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Christie . I dont. Youre even more expressive. I admire it in you. I dont have that chip. But i admire it. Thank you, nicolle. Good to see you. Thanks to everyone for joining us on the beat. Were all returning from this holiday weekend. I hope youre ready to dive back into the news. We have Breaking News nicolle was just reporting on. We also have lots to cap up on. Reports of trump allies turning on him in the rico case. Where seinfeld meets legal accountability. Really. For all the talk about whether defendants believe their own lies, we will break down that costanza defense and its problems. Also tonight, Chai Komanduri back with us on a chai day for the data one Talking Point is turning into a loser. Right now, Breaking News, a reckoning for the militant violent lead earth of the January 6th Insurrection. Breaking news in the last few moments, a judge handing down an extraordinarily stiff and historic Prison Sentence for insurrectionist and proud boyce leader Enrique Tarrio. 22 years in federal prison. That is now, as of today, the longest Prison Sentence associated with the January 6th Insurrection. It reenforces how these sometimes slow wheels of justice keep turning. He was convicted in may. With this sentence he joins roughly 600 total individuals convicted of crimes related to the storming of the trial. Others await charges, others await trial. Those were for all them on site. The new charges are against trump aides and political elites who are not primarily at the physical insurrection itself. They stand accused of related crimes and plots with the same Overlapping Set of goals steal the election, use fraud as a pretense to help efforts, to try to hijack that january 6th certification. Todays 22year sentence and these other indictments and pending trials are a complete crystallization of how this is all going now. Lets take a look just briefly at how according to many it started, with trump and his aides planning ways to steal the election before people voted work then President Trump infamously publicly refusing to honor something that every president all the way back to nixon has honored from nixon back to washington, that you respect the outcome of the election in a democracy. He said the opposite, and then proved that he meant it. Then he said this about the now convicted proud boys and their leader when asked to condemn them. You willing tonight to condemn White Supremacists and militia groups. Proud boys, stand back and stand by. They did more than stand by. Now, that was a low point for any sitting president in modern history. The words you heard there alone, while completely heinous according to many, were not a crime in themselves. Defendant trump has since been indicted for the actual actions and plots he launched after losing the election, that went well beyond statements like that. Tarrio convicted of sedition. He and his coconspirators viewed their actions, what they did that day, as a direct response to what the losing outgoing president was asking of them. And the feds say it was all premeditated. On january 4th, 2021, tarrio told his men that they would, quote, storm the capitol. That is damning evidence because it completely undercuts any of his potential defenses, now failed as hes been convicted to say that this spun out of control, that it was some kind of riot. When the attack was under way, tarrio clearly viewed it as he intend and and achieved outcome of what they planned a private chat he wrote, quote, we did this. Yes, they did. Yes, some of the most damning evidence came from these now Convicted Seditionists themselves, whether that is a product of personal mistakes and arrogance or something that is wrapped with the support they publicly had from then President Trump. Those are questions that are not of a legal nature. Those are questions of analysis. History will of course dig through all of this. The news tonight, news i couldnt have told you 30 minutes ago, the Breaking News, is that this proud boys leader Enrique Tarrio has the stiffest Jail Sentence of anyone tied to the January 6th Insurrection 22 years. I want to bring in david kelly, the former u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york and my former boss. David, you look at a sentence like this, it is on the stiff harsh side. Harsher than anyone weve seen so far. Is this justice . What does it mean to you . A few things. The judge, judge kelly considered the terrorism enhancement, even though hes gone below what doj has asked for. I think whats interesting about these sentences and the one this afternoon is this if i were in a position of being prosecuted in any relation to the capitol insurrection, id be very nervous. If somebody like for instance trump or one of his cronies is prosecuted for something related to january 6th, its hard to give them a light sentence when folks like this are getting these various gift sentences. This is stiff. So if you go back, one of the things i thought about when i saw the sentence was, you know, i prosecuted John Walker Lynn in the wake of the 9 11 terrorist attacks. He got i forgot exactly what it was, but i think