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Broadcasting from miami. It is currently three again four we are in israel, and the idf has pledged a full air land and sea attack on hamas and the gaza strip. More than 1 million civilians he did no warning from israels armed forces. Scrambling to move out of the northern gaza strip, told to leave their homes because of an imminent Ground Offensive, which has not yet come, but air assault into gaza continue. Thousands of moved towards gazas border with egypt amid diplomatic promises earlier today that some foreign nationals could leave, but that crossing, as you see here, remains closed. The u. N. Says gaza has run out of water, run out of fuel, and the World Health Organization says the Evacuation Orders are, quote, a death sentence for the sick and injured who are being treated in gaza as northern hospitals. The death toll at this hour, at least 1300 killed in israel. More than 2200 dead in gaza, in the eight days since the horrifying Terror Attack from hamas sparked this war. At least 29 americans citizens are among the dead, 15 are missing, along with one permanent u. S. Resident. The Israeli Government says people from 43 Different Countries are among those dead or missing. President biden spoke with families of missing americans today. He also spoke with the president of the Palestinian Authority for the First Time Since the war began. This, as we learned u. S. Intelligence had reported an increased threat of violence from hamas, but no indication of the Massive Attack we saw one week ago, tom, youre on the ground in tel aviv. What is it like there right now, a week after the massacre and possibly hours before the beginning of a Ground Invasion . Well, so much of certainty and for so many of the stars are fresh. I spoke to a couple who survived the supernova festival. They ran out. They were shot at by those Hamas Terrorists. At one point, the boyfriend told me he started to the eyes of the Hamas Terrorists that these men had no souls, but they were so precise in their attack, we also went to a demonstration here in tel aviv, where families were crying just outside the Israeli Military headquarters. They were protesting demanding that israel bring their loved ones back. I happen to speak to a woman who her daughters best friend dismissing. A young woman who was at that festival, and i asked her what its like, now that we are in day seven. She says, every day, it gets worse. They have no information. These kids or just out there, trying to have a good time. We also spoke to an american, Israeli American, i should, say who is at a synagogue on saturday when he received word of what was happening in his homeland. He jumped on an airplane, living his family behind, telling him he had to come here and fight. He understands the complexity of whats about to happen, that once described invasion starts, him, as an Israeli American, will have to fight. War has come here to israel once again, and theres innocent people in gaza, there are terrorists that are there, but theres also innocent people who are trying to get out. We have a team of reporters tonight that span all over the region. I want to start with alison barber, near the gaza Israeli Border tonight. And allison has been reporting for us for several days in this region. Alison, i know we are speaking to you earlier tonight. Its been somewhat quiet, but talk to us about the tension, because we know at any moment, this Ground Invasion could start. All right,. Toms still quiet, but because of the fact that there is this tension, we have seen hundreds, at least 100 plus military vehicles, thanks, all amassed near the border in different pockets and we dont have access all the way up close, but we have seen so much activity, movements of military tanks, military vehicles, artillery, Military Equipment, heavy moving equipment, all of it near the border. Massive troop presence, all of that is making these moments, these pockets of time where things are a bit quiet, feel very tense and very eerie. We have heard throughout the evening, booms of artillery in the distance. We have seen, at different points, missiles coming from israel, headed towards gaza. But that has not happened for hours. Right, now it is relatively quiet. The only noise we have heard in the last 45 minutes is the sound of drones and fighter jets overhead. There is no doubt there is a massive presence here. Israeli troops, Israeli Forces, they are poised to launch some sort of Ground Assault and the minute. They definitely have all of the equipment there. Again, we have seen it firsthand, as it is whittled bias. Just tanks after takes over the last few days full of israeli troops, armed, headed towards gaza. But for now, it is quiet. They are waiting to see what might happen. There are no civilians in this area. The only things you will see when you drive through this area are checkpoints of israeli police, Israeli Military, and, then movements, flat beds, full of Military Equipment headed towards gaza. Tom . And alison we were out there earlier tonight. We saw everywhere you looked there, our troops stationed on israels border with gaza. I do want to ask you, we know there will be millions of palestinians that are going to get caught up in the crossfire, if they are not allowed to evacuate out of gaza, but we also know there are several Palestinian Americans and their american hostages right now being held by the Hamas Terrorists. What is being done to get those americans out . For the hostages, we heard today from the national, the head of the National Security council for israel, as he was speaking with reporters in tel aviv, and was asked about negotiations, talks, they said they are not and will not be negotiating with hamas that the war cabinets decided they will launch this escalation of their counteroffensive. They will attack by lands, by sea, by air, they are not having talks and negotiations to get those hostages out. There are believed to be at least 100 people still being held inside of gaza by hamas militants, among, them children. There is one family, and israeli family, that had been missing, all for, them the parents as well as two children, those children are three years old and nine months old. We were speaking with people in tel aviv a couple of days ago, and they had talked at the time about how they were frustrated that they felt like the government wasnt moving quickly enough to have a response to this. They told us, regardless of how they identify politically, that they wanted to see some sort of Ground Assault into gaza to get those hostages out, and they wanted to see it days ago. So, there is surely frustration. We have heard it, as we were reporting from the families of those who are still missing, but also, from people we have spoken to in tel aviv. There was this strong desire to see something happen quickly to try and get those hostages out. Halftime passage, you have to managing that their frustration is growing, waiting to see what may take place. In terms of the american palestinians inside of gaza some, the State Department has said they are moving 500 to 1 palestinian records inside of gaza. They told him to try to get as close again to that rafah crossing, Muscle Land Crossing that doesnt lead into israeli territory, that goes into egypt. It is not open right now, but they told them to get near it, because if it were to open, they believe there would be little notice and it would only be open for a short period of time. At various moments today, tom, we had reporting that the u. S. Was talking withs royal, with egypt, and jordan about that border being open. It did not happen. People are still stuck there, waiting. Palestinian americans, not to mention the massive amount of people, the 1. 1 Million People that are in the area where the idf has said they need to evacuate and to move south past the gaza river. Its very difficult to move within gaza right now, in part, as we mentioned, because they have no fuel. The sole power plant is out of fuel. There are constant attacks. We saw convoys hit on friday that were carrying civilians headed towards the border. The situation there is dire for everyone, and there arent a lot of answers right now for what will happen next. Tom . Alison barber at the gaza israel border, thank you very much. Humanitarian organizations are sounding the alarm about the fate of the civilians and gaza, as many are fleeing their homes. Its really airstrikes continue, but have slowed as israeli troops prepare for that Ground Invasion. Sky News Reporter diana backed by texas inside gaza, and i want to warn, you some of the images youre about to see are disturbing. But long walk south from gaza city, clutching for most, just a small back. Israel promised safe passage to the millionplus Palestinian State has ordered to leave their homes in northern gaza. The deadline expiring hours ago now. Few trusted that promise. Not after a direct hit on this truck on friday afternoon, filled with people following israels Evacuation Order. The aftermath is far too bloody to show you. 70 people were killed here. There are the bodies of six children spilled all across the truck. It is a scene of litteral carnage. The injured rushed to gazas hospitals. Here back in the gaza city, that Shiva Hospital has seen emergency all week. It does not stop. Children rushed in for urgent treatment. Others suddenly alone, lost in all the chaos. [crying] i need daddy, this little gilchrist bay. He is inside, and strangers will step in. This is social media video from the same hospital. Watch the Ambulance Driver just back from the scene, distraught at what it witnessed. Tell the people to go home, he says. They bombed this place, people in trucks and lorries. Theyve bombed lorries and ambulances and everyone, another man ads. [sound of artillery] israel says they do not target civilians. Thats why they are asking them to leave gaza city, they say. It is an active war zone in The Next Stage is coming. 