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Alice lee, thank you, we appreciate it. That wraps it up. Im Yasmin Vossoughian on the back next saturday and sunday. Symone starts right now. Sunday. Good afternoon. Youre watching symone, im Melissa Murray in for Symone Sanders townsend. Tropical storm hilary makes landfall. Forecasters warn its packing a dangerous punch. Including catastrophic rainfall, flooding, and potential mudslides. Guad venegas is live in san diego where hilary is on track to hit max. And the first debate for republican president ial candidates is just a few days away. How the challengers could take advantage of the elephant that will not be in the room. Front runner donald trump escaping the debate stage this week. But his attendance is required in Fulton County. While his surrender to overturn the 2020 election in georgia. Meanwhile, codefendant mark meadows is trying to avoid prosecution in the peach state altogether. Well have the latest on The Tangled Web the legal woes for all the former president s man. We have a lot to talk about, lets get started. We start this hour with the latest on Tropical Storm hilary, which could impact 26 million americans. Theyre looking at live pictures from tina lana, The Storm Made Landfall in mexico a few hours ago. Heavy rain has already started in san diego. Where hillarys expected to hit next. Emergency officials are holding a briefing there this hour. Well be monitoring that for any breaking updates. Californias governor, gavin newsom, has declared a State Of Emergency in some parts of the golden state. As heavy rain, wind, and catastrophic flooding are expected. The next two days will be crucial. Hillarys expected to move north through california today and into nevada by the mid morning. This is the first Tropical Storm to hit california since 1939. Nbcs guad venegas, is live in san diego. Guad, what are you seeing in san diego and whats the latest guidance from officials in the area . Unless, our under a Flash Flood Warning here in san diego. You can see behind me downtown. Weve had light rain here all day on and off. Its continued, we still dont have the main part of the storm here. In Southern California, the last report indicates that the storm is now arriving at ensenada. Its a large city in mexico. About 300,000 residents, south of talana. After that area the storm will make its way into tawanta, and cross into the united states, authorities wanted people to keep in mind that there was this morning for flash floods. For people in san diego that live in vulnerable areas knew they had to prove it hills, people live on top of hills, other people live in the areas. They knew that their houses were much more vulnerable. Authorities had areas where they could pick up sandbanks to protect their property. They wanted people to keep in mind as well that there could be Power Outages because of the storm. And the latest report does indicate that the heavier rainfall could come on the east part of san diego. Different parts of the county here and in los angeles, riverside counties different geography. Residents need to Pay Attention to their areas because they have different types of dangerous. The number one risk authorities have talked about is the possibility of flash floods. Lets hear from the mayor san diego speaking to the public yesterday. Sorry, mayor of l. A. Our message today is clear, stay safe, stay home. And stay informed. This is an unprecedented weather event, what los angeles has deep experience responding to crisis. Whether it be wildfire or earthquakes, the city is prepared. Karen bass speaking about the preparations of the county and los angeles as well as the county in san diego have declared local emergency. , as she mentioned, california is prepared to deal with the natural disasters. We have wildfires in the state every year. The resources exist to respond. Both from the cities, the counties, and from the state to Work Together and respond. Right now were waiting for the bulk of the storm to make its way north. Authorities have set the mission theyre waiting for the worst of the rain to make its way here to the san diego area. To either parts of Southern California, melissa. Guad, we know californians are not strangers to natural disasters, but this ones unprecedented, this rainfall on the threats of flash flood. Are they taking this warning from officials seriously, how are they preparing . Once, i spent the last few days in san diego talking to residents. I think the people that live in vulnerable areas know the type of danger that can result from heavy rainfall. Thats because california had a lot of rain a few months ago. They know what places are vulnerable to these floods. I would say a lot of them took this serious, they want to get the sandbags to try to protect their property as best as possible. Others just kept on with their plans throughout the weekend. In fact, im in downtown right now. Im looking down here theres hotels, peoples walking around, some people are swimming, and this continuing whats planned. A lot of the people here, most people have never been through a Tropical Storm. They have no idea what that means when it comes to the wind in the water. When we had conversations with residents about how to prepare for a Tropical Storm. Most of them told me, i dont know what to do. Am i supposed to be buying food, am i supposed to be doing