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Reidout. We go to somebody. , all in with chris hayes, starts right now. Tonight on all in. The honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has received 194. The honorable Hakeem Jeffries of the state of new york has received 210. [applause] jim jordan loses the gavel again, and drops out. Weve gone through one, two, three speakers, three speakers down. I dont to be speaker. I mentioned that name. Weve got to get our heads out of our iran. Tonight, no Speaker Of The House, and at least half a dozen new names in contention. Do you think someone in that room can get 217 votes . I hope so. As a Republican Party sinks deeper into their own mud. The crazy is led by gaetz. The amount of damage theyve done to this party into this country is insurmountable. And, brandnew trouble for the head of the party as a judge threatens to jail him while one of the fake elector architects takes a plea deal. State your two incorrect legal. Name kenneth john chesebro. A small measure of relief for one family as hamas releases to american israeli hostages, the latest on the hundreds of people still in captivity and the worsening crisis in gaza. When all in starts, right now. We good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. It is day 17, without a Speaker Of The House after the republicans unceremoniously fired Kevin Mccarthy at the beginning of the month. With the house yet again in session today weve got yet another day of abject Catastrophic Failure by the republican conference to meet the most basic minimal requirements of governance. Today began with that man, congressman jim jordan, as the speaker designate, mostly a madeup title that means the republican conference voted him to be the nominee to be speaker. But even by the standards of this already disastrous and humiliating process, Donald Trumps handpicked candidate faced tough odds. Before today he had already lost four votes for the speakership. As we told you last night, he lost the second vote by more than the first, which some reports indicate might have been a deliberate strategy from his fellow republicans in opposition to humiliate him on the largest stage possible and make it a reality that he was losing support rather than gaining it. Jordan spent most of yesterday trying to reverse that trend, but as punchbowl news reports, quote, every republican who met with jordan told him they would not back his candidacy for house speaker. And its not like jordan jordans allies were doing themselves favors, as we reported on this program they told the press they received Death Threats for not backing jordan. Those Death Threats backfired and increase throughs of of certain opponents. Close jordan ally Warren Davidson said its not team jordans fault that holdouts are getting Death Threats. They are getting the Death Threats, he said, because they voted against jordan. I dont think anyone was really disputing that, to be honest. Jordan was undeterred. He was back at it again today, trying to win the speakers gavel, starting with a Strange Meandering Press Conference this morning that even fox news had difficulty justifying. So there is jim jordan, speakerdesignate, given a Press Conference about the status of the speakers race. Doesnt look like he has support yet, brian, and im not sure what the purpose of the Press Conference was. He took questions from the folks, but it looks like he was just trying to rally the troops. Okay. I dont know the point was. [laughter] everything that we just learned we know except that jim jordan is not quitting. It was on a 9 00 this morning, jim jordans not quitting. The only thing we knew about jim jordan today was that he was not quitting. He was going up for a third crack of becoming Speaker Of The House. Now, you will never guess what happened next. The total number of votes cast is 429, of which the honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has received 194. The honorable Hakeem Jeffries of the state of new york has received 210. [applause] nemours its such a funny recurring bit the democrats to, and all of these votes when they have more votes in the personally when they all cheer. As you can see, jim jordan last again, and yet again he lost by an even larger margin with one of his colleagues voting against in this time than the previous time, which was more than the previous time. In fact, he got a fierce number of votes from poor majority nominee in a century. After that humiliating loss, republicans went back to one of their tents Family Meetings where they held a Secret Ballot Interparty Vote to see if jordan should stay there speakerdesignate. Well, the conference decided to dump the three time loser jim jordan. It is now over. Well, i guess, for now. Who knows with this process . But for now he is done for, and the guy who created this mess is feeling the pain. The most popular republican in the United States congress was just knifed by a Secret Ballot in a private meeting in the basement of the capital. Its the sloppiest as it gets in jim jordan deserved better than that. I dont know if hes the most popular in