around 22 years. And that was in the hysteria not hysteria, but we were all very raw in the wake of 9 11. And this is tantamount to that. So folks coming up to be sentenced after this case i think have a lot to worry about. Yeah, again, the goal of the criminal Justice System is not to change everyones mind. You can still go online and post that you think this or that person won the election. But the goal when you look at instigation and insurrection, the goal is to deter. Given some of these people thought they were outside of normal law or thought their alliances, privilege, ties, publicly and otherwise to the outgoing president would help them, from your view as a prosecutor as mentioned we remind viewers, a former police officer, do you think this will deter others . I think so, and you make great points on what you just said. Think back to what was said in court in defense of tarrio, which was, hes a patriot. He was trying to engage in legitimate political activity and so far, and thats bogus, and the judge saw through that. Because at the end of the day it was tarrio who praised what happened on january 6th and the aftermath of it, and it was he who encouraged it, and it was he who took pride in the result of it. So it is one thing, this hiding behind the veil of patriotism on these offenses is completely disingenuous and insulting to engage in criminal conduct to advance a claim that at its very root is bogus. Yeah, and on the legal side here with david before i move to our next guest, the judge saying, quote, i dont have any indication that tarrios remorseful for the actual things hes convicted of, and that figured in as well. David, we have a lot going on tonight. Stick around. Im going to come back to you. We also have a special guest on this Breaking News as we look at the tarrio sentencing. He was someone, mr. Tarrio, who going into the election period, he grew in stature. We saw trump to tell him to stand by. We saw stone link up with tarrio in december 2020. This is footage you have of the two of them, you see right there together, they were getting crowds going. There was a whole leadup to january 6th. It didnt happen overnight. Tarrio was working with this other Convicted Seditionist, stewart rhodes, convicted of 18 years. Here you can see the pair meeting on the eve of the insurrection. Stewart, pleasure. Pleasure also all mine. Im going to stay close just to make sure my guys are okay. Tomorrow. I got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow. A lot of stuff to do tomorrow, and we all watched and witnessed what that entailed. We breached the line. We need backup. We just saw that rather dramatic footage of now two Convicted Seditionists in that parking garage. Nick rhodes is a documentary film maker. You may recall he testified at the January 6th Committee about his work, his observations, his reporting. And we thought it would be interesting of course to hear from you today. You were so close to all of that. There are many strands to this, many investigative pieces. But your Footage Accord to the Jan 6th Committee and others added to the factual record. At first, the floor is yours, having spent time with these individuals. Your thoughts on mr. Tarrios hefty sentence tonight. I would like to first say i just dont know if longterm incarceration is a solution for our society in general. I think that long sentences dont help in any shape or form to avoid any type of recidivism, but i do think that this sentence is obviously an indication of the gravity of the crimes they have been convicted of. So i was with the proud boys from, you know, the after the election all the way to january the 6th, and i am the person that, you know, provided the record, both for congress and for the prosecution. I mean, theres very little you can do as a journalist when the when the Justice Department comes and subpoenas you. You have to provide the footage, and in the end, as a person thats seeking to show the truth, im happy for the forum i have now. Yeah, nick, when you look back at that period, did any of these individuals seem to you like they were aware of at least what is now obviously the legal risk they were undertaking, that exposure . Did you witness anything like that . No, i dont think they thought they were in any shape or form playing in at the sedition sandbox. I think they thought they would create some chaos, they would end up trying to fight antifa. They were definitely there to put pressure on congress, but i dont think they thought they were looking at 20 years plus. I think they were happy to take the risk for a couple of years, but i dont think they factored in the crowd and how their actions would, you know, provoke the crowd and how the crowd would, you know, end up changing the whole scenario for them. Yeah. And when we look at that process, we see different reactions from them now that theyve gone through this process. You mentioned the larger Policy Concerns about the criminal Justice System in america, something we touch on in this program. Although i will say mr. Tarrio is right in the mainstream of that. Hes not getting a harsher sentence. Weve seen people hit with longer