Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

which will get him in serious trouble in court if he tries the same thing on the witness stand. and we will bring you the rest of the major legal developments of the day, including federal judges officially finding that rudolph giuliani did lie about two election workers in georgia, an innocent mother and daughter, who were attacked by not just giuliani but the then president of the united states, donald trump. and there is more we have to get to tonight, because it happened again. in tennessee. you would think that the republican legislature learned their lesson when they suffered worldwide condemnation for expelling representative justin jones and representative justin pearson, who were then immediately reappointed to their positions by local officials, and then went on to win their reelection's to the legislature. but this week, the tennessee speaker of the house, formally ordered the silencing of representative justin jones. and once again, the republicans in the tennessee house of representatives were widely condemned for that silencing. representative justin jones will join us tonight to say what he was prevented from saying by tennessee's republican speaker of the house. clarence thomas has established himself as the most corrupted member of the united states or queen court in its history. what he know about his unethical behavior has expanded exponentially this year, but the truth is, it doesn't take much to be the most publicly corrupted member of the supreme court in history, because precious few members of the supreme court have ever been shown to have crossed an ethical line in any way. clarence thomas holds another distinction. the former law clerks of clarence thomas are a very loyal alumni group to each other and to clarence thomas. and they include some of the most incompetent people who have ever served as supreme court clerks. two of them appeared on fox tonight, on the show hosted by one of them, to discuss the criminal indictment of the other. john eastman decided the safest place to make his television defense was on laura ingraham's show, where he knew he could get away with telling any lie that crossed his mind. >> some people had urged that vice president pence simply had power to reject electors. >> some people? who? there was no way that the fox audience was going to find out that the person who urged that was john eastman himself. it's special prosecutor jack smith's indictment of donald trump, john eastman appears as coconspirator two, page 32 of that indictment says that on december 3rd john eastman, quote, circulated a two-page memorandum outlining a plan for the vice president to unlawfully declare the defendant, donald trump, the certified winner of the presidential election. >> i explicitly told vice president pence in the oval office on january 4th that even though it was an open issue under the circumstances we had i thought it was the weaker argument and it would be foolish to exercise such power even if he had it. what i recommended, and i have said this repeatedly, is that he exceed to request more than 100 state legislators in the swing states to give them a week to try and sort out the impact of what everybody acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election. >> he's lying. page 34 of the indictment, on january 4th, defendant trump held a meeting with coconspirator john eastman, the vice president, the vice presidents chief of staff, and the vice president's counsel for the purpose of convincing the vice president, based on the defendants and false claims of election fraud, that the vice president should reject or sand to the states biden's legitimate electoral votes rather than count them. defendant trump deliberately excluded his white house counsel from the meeting because the white house counsel previously had pushed back on the defendants false claims of election fraud. during the meeting, as reflected in the vice presidents contemporaneous notes, defendant trump made knowingly false claims of election fraud, including, bottom line, won every state by hundreds of thousands of votes, and we won every state. defendant trump and coconspirator 2, john eastman, then asked the vice president to either unilaterally reject illegitimate electors from the seven targeted states, or send the question of which slot state slate was legitimate to the targeted states legislatures. when the vice president challenged coconspirator 2, john eastman, on whether the proposal to return the question to the states was defensible, coconspirator 2, john eastman, responded, well, nobody has tested it before. the vice president then told the defendant, did you hear that? even your own counsel is not saying i have that authority. defendant trump responded, that's okay, i prefer the other suggestion of the vice president rejecting the electors unilaterally. page 35 of the indictment, on the morning of january 5th, at defendant trump's direction, the vice president's chief of staff and the vice president's counsel met again with coconspirator 2, john eastman, who now advocated that the vice president do what the defendant, trump, had said he preferred the day before, unilaterally reject electors from the targeted states. the vice president and the vice president's staff, who were in those meetings with john eastman taking notes, have all testified to the grand jury, under oath, and according to their testimony, john eastman lied tonight on television when he said this. >> what i recommended, and i have said this repeatedly, is that he exceed to request more than 100 state legislators in the swing states to give them a week to try and sort out the impact of what everybody acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election. >> there will be under oath testimony from the former vice president to the united states and his staff, saying that john eastman, quote, recommended that the vice president, quote, unilaterally reject electors from the targeted states. the last criminal action list impressible special prosecutor jack smith's indictment of donald trump was committed by coconspirator john eastman late on the night of january 6th, after the attack on the capital. and after the congress had taken control of the capitol again and had resumed the process of calming counting the electoral votes. on page 42 of the indictment, at 11:44 pm, coconspirator 2, john eastman, emailed the vice president's counsel, advocating that the vice president violate the law and seek further delay of the certification. coconspirator 2, john eastman, wrote i implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation of the electoral count act and adjourn for ten days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations as well as to allow a full forensic audit of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here. he was advocating breaking the law again, at 11:44 pm on the night of january 6th, and he was lying about illegal activity that occurred in the election. of course, john eastman wasn't asked about that. in the unsurprisingly incompetent line of questioning by one former clarence thomas law clerk to another. they do have a discussion tonight, robert mcquade, former u.s. attorney, and professor at the university of michigan law school, also with us glen kirschner, former federal prosecutor, both msnbc legal analyst analysts. and georgia state representative tanya miller, former fulton county assistant district attorney and former federal prosecutor. barbara mcquade, let me begin with you, because we on this program are focused on every word of defense that comes out of the trump side of any of these cases, anything they say by way of defense. so here is john eastman's first presentation of his defense, of sorts, and that's really everything that he has said tonight that was relevant to his defense. but he seems to be clinging, at least at this stage, to the notion that he never said just unilaterally reject the electors. but there are going to be plenty of witnesses testifying against him in his criminal case, saying that's exactly what he advocated. >> this is such a high wire act by a defendant, to be talking in the media, knowing that they are facing trial down the road. i can only saying that the strategy has to be this. i want to convince people to a public relations campaign that i am innocent of these crimes, so that the talking points get out there and trump gets elected and everybody believes this was all just some aggressive legal strategy. i also have to believe he has chosen, made a decision he will not be testifying in trial, because if he does testify, he will get attacked with all of these things that he just said, that contradict some of the things in evidence. he talks about he never sent any emails that were incriminating. there are all kinds of emails that a judge has found that actually met the crime fraud exception to the attorney client privilege. so it seems the strategy is to try to go on the offensive, earn public trust, even if ultimately a trial might not go his way, because the goal is to make sure there is no trial at all. >> tanya miller, it's not every day a prosecutor gets to see one of her defendants on television talking about the case. that's of course because most criminal defendants are wise enough to follow their lawyers and not do that. but what, what does fani willis see, what does when she sees a defendant like john eastman go on television and make statements like that? >> well, i can tell you that in high profile cases like this that have public attention, part of what we would do as prosecutors in investigating them is to watch every single appearance that a person has on the news. if they choose to speak to the news, we would read the article about the case to get quotes from their attorney. anybody