Transcripts For MSNBCW Ana 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Ana 20240704

turn themselves in ahead of that high noon deadline in fulton county after a number of surrenders in the dark of night. plus, we're looking ahead to a high stakes hearing in georgia on monday, trump's last chief of staff trying to get his trial moved to federal court. can mark meadows convince a judge? >> hello on this friday, thank you so much for joining us. it's 10:00 eastern, i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york, and this morning donald trump wakes up as the first president in american history with a mug shot, and the former commander in chief now has another identity in georgia's prison system. donald trump is now number p01135809. trump defiant following his surrender in fulton county, returning to x, formerly known as twitter for the first time since january of 2021, just days after the insurrection when he was booted off the website. ask he blasted out that photo and decried election interference. he says never surrender. but he surrendered, and it was one of a number of developments out of georgia overnight. we also saw four more surrenders including former doj official jeffrey clark who lost his bid to try to avoid arrest, and this morning two co-defendants still face a noon deadline to turn themselves in at atlanta's rice street jail. so lots to discuss, joining us from outside that jail, nbc's blayne alexander, also with us charles coleman a civil rights attorney, and frank figliuzzi former director for counterintelligence at the fbi. blayne bring us up to speed on where we stand ahead of this new deadline and how trump's surrender went down last night. >> reporter: it went down very quickly, ana. that was one of the most striking things about the entire thing. i was standing right here. we saw his motorcade, and 21 minutes later they were coming right back out. that means he was on property for 21 minutes. he was inside the actual jail for an even shorter amount of time. we know that he was fingerprinted. that mug shot right there was taken. his booking information interestingly enough was actually entered into the system before he was even on property, before his motorcade even made its way to the jail. we even that that was presubmitted. details around his hair color, weight, eye color, all of those things were done ahead of time. really all that was left for inside the building were the fingerprints, the mug shot and likely getting the bond in place and getting that signed and completely filed away. he was in and out very quickly. afterwards, though, he certainly had a lot to say. he spoke to reporters there again repeating that he did nothing wrong, and then he also spoke later on news max kind of describing the process. here's what he had to say. >> terrible experience. i came in. i was treated very nicely, but it is what it is. i took a mug shot, which i never heard the words mug shot. they didn't teach me at the wharton school of finance. in my whole life, i didn't know anything about indictments and now i've been indicted like four times, and all by the radical left, and it's in coordination, absolute in coordination with the justice department. >> reporter: and so you heard what he had to say there. now, keep in mind, he is not the only defendant. there are of course 18 other co-defendants. the majority of them have turned themselves in. there are still a couple of more that still need to come to the fulton county jail by noon today, so they've got less than two hours now to turn themselves in. the sheriff did say that he believes -- in a statement he said he believes everybody will comply with this deadline and surrender by noon today. >> it was such an odd or surreal moment to see the former president surrounded by barbed wire and guards to turn himself in to this somewhat notorious jail, right? what was your reaction? >> all of this was in my opinion corruption colliding with consequences. everybody's been talking about accountability and consequences, this is the most visible, transparent part of that kind of consequence and accountability. the world needs to see that, that america still runs by the rule of law, and so i also, of course, looked closely at law enforcement and security, and the key question of whether trump still has the capability to draw out crowds that might turn violent, and the answer so far, ana, has been no. the crowds really weren't there, and even monitoring known extremist sites, we simply didn't see a will to show ups face possible arrest for donald trump. >> so what's your assessment of the current threat environment? >> so no plans that we can find in the private analysis community that look like organization, that look like people really planning to do something. so the lone offender threat still remains the same, and i think what we're going to see with regard to law enforcement security posture is of course an understandable focus on protection or security of a show up for an arraignment or a trial, of course, but i also think the pivot will happen behind the scenes to intelligence and preemption getting in front of a bad actor before they can do something. >> blayne, let me come back to you. we have this new trial date, october 23rd, a date that district attorney fani willis is asking for in response to a filing by one of the co-defendants, chesebro in this case, fill us in. >> reporter: yeah, so let me break this down. so she asked for a very expedited trial date, october 23rd for all 19 co-defendants, but the judge came back and said you can get that date, but only for ken chesebro. he is the one fani willis pointed out, the judge granted it but only in the case of that one defendant. while we could see an october 23rd start date for him, still tbd on what will happen when it comes to timing for the rest. >> blayne alexander, keep us posted if we see one of those other two co-defendants show up. charles, october 23rd, that's less than two months away, 59 days to be exact, if i'm doing my math right, does that sound like a realistic start date to you? >> it doesn't, ana, and the only reason we're having this conversation is because kenneth chesebro decided not to waive speedy trial. as a defendant, you have your right to waive the right to a speedy trial in order to give yourself and the d.a. additional opportunities to prepare. in some ways this could be chesebro calling fani willis's bluff. in other ways it may be an error not to waive speedy trial, because in some jurisdictions that is customary to do. donald trump and co-defendants have already made the decision to do that. in his decision, donald trump's, he wants to delay this as far as possible. the interesting thing about what i've seen here is it's going to make fani willis have to recalibrate how she intends to try this case and move forward with her prosecution. during the actual press conference that was held on the night that these indictments were filed, she was asked do you intend to try all of these cases together, and her answer was yes. whether that was actually true at the time or not, we did not know, but i do know that trying 19 defendants at the same time is not easy feat, and if you have to separate one defendant from the next, you have to figure out now what is your strategy to move forward in such a way that you don't necessarily give your hand away for how you intend to prosecute all of the other defendants while you're dealing with mr. chesebro. so this is a very interesting play. i don't think that we will see a trial begin in october, but nonetheless, this is obviously something that we'll all be watching. >> but charles, is it easier to be trying these candidates -- candidates -- defendants i should say, one at a time, given, you know, if you have all of them before a jury, you're dealing with all of their lawyers, all the cross examinations, all the motions that may come from each individual client -- lawyer's client along the way, which as we discussed previously only, you know, makes it more likely that this trial process gets dragged out. >> you're absolutely right. i think that typically what you would see in a case of this nature is that the defendants would be grouped and tried in groups. not necessarily 19 at a time, but usually groups between four and six. those are going to be based on what they are culpable of and what they're responsible for doing in terms of how you make the decision of whom to pair with whom. donald trump is someone you would have to make exceptions for around how you go about that, but if you intend to try all of these defendants together as co-defendants, you're right, it becomes a logistical nightmare. again, it's important to understand if i'm donald trump's attorneys, for example, one of the things i'm thinking about is, hey, let everyone try to get their individual trials. let everyone file their motions to try to get out of this, whether it's mark meadows, whether it's chesebro, whomever, that's just buying time. it's going to have fani willis tied up in terms of responding to different motions. meanwhile, i get to do what it is i do best which is delay, delay, delay. it so it's going to be a very interesting evolution of how this prosecution takes place. >> frank, how do you see it, if chesebro goes first, gets it done. how could that impact these other cases including donald trump if it comes after? >> i think chesebro may regret this. there's going to be some unintended cons for his gamble. from the court of public opinion, the earlier the people hear all the evidence the government has assembled and they hear it for this defendant and then the next defendant and then the next one, it's hammered home in the public mind that there's a whole lot of evidence getting through and it applies to everybody. that's a good thing from a security perspective. another unintended consequence will be the other defendants hear the evidence against chesebro and they're by transference against them, and they start pleading because they don't want to go to trial against that kind of evidence. so it could be a win for the government and the prosecution. >> charles, one of trump's co-defendants is actually still in jail, harrison floyd, who allegedly tried to pressure georgia election worker ruby freeman into falsely confessing to election crimes she didn't commit, he was also charged in may we've learned with assaulting a federal officer, and this allegedly took place when a pair of fbi special agents served him a federal grand jury subpoena at his maryland home. what does that do for floyd's future with this case? >> well, i do think that fani willis is going to make a determination as to how she moves forward when and with whom ultimately. the fact that she has this additional legal matter is kind of like a defendant who has a second case, and as a former prosecutor i had to deal with that on a number of occasions, in jurisdictions that are different at levels that are different. you may have someone who has a federal case they're fighting and you have someone who has a state case they're fighting. these things are not necessarily unusual. ultimately as we've been talking about, fani willis wants to tell a very cohesive narrative around everyone who is listed on that indictment and their participation with respect to fulton county. anyone who has anything else going on, they are going to work around that as best they can to figure out how they can make sure that that prosecution and its integrity is protected so that when they get in front of that jury whether it's one defendant like chesebro or 19 defendants like all of them that they have that narrative protected and can present something that's cohesive and makes sense to the jury. so these other matters that come up or that may arise are not necessarily going to impede that prosecution from moving forward. it's just going to be something that fani willis and her office has to work around. >> there are a lot of dynamics. thank you so much, frank figliuzzi and charles coleman, happy birthday, charles, by the way, you're getting wiser and sharp as ever as you get older. thank you so much for being here and spending part of your day with us. when we're back in just 60 seconds, legal tight rope, the monday hearing that could upend the court case against former trump chief of staff mark meadows. plus, donald trump is a self-proclaimed billionaire, right? so why did he use a local jail bail bondsman? well, nbc news spoke with that man who put up money for trump in georgia. plus, vladimir putin breaks his silence on the plane crash that appears to have killed yevgeny prigozhin, his message to the mercenary chief's family. and later, heartbreak in hawaii, an update on the hundreds of people still listed as missing in maui. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley. [sneeze] (♪♪) astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! we're back with breaking news, another co-defendant just surrendered in atlanta, just one left that means before the noon deadline, and high stakes hearing on monday is going to determine whether donald trump's former chief of staff will get his case moved to federal court. mark meadows seen in his booking photo following his surrender in georgia argues his efforts to keep trump in power were part of his official government responsibilities. summoned bied fulton county d.a. to appear at that hearing on monday is georgia's secretary of state brad rafensberger. meadows was reportedly on the line during that now infamous trump phone call to raffensperger about finding some 11,000 more votes for trump follow the 2020 election. joining us now laura jarrett, nbc news senior correspondent, and luke broadwater, congressional reporter. laura, let's get to the breaking news that just happened during that commercial break, that one minute that we had which is another person just turned themselves in. this is trevian kutti. >> one of the final folks we were waiting to see. they're really cutting it down to the wire here. remember, the district attorney said she was going to put out arrest warrants for people who hadn't turned themselves in by noon today. they were cutting it close there. it now appears she's turned helps in. one-time former publicist for kanye west, r. kelly. the allegation against her by prosecutor was that she was part of the group that was pressuring election officials in georgia, namely ruby freeman, who had been subject to a lot of harassment, and she was on tape, and again, part of the group that was pressuring her to sort of change her story, to admit that she had done something wrong when, in fact, she had not one. one of the charges she's facing is putting pressure on those election officials and that's the gist of the charge against her by the district attorney identifies. i don't know that she had a bond agreement ahead of time, and you see the people who have had to stay in that prison for more than 15 minutes are the people who had not had a deal worked out ahead of time. i don't know whether or not she had, and so we'll see whether she might have to stay there for a little longer. >> we'll see how long it takes her to get in and out. there's one last person steven lee who is left of the 19 co-defendants. he is the last man standing who hasn't arrived yet and has less than two hours to turn himself in. let's pivot and talk about meadows as we await this hearing on monday. he has this argument that it belongs in federal court. does he have an argument there? what do you think the judge does? >> so the judge -- it's interesting, quickly scheduled this evidentiary hearing and didn't say, well, let's take our time with it. fine, you want to get into federal court, let's hold an evidentiary hearing and already we've seen the prosecutor subpoena brad raffensperger who's sort of at the center of all of this, the one receiving that infamous phone call, asking him to find magical votes in georgia, and the allegation, at least by prosecutors, is that mark meadows is the one that set up that call, facilitated it and then participated along with the former president, and so he's saying that he should have to be able to get the case removed, plucked out of state court, moved to federal court because he was acting in his official capacity as chief of staff when he set up that phone call. of course prosecutors say it has nothing to do with you acting as chief of staff, setting up a phone call. you're not even supposed to be working on federal elections as a federal official. you're not supposed to be campaigning at all. we'll see what the judge does. the judge hasn't signaled one way or another how he comes down on the merits of it. he'll probably make a decision quite quickly. >> luke, here's the thing, meadows claims he was acting in his official duties just trying to please the boss, but this is a guy who was a former congressman before becoming a white house chief of staff. he wasn't powerless, right? >> no, i mean, you know, mark meadows is a central figure in the effort to overturn the election. you know, the argument is whether or not his actions cross into illegality. he has taken a couple different strategic tacks in dealing with the federal investigation into him, into donald trump, and also the georgia investigation. he views the federal investigation as much more favorable to him and the terrain of dealing with the federal system as much more favorable to him. so he has essentially tried to stonewall the georgia investigation. he pled the fifth amendment during the grand jury inquiry that he testified in georgia, but he was much more forthcoming and helpful to the federal grand jury in the two times he sat before them, and so i do think he really wants to get this to federal court where he thinks he has a better shot at fighting the charges. >> i want to dig into how you just put it with how he has handled different cases differently. you have a new article, luke, in "the new york times," a new detail, how mark meadows pursued a high wire legal strategy in trump's inquiries. tell us more about meadows' approach trying to navigate both the legal and political peril he faces. >> sure, you know, his attorney is george turwilliger who is a high ranking justice department official. he feels like he understands the justice department very well and understands what they want and how he can accommodate them enough to avoid charges but not too much as to offend his former boss donald trump and anger donald trump, and they believe they have given the federal government enough information that prevents charges against mark meadows, and he, in fact, was not one of the unindicted co-conspirators in the federal indictment. that's a much different scenario than he's in in georgia where he's facing very serious charges and he is one of the co-defendants, and so he's facing a lot of legal risk in georgia, and he's really trying to get as far away from fani willis as possible. that may not be possible, she of course even if it gets transferred to federal court, will be the -- the state prosecutors will still have the case, but he believes dealing with federal law and trying to argue that these charges are interference in his official duties is his best course at the moment. >> laura, quickly, if you will, if meadows succeeds in getting his case moved to federal court, would you expect the rest of the co-defendants' cases to follow. >> that we have to wait and see. we're going to have to see a little bit more of how this plays out. you already see other people including one of the alleged fake electors. he's saying because i was ordered by the president of the united states to break the law, i should have my case removed to federal court. we've already seen that today. watch to see how this plays out with several defendants making that strategy. on the other hand you have chesebro who wants to have a speedy trial in georgia. so again, it just shows you how sprawling and complex this is, when you have some people who want to go fast in georgia and some people trying to take it all the way to federal court on a completely different track. >> it's getting messy, thank you for keeping us in line, laura jarrett and luke broadwater, great to have both of you here. happy friday. up next on "ana cabrera reports," campaign capital, how team trump is already looking to use that mug shot to his fund-raising advantage. and his 2024 contenders are hitting the trail and maybe a wall. is old school campaigning enough to compete with trump? >> will you vote for him? >> absolutely. 100%. >> even with the legal challenges? >> absolutely. yeah, because they're phony. y. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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(vo) football season is here. get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. welcome back. trump's legal firestorm is dominating the race for the republican nomination. the narrow window to capitalize off wednesday's debate eclipsed by the former president's surrender in georgia, and trump's campaign is already using his booking photo to its political advantage, fund-raising and making this merch off that unprecedented image of a former american president. let's bring in nbc news correspondent dasha burns in iowa, former republican governor from ohio, john kasich, and democratic pollster fernand arnandi. there are several candidates not named trump out campaigning today. how are they trying to compete for attention? >> reporter: yeah, ana, that's exactly right, and the two candidates who split center stage at the debate are now splitting this critical early caucus state of iowa, both florida governor ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy the newcomer to politics are campaigning here in iowa. they are looking to capitalize on the momentum from their debate performances as a washington post 538 ipsos poll said they were the debate of the winners. ron desantis coming on top of that poll, vivek ramaswamy taking second place there, and both have been investing heavily in iowa. it's no surprise this is their first stop for their victory lap, ron desantis last night, his first stop on this iowa tour was on the set of the field of dreams, the baseball diamond. he played baseball there. basically the exact same time as the former president was getting arrested in fulton county looking to create a split screen moment there. listen to what he said about that. >> what do you think about this split screen of you here in the field of dreams and former president trump being arrested in georgia? >> well, i'm glad i'm at the field of dreams. i'm happy to be here. >> reporter: meanwhile, vivek ramaswamy has four stops across the state today. we're here at the first one where he is talking to voters. he's going to be doing the retail thing. he's got these sort of old style looking pamphlets where he's got his ten commandments here, the truth. this is a little rebrand that happened about a month ago or so, and they're telling us they had their biggest fund-raising yesterday. these two guys could not have had a more different