Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240704

good morning, everyone. and welcome to "way too early" on this wednesday, august 23rd. i'm eamon mohyeldin in for jonathan lemire. trump reportedly had his lawyers negotiate for him to turn himself in during prime time television hours. as "the guardian" reports trump wanted to maximize television ratings for his benefit for his surrender to the authorities in atlanta and could extend the coverage of the proceedings by speaking afterwards in front of cameras and reporters. this, of course, is trump's fourth indictment in as many months. in each he's worked to turn appearances into spectacles and quote, in an effort to discourage the indictments. the booking process in fulton county typically includes a mug shot, fingerprinting and taking both height and weight measurements. "the guardian" reports trump has asked his lawyers and the secret service to get him out of taking that mug shot. in previous cases he did not have to take one, but the fulton county sheriff has stated the former president will be treated like any other defendant. now, as we await trump's surrender, the other 18 codefendants, well they have begun to turn themselves in. earlier this morning former georgia gop chair david shafer and cathy lathem, surrendered to authorities. of course both are accused of taking part in that fake elector scheme in that state. the architect john eastman was also booked in fulton county. his lawyers say it took about an hour and a half for him to go through the booking process and he spoke with reporters outside the jail including our own ali vitali. >> do you think the election was stolen? absolutely still. >> no question. >> and you won't answer on immunity from prosecution? do you think others had a standing on that, people like meadows? >> no comment. >> also booked yesterday atlanta bails bondman scott hail accused of trying to tamper with systems in this state. several others are also expected to surrender today including former trump campaign senior legal advisor jenna ellis. her bond will be set at $100,000. one of the candidates running for president plans to sue the national republican committee for not allowing him to participate in tonight's debate. larry elder says he met the party's requirements and now claims the rnc's rules are rigged. in a statement he writes, quote, just as i had to fight to successfully be on the ballot of california's recall election, i'll fight to be on that debate stage. elder will hold a press conference on the issue tuesday in milwaukee. perry johnson and miami mayor frances suarez also claimed to have met the debate criteria but not selected. the source familiar with the rnc's rules tells nbc news johnson and suarez did not meet the party's polling requirements explaining that the polls that they were using were not up to rnc standards. and eight candidates will be on the debate stage tonight in milwaukee. of course the front runner donald trump he did qualify for the event, he's decided not to participate. he posted on truth social last night that he'll be very busy during the debate during which he is expected to release an interview with former fox news host tucker carlson. joining us now politics reporter for semafor. dave, it's great to see you. all eyes today will be on milwaukee. perhaps some will be watching the tucker carlson interview. walk us through what we can expect to hear from candidates tonight? what will their strategy be on the debate stage as they try to differentiate themselves and also talk about the elephant in the room? >> well, they're going to try to move on from donald trump as quickly as they can. they're often asked about donald trump. the conversation pivots back to that. they were very little news to say about that except almost universally except for chris christie, they're going to go back to what they're running on. there's a lot of agreement on these candidates and i think that's going to come across. everyone basically agrees the trump presidency was a success. you're going to see ron desantis point to his record in florida, argue he alone has defeated the left and created a economy. you'll see vivek ramaswamy argue he can build on the trump presidency. you see a lot of criticism of ramaswamy from mike pence, a little bit ron desantis. a feeling among the candidates this is a guy who will say anything, adopted a position in a hurry, get over his skis. and they'll be able to criticize him on commitments he's made that don't back up. and the rest of this field just need to get noticed. tim scott has been focused on the trail on immigration, building borders, just a few popular republican issues and on his ability to win the erection. nikki haley has been doing the same. both of them sort of argue they can break the coalition as nonwhite candidates, the first nonwhite nominees. hailey adds to that she's going to defeat china economically. mike pence, same thing. he referred to the trump/pence administration, we can go back to his view not january 2021 but maybe march 2020, but with more clarity and more conservative credentials. i think he's going to try to grill him on this, much more clear what he would do about abortion, health care, offering medicaid. i think you're going to see pence try to fight a few flags. i heard some strategists i was talking to over the week compare his role to essentially bernie sanders