Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

our coverage of the israel/hamas war continues now. it is 1:00 a.m. local time there. you can see in its fourth day what it looks like in this war. we also lead our coverage by telling you back here in america, president biden made his most thorough remarks on this war to date, releasing the news that the u.s. has confirmed hamas has taken americans hostage in those surprise terrorist attacks. the president did not say how many. he did confirm hamas killed 14 americans there in those attacks, and he went on to condemn what he calls pure, unadulterated evil. >> you know, there are moments in this life -- i mean this literally -- when the pure unadulterated evil is unleashed in this world. it's abhorrent. the brutality of hamas, the bloodthirstiness brings to mind the worst rampage of isis. this is terrorism. >> the president's comparison there to isis is deliberate. the president is telling americans that hamas is acting like one of the worst modern enemies the u.s. or modern world has ever faced one that americans remember vividly from its actions and harrowing propaganda videos them comparison to isis by the president today is also literal, with the pentagonayg hamas at the latest terrorism targeting civilihe elderly and children, is as a military matter, isis level savagery, and hamas' own threat to carry out potential future murders and on camera clearly does copy measures that isis used, both to murder and to publicize those deliberately horrifi tactics, something we have all grown perhaps familiar with in the recent era in the current world of video and digital transmission of terrorism. i can tell you that president biden also issued that condemnation based on what is known, even as more disturbing evidence emerges each day, including journalists and researchers reaching areas that until today were not always accessible since these attacks occurred. i mentioned this in our coverage yesterday and will as we go through this that when we do go through things our department determined confirmed and part of the larger story we'll warn new advance of doing that. last night there were things of such a nature we read descriptions rather than showing them, so what you're about to see as a warning is graphic. the deliberate nature. in -- over 100 dead bodies found here. the survivors say the terrorists went door to door searching for civilians. sukh the rivers of blood, the blood soaked carpets touchdown scene of carnage. they attacked similarly here. israeli soldiers gaining control there just today and discovered scenes like this. israeli authorities are working to recover and identify the bodies. again, because it was so many civilians, it's not like they're part of a military force with a uniform soldiers might have. one msnbc reporter says walking through the areas of carnage says there's reports of hamas killing children, reports of babies being killed am israeli major recounting hamas did a "massacre bts and emphasized as you're about to hear, how this was terrorism committed knowingly in bedrooms and baby rooms. >> it's not a war. it's not a battlefield. you see the babies, the mother, the fathers in their bedrooms in the protection rooms, and how the terrorist killed them, it's not a war. it's not a battlefield. it's a massacre. >> not a battlefield, a massacre, he says. israeli authorities releasing footage they describes a rescue operation battling live shooters. that is some of what's happening now, that video courtesy of israeli police. also, israeli families are speaking out about their missing relatives. the human side of our story, nicolle wallace speaking to people just moments ago, who caught up with this, people who do not know at this hour what's happened to their loved ones. >> we don't know anything about my daughter, if she's alive, if she's dead, if she's hurt. we don't know if she's in israel, if she's in gaza. there is nothing we can know because israel is a war zone. apparently. >> the casualty count is roughly 1,000 israelis and 900 palestinians. those do continue to change. israel is hitting gaza with air strikes. the new siege of gaza is not only going to put pressure on hamas and even its sympathizers, however they may be counted, but it also is risking a broader humanitarian crisis in the area. residents reporting severe water shortages saying the warnings they've received from the israeli government about evacuating do not mean much, and they say they have no safe place to go. today the sky fill ready rocket fire and israeli air strikes and as israel swells its forces with the reserves we've reported on, there's also visible evidence here of troops massing near gaza. all parties, both directly on the border but also in the region and also in the united states monitoring whether a full ground invasion is what could come next. we're joined now as part of our coverage by avi mayer, editor-in-chief of "the jerusalem post", and marking a msnbc analyst. avi, what is the state of the conditions right now, and what is the reaction as the scale, which we still are struggling to make sense of or bring words to, the scale of some of the atrocities we just heard about? >> as i was watching your coverage just now i received a message from a friend that said she hopes i'm taking time to process what's going on and of course i couldn't text her back because i was watching your show, but of course i don't want to process it, because i think i might break down. the events of the past few days are nothing short of horrifying. israel never encounters anything like this before. i'm not sure any country has. to have a thousand civilians murdered in cold blood, slaughters in their homes, burnt to death, elderly people shot in the street, these are scenes we have never seen before. this is a country in shock and it's a country in mourning. so that's the state of affairs here. at the moment people are walking around in a bit of a daze. i live in jerusalem. the city is essentially a ghost town. people are not walking out and act. thaer saying home close to their bomb shelters because we have been targeted by several rocket strikes since saturday morning. we're watching anxiously to see what the government intends to do and how it intends to bring the hostages back home safely if they can. >> yeah, you go to the hostages. mark, we heard the president speak today. for people who don't follow the region closely or are catching up, it would be a big deal. i'm going to say something basic, but that's part of the news. it would be a big deal if american hostages were taken and that was the only story in america. the united states has that standoff now with hamas. israel has what we have been reporting on, a war with hamas. iran is in the background. hezbollah is in the background. from a security standpoint with our expertise, what do you see as the first order priorities, especially for the countries that are hoping to get their hostages back alive somehow? >> well, i think we've seen reports over the last couple hours that the united states has lent some assistance to israel in terms of expertise on hostage negotiation, hostage rescue, the israelis have an incredible special operations capability. the united states trains with them. we'll do all we can in terms of intelligence support, technical support to help get the hostages back. i sympathize tremendously what's going on. i grieve with old colleagues in israel. i worked in the renal most of my career. this is the feeling that we had, ari, by the way, on september 12th, 2001. i remember walking through the wreckage of the world trade center. the sense of shock, the sense of disgust and anger, and quite frankly, the need for -- revenge is a term we have to be careful to use, but the need to strike back. i sympathize tremendously. in terms of the israeli intelligence services -- and i think there's something to be said here -- a lot of us, including myself, talked about this was an intelligence failure, but there's a time for that later. they have to get after knit terms of choosing targets trying to find the hostages, assessing the northern border, and of course determining