Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

the honorable hakeem jeffries of the state of new york has received 212. john boehner of the state of ohio has received one. >> look at that smile. it's going about that way. democrats totally united while republicans are casting protest votes with the speaker. and tonight, the nomination of the unqualified jim jordan is circling the drain. my friend and colleague rachel maddow joins me right here on that embarrassing spectacle. her new book, prequel, american fight against fascism and so much more. but we begin tonight with the profound difference between the normal way of becoming house speaker and what jim jordan is doing. using maga tactics to threaten his way into the speaker's office. it has been 15 days since kevin mccarthy was deposed by his party's maga wing and jim jordan is still trying to fill his tiny, tiny little shoes. but here is the thing, house speakers, at least the recent ones, get the job in very traditional ways, by building relationships, rising through the ranks, with a little cajoling here and there, time and experience. that is what builds a speaker. speaker emare ta was a prodigious found raiser for democrat and unparallel vote counter before becoming speaker. john boehner, well, he was a cash machine for republicans. so much so that when he was in leadership he was questioned by colleagues and apologized for handing out tobacco-pack checks on the house floor. even kevin mccarthy despite his many, many, many faults is very good at hauling in money for republicans. then there's jim jordan, who is asking his colleagues for a promotion and giving them nothing to show for it. when all he's done as a member is scream and fight. as hayes brown writes for msnbc, three main jobs members of congress have, writing and passing laws, providing a check and balance on the other brampls and serving their constituents. jordan amazingly is bad at all three. in fact, while nominating hakeem jeffries, pete aguilar called out many jim jordan's flaws and reminded us who received the most votes on 17 ballots this year. >> 212 to 200, no amount of election denying is going to take away from those vote totals. the speaker of the house must be a legislature. and the gentleman from ohio falls short in that regard. he supports an extreme agenda and is hell bent on banning abortion nationwide. gutting medicare, gutting social security, and giving cover to january 6th attackers. >> jordan failed to win the speaker's gavel for a second time today, getting just 199 votes, fewer than he received in the first ballot yesterday. and it's pretty easy to see why. his trump-style public bullying effort through right wing media. fox's sean hannity has been personally lobbying jordan holdouts and axios revealed a note that a a hannity producer emailed to republican congressional staffers asking why their bosses weren't supporting jordan. so how is the intimidation effort going for jim jordan's vote count? well, arkansas congressman steve womack told "the washington post" that his staff has been cussed out, threatened. it's been nonstop. most of them are out of state calls. two other republicans, both tweeted about how threats and intimidation would not be changing their votes. but the most appalling might be text messages sent to the wife of nebraska's don bacon saying, why is your husband causing chaos by not supporting jim jordan? i thought he was a team player? and your husband will never hold elected office again. that worked so well don bacon voted for, kevin mccarthy. the reality is that all of jim jordan's tactics, whether it's screaming in committee meetings or bullying his colleagues into submission revolve around one person, donald j. trump. but those tactics don't work for anyone else except donald trump, as evidenced by jordan's diminishing support for house speaker. he'll give it another try tomorrow. joining me now, is nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali and tara setmeyer, former adviser to lincoln project and former republican communication director. ali, i want to go to you first. the threats to me are the most sort of revealing and also disturbing part of this. because that has been the tactic that jim jordan is using. representative named miller meex, released a statement about receiving death threats after switching her vote against jim jordan. here is what she said, however, since my vote in support of chairwoman granger, i have received incredible death threats. my office is cooperating fully. one thing i cannot stomach or support is a bully. what the hell is going on on the hill? >> look, this is just happening in the last few minutes that congresswoman miller meeks says she's gotten credible death threats and threatening calls since she flipped her vote yesterday to jordan today voting for congresswoman granger less about granger more about miller meeks trying to throw her support behind someone who isn't jim jordan and references? that statement that she's gotten calls to her office that say she should be voting for jordan. she's gotten calls saying they need to find a conservative consensus candidate and now that's what she's calling for in this statement. when you look at the fact that threats have been going across the board, don bacon, carlos gimenez, someone else who voted against jordan, now miller meeks, jen kigens, all of these names are of course part of a public list. the way they vote in the house is public. but it's also something that turning point action, a conservative grass roots group that's very aligned with donald trump, has tweeted urging their followers to reach out to them, light up their phone lines. i'm not saying that this is the only reason. but it was pointed out to me by a republican operative that these things don't just happen in a vacuum. i would also point out that jordan spokesperson just in the last few minutes says this is abhorrent and condemns the fact that threats are being leveraged, but nevertheless they are. >> let me point out that matt gaetz for congress sent out a letter that says, hi, this is matt gaetz. we're inches from electing speaker jim jordan but rhinos are working with radical democrats to block jim jordan from becoming speaker. he is sending out these messages and are other members pointing the finger at him? he is the one who triggered all of this by triggering the motion to vacate. is he getting any blowback for the threats as fellow members are receiving? >> not that i can tell. mccarthy did condemn gaetz for fundraising off of this. whether or not it was his fault, i don't actually know. but gaetz is not someone who was ever here to make new friends by motioning to vacate against mccarthy. and i think that most people that are murmuring behind his back and in the media saying this is why we're here are the exact same people that were never too keen on matt gaetz any way. i'm not sure there was ever a permission structure where matt gaetz gets his from within the conference for putting him in this situation. they're frustrated with him then. frustrated with him now. i don't know that it's any different. >> tara, you worked on the hill. have you ever heard of a cable television host, sean hannity and his producers personally lobbying for who should be speaker? >> no. this is all very new. this is all the era of trumpism where the entertainment, the political entertainment complex here seems to rule the day, not governing, not the constitution, not what's in the interest of the american people. this is just further evidence of the influence that fox news has had. and not in a good way. i just -- back in the day when i was on the hill, did we collaborate with fox news producers on policy stories? yes. was there ever a campaign to threaten members of congress over the speaker's vote? no. because republicans had it together back then. i mean, you have a couple rabble-rousers, but for the most part republicans could govern. this is absolute insanity. the winner here just from a politically -- political perspective, it's the democrats. going into the election next year, they should use this chaos and they should use jim jordan as the villain the way that they used -- we did back in the day, nancy pelosi and the way the republicans now use the squad. associate every single member that voted for jim jordan, whether it was the first, second or third round or whatever they voted for him, if they cast a vote and clapped for jim jordan, you tie them together. and his extremism and loyalty to maga. that's the political, cynical side of thing. in the meantime, the country suffers because you have a major party that can't get its act together and we have the world on fire. so this is something i think that salespeople really should take a look at and make a decision is this the type of politics we want where you have members of congress threatening each other. by the way, welcome to our world. never trumpers like me and those outspoken against this maga scourge, we have gotten those types of threats for years to the point where when i used to work at another network, i used to have armed security guards escort me in and out of the building when i would go on air because of the level of threats i used to get for speaking the truth about donald trump and maga. so now they're getting a taste of their own medicine. maybe, maybe now enough is enough. i don't know. what is it going to take? >> ali, you know, you are on the hill talking with these republicans. at some point the sort of less far right wing republicans have to make a choice, right? and there's been a lot of talk. jamie raskin was on with chris