Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240704

issues like this. it is devastating. it is absolutely devastating. >> those broken hearted words from florida state senator, tracy davis, who represents the county. straight ahead, i will talk to another leader who runs that district on what can be done to prevent another tragedy like this. as well as her reaction to governor desantis's word on the tragedy. we are also hearing from the sheriff who gave us an update in the last hour. >> the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a mad man. >> and once again, can congress do anything after the gunman used an air style rifle and handgun? i will get his thoughts on of the speaker of the house moves forward on the idea on whether to impeach president biden. also, new nbc news polling on a presidential campaign trail. we are getting insight from voters in iowa when it comes to matters of abortion, former president trump's influence on the party and the very future of this nation's constitution. all of that, plus why the former president's lawyers will once again be back in the courtroom tomorrow as well as the former chief of staff. we are going to begin with the tragedy in jacksonville, florida. authorities providing new information this afternoon on the three black people who were shot and killed by the 21-year-old white gunman. george soliz is in jacksonville. what are we hearing now from the president? >> that's right. the president is weighing in after this horrific shooting here in jacksonville, the president saying, of course, the federal agencies are now involved. they are looking into this as a possible hate crime as well as an act of domestic terrorism here. extremism, rather. the president directly says that we must refuse to live in a country where black families are going to the store, or black students are going to school and live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. hate must have no safe harbor. scientists, complicity, we must not remain -- you can hear in the words how sensitive this has become because a lot of people are wondering what comes next? this was a racially motivated shooting in this community. predominantly in a black community carried out by a white shooter. and that brings us here to the sheriff's office where as you mentioned, there was a press briefing here with the sheriff who gave us some of the information that a lot of people. had they wanted to find out who the shooter was. he was identified as 20 year old of clay county, 20 minutes where the shooting took place. a little bit more about these racist writings or manifestos on what was in them, as you mentioned in the open, describing this as the diary of a man man. of course if you want to know how the shooting took place, how it transpired, the sheriff reluctantly showing us some of the video from the surveillance cameras there, they didn't play all of it out of the respect of the families. this whole thing took place in about 11 minutes. we know the names of the three victims that were tragically gunned down. i asked the sheriff what he made of his writings. and you get to see how this weight on him to have to process this act of violence. he said, you know, despite the writings, this individual was coherent. he knew what he was doing, he went and said that the -- it seems like a security guard was able to interfere but he picked out these individuals because of the color of their skin and they carried out this horrific act of violence. i believe we have a bit more from the sheriff that you can take a listen to. >> the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a mad man. he was, i mean, he was just completely irrational. but he knew what he was doing. he had 100% lucid, he knew what he was doing, and again, it is disappointing that anyone would go to these lengths toward someone else. >> lindsey, the other big question that was asked was how did the shooter obtain these weapons? it does appear that the weapons were obtained illegally. it will be hard for anyone to make sense of this senseless tragedy but they are still investigating this as we mentioned. we know that the atf, and fbi involved in this investigation to try to figure out something, to get answers to this community. we know that there is going to be a vigil later today where people from all walks of the community are going to gather to pay their respects not only for the people lost, but to begin the lengthy healing process as we have seen and reported time and time again as these tragedies unfold and different communities across the country. we know that everything can be challenging for communities. we were out there where the dollar general is and it really is sort of his own stand-alone story that is outside of the area. we know that a lot of people across the area are definitely resonating with the tragedy here in jacksonville. >> so many disturbing v8 details. and she nixon represents the district where the shooting took place. thank you for being with us, i'm so sorry that you are joining us after the circumstances for the entire community. i wanted to ask you, governor desantis just spoke about the shooting in a short time ago, we will play a part of it. >> florida, the state, and its people condemned the horrific racially motivated murders, perpetrated by a deranged scumbag in jacksonville at the dollar general store. perpetrating violence of this kind is unacceptable. and targeting people due to their race has no place in the state of florida. >> what do you make of that condemnation? >> what i make of that condemnation is a following statement, this is a governor who has done nothing but -- these types of happening throughout our state. look, at the end of the day, the governor has blood on his hands. he has had an attack, an all out attack on the black community. with his and woke policies, which we know very well, was nothing more than a dog whistle to get folks up and riled up in the way in which it just happened yesterday. i listened to him for the first time with that statement, my blood is literally boiling. myself and other representatives, particularly black representatives, throughout the past few legislative sessions, we have repeatedly told him what his rhetoric was going to do. that is exactly what they were doing yesterday. this is absurd, it is ridiculous, he is one of the causes to this. this is an agenda that he has been pushing since he has gotten into office. he showed us who he was when he initially ran for governor saying do not monkey this around. do not monkey this up. that type of statement -- it only leads to things like this. >> representative, i appreciate just how much emotion in what you are talking about, i can only imagine what you in your community are going through right now. we know that before arriving at the dollar generally shooter briefly drove down to the university, the historically black school, how important is the school to that community and what do you make of him going there and the fact that security stopped him and made sure that he left campus? >> first of all, i want to give my condolences to the victims. the families of the victims. i am happy that security stepped up and did their job and were able to save lives. again, we have leadership across the state. republican leadership across the state who are doing everything to continually attack black lives. they are doing everything to erase black history. they are feeding our children propaganda. all that does is lead to the devaluation of black lives. this guy had no respect for the community. he had no respect. and my colleagues who are in leadership need to stand up and stop the mansplaining, and the gaslighting, and the racist rhetoric, that they spew time and time again on the house floor, and the senate chambers. let's be clear, this is the same state legislator that just recently passed a bill to -- after rush limbaugh. that is what we are doing here in the state of florida. that is why i am so angry. then we have a very vindictive governor who if we speak out, we are punished as elected officials. i along with representative mccarthy's up on that house floor when he unconstitutionally came after two congressional black districts to remove them. i was placed in a basement with rats. because i spoke up for my community. i am more than angry. and now that these families, they no longer have their family members. ! governor desantis and the republican party of florida are doing nothing but hurting, hurting us. and i am angry. i will not continue to sit idly by. not continue to>> representati. we hear your words loud and clear. we want to keep talking with you. you know, the gunman used an ar -style rifle. we know that there is a debate over whether to focus on this crisis that gun reform, the state level, nationally, whether it is a mental health crisis for both, for states like florida, where gun loss are really only ever elusive these days, and we know that democrats and minority in the state legislator, what do you look for for change? do you feel like the answers are in washington? >> i feel like it has to be a top down, bottom up approach, right? i feel that all of the elected