Transcripts For MSNBCW Dateline 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Dateline 20240703

the women were alone. and he never knocked. >> and that's when i realized, someone had been in the house. >> she started to cry. now, everything is gone. >> flipping. steele out. >> she tried to them [inaudible] >> his crimes were chilling. his crimes were bizarre. >> it's a little creepy to hear something like that. >> very creepy. >> and i just heard a scream. >> i felt so scared. for her, for me, for all the women. >> i just about fell off my chair. >> we were in that much danger, and we didn't know it. >> what were you be willing to give me today to move past the police investigation? ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it was january, 2009. brenda konstantin and her husband brian rodgers, and their three teenagers, two boys, and a girl spent the new year's holiday the way they always had. a trip out of town and then back to their home. amid class suburb in the capital city, ottawa. >> it's a very family oriented community, lots of young families. lots of kids. >> but as you say? in a town which is very safe, but it didn't seem particularly safe. >> there's never a lot of crime. >> in january, when brian and brenda got into their home on friday evening. the family house in orleans seemed exactly as they left it. but bryan did notice something odd. >> the digital clock in the room, on the left side of the bed, was blinking. i thought it was unusual but did not think much of it. >> and then you went ahead and just continued? >> carried on our lives. >> and never dreamed, why would they? that they're digital clock was blinking out of warning. two days passed during which the 15 year old daughter lived out of the close in her suitcase, as teenagers sometimes do. then came sunday. >> she is taking her shower. she went into her room, she went to her dryer, and that's when she discovered that all of her underwear had been taken from the drawer. >> so she told her parents. >> she's a teenager, and, clothes are everywhere. i said, did you check your laundry basket, your suitcase, the floor. >> no ma'am, everything is gone. >> she was freaked? >> yeah. >> terrence said what parents say. >> i said look again. so she started to cry. and she said, everything is gone. everything. >> but she did check again, and found more things were missing. >> she is running out, she's crying, very upset. then we realize that something that was very weird was going on here. >> but what was going on? >> i went upstairs and looked. and saw it sure enough. it was missing. >> we immediately call the police and reported it. >> although they were worried enough to cover the police, they weren't sure what reception they would get. >> i thought it was a joke, i thought it must of been kids playing a joke. >> but the police did not think so. they were at the house in a matter of minutes, and they were all business. they spent five hours combing through the place. then, came back the next day to take apart the family computer. >> did they find anything? >> no. they didn't find anything. >> not in the computer. but in the daughter's bedroom. disturbing discoveries. along with 15 pairs of missing underwear, a number of the daughters bathing suits, dresses, tank tops, also vanished. they discovered the intruder had rifled through the family photo albums and remove pictures. but only those that showed the daughter. >> and those were vacation pictures down in punta cana. so they were all beach pictures, bathing suit pictures. >> and then. it got ugly. >> they said they found some dna evidence on my daughters dresser. that was the one that was really weird. >> investigators said the sample was consisted with dried semen. they found it on the top of the daughters dresser. where the underwear had been stolen. all of that, along with the fact that no one else in the house reported anything missing. lead investigators to issue the kind of warning that no parent ever wants to hear. >> they told us that, luckier doors. secure your house. >> we have to be careful. we have to watch her daughter. they said she was targeted, it wasn't a random break-in. >> targeted? not random? that was when the fear called in. and infected there once, comfortable lives. everything from this moment, different. >> do you take your safety for granted. and then all of a sudden, there is nothing you can do that's really good enough. >> after that, their daughter was never alone. brian and brenda put in a new alarm system. and kept asking, who was it? who would do this? they tried to come to terms with the other troubling news that they had learned from police. that theirs was by no means the only breaking of its kind in orleans. >> so they knew it was a pattern. >> a little creepy to hear something like that? >> very creepy. >> in fact, almost a dozen such break-ins have been reported in orleans in the past year. the police had issued a warning for residents legs -- though brian and brenda did not know about it. now, officers told a couple of their biggest concern. that the intruder, whoever he was, would escalate from stealing lingerie, to more dangerous behavior. >> they were very concerned at the time that there was escalation. >> and rightly so, because in a matter of months. that's exactly what was going to happen. >> it was almost like he had a gun on my head at that moment. >> coming up! >> the draw was open. and that's when i realized, someone had been in the house. >> a woman living alone discovers that she is not. >> i was like -- in the three steps i was up where she was. and she was standing with her hands like this. >> when dateline continues! 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( ♪♪ ) arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. rsv can be serious. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about arexvy today. rsv? make it arexvy. after their teenage daughter talk to your doctor or pharmafter their teenagetoday. daughter was targeted was targeted during a burglary in january of 2009, brenda konstantin and brian rogers followed police advice. and made sure that she was never alone. >> she had a very respectable lifestyle after that. >> the daughter coped in her own way. >> we had a spare room, and she stayed in there. she slept with a light on. she still does. >> brenda and brian, eager to warn others about the threat, called a neighborhood wheeling. but they say the police asked them to cancel it. >> the objective was to keep this man doing it, and they thought they had to catch him in the act. >> wait a minute. using the neighborhood as bait? >> exactly. >> the police were doing what they could without success. by november 2009, almost a year after the break in at the home, the intruder was still out there. more than a dozen break-ins had been reported. many involving stolen underwear. shockingly high, with a snuggie, safe neighborhood. brenda and brian, now on the nervous alert. could not stop wandering. who. >> who? who could've done this? >> a woman named and martin cook. and a friend named howard gray started asking that question. she lived in this lovely farmhouse 150 miles away from brenda and brian. howard lived on the same busy highway, not far from the small city of belleville. november 17th 2009, late that afternoon. and hurried home to change into party clothes. it was her birthday. she was heading to howard's place to celebrate. >> i was really rushing. i was looking forward to going. >> and lived alone much of the time at his own place, and that suited her fine. she's a music teacher and artist. she wanted time and space to herself. >> i like to have space, as my art grows i like faith. >> but did you feel insecure ever before? did you lock your doors and windows? >> no. >> and friend, howard gray, grew up down the road. >> to take the keys out of the ignition of the cars. that's what i grew up in. >> that's safe? >> where you know everybody? >> yeah. >> back on that november day, when and got up to her bedroom on the second floor, she looked in the mirror thinking about what to wear. it was then that she noticed something strange in the mirror 's reflection. a bedside table with a drawer open. >> so i looked at it and thought, i did not open this. >> she looked at the other bedside table. >> the drawer was open, all my sex toys and some stuff was gone. and that was when i realized somebody had been in the house. >> had to be a prank? had to be howard? he had a set of keys to her place because he often did handyman jobs there. she hopped in her car, drove the 200 yards to his house. >> she came right in and then said, are you playing a practical joke on me? no. so then she proceeded to tell me. trade in the car, we'll follow overnight. >> the two of them troops upstairs to the bedroom. discussed at length whether to reports the missing sex toys to the belleville police. >> my words were, don't fall in the police. there will be nothing good. >> my first reaction was to phone the police, because someone had been in the house. but then he said, think about it. >> so really it was embarrassment. >> no! it was just. >> we were just thinking the reality of what would happen if you called. >> they were also trying to decide if maybe they should be them [inaudible] maybe really was a joke. but if so? who could've been behind it? >> i was thinking. somebody that knows me. >> it will come up in the morning, maybe a mailbox with a ha or something like that. >> there's a reason they recalled that in minor detail. a terrifying reason. but on this evening, they did not know that yet. as they prepare to return to howard's house for the birthday party he was throwing her. and it was simply an excess of caution when he told her. bring her pajamas. >> i said to her, obviously someone's been to the house. you're not staying alone tonight. >> and this was important, before they left. they locked an's house of tate. just in case. >> all we did was just go along to the windows and doors. she went in front of me, and i went behind her. and double checked everyone. >> that night they partied with friends. drank howard's homemade strawberry wine. made light of the bizarre theft. and perhaps the light of day would reveal the prankster. then, 7:45 the next morning. they were back at the farmhouse. she ran upstairs to her home office to do some photocopying. howard waited below. then he heard her terrifying scream. >> she was like howard! my work boots were still on. and in three steps i was up where she was. and she was staring with her hands like this. >> standing in staring at the old desk computer she had not fired up for months. and the screen was glowing in the day morning light. a message, that shook and to the core. >> i took it so personally. this is, i knew someone was out there for me. and that was very, very scary. >> coming up! >> i said an. we lock that door last night. and she goes yes. and i said, well that doors open! >> was an's intruder also paying another women? his crimes going evermore depraved? >> it had to be one person. it couldn't be that many evil persons around. >> when dateline continues! t feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. cascade platinum plus has me doing dishes... differently. scrub? soak? nope. i just scrape, load and i'm done. only platinum plus is