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Allegation for the hamas Terror Attacks Launching Airstrikes against gaza for the fifth day. Israeli troops are now gathering along the border with gaza. Tonight, with 1200 people in israel killed, and in gaza, more than 1100 people are dead. Nbcs lester holt is in tel aviv with the latest. Tonight, anticipation growing in this intensified mideastern war. Terrified israelis taking cover as rockets fall to earth. One, striking his hospital. While israel keeps up the pressure on hamas, in gaza, within unrelenting bombing campaign. People there, taking shelter in a crowded hallway during one bombardment. Israeli forces saying they hit over 200 targets today, in just one neighborhood, they call a nest, for Hamas Terrorists. The pieces are now falling into place for a potential Ground Offensive. Israeli troops preparing to enter gaza to topple hamas leadership. While tonight at the white house, President Biden speaking to Jewish Community leaders, talking about the scourge of antisemitism, and why he took his children to see a Concentration Camp years ago. I want them to see that you could not, not know what was going on. And pressure growing on the president to take action on behalf of americans who are among the estimated 150 men, women, and children kidnapped by Hamas Terrorists. Who are threatening to execute their captives on camera. Folks, theres a lot we are doing. A lot we are doing. I have not given up hope of bringing these folks home. Today, a spokesperson for israels military said, quote, fighting will intensify and warned that scenes coming out of gaza will be difficult to understand and to cope with. Nbcs Richard Engels reporting on the Israeli Forces that are preparing for this next phase in war. Israeli troops were caught off guard by hamass surprise terror attack. Now, they are taking the initiative. Israeli forces are streaming south and digging in. To target the hamas Run Gaza Strip with artillery, tanks, and soldiers. The Ground Offensive could start at anytime. For the last five days, israel has been bombing gaza to weaken hamas. And has cut off the power and war. Israels Defense Minister promises what is coming next will reshape gaza forever. We will reach all places, he says, hamas wanted to change the situation. It will change back 180 degrees. They will regret this moment. As the Military Buildup picks up pace, israel has declared the entire area around gaza, a military zone. Israel has brought in enough tanks and armored for a full scale ground war, and is now mobilizing the more than 360,000 reservists called up for national service. A new phase of this conflict is about to begin. And there will be many casualties. For israeli troops, the risks are high. Hamas plan for saturdays murderous rampage into israel for a year. Its gunmen showing a level of training, and savagery, that shocked israel and the world. New footage shows hamas Gunmen Paragliding into that Music Festival on saturday morning. Hamas has also prepared for Israel Ground invasion, and says it welcomes it. Hamas has a network of tunnels and booby traps, and knows the ground far better than israel. For the 2 million civilians in gaza, the risks are even higher. Gaza is one of the most densely Populated Areas on earth. Street to street fighting, food kill thousands. Hamas is also holding an estimated 150 hostages there. The United States is pulling fully backing israel, and is already sending planeloads of weapons. The u. S. Has also sent warships to the eastern mediterranean, as a warning to hamass allies, hezbollah and lebanon, and iran, to sit this one out. Ive made it clear, made it clear to the iranians, be careful. But will attacking gaza destroy hamas, as israel hopes . Or further radicalized the population, locked inside, with many described as the Worlds Largest prison . Wherever hamas is located, wherever their terror capabilities are located, thats where we are going to find them. Israel says it has no choice but to go in, that no nation could except terrorists next door willing to slaughter women and children, and take hostages as Human Shields. Tonight, we are also getting more information about how hamas prepared for the deadly terror attack, our own Ralph Sanchez has more on that. Tonight, new details about the opening moments of hamass surprise attack. New questions about the failure to stop it. Terrorists arrived at the gates of kibbutz beeri just before 60 am on saturday, unable to get through, they lay in wait for israeli civilians to arrive. Today, we walk through those same gates. This is the main entrance to the cub outs. Following a trail of horror spread across this kibbutz, a small israeli farming commune. The scenes of destruction here are just staggering. The Israeli Military says of 40 hostages were held in his house, six soldiers were killed trying to liberate them. Ultimately, you can see the house completely burned down. Some houses frozen in time, from the moment of the attack. And lying nearby, a gopro the killers brought to record their deeds. Nbc news obtaining these Images Released by hamas, showing the bodies of dead Israeli Soldiers that were subsequently beheaded. This footage shows families from beeri being marched barefoot from their homes, only to be murdered soon after. The bodies of more than 100 civilians were found here, including many children. Some of them, still lying in silent rose. It took israels military two days of intense fighting to regain control. Every time that we saw that we cleaned the area, and everything was silent, suddenly, another 12 or another 20 would pop up. Tonight, there were combat troops on every street, but the painful question, where were they when hamas attacked . And how did Israeli Intelligence miss signs of hamas preparations, including training On Paragliders . And