Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240704

codefendants, former chief of staff mark meadows says all charges should be dropped due to, quote unquote, presidential immunity. and that is not the only news meadows is making. today it's coming as trump's republican rivals are getting ready to hit the debate stage without him, a few of them getting a warm-up on the sunday shows. >> i'm actually still hoping he shows up, you know, john. to get on that plane and trump correspondent and head up. you get up on that stage. look, i think every one of us who qualified for that debate stage ought to be on the stage being willing to square off, answer the tough questions, and also draw a bright line contrast. >> wouldn't somebody being charged for the 91 criminal counts be somebody that you would want to see drop out of the race. shouldn't they be running for office? >> again, chuck, this is the voters needs to decide who runs for office in america. whether it is a local election or whether it is a state or federal, the voters are the ones that ultimately get to decide. >> a question top of mind on that debate stage. all of that, plus the president and first lady about the visit the devastated hawaiian island of maui. that story is ahead as well. we want to begin with hilary, now a tropical storm expected to bring massive amounts of rain and potentially life-threatening flooding to parts of the southwest, as well as a tornado risk. it is the first tropical storm to hit california in more than eight years. governor gavin newsom declaring a state of emergency, and l.a. mayor karen bass calling it unprecedented. one person has already died in mexico after a car was swept away by floodwaters, others were rescued. nbc -- 's is on the ground for us in san diego. we first want to go to the deputy director of the national hurricane center who's been tracking this thing for the last few days or so. jamie, good to talk to you. talk to us first about the path of hilary, if in fact it has wobbled east or west at all. and even though this is now downgraded to a tropical storm, how seriously should it be taken? >> yeah, the track of hilary has been remarkably consistent for the last few days, which has really helped us to hone in on the messaging in the primary impact area, the areas. it will be, as you noted, in the opening segment, much of the southwest and spreading that moisture and flood potential throughout a good chunk of the intermountain west. i, mean look at this enhanced flood threat extending all the way into idaho and montana. >> why are -- if we are expecting kind of smaller amounts of rain here, jamie, why are these areas so prone to devastation like mudslides, for instance, as we are expecting to have over the next 24 to 48? >> this is the really good question. a couple things that lead to enhanced flood potential, even though the rainfall amounts may not look as high as, say, we are used to seeing on the east coast with a tropical storm landfall. first and foremost, the dry desert basically packs that upper layer of the soil, making it so that it can't absorb the moisture. so when the rain falls, it immediately runs off and just creates almost an immediate flood. the other thing is if there is a lot of terrain in, hear a lot of mountains in here. when you get that funneling of the rings, it is sort of a squeezing of the moisture, you can really localize the flooding over one spot versus over on the east coast where things are relatively flat. you spread it out more. >> we are getting this in now, damien, i want you to weigh in on, this that hilary has made landfall in northern baja, california. tropical storm conditions we're hearing, heavy rains affecting portions of the southwest u.s.. anything else you are getting in on that? >> if you look at the latest radar, you can see that the heavy rains that have been experienced in mexico throughout this morning and today are really starting to spread into southern california. things are going to go downhill really, really fast in the next couple of hours in southern california. if you are listening to us from that area, it is imperative that you get where you need to be and stay there for the rest of the evening. don't drive around in these conditions. just get where you're gonna go, philip your favorite streaming app, and hang out. >> thank you for tracking that. of course, that warning as well, to any viewers that may be watching this, it is much appreciated across the board. thank you. i will let you go and get back to it. walk us through a couple different things now as we are hearing now that it's made landfall south of of course where you are in baja, california. what are you feeling on the ground there, if anything? have there been a pick up of winds? what are the clouds looking like? what is the sky looking like? the expectation of what is to come, a. and b, how are press preparations looking? >> yasmin, as you can see in downtown san diego, we are getting the first of the rain, not much wind yet. we still have people walking around waiting for the storm to hit southern california. you can also see behind me in the bay and the navy usually has a lot of ships in this area. they did communicate that they would be moving at least a dozen vessels that are at the base out into the ocean to get away from the storm. so it is going to be just a waiting game for now here in san diego. authorities of course have spoken about the dangers of the possibility of flash floods, we reported what happened in mexico, reporting one death because of these floods. and of course, you know, when you talk about the geography in california, we have a lot of hills and a lot of mountains that are expecting this rain. so you talk about what can happen with heavy rain in areas that usually don't get that amount of rain. so residents have had time to prepare. they had a few days for those that live in areas where they know it floods. they were able to get sandbags and of course some residents went and bought extra food, extra water to prepare. authorities were telling residents also have those alerts ready on your phones. so they can understand what is happening in realtime. and then the power companies here in the san diego county area and the l.a. area have been informing customers about the possibility of extended power outages. let's hear from the mayor in l.a. speaking about the situation. >> our message today is clear. stay safe, stay home, and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather event, but los angeles has deep experience responding to crisis. whether the wildfire or earthquakes, the city is prepared. >> both county authorities in l.a., here in san diego, and state authorities have declared those states of emergency in order to make resources available, so that when we get the heavy rain, we have that possibility of flash floods, they can respond. for now, we are still waiting for the bulk of the storm to make its way into southern california, yasmin. >> so if we are looking at landfall just south of you, and i want to be clear for folks that don't necessarily know baja, california, of course, in mexico, about two hours or so dry from san diego, at this point, guad, are you feeling anything up there as it's made landfall south of you? >> so, yasmin, we are going to know what happens -- so the largest city in the path of the storm right now south of us is ensenada, mexico. that is a city of about 300,000 residents. it has a port, it is a large area. they are going to be the first urban area that gets the storm once it makes landfall in baja. from there, it'll make its way to rosary, to the valley of guadeloupe. lots of americans lived in, they're lots of americans vacation down there. then it will go to t juana, these are the areas just south of san diego. if you were to drive, there it's about a two hour drive to ensenada to where we are here, in downtown san diego. we will be able to see what kind of damage, what kind of floods can take place in those areas south of the border and then after that we will be getting that rain here in san diego, yasmin. >> thank, you guad. appreciate it. we want to talk more if we can, talk to the director of the l.a. l.a. for santa barbara county, california. thanks for joining us. i know you have a lot of ahead of you in the next 48 hours or. so how are preparations looking? how are you advising folks ahead of this storm? >> yeah, really good. i think we are feeling good about the fact that our residents are listening to a lot of messaging and picking up sound bags and protecting on protecting their homes, where they typically have flooding and encouraging our residents and in the residents in southern california to charge their phones, fuel their vehicles, have flashlights ready and available. i think for us further north, i think some of our bigger concerns will be some of the winds. some of that localized flooding that we might see. we are really working hard to make sure our flight control channels are ready as well. >> i want to talk a little bit about mudslides. santa barbara county especially has dealt with some pretty severe mudslides to say the least, especially the santa barbara area, montecito as well. if you are thinking about this potential heavy rainfall, i know it has been downgraded now to a tropical storm, what preparations are in place to help folks in this area that are more prone to severe mudslides? severe absolutely. so here in santa barbara county, i want to be clear, at this time, we don't think we have a threat for mudslides from this storm. but the preparations have always been there, right? the flood control district, our county department of public works make sure our flight control channels are ready for all that debris to help maintain and keep that debris into those designed channels that are meant to keep people safe. i think where we might have concerns in southern california's are more recent burn scars. those areas in los angeles, san bernardino, they have pretty recent burn scars. those areas will be pretty prone to mudslides and residents should be learning -- listening to their local first responders, if they have been asked to evacuate, they may evacuate now before the rain gets worse. without any point, when the rain starts getting really hard or if we start to see debris re-movement of land, we may make the recommendation to shelter in place, meaning we want residents to go to the highest part of their homes, find somewhere in the interior of their homes, not and similar to a hurricane, and find somewhere safe within their home to hunker down and wait out the storm, if that is needed. >> kelly hovered, i know you've got a lot of work ahead of you. so thank you for your time today. appreciate it and best of luck to you and your community there. straight ahead, everybody, two big developments coming from donald trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows. one involves the former president's claims about the mar-a-lago documents, and the other is a move that could potentially endanger the georgia case against donald trump. we are back in just 60 seconds with that. th that. to 50 years with my best friend and my soulmate. 