bigger. with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. rewash? not in my house. upgrade to cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? try downy light in-wash freshness boosters. it has long-lasting light scent, no heavy perfumes, and no dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day. downy light! i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go. >> >> on the morning of robert every other month, on the morning after her birthday party, the party she made a terrifying discovery. >> i was really scared. >> it was november 2009, and and her friend howard were standing in an upstairs hallway of her old farmhouse in belleville ontario. they were sparing at her computers green. >> it was the first time in my life that the hair stood up at the back of my neck. because it was a message directed. >> personal. >> yeah. >> now they know. the break in the previous day. the theft of those sex toys. was not a joke. not even a bad one. all that time last evening that they had stood right in the swath, beside the discussion. should they call the police are not? they figured this cops would just laugh. so they decided not to call. but after and spend that night at howard's and return home first thing in the morning. this is what greeted her on the computer screen. >> go ahead and call the police, i want to show the judge your really big deal those. eventually, and would wonder about those typos. but just now, she froze. >> it was almost like she had a gun to my head at that moment. >> this time, and called 9-1-1. and then she and howard waited for the police to arrive. they became in a disturbing conclusion. whoever wrote the message, literally some have crazy. must of been hiding in the house the evening before. when they debated whether to report the theft. >> it was proof that he was there. we have no evidence that he was there. >> they have been talking just outside of ends bedroom. down the hall, in this closet, they say. they found evidence to support their chilling theory that the intruder had been hiding their. >> it was all upside down. >> yeah, so he's. he had to be listening. to have a message like that. go ahead, phone the police. >> and then, a second dreadful discovery. they searched the house to see if anything else had been stolen. and in her bedroom, and discovered that all of her underwear had disappeared. >> and the god, that was sickening. >> she loved lingerie. owned more than 100 sets. all gone. >> she was a basket case. she really was. i gotta go downstairs. >> only to make a third, gut wrenching discovery. >> i said we lock that door last night. >> and she said yes. >> well that doors open. >> she goes, no it's not. >> but it was. >> and, then the two of us looked at another and we started talking about the possibility that whoever was here let themselves out. >> they had to. >> the rest of that day passed in a blur. a police officer from the nearby city of belleville got to the house and got to work. >> they took it seriously. >> he did. as soon as he walked in, the officer looked at what was on the computer screen. he pulled up his mic and said get forensics out here right now. >> that same day, amid the upset, anne and howard had a question for the bell police. it was about a couple of disturbing incidents that happened of the road in a speculative place called tweed, two months ago. incidents more serious than what happened to her. incidents also directed against women alone, at night. although tweed was only 20 minutes away, it was -- by the belleville cops. >> we asked all of them. do you know anything about those? because i said, it had to be connected. >> you told the police this? >> oh yes. >> and they were like, how do you know about it? we don't know anything about it. >> they did know about? it >> they didn't seem to. >> and was convinced that the incidents were linked. they had to be. >> there had to be one person, there can't be that many evil persons around. >> she said she begged for them to have her case. investigate the connection. >> i said please look into the tweed case, it has the beacon neck dead. >> but then life took over as life well. and she let the matter drop. >> i pressured her about phoning. >> but i was thinking, they know their job. >> coming up! >> she said, what's going on? somebody broke into my house? no sir, it's way more serious than that. >> police close in on the suspect. >> he said, you're gonna tell us why you did this? >> when dateline continues! growing. i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. subject 2: it is my first time having cancer. and it's the very worst. crew: this september, you can join the battle to save lives during childhood cancer awareness month by supporting saint jude children's research hospital. subject 3: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. crew: one in five children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. subject 4: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope and especially with them being so young. crew: please call, go online, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month. families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 5: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of saint jude. crew: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: [speaking spanish] crew: let's cure childhood cancer together. >> i'm richard louis with our top story, u.s. government is less than 24 hours away from shutting down after house republicans fail to pass a funding bill. how speaker kevin mccarthy proposed steep spending cuts to win support from hard-liners, but in the end, still voted no. tributes are pouring in for the late senator diane who passed away thursday. after casting one final vote on government funding. california governor gavin newsom said -- he is now tasked with picking someone to fill her seat. now, back to dateline. ateline. tweet is one of those little canadian places that takes its ice fishing seriously in the winter. snowmobiling to. except the road from her place, and 150 miles from brenda and bryan's orleans. and here in tweed, larry jones. the former government surveyor. the picture of grandfatherly responsibility, was about to be caught up in a monstrous crime story. he is loved in tweet all his life, the last four decades on this lakeside lane called cozy cove. >> -- one of the most ideal places to live. you have the whole lake as your backyard. >> it was a safe place. also. and the ability so. >> we never had a problem here with anything. never. >> though there was one disturbing incident back in 2007. larry confessed. his daughter chris, who live nearby, was with her brother dave when she surprised an intruder in our home. >> chris heard a noise, and she says dave, dave, is someone in the house? she opens the door and this is this guy, running out the door, jumps over the, fencing goes into the woods. he took off two quick. they could not catch him. >> the intruder got away. and that was that. or so larry and his family thought. then, came september 2009. and the events that trouble then cook. the first call came in at 3:15 am. september 17th. a terrified young mother described how she had been awakened by an intruder. blindfolded, tied up, stripped. and forced to pose for degrading pictures. after a couple of hours, the man left. >> and there are issues that would cause the police some concern. >> craig is a former fbi investigator and profiler. dateline nbc asked him to evaluate these cases. >> you have an individual taking pictures. >> what does that say? >> it suggests that the individual is playing out of fantasy. that is fantasy driven behavior. it also says that it's somebody who would do it again. >> and so, apparently, he did. 13 days later, another terrifying call to the police in the early morning hours. once again, a woman alone had been blindfolded, tied up, stripped, photographed. and then the intruder left. >> he clearly has engaged in reconnaissance behavior. of knowing the victims alone. that he would have the opportunity to spend 2 to 3 hours with her. without fear of somebody coming in. >> he's done some research? >> he has done some research. which shows planning. >> what happened would've been shocking everywhere, but it was doubly so here in tiny little tweed. two sets of assault on two women alone at night. within days of each other, within blocks of each other. not rape, but terrifying. and weird. two attacks that seemed to bear the same signature. so, two attacks when maybe just one attacker? >> the ontario provincial police, the opp, responded to both results. and after the second sexual assault, they began canvassing the neighbors. >> i was down there, and they wanted to see if i had heard anything. >> he says he had nothing to tell them. by now, the news of the two assaults was all over tweed and beyond. >> i remember saying to my guys, look, we have to get more on this. >> chris was then the city editor of the intelligence, the newspaper on the nearby city of belleville. >> we will given nothing. we were told that the investigation is ongoing. no further information will be released. >> around cozy cold lane, the women were terrified. >> everybody was just scared to death of what was going on after the person was assaulted. and some of the girls did start knocking their doors. and take the keys and take their things in the house. that kind of thing. and be more leery about what is going on outside. and then the second one? everything just went haywire then. >> everyone thought it had to be someone local. but who? >> it was just a real mystery. who live this could be. and nobody could find out who it was. >> nobody, that, is until the day that barry jones came home from a partridge hunting. to find his house crawling with cops. >> i said, what's going on? somebody broke into my house? >> they said no it's more serious than that. >> and way more serious it was as he was about to learn. first, he was escorted into a cruiser by one of the officers. >> he says, well we think you have something to do with the two sexual assaults down the road. >> it was a shocker! larry, a 65-year-old grandfather and 44 year resident of tweed's cozy cove lay in was now a suspect in the double assaults. >> he says, so you're gonna tell us why you did this? >> but all larry jones wanted to know. was this. why him? the guy who loved to hunt, and fish. how did he end up in the back of a cup car about a face an interrogation about the worst crimes that his neighborhood had in living memory? whatever lay ahead would not be pretty. >> i couldn't even believe that they would even think that. >> coming up! a crime wave. moves from depraved to deadly. >> that's when i found out that she was murdered. >> what was it like to hear that? >> i was in shock. but how to describe that? >> when dateline continues! but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. -- for weeks after the second assault larry jones and longtime tweed resident was picked up by the police for questioning in connection with both attacks. he said the police interrogated him for three and a half hours. >> how do you break in? you're breaking the door? do you have keys? how did you get in there? >> why with the cubs so sure that they had their man? because, the second victim. larry's neighbor, had called to say that