the conference, but most republicans in the closeddoor meeting, it was matt gaetz and his aunt in mccarthy Confederate Like South Carolina north carolinas nancy mace that they were mad at. Matt gaetz has very personal differences with Kevin Mccarthy. So as personal differences, not legislative differences, that led to the. As when he brought the motion when the end result is a dangerous position that were in as a country. It reminds me of how incredibly irresponsible it was for a 280 democrats any republicans to put this house into absolute chaos without any kind of a plan for how we were going to move forward. Lets be clear, nancy mace, it has been a long time since she has done anything productive to move forward this broader team. I definitely dont want to be speaker. I will mention that name. Where are we tonight . Good question. The republicans are where they started when they ditched Kevin Mccarthy more than two weeks ago. In fact, after jordans a series of massive defeats, you could argue they are even further away from electing a speaker than they were back then. Because at least after they dumped mccarthy, he is air apparent, steve scalise, became the speakerdesignate. Now scalise was sort of a natural air to the throne, but he couldnt get across the finish line either, and he didnt even try. He dropped out after a day. Jordan was quick to box him out for his own time to gavel. Honestly, i dont know what is next for republicans. There is now an open call for candidates. Theyre putting up flyers to run for a High School Student government. Theres a slip you feel out. 80 want to be speaker . Yeah, sure. If nothing else, i found, and again, i do this for a living, but ill be honest, i found its a great chance to learn about, some congressmen you may have heard before. Like this guy, Oklahoma Republican kevin heard. He told reporters today hes running for speaker. He says hes the best choice because youre not a career politician. That is true. Before getting elected in 2018 he built a hog farm, also owned mcdonalds franchises and also a company that manufactures Fuel Furniture for a fast food restaurants. How about Michigan Republican jack bergman, also running. You know jack bergman, you know him, you love him. Elected to congress in 2016 following olympic rear in mili more than two decades commercial airline pilot. After she regretted voting for Donald Trumps vented coup after january six, he told reporters, quote, hell no. And then there was the person i would guess he would call the front runnerish. That man. You know him. Right away, you get that name, minnesotas tom emmer. Despite the fact that im guessing most of you have never seen this man before in your life, he is now the third ranking republican in the house. That makes in the establishment toys for whatever that means. Heres the thing about tom emmer. He voted to certify joe bidens victory after january 6th. He voted ainst the coup. That means he is on that one red li issue, on the right side. Hes also also been mildly crical of donald trump in the past. The problem is that i think the moderate wing of the party will not be a fan of him for that reason. Thats just a little bit around up. Not even all the candidates will either declare or speculating about it. Weve got a few more new ones throwing their hat in the ring. There are so many republicans you would likely never heard of who would around the house of representatives. Theyve all gone home for the weekend now and theres an official candidate forms of the most will likely only grow from here. While i have to say dont often agree with Kevin Mccarthy i must admit it kind of hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately jim is no longer gonna be than our nominee. Well have to go back to the Drawing Board. What history will look at, the crazy eight led by gaetz, the amount of damage they have done to this party into this country is insurmountable. I have amount of damage done by a few people for their own personalities, for their own fear of whats going through. And really, its astonishing to me and were in a very bad position is a party. Joining me now is nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali. Sometimes, ali, i watch something happening in politics and i think maybe im just missing what they are seeing. Maybe they have a strategy that i dont get. I guess i thought we had last for 24 hours ago, it was like, well, maybe hes got some trick up his sleeve. It doesnt look like it. What happened in that meeting after the third failed vote . Youll be forgiven for thinking there was maybe some divine plan that you werent read in on. I learned a lot during the induction but i learned that even though im paid for this, i know way too many of those obscure congressmen just by face alone. So i clearly need to get out of this building. But the fact that lawmakers went home without making any progress whatsoever i think is so striking. Jim jordan goes into this meeting this afternoon aware of the fact that he was going to put into a vote within his conference yet again. The question was simple. Should jim jordan remain the guy that we go to