sentences for less, including poor, black, and brown people, hit with sentences for drug related crimes and dont have anywhere near the carnage of the january 6th event, but i understand the larger nuance youre drawing. I did want to show the contrast. Heres what mr. Tarrio said moments ago in that courtroom. Quote, my candidate lost. Thats a heresy among those folks. Im profusely sorry. He led the stack formations, advanced planning. They calls it today, a, quote, national embarrassment. I want to contrast that to others who have not changed. Joe biggs hit with 17 years but hes Still Holding out hope his sponsor donald trump will bail him out one more time. Take a listen. Oh, i know hell pardon us. I believe that with all my heart. You have one minute remaining. But i do believe donald j. Trump will pardon us, and he should. We didnt do anything. Were his supporters. We went there like he asked. You can hear thats a jailhouse call, a prison call, we went there like he asked. Two very different responses to this. Given, again, your time with all of them, what do you see in responses from different people . There will be a consistent response from all of them. I think their only strategy now is to wait for trump to pardon them and i think its the same type of strategy that trump is playing. He has to become elected to avoid the legal troubles he has in multiple jurisdictions. So thats without further cooperation with law enforcement, thats their best opportunity, and i believe that tarrio is the only person that could provide the authorities with any type of information that would be useful for prosecuting, you know, others that have colluded with them that are yet to be named. Yeah. Yeah. Nick, thank you so much for coming on the beat tonight. Thank you, sir. My pleasure. Absolutely. We have a lot more coming up. We can turn to domestic politics and gop Talking Point that is withering on the vine. Also as mentioned the costanza defense. Its funny till its not. Problems in court. Coming up now, new signs trump aides want to blame him in court. Ame him in court. The people who live and work there. Because you call these communities home, and we do too. Pnc bank. Having diabetes can raise a lot of questions. Like my morning ride, will it help lower my glucose . With the freestyle libre 2 system, you can know where your Glucose Level is and where its headed without fingersticks. Know what activities work for you. Manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. Ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. Its covered by medicare for those who qualify. Visit freestylelibre. Us medicare to learn more. At pnc bank, to learn more. You can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. Because you call these communities home, and we do too. Pnc bank. Another trial begins today, and it has actually been a long time in the making. Former Trump White House aide Peter Navarro going on trial for Contempt Of Congress and defying subpoenas issued by the January 6th Committee. Jury selection is formally beginning today. Navarro says hes paying over 500,000 for his lawyers. Im over 500,000 worth of legal bills for whats amisdemeanor that the department of justice itself had a policy against ever prosecuting. Think about that. Were going to go up to 750,000 by the end of the trial, and the appeals are going to be over a million. Do i look like a rich man . Theyre saying theyre paying to defend themselves they did to defend trump. John eastman and jenna ellis paying out of pocket. Ellis asking why trump isnt supporting her and the cause. Trump refusing to route donations to her or ex lawyers. Now three codefendants insist they only acted at trumps direction. One of the most pivotal witnesses and codefendants in the room, former Chief Of Staff mark meadows, as his attorney hinting he may do more of that, and drawing a contrast on the infamous call we all heard about. Meadows lawyer emphasizing the former Chief Of Staff, he says, was not pressing the georgia secretary to change vote totals. David kelly back with us. We see the mounting tensions. This is of course how the system works. What do you see from mr. Navarro, his concerns that he feels are, as he would put it, left out to dry as a general matter, and what were seeing in the tension of the Georgia Codefendants . I would say that mr. Trump ought to check with his tailor and get a new dry cleaner because hes going to start seeing tire tracks on his back pretty soon. As these cases typically shake out, people, particularly those on the lower rungs of the ladder, will start to decide its worth their while to be cooperative than the charges against them. I think youre going to see that in georgia. Navarro i dont know so much whether or not hes going to do that. You think navarros hanging on there to a legal theory that is less than a threat at this point from a legal standpoint. And im not quite sure why hes holding on so long. But i think in the georgia case certainly there are people who are going to start to roll on him and cooperate, which is what you expect in a case of such magnitude and breadth. Yeah, mr. Navarro did say one thing that is true there that