that is representing the defendant or speaking on behalf of the defendant. we watch all of these things very closely. and the reason why is because these things will be the fodder for cross-examination should that defendant decide to take the stand, and also should the defendant come to court and take a position inconsistent with things he said in the media. so she is watching, i would imagine, very closely, if not her personally, but certainly the folks on her team. they will chronicle every single public statement each one of these defendants makes. if they have the opportunity to use it to their advantage, of course they would. >> glenn kirschner, one of the things that john eastman also said was the general thing about this kind of prosecution of him is penalizing him for just using his first amendment rights. is that what is at issue in that 11:44 pm email, in which john eastman, in writing to the vice president's counsel, advocates violating the law, and he acknowledges that it would be a violation of the law. he calls it a minor violation of the law. he is advocating violating, the vice president violating the law at 11:44 pm on january 6th. is that just his first amendment right to do that? >> no. that's a criminal admission that all but sinks him. not only does he say, you know what, let's just engage in a minor violation of the electoral count act. he actually says let's engage in one more minor violation. so that's really an incriminating twofer. he's admitting, they've done it before, so what the heck, let's do it again. the other thing he did, lawrence, is he said when the dust began to settle, he said i'm going to need to be on the pardon list. and you know, the supreme court has said, albeit way back in 1915, that a pardon carries with it an imputation of guilt. you don't ask for a pardon unless you know you have committed a crime and you want to get away with it. john eastman has nowhere to go. i agree with barb, he is playing to the court of public opinion, but none of these out of court statements will see the inside of a courtroom unless the prosecutors want to try to admit them as statements of a party opponent. >> barb mcquade, a federal judge today officially ruled that rudolph giuliani did indeed lie about election workers in georgia. that's in a civil case where they are suing him, successfully, now for defamation. the only thing left in that case to decide is how much should the financial damages be against rudolph giuliani. we all saw, on the day he was arrested, that he was peppered with questions about this very matter. and he kept saying that it's irrelevant, this is nothing to do with the criminal case. this admission that he made, that he, in effect, in this civil suit he admitted that he lied about those women, that that has no effect on the criminal case. what is your view of that? >> it's not binding in the criminal case in that jury is not going to be instructed that he has admitted this and you can use it. i think he is entitled to a finding that he attacked them, harassed them in other ways. but for the same reasons that came in in the civil case, it's going to come in in the criminal case, and so i don't know that his lot is going to fare any better in a criminal case. and of course the question is slightly different, it isn't about defamation, but it is about watching this false narrative that leads to the extortion of these women and the effort to try to persuade them corruptly to falsely confessed to interfering with the election. so the issues will be slightly different. but i imagine the results will be very similar. >> tanya miller, the motions are coming quickly now in the georgia case, asking sydney powell, asking to have her case severed, saying that she had nothing to do with most of the people who are charged in this case, she should be tried separately, trying her with all those other defendants would be prejudicial to her. kenneth chesebro also asking to be tried separately, and with a speedy trial. sidney powell asking for a speedy trial. presumably there will be more of these coming, with district attorney willis asking for a deadline, asking the judge to set a deadline on requests for speedy trial and severance so that we can see exactly who wants this. >> yeah, and i will just tell you, lawrence, this is a common motion that you see filed in any case involving coconspirators or codefendants charged together on some accomplice liability theory. everybody wants to be tried alone. what i thought was interesting about sidney powell's motion is that she's almost asking the judge to decide she's innocent, weighing the evidence that he hasn't heard. it again felt like another public statement kind of filings where she's trying to get her defense out in the public, because it's really not an appropriate thing for the court to consider if deciding whether or not a severance is appropriate. i do think that it will be a real challenge, however, to deal with these motions for a speedy trial, just because chesebro and -- want to go to trial expeditiously will not necessarily mean that that is fair to the other codefendants. i do think that the speedy trial motion might prompt the court to decide how to sever this thing up, but to just say that hey, i'm actually innocent, i really wasn't that involved in the conspiracy is absolutely not a basis to not be tried with your codefendants. >> glenn kirschner, how long do you think it will take to sort out who is getting a speedy trial, who's getting severed? >> a great question. two defendants thus far have requested speedy trials. i think kenneth chesebro and sidney powell. chesebro's trial is set for october 23rd. i think the prevailing wisdom is sidney powell will be batched together with him. there may be more defendants who requests speedy trials. let's be clear, because fani willis decided that she wanted to indict 19, this a really comprehensive case that she brought, it looks like she is determined to hold accountable everybody who violated georgia state law as compared to jack smith, who is doing a very targeted prosecution up in d.c. against donald trump, one that is built for speed. it seems like it's going to take some time to sort all of this out. and i think there will end up being de facto severances. i have a feeling you're not going to see 19 people going to trial on october 23rd, though i would love to see that case. i think i mentioned the other day, she might have to rent out a stadium to get all of the defense teams in there. of course it will be televised, which i think will be a very good thing for the american people to see for their own eyes the evidence against these 19 codefendants in this rico prosecution. but i do think it's going to take time to work through all the legal issues, severance and other issues, and then the dust will settle and we will see who is going to trial and when. >> barb mcquade, with all this discussion that we have all been having about the scheduling of trials, the scheduling of multiple trials, we now see peter navarro's trial is finally scheduled for september 5th. he was arrested june 3rd of last year. so he will come to trial, according to the schedule, 15 months after he was arrested for the simplest possible criminal charge i can think of, contempt of congress, refusal to respond to a congressional subpoena. if that takes 15 months, that simple case takes 15 months to get to trial in the federal system, what does it tell us about these other cases? >> you're right, and you've seen a seeing a case go to trial in less than a year's unusual, but every case has its own facts in history and litigation. so for peter navarro, for example, one of the things that has delayed his trial date is he fought pretty hard to use executive privilege as a defense in his case. the judge has finally ruled that he may not use that is a defense, and so that slowed things down. but you raise a good point, which is, most cases have some legal issues that they have to work through. i imagine the cases against on trump and his codefendants will have legal issues that the court will have to work through. and so when we are seeing these scheduling orders, you'll see the judge building out a schedule, not just the trial date, but interim dates for the filing of motions and for the exchange of discovery and other kinds of things, to try to keep it on track. but things happen that they do not anticipate, legal issues can be more complicated than expected, and so oftentimes the first trial date they can set is not the last one. >> barbara mcquade, glenn kirschner, and tanya miller, thank you so much for starting off our discussion tonight. we really appreciate it. >> thank you, lawrence. >> and when we come back, special prosecutor jack smith's team has concerns about possible conflicts of interest among the defense lawyers in the florida prosecution of donald trump and two codefendants. that's next. detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is 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they don't want to judge to discuss this in open court in any way. >> yes. so reading this, like most favorable to these lawyers, i understood what they were saying. they were saying look, there's nothing here. the government has thrown a bunch of smoke, but there's no fire, no meat on the bone, no need for a hearing. this is not about our client, it's about the witnesses we also represented. and now they have their own lawyers. so what are we doing with the hearing? what's the point of it? i got that. it's probably something i would've said if i were them. if i'm jack smith now, though, he has put some meat on that bone. and the government has something, say it. don't just hint around and dance around it. you're not going to get that far with judge cannon, from what we have seen in the past. if you've got