the floor again to vote for . People had to vote yes or no, and the nose one out. That then left them at the exact place that we have frankly been time it again, and i think the only thing that this week has taught us is that this conference is ungovernable. Completely unruly, completely factionalized. And i think they were right, last week, or maybe the week before that, when they said that they didnt know anyone in this conference who could get 217 votes. So maybe its the fact that the ten people who have their name on the list for wanting to be speaker right now, maybe its good that those people are not the most popular or the most wellknown. Because if you have 97 of the conference behind you, like mccarthy did, like scalise had, slightly less of but still had a majority of, like jim jordan had, they still dont have the number that they need to become speaker. So whats the point . Maybe you dont want to be the most popular aware or wellknown person in this conference. Thats not getting new closer to the gavel. So maybe you do need someone who is obscure and unknown. I have no idea who that person would be. Such a good point. The history last time we had Something Like this, gingrich, who had to step down in the waning years of clinton, was going to be succeeded by Bob Livingston, and it turned out Bob Livingston also had had an extramarital affair affair. Then they went to a backbencher who was fairly anonymous. Theres a whole other story about him, but thats what happened last time. Well see if we get our version of that this. Time alleviate alice, as always good to talk. To william donovans ahead of the staff of a d. C. Lobbying firm and, conference winner, and this is the Boston Bureau chief at semafor. William, youre my goto on this, when things are going completely haywire in the republican conference. What do you understand . If you are to describe what the dynamics are now, how would you describe it . First and foremost, i think you need to think about this group as a really what had been a really fractious almost coalition. Within the party this was not a cohesive unit. It began is about 200 people that were willing to go along, to get along, and about 20 people ahead issues and that was the issue that was negotiating with Kevin Mccarthy. About two thirds head objectives, policy objectives, they got that and they forged a coalition that worked for about the first nine months. Until those other guys, the other six or so blew it all up. They decided they didnt like what they got out of that. Thats what precipitated this last two or three weeks. What ali mentioned was, there was no plan here. Part of this is, it was a plan in the sense that they set up a situation where any outcome they win, matt gaetz, the spectacle is the point. It doesnt matter if he wins or loses. By losing at the hands of the swamp, by jim jordan being the marker that goes down, that butter is his bread. Thats the kind of thing that he likes. I think thats how you should think about that. Who can get to 2 17 . I think they did make some progress today. They had cauterize this wound. They had put jim jordans out of this misery. Jim jordan actually wanted to be speaker. He did everything he could to say what he had to say, and he couldnt get there. I think this turns the page. I think it is back to square one, but i think its important to have any path forward. He needed a glass of water at the end of this week because that is the 30th ive ever seen jim jordan. He definitely was trying to reach for it. To liams point, i think the Coalition Way of thinking about it is how narrow the math is, it also does seem to me that there is a deeper question here animating this, and you have written about this. What is the animating purpose here . What is the binding glue that binds this group together . Once upon a time you might say were here to repeal the Affordable Care act. Or were here to cut corporate taxes, like they do the last time around. Its very hard to come up with that answer which is a big part of the problem. Right before they got to the speaker fight, The Precipitating Incident was this looming a vermont shot down. I still cant tell you what exactly the demands were. We were a bunch of competing demands, process over substance, there wasnt one unifying cause. It wasnt even like in the obama days, like you said, where everything was about repealing obamacare or delaying its implementation or defunding it or something. This was all over the map. A lot of this is about factional groups proving that you have to listen to them. Its the power is kind of the point. So much of this jockeying was originally the House Freedom caucus trying to prove over and over again the small band of members that were remotely from them that you cant pass anything without it, you cant have a speaker without us. Were going to keep demonstrating over and over again that if you try to ignore us, if you go to the democrats, we will hit the red button the blows up this congress. But now you are seeing the opposite, which is the only way for the rest of the conference to gain any influence back, to prove that they can push