iranian culpability. i think back to my friend in the israeli community what they're going through now, really, really tough times. >> avi, mark makes the reference to 9/11. we are very careful with numbers and comparisons and history is complicated, but it is certainly an numerical relevant comparison that the per capita death toll, the civilian death toll would be, if you want to make the comparison -- mark made it. we heard other officials make it -- would be a far greater share of the civilian population of israel than the united states, if you want to use the numbers. then on top of that, i don't know what -- again, speaking just candidly, what americans or anyone in any society would do if you looked up and had this many missing, hostages, including women and children or whatever categories you want to make. i know you said you're dealing with your own time line on processing, but what can you tell our viewers in america and those watching online around the world about that aspect of that, about what israel has gone through even though it is a country that, like the territories and the west bank, has had many conflicts before it? >> i think the comparison to september the 11th is apt. i remember that day vividly. i was a high school senior in the d.c. area, and i remember the sense of confusion and chaos, not knowing whether people were alive or dead, whether loved ones were going to return home. it was an extremely unsettling and distressing period. imagine that, as you said, multipied not by one, by two, but at this point ten. that's what we're talking about in terms of the portion of israel's population that's been affected by this, these murdered in these attacks. if you think of israel as the small tight knit country it is, this has something that's affected every family. there's nobody i know who doesn't have somebody affected by this, a family whose loved one or loved ones is missing. this is something affecting every country in israel. this is a country that's very much in shock, and in a state of constant anxiety about what happens next. >> i want to play a little more on the ground. our colleague richard engel dealing with air strikes, the iron dome. we'll play this for you, mark. >> there's a rocket. you can see it streaking in the sky right now. turning. there's another. this is being launched from a different site. now you'll start to see the iron dome system ticking them off. >> that's some of what that looks like with richard narrating from a safe position. mark, what comes next? as i mentioned, operationally, we see the amazzing of israeli soldiers on that board a, but we do not know and they have at telegraphed what they would do. we're told hamas leadership is under ground. we have this siege and as i mentioned a potential building humanitarian crisis there, gaza people who don't have anything to do with the attacks, war. what comes next, mark? >> first of all, it was good that you showed that, pictures of the iron dome, because -- and i think president biden had an outstanding address today. in that we're going to reply israel with whatever they need, including the intercepters, include anything else. there's reports coing across the wire about additional things needed. it's clear at some point israel is going to have to go into gaza. that's something that is going to be difficult. i think we all have to prepare ourselves, certainly israelis but also americans, too, because the hostages there. there's going to be significant loss of life. it's going to be tough kind of urban combat. these hamas operatives, the cell leaders are going to be in tunnels. this is tough urban warfare, and the hostages might be in danger. i don't think many people expect that there will be any delay in the ground operation because the hostages, while of course the israelis are looking for them. i'm sure the israeli special operations community is hard at work. but there's many tough days ahead. air strikes, i think that's just a preparation for the days and weeks to come. they're going to go in. >> all right, that's the view from mark. avi, thanks to both of you for your time on a difficult story, but where facts are important to get out there. i want to tell folks about what's come up reporting on how hamas taked one of the main targets in israel. next, we're going to be joined by a writer and historian about the rising brutality. if you feel things are getting worse in many parts of the world, two big wars we're follow, there may be reasons for that and this writer says there's things that can be done. that's next. t. 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[ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. welcome back to our coverage. hamas terrorists launched new missile strikes at israeli cities today another town, israelis working through booby traps. hamas operated for over 25 years. there's nothing new about some of its methods to people in the renal or familiar with the history although as we heard from an expert tonight, the scale is certainly unprecedented. some international scholars also see a broader trend and problem here. one that may not just stay in any given region, as these certain states, as well as nonstate act force, are leading with terror and war crimes as a main and admitted part of their operations, something they even tout, and that goes beyond just the middle east, from hamas to putin to iran in the background to some other rising authorarian and barbaric threats. hamas terrorists paid no attention to modern laws of war or norms of any kind. writes pulitzer prizewinner ann appelbaum. goal is to undo whatever remains of the rules base world order and put anarchy in its place. arguing that they do not simply flout human rights, that they are main lining a new type of sustained attack. or you could call it a terror war. that can actually operate in the long haul through its operations, through its potential sympathizers and support and through of course some of the rhetoric that it distributes, where people are saying well, yes, and -- and here's why that's somewhat understandable it's to try to disassemble what has been an incremental but positive set of steps towards human rights arc regime that was constructed in response specifically to the horrors of world war ii. it was that war and its atrocities and its holocaust, targeting many minorities, chiefly jews and other minority groups, that catalyzed groups to reach baselines on war. rule against terror and torture, the creation of the eyeduations, the geneva conventions, rules against torture, the declaration of human rights as a party to the u.n. all those things i just listed off didn't come off the abstract. they came out of the horrors of world war ii, and everyone amidst terrible conflicts and wars, there are many countries who have largely said they follow those things -- so at least they're on the side of appearing to want to follow them -- and often do follow them. that may be crumbling. appelbaum brings up china, noting there's been reporting about how they detain leaders against their will, and militarized surveillance. note the connections here as china, the geostrategic competitor is also one of the only countries left of any great power where vladimir putin can travel, because he faces a warrant for arrest on international war crimes for targeting ukrainian children. you heard of russia's attacks and its form of war against civilians. >> russia has carried out more war crimes like this, deliberately targeting civilians for no other reason than to make civilians pay. >> ukrainians left dead in the streets. authorities say civilians brutally murdered by the russians. >> she takes us to her brother's house, where she says she was raped by a russian soldier on august 26th. >> ukraine says russia used this basement in the city of kherson as a torture chamber. >> there is supposed to be an international order. it has worked at times. when you see countries of this power and magnitude and nonstate terror groups get this far, you see how some of this may actually be backsliding. appelbaum in her new piece also says how there are cracks and fissures in the west. the west