leaders need to come together and push out this hateful rhetoric, which is just being exacerbated, turned around, 2015, 2016. i feel that our community members need to hold us elected officials accountable. we work for you, right? we work for you and you need to hold us accountable not just in the ballot box but you're around. you need to push the policies that you deserve. and at the end of the day, we need common sense gun reform. we do. but also as elected officials we need to be accountable for the words that come out of our mouths time and time again for the policies we push and the communities we are hurting. i have families calling me day in and day out saying that they do not feel safe, the naacp is showing a travel advisory, that is real, that is what is happening in the state of florida and yet time and time again, when i am on the house floor, when i am telling all of the folks what is happening in our state, and on the house floor from leaders, we get microaggressions. we get all of that, that's not real. but again, you have a governor who cares more about pandering to a base of voters, not even caring about what is happening here in our state of florida, the 8000 educator sorted that we have. the property entrance we are dealing with. the rising grand cost. no, he wants to be vindictive to black folks because it gets him points in poll numbers. that is what we are dealing with. america, we are in danger, i am not an angry black women. i am a woman who is speaking truth to power to let you all know that this man means no good. and it is evident by what transpired here yesterday in jacksonville, florida. >> state representative, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> we will be right back. e will brie ght back that's what i'm talkin' about! 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>> not only is the iowa republican electorate more conservative than what we ended up seeing nationwide, but it actually is even more conservative than you will end up seeing in other republican contests in the 2024 calendar. after all, when we look back at past results of the iowa caucus, people could end up winning in 2008, ted cruz over donald trump in 2016, so it is always a very, very conservative electorate. maybe the most conservative electorate that we will end up seeing on the 2024 primary calendar, but one little difference and one of the reason why donald trump continues to lead in iowa, even with this conservative electorate is that you have a former president who is running in our poll shows that it is still four in ten, likely republican iowa congress goers say that they want donald trump to continue to be the leader of the gop and almost matches where he is in the ballot in our poll. >> 77% of iowa republican say that they are afraid from the constitution, and disgruntled with government, knowing what you know about the results of this poll, and donald trump, does that play into his hands? >> this is a really pessimistic electorate, lindsey. not only on the republican side, but even other national polls that show seven in ten overall americans were voters do not believe the countries headed into the right direction. how democrats and republicans and answering why the country is headed in the wrong direction or why are you so pessimistic is very different, but there is a sense that things are going in the right direction. and anger, even at the status quo, that is even true among a lot of democrats and liberals right now that i think that you are right that the angrier that people often are, particularly looking at a republican electorate, it does play to the kind of rhetoric that we often end up hearing from from the former president. >> all right mark murray, we will have to leave it there, thank you so much. coming up later this hour, the host of the ig and politics podcast, victor shi, about how gen z voters are feeling about the first debate. and a majority of young voters are registered as independent. the push for more gun safety laws reignited once again in the wake of the jacksonville mass shooting coming, up i will speak to democratic congressman, gerry connolly. the co-sponsor of multiple pieces of gun legislation, the possibility of anything becoming a reality? but first, the debate provided an opportunity to stand out. did any of the candidates succeed? i will ask columnist, michelle goldberg, next. ldberg, next behind the team. the coach. the manager. and the snack dad. all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ inez, let me ask you, you're using head and shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? 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>> no. and i actually was surprised by how poorly, for example, chris christie performed, given that dominance is his whole brand. nikki haley obviously seemed authoritative in a way that will likely appeal to people who were looking for an alternative to trump as opposed to somebody to continue the trump legacy. and vivek ramaswamy was there as trump's surrogate. some of the people who are saying that they are margaret publican, some of them will -- if they don't go home to trump, some of them will vote for rhonda santas. >> let's talk about the former presidents mugshot, a spokesperson said that he raised more than $7 million since he was flipped in fulton county. he raised more than $4 million on friday, the single highest 24 hour period of the campaign today. what does this say to you about the race and the average republican voter? >> i think that one reason why none of the trump alternatives have gained very much traction is because the republican party is very much and thrall to donald trump. and the previous guest was talking about the extreme pessimism in the republican party. and i think that that goes along with the some brazen mentality. we saw this with the new left in the 70s when people were intensely pessimistic about america and the establishment, they start lying eyes-ing the -- seem like a lot, or seem like they are kind of getting one over on the system that they hate that was maybe 50 years ago. today, that is very much the right. does that mean that, it's kind of a scorched earth mentality? i mean we heard a lot in the debate, america is in decline. does that actually work for them? >> i think that speaks to their base, absolutely. i mean you saw sort of when mike pence tried a little bit to push back against that. because you, know the vague channels that kind of apocalyptic system. mike pence tries to do more traditional, reagan in america, mourning in america kind of reagan asked optimism. and it seemed, excuse me, it seemed to fall pretty flat. >> i want to ask you what team biden does, when it comes to all of this. i mean so far, the former state away from talk about trump's legal troubles. is there a point further down the line, do you think that strategy might change? >> i mean my guess is that it would change, in the context of the general election, right. i mean right now, the more democrats point out that donald trump has been indicted 91 times. i mean, the more they point out that he has been indicted 91 times, on 91 criminal accounts. the more trump space is likely to rally behind him. but as much as trump's base might love that mugshot, that is a terrible general election. you know, most americans, polls show, most americans think donald trump is a criminal. and so, if the republican party really wants to run a campaign saying, look how hard our leader looks in his mugshot, i think the democrats would welcome going up against that. >> michelle goldberg, thank you. >> thank. you >> coming up, when congress reconvenes next month, house republicans have warned they will go all in on investigating president biden and his son hunter. oversight committee generally -- with how democrats want to combat the partisan tax, next. tisan tax, nt.ex (vo) ninety-two percent of students in high-needs schools can't afford essential school supplies. subaru and our retailers are there to help by giving millions of dollars in funding along with school supplies students need. we call it “the subaru love promise” and we are proud to be the largest corporate supporter of it's just one of the reasons forbes ranked subaru the number one automotive brand for social impact. subaru. more than a car company. 