the red button to. And thats how you just blew up jim jordan. Its all about power, but no substantive difference. Pressing the red button makes sense, the image of strictly game theory question of whos going to retain what leverage and what is essentially a protracted negotiation. This is a technical question that, liam, you may not know the answer to, but im sort of bizarrely fascinated with, 15 people running for speaker on monday . Is it a First Past The Post plurality . Are they going to do rank troys voting in the republican conference . [laughter] my understanding, is where nobody gets the majority, the low man drops. We are going to have to do quite a number of ballots. Who knows . You have to have a people that are obviously going to get big chunks of the votes. Some are going to get far less. When push comes to shove you might have some of these people not stand for further support to the extent that it exists behind someone else. I think after the Candidate Forum happens, after the writings on the, wall theres not a ton of point. But each member is going to have their block, whether its a regional bloc, or an ideological block, whether its jurisdictional block, that will be their base of support. The front runner for those leadership reasons, but there is reason to not be the front runner. A lot of game left to be played. To be clear, the ballot, the lowest vote dropped out, other people can drop out by their own volition. To your point about the anti by the end, thats correct. By the anti jordan, we would call that, coalition, nbc news is calling earth conservative hardliners that or have rejected him, a block of nerve new Yoer Floridians occur including the appropriations chair kay granger of texas. Amara, from my perspective, is on the right side of the defining issue. I think hes on the right side of the defining issue for the democrats in that house. Hakeem jeffries has come out and said that. Jane raskin started on the show. He didnt vote for the coup. But also worry that that is like you need to say mean things about tom. Or i hate tom emmer. Nothing scares me more than tom emmer being house speaker. [laughter] you have to do this on a few points. It does seem like a problem. Yes, it does. People are already joking, it seems like we could Flash Forward to tuesday or wednesday when hes gotten 200 votes on the floor they have to go to the Drawing Board again. And yes, hes extremely likely to potentially be the front runner and the leading vote getter but he seems the most likely of all of them to have that ceiling, and its an uncomfortable truth, because theres a lot of, like you said, a lot of democrats would love to see perhaps some of the republicans who are getting Death Threats this week put two and two together. Maybe we should get someone who wants him from that wing created some of that energy. But its just a buyer to him becoming speaker. I will look at the camera and say there is nothing that will own me, chris hayes, more than tom emmer becoming the next speaker. Im dreading it. Dont throw me in that briar patch. Benjy sarlin, liam donovan, thank you very much. A new york judge threatens to send on trump to jail. What trump did to anger the man who could decide the fate of his company, next. S company, next. Im 70ish. Consider an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan from unitedhealthcare. With this type of plan, youll know upfront about how much your care costs. Which makes planning your financial future easier. So call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp name. And set yourself and your future self up from unitedhealthcare. Its easy to get lost in investment research. Introducing j. P. Morgan personal advisors. Hey david. 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This one came in trumps 250 Million Dollar civil fraud trial taking place in new york. Thats the one that trump has occasionally been attending to vent his spleen to the cameras outside the courtroom. He has, not surprisingly, repeatedly attacked to the judge in that trial, judge arthur engoron. It was after the judge after trump attacked a clerk of the court, the judge responded by issuing a gag order barring any attacks against his staff. Reasonable, from my perspective. That was october 3rd. And the attack was taken down from truth social on the same. Day the same post remained on the Trump Website for over two weeks. The judge called that a, quote, Blatant Violation of the gag order, adding that he could put trump in jail, quote, Incendiary Untruths Cannon Have led to serious physical har i will now allow the defendant to explain why this sulnot end up with serious sanctions, or i could possibly imprison him. Opposed to taken off the website last night. Trump lawyer responded by apologizing to the judge, saying the failure to remove the pose from the website was inadvertent. Judge engoron decided not to imprison trump, and slapped him with a 5000 dollar fine for violating the gag order. Look how trump has behaved in these court cases. Particularly and the judge chutkan case. He seems dead set on pushing every boundary. It includes the federal case