some of the points to a real conflict, put it in writing and file it in a public docket. >> glenn kirschner, the defense lawyer said to the judge, if you want to have a private discussion with this defendant, without the prosecutors present, you are welcome to do that. you can ask him if he's comfortable with us as lawyers. you can do all that. what do you think is going to happen here? >> i think it's a wild card with respect to judge cannon, but lawrence, we've seen this movie before, and we watched it within recent days when an attorney named stanley woodward, who represents any number of maga related team trump kind of people, really didn't want to have a hearing to see whether he had a conflict in his representation of a person referred to as trump employee number 4, that is the i. t. director at mar-a-lago, who has since been identified as mr. taveras. the minute she boalsburg order that mr. taveras was entitled to conflict free council, he was put in touch with the number 2 person at the federal public defenders service, who i've known for decades, she's a marvelous attorney, and lo and behold, mr. tavares flipped. he said you know what? i want this lawyer, because she seems to be representing my interests, not donald trump's. he retracted his grand jury testimony in which he had maintained i don't know anything about a cover-up. i don't know anything about video footage being deleted or donald trump asking that it be deleted in violation of a grand jury subpoena. he retracted it. he, we believe, told the truth based on the reporting. now he becomes a very important witness against walt nauta, donald trump, de oliveira, and perhaps others. that highlights the beauty of the sixth amendment right to counsel, because it's not just the right to any old counsel. it's a right to conflict free council, and that's why jacks mitt continues to fight these conflict battles, because if somebody has a conflict and they end up being convicted, they can use that conflict to attack their conviction on appeal. >> bradley moss, as glenn just described it, that other case is the worst-case scenario of conflict of interest. this one might be a lighter version of that, and at minimum, as glenn says, the prosecution's interest in it is to get it aired out now so that if there's a conviction, this won't be a grounds for appeal. >> absolutely. it certainly is an understandable move by jack smith, given that concern, as glenn was outlining. he doesn't want to have to deal with this on appeal. but what he has to do now, and this is my view, he has to try to explain to judge cannon how this particular garcia request is equivalent to what they requested with respect to stanley woodward. . as glen was just outlining there was something far more appearing sinister when it came to what happened with employee 4, with mr. tavares. you saw, whether it was deliberate or not, the appearance that somebody was concealing information based in part on what an attorney was advising. is that going on here with these other witnesses that de oliveira's attorney had been representing? jack smith has kind of danced around it, he hasn't said for certain if he's got something. i can't stress this enough. put it on the table. you've got evidence of an actual conflict? put that on the table, make de oliveira's lawyer answer for it. >> glenn, judge cannon has an incentive here. she doesn't want to be overturned. she doesn't want an appeal. i would assume she doesn't want an appeal. so what is the best move for her? what is the smartest move for her under the circumstances? would it be having that private discussion, at minimum, with de oliveira? >> at a minimum. and i will understand that the defense will often make these ex parte requests, saying you know what, judge, if you believe you need more information to at least begin to resolve this issue, let us do it ex parte, without the prosecutors present, because we don't want to compromise any privileged information. that's often a first step, and that's appropriate. i know you say that judge cannon doesn't want to be overturned. well, it does seem like it's something of a sweet spot for her, given what the appellate court has done previously. they found she abused her discretion to the extreme benefit of donald trump, which i think continues to give people a question about whether her impartiality can be questioned, and that is the standard for recusal under the federal law. so we'll see if she begins to shape up and fly right or continues to have these kind of challenges. >> glenn kirschner and bradley moss, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, they did it again. the republicans in the tennessee house voted to officially silence representative justin jones. his silence did not last long. representative justin jones will be our next guest. that's next. kareem abdul jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. 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private preschool, and this teacher talked to me about how she keeps a cup full of dumb dumb suckers in her classroom now, because if there's a mass shooting, she wants something to give to her little preschoolers so that they will be comforted and be silent if there is a mass shooter in the school. no teacher should have to make these preparations. no teacher should have to live in this terror for her children. no parent should have to live in this terror and trauma of sending their children to school. i have talked to the people in williamson county. some of them are in this gallery, some in this capital, and some of them oppose the ball, they're asinine, they're insulting, and they're not fitting -- >> representative jones, you are about ready to be ruled out of order. >> mister speaker can i say that these proposals the solutions irreprehensible. these false solutions are asinine. these false solutions are insulting to the people of this state, to the people of williamson county. and so i hope that we can offer real solutions, and stop trying to put more guns, to start a gun fight in our schools that will not protect our children. what is one little glock against an ar-15? >> representative jones, that's not the bill that is before you, sir. you are out of order. >> house of representatives, two strikes means you're out. >> my concern with this legislation is this. >> my concern with this it's that sros have not been legislation is this. it's that sros have not been shown to reduce instances of mass shootings. instead what we have seen is disparities in terms of expulsion of students of color, students with disabilities. we've seen increased instances of students being trafficked into the criminal justice system. what we need, what our schools need, and i hope you can hear me because i fought for your county, and i hope you can hear my countys voice. what our schools need our mental health professionals, counselors. we need to pay our schools teachers. better >> you are off the bill again, sir. you are out of order. sorry. >> representative pierson. oh, that's two, i'm sorry, we're on the board. that's the second time benig out of order today. from being off to the bill. mister clerk, can you let the body know what they are voting on? >> mister speaker, if a member is called out of order for being off the bill a second time on any matter, with the same legislature of the day, and it's the same of the house, we recognize the debate for remarks on the house floor for the remainder of the same legislative day. >> and so, the tennessee house of representatives voted on whether representative justin jones was out of order and had to be silenced. >> mister clerk, take the vote. [bell ringing] >> [crowd chanting] >> mister clerk, take the vote. the gallery is ruled out of order. >> the department of safety please clear the balcony for disorderly behavior. it passes. [crowd chanting] >> mister clerk, representative marsh, representative marsh. [crowd chanting] throw them out! throw them out! throw them out! tennessee state representative justin jones will join us, next. approved rsv vaccine. arexvy is used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. 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[crowd chanting] vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! >> joining us now is tennessee state representative justin jones. thank you very much for joining us tonight. after this, another difficult week for you in legislature. i want you to explain if you can to the audience some of what we just saw in that video. on the house floor at the end there there seemed to be some physical bumping on the floor. who was involved in that? >> well good evening, lawrence. what you saw was chaos. the speaker ended session in chaos. and he wants to focus on that chaos because he does not want us to focus on the chaos in our classrooms that our school houses and our universities and grocery stores. the chaos of mass shootings. what happened was that the speaker once again silenced any member for my caucus from speaking, because they had orchestrated a predetermined plan to end session. which means we don't return to a january without hearing the voices of any lawmaker. because they were afraid of the movement for the people -- the moms that came through the special session, demanding common sense gun legislation where kids and shotguns. what you saw was a speaker who ran away from the people, who ran away from his colleagues, and who is an authoritarian, doesn't want to be held accountable by the public or by the legislative body of which he is a part. >> what were some of the things that you were trying to accomplish on the house floor when you were silenced? >> well, days prior to this adjournment of session, i sent a letter to the house speaker and everyone of my colleagues i was gonna call for a vote of no confidence in the house