Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240704

he says, count him out from this week's republican debate. we will tell you what he plans to do instead. plus, what trump's refusal to pay for rudy giuliani's legal bills may mean in that georgia case, in which their codefendants. that's later on this hour as well. we want to begin, though, with the weather. hurricane hilary specifically. now a category three and expected to bring catastrophic and life-threatening flooding to parts of california, nevada, mexico as well. southern california now under a tropical storm warning, as residents are bracing for what could be the first storm like this to make landfall in the area since, get this, 1939. you see that thing turning towards the state. nbc's guad venegas is on the ground for us in san diego. but first, i want to bring in michael brennan, director of the national hurricane center. michael, start us off if you will. what you are seeing this hour, the track of hillary, and if it weakens as some reports are saying it might, how dangerous could this still be? >> yeah, yasmin, the storm is pretty much still on track. you know, not much has changed since yesterday, so we're very confident that hillary, as it moves northward, and approaches by how california, moves into southern california tomorrow and tomorrow night, it's going to bring, you know, life-threatening flooding and from a wind perspective, even as the winds we can, as we're starting to see them come down now, that has almost nothing to do with how much rainfall is going to occur and the impacts of that flooding that's going to occur in portions of southern california. we can actually see those rainfall out well in advance of the center of hillary, already falling in portions of southeastern california, southwestern arizona, and into southern nevada. so, folks, this is the day to prepare if you are southern california, southern nevada. anywhere in this high-risk moderate risk area that you see in yellow and, excuse me, in pink, purple, and red on this map, this is a very dangerous situation that's going to be playing out over the next 24, 36 hours with a potential for that life-threatening flooding in the imperial valley, -- san diego up to las vegas and into central nevada. >> what are your biggest concern surrounding the flooding? how much could it possibly be? are we looking at surges as well? as we have experience here, on the east coast, many times? >> not as much in the way of storm surge here on the west coast with this particular system. this is going to be flooding from rainfall, but it's very different out here in the west. you know, 3 to 6 inches of rain isolated amounts as high as ten inches falling in the mountains and the desert. could lead to really fast runoff, flash flooding. flooding in places that don't usually flood in a scenario like this. so, it's a very dangerous situation. people want to be very into to the weather, be in a safe place by tonight and try to ride the storm out tomorrow. >> hey michael, just quickly, i'm about to show some live pictures of kabul right now, taking a look at some of the elements. where is the storm right at this very moment? >> sure. right now, the storm is passing to the west of cabo san lucas. it's moving quickly now to the north, northwest, going to go near or over portions of pundit johanna on the west coast of baja, then move up into southern california by tomorrow evening. >> got it, all right, so we're seeing some of that beginning to come in there in some of the video that i was just showing you, as michael is just speaking with us. michael, i know you've got a lot ahead of you. i appreciate you taking the time out to speak with us this hour. thank you so much. guad, i'm coming to you on this. folks there, they've not seen a storm like this one in quite some time. how are they preparing? >> well, yasmin, most of the people here have never been through a tropical storm, right? so, you can see a lot of the residents behind me filling up some of the sandbags. the city of san diego and the county have set up a lot of locations like this one. we've seen trucks drop more and more of the sand and residents come in all day to fill up some of these bags, and protect their property. now, for some of the people, at least here in the san diego area that live in low areas where it floods, when it usually rains, they do have an idea of what could happen if we get the amount of rain that is being forecasted. now, california, southern california, has different geography, right? there are areas that are more desert, mountainous, lower areas, so residents do have an idea of what they neighborhoods would be like under rain. so, a lot of the people coming here today tell me they live in neighborhoods that they know can flood. and authorities, of course, are mentioning the flooding as one of the most dangerous things about this storm. most people, as you mentioned, have never experienced this amount of rain. so, they have no idea what it will be like. here's part of the conversation i had with some residents about how they are preparing. >> i lived here all my life, 62 years old, and this is a first time i've heard of the tropical storm coming in. we are very much preparing for it. >> we are just making sure to prepare for the worst because we don't know what this hurricane can cause. it could cause, you know, our electricity to go out. it can cause this to happen for who knows how long. so, we're going to be stocking up on food, extra water, just so, you know, in case that does happen, we are going to be prepared. >> and he has been, specifically for the areas in los angeles and san diego, these are areas where there are large homeless populations. so, authorities are also paying attention to individuals that are on the streets, especially people that camp here in the rivers or the creeks, who have to be moved because these are the areas of danger with that possible flooding happening that began tomorrow. so, today is the day to prepare. authorities recommend people to buy water, buy food, also make sure that they know how to look up the latest information on their phone, have those alerts ready. that is very important for people to know what is coming and another thing, yasmin, that's interesting as we see the storm coming this way. for people here in san diego, we will have an opportunity to see what happens south of the border and other urban areas, where the storm will hit before san diego. that's -- and sonata areas. so, we will be paying attention to see what the storm does there, before it moves up into southern california, yasmin. >> hey, guad, have we heard from authorities, as to whether or not they have any kind of situation in place for folks to evacuate to, if, in fact, they need that? >> so, we've heard of authorities are trying to evacuate the homeless population. in some areas, offer somewhere where they could be inside. but there isn't a specific plan for someone who lives in a low area to go to a shelter right now. what they're asking residents is to have a plan with a friend or relative, a place where they could move to, if the flooding comes to their neighborhood. for now, what people know is that they can come pick up sandbags and then use these to try to protect their property, as best as possible. but i think overnight and into tomorrow morning, we're going to have a better idea of what's going to happen once the storm gets here, yasmin. >> what the nuggets for us, thank you, what, appreciate it. we will continue to follow hurricane hilary throughout the two hours ahead all weekend as well. want to go to there from georgia, where we are on surrender watch. donald trump, 18 others as well, indicted on charges of racketeering and conspiracy there this week. in connection with attempting to