she thought his voice matched that of her intruder. >> he said, well [inaudible] the second house, i was in the house three years ago. >> larry says that he was so shocked by the question that it was all it could do to answer them. >> i could not even believe that they would even think that. >> because, if there was one thing that larry jones knew without a doubt in the world, it was that he was innocent. . >>, may of all people, who's lived here for 40 years. and after living for 44 years. i start raping and pillaging are single women on the road? that's ridiculous. >> larry gave the police dna samples and fingerprints. and he promised to return to the station for a light detector test. which he did, in due course. and which he says he aced. but that didn't mean that larry jones got his old life left back. or his reputation. >> i've always done everything honestly and truthfully. and then, all you've done all your life is gone out the window? it's just not right. >> larry jones would eventually be cleared. and meanwhile, police investigating had a series of break-ins and brenda and bryan 's neighborhood in ottawa several miles that way seem no closer to napping their intruder. and mars and cook was trying to put her home invasion and the computer message behind her. but still, no investigators were able to connect any of these crimes. but, then, why should they? so far apart. and when something truly often happens. in a nearby town in that direction, again, nobody, nobody was able to think of any reason why there should be a link. >> mary friends como was by all accounts vibrant and by vicious. a dedicated consumer of great meals, new countries. a pretty dress. she was captivated the moment he saw her. >> the first thing that caught me was her smile. she had a beautiful smile. >> sadly for him, she already had a boyfriend, so he waited. a year later in the spring of 2004, she approached him. and he? well. he was done waiting. >> we start dating, and then it went pretty well. it didn't take so long for me to move in with her. >> he took his two sons with him. >> so she essentially became a mother, or. >> stepmother yes. she did her job pretty well. >> what did you like about living with marie france? >> basically, she was in love with life in general. yes. >> both allana and marie-francoise french canadian. they both came from middle terry families. early on, she chose to make the military her life to. what be called coming a traffic tech. >> people who study the aircraft. and have to balance the weight of the aircraft. >> she served in germany, and dubai. afghanistan. then in 2008, after more than a decade in the military, corporal murray france como became a flight attendant with the 4:37 squadron. here at the smiling, canadian forces base in trenton. the base is just on the road from belleville, and not far from tweed. and soon, corporal cuomo was chosen to work the flights for canada's top leaders. >> she was happy? >> oh yeah. she loved her job. >> but it was also that year, after four and a half years together, they split up. he moved away, she stayed close to the base. living here in a town called brighton. they were a part, he says, but still in close contact. he remembers a conversation that they had in late november, 2009. >> she just got back from india, japan, singapore. and she was telling me, this new countries that she discovered. and all the new nails that you can taste. and, and that was fun. >> it was the last conversation. the three days later, november 25th, 2009. corporal memory france como's body was discovered in her home. lying on her bed. >> i was told on the 26. >> told only that she was dead. nothing more. and with a heavy hearts, and 100 questions, allen plant went to brighton to find out for himself. what happens to the women that he still loved? horror awaited. >> and, that's when i found out that she was murdered in the house. >> what is it like to hear that? >> i was in shock. but how to describe that? >> there were no words in any language. he would learn. cuomo's murder had been brutal. a sexual homicide. former fbi investigator craig examine this question at dateline's request. he had no role in the investigation. >> what was clear was that somebody had raped her. and somebody had killed her. and somebody had spent time in the home. >> which, again, in the dismal business of investigating the sort of thing. this has been organized criminal. instead of a disorganized criminal. >> sure, it suggests somebody who spent some time planning the offense, understanding that he had time to go into the house and spend whatever time he needed with the victim. which suggests, reconnaissance activity. >> at the base, in trenton, his grieving colleagues held our memorial service. even the base commander, colonel williams, got involved. send a letter of condolence to her father. but who could've done this? investigators were stumped. although they looked at anybody close to marie, anybody including mr. plant. >> the one time, one police came to me and asked for dna. that's when i freaked out. and i had to explain to him that i wasn't even there. i was four and a half hours from there. >> he cooperated with investigators. and he was cleared. and when the forensics people were vanished in the house. and police handed over the keys, it was him as her executor, who had it cleaned and emptied. >> so i saw the crime scene. >> what was that like? >> you see blood on the walls. you see blood on the floor. it's like, csi. but it's not csi. >> he had to step outside for a cigarette to steady himself. and then he went back in, resolve to take care of murray france cuomo's last business. and to laugh in his broken hearted way. about the easygoing woman whose life he had once shared. >> we got rid of her civilian clothes. so, in every, coat in every pan she had money. just change. dollar bills. so, it made me laugh. because that was marie. that was marie. >>anne marson cook and howard gray, live just a 45 minutes drive from the house. they heard about the murder on the news. they never connected it to and sprayed in. or the tweet attacks for that matter. >> no, absolutely not. >> it was, you know, she was military. >> but that was before they knew what they had no now. before another awful crime shook their community. only then, with all these crimes be connected. only then would the perpetrator be unmasked. in a story that would rock the nation. >> coming up! >> a 47 year old woman wouldn't leave her blackberry, purse, wallet, car keys, how skis. >> a young woman disappears without a trace. >> it's just a mystery. an absolute mystery. >> when dateline continues! -- ome to fun dining. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at [sneeze] dude you coming? 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(vo) it's another ultimate endless shrimp flavor drop with new tequila lime shrimp. that's seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. goli, taste your goals. it was friday, january 29th it was friday, wejanuary 29, 2010, jessica loyd was late for work that morning and nobody knew why. the sunny steady young woman who worked as a school bus coordinator had never pulled a no-show before. her supervisor called her mom to tell her. her mom, called her son andy. jessica's brother. >> i just flat out came out and said jess is missing. >> what an earth was going on? there was no way their jess, as they call her, would've taken off without alerting them. >> she wouldn't that to her work, she wouldn't do that to me, she wouldn't do that to my mom. >> andy rushed to join his mom in the friends and relatives gather in the house. it's a small tidy house by a field just outside of belleville. faces a highway, that runs right passed in march and cook 's home and on into tweed. her car was parked outside. inside the house, the bed was made. and the personal stuff was still there. >> a 27 year old woman wouldn't leave behind her blackberry, her purse, her makeup, her wallet, her car keys, her house keys. >> they called everyone they could think of. learned that she had watched tv at a friends house the night before. and when she left, she had gone straight home. texting the friend at 10:36 pm to say that she was home. and going to bed. that was the last anybody heard from jess lloyd. the young woman who loved to yank it up during the video game, guitar hero. the just lloyd who had a ton of friends but no current boyfriend. the sister who loved to crack wise with her older brother. >> you call her a name, and she'd have a better one right there waiting. >> but where was she now? >> it was just a mystery. an absolute mystery. and nobody could come up with any answers. >> they didn't wait long to call the police. >> she was reported to us missing on the friday. >> cory was then chief of the belleville police service. >> and with the information that the family provided, us we realize that it had the potential to be very serious case. >> when the police arrived, along with the forensics people. andy lloyd said that he and his cousin went outside. with police permission, to scout the grounds around the house. no idea that what he was about to discover would not just break the case. but sends a shockwave right across the country. the first thing, says andy, the footprints. >> there was a couple of different ones in the block here. >> he called into the cops working into the house. >> i just said, there's footprints in the backyard. might want to go look at it. and they told us they might want to stay away from it. >> so andy in his cousin handed over to the field by just his house. took a walk around. and that's when they found them. the tire tracks. tire tracks where they should not be. >> we saw them come right off the road. so then, instantly, we thought. there's been a strange vehicle next door. >> and he says they's went straight to the cops with this to. and then the investigating officers were handed another clue from one of their own. because the night before, about 9:30 pm. while jess loyd was at that friends house, and observe it member of the belleville police force happen to notice and suv parked in the field by her house. >> there was an officer who wasn't regular patrol. and thought there was something suspicious. >> driving along the hallway? >> just driving along. >> it was sitting in somebody's backyard? >> it was in the field. and the officers stopped. knocked on the door. check the house, and nobody was home. and, took detailed notes. of the vehicle. and, carried on. >> but the officers notes were not as complete as they might have been. she left out some rather significant details. they suvs make, and its license number. though it may not have seemed so important at the time, after all nobody was home, there was no evidence of any crime. so, imagine how it was when the officers learned that jessica loyd was missing? >> obviously it's upsetting. it's gonna be upsetting to anyone. but this officer went above and beyond, and we're very proud of her. >> at what point after jessica loyd went missing did she say, hey, i saw that as uv. >> as soon as she became aware that jessica was missing from that resident, she immediately came forward with the information. >> that really weekend, andy was running on coffee and cigarettes. out searching every day. >> it was overwhelming, how