for cameron sexton. what we learned is that even republicans were supportive of the call, about one of governance. because cameron sexton has led the state on a path of humiliation. failure in authoritarianism. and people are tired. and rather than allowing that vote to play out, rather than allowing democracy to play out, lawrence, the speaker took of the path of least courage. which was to have members of his leadership group motion to adjourn session. until january, so that they think this pressure will die down. what we saw this session, lawrence, was so abhorrent. we some others sitting in committees silently -- he dragged on a committee by we saw the speaker not these asinine rules out -- i am the only member these rules were enforced against in terms of being silenced for a day. in the next offense, they said i will be sounds for three. days in the next, they said if you speak out of turn, and will be silenced indefinitely. as a lawmaker, i will be silenced indefinitely on the house floor in tennessee, lawrence. and this is what we are dealing with this in this undemocratic body. >> i want to listen to sarah newman, who testified to one of the subcommittees. she's a mother of a student who was at the covenant school on the day of that horrible shooting. her child wasn't one of the victims. let's listen to what she had to say. >> we held a special session following the extraordinary tragedy of a mass shooting that took place at the covenant school. and yet, we took no meaningful action. the divisiveness we have all witnessed makes us long for a unified community. every legislator and constituent has a responsibility to cultivate this type of community. those who are not of this mindset do not deserve a seat in the house or the senate, and we will work towards ensuring every one of those seats it's replaced by someone who has a true desire to listen to their constituents over firearm association lobbies. >> representative jones, what do republicans say to a mother like that when she comes to testify? >> they shut them down, lawrence. mothers like sarah, like melissa, like mary joyce, these mothers of the covenant school deserve so much better. some of them are republicans, lawrence. people like melissa, who is a lifelong republican who we talked outside the chamber. she pinned a ribbon that the mothers had made with the covenant school colors, and said thank you for fighting for us. we saw republicans saying that they are tired of the extremism from people like cameron sexton and william lambert, the republican majority leader, who refused to hear their cries, who had others dragged out of committees. what we saw was just so insulting to a grieving community, lawrence. it was pain and trauma compounding its self because many of these mothers went before the committee and put their hearts on that -- they spoke to these members and shared one of the worst days to this life, when their kids were being carried by a mass shooter, and my republican colleagues chose to ignore them, chose to silence them, chose to turn their backs on these mothers and the community members. and they shutdown session. all we sought this session was attacks on the first amendment, attacks on the senate, silencing, voices there was no voices on stopping mass shootings, votes on stopping gun violence that is terrorizing communities and taking the lives of tennesseeans. it was horrible and it requires as to go back now and say, when we come back in january, we must keep up the pressure, we must continue to disrupt because democracy requires disruption. and these mothers, these parents, deserve so much better in a time like this. we saw what happened this, week lawrence, we saw what happened in jacksonville, we saw what happened at u.n.c., if we don't act in tennessee, what happened at covenant will happen, again. at these mothers are trying to warn us and tell us that we have to do something to protect our kids and not guns and stand up to the gun industry and the gun lobby who have bought republicans on their side of the aisle. >> tennessee state representative justin jones, you will never be silenced during this hour. please come back whenever you can, thank you very much for joining, us tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> thank you. we will be right back. everyone's gonna need more tide. it's a mess out there. that's why there's 85% more tide in every power pod. -see? 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dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. tennessee representative justin jones gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, following the money, the new filing from the new york a. g. claiming that donald trump overstated his natural net worth by billions of dollars. and hurricane idalia made landfall in florida, leaving behind a path of destruction. a look at what is next, as the storm moves over south carolina. and then, the eye-opening emotional front page from u. n. c.'s daily tar heel, in response to an on-campus shooting earlier this week. the student managing editor is here, as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night.

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Place , Television Defense , Fox Tonight , Supreme Court Clerks , Electors , Vice President S Counsel , Power , Mind , Laura Ingraham , Who , Jack Smith , Person , Audience , Quote , Page , Fox , 32 , 3 , December 3rd , Memorandum Outlining A Plan For The Vice President , Defendant , Election , Issue , January 4th , Circumstances , Winner , Argument , Pence , Oval Office , 4 , Everybody , Swing States , Conduct , Impact , Illegality , On January 4th , State Legislators , Defendant Trump , 100 , 34 , Counsel , Meeting , Vice Presidents , Chief Of Staff , Purpose , Coconspirator John Eastman , Defendants , Count , Votes , Election Fraud , Claims , Sand , Biden , White House , Trump , Estate , Coconspirator 2 , Presidents , Notes , Hundreds Of Thousands , 2 , States , Question , Legislatures , Slot State Slate , Seven , Proposal , Nobody , Authority , Suggestion , Direction , The Morning Of January 5th , January 5th , 5 , 35 , Vice President , Staff , Meetings , Testimony , Grand Jury , Oath , Television , Oath Testimony , Impressible , Capital , Control , Attack , Capitol , Congress , January 6th , 6 , Process , Calming , 44 , 11 , 42 , Law , Certification , Advocating , Violation , Activity , Fact , Audit , Amount , Investigations , Ten , Breaking The Law , Course , Wasn T One , Law Clerk , Questioning , Another , Attorney , Discussion , Glen Kirschner , Professor , Robert Mcquade , University Of Michigan Law School , Defense , Tanya Miller , Assistant District Attorney , Prosecutor , Fulton County , Analyst Analysts , Program , Msnbc , Barbara Mcquade , Everything , Presentation , Side , Any , Sorts , Notion , Clinging , Stage , Georgia Case , Trial , Witnesses , Media , High Wire Act , Road , Strategy , Talking Points , Crimes , Public Relations , Things , Wall , Evidence , Decision , Judge , Emails , Kinds , Incriminating , Attorney Client Privilege , Crime Fraud Exception , Goal , Offensive , Public Trust , Lawyers , Fani Willis , Part , Statements , Profile , Attention , John Eastman Go On Television , Prosecutors , Appearance , Quotes , Article , Anybody , Behalf , Reason , Fodder , Cross Examination , Statement , Team , Stand , Position , Folks , Kind , Opportunity , Prosecution , Advantage , Writing , Email , First Amendment Rights , Amendment , Admission , Minor Violation , Incriminating Twofer , Heck , Pardon , Dust , Pardon List , Way Back , 1915 , Barb , Crime , Nowhere , Imputation , Guilt , Court Statements , Courtroom , Court Of Public Opinion , None , Party Opponent , Inside , Defamation , Questions , Saw , Damages , Nothing , Case , Effect , Women , The , Suit , View , Finding , Jury , Reasons , Lot , Ways , Issues , Narrative , Effort , Extortion , Isn T About Defamation , Results , Kenneth Chesebro , Most , Motions , Sydney Powell , Severance , Requests , Deadline , District Attorney , Coming , Codefendants , Motion , Lawrence , Coconspirators , Hasn T Heard , Accomplice Liability Theory , Filings , Public , Challenge , Basis , Conspiracy , Trial Motion , Trials , Powell , Wisdom , October 23rd , 23 , Prosecution Up , Georgia State Law , 19 , Out , Feeling , Speed , De Facto Severances , Defense Teams , Stadium , Rico , Eyes , Peter Navarro , Scheduling , Schedule , June 3rd Of Last Year , Charge , September 5th , 15 , June 3rd , Subpoena , Refusal , Contempt Of Congress , System , Facts , Litigation , Seeing A Case Go To Trial , Executive Privilege , Example , On Trump , Point , Scheduling Orders , Discovery , Filing , Exchange , Track , Interest , Conflicts , Defense Lawyers , Concerns , Florida , Adults , Medicines , Dovato , Hiv , Pill , Treatment , Doctor , Don T , Ingredients , Stop Dovato , Hiv Pills , Dofetilide , Symptoms , Side Effects , Reaction , Help , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Buildup , Kidney , Pregnancy , Lactic Acid , Baby , Nausea , Diarrhea , Headache , Anxiety , Tiredness , Trouble Sleeping , Skin , Skyrizi , Thanks , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Music , Somedays , Study , 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Appeal , Conviction , Minimum , Scenario , Version , Glenn , Won T Be A Grounds For Appeal , Move , Concern , Outlining , On Appeal , Request , Information , You Saw , Table , He Hasn T , Enough , Answer , Incentive , Ex Parte , Step , Discretion , Spot , Given , Benefit , Standard , Impartiality , Recusal , Challenges , Coming Up , Afib , Silence , Guest , Kareem Abdul Jabbar , Breath , Inkling , Airport , 30 , 20 , Hospital , Physical Exertion , Stroke , Fatigue , Heartbeat , Times , Chest Pain , Shortness , Heart Racing , Light Headedness , Others , Health , Experience , Atrial Fibrillation , Charting , Tools , Power E Trade , Analysis , Trading , Opportunities , Feel , Market , Sentiment , Scans , Powerful , Morgan Stanley , React , Orders , Markets , Futures Ladder , Ulcerative Colitis , Uc , Rinvoq , Damage Rinvoq , Check , Symptom Relief , Remission , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Colon Lining , Chance , Heart Attack , Death , Risks , Intestines , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Stomach , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Fatal , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Tears , Tb , 50 , Gastroenterologist , David Goldberg , Schools , Parents , Students , Community Schools , President , New School , Educators , Families , Making Decisions , California S , California Teachers Association , Sense Of Community , Jessie , Damien , Innovation , Narrator , Math , Reading Scores , Gains , Reimagining Public Education , English , Leslie , Letter , Teacher , Office , Preschoolers , Pre School , Private School , Mass Shooting , Classroom , Suckers , Cup , Covenant School , Terror , Shooter , Preparations , Trauma , Gallery , Children , Williamson County , Parent , Mister Speaker , Solutions , Out Of Order , Proposals , Ball , Solutions Irreprehensible , Guns , Gun Fight , Sir , Representative Jones , Bill , Order , Glock , Strikes , Ar 15 , Shootings , Terms , Legislation , Instances , Disparities , Sros , County , Color , Criminal Justice System , Disabilities , Expulsion , Countys , Counselors , Schools Teachers , Voice , Mental Health Professionals , Board , Benig , Representative Pierson , Mister Clerk , Body , Legislature , Matter , House , Floor , Same , Remainder , Remarks , Debate , Vote , Crowd Chanting , Bell Ringing , Department , Safety , Balcony , Representative Marsh , Next , Approved Rsv , Rsv , Make It Arexvy , Respiratory Disease , Lungs , Airways , 82 , 60 , Everyone , Health Conditions , Immune Systems , 94 , Pain , Response , Muscle Pain , Injection Site Pain , Pharmacist , Flexdisc , Gillettelabs , It , Contours , Blades , Hair , Dad , Hairs , Razor , Face , Green Bar , Gillette Shaving Experience , It Ain T My Dad , Gamechanga , Five , Man , Best , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , A1c , My Ozempic , Cv Risk , Studies , Type 2 Diabetes , Majority , 7 , Heart Disease , Events , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Reuse , Pens , Share , 14 , Stomach Pain , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Millions , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Provider , Sleep Number , Gab , Health Care Provider , Setting , Bed , Home Delivery , Base , Nutrition , Heart Health , Mission , Muscle , Support Immune , Vitamins , Minerals , Nutrients , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , Protein , Session , Rules , Clerk , Parliamentarian , Thank , Procedures , Inquiry , Confidence , Speaker , Sex , Business , Democracy , Determination , Form , Play , Four , Motion To Adjourn , Houseof , Representatives 13th , 13 , House Floor , Video , Bumping , The End , Chaos , School Houses , Speaking , Grocery Stores , Classrooms , Universities , Caucus , Movement , Kids , Voices , Lawmaker , Gun Legislation , Special Session , Moms , Shotguns , Common Sense , Colleagues , Adjournment , Doesn T Want , The Public , Authoritarian , Cameron Sexton , Gonna , Path , Governance , Authoritarianism , Humiliation , Failure , The Call , Pressure , Courage , Leadership Group Motion , Least , Committee , Committees , Offense , Sounds , Student , Sarah Newman , Turn , Subcommittees , Shooting , Child , Victims , Action , Divisiveness , Tragedy , Community , Legislator , Responsibility , Type , Constituent , Mindset , Someone , Seats , Constituents , Seat , Desire , Senate , Mothers , Melissa , Firearm Association Lobbies , Mary Joyce , Ribbon , Covenant School Colors , Fighting , Chamber , Majority Leader , Extremism , Cries , William Lambert , Hearts , Mass Shooter , Life , Self , Many , Attacks , Community Members , Backs , Communities , Gun Violence , Lives , Tennesseeans , Say , Covenant , We Don T Act In Tennessee , Jacksonville , We Saw , Unc , Disruption , Aisle , Gun Industry And The Lobby , Tide , Mess , Money , Deals , Spending , Power Pod , Everything Kids , Amazon , 85 , Eight , Candidates , Shortlist , Job , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Breakthrough , Skin Tags , Dr , Remover , Scholl S , Fda , Billions , 11th Hour , Stephanie Ruhle , Net Worth , New York , Storm Moves , Hurricane Idalia Made Landfall In Florida , Path Of Destruction , South Carolina , Managing Editor , Daily Tar Heel ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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which will get him in serious trouble in court if he tries the same thing on the witness stand. and we will bring you the rest of the major legal developments of the day, including federal judges officially finding that rudolph giuliani did lie about two election workers in georgia, an innocent mother and daughter, who were attacked by not just giuliani but the then president of the united states, donald trump. and there is more we have to get to tonight, because it happened again. in tennessee. you would think that the republican legislature learned their lesson when they suffered worldwide condemnation for expelling representative justin jones and representative justin pearson, who were then immediately reappointed to their positions by local officials, and then went on to win their reelection's to the legislature. but this week, the tennessee speaker of the house, formally ordered the silencing of representative justin jones. and once again, the republicans in the tennessee house of representatives were widely condemned for that silencing. representative justin jones will join us tonight to say what he was prevented from saying by tennessee's republican speaker of the house. clarence thomas has established himself as the most corrupted member of the united states or queen court in its history. what he know about his unethical behavior has expanded exponentially this year, but the truth is, it doesn't take much to be the most publicly corrupted member of the supreme court in history, because precious few members of the supreme court have ever been shown to have crossed an ethical line in any way. clarence thomas holds another distinction. the former law clerks of clarence thomas are a very loyal alumni group to each other and to clarence thomas. and they include some of the most incompetent people who have ever served as supreme court clerks. two of them appeared on fox tonight, on the show hosted by one of them, to discuss the criminal indictment of the other. john eastman decided the safest place to make his television defense was on laura ingraham's show, where he knew he could get away with telling any lie that crossed his mind. >> some people had urged that vice president pence simply had power to reject electors. >> some people? who? there was no way that the fox audience was going to find out that the person who urged that was john eastman himself. it's special prosecutor jack smith's indictment of donald trump, john eastman appears as coconspirator two, page 32 of that indictment says that on december 3rd john eastman, quote, circulated a two-page memorandum outlining a plan for the vice president to unlawfully declare the defendant, donald trump, the certified winner of the presidential election. >> i explicitly told vice president pence in the oval office on january 4th that even though it was an open issue under the circumstances we had i thought it was the weaker argument and it would be foolish to exercise such power even if he had it. what i recommended, and i have said this repeatedly, is that he exceed to request more than 100 state legislators in the swing states to give them a week to try and sort out the impact of what everybody acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election. >> he's lying. page 34 of the indictment, on january 4th, defendant trump held a meeting with coconspirator john eastman, the vice president, the vice presidents chief of staff, and the vice president's counsel for the purpose of convincing the vice president, based on the defendants and false claims of election fraud, that the vice president should reject or sand to the states biden's legitimate electoral votes rather than count them. defendant trump deliberately excluded his white house counsel from the meeting because the white house counsel previously had pushed back on the defendants false claims of election fraud. during the meeting, as reflected in the vice presidents contemporaneous notes, defendant trump made knowingly false claims of election fraud, including, bottom line, won every state by hundreds of thousands of votes, and we won every state. defendant trump and coconspirator 2, john eastman, then asked the vice president to either unilaterally reject illegitimate electors from the seven targeted states, or send the question of which slot state slate was legitimate to the targeted states legislatures. when the vice president challenged coconspirator 2, john eastman, on whether the proposal to return the question to the states was defensible, coconspirator 2, john eastman, responded, well, nobody has tested it before. the vice president then told the defendant, did you hear that? even your own counsel is not saying i have that authority. defendant trump responded, that's okay, i prefer the other suggestion of the vice president rejecting the electors unilaterally. page 35 of the indictment, on the morning of january 5th, at defendant trump's direction, the vice president's chief of staff and the vice president's counsel met again with coconspirator 2, john eastman, who now advocated that the vice president do what the defendant, trump, had said he preferred