Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

gonna continue the coverage from israel. president biden had another lengthy phone call today with israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. vice president kamala harris joined the phone call in which president biden pledged more military aid to israel, after that call, at 2:24 pm, the president said this. >> you know, there are moments in life, and i mean this literally, when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed. on this world. the people of israel lived through one such moment this weekend. the bloody hands of the terrorist organization, hamas, a group who stated purpose for being is to kill jews. this is an act of sheer evil. more than 1000 civilians slaughtered, not just killed, slaughtered in israel. among them, at least 14 american citizens. killed. parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children. stomach churning reports of being babies being killed. entire families slain. young people massacred while attending a musical festival the to celebrate peace. celebrate peace. women raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies. families hid their fear for hours and hours, desperately trying to keep their children quiet. to avoid drawing attention. thousands of wounded. alive, but carrying with them the bullet holes and the shrapnel wounds and the memory of what they endured. you will know these traumas never go away. there's still so many families desperately waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones. not knowing if they are alive or dade or hostages. infants and their mother's arms, grandparents in wheelchairs, holocaust survivors abducted and held hostage. hostages huma hamas has now threatened to execute, in violation of every code of human morality. it's abhorrent. the brutality of hamas, these bloodthirstiness brings to mind the worst, the worst rampages of i.s.i.s.. this is terrorism. sadly, the jewish people, it's not new. this attack is brought to the surface painful memories, and the scars left by a millennia of antisemitism. and genocide. the jewish people. in this moment, we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel. we stand with israel. and we will make sure, it will have what it takes to defend its citizens, taker itself, and respond to this attack. >> after the president spoke, his national security adviser, jake sullivan, held a press conference and said this. >> the president has been deeply engaged in giving direction to his national security team. to take action, to support israel in its hour of need. his direction, the united states has surged ammunition and interceptors for iron dome, and the president spoke with prime minister netanyahu just a little while ago, to talk about additional capabilities that israel will need. and he pledged that american planes will be landing in israel with those capabilities in the days ahead. now, at the direction of the president, we are working with congress to make sure that israel maintains supply of its assets, to defended cities and its citizens. as well as the many u.s. citizens who live work and travel in israel. also with president biden's direction, the u.s. military as enhanced its force posture in the region, to strengthen our deterrence. including the movement of a carrier strike group into the mediterranean. and we are prepared to move additional assets as necessary. let me be clear, we did not move the carrier for hamas. we moved the carrier to send a clear message of deterrence to other states, or non state actors, that might seek to widen this war. the president is also tasked us with engaging in contingency planning for any and all escalation scenarios. >> leading off our discussion tonight,'s white house principal deputy national security adviser, john finer. thank you very much for joining us on this important night. do you have any updated numbers for us on the number of possible american dead in this situation? or the number of possible american hostages? >> thanks, lawrence, for having me. i don't have any numbers beyond those that the president and jake sullivan used earlier today, 14 americans who have been killed and as many as 20 or more who remain missing, some of whom we believe are likely to be held in gaza as captives. i do believe those numbers are likely to rise, perhaps in both cases just due to the sheer number of americans who are in israel, at any given moment several hundred thousand, over to 500,000 at least. so, because a fog of war we haven't been able to gather perfect data, it is something we are really focused on, and the president has said, his highest priority, it is to see to it that we're doing everything we can, to try to address the situation of americans who are in harm's way. >> the fog of war for the united states in gaza must be especially intense. because it's not clear to us out here, anyway, that you have many contact points in contact possibilities for what's going on there. what can you tell us, the president and jake sullivan talked about working relentlessly, hour by hour, to try to get more information about the hostages, the american hostages, being held in gaza. what can you tell us about how that is being done from the white house administration? >> well, we have a number of areas of focus when it comes to people who may be held hostage in gaza. one of which, we have set up a condo, an ability for americans whose loved ones maybe missing to contact the state department, provide information that might make it easier for us to pass to these rallies and work with these rallies to try to help locate them. second, the president has deployed, as you know, because you talked about it today and jake sullivan talked about it as well, a team of experts from across the u.s. government in hostage recovery, to work with israeli counterparts on what is going to be a very difficult task of trying to locate and ultimately, we hope, be able to secure the release of these hostages, who are in gaza. and the third piece of this, we're gonna share every bit of intelligence and other information we can gather through our intelligence capability, with the israeli counterparts, as we quite often do, given our close intelligence relationship with the government of israel. >> the secretary of state is going to israel tomorrow, to point about that. what is his mission in israel? and then secondly, with the secretary of state be going, if the united states had a confirmed ambassador to israel in service there now? >> well, i'll say a few things. one, the secretary of state is going to israel first and foremost as a show of solidarity, very much carrying the message that the president conveyed today. the united states stands with israel and it's very difficult our, very difficult moment. we celebrate triumphant occasions, happy occasions together. in this past weekend was a holiday weekend, when many americans were celebrating in israel. we also mourn our tragedy together. secretary blinken will be going to do just that. he'll also be going to engage with our embassy, and with american citizens who are in israel to make sure that they're getting every bit of assistance they need for those who would like to leave the country, for those have experienced a traumatic situation, our embassies foremost mission is to provide support for americans who live, travel, or work abroad. he would absolutely going under any circumstance, whether we had a confirmed ambassador or not. we'd prefer to have a confirmed ambassador, absolutely. we urge congress to take action to confirm our ambassador right away. we have, by the way, a very capable -- in a gun of grace outstanding job in lieu of an ambassador over the course of the past very difficult week. >> in the presidents phone call with prime minister netanyahu today, who did president come out of that phone call confident about the parameters that will be followed in the way israel responds to this? did the president come out with any concern of a possible overreaction by israel? >> i guess what i'd say about that, it's not for the united states to set the parameters of the operation that israel is already conducting and has said, quite clearly, it intends to intensify in the coming days. what the president said, he and the prime minister had an exchange about the fact that democracies, like the united states and israel, or stronger, are more secure, when they act in accordance with the principles like the rule of law. and that very much goes for the law of