even building a mock town to practice their attack. Questions that will haunt israel for generations to come. With that, i want to bring in my good friend and partner, ali velshi. Joining us just as the sun is coming up in tel aviv. Ali, it is good to see you. Thank you for your reporting. Tell us what it has been like overnight . Well, its unusually quiet this night. Many nights we have some activity. We come back to tel aviv from the south, where we were earlier during the evening. There was activity there. We saw a lot of you can see them behind you, you cant see them right now. But when the patriot missiles not the patriot missiles, but when the iron dome intercepts the missiles, the rockets from gaza, you can see those happen. You can hear the jets flying, youve heard them flying all night. When you are down where we were, very close to the gaza border, you can feel the earth shake when those israeli missiles hit. So, it has been quieter tonight than it has been for a while. But what we do have is theyve surrounded Everything Gaza on all sides, except for the egyptian side, with the Israeli Military. As richard said, they are prepared now to go in. Now, whether they are going to go in anytime soon or not remains the question. The problem there is those hostages. We believe they are between 150 hostages as of this afternoon. The Israeli Military had said that they informed 60 families that theyve identified the fact that one of their loved ones maybe a hostage. Theres no knowledge of whether those people are alive or not. Their families want to believe they are alive, and want the government to work very, very hard to get them released. The problem they feel is that if the government goes in, if the Israeli Defense forces go in, where the Ground Offensive now, it may compromise their loved ones. For a couple of reasons. One, is they may be killed in the process. They may be Human Shields as the Israeli Soldiers go in. Number two, it sort of takes away the incentive for the gazans the hamas government of gaza to negotiate, for their release. Thats the problem, as it stands, with respect to the hostages. That said, these images, stephanie, every few hours, there are more Images Released. Often, by hamas. They are affecting the national psyche. They, already, this was already a very personalized attack. This was already something that people, that everybody in this country, we talked to, was personally affected by. These images, hard in the hearts in israel. Now, weve heard people telling us today, just wiped them out. Just kill them all. Just flatten the whole place. Talk to me more about that national psyche. We are five days since the Terror Attacks began, when people were simply just panic and scared, and now they are processing, and assessing the situation. What is the feeling like among israelis . Because more and more people are saying where was our government . Why were we not protected . Yes. So, there are a few things. First of all, in the jewish faith, typically, you need to bury somebody within 24 hours of when theyve died. That is something that is usually observed in israel. That couldnt happen here, because some people didnt find the bodies, they havent had the bodies of their loved ones. Its taken several days. There are funerals now, and emotions just continue to run very, very high. Its everything that happens now, as a reminder of how bad it was. Youre right, on saturday, and on sunday, and on monday, i think the prevailing feeling was anger and some fear. A lot of that fear seems to have dissipated. As the israeli army amass is on the gaza border, i think what people are feelings strength. They are feeling Prime Minister netanyahu said every member of hamas will be killed. They are feeling that strength. I met a man today who fought off these terrorists in his own kibbutz. He asked, he said i did it with seven of my guys who lived there. We got our weapons from the shelter, we got out, we killed six or seven of them. There are about 40 or 50. The rest flood. Where was the army . Raf sanchez talked to people who said the same thing. Where was the army . There is the failure of intelligence, why did nobody know this was happening . And then there are questions about where was the army in these vulnerable communities that are set up right outside of gaza. You mentioned how worried many of the families of hostages are about an Israeli Offensive into gaza. What that will mean for their Family Members there. Tell us more about what that would look like, and Israeli Offensive. Well, so the problem with gaza is that while israel knew what gaza was, its hidden incursion there in 2014, and before that, before the early 2000s, it was part of israel. They generally know the layout of the place. They havent been there for a long time. Theyve got drones that over fly all the time, they know what it looks like. They dont know whats in those buildings. If they think something is in a building, they bring the whole building down. Once they go on withdrawing troops, its going to be street to street fighting. Very densely packed Apartment Buildings, more Apartment Buildings and office buildings. I was there a few years ago, shops, warrens, you cant imagine it. You and i live in new york, its not like that. Things are close together, and theres a little small spaces that could be booby trapped. Theres tunnels underneath those buildings. The israelis dont exactly know the terrain. People i talked to today, soldiers, everybody here with the exception of a small group of people, served in the military for a certain amount of time. They said, if we go in on the ground, Israeli Soldiers are going to die. Lots of them are going to die. So we dont know, is it a short move . A small exercise. Is it a several day thing or a severalweek thing. Is the Main Objective of going into get the hostages out . Or is it Something Else . If you just want to bomb gaza to smithereens, you dont have to go into gaza. You can do that from the sky. So is it a Rescue Mission . We dont know any of these things. The fears of the people who have families Family Members taken hostage, is that they will die if you do this. So they are even leaning towards do whatever you have to do. If you have to negotiate with hamas, something that is otherwise distasteful to israelis, please do it to get our loved ones out. The problem though, stephanie, is on the other side of the border, hearts are hardening there as well. Their powers out, their food supply is running short, they get no fuel in there. They are not getting water. And their homes are being bombed. 