in 2019, keeping them honest, getting a flag planted in the ground. >> let me ask you quickly. for their part the moderator said they will ask the candidates about the indictments. do we have any indication what the candidates will say or what positions they'll adopt on the indictments donald trump is facing and how that may affect the presidential race? >> chris christie will perhaps alone say these indictments are serious, they're real, donald trump betrayed the party, the country, the office on january 6th and actually back to election night 2020. he's going to be clear he's going to say he's not fit to be president again. he does like bringing the topic to other issues, but his theory and i think it's in new hampshire polling is that no one else has the courage to criticize trump over the indictments, over what he did in the election because they look at the polling and say, okay, they think trump is being railroaded. the rest of the field they think trump is being railroaded and the justice system -- to use phrase that gets used every day on the trail -- weaponized. i think a lot of candidates who are not chris christie are going to take that question and turn it into something else. politics reporter for semafor, thank you for starting us off this morning. of course we're following a major new development in the classified documents case. a key witness against former president donald trump and his two codefendants has now retracted previous false testimony and has proved or provided rather incriminating information about defendants after switching lawyers. in a new court filing by special counsel jack smith yucil taveras who served as the director of information technology at mar-a-lago changed his testimony about efforts to delete security camera video after he switched his lawyer to a public defender. taveras was initially represented by stanley woodward who also represents walt nauta and other trump allies and whose tees were being paid for by trump's save america pac. according to the filing taveras decided to switch attorneys after he learned he was being investigated on suspicion of having made false statements in his previous grand jury testimony in washington, d.c. when testifying before the d.c. grand jury, taveras initially stated that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos at mar-a-lago. but yesterday's filing reveals, quote, immediately after receiving new counsel, trump employee 4 identified as yucil taveras, retracted his prior false testimony and provided information that implicated walt nauta, carlos de oliveira and former president trump in efforts to delete security camera footage. attorney stanley woodward declined to comment to nbc news. also in the filing prosecutors inform judge aileen cannon who previously questioned why they were still using a d.c. grand jury to collect evidence, was told the d.c. grand jury officially wrapped up its work on august 17th. all right, still ahead 2024 white house hopeful vivek ramaswamy is facing scrutiny over comments he made on the september 11th terrorist attacks. he said he was misquoted, but now the audio has actually been release. and some are falsely claiming president biden fell asleep during a memorial for wildfire victims in maui. those stories and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. sports and weather when we come right back the citi custom cash℠ card automatically adjusts to your spending. hi. ♪♪ you don't have to keep tabs on rotating categories. this is the only rotating i care about. it does the work for you. earn cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, with the citi custom cash℠ card. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. i used to wait to run my dishwasher 'til it was super full. now, i dish differently. i run it daily. weekdays... weekends... sometimes after a big snack. you might think that's wasteful, but it's not. 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[ cheers ] running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy is doubling down on claims that his comments about the september 11th attacks were taken out of context despite evidence they were not. the controversy started on monday after the atlantic published a profile on rom swaemy. during an interview for that piece he was asked about the capitol attack because ramaswamy has told crowds on the campaign trail that americans don't know the truth about january 6th. ramaswamy suggested that there were government agents in the crowd outside the capitol and then compared the insurrection to the 9/11 attacks. saying in part, quote, i think it's legitimate to say how many police, how many federal agents were on the planes that hit the twin towers. maybe the answer is swreeree. it probably is zero for all ikn. i have no reason to think it was anything other than zero. monday night ramaswamy was pressed about those comments during an interview with cnn. he said the quote was wrong and claimed saudi arabia's government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. yesterday the atlantic released audio of that portion of the interview which confirmed the quote is exactly what ramaswamy said. >> i think it is legitimate to say how many police -- how many federal agents were on the planes that hit the twin towers. the answer is probably zero for all i know, right? if we're doing a january 6th committee absolutely those should be