35,000 people have taken shelter at Shifa Hospital now. Why should they leave if they will die either way . And how to move so many badly injured . Theres not much for them further south. Crowded quarters, hundreds of families here at the u. S. School in central gaza, with nothing but a bit of bedding for a lucky few. Some who left their homes, others who have no home left. [speaking in a global language] translator our house was bombed, this woman says. It was bombed, along with the houses around us. We left without clothes and without anything. I want to return to my home. At the rafah crossing from gaza into egypt, dual nationals gathered, hopeful diplomatic efforts would offer them a way out. But for now, it is staying shut. Hamas says this rail is tricking people into leaving. Israel says hamas is using them as human shields. Stuck in the middle, civilians with no way out, waiting to see where the bombs fall next. Then the mcnealy, sky news. And with sky news. Weve got a lot more ahead, including a breakdown of how people in gaza are attempting to evacuate, and the challenges they are facing. Plus, an update on the protests breaking out across the globe, putting Law Enforcement on high alert. And next, we are live near the gaza border in the israeli city of ashkelon on the idfs efforts to target the leaders of hamas. Of hamas can we get real clear about life with psoriasis . Yeah, im ready. Is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms . Like the coveritups and brushitoffs . Enough with good enoughs. Dont stay hiding or hurting. When your lotions and creams dont do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, its time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. Make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. 16 past the hour, we are learning more tonight about how terrorists from gaza carried out the brutal and deadly attacks against israel last week. Elaborate plan, hatched by a hamas mastermind, who is now on israels most wanted list. Ralph sanchez is following that for us tonight. Israels military says it has launched an allout hunt for the hamas leader responsible for saturdays attack. They say he is there Osama Bin Laden and theyre determined to find him no matter how long it takes. Matter how long it takes. Tonight, israel vowing to track down and kill that matt holds responsible for the worst Terror Attack in the country. History the leader of hamas in gaza and the mastermind of saturdays carefully orchestrated slaughter. He chose to send the butchers to kill our puppies. When they chose to go Full Throttle against israel, they signed their own death warrants. He knows better than most a value of hostages as human bargaining chips. The son of palestinian refugees, it was supposed to spend the rest of his life in an israeli jail after being convicted of terrorism. But in 2011, he was freed in a prisoner swap. Is releasing him and 1000 other palestinians to secure the freedom of an israeli soldier held captive by hamas in gaza for five years. Today, he controls the fate of the hostages. Including this mans wife and her two daughters. He is seen here being blindfolded, hands around her daughters shoulder, her mother next to her. When i saw this video i, couldnt believe what ive seen. This was the beginning using a track wrap he followed the movement of his wife cell phone. I saw the street name, and recognized it. This is gaza. It was hard to believe. If you can speak of the people who are holding your family, lock when you tell them . Show some decency. Show some respect. If you are real soldiers, you will let them go. You will do no harm. Israel says the attack was separated by members of an elite hamas commando unit. And its already begun targeting from the air, inside gaza. New documents and obtained by nbc news show hamas fighters carried detailed diagrams, highlighting the weak points of israeli tanks. Israel has bitter experience and settling the score. After 11 of its olympic athletes and coaches for murder by palestinian terrorists off the 1952 munich games, that jewish state began a yearslong worldwide hunt for those now it is vowing to do the same to the man who committed a far greater massacre. We are going to destroy hamas so that they can never build the sort of death over our heads again. But killing hamass leader might be the easy part. Securing a longterm peace and gaza, far harder. , far harder and jose, ive actually met that hamas leader, yahya sinwar, five years ago. I was part of a group of international journalist. He sat down with us as part of a Public Diplomacy campaign, trying to get israel to loosen it located on israel. Or on gaza, rather. I can tell you, he is very intense. Meeting the press was not his comfort zone. Hes a fighter, not a politician. And, jose, hes not been seen or heard from since saturday. Israeli officials tell me they believe he has gone underground, into that network of tunnels, that hamas runs beneath gaza. Jose . A fighter, not a politician. A terrorist, as well. Rife sanchez, thanks very much. After the break, tom will speak with an israeli base journalist about what the israeli people are feeling as their country is at war. At war your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel nothing beats it. New pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients it really works. Oh, hello hi do you know that every load of laundry could be worth as much as 300 . 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Troops by the Hundreds Of Thousands are standing by, waiting to answer the call from israels Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. But what was that crime and patient look like and what would it actually maine . Here is scott news as Deborah Haynes with more. Here is scott ne israels waro widen. Marking their weapons. The next stage could be a combination of air, say, and land strikes. Theyll be an emphasis on what the militarys description as if it cant ground operations. Troops listen as a Top Commander tells them that country is watching, and from here they move forward. [interpreter] those who witnessed is difficult unimaginable sights on shabbat, we also have the Privilege Buffet during the great victory of the idf and the state of hamas. It is really forces are also mobilizing in the north. Were they have struck another enemy, hezbollah. And mixed or lebanon. Last weeks carnage erupted on this mans watch. Benjamin netanyahu, not meeting the soldiers and southern israel. But i tell him about the hamas attack against communities here, that triggered this war. Are you ready, he asks. This was one of the places the Prime Minister visited. The couplets of cars are is that helps to get. This really forces described what happened here as a massacre. No rush to remove the killer. We met one soldier who just found out a friend and her partner had been confirmed dead. She was a good friend, this was her house. You just think about your friend, youre going to them again. Obviously u. S. Soldier. Your part of the military sponsor. Does it make you want to have revenge . I dont want revenge. I want justice. And if the order, Campwood You Begrudged To Go Into Gaza if you had to . If i had to, i would go. Arent you scared . No. You can see cars and the distance, about a mile away. Its from fear of the hamas militants came. They broke for offenses like this. Can you can see here if it was a special estee tore through and then rampaged through the communities. There is a heavy Israeli Military presence here now. As they prepare for the next phase and their response and as we were standing here, you can hear the distance sound of gunfire. Israels war on gaza has lost have been fought from a distance for now. Thats about to change. Deborah haynes, scott news, southern israel. T news southern israel. Thanks to debra from our partners at sky news for the report. His first public appearance out of office, since the war began, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited troops on the front line today. Here is that video. He told them that, quote, The Next Stage of this is coming. Of course, that can hours before we got the announcement from the idf that an integrated and coordinate attack from the air, sea and land on gaza is being prepared. We are waiting for the attack to happen at any moment. But netanyahu is also battling a different war at home. Independent journalist writes, incompetence against hamas and indiffen to israel it suffering has the Public Boiling Ovean another jonast, concerted close to the Prime Minister, sit on a radio panel