Than this, follow your heart but take your brain with you. I would also advise all of my house colleagues to be sure and take their meds. Senator john kennedy, republican from louisiana, with some good advice, following Kevin Mccarthys historic and humiliating ouster. Meaning even some republicans realize their party is a mess. And utterly incapable of governing. Also tonight on day three of his fraud trial, donald trump high tails it back to florida. And new York AttorneyLatitia James says shes had enough of his attacks and lies, declaring that the donald trump show is over. And we begin tonight with a crisis of governance in the house of representatives. At a time when the nation and the world are facing some very serious problems. Today, 75,000 u. S. Health professionals went on strike over Work Conditions and pay. Autoworkers are still strikes and awaiting their fair pay. The Climate Crisis is flooding major cities. Gun violence rages on including just last night in baltimore, as a shooter wounded four students at morgan state university. And ukraine is facing a possible cutoff in u. S. Funding as it fights to keep from being swallowed whole by russia. On top of all of that, there is another very real threat of a government shutdown. This time on november 17th. Leaving congress with 31 working days to figure out an actual longterm budget. Not just a temporary extension like the one that we got this week. But instead of addressing any of those issues, the republican chaos caucus in the house decided to fire their speaker to punish him for getting the extension and then to recess for the rest of the week. And that really shouldnt surprise you because republicans have been focussed on the bigger issues, like banning books, targeting the lgbtq community, restricting Abortion Access and ginning up a manufactured Impeachment Inquiry to own the libs at President Biden. Important Kitchen Table stuff. You would think after firing the first speaker ever in u. S. History, republicans would pause for a bit of self reflection. But note, theyre plunging deeper into chaos and acrimony. In fact, just hours after he lost the gavel, Kevin Mccarthy started settling scores, including blaming Speaker Pelosi for his failures. Patrick mchenry immediately evicted pelosi from her offices in the capitol. Nbc news viewed an email to pelosis staff ordering her to move out of the work space by today. Pelosi wasnt in the capitol during kevins ouster. Shes in San Francisco saying goodbye to her good friend, the late senator dianne feinstein. Whose sucessor now senator Laphonza Butler was sworn in by Kamala Harris because the senate actually functions. This morning, back on the Looney Tune Sides of the capitol, former democratic Majority Leader hoyer was also evicted from his office. Guess who is moving into pelosis old office, Kevin Mccarthy. Republicans were paying petty games, President Biden was saying, hey, guys, maybe instead do your jobs. The house will now reorganize and select a new speaker. I know its going to take some time. But i remind everyone, we have a lot of work to do and the American People expect us to get it done. We need to change the poisonous atmosphere In Washington. We have strong disagreements, but we need to stop seeing each other as enemies. We need to talk to one another. Listen to one another. Work with one another. And we can do that. So biden is doing his job, announcing another round of federal student loan forgiveness, helping 125,000 borrowers erase 9 billion in debt. Want to know what else President Biden did yesterday while republicans were tearing each other to shreds . He got Major Drug Companies to commit to participating in medicare drug Price Negotiations with the federal government. You know, the important stuff. And while biden keeps bidening, The Chaos Caucus is leaderless. Marjorie Taylor Greene another maga croies are floating donald trump as the next speaker. According to sean hannity, a trump confidant, he might be open to helping. Yeah, but about that. The republican own House Rules State In Black And White that a member of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony, for which a sentence of two or more Years Imprisonment may be imposed. Last i checked, trump has 91 of those. We all know theyre happy to break the rules for trump. But here in the real world, The Chaos Caucus still has to find someone who can do the job without getting fired by them. And theyre facing a choice of bad and worse. Earlier this afternoon, Majority Leader steve scalise, who literally called himself david duke without the baggage, announced that he is a candidate for speaker. And judiciary chairman loud talker jim jordan, repeatedly ignored subpoenas, asked trump for a pardon and accused by a number of Sexual Assault victims ignoring their pleas for help while he was a coach at Ohio State University has also announced his run for speaker. Both, by the way, voted to overturn the election on january 6th, of course. Joining me now, is Congresswoman Jasmine Crock Et of texas, former senator and msnbc analyst Claire Mccaskill and brendan buck a former aide to speakers john boehner and paul ryan, Fortuitous Booking on tonight. But i do want to start with you, Congress Woman crockette, you have really to me displaying and embodying the vast difference in quality, if i can just be blunt between democrats and the current crop of