and u.s. refused to enforce. she writes benjamin netanyahu notably indulged extreme voices which appelbaum argues is the kind of things that many thought wrongly had been in the past, abducting young women, beating them unconscious, dragging them across the border, a war crime as old as homer's iliad. we are here on day four of this war coverage at the beginning, not the middle of end, of whatever is coming. we are hearing discussions of human rights, of international law, of suffering, which certainly exists on both sides of this conflicts a with so many. we are also in a time where it is more important than ever to be clear factual and precise about what human rights are and what terrorism is and why, since world war ii and the holocaust, the bulk of main western democracies and even their foes tried to hold the line against genocide, terrorism, and torture. those groups moving against it are not just one more foe when they are in concert with these other forces, many argue, they are a threat to the international order itself. i quoted ann appelbaum at length, the pulitzer prizewinner is my guest next. guest next hi. my name is kim and i am 41 years old. i've been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. i'm still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally 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only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. i have been doing this for eight years. we're used to seeing hard things. what we see here is something i've never seen before myself. it's very hard whether it involves kids, makes no difference. don't make no difference to terrorists. >> journalists, officials have been describing in many ways which are atrocities committed there in the surprise terrorist attacks by hamas. i'm joined by ann appelbaum, authors of several books, including "the twilight of democracy" and the piece we just quoted "there are no rules", a new essay in "the atlantic." welcome. you write there is something much broader goingen here. what is it? >> i think we're seeing really the final deterioration of something we used to call the rules based world order, which was an aspirational set of ideas put into a series of documents, the u.n. charter. you listed some of them before. the geneva conventions, universal declaration of human rights. all ideas that were often honored in the breach, but were nevertheless honored. states could be made embarrassed if they didn't abide by them. they sought to abide by them when they could. they would sometimes -- even the united states would sometimes punish its soldiers if they broke the laws of war. so did other countries. we're now seeing really countries not just small terrorist groups but states like russia, and nonstate actors like hamas, which was actually backed by states and also had a quasi official role as the ruling party of gaza. we're seeing them defy these rules in a blatant and almost enthusiastic way. it's not just that we're going to commit acts of terror. we're going to do it and film it and put it on television, and we're going to put it on video on social media. we're going to show you that we're trying -- we're going out of our way to kill people, hit hospitals, hit schools. and we've seen that in russia in the war in ukraine, and we've just seen it again in israel, and it, i think, represents something new. >> yes, you write the mass as you mentioned won an election. it has that territory, so to speak, but is fundamentally a nonstate actor with funding from qatar with backing by iran. and then some level of whatever you want to call it -- quasi normalization, minimizization, what aboutism, where it tactics are also sometimes either minimized or rhetorically supported. what does that tell you about the decline of the rules based order you mentioned? because it's one thing to say there are innocent people in russia or in these territories, and many innocent people in these territories facing terrible conditions, and it's not thing for people even in the west to apparently minimize or seem to say that the tactics of terrorism, the barbarism of deliberately murdering children is somehow on the table. >> the barbarism of deliberately murdering children should be eliminated from any normal discourse, just like the russian program of kidnapping thousands of ukrainian children and taking them to russia should also be considered such a crime that vladimir putin, you know, shouldn't be, you know, allowed in -- allowed to conduct normal diplomacy. and actually, we do have bodies that have made that declaration. so the international criminal court has found putin guilty of kidnapping children, and he'll have trouble visiting some countries, countries that respect that vote. but not everybody does. people look for as you say, what aboutism, they look for other declarations, and that's part of a general deterioration. in my article i give a lot of reason why that's happened. some of them are our fault. some are the fault of great powers like china, which has spent a lot of the last decade trying to undermine those u.n. laws, trying to change the u.n. language, trying to remove human rights from the international conversation and replace it with sovereignty, which means for china, we get to do what we want and you don't get to talk about it. >> yeah. i know you've given a lot of thought to these issues and also in that broader context, and also so many people around the world are looking back in at this and trying to make sense of it. we appreciate what you wrote. it's called "there are no rules", if people want to look that up, google "there are no rules "from the atlantic. when we return, we have more on the context of what president biden said. his big address to the nation. and we have a diplomat to walk us through where we go from here. stay with us. re we go from here stay with us with the money i, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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>> well, i would same or similar circumstance -- say, ari, and thank you for having me here, we have had the worst day that the jewish people have experienced since the end of the holocaust almost 80 years ago. it's that bad. and the mutilation of bodies, the beheading of children and of babies, killing in a savage most barbaric way whole families in their beds, 85-year-old ladies, holocaust survivors, taking them on a kind of a death march from their homes over to the gaza -- across the gaza border is just unacceptable and it's unreal, almost apocalyptic, and it deserves an apocalyptic, i would say, response that may change for the better the entire middle east and maybe even beyond. >> you also have experienced, specifically as a diplomat here, operating in the united states. what do you say to americans who, whether you agree with them or not, look at this and say, putin is in ukraine, hamas perhaps with iran is in the middle east and israel. there are many problems in the world. they do not see this as a time to get further engaged? >> first of all, i would say there's a lot of merit in that, and specifically, israel has never asked the united states to be engaged, never boots on the ground. what we have seen the united states doing is an act of leadership, and what they do is actually for the security and safety and stability of the entire world. it's not just for israel. what america is doing now is first and foremost for america, for europe, for western civilizations, because we are now, ari, at a fork in the road. now it's either iran's way, which means iran blasts isis, hamas -- which are all in the same box, and you can add to that the in back maybe russia, north korea, and china. this is the one way that the world can go. or the other way of humanity, of sensibility, of decency. the only nation in the world today that is in the way of the barbarics which are at the gates is the united states, and i think we all look up to the united states to do what they need to do. it's a water shed and a sea change moment which calls for leadership. and i think what we have seen from president biden today is a real act of leadership, putting the united states back at