Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

2020 election, were just part of his white house job. fani willis flatly rejects that arguing that one official action be enough to move meadows case and helping overturn the 2020 election actually wasn't part of his official job. also today, another key codefendant, ken chesebro, pleaded not guilty also waving his arraignment. and we have just learned that rudy giuliani plans to do the same. so, far several defendants have opted not to have a formal arraignment. donald trump is among them. trump and chesebro were also trying to sever their cases from the larger indictment, along with sydney powell, and ray smith. they all want separate cases. also today, two members of the far-right group the proud boys sentenced to prison for their actions during the january 6th insurrection. dominic pezzola, who led the charges on the capitol received ten years in prison. he was convicted on multiple charges, including assaulting a police officer. ethan nordean, who was convicted of seditious conspiracy and other charges, he received 18 years in prison. prosecutors had asked the nordean get 27 years. the oath keepers founder, stewart rhodes, a man who once shot himself in the eye, was also sentenced to 18 years for his actions on january 6th. that was previously. with, that let's bring our lead off panel, red blue, state a political reporter for the atlanta journal-constitution and an msnbc political contributor. and former u.s. attorney joyce vance, who spent 25 years as a federal prosecutor. good evening to both of. you thank you for being with us. joyce vance, everyone's getting on this bandwagon of saying to the judge in georgia, i do not wish to be tried with the rest of these people. so there are two things going. on this move by some, mark meadows, donald, trump and others, to get their case suffered from the rest, and there's a move by some to get their case moved to federal court. give me your evaluation about those efforts. >> right, what we're seeing now is the sorting of questions about where the case will be tried and who gets tried together. first up, we've got this question of federal removal. it looks like fani willis has the edge on that one. she's appealed to the judges better angels by saying, judge, this isn't about looking at every over act in the indictment. it's about deciding whether or not mark meadows was engaged in his official function as the president chief of staff, or whether he was sidelining as a campaign worker when he engaged and entered into this rico conspiracy. so you looked at the rico conspiracy as a whole, she makes a pretty powerful argument that he's working for the campaign, not the presidency at that point. and we'll see how the federal judge tools. that means that she is ready for his ruling at any point in time. if we do end up -- yes? >> he asked for the transcripts that were put out yesterday, so we assume that he and his folks are looking for that now and have come to a decision. >> yes, i think that's absolutely right, and we will see if that decision rests solely with the district judge or if it will end up in front of the 11 circuit court of appeals, which seems likely. but then we have our defendants in georgia of, it looks like a couple of people want quick trials whether they might rethink that when they see some of the implications of that after getting their two terabytes of discovery from fani willis remains to be seen. but i think that there's a little bit of a game that will go on here. defendants will not want to be tried in the same tranche as donald trump. they simply do not want to be sitting at the defendants table with him when all the evidence comes in. so we will see strategic posturing around who those to trial and. when >> greg boosting the constitution actually speaks to a quick trial and if most people could get, it they probably take. a donald trump is a little bit of a stand, audiences trials in 2026 long after he believes he will be comfortably ensconced as the next president of the united states angel mickelson's of arguments as to why you can prosecute him then if that were to happen. those who are asking for a quick trial, maybe many reasons for that. one of which they maybe they're not sure that fani willis is ready to go to trial on october 23rd, which is the date that has been set up for at least one of. them what do you think of? that >> expanding on what joy said, these defendants can always pull out these notions for a speedy trial once they get this discovery and the two terabytes. there's a lot of discovery that fani willis and her office has been compiling for more than two years. and my sense of this -- all these motions is basically these several defendants were asking for a speedy trial push for and fani willis might have called her bluff because they, said we're ready to go. and generally speaking she's been open to a very aggressive trial calendar, and donald trump and several of his top allies want to slow things down. they want to sever their case, and of course, they will -- five others have tried to remove this case to federal court which would give them a bigger jury pool, which would also mean no televised proceedings. >> joyce, let's talk about mike meadows again for the second, because he's making the argument that -- he actually were use the words, i was trying to land the plane. i was the chief of staff to the foreign president, i was trying to keep the trumps running. but he did a couple of things that were interesting, and they used it in the pre trial, this -- they're trying to get his case moved. one was a phone call to brad raffensperger, the secretary of state, in which he is discussing things that don't sound like his official job as chief of staff. he's looking at ways to arrive at books he wants. he's emailed with -- the electoral -- getting the electors dealt with. but what's interesting is he shows up at an accounting center in cobb county, georgia, and claims that nobody told him to go. there he wasn't invited, happen to be in georgia. and then happened upon this counting center and decided to be there. it seems implausible, at best. but his argument over the judge has asked if there was anything that he's been accused of doing that was in the capacity of chief of staff to the president of the united states is, what that means that it could be moved to federal court. could you help us with that? >> sure, this is an interesting conversation that the parties are having with the judge. and it's because, in the typical case involving federal law enforcement officers who are charged in state court and try to remove their case to federal court, there's not really much of a question about whether they were engaged in an official function. typically those cases happen, someone is executing an arrest warrant, there is a shooting, they're criminally charged in state court and they say, look, i was a federal official engaged in my officials duties. so i get to have this matter tried in federal court. judges say yes, and move them along. that has happened in the last few years, actually between fulton county and the federal court in the northern district of georgia. but this is very different because the judge really does have to take a good hard look at whether or not mark meadows was engaged in his official function. and meadows, his argument is this, i'm the president chief of staff, my job is to stay five steps ahead of the president, to anticipate questions that he might have to answer them, so i went over to take a look at this vote counting facility in fulton county in that capacity. and that argument is stretched awfully thin because the federal government, although the president certainly has some legitimate interest in ensuring that elections are free and fair, the president does not like any role in the individual vote counts in each of the states. and that is where meadows is injecting himself. going to oversee the counting process in a county, calling a secretary of state to set up a call about whether that secretary of state might be missing just the precise number of votes the president needs to win that election, it just doesn't pass the smell test. and federal judges aren't required to set aside their common sense when they rule in these matters. sure, mark meadows makes an argument. he has to if he wants to get into federal court. it's just not a very credible one. >> i want to bring into the conversation my old friend katie belair, she's the poll boots or prize winning new yorker justice reporter. thank you for being with us. i want to bring in a few other things happened, we talked about the proud boys sentencing -- massive. they were half of what the prosecution wanted. the prosecution wanted some cases, 20, 8:33, 38. years in the past couple of days we've seen 18 years and less. but this is federal time. these are real prosecutions. these people are actually going to jail in some cases for seditious conspiracy. what's your sense of the role that this place? because on one hand is up -- there was no insurrection, there was no organization, there was none of this. but we do have no actual trials suggesting that these people were involved in some sort of organized effort to overturn the election. >> indeed, i think what we're seeing what these sentences is sending two messages. the first that the federal government and the judicial system is going to take these crimes very seriously. such as conspiracy that were willing to charge, we have been charged -- the government has been charged and one on that in a very long time. but here we are with multiple convictions. some of these defendants, certainly well more than a decade, each of them extreme -- expressing extreme remorse for what happened on january 6th. and i think it sends a strong message going into the next election that if there are candidate votes, if there are people who don't understand or believe the outcome of that election, that this taking action in the government in this way is not acceptable and you can do realtime. however, keep in, mind the federal government prosecutors were not able to create a firm link between the trump campaign and the trump team and those who physically attacked -- violently attacked the capitol. while you're, right it shows there was a seditious conspiracy and there was an attempt to interfere in the