the day before, unilaterally reject electors from the targeted states. the vice president and the vice president's staff, who were in those meetings with john eastman taking notes, have all testified to the grand jury, under oath, and according to their testimony, john eastman lied tonight on television when he said this. >> what i recommended, and i have said this repeatedly, is that he exceed to request more than 100 state legislators in the swing states to give them a week to try and sort out the impact of what everybody acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election. >> there will be under oath testimony from the former vice president to the united states and his staff, saying that john eastman, quote, recommended that the vice president, quote, unilaterally reject electors from the targeted states. the last criminal action list impressible special prosecutor jack smith's indictment of donald trump was committed by coconspirator john eastman late on the night of january 6th, after the attack on the capital. and after the congress had taken control of the capitol again and had resumed the process of calming counting the electoral votes. on page 42 of the indictment, at 11:44 pm, coconspirator 2, john eastman, emailed the vice president's counsel, advocating that the vice president violate the law and seek further delay of the certification. coconspirator 2, john eastman, wrote i implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation of the electoral count act and adjourn for ten days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations as well as to allow a full forensic audit of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here. he was advocating breaking the law again, at 11:44 pm on the night of january 6th, and he was lying about illegal activity that occurred in the election. of course, john eastman wasn't asked about that. in the unsurprisingly incompetent line of questioning by one former clarence thomas law clerk to another. they do have a discussion tonight, robert mcquade, former u.s. attorney, and professor at the university of michigan law school, also with us glen kirschner, former federal prosecutor, both msnbc legal analyst analysts. and georgia state representative tanya miller, former fulton county assistant district attorney and former federal prosecutor. barbara mcquade, let me begin with you, because we on this program are focused on every word of defense that comes out of the trump side of any of these cases, anything they say by way of defense. so here is john eastman's first presentation of his defense, of sorts, and that's really everything that he has said tonight that was relevant to his defense. but he seems to be clinging, at least at this stage, to the notion that he never said just unilaterally reject the electors. but there are going to be plenty of witnesses testifying against him in his criminal case, saying that's exactly what he advocated. >> this is such a high wire act by a defendant, to be talking in the media, knowing that they are facing trial down the road. i can only saying that the strategy has to be this. i want to convince people to a public relations campaign that i am innocent of these crimes, so that the talking points get out there and trump gets elected and everybody believes this was all just some aggressive legal strategy. i also have to believe he has chosen, made a decision he will not be testifying in trial, because if he does testify, he will get attacked with all of these things that he just said, that contradict some of the things in evidence. he talks about he never sent any emails that were incriminating. there are all kinds of emails that a judge has found that actually met the crime fraud exception to the attorney client privilege. so it seems the strategy is to try to go on the offensive, earn public trust, even if ultimately a trial might not go his way, because the goal is to make sure there is no trial at all. >> tanya miller, it's not every day a prosecutor gets to see one of her defendants on television talking about the case. that's of course because most criminal defendants are wise enough to follow their lawyers and not do that. but what, what does fani willis see, what does when she sees a defendant like john eastman go on television and make statements like that? >> well, i can tell you that in high profile cases like this that have public attention, part of what we would do as prosecutors in investigating them is to watch every single appearance that a person has on the news. if they choose to speak to the news, we would read the article about the case to get quotes from their attorney. anybody that is representing the defendant or speaking on behalf of the defendant. we watch all of these things very closely. and the reason why is because these things will be the fodder for cross-examination should that defendant decide to take the stand, and also should the defendant come to court and take a position inconsistent with things he said in the media. so she is watching, i would imagine, very closely, if not her personally, but certainly the folks on her team. they will chronicle every single public statement each one of these defendants makes. if they have the opportunity to use it to their advantage, of course they would. >> glenn kirschner, one of the things that john eastman also said was the general thing about this kind of prosecution of him is penalizing him for just using his first amendment rights. is that what is at issue in that 11:44 pm email, in which john eastman, in writing to the vice president's counsel, advocates violating the law, and he acknowledges that it would be a violation of the law. he calls it a minor violation of the law. he is advocating violating, the vice president violating the law at 11:44 pm on january 6th. is that just his first amendment right to do that? >> no. that's a criminal admission that all but sinks him. not only does he say, you know what, let's just engage in a minor violation of the electoral count act. he actually says let's engage in one more minor violation. so that's really an incriminating twofer. he's admitting, they've done it before, so what the heck, let's do it again. the other thing he did, lawrence, is he said when the dust began to settle, he said i'm going to need to be on the pardon list. and you know, the supreme court has said, albeit way back in 1915, that a pardon carries with it an imputation of guilt. you don't ask for a pardon unless you know you have committed a crime and you want to get away with it. john eastman has nowhere to go. i agree with barb, he is playing to the court of public opinion, but none of these out of court statements will see the inside of a courtroom unless the prosecutors want to try to admit them as statements of a party opponent. >> barb mcquade, a federal judge today officially ruled that rudolph giuliani did indeed lie about election workers in georgia. that's in a civil case where they are suing him, successfully, now for defamation. the only thing left in that case to decide is how much should the financial damages be against rudolph giuliani. we all saw, on the day he was arrested, that he was peppered with questions about this very matter. and he kept saying that it's irrelevant, this is nothing to do with the criminal case. this admission that he made, that he, in effect, in this civil suit he admitted that he lied about those women, that that has no effect on the criminal case. what is your view of that? >> it's not binding in the criminal case in that jury is not going to be instructed that he has admitted this and you can use it. i think he is entitled to a finding that he attacked them, harassed them in other ways. but for the same reasons that came in in the civil case, it's going to come in in the criminal case, and so i don't know that his lot is going to fare any better in a criminal case. and of course the question is slightly different, it isn't about defamation, but it is about watching this false narrative that leads to the extortion of these women and the effort to try to persuade them corruptly to falsely confessed to interfering with the election. so the issues will be slightly different. but i imagine the results will be very similar. >> tanya miller, the motions are coming quickly now in the georgia case, asking sydney powell, asking to have her case severed, saying that she had nothing to do with most of the people who are charged in this case, she should be tried separately, trying her with all those other defendants would be prejudicial to her. kenneth chesebro also asking to be tried separately, and with a speedy trial. sidney powell asking for a speedy trial. presumably there will be more of these coming, with district attorney willis asking for a deadline, asking the judge to set a deadline on requests for speedy trial and severance so that we can see exactly who wants this. >> yeah, and i will just tell you, lawrence, this is a common motion that you see filed in any case involving coconspirators or codefendants charged together on some accomplice liability theory. everybody wants to be tried alone. what i thought was interesting about sidney powell's motion is that she's almost asking the judge to decide she's innocent, weighing the evidence that he hasn't heard. it again felt like another public statement kind of filings where she's trying to get her defense out in the public, because it's really not an appropriate thing for the court to consider if deciding whether or not a severance is appropriate. i do think that it will be a real challenge, however, to deal with these motions for a speedy trial, just because chesebro and -- want to go to trial expeditiously will not necessarily mean that that is fair to the other codefendants. i do think that the speedy trial motion might prompt the court