the helm as it deserves. >> interesting, and you mention some of those countries in that broader context. we had a historian earlier tonight making an overlapping point. we showed tonight some of the atrocities, as you know. some of this comes out hour by hour. last night we showed the history that hamas has operated longer than al qaeda or isis and it has a pgs of trying to wipe out civilians, wiping out an entire country or people. i also want your response to what we're hearing from the other side. for example -- and again not excusing or normalizing anything. but when you look at what a siege does to people who are not part of hamas, i want to read to you coverage from al jazeera where you have the argument that the cutting off of everything in gaza, be t water, food, electricity, is, quote, punitive, that it is measure ken deliberately, quote, against gaza's civilian population, and that is in their argument unlawful collective punishment, a potential, quote, war crime. your response to that as we look towards the measures israel will take in the days ahead in those territories. >> it's very simple, and i think there is no more time for euphemism or, if you will, some political correctness. there is one side which is murderous and one side which defends itself. now let me elaborate a little bit more. in 2005, israel on a unilateral act, left gaza altogether. in an excruciaingly painful national experience. we moved israeli citizens, 8,500. they had to go back. lee their hopes, leave their cemeteries. everything went back. the idea was to turn around the conflict with the palestinians since we could not find any tracking with negotiations and a political process after arafat. in the beginning we thought that would be a change of the dynamics. we gave this land as it was to the palestinians. palestinian authority. with also an aid that we were able to help economic development and everything that goes with it, and we left all the infrastructure in tact. the next day after we left, hamas burned everything that we left behind. senior authority took over, but in 2007, hamas performed a coup against the palestinian authority, and they took control of gaza. now -- and here is where we -- the concept failure, which led to the attack two days ago. we thought hamas -- i mean, we had no illusions about it. it's a terrorist organization. all you have to do is read their manifesto, which is no compromise, no negotiation with israel, no peace, only one way -- their way or no other way. for them, it's -- by the way, they are the mortal enemies, not just of israel, but also of the palestinian authority. also together with isis, al qaeda and all those radical regimes, which are supported by iran. this is another thing. who are their enemies first? all the moderate regimes in the arab world. and of course israel is in the way. but we thought maybe now that they are in control of the territory, they would be more responsible because they have -- >> i'll only warn you. i want to let you finish, but we're going over, so 30 more seconds if you could conclude. >> okay, thank you. any way, we thought that they would change. they did not. they hold 2 million -- almost 2 million gazans as hostages. they are the ones committing a double war crime, because they are shelling and killing -- attacking only civilians on their side and using their civilians as shields. right now hamas is in enemy territory. we are not obligated to supply them with electricity or anything else. so until and unless they are eliminated, which would be the best thing for the gazan people -- that's the way to go to change the entire region, because it's not just gaza and not just israel. it's the entire region. and i would add to say, the security of the entire globe. >> yeah. well, ambassador, again, complicated, i wanted to get your response. i have richard engel live from israel coming up, which why i have to fit in this timing. but ambassador, thank you, sir. mr. engle will be here next. stay with us. will be here next. stay with us get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? 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>> reporter: well, we were earlier in the day, we were along the border with gaza. we were in one of the towns that was attacked by hamas, and a kibbutz right on the gaza border. when hamas militants on saturday morning at 6:30 in the morning broke through the fence, this was one of the first places they entered and went on a killing spree. they kidnapped people, and they stole many of those golf carts. by now, i think we have all become familiar with the images of the hostages taken back in golf carts. that was one of the strangest things i saw. i couldn't understand because i have been in gaza. they don't have golf carts in gaza. in this kibbutz, there are plenty of golf carts people use to go from one place to another, and they were there. it was like going back to a crime scene or a place frozen in time because the residents are all gone. and we went in with israeli troops as they were clearing this area to recover bodies, to still look for any hamas fighters who might still be in the area. and to get an assessment of the situation. so israel is still securing its border communities and it is still collecting bodies and victims of israelis who were killed during the initial hamas assault. we also saw more troops going into the area. we saw tanks, we saw apcs. based on what i saw, it doesn't look like they are ready for an imminent ground invasion, but they're certainly in the build-up phase for one. and then all day, we have been hearing and seeing attacks inside the gaza strip. that is gaza behind me. i'm in ashdod. during the course of our conversation, you may see some flashes in the far distance. those are ongoing israeli strikes into gaza. but it is not at this stage just israel carrying out reprisal attacks. hamas is still attacking. there may still be hamas fighters on the streets here looking for targets, hiding as sleeper cells, and hamas is firing rockets, and that was what you just opened the segment with with, with some of the incoming hamas rockets coming into the city. what was interesting, many things are interesting, but what i thought was particularly interesting about that rocket barrage is hamas announced it ahead of time. it happened at 5:00 in the afternoon, and hamas said, at 5:00, we will carry out a massive barrage of rockets against the city of ashkelon, and this is how sophisticated they have become, not just in their tactical fighting but also in their information campaign, they were sending out text messages and direct messages to in hebrew to the people of ashkelon saying you should evacuate the city, you should run, leave with your lives because we're going to flatten the city, and they did fire many rockets but nearly all of them were shot down by israel's defense system. so that was some of what we saw today. >> all really striking and in detail. we're trying to get information as we can get it from all the different sources. richard engle, one of our valued colleagues here. thank you, and you and your team please stay safe, sir. >> thank you. >> thank you, richard. we'll be right back. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. is it possible my network could take my business ask about vraylar and learn to the next level? 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"the reidout" with joy reid is up next. good evening.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