something to my home, what should i do . And i will say those conversations would usually and with us telling them, make sure you know where to look for the latest information on your phone. Its the fact that people here are not familiar with this type of storm. We have seen a lot of residents that did prepare. They knew their homes are vulnerable to those floods. Thank you so much for that live update, guad venegas, in san diego. This is going to be a pivotal week for former President Donald Trump and the other republican president ial candidates. Were gearing up for the first primary debate. Trumps expected to skip that debate. And instead sit down for an interview with former fox anchor, Tucker Carlson instead. Trump is 18 Cone Defendants are required by the Fulton County District Attorney to present themselves at the jail by noon on friday after being charged with attempting to overturn the 2020 president ial election. Nbc is reporting that Law Enforcement officials anticipate that former President Donald Trump will surrender no earlier than thursday. Last night, one of trumps codefendants, former white house chief of staff, mark meadows, filed a motion to have his charges dismissed. The filing that quote, as a federal official at the time of the charged conduct, hes immune from State Prosecution under the Supremacy Clause of the federal constitution. All of this as abc reports that meadows told jack smith that he could not recall trump ever declassifying the maralago documents. Even though the former president has insisted that he declassified all the materials before leaving office. And a statement to abc news, a spokesperson without evidence, accused the Justice Department of selectively linking incomplete information to impact the 2024 election. Nbc news has not yet that this report. Former Vice President , mike pence, was asked about all these developments on abcs this week earlier today. In my case i was never made aware of any broad based effort to declassify documents. Theres a process that the white house goes through to declassify material, im aware of that occurring on several occasions over the course of our four years. I dont have any broad direct from that doesnt mean it didnt occur. Its just not something i ever heard about. Joining me now to break it all down is National Politics reporter at, josh former u. S. Attorney for michigan and a lot percent at the university of michigans law school. Shes also a cohost of the sisters in law podcast. Barb, first you. Mark meadows has filed a motion to have the Fulton County charges dismissed citing immunity as a federal officer. Will he be successful, will these charges actually be dismissed . I think hell be unlikely to be successful, theres this thing of immunity when a federal officials charge of the crime instate work, if theyre acting within the scope of their authority. But you are not immune from all kinds of prosecution. For example, if youre a law professor, Law Professors like to use hypotheticals to stretch the logic. If he were charged with murder in georgia, he wouldnt be immune from that. It needs to be something within the scope of his official duties. Because his official duties, the president does not include the calculation of votes that the state of georgia are or any other state. I think ultimately hell be unsuccessful. But the Emotion Hearing on this whether he can have it removed from Federal Court and dismissed under this immunity theory. Barb, speaking of that earlier commotion to remove this from state court to Federal Court. How likely do you think it is for a judge to agree that they should be removed to Federal Court, and if it is in Federal Court what is the likely advantages or disadvantages that are presented to someone like mark meadows, and any of the codefendants were also likely to make similar motions . I think its unlikely. The same question is was it within the scope of the official duties. Just because he was a federal official doesnt end the inquiry. You need to show your acting within the scope of the duties. I think its an uphill climb, billy and evidentiary hearing to hear about this. And then the consequences, if they get to Federal Court the big advantage for meadows, trump, and others is the jury pool. Instead of a jury drawn solely from Colten County where we saw 72 of the electorate for joe biden in 2020. Instead, it will go to a broader area in the Northern District of georgia. Where there are more republican communities that will drop to the jury pool. At the end of the, day i think either way the case will be tried by the Fulton County prosecutors. It will be for violations of georgia law. Itll remain able to be part winnable by a future president. I dont know if its the most consequential decision. But fani willis would want to prosecute this case on her home turf. John, speaking of fani willis, shes using a Rico Indictment are tied together elements of what she says is a broad conspiracy that stretches even beyond the atlanta area thats her jurisdiction. Theres something of an irony here, now former trump lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is facing the same kinds of charges that he wants levied against others. Especially when his handling mob cases in new york. Now that hes facing criminal charges what are likely to be next step this time as a defendant . Great question, professor murray, i defer to you on