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>> you, know i think it's a moment of reckoning for our country, with respect to guns. we have been in thrall to the nra, and gun manufacturing madness, so the answer to school shootings's arm teachers. we come up with slogans that guns don't kill people, people do. this is madness, -- countries that have dealt with this matchless like great britain and australia, have significantly reduced, almost eliminated this kind of mass killings. jacksonville, officially was the third and fourth mass killing in the united states this year. that doesn't count hundreds of gun instances. just this week, and we saw incidents in chicago, in jacksonville, in oklahoma, in boston, -- this weekend, we cannot normalize gun violence. it is time to restrict gun access, it is time to be strict again about who gets to use it, what kind of training, what kind of background checks, what kinds of guns people are allowed to have. i believe that's where the majority of american people, are we have to be safe from this madness. >> you know congressman, what do you tell people who are watching, who maybe have called their lawmakers, that have called for some kind of gun reform, but maybe at this point they feel like it's a lost cause. for example, you had the sheriff in the press conference this afternoon, and he was asked about the gun violence epidemic. and he essentially said, that this was a sick person this person didn't have any criminal record, and so was by all accounts in possession legally of those weapons. what do you tell people who are watching, who just feel exasperated right now? >> i think that sheriff gave a cop out answer. he would be right, if that were the only incident all year, it's a random incident. but we've had tons and tons of incidences, not all of them random, where people spewing hate, hate ideology like the killer in jacksonville this weekend, have mowed down people they don't like, asian americans, african americans, jewish americans, seek americans of >> lgbtq americans. >> lgbtq americans. that's right, so these hate mongers have targeted various groups of our population. when do we finally decide to come down as legislators, as officials, on the side of the american people. >> you heard my colleagues say, think about that statistic. the cheap the chief cause of death, from people under 18 in america, is not whooping cough, it's the bullet, its guns. when are we going to protect our young people? when are we going to do something about guns that are impacting our own communities from the gun madness, that has been perpetrated by gun manufacturers, and the nra? >> congressman, we have so much more that we can talk about regarding this issue. but, you are a member of the house oversight committee. i would like to switch gears here, and ask how much of the committee's work you expect when congress resumes. to be consumed with investigating president biden, and president biden's family? >> well, it seems to be a fetish of the republican majority. but i can tell you, we are now almost at september. we are well into the first year of this session of congress. and, they have found nothing. in fact, their witnesses have been pitiful. frequently the evidence that have proven produced contradicts the assertions that are made. there's been zero evidence of anything linking president biden himself. there's been evidence about a man and his son hunter, with an addiction problem and the mast of life. that he is trying to get behind him. and a loving father who protected him. that's pretty much what was found. most of the witnesses they produced, they've called whistleblowers are malcontents misfits have, trouble with their employment, how grievances about their employees or somebody who -- . none of it's been cogent or compelling. so, if the past was a prologue in this congress, i think it's going to come up with a -- an intimate further embarrass the republican majority. and frankly, degrade the oversight committee and its name, oversight. this isn't oversight, this is nothing but partisan play acting, and it's really amounted to very. little >> while this morning, house speaker kevin mccarthy called a biden impeachment inquiry a natural stick step forward. expecting to go through with? that >> i hope not. but if the republicans want to go down that road in the house, i believe it's going to lead to serious erosions of their political standing, as we get ready for the 2024 elections. and i believe that, whatever they do,, if they were, god forbid, to pursue such a feckless act, it would be squashed in the bipartisan basis -- . there is no evidence. republican or democrat in the senate, for an impeachment inquiry, or an impeachment revolution, with respect to president biden. >> right now, how likely do you think a government shutdown is this fall? >> sadly, i would put the odds pretty high. the dysfunction in the republican caucus, and everything with -- a. but the freedom caucus has on do influence, and the moderates don't speak, up and don't fight back. so, the freedom caucus is already at odds. we are not going to support a stopgap for a measure, to avoid the shutdown, until or unless a whole bunch of stringent conditions are maxed. with respect to public policy, and with respect to funding levels, in violation of the debt ceiling agreement that was achieved only a few months ago, on a bipartisan basis. i think that that is a recipe for shutdown. many of the freedom caucus members argue that a shutdown is a good thing, or nothing to be afraid of. i beg to differ, it is catastrophic, for many of our communities, and for a national security. it makes us look stupid in the eyes of the world. and, it is a complete failure, of a republican-controlled house of representatives, to allow a shutdown to occur. >> congressman gerry connolly, we'll have to leave it there, but thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> after the, break double indicted hearings. we'll look at the big legal day ahead for former president trump, and one of his biggest allies tomorrow. >> row. >> game today? 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when it comes to their legal troubles. tomorrow, mark meadows has a hearing to try to move his georgia trial into federal court. and when it comes to jack smith's federal election case, the judge is expected to rule on the start date of that trial tomorrow as well. you can see on your screen, they're the two sides proposed start dates years apart. joining me right now to talk about all this and morris -- msnbc legal analyst. so carroll, as i mentioned, meadows is one of those trump allies trying to see if he can get his georgia rico trial moved to federal court. what would be the benefits of that? >> well, the benefits for meadows are pretty clear. he, first of all, he gets away from the mess of other defendants, who would be in the courtroom with them. and that's what defendants like to do, they don't like to be sort of in the suit with everybody else, in the same courtroom, just sort of with the jurors looking at all of them, especially since in georgia, this is charged as a rico enterprise. well, there is everybody, there is your enterprise. the other advantage, of course, is that it does away with cameras in the courtroom, because there are no cameras currently allowed in federal criminal courtrooms. and, mark meadows probably doesn't won all of these witnesses, and himself on camera, every day, for possibly months. this would be a good reason for him to want to move to federal court. i think another reason is that federal officials are sort of more used to the federal court setting. they are used to having these kinds of issues feted out in federal court, as opposed to one of the 50 states, which all have the their unique works to. them so i think a lot of practitioners are actually more comfortable in federal court. >> are there any risks to asking it, if it's accepted, moving the case to federal court? >> well, the risks to mark meadows, moving it to a federal court, is that it might be a little bit mueller difficult, if he were to stay in georgia state court, it's easier for him to make trouble for jack smith's case. because, and of course he is not a defendant in jack smith's case, but if you are looking at sort of the whole enterprise, or the whole conspiracy, it is a little bit more disruptive, if you've got a state case going on at the same time as a federal case. i think that the federal judges perhaps are more likely to be differential to each other, in terms of calling witnesses and such. so, that is a risk to meadows. but again, i think it's understandable that he wants to move it to federal court, where perhaps he feels not only is the jury pool going to be a little bit broader than it would be if he were to stay in state court, where it would be only fulton county jurors. but also, i think that there is the possibility that the federal judges might be more deferential or understanding of federal defendants, and federal duties, to the government for federal defendants. >> so also tomorrow, judge chutkan is holding a hearing, to possibly set a trial date for the election interference case, involving special counsel jack smith. and the team trump, and the prosecution are years apart, of where they would like to see this trial start. i spoke with glenn kershner earlier, he said he thought the judge would set an earlier trial date. do you agree? >> well, earlier than 2026, for sure. i mean, that's pretty impressive to ask for a trial date that's four years out. and, there are real disadvantages she putting off a trial date too far out in the future. you start to lose witnesses, you start to have memory issues that the witnesses may develop during that long of a period of time. however, we do have this very interesting chess game going on logistically, with all of these trials that are going on. i think that jack smith asked for an earlier january trial date, quite strategically. i'm not sure he really expects a trial date that early to be imposed. but i could certainly