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our coverage of the israel/hamas war continues now. it is 1:00 a.m. local time there. you can see in its fourth day what it looks like in this war. we also lead our coverage by telling you back here in america, president biden made his most thorough remarks on this war to date, releasing the news that the u.s. has confirmed hamas has taken americans hostage in those surprise terrorist attacks. the president did not say how many. he did confirm hamas killed 14 americans there in those attacks, and he went on to condemn what he calls pure, unadulterated evil. >> you know, there are moments in this life -- i mean this literally -- when the pure unadulterated evil is unleashed in this world. it's abhorrent. the brutality of hamas, the bloodthirstiness brings to mind the worst rampage of isis. this is terrorism. >> the president's comparison there to isis is deliberate. the president is telling americans that hamas is acting like one of the worst modern enemies the u.s. or modern world has ever faced one that americans remember vividly from its actions and harrowing propaganda videos them comparison to isis by the president today is also literal, with the pentagonayg hamas at the latest terrorism targeting civilihe elderly and children, is as a military matter, isis level savagery, and hamas' own threat to carry out potential future murders and on camera clearly does copy measures that isis used, both to murder and to publicize those deliberately horrifi tactics, something we have all grown perhaps familiar with in the recent era in the current world of video and digital transmission of terrorism. i can tell you that president biden also issued that condemnation based on what is known, even as more disturbing evidence emerges each day, including journalists and researchers reaching areas that until today were not always accessible since these attacks occurred. i mentioned this in our coverage yesterday and will as we go through this that when we do go through things our department determined confirmed and part of the larger story we'll warn new advance of doing that. last night there were things of such a nature we read descriptions rather than showing them, so what you're about to see as a warning is graphic. the deliberate nature. in -- over 100 dead bodies found here. the survivors say the terrorists went door to door searching for civilians. sukh the rivers of blood, the blood soaked carpets touchdown scene of carnage. they attacked similarly here. israeli soldiers gaining control there just today and discovered scenes like this. israeli authorities are working to recover and identify the bodies. again, because it was so many civilians, it's not like they're part of a military force with a uniform soldiers might have. one msnbc reporter says walking through the areas of carnage says there's reports of hamas killing children, reports of babies being killed am israeli major recounting hamas did a "massacre bts and emphasized as you're about to hear, how this was terrorism committed knowingly in bedrooms and baby rooms. >> it's not a war. it's not a battlefield. you see the babies, the mother, the fathers in their bedrooms in the protection rooms, and how the terrorist killed them, it's not a war. it's not a battlefield. it's a massacre. >> not a battlefield, a massacre, he says. israeli authorities releasing footage they describes a rescue operation battling live shooters. that is some of what's happening now, that video courtesy of israeli police. also, israeli families are speaking out about their missing relatives. the human side of our story, nicolle wallace speaking to people just moments ago, who caught up with this, people who do not know at this hour what's happened to their loved ones. >> we don't know anything about my daughter, if she's alive, if she's dead, if she's hurt. we don't know if she's in israel, if she's in gaza. there is nothing we can know because israel is a war zone. apparently. >> the casualty count is roughly 1,000 israelis and 900 palestinians. those do continue to change. israel is hitting gaza with air strikes. the new siege of gaza is not only going to put pressure on hamas and even its sympathizers, however they may be counted, but it also is risking a broader humanitarian crisis in the area. residents reporting severe water shortages saying the warnings they've received from the israeli government about evacuating do not mean much, and they say they have no safe place to go. today the sky fill ready rocket fire and israeli air strikes and as israel swells its forces with the reserves we've reported on, there's also visible evidence here of troops massing near gaza. all parties, both directly on the border but also in the region and also in the united states monitoring whether a full ground invasion is what could come next. we're joined now as part of our coverage by avi mayer, editor-in-chief of "the jerusalem post", and marking a msnbc analyst. avi, what is the state of the conditions right now, and what is the reaction as the scale, which we still are struggling to make sense of or bring words to, the scale of some of the atrocities we just heard about? >> as i was watching your coverage just now i received a message from a friend that said she hopes i'm taking time to process what's going on and of course i couldn't text her back because i was watching your show, but of course i don't want to process it, because i think i might break down. the events of the past few days are nothing short of horrifying. israel never encounters anything like this before. i'm not sure any country has. to have a thousand civilians murdered in cold blood, slaughters in their homes, burnt to death, elderly people shot in the street, these are scenes we have never seen before. this is a country in shock and it's a country in mourning. so that's the state of affairs here. at the moment people are walking around in a bit of a daze. i live in jerusalem. the city is essentially a ghost town. people are not walking out and act. thaer saying home close to their bomb shelters because we have been targeted by several rocket strikes since saturday morning. we're watching anxiously to see what the government intends to do and how it intends to bring the hostages back home safely if they can. >> yeah, you go to the hostages. mark, we heard the president speak today. for people who don't follow the region closely or are catching up, it would be a big deal. i'm going to say something basic, but that's part of the news. it would be a big deal if american hostages were taken and that was the only story in america. the united states has that standoff now with hamas. israel has what we have been reporting on, a war with hamas. iran is in the background. hezbollah is in the background. from a security standpoint with our expertise, what do you see as the first order priorities, especially for the countries that are hoping to get their hostages back alive somehow? >> well, i think we've seen reports over the last couple hours that the united states has lent some assistance to israel in terms of expertise on hostage negotiation, hostage rescue, the israelis have an incredible special operations capability. the united states trains with them. we'll do all we can in terms of intelligence support, technical support to help get the hostages back. i sympathize tremendously what's going on. i grieve with old colleagues in israel. i worked in the renal most of my career. this is the feeling that we had, ari, by the way, on september 12th, 2001. i remember walking through the wreckage of the world trade center. the sense of shock, the sense of disgust and anger, and quite frankly, the need for -- revenge is a term we have to be careful to use, but the need to strike back. i sympathize tremendously. in terms of the israeli intelligence services -- and i think there's something to be said here -- a lot of us, including myself, talked about this was an intelligence failure, but there's a time for that later. they have to get after knit terms of choosing targets trying to find the hostages, assessing the northern border, and of course determining iranian culpability. i think back to my friend in the israeli community what they're going through now, really, really tough times. >> avi, mark makes the reference to 9/11. we are very careful with numbers and comparisons and history is complicated, but it is certainly an numerical relevant comparison that the per capita death toll, the civilian death toll would be, if you want to make the comparison -- mark made it. we heard other officials make it -- would be a far greater share of the civilian population of israel than the united states, if you want to use the numbers. then on top of that, i don't know what -- again, speaking just candidly, what americans