many people just volunteers who showed up. and there was police officers everywhere. >> but no jessica, not a word, not a call, not a hint of her whereabouts. chris, then with the local newspaper, the intelligence. >> i remember what i was thinking at the time. i don't think this is gonna end well. but, and there was always hope against hope that she would taken off or if someone did take it with her, she would come back because it was just not something that happened around here. >> he could not know it then, no one could. but the mystery of jesse floyd 's disappearance wouldn't be solved. in a matter of days. her case, and the other unsolved crimes. the marie friends cuomo murder, the sex assault in 20, the break in it and mark's place. and before that, at brenda and bryan's orleans home. they pulled into one horrific vortex. and the outcome? would stun not just the small city of belleville, and the committees around it. but a nation coast to coast. >> i was blown away. i just couldn't take it all in at first. >> everybody was on edge. just waiting for good news to come through. >> it never came. >> her face, posted across the country. >> the 27-year-old belleville woman went missing. >> the story was all over the local news. >> i think for a span of several days, we had page one stories almost every day. >> it never occurred to anyone at the paper to link her disappearance to other unsolved crimes in the region. the two sex or sultan tweed, or the murder of a military woman. corporal marie france cuomo. a four short drive away at the police called brighton. >> we were thinking okay, where in bad luck. we're in this committee right now. >> the lloyd family did not make the connection either. though andy says her sister was well aware of the sex assaults in nearby tweed. she even had a name for the man responsible. >> his nickname, around my sister and her friends, was that tweed creeper. that's what they called him. lock your doors, the tweed creeper will get you. >> the belleville cops, and other police forces, declined to discuss details of the investigation. into jessica loyd's disappearance. but, cory mcmullin, chief of the belleville police service had this much. her officers were scrutinizing links to other unsolved crimes in the region early on. >> because we just had this reporting missing to us, and because of the unusual circumstances, we were dedicating as many as we could. and that includes looking at what is happening in your neighboring jurisdictions. >> and what was happening? >> we were aware that there had been two serious crimes out in tweed, against women. and that there was another situation in brighton where a woman was murdered. >> and that's far away? >> no it's not too far away. it was enough that at the beginning, it's let's make some contact have some conversations and see if there's any potential connections. >> but first, there was work to be done. starting with clues, and he says he discovered. outside of jessica's house. there were three sets of footprints, one going towards the house. the other two, one smaller than the other, heading out of the house across the field. investigators quickly realized the smaller set was a likely match for jess loyd's boots. and those tire tracks preserved in the field? no one's going off road into the field? they soon nails the tire type. they were -- . because there were reports that an suv in the park in that field the night just lloyd vanished, they could narrow down the make of the vehicle. >> from the wheel base, they narrow down that there were three possible makes it could've been. >> only three makes. a toyota forward run, or a jeep cherokee, and a nissan pathfinder. but which one? could they track it down? on thursday february 4th, a week after jess floyd went missing. the police set up a roadblock at a busy highway in front of her home. stopping cars. one officer, turning up the driver. another, checking tire trails. afterwards, the police called andy. they had made some discovery. >> they just said, we found something that possibly could be very very crucial. and that's all that we knew. >> soon after, teams of officers went door knocking on the highway. in front of the residents. and marcy koch lived five miles down the road. her friend howard live nearby. and that's how they found themselves telling again, a couple of cards, the story of the november break-in. >> when they came into the door, then i said okay. i don't know anything. but have i got a story for you guys that's gotta be connected to this? >> howard told the officers about the break-in. the undertaken, sex toys stolen. he told them to that he and strongly believed her break-in was linked to the sex or solves five months before in tweed. >> they got it? >> they got it. yes they did. >> now, she was convinced her case was linked to jessica's disappearance. >> it had to be related. i mean, i felt so scared, for her. for me. for all the women. >> coming up! a suspect's identity is revealed. >> they said his name. and i thought, oh no. and then they explained his position and who he was. i said oh. >> and shakes a nation to its core! >> everybody hit the ground running saying, boys, this is the biggest story we're ever going to have. >> when dateline continues! >> sunday february 7th, jess keith morrison: sunday, february 7. had been missing for ten days. that night andy lloyd who was

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Investigators , Sample , Top , Dried Semen , Doors , House , In The House , Kind , Fact , Parent , Wasn T A Random Break In , No One Else , Fear , Nothing , Of A Sudden , Safety , Alarm System , Enough , Brenda Put , News , Break Ins , Breaking , Terms , Pattern , Officers , Couple , Concern , Residents , Legs , Behavior , Gun , Head , Lingerie , Escalation , Woman , Steps , Hands , Draw , Dateline , Shrimp , Flavor Drop , Vo , Hair , Choices , Back , Fun Dining , Moisture , Dryness , Red Lobster , Hair Damage , Frizz , 20 , 80 , Seven , 0 , Miracle Rescue Deep Conditioner , Hair Lock , Damage , Pro Vitamins , Use , Guaranteed , Pantene , Six , Money , Love , Huh , Scent Beads , Scent , Murrays , Dog Roger , Meet Arexvy , Rsv , Stuff Smelling , Surprise , People , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Lungs , Airways , Fda , 60 , Everyone , Health Conditions , 82 , 94 , Side Effects , Ingredients , Reactions , Muscle Pain , Headache , Pain , Vaccine , Response , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Fatigue , Doctor , Pharmacist , Make It Arexvy , Pharmafter , Burglary , Teenagetoday , Brian Rogers , Police Advice , January Of 2009 , Lifestyle , Man , Others , Objective , Threat , Eager , Light On , Neighborhood Wheeling , Neighborhood , Break , Bait , Success , November 2009 , Howard Gray , Question , Friend , Alert , Snuggie , Safe Neighborhood , Martin Cook , Who , 150 , City , Belleville , Highway , November 17th 2009 , 17 , Party Clothes , Birthday , Fine , Music Teacher , Windows , Space , Faith , Artist , Art , Road , Keys , Everybody , Mirror , Safe , Cars , Bedside Table , Ignition , Reflection , Drawer Open , Somebody , Sex Toys , Stuff , Prank , Car , Set , Jobs , 200 , Police , Words , Troops Upstairs , Length , Don T Fall , Trade , Reaction , Reality , Embarrassment , Reason , Birthday Party , Evening , Ha , Mailbox , Minor Detail , Caution , Excess , Pajamas , Estate , Case , Friends , Front , Homemade Strawberry Wine , Theft , Light , Farmhouse , Home Office , Photocopying , Prankster , Terrifying Scream , 45 , 7 , Standing , Desk Computer , Work Boots , Message , Screen , Core , Person , Persons , Dishes , It Couldn T , Feeling , Cascade Platinum Plus , I Don T , Scrubbing Power , Load , Cabinet , No Rewash , The Dawn Grease Fighting , Dare , Gut , Body , Water , Miralax , Feeling Ughh , Perfumes , Boosters , Fiber , Mirafiber Gummies , Mood , Wash Freshness , 8 , Light Scent , Dyes , Cabenuva , Adults , Shiv , Jayson , Don T , Injections , Hiv Treatment , Pill , Healthcare Provider , Depression , Help , Liver Problems , Medicines , Symptoms , Some , Treatment Appointments , Breastfeeding , Tiredness , Mental Health Concerns , Fever , Pregnancy , Morning Of Robert The Party , Discovery , Computers , Upstairs Hallway , Ontario , Life , Neck , Time , Cops , Discussion , Swath , Thing , Computer Screen , Howard S , Deal , Judge , Typos , Conclusion , 9 1 , 9 , 1 , Evidence , Hiding , Hall , Closet , Theory , Ends Bedroom , Phone , Listening , Anything Else , God , Basket Case , Loved Lingerie , 100 , Gotta Go Downstairs , Third , Gut Wrenching Discovery , Two Of Us , Police Officer , Possibility , Rest , Blur , Officer , Forensics , Mic , Incidents , Upset , Tweed Creeper , Tweed , Connection , Thinking , Matter Drop , Phoning , Suspect , Job , Thousands , What S Going On , Sir , Growing , Rounds , Chemo , 14 , Spanish , Crew , Cancer , Childhood Cancer , World , Battle , 2 , U S , Children , Kid Battle , Saint Jude Children S Research Hospital , 3 , Hope , 4 , Housing , Saint Jude For Treatment , Bill , Qr Code , Travel , Food , 19 , Child , Because , Saint Jude , 5 , Support , Debit Card , Credit , Saint Jude T Shirt , 6 , Let S Cure Childhood Cancer , Richard Louis , Story , Kevin Mccarthy , Government , Funding Bill , Republicans , 24 , Senator Diane , Government Funding , Spending Cuts , Tributes , Casting , Vote , The End , Hard Liners , Tweet , Gavin Newsom , Seat , California , Ateline , Places , Ice Fishing , Winter , Larry Jones , Snowmobiling To , Picture , Government Surveyor , Grandfatherly Responsibility , Crime Story , Cozy Cove , Lakeside Lane , Four , Chris , Backyard , Brother , Incident , Problem , Lake , Ability , 2007 , Door , Guy , Dave , Noise , Fencing , Into The Woods , Call , Events , September 17th , Trouble , September 2009 , Mother , Tied Up , Craig , Issues , Investigator , Cases , Left , Profiler , Fbi , Nbc , Fantasy , Individual , Say , Playing Out Of Fantasy , 13 , Research , Victims , Reconnaissance , Opportunity , Assault , Each Other , Sets , Terrifying , Blocks , Rape , Planning , Attacks , Ontario Provincial Police , Sexual Assault , Attacker , Signature , Results , Neighbors , Guys , Intelligence , Newspaper , Assaults , Beyond , City Editor , Information , Death , Second House , Girls , Cozy Cold Lane , Nobody , Barry Jones , House Crawling , Partridge Hunting , First , Cruiser , President , Sexual Assaults , Shocker , Cozy Cove Lay In , 65 , 44 , Face , Gonna , Interrogation , Fish , Memory , Moves , Depraved , Crime Wave , Shock , Skin , Gentle , Tide Pods , Safer Choice Certified , Residues , Doesn T Leave , Questioning , Tweed Resident , Cubs , Victim , Neighbor , Voice , Well , Doubt , On The Road , Police Dna Samples , Pillaging , May , Fingerprints , Station , 40 , In Due Course , Detector Test , Series , Window , Reputation , Closer , Home Invasion , Mars , Computer Message , Many , Direction , Link , Mary Friends Como , Vicious , Smile , Countries , Dress , Meals , Consumer , Boyfriend , It Didn T , Sons , Spring , Waiting , Dating , 2004 , Stepmother , France , Yes , Military , Life In General , Allana , Marie Francoise , Middle Terry , French Canadian , Aircraft , Weight , Traffic Tech , Germany , Base , Smiling , Squadron , Flight Attendant , Corporal , Trenton , Como , Canadian Forces , Dubai , Afghanistan , 37 , 2008 , Corporal Cuomo , Flights , Leaders , Canada , Oh Yeah , Contact , Brighton , Conversation , Part , Fun , Nails , India , Singapore , Japan , November 25th , 26 , November 25th 2009 , 25 , Questions , Hearts , Horror , Allen Plant , Murder , Language , Sexual Homicide , Request , Role , Which , Sort , Criminal , Organized Criminal , Colonel Williams , Got , Reconnaissance Activity , Spend , Memorial Service , Offense , Colleagues , Anybody , Condolence , Plant , Dna , Letter , Father , Mr , Executor , Crime Scene , Blood , Walls , Csi , Cigarette , Care , Murray , Dollar Bills , Coat , Pan , Anne Marson Cook , Tweet Attacks , Purse , Blackberry , Nation , Leave , Perpetrator , 47 , Wallet , Car Keys , Without A Trace , Skis , Lows , Caplyta , Bipolar , Relief , Bipolar Depression , Chance , Lytetm , Before Dawn , Thoughts , Behaviors , Weight Gain , Mood Changes , Risks , Risk , Trials , Antidepressants , Stroke , Dementia , Patients , Movement Disorders , Movements , Aren T , Permanent , Report Fever , Muscle , Confusion , Savings , Caplyta Com , Sneeze , Smelling , Gels Cold , Dude , Style , Dripping , Flu , Powermax , Alka Seltzer Plus , Plop , Fizz Winter Warriors , Yeahhhh Downy , Detergent , Refresh , Gotta , Tequila Lime Shrimp , Shrimp Flavor Drop , Goals , Goli , Friday January 29th 2010 , 29 , Jessica Loyd , 2010 Ng , Wejanuary , 2010 , Andy Lloyd , Mom , Work , School Bus Coordinator , Supervisor , Jess Lloyd , Flat Out , Earth , Jessica S Brother , She Wouldn T , Alerting Them , Field , In March And Cook S Home , Relatives , 27 , House Keys , Makeup , Friends House , Tv , Video Game , Ton , Guitar Hero , 36 , 10 , Sister , Name , Police Service , Cory , Answers , Friday , Cousin , Grounds , Police Permission , Potential , Footprints , Country , Idea , Shockwave , Ones , Tire , Walk , Tire Tracks , Jess Loyd , Vehicle , Suv , Police Force , Clue , It Member , 30 , Driving , Hallway , Wasn T Regular Patrol , Notes , Details , License Number , Suvs , Son , Jessica , Anyone , Uv , Above And Beyond , Police Officers , Word , Whereabouts , Hint , Coffee And Cigarettes , Jesse Floyd S Disappearance Wouldn T , The Marie Friends Cuomo Murder , Committees , Vortex , Outcome , Coast To , Mark , Edge , Stories , Span , Disappearance , Region , Sex Or Sultan Tweed , Paper , Okay , Sex Assaults , Committee , Drive , Luck , Marie France , Nickname , Police Forces , Belleville Cops , Cory Mcmullin , Reporting , Much , Links , Circumstances , Jurisdictions , Conversations , Situation , Connections , Clues , The Other Two , Boots , Match , The Field , No One , Make , Wheel Base , Reports , Tire Type , Park , Vanished , Just Lloyd , Roadblock , Run , Forward , On Thursday February 4th , Jeep Cherokee , Nissan Pathfinder , Toyota , Thursday February 4th , Another , Tire Trails , Driver , Stopping Cars , Teams , Break In , Cards , Marcy Koch , Sex , Sex Toys Stolen , Identity , Position , Oh No , Everybody Hit , Ground Running Saying , Sunday February 7th , Sunday , Keith Morrison , Ten , Sunday February 7 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Dateline 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Dateline 20240703

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the women were alone. and he never knocked. >> and that's when i realized, someone had been in the house. >> she started to cry. now, everything is gone. >> flipping. steele out. >> she tried to them [inaudible] >> his crimes were chilling. his crimes were bizarre. >> it's a little creepy to hear something like that. >> very creepy. >> and i just heard a scream. >> i felt so scared. for her, for me, for all the women. >> i just about fell off my chair. >> we were in that much danger, and we didn't know it. >> what were you be willing to give me today to move past the police investigation? ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it was january, 2009. brenda konstantin and her husband brian rodgers, and their three teenagers, two boys, and a girl spent the new year's holiday the way they always had. a trip out of town and then back to their home. amid class suburb in the capital city, ottawa. >> it's a very family oriented community, lots of young families. lots of kids. >> but as you say? in a town which is very safe, but it didn't seem particularly safe. >> there's never a lot of crime. >> in january, when brian and brenda got into their home on friday evening. the family house in orleans seemed exactly as they left it. but bryan did notice something odd. >> the digital clock in the room, on the left side of the bed, was blinking. i thought it was unusual but did not think much of it. >> and then you went ahead and just continued? >> carried on our lives. >> and never dreamed, why would they? that they're digital clock was blinking out of warning. two days passed during which the 15 year old daughter lived out of the close in her suitcase, as teenagers sometimes do. then came sunday. >> she is taking her shower. she went into her room, she went to her dryer, and that's when she discovered that all of her underwear had been taken from the drawer. >> so she told her parents. >> she's a teenager, and, clothes are everywhere. i said, did you check your laundry basket, your suitcase, the floor. >> no ma'am, everything is gone. >> she was freaked? >> yeah. >> terrence said what parents say. >> i said look again. so she started to cry. and she said, everything is gone. everything. >> but she did check again, and found more things were missing. >> she is running out, she's crying, very upset. then we realize that something that was very weird was going on here. >> but what was going on? >> i went upstairs and looked. and saw it sure enough. it was missing. >> we immediately call the police and reported it. >> although they were worried enough to cover the police, they weren't sure what reception they would get. >> i thought it was a joke, i thought it must of been kids playing a joke. >> but the police did not think so. they were at the house in a matter of minutes, and they were all business. they spent five hours combing through the place. then, came back the next day to take apart the family computer. >> did they find anything? >> no. they didn't find anything. >> not in the computer. but in the daughter's bedroom. disturbing discoveries. along with 15 pairs of missing underwear, a number of the daughters bathing suits, dresses, tank tops, also vanished. they discovered the intruder had rifled through the family photo albums and remove pictures. but only those that showed the daughter. >> and those were vacation pictures down in punta cana. so they were all beach pictures, bathing suit pictures. >> and then. it got ugly. >> they said they found some dna evidence on my daughters dresser. that was the one that was really weird. >> investigators said the sample was consisted with dried semen. they found it on the top of the daughters dresser. where the underwear had been stolen. all of that, along with the fact that no one else in the house reported anything missing. lead investigators to issue the kind of warning that no parent ever wants to hear. >> they told us that, luckier doors. secure your house. >> we have to be careful. we have to watch her daughter. they said she was targeted, it wasn't a random break-in. >> targeted? not random? that was when the fear called in. and infected there once, comfortable lives. everything from this moment, different. >> do you take your safety for granted. and then all of a sudden, there is nothing you can do that's really good enough. >> after that, their daughter was never alone. brian and brenda put in a new alarm system. and kept asking, who was it? who would do this? they tried to come to terms with the other troubling news that they had learned from police. that theirs was by no means the only breaking of its kind in orleans. >> so they knew it was a pattern. >> a little creepy to hear something like that? >> very creepy. >> in fact, almost a dozen such break-ins have been reported in orleans in the past year. the police had issued a warning for residents legs -- though brian and brenda did not know about it. now, officers told a couple of their biggest concern. that the intruder, whoever he was, would escalate from stealing lingerie, to more dangerous behavior. >> they were very concerned at the time that there was escalation. >> and rightly so, because in a matter of months. that's exactly what was going to happen. >> it was almost like he had a gun on my head at that moment. >> coming up! >> the draw was open. and that's when i realized, someone had been in the house. >> a woman living alone discovers that she is not. >> i was like -- in the three steps i was up where she was. and she was standing with her hands like this. >> when dateline continues! (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. ♪ did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? dryness and frizz that keeps coming back, could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. you need pantene's miracle rescue deep conditioner. it's filled with pro-vitamins to help hair lock in moisture, visibly repairing six months of damage in just one use, with no weigh-down. guaranteed, or your money back. for hair that looks healthy and stays healthy. if you know, you know it's pantene. when the murrays discovered gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. ♪ ♪ huh, huh, so did their dog roger. ♪ ♪ gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling fresh. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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( ♪♪ ) arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. rsv can be serious. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about arexvy today. rsv? make it arexvy. after their teenage daughter talk to your doctor or pharmafter their teenagetoday. daughter was targeted was targeted during a burglary in january of 2009, brenda konstantin and brian rogers followed police advice. and made sure that she was never alone. >> she had a very respectable lifestyle after that. >> the daughter coped in her own way. >> we had a spare room, and she stayed in there. she slept with a light on. she still does. >> brenda and brian, eager to warn others about the threat, called a neighborhood wheeling. but they say the police asked them to cancel it. >> the objective was to keep this man doing it, and they thought they had to catch him in the act. >> wait a minute. using the neighborhood as bait? >> exactly. >> the police were doing what they could without success. by november 2009, almost a year after the break in at the home, the intruder was still out there. more than a dozen break-ins had been reported. many involving stolen underwear. shockingly high, with a snuggie, safe neighborhood. brenda and brian, now on the nervous alert. could not stop wandering. who. >> who? who could've done this? >> a woman named and martin cook. and a friend named howard gray started asking that question. she lived in this lovely farmhouse 150 miles away from brenda and brian. howard lived on the same busy highway, not far from the small city of belleville. november 17th 2009, late that afternoon. and hurried home to change into party clothes. it was her birthday. she was heading to howard's place to celebrate. >> i was really rushing. i was looking forward to going. >> and lived alone much of the time at his own place, and that suited her fine. she's a music teacher and artist. she wanted time and space to herself. >> i like to have space, as my art grows i like faith. >> but did you feel insecure ever before? did you lock your doors and windows? >> no. >> and friend, howard gray, grew up down the road. >> to take the keys out of the ignition of the cars. that's what i grew up in. >> that's safe? >> where you know everybody? >> yeah. >> back on that november day, when and got up to her bedroom on the second floor, she looked in the mirror thinking about what to wear. it was then that she noticed something strange in the mirror 's reflection. a bedside table with a drawer open. >> so i looked at it and thought, i did not open this. >> she looked at the other bedside table. >> the drawer was open, all my sex toys and some stuff was gone. and that was when i realized somebody had been in the house. >> had to be a prank? had to be howard? he had a set of keys to her place because he often did handyman jobs there. she hopped in her car, drove the 200 yards to his house. >> she came right in and then said, are you playing a practical joke on me? no. so then she proceeded to tell me. trade in the car, we'll follow overnight. >> the two of them troops upstairs to the bedroom. discussed at length whether to reports the missing sex toys to the belleville police. >> my words were, don't fall in the police. there will be nothing good. >> my first reaction was to phone the police, because someone had been in the house. but then he said, think about it. >> so really it was embarrassment. >> no! it was just. >> we were just thinking the reality of what would happen if you called. >> they were also trying to decide if maybe they should be them [inaudible] maybe really was a joke. but if so? who could've been behind it? >> i was thinking. somebody that knows me. >> it will come up in the morning, maybe a mailbox with a ha or something like that. >> there's a reason they recalled that in minor detail. a terrifying reason. but on this evening, they did not know that yet. as they prepare to return to howard's house for the birthday party he was throwing her. and it was simply an excess of caution when he told her. bring her pajamas. >> i said to her, obviously someone's been to the house. you're not staying alone tonight. >> and this was important, before they left. they locked an's house of tate. just in case. >> all we did was just go along to the windows and doors. she went in front of me, and i went behind her. and double checked everyone. >> that night they partied with friends. drank howard's homemade strawberry wine. made light of the bizarre theft. and perhaps the light of day would reveal the prankster. then, 7:45 the next morning. they were back at the farmhouse. she ran upstairs to her home office to do some photocopying. howard waited below. then he heard her terrifying scream. >> she was like howard! my work boots were still on. and in three steps i was up where she was. and she was staring with her hands like this. >> standing in staring at the old desk computer she had not fired up for months. and the screen was glowing in the day morning light. a message, that shook and to the core. >> i took it so personally. this is, i knew someone was out there for me. and that was very, very scary. >> coming up! >> i said an. we lock that door last night. and she goes yes. and i said, well that doors open! >> was an's intruder also paying another women? his crimes going evermore depraved? >> it had to be one person. it couldn't be that many evil persons around. >> when dateline continues! t feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. cascade platinum plus has me doing dishes... differently. scrub? soak? nope. i just scrape, load and i'm done. only platinum plus is bigger. with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. rewash? not in my house. upgrade to cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? try downy light in-wash freshness boosters. it has long-lasting light scent, no heavy perfumes, and no dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day. downy light! i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go. >> >> on the morning of robert every other month, on the morning after her birthday party, the party she made a terrifying discovery. >> i was really scared. >> it was november 2009, and and her friend howard were standing in an upstairs hallway of her old farmhouse in belleville ontario. they were sparing at her computers green. >> it was the first time in my life that the hair stood up at the back of my neck. because it was a message directed. >> personal. >> yeah. >> now they know. the break in the previous day. the theft of those sex toys. was not a joke. not even a bad one. all that time last evening that they had stood right in the swath, beside the discussion. should they call the police are not? they figured this cops would just laugh. so they decided not to call. but after and spend that night at howard's and return home first thing in the morning. this is what greeted her on the computer screen. >> go ahead and call the police, i want to show the judge your really big deal those. eventually, and would wonder about those typos. but just now, she froze. >> it was almost like she had a gun to my head at that moment. >> this time, and called 9-1-1. and then she and howard waited for the police to arrive. they became in a disturbing conclusion. whoever wrote the message, literally some have crazy. must of been hiding in the house the evening before. when they debated whether to report the theft. >> it was proof that he was there. we have no evidence that he was there. >> they have been talking just outside of ends bedroom. down the hall, in this closet, they say. they found evidence to support their chilling theory that the intruder had been hiding their. >> it was all upside down. >> yeah, so he's. he had to be listening. to have a message like that. go ahead, phone the police. >> and then, a second dreadful discovery. they searched the house to see if anything else had been stolen. and in her bedroom, and discovered that all of her underwear had disappeared. >> and the god, that was sickening. >> she loved lingerie. owned more than 100 sets. all gone. >> she was a basket case. she really was. i gotta go downstairs. >> only to make a third, gut wrenching discovery. >> i said we lock that door last night. >> and she said yes. >> well that doors open. >> she goes, no it's not. >> but it was. >> and, then the two of us looked at another and we started talking about the possibility that whoever was here let themselves out. >> they had to. >> the rest of that day passed in a blur. a police officer from the nearby city of belleville got to the house and got to work. >> they took it seriously. >> he did. as soon as he walked in, the officer looked at what was on the computer screen. he pulled up his mic and said get forensics out here right now. >> that same day, amid the upset, anne and howard had a question for the bell police. it was about a couple of disturbing incidents that happened of the road in a speculative place called tweed, two months ago. incidents more serious than what happened to her. incidents also directed against women alone, at night. although tweed was only 20 minutes away, it was -- by the belleville cops. >> we asked all of them. do you know anything about those? because i said, it had to be connected. >> you told the police this? >> oh yes. >> and they were like, how do you know about it? we don't know anything about it. >> they did know about? it >> they didn't seem to. >> and was convinced that the incidents were linked. they had to be. >> there had to be one person, there can't be that many evil persons around. >> she said she begged for them to have her case. investigate the connection. >> i said please look into the tweed case, it has the beacon neck dead. >> but then life took over as life well. and she let the matter drop. >> i pressured her about phoning. >> but i was thinking, they know their job. >> coming up! >> she said, what's going on? somebody broke into my house? no sir, it's way more serious than that. >> police close in on the suspect. >> he said, you're gonna tell us why you did this? >> when dateline continues! growing. i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. subject 2: it is my first time having cancer. and it's the very worst. crew: this september, you can join the battle to save lives during childhood cancer awareness month by supporting saint jude children's research hospital. subject 3: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. crew: one in five children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. subject 4: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope and especially with them being so young. crew: please call, go online, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month. families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 5: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of saint jude. crew: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: [speaking spanish] crew: let's cure childhood cancer together. >> i'm richard louis with our top story, u.s. government is less than 24 hours away from shutting down after house republicans fail to pass a funding bill. how speaker kevin mccarthy proposed steep spending cuts to win support from hard-liners, but in the end, still voted no. tributes are pouring in for the late senator diane who passed away thursday. after casting one final vote on government funding. california governor gavin newsom said -- he is now tasked with picking someone to fill her seat. now, back to dateline. ateline. tweet is one of those little canadian places that takes its ice fishing seriously in the winter. snowmobiling to. except the road from her place, and 150 miles from brenda and bryan's orleans. and here in tweed, larry jones. the former government surveyor. the picture of grandfatherly responsibility, was about to be caught up in a monstrous crime story. he is loved in tweet all his life, the last four decades on this lakeside lane called cozy cove. >> -- one of the most ideal places to live. you have the whole lake as your backyard. >> it was a safe place. also. and the ability so. >> we never had a problem here with anything. never. >> though there was one disturbing incident back in 2007. larry confessed. his daughter chris, who live nearby, was with her brother dave when she surprised an intruder in our home. >> chris heard a noise, and she says dave, dave, is someone in the house? she opens the door and this is this guy, running out the door, jumps over the, fencing goes into the woods. he took off two quick. they could not catch him. >> the intruder got away. and that was that. or so larry and his family thought. then, came september 2009. and the events that trouble then cook. the first call came in at 3:15 am. september 17th. a terrified young mother described how she had been awakened by an intruder. blindfolded, tied up, stripped. and forced to pose for degrading pictures. after a couple of hours, the man left. >> and there are issues that would cause the police some concern. >> craig is a former fbi investigator and profiler. dateline nbc asked him to