it is how hard to see how he can survive this. Joining us now is the author of the piece. Thanks for being here. I want to ask you, for every was at home, maybe people are confused. Youre a country at war. We just so netanyahu form the unity government. And yet, you arrived in the people here in israel are not united behind him. Thats right. There was a modest protest around 1000 people today in tel aviv, right here, calling for him to resign. Its confusing because on american terms we think everyone will gather under the flag and that means supporting the Prime Minister. But for israelis, gathering under the flag means go into the army. Being purposeful. Protecting the country. It doesnt necessarily mean supporting this Prime Minister. To be fair, i think i was at that same protest earlier today. There were also people demonstrating to get the hostages to police their loved ones. That was a big part of the protests as well. And people protesting against the Prime Minister. Im curious, as someone who follows, sort, off the vibe of whats happening in this country, where is the country when it comes to the innovation thats about to happen . I think people are full of fear about this invasion, in part because its their kids who are being sent to invade. But theyre also terrified because of the hostages. Israel has an unknown number of hostages, probably around 200 people. And these families, today, and away they were also protesting against the Prime Minister. They were saying dont take a single step until you bring our loved ones from forest. So i would say, the country is still in shock about the hamas attack. And bewildered. As you watch, there was a 24hour deadline imposed on the people of north and gaza to move south. That has come and gone. The current invasion hasnt started yet. Theres been a lot of tough talk, theres obviously been a lot of rockets and shelling on both sides. We know the forces are lined up on the border. Our teams have shown that. What do you think Israeli Forces are going to wait for . Do you think it could happen any moment . I think its the early political issue loans here waiting. I think netanyahu has to be coordinated with the United States. And i think, for the army, they have to have a plan in place. Im not sure they do just now. Do you think the relationship between President Biden and the Prime Minister, in public, the president has been very supportive, but behind the scenes this reporting fifths aid for israel, keep in mind the innocent palestinians that are going to be and gaza, and likely will be killed once more starts, because its impossible to make billions of people, like were seeing. Do you think that is happening . Without question. Absolutely without question. The United States is keeping extremely close contact. And reporting here in israel has it that netanyahu told his cabinet, tuesday, that israel would observe the rules of war. But there is a lot of misunderstanding about. At the facts of the country observes the rules of war does not mean, sadly, there would be a civilian casualties. Noga, tonight marks a week from that attack at the support of a festival, a Terrorist Attack its not all of this. I spoke with a couple that had been there. They are getting therapy because there are no Volunteer Therapists and psychiatrist working around the clock to help people who over there. And the families that are suffering. Now as an israeli, what was it like to see your people treated that way, killed that way, and now its been awake and the entire world watching, what the response is going to be . Its almost surreal. I have to tell. You are never expected as a journalist to come for this sort of atrocity. This intentional savagery. And its hard to find the words. I think the whole country is feeling that. How long since you comfort politics and you come for global afield, how long do you think the world will stay focused on this . Do you think that is being, sort of, entered into the calculation of how the military responds . They probably not. And i think the world wont pay tension for that long. More importantly for netanyahu, i dont think the israeli people are going to support him for a long campaign. I think he has to find a way to bring these people home and away to resolve this, probably within a few weeks or hes going to lose whatever amount of support he still has from the israeli people. I can tell you, from being that crime in america, americans are still very, sort of, invested in wanting to know because of the large Jewish American population and our country, but just a world whats happening here. And i think the images weve seen and Terrorist Attacks, and again, the images were seeing out of gaza. I think has the world completely focused on this region. Noga, thanks for a time in your perspective. Okay, moving on. Up next from london to germany, to india. Police on high alert as protests broke out across the globe, with some turning violent. Stay with us. Ay with us i got the cabin for three days. Its gonna be sweet what . Im 12 hours short. Have a fun weekend. Unnecessary action hero unnecessary. Was that necessary . No. Neither is a blown weekend. 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This week in protest, breaking out across the globe. Some of them cry and criminally violent. Police and major cities now on high alert. Heres nbcs reporter. Free, free palestine. From coast to coast, large protests erupted in cities across the country. Tensions rising, one week after Hamas Terrorists that the deadliest attack on israel in a generation. What is that message to the Jewish Community, not just here in new york, but nationally, globally, thats listening and wants to know what guidance, what to do next . That message to the Jewish Community, and all who are friends of the Jewish Community and supporters of israel is the need for solidarity. Nothing will make us happy here, and if hamas laid down their weapons and marched out of gaza with their hands in the air. But in all likelihood, thats not going to happen. Thousands of people in the streets of cities like chicago, houston, and was angelas, where nbcs david maria reports. Here in l. A. , thousands march in support of the palestinian people. Many of palestinians themselves including those struggling to stay in touch with eloquence, and gaza. She says her fiancee is in gaza. Have you heard from him . I spoke with him about 18 hours ago, but its difficult to get through because there is no internet and no electricity. Overseas, massive protests in germany, pakistan, and india. We won boycott. We won sanctions. Today in london, Police Deployed hundreds of officers on this probe palestinian demonstration, with a warning. Anyone showing support for hamas will be arrested. Law enforcement around the globe on higher alert. Friends mobilizing a 7000 soldiers after a man finalist at a teacher and injured three others. The attack being investigated by antiterrorism prosecutors. President Emmanuel Macron saying the country has been a victim of islamic terrorism, but u. S. Emotions still high after days of rallies. And new york, demonstrators vowing to stay in the streets. How long will this protest continue, do you think . We are going to be out in the streets every day, as long as it takes. On friday, more than 60 people were arrested at a rally. Demonstrators making the way as senator Chuck Schumers home. Some residents here remaining vigilant, saying safety is still a concern. Im jewish. I live in new york. Im afraid of Walking Around new york. Thanks to george soliz for that report. Meanwhile what, chalets taking on the streets in protest. Our reporter is that in play as a Pro Palestinian Rally at l. A. With the details. What did you see, david . What we saw today it was a big rally. 2000 pro peloton protesters here outside the israeli consulate, they shut down a major street in l. A. For several hours there are a couple of flareups we saw one verbal confrontation between protesters and a single pro Israeli Counterprotest or resolve peacefully, at one point trying to shut down the full of five freeway, a mile behind me. Police prevented them from doing that all at all, intense, but largely peaceful. There were a lot of Palestinian Americans but also other people here to, including a profitable contingent of jewish peace activists. American jews who are opposed to israels policies. One of them actually approached us and said, its important that there are jews here. We interviewed her, this is what she had to say. Im afraid that what we witnessed, are about to witness it is a genocide on palestinians. Im terrified that we are seeing, with the water running out, the hospitals saying their generators are about to be depleted of fuel, no fuel coming in, that we are about to Say Something we havent seen in our lifetimes. Emotions running high this process today, tom. David, thanks very much. All right, and when we come back, important report on the evacuation of northern gaza. The efforts underway by palestinians to make their way south as Israeli Forces prepare for The Next Step and their attacks on hamas and recovering hostages. Stay with us. Stay with us ses tmobile for business for 5g solutions. To not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. Thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. For 