hayes last night floating names of people who aren't in congress, which is allowed. people like liz cheney, mitt romney, senator an gus king they said could work. jim jordan has been trying to assuage some of the doubts. being speaker a lot of the job is fundraising. he doesn't do that well either. and so, he's not got anything to bring to the table. he can't ask -- he can't promise people anything because what people don't want is him. is there any attempt to maybe cobble together an idea of a consensus speaker that maybe some democrats could vote for? because hakeem jeffries is capable of delivering votes. >> yeah, look. i think the political fundraising concerns are real. we should just highlight that and underscore it because it is important. mccarthy was a machine on fundraising and money. scalise frankly would have been, too. jordan really is lacking in that department. when you think about this idea of a consensus candidate, i appreciate chairman raskin's suggestions. i don't think that liz cheney would get any votes. mitt romney and angus king same. but i have heard from some democrats who have floated other names like people currently in the house and hakeem jeffries himself the top democrat said there are members of this republican party who they could find to be palatable and almost partners. they're not talking about this as a coalition government, at least not in any real kind of a sense. what they're likely talking about here is giving speaker pro tem patrick mchenry some extra powers that he may not have right now to actually just run the floor. i'm not talking about this for the next year and a half or through the end of the congress. i'm talking about this through maybe november 17th, the day the government is set to shut down or maybe through the end of the year. then they would come back and actually try to figure out what a new speakership would look like. democrats are not under any illusion that they're going to get a democrat here. they don't think that. that's not what they're pushing for. they're pushing for a republican who is not jim jordan, who in their words is not an extreme insurrectionist sympathizer. and instead they're floating people's names like steve womack, tom cole, veteran people who know how this building works who are a little bit more moderate in their stances. i'm not saying it's going to happen, but i'm saying they're open to it. >> real quick. let me play tom cole praising jim jordan's willingness to cut social security. roll 'em. >> unlike any other speaker we have had, he's had the courage to talk at the long-term plan and get at the real drivers of debt. we all know what they are. we all know it's social security, we all know it's medicare. we all know it's medicaid. this is a guy that wants to create a debt commission, a bipartisan debt commission and get at the roots. >> republicans just want to lose? so the answer is, put the guy in who will cut social security, medicare? all the senior citizens will vote against them. what are they doing sfl. >> the campaign ads write themselves. somebody please clip that and run a campaign ad on it over and over and over again. however you feel about the merits of that argument, now is not the time for that. you could probably see we call them the biden 18, the 18 republicans who won in biden districts, districts that biden won in 2020, like you could just see them, oh my god, shut up because they -- it's bad enough that they're put in this position where they have to vote for jim jordan, 12 of them did in the first round. that's outrageous, i hope their opponents hammer them with that, now they have to justify cutting social security and medicare somehow that's a good policy idea for them going into 2024. it's a mess. and i'm curious to see how this comes to a conclusion. but in the meantime, the country suffers. >> to say nothing of the insurrection and some of those former wrestlers doing interviews. they're on tv. i'll try to book some of them myself. ali vitali and tara setmeyer, look, this is what they created. thank you both ladies. coming up on "the reidout" next, president biden in israel assures prime minister ben ja man netanyahu america's support and offering aid to suffering civilians in gaza. "the reidout" continues after this. ans in gaza. "the reidout" continues after this you can't look at what has happened here, to your mothers, your fathers, your grandparents, sons, daughters, children, even babies and not scream out for justice. justice must be done. but i caution this while you feel that rage, don't be consumed by it. after 9/11, we were enraged in the united states. while we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. >> president biden arrived in israel after a deadly gaza hospital blast fueled protests across the middle east. the palestinian health ministry said 471 people were killed in what it claimed was a targeted israeli bombing of a hospital in central gaza. israel said it did not bomb the hospital while president biden said he is confident, based on u.s. intelligence, that an israeli air strike was not to blame. biden announced today that the u.s. has provided $100 million in humanitarian assistance for the palestinian people in gaza and the west bank. per the associated press, egypt's president has also agreed to open its border crossing to allow in trucks with humanitarian aid. president biden is now on his way home. tomorrow, he will deliver a prime time address to discuss the u.s. response to the hamas terrorist attacks against israel. and russia's war against ukraine. nbc's richard engel has the latest. >> reporter: this is the explosion that has shaken the middle east. new video shows that deadly explosion at a hospital in gaza city that reportedly killed hundreds and sparked protests. from iran to yemen to lebanon where demonstrators directed their anger against the united states. israel's main backer. security forces in beirut used mortar cannons and tear gas to disperse crowds outside the u.s. embassy. the united states pulled out of its wars the middle east but now could be heading back into one. in the west bank, palestinians today dragged out the barricades and slung rocks at israeli soldiers. there weren't many mostly teenagers. israeli troops kept their distance, but when the stone throwers got too close, the soldiers opened fire. sending medical crews rushing in. here is one more injured being taken away. the israelis are picking them off with what appears to be rubber bullets at this stage. no one was seriously injured here today, but a new generation of palestinians is taking to the streets. while israel and hamas are blaming each other for the hospital explosion, a new palestinian uprising could be starting. today our crew filmed at the gaza hospital site and saw families collecting what they could from the debris. amid charred cars and backpacks and bags on the ground. >> disaster. disaster. impact on children, on women. >> translator: suddenly there were lights in the sky. when we looked up, a missile fell, this man says. i covered my face while friends close to me were killed. >> translator: this place was a safe haven for women and children who fled israeli shelling near the hospital, this doctor says. children were torn to pieces. other hospitals in gaza already running low on supplies are now struggling to keep up. these wounded all have needed intensive care facilities and ventilators. water was running out before i left and the electricity now started to run out. the generators, were running out of diesel. >> reporter: iran, which backs both hamas and hezbollah, is working to fan the rage even further. iran's president calling on muslim nations to isolate israel, impose an oil embargo and bring revenge. >> nbc's richard engel, thank you. joining me is a former senior state department adviser and former white house senior director under president obama. thank you for being here, my friend. the challenge is enormous. because the anger and the rage about this bombing of this hospital, however, whoever did it, isn't one of the challenges here. there isn't really a trusted voice who can answer the question who did it. no one wants to take hamas' word for it certainly. the idf and the israeli military has had issues. there was an american journalist, palestinian american journalist who was killed what they said about it initially turned out not to be true. and there have been bombings of u.n.