over his attempted coup where, as i said, judge tanya chutkan, also had to issue a partial gag order barring him from Making Statements to prosecutors, potential witnesses, and court staff. It looks like trump is courting some ultimate sanction, which will be the spectacle literally jail for his repeatedly violations of these court orders. So, that was trumps morning, being warned he might get sent to jail. It is problems got much worse. Just a couple of hours later, in fulton county, georgia, was the first day of the trial of coup plotter kenneth chesebro, key in crafting the fake electors scheme. Terry selection was just beginning when it was suddenly announced that chesebro has struck a plea deal with prosecutors. How do you plead to count 15, conspiracy to commit violent false documents and indictment number 23 s. E. C. 188947 . Guilty. This comes just one day after another coup plotter and another lawyer, Sydney Powell, Notorious Trump attorney that promise to release the kraken, also in exchange for her pleading guilty to misdemeanors, she got probation in a fine and promised to testify truthfully at all proceedings involving the remaining codefendants. And of course includes the ex president. As of yesterday we knew that she is broidy previously declined to plea along similar lines. But today, with Jury Selection for his trial already underway, he pleaded guilty to one lo count of conspiracy to commit fing false documents relating to the fake electors plot and agedo testify against the remaining defendants. Like powell, crucially, he avoids jail and prison time. He gets probation and a fine in return for his guilty plea. So now, out of the original 19 defendants you see there on the screen, in trumps legal trial, there are now 16 left, three cooperators who have agreed to provide testimony and take please. Two of those, powell and chesebro, are fairly close to the inner ring of the cool plot. The arrow is not going in the right direction in the Georgia Criminal Trial for donald trump, but its not going in the right direction anywhere. Andrew weissmann in Christie Greenberg are here to talk about all of that, next. Dont go anywhere. Dont go anywhere. Concerns of getting screened faded away to my astonishment. My doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay. 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The reigning family room middleweight champion. Better days start with zzzquil nights. Its easy to get lost in investment research. Introducing j. P. Morgan personal advisors. Hey david. Connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. Lets find the right investments for your goals okay, great. J. P. Morgan wealth management. Can we get real clear about life with psoriasis . Yeah, im ready. Is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms . Like the coveritups and brushitoffs . Enough with good enoughs. Dont stay hiding or hurting. When your lotions and creams dont do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, its time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. Make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. The week began with trump heading back to the court of manhattan to sit in on the civil fraud trial than dangerous his business. It ended with him getting fined a threat with jail time, while two of his most notorious Coup Plotters took plead eels in georgia and agreed to testify against the other defendants, including him. Joining me now to talk about all that, andrew weissmann, Senior Member of the special counsel Robert Muellers investigative team, now cohost of prosecuting donald trump podcast, and kristy greenberg, former deputy chief of the Criminal Division of the gist Attorneys Office in the Southern District of georgia. Lets start with the sanction. You say youve been in the courtroom in the past week. I think that the persistence of that post on the website probably was inadvertent. But it also speaks to, like, the patients running out of multiple judges with these antics. I agree with you that i think it was inadvertent. But theres a reason in a law that there is a standard for negligence and Gross Negligence let negligence and rest the idea that a judge says two weeks ago, do not post with respect to my staff, it is really serious, and nobody on that team thinks, okay, lets double check to make sure everything is down . I mean, thats the part which is beyond inexcusable. So 5,000 is a bare minimum because intentionality is not really an issue here. There is a broader chris picture here, kristie. Weve seen this a bit in the Alvin Bragg Trial Where Trump attacked the judge. Weve seen him attack tanya chutkan, and The Sun Protective Order there as well. And then engoron, ive got to feel like it must be uncharted territory for all these judges. Absolutely. To have someone who is so brazen, who is just coming out and really attacking the person who is going to decide your fate. That doesnt usually happen. Im not crazy. No, because most defendants want to make sure that they are and that judges good side here donald trump has a different calculus. He is not just playing to the judge. He is