story in this campaign, ana. florida governor ron desantis had the most name i.d. coming in here. vivek ramaswamy some of the least, but both now looking to do as much as they can to really take advantage of the moments that they had, even though the shadow of the former president, of course looming over all of this. >> dasha burns on the trail for us in iowa. thank you. so governor kasich, republican consultant fred o'connell told nbc news, quote the democrats are likely going to regret the trump mug shot politically. governor, trump's already creating merch with this mug shot, his team seems to think they can pretty much turn lemons into lemonade every single time, right? but do you think if it comes down to trump versus biden in the general and voters are looking at the mug shot and 90 plus criminal charges, that's going to go over well with those who aren't his most ardent supporters? >> well, ana, first of all, donald trump's not going to be elected president. i don't care if he's the nominee, he's not going to be elected president. let me just make an observation. there are many americans who just can't wait for donald trump to go to jail, and there are trump people who just are so angry at the system that they think the system of justice doesn't work in america, and nobody's listening to anybody else, and it's all dominated by anger. ana, i've become convinced -- and it's going to get people stirred up, i think we need some sort of a spiritual revival in this country. i don't know what's going to get people out of their silos and i don't know what's going to quell the anger, which is now turning into hatred. one side against the other. we've seen spiritual movements before work in the gilded age at the turn of the 20th century, there was a time when the robber barons ran everything and the social gospel movement was born, and it changed america from an i country into a we country for about 60 or 70 years. i don't know how we're going to stop this hatred. and let me just say this to you, i have been against donald trump for seven years, not seven months or not one year or whatever. i've been against him from the beginning. i look at him as someone who's been made in the image of god. i don't hate donald trump, i want justice to come to donald trump and accountability, but we live in a world today where it's a world that anger and hatred and glee at somebody else's misfortune or bitterness to what the other side thinks, where has this taken our country, ana? seriously. we love america. my kids are going to have to inherit america, and what is it going to be like for them? are we going to be divided like we ended up when we went actually into a civil war back? i mean, this is deeply concerning to me. so i'm looking at the bigger issue and at the end of the day, yeah, trump's dominating everything. i'll say one last thing, asa hutchinson was the only one on that stage who said that he would not support donald trump if donald trump was convicted of a crime. he was panned by the critics. he got no credit for what he did, none. but he got no credit from the media. so the thing is here's a guy standing up on principle, and what does he get in those debates, nothing. finally, those debates, i mean, come on, do you think anybody's learning from those debates, i don't think moses could have been selected to get the ten commandments if he was on the stage of a debate like that. the system has to change. it is not working. not a very big audience for what we expected would be a bigger one. >> it's still early. >> i need to get all that off my chest, ana. >> i appreciate your perspective on all of this, and as a parent, i'm concerned too about the state of the country for a lot of reasons, but fernand i'm curious to kind pick up on that what you see with the people you're talking to, and when governor kasich talks about people kind of hardening, right, that this hatred sort of festering and growing, is that your sense when you do these polls? is that what's motivating people? are people driven just by those emotions and sort of this us against them mentality? or is that simplifying it too much? >> i mean, with all due respect, ana, to governor kasich, that's not what i'm seeing in the polls. what i'm seeing in the polls is there's a hardening feeling about donald trump. he's now one of the most unpopular politicians to run for president in the history of the united states. i think what americans want is a return to normalcy and a return to sanity. the path donald trump does not represent. these charges that are being brought against him are not a political -- a lot of it was done with the testimony of republican officeholders, almost all of who donald trump himself appointed to office. i think what the american people are looking for is accountability and to move on to focus on the concerns they do have which are around the state of the economy, the state of the country and our future to prosper, which has been the american tradition to achieve that american dream. i think as quickly as the donald trump scenario can be resolved, that's when the country can start to move forward. the problem is in the heart of the republican base in this primary, you see the cult of personality, which is what the republican party is today around donald trump center around donald trump, and that's where that focus is, but independents, democrats and a healthy percentage, not enough, but a healthy percentage of republicans are rejecting trumpism. >> it does seem hard for other candidates to get much attention right now given the unprecedented nature of a former president facing four criminal indictments and trump has always really leaned into that old adage, all publicity is good publicity. is that proving true for trump given the polls? he continues to expand his lead in the republican primary polling. >> well, i mean, it's certainly proving true from the sense he's got this nomination on lockdown. the only person who's going to take this nomination on the republican side away from donald trump is donald trump. it's not going to be any of the other contenders. they're just running to be the last person standing in the event that donald trump realizes his legal problems -- but him staying in the race means he's going to be the nominee, and even the message that governor kasich is presenting, which asa hutchinson also talked about, you know what that message is getting right now in the republican primary, less than 10%, whereas trump, vivek ramaswamy message, which is basically a trump stand in is over 70%. >> he just proved my point. my point is that we are locked down in silos and the republicans look at the problems the democrats have around hunter biden, and say a two-tier justice system. democrats on the other hand, they can't wait for something to happen for trump, for him to be put in jail, and we are a country where we are significantly divided. democrats look at republicans as a threat to their existential threat to their value system and vice versa. now, there are many good people in this country who are doing amazing things and helping the homeless, feeding the poor, supporting the homeless, there are a lot of people doing really good things, but when you look at the political situation today, it's pretty frightening as far as i'm concerned. i mean, imagine a guy -- we've got eight out of ten candidates saying if a guy is convicted of a crime, we're still going to pick him. that's flabbergasting to me. it's crazy. >> former ohio governor. we have breaking news out of atlanta. a judge has just ordered a hearing in the next hour for one of the co-defendants in the election interference case. we mentioned harrison floyd earlier who turned himself in yes, but he is still in custody. our legal analyst lisa rubin is joining us now from the courthouse in atlanta. what do we know about this hearing, lisa? >> reporter: hey, ana, i'm having a little bit of trouble hearing you right now, but what we know right now is that harrison floyd, who is the only one of the 19 defendants in this election interference case to be still in custody has his initial appearance with judge scott mcafee at 11:00 a.m. this won't be only the first hearing in the case, but the first time we actually hear from judge scott mcafee in person. he is a relatively new judge at 34 years old, he's only been on the bench for six months, and you heard me right, he's 34 years old. he's a relatively young lawyer to begin with. we expect harrison floyd's hearing to start at around 11:00 a.m. this morning. one of the things that will obviously be discussed is why he's still in custody and whether he should be released. whether he is unable to post bond or if there are other reasons why he remains in detention at the rice street jail here in fulton county, georgia, ana. >> lisa rubin, thank you for that update please keep us posted. up next on "ana cabrera reports," an official denial from the kremlin, what u.s. intelligence reveals about this plane crash. plane crash. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. it's not just designed to look good... that's what i'm talking about. it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior... it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights... they light the way forward. the new fully electric audi q8 e-tron models... welcome back. new this morning, an official denial from the kremlin that it was behind the plane crash presumed to have killed yevgeny prigozhin, the leader of the wagner mercenary group. putin spokesman calling the suspicion that he ordered the assassination an absolute lie. the pentagon meanwhile says intelligence points to sabotage in bringing the plane down. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel has the latest. >> reporter: the u.s. believes russian mercenary leader yevgeny prigozhin was likely on this plane when it suspiciously crashed outside moscow on wednesday and that he is dead. british officials calling it very likely. what exactly brought down the plane is still a mystery. two u.s. officials said intelligence gathered so far points to sabotage with one official saying a leading theory is that an explosive was placed on board, although they can't say with certainty. u.s. officials are convinced this was no accident but payback for prigozhin's mutiny two months ago when he dared to lead a column of mercenaries toward moscow and challenged russian president putin's grip on power. while many suspect he ordered the hit, putin said russian investigators still need time to learn all the facts. he offered his sincere condolences and described prigozhin as a talented businessman but who also made serious mistakes in his life. the pentagon says there's no indication the jet was hit by a surface to air missile, that the heat signature of a launch wasn't detected. russian aviation officials say they've recovered the remains of the ten people on board, some so disfigured identification is difficult. >> whatever happened at 28,000 feet was catastrophic in nature and it basically knocked the airplane out of the sky. >> this morning new images were posted on russian social media showing the wing that was ripped from the plane in mid-flight, reportedly found nearly two miles from the crash site. the kremlin has so far made no mention of pprigozhin's mutiny, but the message seems clear without it. if you challenge putin, this is the price. >> our richard engel is joining us now. richard, denial now coming from the kremlin that it was involved here, that this was some kind of assassination, but will that change the u.s. assessment? >> reporter: of course not. i think this was completely expected. i don't think anyone would have imagined that the kremlin was going to come out and say, yes, we did it. instead they seem to be playing for time saying our investigation will reveal all that happened, give the investigation time. that was the line that vladimir putin took yesterday when he offered these kind of warm and complimentary condolences remembering prigozhin fondly, but saying that he was a complicated person and made mistakes in his life. the u.s. is continuing its assessment as are other countries and so far the assessment is that this plane was destroyed deliberately, how they're still trying to work out. not why and not any consideration that this was some sort of accident or mechanical failure. >> richard engel, thank you so much. i appreciate your reporting, my friend. up next on "ana cabrera reports," it has been the go-to. he is there for rappers like gucci mane and rick ross and now donald trump. nbc news spoke to the georgia-based bail bondsman who just added the former president to his list of clientele. and what about the co-defendants in this georgia case who don't have a net worth anywhere near donald trump's? 