rocket fell had people inside of it, civilians. there's a moment i want to show you of a woman, her name is mona. she had come down to the scene as rescuers were pulling debris back, looking for any indication of survivors, and watched as they were searching. she then walked two miles to a nearby hospital, and when she got to that hospital, she found out that nine of her family members had died in the blast. i want you to hear some of the moments, some of the pain when she found that out, as she cries up. >> [crying] >> in a different point, she is crying out, saying, my father, my mother, oh my god, what do i do now. i have no one left, all my family is gone, they killed them. at one point, she called out asking what do i do now? the reporting we have now from our team inside, that woman, she lost her mother, her father, as well as some nieces, and her brother, and i believe it was a sister-in-law. she wasn't just absolute agony realizing that all of them were gone. she had been nearby when the missile hit, and heard it. she was in a different home. but she knew the home that was hit. that's where her family was. israel has told anyone living in northern gaza to evacuate to the south. they say that about 700,000 people have evacuated south, so far. and that when they do launch this ground offensive, they plan to focus their efforts, their military might, on gaza city, and northern gaza. because they say that is where hamas primarily operates out of. they have said that they do everything they can and that is feasibly possible to limit the toll on civilians. they claim that hamas uses civilians as, quote, unquote, human shields. and that they often launch rockets from the areas where they know civilians will be. but the reality, and we see it in this new footage we are getting from our team inside of gaza, is that there are a lot of civilians that are impacted by this. and it's not just here, and there, it's every day, it's constant. whole blocks of neighborhoods have been wiped out since this war began on october 7th. the same time, alicia, you still have over 200 people who have been abducted, and are still held hostage inside of gaza right now, and families here in israel desperate for answers, desperately hoping that they might be released, like those two american israeli hostages were just yesterday. alicia? >> we're going to be talking about this hostage is a little later in the show. that's sound from mono will stay with all of us for. longtime ellison barber, as always, thank you. today, egypt hosted a peace summit between world leaders as israel prepares for that anticipated ground evasion. nbc news foreign correspondent megan fitzgerald joins us from cairo for more on those peace talks and the ongoing effort to get more aid into gaza. >> yeah, president sisi of egypt held a global peace summit today. it was well attended. there were leaders from all across the world, from north america, all across europe, asia, and certainly here across the arab world, the middle east. typically, from the summit, what we see is a joint communiqué, a joint statement. we didn't see that today. but there were a lot of things that these leaders agreed on. the first, being that they want to see the bombings, and the attacks on these innocent civilians in gaza, they want to see that come to a stop, immediately. they want to see more aid going into gaza, at a faster rate. now, today, of course, for the first time, we saw a 20 trucked convoy making its way from egypt across the rafah border crossing into gaza. but the leaders agreed that it's not enough and it's not going in fast enough. they also agree that there should be a two state solution. that's something they want to see as a way of peace being peaceful, and more peaceful region moving forward. , now we also heard from the u.n. secretary general, antonio guterres, who spoke really passionately today, i want you to listen to a little bit of what he had to say. >> nothing can justify the assault by hamas that terrorized israeli civilians. and those abhorrent attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people. >> now, king abdullah of jordan, speaking for many of the arab nations, when he called the actions that israel are taking against the civilians, the killing of those civilians in gaza, he said, it's a war crime, according to international law, and a red line. back to you. >> nbc's megan fitzgerald, thank you. joining us now, msnbc military analyst, lewd tired -- stephen twitty, the israeli military announcing today plans have been approved to, quote, expand operational activities against hamas. what are you watching for as the world braces for unanticipated ground invasion? >> yeah, i think the conditions are set. they've had time to assemble, and that's what you've been seeing out in the field. the troops are assembled now. they also had time to gather intelligence. they had time to reverse their plans, and now it is a matter of hours, in my view, before this ground attack starts. and you will be able to understand that because the first thing that you should see happening is an increase in air power. and then you should see multiple breaches through the fence line, the border wall. and ground forces commence their attack through the border wall, where they will seize a portion of the gaza strip, clear it, they will do clearing operations -- and they will go street to street, tunnel to tunnel, building to building, ensure that they cleared those areas. and it will be a tremendous fight on both sides. you can expect ieds, you can expect snipers. you can expect buildings being booby trapped. this is going to be a hard fight for the israelis, hard fight for