playing to his base, play into the court of public opinion. So yesterday and williams, where it is a federal prosecutor was sitting here and i said to him, boy, i dont know, man, im no lawyer, and im no mass genius, but if i look at the way the decision that Sydney Powell just made, which is, like plea to this, write an apology, write a few checks, no jail time, or spend 567 figures on a Legal Defense and maybe go to jail, this looks like a nobrainer. It looks like someone convinced chesebro the same. It is so different. We are both former federal prosecutors, and in the federal system we have all the information at the time of sentencing. You know, heres all that defendants bad conduct, and then hears all of the efforts that that cooperator has made to try to provide substantial assistance to the government. It is legit conventions, led to pleas of other defendants, led to other defendants being joined to a case. You have all of that information and have a complete picture of who this person is when the judge issues the sentencing. Here you have, we know all the bad conduct, all the bad things that they have done, we know at the sentences, which is a slap on the wrist. No jail, no crime of moral can both practice law still. But we dont know that missing piece. What is the cooperation . What are they getting . What are they getting for it . And that is the black box right now. Clearly fani willis thinks its valuable, but it will remain to be seen whether it is valuable enough to justify a lenient sentence. Lets talk about that. Obviously it was a strange set of things that brought us to hear. Not the least of which is the novelty of this case. Obviously its uncharted territory. State prosecution, former president and all these people, the kind of speedy trial request, the meeting the bluff. Okay, lets do it. And now shes two and oh. What do you make of it . Its two and oh, but to chrissys point its two and zero, but if youre not gonna do it j j all you want to know what youre getting for that. Thats hardly two and zero. If you have to lawyers, two white lawyers, two rich white lawyers, who are not spending any time in jail for their roles in trying to overthrow a president ial election, so that is a really serious crime. When youre not doing any time in jail. If they have the keys to the kingdom, i can understand making that distinction. Thats where chesebro is different from Sydney Powell, because when he fed to the fake elector scheme it was a conspiracy, word on trumps part of that conspiracy, rudy giuliani, john eastman, and he has pled to a conspiracy and he did that crime with at least one other person and it is core to the january 6th case. Thats interesting. Also, i mean, when they say that, obviously its a condition of these we have seen testimony documents, all that, we dont know what they will say. We do know, kristy, theyre gonna be cooperative. Yes and no. Outside of the courthouse you have chesebros lawyer who said he didnt speech on anyone. And he also said he just accepted responsibility for his own behavior, but he wasnt the architect of trying to subvert democracy. So minimizing his own clients conduct and saying that he wasnt providing the goods. Maybe he is bluffing. We know that one of the conditions is theyre not supposed to talk about any of this to the press or anybody else. So we wont have full visibility into what they shared. But the fact that his lawyers said that right after the plea, gives me pause as to whether they are going to be the star witnesses they would need to be in order for these deals to be justified. You guys are on the same page on this. You guys are giving very stern prosecutor base. Let me give you some places. [laughter] one, the Chesebro Plea shows that, he has admitted there was a plot yes, it was all bs, exactly. There was a plot to overthrow the georgia election. The second, whos the huge winner . Jack smith. Because he does not have all this evidence coming out before his trial. So he can have the first crack. Andrew weissmann, kristy greenberg, thank you both. Next, a sliver of good news out of The Middle East as to american israeli hostages are risks are released by hamas. Thats next. Thats next. I oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. I always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. I didnt want to be that person. I decided to give prevagen a try. My memory became much sharper. I remembered more ive been taking prevagen for four years now. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. 