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>> i suppose he was. the reason he was brought into this whole process is he has a very strong relationship with much of the legal community here in atlanta, and both of former president trump's attorneys that have been involved gave him a call four or five days ago, and he said that the former president paid 10% of that $200,000 through his attorney. he says that the whole experience was surreal. he was inside this jail yesterday but was kept in a separate room due to security. take a listen to some of what he had to say. again, charles shaw, the bail bondsman we spoke with last night, take a listen. >> it was a historical experience, one that i've never experienced before and probably never will again in my life. a very serious experience, an experience we had to get it done right, and i think we did, and i just think it was just something that was quite extraordinary. >> reporter: he said it was quite extraordinary and quite surreal he also told me. to give you an idea of this jail, this is a jail as we've reported, he's under federal investigation, the doj investigating conditions inside the jail. you shot years ago here in atlanta, wxia, and this is a jail notorious, but this bail bondsman operates out of here and other parts of atlanta metro area. and this is a bail bondsman, charles shaw, that as you mentioned a little earlier, he has helped other major celebrities across the -- in this process, gucci mane, ti and former president donald trump to his list of clients. ana? >> very interesting. gabe gutierrez, thank you. it is all getting very pricey for trump and his co-defendants, especially for the 18 who aren't millionaires or billionaires. trump's former lawyer, jenna ellis, booked on wednesday, posting this question on social media last week, asking why trump or his political pac isn't helping with her legal bills. but trump picking up the bill has been complicated, right. in another case we have seen a witness in the classified documents case recant his testimony and then actually go on to implicate trump after he switched lawyers from one backed by trump's pac to a public defender. i want to bring in anthony colie, msnbc's justice and legal affairs analyst. so great to have you here. so, obviously, trump is doing okay for himself, he's arriving on private planes, he's got this huge apparatus behind him footing his legal bills, most of the time. i think the latest number we have from his save america pac is that they already spent $20 million on legal fees in the first six months of 2023, two-thirds of the pac's total spending. how can they keep that up? and how much higher could the fees go given this is a very sprawling case, right? >> the fees could go extremely high. let me tell you, i saw the photograph of jenna and giuliani on the screen, i have zero sympathy for any of these defendants, especially the lawyers, ana. they know that the appropriate venue to challenge election results in our country are courts of law. and they did that some 60 times in georgia and across the country and they lost. and in georgia, and other states, there were multiple recounts. there were hand recounts. and they lost. and that should have been the end of it. but yet still we have these 18 other defendants who continued to engage in a conspiracy to overturn the will of voters in america. and that's just not how it should work. >> that's a really good point. i think most of us have never been in their shoes, right? i'm personally curious how much would legal fees be for somebody in their shoes? >> right. listen, it is going to escalate. we're talking tens of thousands of dollars for many of these folks. if anything, ana, what we have observed over the course of donald trump's 50-plus years in the public spotlight is that he looks out for himself. and if i'm advising any of these individuals, i would tell them it is time for you to look out for yourself. if i am advising them, they need to accept a public defender, they should be in conversations with prosecutors. they should accept a plea deal, which, of course, will include jail time. and then try to move on with their lives. >> you mentioned trump looks out for himself. what is interesting here is he's about to headline a big fund-raiser, $100,000 per plate fund-raiser that's supposed to help with his buddy rudy giuliani's legal fees. is there a conflict there? >> perhaps there is. i think what he's trying to do here, this is all set preservation for donald trump. rudy giuliani was one of his right-hand men and so he's trying to keep rudy close, particularly in the willis investigation and the case with jack smith on election interference. but even if he is able to prevent giuliani from flipping, these are still tight cases. these are cases that are rooted in facts, they're rooted in the law. and in georgia, in particular, some of the prosecution's lead witnesses are conservative republicans in the state who refused to go along with donald trump's election lies. >> that's a good point. thank you so much, anthony, appreciate your analysis. >> thank you. >> nice to have you here. >> thank you. up next on "ana cabrera reports," an update on efforts to find the people still missing in hawaii after the devastating wildfires. etes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? 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>> reporter: there have been significant developments from maui, one legally, another the amount of names just issued on the unaccounted for list. let's start on the legal side of things first. the 13th lawsuit against hawaiian electric has now been filed. what makes this one so significant is that the county of maui is directly blaming the utility for the wildfires and seeking just compensation calling it a systemic failure of the power grid. there is three components to their accusations of negligence. one of them is not deenergizing the lines, especially knowing there were red flag and high wind warnings. they say given what we have seen in california and oregon that should have been a common sense course of action. the second is not maintaining the equipment, either because it is too old or not clearing out brush or trees that could have knocked down the power lines in the first place. and the third is continuing to allow the power lines, once they were knocked down, to stay energized, potentially further fanning the flames. now, as far as the county of maui is concerned, the attorney says they could be asking for tens of millions of dollars, potentially hundreds of millions of dollars for rebuilding and providing services once again. it really depends. and now key point to be made, this investigation is to what caused the fire is still being investigated right now by the atf. as far as hawaiian electric is concerned, they did issue a statement saying in part, they're supporting the people of maui and are very disappointed that the county has chosen this litigious path given the fact the process is still unfolding. as far as the names that were just released, 388 to the public, those who are technically unaccounted for. this is a figure that fluctuated a lot in recent days. the way that authorities and the fbi got that 388 figure is having a first name, last name and point of contact. now, maui's police chief said there are 1,732 names that now have been accounted for, so that's the good news. he acknowledges that this is such a crushing piece of information for the public to have to absorb, seeing those names, but it will help their investigation. and lastly, we learned that the youngest victim in the fire so far to be identified appears to be a 7-year-old boy, who was trying to flee the flames with his family in their car when he got stuck. from maui, sam brock, nbc news. back to you. >> so heart breaking, a 7-year-old, thank you for that. that's going to do it for us this busy week. thank you for being here. i'm off next week. i'll see you back here in september. have a great weekend. reporting from new york, i'm ana cabrera. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now. good morning. 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific, i'm jose diaz-balart. we begin with the latest on the legal drama surrounding former president donald trump. at this hour, co-defendant harrison floyd is scheduled to have his initial appearance. he's the only one so far who has not been released from jail after turning himself in. and there is just under an hour left for stephen lee, the final co-defendant in the georgia election interference case to turn himself in at the fulton county jail. meantime, several other co-defendants turned themselves in overnight, including former justice department official jeffrey clark, who tried to unsuccessfully block his