overturn the 2020 election. the sheriff's office saying, trump and all the other defendants can turn themselves in anytime, 24 hours a day, the fulton county jail. and the dea says, they have until friday at noon to do so. and d.c.'s ali vitali is outside the jail in atlanta for us, covering it all. ali, as always, good to see you, my friend. so, we're starting to get more important clarity, right? on when the former president may, in fact, surrender. what are you hearing? >> it's good to see you too and it could come at any moment, but our sources are telling us that it's more likely to come towards the end of this coming week. likely right up against that friday deadline at the fulton county district attorney said for trump and the other coconspirators here to turn themselves in to the jail, just behind me, of course. you are right to point out that this is the 24/7 operation. it really could come out anytime. nevertheless, we're very much playing the waiting game here, as we wait to see when the former president will turn himself in,. when you listen to our sources and law enforcement talk about this, right now, the plan, again, is to expect for the latter part of next week. but as we know with the former president, things can always change and they can often change quickly. so, of course, we are here and at the ready as we wait for that. but of course, the other thing that we're watching here, yasmin, is the fact that in the days since these indictments were handed down, the information of the grand jury who indicted the former president and these 18 other people have leaked publicly. not just their names, but their personal information. that, on a fringe website. it's something that law enforcement officials here are looking closely at. the fbi in atlanta here saying, in part in a statement, that they are aware of threats of violence against fulton county officials and they are working with the fulton county sheriff's office. they go on to say that it's their policy not to discuss details of ongoing investigations. however, each and every potential threat brought to our attention is taken seriously and individuals found responsible for making threats in violation of state and or federal laws will be prosecuted. these are not the first instances that we've seen of threats being leveled against people who are close to or part of this case. the dea, herself, fani willis, was subject to a lot of incoming both racist threats and other things during the time that she was doing this investigation. now, of course, the jury is front and center in the aftermath of those indictments, so it's a waiting game and also an active investigation here into those threats to jurors, yasmin. >> hallie, quickly here, do we know why fani willis gave such a long runway to the 19 defendants, to august 25th? and will we eventually get a kind of hard and fast time as to when the former president will be turning himself in, as we did with the other three indictments? >> i think all of the rest of us would love that kind of a timing certainty, especially because you look at the way that next week is going to break down, they do have the duration of that week, but wednesday night, for example, is supposed to be that first republican debate. it seems now, according to our sources, that trump has decided he won't be on that stage. he's likely to be sitting for an interview with someone like tucker carlson, potentially, that night. but that means that it makes it harder for him to do this wednesday and it means that he could do this thursday, as our sources are estimating to us at this point. or it brings us up against that friday deadline. yasmin, this is probably not surprising, but we never expected trump to do this the moment that he was asked to do this, coming early on this deadline. instead, we are watching them sort of move with the timetable here and she did give a long runway, but nevertheless, it gives them the time to get here stopped some point before friday. >> and again, there are 19 defendants here versus the other indictments that we have seen so far. ali vitali for us, as always, thank you. we are back in just 60 seconds with new video of one of trump 's georgia codefendants at the january 6th riots with the controversial figure. also coming up, new reporting on the failures that contributed to the devastating death toll in hawaii. we will be right back. we will be right back. we will be right back. i chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... ...because t-mobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. to help prevent bleeding gums. try saying 'hello gumwash' with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% plaque bacteria. and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? 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>> so, i find this video rather interesting in terms of who cheeseborough trust to hang out with that day and who he was with on january six. but it's not necessarily an act of criminal in and of itself because the way that the capitol -- violence as far as we can tell. but it speaks to, and you saw that in the georgia indictment with those -- the criminal conspiracy, you saw some of it in jack smith's indictment of donald trump. it speaks to that larger issue of the various fringe players, including the lawyers, who are conspiring these various different ways with their -- client, donald trump, to try to prevent the certification for congress that they prevent joe biden from taking office. so, do i see this video showing another criminal charge that cheeseborough could face? no, not necessarily. but it will flesh out the factual background of who he was in extent to which his actions went beyond what lawyers are permitted and expected to do, in their conduct. >> i want to pivot here, while i have a, bradley, because i want to talk about the proposed date from the former presidents attorneys, when it comes to jack smith's indictment, right? so, the doj proposing january 2nd, 2024. the proposed day that we've now gotten in from the former president's attorneys is april of 2026. i've got to say, it's not necessarily surprising, considering when the indictment dropped or it was all over the television saying that we should get the three and a half years, as special counsel got and investigating. or i should say that the government got and investigated the former president of the united states. what goes into deciding when you're a judge on this, when that date is actually going to land? >> so, a number of factors. one is obviously the amount of documentation in that issue. not just the, you know, overarching piece, because some of it is also extraneous and not entirely relevant. but it gets produced anyways because that is your right, as a criminal defendant, to see the entire government's case. but it to the extent of how much is actually the defense lawyers have to go through? how difficult the discovery will be, in terms of pre trial discovery? how much time is expected for the pretrial motions? but also, and particularly in these cases, what the public interest is in resolving these in a more expeditious fashion. do i think jack smith is going to get the january 2nd day that he wants? no, not going to happen. but it's not going to be 2026 either. i can fully see this thing going to trial before donald trump takes, you know, to stage next summer at that republican national convention. assuming he is the nominee. >> i want to read for you this truth social post from a former president, in which he talked about the reason why he pulled that press conference he was going to have for this big reveal come monday. rather than releasing the report on the rigged and stolen georgia 2020 presidential election on monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this irrefutable and overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities in formal legal filings, as we fight to dismiss this disgraceful indictment by a publicity and campaign finance seeking the a, who sadly presides over a record-breaking -- violent crime area. so, the truth of the matter is, not with the former president has put in his truth social post, but reporting that we're getting out of abc news thursday morning that trump's legal advisers were actively urging him to call off this, quote, unquote, big reveal that he was going to make on monday, right? this press conference that he was going to hold on monday. and their argument being that they claim, the claims of election fraud confirm can further complicate the further legal problems for the president. what do you think of this? >> yeah, it will for the first time, the president finally listened to his lawyers and did something is right. that would be the dumbest thing for a criminal defendant of his kind of case to have done, is to hold that press conference and put forth whatever garbage report he was going to try to hold out as evidence. it would've been nothing, it would've been debunked garbage. but it would've been used against him in the criminal case. there is a -- tv show based on what enforcement knows anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. and any additional evidence donald trump would put forward showing that he continues to rely on these various non credible, debunked garbage reports from non serious players would've just further underlined the seriousness with which his case has to be handled and why the government wants to handle it sooner, rather than later. there is no way he could've held that press conference and not damage himself legally. >> bradley moss, thanks so much, sir. appreciate it. still ahead, everybody, a new era of cooperation with the white house saying about president biden summit with the leaders from south korea and japan. plus, steve patterson, live for us in hawaii. >> we are live in lahaina, where the agonizing search for the dead continues, coming up, an update on the search and the investigation into what went wrong during these fires. that's all next after the break. you are watching msnbc. u are watching msnbc u are watching msnbc r antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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>> so, i think, yasmin, this actually turns quickly into two questions. one is of the long term and two is of the short term. both equally important to figure out why this happened in the first place. the long term consists of what you just mentioned, talking about infrastructure improvements based on reporting that was done at the time. this is years ago. so, these lawsuits were now up to five, by the way, allege gross mismanagement. not only of the short term situation, of the wind event that we got, but also the long term of hearing that there may need to be great civilizations and hardening, improvements that maybe you coat some of these cables a little bit better, that you put powerlines, as you mentioned, underground. fire retardant power poles. we don't know why. we don't think we're going to know why for a while. these lawsuits allege lots and part of that will be to determine why that was. the second is the short term, which is that you have the national weather service telling you that it's going to be 45 mile an hour sustained winds, 60 mile an hour wind gusts. why not shut the power off at that point? why not have something that would trigger, to safely shut the power of? we do have a little bit more on that,. what with certain officials saying that the power it's so intrinsically tied to the sustainability of a place like lahaina, that that, in effect, would also be showing off certain water comes and shutting off certain medical devices that are needing that power, in order to flow. all of this, again, part of the investigation i mentioned. another lawsuit came overnight. we are up to five, at this point. there is a third question, though, which concerns the sirens that did not go off during this fire event. why didn't that happen? what we know just two days ago, the emergency manager, the chief operating emergency manager in maui stepped down, citing health concerns. but before that, he defended the decision not to turn on the sirens. his reasoning was that those sirens are usually used for tsunami's. so, his, in effect, he was nervous about the idea that somebody would run into the fire. maybe uphill, where the fire was burning, because they hear a siren that they associate with the tsunami. all of this, under the states attorney general, assigning a third-party investigator to look into this and the answers, i think, are going to take way too long for some of these families that are just waiting to hear where their family member is, at this point. with 1000 people still unaccounted for, yasmin. >> unbelievable. steve patterson, thank you for your continued reporting down there, we appreciate you. straight ahead, a no-show. what the former president will be doing instead of debating his opponents this week. and another embarrassment for florida governor ron desantis. a leaked memo lays out his debate strategy. we will be right back. egy. we will be right back. we will be right back. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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we don't know, by the way. that is according to two people familiar with his thinking. meanwhile, his closest challenger in the polls, although that's not saying much, it is hard at work at the -- memo written for ron desantis by a pro desantis super pac encourages the florida governor to defend trump from attacks by chris christie and take a, quote, sledgehammer to vivek ramaswamy, who has been rising in the polls. i want to bring in jonathan allen, senior national politics reporter for nbc news who has been following all of this for us. and bring it to us now. jonathan, as always, it's great to talk to you. so, let's talk first about this memo. posted to the website of axiom strategies, right? the founder of which is the leader of desantis's super pac. so, it is santa spokesperson saying, this was not a campaign memo. the campaign had not been made aware of it prior to it being published. what is going on here? >> what's going on here is the super pac is communicating to the candidate they are not allowed, by federal law, for the super pac that supports him to coordinate with the campaign, itself. so, instead of coordinating with them directly, behind the scenes, what they are doing is putting it out in public, which is perfectly legal. there is some, i guess, suggestion from others outside the desantis campaign, outside the orbit, that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for people who support him to go out there and lay out a debate strategy, which he either how now has to follow -- for following the debate strategy or separate himself from it, potentially not to take the best tack. >> it's not surprising, considering that the florida governor kind of refuses to take down the front runner for former president of the united states, donald trump, because he's worried about possibly losing any kind of trump vote he may get, although it doesn't seem to be like that strategy is faring very well. you did have some, though, reporting about when the former president was thinking about turning himself in, in georgia, that may take attention away from what's actually happening on that debate stage. and your reporting initially indicated that would be maybe wednesday, right? the day of the debate, to kind of shift the storyline away from the debate stage to his indictment and booking, which he has been kind of using as part of his campaign strategy. now that has