Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703

when i am in israel breaking news coverage at war with hamas. we have just learned that americans are among the at dead. security council confirming deaths of several u.s. citizens, however they did not say how many. this morning the state department is saying it's working to verify reports that they took some americans hostage. this comes as it razed on within gaza around the day. spokes person around the israel defense forces telling msnbc at least 700 people have been killed in israel. the death toll there is expected to rise. adding in american terms, this is a privilege to pearl harbor and 9/11 at the same time. palestinian health ministry saying more than 400 people have died in gaza and the west bank. that includes nearly 80 children, this morning secretary of state anthony blinken also underscored america's commitment to advancing peace in the region. >> the focus now has to be on israel having what needs to deal with the attack and making sure that citizens are safe and secure. that's the entire focus. now more broadly we have been intensely secure and about the possibility of violence in the region. we have been working intensely with israelis and palestinians and other countries to try to make sure that that was avoided. >> as you can see on your screen these are live pictures coming in from gaza city. new raids as we look at the night sky. meantime the pentagon is moving an aircraft carrier strike group closer to israel to support israel defense forces. defense secretary lloyd austin is announcing that they are sending israeli ammunitions and military supplies. all flags are flying at half staff to stand and holiday ready with israel. joining us now nbc white house correspondent and msnbc chief correspondent, and chief host him on jordan. i want to begin with you, what have you learned about the americans have been killed? >> yeah alicia just the last hour we heard from as you mentioned the national security council. a spokesperson telling us that several americans and u.s. citizens were among those killed in these attacks that began in the wee hours of the morning yesterday. they say in part in a statement that we can send our deepest condolences to the victims and families of all those affected. and wish those injured a speedy recovery. we continue to monitor the situation closely and remain in touch with our israeli partners particularly the local authorities. they add that the state department is ready to provide assistance to u.s. citizens and israel and has issued updated travel advisories for u.s. citizens in response to hamas's terror suspects. this comes after we heard secretary of state taylor colleague kristen welker this morning on meet the press that u.s. officials were working overtime to try to confirm those reports that americans were among those killed and among those who have been taken hostage by hamas militants since this attack began. at least it has been pretty quiet at the white house today. we know from some white house officials that the communication and coordination that had begun yesterday is continuing and has been continuing today. we know the national security team for the president and white house official has all been continuing. we know it's with their israeli counterparts as these next steps are sorted out. they're trying to get as much intelligence as they can about the current status of what's going on in israel. and how this was even able to happen. how these hamas militants were able to penetrate what was sophisticated defense system that israel has that sometimes we even as and the united states rely on for allen collisions. to be able to better assist them and figure out how aid could be provided as far as how the u.s. hasn't continue to provide that aid we did learn today that the u.s. military is shifting u.s. assets. we know that according to the secretary of defense lloyd austin, in military aircraft carrier has already begun its journey, making it closer to israel as a show of support. secretary austin saying in a statement that the united states is rapidly providing the israel densforces with additional equipment and resources including munitions. they will begin today and arrive in the coming days. so you have that military aspect as far as whether we can see and humanitarian support in the future. those are still questions that we have for the white house and administration moving forward. >> that is what we are hearing on the home front, what are we hearing from the region tonight. you are showing pictures of gaza city. electricity supply has been cut off going to gaza. and they like to see in gaza come from gas and diesel generated generators. that's a situation in gaza their airstrikes going into gaza. they're targeting known hamas installations. those are rocket strikes and helicopter strikes. part of why they're moving assets into the area. offshore it staging grounds for helicopters. on the israeli side just north of the gaza border they have been strikes. right now there are strikes that have just hit moments ago a building in tel aviv has been hit within the last hour and a half. so hamas continues to send airstrikes into israel that hasn't stopped yet and israel has still declared a state of war the problem they have these hostages. more than 700 israelis confirmed dead, more than 200 were at a festival by the gossip border in southern israel. while they are being held by hamas in gaza, israel has limited to what it can do. if you put those pictures up, it's one of the most densely populated places on earth what's inside the building inside which other people live. but targeting hamas, it will continue to hurt more civilians. hamas has said, in order to get the hostages back, all prisoners have to be released in israel. so until they know the situation is four hostages, they're not gonna send that troops into gaza. there are no israeli troops in gaza at all. the southern border is sealed by israel. you can't get in, so they want to go in, i will be house to house battle. that's gonna kill a lot of people. they are in the process of moving calms from the middle of the country, down to gaza. our crews have seen that happen tonight. they're getting ready for something that will feel, all out urban and street warfare in gaza. they can embark on that until they have a full handle on how many hostages there actually are not to do about them, that is almost positively to involve ground troops in gaza. it hasn't happened in a long, time alicia. >> as we continue the coverage, we're gonna be talking a lot about borders and people moving across borders. your sense on how challenging it is in this moment to get in and out of israel. >> i'm here with him on jordan. 57 kilometers from the israeli border. we can't get in there for a few more hours. it's not time now. it's one of the morning. it'll be about an hour and a half drive from the border. very secure, three bridges. it's always very secure. it's gonna be extra secure now. obviously, we traverse a lot of. carol takes several hours to get. and getting out is this hard. in fact, if you're an, gaza tabulate possible. they cannot leave without permission from the israeli government. you can't generally speaking get cancer treatment and gaza because equipment is deemed not allowed in by israel. according to u.s. authorities, you have 20,000 people homeless in gaza right now. there are americans in israel, people all over the world in israel that are trying to get out. so some airlines like united are just not flying out of there until further notice. they're coordinating with the israelis about evacuating some americans, you will see with the next few days limited flights leaving. but they've to be very careful about that. the main airport in israel as within targeting distance, not only for hosmer but hezbollah. they're in the southern border of lebanon, they've already started firing. they are not in the, warrior but they fired rockets as they say in solidarity. so, these rallies have three concerns at the moment. southern part of gaza in the west bank which is on the east. there