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Subway , Freeee , Interior , Quiet Refuge , Headlights , Models , Audi Q8 E Tron , Plane , Assassination , Points , Mercenary Group , Suspicion , Lie , Pentagon , Wagner , Latest , Richard Engel , Russian , Leader , Mercenary , Official , Mystery , Theory , Crashed Outside Moscow On Wednesday , British , Accident , Board , Explosive , Certainty , Payback , Column , Mercenaries Toward Moscow , Facts , Hit , Investigators , Suspect , Grip , Condolences , Mistakes , Indication , Businessman , Missile , Jet , Surface , Wasn T , Identification , Remains , Feet , Heat , Aviation , 28000 , Social Media , Images , Crash Site , Sky , Mid Flight , Airplane , Wing , Price , Mutiny , Mention , Pprigozhin , Prigozhin Fondly , Failure , Countries , Consideration , Reporting , Gucci Mane , Friend , Rappers , Rick Ross , Bail Bondsman , List , Help , Anywhere , Clientele , Net Worth , Bills , Questions , Immigration Record , Ancestors , Oh My God , Party , Nurses , Nurse , Need , Excitement Finding , 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turn themselves in ahead of that high noon deadline in fulton county after a number of surrenders in the dark of night. plus, we're looking ahead to a high stakes hearing in georgia on monday, trump's last chief of staff trying to get his trial moved to federal court. can mark meadows convince a judge? >> hello on this friday, thank you so much for joining us. it's 10:00 eastern, i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york, and this morning donald trump wakes up as the first president in american history with a mug shot, and the former commander in chief now has another identity in georgia's prison system. donald trump is now number p01135809. trump defiant following his surrender in fulton county, returning to x, formerly known as twitter for the first time since january of 2021, just days after the insurrection when he was booted off the website. ask he blasted out that photo and decried election interference. he says never surrender. but he surrendered, and it was one of a number of developments out of georgia overnight. we also saw four more surrenders including former doj official jeffrey clark who lost his bid to try to avoid arrest, and this morning two co-defendants still face a noon deadline to turn themselves in at atlanta's rice street jail. so lots to discuss, joining us from outside that jail, nbc's blayne alexander, also with us charles coleman a civil rights attorney, and frank figliuzzi former director for counterintelligence at the fbi. blayne bring us up to speed on where we stand ahead of this new deadline and how trump's surrender went down last night. >> reporter: it went down very quickly, ana. that was one of the most striking things about the entire thing. i was standing right here. we saw his motorcade, and 21 minutes later they were coming right back out. that means he was on property for 21 minutes. he was inside the actual jail for an even shorter amount of time. we know that he was fingerprinted. that mug shot right there was taken. his booking information interestingly enough was actually entered into the system before he was even on property, before his motorcade even made its way to the jail. we even that that was presubmitted. details around his hair color, weight, eye color, all of those things were done ahead of time. really all that was left for inside the building were the fingerprints, the mug shot and likely getting the bond in place and getting that signed and completely filed away. he was in and out very quickly. afterwards, though, he certainly had a lot to say. he spoke to reporters there again repeating that he did nothing wrong, and then he also spoke later on news max kind of describing the process. here's what he had to say. >> terrible experience. i came in. i was treated very nicely, but it is what it is. i took a mug shot, which i never heard the words mug shot. they didn't teach me at the wharton school of finance. in my whole life, i didn't know anything about indictments and now i've been indicted like four times, and all by the radical left, and it's in coordination, absolute in coordination with the justice department. >> reporter: and so you heard what he had to say there. now, keep in mind, he is not the only defendant. there are of course 18 other co-defendants. the majority of them have turned themselves in. there are still a couple of more that still need to come to the fulton county jail by noon today, so they've got less than two hours now to turn themselves in. the sheriff did say that he believes -- in a statement he said he believes everybody will comply with this deadline and surrender by noon today. >> it was such an odd or surreal moment to see the former president surrounded by barbed wire and guards to turn himself in to this somewhat notorious jail, right? what was your reaction? >> all of this was in my opinion corruption colliding with consequences. everybody's been talking about accountability and consequences, this is the most visible, transparent part of that kind of consequence and accountability. the world needs to see that, that america still runs by the rule of law, and so i also, of course, looked closely at law enforcement and security, and the key question of whether trump still has the capability to draw out crowds that might turn violent, and the answer so far, ana, has been no. the crowds really weren't there, and even monitoring known extremist sites, we simply didn't see a will to show ups face possible arrest for donald trump. >> so what's your assessment of the current threat environment? >> so no plans that we can find in the private analysis community that look like organization, that look like people really planning to do something. so the lone offender threat still remains the same, and i think what we're going to see with regard to law enforcement security posture is of course an understandable focus on protection or security of a show up for an arraignment or a trial, of course, but i also think the pivot will happen behind the scenes to intelligence and preemption getting in front of a bad actor before they can do something. >> blayne, let me come back to you. we have this new trial date, october 23rd, a date that district attorney fani willis is asking for in response to a filing by one of the co-defendants, chesebro in this case, fill us in. >> reporter: yeah, so let me break this down. so she asked for a very expedited trial date, october 23rd for all 19 co-defendants, but the judge came back and said you can get that date, but only for ken chesebro. he is the one fani willis pointed out, the judge granted it but only in the case of that one defendant. while we could see an october 23rd start date for him, still tbd on what will happen when it comes to timing for the rest. >> blayne alexander, keep us posted if we see one of those other two co-defendants show up. charles, october 23rd, that's less than two months away, 59 days to be exact, if i'm doing my math right, does that sound like a realistic start date to you? >> it doesn't, ana, and the only reason we're having this conversation is because kenneth chesebro decided not to waive speedy trial. as a defendant, you have your right to waive the right to a speedy trial in order to give yourself and the d.a. additional opportunities to prepare. in some ways this could be chesebro calling fani willis's bluff. in other ways it may be an error not to waive speedy trial, because in some jurisdictions that is customary to do. donald trump and co-defendants have already made the decision to do that. in his decision, donald trump's, he wants to delay this as far as possible. the interesting thing about what i've seen here is it's going to make fani willis have to recalibrate how she intends to try this case and move forward with her prosecution. during the actual press conference that was held on the night that these indictments were filed, she was asked do you intend to try all of these cases together, and her answer was yes. whether that was actually true at the time or not, we did not know, but i do know that trying 19 defendants at the same time is not easy feat, and if you have to separate one defendant from the next, you have to figure out now what is your strategy to move forward in such a way that you don't necessarily give your hand away for how you intend to prosecute all of the other defendants while you're dealing with mr. chesebro. so this is a very interesting play. i don't think that we will see a trial begin in october, but nonetheless, this is obviously something that we'll all be watching. >> but charles, is it easier to be trying these candidates -- candidates -- defendants i should say, one at a time, given, you know, if you have all of them before a jury, you're dealing with all of their lawyers, all the cross examinations, all the motions that may come from each individual client -- lawyer's client along the way, which as we discussed previously only, you know, makes it more likely that this trial process gets dragged out. >> you're absolutely right. i think that typically what you would see in a case of this nature is that the defendants would be grouped and tried in groups. not necessarily 19 at a time, but usually groups between four and six. those are going to be based on what they are culpable of and what they're responsible for doing in terms of how you make the decision of whom to pair with whom. donald trump is someone you would have to make exceptions for around how you go about that, but if you intend to try all of these defendants together as co-defendants, you're right, it becomes a logistical nightmare. again, it's important to understand if i'm donald trump's attorneys, for example, one of the things i'm thinking about is, hey, let everyone try to get their individual trials. let everyone file their motions to try to get out of this, whether it's mark meadows, whether it's chesebro, whomever, that's just buying time. it's going to have fani willis tied up in terms of responding to different motions. meanwhile, i get to do what it is i do best which is delay, delay, delay. it so it's going to be a very interesting evolution of how this prosecution takes place. >> frank, how do you see it, if chesebro goes first, gets it done. how could that impact these other cases including donald trump if it comes after? >> i think chesebro may regret this. there's going to be some unintended cons for his gamble. from the court of public opinion, the earlier the people hear all the evidence the government has assembled and they hear it for this defendant and then the next defendant and then the next one, it's hammered home in the public mind that there's a whole lot of evidence getting through and it applies to everybody. that's a good thing from a security perspective. another unintended consequence will be the other defendants hear the evidence against chesebro and they're by transference against them, and they start pleading because they don't want to go to trial against that kind of evidence. so it could be a win for the government and the prosecution. >> charles, one of trump's co-defendants is actually still in jail, harrison floyd, who allegedly tried to pressure georgia election worker ruby freeman into falsely confessing to election crimes she didn't commit, he was also charged in may we've learned with assaulting a federal officer, and this allegedly took place when a pair of fbi special agents served him a federal grand jury subpoena at his maryland home. what does that do for floyd's future with this case? >> well, i do think that fani willis is going to make a determination as to how she moves forward when and with whom ultimately. the fact that she has this additional legal matter is kind of like a defendant who has a second case, and as a former prosecutor i had to deal with that on a number of occasions, in jurisdictions that are different at levels that are different. you may have someone who has a federal case they're fighting and you have someone who has a state case they're fighting. these things are not necessarily unusual. ultimately as we've been talking about, fani willis wants to tell a very cohesive narrative around everyone who is listed on that indictment and their participation with respect to fulton county. anyone who has anything else going on, they are going to work around that as best they can to figure out how they can make sure that that prosecution and its integrity is protected so that when they get in front of that jury whether it's one defendant like chesebro or 19 defendants like all of them that they have that narrative protected and can present something that's cohesive and makes sense to the jury. so these other matters that come up or that may arise are not necessarily going to impede that prosecution from moving forward. it's just going to be something that fani willis and her office has to work around. >> there are a lot of dynamics. thank you so much, frank figliuzzi and charles coleman, happy birthday, charles, by the way, you're getting wiser and sharp as ever as you get older. thank you so much for being here and spending part of your day with us. when we're back in just 60 seconds, legal tight rope, the monday hearing that could upend the court case against former trump chief of staff mark meadows. plus, donald trump is a self-proclaimed billionaire, right? so why did he use a local jail bail bondsman? well, nbc news spoke with that man who put up money for trump in georgia. plus, vladimir putin breaks his silence on the plane crash that appears to have killed yevgeny prigozhin, his message to the mercenary chief's family. and later, heartbreak in hawaii, an update on the hundreds of people still listed as missing in maui. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley. [sneeze] (♪♪) astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! we're back with breaking news, another co-defendant just surrendered in atlanta, just one left that means before the noon deadline, and high stakes hearing on monday is going to determine whether donald trump's former chief of staff will get his case moved to federal court. mark meadows seen in his booking photo following his surrender in georgia argues his efforts to keep trump in power were part of his official government responsibilities. summoned bied fulton county d.a. to appear at that hearing on monday is georgia's secretary of state brad rafensberger. meadows was reportedly on the line during that now infamous trump phone call to raffensperger about finding some 11,000 more votes for trump follow the 2020 election. joining us now laura jarrett, nbc news senior correspondent, and luke broadwater, congressional reporter. laura, let's get to the breaking news that just happened during that commercial break, that one minute that we had which is another person just turned themselves in. this is trevian kutti. >> one of the final folks we were waiting to see. they're really cutting it down to the wire here. remember, the district attorney said she was going to put out arrest warrants for people who hadn't turned themselves in by noon today. they were cutting it close there. it now appears she's turned helps in. one-time former publicist for kanye west, r. kelly. the allegation against her by prosecutor was that she was part of the group that was pressuring election officials in georgia, namely ruby freeman, who had been subject to a lot of harassment, and she was on tape, and again, part of the group that was pressuring her to sort of change her story, to admit that she had done something wrong when, in fact, she had not one. one of the charges she's facing is putting pressure on those election officials and that's the gist of the charge against her by the district attorney identifies. i don't know that she had a bond agreement ahead of time, and you see the people who have had to stay in that prison for more than 15 minutes are the people who had not had a deal worked out ahead of time. i don't know whether or not she had, and so we'll see whether she might have to stay there for a little longer. >> we'll see how long it takes her to get in and out. there's one last person steven lee who is left of the 19 co-defendants. he is the last man standing who hasn't arrived yet and has less than two hours to turn himself in. let's pivot and talk about meadows as we await this hearing on monday. he has this argument that it belongs in federal court. does he have an argument there? what do you think the judge does? >> so the judge -- it's interesting, quickly scheduled this evidentiary hearing and didn't say, well, let's take our time with it. fine, you want to get into federal court, let's hold an evidentiary hearing and already we've seen the prosecutor subpoena brad raffensperger who's sort of at the center of all of this, the one receiving that infamous phone call, asking him to find magical votes in georgia, and the allegation, at least by prosecutors, is that mark meadows is the one that set up that call, facilitated it and then participated along with the former president, and so he's saying that he should have to be able to get the case removed, plucked out of state court, moved to federal court because he was acting in his official capacity as chief of staff when he set up that phone call. of course prosecutors say it has nothing to do with you acting as chief of staff, setting up a phone call. you're not even supposed to be working on federal elections as a federal official. you're not supposed to be campaigning at all. we'll see what the judge does. the judge hasn't signaled one way or another how he comes down on the merits of it. he'll probably make a decision quite quickly. >> luke, here's the thing, meadows claims he was acting in his official duties just trying to please the boss, but this is a guy who was a former congressman before becoming a white house chief of staff. he wasn't powerless, right? >> no, i mean, you know, mark meadows is a central figure in the effort to overturn the election. you know, the argument is whether or not his actions cross into illegality. he has taken a couple different strategic tacks in dealing with the federal investigation into him, into donald trump, and also the georgia investigation. he views the federal investigation as much more favorable to him and the terrain of dealing with the federal system as much more favorable to him. so he has essentially tried to stonewall the georgia investigation. he pled the fifth amendment during the grand jury inquiry that he testified in georgia, but he was much more forthcoming and helpful to the federal grand jury in the two times he sat before them, and so i do think he really wants to get this to federal court where he thinks he has a better shot at fighting the charges. >> i want to dig into how you just put it with how he has handled different cases differently. you have a new article, luke, in "the new york times," a new detail, how mark meadows pursued a high wire legal strategy in trump's inquiries. tell us more about meadows' approach trying to navigate both the legal and political peril he faces. >> sure, you know, his attorney is george turwilliger who is a high ranking justice department official. he feels like he understands the justice department very well and understands what they want and how he can accommodate them enough to avoid charges but not too much as to offend his former boss donald trump and anger donald trump, and they believe they have given the federal government enough information that prevents charges against mark meadows, and he, in fact, was not one of the unindicted co-conspirators in the federal indictment. that's a much different scenario than he's in in georgia where he's facing very serious charges and he is one of the co-defendants, and so he's facing a lot of legal risk in georgia, and he's really trying to get as far away from fani willis as possible. that may not be possible, she of course even if it gets transferred to federal court, will be the -- the state prosecutors will still have the case, but he believes dealing with federal law and trying to argue that these charges are interference in his official duties is his best course at the moment. >> laura, quickly, if you will, if meadows succeeds in getting his case moved to federal court, would you expect the rest of the co-defendants' cases to follow. >> that we have to wait and see. we're going to have to see a little bit more of how this plays out. you already see other people including one of the alleged fake electors. he's saying because i was ordered by the president of the united states to break the law, i should have my case removed to federal court. we've already seen that today. watch to see how this plays out with several defendants making that strategy. on the other hand you have chesebro who wants to have a speedy trial in georgia. so again, it just shows you how sprawling and complex this is, when you have some people who want to go fast in georgia and some people trying to take it all the way to federal court on a completely different track. >> it's getting messy, thank you for keeping us in line, laura jarrett and luke broadwater, great to have both of you here. happy friday. up next on "ana cabrera reports," campaign capital, how team trump is already looking to use that mug shot to his fund-raising advantage. and his 2024 contenders are hitting the trail and maybe a wall. is old school campaigning enough to compete with trump? >> will you vote for him? >> absolutely. 100%. >> even with the legal challenges? >> absolutely. yeah, because they're phony. y. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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(vo) football season is here. get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. welcome back. trump's legal firestorm is dominating the race for the republican nomination. the narrow window to capitalize off wednesday's debate eclipsed by the former president's surrender in georgia, and trump's campaign is already using his booking photo to its political advantage, fund-raising and making this merch off that unprecedented image of a former american president. let's bring in nbc news correspondent dasha burns in iowa, former republican governor from ohio, john kasich, and democratic pollster fernand arnandi. there are several candidates not named trump out campaigning today. how are they trying to compete for attention? >> reporter: yeah, ana, that's exactly right, and the two candidates who split center stage at the debate are now splitting this critical early caucus state of iowa, both florida governor ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy the newcomer to politics are campaigning here in iowa. they are looking to capitalize on the momentum from their debate performances as a washington post 538 ipsos poll said they were the debate of the winners. ron desantis coming on top of that poll, vivek ramaswamy taking second place there, and both have been investing heavily in iowa. it's no surprise this is their first stop for their victory lap, ron desantis last night, his first stop on this iowa tour was on the set of the field of dreams, the baseball diamond. he played baseball there. basically the exact same time as the former president was getting arrested in fulton county looking to create a split screen moment there. listen to what he said about that. >> what do you think about this split screen of you here in the field of dreams and former president trump being arrested in georgia? >> well, i'm glad i'm at the field of dreams. i'm happy to be here. >> reporter: meanwhile, vivek ramaswamy has four stops across the state today. we're here at the first one where he is talking to voters. he's going to be doing the retail thing. he's got these sort of old style looking pamphlets where he's got his ten commandments here, the truth. this is a little rebrand that happened about a month ago or so, and they're telling us they had their biggest fund-raising yesterday. these two guys could not have had a more different story in this campaign, ana. florida governor ron desantis had the most name i.d. coming in here. vivek ramaswamy some of the least, but both now looking to do as much as they can to really take advantage of the moments that they had, even though the shadow of the former president, of course looming over all of this. >> dasha burns on the trail for us in iowa. thank you. so governor kasich, republican consultant fred o'connell told nbc news, quote the democrats are likely going to regret the trump mug shot