questions of the law as well as barb, being experts on. But this is an Incredible Army running with giuliani. He made his name with the Justice Department, made himself a Political Fedor By Prosecuting the mob, racketeering charges against mob figures. Which we shorthand. Thats what hes being charged with in georgia. His next move is gonna be to find some money. According to the new york times, theres a lot of other evidence to this, and this direction, hes running out of money. Hes not being funded by donald trump the way others are. Legal defense. But giuliani of course has found himself defending on a lot of grounds over the course of the past couple of years. Barb, jonathan brings up a good point, rudy strapped for cash. Shes also bringing hes being sued by two Voting Machine Manufacturers over his claims of election fraud. Hes being sued by affair of Fulton County coworkers that allegedly were defamed by giuliani. And hes being sued by a woman whos accused him of quote, wide ranging sexual assault. We should note, giuliani has denied all of these allegations. But similar to donald trump is facing a very busy court calendar. How would you if you were his Attorney Balance all of these competing claims on your time and his . Certainly, theyll be motions and mentions of. Time the criminal cases will take priority over the civil cases. Those will coddle plaintiffs in those cases. Which is to the advantage of Rudy Giuliani. Delay, delay, delay is part of their game. If i were slower i would talk to them about cooperation. Rudy giuliani has a lot of potential information to share with prosecutors. While prosecutors may be a little wary of putting him on the stand because a credibility problems. Putting a jury to believe him. He can share a lot of information that could be useful outside the courtroom, leads, connections, and explanations, if they dont put him on the stand theres a lot of value he could offer. Id be talking to Rudy Giuliani about pleading guilty and cooperating in these criminal cases. John, not only is Rudy Giuliani facing scheduling complex Donald Trumps facing scheduling conflicts. Hes asked the judge to delay special counsel jack smiths federal trial on Election Interference until 2026, two years after the prosecutors asked for the trial to began, a year and a half after the 2024 election. January 2nd, 2024 star, but trumps attorneys say that the complexity of the wall to me. How can donald trump balance all of the scheduling demands of all the cases while hes also a candidate on a Campaign Trail . You remember it was infrastructure week every week during the trump presidency. It feels like lately its been indictment week every week since the trump canada say. What youre gonna see seeing forrest gump using all these Different Cases against him to argue for further and further delays. Obviously, jack smith came with a pretty narrow scope in what hes charging at, least as far as the election overturning case, the attempt to overturn the election case. And trying to get this done as quickly as possible. Im not surprised that donald trump asked for a date deep into the future. Hoping perhaps at the difference might be some [inaudible] thats the case that looks like its most likely to move forward quickly. And the judge has warned donald trump that it could be accelerated if he doesnt behave himself. John allen, barbara mcquade, thank you for the update. Coming up, well continue to monitor hillarys impact on the west coast. Well also bring you any breaking updates as they happen. Plus, the first Republican Debate is only three days away. How the candidates are recalibrating after donald trump announced that he will not be attending. And which candidates have the courage to call out the former president instead of defending them . Stay with us. Stay with us are you a new at t customer looking to upgrade your phone . Youre trapped locked into your contract for three years. Introducing the easy unlock. 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As of today, former arkansas governor, each a hassan, appears to be the latest contender getting enough small turns to make what hutchinson would be the tenth candidate in a crowded pool to make the stage on wednesday night. But remember, the front runner, former President Donald Trump, is opting out. After refusing to sign a loyalty pledge to the eventual republican nominee. Donald trump is giving the debate entirely. And pursuing an interview with former fox news host, Tucker Carlson. Trumps wide lead may give him the luxury of snubbing the event. But for other candidates this is a crucial chance to give their campaign a boost. And potentially break away from the pact. And talking about the debate strategy, the candidate seem determined not to let you see them swipe. Well, i have experience with nationally televised debates. Its different with a group on stage. Look, im gonna be me. You get hard questions, you gotta give the two answers. Thats the best debate prep i can hope for. Youre on the stage, listen to the questions that are asked. And try to answer them honestly indirectly. Ill listen to the other things that the other candidates say. If i think the said something stupid, all go get them. My Political Panel joins me. Now analysts tim miller is a writer at large at the bulwark, he was Communications Director for jeb bushs 2016 president ial campaign. And reecie colbert, political