have been 11 palestinians killed in the west bank. violence is starting to flare up there. there's no army in the west bank. these would be stoic acts against israelis and their military. moving people is very difficult right now. we will get to israel and probably the next six hours or so. but it is hard to get in or out of israel and impossible to get in or out of gaza. >> i only have about a minute left, but i want to ask you to put it into context for us. we call this attack unprecedented and that makes it more difficult to predict what happens next. >> yeah, they're two ways of looking at this. israel hasn't seen this kind of threat since 1973. it was armies in areas that were in many cases not inhabited. rockets are falling in places that are inhabited. the sheer volume of overwhelm the iron dome system. it's one of the most effective anti missile systems on earth. hamas as more rockets and they believed to have, they are firing them all. number, three hamas is not known to have this level of sophistication in terms of an attack that was by air, land and sea. increasing with each hour we are getting more and more information that suggested iran may have been involved in the planning of this. including the capturing of people but people riding on motorcycles. we've seen that tactic in iran. the pair cells of people with ak-47s. so, there's a lot going on right now that we don't have details on. but unprecedented is definitely a fair word to use in this instance. >> nbc for us waiting at the border to enter israel. ali, thank you so much. allie raffa joining us from the white house again. thank you. as the death toll grows and we can from americans are among the dead, we have perspective from barry mccaffrey after this break. stay with us. us how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? 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declares foreign fighting rage, a hostage crisis is also unfolding. graphic and bloody videos have surfaced, appearing to show militants taking israeli hostage. this morning on meet the press, secretary of state anthony blinken saying americans could be among those hostages. confirms americans have been killed. also today, nbc learning exclusively the military is going to move navy ships, military aircraft closer to israel as a show of support. u.s. will also begin supplying israel with munitions another military supplies. growing fears of an even broader conflict. the traded artillery and rocket fire sunday. this, after husband fired the military sites in the lebanon border. four star u.s. army, mccaffrey has completed four combat tours. is an nbc national security commentator. prime minister, warning of a long and difficult. warren what might that look like? >> i'm not sure anyone understands yet. the complicated fact of the sausages, possibly dozens and dozens of israeli, undoubtedly some american dual citizens. never mind the well over 1000 wounded in israel. the israeli defense forces have two problems facing them. they first have to overcome hamas fighters inside israel, along the gaza front here. these villages that they captured, secondly i'm almost sure of it that they will go one on the ground and the gaza hostages.try to recover their armor, andrew force and supported by fighter aircrafts. it dominates the scene and then they have to try to find them in basements and tunnels. it's almost an impossible task. and on the other hand, they have to watch the northern frontier. 110 rockets could potentially enter the war as well. >> so, let's down that point general rey. let's pull up the maps to our viewers at home can look at this as we talk about it. we talk about that northern border when we talk about that artillery fire. what are the risks of it escalating on the northern border? >> among i think it is significant. it's one of the reasons why the biden administration, tony blinken have been so careful about the deterrence of escalation of this conflict. the carrier strike group moved in the eastern mediterranean as well over 10,000 sales. we are also moving fighter squadrons and italy. i-35, f-22, f-16. trying to signal to the lebanese, as well as the syrian military and iranian revolutionary guards. i think the temptation for hezbollah to enter would be significant. they would be a major threat. israel hamas itself can't bring down the israeli state. attacks from multiple countries could do it. >> i want to talk about the u.s. military sending aircraft, the carrier strike group that you referenced moving closer to israel. talk me through what's on that carrier. at the kind of supported offered's. in terms of resources, in the message it sends. >> well it's a powerful war fighting force. it's not just a carrier strike with the fighter aircraft. it's also supporting vessels including a cruiser, and incredible air defense platform. so it will be at risk if it enters the conflict zone, but fully prepared to fight. and in addition to the background, the u.s. air force is moving into the region. stealth capability, major ability to conduct strikes against anyone in israel. or non-combative evacuation if required to bring americans and other refugees out of israel. >> you reference general mccaffrey, the ongoing hostage situation that we are watching play out. it's in gaza and the complexity of it as it relates to those hostages. when you zoom out, bigger picture how does it then limit as rails and military options? >> it's going to pose a huge challenge to them. . they're used to conducting aircraft strikes in gaza with very small diet amateur munitions the so-called double tap. the palestinians have evacuated the area and want to bring down the building. nor will the israelis ever know for sure where these dozens of hostages are being held. they're gonna have to go and grab the surface area of the gaza strip fight off the hamas fighters and try to locate their intelligence sources and door-to-door searches to look at the hostages. a really challenging situation. . israelis will never abandon their citizens. they're not gonna get them back without using military power. >> general mccaffrey want to play some sound from the ambassador to the united nations today. >> hamas is a genocidal terror organization. it is no different than i.s.i.s.. it is no different than al-qaeda. there is no reasoning with genocidal people. they do not want dialogue they do not want conversation. they want one thing and one thing only. the annihilation of the jewish state. general mccaffrey your thoughts. there's no question you've been listening to some of this in the last couple of days talking about the right of return and the land they were objected from 75 years ago. they are never going back. israel would cease to exist as a state. the jewish people would be killed that happened so they have two forces at work here. by the way i'm not convinced the palestinian people in the gaza strip a cup of million of them packed in an impoverished desperate want this war. hamas days and this may well have killed peace negotiations. particularly the saudi stepping forward to recognize israel as a state that has a right to exist. they may have killed the peace process that could've been a major goal not just of hamas but if they're rainy and supporters. i'm sure there is no revolutionary guard inside gaza and they helped put together this surprise attack by hamas. it was very well carried out and how you train paragliders and gaza. i would be amazed that training wasn't done in iran and then turned into the gaza strip this is one perilous situation for the region as well as the israelis. >> retired four star general barry mccaffrey as always thank you so much. still to come mourn our breaking news. new airstrikes seen over gaza moran we return since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts 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priced amidst the outbreak. hamas is taking a number of hostage targeting music festivals. one israeli man pleading for updates after his wife and his two toddlers were kidnapped. >> they're not even girls their babies and my wife. they're my only family. we don't