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(vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> all, right welcome back, everybody. we've got these new developments today in the classified docks case against the former president. abc news is reporting that trump's white house chief of staff mark meadows told special counsel investigators he could not recall trump ever ordering or even discussing declassifying material before leaving office. that admission would in fact contradict the former presidents defense in that case so far. joining me now to talk more about, is nbc news correspondent julie tsirkin, who is in fulton county for us, and former fulton county senior district attorney charlie bailey as well. we should note, by the way, that charlie's wife, currently works at fani willis's office as communications director and will help a fund-raiser for you as well and the 2022 run for lieutenant governor. important to point that out there. julie, i want to start with you on this one first. what more do we know about these latest developments from former chief of staff meadows? >> hey, yasmin, i should note nbc news has reached out to the former presidents team as well as the special counsel's office for more on this. but, look at this report is true, it certainly pokes major holes in the former presidents main defense in his federal criminal indictment against those classified documents. you know he said over and over on television, on truth social platform, in his defense privately as well that he declassified all 100 documents that were taken from his mar-a-lago home that were seized by the fbi last summer. look, meadows is not the only one allegedly poking holes in that argument, because his former vice president, mike pence, had to say something about that to today. take a listen. >> i can't really comment on your reporting, but in my case, i was never made aware of any broad based effort to declassify documents. >> knowing what you knew about how that white house operated, if there had been such a broad order, wouldn't his chief of staff have known about it? >> you, know i would expect so. but again, you know, i sure hope we are not getting back into the lane of leaks from the justice department about these cases. >> obviously, yasmin, i should know that of course pence is also one of the former president's 2024 rivals in this campaign for president. but we are back to meadows. here he said all along he's trying to distance himself from these classified documents. he even said he wasn't there, he didn't pack them up when he moved from the white house to mar-a-lago, the former president that is. but that's not the only investigation meadows finds himself in the middle of, because he is also one of the 19 defendants charged as part of the 2020 election interference case right here in georgia. >> julie, this is all coming on the heels of meadows's overnight filing as well to dismisses fulton county charges that you bring up. what more do we know about that? >> yeah, exactly. and that filing that came overnight actually comes a couple days after meadows moved his core trial here in georgia to federal court. there are a couple arguments why he is doing that, but he is saying he is doing it because at the time that all this happened during the 2020 election, at the time the eight fani willis said he made that visit to cup county, for example, to pressure officials, when he was on the call with raffensperger, the famous call the former president made, demanding some 11 some odd -- when the election in georgia that we all know he lost, meadows says he was a federal official at the time and he is protected under the constitution, under a clause that explicitly states state prosecutors cannot go after federal officials. but all that being said, we know that an evidentiary hearing was set on august 28th about that move, right? now he is moving to dismiss the charges altogether, which is attorneys previewed earlier in the week, he'd be moving to do. he's one of the 19 defendants in this case, any one of them can continue to make motions to -- which we know d.a. fani willis wants to begin in the next six months, march 4th with her proposed date. we will see how those delays will impact that in the result of that august 28th hearing is. we know for certain that despite all that, the case and the state will keep moving forward. >> all right, julie tsirkin, tank. you charlie, let's get into what some of -- the argument that's being made by mark meadows former chief of staff to donald trump and his attorneys for full dismissal when it comes to charges against him in fulton county. the argument being made is based upon this. i want to read for. you a federal official carrying out is quote unquote not obliged to consider straight criminal law at all before acting. what do you make of this argument. does it have any direction? >> now, yasmin, i don't believe it has traction. importing lay, it's premature. this motion was filed in federal court in front of the judge, steve jones, who can't rule on it and tell he makes the determination as to removal to remain. he doesn't have jurisdiction. if that makes some sort of sense. until he decides that question whether the case will be a federal case or he's going to remand the case. back to superior court than it is ever issues can be addressed by the judge. that's a procedural matter, but i say this, i think it sounds a lot like some of the arguments and his motion, mark meadows motion to remand. a lot of things you hear from donald trump what is focused on who i am not what i am. frankly, that has an authoritarian ring to it. but you see that as an excuse a lot. that i can do whatever i want because i was chief of staff. i can do what i want because i was president of the united states. and that's not -- the >> i'm glad you brought up the possible movement to federal court. or the ask for them -- to move to federal court. a hearing from meadows for that is august 28th. what's your expectation on that movement? >> judge jones who has the case is a very experienced trial judge. and he's been a trial judge since the 90s. he's been on the federal bench for a number of years. he's fair, courteous to litigants, you'll hear the arguments, he won't waste time. that's why he set this hearing for august 28th. you'll hear the arguments of the state, then he'll rule. it's not as simple as some were saying that because you are a federal official, state prosecutors cannot prosecutor. if that was a law that would be a quick motion. it is not the law. and needs to be again, the duties and responsibility as being a federal official. -- >> you worked, charlie, with fani willis when she was lead prosecutor on a cheating scandal. in that case 11 black educators were convicted of racketeering and conspiracy thing for cheating or enabling cheating on students standardized tests. the east on your experience with the racketeering charge in the state of georgia, how strong of a case do you think fani willis has here? >> it's a very strong case. the statute, the rico statute was written here in the state, not exactly here in the federal statute, but fairly coast to catch up to defendants that we're trying to disperse their conduct as a way to avoid accountability. what you have here in fani willis and her team what they've done with this indictment is tell the entire story. there's nowhere to hide. so that the jury when this gets to trial has a full understanding of the context of all these actions that were taken. it's a strong case. every case is only as strong as the evidence in trial. an indictment, there is allegations but once we get to trial we see a, i'll tell you this about fani wallace, she doesn't put a charge down unless she has evidence to back it up. it tells a strong story about the attempt to overthrow our election here in georgia. i wouldn't want to be one of the defendants in this case all tell you that. >> charlie bailey, thank you, sir, stella had the work being done to keep people -- as tropical storm hilary barrels through the southern part of the country. what her winds are hoping for with president biden's trip to maui, while anger grows with mismanagement. and it's breaking point why a pilot says he broke out an axe and went swinging at the denver airport. we'll be right back. l be right back. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at my most important kitchen tool? 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>> hello there. the good news is it's moving quickly. we'll start with the good news. but we'll see massive amounts of rainfall, life-threatening rainfall, catastrophic rainfall, we'll see landslides, mudslides will see -- it made landfall as a tropical storm it was downgraded from a hurricane earlier this morning. we see winds at 65 miles per hour. the winds will continue to be weakening as we go throughout the next 12 hours or so. the major story remains the rainfall as we go through the next 12 hours. we're looking at winds at 65 miles per hour. and it's moving 25 miles per hour. it's a pretty good clip. it's moving over the state of california pretty quickly. but didn't doing so it will drop rain. we're saving having right now where you see those yellows, the orange is that's where we're seeing that heaviest rainfall. we do have a flash flood warning east of los angeles. i'll show you that in a minute. it's about 250 with -- san diego, california, making its way to the north. it will continue to do so even until tomorrow morning. into portions of montana and nevada. this is what we're looking at in terms of the track. it's expected to make a circulation over san diego at 5:00 local time. later on this evening. and to continue with track northward it will turn to the east as well throughout nevada. by 5 am local time tomorrow morning impacting portions of nevada with heavy rain. this is a story for at least the next 12 to 24 hours. right now we're looking at 26 million people impacted by the flood. we do have flash flood warnings. it's hard to see on this map and if you look towards the south towards los angeles, san diego, heavy rainfall. we'll continue to view that, yasmin, it's the big story with this. we can see up to ten inches of rain. and we can see three inches per hour back to. you >> michelle grossman, we appreciate it. let's go to jake ward who standing on the grounds in las vegas. i'm taking a look on my phone. i have a map on my phone to take track of the. staying las vegas in the center of getting some of the most severe rain within this storm. you know it made landfall south of san diego. what are the expectations there, what are you seeing, what are the preparations in place for what is to come? >> it's really interesting to be here. it's important to try to articulate to people who may be from rainier parts of the world where the grounds much more likely to soak up the water. it's very different here in las vegas. the place you're seeing behind me is a parking garage that has -- at the drainage point off of the mound. there's already about an inch of rain in the mount which causes what is essentially an enormous -- the las vegas valley to drain into this point. las vegas officials, good news, have put in extraordinary amounts of drainage. you can see a storm drain system that is pouring all over this down underneath about a ten blocked distance. it doesn't wind up on the latest strip as it did in 1989, 2012, this is a tremendous impairment -- the problem of course is that because this is not a permeable place. it's one big bowl, it can hold water as a result. this water you see flowing through here can really rise very quickly with only an inch or two of rainfall. it's a region as you know that only gets about a handful of inches of rain every year. [inaudible] desert environment. wind -- 1 to 2 inches hit you can get into a place where the water rises right above where i'm standing. it begins to float vehicles away. it's an enormous problem. i will point out that this is a place that we're seeing some weird new stuff. the fact that i'm standing at a place that should be 115 degrees, it should be how on earth right now. you look at me and say corresponded to no rain jacket, it's normal. this is not normal for las vegas. right now it should be so hot i could not wear this thing. yet it's only 72 degrees. it's 40 degrees colder than it should be at this time of year. that's leading officials to talk about this as being