-related schools, et cetera, in the past. so they're not being believed either. then the u.s. repeated, including president biden, that story about 40 beheaded babies that then the idf could not confirm and was unconfirmed but he said it in a speech outloud and that fanned even more flames. so the challenge here is who are people going to listen to? in this information environment, the first piece of information you get in any intelligence assessment is often wrong. you have to wait 24 hours, 48 hours to dig in, literally in some cases, dig into the rubble and get answers on who did what, where, what, when, why and how. but we expect answers immediately, in our phones. that's what the president is responding to. the challenge is that the united states has always been a strong ally of israel. and that has been defined as a strong ally of whichever government is there. so you could have 75% of israelis upset with netanyahu and not agreeing with his decisions, but the united states is in a position where it defends the government that exists. that created a challenge of outside actors not looking at the united states as impartial on human rights or domestically now people not looking to the president or the state department as impartial. >> today the united states vetoed a resolution that seemed to completely benign to condemn all violence against civilians in theishamas war and saying it was too early to craft an appropriate security council response to the crisis. england, the uk and russia declined to vote, but the united states vetoing that, it seems so counterproductive some of the things that we're doing. why do that? >> the united states and the u.n. has a very interesting role to play because the u.n. is where everybody comes, including iran and everybody has an equal voice on the security council you also have russia which has refused to condemn hamas' terrorist attacks. the united states defends israel from all of the surrounding folks who would like israel to not exist. but again, in this moment, when everybody is getting information, people are looking to -- for that information not in an agnostic way. they're looking to affirm what they already think. >> the united states, also, iraq and wmds didn't give us a ton of credibility in the region, so, if we're not credible, then who is? >> the post 9/11 era changed how the united states was looked at on the world stage, right? yes, it was a strong and firm response that also resulted in a 20-year war in afghanistan that we pulled out of without any sense of what was accomplished. and that's -- >> torture in iraq. >> and that's the concern of what might happen for israel if it does not have a strategy that goes beyond turning gaza into a parking lot. >> let me show you some of the protests at the capitol today. about 500 jewish-americans showed up demanding a cease fire. this is some of that video here. a few people did get arrested in those protests. you're seeing those kinds of protests, often led by jewish americans dedemanding a cease fire. they're happening in new york, in d.c. you're seeing a palestinian-americans also quiet angry, the president had not very pleasant call on monday with u.s. arab leaders. what's happening? because it feels very post 9/11, pre-iraq peace movements are breaking out. >> and the coverage of that is important to show that there is a sense in the united states of alternative, what could be considered progressive policy. there is unity in that. and that is also represented in israel. you have many of the victims, families of victims saying don't use the death of my family member to justify more and more killing. so there is a diverse array of opinions on what the response should be, but the challenge that we've seen with united states and how it's navigated israel and palestine politics for the last 20 years has been to leave it at the status quo, to not really try to do anything because the same leaders are in place. netanyahu is still there, abas, hamas, the same people who never really came together to solve the problem are still there. so what is biden supposed to do in this moment other than try to minimize the damage. >> yeah. it is what one might call a mess and it is deadly and terrifying and tragic. a lot of tragedy. thank you for helping us make it make sense. up next, my brilliant pal and colleague rachel maddow joining me to talk about jim jordan's epic failures, president biden in israel, trump's gag orders, voting rights and her incredible new book about america's historic and on going fight against fascism. we'll be right back. ng fight agt fascism. we'll be right back. meet the traveling trio. each helping to protect their money with chase. wooo! tools that help protect. alerts that help check. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. after advil dual action back pain: yo. who. haha. 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>> it does. >> for us? >> absolutely. we've seen what happened in poland. i think also don't sleep on the fact that one of the things that happened in poland, one of the ways they activated the electorate in poland was by full stop banning abortion. and poland was a very conservative country that had a lot of restrictions on abortion, but they went whole hog with that ban and electrified the polish electorate. that was part of the reason with women in the lead they said, no, to that government that had started taking apart poland as a democracy. they had started taking apart what makes country democratic country, turning it into an autocracy. they had eight years of work on that. it will be hard actually in poland when the new coalition government takes over for them to be able to govern and operate given how much of the rest of their government was undermined and taken over by the would be autocrats who they just beat, but it worked. and i -- that's -- in a way, that's also the story of jair bolsonaro getting voted out in brazil, the story of donald trump getting voted out in 2020. it is the story of a lot of bad guys in congress who are working with a nazi agent who is the center of this book in 1944 in the '42, '44, '46 elections those guys got voted out once people knew what they were doing. i have a lot of faith in democracy. that's why i believe it's worth fighting for. >> the reason i'm so obsessed with voting it's the most boring answer to how you fix these challenges in the country, but it's actually the answer. and if you let -- 73% turnout, that is where big change. >> more turn out in poland for this election than they did for the election in 1989 where they voted out communism. >> there you go. >> that tells you how electrified those people were. >> now for the bad news. us. >> now for the joy. as we call it. >> welcome to d.c. where everything is bad. because what's happening in our government right now is so chaotic and insane. at a really bad time when you have the world blowing up. we do not have a congress that is functioning because the house of representatives has no speaker. and for those who are not like into the geekry of civics, they can't bring a bill to the floor. they can't do the normal functions of government and the government will shut down in 40 days. what's happening right now? number one, does it shock you, it shouldn't, that matt gaetz bumped off the speaker with no plan. and that republicans can't coalesce around anyone. jim jordan, the flame throwing insurrectionist, he got, fewer votes this time than the first time around. there doesn't seem to be a plan. >> there doesn't seem to be a plan. that may have been the matt gaetz plan. the idea is part of what's going on in the republican party is that there is effectively a group that is acting like nihilists what is nihilist mean, you really don't care about the outcome. it's destroy without reckoning with what's going to be left in the rubble. well, you know, if you're trying to replace our form of government, with a strong man form of government where the congress doesn't matter and judiciary is a tool of the strong man leader and the whole rule of law doesn't exist, it's just another tool that he uses to reward his friends and punish his enemies, i mean, then, yeah. effectively abolishing the house of representatives as a governing body is the point. not having a new idea for speaker, that's like a benefit not a bug. and so, i feel like the way that we got here goes through the maga caucus and the republican party. i think that we should see them as effectively nihilist part of our politics. but now the republicans do have to figure out something to do. and this thing that emerged today where they're going to say that there's not a speaker anymore. we now have a temporary speaker which means we don't have to vote for him. i'm sorry. >> wait. >> we have a constitution. >> you can't just make it up. >> we have rules about these things. it's like saying somebody is a substitute teacher when they're there from day one through the school year teacher to graduation. they're not a substitute teacher. you need to have a speaker. if you can't do it, let the democrats do it. >> what's so sad about the republican party in this iteration, is that six of them could fix this. six of them could just vote for hakeem jeffries. you may not like his policies if you're a republican, but at least he would make the place function or come up with somebody that democrats could send a coalition. hakeem jeffries he can do a vote count or send them 20 people to elect a speaker that's reasonable. they won't take either option. they're terrified of donald trump. the threats that they've been getting from jordan, the attempts for him to be donald trump. number one, the donald trump act only works for donald trump. >> uh-huh. >> so no one else can replicate that but him. so they have a choice of either rejecting the whole idea of trump and not act -- pretending he doesn't exist, and functioning. or this. and they're choosing chaos. >> joy, i feel like the thing that we need to get our heads around here, though, if the point of this whole process starting was to make the house of representatives no longer exist as a governing part of the u.s. federal government, that may be the result that we have for a long time. there isn't a way out of it for them. unless they're going to do some power sharing thing or trick play with the democrats, there isn't a way out of it. and having patrick mchenry be named speaker without voting for him does not work in the american system of government. that's not a way out of this. and so, sometimes things go slow until they go fast. and one of the things that has happened is that the republican party has effectively abolished half of congress. and that is how we are living right now. and there is no easy way out of it. and we may need to start thinking about what that means in very extreme terms. they effectively done it. made part of the u.s. government go away. now what? >> and the thing about it is -- this is kind of perfect setup for talking about the book because when this -- when the version of far right wing movement politicians participated in attempting to overthrow our democratic form of government and replace it with a fascist form of government, the difference between them and these clowns we have now is they had a plan. they had a thing they wanted. and maybe what's saving us is these guys don't have a plan and don't have a thing they want. we'll talk about that because rachel is sticking around because she's going to tell us more about her fascinating new book on fascism in america. don't move. stay right there, we'll be right back. t move stay right there, we'll be right back breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo viis amazing.s, or eye pain occur. i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back. with golo, i've not only kept off the weight but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. who loses 138 pounds in nine months? 