we showed, that historically the Justice Department has not been eager to use the indictment powers when they think there are valid congressional disputes. So for example, they did not indict mr. Meadows when he kind of partially cooperated with the January 6th Committee, turned other some documentation, made very broad executive claims, but he showed up in a way. And when the Congress Said were holding new contemn, the doj looked and said they decided not to. That was a conservative or judicious view. The difference is, mr. Navarro tells it, the doj has gotten more no, he and mr. Bannon were so obviously and contemptuously defying the subpoena process, that if you didnt move here, it would become open season to did what they did. I know it feels like david kelly is a legal zelle ig, hes everywhere, but youve dealt with mr. Comey and house republicans, issues with how they presented that. What do you think of the way they navigated this . Left meadows, scovino alone. Youre the navarro whisperer. You have had him on a bunch. I think the line thats been drawn is completely turning your back on as opposed to trying to work out some sort of resolution, everyone though at the end of the day it may not be what everybody is satisfied with. It is a showing of some cooperation and some giving some give and take. And i think at the end of the day that will get you across the line, but when you turn your back on them, particularly when you turn it back on a legal theory that just doesnt hold water in this case, you know, Executive Privilege asserted by a former executive, number one, and number two, if the former executive even gave that directive, theres not evidence to really support that. So hes got two weaknesses there. But to just hold fast to those theories without any give, i think, is the breaking point, the line in the sand, and he crossed it, and hes going to have a problem here. Yeah. And finally tonight, linking sort of what you and i discussed at the top of the show, the Breaking News of the stiffest penalty ever for a Convicted Seditionist and this navarro trial, all of these being overseen by a highly respected group of nonpartisan washington based federal judges. Technically every district is supposed to be equal. They certainly have equal jurisdictional powers, but we all understand the level of pressure, experience, national cases, terrorism cases, et cetera. You made the point earlier tonight, and i wanted to expand. This stuff, the way the judges were strict around privilege with navarro, very strict with tarrio in the other sentencing 18, 20 plus years. You said thats bad news for potentially defendant donald trump if convicted in washington. Why . Well, because the judge it kind of sets the standard. Your level of involvement in january 6th and the amount of kind of where you are and which rung of the ladder you are on, there have been some lower folks who have not been involved in an organized effort, who have gotten some not insubstantial time. Then you get folks who are involved as tarrio was at a very high level in an organized effort who get a lot of time. What happens when youre a judge and you get in touch with someone who incited, not directed. One of your segments you played was when trump says in his debate, in response to a question from the moderator chris wallace, and he said, stand back and stand by. I mean, thats a direction, right . Thats to say, you know, guys, wink and a nod. Be ready to go when i need you. They interpreted it as that. When he comes forth for a sentencing on anything that is anything tan jenchly related to an insurrection, how does a judge treat that when they look at colleagues and see how people acted . Thats a tough call for a judge. And its really difficult to try to guess where that goes when youre dealing with the former president. But it lends itself so a very i wouldnt say a toxic mix, but a dangerous mix for the person whos before the judge. Yeah. I think you laid that out and gave us a little window into how that works. David kelly on more than one topic, thank you, sir. Coming up later tonight work we turn to why so Many Republican candidates who run against wokeness are losing. Interesting data. Were going to share that with you tonight. But first, not a lot of you believe it. Thats what George Costanza famously said. May not help maga defendants. Thats next. Ndants thats next. Why because it stinks. Have you tried downy rinse and refresh it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. It worked guys Yeahhhh Downy rinse and refresh. Detect this living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Every day, businesses everywhere are asking join the millions of people takinis it possible . Ivacy with comcast business. It is. Is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address Operations Issues . We can help with that. Can we provide health care virtually anywhere . We can help with that, too. Is it possible to survey foot traffic across all of our locations . Yeah absolutely. With the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. Its not just possible. Its happening. Defendant donald trump is accused of deliberately committing