function of the united states government, perhaps to undermine, it doesn't mean that they ever firmly linked to donald trump, but again, these are extremely serious -- serious convictions. and serious time is going to be done. >> i want to ask about another trial that we are not following a lot but is the former trump trade advisor and trump -- longtime trump ally, peter navarro. some of you know him because he put himself out there is an economic expert for many years. he's going to trial as well next week over issues relating to the january six committee. what is that about? >> peter navarro, he was someone -- he was very interested in. he's someone who the january six community thought he had a serious role in the conspiracy and he's interesting too because he's often said, he has written about the idea that the election should've been overturned in his own book. but he's someone who is also trying to portray his role as something that was for the administration. he was an economic adviser, but the stuff he's talking about in his book, january 6th itself, all these things, and none of these have to do with the role as economic adviser. what he's gonna be questioned, it's gonna be interesting to see how he bridges the gap and tries to make the claim that the things that he did for donald trump to overturn the election where things in his official capacity as an economic adviser. >> greg, i want to talk to you about the efforts, the efforts of the part of the republican party both in georgia and federally to go after the various prosecutors in georgia, particularly against fani willis. i will remind people that people who get confused as to jack smith and, alvin, brock and fani willis. alvin bragg and fani willis are, elected their district attorneys, they're elected to their positions. brand, crack in georgia, who is not on the crazy side of the equation or on the trump side of this equation, had this to say about it. >> i have not seen any evidence that the dea -- by the prosecuting attorney oversight commission. in my, mind a special session of the general assembly to end, running around the law is not feasible and the ultimately proved to be unconstitutional. the bottom line is that in the state of georgia, as long as i'm governor, we're gonna follow the law in a constitution. regardless of who it helps or harms politically. >> greg, there's a context to this that is both in the georgia indictments and the jacks mitt election interference indictment and that is, state after state, in michigan, in arizona, in georgia, republican officials said the words that brian kemp was saying prior to january 6th and around january six, and that was, i voted for you, i probably wanted you to be president, i'm not breaking the law for you. i am not going to do something on constitutional. and this is what brian kemp was saying, they got the republican governor of georgia. we're not going after fani willis. >> not only did brian kept support trump early on, but he also earned donald trump's endorsement, and donald trump when backed campaign, georgia first campaign when he ran for her his first term in office back in 2018. but we've seen this remarkable -- that was an extraordinary moment in georgia politics. we've heard the governor refute donald trump and rebuke him for st. george's election was rigged and promoting all sorts of lies about what happened in 2020. but this was the clearest break yet. not only did the governor say there's not gonna be a special session to impeach fani willis, it's politically impossible, it's likely illegal. but he wanted to step it up and say the new commission that he signed into law is supposed to go after what he calls broke prosecutors. they see no evidence for that commission to go after fani willis which is a break from even some of republican ranking file lawmakers who said, they saw that as an intermediary step rather than -- maybe to reprimand her instead. but the governor said that he's seen of dense whatsoever that she's worthy of that right now. >> joyce, i love your take on this. your federal prosecutor for a really, really long time. tell me about this concept of rogue prosecutors and accountability. >> right, so there is legitimate concerns about accountability. prosecutors have a lot of discretion and there should be oversight. but that's not what's going on in georgia anymore than what's going on in florida where governor desantis has allowed to prosecutors to be removed from office, suspended on very flimsy excuses. this is just about politics. it's very often focused on prosecutors who are what we call reformed prosecutors. prosecutors who believe in criminal justice reform. who believe that they should exercise their discretion in ways that focuses on most serious crimes for us and perhaps doesn't prosecute, for, instance simple possession of marijuana. so there's been some pushback on that. and that's come to the forefront in some cases. but what we've seen more recently in florida where there has been an effort to -- a successful effort to suspend a prosecutor who had said in the exercise of their discretion they would not pursue certain kinds of abortion crimes, that really invades the providence of the voters who after all are electing these people and we should have a say so in who they want prosecuting in their name. georgia now has this new law that will let people come after prosecutors. there's a lot of yang and yank going on in georgia. there is some folks who are for this measure, there's some people who are against it. i think the hope here has to be that governor kemp will stick to his word and if efforts to get underway to remove any with us which seems very likely, he'll take this constitutional stance that he articulated earlier this week. >> it's a real treat to have all three of you here because after all this and every day of reporting, it i still have questions and i still keep on getting answers from e3. so thanks so. much -- quick note before we go, we have collected all four complete indictments against the former president. and we've made it into a book. it's edited and has an introduction written by yours truly and provides critical insight on the decisive moment in our history. the book is a must read as we approach donald trump's trials and it will be published on september 25th, but you can order. now if you'd rather listen to the indictments, now scan the qr code on your screen, you can fall asleep to my dulcet inditement tones. coming, up the aukus jobs report is our gonna talk to biden's top economic adviser about concerns over inflation and the concerns of labor in the united states. later, ukraine is pushing ahead with its counteroffensive as russia ramps up its attacks on kyiv. -- former united states and ambassador mcfaul is going to be -- with that ukraine is receiving. that ukraine is receiving meet arexvy. 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ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> some experts said get inflation under control, we need higher employment and lower wages. i never thought that was the problem. to many people having jobs, or that people were making too much money. >> president biden delivered remarks from the rose garden after the release of the august jobs department. they reported that 180,000 net new jobs and that unemployment rate has dipped 3.8% which is still far below national app -- economic advisors. jared, thank you for being with us. you know what stood on my mind this, week because we've been seeing good economic news for some months is the chairman of the federal reserve who said got to watch out for inflation. we brought it way down. almost at the point with inflation where one would argue it's outside of the feds range, but it's actually largely where it could be for a long period of time. what happened? why are we still worried about that at 3.2%? >> i think the main thing that helped to get inflation down from a bit over 9% over a year ago to about 3% today is the technical term would be a supply side in normalization. that means basically fixing a lot of things that got broken in the pandemic. supply chains are probably a great example. if you look at goodson play shun, i think it actually came in with a negative handle this week, and that is closely correlated with the improvement of the pace at which goods are moving through the ports. you may recall back in 2021, president biden made sure we set up a supply side disruption task force to start dealing with this. we set an envoy poured into the west coast. at any, right that kind of supply chain improvement is really helping take inflation. down i'm not gonna speak to the federal reserve's military policy, but i will tell you this, what we now have, and i know you'll appreciate, this and i'm sure the listeners as, well we now have our wages up kissing prices. so real wage gains, increased purchasing power, very important characteristic of the current economy. >> but you say to people who say that that is a major component of inflation? look, we have wages that have not adjusted to what inflation was over the years. wage growth is nowhere close to corporate profitability and yet, we -- were just going up. what's the response to that? >> i think you just heard it from president biden who said, don't come to me telling me that we can't have real wage gains in an economy that's posing the kind of numbers that you just. seen the unemployment rate below 4% for over a year and a half, 13.5 million jobs since the president got here. 800,000 of those and manufacturing. look, i think a very simple definition of bidenomics, and as you, know i've worked for the president for a long time, is that if you're helping to bake the pie, you ought to get a fair slice. so of course real wage gains have to be consistent with the kinds of growth we are seeing now. look, in the economic model, one of the things that drives, i should say in the bidenomics medulla, one of the things that drives middle of growth is consumers who are doing well in a tight labor market and you'd expect to see if that's the case. strong consumer spending, strong retail sales, precisely what we've seen in recent data. >> are you alarmed at all by a few little hints that are being dropped by some people, dick's sporting goods, target, that sales are weakening a little bit? >> i think one of the things that we've seen