commentator and sirius xm host. Tammy, you were working for jeb bush when donald trump skipped the Republican Debate in 2016. How would you advise these candidates about how to conduct themselves on wednesday night in the shadows of an absent front runner . We learned one thing in 2016. Which doesnt what doesnt work when it comes to donald trump. And what doesnt work is trying to pretend that hes not there. Hoping that in the end the race will end up in and then when its lake, tequila take come on and beat him. Everyone in 2016 tied the data, ted cruz, they all lost. Do we know for sure that theyre taking donald trump when it work, now. It might be such that the Republican Base is so devoted to him that there is no strategy. But its confusing that all of these candidates in a crowded field are mimicking the same thing that didnt work eight years ago, asked if there were in a coma when it was happening. Reecie, in months of seeing his Campaign High pipe, Rhonda Santas hasnt made any moves to narrow the lead. How does here any of the candidates use this debate to breakthrough rather than sitting in a coma as jonathan says . Lets be honest, Ron Desantiss campaign is flopping and flailing. He along with others are pretty much auditioning to be the Vice President. Thats why you dont see them really going against donald trump. You have a few of them like governor asa hundreds and, and governor chris christie, that are there to stop him from becoming the hot nominee. But they dont have the chance either. What i would say for rhonda scent is is that its a bit too late for him to pivot from his extremely radical record. He should try to do what he can to end up as the number two in the tica. Jonathan, what with that receives has in mind. The nomination is one state by state, delegate by delegate. If you look at National Polling averages from 5 38, trumps nearly 40 ahead of his closest competitor, ron desantis. Do you expect candidates at the debate are gonna focus on desantis to get more attainable second place spot that the sand is apparently is going for . I think so. Everybody that was around in 2016 warned about, as things started to get big. They dont want donald trump to be the republican canada. Youre gonna end up having a crowded field, will be a strategic question that will eventually reach all candidates which is what should i do. And the best thing to do the most sensible thing to do is to attack the person in second. Because they dont have the devoted fan base that donald trump has. What everyone predicted was gonna happen was playing out. I expect Desantis Will Get vivek ramaswamy, and hell give more than donald trump well. Its pretty safe bet on wednesday. Reecie, as tim says donald trump has a cultish out many of the candidates are taking great pains not to criticize trump. The exception of course is chris christie. How could he use his unique position within this feel to his advantage as he goes after the end candidates on the debate stage . Supposedly, there is a legion of republicans that are looking for someone whos not donald trump. However, the problem with that is that 74 of the republicans want somebody like donald trump, maybe even if its not him. Chris christie has to break the needle between being the anti trump and being the trump alternative. What hes trying to do is run a campaign as the facts matter to the Republican Base, as though policy matters. And thats not gonna resonate. Where he could be effective if he wants to see trump not being the nominee is doing what he can to take him down. I dont know if he has a path to nomination himself. , tim trump is trying to set up counter programming, scheduling an interview with compete with this debate. But carlson no longer how its a major primetime show. What are the chances that an interview like this will get the kind of eyeballs and audiences that donald trump wants . Yeah, i dont think its gonna be that successful as a counter programming. If you look at it based on the ratings on wednesday night, theyll be some donald trump super fans, and Tucker Carlson super fans that tune into that instead of the debate. Those folks will be with donald trump anyway. And people who are still looking around, theyll tune into the debate. Where he can take the spotlight away from what happens on stage if you end up with a tenperson stage, nine persons stage, with a very boring without a lot of backdrop. And trump and tucker can make more news, thats what we discuss in the following days. One more question, well, former republican congressman and current president ial candidate, will hurd, hasnt yet qualified for the first Republican Debate. He did have some advice for his opponents that did. Lets take a listen. Free advice to the other candidates, donald trump is leading in the polls, hes your opponent, kissing his but wont help you, wont help you when. Tim, this is sage advice, you said it yourself. Is there any chances that these candidates will heed this advice . I dont think. So the look at will hurd, will hurd didnt make the debate that we shouldnt be listening to this guy. I wish it was true, that we lived in a world where will hurd would like us 11. But we dont. Youll hear a lot of slavish support for donald trump. And repeating donald trump when it comes to the recent indictments. Tim miller, reecie colbert, thank you so much. Up next, were tracking Tropical Storm hilary