hamas. and i hate to say this, probably many non-combative's we'll see as casualties. and probably see those casualties being a combination, obviously, of dead, and wounded. >> we're going to talk about that throughout the show. you mentioned the tunnels, general twitty, hamas claims they've built about 300 miles of tunnelsunderneath gaza. the washington post reporting, according to military strategists, some tunnels, quote, hasrelatively sophisticated rocket assembly lines. motor assembly works, she, metal and explosive stores, and warhead fabrication workshops. other tunnels hold command posts, and smaller arms. and the deepest tunnels are where hamas leaders live and meet. talk to me about the complexity of this, as it relates specifically to these tunnels -- the danger ahead. >> yes, so, you can imagine, once you enter, you are committed. being committed means that you are going to have to clear, and often cases, these tunnels are going to be dark. and they are going to be confusing. as you know, someone will lack air. so, hopefully, the israelis have been training on tunnel complex. i've been to israel, i've seen the tunnel complexes from the other side of the border. they are complex on the other side. so, the tremendous amount of tunnel complex, it will create confusion. but it will cause the israelis to have to attack the complexes. and also secure the top surface to ensure that hamas doesn't come behind them in that tunnel, where they have a final attack they have to deal with, and a rear attack. it's going to be very complex getting through these tunnels. >> general twitty, there was a quote from susan glasser's newest piece in the u.s. -- new yorker. some senior israeli officials told the americans to expect a war that could last as long as ten years. your thoughts? >> well, what i will tell, you more is uncertain. i've done it a couple of times, i've got five combat tours, and i expect attack in baghdad, be gone for days later. but as you, know we stayed there almost 20 years. more is uncertain. but what i will caution all, as you know, the longer the israeli stay in gaza, they are more apt to start fueling the arab world with their presence of being there. so it's best that the israelis go, and get their mission done, do the things that they need to do to destroy hamas, to figure out where the hostages are located, ensure that two missiles cannot attack into their country. stabilize the humanitarian front, and then depart. but we will see what they do here. but i'm anticipating this to be a long war. i'm not so sure ten years, though. >> that note of uncertainty from someone who knows, retired lieutenant general, steph twitty, thank you so much sir. still to come, an in-depth look at what this aid means for medical professionals and civilians in gaza. and why more, much more, is desperately needed. plus, president biden lays out the stakes, tying conflict abroad to democracy in danger here at home. and with 100 billion dollars in aid on the line, can republicans get their act together to push that aid package through congress? not having a speaker, well that does not help the situation. first, to jessica layton with the other big stories we are tracking this hour on msnbc. jessica? >> alicia, thank you. the president of a synagogue in detroit was found stabbed to death outside her home early saturday. samantha wall worked on several political campaigns, including for michigan's attorney general. police have not yet released a motive. an fbi spokesman tells nbc news, quote, the fbi is aware of the incident and we will assist the detroit police department has requested. a 10,000 dollar reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of a man wanted in a targeted killing of a judge in maryland. police say 49-year-old pedro ago tight shot andrew wilkinson outside his home, thursday. just hours after that judge gave a goatees estranged wife custody of their four young children. ago today is considered armed and dangerous, and he may be driving a silver mercedes. and, tennessee police are searching for an inmate who escaped while being transported to a court hearing wednesday morning. 51 year old shaun williams was being held on several sexual assault and drug charges, a 7500 dollar reward is being offered in that case. i'm jessica layton in new york, more american voices, right after this. after this at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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for the american people. >> jim jordan is out for a third time. the ohio congressman failed to get enough votes friday to get the speaker's gavel, leaving house republicans, scrambling to find a speaker who could secure enough votes. today, minnesota congressman, tom emmer, and launched his bid. he has kevin mccarthy's endorsement. for president trump and his allies are already trying to derail his bid, because he did not help trump's efforts in 2020. candidates have until noon tomorrow to throw their hats in the ring before republicans plan to vote again starting on tuesday. hanging over this continued chaos, and a member of funding deadline, aid to israel and ukraine is on hold, nbc's julie tsirkin is on capitol hill when we're. >> moments after, minutes after jim jordan faces a stunning defeat behind closed doors and that secret ballot, where nearly half of the conference voted against him causing jordan to drop out, i was outside of that room and multiple people told me that they were already planning to get in the running for speaker. now we have a list that is at least nearly one dozen candidates long, including two members of leadership who served under ousted speaker, kevin mccarthy. that