war and the conduct of military operations, beyond that, i'm not gonna characterize the president's confidence level one way or another. we all, i think, had very deep concerns about both the current environment in the situation going forward. given how challenging it is going to be, to conduct a military operation in a place like gaza. >> is it your understanding at this point, that israel is essentially, has essentially, secured its territory, has there been some rocket fire in southern israel today? what is the risk, as you understand it right now, for people in israel? >> so, i'll leave it to the governor of israel to characterize exactly the security environment in their country. i don't think that's our place to do that. they do seem to have said that they have secured the areas immediately surrounding gaza, which i know is a primary area focus, and took a number of days after these attacks began, given their complex nature, given the number of fighters involved. so, i won't characterize when we are another. it does seem to have calmed considerably over the past 24 hours or so. which is fundamentally very good thing. >> has the state department been involved in helping americans who want to leave israel to leave israel? has that been necessary? >> so, our understanding is that the civilian airport in israel remains functional, remains operating, their commercial flights still going in and out of israel. at the moment, that some carriers have suspended those operations, which we believe is making it somewhat difficult in some cases, for americans and others to secure tickets on outbound flights. so, the state department is going to continue working with american citizens to help make sure that they know all of the options that are available, including overland routes into look to provide a potential new options if those become necessary. >> as you go forward, there are benchmarks that you're looking for in the course of this week or next week, that you're hoping can be achieved, that you could then call progress. >> so, again, lawrence, it would not be for us for, the united states government, to set benchmarks for the upcoming military operation or objectives, or that sort of thing. that would be for the government of israel military to take that. set themselves. i do think they have, as a very clear goal reestablishing deterrence that can prevent any thing like this sort of attack that took place over the past several days. from ever happening again. and, certainly, to reducing, if not ending the capability of hamas. and the terrorist organization to conduct these attacks. from being able to do this kind of thing to the israeli population. i think we cannot underestimate here in the united states, the degree of trauma that was inflicted, on these really populist, by these attacks. this is all still very fresh and also very raw. frankly, it was a day or some of these are unprecedented in the history of the country. of israel which is obviously had a very complicated. and recharging hysteria. times frankly, unprecedented in history of most countries. so, they are going to first and foremost work to prevent that sort of thing, and make it clear that sort of thing cannot happen again and will have to get. >> deputy national security, john, finer thank you for taking the time to join us tonight. really appreciate. >> thanks, for having me. >> joining us now from tel aviv, is ronan bergman, staff writer for the new york times magazine. he's the author of rise and kill first. the secret history of israel's targeted assassinations. thank you very much for joining us, once again tonight from tel aviv. please tell us what this scene is like for people living in tel aviv today, and today. >> well, you know, a the sending of rockets and missiles from tel aviv to time to time. this is not something extraordinary. something that people living in israel have experienced. but one thing is, unique in a very tragic way, is that there is no family, no one in israel, and a very small place, who is not a relative or friend, who has not lost anyone in this horrifying event. and the stories just piling. in with most of the funeral taking place. but people are looking for their relatives, looking for their friends, don't know the fate of the missing people. crying for those who were killed or, very much concerned. for those who are missing. i think this is the story that the mood is the mood of grief, mood of deep sorrow, and sadness. and people, i think, still far away from absolving what actually happened. >> you have done deep reporting on israel's intelligence operations, including the operations that they might be mounting to try to. to try to rescue the options. what often that israel have now in trying to make a move to reach those hostages? >> well, it was the prime minister -- 1976, when he said israel will now negotiate an exchange of prisoners, if there's any possible way, operational possible way to rescue the hostages, even rescuing them and the force that was sent in some places, the force to fall >> but hamas has learned those lessons, and they are keeping the hostages possibly underground. i assume that there is some kind of inquiry into the possibility to rescue them, but this will be at a very high cost. and only after careful learning of intelligence, collection of the details of who is keeping them, who is guarding them, what are the chances that the rescue force and the hostages will remain -- after such an operation and only then will the israeli government sent any prime minister, not just the current one who lost his brother at them the -- i think that any prime minister will have to have a very serious difficult dilemma whether to sense of force or fights hamas, that's the main goal of what the idf is doing now. or at the same time, running a negotiation for a possible exchange of prisoners. >> what are the prospects in this situation of actually negotiating for the hostages? >> well, i think that both sides are now denying having any kind of negotiations. politically, hamas says that they will not negotiate at the end of the war. meaning that hamas once you have the leverage of the hostages being inside gaza, as a human shield, to protect the -- from israeli bombing. and israel, who is holding a tough position, saying we will not negotiate with these criminals, i think that the reality is more complicated through qatar and possibly the egyptians. they are some first attempts to negotiate a possible-limited deal. a limited deal that will include the women and children from the kidnapped civilians, just taking them to gaza on saturday. and a possible exchange of them with women that are being held and prosecuted and sentenced in israeli prisons. >> does hamas distinguish between american hostages and israeli hostages? >> i would think that this is very unlikely. we saw those horrifying videos of the way they treated children and women, and elderly. they don't have any boundaries. no humane consideration. so i don't think that american citizenship would make them suddenly be -- >> thank you very much for joining us again, at what is a very early hour for you in the morning in tel aviv. thank you very much. >> thank you, good morning. i'm >> coming up, we'll have more of what president biden had to say today. senator them richard blumenthal will join us. that's next. that's next. that's next. ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. there are some things that go better... together. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. type 2 diabetes? 