to decide how to sever this thing up, but to just say that hey, i'm actually innocent, i really wasn't that involved in the conspiracy is absolutely not a basis to not be tried with your codefendants. >> glenn kirschner, how long do you think it will take to sort out who is getting a speedy trial, who's getting severed? >> a great question. two defendants thus far have requested speedy trials. i think kenneth chesebro and sidney powell. chesebro's trial is set for october 23rd. i think the prevailing wisdom is sidney powell will be batched together with him. there may be more defendants who requests speedy trials. let's be clear, because fani willis decided that she wanted to indict 19, this a really comprehensive case that she brought, it looks like she is determined to hold accountable everybody who violated georgia state law as compared to jack smith, who is doing a very targeted prosecution up in d.c. against donald trump, one that is built for speed. it seems like it's going to take some time to sort all of this out. and i think there will end up being de facto severances. i have a feeling you're not going to see 19 people going to trial on october 23rd, though i would love to see that case. i think i mentioned the other day, she might have to rent out a stadium to get all of the defense teams in there. of course it will be televised, which i think will be a very good thing for the american people to see for their own eyes the evidence against these 19 codefendants in this rico prosecution. but i do think it's going to take time to work through all the legal issues, severance and other issues, and then the dust will settle and we will see who is going to trial and when. >> barb mcquade, with all this discussion that we have all been having about the scheduling of trials, the scheduling of multiple trials, we now see peter navarro's trial is finally scheduled for september 5th. he was arrested june 3rd of last year. so he will come to trial, according to the schedule, 15 months after he was arrested for the simplest possible criminal charge i can think of, contempt of congress, refusal to respond to a congressional subpoena. if that takes 15 months, that simple case takes 15 months to get to trial in the federal system, what does it tell us about these other cases? >> you're right, and you've seen a seeing a case go to trial in less than a year's unusual, but every case has its own facts in history and litigation. so for peter navarro, for example, one of the things that has delayed his trial date is he fought pretty hard to use executive privilege as a defense in his case. the judge has finally ruled that he may not use that is a defense, and so that slowed things down. but you raise a good point, which is, most cases have some legal issues that they have to work through. i imagine the cases against on trump and his codefendants will have legal issues that the court will have to work through. and so when we are seeing these scheduling orders, you'll see the judge building out a schedule, not just the trial date, but interim dates for the filing of motions and for the exchange of discovery and other kinds of things, to try to keep it on track. but things happen that they do not anticipate, legal issues can be more complicated than expected, and so oftentimes the first trial date they can set is not the last one. >> barbara mcquade, glenn kirschner, and tanya miller, thank you so much for starting off our discussion tonight. we really appreciate it. >> thank you, lawrence. >> and when we come back, special prosecutor jack smith's team has concerns about possible conflicts of interest among the defense lawyers in the florida prosecution of donald trump and two codefendants. that's next. detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is 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they don't want to judge to discuss this in open court in any way. >> yes. so reading this, like most favorable to these lawyers, i understood what they were saying. they were saying look, there's nothing here. the government has thrown a bunch of smoke, but there's no fire, no meat on the bone, no need for a hearing. this is not about our client, it's about the witnesses we also represented. and now they have their own lawyers. so what are we doing with the hearing? what's the point of it? i got that. it's probably something i would've said if i were them. if i'm jack smith now, though, he has put some meat on that bone. and the government has something, say it. don't just hint around and dance around it. you're not going to get that far with judge cannon, from what we have seen in the past. if you've got some of the points to a real conflict, put it in writing and file it in a public docket. >> glenn kirschner, the defense lawyer said to the judge, if you want to have a private discussion with this defendant, without the prosecutors present, you are welcome to do that. you can ask him if he's comfortable with us as lawyers. you can do all that. what do you think is going to happen here? >> i think it's a wild card with respect to judge cannon, but lawrence, we've seen this movie before, and we watched it within recent days when an attorney named stanley woodward, who represents any number of maga related team trump kind of people, really didn't want to have a hearing to see whether he had a conflict in his representation of a person referred to as trump employee number 4, that is the i. t. director at mar-a-lago, who has since been identified as mr. taveras. the minute she boalsburg order that mr. taveras was entitled to conflict free council, he was put in touch with the number 2 person at the federal public defenders service, who i've known for decades, she's a marvelous attorney, and lo and behold, mr. tavares flipped. he said you know what? i want this lawyer, because she seems to be representing my interests, not donald trump's. he retracted his grand jury testimony in which he had maintained i don't know anything about a cover-up. i don't know anything about video footage being deleted or donald trump asking that it be deleted in violation of a grand jury subpoena. he retracted it. he, we believe, told the truth based on the reporting. now he becomes a very important witness against walt nauta, donald trump, de oliveira, and perhaps others. that highlights the beauty of the sixth amendment right to counsel, because it's not just the right to any old counsel. it's a right to conflict free council, and that's why jacks mitt continues to fight these conflict battles, because if somebody has a conflict and they end up being convicted, they can use that conflict to attack their conviction on appeal. >> bradley moss, as glenn just described it, that other case is the worst-case scenario of conflict of interest. this one might be a lighter version of that, and at minimum, as glenn says, the prosecution's interest in it is to get it aired out now so that if there's a conviction, this won't be a grounds for appeal. >> absolutely. it certainly is an understandable move by jack smith, given that concern, as glenn was outlining. he doesn't want to have to deal with this on appeal. but what he has to do now, and this is my view, he has to try to explain to judge cannon how this particular garcia request is equivalent to what they requested with respect to stanley woodward. . as glen was just outlining there was something far more appearing sinister when it came to what happened with employee 4, with mr. tavares. you saw, whether it was deliberate or not, the appearance that somebody was concealing information based in part on what an attorney was advising. is that going on here with these other witnesses that de oliveira's attorney had been representing? jack smith has kind of danced around it, he hasn't said for certain if he's got something. i can't stress this enough. put it on the table. you've got evidence of an actual conflict? put that on the table, make de oliveira's lawyer answer for it. >> glenn, judge cannon has an incentive here. she doesn't want to be overturned. she doesn't want an appeal. i would assume she doesn't want an appeal. so what is the best move for her? what is the smartest move for her under the circumstances? would it be having that private discussion, at minimum, with de oliveira? >> at a minimum. and i will understand that the defense will often make these ex parte requests, saying you know what, judge, if you believe you need more information to at least begin to resolve this issue, let us do it ex parte, without the prosecutors present, because we don't want to compromise any privileged information. that's often a first step, and that's appropriate. i know you say that judge cannon doesn't want to be overturned. well, it does seem like it's something of a sweet spot for her, given what the appellate court has done previously. they found she abused her discretion to the extreme benefit of donald trump, which i think continues to give people a question about whether her impartiality can be questioned, and that is the standard for recusal under the federal law. so we'll see if she begins to shape up and fly right or continues to have these kind of challenges. >> glenn kirschner and bradley moss, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, they did it again. the republicans in the tennessee house voted to officially silence representative justin jones. his silence did not last long. representative justin jones will be our next guest. that's next. kareem abdul jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. 