includes congressman tom emmer, the chief vote counter here on the republican side of the house chamber, he is not trying to round up those votes for himself. everybody who wants to file to be speaker has until noon tomorrow to do so. then they will come back into town on monday night when temper has cooled and flare down a little bit according to the republicans i spoke to you. that is what they are hoping for. they really want someone who can unify the party and get them moving forward. because, again, they have a lot on the line here. surely it will be a steep climb for any of these candidates to get the gavel. but they do have pressure building, the white house sending over the supplemental funding request to go to ukraine, israel and to secure our, border there's also a government funding deadline looming just around the corner, the senate will begin processing that request next week. so when the candidate form happens on monday, night tuesday morning, they are hoping to actually hold a speaker election, the speaker told me yesterday that he hopes by next friday that he will have his job back as chairman of the financial services committee. so perhaps a little bit of wishful thinking. but certainly republicans around here are getting really tired of the infighting and they want to have a speaker as we enter week for without anybody in charge on this side of the capitol. alicia? >> nbc's julie tsirkin for us on capitol hill. thank, you julie. with us now, political analyst, former republican congressman, carlos curbelo. before we even get to the mechanics, to the political fallout of this, i just want you to set the stakes for us given the business that u.s. congress has before it. >> alicia, this is a major crisis. this is a country that is facing two wars that we are at least somewhat involved in. this is a country that is facing a government funding deadline coming up here in a few weeks. and this is a country where every day, americans have less trust and confidence in the government. so, one of the two houses of congress was completely leader lists and runner lists. this is a major crisis. now, it shouldn't be a surprise, alicia, this has been a long time coming for house republicans in 2015, the only reason that john boehner got elected speaker of the house that term is because 20 democrats were away from the chamber that they, at a funeral. otherwise, he would have fallen short. >> carlos, you are right, this is a long time coming, i think one of the reasons this has been so interesting to follow is because it is really exposing some of the dynamics within the caucus itself. for example, if this was jordan's third field attempt he won 194 votes. yet, any secret, voting secret vote after that so you do not have to have your name shared, he only got 86 votes. to me, that says a lot about the state of the gop. >> well, there's a lot of built up resentment against people like jim jordan. jim jordan is the architect of the chaos that the republican house is living. i told you about john boehner in 2015, it was jim jordan, his allies, who worked to undermine boehner. it was jim jordan and his allies who were a headache for paul ryan when he was speaker for three and a half years. and it was jim jordan, and his allies, or at least those who he inspired, it will ultimately took down kevin mccarthy. so a lot of these republicans, even though publicly, they do not want to get sideways with the republican base, they do not like jim jordan, they resent that it is members like him who have put them in this embarrassing, difficult position. >> let me ask you, i've heard so many different scenarios laid out here about how this could move forward. we have minority leader, hakeem jeffries, telling nbc that he believes a bipartisan path forward is still possib to elect a speaker, because, quote, there are still reasonable republicans on the other side of the aisle. your thoughts? >> well, it is true. when there is a secret ballot election, you find out that it is true. unfortunately, a lot of republicans are not willing to speak up publicly. they are afraid of getting attacked by donald trump. but when they can vote in a basement by secret ballot, the truth does come out. there are a lot of republicans who would like to work with democrats to at least get the house open again. there is a path forwar a alicia, it might be the only path forward. because although you are seeing all of these candidates that are going to step forward now, and run for speaker, one of them may win a majority of house republicans, but are they going to be able to get the requisite 217 votes on the floor of the house? kevin mccarthy was not able to do until the 15th time and then he was deposed. steve scalise was not going to be able to do. and jim jordan clearly was not able to do it after three attempts. so can any republican get those 217 votes? there is a good chance that they don't get those 217 votes. if they don't, eventually, the house has to open. and the only way to do that will be by empowering patrick mchenry with the support of at least some democrats. >> i've only got 30 seconds left, but i do need to ask you about this. the mccarthy endorsement, you, know the attempt by trump to derail him -- >> yeah. he is, i would say, the slight favorite right now because he is in leadership. he does have an organization that he can depend on to help with members. but he's going to face the wrath of donald trump and the members who respond to donald trump in the house republican conference. namely, people like jim jordan, matt gaetz, and that whole crowd. so, amr could get the majority of the house republican conference. but he may get vetoed