path through the west coast. Officials with the National Hurricane center is gonna join me next to talk about unique threat that this historic storm poses to this region. Again, its a region not known for these kind of intense storms. And certainly, not one accustomed to the level of rainfall thats expected. Dont go anywhere. Nywhere. Behind the team. The coach. The manager. And the snack dad. All using chase to keep up with their finances. The coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. Anddd check this out. The manager deposited a check. Magic. And the snack dad . Hes getting paid back. Orange slicesss. Because this team all has chase. Smart bankers. Convenient tools. One bank with the power of both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. fan 1 there ya go thats what im talkin about chase. josh allen is this your plan to watch the game today . hero fan uh, yea. 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The potential for lifethreatening flooding is real. And residents are being warned not to underestimate the danger of heavy rain from the system. Joining me now is jaime roundup, you director of the National Hurricane center, welcome, jamie. Thank you for being here. What do we need to know about Tropical Storm hilary right now . Were starting to see the system that weve been advertising for several days start to unfold. The area thats been, broad areas but under flood watch is now starting to have areas upgraded to Flood Warnings. Which means that flooding is occurring or eminent. You see these red areas in Southern California starting to pop up. You can see that, these Flood Warnings fill in even more over the next several hours. Jamie, we know that hilary has been downgraded from a hurricane to Tropical Storm. Is there still risk that residents need to be aware of even though the storm has been downgraded . This is my biggest fear right. Now that people will read too much and hilary dropping from a hurricane to a Tropical Storm. The threat all along has been the rainfall and flood risk. Which is independent of the wind. Remember, its based off the wind. And this case we really think its a flood threat, and a flood risk, and that risk has not diminished one. But with that in mind, how should residents keep themselves out of way of harm and minimize the risks of flooding to themselves in flooding . Stay home, its simple, stay home, if youre out and about, go home. And stay there for the rest of the afternoon. And most certainly, this evening and overnight with when The Sun Goes Down you wont be able to see water in the roads. If you can drive right into Hazardous Conditions we see this over and over again. People get confident about their ability to drive through flooded roads. The real threat is the flooding in all of the damage that can come with that kind of standing water. How long could these dangerous conditions last. How would you advise residents to prepare themselves for the next coming days . Unfortunately, its gonna linger into monday. Probably people need to start thinking about making preparations to not be about moving around on monday. And towards certain that these floodwaters have receded. Jamie rhome, thank you for that sage advice as California Stares down another natural disaster. From flooding to fire, is new fears today that the death toll from those maui wildfires could surge. The Hawaii State Representatives joining me next to talk about President Biden scheduled trip to the aloha state. Where he hopes to hear from the president. All of that is coming up next. Up next. To help prevent bleeding gums. Try saying Hello Gumwash with parodontax active gum health. It kills 99 plaque bacteria. And forms an antibacterial shield. Try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. 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Jill biden will visit maui tomorrow to survey the damage caused by the devastating wildfires that destroyed the town of lahaina. At least 114 people are confirmed dead and more than 1000 people are still missing. Officials say hes searched 85 of the burned area. Residents are pleading for help. Now, and in the future. The governors plan to rebuild the Community Must be based on the needs of the people. Not the interests of developers. We are facing with a lot of families, the loss, were still grieving. We need that we need to find closure before we look at whether we vote from here. Joining us now to discuss, hawaii state representative detroit hashimoto. Thank you for joining us. First off, we are sorry about the challenges in your home state, as somebody raised on maui, have you and family and friends been directly represented . Everybody knows somebody. A family that has been impacted, i think that the devastation is tremendous. You cant understand how much is burned out until you go there. Pictures dont give you the feeling of what it is on the ground. Our heart is with everybody that lost a loved one. That is the most tragic part about this entire event. I think we are standing together, and the community is supported. We have to work for the town, recently the speaking of resiliency, theres a lot here. A number of your constituents have not been recovered. What are you hearing from the neighbors about their search for their loved ones and hopes of recovering . Everyone has a story. When you talk about friends and neighbors, its a unique story. Is