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private preschool, and this teacher talked to me about how she keeps a cup full of dumb dumb suckers in her classroom now, because if there's a mass shooting, she wants something to give to her little preschoolers so that they will be comforted and be silent if there is a mass shooter in the school. no teacher should have to make these preparations. no teacher should have to live in this terror for her children. no parent should have to live in this terror and trauma of sending their children to school. i have talked to the people in williamson county. some of them are in this gallery, some in this capital, and some of them oppose the ball, they're asinine, they're insulting, and they're not fitting -- >> representative jones, you are about ready to be ruled out of order. >> mister speaker can i say that these proposals the solutions irreprehensible. these false solutions are asinine. these false solutions are insulting to the people of this state, to the people of williamson county. and so i hope that we can offer real solutions, and stop trying to put more guns, to start a gun fight in our schools that will not protect our children. what is one little glock against an ar-15? >> representative jones, that's not the bill that is before you, sir. you are out of order. >> house of representatives, two strikes means you're out. >> my concern with this legislation is this. >> my concern with this it's that sros have not been legislation is this. it's that sros have not been shown to reduce instances of mass shootings. instead what we have seen is disparities in terms of expulsion of students of color, students with disabilities. we've seen increased instances of students being trafficked into the criminal justice system. what we need, what our schools need, and i hope you can hear me because i fought for your county, and i hope you can hear my countys voice. what our schools need our mental health professionals, counselors. we need to pay our schools teachers. better >> you are off the bill again, sir. you are out of order. sorry. >> representative pierson. oh, that's two, i'm sorry, we're on the board. that's the second time benig out of order today. from being off to the bill. mister clerk, can you let the body know what they are voting on? >> mister speaker, if a member is called out of order for being off the bill a second time on any matter, with the same legislature of the day, and it's the same of the house, we recognize the debate for remarks on the house floor for the remainder of the same legislative day. >> and so, the tennessee house of representatives voted on whether representative justin jones was out of order and had to be silenced. >> mister clerk, take the vote. [bell ringing] >> [crowd chanting] >> mister clerk, take the vote. the gallery is ruled out of order. >> the department of safety please clear the balcony for disorderly behavior. it passes. [crowd chanting] >> mister clerk, representative marsh, representative marsh. [crowd chanting] throw them out! throw them out! throw them out! tennessee state representative justin jones will join us, next. approved rsv vaccine. arexvy is used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. 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[crowd chanting] vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! >> joining us now is tennessee state representative justin jones. thank you very much for joining us tonight. after this, another difficult week for you in legislature. i want you to explain if you can to the audience some of what we just saw in that video. on the house floor at the end there there seemed to be some physical bumping on the floor. who was involved in that? >> well good evening, lawrence. what you saw was chaos. the speaker ended session in chaos. and he wants to focus on that chaos because he does not want us to focus on the chaos in our classrooms that our school houses and our universities and grocery stores. the chaos of mass shootings. what happened was that the speaker once again silenced any member for my caucus from speaking, because they had orchestrated a predetermined plan to end session. which means we don't return to a january without hearing the voices of any lawmaker. because they were afraid of the movement for the people -- the moms that came through the special session, demanding common sense gun legislation where kids and shotguns. what you saw was a speaker who ran away from the people, who ran away from his colleagues, and who is an authoritarian, doesn't want to be held accountable by the public or by the legislative body of which he is a part. >> what were some of the things that you were trying to accomplish on the house floor when you were silenced? >> well, days prior to this adjournment of session, i sent a letter to the house speaker and everyone of my colleagues i was gonna call for a vote of no confidence in the house for cameron sexton. what we learned is that even republicans were supportive of the call, about one of governance. because cameron sexton has led the state on a path of humiliation. failure in authoritarianism. and people are tired. and rather than allowing that vote to play out, rather than allowing democracy to play out, lawrence, the speaker took of the path of least courage. which was to have members of his leadership group motion to adjourn session. until january, so that they think this pressure will die down. what we saw this session, lawrence, was so abhorrent. we some others sitting in committees silently -- he dragged on a committee by we saw the speaker not these asinine rules out -- i am the only member these rules were enforced against in terms of being silenced for a day. in the next offense, they said i will be sounds for three. days in the next, they said if you speak out of turn, and will be silenced indefinitely. as a lawmaker, i will be silenced indefinitely on the house floor in tennessee, lawrence. and this is what we are dealing with this in this undemocratic body. >> i want to listen to sarah newman, who testified to one of the subcommittees. she's a mother of a student who was at the covenant school on the day of that horrible shooting. her child wasn't one of the victims. let's listen to what she had to say. >> we held a special session following the extraordinary tragedy of a mass shooting that took place at the covenant school. and yet, we took no meaningful action. the divisiveness we have all witnessed makes us long for a unified community. every legislator and constituent has a responsibility to cultivate this type of community. those who are not of this mindset do not deserve a seat in the house or the senate, and we will work towards ensuring every one of those seats it's replaced by someone who has a true desire to listen to their constituents over firearm association lobbies. >> representative jones, what do republicans say to a mother like that when she comes to testify? >> they shut them down, lawrence. mothers like sarah, like melissa, like mary joyce, these mothers of the covenant school deserve so much better. some of them are republicans, lawrence. people like melissa, who is a lifelong republican who we talked outside the chamber. she pinned a ribbon that the mothers had made with the covenant school colors, and said thank you for fighting for us. we saw republicans saying that they are tired of the extremism from people like cameron sexton and william lambert, the republican majority leader, who refused to hear their cries, who had others dragged out of committees. what we saw was just so insulting to a grieving community, lawrence. it was pain and trauma compounding its self because many of these mothers went before the committee and put their hearts on that -- they spoke to these members and shared one of the worst days to this life, when their kids were being carried by a mass shooter, and my republican colleagues chose to ignore them, chose to silence them, chose to turn their backs on these mothers and the community members. and they shutdown session. all we sought this session was attacks on the first amendment, attacks on the senate, silencing, voices there was no voices on stopping mass shootings, votes on stopping gun violence that is terrorizing communities and taking the lives of tennesseeans. it was horrible and it requires as to go back now and say, when we come back in january, we must keep up the pressure, we must continue to disrupt because democracy requires disruption. and these mothers, these parents, deserve so much better in a time like this. we saw what happened this, week lawrence, we saw what happened in jacksonville, we saw what happened at u.n.c., if we don't act in tennessee, what happened at covenant will happen, again. at these mothers are trying to warn us and tell us that we have to do something to protect our kids and not guns and stand up to the gun industry and the gun lobby who have bought republicans on their side of the aisle. >> tennessee state representative justin jones, you will never be silenced during this hour. please come back whenever you can, thank you very much for joining, us tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> thank you. we will be right back. everyone's gonna need more tide. it's a mess out there. that's why there's 85% more tide in every power pod. -see? 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dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. tennessee representative justin jones gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, following the money, the new filing from the new york a. g. claiming that donald trump overstated his natural net worth by billions of dollars. and hurricane idalia made landfall in florida, leaving behind a path of destruction. a look at what is next, as the storm moves over south carolina. and then, the eye-opening emotional front page from u. n. c.'s daily tar heel, in response to an on-campus shooting earlier this week. the student managing editor is here, as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night.

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