see something in the february or march timeframe, before the new york trial is scheduled. and then, the new york trial would have to essentially trail the federal trial of jack smith. and that is i think, defensible. that is probably enough time for jack smith to give over discovery, and for the defense to review. and although of course, they would have to work diligently, and they are doing all that discovery. but yes, i see the judge imposing a day within the next few months. >> we know that fani willis's team, and jackson's team are not working together. but do you think they are paying attention to what's happening in each of these cases? i mean for example, if we have an october trial for some of these co-defendants in the georgia rico case. we have an october trial, do you think that the jacks mitt king will be watching what happens in that trial, or maybe they are even watching the hearing tomorrow? >> oh, there is no question that both the state prosecutors and the federal prosecutors are very closely watching what is going on in the other case. and that's not with any malice or anything like that. they have to actually know what's going on in the other case. what is happening here is, it's like that old adage about a duck swimming, it looks like they are placidly swimming on the surface of the water. but actually, they are paddling very furiously underneath. that's what's going on on all sides here. the defense, the state prosecutors, the federal prosecutors, they have to know what's going on. >> and i will also point out that >>, they may have overlapping discovery obligations. so in other words, if fani willis has a prior statement of a witness that jack smith is going to call in his trial, it's not for sure, but he could have obligations to turn over her witness interview as well. so they have to know what's going on, in these cases. >> thank you, i'm gonna leave it there today, thank you. >> thank. you >> still ahead, looking at how the youngest generation of voters are feeling about former president trump, and the other gop candidates, after the first debate. >> i do not think trump can defeat biden. and even if he could, i don't think that he has shown that he has the ability to lead and unify our nation. that just hasn't happened. >> one of those young voters, victor -- joins me next, with the reaction to the republican field, and where gen z is politically, as the country continues to be divided. s ueto be divided. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop 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happened the same day as the march on washington's 60th anniversary event. and notably, -- the granddaughter of martin luther king junior, had this to say about gun violence. >> today, racism is still with us. poverty is still with us, and now, gun violence has come for our places of warship, our schools, and our shopping centers. and that's not the only problem, that earlier generations didn't expect. but my generation cannot escape. >> joining me right now is the co-host of the -- politics victor -- . victor, thanks for being with. us what are you hearing from other young people, when it comes to their concerns about gun violence? >> well, this is an issue that unfortunately so many gen zers have to face. and it's something that's happening every -- and we saw yesterday, and we're seeing it just throughout our country right now. where you have gun violence all across the nation. but, elected officials are not doing anything about it. and in over going to get through this later. on but you know, we had a debate like the republican debate that happened earlier this. week that wasn't mentioned one time, this is the leading cause of death among young people. and we want action, to something that we are sick and tired of having to live through on a constant basis. the people i'm talking, to the young people who i'm hearing from, are just outraged and tired of having to live through this reality. and we just one action on. this >> i want to talk about the gop debates, since you brought it up. and you tweeted in response, that a gen z or asked a simple question about climate change. and instead of speaking to us, ron desantis refused to answer the question, the vague ramaswamy denies climate change is real, and no other republicans and climate change israel. this is like no gen z or will vote for them. tell us more about how gen z is responding to what the candidates said? >> so last week, when the debate happened, every single republican candidate had a perfect moment, had a perfect opportunity to address this generation, to address young people. a young person asked that question on climate change, and maybe with the exception of nikki haley, who seemed reluctant to admit that climate change was real. basically, all of them said that climate change was a hoax, or that it didn't exist. and i think that's really a shame. when you have a young voter cohort that is so passionate about climate change, that is so passionate of these different issues, and that they are turning on a breakneck speed, to really send a message that young people are here, you are ready to make their voices heard. but republicans just aren't addressing the issues that we are concerned. about and they had a perfect moment to do that last week, but they failed to do so. and i think when you look at what gen zers are thinking about last week's debate, they are looking at you know, how is this republican party even representing us, or even delivering on the issues? it doesn't seem like they are at all. >> let's talk about education. i want to play for you what ron desantis said from the gop debate, touting his education reforms. >> we need education in this country, not indoctrination in this country. and in florida, in florida we stood up for what was -- >> we have to make sure that what our schools are doing is focusing on solid academics, and in florida we eliminated critical race theory for our k-12 schools. we eliminated gender ideology from our k-12 schools. and we have elevated the importance of american civics, and teaching our kids about the constitution. >> this was brought up again yesterday, at the march on washington, and in the king family talking about the time of banning books right now, and trying to erase black history. what are your thoughts? >> mean, it's part of this fearmongering that ron desantis is pushing all across the state of florida, and as he is on the presidential campaign, for that is based off of nothing in fact. he's clear that somehow young people are big and operate in the classroom. when in reality, young people just want to learn about the basic history that builds upon our nation. he claims that he wants to ban books because they are really brainwashing children. that's just not, true and young people see right through that. a lot of other publicans are trying to do, all across the nation, which is to try to suppress the voices of black people. to try sue to suppress black history, when there is just no basis in that whatsoever. and i think it's just, for young people to see this, for us to grow up in this environment, it's something that no young person should have to do, and it's something that no young person should have to grow up and. and for ron desantis and for these republicans to do this, i think we will see right fruitless. >> and yesterday -- said that her generation will be one of action, and not apathy. what does that look like? >> absolutely. well, i think we've already seen that, starting in 2018, when young voters -- and then again in 2020. and then again in 2022, when you had the majority of young voters turning out, voting for democrats, which are the party that is actually delivering for our lives. i think you're going to see the same in 2024, where you can have young voters start to register to vote, and then really turnout at records in 2024, for a party that actually delivers force. and i think that's going to be overwhelmingly the democratic party, and president biden. but i think the work starts now, and has to continue every single day, leading up to 2024. because young voters, i think, are really just tired and fed up by this political system that we live in. and we just want to change, and we know that the republican party will -- as we saw with that debate, is not ready to work for our lives. >> all right -- we will have to leave it here. thanks for your time. -- i'm lindsey reiser, you asked what will be next next -- at two pm eastern. simone, starts right now. , starts right now greetings everyone, you're watching symone. we learned a startling new information this hour, about the racist hateful shooter on a rampage in jacksonville, florida, targeting black people at $1 general store, killing three. how this tragedy unfolded, and why current gun laws in the state could not have prevented it. and in georgia, the first hearing involving donald trump's election interference case is set for monday. we will get a glimpse of what evidence district ernie fani willis could bring against the 19 defendants, as the former chief of staff to trump, mark meadows, are used to move his case to federal court. plus, every seat in the house of representatives is on the line in 2024. and we are talking to the people who are on the ballot important races across the country. today, i'll be joined by will