changed, it seems, though, it's not happening until at least thursday. >> -- what we're looking at, yasmin, is some effort by trump to take attention away from the debate stage, which possibly can turn himself in on wednesday, at the same time as the debate, it looks like now. he's seeking an audience with tucker carlson, to try to bring republican eyes toward him and away from the debate. and looking more likely that he will turn himself in georgia for looking at the end of next week, possibly thursday, putting on and on that debate, news cycle. >> all right, jonathan allen for, us thank, you sir, appreciate it. want to continue this decision with danielle moodie, host of the podcast woke af and host of democracy-ish, and new abnormal podcast, oh, another new podcast, danielle? and -- republican strategist and msnbc political analyst. welcome to you both, ladies, thanks for joining us. pick up when donald -- drawing attention away, it seems, from the debate stage, potentially. the former president may be going in for his booking, initially being reported wednesday, maybe not thursday. because of the post-debate coverage. what do you think? >> i think it's a really bad idea to try and counter programming with booking under umpteen charges by the georgia courts. the problem is that donald trump is thinking he can get away with it, again, and he very well may. and he may have a tucker carlson interview, but no matter what, you know chris christie's going to be up on stage, something like oh, i guess donald trump couldn't make it because he didn't finish with his booking yet. >> the only one, yeah. >> right, he may be the only one, he may not be, but we will see. but it lends itself up to other, the people who are watching this debate, i think, are not necessarily going to be all trump supporters. i think there are a lot of republicans who are very curious to see what else is out there. so, i don't think donald trump is doing himself any favors. >> i thought this analysis from the new york times, daniel, was pretty interesting. you would think that if trump were in fighting for, you want to be on hand to keep the pretenders to his throne in line or more precisely, to humiliate his critics face to face. do you agree with that? >> i do. i don't think that donald trump is in fighting for. i do think -- horrendous summer for him, regardless of what it is he puts out on, you know, his social media platform. i think that the reality is that donald trump does not have anything to offer voters, aside from his own personal grievances. and so, even if he was on that debate stage, but the reality is that when was the last time you heard donald trump talk about a policy that had to do with the american people and not trying to grip grift from them? one was a lot of time where donald trump talk about the economy or climate change, or any issue that didn't revolve around donald trump? and so, this counter programming is going to do just that, show the voters that he's not a serious candidate and he's not serious about america. he's serious about staying out of jail. >> i also have been wanting as to whether or not they've come up with the strategy. susan, you can weigh into this, as the former president goes up against four members of his candid, former vice president of the united states, a guy that he endorse at one point, florida governor ron desantis, chris christie, obviously. how does he do that? how does he make sense of that on the debate stage? >> well, he does not have to. he's donald trump, he doesn't rule that way and his supporters have forgiven him time and again. and i really want to play more on what danielle was talking about, about donald trump really only running on, i was cheated out of an election campaign strategy. because you will have other candidates talking about serious issues, i believe. they don't want to just talk about donald trump either. i guess is that, you know, -- asking the question, you know, donald trump, should he be indicted? maybe a follow-up and then that is it. otherwise, they are going to be talking about the economy and climate change, and foreign policy. so, it is a chance for, again, these -- going to be watching, wanting to see, could they get behind someone else? and they can decide. >> what is the effect, daniel, of such a huge debate stage? by the way, so early on, right? we are looking at miami mayor, francis suarez, former congressman will hurd as well, they both claim that they've not qualified, although it's unclear if they really meant that threshold. we are looking at, i believe, right, now nine candidates that are going to be, so far, on that debate stage. what does that do to the folks that are running for president? i mean, i think the reality is, one, it gives and the opportunity to showcase what it is they know and think. what it is like an offer to the american public. i want people to be really clear about something. the republican party has no agenda, other than cruelty. they have no policies other than oppress other people and will back out democracy. whether it is donald trump at the top of the ticket, ron desantis, or mike pence, they are all about banning books, silencing the press, and oppressing other marginalized groups. that is what their policies are. they are not offering anything to america, they are just trying to take away. that is what you're going to hear on that debate stage. whether or not donald trump is there are not. it is going to be all of those people saying similar things about destroying our democracy. >> susie and i think this is interesting. the leaked desantis memo. let me read a part of it for. he is the memo calls under santas to defend trump for christie's attack it also urges desantis to convey himself as a leader best position to carry the torch of trump-ism forward all of that aside, i will be curious to hear rhonda santiff defending his actions especially when it comes to abortion in the state of florida considering how popular abortion rights are in this country right now and how unpopular the actions of the florida governor long with many conservative seats have been so far. >> yasmin, that is such a great question. we know the governor desantis did pass a 15-week abortion ban. before he was reelected governor. after he became governor he put in a six-week abortion ban, which is basically banning abortions let's not make any messes about that. he is now going to be asked, do you support a 15-week abortion ban. i don't know what he's going to say but i know no matter what he says he's going to lose any center right republican, independent a going with six weeks. it'll be interesting to see how other candidates will spawn to. that >> is certainly will. danielle moodie thank. you susan depot ceo. thank you, as well. coming up, rudy giuliani cannot seem to get help from his old how donald trump when it comes to his legal bills. my next guest argues that could spell trouble for the former president in georgia. we'll be right back. 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the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. welcome back. donald trump save america pack and spent more than $20 million in legal fees in just the first six months of 2020. 