200,000 people are without homes in gaza. I dont know what they are going to do either. Things are, once again, 24 hours after we last spoke, not better. The situation could not be more tense, im grateful that you are there and we are so grateful for your reporting, ali. Stay safe, thank you. Now, id like to bring in jury roberts, five of his Family Members were taken hostage by hamas, dory, i am so sorry for what you are facing. I cant imagine how difficult this time is. And how grateful we are that you are joining us in telling us your story. We saw two of your Family Members on the cover of the new york post, tell us about these kids, and please tell us of any names youve received. Whether its through our government, the israeli government, your family. Governme first of all, thank , stephanie, for having me on your show tonight. It really means a lot to me, my family, and in front of the audience. Heat has been a really tough time for all of us. And for me in my family, since saturday morning, when news broke out, i was spending time with my family in dallas, and talked to my family in israel, learning about the horrible news and spending time with my cousin, and my aunt, in a small, peaceful community, just outside the border of gaza. I spent the whole day on the shabbat with them. And shelter in place the missiles, under bombs flying, into the community. Shelter in place in their safe room and waiting for orders, when the Group Messages start to and that terrorists are in the Community Going house by house, killing, murdering, burning, looting, murdering every house in the community. And a great danger. From that moment, we tried to communicate and nothing coming toward just a couple hours, the terrorists made to their house by burning, looting, and getting everything they could get their hands on. After a little bit, they tried to break into the safe house. Thats where My Aunts Partner, gedy, opened the door and started to converse with them we are not here to harm you. Please leave us in peace. After that, he was just gone. Soon after, the communication stops. At 10 30 a. M. The last communication with them. Proof of their lives soon after we saw the from the hamas accounts showing people being transferred to the gaza strip. We recognized my cousin, my aunt, and the twoyearold kids four and a half year old and a two and a half year old hamas gunman through the gaza strip. And thats where we saw a few hours later, her husband found a pain on her phone, came from the Southern City of and that is the absolute last thing that we them. We are trying to beg everybody for help, for information, influence. People of power, to Reach Out To Hamas and tell them to free immediately negotiation also billions, kids, babies, women and elderly and guarantee their safe return back to israel, back to their families, and back to their loved ones. We fear for their lives. The last thing we heard is that My Aunts Partner was being, sometime yesterday, and that was reported in the new york times, with a picture of him. So, we know that he is still alive. But he is along with others, captured by the Hamas Terrorists. And emerge later in the day, about a woman that my cousin and aunt, and felt like a helicopter involved arrested them. And back by foot, injured to israel. She is safe now in the hospital and is being taken care of. But that was the last we heard of my on, my cousin, and my two little girls and we are just so pray for their lives and are really begging everybody who can help us get to them and anybody who can reach the leadership of hamas for their immediate return and release of those kids, of all the women and all the civilians, safe, back to israel, for their family, and to their family. The Israeli Military appears to be ready for a Ground Operation in gaza. How do you feel about that . I have mixed emotions about that. Its really hard to tell what is the right thing to do from here. I am not an expert. I am not a politician. Im just a Family Member who cares for his family. And it is really hard to tell what will be the right next move, if its the military, if its diplomats. I am sure there is hundreds of people around the back stage of all things, and diplomats trying to reach out. If its the egyptians, if its countries from europe who are trying to some kind of situation and reach to those people, to negotiate, to bring the release of these people. We dont want any more deaths. We dont want any more pain. We want our loved ones and our families, our kids, our women, our grandparents, back safe at home with us, which is all what we are asking about, which is all what we want. Dori, sharing your story like this must be unimaginably painful. I appreciate you talking to us. And i pray for your family. Thank you for being here tonight. Thank you. Thank you, stephanie, so much, again. When we come back, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forms an Emergency Unity government. With that means for the war against hamas, and what people in israel are saying about it. And later tonight Steve Scalise speaker of the house over jim jordan. But does he have the votes . Max rose and Jonathan Greenblatt are here for what the chaos in congress could mean for aid to israel. 