Good to see you. Im yasmin vossoughian. We got all eyes on capitol hill. High drama, frantic activity, ahead of this midnight deadline. Right, ten hours away. To a possible shutdown of the government. And vote expected to start any moment now. In the house. Kevin mccarthy put forward what he calls a clean Continuing Resolution to end a Shutdown Crisis that he created. Hoping democrats will be forced to vote for. It daring farright members to vote against. It and trying to throw the blame and the problem in the senate slap. Anybody who has watched what has been going on in the past few days knows that the senate did its job in a bipartisan way. I dont know what hes talking about, i have no idea what hes talking about. By the, way as you have these politicians bickering back and forth, millions of people who will be impacted by this potential shutdown, military, border urged, air traffic controllers, all willing to find out if their lives are gonna be upended. Yet again. Full coverage of this budget cut down to shut down starting right now. Want to go right now to capitol hill, joining me now, first and recipes julie tsirkin. Julie, good to talk to you. We have been watching House Minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries, On The House Floor. Hes got these magic minutes. There was a debate, supposed to be about 11 minutes or so for this debate. Because the motion to adjourn by the democrats was in fact turned down. Hakeem jeffries still speaking. There you see democrats behind, stand up. Applauding him as well. He has these magic mitts, as House Minority leader, he can go on and speak for long as he wants. Talk us through what were seeing right now. And what we can expect. He can. This is all just a procedural delay tactic by democrats, because while hes out there talking, it might seem like the whole Democratic Caucus is sitting behind him. But really, most of them are huddling Behind Closed Doors right now, i just walked past them. Trying to read this bill. And trying to figure out what to do next. They are still very fluid conversations happening. I just want to be clear. A couple of moments ago, Senate Minority leader mcconnell over on the other side of this building, gave the greenlight essentially for his members to not support the bipartisan Continuing Resolution that he had struck an agreement, that he had struck a Majority Leader schumer. Instead, wait for the house to send over their Continuing Resolution, so that Senate Republicans can be unified with House Republicans, at least the majority of them. In supporting them. Heres where things stand right now. As soon as jeffries stops talking, im told that House Republicans are still gonna try to move forward on this 45day clean cpr. I say it in quotes. 70 plus pages, democrats will not be able to read it all. Yet the bottom, line itll extend current funding levels, as, is to avert a shutdown. And include Disaster Relief. There are some back and forth happening. Now over a provision, included there a loophole centrally, that would allow members of congress to get a pay increase. Even if the government shuts down. That potentially could be removed, im told. Theres also discussions happening, whether to just pass a clean c r. And move Disaster Relief entirely separately with that faa flight reauthorization. With some Flood Insurance reauthorization as well. So, bottom line here, yasmin, this is a very live ball. One big question, if democrats are gonna have to support for this to pass. Which we know they will. This is a two thirds majority vote. Republican holdouts are still planning on holding out. Will mccarthy faced a threat to his speakership . Watch this. He talked about this earlier. I never feared that. If i lose my job, overlooking out for the american public, for taking a stance for a troops in our border agents, im not quite sure what people want. Because this allows us, the time to get the job done, but why should they be punished . Because the senate did nothing. Seriously, think about that question. Does somebody want to remove me from Putting Americans first, then so be it. To give you a sense of how fluid all of this is, i just asked congressman byron donald, who is furious that this clean c r is being considered. He wanted them to hold out for at least Border Security provisions, to be part of that. Bill we know members of his own party take that yesterday. I asked, and given that democrats are now by a large gonna have to support this bill, is this a reason to vacate mccarthys job . He told me hes not even thinking about that right now. Hes focused on one thing at a time. Certainly, gates is having those conversations as he told me, all of this very, very fluid. Minute by minute. It looks more positive, at least at this moment, that they might actually ever a Government Shutdown. Then we felt all, week certainly all month. And the whole morning before. This truly, unless you see jeffries or mccarthy stay very close your camera. We have a lot going, and were gonna wanna talk to you in the next two hours ahead, of this whole thing. Is playing out. Here i do want to take a quick moment to speak to you, senator Michael Bennet, as were watching this thing play out On The House Floor. Senator bennett, i know you spoke my, colleague alex witt, just about two