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>> postage stamp some day. >> we'll remember trump. how do they fall out of history? >> it's a really good question and actually relates to what we were just talking about before in terms of how democracy is a boring answer but it is the answer. democracy is the end, it's a thing we're trying to preserve but also the means by which we obtain political outcomes in this country. if you're standing up for democracy, that means you have to want to do everything by democratic means. >> right. >> you have to triple down on it. and one of the good news stories about what happened in the '40s is that these guys in congress in the, in the senate, who were hooked up with this nazi operation in the united states that were using their congressional offices with a nazi agent to prop began diez, they never got put on trial for it. they should have. but they did get exposed for what they had done. the legal prosecution of people who were involved in that effort to alleged will overthrow the government, the activism, the journalism of that time, the regular americans who got involved in trying to stop them, they exposed it. and when voters had a choice about what to do with those members of congress, they kicked them out. so after they lost their jobs in congress and their jobs in the senate, they became losers. and we forgot >> they had been among the most powerful people in congress, they've been household names, some of them. and so, you know, gerald nile was going to be presidential timber at some point. we don't remember gerald nigh at all, that's because he lost his seat in disgrace, because of his ties to this plot. >> there is another thing that i think people understand nazism has a foreign thing. and they often forget the american components of it. there's a fascinating piece of -- i will read a little bit of it to you. because when i -- was sent to the american south to take notes for the fewer, he was quick to see how the united states could provide a sort of conceptual prototype for new german law. jim crow law segregating black americans and stripping them of legal and political rights, which is one of the many bull hertz in american law, constructed for the protection of white people from the quote, lower races. he was able to conduct a comprehensive study of more than 30 states whose laws and courts forced black americans into second class citizenship. the knots learned from us. the knots is sent a young lawyer over here in 1933, they sent him to the university of arkansas law school, and he did a survey of american race law because they're not seas were absolutely enamored of this idea that you can have a large minority or set of minorities in this country, and a constitution that says everybody is equal, but those minorities, those disfavored minorities, don't get equal citizenship rights. and so, how can, they wanted to know, how can the united states be looking on as a beacon around the world, as anna gallo taryn country that's not some sort of -- state or some human rights offender, but yet, there are people within their bounds who do not have the benefits of citizenship? they love that idea. and they used hybrid creager's research to inform the nuremberg lives, which stripped jewish germans of their citizenship. they absolutely learned from us. hitler thought that lynching, when he got popular justice in the united states was, another important thing for the not seized to study, in terms of how these things can be looked good on paper, but still work out and practice the way they wanted them to. >> this. -- >> it's fascinating. >> it's terrifying to think how much of the ideas we know our loathsome that were happening in germany actually originated here. i mean, you talk about everything from book bans, things we are seeing now. book bans, saying that there were dirty things in the books, we have to root out the sort of wickedness that's in these books that we are, you know, corrupting the minds of children. that happened then as now. politicians using their power in order to foment a revolution against the government, the idea of overthrowing roosevelt, the idea of -- it all happened before political pressure on the justice department to stop investigations of prosecutions of people who were involved in that kind of violence. i mean, one of these dixie cup antisemite pro fascist members of congress, a senator from north carolina, wanted to build a wall to keep out jewish refugees. he said, we are going to build a wall that nobody can scale. >> even the term, what is? make america great again. america first, i'm sorry, but america first, right? rachel maddow, the hostage situation continues. i'm going to give -- i actually have one non political question i want to ask you after the break, so stay right there. that is t. >> oh no, i didn't study, oh no, something human. study, oh no, something human. something human. wolf: don't mind me. i'm just the flu. 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[laughter] what's in it? how do i make it? give me the -- >> listen -- >> what do i need to drink? >> i will say that i get asked a question about the cocktail moment all the time. it has been years since i have done it and boy, are people still hankering for a drink. i stopped doing it, honestly, because i felt like, you know what? the audience that is coming to us, coming to you and me, coming to msnbc in primetime and wanting to sit down with their friends and hear about the world, you know what? we are already drinking too much. like, drinking alcohol -- it's not medicine. >> it is not. >> it will not make anything better, but it might make you feel better in the short run, but will keep you up at night, give you a not good night of sleep. so, i feel like, you know, when we're in a calmer place as a country, we will go back to drinking together on primetime, on msnbc, at the end of the week. but i'm holding my fire until then. >> -- and you know what? what i love about, we say scaring is carrying, that's kind of our sub team of our show. but the good thing about your work is that it is scary, but you always have a note of hope in it. we can get out of this and i think that's an important part. -- >> americans before us face worse and did better, and we can learn from them. >> we can learn from them. the book, here it is, prequel. i will hold it up again. you're going to want this. an american fight against fascism. thank you, rachel maddow. >> god bless you, thank you, joy, for being here. by. >> oh, for more and rachel's new book, prequel, an american fight against fascism, and to get tickets for her book tour appearances, go to slash prequel, and do it quick. those tickets are selling out super fast. that is tonight's read out. all new with chris hayes starts right now. l new with chris hayes start right now. >> tonight on all in. >> the honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has

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Thanks , The Beat , Jim Jordan , Estate , The Reidout , Joy Reid , Ari Melber , Ohio , Honorable , 199 , Agnostic , John Boehner , Hakeem Jeffries , Smile , New York , 212 , One , Speaker , Republicans , Rachel Maddow , Democrats , Friend , Casting Protest Votes , Nomination , Drain , American Fight Against Fascism , Fascism , Great American , More , Difference , House Speaker , Spectacle , Office , Way , Tactics , Kevin Mccarthy , Wing , 15 , Thing , Job , Ways , Shoes , Building Relationships , Ranks , Cajoling , Ones , Experience , Vote , Emare Ta , Counter , Prodigious Found Raiser , Colleagues , Leadership , Checks , Cash Machine , House Floor , Nothing , Money , Member , Many , Scream , Faults , Hauling , Promotion , Aren T In Congress , Members , Jobs , Constituents , Laws , Writing , Balance , Brampls , Check , Msnbc , Hayes Brown , Three , Fact , Votes , Amount , Ballots , Flaws , Nominating , Pete Aguilar , 17 , 200 , Election , House , Gentleman , Agenda , Vote Totals , Legislature , Regard , Ohio Falls , Social Security , Abortion , Attackers , Cover , Hell Bent , Gutting Medicare , January 6th , 6 , Sean Hannity , Media , Effort , Bullying , Ballot , Fox , Staffers , Bosses Weren T , Note , Producer , Intimidation Effort , Aa Hannity , Axios , Jordan Holdouts , Steve Womack , The Washington Post , Staff , Most , State Calls , Both , Count , Arkansas , Two , Threats , Chaos , Husband , Appalling , Intimidation , Team Player , Saying , Wife , Don Bacon , Text Messages , Nebraska , Wall , Reality , Screaming , Committee Meetings , Bacon , Support , Donald J Trump , Anyone Else , Submission , Nbc News , Correspondent Ali Vitali , Adviser , Communication Director , Project , Capitol Hill , Tara Setmeyer , Lincoln , Part , Statement , Sort , Tactic , Representative , Miller Meex , Death Threats , Congresswoman Granger , Congresswoman Miller Meeks , Calls , The Hill , Bully , Shell , Someone , Voting , Isn T , References , Miller Meeks , Candidate , Consensus , Someone Else , Board , Carlos Gimenez , Something , Grass Roots Group , Names , Action , Course , List , Turning Point , Jen Kigens , Things , Reason , Followers , Phone Lines , Operative , Vacuum , Matt Gaetz , Letter , Spokesperson , Messages , Rhinos , Motion , Finger , Blowback , People , Fundraising , Gaetz , Friends , Whether , Murmuring , Fault , Motioning , Back , Permission Structure , Situation , Conference , Cable Television Host , Producers , Constitution , Trumpism , Interest , Entertainment , Political Entertainment Complex , Influence , Evidence , Fox News , Fox News Producers On Policy Stories , Yes , Campaign , Couple Rabble Rousers , Insanity , Perspective , Winner , Politically , Whatever , Ground , First , Villain , Squad , Nancy Pelosi , Taryn Country , Extremism , Maga , Side , Loyalty , Politics , Type , World On Fire , Each Other , Decision , Look , Salespeople , World , Point , Network , Types , Scourge , Security Guards , Building , Medicine , 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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

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the honorable hakeem jeffries of the state of new york has received 212. john boehner of the state of ohio has received one. >> look at that smile. it's going about that way. democrats totally united while republicans are casting protest votes with the speaker. and tonight, the nomination of the unqualified jim jordan is circling the drain. my friend and colleague rachel maddow joins me right here on that embarrassing spectacle. her new book, prequel, american fight against fascism and so much more. but we begin tonight with the profound difference between the normal way of becoming house speaker and what jim jordan is doing. using maga tactics to threaten his way into the speaker's office. it has been 15 days since kevin mccarthy was deposed by his party's maga wing and jim jordan is still trying to fill his tiny, tiny little shoes. but here is the thing, house speakers, at least the recent ones, get the job in very traditional ways, by building relationships, rising through the ranks, with a little cajoling here and there, time and experience. that is what builds a speaker. speaker emare ta was a prodigious found raiser for democrat and unparallel vote counter before becoming speaker. john boehner, well, he was a cash machine for republicans. so much so that when he was in leadership he was questioned by colleagues and apologized for handing out tobacco-pack checks on the house floor. even kevin mccarthy despite his many, many, many faults is very good at hauling in money for republicans. then there's jim jordan, who is asking his colleagues for a promotion and giving them nothing to show for it. when all he's done as a member is scream and fight. as hayes brown writes for msnbc, three main jobs members of congress have, writing and passing laws, providing a check and balance on the other brampls and serving their constituents. jordan amazingly is bad at all three. in fact, while nominating hakeem jeffries, pete aguilar called out many jim jordan's flaws and reminded us who received the most votes on 17 ballots this year. >> 212 to 200, no amount of election denying is going to take away from those vote totals. the speaker of the house must be a legislature. and the gentleman from ohio falls short in that regard. he supports an extreme agenda and is hell bent on banning abortion nationwide. gutting medicare, gutting social security, and giving cover to january 6th attackers. >> jordan failed to win the speaker's gavel for a second time today, getting just 199 votes, fewer than he received in the first ballot yesterday. and it's pretty easy to see why. his trump-style public bullying effort through right wing media. fox's sean hannity has been personally lobbying jordan holdouts and axios revealed a note that a a hannity producer emailed to republican congressional staffers asking why their bosses weren't supporting jordan. so how is the intimidation effort going for jim jordan's vote count? well, arkansas congressman steve womack told "the washington post" that his staff has been cussed out, threatened. it's been nonstop. most of them are out of state calls. two other republicans, both tweeted about how threats and intimidation would not be changing their votes. but the most appalling might be text messages sent to the wife of nebraska's don bacon saying, why is your husband causing chaos by not supporting jim jordan? i thought he was a team player? and your husband will never hold elected office again. that worked so well don bacon voted for, kevin mccarthy. the reality is that all of jim jordan's tactics, whether it's screaming in committee meetings or bullying his colleagues into submission revolve around one person, donald j. trump. but those tactics don't work for anyone else except donald trump, as evidenced by jordan's diminishing support for house speaker. he'll give it another try tomorrow. joining me now, is nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali and tara setmeyer, former adviser to lincoln project and former republican communication director. ali, i want to go to you first. the threats to me are the most sort of revealing and also disturbing part of this. because that has been the tactic that jim jordan is using. representative named miller meex, released a statement about receiving death threats after switching her vote against jim jordan. here is what she said, however, since my vote in support of chairwoman granger, i have received incredible death threats. my office is cooperating fully. one thing i cannot stomach or support is a bully. what the hell is going on on the hill? >> look, this is just happening in the last few minutes that congresswoman miller meeks says she's gotten credible death threats and threatening calls since she flipped her vote yesterday to jordan today voting for congresswoman granger less about granger more about miller meeks trying to throw her support behind someone who isn't jim jordan and references? that statement that she's gotten calls to her office that say she should be voting for jordan. she's gotten calls saying they need to find a conservative consensus candidate and now that's what she's calling for in this statement. when you look at the fact that threats have been going across the board, don bacon, carlos gimenez, someone else who voted against jordan, now miller meeks, jen kigens, all of these names are of course part of a public list. the way they vote in the house is public. but it's also something that turning point action, a conservative grass roots group that's very aligned with donald trump, has tweeted urging their followers to reach out to them, light up their phone lines. i'm not saying that this is the only reason. but it was pointed out to me by a republican operative that these things don't just happen in a vacuum. i would also point out that jordan spokesperson just in the last few minutes says this is abhorrent and condemns the fact that threats are being leveraged, but nevertheless they are. >> let me point out that matt gaetz for congress sent out a letter that says, hi, this is matt gaetz. we're inches from electing speaker jim jordan but rhinos are working with radical democrats to block jim jordan from becoming speaker. he is sending out these messages and are other members pointing the finger at him? he is the one who triggered all of this by triggering the motion to vacate. is he getting any blowback for the threats as fellow members are receiving? >> not that i can tell. mccarthy did condemn gaetz for fundraising off of this. whether or not it was his fault, i don't actually know. but gaetz is not someone who was ever here to make new friends by motioning to vacate against mccarthy. and i think that most people that are murmuring behind his back and in the media saying this is why we're here are the exact same people that were never too keen on matt gaetz any way. i'm not sure there was ever a permission structure where matt gaetz gets his from within the conference for putting him in this situation. they're frustrated with him then. frustrated with him now. i don't know that it's any different. >> tara, you worked on the hill. have you ever heard of a cable television host, sean hannity and his producers personally lobbying for who should be speaker? >> no. this is all very new. this is all the era of trumpism where the entertainment, the political entertainment complex here seems to rule the day, not governing, not the constitution, not what's in the interest of the american people. this is just further evidence of the influence that fox news has had. and not in a good way. i just -- back in the day when i was on the hill, did we collaborate with fox news producers on policy stories? yes. was there ever a campaign to threaten members of congress over the speaker's vote? no. because republicans had it together back then. i mean, you have a couple rabble-rousers, but for the most part republicans could govern. this is absolute insanity. the winner here just from a politically -- political perspective, it's the democrats. going into the election next year, they