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Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has official formed a unity government with the former Defense Minister of israel. To see the nation through in its war against hamas. Janine zakaria is with us tonight, shes the Washington Post former Jerusalem Bureau chief. And has reported on israel for 20 years. Janine, this is a very rare move. What does it mean for israel in its fight against hamas . The initial hours after the attack even began, there were people in israel who were calling for and National Unity government. There were others who were calling for, and still are continuing for actual Prime Minister netanyahu to resign, because of this unprecedented failure here in terms of protecting the country. At the end of the day, they revel to get together. He was able to unite with ben in gantz, who is his most Formidable Political foe, especially since january, when you had weekly protests against netanyahu for internal strife, or efforts to fill week in the supreme court, he came together, he brought in benny gantz, brought in another former idf chief of staff, gaudy eyes and caught. The gallant, his partner from likud, is a former commander of southern command, in charge of the area that was the primary area that was attacked. He has demoted, essentially, the most controversial, most rightwing members of his cabinet in a way, Itamar Bengvir giver, another person named they are not part of whats called this new war cabinet that has been formed to determine the next steps in gaza. I know israelis are not a monolith with one voice and one opinion, but here we are, five, now israel 60s in. What are israelis saying about netanyahu tonight . Theres a lot of anger, theres a lot of anger right now. Already, going into this, you had half the country on a weekly basis protesting against him. Hundreds of thousands of israelis going out. Now, youve had the worst massacre of jewish people since the holocaust. And as the previous guest was saying, hours, and days, without rescue, as people were hiding from Hamas Terrorists. So, theres a lot of confusion and frustration, just today, earlier today, you havent seen a lot of Government Ministers out and about. One member of Prime Minister netanyahus cabinet from the likud party, she tried to go to a hospital, they were screaming at her to get out of there. Youve ruined the country. Theres a lot of anger that you normally dont see against the government at this time. But frankly, stephanie, right now, at this moment, i would say most israelis are worried about the soldiers. This mass call up where people from the bay area, where i am, all the way to denver, new york, to everywhere. They are going back to israel right now to fight. And israelis are, i mean, literally, they dont know what to do. They are cooking food and bringing it to the army bases, to the point where the army bases are saying we dont need any more shtetl. We dont need any more chicken right now. They just want to help right now. They are scared. In the announcement of the National Unity government today, they were very open. There was a lot of tough words about killing all the members, the hamas members. It was very oblique, the messaging. This is in contrast to, say, 2014, the last major flareup. Israel was a little more definitive about the mission, in terms of we are going to get rid of the tunnels, were going to do this and that. So, i think partially, they are being oblique so that people just dont know, they want there to be some confusion. But also, i dont know if theyve really worked out the plan. , do people believe netanyahu underestimated the power and force of hamas . That he said, oh, forget them . They are an organized. They are not going to impose any threat. And meanwhile, it has been an extraordinary show of devastating force that israel certainly was not prepared for. Yes. The answer is yes. Not only netanyahu. We dont know the extent with in the Security Service they Armed Security wing responsible for gaza and hamas. They say in hebrew [speaking in a global language] , like, we kind of underestimated. Theyre just going to keep them there. Or, they thought they are saying, in hebrew, we thought we had the tiger in the cage. And netanyahu has always been focused on iran and the Nuclear Threat from hezbollah, and theres been a lot of concern from the west bank. And they shifted their focus. It still doesnt explain it. It doesnt explain it. This is, apparently, supposed to be the most high tech Intelligence Service in the world. They put Pegasus Software on peoples phones you cant detect. And so the fact they were able to pull this off like this is still just so perplexing. And people are talking about it and talking about it. The most senior former security officials. So when this is all over, this will be and god knows when that will be this is going to be i dont even know. I dont think Prime Minister netanyahu, for one, well continue to be able to rule as leader. And god knows the tiger is certainly not in the cage. Janine zacharia, thank you so much for your insights. I appreciate you joining us. When we come back, President Biden doubles down on his support for israel. We are going to get into the state of americas relationship with the country when The 11th Hour continues. Hour continues. Introducing j. P. Morgan personal advisors. Hey david. Connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. Lets find the right investments for your goals okay, great. J. P. Morgan wealth management. Teeth sensitivity is so common. It immediately feels like somebodys poking directly on the nerve. I recommend sensodyne. 