by the minority republicans on the floor of the house. >> the next thing that we are looking for, noon tomorrow, we will see of those three who are considering move over into actually running, carlos curbelo, as always, thank you. two former trump leaders plead guilty. what this means for the former president. plus, thousands dead, and those still alive are waiting hours for the most invasive necessities. the humanitarian crisis is unfolding right now and gaza. ght now and gaza new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. r really whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. been offered a beauty campaign when i was in my twenties or my thirties or my forties. it wasn't until i was 48 years old, when i thought that was way behind me. here you come along and ask me to join you on this journey with meaningful beauty. announcer no matter what 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[limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> donald trump's legal jeopardy has grown in fulton county, georgia. two former trump attorneys are taking plea deals to avoid prison time. sydney powell and kenneth chesebro will now serve probation, pay fines, write an apology letter to the citizens of georgia, and it will be required to testify at future trials. that is bad news if you are donald trump. remember, he's viewed as trump's conspiracist and chief, pushing false voter fraud claims and dozens of lawsuits. she has now admitted her role in the january 2021 breach of election systems in coffee county. she proposed a fake elector scheme instructing trump on how to overturn the 2020 results. but that is now attorney christopher matty, he is -- and chris, jonesboro and powell will spend any time behind bars under these plea bills. what do these terms tell you about what these two offer in terms of testimony? >> well, it is hard to say exactly what they can offer in terms of testimony. what we know is that because we have to admit under oath the elements of the crimes that they plead guilty to, is that at least they are going to have to acknowledge on sidney paul's behalf that she interfered with the voters, and voting officials in georgia, and with respect to chesbrough, that he conspired. he conspired to submit false electors from the state of georgia. the question is going to be, who did he conspire with? it is not clear, from his plea allocution, who exactly he is prepared to admit that he agreed to do that with, but i think that what prosecutors are likely thinking is, moving these defendants into the column means that it is going to simplify their case against the remaining defendants. they can choose, at the time of trial, whether to represent their testimony or not. now, my instinct is that neither one of these people is going to be inclined to help the prosecution. so there is some risk in putting them on the stand, and associating yourself with the testimony through the prosecutor. but they know what they are going to say, because they, both of them, they recorded those proffers. so at a minimum, the statements that they have given the prosecutors are locked, in and prosecutors will be able to decide whether they want to use them. >> chris, you lead me to exactly where i wanted to go which is a chesbrough tierney says that he doesn't expect it's going to take the stand against trump. i want you to take a listen to what he told my colleague, katie phang, earlier today. >> someone asked me earlier if you were donald trump, would you be worried? and i said, personally, honestly, no. it is not that mr. chesbrough is trying to protect donald trump, or anyone else. i personally don't believe the state will call him to testify on their behalf. >> chris, your thoughts? >> well, you know, he knows, and the prosecutor knows which has pros going to stand. i don't put a whole lot of faith in what might be signaling to donald trump, but what is clear is that the prosecutors now have a lawyer, who has admitted under oath that he committed crimes in furtherance of conspiracy, in which they also allege donald trump us apart. that, in and of itself. it is pretty powerful. and if chesbrough gets on the stand, the first thing he's going to have to admit is that he stood in the georgia courtroom, and pled guilty to a felony as a lawyer, with a submission of false electors slates. and the next question is, did donald trump know that that is what you were up to? that is compelling testimony. he may not break the case wide open, and as we know, donald trump is alleged to have engaged in a number of elements of this conspiracy. but those facts alone are pretty damning, and i think that we make donald trump uncomfortable if he's sitting at the defense table. >> need i remind you that chesbrough, powell, they were also mentioned in trump's federal election indictment. i wonder, based on what we saw here, how they might end up hoping the special counsel. >> it wouldn't surprise me at all if they have had conversations with the special counsel, i mean, pleading guilty in georgia does create some risk for them in connection with the federal case. and i suspect that they are making themselves available as witnesses to jack smith as well. it is hard to know what those behind the scene discussions may be, and whether or not jack smith feels like he would need them to prove his case. but certainly, you know, donald trump's lawyers are asking themselves do we now need to contend with these witnesses in the child that is coming up? very quickly you pull? >> over to ask you about trump's new york fraud trial. did he find trump for violating his gag order? why start their? >> well, i think, just like judge chutkan