politically. governor, trump's already creating merch with this mug shot, his team seems to think they can pretty much turn lemons into lemonade every single time, right? but do you think if it comes down to trump versus biden in the general and voters are looking at the mug shot and 90 plus criminal charges, that's going to go over well with those who aren't his most ardent supporters? >> well, ana, first of all, donald trump's not going to be elected president. i don't care if he's the nominee, he's not going to be elected president. let me just make an observation. there are many americans who just can't wait for donald trump to go to jail, and there are trump people who just are so angry at the system that they think the system of justice doesn't work in america, and nobody's listening to anybody else, and it's all dominated by anger. ana, i've become convinced -- and it's going to get people stirred up, i think we need some sort of a spiritual revival in this country. i don't know what's going to get people out of their silos and i don't know what's going to quell the anger, which is now turning into hatred. one side against the other. we've seen spiritual movements before work in the gilded age at the turn of the 20th century, there was a time when the robber barons ran everything and the social gospel movement was born, and it changed america from an i country into a we country for about 60 or 70 years. i don't know how we're going to stop this hatred. and let me just say this to you, i have been against donald trump for seven years, not seven months or not one year or whatever. i've been against him from the beginning. i look at him as someone who's been made in the image of god. i don't hate donald trump, i want justice to come to donald trump and accountability, but we live in a world today where it's a world that anger and hatred and glee at somebody else's misfortune or bitterness to what the other side thinks, where has this taken our country, ana? seriously. we love america. my kids are going to have to inherit america, and what is it going to be like for them? are we going to be divided like we ended up when we went actually into a civil war back? i mean, this is deeply concerning to me. so i'm looking at the bigger issue and at the end of the day, yeah, trump's dominating everything. i'll say one last thing, asa hutchinson was the only one on that stage who said that he would not support donald trump if donald trump was convicted of a crime. he was panned by the critics. he got no credit for what he did, none. but he got no credit from the media. so the thing is here's a guy standing up on principle, and what does he get in those debates, nothing. finally, those debates, i mean, come on, do you think anybody's learning from those debates, i don't think moses could have been selected to get the ten commandments if he was on the stage of a debate like that. the system has to change. it is not working. not a very big audience for what we expected would be a bigger one. >> it's still early. >> i need to get all that off my chest, ana. >> i appreciate your perspective on all of this, and as a parent, i'm concerned too about the state of the country for a lot of reasons, but fernand i'm curious to kind pick up on that what you see with the people you're talking to, and when governor kasich talks about people kind of hardening, right, that this hatred sort of festering and growing, is that your sense when you do these polls? is that what's motivating people? are people driven just by those emotions and sort of this us against them mentality? or is that simplifying it too much? >> i mean, with all due respect, ana, to governor kasich, that's not what i'm seeing in the polls. what i'm seeing in the polls is there's a hardening feeling about donald trump. he's now one of the most unpopular politicians to run for president in the history of the united states. i think what americans want is a return to normalcy and a return to sanity. the path donald trump does not represent. these charges that are being brought against him are not a political -- a lot of it was done with the testimony of republican officeholders, almost all of who donald trump himself appointed to office. i think what the american people are looking for is accountability and to move on to focus on the concerns they do have which are around the state of the economy, the state of the country and our future to prosper, which has been the american tradition to achieve that american dream. i think as quickly as the donald trump scenario can be resolved, that's when the country can start to move forward. the problem is in the heart of the republican base in this primary, you see the cult of personality, which is what the republican party is today around donald trump center around donald trump, and that's where that focus is, but independents, democrats and a healthy percentage, not enough, but a healthy percentage of republicans are rejecting trumpism. >> it does seem hard for other candidates to get much attention right now given the unprecedented nature of a former president facing four criminal indictments and trump has always really leaned into that old adage, all publicity is good publicity. is that proving true for trump given the polls? he continues to expand his lead in the republican primary polling. >> well, i mean, it's certainly proving true from the sense he's got this nomination on lockdown. the only person who's going to take this nomination on the republican side away from donald trump is donald trump. it's not going to be any of the other contenders. they're just running to be the last person standing in the event that donald trump realizes his legal problems -- but him staying in the race means he's going to be the nominee, and even the message that governor kasich is presenting, which asa hutchinson also talked about, you know what that message is getting right now in the republican primary, less than 10%, whereas trump, vivek ramaswamy message, which is basically a trump stand in is over 70%. >> he just proved my point. my point is that we are locked down in silos and the republicans look at the problems the democrats have around hunter biden, and say a two-tier justice system. democrats on the other hand, they can't wait for something to happen for trump, for him to be put in jail, and we are a country where we are significantly divided. democrats look at republicans as a threat to their existential threat to their value system and vice versa. now, there are many good people in this country who are doing amazing things and helping the homeless, feeding the poor, supporting the homeless, there are a lot of people doing really good things, but when you look at the political situation today, it's pretty frightening as far as i'm concerned. i mean, imagine a guy -- we've got eight out of ten candidates saying if a guy is convicted of a crime, we're still going to pick him. that's flabbergasting to me. it's crazy. >> former ohio governor. we have breaking news out of atlanta. a judge has just ordered a hearing in the next hour for one of the co-defendants in the election interference case. we mentioned harrison floyd earlier who turned himself in yes, but he is still in custody. our legal analyst lisa rubin is joining us now from the courthouse in atlanta. what do we know about this hearing, lisa? >> reporter: hey, ana, i'm having a little bit of trouble hearing you right now, but what we know right now is that harrison floyd, who is the only one of the 19 defendants in this election interference case to be still in custody has his initial appearance with judge scott mcafee at 11:00 a.m. this won't be only the first hearing in the case, but the first time we actually hear from judge scott mcafee in person. he is a relatively new judge at 34 years old, he's only been on the bench for six months, and you heard me right, he's 34 years old. he's a relatively young lawyer to begin with. we expect harrison floyd's hearing to start at around 11:00 a.m. this morning. one of the things that will obviously be discussed is why he's still in custody and whether he should be released. whether he is unable to post bond or if there are other reasons why he remains in detention at the rice street jail here in fulton county, georgia, ana. >> lisa rubin, thank you for that update please keep us posted. up next on "ana cabrera reports," an official denial from the kremlin, what u.s. intelligence reveals about this plane crash. plane crash. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. it's not just designed to look good... that's what i'm talking about. it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior... it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights... they light the way forward. the new fully electric audi q8 e-tron models... welcome back. new this morning, an official denial from the kremlin that it was behind the plane crash presumed to have killed yevgeny prigozhin, the leader of the wagner mercenary group. putin spokesman calling the suspicion that he ordered the assassination an absolute lie. the pentagon meanwhile says intelligence points to sabotage in bringing the plane down. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel has the latest. >> reporter: the u.s. believes russian mercenary leader yevgeny prigozhin was likely on this plane when it suspiciously crashed outside moscow on wednesday and that he is dead. british officials calling it very likely. what exactly brought down the plane is still a mystery. two u.s. officials said intelligence gathered so far points to sabotage with one official saying a leading theory is that an explosive was placed on board, although they can't say with certainty. u.s. officials are convinced this was no accident but payback for prigozhin's mutiny two months ago when he dared to lead a column of mercenaries toward moscow and challenged russian president putin's grip on power. while many suspect he ordered the hit, putin said russian investigators still need time to learn all the facts. he offered his sincere condolences and described prigozhin as a talented businessman but who also made serious mistakes in his life. the pentagon says there's no indication the jet was hit by a surface to air missile, that the heat signature of a launch wasn't detected. russian aviation officials say they've recovered the remains of the ten people on board, some so disfigured identification is difficult. >> whatever happened at 28,000 feet was catastrophic in nature and it basically knocked the airplane out of the sky. >> this morning new images were posted on russian social media showing the wing that was ripped from the plane in mid-flight, reportedly found nearly two miles from the crash site. the kremlin has so far made no mention of pprigozhin's mutiny, but the message seems clear without it. if you challenge putin, this is the price. >> our richard engel is joining us now. richard, denial now coming from the kremlin that it was involved here, that this was some kind of assassination, but will that change the u.s. assessment? >> reporter: of course not. i think this was completely expected. i don't think anyone would have imagined that the kremlin was going to come out and say, yes, we did it. instead they seem to be playing for time saying our investigation will reveal all that happened, give the investigation time. that was the line that vladimir putin took yesterday when he offered these kind of warm and complimentary condolences remembering prigozhin fondly, but saying that he was a complicated person and made mistakes in his life. the u.s. is continuing its assessment as are other countries and so far the assessment is that this plane was destroyed deliberately, how they're still trying to work out. not why and not any consideration that this was some sort of accident or mechanical failure. >> richard engel, thank you so much. i appreciate your reporting, my friend. up next on "ana cabrera reports," it has been the go-to. he is there for rappers like gucci mane and rick ross and now donald trump. nbc news spoke to the georgia-based bail bondsman who just added the former president to his list of clientele. and what about the co-defendants in this georgia case who don't have a net worth anywhere near donald trump's? 