in this economy is a transition to a more steady stable growth path. a couple of years ago, coming out of the pandemic and used procession, gdp was growing north of 6%, now it's growing about 2%. it's pretty close to trend. and that's what you would want to see. by the, way this is an interesting thing, back in may of 2022, president biden wrote in an op-ed in the wall street journal that, as the expansion proceeds, we're gonna start seeing jobs numbers that instead of 500,000 a month, they're gonna come below 200,000 a month. i think he said 150,000. that's actually the average of the past three months. so this is very much and expected trend where the economy has to slow in terms of achieving remorse steady, stable growth, taking some of the pressure off prices. but still go enough to support and historically stable strong labor market. that's what we got. >> he announced your administration -- your administration announced that we're gonna be able to negotiate the price of ten very important drugs that treat some of the most serious things that americans suffer from. jared, you and i have known each other for a long-time, you know i am canadian. we have no beef with big buyers negotiating prices to get a better rate for the consumer. but some people have called it a socialist price fixing and communism. talk to me about this. by the, way i recall donald trump saying that one of his big priorities was reducing the price of prescription drugs for americans. >> right, former president trump did make that assertion and, by the way, for about 33 years, presidents have tried to achieve this goal which, by the, way contrary to socialism is very -- actually competition. it's one of the most important buyers of the market to compete. it's not fixing prices, it's not saying, here's the ceiling, here's the floor, it's saying, here's, let's negotiate. and presidents on both sides of the aisle have tried to do. it biden actually got it done. let's connect this to our earlier conversation, we have inflation coming down significantly. disinflation. down about two thirds from its peak a year ago. if you look at the average over the past three months, inflation is actually pretty close to where it was pre-pandemic, we just learned that this week we need to build on this progress. we have to maintain a strong labor market, to make sure that we ease off on price pressures. one of the best ways we can do that is through health care. through allowing medicare to negotiate for lower drug costs. that helps consumers, it helps people on medicare, and also helps our budget sending about 100 billion over ten. years so it's helpful for the deficit as well. >> if you say 50 billion dollars a, year i'm -- that helps me as a taxpayer. i'm not a medicare and i'm not using any of these drugs because i'm paying less for these drugs. jarred, good to see you as always. thanks for making time for us. >> my pleasure. >> he's the chair of the white house council of economic advisers. so let's of something is a good thing, but as jared and i talked, about some purse -- persuade americans otherwise. the strategy to stop biden for lowering drug prices. will make sense of it, next. e sense of it, next. so i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back! my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? 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as we mentioned, donald trump had actually said that he wanted to bring the cost of prescription drugs down. >> this is ongoing phenomena, ali, republicans trying to convince voters to vote against their own interests with no other reason to vote against democrats. you honed in on something very important, economic confidence is personal and almost -- and the current leader, in this, case joe biden. so the extent that canada -- super democratic demographics from railway just from the working class to reduced drug costs for elderly retired, whoever it might be, families who are in need of regular prescription drugs, all of those things matter. and to me, i think the wildcard in november for joe biden truly is the economy. what i continue to look at is a sentiment number that consumer confidence number, if consumers and voters are confident that the economy is strong enough, that they are willing to continue to engage in the, workplace to continue to purchase, that's a good sign for joe biden because it reflects a personal confidence that they built the economy under this president is going in the right direction. >> victoria, presidents, i dare, say don't get too much credit for something's in the economy into much blame for some things in the economy. talk about the clinton. school bill clinton got credit for a low inflation, low unemployment, low to zero deficit. biden all mix, their term, not, my is working. we have lauren unemployment than most places in the g20, than most places in the industrial world. we are creating factories, britt emphasizing manufacturing of chips that we need. it is not materializing in an obvious way in terms of support for joe biden. it's hard to argue against, but is not materializing. and i'm not understanding why. >> well, insist addition to, that we're seeing a stabilization, ali, which i think is important. not only are we seeing good economics, but a stabilization compared to where we were just a few years ago. think about that. think of the pandemic. but i think here, it's an issue of tangibility. we're talking about the drug price. this is a great policy for the biden administration and potential voters. but when you look at the lap, that's the problem. because this is gonna change the lives of millions, and millions of people. but it's probably not going to be negotiated for a couple of months and the implication of it isn't until 2020, six long after the 2024 election. so it's usually a lab where the pinpoint is. where we have economic policy, what can the administration do, is two years before 2026, to two and a half, this is what comes down to the campaigning. it is at -- it's going to be after labor day next week. this is going to be under the biden administration to go out there and saw the policies, and show them the american public, how this affects them in their kitchen table politics. hem in>> david, if you look at e last few, months and republicans, particularly in the house, mostly in the, house where you spend some time, we talked about reaching the debt ceiling, we're talking about the government shutdown, we're talking about impeaching president biden. it would be a fantastic time to come up against bidenomics with what they believe a great alternative would be. how are gonna lower prices more, how are gonna be more competitive, how we're gonna get wages higher, how are gonna get corporate profitability, all the things that republicans would want to do. but kevin mccarthy and his house seem stuck in a different gear and unable to get out from in front of it. >> it's -- they've largely abandoned any true ideology sends donald trump as opposed conservative, post ideological movement. they also know that whatever they do can't pass. so the messaging, bills which is important for political party to pass the messaging, bill but it will die in the senate and not be signed by joe biden. so they're focused on the red meat issues which are investigating joe biden potentially impeaching and say we're gonna shut down the government and instead of spend a dime that on something we don't want. to the problem, isn't i think gloria framed it exactly right which is, joe biden has an opportunity to draw a contrast and all elections come down to a contrast between candidates, or their parties. biden's, saying i'm growing economy for all people, providing cheaper, healthier providing better education, providing, jobs increased wages, i'm fighting for you on main street. republicans are party of chaos right now shutting down the government investigating joe biden going after the president son and voters are gonna look at that and say, hey, i'm gonna stick with the way we're going under joe biden. >> victoria, what part of this do republican -- democrats need to lean into? because there are tangible things that are happening with both you and david have pointed out that it only matters if it hits the voter, right? where they intersect with this economy, you can see it in the news that he -- the joe biden is opening up factories under fixing highways and they're doing these things, but when you start to feel, that when your drug price goes down, when your project is underway, when somebody you know gets a job at a manufacturing facility, that's when it starts to change for you. >> it's a 24/7 reminder of what they are doing and how it will impact you, because again, a lot of these things, there is going to be that -- the other thing, ali, i am going to add is highlighting the reising -- reasonableness of it. when you were looking for example at the gun loophole that the biden administration is trying to close, that was as a result of bipartisan administration. this is something that folks on both sides of the aisle support, independent. i think it's not only the tangibility of it but they need the adults in the room. this is how you make policy and you make lives better, not by throwing red meat, not by going on rampages about social or moral issues, but about the things that saved lives such as the gun loopholes and lowering drug prices. >> thanks to both of. you it's a pleasure to see you. book victoria francesco soto and david jolly, thank you for your. time the eight -- and on the battlefield, we look at ukraine's look moving counteroffensive and the additions of their arsenal from the. west why using new weapons might actually take a little while. le while. 