40 million going back to 2021. it is not just the former president. for some, his associates and employees, as well. -- msnbc digital writes it is actually not paying enough that could hurt him in his georgia case. based on recent reports it seems like the famously stingy trump is not helping several of his best known codefendants with their own legal bills. that decision may save trump cash in the short term but it may very well come back to bite him in the long run. hayes brown is joining me now. thank you for joining us on this. the washington post reporting this month, susie will, the save america pact. susie is making all the decisions on who will be paid for and who will not be paid for. and what is the criteria from what you've been learning in the reporting? >> looks like what the criteria if it is someone directly employed by trump, or his organization, or someone who has been a consultant for the trump campaign, they are getting money from the save america pact to just cover legal fees. that does not cover many of his codefendants in the georgia case, including his former lawyers like rudy giuliani, jenna ellis. john eastman. members of the administration like mark meadows jeffrey clark. people who are ordinary people, basically, who were caught up in the web of the lines and scheming to try to keep trump in office. those people are not being covered by the save america pact right now. they are in for a pretty expensive time trying to defend themselves in court from these charges. >> we know codefendants -- carlos de oliveira out of florida and the federal case. we know there are legal fees are being picked up by the former president, right? as you mentioned, some of the other folks who are not. specifically rudy giuliani there. you argue in your piece, essentially, some of these georgia codefendants, the decision to not cover their legal expenses is a little trickier. i am wondering if there was a feeling inside the trump world that, if in fact they do not cover their legal expenses, they could, possibly, flip? >> that is entirely a possibility. one of the reasons why prosecutors were so curious about the fact that -- are getting their legal fees covered by the save america pack is the concern that there is an agreement of some kind of pack that if you get these fees covered, as long as the stick by the boss and do not turn on him, that money will keep coming. he will be fine. you will not have to worry about these thousands upon thousands of dollars and fees trying to defend yourself. the flip could be true if you are looking at the georgia case. . i have not seen any direct reporting saying that they are getting worried about this. i do believe -- it is not a stretch of the imagination to look at this and think to yourself, if you are fani willis down in georgia, and the prosecutor are trying to lean on these people. look, these guys are really not here to help you out. are you sure you do not want to testify against him given the amount of trouble that you are in? >> you focused, specifically, on americas former mayor, rudy giuliani. that attorney in court last week essentially arguing that rudy is struggling under the crippling weight of these legal fees. there is also some reporting that he went to mar-a-lago to petition the former president to help him out. is he the biggest threat out there right now for donald trump? >> i think he should be. given the amount that he knows. he is coconspirator number one in a federal indictment from professional -- jack smith. charges still could be coming in that case. the fact that he has been charged in georgia. if i were trump's world, in trump circle, i would be concerned about giuliani flipping. the thing is while the new york times did confirm cnn's can reporting the rudy went hat in hand to mar-a-lago to beg trump to help out with the $3 million in legal fees he's racked up so far. the feeling is rudy is solid. it is so baffling to me and others. giuliani, faced with all of this, the fact that trump is not helping him out, he might actually be enough of a true believer to stick by trump and not flip, even though it is against his own interests. if that turns out to be the case, giuliani is far deeper in, less of a stooge, i guess, then a lot of people assume. people assume giuliani is one of the many bad faith actors who does not truly believe what he is selling. if he sticks by trump, who has billions of dollars not helping him out with these legal fees that he is racked up in trying to steal the election giuliani's and deeper than i thought. >> thank you. appreciate it. all right, we are back to tracking hurricane hillary, everybody. currently a category three storm as it heads toward southern california and poses life-threatening conditions. updates from local leaders they're expected to just couple of minutes. up first, tensions with china looming large over president biden summit with his japanese and south korean counterparts. we will be right back. is this your plan to watch the game today? 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he says, count him out from this week's republican debate. we will tell you what he plans to do instead. plus, what trump's refusal to pay for rudy giuliani's legal bills may mean in that georgia case, in which their codefendants. that's later on this hour as well. we want to begin, though, with the weather. hurricane hilary specifically. now a category three and expected to bring catastrophic and life-threatening flooding to parts of california, nevada, mexico as well. southern california now under a tropical storm warning, as residents are bracing for what could be the first storm like this to make landfall in the area since, get this, 1939. you see that thing turning towards the state. nbc's guad venegas is on the ground for us in san diego. but first, i want to bring in michael brennan, director of the national hurricane center. michael, start us off if you will. what you are seeing this hour, the track of hillary, and if it weakens as some reports are saying it might, how dangerous could this still be? >> yeah, yasmin, the storm is pretty much still on track. you know, not much has changed since yesterday, so we're very confident that hillary, as it moves northward, and approaches by how california, moves into southern california tomorrow and tomorrow night, it's going to bring, you know, life-threatening flooding and from a wind perspective, even as the winds we can, as we're starting to see them come down now, that has almost nothing to do with how much rainfall is going to occur and the impacts of that flooding that's going to occur in portions of southern california. we can actually see those rainfall out well in advance of the center of hillary, already falling in portions of southeastern california, southwestern arizona, and into southern nevada. so, folks, this is the day to prepare if you are southern california, southern nevada. anywhere in this high-risk moderate risk area that you see in yellow and, excuse me, in pink, purple, and red on this map, this is a very dangerous situation that's going to be playing out over the next 24, 36 hours with a potential for that life-threatening flooding in the imperial valley, -- san diego up to las vegas and into central nevada. >> what are your biggest concern surrounding the flooding? how much could it possibly be? are we looking at surges as well? as we have experience here, on the east coast, many times? >> not as much in the way of storm surge here on the west coast with this particular system. this is going to be flooding from rainfall, but it's very different out here in the west. you know, 3 to 6 inches of rain isolated amounts as high as ten inches falling in the mountains and the desert. could lead to really fast runoff, flash flooding. flooding in places that don't usually flood in a scenario like this. so, it's a very dangerous situation. people want to be very into to the weather, be in a safe place by tonight and try to ride the storm out tomorrow. >> hey michael, just quickly, i'm about to show some live pictures of kabul right now, taking a look at some of the elements. where is the storm right at this very moment? >> sure. right now, the storm is passing to the west of cabo san lucas. it's moving quickly now to the north, northwest, going to go near or over portions of pundit johanna on the west coast of baja, then move up