have information we are very frustrated. i'm very frustrated and i just want my little baby girls to be back home with my wife. >> they are not girls their babies airstrikes left hundreds dead on both sides. the ministry is reporting 78 children killed. one woman mourning the loss of her daughter and two young sons. . >> >> from a state department, you have peace on anita scribe we are watching unfold as a failure of leadership tell me more. alicia this is something we have all grown up watching and the united states as the middle east conflict the middle east peace process yet my entire childhood i have not seen peace neither palestinians for that matter and successive u.s. presidents have tried to bring parties to the table straight two-state solutions and it hasn't worked. and for the last few years what leaders in the world have done i just kind of hang back. there's been no active policy or restriction none of it has brought either party back to the table. all along if iran stoking the fire arming hamas. encouraging antisemitism and the denial of the existence of israel. it was inevitable that something would happen. it is not inevitable that israel would be caught off guard the way it has. that is something netanyahu's gonna have to answer to. he has made concessions to an extreme right wing to have a coalition to stay in power for nearly 16 years. they are now wondering how a state that has so much security support technology advancements that are being purchased by other countries on surveillance how were they caught off guard while hamas was preparing an attack on multiple fronts, if that is not a failure of palestinian leadership to curb terrorism and of arab leadership to engage in diplomacy. and israeli leadership to protect the security of the israeli people i don't know what else you would call it other than an absolute tragedy that is going to have civilians on all sides bear the brunt of their leadership. let's talk about that because we're watching these images of rockets over gaza city and it is easy to get lost. the sheer humanitarian crisis that has already unfolded in the past 36 hours and that which is yet to unfold paint a picture for us for what is at stake here. this is the peace and stability of an entire region this is the livelihoods and safety of millions of people but much bigger than that it has been a region that is absorbed the world for decades and most recently we have been absorbed watching as the gaza strip which has been controlled by hamas an entity that has refused to recognize his real even though the west bank and possibly the ship. has other arab countries have. hamas has refused to do that and they have made the people of gaza pay the price. it's been for their militancy. gaza has been under blockade and they are effectively fenced in unable to travel and go anywhere for work. any small incursion or attack is met with the full force of the israeli military. gaza militants are not making a great case for the safety and security of the people of gaza and it's hard many times for intelligent forces to even make a distinction between that. particularly when they're in a mindset of revenge so the people of gaza who have already suffered so much have nowhere to go are now having to bear the brunt of israel's all out war thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. after the break rick stengel, former secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs on where this unfolding horror goes next stay with us. s. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first 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(upbeat music) >> back with our breaking news from israel, the u.s. confirm that israel's are among the dead from saturday's attack on israel by hamas. we also just learned that israel's ambassador to united nations is confirming that there are americans being held hostage in gaza. however, we must note here that the u.s. officials do not conform with the u.s. investors are saying. only that americans are among those unaccounted for. joining me, now msnbc political analyst, rick stengel. he is the undersecretary state of the diplomacy and public affairs. rick, help me understand that nuance that i just laid out for our viewers. you have the israel ambassador to the u.n. confirming on the record that americans are being held hostage in gaza. they are working to verify those numbers. but then the nsc official, not confirming the american hostages. only confirming that we know that there are americans in israel. >> yes, alicia. we want to be absolutely buttoned up and certain about it. the nsc the white house and the state department there are using every source to try to confirm whether or not that is true. nobody wants to make a premature announcement that turns out to be wrong. >> rick, lot of the reasons that i wanted to speak with you, specifically tonight is that you have a lot -- >> you have been in the room as his conflicts unfold. so, i want you to just pull back the curtain for. us give us a sense of the conversations that are likely happening across the biden administration this weekend. >> it's very complicated. it's an awful situation. it's not good for any party, including the united states. i am sure that the conversations going on between the white house, the state department and our allies in the region. and the people that we have relationships in the region. no one wants the lebanese to get involved. no one wants the syrians to get involved. certainly, no one wants iran to be involved in something other than the clandestine way that they are involved now. we are talking to the objections. we are talking to the sunni nations. we are talking to the gulf nations. we are talking to saudi arabia. i, mean one of the things that was so potentially good about what was happening in the middle east for these talks between israel and saudi arabia. saudi arabia, the most important city muslim nations. if there was a peace agreement between saudi arabia and israel, that would be something that would be great for the region. so, those talks are going on. we are talking -- i am sure to the palestinians in the west bank. the pe ell. they have to decide what to do. so, those are the kinds of conversations going on. nobody wants it to escalate to other nations in the region. >> and that is happening in tandem with the conversation about resources. president biden saying that he is prepared to offer all means of support to israel today. that was in the form of military aid. you saw the ships, you saw the ammunition. what might that support look like moving forward? >> well, as you know, we give a tremendous amount. multi billions of dollars of support israel. and really, as well as egypt. one of israel's allies. you know, the thing that is tricky here too -- i'm sorry, i am leaping like three steps ahead. the three dimensional chess quality of all of this. it also affects our relationship to ukraine and the supply of military chain to ukraine. suddenly, there is a more urgent inbox that we have to deal with. and that will affect what will happen in ukraine. you know, when you support the iron dome with -- i guess you are seeing the pictures of it there. but the amount of missiles that hamas has launched has actually made the iron dome look less effective. we are going to supply health for them in that regard. as you mentioned earlier, there is u.s. aircraft carrier moving closer. i heard general mcafee talk about that. the air support that we could potentially get. so, there's a lot going. on there is a lot potentially that could go wrong. including, of course, the possibility of american hostages. this was always what i want to talk to you about, because i do jump -- we've only got about 30 seconds, but i want to ask you about the possibility of those hostages, american hostages. how does that impact the immediate calculus? >> well, you know that, is something that affects american public opinion. people can empathize with the idea that there are americans that are being held hostage by this terrorist group, in gaza, that unfortunately, often forests the hand of the government to do things, that sometimes one doesn't want to do. and we will see, in the coming days, if it proves the case that there are american hostages in gaza. >> rick stengel, as always, thank you so much for being with us. innocent people from across the globe, in the crosshairs of this war, including americans, some who have died in this attack, and there are ones who are alive, who are worried about their loved ones. their story, next. eir story, next. get the new iphone 15 pro with titanium from boost infinite and transcend to a wireless utopia. the new titanium iphone 15 pro. on us, with no trade in needed. infinitely better. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. 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>> yesterday morning, i am an observant jew, yesterday morning, which was sabbath, and also one of our dear holidays. i was woken up at 6:30 a.m., to sirens, in my building, which was built a long time ago. we don't have a bomb shelter inside of our apartment, so we go to the staircase. so we met with our neighbors in the stairs, children, elderly, we sat in the stairs, and we heard the rockets being intercepted by the iron dome, above our heads. we did hear some rockets, that did fall in israel, in tel aviv, very close to us. after those rockets, we went up and down the stairs several times. we turn on the news, and that's where we understood that that is unlike anything we have ever seen before. i am an american citizen, born in new york, i lived in new york until -- i have never seen anything like this. and, that is when we understood what was really happening. but to be honest, katie, the news took hours to catch up, to what we were seeing in the -- from people that we know. israel is a very small country, so everybody knows someone who was either called from the reserves, killed, taken hostage, et cetera. and, we spent many many hours, sitting in front of the television, which again, i wouldn't do under the regular sabbath in, waiting for updates, and waiting for to hear from loveland's. >> the numbers that we are getting it, from israeli media are shocking this 600 israelis dead, more than 100 held hostage. what else are you hearing, regarding those and that is currently been taken? >> beyond the numbers, it is really truly beyond the numbers. because what is happening here is that hamas is a videotaping what they are doing, to the bodies of the victims, who were killed, and those who are alive. and, they are being posted all over social media, with celebrations happening, in many places around the world. and, families are recognizing their loved ones, who have been taken in. i personally have friends, who have been called up to the reserves, said goodbye to their loved ones, patted their backs, and went where the army told them, presumably going to try to find our people, and bring them back. and, eventually, eventually put an end to this, please god. and last night, we continue to have fear of more rockets. today was slightly different, today we felt that we needed to do something, and all over israel, the volunteers, all of the civilians who didn't want to sit helplessly in front of their televisions, went to the donation centers to give blood. we organized on the spot, donations of food, clothing, diapers, et cetera, that we're going to the families that have been displaced, the families of terror victims, as well as all the soldiers who are now being called to the reserves. so, it is really beyond the numbers. once you see the video of what's happening to young teenage girls, young teenagers who were at a music festival, that was intercepted. the hundreds of bodies, that were found there, that are not only israeli citizens, they are people from all over. that is really, that is really when you understand the tragedy here, the numbers are really hard to relate to, but we understand the stories, and you see the faces. that, that is what, that's what's really impacting -- and >> our thanks to rachel cause nerve for hearing her story and. there are jewish people, and palestinians around the world, who do not yet know if their loved ones are friends are safe. there are some jewish blue outside of israel, there is an additional huddle. we are able to use technology, because today is a jewish holiday. nbc -- 's and who -- we are still searching for answers. liz, what are people telling you? >> hey alicia. i mean, jewish communities around the country right now are on edge, even here and ali, we are outside the synagogue, where police aren't up controls. just a few minutes ago, we saw a police -- who got out and surveil the properties here. so many americans are watching in horror, and many of them's have connections to israel, and are waiting for word about their loved ones. i spoke to a woman here in los angeles, who is desperately searching for information about her cousin, who was missing in israel. his name as -- he was at that music festival, that hamas invaded. the family says that somebody told them, they saw him get shot in the leg, as hordes of people were trying to escape the gunfire. he has not been heard from since, and she was just saying how horrible it is, that the most painful part is not knowing, not knowing if he died, and not knowing if he was captured by hamas. here is what she told us. >> i couldn't, i couldn't do nothing, i couldn't function. because in my mind, there is someone in my family, my blood, that is unknown where he, is and if he is dead somewhere, or if he is kidnapped. we couldn't sleep all night, and i only see, i only imagine what he is going through. they have been running from hospital to hospital, and they are seeing nightmares. >> now, according to an israeli rescue service, at least 260 bodies have been found at that festival. the family, however, karen, she has not heard anything about her cousin. so, just desperately waiting for answers, alicia. >> given that there are many people who are desperate to hear about their loved ones, liz, anything people can do, to learn more information about their families, about their friends? where are people turning to? >> yeah, there are so many people listening right now, at least. there is not one central location. but as we often see during disasters, people are turning to social media, pleading for any information about their living missing loved ones. we are also seeing these unofficial lists of the beginning, beginning to circulate. something else we are learning, is that in some cases, people are actually using the geolocation on cell phones, to track a location of missing people, that unfortunately has not worked for karen's cousin. they believe his phone died. it did work for a friend that he was with though, her geolocation, from her phone, indicates that she is currently in gaza. so, believed to be one of the several dozens of people, potentially captured by hamas, alicia. >> -- in your interview, the not knowing is the hardest part. liz -- , thank you so much. we are going to continue our breaking news coverage, after this. americans, now confirmed dead in israel. our team coverage carries on, after this break. >>after this break >> >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? 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(♪♪) you're probably not easily persuaded to switch and nutrients mobile providers. for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? it's true. plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. . it's happening. that is it for today, and for this weekend. i am alicia menendez, and i will see you back here next saturday, six pm eastern. but for now, i handed over to my colleague, alex -- >> colleag all right thank you so much alicia, for that job of that. we're gonna take it away everybody, as i bid you all a very good evening. i'm alex witt, as we come on the, air another night of shock and awe in israel, after saturday surprise attack from the palestinian militant group hamas. the united states national security council, now confirming americans are indeed among the dead. at this, our we don't know how many americans have died in the conflict, nor the circumstances around their deaths. the -- , saying, several americans have been killed. but we are bringing you a live picture right, now this is gaza city, where we have seen fresh airstrikes, in just this last hour. a spokesperson for the israeli defense forces tells msnbc, that at least 700 people have been killed inside of israel. the death toll there, is certainly expected to rise. and the palestinian health ministry says more than 400 people have died in gaza, in the west bank. that includes nearly 80 children. and this, is video, from the u.s. capitol. flags, flying at half staff, to stand in solidarity with israel. this morning, the state department also said, it is working to verify reports, that hamas took some americans hostage. joining me now, msnbc chief correspondent, and host ali velshi. he is in -- jordan for us. also nbc's -- allie raffa.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703