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issues like this. it is devastating. it is absolutely devastating. >> those broken hearted words from florida state senator, tracy davis, who represents the county. straight ahead, i will talk to another leader who runs that district on what can be done to prevent another tragedy like this. as well as her reaction to governor desantis's word on the tragedy. we are also hearing from the sheriff who gave us an update in the last hour. >> the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a mad man. >> and once again, can congress do anything after the gunman used an air style rifle and handgun? i will get his thoughts on of the speaker of the house moves forward on the idea on whether to impeach president biden. also, new nbc news polling on a presidential campaign trail. we are getting insight from voters in iowa when it comes to matters of abortion, former president trump's influence on the party and the very future of this nation's constitution. all of that, plus why the former president's lawyers will once again be back in the courtroom tomorrow as well as the former chief of staff. we are going to begin with the tragedy in jacksonville, florida. authorities providing new information this afternoon on the three black people who were shot and killed by the 21-year-old white gunman. george soliz is in jacksonville. what are we hearing now from the president? >> that's right. the president is weighing in after this horrific shooting here in jacksonville, the president saying, of course, the federal agencies are now involved. they are looking into this as a possible hate crime as well as an act of domestic terrorism here. extremism, rather. the president directly says that we must refuse to live in a country where black families are going to the store, or black students are going to school and live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. hate must have no safe harbor. scientists, complicity, we must not remain -- you can hear in the words how sensitive this has become because a lot of people are wondering what comes next? this was a racially motivated shooting in this community. predominantly in a black community carried out by a white shooter. and that brings us here to the sheriff's office where as you mentioned, there was a press briefing here with the sheriff who gave us some of the information that a lot of people. had they wanted to find out who the shooter was. he was identified as 20 year old of clay county, 20 minutes where the shooting took place. a little bit more about these racist writings or manifestos on what was in them, as you mentioned in the open, describing this as the diary of a man man. of course if you want to know how the shooting took place, how it transpired, the sheriff reluctantly showing us some of the video from the surveillance cameras there, they didn't play all of it out of the respect of the families. this whole thing took place in about 11 minutes. we know the names of the three victims that were tragically gunned down. i asked the sheriff what he made of his writings. and you get to see how this weight on him to have to process this act of violence. he said, you know, despite the writings, this individual was coherent. he knew what he was doing, he went and said that the -- it seems like a security guard was able to interfere but he picked out these individuals because of the color of their skin and they carried out this horrific act of violence. i believe we have a bit more from the sheriff that you can take a listen to. >> the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a mad man. he was, i mean, he was just completely irrational. but he knew what he was doing. he had 100% lucid, he knew what he was doing, and again, it is disappointing that anyone would go to these lengths toward someone else. >> lindsey, the other big question that was asked was how did the shooter obtain these weapons? it does appear that the weapons were obtained illegally. it will be hard for anyone to make sense of this senseless tragedy but they are still investigating this as we mentioned. we know that the atf, and fbi involved in this investigation to try to figure out something, to get answers to this community. we know that there is going to be a vigil later today where people from all walks of the community are going to gather to pay their respects not only for the people lost, but to begin the lengthy healing process as we have seen and reported time and time again as these tragedies unfold and different communities across the country. we know that everything can be challenging for communities. we were out there where the dollar general is and it really is sort of his own stand-alone story that is outside of the area. we know that a lot of people across the area are definitely resonating with the tragedy here in jacksonville. >> so many disturbing v8 details. and she nixon represents the district where the shooting took place. thank you for being with us, i'm so sorry that you are joining us after the circumstances for the entire community. i wanted to ask you, governor desantis just spoke about the shooting in a short time ago, we will play a part of it. >> florida, the state, and its people condemned the horrific racially motivated murders, perpetrated by a deranged scumbag in jacksonville at the dollar general store. perpetrating violence of this kind is unacceptable. and targeting people due to their race has no place in the state of florida. >> what do you make of that condemnation? >> what i make of that condemnation is a following statement, this is a governor who has done nothing but -- these types of happening throughout our state. look, at the end of the day, the governor has blood on his hands. he has had an attack, an all out attack on the black community. with his and woke policies, which we know very well, was nothing more than a dog whistle to get folks up and riled up in the way in which it just happened yesterday. i listened to him for the first time with that statement, my blood is literally boiling. myself and other representatives, particularly black representatives, throughout the past few legislative sessions, we have repeatedly told him what his rhetoric was going to do. that is exactly what they were doing yesterday. this is absurd, it is ridiculous, he is one of the causes to this. this is an agenda that he has been pushing since he has gotten into office. he showed us who he was when he initially ran for governor saying do not monkey this around. do not monkey this up. that type of statement -- it only leads to things like this. >> representative, i appreciate just how much emotion in what you are talking about, i can only imagine what you in your community are going through right now. we know that before arriving at the dollar generally shooter briefly drove down to the university, the historically black school, how important is the school to that community and what do you make of him going there and the fact that security stopped him and made sure that he left campus? >> first of all, i want to give my condolences to the victims. the families of the victims. i am happy that security stepped up and did their job and were able to save lives. again, we have leadership across the state. republican leadership across the state who are doing everything to continually attack black lives. they are doing everything to erase black history. they are feeding our children propaganda. all that does is lead to the devaluation of black lives. this guy had no respect for the community. he had no respect. and my colleagues who are in leadership need to stand up and stop the mansplaining, and the gaslighting, and the racist rhetoric, that they spew time and time again on the house floor, and the senate chambers. let's be clear, this is the same state legislator that just recently passed a bill to -- after rush limbaugh. that is what we are doing here in the state of florida. that is why i am so angry. then we have a very vindictive governor who if we speak out, we are punished as elected officials. i along with representative mccarthy's up on that house floor when he unconstitutionally came after two congressional black districts to remove them. i was placed in a basement with rats. because i spoke up for my community. i am more than angry. and now that these families, they no longer have their family members. ! governor desantis and the republican party of florida are doing nothing but hurting, hurting us. and i am angry. i will not continue to sit idly by. not continue to>> representati. we hear your words loud and clear. we want to keep talking with you. you know, the gunman used an ar -style rifle. we know that there is a debate over whether to focus on this crisis that gun reform, the state level, nationally, whether it is a mental health crisis for both, for states like florida, where gun loss are really only ever elusive these days, and we know that democrats and minority in the state legislator, what do you look for for