hours or so ago. Wondering if you have this clean bill in hand. Have you had an opportunity to look at . Do you know whats in it . Give me your reaction. No, i havent been able to look at it. The house members havent been able to look at it. I think they should have the time to read it. And understand whats in it. Before they vote for. We know Hakeem Jeffries, was on the floor, speaking for about 30 minutes or so. 30 to 45 minutes or so. He is now no longer speaking. Our understanding was, as julie was reporting to us, was that was really an opportunity for Staff Members to get a look at this 70page cer to make sure it actually is, quote unquote, clean. This is now a debate that were seeing On The House Floor, senator. We also heard some reporting from julie about Senator Mcconnell saying, essentially, republicans in the senate to not vote in favor of the cr, they had planned for. So they could be in lockstep with House Republicans. What is your reaction to that . Well, my reaction to that, the senate did its job. By the, way you mention this was just politicians bickering. I dont agree with that. I think the facts matter. When people are standing for matters. I think the Senate Passed the bill with almost 80 votes that funded the government. It funded the disaster, it funded ukraine. Which are your porter see before gone completely about. And we have to have a decision about whether or not were Gonna Go Forward Without Funding for ukraine, i think it is very unlikely that if we pass a containing resolution without that, the 45 days from now, whos gonna be the opportunity to continue to lead in this fight among free countries all over the world in his fight against putin. It doesnt surprise me that Mitch Mcconnell has abandoned something that he voted for three days ago just because he now sees political advantage in doing that. Were gonna have to understand whats in the bill and make a decision about how to move this forward. A couple things here. Senator. We talked continuously about ukraine. I just want to be clear on. That we covered obviously when president zelenskyy was there. At the white house. We covered his meeting at the capitol as well. And the importance of covering ukraine. I want to be clear on that. Senator, and when were talking about bickering, of course, in congress, were talking specifically i think, mostly, about what is happening in the Republican House right now. We have, for instance house member gaetz, essentially saying, well were gonna put up a motion to vacate Speaker Mccarthy if in fact even passes this c r, which Essential Effectually will keep the government open. And keep folks from losing their checks, that are right now living paycheck to paycheck. Go ahead, senator. That is, youre right, that is the chaos caucus that were watching. There is a huge concern that america, with donald, trump this president , all we can expect is chaos. Tommy tuberville has made it impossible for us to staff the d. O. D. , because of his radical antiabortion stance in the senate. Now, you see a handful of radical people in the House Of Representatives, they just want chaos, chaos, chaos. And what we have to, do is fund the government. Weve got to make sure that the disasters are dealt with. And i appreciate very much what you said about ukraine, youve got to do the right thing there is well if we walk away, im worried well have to take a look, well have to understand how this goes. I am worried that if we walk away, here 45 days from now, we are not gonna be able to fund an additional amount for ukraine. And that all of the democracies around the world that have been following our lead will fold and putin will have one and she will have one. It is just a shame that the incompetence of Speaker Mccarthy and the inability of him to be able to craft a deal like the senate deal in advance of this has put us in this position. I hope, in the end, for the sake of my constituents, in colorado, where there are 50,000 people wearing the uniform of the united states, another 40,000 federal employees, that we figure out a way to keep the government open and that we fund our commitment on ukraine, in Funder Commitment with respect to disasters. Thats what we should be doing. I want to talk about the here in the now, senator, youre making a lot of good points, especially when it comes to both Disaster Relief and ukraine as well. And the overall importance. Were looking at a 30,000 foot above view of what it would do to not fund, helps fund, the fight in ukraine against russia. And what that would mean long term for democracy overall. Oh good points. I want to get into that just a moment. I want to talk specifically about what a shutdown would mean. As were looking at this ccr, the debate happening right, now the vote could be happening. Soon its gonna be kicked up to this. And if, in fact, able to pass the house. That would eventually, essentially, avoided 2 million members of the military, those losing their paychecks. One and a half million federal civilian employees losing their paychecks. Being able to continue to pay their bills. Is this something, if you can get your eyes on, this is this something you would vote in favor of, or the next 45 days in order to get a real budget on hand . Well, first of all, i have strongly said that i