in d.c. has been struggling with this, how do you enforce protective orders and gag orders against some person who has shown no willingness to abide by them. there are consequences associated with putting trump in jail that both of these judges probably want to avoid. so you are starting at, in the new york judges case, at $5,000 as a signal that they are willing, that this new york judge is willing to impose penalties for the gag order and trump can expect them to escalate should he continue his behavior. the whole idea here is to deter trump from doing what he has done. which in this case, was really, very cruel to basically put a photograph of a courtroom employee upon the internet for his followers to go after. so, i think the judge is showing that he's taking it seriously, and we will see whether or not those fines need to escalate in order to prevent trump from doing this type of thing. >> christopher matty, as always, thank you so much for taking some time to be with us. next, the need for humanitarian aid in gaza, the health care system, it is on the brink. some help was let in today, what about more? and next hour, two american hostages were released. nearly 200 are still held hostage by hamas. what can be done to release them. >> a trickle of desperately needed humanitarian aid made its way into gaza through the border crossing with egypt. authorities allowed just 28 trucks in. israel told palestinians in the northern part of gaza to leave their homes ahead of unanticipated ground invasion. there are now resorting to rationing food and water. more is needed again, 20 trucks, 2.3 million palestinians. consider the scene, over 200 trucks, carrying 3000 tons of aid, were amassed on the egyptian side of the border on the palestinian side, hundreds of foreign passport holders wait anxiously for the crossing to open. it is unclear when or if that will happen. joining us now, the president and cofounder of met global. thank you so much for joining us again. what is it that you are currently hearing from your contacts in gaza, what this means for their patients, the injuries and illnesses that they are seeing, the impact that it is having on the health care system overall? >> thank you alicia, for having me. what i am hearing is the situation is much worse than last time we talked. it is beyond catastrophic. everything is running out, including hope. electricity, of course, diesel fuel, that is necessary to operate generators in the hospital. hospitals can go back to the middle ages where you don't have access to ventilators, or monitors, or elevators, or even iv pumps. doctors have been rationing everything, including gods, to some stopped the bleeding. they're running out of space to put patients, the capacity of hospitals are about 100 and 50%. that means every hospital is much more occupied than its capacity. and they are running out of space to place that bodies in the morgues. and on top of that, you have a shortage of food, doctors, nurses, telling me that they are eating only canned food. there's no access to clean water. the average palestinian in gaza right now has access to three leaders of water, and there's 50 minimum that the world health organization recommends. then, we have these trucks, which as you mentioned, it is a drop in the ocean. before this war, every day, 400 and 50 to 600 trucks of food and water, and supplies, diesel fuel we're entering gaza. right now, we have only 20. which is less than 3% then the daily need and gaza. >> something you said to me that really jumped out to me, everything is running out, including hope. and i think about these medical professionals who are giving care and community when they are also experiencing grief and loss. yes, there are ex administering physical care. but they also are in the position of being in the support to having to administer emotional care. what is the toll that this is taking on the providers themselves? >> it is immense. this doctor who is a pediatrician works with the organizations, a small children's hospital, told me that he cannot stop working because his community needs him at this point. he lost his house yesterday. he sent me a picture of his destroyed house. he sleeping in the hospital with family. he is lucky, he said his family and himself are alive. but you can imagine, the toll on doctors and nurses who are trying to take care of their community and children, and among most of the victims, there are children and elderly is of the 4000 or so. and then 13,000 injured. so, they don't have means to treat their patients, and they are not safe themselves. he cannot evacuate this hospital, even though this hospital was needed to be evacuated. because there's not enough events in the south. he has children in the icu, on ventilators, he has newborns on incubators. there's no cars to transport them to the south, and there are no beds in the south. so logistically, it's impossible to evacuate this house but they had to stay there when he had to be with them and treat as many as they can with the limited resources. >> understanding that we talk about the aid we are talking about it in the larger context of what is unfolding. help us understand as we watch the trucks crossing to the border, what is the most needed, what is the most helpful, what is it that you are watching for? >> i think that what is most needed is the continuation of the aid. i mean, 20 trucks is a joke. the palestinians still have a sense that there is a joke from the international community. but they need diesel fuel for electricity. these trucks don't have diesel fuel, they have to support victims from a place to place, they have clean water and food, and this