Too. I have to say this is a big night. Let me start right here. This is who is going to be our guest tonight, and this is from page 184 of the book. On the evening of december 18, mark meadows, my because, Chief Of Staff, returned from a meeting of the oval office and abruptly asked if i wanted the detail i could go home. His detail quickly prepared the limo and left campus without explanation. Shortly after marks departure i walked down with molly to get a sense of the president s evening plans. Usually if the president went home i would stay at my desk but since mark had left early with such confidence i thought perhaps the president was wrapping up for the evening and i would get to go home early, too. When i walked into the outer oval i saw the president was meeting with general mike flynn, the former National Security advisor who had pled guilty to lying to the fbi about his involvement with russian officials, cutting a Cooperation Deal in special counsel Robert Muellers inquiry in the interference in the 2016 election. Three weeks before today pchs meeting on november 25th, trump had issued flynn a president ial pardon. Why is mark flynn here, i asked molly . Im not sure, molly said, then added, hes just talking to the president about some things. Talking to the president about some things. Got it. I went back to my office and settled in. Molly came to my office soon after and asked if we had a wine opener. No, i said, mark doesnt drink so we do not keep alcoholic paraphernalia in his vicinity. I tried to joke, but she did not crack even a slight smile. I sighed. I know the Vice President has one, ill call his assistant. Once we secured the wine opener we parted ways back to our respective desks. A few minutes later Pat Cipollone, pat fillben, Eric Hershman and derek vance barrelled down the hall. I remember it was dereks last day at the white house. I was overthinking it. There was maybe a toast to celebrate his tenure at the white house. Pat cipollones top aide and dereks fiancee wandered in and asked if i knew what was happening in the oval office. She had dinner plans with derek and could not get in touch with him. I said im not sure but a bunch of people are in the oval. On cue we both turned toward the sound of raised voices coming from that direction. Although the oval office was about a 10 second walk from my desk, it was highly unusual to hear any noise coming from there. We did not make distinct words that night, just people screaming at over. Dan scavino was pouring the last of a Bottle Of Wine Nau a glass. It screaming was much louder than i anticipated. I looked into the office and saw a larger group. Along with the white house lawyers were mike flynn, sidney powell, and patrick byrne, the ceo of oversock. Com. I decided to text the deputy Chief Of Staff. Flynn is still here and sidney powell. Theres a brawl. He responded, oh, helly hell. Tony immediately called and asked if i knew what they were brawling over. Hed been in the oval office earlier that day and heard the president talking about invoking the insurrection act or martial law. Eventually i got ahold of mark who seemed reluctant to get into line with the president. I urged him that it sounded like it was a matter of National Security. A secret Service Agent who was standing outside the oval office came by. The agent said i dont want to hear all of that, its really upsetting, i really wouldnt recommend going down there. The west wing was officially unhinged. Hutchinson continues, things seemed to be breaking up as people filed out of the oval and walked by my desk. Molly told me the president want today have dinner in the residence and was planning to reconvene the meeting in the oval. I told her i would stay if anything else helped. Dan scavino stopped by and said this is fed up. Eric hershman said this cant be fing happening he said, this is fing in sane. Derek lions asked, quote, does the chief really need a reason to come back . Here pz, martial law. For gods sake we called rudy to come help us do damage control. You know its bad when we call Rudy Giuliani for backup. I continued to call mark, he continued ignoring my calls, so i called one of the secret Service Agents on his detail. Go pass your phone to mark now, i ordered. Seriously, what if hes in bed sleeping, you want me to shake him awake . Mark, the president is reconvening a meeting in the oval were talking about the insurrection act, seizing voting machines. I felt my voice begin to sound desperate. Please, mark, you need to come back here. All right, im on my way. Hutchinson continues, i walk would mark to the residence and hed asked me to come back at midnight to break up the meeting if it had not already ended by then. I heard the president scream, i dont care how you do it, just get it fing done. My hands were sweating as i head back to my egdesk. Id never heard the president. Mark escorted rudy off the premies to make sure. More than sufficient to swing victy to trump, a great report by peter, statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 election. Big protest on january 6th. Be there, will be wild. Cassidy hutchpson was the witness who told us all the worst things that we learned about the plot to overthrow the government after former President Trump lost