or anyone in any society would do if you looked up and had this many missing, hostages, including women and children or whatever categories you want to make. i know you said you're dealing with your own time line on processing, but what can you tell our viewers in america and those watching online around the world about that aspect of that, about what israel has gone through even though it is a country that, like the territories and the west bank, has had many conflicts before it? >> i think the comparison to september the 11th is apt. i remember that day vividly. i was a high school senior in the d.c. area, and i remember the sense of confusion and chaos, not knowing whether people were alive or dead, whether loved ones were going to return home. it was an extremely unsettling and distressing period. imagine that, as you said, multipied not by one, by two, but at this point ten. that's what we're talking about in terms of the portion of israel's population that's been affected by this, these murdered in these attacks. if you think of israel as the small tight knit country it is, this has something that's affected every family. there's nobody i know who doesn't have somebody affected by this, a family whose loved one or loved ones is missing. this is something affecting every country in israel. this is a country that's very much in shock, and in a state of constant anxiety about what happens next. >> i want to play a little more on the ground. our colleague richard engel dealing with air strikes, the iron dome. we'll play this for you, mark. >> there's a rocket. you can see it streaking in the sky right now. turning. there's another. this is being launched from a different site. now you'll start to see the iron dome system ticking them off. >> that's some of what that looks like with richard narrating from a safe position. mark, what comes next? as i mentioned, operationally, we see the amazzing of israeli soldiers on that board a, but we do not know and they have at telegraphed what they would do. we're told hamas leadership is under ground. we have this siege and as i mentioned a potential building humanitarian crisis there, gaza people who don't have anything to do with the attacks, war. what comes next, mark? >> first of all, it was good that you showed that, pictures of the iron dome, because -- and i think president biden had an outstanding address today. in that we're going to reply israel with whatever they need, including the intercepters, include anything else. there's reports coing across the wire about additional things needed. it's clear at some point israel is going to have to go into gaza. that's something that is going to be difficult. i think we all have to prepare ourselves, certainly israelis but also americans, too, because the hostages there. there's going to be significant loss of life. it's going to be tough kind of urban combat. these hamas operatives, the cell leaders are going to be in tunnels. this is tough urban warfare, and the hostages might be in danger. i don't think many people expect that there will be any delay in the ground operation because the hostages, while of course the israelis are looking for them. i'm sure the israeli special operations community is hard at work. but there's many tough days ahead. air strikes, i think that's just a preparation for the days and weeks to come. they're going to go in. >> all right, that's the view from mark. avi, thanks to both of you for your time on a difficult story, but where facts are important to get out there. i want to tell folks about what's come up reporting on how hamas taked one of the main targets in israel. next, we're going to be joined by a writer and historian about the rising brutality. if you feel things are getting worse in many parts of the world, two big wars we're follow, there may be reasons for that and this writer says there's things that can be done. that's next. t. 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[ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. welcome back to our coverage. hamas terrorists launched new missile strikes at israeli cities today another town, israelis working through booby traps. hamas operated for over 25 years. there's nothing new about some of its methods to people in the renal or familiar with the history although as we heard from an expert tonight, the scale is certainly unprecedented. some international scholars also see a broader trend and problem here. one that may not just stay in any given region, as these certain states, as well as nonstate act force, are leading with terror and war crimes as a main and admitted part of their operations, something they even tout, and that goes beyond just the middle east, from hamas to putin to iran in the background to some other rising authorarian and barbaric threats. hamas terrorists paid no attention to modern laws of war or norms of any kind. writes pulitzer prizewinner ann appelbaum. goal is to undo whatever remains of the rules base world order and put anarchy in its place. arguing that they do not simply flout human rights, that they are main lining a new type of sustained attack. or you could call it a terror war. that can actually operate in the long haul through its operations, through its potential sympathizers and support and through of course some of the rhetoric that it distributes, where people are saying well, yes, and -- and here's why that's somewhat understandable it's to try to disassemble what has been an incremental but positive set of steps towards human rights arc regime that was constructed in response specifically to the horrors of world war ii. it was that war and its atrocities and its holocaust, targeting many minorities, chiefly jews and other minority groups, that catalyzed groups to reach baselines on war. rule against terror and torture, the creation of the eyeduations, the geneva conventions, rules against torture, the declaration of human rights as a party to the u.n. all those things i just listed off didn't come off the abstract. they came out of the horrors of world war ii, and everyone amidst terrible conflicts and wars, there are many countries who have largely said they follow those things -- so at least they're on the side of appearing to want to follow them -- and often do follow them. that may be crumbling. appelbaum brings up china, noting there's been reporting about how they detain leaders against their will, and militarized surveillance. note the connections here as china, the geostrategic competitor is also one of the only countries left of any great power where vladimir putin can travel, because he faces a warrant for arrest on international war crimes for targeting ukrainian children. you heard of russia's attacks and its form of war against civilians. >> russia has carried out more war crimes like this, deliberately targeting civilians for no other reason than to make civilians pay. >> ukrainians left dead in the streets. authorities say civilians brutally murdered by the russians. >> she takes us to her brother's house, where she says she was raped by a russian soldier on august 26th. >> ukraine says russia used this basement in the city of kherson as a torture chamber. >> there is supposed to be an international order. it has worked at times. when you see countries of this power and magnitude and nonstate terror groups get this far, you see how some of this may actually be backsliding. appelbaum in her new piece also says how there are cracks and fissures in the west. the west and u.s. refused to enforce. she writes benjamin netanyahu notably indulged extreme voices which appelbaum argues is the kind of things that many thought wrongly had been in the past, abducting young women, beating them unconscious, dragging them across the border, a war crime as old as homer's iliad. we are here on day four of this war coverage at the beginning, not the middle of end, of whatever is coming. we are hearing discussions of human rights, of international law, of suffering, which certainly exists on both sides of this conflicts a with so many. we are also in a time where it is more important than ever to be clear factual and precise about what human