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. Join us. Together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. Its a mission powered by love, made possible by you. Give today. Welcome back. As we have reported, the Israeli Military has sort of the back half of that gaza strito evacuate. Further south in advance of a stepped up military offensive. A task thank you and has called, quote, impossible. Medical groups running the house battles there, including the palestinian red cross, have heavily criticize that order. Molly hunter joins us tonight, live from london. Molly, i know you are going to walk us through exactly what this all means and the process, but id like to start with you explaining to our viewers just how far some of these palestinian families are trying to block out of northern gaza to the south, walking with their families. While trying to dodge rockets. Yeah, tom. Thats exactly right. Walking is exactly the right word. Walking. Bicycling, on the back of horse carts, donkeys. Some cards, of course, youll have fuel, but no fuel is getting into the gaza strip, so, you are very lucky if you could even hitch a ride on a car. Those pictures have been harrowing. The gaza strip, tom, only runs about 25 miles. So, if you are moving from north to the south, we do have a map of just here, so, north gaza, gaza city, they are trying to get past the midway point. It is called wadi gaza, which will show you. You may be traveling ten, 12 miles, with in the conditions, as you mentioned, dodging bombs. There is no ceasefire, no guarantee safe passage. Its extremely dangerous. I do just want to show you these two main rows. These are the two roads the Israeli Military has identified as safe passage. That main road running down the center of the gaza strips sala had been, the to the villages youve talked to today say there is no guaranteed safe passage. They say there is no cease fire, and we know at least one convoy was hits today. I do want to go to the specific evacuation zone, the areas of evacuation, northern gaza, the goal to get south of wadi gaza includes gaza city, that is the main population center. So, even if you are civilians, tomcat south to khan yunis, one of the big cities in the southern part of the strip, theres no guarantee theyre safe. It was pounded by israeli airstrikes today. I do want to give you a sense of the population in that area. That specific red area, that northern part of gaza, to get below what he got a, it is about 1. 1 million, about half of the total population of the gaza strip. You can see here, it compares to austin, san francisco, san francisco, of course, 100,000. Seattle, denver, that is a lot of people. We have no estimate tonight, tom, how many people have stayed in their houses, who have not been able to leave. I do want to draw your attention, though, to a couple of hospitals that you see. Alshifa and alkoxides in the northern part of the gaza strip. The head of alShifa Hospital says tonight, 35,000 people, tom, are still at the hospital. Its one of the only hospitals, only buildings, i should say, with Generator Power in that area so people think it might be safe to stay there. You mention the palestinian red cross. They run the alkoxides hospital, and they have said, today they are still giving life changing treatment. They still have that cannot evacuate. Tom, such an important reminder that even with this warning from the Israeli Military, civilians and hospitals are still protected under International Humanitarian law. And then i do just want to show you a few stats for our audience. Population 2. 2 million in the gaza strip. Unemployment almost 50 . The poverty rate, 59. 8. That rate surely will go up,. Theres no food, no water, no fuel, of course, as weve discussed, is getting. In the population under 15, tom, nearly 50 . That is why doctors are telling us they are seeing so many kids who have been injured and killed in these airstrikes. And finally, i just want to bring our audience. You heard allison talking about this area at the beginning of your show. This is rafah. This is the only way out of the gaza strip. It is in the south of the gaza strip. Now, the state Department Says they have told americans to get close to that crossing, just in case that it opens. But word that we have tonight, tom, from the israelis and the egyptians, is that it remains closed. Molly hunter, pointing out such an important fact in all of this. We call it an evacuation, but right, now palestinian families cannot really evacuate out of gaza. They can just move south, because all the borders are closed. Molly, thanks for that explainer. Joining us now is retired Admiral James former Supreme Allied Commander of nato, and msnbc chief international. Admiral, its always great to see you. Now, the idf says it is preparing an attack by air, by, land and by sea. What can we expect to see in this first phase of a Ground Invasion . Jose and tom, we are already seeing it. What is happening is Special Forces are flooding into gaza city. They are attempting, above all, to find and fix the location of these hostages, if they can. They will try to extract the hostages. Those are going to be very difficult operations. At the same time, you are seeing precision guided strikes that are going after ammunition, fuel, command and control, taking at the ability of hamas to respond to the inevitable Grounds Assault that begins probably in 24 to 48 hours. Final thought, you are also seeing a lot of probing activity from the sea. The israelis have excellent, if you, will equivalents to the u. S. Navy seals, they are very capable of coming in from the sea that is a less defended flank. So, all of that is occurring now. Call it phase one of this operation. Based to, i think, will start within the next 24 to 48 hours. Admiral, id be interested in your thoughts about the issue of evacuations. You, know in history, weve seen 2006, when hezbollah attacked israel, 2 million lebanese moved from south to north when the war in ukraine began, Hundreds Of Thousands of ukrainians were able to evacuate and leave. Many going to poland, and other countries. What is the most pressing problem for these Hundreds Of Thousands of people that are in north gaza, and their ability to go south . Its an extraordinarily difficult and tragic situation, without question. Three things to focus on here. One is the Transit Routes themselves. The israelis need to guarantee safe passage on these roads moving south, and frankly, hamas needs to allow people to leave. Theyve shown a desire to keep as many civilians, if you will, kind of trapped in gaza city. Why . Because they know the israelis will alter their military plans, well do everything they can, to avoid casualties. So, safe routes out. Number two, necessity for locations. They can go to. If they are not going to be allowed to get into egypt, which appears to be the case at the moment, the International Community needs to establish safe in the southern part of gaza, and be taking The Next Step, preparing them for work in egypt, because i think, inevitably, the egyptians are going to agree to take these populations. A good situation to compare this to, which both of you know well, is syria. 21 million syrians at the start of that war, 7 million now across those borders. I think that is how we are going to end up here. Those are the first two things to focus on. I will close with this. You are pointing out, quite correctly, the ultimate tragedy are these hospitals and gaza city. They cant be expedited out. Therefore, they need to be safe from israeli strikes. I think the israelis will avoid hitting them, but it is a complex problem, both in the city, the safe routes out, and ultimately, camps either across the border or still inside gaza. Admiral, lets transition to the pending, what is likely going to be Ground Invasion, its got a. Israel, as we all know, as one of the most feared, one of the most respected militaries, but we have seen time and time again throughout history what happens when established militarys take on guerrilla fighters. In this case, terrorists. Terrorists who dont wear uniforms and terrorists who are now living underground in those tunnels. This is going to be a long, drawn out conflict. In your opinion . It is, tom. If we look at a fairly recent analog, go back to the iraq war with the United States in the battle of fallujah, about 20 years ago, two regiments of u. S. Marines, arguably the best shot troops in the world, were given the order to take fallujah. Very, very difficult. That took weeks and weeks and weeks. I think that could stretch into months, tom. Admiral james, thank you so much for being with us this evening. Very much appreciate your perspective. Coming up, in the next hour, we are going to get the latest on the ground from tom and our team of journalists live in israel, as the country prepares The Next Steps in its war with hamas. And speak with an american Israeli Reservist now joining the fight. Stay with us. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Ahh, here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. ugh, this guy again. Pops ay son ya got a Little Somethin on yuh face. Needed a quick shave. Quick shave . Respect the process it aint my dads razor, dad, its from gillettelabs. Gillette. Labs . Gillettes ultimate shaving experience. This green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. Gamechanga while the flexdisc contours to it. Lookin smooth. Feelin even smoother. How bout hookin me up with some gillettelabs . Check your texts. Youre the best. 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And jose to guess what, it is 9 00 eastern, six pm pacific, and four a. M. Right now in israel, where my friend and colleague, tommy olmos, is reporting on the growing israelhamas war. Good evening again, jose, from tel aviv. Tonight, the region is on the verb about fullscale or as we know, just a week after a Terror Attack happened here in israel. It claims more than 1000 life. The death toll that has doubled as fighting continues. At this moment, israel is poised to invade gaza from land, air, and see. As Hundreds Of Thousands try to heat israels orders to move south, faced with very little options. The u. S. Today announced that american citizens trapped in gaza have a way out of the border with each, if thats so, far they have not been let through. We have some new reporting from our teams in washington that has just come in, that this process is getting harder and harder, and theres still no agreement on what those americans out. Now, the citizens, u. S. Citizens, tried to flee israel they cough today. With a person of working at the embassies, ive also been told that they can leave. U. S. Officials say 29 americans are confirmed killed of the hamas Terror Attacks. President biden late today talk to the leaders of both israel and the Palestinian Authority, as the crisis here grows, the region and that world on edge, waiting to see what happens next. Tonight, all eyes on gaza as israel prepares for an all out assault on hamas. As the Israeli Military announces there will be integrated and coordinated attack on the air, sea, and land. But still, waiting to launch. This as more than 1 million palestinians in northern gaza try to make their way south. On foot, even by cart. Hold by donkeys. They escape from gaza, dangerous and deadly. Graphic video showing the aftermath, convoys, a total of 70 people, including children, killed and missile strikes. Palestinians say these were innocent lives killed by israeli bombs. American citizens are among those in gaza trying to get to safety. And tonight, the United States is working to secure a safe exit for them in the south, at the rafah Border Crossing in egypt. The collude family is desperate for help. 12 family members, one as young as, for all american citizens, trying to get out. We are constantly worried. I dont think ive ever been this worried in my life. Tonight, the efforts to evacuate americans Inside Israel are also underway, including nonessential Embassy Workers from tel aviv and jerusalem. As israel continues its bombardment of gaza, hamas officials claim more than 20 hostages have been killed in those same strikes. This, as President Biden is vowing to the families of americans held hostage in gaza. Im sure my personal commitment to do Everything Possible, Everything Possible will return, every mission in america and families. Bring them home bring them home in israel, we were there demanding that the hostages brought home. Were in the center of tel aviv right now, outside the Israeli Military headquarters, or hundreds of israelis have gathered. Demanding they release the Hostages Inside they say its very clearly, bring them home. Others are Holding Photos after people who have been kidnapped and disappeared. People like meaty, move he is among the ones searching for lovers. Is daughters best run, vietnam missing. How hard is it to just not . Now for seven days, its, like hell and back every day. Every day all along the border, the signs are clear. Israel is getting ready to go in. Tonight, israeli tanks and soldiers prepare poor battles. Doesnt want us to use his last name. Hes an Israeli American called up to fight. Last week, he went to his synagogue in new york with his young children,. Today, he is on the frontlines in israel, a captain in the military. How did you explain that to them and how difficult was it to leave . To be honest, i didnt explain to them too much. I cant really explain to an eight year old. In fact, i hope to god that he doesnt see any of the footage, because its absolutely horrific. He is ready to do his duty, but those innocent civilians will likely pay the price. I know war is not fair. It doesnt really make sense. How do you explain . That there are Palestinian Americans there, to to be honest, i feel really bad for the palestinians. Because there are many palestinians and gossip that were innocent. We always try to minimize civilian casualties, but at the same, time we have to understand that they do not give us a choice. Jose, as you know, many people in america who have dual citizenship, americas their home, but they also have another homelands. For sean, as you heard, that is here in this area. Its why he jumped on an airplane to fight in this war. He told me when i asked if he was ready to give his life for his country, if he had to, to take down hamas, he said he couldnt answer, that he was here to complete the mission, which, you know, jose, it means exactly that. Yeah. A mission that is prompted by a massacre of hundreds of people, many who were home. Some were in a concert for peace, and tom, that woman who is holding the picture of her daughter, were talking about a week now since they have had any information about them. It just brings it so close to home. This is about men, women, and children. Salah, i want to bring in nbcs raf sanchez, who is a national of israel. Weve been watching for this Ground Invasion. It seems eminent. It does, jose. Everything were seeing on the ground in the case that israel is preparing for an imminent Ground Offensive on a scale unlike anything we have ever seen before. When you drive the highways of southern israel, you are surrounded by the Rumbling Trailers that are moving tanks and artillery into position. Every couple of minutes, you are seeing israeli jeeps moving by, carrying more troops. The fields around the gaza border, there are now camped out artillery tanks, positions, you cant hear the guns going during the daylight hours, the aircraft are overheads at all times. And those, a israel has mobilized more than 300,000 reservists. That is a Military Buildup unlike anything seen in this country in generations. You simply do not call that many troops up unless you are planning a major, major operation. Now, Prime Minister benjamin that in yahoo, who is himself a former Special Forces officer, met with troops near the gaza border earlier today. He puts his hands on the shoulder of one of them. He said, are you ready for what is coming next . He didnt specify, but i think all the soldiers there understood that they will be expected do you go into gaza to complete the mission, as tom was saying earlier. Of toppling hamas. Now, we have been hearing these strikes for days, and we know there is a humanitarian catastrophe unfolding inside of gaza. This Evacuation Order that the Israeli Military issued to basically the entire civilian population of the northern end of the, scripts, some strip, is also unprecedented in its scale. It seems to indicate israel is preparing to move into gaza and a way that we have never seen before. There is a . Rafah, i also want to ask you about israels strikes on targets in lebanon. Those strikes killed two lebanese civilians in the border area. Also, a journalist was killed there. How much concern is there right now about this conflict expanding . There is a lot of concern, jose. This week has been a nightmare that israel cant wake up from, but the only way it could get worse if what is about to be a very serious, single front war, somehow turned into a multi front war with Israel Fighting simultaneously in both the south and the north. Now, there have been a number of sort of back and forth exchanges of fire over the border in the early hours of this morning, israel says a number of drones flew from lebanon into israeli airspace. Over the city of haifa and other areas. Israel carrying out Drone Strikes against hezbollah targets. Israel also says that three gunmen were killed as they try to cross from lebanon into israel. So far, the, no sign hezbollah is prepared to go to full scale war. Jose . Tom . Raf sanchez for us tonight. We raf, appreciate all of our reporting. We want to turn to our other colleague, reporting there the israeli gaza border. That is alison barber. Shes been reporting for nbc news all week. Alison, many times we have come to you, you have been Dodging Volley of rockets that have gone between hamas and israel over the last week. I know today, a little more quiet. Fair to say even, that because there is still some action. I do want to ask, you its fair to say that the fancier, none of the reporters working the, snow exactly when this Ground Invasion its going to happen. But we do know that the border is now filled with military vehicles, filled with tanks, and the israeli troops, as far as i could see. Right. They appear to be ready to launch a Ground Offensive as soon as they make that decision to seiko, in terms of troops, equipment, srf was