election crimes. Indeed, the word knowingly used 36 times in that indictment, describing the criminal intent pushing the conspiracy and election lies. It was fueled by lies, lies by the defendant targeted at obstructioning the Bedrock Function of the u. S. Government. Evidence the show that trump knew his claims were false. When trump found out pence wasnt going to stop the certification he even said, youre too honest. If you were on the other side of that statement you would be the liar. During a meeting with his military advisers they said its over. Trump calmly agreed. Sidney powell pushing her experiences about why trump won she sounded, quote, crazy. Then theres always witness who is told the committee how trump knew he lost. A preview of what might become star witness testimony at trial. He was looking at the tv and said, can you believe i lost to this effing guy . The president said it could have been pompeo, but said words to the effect of, we lost, we need to let that issue go to the next guy, meaning president biden. He said something to the effect of, i dont want people to know we lost, mark. This is embarrassing. Figure at out. We need to figure out it. I dont want people to know we lost. Thats all pretty damning. From inside the team. Trump did believe the election wez stolen from him. This is kicking around, not among doj experts, who know they dont have to prove trump lost. Its not any legal requirement. But its a variant of what sometimes from the seinfeld area is called the costanza defense, the idea is whats in your mind is determinative. Jerry, just remember, its not a lie if you believe it. Hmm. Which is technically true. What trump did or didnt believe isnt the point. You could believe the bank has your money and you might even pass a Lie Detector Test on that because of your own confusion about which bank you bank with or where you put your money. That would not be a defense to robbing the bank or committing a conspiracy for conspireing with other people to do so. A federal judge made that point. Take a look at footage from a trial of this recent the rioter was claiming at trial that he still to that day believed the election was stolen. Costanza. The judge found hill guilty any way, convict, ruling everyone if the defendant believed the election was stolen, that does not change the fact that he acted corruptly with consciousness of wrong doing. Belief that your actions ultimately serve a greater good does not negate consciousness of wrong doing. In other words, you want to get really legal with it, youd have to get all the way out to an insanity defense, where you are much more troubled. The fact that you are mistaken and acting on your mistaken belief wrongly doesnt help you. So if you break into the bank or the capitol, you might have your own justification people have a lot of justifications for what they do in life. When you crash past the belief, go to the bank safe, attack the teller, any number of hypotheticals, in doing so as a sane individual in the real world, you are clearly exhibiting that wrong doing, the corrupt intent. The judge also wrote that the First Amendment doesnt given anyone a right to obstruct or impede congress. If we were being lighthearted we would say, duh. But of course from Seinfeld To Duh to how serious these issues are, we also have to take a step back and remember there are real people committing real crimes with this kind of crap and that people around the president former President Trump are trying to main line this to make you believe something thats false. Which kind of is a theme these days. Next we turn to a different theme them war on woke, why its fizzling. Chai komanduri is back. Back ella fashion moves fast. Setting trends is our business. We need to scale with customer demand. 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David im david goldberg, a bilingual Elementary School teacher and president of the california teachers association. As we start a new school year, theres something new happening in californias public schools. Jessie theyre called Community Schools. David where parents and families, students and educators are Making Decisions as one. Damien its a real sense of community. Leslie we saw doubledigit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. David its an innovation thats transforming our public schools. Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. Theres a lot of crazy woke things happening in schools, but weve got to get these kids reading. President ial candidate nikki haley there criticizing woke education there at that first debate. While the term has been common in politics lately, its actually declining in republican circles, which is a shift. In fact, it may show the limits of these socalled culture wars. Turns out haleys line was the only single time any of those eight candidates ever said the w word over those two hours. The New York Times reporting on that, noting that even republicans are tiring of the war on wokeness. Let alone independents or liberals. Indeed, outside of the discourse of political junkies, which we may all inhabit, most americans hear the word woke and think of it as positively