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guess, i was concerned. she leaned over and whispered to me and said don't worry senator biden. we have a secret weapon here in israel. my word, this is what she said. we have no place else to go. we have no place else to go. >> joining us now is senator richard blumenthal, democrat of connecticut. he's a member of the senate armed services committee. senator, thank you for joining us tonight on this important night. those words, we have no place else to go, has always been true of israel. >> thank you for having me. it is eminently true, and it is a fact of life for the jewish people. that is real is unique, and they have no place else to go for the jewish state. and i think president biden really expressed so eloquently the sense of outrage, but also anxiety and fear that is widespread in the jewish community. i've been to rallies around the state of connecticut, many of us have a personal connection, cousins of mine are in the idea of. the israeli defense forces, and probably on their way to the front right now. they have friends and neighbors who have lost loved ones or they may be missing. and so i think americans have a very direct bond, an unshakable moms, military to military, intelligence community to intelligence community, but also in terms of culture and heritage. and i talked today to a very senior diplomat, israeli diplomat, who said to me, this statement by president biden was the strongest statement by an american president that he has seen in his lifetime. and i think that sense of fear, but also moral outrage, was expressed so powerfully by the president. >> it certainly is the strongest that i've seen, by an american president. you tweeted something that i think speaks for millions of people in this country, and around the world, including myself. with friends in israel, you said i'm hearing from friends and relatives in israel about neighbors missing sons and daughters, children reporting for military duty, friends lost humorous brutality. the scope and scale of this tragedy is heart wrenching beyond words. i stand with israel. what has been your experience with that? because i've been hearing the same thing from friends in this country, worried about their relatives there. what can you say to americans tonight who are worried about their relatives and friends in israel? we >> what i can say to anybody who cares about the state of israel is that we're going to do whatever it takes to enable israel to win this war. we're going to stand with israel for the long haul, and it will be a long and painful battle. a marathon, not a sprint. we're preparing a supplemental right now to replenish the interceptors of that are necessary for the iran dome. we're also providing whatever funding is necessary to restock the precision munitions necessary for their aircraft. and also munitions for their artillery. but beyond the direct aid which is flowing, even as we speak, because we have commitments of 3.8 billion. we're also working diplomatically with friends and partners there to contain the crisis and spare is real at you front war, in effect. and that's been successful so far. the p.a. seems to recognize that hamas is a terrorist organization, it's not the palestinian people. and the war is against hamas, not the palestinian people. and hopefully hezbollah will recognize that a broader conflagration and its sponsor around, the same with serial, that this effort needs to be contained. but support, unyielding, unwavering, as the president expresses tonight, is what i've been saying to people who call my office. people at the rallies that i pretended around the state, i've connected with thousands of people. all races, all religions, coming forward to express their sympathy. and i think that's what i can tell him. >> no president has ever had more experience with this issue and this region that president biden, beginning with his meeting with -- as a new and young son or, going through his 36 years in the senate. chairman of the senate for the relations committee, then vice president of the united states, and now president. with israel being an active concern every day of all of those years and all of those offices, what do you think that experience brings to this moment for the american government? >> what i think president biden brings to this moment is a lifetime of commitment to peace in the middle east, that has been a continuing enterprise, but also to the essential nature of the jewish state, the state of israel. and put aside the emotional, cultural, religious bonds that we may feel, israel is a vital ally in the direct security interests of the united states. our military to military relationship is an essential strength of the united states national security system. i say that as a member of the armed services committee with direct access to information about how our military to military intelligence committee relates, and provides significant aid to each other. we have no more reliable ally in that dangerous neighborhood, and maybe in the world. so i think president biden brings to this challenge, and it is a challenge unlike any israel has met in its existence. never before has it lost this many people, and everybody in israel knows somebody lost. and i would guess many, many in the jewish community here in the united states have direct ties -- will, president biden knows them well. and he brings as well that personal experience. >> democratic senior senator richard blumenthal, thank you very much for joining us on this important day. >> thank you. >> coming, up nbc's richard and all with the latest from israel. our breaking news coverage continues right after this break. coverage continues right after this break. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. hi. my name 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working with the israeli government and our region partners on every aspect of the hostage crisis, including sharing intelligence and deploying experts from across the u.s. government to advise the israeli government, and coordinate with him, on hostage recovery. as the president just said, there is no higher priority then the safety and well-being of american citizens being held hostage overseas. >> this is a live look at gaza, where it is 5:36 i am. the israeli government says there are more than 150 hostages currently being held there. nbc news chief court despondent richard engel has more on the situation today. >> throughout the night, we've been hearing is really jets flying overhead, carrying out bombings -- inside the gaza strip. this could escalate. it is possible that israel will carry out a ground invasion, sending in tanks and troops into gaza. as of which, is completely cut off. no power, food, medicine, nothing allowed to go in. from what we were able to see tonight, i'm on the gaza border, it doesn't seem that in an invasion is eminent. it could be launched as a surprise, but the military buildup seems to be happening more slowly, while the air campaign is happening quite intensely right now. what we did see, however, is israel is still trying to secure the communities that were attacked on that terrible saturday at 6:30 in the morning, when hamas militants broke out of the gaza strip him. more than 1000 of them, potentially 1500 or more than that, and went on a killing spree in kibbutzes at a music festival and in several little villages all around the gaza strip. we went into one of those villages today, and when it looked like a crime scene. all of the people, all of the residents are gone. or have been killed, or have been taken hostage. israeli troops were going house to house, looking for any hamas fighters who might still be there. as far as we can tell, they didn't find anything. but what they did find were bodies of hamas fighters, hamas flags, hamas fighters still in their body armor, still in camouflage, carrying their weapons. the bodies, just left rotting in the sun, and many is really bodies as well. the soldiers were collecting them, they were collecting them with great care, putting them in body bags. and each time they do, the death toll here continues to rise. we learned a lot of details about how the attack on this particular town took place. the militants burst through the border fence, surrounding the gaza strip. crossed a relatively small amount of terrain, because this area, this town is right on the gaza border. cut through the perimeter fence of the kibbutz, and then started executing people, grabbing people, dragging hostages back into gaza. this is not over. this is not over. hamas is also continuing its rocket attacks, because the israelis are firing into gaza, and the palestinians are firing rockets out of gaza into cities. and we were in the city of ashkelon, which is not far from where i am right now, and hamas fired what seemed to be a few hundred rockets at ashkelon, in a timed barrage over the course of about an hour. they fired wave after wave of rockets. we took shelter in a doorway of a bomb shelter, and were able to see the rockets flying over a head. but most of the rockets, nearly all of them were intercepted by israel's iron dome defense system. so that's where we are at this moment. the israelis are bombing gaza, they are leveling the place, and that humanitarian conditions in gaza are dire. israel says its goal is to destroy hamas, to remove it from its position of leadership inside the gaza strip. but how does it do that without causing