republicans. I mean, youve been out there eloquently just slaying and so ill give you credit for that and give you your flowers for that. But i also want to ask you a question i asked a member yesterday. If there was some opportunity for kevin to save his job, let me just play gerry connolly, congressman Jerry Mcconley saying what kevin did wrong. Take a look. I think it goes in political 101 textbooks Going Forward as maybe one of the most stupid things somebody could do to thoroughly trash democrats for providing the overwhelming support for the continuing resolution that he supported and put On The Floor Saturday was a huge misstep. Congress woman, what do you make of the fact that thats what kevin is doing, blaming democrats for kicking him out when republicans kicked him out . Absolutely. Listen, mccarthy, he actually created this monster, right . As many people have said, nancy pelosi didnt have these types of problems when she was speaker. You pointed out what the rules say. They continue to box themselves in and mccarthy negotiated a way, anything that would have protected him. He shouldnt have had to look to democrats. And if you needed to look to democrats, then maybe pick up the phone, call democrats and make a deal. A deal that will make sure that we move this country forward instead, all they want to do is pass messaging bills, bills that are dead on arrival when they get to the senate and absolutely will never make it to the president. And we honestly arent playing chess. We are im sorry, were not playing checkers with them, we have been playing chess the entire time. Play foolish games, you get foolish rewards. So thats where they are. It is stunning to me. Im just going to play it. This is Kevin Mccarthy blaming speaker shes not even speaker anymore. Nancy pelosi who was out of town when he got kicked out. Here he is saying the lady who was in San Francisco took me out. Nancy pelosi came to me, she was speaker at the time on the way out, and i told her i was having issues with getting enough votes. Whats the problem . They want this one person can rule you out. She said, just give it to them. I will always back you up. I made the same offer to boehner and same thing to paul. Because i believe in the institution. I think today was a political decision by the democrats. And i think i think the things they have done in the past hurt the institution. He goes on to say, claire, that what the democrats did to hurt the institution was put in magnetometers after january 6th, after the house was sacked by a mob. And that, you know, being not nice to people who were insurrectionists and taking people off their committees for threatening or mocking the idea of killing another member. And those things just hurt the institution and its Nancy Pelosis fault. She did put out statement saying the speaker of the house is chosen by the Majority Party in the congress. Its the responsibility of the House Republicans to choose the nominee. Blaming Speaker Pelosi seems like the weakest of the weak ideas ive ever heard, claire. Your thoughts. Well, here is the deal. He cant have it both ways because he didnt ask for the democrats support. He didnt want the democrats support front street. He wanted some kind of magical fairy dust to float through that side of the capitol and just empower the democrats to save somebody who opened an Impeachment Inquiry with no evidence. Who ran to maralago and kissed the ring. And who has tried to blame democrats for everything that is absolutely at the feet of the chaotic, crazy caucus within the Republican House caucus. So, either he should have first of all, theres four cardinal rules, right . Four cardinal rules. Keep your word. Keep your word. Count votes. Negotiate from strength if you dont have the votes. Well, when he counted the votes he knew he didnt have the votes. So did he negotiate from strength . Did he come to the democrats and say, lets figure out a way to no, he didnt do that. But then when he doesnt do that, he wants to blame them. It is why he is not a leader. He didnt follow any of the four cardinal rules. Well, and also, be Strong Enough to name the people who did it to you instead of attacking the eight republicans who got together to kick them out he is attacking the lady who is out of town, im going to take your office. Even she doesnt care. She was like, i dont care where ill sit. Sit me wherever you want me to sit. I dont care. Let me go to you, brendan. Welcome to the show. I have to be honest, i was not a fan of either of your two bosses, boehner or ryan. But the thing that people used to say about paul ryan is that he was an intellectual. There isnt and i struggle today. I asked think of i cannot think of a republican in that caucus, in the house, who i would accuse of that. Isnt that the problem that the quality level and your bosses dealt with these people, too, from the tea party era. Lets play a little bit of what the tea party looked like. These are the people that your former bosses paul ryan and john boehner had to deal with. We have some video of what the tea party looked like. This crowd elected the tea party and then maga made that even more extreme. Isnt that the problem brendan, the quality level of the people in the house of republicans . Well, certainly the conference drifted to the right. Theres no question about that. Yeah, its hard to get good people to run for office these