associated with being awake to injustice that persist in our society. New york times adding polls of just Republican Voters found gop candidates were unlikely to win votes by narrowly focusing on woke or left wing ideology in schools, media, culture, and business. That kind of rhetoric is most closely linked to Florida Governor ron desantis and while his Campaign Slump may have many causes. Im not going to tell you we have it figured out or theres only one, it probably doesnt help the cause that he was the antiwoke causes chief spokesperson. Woke ideology. Woke policies. Very woke jurisdictions. To try to outwoke. We fight the woke mob. Got to fight the woke mob. Mr. Politicos are familiar with the woke attacks. We live through it or watch the news or youre on twitter. One interesting point i want to get into with you tonight is the fizzle, the failure of these attacks may be getting less attention. Peel may not realize whats happening. Some people might wrongly think it is the effect of an attack or area for liberals to go on defense. In fact its republicans who are on retreat here. The Republican National party advised candidates not to do it. They have a memo stating while Critical Race Theory is a concern, its not the driving force. There the republicans say theyre missing a wide swath of voters. Independent data also backs this up. Parents are more concerned about pandemics, than armies of left wing teach we ares brainwashing their kids. That right there is a lot of evidence, but polling and memos only go so far. How are parents actually voting . The answer is striking. Now, we know we live in a politic where is so much is polarized or roughly 50 50, but take a look at about 68 of local School Candidates who ran focusing on attacking the socalled wokism lost their elections last year. Now, that is a wide and total rebuke. The data is from over 1,000 School Board Races via ballotpedia. Because theyre local they dont make the news. Thats the nature of things. The rnc and republican strategists are clearly walking away from this strategy. If you didnt know about the school board number, i can tell you they did. Obama campaign vet Chai Komanduri said some republican elites never cared about this to begin with, arguing the Republican Party has rich donors who want tax cuts and a white Working Class. Those are the two key groups. And quote, the Donor Class Hits tax cuts by providing the rich Working Class with a culture war, following whatever mads the conservative Media Establishment is promoting. You get the hype and lip service for the fad for a while, but according to komanduri it can still be downplayed or just discarded the same way desantis can be forgotten. Well, apparently the tax cuts and corporate agenda, well, that always comes first. And i have special news, Chai Komanduri, to help us dig into all of this right after this break. After this break. Ally adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category. Suddenly lifes feeling a little more automatic. Like doors opening wherever i go. [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me yall seeing this . Wild and i dont even have to activate anything. Oooooohhh. Automatic sashimi earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] wake up, gotta go cmon, cmon. Gracie, cmon. Lets go guys, cmon mom, cmon mia [ Engine Revving ] my favorite color is. 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Chai komanduri who worked on three president ial campaigns and was quoted in that segment setting us up. Welcome back, sir. Good to be back. Im going to put it on the screen to remind folks. We have heard so many attacks on woke, but it turns out republican who is run primarily on those issues, 68 of them are losing. Why . Well, wokism or antiwoke, the war on woke is a fad. And like all fads, it loses salience over time. What has happened is the war on woke has basically theyre losing the war on woke for four reasons. Number is. It seems like every single republican has a different definition for woke. I have heard people say scientific facts like climate change, Vaccine Efficacy are woke. What exactly is this . Nobody can say. Number two, when people are told what it is, greater awareness of injustices in american life, they support it. The American People are woke. As you pointed out, usa today, 56 like the term woke when theyre told what it is. Third, even Republican Voters want candidates who Focus On Real World concerns for them. Things like crime, immigration, the economy. They want candidates who talk about that, not the war on woke. And fourth, the antiwoke forces are very divided. So antiwoke crusader tim scott doesnt like what trump impersonator and antiwoke crusader ron desantis is doing in terms of education. The idea that slavery is beneficial is deeply offensive and wrong. Yeah. Theres no unity on that side. Nikki haley objects to gender identity, claims she is antiwoke, but she puts out a tiktok video saying that she was great in the debate and set to the music of man eater by nelly furtado. Its hard to be against wokeness when you yourself are woke. With no disrespect to nelly furtado, of course. The republicans have