change? do you feel like the answers are in washington? >> i feel like it has to be a top down, bottom up approach, right? i feel that all of the elected leaders need to come together and push out this hateful rhetoric, which is just being exacerbated, turned around, 2015, 2016. i feel that our community members need to hold us elected officials accountable. we work for you, right? we work for you and you need to hold us accountable not just in the ballot box but you're around. you need to push the policies that you deserve. and at the end of the day, we need common sense gun reform. we do. but also as elected officials we need to be accountable for the words that come out of our mouths time and time again for the policies we push and the communities we are hurting. i have families calling me day in and day out saying that they do not feel safe, the naacp is showing a travel advisory, that is real, that is what is happening in the state of florida and yet time and time again, when i am on the house floor, when i am telling all of the folks what is happening in our state, and on the house floor from leaders, we get microaggressions. we get all of that, that's not real. but again, you have a governor who cares more about pandering to a base of voters, not even caring about what is happening here in our state of florida, the 8000 educator sorted that we have. the property entrance we are dealing with. the rising grand cost. no, he wants to be vindictive to black folks because it gets him points in poll numbers. that is what we are dealing with. america, we are in danger, i am not an angry black women. i am a woman who is speaking truth to power to let you all know that this man means no good. and it is evident by what transpired here yesterday in jacksonville, florida. >> state representative, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> we will be right back. e will brie ght back that's what i'm talkin' about! 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>> not only is the iowa republican electorate more conservative than what we ended up seeing nationwide, but it actually is even more conservative than you will end up seeing in other republican contests in the 2024 calendar. after all, when we look back at past results of the iowa caucus, people could end up winning in 2008, ted cruz over donald trump in 2016, so it is always a very, very conservative electorate. maybe the most conservative electorate that we will end up seeing on the 2024 primary calendar, but one little difference and one of the reason why donald trump continues to lead in iowa, even with this conservative electorate is that you have a former president who is running in our poll shows that it is still four in ten, likely republican iowa congress goers say that they want donald trump to continue to be the leader of the gop and almost matches where he is in the ballot in our poll. >> 77% of iowa republican say that they are afraid from the constitution, and disgruntled with government, knowing what you know about the results of this poll, and donald trump, does that play into his hands? >> this is a really pessimistic electorate, lindsey. not only on the republican side, but even other national polls that show seven in ten overall americans were voters do not believe the countries headed into the right direction. how democrats and republicans and answering why the country is headed in the wrong direction or why are you so pessimistic is very different, but there is a sense that things are going in the right direction. and anger, even at the status quo, that is even true among a lot of democrats and liberals right now that i think that you are right that the angrier that people often are, particularly looking at a republican electorate, it does play to the kind of rhetoric that we often end up hearing from from the former president. >> all right mark murray, we will have to leave it there, thank you so much. coming up later this hour, the host of the ig and politics podcast, victor shi, about how gen z voters are feeling about the first debate. and a majority of young voters are registered as independent. the push for more gun safety laws reignited once again in the wake of the jacksonville mass shooting coming, up i will speak to democratic congressman, gerry connolly. the co-sponsor of multiple pieces of gun legislation, the possibility of anything becoming a reality? 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>> no. and i actually was surprised by how poorly, for example, chris christie performed, given that dominance is his whole brand. nikki haley obviously seemed authoritative in a way that will likely appeal to people who were looking for an alternative to trump as opposed to somebody to continue the trump legacy. and vivek ramaswamy was there as trump's surrogate. some of the people who are saying that they are margaret publican, some of them will -- if they don't go home to trump, some of them will vote for rhonda santas. >> let's talk about the former presidents mugshot, a spokesperson said that he raised more than $7 million since he was flipped in fulton county. he raised more than $4 million on friday, the single highest 24 hour period of the campaign today. what does this say to you about the race and the average republican voter? >> i think that one reason why none of the trump alternatives have gained very much traction is because the republican party is very much and thrall to donald trump. and the previous guest was talking about the extreme pessimism in the republican party. and i think that that goes along with the some brazen mentality. we saw this with the new left in the 70s when people were intensely pessimistic about america and the establishment, they start lying eyes-ing the -- seem like a lot, or seem like they are kind of getting one over on the system that they hate that was maybe 50 years ago. today, that is very much the right. does that mean that, it's kind of a scorched earth mentality? i mean we heard a lot in the debate, america is in decline. does that actually work for them? >> i think that speaks to their base, absolutely. i mean you saw sort of when mike pence tried a little bit to push back against that. because you, know the vague channels that kind of apocalyptic system. mike pence tries to do more traditional, reagan in america, mourning in america kind of reagan asked optimism. and it seemed, excuse me, it seemed to fall pretty flat. >> i want to ask you what team biden does, when it comes to all of this. i mean so far, the former state away from talk about trump's legal troubles. is there a point further down the line, do you think that strategy might change? >> i mean my guess is that it would change, in the context of the general election, right. i mean right now, the more democrats point out that donald trump has been indicted 91 times. i mean, the more they point out that he has been indicted 91 times, on 91 criminal accounts. the more trump space is likely to rally behind him. but as much as trump's base might love that mugshot, that is a terrible general election. you know, most americans, polls show, most americans think donald trump is a criminal. and so, if the republican party really wants to run a campaign saying, look how hard our leader looks in his mugshot, i think the democrats would welcome going up against that. >> michelle goldberg, thank you. >> thank. you >> coming up, when congress reconvenes next month, house republicans have warned they will go all in on investigating president biden and his son hunter. oversight committee generally -- with how democrats want to combat the partisan tax, next. tisan tax, nt.ex (vo) ninety-two percent of students in high-needs schools can't afford essential school supplies. subaru and our retailers are there to help by giving millions of dollars in funding along with school supplies students need. we call it “the subaru love promise” and we are proud to be the largest corporate supporter of it's just one of the reasons forbes ranked subaru the number one automotive brand for social impact. subaru. more than a car company. 