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but these f-16s now, they're turning on, them it's gonna take a good six months for the ukrainians to learn how to operate those properly and effectively. but one of the reasons why western european and nato countries are a little bit resistant to this is because we've seen some of these ukrainian drones going to russia, we've seen them go into moscow. there is a real fear of this escalating into a war, into russian lines. people like to, say so, what russia took a war into ukrainian lines. why is that an extra provocation? but some people in countries capitals think that might be a step too far. >> that's right, and one of these capitals maybe washington, d.c.. i want to say clearly that i agree with general mccaffrey in terms of my own position. i think that it should've been a long time ago. the long range missile systems that we have so far. not but the explanation is exactly the way you described it. the administration and other european allies are worried about western equipment but particularly the system, the attack, comes being used to strike inside russian territory. not crimea. creamiest part of ukraine. but inside russian territory. you know what the ukrainian response to that has been, one, keep reconsidering that they are developing their own systems and what you saw them -- just a few days ago i think is what is going to come. that was a ukrainian made rocket flying hundreds of miles inside russia, attacking military targets inside russia on this airfield. around the city of school of. that i think when you said the war's escalating, that's what we should watch for more to come. i want to point, out they were not attacking issa civilians. mr. putin when he is attacked, he fires back by attacking civilians inside ukraine. ukraine is attacking military targets inside russia. >> general mccaffrey, i want to ask you to give me an evaluation of what is going on in the russian leadership and russian military. you know, we all witnessed two months after that march on moscow by yevgeny prigozhin. prigozhin is apparently dead in a plane crash. i only say apparently because there's absolutely zero way to confirm anything that the russian government tells us. we cannot independently confirm, we have not seen any independent verification of anything. apparently, if kenny prigozhin is dead. what is the state of the russian military at the relationship between vladimir putin and his top leadership as far as you can tell? >> well, i think the russian military are deeply flawed. it is not visible and less tend to 15 years. senior leadership are absolutely boneheaded of the first order. they have strategically lost this war already. there is no way that the russian armed forces are able to seize control of all of ukraine. i think you have a big as, we have seen a tremendous antipathy in this war among military aged males. several hundred thousand, maybe 300,000, fled russia to escape conscription. the russians upped the age of conscription, calling in the reserves to age 50. so, i think the morale of the russian armed forces is low. ukrainians have effectively used cluster munitions fired by millimeter artillery and been devastating to the russians. i think putin, basically, no longer has a strategic reserves to command. having said that, i still go back to this point. russian air force is probably five times greater than ukraine 's. it's a 3 to 1 advantage that the russians have in combat power. we have to give them, meaning us, nato, the technological edge and deep straight operations and break out of this world war i trench warfare with devilish clever by fields the russians are laying, very effective artillery. >> guys, i appreciate your analysis as always. i would be hoping that i would not be depending on if as long as we have, but 555 days into this war. sounds like we have a lot more that to talk about. thanks as always. and the general, barry mccaffrey. we are back for another hour upbeat, right after this. , right after this power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier. react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ more shopping? 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>> first of all, in no way am i surprised around these individuals trying to throw each other under the bus. it's something i expected. one of the reasons ramos is because you're looking at a rico statute, which makes it much easier for funny luis and the county d.a. office to prosecute all of these individuals. they may not have been directly involved in it, so long as they can establish and connect to the conspiracy and move that forward. that is why you see these individuals not only through each other under the bus, but also try to separate. that is not to be surprised. one thing important to know is [inaudible] a full count, he tells chauvin his defense attorneys are going to sit back and let all of this play a. why? it gives them more time and it leaves them earring and practice and strategy around the lake. it's what they want to do. in terms of what will happen with these defendants, everything is different. i think with mark meadows, came going to federal court is very, very slim. sydney powell, making interesting arguments as why they should be separated. all of this verifiable is to reexamined how she wants to actually prosecute actually these cases. if you recall the initial press conference, talked about wanting to try all of the codefendants together. if they are separated in the motions are granted, which they have been, she's going to have to recalibrate everything. all of those are going to make for a very, very interesting fall for the county d.a. office. >> for those of us who are still on twitter or whatever they call a now, ex, what do you see of donald trump is -- the first thing he posted on the platform is the mugshot, which is made a lot of money. on his own platform, he has been rage posting for days now. video after video, dozens of things a day. he is not showing himself as someone different in this whole thing. he's been worn by a couple judges to be careful of what he says in case unfortunately emanate or threaten participants at any of these trials. i don't know if he's taking any advice. there is nothing remotely chastened about the former president after that. >> he hasn't changed his tune at all. his message has been the same that every single one of these prosecutions, every single one of these efforts is a witch hunt, politically motivated, the same politics agreements of victimhood and so on. i think that shows you who he speaking to on those truth social post. people for him that message resonates. we know that message still very much resonates. we started this conversation talking about those threats against election workers. those are not just based on any specific incident or specific reports of real or illicit activity on behalf of the election workers. those are based on the lies of the stolen 2020 election. the conspiracies, the deep state that is about to undermine our democracy. the thing to remember is this, the michigan secretary of state mentioned, they do seem to be getting worse. the impact that that language is having, that mr. trump continues to spread online, that continues to resonate with significant portion of the american electorate, is that it has those real world impacts. you have people leaving those election worker positions. one and five election officials now say that they themselves have experienced some kind of threat of harassment or intimidation. you have to ask yourself, what happens if those people leave those positions? you have folks moving in with partisan or political agenda of their own. or people who just don't have that same level of experience. we know that to be true going into 2024. those threats impact election officials. and in turn impacts our democracy. >> that's a huge point. these are the unseen people. you go, cast your ballot. they are their, accounting. you don't see that. they're not famous for anything. they are not civil servants really. they are one step beyond being volunteers. journalistic, if they don't earn a lot of money for participating and this process. they are not generally politicize people. they are people who believe and civic activity. if we start getting those ranks, our actual ability to run elections safely and the way they are supposed to be rent are actually going to be confidence by people who have been trickling that. >> that's right. we have seen studies with folks like the brennan center for justice that have locked into these kinds of things. not only have we seen a market increase in the amount of intimidation and threats of harassments that election officials and local workers face, i think some one in five election workers going into 2024 will only have begun their service after 2020. that is the level of experience and the political climate in which they've come to those jobs. >> clint watts, i wanna top five. was the sentences that they've gotten. they did get the sentences that the prosecutors wanted. you know, ten years, 12 years, 18 years of federal time. this is real prison time. you make of it? do you think it acts as a deterrent? someone who spent time thinking of counterterrorism and the extremist fire lancet we've seen this country, doesn't have a vested terrorism act, you could look at these convictions as pretty impressive. . >> ali, those are some heavy sentiments. i think you will have significant pressure on any organized group. if you are someone who has something to lose, really can't go to an insurrection or showing up at a point and time related to these upcoming trials, i've a feeling you are sitting at home and tweeting or posting on social media and not showing up in person. in terms of the online environment over the last two years, there are fewer people mobilizing and groups like the proud boys, leaf oath keepers, the laws that are were charged with these conspiracies. it is not happening in the same way. even more important when you look at some of the hearings and actual people who were criminally convicted. what they are saying is, no one thought for me. that came up in the sentencing hearing yesterday. i think that's remarkable. they feel they have been betrayed. they do believe that the election was stolen. or they did to a point. they don't anymore. what i'm most worried about now is the random act of terror. it is the terrorist, the one that doesn't have anything to lose that firmly believes in the ideology, under any evidence, will never change their mind. those are the ones to look for it now. we've seen some in the sense of the gentlemen and you talk making threats online. the fbi goes out and there's a hostile situation. fortunately, the fbi had it -- somebody. the tackle patients will be no, elated these trials, related to the election or rally. the problem is, the attacker, it's very difficult for law enforcement in the next two years. >> charles, we talk about