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when i am in israel breaking news coverage at war with hamas. we have just learned that americans are among the at dead. security council confirming deaths of several u.s. citizens, however they did not say how many. this morning the state department is saying it's working to verify reports that they took some americans hostage. this comes as it razed on within gaza around the day. spokes person around the israel defense forces telling msnbc at least 700 people have been killed in israel. the death toll there is expected to rise. adding in american terms, this is a privilege to pearl harbor and 9/11 at the same time. palestinian health ministry saying more than 400 people have died in gaza and the west bank. that includes nearly 80 children, this morning secretary of state anthony blinken also underscored america's commitment to advancing peace in the region. >> the focus now has to be on israel having what needs to deal with the attack and making sure that citizens are safe and secure. that's the entire focus. now more broadly we have been intensely secure and about the possibility of violence in the region. we have been working intensely with israelis and palestinians and other countries to try to make sure that that was avoided. >> as you can see on your screen these are live pictures coming in from gaza city. new raids as we look at the night sky. meantime the pentagon is moving an aircraft carrier strike group closer to israel to support israel defense forces. defense secretary lloyd austin is announcing that they are sending israeli ammunitions and military supplies. all flags are flying at half staff to stand and holiday ready with israel. joining us now nbc white house correspondent and msnbc chief correspondent, and chief host him on jordan. i want to begin with you, what have you learned about the americans have been killed? >> yeah alicia just the last hour we heard from as you mentioned the national security council. a spokesperson telling us that several americans and u.s. citizens were among those killed in these attacks that began in the wee hours of the morning yesterday. they say in part in a statement that we can send our deepest condolences to the victims and families of all those affected. and wish those injured a speedy recovery. we continue to monitor the situation closely and remain in touch with our israeli partners particularly the local authorities. they add that the state department is ready to provide assistance to u.s. citizens and israel and has issued updated travel advisories for u.s. citizens in response to hamas's terror suspects. this comes after we heard secretary of state taylor colleague kristen welker this morning on meet the press that u.s. officials were working overtime to try to confirm those reports that americans were among those killed and among those who have been taken hostage by hamas militants since this attack began. at least it has been pretty quiet at the white house today. we know from some white house officials that the communication and coordination that had begun yesterday is continuing and has been continuing today. we know the national security team for the president and white house official has all been continuing. we know it's with their israeli counterparts as these next steps are sorted out. they're trying to get as much intelligence as they can about the current status of what's going on in israel. and how this was even able to happen. how these hamas militants were able to penetrate what was sophisticated defense system that israel has that sometimes we even as and the united states rely on for allen collisions. to be able to better assist them and figure out how aid could be provided as far as how the u.s. hasn't continue to provide that aid we did learn today that the u.s. military is shifting u.s. assets. we know that according to the secretary of defense lloyd austin, in military aircraft carrier has already begun its journey, making it closer to israel as a show of support. secretary austin saying in a statement that the united states is rapidly providing the israel densforces with additional equipment and resources including munitions. they will begin today and arrive in the coming days. so you have that military aspect as far as whether we can see and humanitarian support in the future. those are still questions that we have for the white house and administration moving forward. >> that is what we are hearing on the home front, what are we hearing from the region tonight. you are showing pictures of gaza city. electricity supply has been cut off going to gaza. and they like to see in gaza come from gas and diesel generated generators. that's a situation in gaza their airstrikes going into gaza. they're targeting known hamas installations. those are rocket strikes and helicopter strikes. part of why they're moving assets into the area. offshore it staging grounds for helicopters. on the israeli side just north of the gaza border they have been strikes. right now there are strikes that have just hit moments ago a building in tel aviv has been hit within the last hour and a half. so hamas continues to send airstrikes into israel that hasn't stopped yet and israel has still declared a state of war the problem they have these hostages. more than 700 israelis confirmed dead, more than 200 were at a festival by the gossip border in southern israel. while they are being held by hamas in gaza, israel has limited to what it can do. if you put those pictures up, it's one of the most densely populated places on earth what's inside the building inside which other people live. but targeting hamas, it will continue to hurt more civilians. hamas has said, in order to get the hostages back, all prisoners have to be released in israel. so until they know the situation is four hostages, they're not gonna send that troops into gaza. there are no israeli troops in gaza at all. the southern border is sealed by israel. you can't get in, so they want to go in, i will be house to house battle. that's gonna kill a lot of people. they are in the process of moving calms from the middle of the country, down to gaza. our crews have seen that happen tonight. they're getting ready for something that will feel, all out urban and street warfare in gaza. they can embark on that until they have a full handle on how many hostages there actually are not to do about them, that is almost positively to involve ground troops in gaza. it hasn't happened in a long, time alicia. >> as we continue the coverage, we're gonna be talking a lot about borders and people moving across borders. your sense on how challenging it is in this moment to get in and out of israel. >> i'm here with him on jordan. 