massive civilian damage, to the civilian population of the gaza strip, and how does it do that without killing the hundred or more hostages who are still there, he did in gaza, and held by hamas? we >> nbc chief foreign correspondent richard engel reporting. joining us now, live from iran, is nbc news correspondent -- in toronto. ali, today the white house made it very specific that they do not have intelligence evidence indicating that iran was a prime mover, or seriously involved in the actual planning of this invasion. but certainly, iran is also not in any way stepping forward to take credit for it. >> that's right. the state department said that there was no smoking gun, but they did say that iran was probably complicit. and that's because iran has supported hezbollah and hamas for so many years. they've been their patron, they've given them a lot of money, a lot of weapons, and a lot of training. but it's quite interesting. for the first time since that attack, the top authority in the country, some he gave his first televised speech since hamas attacked israel. and he denied that tehran was involved, but he did glorify the attacks, saying that israel's irreparable military and intelligence defeat was great. he was wearing a palestinian type scarf to show solidarity with hamas, and he went on to say that he kisses the hands of those who planned the attack on the zionist regime. he called the attack a destructive earthquake, that it destroyed critical infrastructure in israel that can't be repaired easily. and then he issued a warning to tel aviv. he said that if the israelis go on and enforce our ground attack on gaza, as he put it, it would unleash a much heavier torrent of anger. now, even though officials here have denied any involvement, since the beginning of this attack, tehran has openly and enthusiastically supported attacks by hamas. there was a flurry of senior hamas leaders visiting tehran from june to a couple weeks ago. they were having meetings with some top officials, pam and other very senior officials in this country. if you take a look at the irgc channels, there was a large share going on and some level of pride over these attacks. and look, basically, ideologically, hamas and iran are not on the same page. one is sony, the others shia, they have different interests in the region. especially in places like syria. but what they do have in common is a shared hatred of israel. and for iran, this isn't so much about wanting hamas to succeed, this is about wanting to hurt israel by any means. and that's why they're throwing their weight behind hamas. as secretary blinken said, hamas wouldn't be hamas without iran. and that's white to ron is being one of them hamas's major supporters for many years. providing it with financial assistance and vast scores of weaponry, including rockets. and what's also interesting, is that if you go on to -- website, he's boasting about when the general was actively involved in arming palestinians. the website writes about so money being able to fund weapons and all sorts of things into gaza. circumventing blockades, and they credit him with helping the palestinians go from fighting is real with rocks two rockets. so they take a lot of pride in where hamas is today. they feel like they've built them up to what they are today when, to the point of their sophisticated attack. which they weren't capable of before. the iranians are basically saying we've allowed them to become so sophisticated over all of these ears. and of course, iran also wields enormous influence over hezbollah, who have launched some motor attacks on israel. hezbollah answers to tyrion, so if there was a big attack from hezbollah, i think the united states and israel would clearly see that at the hands of -- >> nbc's -- thank you very much for joining us at this early hour. we really appreciate you joining us again. >> thank you. coming up, our next guest, congressman ruben gallego, spoke with israel's ambassador to the united states. he will join us next. states he will join us next he will join us next or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 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>> well, i can tell you a couple things. number one, i communicated the deep sorrow that i feel, my family feels, and all americans feel for the atrocity that was committed upon israeli citizens, and citizens from all around the world. what how moss did is a war crime, is a barbaric, and it's something that cannot be forgotten. number two, i want to communicate determination. determination that we will stand with israel and help them in this fight against terrorism, and that we will be there every step of the day like we have for the past decades that we've been together. thick and i also communicated to them my personal feelings about what i fear for some of these young soldiers, going into gaza is very difficult. these young soldiers weren't much difficulteren't much >> i know that's what theye doing is very difficult, but it's difficult because they're going to abide by the rule of law, abide by the rule of war. take their time and make sure that they can limit as much out of harm as possible, unlike what hamas did when they were killing, raping, and destroying children and lives. aunts lastly, i told him that he could count on me and the american public, as well as congress to be there in support, to make sure that we can get whatever supplies, whatever ammunition, whatever support they need from us to make sure that they can continue this fight against hamas. >> is the kind of urban warfare that we might see in gaza the most difficult, the worst kind of combat engagement for combat trained troops? >> it is. you are dealing with an environment that's three inches 60 degrees of threats. above you, below, you behind you. and you're also dealing with a very cowardly group of terrorists that will use civilians, and unfortunately i saw this in iraq to, that will use civilians as shields. wendell have civilians in the same building as they hide their weaponry, as they hide themselves. and will actually suit sometimes, children behind women, in order for them to kill the israeli soldiers or harm them to get away. that is, unfortunately, the nature of urban warfare. and if you do urban warfare by the rule of war, where you try to limit the amount of civilian casualties, it unfortunately is slow and unfortunately is deadly. and it will cost israel a lot of men and women. this is why it's important that we arm them with the intelligence, with the weaponry they need, the sophisticated weaponry that they need to minimize both deaths two israeli soldiers, but also even to palestinian civilians that will be caught in the cross fire. >> in your own experience in combat, and on the subcom committee of intelligence and special operations, what about what's happening there now is improvable at this stage, with better intelligence? we saw a massive intelligence failure before this happened. >> well, without going into particular details and process and equipment, or platforms, gathering intelligence is very important, but also being able to analyze it. there's going to be an approach, basically trying to find out where these cells exist. where are the commanding and control headquarters for hamas? trying to use different types of signal intelligence and human intelligence to figure out where the hostages are. and from there, trying to basically put and execute operation plans together. and then integrating all types of fire and weaponry to do this. so, what they may not have seen before, which is entirely possible, they will now be able to see more so now, because while you're in active combat, both sides have to communicate. and the side that actually has the capability to listen to someone else is going to be the side that has the upperhand. >> congressman ruben gallego, combat veteran and the top democrat on the house subcommittee on intelligence and special operations, thank you very much for your invaluable insights tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> we'll be right back. lawrence >> we'll be right back >> we'll be right back in this clinic, we pride ourselves on putting others first. it's on us to help care for our clients' well-being; to help them adapt. it's inspiring to work at a place where our patients succeed. and we as therapists do, too. with great benefits from principal, we feel appreciated for the work we do. 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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