terrorism, but what we saw jacksonville. someone who has politicized the. and that case, a racist be. that is not uncommon to these domestic extremists. this is america. you can have these beats all of the world. you can't get the heavy weaponry to carry it out. in america, you can. this is a major threat. they're lot of people, including the director of the fbi, who told congress, this is actually the thing we most fear in this country or should most here. we're still a little bit behind in our ability to deal with that. >> very much so. it raises a great point in juxtaposing with jacksonville. these other pockets of violence across the country. the reason why say that is this politicized rhetoric and dialogue has polarized and is not made in the political arena. it bleeds over into civil rights. it leads over to a number of different sectors that involves different spots of moroccans society in american life. what we are saying is the rhetoric itself and sprouting and going into areas that talk about the way we live our lives. far beyond the bell box, beyond any political party. beyond elected officials. that is the danger of what we have come to with respect to playing with controversy and play with stoking fears and our political dialogue. it doesn't state in the arena. it has gone through so many different areas and facets of american life. like i said, it's a civil rights issue, public safety issue. it is a political issue. all of these things at the same time. we must be addressed as such because, if not, we are going to see it worse. >> how do we process this? when you're terrorism or threat to safety and security, national security, comes from an identifiable group oversees like a 9/11 thing or an eyesore al-qaeda, it comes very easy to identify. you know who the enemy is. you know what the rhetoric to fight sounds like. you know what the infrastructure, both legal and law enforcement and military looks like. that is reveals what our problem is. we have a threat that we're all coming around to understanding is an actual threat to both our politics and our daily safety. that is domestic violent extremism. we don't know what's all think it looks like. >> you know, i think the key part of how you phrased that is, we are all coming around to this. this is one of the key issues i hear again and again. you and i and so many other journalists cover the government and the u.s. response and after 9/11. it was a whole of government response. with stood up an entirely new government agency. the largest government agency. there is no efforts spared in saving americans and keeping americans safe from that threat as it was identified. we did not have the same response to domestic violence here in america. that threat has been steadily growing over the years. they're a number of sources with homeland security and other relevant agencies who have told me over the years that they were slow to recognize that. they were slow to see it for that thought that it was and our government has been slow to respond. they are trying to make up for lost time now. the cat is out of the big. at this stage, i think it is very much a question of how far america is willing to go to save itself from what many people identify is the single greatest threat to our nation and democracy right now, which is this domestic violence extremism. >> let me ask you, clyde, you talk about violence. the former president of the united states has been borne by two judges and experts atrocities will say it is hard to enforce that don't post things that are overly threatening to witnesses, participants, judges, lawyers, whatever the case is. my legal view is he's busted through those rules. your point is more important. it's not donald trump's threat of these people. it is the response out there to people who will do two attorneys and witnesses in this case what you're the michigan secretary of state saying. people come outside of her house and say that they want her to come out and see her hanging from a tree. lower level people who are involved in elections. donald trump is doing a thing that he's tried and true in history. he is putting it out there, you handle it as you see fit. >> yeah, it is the autopilot of terrorism. it's ironic, i'm sure if we were on here in 2008, 2010, talking about a guy. this is exactly what we would be talking about. pushed, out someone follows up on it. is he to blame for whatever that idea is? that's always a bone of contention we were trying to work through in terms of how we administer justice in these cases. at the same point, when you're saying here through all of these proud boys and oath keepers, others that were arrested during inspections, they come to realize that the election was not stolen. i think that one element has taken some of the energy out of that violent path. however, at any point in america, there is someone that has a violent motive that they want to pursue violence. i'm looking at something or someone to chip mauve. the key things to look for and terms is, do we see specificity in terms of tens of attacked? we see a target? is a target being designated? it is been much letter from elected officials. i think they see what is going on. the other party's time. january 6th, and it was coming. we could see it. i think you and i knew it was coming even whether the federal government at. it was pretty obvious it was going to be a violent day. when we look for to the election, the good news is that the federal agencies have woken up. the state and local have will come up. they need a lot of resources and help. i think the attacks are going to, be can we detect online environment and and communities fasten a? repledge alone forsman so that they can do something about it. >> charles, a minute left. you are good at this. letting has been hanging around the constitution verbally longtime. before amendment sections they that said if he took an oath to the u.s. government and you have an insurrection against the u.s. government, you can no longer hold military office, state office, federal office. people are talking about this a lot of the last 2 to 3 weeks, not for the fact that this would prevent donald trump from being president. your quick thoughts? >> first interesting theory this might be, right now, given what -- respect to charge of donald trump, i don't see it happening. i don't see it moving forward. i think it is a principally interesting argument. i think it is a procedural nightmare in terms of the willingness of states. ultimately, without charges of insurrection from two churches this, i think there's a big hurdle for anyone pushing this there to get beyond in terms of actualize-ing itself. as for legal theory and debates, very interesting. looking to see this transform into a barrier for donald trump on the ballot, i hate to disappoint you. i don't see that is being very likely. >> thanks, guys. i really appreciate your time tonight. always a pleasure to see you, my friend. couldn't, was alex coleman, thank you both. a quick note before we go, we have collected all four complete indictments against the former president and made it into a book. and a judicial written by yours truly and provides critical insight on the decisive moment. it's a must read as we approach donald trump's trials and it will be published september 25th. if you wanna listen tournaments now, scan that q r code on your screen. i will read them to in their entirety, word for word, in this voice. coming up, exclusive reporting setting up a war room to deal with temperatures from republicans. our panel is here on how the house gop always takes things to the extreme and how seriously we should actually take their threats. later, presidential historian, michael beschloss, about this guy, it's going to weigh on on another for donald trump and the former president using his mugshot to rally supporters to a whole new level. whole new level. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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[sniffs] what is — wow! baby: daddy. sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! >> four states of temper, where it's recorded here this month are shut down. some house republicans are apparently prepared to shut up the government to get their way in an argument over spending. the white house is asking congress for shorter badly to avoid a shutdown. it's not the only big, scary word republican centering around these days. the other's impeachment. the white house is taking it seriously. what a tells nbc news that the administration has formed a war room raid about two dozen lawyers, -- four and a peach meant inquiry into president joe biden. with me tonight, basil michael, democratic -- democratic party and regaling, cofounder of the lincoln project. also working on a number of gop campaign, including john mccain, arnold schwarzenegger and george w. bush. gentlemen, good to see. right, let's start with you. just the math on this one is really easy. there were 18 republicans who are elected and districts that joe biden won. they are not going to be interested. not only to elated their own constituents, but because this is kind of stupid. but, but, and impeachment is impeachment. it takes time, it gets news. no one wants one. so, tell me about the strategy for the republican party. it's impeachment, it's a shutdown. it used to be debt ceiling a few months ago. not a whole lot that looks like policy or governing. a lot of this. >> yeah. there's no strategy here. it is about trying to figure out how they can dismantle joe biden's chances of reelection, which is if he wants against all trump, it will be a hard-fought campaign. it would. he should went. -fought camp>> i would say this. you mentioned those 18 republicans, quote on quote, problem zartlers. people like brian fitzpatrick from pennsylvania. john bigger from nebraska. they have to pathways is to make here. one, are they going to vote to shut down the government? this is only a republican thinking in the last ten or 15 years. it never works out for them. it never, ever worked out for them. secondly, and impeachment but is not going to go anywhere. it is not -- that president of the nice is not going to be convicted by the united states senate. no one has been able to show that joe biden has done anything wrong. even by accident with all of these hearings that they have done over