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>> you, know i think it's a moment of reckoning for our country, with respect to guns. we have been in thrall to the nra, and gun manufacturing madness, so the answer to school shootings's arm teachers. we come up with slogans that guns don't kill people, people do. this is madness, -- countries that have dealt with this matchless like great britain and australia, have significantly reduced, almost eliminated this kind of mass killings. jacksonville, officially was the third and fourth mass killing in the united states this year. that doesn't count hundreds of gun instances. just this week, and we saw incidents in chicago, in jacksonville, in oklahoma, in boston, -- this weekend, we cannot normalize gun violence. it is time to restrict gun access, it is time to be strict again about who gets to use it, what kind of training, what kind of background checks, what kinds of guns people are allowed to have. i believe that's where the majority of american people, are we have to be safe from this madness. >> you know congressman, what do you tell people who are watching, who maybe have called their lawmakers, that have called for some kind of gun reform, but maybe at this point they feel like it's a lost cause. for example, you had the sheriff in the press conference this afternoon, and he was asked about the gun violence epidemic. and he essentially said, that this was a sick person this person didn't have any criminal record, and so was by all accounts in possession legally of those weapons. what do you tell people who are watching, who just feel exasperated right now? >> i think that sheriff gave a cop out answer. he would be right, if that were the only incident all year, it's a random incident. but we've had tons and tons of incidences, not all of them random, where people spewing hate, hate ideology like the killer in jacksonville this weekend, have mowed down people they don't like, asian americans, african americans, jewish americans, seek americans of >> lgbtq americans. >> lgbtq americans. that's right, so these hate mongers have targeted various groups of our population. when do we finally decide to come down as legislators, as officials, on the side of the american people. >> you heard my colleagues say, think about that statistic. the cheap the chief cause of death, from people under 18 in america, is not whooping cough, it's the bullet, its guns. when are we going to protect our young people? when are we going to do something about guns that are impacting our own communities from the gun madness, that has been perpetrated by gun manufacturers, and the nra? >> congressman, we have so much more that we can talk about regarding this issue. but, you are a member of the house oversight committee. i would like to switch gears here, and ask how much of the committee's work you expect when congress resumes. to be consumed with investigating president biden, and president biden's family? >> well, it seems to be a fetish of the republican majority. but i can tell you, we are now almost at september. we are well into the first year of this session of congress. and, they have found nothing. in fact, their witnesses have been pitiful. frequently the evidence that have proven produced contradicts the assertions that are made. there's been zero evidence of anything linking president biden himself. there's been evidence about a man and his son hunter, with an addiction problem and the mast of life. that he is trying to get behind him. and a loving father who protected him. that's pretty much what was found. most of the witnesses they produced, they've called whistleblowers are malcontents misfits have, trouble with their employment, how grievances about their employees or somebody who -- . none of it's been cogent or compelling. so, if the past was a prologue in this congress, i think it's going to come up with a -- an intimate further embarrass the republican majority. and frankly, degrade the oversight committee and its name, oversight. this isn't oversight, this is nothing but partisan play acting, and it's really amounted to very. little >> while this morning, house speaker kevin mccarthy called a biden impeachment inquiry a natural stick step forward. expecting to go through with? that >> i hope not. but if the republicans want to go down that road in the house, i believe it's going to lead to serious erosions of their political standing, as we get ready for the 2024 elections. and i believe that, whatever they do,, if they were, god forbid, to pursue such a feckless act, it would be squashed in the bipartisan basis -- . there is no evidence. republican or democrat in the senate, for an impeachment inquiry, or an impeachment revolution, with respect to president biden. >> right now, how likely do you think a government shutdown is this fall? >> sadly, i would put the odds pretty high. the dysfunction in the republican caucus, and everything with -- a. but the freedom caucus has on do influence, and the moderates don't speak, up and don't fight back. so, the freedom caucus is already at odds. we are not going to support a stopgap for a measure, to avoid the shutdown, until or unless a whole bunch of stringent conditions are maxed. with respect to public policy, and with respect to funding levels, in violation of the debt ceiling agreement that was achieved only a few months ago, on a bipartisan basis. i think that that is a recipe for shutdown. many of the freedom caucus members argue that a shutdown is a good thing, or nothing to be afraid of. i beg to differ, it is catastrophic, for many of our communities, and for a national security. it makes us look stupid in the eyes of the world. and, it is a complete failure, of a republican-controlled house of representatives, to allow a shutdown to occur. >> congressman gerry connolly, we'll have to leave it there, but thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> after the, break double indicted hearings. we'll look at the big legal day ahead for former president trump, and one of his biggest allies tomorrow. >> row. >> game today? 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when it comes to their legal troubles. tomorrow, mark meadows has a hearing to try to move his georgia trial into federal court. and when it comes to jack smith's federal election case, the judge is expected to rule on the start date of that trial tomorrow as well. you can see on your screen, they're the two sides proposed start dates years apart. joining me right now to talk about all this and morris -- msnbc legal analyst. so carroll, as i mentioned, meadows is one of those trump allies trying to see if he can get his georgia rico trial moved to federal court. what would be the benefits of that? >> well, the benefits for meadows are pretty clear. he, first of all, he gets away from the mess of other defendants, who would be in the courtroom with them. and that's what defendants like to do, they don't like to be sort of in the suit with everybody else, in the same courtroom, just sort of with the jurors looking at all of them, especially since in georgia, this is charged as a rico enterprise. well, there is everybody, there is your enterprise. the other advantage, of course, is that it does away with cameras in the courtroom, because there are no cameras currently allowed in federal criminal courtrooms. and, mark meadows probably doesn't won all of these witnesses, and himself on camera, every day, for possibly months. this would be a good reason for him to want to move to federal court. i think another reason is that federal officials are sort of more used to the federal court setting. they are used to having these kinds of issues feted out in federal court, as opposed to one of the 50 states, which all have the their unique works to. them so i think a lot of practitioners are actually more comfortable in federal court. >> are there any risks to asking it, if it's accepted, moving the case to federal court? >> well, the risks to mark meadows, moving it to a federal court, is that it might be a little bit mueller difficult, if he were to stay in georgia state court, it's easier for him to make trouble for jack smith's case. because, and of course he is not a defendant in jack smith's case, but if you are looking at sort of the whole enterprise, or the whole conspiracy, it is a little bit more disruptive, if you've got a state case going on at the same time as a federal case. i think that the federal judges perhaps are more likely to be differential to each other, in terms of calling witnesses and such. so, that is a risk to meadows. but again, i think it's understandable that he wants to move it to federal court, where perhaps he feels not only is the jury pool going to be a little bit broader than it would be if he were to stay in state court, where it would be only fulton county jurors. but also, i think that there is the possibility that the federal judges might be more deferential or understanding of federal defendants, and federal duties, to the government for federal defendants. >> so also tomorrow, judge chutkan is holding a hearing, to possibly set a trial date for the election interference case, involving special counsel jack smith. and the team trump, and the prosecution are years apart, of where they would like to see this trial start. i spoke with glenn kershner earlier, he said he thought the judge would set an earlier trial date. do you agree? >> well, earlier than 2026, for sure. i mean, that's pretty impressive to ask for a trial date that's four years out. and, there are real disadvantages she putting off a trial date too far out in the future. you start to lose witnesses, you start to have memory issues that the witnesses may develop during that long of a period of time. however, we do have this very interesting chess game going on logistically, with all of these trials that are going on. i think that jack smith asked for an earlier january trial date, quite strategically. i'm not sure he really expects a trial date that early to be imposed. but i could certainly see something in the february or march timeframe, before the new york trial is scheduled. and then, the new york trial would have to essentially trail the federal trial of jack smith. and that is i think, defensible. that