into southern california by tomorrow evening. >> got it, all right, so we're seeing some of that beginning to come in there in some of the video that i was just showing you, as michael is just speaking with us. michael, i know you've got a lot ahead of you. i appreciate you taking the time out to speak with us this hour. thank you so much. guad, i'm coming to you on this. folks there, they've not seen a storm like this one in quite some time. how are they preparing? >> well, yasmin, most of the people here have never been through a tropical storm, right? so, you can see a lot of the residents behind me filling up some of the sandbags. the city of san diego and the county have set up a lot of locations like this one. we've seen trucks drop more and more of the sand and residents come in all day to fill up some of these bags, and protect their property. now, for some of the people, at least here in the san diego area that live in low areas where it floods, when it usually rains, they do have an idea of what could happen if we get the amount of rain that is being forecasted. now, california, southern california, has different geography, right? there are areas that are more desert, mountainous, lower areas, so residents do have an idea of what they neighborhoods would be like under rain. so, a lot of the people coming here today tell me they live in neighborhoods that they know can flood. and authorities, of course, are mentioning the flooding as one of the most dangerous things about this storm. most people, as you mentioned, have never experienced this amount of rain. so, they have no idea what it will be like. here's part of the conversation i had with some residents about how they are preparing. >> i lived here all my life, 62 years old, and this is a first time i've heard of the tropical storm coming in. we are very much preparing for it. >> we are just making sure to prepare for the worst because we don't know what this hurricane can cause. it could cause, you know, our electricity to go out. it can cause this to happen for who knows how long. so, we're going to be stocking up on food, extra water, just so, you know, in case that does happen, we are going to be prepared. >> and he has been, specifically for the areas in los angeles and san diego, these are areas where there are large homeless populations. so, authorities are also paying attention to individuals that are on the streets, especially people that camp here in the rivers or the creeks, who have to be moved because these are the areas of danger with that possible flooding happening that began tomorrow. so, today is the day to prepare. authorities recommend people to buy water, buy food, also make sure that they know how to look up the latest information on their phone, have those alerts ready. that is very important for people to know what is coming and another thing, yasmin, that's interesting as we see the storm coming this way. for people here in san diego, we will have an opportunity to see what happens south of the border and other urban areas, where the storm will hit before san diego. that's -- and sonata areas. so, we will be paying attention to see what the storm does there, before it moves up into southern california, yasmin. >> hey, guad, have we heard from authorities, as to whether or not they have any kind of situation in place for folks to evacuate to, if, in fact, they need that? >> so, we've heard of authorities are trying to evacuate the homeless population. in some areas, offer somewhere where they could be inside. but there isn't a specific plan for someone who lives in a low area to go to a shelter right now. what they're asking residents is to have a plan with a friend or relative, a place where they could move to, if the flooding comes to their neighborhood. for now, what people know is that they can come pick up sandbags and then use these to try to protect their property, as best as possible. but i think overnight and into tomorrow morning, we're going to have a better idea of what's going to happen once the storm gets here, yasmin. >> what the nuggets for us, thank you, what, appreciate it. we will continue to follow hurricane hilary throughout the two hours ahead all weekend as well. want to go to there from georgia, where we are on surrender watch. donald trump, 18 others as well, indicted on charges of racketeering and conspiracy there this week. in connection with attempting to overturn the 2020 election. the sheriff's office saying, trump and all the other defendants can turn themselves in anytime, 24 hours a day, the fulton county jail. and the dea says, they have until friday at noon to do so. and d.c.'s ali vitali is outside the jail in atlanta for us, covering it all. ali, as always, good to see you, my friend. so, we're starting to get more important clarity, right? on when the former president may, in fact, surrender. what are you hearing? >> it's good to see you too and it could come at any moment, but our sources are telling us that it's more likely to come towards the end of this coming week. likely right up against that friday deadline at the fulton county district attorney said for trump and the other coconspirators here to turn themselves in to the jail, just behind me, of course. you are right to point out that this is the 24/7 operation. it really could come out anytime. nevertheless, we're very much playing the waiting game here, as we wait to see when the former president will turn himself in,. when you listen to our sources and law enforcement talk about this, right now, the plan, again, is to expect for the latter part of next week. but as we know with the former president, things can always change and they can often change quickly. so, of course, we are here and at the ready as we wait for that. but of course, the other thing that we're watching here, yasmin, is the fact that in the days since these indictments were handed down, the information of the grand jury who indicted the former president and these 18 other people have leaked publicly. not just their names, but their personal information. that, on a fringe website. it's something that law enforcement officials here are looking closely at. the fbi in atlanta here saying, in part in a statement, that they are aware of threats of violence against fulton county officials and they are working with the fulton county sheriff's office. they go on to say that it's their policy not to discuss details of ongoing investigations. however, each and every potential threat brought to our attention is taken seriously and individuals found responsible for making threats in violation of state and or federal laws will be prosecuted. these are not the first instances that we've seen of threats being leveled against people who are close to or part of this case. the dea, herself, fani willis, was subject to a lot of incoming both racist threats and other things during the time that she was doing this investigation. now, of course, the jury is front and center in the aftermath of those indictments, so it's a waiting game and also an active investigation here into those threats to jurors, yasmin. >> hallie, quickly here, do we know why fani willis gave such a long runway to the 19 defendants, to august 25th? and will we eventually get a kind of hard and fast time as to when the former president will be turning himself in, as we did with the other three indictments? >> i think all of the rest of us would love that kind of a timing certainty, especially because you look at the way that next week is going to break down, they do have the duration of that week, but wednesday night, for example, is supposed to be that first republican debate. it seems now, according to our sources, that trump has decided he won't be on that stage. he's likely to be sitting for an interview with someone