57 kilometers from the israeli border. we can't get in there for a few more hours. it's not time now. it's one of the morning. it'll be about an hour and a half drive from the border. very secure, three bridges. it's always very secure. it's gonna be extra secure now. obviously, we traverse a lot of. carol takes several hours to get. and getting out is this hard. in fact, if you're an, gaza tabulate possible. they cannot leave without permission from the israeli government. you can't generally speaking get cancer treatment and gaza because equipment is deemed not allowed in by israel. according to u.s. authorities, you have 20,000 people homeless in gaza right now. there are americans in israel, people all over the world in israel that are trying to get out. so some airlines like united are just not flying out of there until further notice. they're coordinating with the israelis about evacuating some americans, you will see with the next few days limited flights leaving. but they've to be very careful about that. the main airport in israel as within targeting distance, not only for hosmer but hezbollah. they're in the southern border of lebanon, they've already started firing. they are not in the, warrior but they fired rockets as they say in solidarity. so, these rallies have three concerns at the moment. southern part of gaza in the west bank which is on the east. there have been 11 palestinians killed in the west bank. violence is starting to flare up there. there's no army in the west bank. these would be stoic acts against israelis and their military. moving people is very difficult right now. we will get to israel and probably the next six hours or so. but it is hard to get in or out of israel and impossible to get in or out of gaza. >> i only have about a minute left, but i want to ask you to put it into context for us. we call this attack unprecedented and that makes it more difficult to predict what happens next. >> yeah, they're two ways of looking at this. israel hasn't seen this kind of threat since 1973. it was armies in areas that were in many cases not inhabited. rockets are falling in places that are inhabited. the sheer volume of overwhelm the iron dome system. it's one of the most effective anti missile systems on earth. hamas as more rockets and they believed to have, they are firing them all. number, three hamas is not known to have this level of sophistication in terms of an attack that was by air, land and sea. increasing with each hour we are getting more and more information that suggested iran may have been involved in the planning of this. including the capturing of people but people riding on motorcycles. we've seen that tactic in iran. the pair cells of people with ak-47s. so, there's a lot going on right now that we don't have details on. but unprecedented is definitely a fair word to use in this instance. >> nbc for us waiting at the border to enter israel. ali, thank you so much. allie raffa joining us from the white house again. thank you. as the death toll grows and we can from americans are among the dead, we have perspective from barry mccaffrey after this break. stay with us. us how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? 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declares foreign fighting rage, a hostage crisis is also unfolding. graphic and bloody videos have surfaced, appearing to show militants taking israeli hostage. this morning on meet the press, secretary of state anthony blinken saying americans could be among those hostages. confirms americans have been killed. also today, nbc learning exclusively the military is going to move navy ships, military aircraft closer to israel as a show of support. u.s. will also begin supplying israel with munitions another military supplies. growing fears of an even broader conflict. the traded artillery and rocket fire sunday. this, after husband fired the military sites in the lebanon border. four star u.s. army, mccaffrey has completed four combat tours. is an nbc national security commentator. prime minister, warning of a long and difficult. warren what might that look like? >> i'm not sure anyone understands yet. the complicated fact of the sausages, possibly dozens and dozens of israeli, undoubtedly some american dual citizens. never mind the well over 1000 wounded in israel. the israeli defense forces have two problems facing them. they first have to overcome hamas fighters inside israel, along the gaza front here. these villages that they captured, secondly i'm almost sure of it that they will go one on the ground and the gaza hostages.try to recover their armor, andrew force and supported by fighter aircrafts. it dominates the scene and then they have to try to find them in basements and tunnels. it's almost an impossible task. and on the other hand, they have to watch the northern frontier. 110 rockets could potentially enter the war as well. >> so, let's down that point general rey. let's pull up the maps to our viewers at home can look at this as we talk about it. we talk about that northern border when we talk about that artillery fire. what are the risks of it escalating on the northern border? >> among i think it is significant. it's one of the reasons why the biden administration, tony blinken have been so careful about the deterrence of escalation of this conflict. the carrier strike group moved in the eastern mediterranean as well over 10,000 sales. we are also moving fighter squadrons and italy. i-35, f-22, f-16. trying to signal to the lebanese, as well as the syrian military and iranian revolutionary guards. i think the temptation for hezbollah to enter would be significant. they would be a major threat. israel hamas itself can't bring down the israeli state. attacks from multiple countries could do it. >> i want to talk about the u.s. military sending aircraft, the carrier strike group that you referenced moving closer to israel. talk me through what's on that carrier. at the kind of supported offered's. in terms of resources, in the message it sends. >> well it's a powerful war fighting force. it's not just a carrier strike with the fighter aircraft. it's also supporting vessels including a cruiser, and incredible air defense platform. so it will be at risk if it enters the conflict zone, but fully prepared to fight. and in addition to the background, the u.s. air force is moving into the region. stealth capability, major ability to conduct strikes against anyone in israel. or non-combative evacuation if required to bring americans and other refugees out of israel. >> you reference general mccaffrey, the ongoing hostage situation that we are watching play out. it's in gaza and the complexity of it as it relates to those hostages. when you zoom out, bigger picture how does it then limit as rails and military options? >> it's going to pose a huge challenge to them. . they're used to conducting aircraft strikes in gaza with very small diet amateur munitions the so-called double tap. the palestinians have evacuated the area and want to bring down the building. nor will the israelis ever know for sure where these dozens of hostages are being held. they're gonna have to go and grab the surface area of the gaza strip fight off the hamas fighters and try to locate their intelligence sources and door-to-door searches to look at the hostages. a really challenging situation. . israelis will never abandon their citizens. they're not gonna get them back without using military power. >> general mccaffrey want to play some sound from the ambassador to the united nations today. >> hamas is a genocidal terror organization. it is no different than i.s.i.s.. it is no different than al-qaeda. there is no reasoning with genocidal people. they do not want dialogue they do not want conversation. they want one thing and one thing only. the annihilation of the jewish state. general mccaffrey your thoughts. there's no question you've been listening to some of this in the last couple of days talking about the right of return and the land they were objected from 75 years ago. they are never going back. israel would cease to exist as a state. the jewish people would be killed that happened so they have two forces at work here. by the way i'm not convinced the palestinian people in the gaza strip a cup of million of them packed in an impoverished desperate want this war. hamas days and this may well have killed peace negotiations. particularly the saudi stepping forward to recognize israel as a state that has a right to exist. they may have killed the peace process that could've been a major goal not just of hamas but if they're