should use this chaos and they should use jim jordan as the villain the way that they used -- we did back in the day, nancy pelosi and the way the republicans now use the squad. associate every single member that voted for jim jordan, whether it was the first, second or third round or whatever they voted for him, if they cast a vote and clapped for jim jordan, you tie them together. and his extremism and loyalty to maga. that's the political, cynical side of thing. in the meantime, the country suffers because you have a major party that can't get its act together and we have the world on fire. so this is something i think that salespeople really should take a look at and make a decision is this the type of politics we want where you have members of congress threatening each other. by the way, welcome to our world. never trumpers like me and those outspoken against this maga scourge, we have gotten those types of threats for years to the point where when i used to work at another network, i used to have armed security guards escort me in and out of the building when i would go on air because of the level of threats i used to get for speaking the truth about donald trump and maga. so now they're getting a taste of their own medicine. maybe, maybe now enough is enough. i don't know. what is it going to take? >> ali, you know, you are on the hill talking with these republicans. at some point the sort of less far right wing republicans have to make a choice, right? and there's been a lot of talk. jamie raskin was on with chris hayes last night floating names of people who aren't in congress, which is allowed. people like liz cheney, mitt romney, senator an gus king they said could work. jim jordan has been trying to assuage some of the doubts. being speaker a lot of the job is fundraising. he doesn't do that well either. and so, he's not got anything to bring to the table. he can't ask -- he can't promise people anything because what people don't want is him. is there any attempt to maybe cobble together an idea of a consensus speaker that maybe some democrats could vote for? because hakeem jeffries is capable of delivering votes. >> yeah, look. i think the political fundraising concerns are real. we should just highlight that and underscore it because it is important. mccarthy was a machine on fundraising and money. scalise frankly would have been, too. jordan really is lacking in that department. when you think about this idea of a consensus candidate, i appreciate chairman raskin's suggestions. i don't think that liz cheney would get any votes. mitt romney and angus king same. but i have heard from some democrats who have floated other names like people currently in the house and hakeem jeffries himself the top democrat said there are members of this republican party who they could find to be palatable and almost partners. they're not talking about this as a coalition government, at least not in any real kind of a sense. what they're likely talking about here is giving speaker pro tem patrick mchenry some extra powers that he may not have right now to actually just run the floor. i'm not talking about this for the next year and a half or through the end of the congress. i'm talking about this through maybe november 17th, the day the government is set to shut down or maybe through the end of the year. then they would come back and actually try to figure out what a new speakership would look like. democrats are not under any illusion that they're going to get a democrat here. they don't think that. that's not what they're pushing for. they're pushing for a republican who is not jim jordan, who in their words is not an extreme insurrectionist sympathizer. and instead they're floating people's names like steve womack, tom cole, veteran people who know how this building works who are a little bit more moderate in their stances. i'm not saying it's going to happen, but i'm saying they're open to it. >> real quick. let me play tom cole praising jim jordan's willingness to cut social security. roll 'em. >> unlike any other speaker we have had, he's had the courage to talk at the long-term plan and get at the real drivers of debt. we all know what they are. we all know it's social security, we all know it's medicare. we all know it's medicaid. this is a guy that wants to create a debt commission, a bipartisan debt commission and get at the roots. >> republicans just want to lose? so the answer is, put the guy in who will cut social security, medicare? all the senior citizens will vote against them. what are they doing sfl. >> the campaign ads write themselves. somebody please clip that and run a campaign ad on it over and over and over again. however you feel about the merits of that argument, now is not the time for that. you could probably see we call them the biden 18, the 18 republicans who won in biden districts, districts that biden won in 2020, like you could just see them, oh my god, shut up because they -- it's bad enough that they're put in this position where they have to vote for jim jordan, 12 of them did in the first round. that's outrageous, i hope their opponents hammer them with that, now they have to justify cutting social security and medicare somehow that's a good policy idea for them going into 2024. it's a mess. and i'm curious to see how this comes to a conclusion. but in the meantime, the country suffers. >> to say nothing of the insurrection and some of those former wrestlers doing interviews. they're on tv. i'll try to book some of them myself. ali vitali and tara setmeyer, look, this is what they created. thank you both ladies. coming up on "the reidout" next, president biden in israel assures prime minister ben ja man netanyahu america's support and offering aid to suffering civilians in gaza. "the reidout" continues after this. ans in gaza. "the reidout" continues after this you can't look at what has happened here, to your mothers, your fathers, your grandparents, sons, daughters, children, even babies and not scream out for justice. justice must be done. but i caution this while you feel that rage, don't be consumed by it. after 9/11, we were enraged in the united states. while we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. >> president biden arrived in israel after a deadly gaza hospital blast fueled protests across the middle east. the palestinian health ministry said 471 people were killed in what it claimed was a targeted israeli bombing of a hospital in central gaza. israel said it did not bomb the hospital while president biden said he is confident, based on u.s. intelligence, that an israeli air strike was not to blame. biden announced today that the u.s. has provided $100 million in humanitarian assistance for the palestinian people in gaza and the west bank. per the associated press, egypt's president has also agreed to open its border crossing to allow in trucks with humanitarian aid. president biden is now on his way home. tomorrow, he will deliver a prime time address to discuss the u.s. response to the hamas terrorist attacks against israel. and russia's war against ukraine. nbc's richard engel has the latest. >> reporter: this is the explosion that has shaken the middle east. new video shows that deadly explosion at a hospital in gaza city that reportedly killed hundreds and sparked protests. from iran to yemen to lebanon where demonstrators directed their anger against the united states. israel's main backer. security forces in beirut used mortar cannons and tear gas to disperse crowds outside the u.s. embassy. the united states pulled out of its wars the middle east but now could be heading back into one. in the west bank, palestinians today dragged out the barricades and slung rocks at israeli soldiers. there weren't many mostly teenagers. israeli troops kept their distance, but when the stone throwers got too close, the soldiers opened fire. sending medical crews rushing in. here is one more injured being taken away. the israelis are picking them off with what appears to be rubber bullets at this stage. no one was seriously injured here today, but a new generation of palestinians is taking to the streets. while israel and hamas are blaming each other for the hospital explosion, a new palestinian uprising could be starting. today our crew filmed at the gaza hospital site and saw families collecting what they could from the debris. amid charred cars and backpacks and bags on the ground. >> disaster. disaster. impact on children, on women. >> translator: suddenly there were lights in the sky. when we looked up, a missile fell, this man says. i covered my face while friends close to me were killed. >> translator: this place was a safe haven for women and children who fled israeli shelling near the hospital, this doctor says. children were torn to pieces. other hospitals in gaza already running low on supplies are now struggling to keep up. these wounded all have needed intensive care facilities and ventilators. water was running out before i left and the electricity now started to run out. the generators, were running out of diesel. >> reporter: iran, which backs both hamas and hezbollah, is working to fan the rage even further. iran's president calling on muslim nations to isolate israel, impose an oil embargo and bring revenge. >> nbc's richard engel, thank you. joining me is a former senior state department adviser and former white house senior director under president obama. thank you for being here, my friend. the challenge is enormous. because the anger and the rage about this bombing of this hospital, however, whoever did it, isn't one of the challenges here. there isn't really a trusted voice who can answer the question who did it. no one wants to take hamas' word for it certainly. the idf and the israeli military has had issues. there was an american journalist, palestinian american journalist who was killed what they said about it initially turned out not to be true. and there have been bombings of u.n.