questions that we should get to the bottom of. >> despite that audio proof you just heard ramaswamy's campaign still says he was taken out of context adding, quote, he was compirring. he obviously doesn't think there were federal agents on either flight. president biden's visit to maui to meet with the survivors of the wildfire and surveil the destruction was met by a largely positive response. one resident made it clear biden was there to listen to everyone's stories. >> he was so present with so many, one after -- he spoke with hundreds of people and hugged them and kissed their cheek and heard what we all had to say. and there were really -- since this happened there haven't been that many smiles in one place on this island, and it was profoundly touching. >> and it in typical fashion some republicans are criticizing biden even saying he fell asleep during one part of his visit. the low quality video surfaced on the web that due to pixilation skews biden's face to make it appear he's asleep. however, higher quality video shows he's awake and listening to people speaking. pushing for a division title l plus we're going to show you the chipping moments from last night's astros-red sox game in boston. that's all straight ahead. os-ren boston that's all straight ahead. versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. metamucil gummies make it easy to get the fiber you need. promoting your digestive health for a better you. metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. we're at the top of the line-up and here comes the 3-2, and this one lifted in the air and deep. and did he catch that? he certainly did. wow, what a play. >> what a play. that was the diamondbacks alec thomas running down a fly ball to take an extra base hit from the texas rangers in the top of the ninth inning. arizona goes onto beat texas 6-3 and move that you infinal national league wild card spot mere percentage points behind the chicago cubs and one half game ahead of the cincinnati reds and san francisco giants. to the south side of chicago, the seattle mariners extended their win streak to eight games to take another step towards their first al west title since 2001. the mariners are now one game to first place marking the first time they've been this close to the top of the division since 2007. they're one game ahead of the blue jays for the final al wild card spot. meanwhile the white sox are clearing out their front office, firing both the team's executive vice president general manager yesterday. last night's loss to the mariners dropped chicago to a 49 and 77 record on the season, 16 games behind the first place minnesota twins in the al central. over to houston, the aforementioned astros beat the red sox with a performance from justin verlander who pitched six scoreless innings in the 7-3 victory. ver lander also had some choice words after the red sox skipper came out of the dug out while verlander dealt with a pitch issue in the second inning. he was later tossed with the right fielder for arguing balls and strikes in the bottom of the second and marked the second in three rejections. against the washington nationals 2-1 slumping to a ninth straight loss for the first time in more than 40 years. the last time the yankees lost nine in a row was back in september 1982, the final month of a 79-win season. a tenth straight loss tonight will mark new york's longest losing streak since 1913. what a sad day in new york. time now for the weather. let's go over to meteorologist michelle grossman for the forecast. >> ayman, so good to see you. some storms moving through the great lakes, but that dangerous heat in the middle of the country. we're looking at persistent dangerous heat as we go throughout the day. temperatures going to soar into the 90s, the 100s. so many from texas to south dakota over to portions of of the great lakes into the southeast, where you see this pink here that's an excessive heat warning that includes minneapolis, chicago, memphis, jackson, new orleans, and that's where we're going to esee temperatures into the triple digits. for many of us you factor in the humidity and it's going to feel warmer than that. 101 in st. lieu. notice the records next to it, we're going to break a lot of records once again today. also tomorrow we broke records yesterday as well. this is tomorrow. we're looking at that extreme heat continuing so st. louis 103. we're going to be into the low 80s, upper 70s by the weekend. pensacola, 97. atlanta, 95 degrees. that's one big story. we're also watching the chance for showers, severe weather. 11 million people at risk across the great lakes including detroit, also erie. where you see this yellow that's the biggest threat for severe weather. the health threat is low. we have an area of low pressure moving through the great lakes and also looking at a chance of showers and storms. then as we go throughout tomorrow, watch this area of low pressure moving off to the east and a cluster of storms off to ohio. notice the bright colors that's ind kalting where we could see really heavy downpours. and storms developing later tomorrow from michigan to new york city. we're going to see rainfall amounts anywhere from 1 to up to 3 inches. where you see the brighter colors from the great lakes to interior portions of of the north east. >> thank you for that update. coming up, ahead of donald trump's surrender in georgia house speaker kevin mccarthy is out with an impeachment warning about president joe biden. we're going to take a look at his new remarks. that is next. take a look at his new remarks. that is next running this kitchen. 