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Judith raanan and her daughter natalie, live in illinois, were visiting when the kibbutz to celebrate natalies grandmother was turning 85 years old. They were taken hostage when hamas attacked two weeks ago. Last night, the former Tel Aviv Bureau chief of nbc news, martin fletcher, told Msnbc Stephanie Ruhle that he had just found out the raanans were part of his wifes family. Today, hamas announced they were releasing the women as a show of goodwill. I should say, this video, filmed by hamas, shows the raanans being released at the gaza border. There are still hundreds of hostages who remain in gaza, held by hamas, including natalies own family. Others from the family were in e attack on the kibbutz. According to the times of israel, the Israeli Defense forces said that of the 203 people known to have been kidnapped, a majority are believed to be alive in gaza. Ou 30 of the captives o children under the ageof 16. Another 10 to 20 are elderly people over the age of 60, among them. The of that, theres very little known about where they are held, and the medical attention they may require. Joining me now from tel aviv, nbc news correspondent, alison barber. Alison, what do we know about how this first hostage release came about . It was a pretty stunning development, certainly not anything that anyone here was expecting to happen and not anything. That the family of judith and natalie were expecting to happen. But all the sudden, you had that statement coming from hamass military wing, saying that they were releasing these two american citizens. They are american israeli citizens, they are from just outside of chicago. Based on statements from hamas and now hearing from the United States, as well as israel, it seems this was largely brokered by qatar. That there was discussions and agreements. Qatar has said theyve been speaking, and can plan to continue speaking to both hamas and israel. Somewhere in those discussions, the decision was made to allow these two hostages out. There was a transfer inside of gaza, where hamas militants handed them over to people working with the red cross, red crescent society. Then they took them across the border into israeli territory, and put them in the custody of Israeli Military members. We see that image there of them holding the hand of an Israeli Military member. We understand they are now getting medical care. I spoke to martin fletcher, who as you reported, these are some of his relatives. They are related to his wife. I talked to him about the phone calls that have gotten today, hearing from his cousins, as he was realizing that the people released might actually be his relatives, he talked about the anguish that he and the families still have for all of the other people hoping to see something similar. But the absolute joy and relief that judith and natalie are possibly on their way home any day now. Listen. Its extraordinary, really. Tears of anguish, turned to joy. Then there was that moment of wait a minute, so now theyre free, but what conditions are they in . How theyve been harmed . Are they physically safe . When we saw the photograph that the israeli army released of Judith And Natalie Being released out of gaza by the israelis, they looked okay, physically, as far as we know. But they looked exhausted. I asked him if he has any sense, in terms of when they could be home, back in the chicago area, he said he imagines they will take the first flight out, as soon as they can. Because he reminded me, they dont live here. They were here on vacation. They were tourists. They were here for their grandmothers birthday, that 85th birthday. Then all of this happened. We understand they are getting evaluated medical treatment right now, then there is this question of when, and how soon they can head back to the United States. The other question now tonight, is what does this mean for the war moving forward . What does this mean for the more than 200 people still believed to be held hostage inside of gaza . Hamas is saying that they are willing to continue releasing civilians, if the proper Security Conditions are met. That is their latest statement. In the past, chris, theyve said they would release civilians if israel stops their Aerial Bombardments on gaza. But weve seen no indication that is something that israel would be open to. At least not right now. Chris . Ellison barber, reporting live from tel aviv. Thank you again for your coverage. Really appreciate it. Still ahead, the efforts to get humanitarian aid into gaza as millions of palestinians remain cut off, now, for two weeks, from freshwater, food, electricity. We will go live to the west bank, next. Bank, next things are looking up ive got Symptom Relief Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. 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Biden said he has sec during his trip to The Middle East this week was a commitment to open the rafah crossing in egypt, the one cros that is not with israel, to allow humanitarian aid to be sent into gaza for the First Time Since israel went to the border. The 20time truck convoy carrying medical supplies, food, and water, will be delayed another day. The highway has to be repaved before the trucks can pass into gaza, and relief is desperately needed. As the situation on the ground gets grimmer every day. Food, water, Electricity Supplies were cut off nearly two weeks ago, and the israeli airstrike contained hundreds of displaced palestinians were sheltering at the oldest Greek Orthodox church in gaza when it was hit by an explosion late last night. Israeli military said it had targeted a Hamas Command Center nearby. Nbc news has not independently verified how many people