like tucker carlson, potentially, that night. but that means that it makes it harder for him to do this wednesday and it means that he could do this thursday, as our sources are estimating to us at this point. or it brings us up against that friday deadline. yasmin, this is probably not surprising, but we never expected trump to do this the moment that he was asked to do this, coming early on this deadline. instead, we are watching them sort of move with the timetable here and she did give a long runway, but nevertheless, it gives them the time to get here stopped some point before friday. >> and again, there are 19 defendants here versus the other indictments that we have seen so far. ali vitali for us, as always, thank you. we are back in just 60 seconds with new video of one of trump 's georgia codefendants at the january 6th riots with the controversial figure. also coming up, new reporting on the failures that contributed to the devastating death toll in hawaii. we will be right back. we will be right back. we will be right back. i chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... ...because t-mobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. to help prevent bleeding gums. try saying 'hello gumwash' with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% plaque bacteria. and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? 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>> so, i find this video rather interesting in terms of who cheeseborough trust to hang out with that day and who he was with on january six. but it's not necessarily an act of criminal in and of itself because the way that the capitol -- violence as far as we can tell. but it speaks to, and you saw that in the georgia indictment with those -- the criminal conspiracy, you saw some of it in jack smith's indictment of donald trump. it speaks to that larger issue of the various fringe players, including the lawyers, who are conspiring these various different ways with their -- client, donald trump, to try to prevent the certification for congress that they prevent joe biden from taking office. so, do i see this video showing another criminal charge that cheeseborough could face? no, not necessarily. but it will flesh out the factual background of who he was in extent to which his actions went beyond what lawyers are permitted and expected to do, in their conduct. >> i want to pivot here, while i have a, bradley, because i want to talk about the proposed date from the former presidents attorneys, when it comes to jack smith's indictment, right? so, the doj proposing january 2nd, 2024. the proposed day that we've now gotten in from the former president's attorneys is april of 2026. i've got to say, it's not necessarily surprising, considering when the indictment dropped or it was all over the television saying that we should get the three and a half years, as special counsel got and investigating. or i should say that the government got and investigated the former president of the united states. what goes into deciding when you're a judge on this, when that date is actually going to land? >> so, a number of factors. one is obviously the amount of documentation in that issue. not just the, you know, overarching piece, because some of it is also extraneous and not entirely relevant. but it gets produced anyways because that is your right, as a criminal defendant, to see the entire government's case. but it to the extent of how much is actually the defense lawyers have to go through? how difficult the discovery will be, in terms of pre trial discovery? how much time is expected for the pretrial motions? but also, and particularly in these cases, what the public interest is in resolving these in a more expeditious fashion. do i think jack smith is going to get the january 2nd day that he wants? no, not going to happen. but it's not going to be 2026 either. i can fully see this thing going to trial before donald trump takes, you know, to stage next summer at that republican national convention. assuming he is the nominee. >> i want to read for you this truth social post from a former president, in which he talked about the reason why he pulled that press conference he was going to have for this big reveal come monday. rather than releasing the report on the rigged and stolen georgia 2020 presidential election on monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this irrefutable and overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities in formal legal filings, as we fight to dismiss this disgraceful indictment by a publicity and campaign finance seeking the a, who sadly presides over a record-breaking -- violent crime area. so, the truth of the matter is, not with the former president has put in his truth social post, but reporting that we're getting out of abc news thursday morning that trump's legal advisers were actively urging him to call off this, quote, unquote, big reveal that he was going to make on monday, right? this press conference that he was going to hold on monday. and their argument being that they claim, the claims of election fraud confirm can further complicate the further legal problems for the president. what do you think of this? >> yeah, it will for the first time, the president finally listened to his lawyers and did something is right. that would be the dumbest thing for a criminal defendant of his kind of case to have done, is to hold that press conference and put forth whatever garbage report he was going to try to hold out as evidence. it would've been nothing, it would've been debunked garbage. but it would've been used against him in the criminal case. there is a -- tv show based on what enforcement knows anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. and any additional evidence donald trump would put forward showing that he continues to rely on these various non credible, debunked garbage reports from non serious players would've just further underlined the seriousness with which his case has to be handled and why the government wants to handle it sooner, rather than later. there is no way he could've held that press conference and not damage himself legally. >> bradley moss, thanks so much, sir. appreciate it. still ahead, everybody, a new era of cooperation with the white house saying about president biden summit with the leaders from south korea and japan. plus, steve patterson, live for us in hawaii. >> we are live in lahaina, where the agonizing search for the dead continues, coming up, an update on the search and the investigation into what went wrong during these fires. that's all next after the break. you are watching msnbc. u are watching msnbc u are watching msnbc r antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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>> so, i think, yasmin, this actually turns quickly into two questions. one is of the long term and two is of the short term. both equally important to figure out why this happened in the first place. the long term consists of what you just mentioned, talking about infrastructure improvements based on reporting that was done at the time. this is years ago. so, these lawsuits were now up to five, by the way, allege gross mismanagement. not only of the short term situation, of the wind event that we got, but also the long term of hearing that there may need to be great civilizations and hardening, improvements that maybe you coat some of these cables a little bit better, that you put powerlines, as you mentioned, underground. fire retardant power poles. we don't know why. we don't think we're going to know why for a while. these lawsuits allege lots and part of that will be to determine why that was. the second is the short term, which is that you have the national weather service telling you that