very tragic, and everyone is dealing with it in their own particular way. I think that when you take a look at the number of how many bodies they found, i think that it is a small number compared to the amount they are actually missing. I think that if youre lucky enough to get some of those you can get some closure. But what im worried about is people still on the missing list. They might not get that proper closure. They will have to cross the bridge when we figure out once they get to 100 percent searching the area. What are we doing with the next steps . Dealing with those families that need that closure to begin their Healing Process. Part of the Healing Process begins with the President Bidens visit, and i understand that you will be with the president during part of that visit. What messages from your constituents will you be sharing with the president . At this juncture, the president s presence means a lot to the community. Its a small community, but i think that the federal governments relief will be very much appreciated. He sent this over a federal eye thousand federal workers, as the first step. We have to remember its a marathon, not a sprint. We are going to be recovering for many years ahead of us. We need his continued support, the administrations support. I think that we owe a lot to be built methodically, Community Members have expressed their need to heal, their time to plan. In the interim, we need that federal support. Its going to cost millions and millions of dollars to rebuild. We are going to be counting on the federal government. Its this one community that is not going to be able to do it on our own. A big part of the recovery, it seems, will be answering some Unanswered Questions about the government response to this disaster, as you, no mollys Emergency Management chief stepped down only one day after defending the agencys decision not to sound Emergency Sirens meant to alert residents to seek higher ground. Going forward, how can we make sure that Something Like this never happens again, and how can federal assist hawaii and making sure that thats the case. I think that at the end of the day, its a freak accident. A lot of the government response, it was the best we could do at the time. There is going to be a lot of discussions moving forward, how we can be more prepared. I think that there is a lot more that we can do. We are going to be having to ask the Community Whats the big desire, i think we just saw it in california, one of the biggest asks was making sure that they had a robust alarm system. I think that we are going to have to rethink how we use alarm systems, and with those people without power, without cell service, and relying on cell phones to get notifications. When that goes out, what do we do . We never really thought about that. And i think that there was some surface level, but i think that this was a disaster of Epic Proportions that unfortunately, we need to do better. We need to make sure that this doesnt happen again. I think that other states can learn about this as, well and we can all be prepared for disasters. Final question, very quickly, there are a number of people displaced from their homes. What can be done for those individuals Going Forward . Whats the best way that our viewers can help . At this juncture, we are trying to close down most of the Emergency Shelters at our local gyms. I think that the Visitor Industry has stunted us tremendously to at least until march. And so i think that that is the first step. Its the First Tranche of the contract being signed. I think that at least they are not in a gym and Sharing Space with others. At least they have their private space now. I think that the Rebuilding Process will be important. We know that when the Rebuilding Process takes place, its lengthy. They will have to find some sort of median long term housing. I dont think its ideal for people in hotel rooms. I think that the last phase of recovery is to figure out how to house these people without having to leave the island, and stay on maui. I think those wishing to help, we need to make it available, and he showed shortterm rentals, any at some, point the governor is wanting to ring in quick bill housing to get people into real housing in the interim, where their homes are being rebuilt. Those wanting to, help thats an area where you can help with it. That Rebuilding Process, you need to sponsor the family to get into a more quickly built home. I think its all of us coming together to help with that process. The hawaii state representative troy hashimoto, thank, you our thoughts and prayers are with you and the people of maui. Thank you very much. Up next, we are switching gears. We are getting into the Controversy Swirling around former nfl star michael or. He is now saying that a key part of his life story, which is the basis for the its based on a lie. He did not get a fair share of profits. Why is getting pushback on those claims. Were going to be breaking it down, next. Down, next. 