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gonna continue the coverage from israel. president biden had another lengthy phone call today with israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. vice president kamala harris joined the phone call in which president biden pledged more military aid to israel, after that call, at 2:24 pm, the president said this. >> you know, there are moments in life, and i mean this literally, when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed. on this world. the people of israel lived through one such moment this weekend. the bloody hands of the terrorist organization, hamas, a group who stated purpose for being is to kill jews. this is an act of sheer evil. more than 1000 civilians slaughtered, not just killed, slaughtered in israel. among them, at least 14 american citizens. killed. parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children. stomach churning reports of being babies being killed. entire families slain. young people massacred while attending a musical festival the to celebrate peace. celebrate peace. women raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies. families hid their fear for hours and hours, desperately trying to keep their children quiet. to avoid drawing attention. thousands of wounded. alive, but carrying with them the bullet holes and the shrapnel wounds and the memory of what they endured. you will know these traumas never go away. there's still so many families desperately waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones. not knowing if they are alive or dade or hostages. infants and their mother's arms, grandparents in wheelchairs, holocaust survivors abducted and held hostage. hostages huma hamas has now threatened to execute, in violation of every code of human morality. it's abhorrent. the brutality of hamas, these bloodthirstiness brings to mind the worst, the worst rampages of i.s.i.s.. this is terrorism. sadly, the jewish people, it's not new. this attack is brought to the surface painful memories, and the scars left by a millennia of antisemitism. and genocide. the jewish people. in this moment, we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel. we stand with israel. and we will make sure, it will have what it takes to defend its citizens, taker itself, and respond to this attack. >> after the president spoke, his national security adviser, jake sullivan, held a press conference and said this. >> the president has been deeply engaged in giving direction to his national security team. to take action, to support israel in its hour of need. his direction, the united states has surged ammunition and interceptors for iron dome, and the president spoke with prime minister netanyahu just a little while ago, to talk about additional capabilities that israel will need. and he pledged that american planes will be landing in israel with those capabilities in the days ahead. now, at the direction of the president, we are working with congress to make sure that israel maintains supply of its assets, to defended cities and its citizens. as well as the many u.s. citizens who live work and travel in israel. also with president biden's direction, the u.s. military as enhanced its force posture in the region, to strengthen our deterrence. including the movement of a carrier strike group into the mediterranean. and we are prepared to move additional assets as necessary. let me be clear, we did not move the carrier for hamas. we moved the carrier to send a clear message of deterrence to other states, or non state actors, that might seek to widen this war. the president is also tasked us with engaging in contingency planning for any and all escalation scenarios. >> leading off our discussion tonight,'s white house principal deputy national security adviser, john finer. thank you very much for joining us on this important night. do you have any updated numbers for us on the number of possible american dead in this situation? or the number of possible american hostages? >> thanks, lawrence, for having me. i don't have any numbers beyond those that the president and jake sullivan used earlier today, 14 americans who have been killed and as many as 20 or more who remain missing, some of whom we believe are likely to be held in gaza as captives. i do believe those numbers are likely to rise, perhaps in both cases just due to the sheer number of americans who are in israel, at any given moment several hundred thousand, over to 500,000 at least. so, because a fog of war we haven't been able to gather perfect data, it is something we are really focused on, and the president has said, his highest priority, it is to see to it that we're doing everything we can, to try to address the situation of americans who are in harm's way. >> the fog of war for the united states in gaza must be especially intense. because it's not clear to us out here, anyway, that you have many contact points in contact possibilities for what's going on there. what can you tell us, the president and jake sullivan talked about working relentlessly, hour by hour, to try to get more information about the hostages, the american hostages, being held in gaza. what can you tell us about how that is being done from the white house administration? >> well, we have a number of areas of focus when it comes to people who may be held hostage in gaza. one of which, we have set up a condo, an ability for americans whose loved ones maybe missing to contact the state department, provide information that might make it easier for us to pass to these rallies and work with these rallies to try to help locate them. second, the president has deployed, as you know, because you talked about it today and jake sullivan talked about it as well, a team of experts from across the u.s. government in hostage recovery, to work with israeli counterparts on what is going to be a very difficult task of trying to locate and ultimately, we hope, be able to secure the release of these hostages, who are in gaza. and the third piece of this, we're gonna share every bit of intelligence and other information we can gather through our intelligence capability, with the israeli counterparts, as we quite often do, given our close intelligence relationship with the government of israel. >> the secretary of state is going to israel tomorrow, to point about that. what is his mission in israel? and then secondly, with the secretary of state be going, if the united states had a confirmed ambassador to israel in service there now? >> well, i'll say a few things. one, the secretary of state is going to israel first and foremost as a show of solidarity, very much carrying the message that the president conveyed today. the united states stands with israel and it's very difficult our, very difficult moment. we celebrate triumphant occasions, happy occasions together. in this past weekend was a holiday weekend, when many americans were celebrating in israel. we also mourn our tragedy together. secretary blinken will be going to do just that. he'll also be going to engage with our embassy, and with american citizens who are in israel to make sure that they're getting every bit of assistance they need for those who would like to leave the country, for those have experienced a traumatic situation, our embassies foremost mission is to provide support for americans who live, travel, or work abroad. he would absolutely going under any circumstance, whether we had a confirmed ambassador or not. we'd prefer to have a confirmed ambassador, absolutely. we urge congress to take action to confirm our ambassador right away. we have, by the way, a very capable -- in a gun of grace outstanding job in lieu of an ambassador over the course of the past very difficult week. >> in the presidents phone call with prime minister netanyahu today, who did president come out of that phone call confident about the parameters that will be followed in the way israel responds to this? did the president come out with any concern of a possible overreaction by israel? >> i guess what i'd say about that, it's not for the united states to set the parameters of the operation that israel is already conducting and has said, quite clearly, it intends to intensify in the coming days. what the president said, he and the prime minister had an exchange about the fact that democracies, like the united states and israel, or stronger, are more secure, when they act in accordance with the principles like the rule of law. and that very