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"way too early" is coming right back. ing bell "way too early" is coming right back age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at ♪oh♪ ♪then you take me by the hand♪ ♪i feel better again♪ ♪oh i feel better now♪ all right, it's time now for business and for that let's bring in cnbc julianna tatelbaum live from london. good to see you. >> ayman, wonderful to see you. >> we're reunited. who would have thought? so i've got to ask you -- >> it's great to be back together. >> i've got to ask really quickly so investors will be watching for earnings reports from some well-known names today. how's the market shaping up ahead of that? >> well, right now the markets looking pretty good. u.s. futures point to a positive start to trade on wall street. investor attention turning to nvidia, the major chip maker. one analyst called the ceo of there viddia the godfather of a.i. this has been a major reason for the a.i. boom we've seen take tech stocks this year. if the company reports after the market closes and gives strong guidance for the coming year and years to come, it could fuel another leg up in tech stocks. so that is absolutely the one to watch today. >> all of this comes after a slew of reports from major retailers yesterday. what have we learned so far about consumer spending? >> well, as for what we learned yesterday, the u.s. consumer looks like it may be beginning to weaken. macy's stock dropped 14% yesterday after the company warned of weak consumer spending through the crucial holiday season and also signaled a faster than expected rise in credit card payment delays. that's really interesting because we're all looking to see what the impact of higher interest rates from the fed is on the economy. we also saw shares in dick sporting goods plunge yesterday. 24%. the company missed expectations and cut their guidance for the year. the reason problem is theft. they're also dealing with unpopular inventory. looking at the overall retailers for this earnings season one of the big themes has been focused on cost controls as they prepare for a potentially weaker consumer in the months to come. >> and julianna, there's big labor news. the threat of a strike from some 300,000 ups employees is now officially over. tell us how it played out. >> this is actually huge news because the threat of a strike from ups was massive. it would have a significant impact obviously on the u.s. and how goods move around. so the decision here -- this major deal we have got pay rises in store for both part and full time workers at ups. also we've got improvements to working rules agreed which includes an end to some overtime and heat safety precautions the union was pushing for. most importantly as you said this removes the risk of a strike from workers at ups because 86% of ups union workers who voted supported the deal. it's major news for the company. >> major news indeed. we'll see how markets react to it in a few hours. julianna, great to see you as always. >> still ahead donald trump's lawyer needs a lawyer. we're going to talk about rudy giuliani's expected trip to georgia as he faces a host of criminal charges. "way too early" will be right back. charges "way too early" will be right back bile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at ugh, this guy again... pops! ay son! ya got a little somethin' on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh. the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley. all right, so america's mayor is apparently having a problem finding a georgia lawyer. sources tell nbc news that rudy giuliani is planning a trip to atlanta today in an effort to secure local counsel to help defend him against the 13 counts he faces in connection with trying to overturn inresults of the 2020 election. giuliani has reached out to associates like his long-term friend former nypd commissioner bernie carrick and former trump attorney tim parlatore to him find an atlanta based attorney. the former new york city mayor is still finalizing his representation plans and there is no set plan to surrender at this time. jewel yawpy is said to be struggling to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in mounting legal bills and has appealed to former president trump for a financial lifeline but has yet to receive any assistance. joining us now political reporter for the atlanta journal constitution greg bluestein and also contributor for nbc news. grag, great to see you as always. let's talk about this. former president trump expected to surrender to police in georgia. nbc news is reporting giuliani is having trouble finding a lawyer to represent him. break down the latest for us. >> yeah, and there's a friday noon deadline for all these defendants to report. we expect a flurry today, thursday, and of course before the friday deadline. but for rudy giuliani these legal challenges were really the matter what every other defendant is facing. we've heard from other codefendants they're having trouble paying their bills. we know the three fake electors are having their bills paid by the state republican party. others are going online, going to the internet