rainy and supporters. i'm sure there is no revolutionary guard inside gaza and they helped put together this surprise attack by hamas. it was very well carried out and how you train paragliders and gaza. i would be amazed that training wasn't done in iran and then turned into the gaza strip this is one perilous situation for the region as well as the israelis. >> retired four star general barry mccaffrey as always thank you so much. still to come mourn our breaking news. new airstrikes seen over gaza moran we return since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts 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priced amidst the outbreak. hamas is taking a number of hostage targeting music festivals. one israeli man pleading for updates after his wife and his two toddlers were kidnapped. >> they're not even girls their babies and my wife. they're my only family. we don't have information we are very frustrated. i'm very frustrated and i just want my little baby girls to be back home with my wife. >> they are not girls their babies airstrikes left hundreds dead on both sides. the ministry is reporting 78 children killed. one woman mourning the loss of her daughter and two young sons. . >> >> from a state department, you have peace on anita scribe we are watching unfold as a failure of leadership tell me more. alicia this is something we have all grown up watching and the united states as the middle east conflict the middle east peace process yet my entire childhood i have not seen peace neither palestinians for that matter and successive u.s. presidents have tried to bring parties to the table straight two-state solutions and it hasn't worked. and for the last few years what leaders in the world have done i just kind of hang back. there's been no active policy or restriction none of it has brought either party back to the table. all along if iran stoking the fire arming hamas. encouraging antisemitism and the denial of the existence of israel. it was inevitable that something would happen. it is not inevitable that israel would be caught off guard the way it has. that is something netanyahu's gonna have to answer to. he has made concessions to an extreme right wing to have a coalition to stay in power for nearly 16 years. they are now wondering how a state that has so much security support technology advancements that are being purchased by other countries on surveillance how were they caught off guard while hamas was preparing an attack on multiple fronts, if that is not a failure of palestinian leadership to curb terrorism and of arab leadership to engage in diplomacy. and israeli leadership to protect the security of the israeli people i don't know what else you would call it other than an absolute tragedy that is going to have civilians on all sides bear the brunt of their leadership. let's talk about that because we're watching these images of rockets over gaza city and it is easy to get lost. the sheer humanitarian crisis that has already unfolded in the past 36 hours and that which is yet to unfold paint a picture for us for what is at stake here. this is the peace and stability of an entire region this is the livelihoods and safety of millions of people but much bigger than that it has been a region that is absorbed the world for decades and most recently we have been absorbed watching as the gaza strip which has been controlled by hamas an entity that has refused to recognize his real even though the west bank and possibly the ship. has other arab countries have. hamas has refused to do that and they have made the people of gaza pay the price. it's been for their militancy. gaza has been under blockade and they are effectively fenced in unable to travel and go anywhere for work. any small incursion or attack is met with the full force of the israeli military. gaza militants are not making a great case for the safety and security of the people of gaza and it's hard many times for intelligent forces to even make a distinction between that. particularly when they're in a mindset of revenge so the people of gaza who have already suffered so much have nowhere to go are now having to bear the brunt of israel's all out war thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. after the break rick stengel, former secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs on where this unfolding horror goes next stay with us. s. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first 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(upbeat music) >> back with our breaking news from israel, the u.s. confirm that israel's are among the dead from saturday's attack on israel by hamas. we also just learned that israel's ambassador to united nations is confirming that there are americans being held hostage in gaza. however, we must note here that the u.s. officials do not conform with the u.s. investors are saying. only that americans are among those unaccounted for. joining me, now msnbc political analyst, rick stengel. he is the undersecretary state of the diplomacy and public affairs. rick, help me understand that nuance that i just laid out for our viewers. you have the israel ambassador to the u.n. confirming on the record that americans are being held hostage in gaza. they are working to verify those numbers. but then the nsc official, not confirming the american hostages. only confirming that we know that there are americans in israel. >> yes, alicia. we want to be absolutely buttoned up and certain about it. the nsc the white house and the state department there are using every source to try to confirm whether or not that is true. nobody wants to make a premature announcement that turns out to be wrong. >> rick, lot of the reasons that i wanted to speak with you, specifically tonight is that you have a lot -- >> you have been in the room as his conflicts unfold. so, i want you to just pull back the curtain for. us give us a sense of the conversations that are likely happening across the biden administration this weekend. >> it's very complicated. it's an awful situation. it's not good for any party, including the united states. i am sure that the conversations going on between the white house, the state department and our allies in the region. and the people that we have relationships in the region. no one wants the lebanese to get involved. no one wants the syrians to get involved. certainly, no one wants iran to be involved in something other than the clandestine way that they are involved now. we are talking to the objections. we are talking to the sunni nations. we are talking to the gulf nations. we are talking to saudi arabia. i, mean one of the things that was so potentially good about what was happening in the middle east for these talks between israel and saudi arabia. saudi arabia, the most important city muslim nations. if there was a peace agreement between saudi arabia and israel, that would be something that would be great for the region. so, those talks are going on. we are talking -- i am sure to the palestinians in the west bank. the pe ell. they have to decide what to do. so, those are the kinds of conversations going on. nobody wants it to escalate to other nations in the region. >> and that is happening in tandem with the conversation about resources. president biden saying that he is prepared to offer all means of support to israel today. that was in the form of military aid. you saw the ships, you saw the ammunition. what might that support look like moving forward? >> well, as you know, we give a tremendous amount. multi billions of dollars of support israel. and really, as well as egypt. one of israel's allies. you know, the thing that is tricky here too -- i'm sorry, i am leaping like three steps ahead. the three dimensional chess quality of all of this. it also affects our relationship to ukraine and the supply of military chain to ukraine. suddenly, there is a more urgent inbox that we have to deal with. and that will affect what will happen in ukraine. you know, when you support the iron dome with -- i guess you are seeing the pictures of it there. but the amount of missiles that hamas has