-related schools, et cetera, in the past. so they're not being believed either. then the u.s. repeated, including president biden, that story about 40 beheaded babies that then the idf could not confirm and was unconfirmed but he said it in a speech outloud and that fanned even more flames. so the challenge here is who are people going to listen to? in this information environment, the first piece of information you get in any intelligence assessment is often wrong. you have to wait 24 hours, 48 hours to dig in, literally in some cases, dig into the rubble and get answers on who did what, where, what, when, why and how. but we expect answers immediately, in our phones. that's what the president is responding to. the challenge is that the united states has always been a strong ally of israel. and that has been defined as a strong ally of whichever government is there. so you could have 75% of israelis upset with netanyahu and not agreeing with his decisions, but the united states is in a position where it defends the government that exists. that created a challenge of outside actors not looking at the united states as impartial on human rights or domestically now people not looking to the president or the state department as impartial. >> today the united states vetoed a resolution that seemed to completely benign to condemn all violence against civilians in theishamas war and saying it was too early to craft an appropriate security council response to the crisis. england, the uk and russia declined to vote, but the united states vetoing that, it seems so counterproductive some of the things that we're doing. why do that? >> the united states and the u.n. has a very interesting role to play because the u.n. is where everybody comes, including iran and everybody has an equal voice on the security council you also have russia which has refused to condemn hamas' terrorist attacks. the united states defends israel from all of the surrounding folks who would like israel to not exist. but again, in this moment, when everybody is getting information, people are looking to -- for that information not in an agnostic way. they're looking to affirm what they already think. >> the united states, also, iraq and wmds didn't give us a ton of credibility in the region, so, if we're not credible, then who is? >> the post 9/11 era changed how the united states was looked at on the world stage, right? yes, it was a strong and firm response that also resulted in a 20-year war in afghanistan that we pulled out of without any sense of what was accomplished. and that's -- >> torture in iraq. >> and that's the concern of what might happen for israel if it does not have a strategy that goes beyond turning gaza into a parking lot. >> let me show you some of the protests at the capitol today. about 500 jewish-americans showed up demanding a cease fire. this is some of that video here. a few people did get arrested in those protests. you're seeing those kinds of protests, often led by jewish americans dedemanding a cease fire. they're happening in new york, in d.c. you're seeing a palestinian-americans also quiet angry, the president had not very pleasant call on monday with u.s. arab leaders. what's happening? because it feels very post 9/11, pre-iraq peace movements are breaking out. >> and the coverage of that is important to show that there is a sense in the united states of alternative, what could be considered progressive policy. there is unity in that. and that is also represented in israel. you have many of the victims, families of victims saying don't use the death of my family member to justify more and more killing. so there is a diverse array of opinions on what the response should be, but the challenge that we've seen with united states and how it's navigated israel and palestine politics for the last 20 years has been to leave it at the status quo, to not really try to do anything because the same leaders are in place. netanyahu is still there, abas, hamas, the same people who never really came together to solve the problem are still there. so what is biden supposed to do in this moment other than try to minimize the damage. >> yeah. it is what one might call a mess and it is deadly and terrifying and tragic. a lot of tragedy. thank you for helping us make it make sense. up next, my brilliant pal and colleague rachel maddow joining me to talk about jim jordan's epic failures, president biden in israel, trump's gag orders, voting rights and her incredible new book about america's historic and on going fight against fascism. we'll be right back. ng fight agt fascism. we'll be right back. meet the traveling trio. each helping to protect their money with chase. wooo! tools that help protect. alerts that help check. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. after advil dual action back pain: yo. who. haha. 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>> it does. >> for us? >> absolutely. we've seen what happened in poland. i think also don't sleep on the fact that one of the things that happened in poland, one of the ways they activated the electorate in poland was by full stop banning abortion. and poland was a very conservative country that had a lot of restrictions on abortion, but they went whole hog with that ban and electrified the polish electorate. that was part of the reason with women in the lead they said, no, to that government that had started taking apart poland as a democracy. they had started taking apart what makes country democratic country, turning it into an autocracy. they had eight years of work on that. it will be hard actually in poland when the new coalition government takes over for them to be able to govern and operate given how much of the rest of their government was undermined and taken over by the would be autocrats who they just beat, but it worked. and i -- that's -- in a way, that's also the story of jair bolsonaro getting voted out in brazil, the story of donald trump getting voted out in 2020. it is the story of a lot of bad guys in congress who are working with a nazi agent who is the center of this book in 1944 in the '42, '44, '46 elections those guys got voted out once people knew what they were doing. i have a lot of faith in democracy. that's why i believe it's worth fighting for. >> the reason i'm so obsessed with voting it's the most boring answer to how you fix these challenges in the country, but it's actually the answer. and if you let -- 73% turnout, that is where big change. >> more turn out in poland for this election than they did for the election in 1989 where they voted out communism. >> there you go. >> that tells you how electrified those people were. >> now for the bad news. us. >> now for the joy. as we call it. >> welcome to d.c. where everything is bad. because what's happening in our government right now is so chaotic and insane. at a really bad time when you have the world blowing up. we do not have a congress that is functioning because the house of representatives has no speaker. and for those who are not like into the geekry of civics, they can't bring a bill to the floor. they can't do the normal functions of government and the government will shut down in 40 days. what's happening right now? number one, does it shock you, it shouldn't, that matt gaetz bumped off the speaker with no plan. and that republicans can't coalesce around anyone. jim jordan, the flame throwing insurrectionist, he got, fewer votes this time than the first time around. there doesn't seem to be a plan. >> there doesn't seem to be a plan. that may have been the matt gaetz plan. the idea is part of what's going on in the republican party is that there is effectively a group that is acting like nihilists what is nihilist mean, you really don't care about the outcome. it's destroy without reckoning with what's going to be left in the rubble. well, you know, if you're trying to replace our form of government, with a strong man form of government where the congress doesn't matter and judiciary is a tool of the strong man leader and the whole rule of law doesn't exist, it's just another tool that he uses to reward his friends and punish his enemies, i mean, then, yeah. effectively abolishing the house of representatives as a governing body is the point. not having a new idea for speaker, that's like a benefit not a bug. and so, i feel like the way that we got here goes through the maga caucus and the republican party. i think that we should see them as effectively nihilist part of our politics. but now the republicans do have to figure out something to do. and this thing that emerged today where they're going to say that there's not a speaker anymore. we now have a temporary speaker which means we don't have to vote for him. i'm sorry. >> wait. >> we have a constitution. >> you can't just make it up. >> we have rules about these things. it's like saying somebody is a substitute teacher when they're there from day one through the school year teacher to graduation. they're not a substitute teacher. you need to have a speaker. if you can't do it, let the democrats do it. >> what's so sad about the republican party in this iteration, is that six of them could fix this. six of them could just vote for hakeem jeffries. you may not like his policies if you're a republican, but