much goes for the law of war and the conduct of military operations, beyond that, i'm not gonna characterize the president's confidence level one way or another. we all, i think, had very deep concerns about both the current environment in the situation going forward. given how challenging it is going to be, to conduct a military operation in a place like gaza. >> is it your understanding at this point, that israel is essentially, has essentially, secured its territory, has there been some rocket fire in southern israel today? what is the risk, as you understand it right now, for people in israel? >> so, i'll leave it to the governor of israel to characterize exactly the security environment in their country. i don't think that's our place to do that. they do seem to have said that they have secured the areas immediately surrounding gaza, which i know is a primary area focus, and took a number of days after these attacks began, given their complex nature, given the number of fighters involved. so, i won't characterize when we are another. it does seem to have calmed considerably over the past 24 hours or so. which is fundamentally very good thing. >> has the state department been involved in helping americans who want to leave israel to leave israel? has that been necessary? >> so, our understanding is that the civilian airport in israel remains functional, remains operating, their commercial flights still going in and out of israel. at the moment, that some carriers have suspended those operations, which we believe is making it somewhat difficult in some cases, for americans and others to secure tickets on outbound flights. so, the state department is going to continue working with american citizens to help make sure that they know all of the options that are available, including overland routes into look to provide a potential new options if those become necessary. >> as you go forward, there are benchmarks that you're looking for in the course of this week or next week, that you're hoping can be achieved, that you could then call progress. >> so, again, lawrence, it would not be for us for, the united states government, to set benchmarks for the upcoming military operation or objectives, or that sort of thing. that would be for the government of israel military to take that. set themselves. i do think they have, as a very clear goal reestablishing deterrence that can prevent any thing like this sort of attack that took place over the past several days. from ever happening again. and, certainly, to reducing, if not ending the capability of hamas. and the terrorist organization to conduct these attacks. from being able to do this kind of thing to the israeli population. i think we cannot underestimate here in the united states, the degree of trauma that was inflicted, on these really populist, by these attacks. this is all still very fresh and also very raw. frankly, it was a day or some of these are unprecedented in the history of the country. of israel which is obviously had a very complicated. and recharging hysteria. times frankly, unprecedented in history of most countries. so, they are going to first and foremost work to prevent that sort of thing, and make it clear that sort of thing cannot happen again and will have to get. >> deputy national security, john, finer thank you for taking the time to join us tonight. really appreciate. >> thanks, for having me. >> joining us now from tel aviv, is ronan bergman, staff writer for the new york times magazine. he's the author of rise and kill first. the secret history of israel's targeted assassinations. thank you very much for joining us, once again tonight from tel aviv. please tell us what this scene is like for people living in tel aviv today, and today. >> well, you know, a the sending of rockets and missiles from tel aviv to time to time. this is not something extraordinary. something that people living in israel have experienced. but one thing is, unique in a very tragic way, is that there is no family, no one in israel, and a very small place, who is not a relative or friend, who has not lost anyone in this horrifying event. and the stories just piling. in with most of the funeral taking place. but people are looking for their relatives, looking for their friends, don't know the fate of the missing people. crying for those who were killed or, very much concerned. for those who are missing. i think this is the story that the mood is the mood of grief, mood of deep sorrow, and sadness. and people, i think, still far away from absolving what actually happened. >> you have done deep reporting on israel's intelligence operations, including the operations that they might be mounting to try to. to try to rescue the options. what often that israel have now in trying to make a move to reach those hostages? >> well, it was the prime minister -- 1976, when he said israel will now negotiate an exchange of prisoners, if there's any possible way, operational possible way to rescue the hostages, even rescuing them and the force that was sent in some places, the force to fall >> but hamas has learned those lessons, and they are keeping the hostages possibly underground. i assume that there is some kind of inquiry into the possibility to rescue them, but this will be at a very high cost. and only after careful learning of intelligence, collection of the details of who is keeping them, who is guarding them, what are the chances that the rescue force and the hostages will remain -- after such an operation and only then will the israeli government sent any prime minister, not just the current one who lost his brother at them the -- i think that any prime minister will have to have a very serious difficult dilemma whether to sense of force or fights hamas, that's the main goal of what the idf is doing now. or at the same time, running a negotiation for a possible exchange of prisoners. >> what are the prospects in this situation of actually negotiating for the hostages? >> well, i think that both sides are now denying having any kind of negotiations. politically, hamas says that they will not negotiate at the end of the war. meaning that hamas once you have the leverage of the hostages being inside gaza, as a human shield, to protect the -- from israeli bombing. and israel, who is holding a tough position, saying we will not negotiate with these criminals, i think that the reality is more complicated through qatar and possibly the egyptians. they are some first attempts to negotiate a possible-limited deal. a limited deal that will include the women and children from the kidnapped civilians, just taking them to gaza on saturday. and a possible exchange of them with women that are being held and prosecuted and sentenced in israeli prisons. >> does hamas distinguish between american hostages and israeli hostages? >> i would think that this is very unlikely. we saw those horrifying videos of the way they treated children and women, and elderly. they don't have any boundaries. no humane consideration. so i don't think that american citizenship would make them suddenly be -- >> thank you very much for joining us again, at what is a very early hour for you in the morning in tel aviv. thank you very much. >> thank you, good morning. i'm >> coming up, we'll have more of what president biden had to say today. senator them richard blumenthal will join us. that's next. that's next. that's next. ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. there are some things that go better... together. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. type 2 diabetes? 