reelection. From Cassidy Hutchinson we learned the president was told by his Deputy White HouseChief Of Staff about the number of weapons and the types of weapons people had brought to the rally site in washington, d. C. On january 6, 2021. From Cassidy Hutchinson we learned that the president having been informed about all those weapons then ordered the Metal Detecters be taken down so an armed crowd could be allowed in with their weapons. He then as planned apparently told the crowd to march on congress. He then not only told the crowd out loud he would go to congress with them, he also tried to do it. So once the president got into the vehicle with bobby he thought they were going up to the capital, and when bobby relayed to him we dont have the assets to do it, its not secure, were going back to the west wing, the president had very strong, very angry response to that. Tony described him as being irate. The president said something to the effect of, im the effing president take me to the capitol now to which bobby responded, sir, we have to go back to the west wing. The president reached up toward the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm and said, sir, you need to take your arm off the steering wheel. Were going back to the west wing. Were not going to the capitol. Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge toward bobby engel and when when he recounted the story to me he motioned toward his clavicles. We learned from Cassidy Hutchinson in that remarkable day of live testimony that the former president not only tried physically to steer the president ial limousine to congress and in her telling physically lunged at the secret Service Agent telling him that the limo would not be going there. We learned from her as well that the president acknowledged toward members of congress trapped inside he refused repeated requests to ask the rioters to stand down. We learned from Cassidy Hutchinson that when trump heard that the rioters were calling for the lynching of his Vice President who was on the premises, mike pence, we learned from her that he said pence deserved that fate. That the rioters werent doing anything wrong. When she gave that testimony she was 25 years old. And very much alone in the world. And very much without resources. And i mean that literally. The extent that she was flat broke. She had a couple hundred dollars in her checking account. She had not paid her rent for months. Her wifi had been cut off at her apartment. This was a very young woman who had had, yes, a very high end job at the white house. She was effectively the Chief Of Staff, top staffer to the white house Chief Of Staff, but she was a young woman who had only ever had government employment. When the Trump Administration ended as it did she was very much alone and without resources. A working class kid, first in her family to go to college. All of the connections and pull in life she developed on her own as much as a person can do by the age of what, 24 . When she was subpoenaed to testify, she was very much alone. She was unable to afford a lawyer on her own. She reluctantly therefore got one from trump world. She says that lawyer effectively encouraged her to not tell what she knew. That arrangement lasted for a few of her first depositions until she could no longer live with herself. She finally connected with new counsel who would help her for free and without what she felt was potentially conflicted loyalty and then she told all. She says in her new book in the prologue, quote, before retaining my new lawyers, at times i had told less than the whole truth to a Congressional Committee charged with investigating a matter of the highest national importance, a matter that posed a threat to americas future greatness. I had withheld information about events that i had witnessed or that had been recounted to me by witnesses. Those events precipitated the shocking assault on the United States congress an institution i cherish and threatened the continued success of american democracy. My conscience was bothering me. And i came to the decision in parliamentary language to clarify and extend my testimony. That is how she ended up telling the whole truth. She is further clarifying and extending her testimony in this new book that is out tomorrow which is called enough and contains a lot of new information. I started off taking notes when i started reading the book thinking i would want to keep the main new points of information on a sheet or a paper so i could stay focused on what i wanted to talk to her about. I ended up taking 20 tiny scribbled handwritten pages of notes all about what was new here to me. The new information in this book includes information about bizarre, apparent mishandling of Classified Information including some at least previously Classified Information, potentially still Classified Information being carried around in a whole foods bag and dropped off with some reporters. There is a strange new story about what the white house Chief Of Staff did in the last 15 minutes that the Trump Administration existed on Inauguration Day. Something that required him to move with lights and sirens through downtown d. C. To get there before Noon Whereupon joe biden would become president. There is new information