very unprecedented. that's why this water which is fine for the moment is of concern to officials here. that's why a declaration of emergency's been put into place. why state officials are saying stay home and ride this one out. >> jake ward, thank you. i want to go to our delacruz, ceo of a mandatory and organization to talk about this. i know you're in los angeles right now you just heard from our correspondent who's in las vegas. we have one in san diego as well south of you. talk to us about how team ribbons preparing to help folks, specifically in california, and beyond once the storm passes through. especially within mind what jake laid out. this is an area that's not necessarily used to these big amounts of rainfall that they're expecting to get? >> yeah, jake hated in saying that this is an extraordinary event. it's something at team rubicon, as a humanitarian organization prides itself on being able to address. the reality it is over the past six or seven years we've been working to build capability. we have people trained to do the things that are gonna have to having, or moving debris, looking out homes, using heavy equipment. and -- we have capacity, we have a thousands of volunteers that have been recruited over the years that are standing by to be able to help in a moments notice. this will be extraordinary. because as you talked about, this is a year's worth of rainfall in a specific in our history one of our big moments was hurricane harvey in houston. it was 50 inches of rain that they received annually. they receive that in four days and we saw a lot of damage. i think we're really over the course of 12 to 24 hours understanding where our amazing people, our volunteers can be used to help communities. >> you see the devastation from the massive hurricanes that hit florida often during hurricane season. that's a state, people that are used to storms like this, preparing for storms like this. again, california, nevada not places that are used to that. with that in mind, what are you most worried about looking ahead in the next 24 hours? >> one of the things to worry about is that people as they see the hurricane downgrade, they dismiss it as not being a major event. the reality is this will be a wind event, this will be a major flooding event. and it's typically water in places like florida, louisiana, across the gulf coast. it's the flooding and water that begins to take lives. all encourage any of your listeners to continue to keep with the local administrators are telling you to do. and stay home. and kate take care of each other as the storm approaches and passes. >> open for folks depend on a team or rubicon, what's your plan? >> our plan is that we're beginning to plan the planning process. more monitoring what's happening. the one thing i can guarantee looking for volunteer safe. will respond to the unmet needs of the community across southern california up through nevada and as far north as montana. >> our delacruz, lee appreciate all the work that you have in your helping out with in the 24 hours ahead of you. thank. you coming up, the days away from the first showed out of the d -- what should the candidates be asked about when it comes to protecting democracy. i'll speak to, ali velshi, -- looking at just that. ing at just that (fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! 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[ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ made it! mom! leave running behind, behind. the new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. does life beautifully. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. >> welcome back. add another podium to the debate stage for arkansas governor isa hutchinson, announcing this morning ladies qualifying for the gop presidential debate in milwaukee. he becomes the tenth candidate to fall -- donald trump is not expected to show. but who knows. meanwhile some of this fellow candidates took to the sunday shows this morning to share how they're preparing for sunday night. >> i hope he's disqualified for the debate stage. i'm not grateful with that. he's on that stage and let's talk about the challenges facing the american people. let's talk about what each of us brings to meet that moment. >> one thing i know is a forerunner new back, move away from name-calling, threats, that's not leadership. leadership's about solving problems. >> debate prep for me was 80 town halls i did in iowa new hampshire. we let everybody ask whatever question they wanted. we have a country to save, i'm determined to save it. it's time for a new generational leader. >> with me the best of the best, ali velshi, we'll be cool hosting a live special at eight previewing this debate. my friend, great to see. you >> great to see you. two asa hutchison's gonna add something to this debate which is interesting. the only person who's going after donald trump and will be there as chris christie. asa hutchinson's in that column with him. that helps on that front a little bit. don't know if that's good for america or not. asa hutchinson and chris christie both fall into the category of people that moderate voters might look at and say, maybe the republican parties not dead and lutak. maybe there's some conservative people who are involved in it. the rest of them are maga -- >> dappling side, asa hutchinson and chris christie are still polling in the one to 2%. that's considering they've been going after the former president repeatedly from the get-go. this is gonna be a reckoning for the republican party. and i wonder how they're going to toggle going after the former president of the united states that won't be on the debate stage. the leading candidate for president in 2024 in the republican party. and also a guy that's been indicted for times with 90-plus criminal charges under his belt. >> it's not deterring those people that will defend donald trump. vivek ramaswamy, five of them said they will pardon donald trump. vivek ramaswamy sat on day one, vivek ramaswamy, who's pulling second or third in some of these places. you saw there was a memo that was linked the other day that purported to be advice to ron desantis to say, defend trump, go after ramaswamy. which is weird. he will be the one to watch. very weird. >> first of all, the leaked memo that came out. that could be advice to ron dissent is considering he's polling in the twenties i believe. it's 40 42, vivek is around 14 or something like that. what's the point of going after ramaswamy, when you have donald trump. that's the guy you have to be. >> rondo santas won't do that. ron desantis like, vivek ramaswamy like nikki haley, like all of them they might say it's time for new leadership, a new generation, it's time for this, let's leave this behind this. and i was actually gonna say what one needs to say about donald trump. that he's been indicted, charged with 91 crimes in four different indictments across four different jurisdictions. and this really is dangerous for the republican party. if there is to be a future of the republican party in this america, they need to figure out what that looks like. it's unhealthy to have a one party country. it's unhealthy to not have reasonable debates about capital gains, health care, taxation. we're not having any of that stuff. there might be people on the stage that might have an opportunity because donald trump is not there to say something that will suggest to americans that there's something left in the republican party that might be about policy. but this is the week they're gonna have to do it. they've been for off-ramps with donald trump. they've been given for opportunities to say, i can get off of this donald trump train and virtually none of them have taken it. >> abortion will be a big issue i think on that stage on monday night. that hasn't worked with the republicans, they got the supreme court they wanted, they got what they want with roe v. wade, it's not working for them. they'll have to be held to account by asking -- on a federal level. >> mike pence has been clear. he wants the toughest abortion laws federally that he can find. we have a few of these candidates that a sad that this is the main thing they want to worry about. we've had five referendums in the country now. some brought by pro abortions -- some brought by antiabortion forces. every single one of them has the same way, even in conservative republican states. american people don't want rights taken away from them. regardless of what you believe about abortion. this is not a winning strategy for the election. it may be a competitive strategy for the primary. this is where the problems gonna be with republicans. you're gonna go all out to steal a few votes from donald trump's a very stable base. it might get you something, doesn't win elections. >> we talk about your podcast. >> i'd love. that >> you have a new podcast, it's based off the banned book club on your show. >> the most fun thing we do on the show. >> what will be hearing? >> the thing about the velshi banned book club it's all about banned books, it's not the politics of the band because i'm not convinced -- it's a book club. we read the books cover to cover. what people with banned books generally don't, they don't generally read the books that are banned. -- >> they seldom told when it's about. >> it's either about the author or an idea, once in a while it's the words. but generally speaking it's the politics. we're not doing politics. the velshi banned book club is not about politics. we'll ask the what oscar -- but then we're talking about the literature, the words, the beauty inside the box. the margaret atwood, we have george afternoons and, the first person we interviewed. it's remarkable experiences by person who've written books that we deserve access to. you don't deserve or have to read every book that's available to you. you don't have to have your kids rate up. and you should curate with your children what they read. but we deserved not have any book cap from us should we decide to read it. >> i gotta tell you. last week we listen to ali velshi because i was on the road as the indictment dropped. i thought, there's no other way, i was driving, there's no other way for me to read this thing than to listen to ali velshi. >> it does make -- its fun to read them. you have to actually know the indictments at that point. a lot illegal for a guy like me. >> ali velshi, nothing is a lot for you, come on. >> most of my legal trainings from lawn order. it's a whole different thing. >> you could watch a preview for the republican base starting at seven pm, hosted by jen sackey as well, i don't a pm alley, many has some, and aim invalid in, -- are gonna pick up the coverage with analysis on how the indictment facing former president bryant could influence this debate and you could watch a little she every saturday and sunday, 10 am eastern on msnbc. my gosh -- >> now i'm lucky. >> be sure to check out his new podcast velshi banned book club starting thursday. he'll be doing yoga tomorrow morning, we teach in class at eight a.m.. >> right at this table. >> thank you. at the break we're live in maui, as president biden serves amount -- ve 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osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. tomorrow president biden and first lady as we are gonna travel to maui, to survey the aftermath of the deadly wildfires. at least 114 people are dead, 1000 more are still unaccounted for. making at the deadly wildfire in modern u.s. history. we want to bring in daniel griffin, who's live in lahaina, hawaii. dana, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. ball we await the bidens among growing anger about how things have been managed on the island since the fire. >> he's going to show up a likely to lahaina