rights are and what terrorism is and why, since world war ii and the holocaust, the bulk of main western democracies and even their foes tried to hold the line against genocide, terrorism, and torture. those groups moving against it are not just one more foe when they are in concert with these other forces, many argue, they are a threat to the international order itself. i quoted ann appelbaum at length, the pulitzer prizewinner is my guest next. guest next hi. my name is kim and i am 41 years old. i've been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. i'm still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally 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only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. i have been doing this for eight years. we're used to seeing hard things. what we see here is something i've never seen before myself. it's very hard whether it involves kids, makes no difference. don't make no difference to terrorists. >> journalists, officials have been describing in many ways which are atrocities committed there in the surprise terrorist attacks by hamas. i'm joined by ann appelbaum, authors of several books, including "the twilight of democracy" and the piece we just quoted "there are no rules", a new essay in "the atlantic." welcome. you write there is something much broader goingen here. what is it? >> i think we're seeing really the final deterioration of something we used to call the rules based world order, which was an aspirational set of ideas put into a series of documents, the u.n. charter. you listed some of them before. the geneva conventions, universal declaration of human rights. all ideas that were often honored in the breach, but were nevertheless honored. states could be made embarrassed if they didn't abide by them. they sought to abide by them when they could. they would sometimes -- even the united states would sometimes punish its soldiers if they broke the laws of war. so did other countries. we're now seeing really countries not just small terrorist groups but states like russia, and nonstate actors like hamas, which was actually backed by states and also had a quasi official role as the ruling party of gaza. we're seeing them defy these rules in a blatant and almost enthusiastic way. it's not just that we're going to commit acts of terror. we're going to do it and film it and put it on television, and we're going to put it on video on social media. we're going to show you that we're trying -- we're going out of our way to kill people, hit hospitals, hit schools. and we've seen that in russia in the war in ukraine, and we've just seen it again in israel, and it, i think, represents something new. >> yes, you write the mass as you mentioned won an election. it has that territory, so to speak, but is fundamentally a nonstate actor with funding from qatar with backing by iran. and then some level of whatever you want to call it -- quasi normalization, minimizization, what aboutism, where it tactics are also sometimes either minimized or rhetorically supported. what does that tell you about the decline of the rules based order you mentioned? because it's one thing to say there are innocent people in russia or in these territories, and many innocent people in these territories facing terrible conditions, and it's not thing for people even in the west to apparently minimize or seem to say that the tactics of terrorism, the barbarism of deliberately murdering children is somehow on the table. >> the barbarism of deliberately murdering children should be eliminated from any normal discourse, just like the russian program of kidnapping thousands of ukrainian children and taking them to russia should also be considered such a crime that vladimir putin, you know, shouldn't be, you know, allowed in -- allowed to conduct normal diplomacy. and actually, we do have bodies that have made that declaration. so the international criminal court has found putin guilty of kidnapping children, and he'll have trouble visiting some countries, countries that respect that vote. but not everybody does. people look for as you say, what aboutism, they look for other declarations, and that's part of a general deterioration. in my article i give a lot of reason why that's happened. some of them are our fault. some are the fault of great powers like china, which has spent a lot of the last decade trying to undermine those u.n. laws, trying to change the u.n. language, trying to remove human rights from the international conversation and replace it with sovereignty, which means for china, we get to do what we want and you don't get to talk about it. >> yeah. i know you've given a lot of thought to these issues and also in that broader context, and also so many people around the world are looking back in at this and trying to make sense of it. we appreciate what you wrote. it's called "there are no rules", if people want to look that up, google "there are no rules "from the atlantic. when we return, we have more on the context of what president biden said. his big address to the nation. and we have a diplomat to walk us through where we go from here. stay with us. re we go from here stay with us with the money i, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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(vo) it's your last chance to trade in any iphone for a new iphone 15 pro on us. only on verizon. there are bullet casings all over the floor. there is just the carnage, the chaos of the people who lived here. bullet holes in the tv, bullet holes in the wall. it is hard to believe this was once a place someone called home. hard to believe that was a home. that is another account from an independent reporter. we have reported on this for many different ways. we've sourced some of the videos, for example, to israeli authorities or other outlets when that's the material we have. but there you see an independent reporter in their own words describing the carnage. we've seen the air strikes intensifying. israel announcing the border is secure. a siege son that scene. the death toll surpassing 900 israelis and 1,000 palestinians. president biden today confirming 14 americans killed amidst all of this, as well as hamas now holding living americans hostage. israel is weighing a full scale ground invasion. some experts today say that is likely. i'm joined now by dan, a former israeli ambassador to the united states as well as a former deputy foreign minister of israel. welcome. first, the question to you, where does this attack and this, quote, carnage, as one independent reporter put it, fall on the scale in israel's history? >> well, i would same or similar circumstance -- say, ari, and thank you for having me here, we have had the worst day that the jewish people have experienced since the end of the holocaust almost 80 years ago. it's that bad. and the mutilation of bodies, the beheading of children and of babies, killing in a savage most barbaric way whole families in their beds, 85-year-old ladies, holocaust survivors, taking them on a kind of a death march from their homes over to the gaza -- across the gaza border is just unacceptable and it's unreal, almost apocalyptic, and it deserves an apocalyptic, i would say, response that may change for the better the entire middle east and maybe even beyond. >> you also have experienced, specifically as a diplomat here, operating in the united states. what do you say to americans who, whether you agree with them or not, look at this and say, putin is in ukraine, hamas perhaps with iran is in the middle east and israel. there are many problems in the world. they do not see this as a time to get further engaged? >> first of all, i would say there's a lot of merit in that, and specifically, israel has never asked the united states to be engaged, never boots on the ground. what we have seen the united states doing is an act of leadership, and what they do is actually for the security and safety and stability of the entire world. it's not just for israel. what america is doing now is first and foremost for america, for europe, for western civilizations, because we are now, ari, at a fork