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But st. Jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. Interviewer please, call or go online right now and become a st. Jude partner in hope for only 19 a month. Subject 5 those donations really matter because were not going to give up. And when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. Interviewer when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, well send you this st. Jude tshirt. You can wear to show your support to help st. Jude save the lives of these children. Subject 6 st. Jude is hope. Even today after losing a child, its still about the hope of tomorrow, because. Childhood cancer has to end. Interviewer please, call or go online right now. [music playing] its time for the regroup, this is the part of the show where we turn to our culture critics, and dig into the tv thats been brewing in your group chats. First we kick things off with an update on keke palmers a boyfriend drama. The actress and singer has starred in ushers video for his new song titled, boyfriend. Palmer posted a clint from the video on her instagram. Lets take a look. We all remember when the father of kyky son publicly shamed or for what he characterized as not a mom out of it. Which she wore to ushers las vegas residency. Incidentally, it seems both usher and kyky are winning because the residencys been extended until the end of this year. But to break all this down lets bring in our culture critics, donie Donny Meacham and Chris Witherspoon the ceo of pop fears, and entertainment contributor. Chris, was palmer always knows how to turn a negative into a positive. How did she spin these livens and make some great assure lemonade . [laughter] i love that, melissa, its one thing to have the streets talking. But for something to have multi generations talking, its so great with this new music video, boyfriend. Keke palmer is in her twenties and ushers well into his 40s. They really have the streets talking. She also has merchandise out right now with this phrase, im a mother. Because of various people calling her out. Its growing, shes so talented i met her many times, i love seeing her grow up and stand in her womanhood. And stand under motherhood, and my one big question is are you getting a share of the its because of her i think in assures talent. The fact that she has this week talking to the store. Im gonna take issue with the fact that assures 40. I remember when he was also 20. But donny, this needs to be the epitome of what sorry to this man means. What are your thoughts here is keke coming out on top with all of this . Yeah, keke is a national treasure. Shes like, all right, were not together anymore. He publicly shamed me. Im gonna start a music video with usher. Weve been in the business a long time. But all presses good press. And having talks, we talked about usher in a long time. Now were all talking about usher and hes in vegas. This is the new normal. Artists are gonna do residencies. Dont go to them, have them come to you. Thats whats happening. And hes selling out in vegas. Lets switch gears. Former and of style star, michael oher, whose life story inspired at the Oscar Winning film the blind side is now claiming that the couple that took him in, shawn and leanne tuohy misled him into tiny ways legal rights and entering into a conservatorship. Which he believes had the effect of illegal adoption. Oher it came into Tennessee Court that the tuohys, and their adult birth children range paid more than 225,000 from the movie. Well he earned nothing. Chris, the legal team for the tuohy family spoke out saying that oher has no legally adopted. And instead was under conservatorship. I think were all a little blindsided by this turn of events. Was this a surprise to you . It was a big surprise. I was blindsided. I love the film. I love me some sandy bay. I was hurt that this movie, this Oscar Winning film is this legacy now. I will say ive watched this Interview Game he talked michael oher talked about how hes 23 years old when the film came out. He said even then he tried to speak out. And he has a new book out right now. He tried to speak out, he wanted to set the record straight, he was not a literate the tuohys didnt save his life a rescue ham. We need to really keep into account hollywood when we make these kind of films. If the person is alive, how them come on as producer. He was old enough to be involved in telling his own story. Which is very unfortunate that thats the way that folks will recall the film now. Nbc is reporting that there tuohys say theyre now willing to end the conservatorship. The couple also called these allegations, hurtful. And in attempt at quote unquote, shakedown. Donny, what are your thoughts on all this, quickly. Its interesting that as an adult why are they still under conservatorship. That to me is the most shocking thing. We all feel like michael de, and if we were allied tear. I think thats the bigger issue here, and conservatorships, like with britney, nobody truly understands what it means. Donny meacham and chris with a screen, so much t, so little time. Thank you for joining me. Thank all of you for watching symone, im Melissa Murray in for Symone Sanders townsend, you can catch symone on msnbc weekends at four pm eastern and anytime over on peacock. Where there is new episodes on the msnbc hub every monday. Politicsnation with Reverend Al Sharpton starts right after this break. This break meet the future. A chef. A designer. And, ooh, an engineer. All learning to save and spend their money with chase. The chefs cooking up firsts with her new debit card. Hungry . Uhuh. The designers eyeing sequins. Uh no plaid. While mom is eyeing his spending. Nice. And the engineer . 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