where we're standing right now. he'll likely toward the decimated area behind me. getting a firsthand look, talking to survivors and first responders about the need on the island. as you mentioned, more than 1000 people remain unaccounted for. the governor even said up -- a lot of the missing will never be found. unfortunately, this fire burned so hot. the government estimates it reached up to 2000 degrees. which is hotter than most incinerators. which is very frustrating for families who have been waiting for days to find out word about their loved ones. many children as the governor said are in those numbers. he's going to face a lot of questions. he faced criticism for his public response. we heard from the state that he's been talking to them constantly, immediately gave a lot of aid. he said he'd be here for the long haul. as we all know, the presidents been often called bill consoler -in-chief. people thought like that public statement that they were looking for when we were learning the numbers of the missing, the numbers of the missing, people were disappointed. he may face criticism and tough questions if reporters are allowed to get close enough to him. his official timeline and schedule hasn't been made public. we know rain is expected monday afternoon into tuesday. that could hamper the search and rescue efforts here. it could make it difficult to try and identify more of the remains. it's also tough for the people who are going in. we're told 85% of the bird area has been searched. there are 16% of the government said that will take possibly weeks to go through. some of the buildings include a four story apartment building. they need to take that building apart layer by layer to search for the missing. the structure of that building poses a risk to the workers. there's a concern also for toxins in the air, dust screens will be installed to help prevent some of the dust from blowing back on the residents whose homes are still standing, people who are driving on the highway. there's a concern about the water, water advisories have been expanded. people are asked not to drink it even if they boil it. >> a lot going on there. we'll be watching the president and first lady's visit and lahaina tomorrow. dana griffin, thank you. we have a lot more coming up, you're watching msnbc our second hour starts right now. g ♪ ♪ ♪ hi everyone, i'm yasmin vossoughian. if you're just joining us, welcome. if you're sticking with us, thank you for that. tropical storm hilary, made landfall in mexico. it's barreling towards california and the southwest. bringing high rents, heavy rain, that they fear could bring dangerous flash flooding, mudslides, at much, much more. plus, donald trump surrender -- he now just has days before he gets to turn himself in in georgia authorities. and

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, Calling , Person , Karen Bass , Floodwaters , Others , State Of Emergency , Car , Eight , Fact , San Diego , Deputy Director , Path , Jamie , Nbc , National Hurricane Center , Track , Messaging , To Hone , Area , Areas , Flash Flood , Impact , Moisture , Potential , Segment , Chunk , Intermountain West , Kind , Devastation , Flood Threat , Idaho , Montana , Things , Heavy Rainfall , Question , Lead , Flood Potential , Instance , 24 , 48 , Layer , Tropical Storm Landfall , Soil , East Coast , Mountains , Funneling , Rings , Terrain , Rain Falls , Squeezing , Damien , Anything , Rains , Landfall , Storm Conditions , Northern Baja , Portions , Radar , Listening , Evening , Rest , Conditions , App , Gonna Go , Don T Drive , Philip , Course , Warning , Well , Board , Viewers , Hearing , Winds , Landfall South , Pick Up , Clouds , People , Expectation , First , Wind , Downtown San Diego , The Rain , Sky , A And B , Vessels , Bay , Navy , Ships , Flash Floods , Base , Possibility , Waiting 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, Interior , Recommendation , Work , Community , There , Developments , Luck , Claims , Kelly , Case , Move , Mar A Lago , Documents , Mother , Georgia , Best Friend , Th , Soulmate , 60 , 50 , Bounty , Sfx , Sponge , Spilling Sound , Picker Upper , Family Gasp Nooo , Aya , Bit , Job , Face , Business , Setting Trends , Ella , Absorbent , Fashion , 2 , Level , Control , 5g Network , Jen Sackey , Verizon , Operations , Customer Demand , Production , Agility , Efficiencies , Marquis , 5 , More , Back , Vo , Enterprise Intelligence , Vision , Network , Trump , Abc News , Counsel , White House , Docks , Investigators , Presidents , Defense , Nbc News , Julie Tsirkin , Fulton County , Admission , Declassifying Material , Charlie Bailey , Fani Willis , Lieutenant Governor , Communications Director , Wife , Run , Fund Raiser , 2022 , Special Counsel , Indictment , Holes , Report , Television , Truth , Something , Mike Pence , Meadows , Argument , Platform , Last , Fbi , 100 , Listen , Reporting , Effort , It , Lane , Leaks , Cases , Pence , Department , Justice , Campaign , 2024 , Investigation Meadows , Defendants , Filing , Election Interference Case , Heels , 2020 , 19 , Arguments , Core Trial Here In Georgia To Federal Court , Made , Pressure Officials , Cup County , Call , Famous , Example , Raffensperger , Official , State Prosecutors , Clause , Constitution , Odd , 11 , Officials , Attorneys , Being , 28 , August 28th , Result , Delays , 28th Hearing , Motions , March 4th , 4 , You Charlie , Let , Tank , Dismissal , Traction , Direction , Criminal Law , Acting , Mark Meadows Motion , Steve Jones , Front , Judge , Court , Who Can T , Determination , Jurisdiction , Rule , Importing Lay , Superior Court , Sense , Sort , Matter , Remand , Ring , Excuse , Movement , Federal Court , Ask , Trial Judge , Bench , 90 , Number , Litigants , Law , Cannot Prosecutor , Responsibility , Prosecutor , Duties , Cheating Scandal , East , Cheating , Racketeering Charge , Conspiracy , Racketeering , Students , Tests , Educators , Rico Statute , Team , Conduct , Accountability , Trial , Actions , Context , Understanding , Nowhere , Jury , She Doesn T , Evidence , Allegations , Charge , Fani Wallace , Sir , Thank You , Attempt , Stella , Anger , Maui , Barrels , Mismanagement , Trip , Protein , Muscle Health , Pilot , Breaking Point , Axe , Denver Airport , 20 , 16 , High Protein , Flavor , Boost , Cinnabon , Neuriva Plus , Brain , Kitchen Tool , Multitasker , Indicators , Brain Health , Neuriva , 6 , Heartburn , Antacid , Prilosec Otc , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Zero , T Mobile , 5g Solutions , Spread , Pano Ai , Pano Ai Innovate , Coach , Preseason Game , Scene , Field , Giants , Neck Injury , Crowd , Buccaneers , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Parking Lot , Geek , Video , Surveillance Video , Ax , United Airlines , Times , Incident , Up Next , Police , Cars , Gate , Meat , Las Vegas , Pictures , Cheese , Titan Turkey , Rbeight , Safelite , Suv , Mouth Guard Flavor , Mouth Guard , Sub , Woman , Turkey , Subway , Fan Experience , Replacement , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Mlb , Game , Feeling , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Add On Treatment , Types , Lung Function , Dupixent , Du , Reactions , Steroids , Asthma Attacks , Help , Doctor , Chest Pain , Pain , Stop Asthma Medicines , Numbness , Breath , Limbs , Tingling , Shortness , Infection , Joint Aches , Rash , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Asthma Specialist , Money , Chase , Ooh , Mom , Debit Card , Firsts , Account , Cooking , Sequins , Plaid , Spending , College , Uh , Uhuh , Nice , Kids , Shoulders , Head , Futures , Freedom , Parents , Both , Bank , Shampoo , Flakes , Inez , Three , Microbes , Troy , Wash , Rascals , Ingredients , News , Threats , Wash Count , Best , Itchiness , Dryness , Communities , Complex , 10 , Storms , Diane Criswell , Risks , Weather , Fema , Ten , Nevada , Michelle Grossman , Arizona , South , Landslides , Weakening , 25 , 12 , 65 , Orange , Rainfall , Flash Flood Warning East , Didn T , Yellows , Clip , North , Terms , 250 , Circulation , 00 , Map , Warnings , 26 Million , Grounds , Jake Ward , Let S Go , Look , Phone , Landfall South Of San Diego , Center , World , Expectations , Rainier Parts , Mound , Mount , Parking Garage , Drainage Point Off , Storm Drain System , Enormous , Drainage , Put , Las Vegas Valley , Problem , Strip , Impairment , Distance , It Doesn T , 1989 , 2012 , Bowl , Region , Inches , Handful , Inaudible Desert Environment , 1 , Stuff , Rain Jacket , Earth , 115 , 40 , 72 , Concern , State Officials , Stay , Declaration , Delacruz , Organization , Ribbons , Event , Jake , Team Rubicon , Reality , Capability , Seven , Volunteers , Thousands , Capacity , Equipment , Specific , Worth , Houston , Hurricane Harvey , Four , Hurricanes , Hurricane Season , Florida , Flooding Event , Wind Event , Hurricane Downgrade , Places , Lives , Listeners , Care , Administrators , Gulf Coast , Louisiana , Plan , Rubicon , Passes , Planning Process , Monitoring , Needs , Lee , Candidates , Ali Velshi , Democracy , The D , Ing , Fan , Josh Allen , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Youtubetv , Yea , Myplan , Mmhm , Value , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , 49 , 449 , Subject 6 , Music Playing , Cancer , Journey , Fight , Children , Daughter , Parent , Family , 3 , Families , Interviewer , Jude For Treatment , Bill From St , Housing , Travel , Supporting St , Battle , Jude Children S Research Hospital , Child , Life , Childhood Cancer , Chance , Cures , Hope , Donations , Partner , St , 9 , Credit , Difference , Jude T Shirt , Jude Is Hope , Support , Works , Deodorant , Secret , Odor , Go , Wake Up , Let S Go , Gotta , C Mon , Ohhh Yesss , Gracie , Guys , Engine Revving , Family Thing , Color , Leave Running Behind , Volkswagen Atlas , Sensitivity , Rehardens Enamel , Sensitivity Gum , Enamel , Gums , Majority , Patience , Advocate , Restore Gum Health , Sensodyne , Isa Hutchinson , Podium , Arkansas , Debate , Candidate , Sunday , Milwaukee , Talk , Challenges , Sunday Night , Leadership , Debate Prep , Solving Problems , Name Calling , Forerunner , Town Halls , Iowa , 80 , It S Time , Special , Generational Leader , The Best Of , New Hampshire , Gonna , Asa Hutchinson , Friend , Add , Chris Christie , Column , Asa Hutchison , Say , Category , Parties , Polling , Lutak , Dappling Side , Maga , Reckoning , Get Go , Won T , Guy , President Of The United States , Belt , Vivek Ramaswamy , Day One , Memo , Ron Desantis , Dissent , Twenties , 42 , Like , Rondo Santas , Nikki Haley , 14 , Indictments , Crimes , Future , Jurisdictions , Opportunity , Debates , Health Care , Capital Gains , Taxation , Policy , Opportunities , Train , None , Supreme Court , Hasn T , Monday Night , Roe V Wade , Abortion Laws , Sad , Abortions , Referendums , Antiabortion Forces , Strategy , Problems , Primary , Gonna Go All Out , Book Club , Podcast , Votes , Doesn T Win Elections , Books , Politics , Show , Fun Thing , Band , Words , Author , Idea , Beauty , Oscar , Literature , The Box , Margaret Atwood , Book , Experiences , Afternoons , Access , George , Road , Book Cap , Fun , Preview , Most , Nothing , Trainings , Come On , Lawn Order , Alley , Little , Many , Saturday , Analysis , Invalid In , Bryant , Gosh , Yoga , Class , Msnbc , Book Club Starting Thursday , Podcast Velshi , Break , Schools , Table , Essential School Supplies , Supporter , School Supplies Students , Funding , Retailers , Subaru , Adoptaclassroom Org , Subaru Love Promise , Car Company , Brand , Forbes , Age , Boost Com Tv , Vets , Dog People , Pet Food , Dog Food , Approach , Kibble , Cans , Dogs , Dog , Box , Rhino , Veggies , Door , Portioned , Angry Rhino , Anox , Getyou , Sleep Number , Baby , Bed , Home Delivery , Breztri , Copd , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Symptom Improvement , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Vision Changes , Mouth , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Swelling , Eye , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Aftermath , Gonna Travel To Maui , 114 , 1000 , Daniel Griffin , Lahaina , Dana Griffin , Bidens , Making , Ball , Hawaii , Island , Fire , To Lahaina , Will , Need , Survivors , Government , Word , Incinerators , Loved Ones , 2000 , Numbers , Criticism , Governor , Response , Statement , Know , Bill Consoler In Chief , Aid , Haul , Missing , Timeline , Reporters , Schedule Hasn T , Efforts , Remains , Public , Search And Rescue , Buildings , Story Apartment Building , 85 , Workers , Building , Dust Screens , Structure , Hair , Toxins , Highway , Water Advisories , Dust , Everyone , Barreling , G Hi , Rents , Flash Flooding , Surrender , Georgia Authorities ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240704