in the road. now it's either iran's way, which means iran blasts isis, hamas -- which are all in the same box, and you can add to that the in back maybe russia, north korea, and china. this is the one way that the world can go. or the other way of humanity, of sensibility, of decency. the only nation in the world today that is in the way of the barbarics which are at the gates is the united states, and i think we all look up to the united states to do what they need to do. it's a water shed and a sea change moment which calls for leadership. and i think what we have seen from president biden today is a real act of leadership, putting the united states back at the helm as it deserves. >> interesting, and you mention some of those countries in that broader context. we had a historian earlier tonight making an overlapping point. we showed tonight some of the atrocities, as you know. some of this comes out hour by hour. last night we showed the history that hamas has operated longer than al qaeda or isis and it has a pgs of trying to wipe out civilians, wiping out an entire country or people. i also want your response to what we're hearing from the other side. for example -- and again not excusing or normalizing anything. but when you look at what a siege does to people who are not part of hamas, i want to read to you coverage from al jazeera where you have the argument that the cutting off of everything in gaza, be t water, food, electricity, is, quote, punitive, that it is measure ken deliberately, quote, against gaza's civilian population, and that is in their argument unlawful collective punishment, a potential, quote, war crime. your response to that as we look towards the measures israel will take in the days ahead in those territories. >> it's very simple, and i think there is no more time for euphemism or, if you will, some political correctness. there is one side which is murderous and one side which defends itself. now let me elaborate a little bit more. in 2005, israel on a unilateral act, left gaza altogether. in an excruciaingly painful national experience. we moved israeli citizens, 8,500. they had to go back. lee their hopes, leave their cemeteries. everything went back. the idea was to turn around the conflict with the palestinians since we could not find any tracking with negotiations and a political process after arafat. in the beginning we thought that would be a change of the dynamics. we gave this land as it was to the palestinians. palestinian authority. with also an aid that we were able to help economic development and everything that goes with it, and we left all the infrastructure in tact. the next day after we left, hamas burned everything that we left behind. senior authority took over, but in 2007, hamas performed a coup against the palestinian authority, and they took control of gaza. now -- and here is where we -- the concept failure, which led to the attack two days ago. we thought hamas -- i mean, we had no illusions about it. it's a terrorist organization. all you have to do is read their manifesto, which is no compromise, no negotiation with israel, no peace, only one way -- their way or no other way. for them, it's -- by the way, they are the mortal enemies, not just of israel, but also of the palestinian authority. also together with isis, al qaeda and all those radical regimes, which are supported by iran. this is another thing. who are their enemies first? all the moderate regimes in the arab world. and of course israel is in the way. but we thought maybe now that they are in control of the territory, they would be more responsible because they have -- >> i'll only warn you. i want to let you finish, but we're going over, so 30 more seconds if you could conclude. >> okay, thank you. any way, we thought that they would change. they did not. they hold 2 million -- almost 2 million gazans as hostages. they are the ones committing a double war crime, because they are shelling and killing -- attacking only civilians on their side and using their civilians as shields. right now hamas is in enemy territory. we are not obligated to supply them with electricity or anything else. so until and unless they are eliminated, which would be the best thing for the gazan people -- that's the way to go to change the entire region, because it's not just gaza and not just israel. it's the entire region. and i would add to say, the security of the entire globe. >> yeah. well, ambassador, again, complicated, i wanted to get your response. i have richard engel live from israel coming up, which why i have to fit in this timing. but ambassador, thank you, sir. mr. engle will be here next. stay with us. will be here next. stay with us get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? 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>> reporter: well, we were earlier in the day, we were along the border with gaza. we were in one of the towns that was attacked by hamas, and a kibbutz right on the gaza border. when hamas militants on saturday morning at 6:30 in the morning broke through the fence, this was one of the first places they entered and went on a killing spree. they kidnapped people, and they stole many of those golf carts. by now, i think we have all become familiar with the images of the hostages taken back in golf carts. that was one of the strangest things i saw. i couldn't understand because i have been in gaza. they don't have golf carts in gaza. in this kibbutz, there are plenty of golf carts people use to go from one place to another, and they were there. it was like going back to a crime scene or a place frozen in time because the residents are all gone. and we went in with israeli troops as they were clearing this area to recover bodies, to still look for any hamas fighters who might still be in the area. and to get an assessment of the situation. so israel is still securing its border communities and it is still collecting bodies and victims of israelis who were killed during the initial hamas assault. we also saw more troops going into the area. we saw tanks, we saw apcs. based on what i saw, it doesn't look like they are ready for an imminent ground invasion, but they're certainly in the build-up phase for one. and then all day, we have been hearing and seeing attacks inside the gaza strip. that is gaza behind me. i'm in ashdod. during the course of our conversation, you may see some flashes in the far distance. those are ongoing israeli strikes into gaza. but it is not at this stage just israel carrying out reprisal attacks. hamas is still attacking. there may still be hamas fighters on the streets here looking for targets, hiding as sleeper cells, and hamas is firing rockets, and that was what you just opened the segment with with, with some of the incoming hamas rockets coming into the city. what was interesting, many things are interesting, but what i thought was particularly interesting about that rocket barrage is hamas announced it ahead of time. it happened at 5:00 in the afternoon, and hamas said, at 5:00, we will carry out a massive barrage of rockets against the city of ashkelon, and this is how sophisticated they have become, not just in their tactical fighting but also in their information campaign, they were sending out text messages and direct messages to in hebrew to the people of ashkelon saying you should evacuate the city, you should run, leave with your lives because we're going to flatten the city, and they did fire many rockets but nearly all of them were shot down by israel's defense system. so that was some of what we saw today. >> all really striking and in detail. we're trying to get information as we can get it from all the different sources. richard engle, one of our valued colleagues here. thank you, and you and your team please stay safe, sir. >> thank you. >> thank you, richard. we'll be right back. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. is it possible my network could take my business ask about vraylar and learn to the next level? 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"the reidout" with joy reid is up next. good evening.

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