describing, there it was everywhere. There are massive amounts of equipment, artillery troops, in a position to carry out a major offensive. When they get the greenlight and the order to do just that. You were talking, tom, in your reporting in the beginning about the rafah crossing. I do want to retake you some barely new reporting that we have for our producers in egypt. They say that the Palestinian Embassy envoy to the rafah border says egypt will not open the border to lead in the four and palestia until israel lets and humanitarian shipments. So, as we are waiting to watch this Ground Offensive, there are constant questions of what is going to happen. The back and forth we saw today of the u. S. , at some point, sending messages to Palestinian Americans inside of gaza, saying that there is going to be a Border Opening at some point today, a window for them to get out into egypt. We are now hearing from our producers in egypt that what they are being told via the palestinian envoy for that crossing is that egypt to say invade will not open that until humanitarian shipments are allowed to enter by israel, we have no indication right now that israel has agreed to that. We are speaking with and idf spokesperson on thursday, and asked about conversations or what they would support in terms of coordination with egypt to let them out. They would not discuss, they said, diplomatic negotiations or conversations that are having. Tom . I was a . That is such important reporting you pointed out there, because aid cannot get in, and these people fleeing war cannot get out. Alison barber for us tonight. Were going to continue our special coverage across all Nbc News Platforms on the israelhamas war. After the, break an emotional look at flights to israel. How is really americans right now have to either say goodbye to loved ones or head towards themselves. And jose will have a very important interview. He speaks to one Israeli American reservists next, who is already in the fight about the harrowing things he has seen so far. Stay with us. Stay with us [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing neds Plaque Psoriasis. 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After israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on hamas. And He Marnie Separ A joins us now from Miami International airport, where flights carrying reservists have been leaving from. Mariza, what have you seen . Yeah, we can tell you what we saw just a few moments ago. People are boarding a flight that leads remain amy International Airport that of tel aviv, israel, tonight. That leaves just before midnight, and we saw people as they are lining up, they have broke out in song. And i just heard from someone who told me that that is a tuition National Song in hebrew, so, in terms of the mood, the emotion, it is complicated because you can imagine theres so many emotions that range a wide spectrum here, we want to speak to the historic nature in terms of the efforts to get people in and out of the region, because we know just how difficult that has been, and outside of lol, this israeli airliner typically follows show back, and she wished time of arrest, which includes saturday. For the first time in over 40 years. They have been operating flights during chabots. We know there are flights earlier today out of new york, a set flight today out of miami. And now, many of those lights carrying israeli army reservist. We know that our military is called up Hundreds Of Thousands Around The World, and weve seen that here, locally, to secure small perspective on what some families, including families behind me here, are going through, we spoke to a South Florida mother and father. They are originally from israel. Their son, all of them now live here in South Florida. They describe how their son decided to volunteer as soon as he heard the news on ago today, and they described those moments. They said goodbye to him at the airport. Not knowing when they would see him again. He found out about the war at seven, and he was on the plane by 11 00 in the morning. Yes. It took him five minutes to make a decision, ten minutes to pack, we drove into the airport. That same day . A few hours later, yes. Sorry, it took me a little long, but can i give it to david, when he hugged me goodbye he said mom, i promise im going to bring, the left back. They promised me to bring it back. And i know he is going to keep his promise. And he can lose the box as long as he brings david back, because he is my love bug. This is my love bug. She says she sleeps with her phone close, just like so many israeli and palestinian families clinging to any update they could get. Jose, this is ward. This is the reality of it. Near and far and so, this is just a perspective of what families have been going through for the past we can continue to go through right here, right, now at the airports. Mariza parra in Miami International airport, thank you so much. Joining us now is one of those resurfaced. 30yearold rudy rocklin, a graduate of Columbia University, who is ready for battle. Rudy, thanks for being with us today. You know, we often talk about Citizen Soldiers and this is exactly the case that we are talking about here. Just eight days ago, you had a far different life and even thoughts of what you were going to be doing, and how has it been for you. Why . Why do you think there is so much further and support for what you are doing . Yes, thank you for having me, first of all. You have to understand as a reservist, we are civilians to every degree. All of my friends have their wives and their kids at home. They have left their work. Im currently working on a documentary of the on africa, im supposed to head after very soon, im most likely going to have to cancel that trip, so, we have to put our lives on pause in order to get ready for war. As a reservist, we know a date like this may come. We tried for it, because herschel is so small, its current force is not big enough. So when youre a combat service, you have to serve as a reserve until 8 40. This is more prepared for, and unfortunately, were at. War thats not a war we chose. We dont want to take life. We dont want to have to even be put into position to defend life. Because that means some of her friends are going to be killed as well, and i dont think that palestinians chose this war, either. It is hamas that chose this war. Its hezbollah who chose this war, its iran that shows a sore, and they clearly have uncle to take the jews and to drive them into the sea, and we have to do what we can to prevent that, and thats why were here. And rudy, you know, i was thinking, youre a Columbia University grad, grew up here in miami, and you are, and have been living in israel. How do you let us know what it is that you all are feeling and the fears and the trepidations that you may have, but also, the commitment to what you see as something that is necessary . So fear is not an emotion that we have the luxury to have. Obviously, we know that if we go to war, not everyone is coming back out. So, this is something we take very seriously. We are not in a situation where were looking for war and saying yes, we cant wait to go in not at all. We dont want to have to go to war. I, mean its not a game. Its not a video game, its not a movie, is a real life. So, thats the same thing that happened to us on saturday night. I got the call, it was shabbat morning, so a week ago. It was also a holiday for the jewish people, and im with my family and all of a sudden, i get a call in the morning saying, you have to go to base and a few hours later, youre on the port of gaza, fighting one of the villages that was hit the worst, and we see the most horrible things you could ever imagine. The amount of bodies that i saw, i cant even count, thats how many, and they were burnt, they were cut to pieces, they were shut up, they were stabbed. Men, women, and children, something thats going to mark every Single Person that witness that. But this is the reality we are living, in we are living in a very tough neighborhood, where unfortunately, there have been narratives that have been lasting for almost 100 years of trying to make that jews in israel seem as foreigners when we are the Indigenous People of this area, and we need to Work Together with palestinians and with other arab countries in order for us to build the reality we can all live here together, but unfortunately, there are many news media outlets, not this one currently, there are others that ive seen in the past that have been trying to pin israel as the source of the problem, and the reality is not the existence of israel is not the source of the problem. The source of the problem or narratives that show to the people at the only way for us to afford is for us to be one another. That to be proposed in a, and we have to be anti israel or pro the palestinian in any way that you have to attack the rights of the jewish people to exist, or vice versa. Thats to be pro the israeli people, you have to be anti palestinian. They are the exact narratives that are feeling this conflict, and thats what we need to wake up from, and all that we might go into war, when this war settles, we need to realize who made a big mistake here and how do we look at each other and realize we dont need to have this again . Rudy rahman, i thank you very much for being with us. Really appreciate your time. Up next, and inside look at israels next moves as it prepares for a Ground Attack in gaza. The spokesperson for the Israeli Government joins us. Tom will be speaking to him, next, to discuss one this offensive may happen. And how they plan to deal with the underground network of tunnels being used by hamas. Y hamas. Ls . Unnecessary time sheet corrections . Unnecessary unentered sick time . Unnecessary go unnecessary go unnecessary when you can take this phone, youll be ready. Make the unnecessary, unnecessary. Let your employees do their own payroll. 