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codefendants, former chief of staff mark meadows says all charges should be dropped due to, quote unquote, presidential immunity. and that is not the only news meadows is making. today it's coming as trump's republican rivals are getting ready to hit the debate stage without him, a few of them getting a warm-up on the sunday shows. >> i'm actually still hoping he shows up, you know, john. to get on that plane and trump correspondent and head up. you get up on that stage. look, i think every one of us who qualified for that debate stage ought to be on the stage being willing to square off, answer the tough questions, and also draw a bright line contrast. >> wouldn't somebody being charged for the 91 criminal counts be somebody that you would want to see drop out of the race. shouldn't they be running for office? >> again, chuck, this is the voters needs to decide who runs for office in america. whether it is a local election or whether it is a state or federal, the voters are the ones that ultimately get to decide. >> a question top of mind on that debate stage. all of that, plus the president and first lady about the visit the devastated hawaiian island of maui. that story is ahead as well. we want to begin with hilary, now a tropical storm expected to bring massive amounts of rain and potentially life-threatening flooding to parts of the southwest, as well as a tornado risk. it is the first tropical storm to hit california in more than eight years. governor gavin newsom declaring a state of emergency, and l.a. mayor karen bass calling it unprecedented. one person has already died in mexico after a car was swept away by floodwaters, others were rescued. nbc -- 's is on the ground for us in san diego. we first want to go to the deputy director of the national hurricane center who's been tracking this thing for the last few days or so. jamie, good to talk to you. talk to us first about the path of hilary, if in fact it has wobbled east or west at all. and even though this is now downgraded to a tropical storm, how seriously should it be taken? >> yeah, the track of hilary has been remarkably consistent for the last few days, which has really helped us to hone in on the messaging in the primary impact area, the areas. it will be, as you noted, in the opening segment, much of the southwest and spreading that moisture and flood potential throughout a good chunk of the intermountain west. i, mean look at this enhanced flood threat extending all the way into idaho and montana. >> why are -- if we are expecting kind of smaller amounts of rain here, jamie, why are these areas so prone to devastation like mudslides, for instance, as we are expecting to have over the next 24 to 48? >> this is the really good question. a couple things that lead to enhanced flood potential, even though the rainfall amounts may not look as high as, say, we are used to seeing on the east coast with a tropical storm landfall. first and foremost, the dry desert basically packs that upper layer of the soil, making it so that it can't absorb the moisture. so when the rain falls, it immediately runs off and just creates almost an immediate flood. the other thing is if there is a lot of terrain in, hear a lot of mountains in here. when you get that funneling of the rings, it is sort of a squeezing of the moisture, you can really localize the flooding over one spot versus over on the east coast where things are relatively flat. you spread it out more. >> we are getting this in now, damien, i want you to weigh in on, this that hilary has made landfall in northern baja, california. tropical storm conditions we're hearing, heavy rains affecting portions of the southwest u.s.. anything else you are getting in on that? >> if you look at the latest radar, you can see that the heavy rains that have been experienced in mexico throughout this morning and today are really starting to spread into southern california. things are going to go downhill really, really fast in the next couple of hours in southern california. if you are listening to us from that area, it is imperative that you get where you need to be and stay there for the rest of the evening. don't drive around in these conditions. just get where you're gonna go, philip your favorite streaming app, and hang out. >> thank you for tracking that. of course, that warning as well, to any viewers that may be watching this, it is much appreciated across the board. thank you. i will let you go and get back to it. walk us through a couple different things now as we are hearing now that it's made landfall south of of course where you are in baja, california. what are you feeling on the ground there, if anything? have there been a pick up of winds? what are the clouds looking like? what is the sky looking like? the expectation of what is to come, a. and b, how are press preparations looking? >> yasmin, as you can see in downtown san diego, we are getting the first of the rain, not much wind yet. we still have people walking around waiting for the storm to hit southern california. you can also see behind me in the bay and the navy usually has a lot of ships in this area. they did communicate that they would be moving at least a dozen vessels that are at the base out into the ocean to get away from the storm. so it is going to be just a waiting game for now here in san diego. authorities of course have spoken about the dangers of the possibility of flash floods, we reported what happened in mexico, reporting one death because of these floods. and of course, you know, when you talk about the geography in california, we have a lot of hills and a lot of mountains that are expecting this rain. so you talk about what can happen with heavy rain in areas that usually don't get that amount of rain. so residents have had time to prepare. they had a few days for those that live in areas where they know it floods. they were able to get sandbags and of course some residents went and bought extra food, extra water to prepare. authorities were telling residents also have those alerts ready on your phones. so they can understand what is happening in realtime. and then the power companies here in the san diego county area and the l.a. area have been informing customers about the possibility of extended power outages. let's hear from the mayor in l.a. speaking about the situation. >> our message today is clear. stay safe, stay home, and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather event, but los angeles has deep experience responding to crisis. whether the wildfire or earthquakes, the city is prepared. >> both county authorities in l.a., here in san diego, and state authorities have declared those states of emergency in order to make resources available, so that when we get the heavy rain, we have that possibility of flash floods, they can respond. for now, we are still waiting for the bulk of the storm to make its way into southern california, yasmin. >> so if we are looking at landfall just south of you, and i want to be clear for folks that don't necessarily know baja, california, of course, in mexico, about two hours or so dry from san diego, at this point, guad, are you feeling anything up there as it's made landfall south of you? >> so, yasmin, we are going to know what happens -- so the largest city in the path of the storm right now south of us is ensenada, mexico. that is a city of about 300,000 residents. it has a port, it is a large area. they are going to be the first urban area that gets the storm once it makes landfall in baja. from there, it'll make its way to rosary, to the valley of guadeloupe. lots of americans lived in, they're lots of americans vacation down there. then it will go to t juana, these are the areas just south of san diego. if you were to drive, there it's about a two hour drive to ensenada to where we are here, in downtown san diego. we will be able to see what kind of damage, what kind of floods can take place in those areas south of the border and then after that we will be getting that rain here in san diego, yasmin. >> thank, you guad. appreciate it. we want to talk more if we can, talk to the director of the l.a. l.a. for santa barbara county, california. thanks for joining us. i know you have a lot of ahead of you in the next 48 hours or. so how are preparations looking? how are you advising folks ahead of this storm? >> yeah, really good. i think we are feeling good about the fact that our residents are listening to a lot of messaging and picking up sound bags and protecting on protecting their homes, where they typically have flooding and encouraging our residents and in the residents in southern california to charge their phones, fuel their vehicles, have flashlights ready and available. i think for us further north, i think some of our bigger concerns will be some of the winds. some of that localized flooding that we might see. we are really working hard to make sure our flight control channels are ready as well. >> i want to talk a little bit about mudslides. santa barbara county especially has dealt with some pretty severe mudslides to say the least, especially the santa barbara area, montecito as well. if you are thinking about this potential heavy rainfall, i know it has been downgraded now to a tropical storm, what preparations are in place to help folks in this area that are more prone to severe mudslides? severe absolutely. so here in santa barbara county, i want to be clear, at this time, we don't think we have a threat for mudslides from this storm. but the preparations have always been there, right? the flood control district, our county department of public works make sure our flight control channels are ready for all that debris to help maintain and keep that debris into those designed channels that are meant to keep people safe. i think where we might have concerns in southern california's are more recent burn scars. those areas in los angeles, san bernardino, they have pretty recent burn scars. those areas will be pretty prone to mudslides and residents should be learning -- listening to their local first responders, if they have been asked to evacuate, they may evacuate now before the rain gets worse. without any point, when the rain starts getting really hard or if we start to see debris re-movement of land, we may make the recommendation to shelter in place, meaning we want residents to go to the highest part of their homes, find somewhere in the interior of their homes, not and similar to a hurricane, and find somewhere safe within their home to hunker down and wait out the storm, if that is needed. >> kelly hovered, i know you've got a lot of work ahead of you. so thank you for your time today. appreciate it and best of luck to you and your community there. straight ahead, everybody, two big developments coming from donald trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows. one involves the former president's claims about the mar-a-lago documents, and the other is a move that could potentially endanger the georgia case against donald trump. we are back in just 60 seconds with that. th that. to 50 years with my best friend and my soulmate. 