is probably enough time for jack smith to give over discovery, and for the defense to review. and although of course, they would have to work diligently, and they are doing all that discovery. but yes, i see the judge imposing a day within the next few months. >> we know that fani willis's team, and jackson's team are not working together. but do you think they are paying attention to what's happening in each of these cases? i mean for example, if we have an october trial for some of these co-defendants in the georgia rico case. we have an october trial, do you think that the jacks mitt king will be watching what happens in that trial, or maybe they are even watching the hearing tomorrow? >> oh, there is no question that both the state prosecutors and the federal prosecutors are very closely watching what is going on in the other case. and that's not with any malice or anything like that. they have to actually know what's going on in the other case. what is happening here is, it's like that old adage about a duck swimming, it looks like they are placidly swimming on the surface of the water. but actually, they are paddling very furiously underneath. that's what's going on on all sides here. the defense, the state prosecutors, the federal prosecutors, they have to know what's going on. >> and i will also point out that >>, they may have overlapping discovery obligations. so in other words, if fani willis has a prior statement of a witness that jack smith is going to call in his trial, it's not for sure, but he could have obligations to turn over her witness interview as well. so they have to know what's going on, in these cases. >> thank you, i'm gonna leave it there today, thank you. >> thank. you >> still ahead, looking at how the youngest generation of voters are feeling about former president trump, and the other gop candidates, after the first debate. >> i do not think trump can defeat biden. and even if he could, i don't think that he has shown that he has the ability to lead and unify our nation. that just hasn't happened. >> one of those young voters, victor -- joins me next, with the reaction to the republican field, and where gen z is politically, as the country continues to be divided. s ueto be divided. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop 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happened the same day as the march on washington's 60th anniversary event. and notably, -- the granddaughter of martin luther king junior, had this to say about gun violence. >> today, racism is still with us. poverty is still with us, and now, gun violence has come for our places of warship, our schools, and our shopping centers. and that's not the only problem, that earlier generations didn't expect. but my generation cannot escape. >> joining me right now is the co-host of the -- politics victor -- . victor, thanks for being with. us what are you hearing from other young people, when it comes to their concerns about gun violence? >> well, this is an issue that unfortunately so many gen zers have to face. and it's something that's happening every -- and we saw yesterday, and we're seeing it just throughout our country right now. where you have gun violence all across the nation. but, elected officials are not doing anything about it. and in over going to get through this later. on but you know, we had a debate like the republican debate that happened earlier this. week that wasn't mentioned one time, this is the leading cause of death among young people. and we want action, to something that we are sick and tired of having to live through on a constant basis. the people i'm talking, to the young people who i'm hearing from, are just outraged and tired of having to live through this reality. and we just one action on. this >> i want to talk about the gop debates, since you brought it up. and you tweeted in response, that a gen z or asked a simple question about climate change. and instead of speaking to us, ron desantis refused to answer the question, the vague ramaswamy denies climate change is real, and no other republicans and climate change israel. this is like no gen z or will vote for them. tell us more about how gen z is responding to what the candidates said? >> so last week, when the debate happened, every single republican candidate had a perfect moment, had a perfect opportunity to address this generation, to address young people. a young person asked that question on climate change, and maybe with the exception of nikki haley, who seemed reluctant to admit that climate change was real. basically, all of them said that climate change was a hoax, or that it didn't exist. and i think that's really a shame. when you have a young voter cohort that is so passionate about climate change, that is so passionate of these different issues, and that they are turning on a breakneck speed, to really send a message that young people are here, you are ready to make their voices heard. but republicans just aren't addressing the issues that we are concerned. about and they had a perfect moment to do that last week, but they failed to do so. and i think when you look at what gen zers are thinking about last week's debate, they are looking at you know, how is this republican party even representing us, or even delivering on the issues? it doesn't seem like they are at all. >> let's talk about education. i want to play for you what ron desantis said from the gop debate, touting his education reforms. >> we need education in this country, not indoctrination in this country. and in florida, in florida we stood up for what was -- >> we have to make sure that what our schools are doing is focusing on solid academics, and in florida we eliminated critical race theory for our k-12 schools. we eliminated gender ideology from our k-12 schools. and we have elevated the importance of american civics, and teaching our kids about the constitution. >> this was brought up again yesterday, at the march on washington, and in the king family talking about the time of banning books right now, and trying to erase black history. what are your thoughts? >> mean, it's part of this fearmongering that ron desantis is pushing all across the state of florida, and as he is on the presidential campaign, for that is based off of nothing in fact. he's clear that somehow young people are big and operate in the classroom. when in reality, young people just want to learn about the basic history that builds upon our nation. he claims that he wants to ban books because they are really brainwashing children. that's just not, true and young people see right through that. a lot of other publicans are trying to do, all across the nation, which is to try to suppress the voices of black people. to try sue to suppress black history, when there is just no basis in that whatsoever. and i think it's just, for young people to see this, for us to grow up in this environment, it's something that no young person should have to do, and it's something that no young person should have to grow up and. and for ron desantis and for these republicans to do this, i think we will see right fruitless. >> and yesterday -- said that her generation will be one of action, and not apathy. what does that look like? >> absolutely. well, i think we've already seen that, starting in 2018, when young voters -- and then again in 2020. and then again in 2022, when you had the majority of young voters turning out, voting for democrats, which are the party that is actually delivering for our lives. i think you're going to see the same in 2024, where you can have young voters start to register to vote, and then really turnout at records in 2024, for a party that actually delivers force. and i think that's going to be overwhelmingly the democratic party, and president biden. but i think the work starts now, and has to continue every single day, leading up to 2024. because young voters, i think, are really just tired and fed up by this political system that we live in. and we just want to change, and we know that the republican party will -- as we saw with that debate, is not ready to work for our lives. >> all right -- we will have to leave it here. thanks for your time. -- i'm lindsey reiser, you asked what will be next next -- at two pm eastern. simone, starts right now. , starts right now greetings everyone, you're watching symone. we learned a startling new information this hour, about the racist hateful shooter on a rampage in jacksonville, florida, targeting black people at $1 general store, killing three. how this tragedy unfolded, and why current gun laws in the state could not have prevented it. and in georgia, the first hearing involving donald trump's election interference case is set for monday. we will get a glimpse of what evidence district ernie fani willis could bring against the 19 defendants, as the former chief of staff to trump, mark meadows, are used to move his case to federal court. plus, every seat in the house of representatives is on the line in 2024. and we are talking to the people who are on the ballot important races across the country. today, i'll be joined by will

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