the last eight months or so that they have been in office. what i would say is this, this is desperation. this is also mccarthy trying to keep a promise, the wacky mist of the wacky wing here. kevin mccarthy only has one constituency. it is the hyper wealthy and corporate america. they are both telling him, you darnell better not shut down this government. >> basil, the problem is, nonsensical though it is, democrats have to take the series. they have to have potential for impeachment seriously. it breaks my heart they're setting up a war room and there are people whose energy and mines are going to be on that. we actually have things we have to deal with in this country at love to their own devices, i would think some things could get done. i like hearing about discussion about medicare and just press this week. i like hearing about it. i like hearing about 3.2% unemployment versus 9% unemployment. democrats do have to. teresa, point there's no strategy on the republican side. democrats have to have a counter strategy. >> they do. so, on the one hand, i appreciate what the white house is doing and saying, look, we are going to take this seriously. we think it's silly. we have to take it seriously nonetheless because we need to make sure we can push back against whatever the republicans are doing. i go back to an old political adage that is, if you are explaining, you are losing. to me, the republicans are going to have to spend the entire year trying to explain to the american people why they should impeach joe biden with no evidence, why they should bring the country and the government to the brink of a shutdown. again, with no credible evidence. at the same time, democrats are talking about reducing drug prices. we have good jobs. we have low unemployment numbers. this unified democratic caucus can talk all they want about policies and legislation that is positively vetting lives of americans. on the flip side, one of the republicans to? a an operational point i want to make about speaker mccarthy. one of the key important parts of his job description is to protect your members. if there are 18 members of congress that -- republican members of congress that one of biden's district, what is he doing to protect those members to stay on to the majority? especially when something those seats will be picked up by democrats in new york and california? are you protecting those numbers by doing something or governing in such a way that you are not putting them on? he clearly doesn't care about that. i said before in terms of where his influence is. >> raid, a problem solving republicans that don't want to go along with us. there are slightly more on the other side, the chaos caucus, what everyone a call them. there was that held hostage when he was trying to become the speaker for 15 votes. they are relatively safe constituencies. they don't need that -- but kevin mccarthy has to offer. the don bacon's and civic as like that do. they could benefit from kevin mccarthy demonstrating to their constituents and to his other constituencies that the republican party can offer meaningful solutions added debate and alternatives to what the democratic party is doing now. it would be weirdly normal. why not? why not look after those 18 as opposed to the chaos caucus? >> the 18 are the ones that are the base of his support. they are the ones that voted for him first and would vote for him again. these other 20 would file a discharge position against him. one thing we should remember -- i go back to what is that. there is a strategy. the reason why they want to impeach joe biden, as i've been the fact that mccarthy wants to keep these crazies happy, is that they have made joe biden as that as donald trump. they have to create a false equivalency. when you see this start, you will see nothing but hunter biden and awful things about hunter biden and the biden crime family. this is what they know. megan republican party, the top to the, bottom they understand. trump is unelectable. in his current form, he is absolutely beatable by joe biden in his current form. biden must be as bad. he has to be as corrupt. k must be as dirty as donald trump so that when they finally do go after independent voters, whenever that, is they can say, what, it doesn't really matter. i can tell you this. do you want to taxes to go up? do you want more woke? do our trans? you know, what joe biden just as. and let's go back and really wonder what you believes are. it's even late american? all this other stuff. it's all back to culture war. it's back to this be as. but you, this up into the day, her publicans that is not care about governing. it is all a performative bs show. it's all a circus. it's all they care about. to your point, the people who are these vulnerable, the marjorie taylor greene's of the world, gerrymandered, they are winning the races forever. they don't care. they don't care about anything other than protecting their dear leader. >> drained has used those words together. she said she will not vote to continue to fund the government unless there's an impeachment. the truth of this is kevin mccarthy said there is going to be a vote in the house on the impeachment. i never know what that means because to its point, a vote on impeachment will not succeed because no democrat will vote for it and these 18 republicans will vote for it. there will be some other republicans and they're saying, this is just a waste of time. they're a lot of republicans who have gotten boxes that, we whistle that of time on step that is an important that voters don't care about. on the other hand, kevin mccarthy is trying to sound like he might be reasonable. trying to crowd this whole thing. what is he doing behind the scenes that you can tell? tonight half those chaos caucus people to find that next year and a half? there's election coming. our people have to remember election again. >> right, right. the only thing i can think that he's done behind the scenes's kick the can down the road a little bit. give some more time. trying to push out and talk to these individual numbers and say, look, this is not at all good. time to see if there's another candidate besides donald trump that actually gains momentum and starts to poke their head out and his gop primary. you don't have to start thinking about or talking about donald trump as much. all of those things that he might actually be doing is a function of trying to give themselves some more time and, to reach a point, as that is happening, to make the case that joe biden is as bad as donald trump, i think it falls on their fears. go back to the earlier point when you have a leader like kim jeffries, not only leading in the house, he is much more active and what is happening in the states to take the house back. when you see that activity and you recognize that some of the policies that are mobilizing now, democrats have the opportunity to take the most recounted of them and attach them to every republican running. so, what that in mind, regardless of mccarthy's strategy. i go back to the point. i just don't see where it is protecting the members to maintain their majority. >> yeah. well, you guys are strategist and there's something that isn't clear strategy, as we understand. thanks to both of. you've got to see. we appreciate your time. all right, books on the library shelves without a single challenger complain are getting increasingly band. the other one of those books, the important book, out of darkness, joins me next to talk about her quest against book bans. nst book bans guys, c'mon! mom, c'mon! mia! 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>> well, my book is, as you named, among over 100. if you ask why in this particular instance, it's because they have removed it to other places. that's one of the most important things for folks to understand about where we are and book banning and 2023. school leaders and folks in these communities are not evaluating the books for themselves based on their actual concerns. they are copied-less from other places. refined 2021 and why might look bad was bad then, i can tell you. >> tell. is there a lot of parents were not involved in the story would say, okay, if you're taking books out that are violent or sexually explicit, that is appropriate. tell me why yours fell into this category. >> yes, thank you for asking. the thing is, it is about what violence. what sexual content. which characters. i would draw folks attention. i'm a literature professor. literature engages with human experiences. the reality is that bible, faulkner, hemingway, shakespeare, we could keep going. these works all include violence and sexual content because those are human experiences. my book is literature as well. it doesn't engage with harsh realities. what is interesting and telling about these attacks is how they focus on the experiences of black, queer, non-white, non dominant identities. the white middle class, street characters, they just don't seem to bother. these folks, and wonder how much the sex they are having our help violent they are. >> you said an article for npr, to engage honestly with both the realities of the tight-knit of my characters lives, i had to grapple with systemic racism, personal prejudice, sexual peace and domestic violence. these are a topics. there is a thing out there, ac trt, it isn't that it all. these ideas of, don't let kids read something that will make them uncomfortable. some of the best literature in the world, some of the others like you who have had on the book club, talk about the fact that if you don't experience discomfort from books, how will you learn about the experiences of others? >> yeah, who gets to have the privilege of comfort? right? one of the things that i want folks to be considering as, what does it mean to put hypothetical discomfort of some children over the real suffering and experiences of other children, right? to say that your potential discomfort, your child's potential discomfort is more important than naming and responding to the realities of americans whose stories have been told? i think what we know about removing books at portrayed difficult experiences from young people is that that does real harm to real kids who need places to recognize harm. for example, sexual abuse. if you see it and a book and you have opportunities to discuss it with a trusted