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(vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> all, right welcome back, everybody. we've got these new developments today in the classified docks case against the former president. abc news is reporting that trump's white house chief of staff mark meadows told special counsel investigators he could not recall trump ever ordering or even discussing declassifying material before leaving office. that admission would in fact contradict the former presidents defense in that case so far. joining me now to talk more about, is nbc news correspondent julie tsirkin, who is in fulton county for us, and former fulton county senior district attorney charlie bailey as well. we should note, by the way, that charlie's wife, currently works at fani willis's office as communications director and will help a fund-raiser for you as well and the 2022 run for lieutenant governor. important to point that out there. julie, i want to start with you on this one first. what more do we know about these latest developments from former chief of staff meadows? >> hey, yasmin, i should note nbc news has reached out to the former presidents team as well as the special counsel's office for more on this. but, look at this report is true, it certainly pokes major holes in the former presidents main defense in his federal criminal indictment against those classified documents. you know he said over and over on television, on truth social platform, in his defense privately as well that he declassified all 100 documents that were taken from his mar-a-lago home that were seized by the fbi last summer. look, meadows is not the only one allegedly poking holes in that argument, because his former vice president, mike pence, had to say something about that to today. take a listen. >> i can't really comment on your reporting, but in my case, i was never made aware of any broad based effort to declassify documents. >> knowing what you knew about how that white house operated, if there had been such a broad order, wouldn't his chief of staff have known about it? >> you, know i would expect so. but again, you know, i sure hope we are not getting back into the lane of leaks from the justice department about these cases. >> obviously, yasmin, i should know that of course pence is also one of the former president's 2024 rivals in this campaign for president. but we are back to meadows. here he said all along he's trying to distance himself from these classified documents. he even said he wasn't there, he didn't pack them up when he moved from the white house to mar-a-lago, the former president that is. but that's not the only investigation meadows finds himself in the middle of, because he is also one of the 19 defendants charged as part of the 2020 election interference case right here in georgia. >> julie, this is all coming on the heels of meadows's overnight filing as well to dismisses fulton county charges that you bring up. what more do we know about that? >> yeah, exactly. and that filing that came overnight actually comes a couple days after meadows moved his core trial here in georgia to federal court. there are a couple arguments why he is doing that, but he is saying he is doing it because at the time that all this happened during the 2020 election, at the time the eight fani willis said he made that visit to cup county, for example, to pressure officials, when he was on the call with raffensperger, the famous call the former president made, demanding some 11 some odd -- when the election in georgia that we all know he lost, meadows says he was a federal official at the time and he is protected under the constitution, under a clause that explicitly states state prosecutors cannot go after federal officials. but all that being said, we know that an evidentiary hearing was set on august 28th about that move, right? now he is moving to dismiss the charges altogether, which is attorneys previewed earlier in the week, he'd be moving to do. he's one of the 19 defendants in this case, any one of them can continue to make motions to -- which we know d.a. fani willis wants to begin in the next six months, march 4th with her proposed date. we will see how those delays will impact that in the result of that august 28th hearing is. we know for certain that despite all that, the case and the state will keep moving forward. >> all right, julie tsirkin, tank. you charlie, let's get into what some of -- the argument that's being made by mark meadows former chief of staff to donald trump and his attorneys for full dismissal when it comes to charges against him in fulton county. the argument being made is based upon this. i want to read for. you a federal official carrying out is quote unquote not obliged to consider straight criminal law at all before acting. what do you make of this argument. does it have any direction? >> now, yasmin, i don't believe it has traction. importing lay, it's premature. this motion was filed in federal court in front of the judge, steve jones, who can't rule on it and tell he makes the determination as to removal to remain. he doesn't have jurisdiction. if that makes some sort of sense. until he decides that question whether the case will be a federal case or he's going to remand the case. back to superior court than it is ever issues can be addressed by the judge. that's a procedural matter, but i say this, i think it sounds a lot like some of the arguments and his motion, mark meadows motion to remand. a lot of things you hear from donald trump what is focused on who i am not what i am. frankly, that has an authoritarian ring to it. but you see that as an excuse a lot. that i can do whatever i want because i was chief of staff. i can do what i want because i was president of the united states. and that's not -- the >> i'm glad you brought up the possible movement to federal court. or the ask for them -- to move to federal court. a hearing from meadows for that is august 28th. what's your expectation on that movement? >> judge jones who has the case is a very experienced trial judge. and he's been a trial judge since the 90s. he's been on the federal bench for a number of years. he's fair, courteous to litigants, you'll hear the arguments, he won't waste time. that's why he set this hearing for august 28th. you'll hear the arguments of the state, then he'll rule. it's not as simple as some were saying that because you are a federal official, state prosecutors cannot prosecutor. if that was a law that would be a quick motion. it is not the law. and needs to be again, the duties and responsibility as being a federal official. -- >> you worked, charlie, with fani willis when she was lead prosecutor on a cheating scandal. in that case 11 black educators were convicted of racketeering and conspiracy thing for cheating or enabling cheating on students standardized tests. the east on your experience with the racketeering charge in the state of georgia, how strong of a case do you think fani willis has here? >> it's a very strong case. the statute, the rico statute was written here in the state, not exactly here in the federal statute, but fairly coast to catch up to defendants that we're trying to disperse their conduct as a way to avoid accountability. what you have here in fani willis and her team what they've done with this indictment is tell the entire story. there's nowhere to hide. so that the jury when this gets to trial has a full understanding of the context of all these actions that were taken. it's a strong case. every case is only as strong as the evidence in trial. an indictment, there is allegations but once we get to trial we see a, i'll tell you this about fani wallace, she doesn't put a charge down unless she has evidence to back it up. it tells a strong story about the attempt to overthrow our election here in georgia. i wouldn't want to be one of the defendants in this case all tell you that. >> charlie bailey, thank you, sir, stella had the work being done to keep people -- as tropical storm hilary barrels through the southern part of the country. what her winds are hoping for with president biden's trip to maui, while anger grows with mismanagement. and it's breaking point why a pilot says he broke out an axe and went swinging at the denver airport. we'll be right back. l be right back. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at my most important kitchen tool? 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>> hello there. the good news is it's moving quickly. we'll start with the good news. but we'll see massive amounts of rainfall, life-threatening rainfall, catastrophic rainfall, we'll see landslides, mudslides will see -- it made landfall as a tropical storm it was downgraded from a hurricane earlier this morning. we see winds at 65 miles per hour. the winds will continue to be weakening as we go throughout the next 12 hours or so. the major story remains the rainfall as we go through the next 12 hours. we're looking at winds at 65 miles per hour. and it's moving 25 miles per hour. it's a pretty good clip. it's moving over the state of california pretty quickly. but didn't doing so it will drop rain. we're saving having right now where you see those yellows, the orange is that's where we're seeing that heaviest rainfall. we do have a flash flood warning east of los angeles. i'll show you that in a minute. it's about 250 with -- san diego, california, making its way to the north. it will continue to do so even until tomorrow morning. into portions of montana and nevada. this is what we're looking at in terms of the track. it's expected to make a circulation over san diego at 5:00 local time. later on this evening. and to continue with track northward it will turn to the east as well throughout nevada. by 5 am local time tomorrow morning impacting portions of nevada with heavy rain. this is a story for at least the next 12 to 24 hours. right now we're looking at 26 million people impacted by the flood. we do have flash flood warnings. it's hard to see on this map and if you look towards the south towards los angeles, san diego, heavy rainfall. we'll continue to view that, yasmin, it's the big story with this. we can see up to ten inches of rain. and we can see three inches per hour back to. you >> michelle grossman, we appreciate it. let's go to jake ward who standing on the grounds in las vegas. i'm taking a look on my phone. i have a map on my phone to take track of the. staying las vegas in the center of getting some of the most severe rain within this storm. you know it made landfall south of san diego. what are the expectations there, what are you seeing, what are the preparations in place for what is to come? >> it's really interesting to be here. it's important to try to articulate to people who may be from rainier parts of the world where the grounds much more likely to soak up the water. it's very different here in las vegas. the place you're seeing behind me is a parking garage that has -- at the drainage point off of the mound. there's already about an inch of rain in the mount which causes what is essentially an enormous -- the las vegas valley to drain into this point. las vegas officials, good news, have put in extraordinary amounts of drainage. you can see a storm drain system that is pouring all over this down underneath about a ten blocked distance. it doesn't wind up on the latest strip as it did in 1989, 2012, this is a tremendous impairment -- the problem of course is that because this