evaluate these cases. >> you have an individual taking pictures. >> what does that say? >> it suggests that the individual is playing out of fantasy. that is fantasy driven behavior. it also says that it's somebody who would do it again. >> and so, apparently, he did. 13 days later, another terrifying call to the police in the early morning hours. once again, a woman alone had been blindfolded, tied up, stripped, photographed. and then the intruder left. >> he clearly has engaged in reconnaissance behavior. of knowing the victims alone. that he would have the opportunity to spend 2 to 3 hours with her. without fear of somebody coming in. >> he's done some research? >> he has done some research. which shows planning. >> what happened would've been shocking everywhere, but it was doubly so here in tiny little tweed. two sets of assault on two women alone at night. within days of each other, within blocks of each other. not rape, but terrifying. and weird. two attacks that seemed to bear the same signature. so, two attacks when maybe just one attacker? >> the ontario provincial police, the opp, responded to both results. and after the second sexual assault, they began canvassing the neighbors. >> i was down there, and they wanted to see if i had heard anything. >> he says he had nothing to tell them. by now, the news of the two assaults was all over tweed and beyond. >> i remember saying to my guys, look, we have to get more on this. >> chris was then the city editor of the intelligence, the newspaper on the nearby city of belleville. >> we will given nothing. we were told that the investigation is ongoing. no further information will be released. >> around cozy cold lane, the women were terrified. >> everybody was just scared to death of what was going on after the person was assaulted. and some of the girls did start knocking their doors. and take the keys and take their things in the house. that kind of thing. and be more leery about what is going on outside. and then the second one? everything just went haywire then. >> everyone thought it had to be someone local. but who? >> it was just a real mystery. who live this could be. and nobody could find out who it was. >> nobody, that, is until the day that barry jones came home from a partridge hunting. to find his house crawling with cops. >> i said, what's going on? somebody broke into my house? >> they said no it's more serious than that. >> and way more serious it was as he was about to learn. first, he was escorted into a cruiser by one of the officers. >> he says, well we think you have something to do with the two sexual assaults down the road. >> it was a shocker! larry, a 65-year-old grandfather and 44 year resident of tweed's cozy cove lay in was now a suspect in the double assaults. >> he says, so you're gonna tell us why you did this? >> but all larry jones wanted to know. was this. why him? the guy who loved to hunt, and fish. how did he end up in the back of a cup car about a face an interrogation about the worst crimes that his neighborhood had in living memory? whatever lay ahead would not be pretty. >> i couldn't even believe that they would even think that. >> coming up! a crime wave. moves from depraved to deadly. >> that's when i found out that she was murdered. >> what was it like to hear that? >> i was in shock. but how to describe that? >> when dateline continues! but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. -- for weeks after the second assault larry jones and longtime tweed resident was picked up by the police for questioning in connection with both attacks. he said the police interrogated him for three and a half hours. >> how do you break in? you're breaking the door? do you have keys? how did you get in there? >> why with the cubs so sure that they had their man? because, the second victim. larry's neighbor, had called to say that she thought his voice matched that of her intruder. >> he said, well [inaudible] the second house, i was in the house three years ago. >> larry says that he was so shocked by the question that it was all it could do to answer them. >> i could not even believe that they would even think that. >> because, if there was one thing that larry jones knew without a doubt in the world, it was that he was innocent. . >>, may of all people, who's lived here for 40 years. and after living for 44 years. i start raping and pillaging are single women on the road? that's ridiculous. >> larry gave the police dna samples and fingerprints. and he promised to return to the station for a light detector test. which he did, in due course. and which he says he aced. but that didn't mean that larry jones got his old life left back. or his reputation. >> i've always done everything honestly and truthfully. and then, all you've done all your life is gone out the window? it's just not right. >> larry jones would eventually be cleared. and meanwhile, police investigating had a series of break-ins and brenda and bryan 's neighborhood in ottawa several miles that way seem no closer to napping their intruder. and mars and cook was trying to put her home invasion and the computer message behind her. but still, no investigators were able to connect any of these crimes. but, then, why should they? so far apart. and when something truly often happens. in a nearby town in that direction, again, nobody, nobody was able to think of any reason why there should be a link. >> mary friends como was by all accounts vibrant and by vicious. a dedicated consumer of great meals, new countries. a pretty dress. she was captivated the moment he saw her. >> the first thing that caught me was her smile. she had a beautiful smile. >> sadly for him, she already had a boyfriend, so he waited. a year later in the spring of 2004, she approached him. and he? well. he was done waiting. >> we start dating, and then it went pretty well. it didn't take so long for me to move in with her. >> he took his two sons with him. >> so she essentially became a mother, or. >> stepmother yes. she did her job pretty well. >> what did you like about living with marie france? >> basically, she was in love with life in general. yes. >> both allana and marie-francoise french canadian. they both came from middle terry families. early on, she chose to make the military her life to. what be called coming a traffic tech. >> people who study the aircraft. and have to balance the weight of the aircraft. >> she served in germany, and dubai. afghanistan. then in 2008, after more than a decade in the military, corporal murray france como became a flight attendant with the 4:37 squadron. here at the smiling, canadian forces base in trenton. the base is just on the road from belleville, and not far from tweed. and soon, corporal cuomo was chosen to work the flights for canada's top leaders. >> she was happy? >> oh yeah. she loved her job. >> but it was also that year, after four and a half years together, they split up. he moved away, she stayed close to the base. living here in a town called brighton. they were a part, he says, but still in close contact. he remembers a conversation that they had in late november, 2009. >> she just got back from india, japan, singapore. and she was telling me, this new countries that she discovered. and all the new nails that you can taste. and, and that was fun. >> it was the last conversation. the three days later, november 25th, 2009. corporal memory france como's body was discovered in her home. lying on her bed. >> i was told on the 26. >> told only that she was dead. nothing more. and with a heavy hearts, and 100 questions, allen plant went to brighton to find out for himself. what happens to the women that he still loved? horror awaited. >> and, that's when i found out that she was murdered in the house. >> what is it like to hear that? >> i was in shock. but how to describe that? >> there were no words in any language. he would learn. cuomo's murder had been brutal. a sexual homicide. former fbi investigator craig examine this question at dateline's request. he had no role in the investigation. >> what was clear was that somebody had raped her. and somebody had killed her. and somebody had spent time in the home. >> which, again, in the dismal business of investigating the sort of thing. this has been organized criminal. instead of a disorganized criminal. >> sure, it suggests somebody who spent some time planning the offense, understanding that he had time to go into the house and spend whatever time he needed with the victim. which suggests, reconnaissance activity. >> at the base, in trenton, his grieving colleagues held our memorial service. even the base commander, colonel williams, got involved. send a letter of condolence to her father. but who could've done this? investigators were stumped. although they looked at anybody close to marie, anybody including mr. plant. >> the one time, one police came to me and asked for dna. that's when i freaked out. and i had to explain to him that i wasn't even there. i was four and a half hours from there. >> he cooperated with investigators. and he was cleared. and when the forensics people were vanished in the house. and police handed over the keys, it was him as her executor, who had it cleaned and emptied. >> so i saw the crime scene. >> what was that like? >> you see blood on the walls. you see blood on the floor. it's like, csi. but it's not csi. >> he had to step outside for a cigarette to steady himself. and then he went back in, resolve to take care of murray france cuomo's last business. and to laugh in his broken hearted way. about the easygoing woman whose life he had once shared. >> we got rid of her civilian clothes. so, in every, coat in every pan she had money. just change. dollar bills. so, it made me laugh. because that was marie. that was marie. >>anne marson cook and howard gray, live just a 45 minutes drive from the house. they heard about the murder on the news. they never connected it to and sprayed in. or the tweet attacks for that matter. >> no, absolutely not. >> it was, you know, she was military. >> but that was before they knew what they had no now. before another awful crime shook their community. only then, with all these crimes be connected. only then would the perpetrator be unmasked. in a story that would rock the nation. >> coming up! >> a 47 year old woman wouldn't leave her blackberry, purse, wallet, car keys, how skis. >> a young woman disappears without a trace. >> it's just a mystery. an absolute mystery. >> when dateline continues! -- ome to fun dining. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at [sneeze] dude you coming? 