died with hamascontrolled Health Ministry says at least 18 Palestinian Christians were killed. Among them, according to former michigan congressman was several of his own relatives who were sheltering at the church. Joining me now is Program Director of Human Rights Watch based in ramallah in the occupied wrist band. Sarah, can you talk to us about, and i know youve been doing a lot of work on this, about the situation in gaza and what is needed . The situation in gaza is quite dire. There are severe shortages of food, water, electricity, hospitals are running out of medicine and they dont have enough electricity to perform basic functions. People in gaza are down to three leaders of water a day, far lower than the 50 leaders seen as the bare minimum. They are reduced to drinking salty or breakers, water unfit for human construct consumption. The cut off of clean water that used to come from israel and the electricity needed to Power Generators means the sewage cannot be properly be treated. The Wastewater Treatment plants are shut down. Sewage is running in the streets. There are significant concerns about the humanitarian crisis based on an epidemic of disease, in addition to the more than 4000 people who have been killed since the israeli airstrikes. Just to be clear here, the fuel and water, this probably no territory on earth quite like gaza. In terms of how, who controls it and how its governed. Inside it is controlled and governed by hamas, but they dont control the outside of the territory. What is Human Rights Watch, what does it believe should be done here . Its about the size of philadelphia. About 2. 2 million, nearly half of whom are children. It surrounded on all sides by fences, walls, and the sea, which is patrolled by the israeli navy. Water and electricity used to come in from israel until two weeks ago when israel cut off the taps. There is no reason that the Israeli Government should not simply flip the switch back on and allow civilians in gaza to resume drinking clean water and having electricity that need power it. Its an act of collective punishment to turn off the water and electricity and basically deprive children in gaza have clean water. Thats against international law. Im concerned that the deal that joe biden brokered for 20 trucks to come in via the egyptian crossing is painfully unambitious. There has been no talk of the need to simply turn the water and electricity back on, to allow hospitals somebody come of ability to function, and no talk about reopening the crossings between gaza and israel, for not just 20 trucks a day, but not 100 trucks per day the agencies have said is the absolute minimum needed. In previous war roars, they have let tracks come into its own borders, which are much better established for that because of the dependents of people in gaza on the israeli crossings, and it has never cut water and electricity in this way during an active conflict. If an Israeli Defense forces spokesperson were sitting here he would Say Something along the lines of, we have just suffered the most catastrophic violation of our sovereignty and security via those exact fences and border, and the Security Risk would simply be too high. I understand the Security Risk to turning the water and electricity back on. The reason that people in israel around the world are so horrified by the october seven attacks on civilians, the hamas led militants, is because they targeted civilians. They targeted children. So the answer cannot be to then target civilians, target children in gaza. Since the israeli airstrikes began, more than 1600 children in gaza have been killed. We are talking about, on average, the Israeli Military killing more than 100 children in gaza per day. In addition, deprive those children of food, water, electricity, and the fuel needed to power basic functions, like the sewage system, its not about defense. Its collective punishment. Its punishing children for the active adult fighters. The u. S. Government has sorry. Im sorry, i just wanted to ask a final personal question. Youre married to a Palestinian Palestinian man, and you are an american and israeli jewish. Your household and life lives across this conflict. You live in ramallah. What is the last two weeks been like for you and your family . In the west bank, and yes it has been obviously very difficult. What has been heartbreaking is that the values that we try to impart where children, of universal respect for human life, for human dignity, that apply no matter who you are, are being floated since october 7th. So the mast led attacks that killed so many children, massacred civilians, took civilians hostage, were absolutely abhorrent. But the same people who deplore the murder and targeting of israeli civilians, unfortunately are not afforded the same concern, particularly the United States, which is so active in brokering these deals, it has an opportunity to make a clear demand to the Israeli Government to restore water and Electricity Supplies immediately, and reopen its crossings to allow humanitarian aid into gaza. Theyve

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