is not a permeable place. it's one big bowl, it can hold water as a result. this water you see flowing through here can really rise very quickly with only an inch or two of rainfall. it's a region as you know that only gets about a handful of inches of rain every year. [inaudible] desert environment. wind -- 1 to 2 inches hit you can get into a place where the water rises right above where i'm standing. it begins to float vehicles away. it's an enormous problem. i will point out that this is a place that we're seeing some weird new stuff. the fact that i'm standing at a place that should be 115 degrees, it should be how on earth right now. you look at me and say corresponded to no rain jacket, it's normal. this is not normal for las vegas. right now it should be so hot i could not wear this thing. yet it's only 72 degrees. it's 40 degrees colder than it should be at this time of year. that's leading officials to talk about this as being very unprecedented. that's why this water which is fine for the moment is of concern to officials here. that's why a declaration of emergency's been put into place. why state officials are saying stay home and ride this one out. >> jake ward, thank you. i want to go to our delacruz, ceo of a mandatory and organization to talk about this. i know you're in los angeles right now you just heard from our correspondent who's in las vegas. we have one in san diego as well south of you. talk to us about how team ribbons preparing to help folks, specifically in california, and beyond once the storm passes through. especially within mind what jake laid out. this is an area that's not necessarily used to these big amounts of rainfall that they're expecting to get? >> yeah, jake hated in saying that this is an extraordinary event. it's something at team rubicon, as a humanitarian organization prides itself on being able to address. the reality it is over the past six or seven years we've been working to build capability. we have people trained to do the things that are gonna have to having, or moving debris, looking out homes, using heavy equipment. and -- we have capacity, we have a thousands of volunteers that have been recruited over the years that are standing by to be able to help in a moments notice. this will be extraordinary. because as you talked about, this is a year's worth of rainfall in a specific in our history one of our big moments was hurricane harvey in houston. it was 50 inches of rain that they received annually. they receive that in four days and we saw a lot of damage. i think we're really over the course of 12 to 24 hours understanding where our amazing people, our volunteers can be used to help communities. >> you see the devastation from the massive hurricanes that hit florida often during hurricane season. that's a state, people that are used to storms like this, preparing for storms like this. again, california, nevada not places that are used to that. with that in mind, what are you most worried about looking ahead in the next 24 hours? >> one of the things to worry about is that people as they see the hurricane downgrade, they dismiss it as not being a major event. the reality is this will be a wind event, this will be a major flooding event. and it's typically water in places like florida, louisiana, across the gulf coast. it's the flooding and water that begins to take lives. all encourage any of your listeners to continue to keep with the local administrators are telling you to do. and stay home. and kate take care of each other as the storm approaches and passes. >> open for folks depend on a team or rubicon, what's your plan? >> our plan is that we're beginning to plan the planning process. more monitoring what's happening. the one thing i can guarantee looking for volunteer safe. will respond to the unmet needs of the community across southern california up through nevada and as far north as montana. >> our delacruz, lee appreciate all the work that you have in your helping out with in the 24 hours ahead of you. thank. you coming up, the days away from the first showed out of the d -- what should the candidates be asked about when it comes to protecting democracy. i'll speak to, ali velshi, -- looking at just that. ing at just that (fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! 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moment. >> one thing i know is a forerunner new back, move away from name-calling, threats, that's not leadership. leadership's about solving problems. >> debate prep for me was 80 town halls i did in iowa new hampshire. we let everybody ask whatever question they wanted. we have a country to save, i'm determined to save it. it's time for a new generational leader. >> with me the best of the best, ali velshi, we'll be cool hosting a live special at eight previewing this debate. my friend, great to see. you >> great to see you. two asa hutchison's gonna add something to this debate which is interesting. the only person who's going after donald trump and will be there as chris christie. asa hutchinson's in that column with him. that helps on that front a little bit. don't know if that's good for america or not. asa hutchinson and chris christie both fall into the category of people that moderate voters might look at and say, maybe the republican parties not dead and lutak. maybe there's some conservative people who are involved in it. the rest of them are maga -- >> dappling side, asa hutchinson and chris christie are still polling in the one to 2%. that's considering they've been going after the former president repeatedly from the get-go. this is gonna be a reckoning for the republican party. and i wonder how they're going to toggle going after the former president of the united states that won't be on the debate stage. the leading candidate for president in 2024 in the republican party. and also a guy that's been indicted for times with 90-plus criminal charges under his belt. >> it's not deterring those people that will defend donald trump. vivek ramaswamy, five of them said they will pardon donald trump. vivek ramaswamy sat on day one, vivek ramaswamy, who's pulling second or third in some of these places. you saw there was a memo that was linked the other day that purported to be advice to ron desantis to say, defend trump, go after ramaswamy. which is weird. he will be the one to watch. very weird. >> first of all, the leaked memo that came out. that could be advice to ron dissent is considering he's polling in the twenties i believe. it's 40 42, vivek is around 14 or something like that. what's the point of going after ramaswamy, when you have donald trump. that's the guy you have to be. >> rondo santas won't do that. ron desantis like, vivek ramaswamy like nikki haley, like all of them they might say it's time for new leadership, a new generation, it's time for this, let's leave this behind this. and i was actually gonna say what one needs to say about donald trump. that he's been indicted, charged with 91 crimes in four different indictments across four different jurisdictions. and this really is dangerous for the republican party. if there is to be a future of the republican party in this america, they need to figure out what that looks like. it's unhealthy to have a one party country. it's unhealthy to not have reasonable debates about capital gains, health care, taxation. we're not having any of that stuff. there might be people on the stage that might have an opportunity because donald trump is not there to say something that will suggest to americans that there's something left in the republican party that might be about policy. but this is the week they're gonna have to do it. they've been for off-ramps with donald trump. they've been given for opportunities to say, i can get off of this donald trump train and virtually none of them have taken it. >> abortion will be a big issue i think on that stage on monday night. that hasn't worked with the republicans, they got the supreme court they wanted, they got what they want with roe v. wade, it's not working for them. they'll have to be held to account by asking -- on a federal level. >> mike pence has been clear. he wants the toughest abortion laws federally that he can find. we have a few of these candidates that a sad that this is the main thing they want to worry about. we've had five referendums in the country now. some brought by pro abortions -- some brought by antiabortion forces. every single one of them has the same way, even in conservative republican states. american people don't want rights taken away from them. regardless of what you believe about abortion. this is not a winning strategy for the election. it may be a competitive strategy for the primary. this is where the problems gonna be with republicans. you're gonna go all out to steal a few votes from donald trump's a very stable base. it might get you something, doesn't win elections. >> we talk about your podcast. >> i'd love. that >> you have a new podcast, it's based off the banned book club on your show. >> the most fun thing we do on the show. >> what will be hearing? >> the thing about the velshi banned book club it's all about banned books, it's not the politics of the band because i'm not convinced -- it's a book club. we read the books cover to cover. what people with banned books generally don't, they don't generally read the books that are banned. -- >> they seldom told when it's about. >> it's either about the author or an idea, once in a while it's the words. but generally speaking it's the politics. we're not doing politics. the velshi banned book club is not about politics. we'll ask the what oscar -- but then we're talking about the literature, the words, the beauty inside the box. the margaret atwood, we have george afternoons and, the first person we interviewed. it's remarkable experiences by person who've written books that we deserve access to. you don't deserve or have to read every book that's available to you. you don't have to have your kids rate up. and you should curate with your children what they read. but we deserved not have any book cap from us should we decide to read it. >> i gotta tell you. last week we listen to ali velshi because i was on the road as the indictment dropped. i thought, there's no other way, i was driving, there's no other way for me to read this thing than to listen to ali velshi. >> it does make -- its fun to read them. you have to actually know the indictments at that point. a lot illegal for a guy like me. >> ali velshi, nothing is a lot for you, come on. >> most of my legal trainings from lawn order. it's a whole different thing. >> you could watch a preview for the republican base starting at seven pm, hosted by jen sackey as well, i don't a pm alley, many has some, and aim invalid in, -- are gonna pick up the coverage with analysis on how the indictment facing former president bryant could influence this debate and you could watch a little she every saturday and sunday, 10 am eastern on msnbc. my gosh -- >> now i'm lucky. >> be sure to check out his new podcast velshi banned book club starting thursday. he'll be doing yoga tomorrow morning, we teach in class at eight a.m.. >> right at this table. >> thank you. at the break we're live in maui, as president biden serves amount -- ve 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osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. tomorrow president biden and first lady as we are gonna travel to maui, to survey the aftermath of the deadly wildfires. at least 114 people are dead, 1000 more are still unaccounted for. making at the deadly wildfire in modern u.s. history. we want to bring in daniel griffin, who's live in lahaina, hawaii. dana, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. ball we await the bidens among growing anger about how things