been trying to do some more music lately. We talked about that the other week. I think you make a couple interesting points, including the primary problem with doing this sort of trolling, dunking, i gotcha thing, is as you say, it doesnt give you an affirmative plan. So in the School Board Races in places where rubber hits the road and parents are thinking about how old are my kids, how long were they out for the pandemic, what is the funding plan, the after school plan . Thats real compared to this vague antiwokism. The second is both parties have elite establishments. If you listen to republicans, they often like to claim were all just doing this coal miner Working Class thing. You said no, look at all this elite corporate agenda. But the democrats, especially with sort of the way the party is organized on the coasts, have a laupt of elites. Sometimes the elites can seem out of step. I wonder how much of that you think is happening here because what does well among political junkies, right, on twitter, wherever, you can still trend on elon musks platform by attacking wokeness, but that might be one of the only places that you can. Yeah, i think this is a problem that conservatives really have much more even than liberals do. The problem is that the Conservative Movement is driven by fads. Its driven by momentary issues that the base gets very worked up on, and then you move on. Good example is school prayer. I remember when i was growing up, all i heard from republicans is we need school prayer. You dont hear that anymore. Stem cell research, 20 years ago, you dont hear that anymore. The same has happened with the war on woke. The base is going to move on. The Conservative Movement is sort of designed for this, and this is an intrinsic flaw to them. While they claim theyre about these timeless principles, you know, the bible, the constitution, following the intentions of the founders, the reality is theyre very trendy. And they like to follow hashtags and like to see where those hashtags lead and if it can make them more popular. Thats exactly what happened here. Something that was very trendy and interesting to the Republican Base two years ago is no longer interesting or trendy to them now. That speaks to a larger its funny, that speaks to a larger Identity Crisis where you have the idea of the coal miners, what jd vance wrote a whole book about, and then your reality show president and your Billionaire Tech Visionary and you get the feeling that hasnt been resolved, if anything its gotten worse, and the tracing the trends and the sort of entertainment content approach isnt serving. At least not in the School Board Races we saw. Chai, we love a chai day. I didnt mean did i sound i didnt mean to sound like him. We love a chai day. You have to dye your hair orange first. Strawberry blond. Good to see you. Did you not read the booking report . I did. I assumed it was a lie like everything else. Thats your freedom to fact check. Well be right back with one more thing. alternate voice denture disaster, darling we need poligrip before crispy popcorn. regular voice lets fix this. alternate voice poligrip power hold seal gives our strongest hold and 5x food seal. If your mouth could talk, it would ask for. Poligrip. When you have chronic kidney disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. Farxiga and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital Yeast Infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Wanted to bring an update to a story we have been covering. A new response from roger stone, we reported on his sort of expanded role in the postelection period, including testimony by white house veteran Cassidy Hutchinson where she testified under oath that then Chief Of Staff mark meadows was arranging for and calling roger stone on insurrection eve. Is it your understanding that President Trump asked mark meadows to speak with roger stone and general flynn on january 5th . Thats correct, mr. Meadows did complete both a call to mr. Stone. Well, mr. Stone had not responded to us when we contacted him about some of these stories as we prepared them. He has posted online and i want to share with you that he denies Cassidy Hutchinsons account. This is his statement where he ses basically it was a, quote, Purgeerous Lie and he goes on to say he never communicated with meadows nor was in any meeting or involved in any effort to delay the Electoral College vote in the u. S. Senate. That is mr. Stones on the record denial. We wanted to bring it to you as a matter of our reporting. We have ms. Hutchinsons story under oath and mr. Stones denial online. You can always find me online at ari melber. Thanks for joining us. The reidout starts now. Tonight on the reidout live them or hate them, the proud boys arent going anywhere. Were here to stay. Oh, no, theyre not going anywhere, former proud boys leader Enrique Tarrio said in an interview last year, but a bunch of them will be taking their far right extremism to prison, including tarrio, who just a short time ago received a very long sentence for seditious conspiracy. Also tonight, new reporting

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