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The United States has israels back. And we are going to be working on this all through the day and beyond. Here with me now, former democratic new york congressman max rose, and Jonathan Greenblatt is here, ceo of the antidefamation league. Jonathan, we spoke the fifth day of this war. What are your thoughts tonight . I think we were talking a moment ago im still haunted by the videos i have seen. I am still broken, broken by the pictures. The images today and yesterday from the kibbutzim, they are walking through, the there are just rows and rows and rows of body bags. The story about the baby, them yesterday identifying 40 babies. Some of them were burned in their cribs and some of them were i kind of feel like, in one way, stephanie, like everything has changed. This is beyond words, beyond the imagination. And so i think we are all still i dont think we have the managed to imaginative capacity to imagine Something Like this. But here is the thing about the haunting. Because people keep comparing it to 9 11. We watch those same images for a day over and over and over. The Haunting Images that you are talking about are most likely only going to get worse. Yeah. It is going to get much, much harder. We are going to continue to hear now more stories about what happened. We are going to see more footage of hamas hamas specializes in torture. This is what they do. They held gilad shalit, an israeli soldier, for five years with no food again, i think, beyond words. And so we are going to have to prepare for that. Because this is not account about to sign some academic argument. This is not even israelis versus palestinians. This is good versus evil. Hamas is evil. It is ices isis. It is alqaeda. It is literally murdering grandparents. It is evil. And i think you know, in life, we dont expect to find evil at our doorstep. But that is what happened here. And we are going to be wrestling with this for a long time. Because, do remember, the israelis live with this. But all of us all of us had figured they could reach a sort of Modus Vivendi with these people. They will find a way. Right. They dont really want to eradicate the zionist entity, even though it says it in their charter. They dont really want to murder jews wherever they are, even though it says it in its charter. They dont really believe that jews are subhuman, even though their textbooks and their television told us this again and again and again. They dont really think those things. Hamas, evil. And i think what we really have to come to grips with are the people in this country, tomorrow, there is a quote they of resistance. There are upwards of three dozen rallies planned on College Campuses and in cities across the country by pro hamas groups, like students for justice in palestine. So, imagine knowing what we know now. Imagine knowing about these people who were butchered, who were brutalized, who were kidnapped, who were mutilated, that you have americans who are essentially acting as their accomplices, excusing and trying to rationalize these profane unholy actions. Max rose, you are jewish. You are a military veteran. You are a former lawmaker. This is the first time we have spoken since this all started. What are you thinking tonight . Like everything that jonathan has just said, i feel, down to my core in our bones. In our bones. I dont get me wrong, every ounce of me wants to get on the next plane and suit back up like i did in afghanistan like i did ten years ago, to a unit, and seek vengeance. But i think there is something we have to start to think alongside all of this, which is about hardcore military realities. What is it . Israel absolutely has to defend itself. And it absolutely has to reestablished deterrence. But i do sincerely, as a jew, and former lawmaker, hope that it learns the lessons of what america experienced for the last 20 years. Learns the lessons about the harshness and complexity and difficulties of an urban occupation and urban door to door building to building combat. And that thinks about that, and plans that should actually go into gaza . But it also considers what is the purpose of Military Conflict . It is to achieve political aims. And it is to have legitimate strategic rational, tangible objectives as you seek that. And so, undeniably, we are all filled with anger and a desire for vengeance. And im not even telling people to take that away. But i do also hope that they are right now pursuing a coherent Military Strategy alongside that. This is what is hard, right . I think bismarck is the one who always said that politics is extension of war, or Something Like that. And it presumes to rational actors. But when one actor, hamas, there are objective is to literally kill jews, their objective is to literally eradicate the zionist entity, i think what israel has learned is that there is no status quo with them. This is a zero sum game as they see it. Not something that could eventually result in some negotiated settlement. Of course, and thats part of the complexity of this. That israel, for 17 years practiced an entirely different strategy. Remember, israel left gaza and went so far as to make sure that there werent jews buried in gaza any longer. And that sure has hell did not work. And what we all have to struggle with now is also an equally coherent, difficult but it has to be a very rational deliberation about how to achieve the goals that you just laid out, which is that this never happens ever again. Nothing ever close to this. We need to end it first. You cant even get to that thought. You have to stop the bleeding before you can think of, this cant happen again. We are at the Beginning Stage. There is no doubt. There is no doubt of that. That anyone who has experienced the last 20 years of conflict in iraq and afghanistan well tell you that that Beginning Stage is absolutely when you have to think about this Military Strategy, its when you actually have to have that very coherent understanding of, what are we trying to achieve and how are we trying to achieve it with the resources at our disposal. And that is when it is most difficult. When you are faced with the highest levels of hatred. And anger and vengeance. And a desire for vengeance. And so that is all i am saying. Is that we have to have that conversation now as well. All right, dont go anywhere, either of you. We are going to take a quick break. And when we come back, we will talk about the house, the race for the speaker and what it could mean for the u. S. And israel. We are just going to make things more complicated, when The 11th Hour continues. 