have been managed on the island since the fire. >> he's going to show up a likely to lahaina where we're standing right now. he'll likely toward the decimated area behind me. getting a firsthand look, talking to survivors and first responders about the need on the island. as you mentioned, more than 1000 people remain unaccounted for. the governor even said up -- a lot of the missing will never be found. unfortunately, this fire burned so hot. the government estimates it reached up to 2000 degrees. which is hotter than most incinerators. which is very frustrating for families who have been waiting for days to find out word about their loved ones. many children as the governor said are in those numbers. he's going to face a lot of questions. he faced criticism for his public response. we heard from the state that he's been talking to them constantly, immediately gave a lot of aid. he said he'd be here for the long haul. as we all know, the presidents been often called bill consoler -in-chief. people thought like that public statement that they were looking for when we were learning the numbers of the missing, the numbers of the missing, people were disappointed. he may face criticism and tough questions if reporters are allowed to get close enough to him. his official timeline and schedule hasn't been made public. we know rain is expected monday afternoon into tuesday. that could hamper the search and rescue efforts here. it could make it difficult to try and identify more of the remains. it's also tough for the people who are going in. we're told 85% of the bird area has been searched. there are 16% of the government said that will take possibly weeks to go through. some of the buildings include a four story apartment building. they need to take that building apart layer by layer to search for the missing. the structure of that building poses a risk to the workers. there's a concern also for toxins in the air, dust screens will be installed to help prevent some of the dust from blowing back on the residents whose homes are still standing, people who are driving on the highway. there's a concern about the water, water advisories have been expanded. people are asked not to drink it even if they boil it. >> a lot going on there. we'll be watching the president and first lady's visit and lahaina tomorrow. dana griffin, thank you. we have a lot more coming up, you're watching msnbc our second hour starts right now. g ♪ ♪ ♪ hi everyone, i'm yasmin vossoughian. if you're just joining us, welcome. if you're sticking with us, thank you for that. tropical storm hilary, made landfall in mexico. it's barreling towards california and the southwest. bringing high rents, heavy rain, that they fear could bring dangerous flash flooding, mudslides, at much, much more. plus, donald trump surrender -- he now just has days before he gets to turn himself in in georgia authorities. and

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, Interior , Recommendation , Work , Community , There , Developments , Luck , Claims , Kelly , Case , Move , Mar A Lago , Documents , Mother , Georgia , Best Friend , Th , Soulmate , 60 , 50 , Bounty , Sfx , Sponge , Spilling Sound , Picker Upper , Family Gasp Nooo , Aya , Bit , Job , Face , Business , Setting Trends , Ella , Absorbent , Fashion , 2 , Level , Control , 5g Network , Jen Sackey , Verizon , Operations , Customer Demand , Production , Agility , Efficiencies , Marquis , 5 , More , Back , Vo , Enterprise Intelligence , Vision , Network , Trump , Abc News , Counsel , White House , Docks , Investigators , Presidents , Defense , Nbc News , Julie Tsirkin , Fulton County , Admission , Declassifying Material , Charlie Bailey , Fani Willis , Lieutenant Governor , Communications Director , Wife , Run , Fund Raiser , 2022 , Special Counsel , Indictment , Holes , Report , Television , Truth , Something , Mike Pence , Meadows , Argument , Platform , Last , Fbi , 100 , Listen , Reporting , Effort , It , Lane , Leaks , Cases , Pence , Department , Justice , Campaign , 2024 , Investigation Meadows , Defendants , Filing , Election Interference Case , Heels , 2020 , 19 , Arguments , Core Trial Here In Georgia To Federal Court , Made , Pressure Officials , Cup County , Call , Famous , Example , Raffensperger , Official , State Prosecutors , Clause , Constitution , Odd , 11 , Officials , Attorneys , Being , 28 , August 28th , Result , Delays , 28th Hearing , Motions , March 4th , 4 , You Charlie , Let , Tank , Dismissal , Traction , Direction , Criminal Law , Acting , Mark Meadows Motion , Steve Jones , Front , Judge , Court , Who Can T , Determination , Jurisdiction , Rule , Importing Lay , Superior Court , Sense , Sort , Matter , Remand , Ring , Excuse , Movement , Federal Court , Ask , Trial Judge , Bench , 90 , Number , Litigants , Law , Cannot Prosecutor , Responsibility , Prosecutor , Duties , Cheating Scandal , East , Cheating , Racketeering Charge , Conspiracy , Racketeering , Students , Tests , Educators , Rico Statute , Team , Conduct , Accountability , Trial , Actions , Context , Understanding , Nowhere , Jury , She Doesn T , Evidence , Allegations , Charge , Fani Wallace , Sir , Thank You , Attempt , Stella , Anger , Maui , Barrels , Mismanagement , Trip , Protein , Muscle Health , Pilot , Breaking Point , Axe , Denver Airport , 20 , 16 , High Protein , Flavor , Boost , Cinnabon , Neuriva Plus , Brain , Kitchen Tool , Multitasker , Indicators , Brain Health , Neuriva , 6 , Heartburn , Antacid , Prilosec Otc , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Zero , T Mobile , 5g Solutions , Spread , Pano Ai , Pano Ai Innovate , Coach , Preseason Game , Scene , Field , Giants , Neck Injury , Crowd , Buccaneers , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Parking Lot , Geek , Video , Surveillance Video , Ax , United Airlines , Times , Incident , Up Next , Police , Cars , Gate , Meat , Las Vegas , Pictures , Cheese , Titan Turkey , Rbeight , Safelite , Suv , Mouth Guard Flavor , Mouth Guard , Sub , Woman , Turkey , Subway , Fan Experience , Replacement , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Mlb , Game , Feeling , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Add On Treatment , Types , Lung Function , Dupixent , Du , Reactions , Steroids , Asthma Attacks , Help , Doctor , Chest Pain , Pain , Stop Asthma Medicines , Numbness , Breath , Limbs , Tingling , Shortness , Infection , Joint Aches , Rash , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Asthma Specialist , Money , Chase , Ooh , Mom , Debit Card , Firsts , Account , Cooking , Sequins , Plaid , Spending , College , Uh , Uhuh , Nice , Kids , Shoulders , Head , Futures , Freedom , Parents , Both , Bank , Shampoo , Flakes , Inez , Three , Microbes , Troy , Wash , Rascals , Ingredients , News , Threats , Wash Count , Best , Itchiness , Dryness , Communities , Complex , 10 , Storms , Diane Criswell , Risks , Weather , Fema , Ten , Nevada , Michelle Grossman , Arizona , South , Landslides , Weakening , 25 , 12 , 65 , Orange , Rainfall , Flash Flood Warning East , Didn T , Yellows , Clip , North , Terms , 250 , Circulation , 00 , Map , Warnings , 26 Million , Grounds , Jake Ward , Let S Go , Look , Phone , Landfall South Of San Diego , Center , World , Expectations , Rainier Parts , Mound , Mount , Parking Garage , Drainage Point Off , Storm Drain System , Enormous , Drainage , Put , Las Vegas Valley , Problem , Strip , Impairment , Distance , It Doesn T , 1989 , 2012 , Bowl , Region , Inches , Handful , Inaudible Desert Environment , 1 , Stuff , Rain Jacket , Earth , 115 , 40 , 72 , Concern , State Officials , Stay , Declaration , Delacruz , Organization , Ribbons , Event , Jake , Team Rubicon , Reality , Capability , Seven , Volunteers , Thousands , Capacity , Equipment , Specific , Worth , Houston , Hurricane Harvey , Four , Hurricanes , Hurricane Season , Florida , Flooding Event , Wind Event , Hurricane Downgrade , Places , Lives , Listeners , Care , Administrators , Gulf Coast , Louisiana , Plan , Rubicon , Passes , Planning Process , Monitoring , Needs , Lee , Candidates , Ali Velshi , Democracy , The D , Ing , Fan , Josh Allen , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Youtubetv , Yea , Myplan , Mmhm , Value , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , 49 , 449 , Subject 6 , Music Playing , Cancer , Journey , Fight , Children , Daughter , Parent , Family , 3 , Families , Interviewer , Jude For Treatment , Bill From St , Housing , Travel , Supporting St , Battle , Jude Children S Research Hospital , Child , Life , Childhood Cancer , Chance , Cures , Hope , Donations , Partner , St , 9 , Credit , Difference , Jude T Shirt , Jude Is Hope , Support , Works , Deodorant , Secret , Odor , Go , Wake Up , Let S Go , Gotta , C Mon , Ohhh Yesss , Gracie , Guys , Engine Revving , Family Thing , Color , Leave Running Behind , Volkswagen Atlas , Sensitivity , Rehardens Enamel , Sensitivity Gum , Enamel , Gums , Majority , Patience , Advocate , Restore Gum Health , Sensodyne , Isa Hutchinson , Podium , Arkansas , Debate , Candidate , Sunday , Milwaukee , Talk , Challenges , Sunday Night , Leadership , Debate Prep , Solving Problems , Name Calling , Forerunner , Town Halls , Iowa , 80 , It S Time , Special , Generational Leader , The Best Of , New Hampshire , Gonna , Asa Hutchinson , Friend , Add , Chris Christie , Column , Asa Hutchison , Say , Category , Parties , Polling , Lutak , Dappling Side , Maga , Reckoning , Get Go , Won T , Guy , President Of The United States , Belt , Vivek Ramaswamy , Day One , Memo , Ron Desantis , Dissent , Twenties , 42 , Like , Rondo Santas , Nikki Haley , 14 , Indictments , Crimes , Future , Jurisdictions , Opportunity , Debates , Health Care , Capital Gains , Taxation , Policy , Opportunities , Train , None , Supreme Court , Hasn T , Monday Night , Roe V Wade , Abortion Laws , Sad , Abortions , Referendums , Antiabortion Forces , Strategy , Problems , Primary , Gonna Go All Out , Book Club , Podcast , Votes , Doesn T Win Elections , Books , Politics , Show , Fun Thing , Band , Words , Author , Idea , Beauty , Oscar , Literature , The Box , Margaret Atwood , Book , Experiences , Afternoons , Access , George , Road , Book Cap , Fun , Preview , Most , Nothing , Trainings , Come On , Lawn Order , Alley , Little , Many , Saturday , Analysis , Invalid In , Bryant , Gosh , Yoga , Class , Msnbc , Book Club Starting Thursday , Podcast Velshi , Break , Schools , Table , Essential School Supplies , Supporter , School Supplies Students , Funding , Retailers , Subaru , Adoptaclassroom Org , Subaru Love Promise , Car Company , Brand , Forbes , Age , Boost Com Tv , Vets , Dog People , Pet Food , Dog Food , Approach , Kibble , Cans , Dogs , Dog , Box , Rhino , Veggies , Door , Portioned , Angry Rhino , Anox , Getyou , Sleep Number , Baby , Bed , Home Delivery , Breztri , Copd , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Symptom Improvement , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Vision Changes , Mouth , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Swelling , Eye , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Aftermath , Gonna Travel To Maui , 114 , 1000 , Daniel Griffin , Lahaina , Dana Griffin , Bidens , Making , Ball , Hawaii , Island , Fire , To Lahaina , Will , Need , Survivors , Government , Word , Incinerators , Loved Ones , 2000 , Numbers , Criticism , Governor , Response , Statement , Know , Bill Consoler In Chief , Aid , Haul , Missing , Timeline , Reporters , Schedule Hasn T , Efforts , Remains , Public , Search And Rescue , Buildings , Story Apartment Building , 85 , Workers , Building , Dust Screens , Structure , Hair , Toxins , Highway , Water Advisories , Dust , Everyone , Barreling , G Hi , Rents , Flash Flooding , Surrender , Georgia Authorities ,

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