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(vo) it's another ultimate endless shrimp flavor drop with new tequila lime shrimp. that's seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. goli, taste your goals. it was friday, january 29th it was friday, wejanuary 29, 2010, jessica loyd was late for work that morning and nobody knew why. the sunny steady young woman who worked as a school bus coordinator had never pulled a no-show before. her supervisor called her mom to tell her. her mom, called her son andy. jessica's brother. >> i just flat out came out and said jess is missing. >> what an earth was going on? there was no way their jess, as they call her, would've taken off without alerting them. >> she wouldn't that to her work, she wouldn't do that to me, she wouldn't do that to my mom. >> andy rushed to join his mom in the friends and relatives gather in the house. it's a small tidy house by a field just outside of belleville. faces a highway, that runs right passed in march and cook 's home and on into tweed. her car was parked outside. inside the house, the bed was made. and the personal stuff was still there. >> a 27 year old woman wouldn't leave behind her blackberry, her purse, her makeup, her wallet, her car keys, her house keys. >> they called everyone they could think of. learned that she had watched tv at a friends house the night before. and when she left, she had gone straight home. texting the friend at 10:36 pm to say that she was home. and going to bed. that was the last anybody heard from jess lloyd. the young woman who loved to yank it up during the video game, guitar hero. the just lloyd who had a ton of friends but no current boyfriend. the sister who loved to crack wise with her older brother. >> you call her a name, and she'd have a better one right there waiting. >> but where was she now? >> it was just a mystery. an absolute mystery. and nobody could come up with any answers. >> they didn't wait long to call the police. >> she was reported to us missing on the friday. >> cory was then chief of the belleville police service. >> and with the information that the family provided, us we realize that it had the potential to be very serious case. >> when the police arrived, along with the forensics people. andy lloyd said that he and his cousin went outside. with police permission, to scout the grounds around the house. no idea that what he was about to discover would not just break the case. but sends a shockwave right across the country. the first thing, says andy, the footprints. >> there was a couple of different ones in the block here. >> he called into the cops working into the house. >> i just said, there's footprints in the backyard. might want to go look at it. and they told us they might want to stay away from it. >> so andy in his cousin handed over to the field by just his house. took a walk around. and that's when they found them. the tire tracks. tire tracks where they should not be. >> we saw them come right off the road. so then, instantly, we thought. there's been a strange vehicle next door. >> and he says they's went straight to the cops with this to. and then the investigating officers were handed another clue from one of their own. because the night before, about 9:30 pm. while jess loyd was at that friends house, and observe it member of the belleville police force happen to notice and suv parked in the field by her house. >> there was an officer who wasn't regular patrol. and thought there was something suspicious. >> driving along the hallway? >> just driving along. >> it was sitting in somebody's backyard? >> it was in the field. and the officers stopped. knocked on the door. check the house, and nobody was home. and, took detailed notes. of the vehicle. and, carried on. >> but the officers notes were not as complete as they might have been. she left out some rather significant details. they suvs make, and its license number. though it may not have seemed so important at the time, after all nobody was home, there was no evidence of any crime. so, imagine how it was when the officers learned that jessica loyd was missing? >> obviously it's upsetting. it's gonna be upsetting to anyone. but this officer went above and beyond, and we're very proud of her. >> at what point after jessica loyd went missing did she say, hey, i saw that as uv. >> as soon as she became aware that jessica was missing from that resident, she immediately came forward with the information. >> that really weekend, andy was running on coffee and cigarettes. out searching every day. >> it was overwhelming, how many people just volunteers who showed up. and there was police officers everywhere. >> but no jessica, not a word, not a call, not a hint of her whereabouts. chris, then with the local newspaper, the intelligence. >> i remember what i was thinking at the time. i don't think this is gonna end well. but, and there was always hope against hope that she would taken off or if someone did take it with her, she would come back because it was just not something that happened around here. >> he could not know it then, no one could. but the mystery of jesse floyd 's disappearance wouldn't be solved. in a matter of days. her case, and the other unsolved crimes. the marie friends cuomo murder, the sex assault in 20, the break in it and mark's place. and before that, at brenda and bryan's orleans home. they pulled into one horrific vortex. and the outcome? would stun not just the small city of belleville, and the committees around it. but a nation coast to coast. >> i was blown away. i just couldn't take it all in at first. >> everybody was on edge. just waiting for good news to come through. >> it never came. >> her face, posted across the country. >> the 27-year-old belleville woman went missing. >> the story was all over the local news. >> i think for a span of several days, we had page one stories almost every day. >> it never occurred to anyone at the paper to link her disappearance to other unsolved crimes in the region. the two sex or sultan tweed, or the murder of a military woman. corporal marie france cuomo. a four short drive away at the police called brighton. >> we were thinking okay, where in bad luck. we're in this committee right now. >> the lloyd family did not make the connection either. though andy says her sister was well aware of the sex assaults in nearby tweed. she even had a name for the man responsible. >> his nickname, around my sister and her friends, was that tweed creeper. that's what they called him. lock your doors, the tweed creeper will get you. >> the belleville cops, and other police forces, declined to discuss details of the investigation. into jessica loyd's disappearance. but, cory mcmullin, chief of the belleville police service had this much. her officers were scrutinizing links to other unsolved crimes in the region early on. >> because we just had this reporting missing to us, and because of the unusual circumstances, we were dedicating as many as we could. and that includes looking at what is happening in your neighboring jurisdictions. >> and what was happening? >> we were aware that there had been two serious crimes out in tweed, against women. and that there was another situation in brighton where a woman was murdered. >> and that's far away? >> no it's not too far away. it was enough that at the beginning, it's let's make some contact have some conversations and see if there's any potential connections. >> but first, there was work to be done. starting with clues, and he says he discovered. outside of jessica's house. there were three sets of footprints, one going towards the house. the other two, one smaller than the other, heading out of the house across the field. investigators quickly realized the smaller set was a likely match for jess loyd's boots. and those tire tracks preserved in the field? no one's going off road into the field? they soon nails the tire type. they were -- . because there were reports that an suv in the park in that field the night just lloyd vanished, they could narrow down the make of the vehicle. >> from the wheel base, they narrow down that there were three possible makes it could've been. >> only three makes. a toyota forward run, or a jeep cherokee, and a nissan pathfinder. but which one? could they track it down? on thursday february 4th, a week after jess floyd went missing. the police set up a roadblock at a busy highway in front of her home. stopping cars. one officer, turning up the driver. another, checking tire trails. afterwards, the police called andy. they had made some discovery. >> they just said, we found something that possibly could be very very crucial. and that's all that we knew. >> soon after, teams of officers went door knocking on the highway. in front of the residents. and marcy koch lived five miles down the road. her friend howard live nearby. and that's how they found themselves telling again, a couple of cards, the story of the november break-in. >> when they came into the door, then i said okay. i don't know anything. but have i got a story for you guys that's gotta be connected to this? >> howard told the officers about the break-in. the undertaken, sex toys stolen. he told them to that he and strongly believed her break-in was linked to the sex or solves five months before in tweed. >> they got it? >> they got it. yes they did. >> now, she was convinced her case was linked to jessica's disappearance. >> it had to be related. i mean, i felt so scared, for her. for me. for all the women. >> coming up! a suspect's identity is revealed. >> they said his name. and i thought, oh no. and then they explained his position and who he was. i said oh. >> and shakes a nation to its core! >> everybody hit the ground running saying, boys, this is the biggest story we're ever going to have. >> when dateline continues! >> sunday february 7th, jess keith morrison: sunday, february 7. had been missing for ten days. that night andy lloyd who was

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, Face , Gonna , Interrogation , Fish , Memory , Moves , Depraved , Crime Wave , Shock , Skin , Gentle , Tide Pods , Safer Choice Certified , Residues , Doesn T Leave , Questioning , Tweed Resident , Cubs , Victim , Neighbor , Voice , Well , Doubt , On The Road , Police Dna Samples , Pillaging , May , Fingerprints , Station , 40 , In Due Course , Detector Test , Series , Window , Reputation , Closer , Home Invasion , Mars , Computer Message , Many , Direction , Link , Mary Friends Como , Vicious , Smile , Countries , Dress , Meals , Consumer , Boyfriend , It Didn T , Sons , Spring , Waiting , Dating , 2004 , Stepmother , France , Yes , Military , Life In General , Allana , Marie Francoise , Middle Terry , French Canadian , Aircraft , Weight , Traffic Tech , Germany , Base , Smiling , Squadron , Flight Attendant , Corporal , Trenton , Como , Canadian Forces , Dubai , Afghanistan , 37 , 2008 , Corporal Cuomo , Flights , Leaders , Canada , Oh Yeah , Contact , Brighton , Conversation , Part , Fun , Nails , India , Singapore , Japan , November 25th , 26 , November 25th 2009 , 25 , Questions , Hearts , Horror , Allen Plant , Murder , Language , Sexual Homicide , Request , Role , Which , Sort , Criminal , Organized Criminal , Colonel Williams , Got , Reconnaissance Activity , Spend , Memorial Service , Offense , Colleagues , Anybody , Condolence , Plant , Dna , Letter , Father , Mr , Executor , Crime Scene , Blood , Walls , Csi , Cigarette , Care , Murray , Dollar Bills , Coat , Pan , Anne Marson Cook , Tweet Attacks , Purse , Blackberry , Nation , Leave , Perpetrator , 47 , Wallet , Car Keys , Without A Trace , Skis , Lows , Caplyta , Bipolar , Relief , Bipolar Depression , Chance , Lytetm , Before Dawn , Thoughts , Behaviors , Weight Gain , Mood Changes , Risks , Risk , Trials , Antidepressants , Stroke , Dementia , Patients , Movement Disorders , Movements , Aren T , Permanent , Report Fever , Muscle , Confusion , Savings , Caplyta Com , Sneeze , Smelling , Gels Cold 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