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guess, i was concerned. she leaned over and whispered to me and said don't worry senator biden. we have a secret weapon here in israel. my word, this is what she said. we have no place else to go. we have no place else to go. >> joining us now is senator richard blumenthal, democrat of connecticut. he's a member of the senate armed services committee. senator, thank you for joining us tonight on this important night. those words, we have no place else to go, has always been true of israel. >> thank you for having me. it is eminently true, and it is a fact of life for the jewish people. that is real is unique, and they have no place else to go for the jewish state. and i think president biden really expressed so eloquently the sense of outrage, but also anxiety and fear that is widespread in the jewish community. i've been to rallies around the state of connecticut, many of us have a personal connection, cousins of mine are in the idea of. the israeli defense forces, and probably on their way to the front right now. they have friends and neighbors who have lost loved ones or they may be missing. and so i think americans have a very direct bond, an unshakable moms, military to military, intelligence community to intelligence community, but also in terms of culture and heritage. and i talked today to a very senior diplomat, israeli diplomat, who said to me, this statement by president biden was the strongest statement by an american president that he has seen in his lifetime. and i think that sense of fear, but also moral outrage, was expressed so powerfully by the president. >> it certainly is the strongest that i've seen, by an american president. you tweeted something that i think speaks for millions of people in this country, and around the world, including myself. with friends in israel, you said i'm hearing from friends and relatives in israel about neighbors missing sons and daughters, children reporting for military duty, friends lost humorous brutality. the scope and scale of this tragedy is heart wrenching beyond words. i stand with israel. what has been your experience with that? because i've been hearing the same thing from friends in this country, worried about their relatives there. what can you say to americans tonight who are worried about their relatives and friends in israel? we >> what i can say to anybody who cares about the state of israel is that we're going to do whatever it takes to enable israel to win this war. we're going to stand with israel for the long haul, and it will be a long and painful battle. a marathon, not a sprint. we're preparing a supplemental right now to replenish the interceptors of that are necessary for the iran dome. we're also providing whatever funding is necessary to restock the precision munitions necessary for their aircraft. and also munitions for their artillery. but beyond the direct aid which is flowing, even as we speak, because we have commitments of 3.8 billion. we're also working diplomatically with friends and partners there to contain the crisis and spare is real at you front war, in effect. and that's been successful so far. the p.a. seems to recognize that hamas is a terrorist organization, it's not the palestinian people. and the war is against hamas, not the palestinian people. and hopefully hezbollah will recognize that a broader conflagration and its sponsor around, the same with serial, that this effort needs to be contained. but support, unyielding, unwavering, as the president expresses tonight, is what i've been saying to people who call my office. people at the rallies that i pretended around the state, i've connected with thousands of people. all races, all religions, coming forward to express their sympathy. and i think that's what i can tell him. >> no president has ever had more experience with this issue and this region that president biden, beginning with his meeting with -- as a new and young son or, going through his 36 years in the senate. chairman of the senate for the relations committee, then vice president of the united states, and now president. with israel being an active concern every day of all of those years and all of those offices, what do you think that experience brings to this moment for the american government? >> what i think president biden brings to this moment is a lifetime of commitment to peace in the middle east, that has been a continuing enterprise, but also to the essential nature of the jewish state, the state of israel. and put aside the emotional, cultural, religious bonds that we may feel, israel is a vital ally in the direct security interests of the united states. our military to military relationship is an essential strength of the united states national security system. i say that as a member of the armed services committee with direct access to information about how our military to military intelligence committee relates, and provides significant aid to each other. we have no more reliable ally in that dangerous neighborhood, and maybe in the world. so i think president biden brings to this challenge, and it is a challenge unlike any israel has met in its existence. never before has it lost this many people, and everybody in israel knows somebody lost. and i would guess many, many in the jewish community here in the united states have direct ties -- will, president biden knows them well. and he brings as well that personal experience. >> democratic senior senator richard blumenthal, thank you very much for joining us on this important day. >> thank you. >> coming, up nbc's richard and all with the latest from israel. our breaking news coverage continues right after this break. coverage continues right after this break. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. hi. my name 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working with the israeli government and our region partners on every aspect of the hostage crisis, including sharing intelligence and deploying experts from across the u.s. government to advise the israeli government, and coordinate with him, on hostage recovery. as the president just said, there is no higher priority then the safety and well-being of american citizens being held hostage overseas. >> this is a live look at gaza, where it is 5:36 i am. the israeli government says there are more than 150 hostages currently being held there. nbc news chief court despondent richard engel has more on the situation today. >> throughout the night, we've been hearing is really jets flying overhead, carrying out bombings -- inside the gaza strip. this could escalate. it is possible that israel will carry out a ground invasion, sending in tanks and troops into gaza. as of which, is completely cut off. no power, food, medicine, nothing allowed to go in. from what we were able to see tonight, i'm on the gaza border, it doesn't seem that in an invasion is eminent. it could be launched as a surprise, but the military buildup seems to be happening more slowly, while the air campaign is happening quite intensely right now. what we did see, however, is israel is still trying to secure the communities that were attacked on that terrible saturday at 6:30 in the morning, when hamas militants broke out of the gaza strip him. more than 1000 of them, potentially 1500 or more than that, and went on a killing spree in kibbutzes at a music festival and in several little villages all around the gaza strip. we went into one of those villages today, and when it looked like a crime scene. all of the people, all of the residents are gone. or have been killed, or have been taken hostage. israeli troops were going house to house, looking for any hamas fighters who might still be there. as far as we can tell, they didn't find anything. but what they did find were bodies of hamas fighters, hamas flags, hamas fighters still in their body armor, still in camouflage, carrying their weapons. the bodies, just left rotting in the sun, and many is really bodies as well. the soldiers were collecting them, they were collecting them with great care, putting them in body bags. and each time they do, the death toll here continues to rise. we learned a lot of details about how the attack on this particular town took place. the militants burst through the border fence, surrounding the gaza strip. crossed a relatively small amount of terrain, because this area, this town is right on the gaza border. cut through the perimeter fence of the kibbutz, and then started executing people, grabbing people, dragging hostages back into gaza. this is not over. this is not over. hamas is also continuing its rocket attacks, because the israelis are firing into gaza, and the palestinians are firing rockets out of gaza into cities. and we were in the city of ashkelon, which is not far from where i am right now, and hamas fired what seemed to be a few hundred rockets at ashkelon, in a timed barrage over the course of about an hour. they fired wave after wave of rockets. we took shelter in a doorway of a bomb shelter, and were able to see the rockets flying over a head. but most of the rockets, nearly all of them were intercepted by israel's iron dome defense system. so that's where we are at this moment. the israelis are bombing gaza, they are leveling the place, and that humanitarian conditions in gaza are dire. israel says its goal is to destroy hamas, to remove it from its position of leadership inside the gaza strip. but how does it