adult, you are far more likely to be able to name it when you encounter it yourself or have a friend or loved one who is experiencing it. as a sexual bs survivor, i really wish i had had the opportunity to recognize and literature experience that i entered. >> that is something a number of authors tells me. some of the things in their fictional writing is autobiographical to some point. they said exactly what you say. people email them. kids email them and say, i saw myself in your book. we have had authors tell me that they were kids thinking about taking their own lives who then finally saw, in a book, their experience and said, i feel. saint someone saw me. i'm not a weird outlier. you make some kids life. >> let's talk about the fact that, sure, there are books like mine that take kids to difficult top exit are historical, real, that have shaped the communities that they are living in. these are also stories of transformation and healing. it's not just about wallowing and paid. it is about envisioning different possibilities. what i hear about kids who read out of darkness is, this is a book that made them hungry for justice. and wanting to create a better world with more folks. >> brigitte talk to you again. thank you for making a return appearance for us. ashley perez, the author about of darkness. that velshi banned book club, i said i'm with the author of bill's how novel, handmaidens tail, scan the qr could on your screen and listen wherever you get your podcasts. coming, up trump trial, the sentence in the wheels of justice motion. the story of beschloss, sums it up when we come back. when we come back so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ (man) okay, great. that looks really high. 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where are we now? we have four indictments of the president of the united states. multiple charges, 91 charges. -- >> last we checked. >> last we checked. and they are serious matters. they are serious, serious matters. his tone hasn't changed. it's only hearted, really. he has moved and evolved from bombastic to something that is seen more serious and sinister than that into something that is martyrdom. he is selling pictures of his mugshot. >> right. that shows you relate what death he has to sink because if you are in a situation anywhere in life that you're best argument is, i've not surrender, that sounds more like a capone that george washington high school. that is only now before these trials began. you know, i wish i could tell you that this reminds me of some other moment in history, but we are about to see something we have never seen before. a recent american president, very probably that nominee of a major party, donald trump, next year, going on trial, perhaps this fall, perhaps in georgia, with live tv. we have never seen anything like this before. the intention that this will get compared to the best of the campaign is going to be astounding. then, a trial, presumably, the first half of next year, waging an insurrection, a coup d'état, against the government of the united states. it's about equal, in my view, i jefferson davis and the confederacy, this is something we have never seen before. we are going to learn an awful lot. >> we are. for instance, you can sit here and read the indictments, right? i've read the indictments. we can listen to it. you can watch, if there and the cameras in the george trial. you will be able to watch it. in the end, reasonable people will come to the conclusion that these folks were up to no good and there is a moment to seize here to bring our democracy back. there are a lot of people who don't share that view. 11 and a half million dollars since donald trump released his mugshot is what he raised for his legal defense by selling his mugshot. i don't. now in a normal world, i wouldn't think that there's value just selling your mugshot anyone. it would be something you want to hide, right? >> on a horrible day where you or i go to jail, i have never happens. >> we are not selling our mugshot. >> i'm going to say, we going to have to find some way of paying our legal bills that has nothing to do with black t-shirts that say, never surrender, right? here is a case where our system is going to be really tested. especially the televised trial in georgia. here is a case where donald trump and his coconspirators are being charged with, trying to steal the voting rights of people in georgia and, through them, divisive people in the united states. if this is on tv, americans who like trump, a trump, who are deciding all watch this in realtime, here is a primary source. we are not rely on what he and his people say and once they get out of the courthouse or deepfakes or the increasing ability of a campaign to get things into the political bloodstream that far just not true. >> politically, i want to play something. the evolution of donald trump or march 4th until is georgia indictment. let's play this. >> 2016, i declared, i'm your voice. today i add, i am your warrior. i am your justice and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution. in the end, they're not coming after me, they're coming after you, and i am just standing in their way. here i am, standing in their way. >> every time the radical left, marxists, communists, fascists indict me, i consider it a great, great badge of honor. i do, i do. [applause] i am being indicted for you. i am being indicted for you. >> using the example that you and i talked about, if you and i ever get indicted for anything, i am not sure i can get away with the. i am doing it for you. who are these people that are cheering for him? i didn't do anything, i did not commit a foul crime. >> did the music a totally devoted to, you proudly divided for you. i am not sure that will earn him much money, but this is a serious as they can possibly get because, what is at stake in november of next year. donald trump has told us if he becomes president again, he wants a presidential dictatorship without much regard and congress, without much regard to reports, that much people in the executive branch who will ever say now and also locking a lot of people up. this is much more the language of mussolini and other fascist and dictators throughout history, and anything we have seen them in the american story. all i am saying is anyone who does not understand what this means, a year from november, we could have fascists, could have a dictator. that is what all this really means, and what happens between now and then, largely as a result of how people react today trials, is going to determine the fate. >> michael, thank you for joining us tonight, thank you at-home for joining us for the two and a half addition of the beat with ari melber. head- that goes places a regular mop just can't. so, you can clean your home faster than ever. don't mop harder, mop smarter, with the new swiffer powermop. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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[crowd chanting]

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Labor , Aukus Jobs Report , Coming , Inditement Tones , Attacks , Miles Inside Russia , Michael Mcfaul , Counteroffensive , Kyiv , Meet Arexvy , Rsv , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Lungs , Airways , Fda , 60 , Health Conditions , 94 , 82 , Response , Immune Systems , Reactions , Vaccine , Fatigue , Pain , Muscle Pain , Headache , Side Effects , Ingredients , Injection Site Pain , Kind , Doctor , Pharmacist , Citi Custom Cash , Make It Arexvy , Spending , Category , Spend , Cash , Billing Cycle , 00 , 500 , 5 , Symptoms , Moderate , Arthritis , Rinvoq , Settling , Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms , Tnf Blocker , Enbrel , Humira , Infections , Pill , Damage Rinvoq , Skin , Ability , Psa , Damage , Ra , Death , Heart Attack , Risks , Intestines , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Stomach , Stroke , Blood Clots , Tears , Lymphoma , Fatal , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Tb , 50 , Experts , Rheumatologist , Jobs , Problem , Wages , Control , Employment , Money , Release , Jobs Department , Remarks , Rose Garden , 180000 , Mind , Unemployment Rate , Chairman , News , Which , Advisors , App , Jared , 3 8 , In Juxtaposing With Jacksonville , Range , Federal Reserve , Thing , 9 , 3 2 , 3 , Pandemic , Example , Supply Side , Supply Chains , Normalization , Goodson Play Shun , Supply Side Disruption Task Force , Goods , Handle , Improvement , Sports , Pace , 2021 , Military Policy , Supply Chain Improvement , Envoy , West Coast , Economy , Gains , Characteristic , Kissing Prices , Purchasing Power , Listeners , Profitability , Inflation , Component , Wage Growth , Half , Manufacturing , Numbers , Got Here 800000 Of Those , 4 , 13 5 Million , 800000 , Growth , Bidenomics , Slice , Definition , Pie , Consumers , Labor Market , Model , Bidenomics Medulla , Hints , Data , Consumer Spending , Retail Sales , Sales , Dick S Sporting Goods , Target , Gdp , Transition , Procession , Growth Path , Expansion Proceeds , Wall Street Journal , May , Op Ed , 2022 , 2 , May Of 2022 , Average , Jobs Numbers , 500000 , 200000 , 150000 , Prices , Terms , Pressure , Trend , Drugs , Price , Each Other , Buyers , Consumer , Communism , Rate , Beef , Price Fixing , Canadian , Prescription Drugs , Presidents , Priorities , Assertion , Former , Market , Goal , Competition , Ceiling , Socialism , Sides , Aisle , Floor , Progress , Pre Pandemic , Disinflation , Drug Costs , Price Pressures , Health Care , Medicare , Budget , Deficit , Taxpayer , Jarred , 50 Billion , 100 Billion , 50 Billion Dollars , Isn T Clear Strategy , Pleasure , Council Of Economic Advisers , Chair , Purse , Drug Prices , Hair , Cloths , Lock , Trap , Swiffer , Dust , Contact , Duster , Duty , Fluffy Fibers , Around , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Me Rybelsus , Weight , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Help , Swelling , Gallbladder Problems , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Prescription , Diarrhea , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Nausea , 0 , 10 , Skin Skyrizi , Joint Pain , Starter Doses , Skyrizi , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Stiffness , Nothing , Everything , Risk , Times , Plan , Movement , Infection , Guess What , 1 Million , Drug , Medications , Negotiating , Pitch , Country , David Jolly , Trick , Public Service , University Of Arkansas , Care , Life , Kids , School , Jarrett Bernstein About , Lines , Inflation Rate , Ali , Phenomena , Cost , Reason , Confidence , Leader , Interests , Democrats , Demographics , Families , Extent , Working Class , Railway , Need , Sentiment Number , Consumer Confidence , Wildcard , Workplace , Enough , Direction , Purchase , Sign , Victoria , Blame , Credit , School Bill Clinton , Clinton , World , Factories , Places , Mix , G20 , Zero , Support , Chips , Addition , Against , Issue , Stabilization , Tangibility , Economics , Policy , Drug Price , Millions , Lap , Gonna Change , Lab , Implication , 2024 , Campaigning , Pinpoint , Policies , Kitchen Table Politics , Public , Hem , House , Debt Ceiling , Government Shutdown , Impeaching , Kevin Mccarthy , Alternative , Ideology , Conservative , Gear , Messaging , Bills , Red Meat , Bill , Senate , Can T Pass , Opportunity , Contrast , Candidates , Dime , Gloria , Chaos , Providing , Main Street , Education , Biden S , Son , Voter , Fixing Highways , David Have , Somebody , Reminder , Project , Manufacturing Facility , 24 7 , Reasonableness , Reising , Gun Loophole , Add , Result , Aisle Support , Independent , Lives , Room , Gun Loopholes , Adults , Rampages , Battlefield , Look Moving Counteroffensive , Book Victoria Francesco Soto , Eight , Dad , Additions , Weapons , Wilderness , Subaru Forester , West , Arsenal , Feel , Vo , Subaru , National Park Foundation , Brain Health Indicators , Neuriva Ultra , Kitchen Tool , Donor , Brain , Access , Mental Alertness , 7 , Check , Symptom Relief , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Uc , Colon Lining , Remission , Chance , Gastroenterologist , Abbvie , Healthcare System , Medicine , Minds , Hospitals , Mass General Brigham , Academic Medical Centers , Ones , One Mass General , Doctors , Research , Harvard Medical School , Physicians , Biotech Innovates , Boston , King , Electrolytes , Rec , Brigham , Chaz , Pedialyte , Surprise , Knix , Underwear , Pads , Tampons , Laundry , Laws , Social Media , Generation , Waiting , Moms , Sick , Children , Kids Online Safety Act , 55 , Invasion , Fight , Culture War , Defense , Capital , Line , Punching , City , Southeast , Troops , General Mccaffrey , Analyst , Commander , Combat , Veteran , United States Army General , Msnbc International Affairs , Vietnam , Persian Gulf , Analysis , Expertise , Questioning , More , Weaponry , Drones , Missiles , Might , Russians , Mess , Disorder , Rubble , Pariahs , Killed , 300000 , Artillery , Ukrainians , Scene , Global , World War I , Thousands , Battlefield Tactics , Small Dismounted , Aren T , Units , Capability , Strike , Eyed Brigades , Forces , Logistics , Them Abrams , 300 , Tanks , Struggle , Ground , Mr , We Haven T , Closer , Suffering , Countries , F 16s , Nato , Western European , 16 , Fear , Escalating , War Into Ukrainian Lines , Moscow , Capitals , Provocation , Washington D C , Missile Systems , Position , Explanation , European , Attack , Territory , Not Crimea , Western Equipment , Ukrainian , Systems , Rocket , Flying Hundreds , Targets , Civilians , Airfield , City Of School , Issa , Russian Military , Leadership , Yevgeny Prigozhin , Plane Crash , March On Moscow , Kenny Prigozhin , Verification , Relationship , Order , Vladimir Putin , 15 , Antipathy , As , Armed Forces , Conscription , Reserves , Calling , Males , Age , Millimeter Artillery , Morale , Cluster Munitions , Russian Air Force , S It , Combat Power , Operations , Guys , Out Of This World War I Trench Warfare , Devilish Clever , Upbeat , The General , 555 , E Trade , Charting , Trading , React , Markets , Sentiment , Powerful , Opportunities , Scans , Morgan Stanley , Orders , Futures Ladder , Energy , Protein , 30 , Mom , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Sugar , Spending Honey , Shopping , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , 0000 , Phone , Switching , 00 Dollars , 700 , Pay , Airport , Ohhhhhh , Wifi , Homework , Home , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , Impeached Quadrupling , Voter Fraud , Root , Threats , Right , Ap , Climate , American , Front Line , Conspiracy Theories , Integrity , Election Workers , Workers , Quote , Justice Department Unit , Warnings , Lynchings , Tide , Secretaries , Government Employees , Middle , Falsehoods , Wires , Anxiety , Phone Calls , Election Cycle , Voicemails , Real , Badge , Report , Storm , Oath , Punishments , Keeper Leaders , 200 , Person , Spear , Tip , Bars , Ken Chesbrough , Schedule Arraignment , Pleas , Moves , Arraignment Appearance , Architect , Co Anchor , Pbs News Hour , New York , Lots , Counterterrorism Division , Civil Rights , Msnbc National Security , Charles Coleman , Georgia Courtrooms , Taste , Scenes , Significance , Individuals , Mother , Bus , Statute , Ramos , County D A , Rico , Funny Luis , Connect , Forward , Count , Defense Attorneys , Play A , Chauvin , Practice , Lake , Press Conference , Codefendants , Mugshot , Platform , Rage Posting , Now , Ex , Twitter , Video , Dozens , Participants , Advice , He Hasn T , Tune , Witch Hunt , Victimhood , Agreements , Truth , Post , Activity , Conspiracies , Democracy , Reports , Behalf , Incident , The Deep , Secretary Of State , Impact , Language , Portion , Threat , Electorate , Worker , Impacts , Harassment , Level , Experience , Intimidation , Agenda , Ballot , Election Officials , Accounting , Journalistic , Servants , Process , Volunteers , One Step Beyond , Brennan Center For Justice , Studies , Rent , Ranks , Harassments , Market Increase , Amount , Service , Clint Watts , Deterrent , 12 , Thinking , Counterterrorism , Doesn T Have A Vested Terrorism Act , Extremist , Fire Lancet , Sentiments , Feeling , Oath Keepers , Environment , Groups , Posting , Tweeting , Leaf , Hearings , Sentencing Hearing Yesterday , Act Of Terror , Terrorist , The One , Gentlemen , Fbi , Patients , Situation , Terrorism , Law Enforcement , Attacker , Racist , Rally , Saw Jacksonville , Extremists , Congress , Director , Violence , Rhetoric , Arena , Dialogue , Pockets , Rights , Areas , Moroccans Society In American Life , Sectors , Spots , Sprouting , Respect , Fears , Controversy , Danger , Bell Box , Safety , It Doesn T State , Facets , American Life , National Security , Sounds , Eyesore , Like A 9 , Enemy , Infrastructure , Looks , Al Qaeda , 9 11 , Extremism , Journalists , Government Response , Government Agency , Saving Americans , Safe , Agencies , Homeland Security , Sources , Government , Big , Cat , Stage , Clyde , Nation , Witnesses , Atrocities , Lawyers , View , Rules , Attorneys , Hanging , Tree , Autopilot , Tried And True , Guy , Contention , Bone , 2008 , 2010 , Inspections , Element , Motive , Path , Target Being , Specificity , Chip Mauve , Tens , Letter , Repledge , Communities , Have , Resources , Constitution Verbally Longtime , Left , Letting , Sections , Fact , Theory , Military Office , State Office , Thoughts , Willingness , Nightmare , What , Of Actualize Ing Itself , Anyone , Debates , Churches , Hurdle , Barrier , Couldn T , Friend , Written , Alex Coleman , Exclusive Reporting Setting Up A , Voice , Tournaments , Entirety , Word For , Coming Up , War Room , Michael Beschloss , Temperatures , Supporters , Music , 90 , Study , Psoriasis , Investment Research , J P Morgan , Investments , Goals , Wealth Management , Just Sinex , Vicks , Sinex Saline , Daddy , Temper , Breathe , Ahhhh , Ahhhhhh , Shutdown , House Republicans , Impeachment , Nbc News , War Room Raid , Peach , The Other , Scary Word , Regaling , John Mccain , Basil Michael , Cofounder , Lincoln , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Districts , Let S Go Back , Math , George W Bush , Constituents , No One , Policy Or Governing , Camp , Chances , Reelection , Quote On , Problem Zartlers , Brian Fitzpatrick , Pathways , Pennsylvania , John Bigger , Nebraska , Anywhere , United States Senate , Accident , Desperation , Mist , Wing , Promise , Constituency , Wealthy , Corporate America , Basil , Series , Heart , Potential , Devices , Mines , Counter Strategy , Teresa , Republicans , Adage , Brink , Unemployment Numbers , Caucus , Flip Side , Legislation , Parts , Speaker Mccarthy , Job Description , District , Majority , Seats , California , Raid , Influence , Problem Solving Republicans , Constituencies , Chaos Caucus , Speaker , The Other Side , Hostage , Don T Want , Civic , Do , The Don Bacon S , Solutions , Debate , Alternatives , Discharge Position , Base , Start , False Equivalency , Crazies , Hunter Biden , Top , Bottom , Biden Crime Family , Megan , Form , Corrupt , Trans , Taxes , Back , Governing , Publicans , Circus , Performative Bs Show , Races , They Don T Care , Dear Leader , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Gerrymandered , Waste , Boxes , Kick , Road , Behind The Scenes , Momentum , Head , Primary , Happening , Kim Jeffries , Most , Strategy , Recounted , Running , Strategist , Out Of Darkness , Quest , Challenger , Library Shelves , Engine Revving , Color , Book Bans , Nst Book Bans Guys , Family Thing , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Expedia , Rewards , Vrbo , Hotels Com , Heart Disease , Statin , Cholesterol , Leqvio , Cholesterol Success , Exercise Add , Diets , Urinary Tract Infection , Injection Site Reaction , Arms , Legs , Chest Cold , Shortness Of Breath , Characters , Worlds , Many , Schools , Students , Libraries , Stories , School Officials , Classes , Closed Didn T Libraries , Titles , Texas , Back To School , Fort Worth , Content , Accordance , Hold , Shelves , Law Today , Texas State Law , 100 , Velshi Brooklyn Today , Ashley Perez , Review , Author , Independent School District Library , 100 Bucks , Instance , School Leaders , 2023 School , 2023 , Story , Parents , Sexual Content , Yes , Literature , Human Experiences , Reality , Literature Professor , Bible , Folks Attention , Shakespeare , Faulkner , Hemingway , Realities , Street Characters , Experiences , Class , Black , Queer , Identities , Sex , Wonder , Non Dominant , Non White , Domestic Violence , Article , Racism , Peace , Prejudice , Npr , It Isn T , Ideas , Topics , Ac Trt , Discomfort , Privilege , Book Club , Comfort , 91 , 2016 , March 4th , Seven ,

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