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While speaking at the Human Rights Campaign dinner in washington. Joining us now with the latest details on what the president had to say is nbcs Erin Gilchrist from the white house. Erin, good evening. What did the president say . Jose, good evening to you. The person spoke at the hr seats dinner. This is an lgbtq Rights Organization that holds an annual event where the president has been in attendance before, and other times in his life, and in his comments today, he wove his comments about israel into the larger remarks about human rights and lgbtq rights, in particular, and he wants to make sure he spoke about the humanitarian crisis that is growing almost to the point of being out of control now in gaza in particular. I want you to hear the beginning of the president s comments on that topic tonight. Listen. A week ago, we saw hates manifest in another way, in the worst massacre of jewish people since the holocaust. More than 1300 innocent lives lost in israel. Including at least 27 americans. Children, grandparents alike, kidnapped. Held hostage by hamas. And mandatory in crisis in gaza, innocent palestinian families in the vast majority had nothing to do with hamas. [applause] we know now the american death toll there in gaza and israel has grown to 29 at this point, jose, we also know the president spoke today with Prime Minister netanyahu. He also spoke with the president of the Palestinian Authority and in both cases, he talked to them about the need to make sure that there is humanitarian aid flowing into that region, that people in gaza are able to get access to food and water and medicine, and hes working with the United Nations and other countries in that region who tried to make sure that happens. Aaron gilchrist reporting from washington. First, aaron, thank you for that. The Situation Inside Gaza is growing even more desperate. Food, water, and medicine are almost out, and for so many, the journey to the south, or israel says that they must evacuate to, its just as dangerous as staying put, yours nbcs richard engel. Israel has told palestinians to evacuate gaza city and head further south in the gaza strip to save their lives. Many are trying to leave now. But thats not safe, either. This is what it looked like as people were driving on a roadway told was cleared for travel. An ambulance was also hit. Have not allaround her family or heading out of gaza city, nonetheless. But she doesnt know exactly where theyre going or how they will get their we are dying and everyone is watching. Shame on you, all the arab countries we were told to leave, but . Where we are to go, she asks . They are shelling people on the roads, to. Where are we to go . Habit is leaving a human operated school in theory, a safe place. But the u. N. Has also been told to evacuate and did. Southern gaza, where israel is telling palestinians to go, is hardly a safe haven. Han yunus, the main city in southern gaza, bore the brunt of israeli airstrikes today. Perhaps because hamas launched an attack from their. The militant say they broke through the border fence near khan yunis and attacked israeli troops. Israel says it has no choice but to go into gaza to, disarm and destroy hamas. The group today released Propaganda Videos to show its preparation. Its gunmen attacking with skill and precision, and manufacturing their own weapons, including shoulder carried anti tank rockets. Hamas says this is what awaiting israeli troops. That video and with hamas fighters going down into their tunnels, getting ready for whats coming. Here we go. Our thanks to Richard Angle for that report. Coming up right after this break, im going to speak to an Israeli Government spokesperson, live. We are going to ask about the latest on the troops movement, eight trying to get into gaza, and all those palestinians trying to get out. Stay with us. She found it. The feeling of finding the Psoriasis Treatment shes been looking for. Sotyktu is the firstofitskind, oncedaily pill for moderatetosevere Plaque Psoriasis. For the chance at clear or almost clear skin. Its like the feeling of finding that Outfit Psoriasis tried to hide from you. Or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. Dad oncedaily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. Dont take if youre allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. Sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. Serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. Sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. 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Sayi a statement, idea forces, backed by Xtensive Logistical Eand by completing Reserve Mobilizationndreds of thousands of servicemen,e preparing to int a wide range ofoffeive operative plans, which incde among other things, and integrated and coordinated attack from the air, sea, and lands. Joining us now is an Israeli Government spokesperson, a lone lefty, and he joins us live. Elon, thank you so much i know you are currently living in a country that is at war. So, i appreciate your time talking to us here. My first question is. This you have all of your troops on the border with gaza. The 24hour deadline has come and gone, are you still waiting for palestinians, palestinian families, to get out of northern gaza, force is simply now a waiting game . No. Obviously, im not going to get into operational details and discuss the details of when and how israel is going to continue its response, but i think its important for viewers to understand the context of what is happening there. This is not another round of fighting in the gaza strip. This is not another round in which israel is aiming to deter hamas or degrade hamas, this is a war in which israels aim is to dismantle hamas in the wake of the last week, which is now the worlds worst attack after 9 11. The 9 11 Massacre Or Hamas and did its town and villages to shoot everyone they saw, ahead of people, burning people, beat death toll is now nearly half of 9 11, in absolute terms. Israel has decided and response to this massacre, a response to this horrific atrocity, where President Biden, just a few days ago, unadulterated evil, but its aim this time is to dismantle hamas disability as a Military Organization and governing organization inside the gaza strip. That is the israeli operation at the moment, and thats why israel, made clear that is only just beginning and its efforts to dismantle hamas inside the gaza strip. So, it can never, ever, ever th t same atrocities on october 7th or a much lower bar civilians again, because we have not only it but a right to defend ourselves from i. S. I. S. Style barbarism. Eylon, what happens if you are successful, you dismantle hamas, what happens next in gaza . As the International Community is going to have to understand, that whatever happens is going to be in a range for that leave someplace to get released peoples unalienable right to live in security. For too long, the International Community has been putting pressure on israel to create the conditions set of ultimately allowed hamas to be able to perpetrate atrocities against israel, by manipulating that humanitarian aid that has gone into gaza, manipulating the shipments of concrete, and and it relating eylon a long, i understand. That i every sheet, eylon, i appreciate that. I understand your country is at war, but i am trying to understand, what happens after you dismantle hamas . What happens after you try to eradicate hamas . What happens to the millions of palestinians that are going to live there . Are they going to live occupied . Is israel going to stay there . Im just trying to understand what the endgame in this is. I understand if that hasnt been figured out yet as well. For 16 years, the palestinians inside the gaza strip have been living under the brutal hamas dictatorship, a regime that brought no dissent. It treats dissenters with extreme brutality. It has brutalized the gaza strip, it has exploited every little morsel of International Goodwill and israeli goodwill in order to turn the gaza strip into a terror nest against israel that can be used to extract and brutalized ahead israelis inside. What were dealing with inside the gaza strip is the presence of pure fear and unadulterated evil. We know to clearly, both jews from our history and as human beings, that here, On Adulterated Evil is to be eradicated. Because the reality inside the gaza strip now is eylon it essentially the worstcase scenario, the worst option available. And International Purpose in the future to make sure that being