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>> i suppose he was. the reason he was brought into this whole process is he has a very strong relationship with much of the legal community here in atlanta, and both of former president trump's attorneys that have been involved gave him a call four or five days ago, and he said that the former president paid 10% of that $200,000 through his attorney. he says that the whole experience was surreal. he was inside this jail yesterday but was kept in a separate room due to security. take a listen to some of what he had to say. again, charles shaw, the bail bondsman we spoke with last night, take a listen. >> it was a historical experience, one that i've never experienced before and probably never will again in my life. a very serious experience, an experience we had to get it done right, and i think we did, and i just think it was just something that was quite extraordinary. >> reporter: he said it was quite extraordinary and quite surreal he also told me. to give you an idea of this jail, this is a jail as we've reported, he's under federal investigation, the doj investigating conditions inside the jail. you shot years ago here in atlanta, wxia, and this is a jail notorious, but this bail bondsman operates out of here and other parts of atlanta metro area. and this is a bail bondsman, charles shaw, that as you mentioned a little earlier, he has helped other major celebrities across the -- in this process, gucci mane, ti and former president donald trump to his list of clients. ana? >> very interesting. gabe gutierrez, thank you. it is all getting very pricey for trump and his co-defendants, especially for the 18 who aren't millionaires or billionaires. trump's former lawyer, jenna ellis, booked on wednesday, posting this question on social media last week, asking why trump or his political pac isn't helping with her legal bills. but trump picking up the bill has been complicated, right. in another case we have seen a witness in the classified documents case recant his testimony and then actually go on to implicate trump after he switched lawyers from one backed by trump's pac to a public defender. i want to bring in anthony colie, msnbc's justice and legal affairs analyst. so great to have you here. so, obviously, trump is doing okay for himself, he's arriving on private planes, he's got this huge apparatus behind him footing his legal bills, most of the time. i think the latest number we have from his save america pac is that they already spent $20 million on legal fees in the first six months of 2023, two-thirds of the pac's total spending. how can they keep that up? and how much higher could the fees go given this is a very sprawling case, right? >> the fees could go extremely high. let me tell you, i saw the photograph of jenna and giuliani on the screen, i have zero sympathy for any of these defendants, especially the lawyers, ana. they know that the appropriate venue to challenge election results in our country are courts of law. and they did that some 60 times in georgia and across the country and they lost. and in georgia, and other states, there were multiple recounts. there were hand recounts. and they lost. and that should have been the end of it. but yet still we have these 18 other defendants who continued to engage in a conspiracy to overturn the will of voters in america. and that's just not how it should work. >> that's a really good point. i think most of us have never been in their shoes, right? i'm personally curious how much would legal fees be for somebody in their shoes? >> right. listen, it is going to escalate. we're talking tens of thousands of dollars for many of these folks. if anything, ana, what we have observed over the course of donald trump's 50-plus years in the public spotlight is that he looks out for himself. and if i'm advising any of these individuals, i would tell them it is time for you to look out for yourself. if i am advising them, they need to accept a public defender, they should be in conversations with prosecutors. they should accept a plea deal, which, of course, will include jail time. and then try to move on with their lives. >> you mentioned trump looks out for himself. what is interesting here is he's about to headline a big fund-raiser, $100,000 per plate fund-raiser that's supposed to help with his buddy rudy giuliani's legal fees. is there a conflict there? >> perhaps there is. i think what he's trying to do here, this is all set preservation for donald trump. rudy giuliani was one of his right-hand men and so he's trying to keep rudy close, particularly in the willis investigation and the case with jack smith on election interference. but even if he is able to prevent giuliani from flipping, these are still tight cases. these are cases that are rooted in facts, they're rooted in the law. and in georgia, in particular, some of the prosecution's lead witnesses are conservative republicans in the state who refused to go along with donald trump's election lies. >> that's a good point. thank you so much, anthony, appreciate your analysis. >> thank you. >> nice to have you here. >> thank you. up next on "ana cabrera reports," an update on efforts to find the people still missing in hawaii after the devastating wildfires. etes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? 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>> reporter: there have been significant developments from maui, one legally, another the amount of names just issued on the unaccounted for list. let's start on the legal side of things first. the 13th lawsuit against hawaiian electric has now been filed. what makes this one so significant is that the county of maui is directly blaming the utility for the wildfires and seeking just compensation calling it a systemic failure of the power grid. there is three components to their accusations of negligence. one of them is not deenergizing the lines, especially knowing there were red flag and high wind warnings. they say given what we have seen in california and oregon that should have been a common sense course of action. the second is not maintaining the equipment, either because it is too old or not clearing out brush or trees that could have knocked down the power lines in the first place. and the third is continuing to allow the power lines, once they were knocked down, to stay energized, potentially further fanning the flames. now, as far as the county of maui is concerned, the attorney says they could be asking for tens of millions of dollars, potentially hundreds of millions of dollars for rebuilding and providing services once again. it really depends. and now key point to be made, this investigation is to what caused the fire is still being investigated right now by the atf. as far as hawaiian electric is concerned, they did issue a statement saying in part, they're supporting the people of maui and are very disappointed that the county has chosen this litigious path given the fact the process is still unfolding. as far as the names that were just released, 388 to the public, those who are technically unaccounted for. this is a figure that fluctuated a lot in recent days. the way that authorities and the fbi got that 388 figure is having a first name, last name and point of contact. now, maui's police chief said there are 1,732 names that now have been accounted for, so that's the good news. he acknowledges that this is such a crushing piece of information for the public to have to absorb, seeing those names, but it will help their investigation. and lastly, we learned that the youngest victim in the fire so far to be identified appears to be a 7-year-old boy, who was trying to flee the flames with his family in their car when he got stuck. from maui, sam brock, nbc news. back to you. >> so heart breaking, a 7-year-old, thank you for that. that's going to do it for us this busy week. thank you for being here. i'm off next week. i'll see you back here in september. have a great weekend. reporting from new york, i'm ana cabrera. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now. good morning. 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific, i'm jose diaz-balart. we begin with the latest on the legal drama surrounding former president donald trump. at this hour, co-defendant harrison floyd is scheduled to have his initial appearance. he's the only one so far who has not been released from jail after turning himself in. and there is just under an hour left for stephen lee, the final co-defendant in the georgia election interference case to turn himself in at the fulton county jail. meantime, several other co-defendants turned themselves in overnight, including former justice department official jeffrey clark, who tried to unsuccessfully block his

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Subway , Freeee , Interior , Quiet Refuge , Headlights , Models , Audi Q8 E Tron , Plane , Assassination , Points , Mercenary Group , Suspicion , Lie , Pentagon , Wagner , Latest , Richard Engel , Russian , Leader , Mercenary , Official , Mystery , Theory , Crashed Outside Moscow On Wednesday , British , Accident , Board , Explosive , Certainty , Payback , Column , Mercenaries Toward Moscow , Facts , Hit , Investigators , Suspect , Grip , Condolences , Mistakes , Indication , Businessman , Missile , Jet , Surface , Wasn T , Identification , Remains , Feet , Heat , Aviation , 28000 , Social Media , Images , Crash Site , Sky , Mid Flight , Airplane , Wing , Price , Mutiny , Mention , Pprigozhin , Prigozhin Fondly , Failure , Countries , Consideration , Reporting , Gucci Mane , Friend , Rappers , Rick Ross , Bail Bondsman , List , Help , Anywhere , Clientele , Net Worth , Bills , Questions , Immigration Record , Ancestors , Oh My God , Party , Nurses , Nurse , Need , Excitement Finding , Time Traveler , Claudia , World War Ii , El Salvador , TÍa Amalia , Fastsigns , Visuals , Inspire Pride District , Doctor , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Breztri , Copd , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Eye , Pain , Chest Pain , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Swelling , Tongue , Mouth , Home Internet , Goodbye , Truck , Cord , 50 , 0 Bucks , Rates , What A Beautiful Mornin , What A Beautiful Day , Bucks , Identity Number , 00000 , 200000 , Correspondent Gabe Ambiguity Gutierrez , Relationship , Listen , Some , Room Due , Five , In My Life , Bail , Idea , Parts , Conditions , Metro Area , Wxia , Celebrities , Earlier , Ti , Jenna Ellis , Billionaires , Clients , Who Aren T Millionaires , Bill , Pac Isn T , Defender , Case Recant , Pac , Witness , Anthony Colie , Most , Planes , Affairs Analyst , Apparatus , Msnbc , Fees , America Pac , Save , 2023 , 0 Million , 20 Million , 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