1th hour continues. 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Its important we are back functioning as house of representatives. We need a speaker. And steve is the guy for that. I will like i said, ive offered to Nominee Speech by him when we get back in session. Max and jonathan are still here. Max, does the support of mccarthy and jim jordan i mean, you work with these guys. What in the hell is going on . You still have 14 crazies that have said they what are they going to be given . What exactly are they going to steve bannon. And Steve Bannons goal is to blow the whole thing up. Told us that. We cant separate the last conversation we have just had from this. No, we cannot. The world is in a really serious situation. And it demands American Leadership right now. They are certainly getting that from the president of the United States. But the beauty and complexity of the american system of government is that it really requires a unity of effort during your most challenging times. And what the world is looking at right now is the Republican Leadership in absolute disarray. They cannot even get their act together for a vote to increase appropriations to israel during a time of war when it is in desperate need of increased military aid. That is because they are not able to actually function in a position of power. We are all seeing it right now. And yes there, is going to be a circus on tv again. And, yes scalise might have 15 votes just like but doesnt that seem absurd, in this desperate time of need that we are about to have another clown show . When there should be a unity . It is not absurd. It is scary. It is frightening. Because the world, israel, all of our allies, i absolutely need us to step up and be there. And we can only do that with a unity of purpose and a unity of focus. How worried are you that all of this could impact our aid to israel. Its super worrisome. If there is no speaker of the house, there isnt a degree of order, then they can pass legislation. Look, the good news is that both sides are pro israel and appreciate the value of the u. S. Israel relationship. Both sides understand israels strategic significance. But we need a speaker in order for the bills to pass. No speaker, no bills, congress does not work. And i also worry about our shut down. Like, what happens if there is going to be a shutdown at the end of the month, like many people are predicting, even with speaker scullys. I dont know. There is no reason to think we wont have a shutdown. Those 14 havent changer tunes. Gentlemen, thank you so, so much for being here. When we come back, a new reality. Have left the country changedl forever, when The 11th Hour continues. Ur continues. Ate to severe Crohns Disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up ive got Symptom Relief Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. 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Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. The last thing before we go tonight forever changed. The terror of these last few days has left the people of israel understandably shaken and facing a devastating the scary new reality. Our own Kelly Cobiella hes in tel aviv, checking in with citizens facing their new reality. The sounds are imprinted on nearly every israelis mind, after Hamas Terrorists descended on the desert. The attack has shaken the country knows someone killed, taken, in captivity. At least 1200 people murdered in a country of just under 10 million, the equivalent of over 40,000 dead if it had happened in the u. S. And scenes echo 9 11, which we shaped the United States forever. Nothing is normal. We are worried. We are angry. This region is no stranger to war. Half a century ago, the Yom Kippur War left the country deeply scarred. Now, it is different. No place feels safe. Something else. Something unbelievable. We are not used to being so vulnerable. Mother of two yahara nagar spent hours at home. She says the army never came for them. They escaped on their own. Has this changed everything in your mind . When this was the first time we left the kibbutz and we drove through the gate, i said, i dont think i am coming back. I dont think i can still live here. I dont feel safe in my home. And that is something that has never happened to me. Tonight, hope for peace feel shattered. The options on the grounds remain as bitter as ever before. Kelly cobiella, nbc news, tel aviv. Our hearts are with all those suffering in the region tonight. And on that very serious night note, i wish you a very safe night. From all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with us. I will see you at the end of tomorrow. Today began with some hard news from the white house. The number of americans confirmed killed by the Hamas Terrorists assault on israel this weekend has climbed to at least 22. And that number may rise. On top of that tragic news, the white house announced today that another 17 americans remain unaccounted for. And the white house expects the number of known american hostages

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