persistent, this is something put in place in the gaza strip is such that protect, not only the rights of israelis, that live in security, but also, do not subject the palestinians to a regime that abuses all International Goodwill in order to advance its goals against israel. Eylon, i want to talk about that International Goodwill, because i know there is a jumbo jet full of emergency supplies, medical supplies, that is sitting in egypt. The World Health Organization has appealed to israel to please allow them to bring back aid in. I am trying to understand, what is israels stance not letting that aid enter into gaza, where you know, i know because you have seen the pictures, people are struggling to survive there right now, and there is that Mass Movement of palestinians to try to get out to the south. The situations and the seams inside the gaza strip are very difficult to watch. I have to say, everyone in this country is emotionally exhausted, and pulverize from the gruesome images weve been seeing on our screens since the october 7th massacre. But its really important to understand that what the situation on the ground is on israel. On saturday morning, hamas attacked and destroyed the crossing between israel and the gaza strip. The heiress crossing. It took the crossing, it no doubt everyone it could, it blew up as many facilities as a good, and that crossing is no longer operational. Not only, that but the entire situation is a war zone right now. We have had over 6000 rockets fired at israel over the space of the last week. Many of those rockets flying almost on a minute by minute basis on the area immediately adjacent to the gaza strip. Essentially, the only entry into israel, the only access, the open from israel and the open strip to the that hamas blew up, when it sent in on saturday morning in order to put, sherpa, head burn, and brutalized israelis. The israeli does not have an obligation to continue supplying the resources the enemy needs in order to continue advancing its assault against israeli civilians, but also, the situation on the ground is such that Israel Cannot reasonably be expected to deliveries to porter crosses that no longer exist. Eylon levy, for the Israeli Government, eylon, we appreciate your time. Thank you. Still ahead right here in the special coverage, the challenges of israels impending Ground Invasion. We will joint by retired four star general, barry mccaffrey, next, to discuss the complexities of moving forces into gaza and trying to recover hostages without harming them in the process. The process i was stuck. Unresolved Depression Symptoms were in my way. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. Is clinically proven to help relieve overall Depression Symptoms. Better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be lifethreatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. High blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. 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In the challenge, Keeping Travel Corridors open for innocent palestinians to get out of harms way, and of course, the dozens of hostages being held inside and underground in gaza. Its clear there are many challenges in the coming days, weeks, possibly months for the Israeli Defense force. Or again, retired four star u. S. General jerry mccaffrey, u. S. Military and all systems to be c. General, thank you very much for being with us. How complicated, difficult, and bloody is this around innovation going to be . Well, its going to be a terrible mess. Clearly, millions of gazans of aliens are at risk, trying to move out of the fighting area. Trying to find humanitarian relief. The idf conducting a Ground Attack into this urban area is going to suffer significant casualties. I think they have no option. This is an ongoing Military Action to deny impunity to hamas after the slaughter of hundreds and hundreds of israeli civilians on seven october. So, we are about to watch a very straightforward, hundred thousand plus israeli troops go in and try to smash hamas badly enough so the israelis get a couple of years of peace. You know, general, i want to know your sense of those hostages possibly being rescued. Earlier in the broadcast, raf sanchez brought up the name of kelechi lieb, and israeli soldier held for five years by hamas. Israel had to trade 1000 Palestinian Prisoners to get that one soldier back. Now, we are talking about more than 100 hostages. Babies, americans, what are the chances that the Israeli Forces, the forces can get those hostages out . Well, there may well be more than 200 hostages. And i dont think israeli has only ever fixed on it yet. First, theyre underground. There is almost zero chance of intelligence locating and isolating, you know, their safety. Many of them are undoubtedly gonna perish in this upcoming assault. The israelis will make every attempt to avoid civilian casualties. At the same time, it will offer rewards. They will take hostages of hamas political leaders and try to bargain to get them back. They will probably get many of them back, but its a terribly dangerous situation. Again, you are not going to find them unless you dominates the Ground Surface and then go underground with tunnel wraps. I have done that kind of fighting. It is pistols, silo nerves, tear grenades, tear gas, that is what is facing the idea of right now, trying to get some of these hostages back. General, its been 16 years since the israelis were in their. Much has changed in gaza. Much has stayed the same. What are the most significant challenges that the idf is going to have in trying to find these hostages . And you described it very well. What are the Biggest Challenges . Will, you have 30,000 may be armed hamas fighters. Many of them will be determined to fight to the death. They will be fighting out of urban areas, which favors the defense of using remotely piloted vehicles and ti tank weapons. The israelis will go in fast from multiple avenues of advance, but, then the trouble will start. They will dominate the structures and over the space of weeks, not days, they will have to try to find hostages and exterminate thomas. It is not going to be easy. It is an unnamed vehicle tasked, all triggered by hamas terrible massacre of israelis. They will not have a moments piece if the idf doesnt take apart hamas. General barry mccaffrey. We thank you for your analysis tonight. In this coverage. Still ahead, grieving and praying for peace. How jewish people mark the first shabbat since the hamas attack. Well show you. Well show you ple switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do. 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Theres a lot of comfort, being with a friends, trying to find hope in our souls, trying to pray with deep relief. To find comfort. ,. A handful of congregants like admiral Me Perlman Finding Strength and song. I feel we are sort of like embracing each other, through the and the music, it is like therapeutic for me. Its totally therapeutic. The Rabbis Mission is to give support during these unimaginable times. Grieving at this point, we have lost people. Weve lost people in their community. But at this point, we have to hear the hope, hope for victory, and at the same time, to rebuild the israeli society. The peace process, we need the piece. Near lebanon today, signs of faith in the field. A soldier clutching the torah amid on certain days ahead. Across the globe, this shabbat ends. We have survived unspeakable trauma. And we will survive this, to. In washington, d. C. , prayers for peace. In a moment where this week felt wrong, and fragile with emotion, this is who i wanted to be surrounded by, and who i felt could give me strength and the hugs that i needed. To new york city, with one of the largest synagogues in the world. I think theres something about coming together and feeling that, you know, theres solidarity in strength and unity. Its very important and as of american and as a jew. This is an important time for all of us as human beings. This is not just about jewish people. Back here in israel, these candles, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the light of faith can never be put out. And jose, we know is not only jews praying Around The World, its people like me and you praying for the people involved in this war. These israeli families that were just torn apart by those terrorists, the hostages that had their children and those families in gaza right now, those palestinians that are caught up in the middle of all this, families as well, losing loved ones, trying to get out and no place to go, and the sad reality, jose, this is likely just starting. Yeah. And tom, i think about how different the world was just eight days ago, before a group was recent to exist is the destruction of the jewish people, massacred so many men, women, and children. And yes, where there is always hope, there is also the fear that the suffering is just going to get even worse. In the days, weeks, and months to come. Tommy ellis, that wraps up this special report on jose diaz thank you to my dear friend and colleague, tom. The last two hours from tel aviv. Please stay safe, my friend. Coverage of the israel hamas or continues. O continues

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