at least he would make the place function or come up with somebody that democrats could send a coalition. hakeem jeffries he can do a vote count or send them 20 people to elect a speaker that's reasonable. they won't take either option. they're terrified of donald trump. the threats that they've been getting from jordan, the attempts for him to be donald trump. number one, the donald trump act only works for donald trump. >> uh-huh. >> so no one else can replicate that but him. so they have a choice of either rejecting the whole idea of trump and not act -- pretending he doesn't exist, and functioning. or this. and they're choosing chaos. >> joy, i feel like the thing that we need to get our heads around here, though, if the point of this whole process starting was to make the house of representatives no longer exist as a governing part of the u.s. federal government, that may be the result that we have for a long time. there isn't a way out of it for them. unless they're going to do some power sharing thing or trick play with the democrats, there isn't a way out of it. and having patrick mchenry be named speaker without voting for him does not work in the american system of government. that's not a way out of this. and so, sometimes things go slow until they go fast. and one of the things that has happened is that the republican party has effectively abolished half of congress. and that is how we are living right now. and there is no easy way out of it. and we may need to start thinking about what that means in very extreme terms. they effectively done it. made part of the u.s. government go away. now what? >> and the thing about it is -- this is kind of perfect setup for talking about the book because when this -- when the version of far right wing movement politicians participated in attempting to overthrow our democratic form of government and replace it with a fascist form of government, the difference between them and these clowns we have now is they had a plan. they had a thing they wanted. and maybe what's saving us is these guys don't have a plan and don't have a thing they want. we'll talk about that because rachel is sticking around because she's going to tell us more about her fascinating new book on fascism in america. don't move. stay right there, we'll be right back. t move stay right there, we'll be right back breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo viis amazing.s, or eye pain occur. i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back. with golo, i've not only kept off the weight but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. who loses 138 pounds in nine months? 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>> postage stamp some day. >> we'll remember trump. how do they fall out of history? >> it's a really good question and actually relates to what we were just talking about before in terms of how democracy is a boring answer but it is the answer. democracy is the end, it's a thing we're trying to preserve but also the means by which we obtain political outcomes in this country. if you're standing up for democracy, that means you have to want to do everything by democratic means. >> right. >> you have to triple down on it. and one of the good news stories about what happened in the '40s is that these guys in congress in the, in the senate, who were hooked up with this nazi operation in the united states that were using their congressional offices with a nazi agent to prop began diez, they never got put on trial for it. they should have. but they did get exposed for what they had done. the legal prosecution of people who were involved in that effort to alleged will overthrow the government, the activism, the journalism of that time, the regular americans who got involved in trying to stop them, they exposed it. and when voters had a choice about what to do with those members of congress, they kicked them out. so after they lost their jobs in congress and their jobs in the senate, they became losers. and we forgot >> they had been among the most powerful people in congress, they've been household names, some of them. and so, you know, gerald nile was going to be presidential timber at some point. we don't remember gerald nigh at all, that's because he lost his seat in disgrace, because of his ties to this plot. >> there is another thing that i think people understand nazism has a foreign thing. and they often forget the american components of it. there's a fascinating piece of -- i will read a little bit of it to you. because when i -- was sent to the american south to take notes for the fewer, he was quick to see how the united states could provide a sort of conceptual prototype for new german law. jim crow law segregating black americans and stripping them of legal and political rights, which is one of the many bull hertz in american law, constructed for the protection of white people from the quote, lower races. he was able to conduct a comprehensive study of more than 30 states whose laws and courts forced black americans into second class citizenship. the knots learned from us. the knots is sent a young lawyer over here in 1933, they sent him to the university of arkansas law school, and he did a survey of american race law because they're not seas were absolutely enamored of this idea that you can have a large minority or set of minorities in this country, and a constitution that says everybody is equal, but those minorities, those disfavored minorities, don't get equal citizenship rights. and so, how can, they wanted to know, how can the united states be looking on as a beacon around the world, as anna gallo taryn country that's not some sort of -- state or some human rights offender, but yet, there are people within their bounds who do not have the benefits of citizenship? they love that idea. and they used hybrid creager's research to inform the nuremberg lives, which stripped jewish germans of their citizenship. they absolutely learned from us. hitler thought that lynching, when he got popular justice in the united states was, another important thing for the not seized to study, in terms of how these things can be looked good on paper, but still work out and practice the way they wanted them to. >> this. -- >> it's fascinating. >> it's terrifying to think how much of the ideas we know our loathsome that were happening in germany actually originated here. i mean, you talk about everything from book bans, things we are seeing now. book bans, saying that there were dirty things in the books, we have to root out the sort of wickedness that's in these books that we are, you know, corrupting the minds of children. that happened then as now. politicians using their power in order to foment a revolution against the government, the idea of overthrowing roosevelt, the idea of -- it all happened before political pressure on the justice department to stop investigations of prosecutions of people who were involved in that kind of violence. i mean, one of these dixie cup antisemite pro fascist members of congress, a senator from north carolina, wanted to build a wall to keep out jewish refugees. he said, we are going to build a wall that nobody can scale. >> even the term, what is? make america great again. america first, i'm sorry, but america first, right? rachel maddow, the hostage situation continues. i'm going to give -- i actually have one non political question i want to ask you after the break, so stay right there. that is t. >> oh no, i didn't study, oh no, something human. study, oh no, something human. something human. wolf: don't mind me. i'm just the flu. 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[laughter] what's in it? how do i make it? give me the -- >> listen -- >> what do i need to drink? >> i will say that i get asked a question about the cocktail moment all the time. it has been years since i have done it and boy, are people still hankering for a drink. i stopped doing it, honestly, because i felt like, you know what? the audience that is coming to us, coming to you and me, coming to msnbc in primetime and wanting to sit down with their friends and hear about the world, you know what? we are already drinking too much. like, drinking alcohol -- it's not medicine. >> it is not. >> it will not make anything better, but it might make you feel better in the short run, but will keep you up at night, give you a not good night of sleep. so, i feel like, you know, when we're in a calmer place as a country, we will go back to drinking together on primetime, on msnbc, at the end of the week. but i'm holding my fire until then. >> -- and you know what? what i love about, we say scaring is carrying, that's kind of our sub team of our show. but the good thing about your work is that it is scary, but you always have a note of hope in it. we can get out of this and i think that's an important part. -- >> americans before us face worse and did better, and we can learn from them. >> we can learn from them. the book, here it is, prequel. i will hold it up again. you're going to want this. an american fight against fascism. thank you, rachel maddow. >> god bless you, thank you, joy, for being here. by. >> oh, for more and rachel's new book, prequel, an american fight against fascism, and to get tickets for her book tour appearances, go to slash prequel, and do it quick. those tickets are selling out super fast. that is tonight's read out. all new with chris hayes starts right now. l new with chris hayes start right now. >> tonight on all in. >> the honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has

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