that as early as may, 2020, the white house, trump white house, may, 2020, was already trying out the phrase stop the steal in messaging about the 2020 election, six months before the election even happened. There is new confirmation from Cassidy Hutchinson that trump was morbidly ill from covid. That he was so ill his life was in danger when he was hospitalized with the virus. There is confirmation from Cassidy Hutchinson it was the former president himself who ordered the firing of the u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york jeff burrman telling me tonight before hearing that from us when we called him for comment he had been aware his firing had been ordered by the president himself. There are six different allegations about various white house men and capitol hill republican men groping or creeping on Cassidy Hutchinson in this book although i should mention that two of the six are both matt gaetz so six alleged incidents but only five different men. Well have more on that later. There is a lot to talk about here and i am cognizant were doing a big interview on this tonight. There is a lot to talk about in general. In the news it looks like the Writers Strike is finally over in hollywood. President biden is going to walk the picket line with the United Auto Workers tomorrow, something no president ever has done before. Senator menendez now has three Senate Democrats calling for his resignation after his indictment on corruption charges last week. Now former House Speaker nancy pelosi is calling for his resignation as well. In the Senate DemocratJohn Fetterman was the first to call for menendez resignation. Then share sherrod brown. Senator peter walsh is calling on him to resign. Senator menendez says he wont resign but this is now a Boulder Running Down Hill at him. It is hard to see how Senator Menendez stays. Still looking at a Government Shutdown by the end of the week. There are even odds a shutdown might also bring the end of the speakership of House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy. Someone with whom Cassidy Hutchinson was very, very close. Weve got the second republican president ial debate two nights from now with former President Donald Trump still not planning on showing up despite his lead in the polls. Instead he is making headlines in the last few days for saying this weekend that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff should be executed for treason. Then today he said this news network you are watching now should be investigated for treason and it will be if he is elected president again. Then this afternoon he tried to buy a gun. People under felony indictment arent legally allowed to buy a gun but that was a real moment today. For Cassidy Hutchinson it has been 15 months since her testimony that turned the world on its ear. She has spent those 15 months out of sight in part for her own safety. But also to write this book and also to do three separate interviews with u. S. Justice department prosecutors and one with the grand jury in Fulton County. Former president she served and who she says she at one point adored and to whom she was quite loyal for a very long time, he has now been indicted in four different jurisdictions on dozens of felony counts. Cassidy hutchinson says she found the bravery to stop effectively lying by omission, to start telling what she actually knew when she first read the story of this man, a man who had basically the same job as hers under a very different president , Alexander Butterfield had also been effectively Chief Of Staff to the white house Chief Of Staff under president nixon. Sort of a low profile, low Name Recognition Position but one with access to very high level, very sensitive goingson. Like Cassidy Hutchinson mr. Butterfield was a loyal republican, loyal to the president , didnt ever want to be anything other than good at his job and a help to the administration he served but like Cassidy HutchinsonAlexander Butterfield also felt he needed to be honest about what he had seen and what he knew. Alexander butterfield is how the nation learned there was a Taping System in the Nixon White House during watergate. Cassidy hutchinson seen here meeting with mr. Butterfield after her testimony. She is how the nation learned all the worst things we now know about as she puts it on page 321, quote, an unhinged Chief Executive willing to overturn the will of the people and plunge the country into chaos and violence on the advice of crazy people. For what . To avoid the embarrassment of conceding an election he knew he had lost. She said, quote, that is who he is. And her testimony we also know that is who she is. A paragon of bravery. She has a new book out called enough coming out tomorrow. She is here tonight for the interview live. Stay with us. We planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. You think those two have any idea . That they can sell their Life Insurance policy for cash . So theyre basically sitting on a goldmine . I dont think they have a clue. Thats crazy well, not everyone knows coventrys helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. Even term policies. I cant believe theyre just sitting up there sitting on all this cash. 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