was necessary for anesthesia. they were doing this surgery on patients without anesthesia. imagine a child, a woman, or elderly, and getting to the o.r., where the surgeon is doing surgery on you without anesthesia. running out of pain medication. running out of blood products. all of these are needed, they are much more massive than -- the slowness of this community. the government can help on this, and sending medications and medical supplies, besides the ship that we had sent to support the war. >> we will talk a little later in the show about this diplomatic efforts. dr. zaher sal, thank you as always for helping us keep focus on the humanitarian crisis. i appreciate your time. next, nbc news presidential historian, michael beschloss, on his oval office address met the moment here at home and on the world stage. i want you to be sure to follow this show on twitter, instagram, and on tiktok. we are at alicia on msnbc. more american voices continues after this. teafr this you know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? 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>> i thought that the address was great, and i also thought that here is a case where you are getting a president who has had life experience, the age to live through it that we are getting the benefit of. not only 15 years and national leadership, but look at when joe biden was born. 1942, almost the middle of world war ii. he knew the lessons after world war ii, of what to do when you bend people like hitler, and mussolini, and the japanese. that is what he's talking about. and in that speech, he lived through the cold war, and then, 1962, he was 20 years old, he watched jon kennedy deal with a cuban missile crisis and watch the biggest lesson from that. the lesson is that kennedy himself said later on, that was a crisis that unless kennedy kept it managed, and made sure that there were no false signals by the americans to the soviets, without that, it could have spiraled like world war i into a conflict that could've killed tens of millions of people. in this case, in a single nuclear exchange. joe biden, this is the stuff that he's written in the history book. these are things he's been thinking about and experiencing for half the century. >> lived experience. imagine that. the atlantic has highlighted how president biden's trip to rael is the second time a u.s. president traveled to an active war zone. not controlled by his own military. i know that you know this, but the first president to do that was also joe biden when he traveled to kyiv last february. why is that significant. the optics, the choice to make that trip, why is it important in this moment? >> number one, it shows that the guy has got physical courage. a lot of people would not have done that because it was physically dangerous. and in both ukraine and israel. people like james madison, and 1814 at the time of the british attack on d.c., and lincoln in 1864 at the time of the confederate attack on d.c., and modern times president in iraq in afghanistan, they were basically there to extort american troops. joe biden was in ukraine, and in israel this week, facing danger for a specific reason. that is that he knows from his experience as a leader in foreign policy, again, this has been going on for decades, for instance, when he meets with netanyahu. in private, he could ask him to do things, that maybe it is not possible to do what you are doing in the video link or a telephone. the same thing meeting zelenskyy in kyiv, in ukraine, as he did last winter. so this is what you get with a president who knows these things out of this kind of experience. >> let me ask you about the point you make about the fact that this couldn't be accomplished on zoom. the push and pull that president biden is reportedly doing with netanyahu, where he is supporting netanyahu in public, encouraging restraint in private, is there a correlation in history? what would history teach it about the private public push. >> history would teach you that this is something that you cannot do, not only without being a good negotiator with biden, but also with empathy. this is someone who understands the plight of the jewish people, and also the background of the suffering of the palestinian people. and one thing, if i could say a personal thing, alicia, there was a congressman, i'm sure you know, that maybe even met named tom bluntest from california. he died about 15 years ago. the only member of congress, who was a jewish survivor of the holocaust, he grew up in hungary, lost almost all of his immediate family who were murdered by the not sees. he told me years ago, before i knew very much about joe biden, that joe biden, his friend, of all of the people that he knew, joe biden was the only person who was not jewish and who wouldn't, then, physically, through the holocaust, who had some serious understanding of what he had been through. i think that we saw that on display, when joe biden was talking not only to netanyahu, but those survivors of the attack by hamas, just a couple of days ago. >> absolutely incredible. that's why we turn to you. nbc news, presidential historian, as always, thank you for your time, sir. >> thank you, always, alicia. be well. >> at the top of the hour in a live update from israel, as the u.s. works to de-escalate times in the north with lebanon. plus, two weeks into this war and look at the heightened concerns of islamophobia and antisemitism here at home. later, innocent civilians trapped by war, you are going to hear their stories, stay with us. with us. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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