to try to crowd fund their legal defense. it is very, very expensive to litigate rico charges. >> greg, let's widen the conversation to politic. you're in milwaukee ahead of the first gop primary debate. what do you expect to see? >> donald trump obviously won't be here, but he's going to be the constant specter in everything discussed. it's hard to see the other three charges against trump not be a focus of this debate. anything the candidates say about donald trump, most of them have tried to sidestep these indictments or play into donald trump's narrative. of course the exception there is former new jersey chris christie who said donald trump is a cowered, not fit for office. and former vice president mike pence has also gotten more aggressive in recent weeks of the charges. >> and we'll see if it is enough to change the way the polling is trending right now. it was great to see you, my friend. thank you. >> thank you. up next hours from now the 2024 republican hopefuls will hit that debate stage making their pitch to voters. who will take advantage of donald trump's absence sphcome out on top? and live reporting from milwaukee ahead of tonight's debate. and plus we're getting a glimpse how trump plans to turn himself into the fulton county jail tomorrow. what his lawyers negotiated with d.a. fani willis just days before his surrender. also brand new nbc news polling is shedding light on what matters to iowa republican voters. what the majority is now saying about candidates who criticize trump. 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>> this is an opportunity for ron desantis to rise to the occasion or not. unfortunately, for ron desantis, i don't think he has what it takes. it seems desantis, number one, he'll be a target of all of the other candidates who are vying to be in second place, so that's going to pose a real problem for him and i don't think he has that thing that translates well on the debate stage. ron desantis is obviously a very intelligent person, he's very successful governor, will that translate on the debate stage? will he have the zingers especially like with chris christie or vivek coming after him in i'm skeptical. if he doesn't that becomes the narrative coming out of the debate -- not trump, ron desantis has a chance to make the story the beginning of his comeback >> any candidate that you think will have a breakout moment tonight? >> obviously, you look for ron desantis, i mentioned chris christie, i don't think he can have a breakout moment in the sense that he would become front-runner, i think he'll be the chip we're watching tomorrow morning. christie -- he can talk. he's a skilled or or the, i think he's very good in this setting. also, i think someone like tim scott or vivek could flatter us with their elegance. not propel them to be a contender against donald trump but maybe overshadow ron desantis. >> some have speculated that tonight is a performance for an audience of one, perhaps auditioning to be donald trump's running mate, do you think the candidates are thinking like that as well, publicly they're gunning for the top job, how much of this is driven by political ambition tonight. >> the motives -- the incentives are different for different candidates. ron desantis said he's the only person actually running for president, i think chris christie is running to take down donald trump. and then i think someone like vivek or a tim scott are positioning themselves for the future and that could be to be vice president. various motives and incentives and that will inform how they'll debate and whether they're willing to attack trump from the stage. >> donald trump isn't going to be there. to what extent is the rest of the republican party willing to listen to chris christie? >> that's the state of the republican party, but look, chris christie is so good at this he can be funny and i think even though the crowd in the room in milwaukee may not be with him, there maybe people in new hampshire who are. >> a mike pence does, who served in the trump administration but now clearly trying to distance themselves from everything. >> what they want to do is go after joe biden. and i think they want to subtly criticize donald trump. basically make the argument that donald trump was great for four years until he started a coupe, that's what mike pence is essentially saying. nikki haley doesn't go that way. a little bit cute and nuanced about it. the question is whether they can get away with it. i think it's entirely possible that chris christie will take this opportunity to call them out for that. they want to do this two-step, they subtly praise and also criticize donald trump, he had some great ideas he just wasn't effective, he didn't actually build a wall. chris christie, asa hutchinson, but christie specifically who could call that out. >> all eyes on milwaukee tonight. matt, thank you so much for breaking that down for us. thank you for getting up way too early with us on this wednesday morning. catch me weekends right here on msnbc. i'll be on "morning joe" which starts right now. i'm confident that when the law is faithfully applied in this proceedings all of my co-defendants and i will be vindicated. >> you still think the election was stolen in. >> no question about it. >> that was john eastman right after he surrendered to authorities in fulton

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