continue to, say we shouldnt shut the government down. We should look to it playing shut down politics. A much better idea would be to pass my bipartisan bill in the senate that says you shouldnt shut the government down. And if the government does shut down, members of the senate have to stay here until we open it again. And they gotta be cold to the senate floor, quorum after quorum after quorum, they can be arrested in drag to the floor of the senate. This is so stupid, its beyond belief. We shouldnt, in the greatest country in the world, the idea that we have been brought low by a handful of people in the House Of Representatives, who want to impose their ideology on everybody else. Thats not even mainstream republicans. Is crazy. And orderly counterproductive. Into negotiated in these fiveminute spots here and there on the saturday afternoon, when people are trying to get out of town, i think itll be a lot better if we stayed here, kept the government open. And legislated the way that youre talking about. And to make sure that we fulfilled our responsibilities, first and foremost. To the American People. To the people in uniform, who are gonna lose their paychecks if this government is closed. And if we do the other work that we have to do together to keep this country moving. I mean, these guys, it is the kind of chaos that i think the American People thought was behind them. When they turned out donald trump. And when they put a president in charge who could pass the most significant Bipartisan Legislation and infrastructure that weve had since eisenhower was president. Who could pass the first bill since reagan shift everything overseas to southeast asia. Into china. To say, were gonna bring an Industry Back, Semi ConductorIndustry Back to the united states. That a congress that passed the most significant Climate Legislation that we have seen past anywhere around the world, and while theyre doing, that said that medicare ought to negotiate drug prices for seniors. Thats a record of competence. Thats a record thats turned its back on chaos. And i think that today, with the senate in the house should, do is vote to keep the government open. Do it in a way that sustains our commitment to ukraine. And to the people like the folks in maui that have suffered these disasters. And that we live up to the responsibility that of the American People gave us. Congressman jeffries, obviously, echoing your sentiment On The House Floor. Talking about the passage of the American Rescue plan. The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act as well. The bipartisan passage of the American Rescue plan, and how, as he puts, it democrats essentially saving the day on many instances, as Hakeem Jeffries spoke On The House Floor today. As we speak today, senator, as we look at this bill, i know you said you want to get the passage of your sea are in the senate. If this thing gets through, will you, in, fact vote in favor of it to keep the government open . Im talking to you, which means im not reading it. I will read it, ill call you back, a let you know. Got, it okay, one last thing before i let you go. I know you want to get reading. I dont get your eyes on it. By the, way i mean hold you to that. Once you read, it i want you to come back on, if im still on the. Air and give me that answer. Senator, quickly, talk to me about the importance of funding ukraine. Once were able to get past this moment . Now, i, think whatever the debate is in this moment, its critically important for us to fund ukraine. Im on the intelligence committee. Weve seen the incredible mistakes that putin has made. Two years ago, no one would have predicted that the ukrainians through their bravery, through their courage, through their leadership, the president zelenskyy, would basically be in a stalemate on the border, having pushed russia back out of some of the territory that russia consolidated. It within spitting distance of making Real Progress toward crimea. That has shown the weakness of russias army. It has made she jinping think again and again about what he should do with respect to taiwan, and after a president who ive sat tragically, our president , saying nato was worth nothing. The Transatlantic Alliance was worth nothing. America is back. And our allies around the world, know our word means something. That ukraine is not just for ukraine. Its for democracy. I think its important that we continue to show up. Senator Michael Bennet, im a let you go. You can start reading. Thanks for having me. Stay in touch with our team if you will. Well get you back on here as this thing. Goes through the next couple of hours. Thank, you sir. Appreciate it. We are watching right now the debate On The House Floor, congressman rosa delauro there. This debate, essentially happening before the vote for the Continuing Resolution. To avert a Government Shutdown. A 45day cer so we can avoid this Government Shutdown. Were gonna be going back to the capital amidst what is happening there. In this debate. Also, i want to check on the white house. And see how the president is watching this thing play out as well. Were gonna take a very quick break. Well be right back. Well be right back. Its time for a fresh approach to pet food. 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