days. I dont know why if youre a potential recruit considering running for office you would want to come join this conference. Now, i do think, of course,ly say it is unfair to say there are no good or smart people in the House Republican conference. Im sure youre not familiar with every single one of them. There are still good people who want to do good things but a lot of forces and really bad incentives. Some of the incentives we saw that led to Kevin Mccarthys ouster that rule in place. Matt gaetz went against the 90 of his conference and will pay no price for it whatsoever. He will only get benefits. And this has gone back a long ways. The first person that i attribute this kind of thing to, remember when joe wilson yelled you lie at the obama State Of The Union . Instead of becoming an outcast, he became really popular and everybody wanted him at his fundraisers and he raised lots of money. That kind of Incentive Structure Led to a place where no one cares about leadership. No one is fearful of leadership. They all operate under their own banner. And leads to chaos like this where we simply cant govern. But let me ask you this because name for me five. You only need five republicans who will go across to Hakeem Jeffries and say lets form a coalition. Well have a speaker who is a moderate. Theres not five. Tim miller was on earlier. He said he cant think of five. I cant think of one who i would say is a Jasmine Crockette who could get up and, you know who could do what jamie raskin does. I really would like for you to name me five of them that i should call and book. Mike fitzpatrick, don bacon, mike lawler. Not insurrectionists . Yes, correct. Patrick mchenry. Patrick mchenry is a very good, honest person with integrity. He is a good, standup person and anybody who knows him would could one of them run for speaker . Do you think one of them could become speaker . No because thats not how the conference is built. Thats not what the conference is looking for. But thats the case of any house of representatives. You cant have a speaker who relies on the minority for their job. I think thats what Kevin Mccarthy realized why he didnt negotiate. You are no longer speaker of the house when you dont control 218 votes he cant count on the minority to carry him that way. Thats why he didnt bother to reach out. Jasmine, youre in this caucus. You are with these folks. To brendans point, he does make a good point, people who control the caucus are marjorie green, Lauren Boebert when she is not at beetle juice being weird, those are the people who actually run the caucus. Have you seen a coalition of republicans that you all could go to and say, give us five of you and we will form a coalition . Do you know of any of those folks who would be willing to do that . I dont know of any but i think the best of the Republican Party is not on display. And unfortunately they never put their best forward. There are some people that i absolutely believe are a lot better than the people that are stepping up and want to control this crazy caucus. There is no controlling this caucus. And so long as this rule stays in place, which those same eight most likely will vote to keep this rule in place, they still need to talk to democrats. You need to talk to democrats if you want a rule change and hold on to your job. You need to talk to democrats if you actually want to pass a budget. There are those that do not care about keeping the government open. I keep trying to tell people that people are always talking about the enemy from on the outside, but let me be clear, there are enemies within that are tearing us apart and thats what you saw. Thats why were seeing history play out in such a negative way. But they definitely have better. But when it comes to things like oversight and what you saw as it relates to the president , let me be clear, the republicans have all the braun, they have the numbers. By we definitely are have the brains when it comes specifically to that committee. Let me go to you, claire, on this. You dealt with a similar sort of world in the senate where its even drifted that way. How do these Incentive Structures change . Because if there are people as both of our learned guests have said, that could theoretically form a Sanity Caucus with democrats, the last five speakers last five republican speakers this is how its gone for them. Paul ryan stepped down and resigned because he was so fed up with them. John boehner was like, im done. He stepped down as well. We know dennis thatsert hard his issues with Child Molestation and he had to go. Newt gingrich stepped down after disappointing midterm elections and scandal. Thats their last five speakers. Is there a way to change the Incentive Structure, the decent people, people who are not nuts and dont want to overthrow the government can actually have some power on the republican side . Or is it too late. Well, its really hard with gerrymandering in the house. What you dont have in the senate. Every senator represents a whole state. And there are still states that will elect either a democrat or a republican. Those members have an incentive to find common ground. But lets look at nancy mace. You know, her name should be on everybodys lips. Give me a break. She cant decide who she is. She barely won her congressional seat. Defeated an incumbent democrat by a hair in 2020. What did the republicans