launched has actually made the iron dome look less effective. we are going to supply health for them in that regard. as you mentioned earlier, there is u.s. aircraft carrier moving closer. i heard general mcafee talk about that. the air support that we could potentially get. so, there's a lot going. on there is a lot potentially that could go wrong. including, of course, the possibility of american hostages. this was always what i want to talk to you about, because i do jump -- we've only got about 30 seconds, but i want to ask you about the possibility of those hostages, american hostages. how does that impact the immediate calculus? >> well, you know that, is something that affects american public opinion. people can empathize with the idea that there are americans that are being held hostage by this terrorist group, in gaza, that unfortunately, often forests the hand of the government to do things, that sometimes one doesn't want to do. and we will see, in the coming days, if it proves the case that there are american hostages in gaza. >> rick stengel, as always, thank you so much for being with us. innocent people from across the globe, in the crosshairs of this war, including americans, some who have died in this attack, and there are ones who are alive, who are worried about their loved ones. their story, next. eir story, next. get the new iphone 15 pro with titanium from boost infinite and transcend to a wireless utopia. the new titanium iphone 15 pro. on us, with no trade in needed. infinitely better. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. 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>> yesterday morning, i am an observant jew, yesterday morning, which was sabbath, and also one of our dear holidays. i was woken up at 6:30 a.m., to sirens, in my building, which was built a long time ago. we don't have a bomb shelter inside of our apartment, so we go to the staircase. so we met with our neighbors in the stairs, children, elderly, we sat in the stairs, and we heard the rockets being intercepted by the iron dome, above our heads. we did hear some rockets, that did fall in israel, in tel aviv, very close to us. after those rockets, we went up and down the stairs several times. we turn on the news, and that's where we understood that that is unlike anything we have ever seen before. i am an american citizen, born in new york, i lived in new york until -- i have never seen anything like this. and, that is when we understood what was really happening. but to be honest, katie, the news took hours to catch up, to what we were seeing in the -- from people that we know. israel is a very small country, so everybody knows someone who was either called from the reserves, killed, taken hostage, et cetera. and, we spent many many hours, sitting in front of the television, which again, i wouldn't do under the regular sabbath in, waiting for updates, and waiting for to hear from loveland's. >> the numbers that we are getting it, from israeli media are shocking this 600 israelis dead, more than 100 held hostage. what else are you hearing, regarding those and that is currently been taken? >> beyond the numbers, it is really truly beyond the numbers. because what is happening here is that hamas is a videotaping what they are doing, to the bodies of the victims, who were killed, and those who are alive. and, they are being posted all over social media, with celebrations happening, in many places around the world. and, families are recognizing their loved ones, who have been taken in. i personally have friends, who have been called up to the reserves, said goodbye to their loved ones, patted their backs, and went where the army told them, presumably going to try to find our people, and bring them back. and, eventually, eventually put an end to this, please god. and last night, we continue to have fear of more rockets. today was slightly different, today we felt that we needed to do something, and all over israel, the volunteers, all of the civilians who didn't want to sit helplessly in front of their televisions, went to the donation centers to give blood. we organized on the spot, donations of food, clothing, diapers, et cetera, that we're going to the families that have been displaced, the families of terror victims, as well as all the soldiers who are now being called to the reserves. so, it is really beyond the numbers. once you see the video of what's happening to young teenage girls, young teenagers who were at a music festival, that was intercepted. the hundreds of bodies, that were found there, that are not only israeli citizens, they are people from all over. that is really, that is really when you understand the tragedy here, the numbers are really hard to relate to, but we understand the stories, and you see the faces. that, that is what, that's what's really impacting -- and >> our thanks to rachel cause nerve for hearing her story and. there are jewish people, and palestinians around the world, who do not yet know if their loved ones are friends are safe. there are some jewish blue outside of israel, there is an additional huddle. we are able to use technology, because today is a jewish holiday. nbc -- 's and who -- we are still searching for answers. liz, what are people telling you? >> hey alicia. i mean, jewish communities around the country right now are on edge, even here and ali, we are outside the synagogue, where police aren't up controls. just a few minutes ago, we saw a police -- who got out and surveil the properties here. so many americans are watching in horror, and many of them's have connections to israel, and are waiting for word about their loved ones. i spoke to a woman here in los angeles, who is desperately searching for information about her cousin, who was missing in israel. his name as -- he was at that music festival, that hamas invaded. the family says that somebody told them, they saw him get shot in the leg, as hordes of people were trying to escape the gunfire. he has not been heard from since, and she was just saying how horrible it is, that the most painful part is not knowing, not knowing if he died, and not knowing if he was captured by hamas. here is what she told us. >> i couldn't, i couldn't do nothing, i couldn't function. because in my mind, there is someone in my family, my blood, that is unknown where he, is and if he is dead somewhere, or if he is kidnapped. we couldn't sleep all night, and i only see, i only imagine what he is going through. they have been running from hospital to hospital, and they are seeing nightmares. >> now, according to an israeli rescue service, at least 260 bodies have been found at that festival. the family, however, karen, she has not heard anything about her cousin. so, just desperately waiting for answers, alicia. >> given that there are many people who are desperate to hear about their loved ones, liz, anything people can do, to learn more information about their families, about their friends? where are people turning to? >> yeah, there are so many people listening right now, at least. there is not one central location. but as we often see during disasters, people are turning to social media, pleading for any information about their living missing loved ones. we are also seeing these unofficial lists of the beginning, beginning to circulate. something else we are learning, is that in some cases, people are actually using the geolocation on cell phones, to track a location of missing people, that unfortunately has not worked for karen's cousin. they believe his phone died. it did work for a friend that he was with though, her geolocation, from her phone, indicates that she is currently in gaza. so, believed to be one of the several dozens of people, potentially captured by hamas, alicia. >> -- in your interview, the not knowing is the hardest part. liz -- , thank you so much. we are going to continue our breaking news coverage, after this. americans, now confirmed dead in israel. our team coverage carries on, after this break. >>after this break >> >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? 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