do that without causing massive civilian damage, to the civilian population of the gaza strip, and how does it do that without killing the hundred or more hostages who are still there, he did in gaza, and held by hamas? we >> nbc chief foreign correspondent richard engel reporting. joining us now, live from iran, is nbc news correspondent -- in toronto. ali, today the white house made it very specific that they do not have intelligence evidence indicating that iran was a prime mover, or seriously involved in the actual planning of this invasion. but certainly, iran is also not in any way stepping forward to take credit for it. >> that's right. the state department said that there was no smoking gun, but they did say that iran was probably complicit. and that's because iran has supported hezbollah and hamas for so many years. they've been their patron, they've given them a lot of money, a lot of weapons, and a lot of training. but it's quite interesting. for the first time since that attack, the top authority in the country, some he gave his first televised speech since hamas attacked israel. and he denied that tehran was involved, but he did glorify the attacks, saying that israel's irreparable military and intelligence defeat was great. he was wearing a palestinian type scarf to show solidarity with hamas, and he went on to say that he kisses the hands of those who planned the attack on the zionist regime. he called the attack a destructive earthquake, that it destroyed critical infrastructure in israel that can't be repaired easily. and then he issued a warning to tel aviv. he said that if the israelis go on and enforce our ground attack on gaza, as he put it, it would unleash a much heavier torrent of anger. now, even though officials here have denied any involvement, since the beginning of this attack, tehran has openly and enthusiastically supported attacks by hamas. there was a flurry of senior hamas leaders visiting tehran from june to a couple weeks ago. they were having meetings with some top officials, pam and other very senior officials in this country. if you take a look at the irgc channels, there was a large share going on and some level of pride over these attacks. and look, basically, ideologically, hamas and iran are not on the same page. one is sony, the others shia, they have different interests in the region. especially in places like syria. but what they do have in common is a shared hatred of israel. and for iran, this isn't so much about wanting hamas to succeed, this is about wanting to hurt israel by any means. and that's why they're throwing their weight behind hamas. as secretary blinken said, hamas wouldn't be hamas without iran. and that's white to ron is being one of them hamas's major supporters for many years. providing it with financial assistance and vast scores of weaponry, including rockets. and what's also interesting, is that if you go on to -- website, he's boasting about when the general was actively involved in arming palestinians. the website writes about so money being able to fund weapons and all sorts of things into gaza. circumventing blockades, and they credit him with helping the palestinians go from fighting is real with rocks two rockets. so they take a lot of pride in where hamas is today. they feel like they've built them up to what they are today when, to the point of their sophisticated attack. which they weren't capable of before. the iranians are basically saying we've allowed them to become so sophisticated over all of these ears. and of course, iran also wields enormous influence over hezbollah, who have launched some motor attacks on israel. hezbollah answers to tyrion, so if there was a big attack from hezbollah, i think the united states and israel would clearly see that at the hands of -- >> nbc's -- thank you very much for joining us at this early hour. we really appreciate you joining us again. >> thank you. coming up, our next guest, congressman ruben gallego, spoke with israel's ambassador to the united states. he will join us next. states he will join us next he will join us next or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 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>> well, i can tell you a couple things. number one, i communicated the deep sorrow that i feel, my family feels, and all americans feel for the atrocity that was committed upon israeli citizens, and citizens from all around the world. what how moss did is a war crime, is a barbaric, and it's something that cannot be forgotten. number two, i want to communicate determination. determination that we will stand with israel and help them in this fight against terrorism, and that we will be there every step of the day like we have for the past decades that we've been together. thick and i also communicated to them my personal feelings about what i fear for some of these young soldiers, going into gaza is very difficult. these young soldiers weren't much difficulteren't much >> i know that's what theye doing is very difficult, but it's difficult because they're going to abide by the rule of law, abide by the rule of war. take their time and make sure that they can limit as much out of harm as possible, unlike what hamas did when they were killing, raping, and destroying children and lives. aunts lastly, i told him that he could count on me and the american public, as well as congress to be there in support, to make sure that we can get whatever supplies, whatever ammunition, whatever support they need from us to make sure that they can continue this fight against hamas. >> is the kind of urban warfare that we might see in gaza the most difficult, the worst kind of combat engagement for combat trained troops? >> it is. you are dealing with an environment that's three inches 60 degrees of threats. above you, below, you behind you. and you're also dealing with a very cowardly group of terrorists that will use civilians, and unfortunately i saw this in iraq to, that will use civilians as shields. wendell have civilians in the same building as they hide their weaponry, as they hide themselves. and will actually suit sometimes, children behind women, in order for them to kill the israeli soldiers or harm them to get away. that is, unfortunately, the nature of urban warfare. and if you do urban warfare by the rule of war, where you try to limit the amount of civilian casualties, it unfortunately is slow and unfortunately is deadly. and it will cost israel a lot of men and women. this is why it's important that we arm them with the intelligence, with the weaponry they need, the sophisticated weaponry that they need to minimize both deaths two israeli soldiers, but also even to palestinian civilians that will be caught in the cross fire. >> in your own experience in combat, and on the subcom committee of intelligence and special operations, what about what's happening there now is improvable at this stage, with better intelligence? we saw a massive intelligence failure before this happened. >> well, without going into particular details and process and equipment, or platforms, gathering intelligence is very important, but also being able to analyze it. there's going to be an approach, basically trying to find out where these cells exist. where are the commanding and control headquarters for hamas? trying to use different types of signal intelligence and human intelligence to figure out where the hostages are. and from there, trying to basically put and execute operation plans together. and then integrating all types of fire and weaponry to do this. so, what they may not have seen before, which is entirely possible, they will now be able to see more so now, because while you're in active combat, both sides have to communicate. and the side that actually has the capability to listen to someone else is going to be the side that has the upperhand. >> congressman ruben gallego, combat veteran and the top democrat on the house subcommittee on intelligence and special operations, thank you very much for your invaluable insights tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> we'll be right back. lawrence >> we'll be right back >> we'll be right back in this clinic, we pride ourselves on putting others first. it's on us to help care for our clients' well-being; to help them adapt. it's inspiring to work at a place where our patients succeed. and we as therapists do, too. with great benefits from principal, we feel appreciated for the work we do. 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