it's going to be 45 mile an hour sustained winds, 60 mile an hour wind gusts. why not shut the power off at that point? why not have something that would trigger, to safely shut the power of? we do have a little bit more on that,. what with certain officials saying that the power it's so intrinsically tied to the sustainability of a place like lahaina, that that, in effect, would also be showing off certain water comes and shutting off certain medical devices that are needing that power, in order to flow. all of this, again, part of the investigation i mentioned. another lawsuit came overnight. we are up to five, at this point. there is a third question, though, which concerns the sirens that did not go off during this fire event. why didn't that happen? what we know just two days ago, the emergency manager, the chief operating emergency manager in maui stepped down, citing health concerns. but before that, he defended the decision not to turn on the sirens. his reasoning was that those sirens are usually used for tsunami's. so, his, in effect, he was nervous about the idea that somebody would run into the fire. maybe uphill, where the fire was burning, because they hear a siren that they associate with the tsunami. all of this, under the states attorney general, assigning a third-party investigator to look into this and the answers, i think, are going to take way too long for some of these families that are just waiting to hear where their family member is, at this point. with 1000 people still unaccounted for, yasmin. >> unbelievable. steve patterson, thank you for your continued reporting down there, we appreciate you. straight ahead, a no-show. what the former president will be doing instead of debating his opponents this week. and another embarrassment for florida governor ron desantis. a leaked memo lays out his debate strategy. we will be right back. egy. we will be right back. we will be right back. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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we don't know, by the way. that is according to two people familiar with his thinking. meanwhile, his closest challenger in the polls, although that's not saying much, it is hard at work at the -- memo written for ron desantis by a pro desantis super pac encourages the florida governor to defend trump from attacks by chris christie and take a, quote, sledgehammer to vivek ramaswamy, who has been rising in the polls. i want to bring in jonathan allen, senior national politics reporter for nbc news who has been following all of this for us. and bring it to us now. jonathan, as always, it's great to talk to you. so, let's talk first about this memo. posted to the website of axiom strategies, right? the founder of which is the leader of desantis's super pac. so, it is santa spokesperson saying, this was not a campaign memo. the campaign had not been made aware of it prior to it being published. what is going on here? >> what's going on here is the super pac is communicating to the candidate they are not allowed, by federal law, for the super pac that supports him to coordinate with the campaign, itself. so, instead of coordinating with them directly, behind the scenes, what they are doing is putting it out in public, which is perfectly legal. there is some, i guess, suggestion from others outside the desantis campaign, outside the orbit, that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for people who support him to go out there and lay out a debate strategy, which he either how now has to follow -- for following the debate strategy or separate himself from it, potentially not to take the best tack. >> it's not surprising, considering that the florida governor kind of refuses to take down the front runner for former president of the united states, donald trump, because he's worried about possibly losing any kind of trump vote he may get, although it doesn't seem to be like that strategy is faring very well. you did have some, though, reporting about when the former president was thinking about turning himself in, in georgia, that may take attention away from what's actually happening on that debate stage. and your reporting initially indicated that would be maybe wednesday, right? the day of the debate, to kind of shift the storyline away from the debate stage to his indictment and booking, which he has been kind of using as part of his campaign strategy. now that has changed, it seems, though, it's not happening until at least thursday. >> -- what we're looking at, yasmin, is some effort by trump to take attention away from the debate stage, which possibly can turn himself in on wednesday, at the same time as the debate, it looks like now. he's seeking an audience with tucker carlson, to try to bring republican eyes toward him and away from the debate. and looking more likely that he will turn himself in georgia for looking at the end of next week, possibly thursday, putting on and on that debate, news cycle. >> all right, jonathan allen for, us thank, you sir, appreciate it. want to continue this decision with danielle moodie, host of the podcast woke af and host of democracy-ish, and new abnormal podcast, oh, another new podcast, danielle? and -- republican strategist and msnbc political analyst. welcome to you both, ladies, thanks for joining us. pick up when donald -- drawing attention away, it seems, from the debate stage, potentially. the former president may be going in for his booking, initially being reported wednesday, maybe not thursday. because of the post-debate coverage. what do you think? >> i think it's a really bad idea to try and counter programming with booking under umpteen charges by the georgia courts. the problem is that donald trump is thinking he can get away with it, again, and he very well may. and he may have a tucker carlson interview, but no matter what, you know chris christie's going to be up on stage, something like oh, i guess donald trump couldn't make it because he didn't finish with his booking yet. >> the only one, yeah. >> right, he may be the only one, he may not be, but we will see. but it lends itself up to other, the people who are watching this debate, i think, are not necessarily going to be all trump supporters. i think there are a lot of republicans who are very curious to see what else is out there. so, i don't think donald trump is doing himself any favors. >> i thought this analysis from the new york times, daniel, was pretty interesting. you would think that if trump were in fighting for, you want to be on hand to keep the pretenders to his throne in line or more precisely, to humiliate his critics face to face. do you agree with that? >> i do. i don't think that donald trump is in fighting for. i do think -- horrendous summer for him, regardless of what it is he puts out on, you know, his social media platform. i think that the reality is that donald trump does not have anything to offer voters, aside from his own personal grievances. and so, even if he was on that debate stage, but the reality is that when was the last time you heard donald trump talk about a policy that had to do with the american people and not trying to grip grift from them? one was a lot of time where donald trump talk about the economy or climate change, or any issue that didn't revolve around donald trump? and so, this counter programming is going to do just that, show the voters that he's not a serious candidate and he's not serious about america. he's serious about staying out of jail. >> i also have been wanting as to whether or not they've come up with the strategy. susan, you can weigh into this, as the former president goes up against four members of his candid, former vice president of the united states, a guy that he endorse at one point, florida governor ron desantis, chris christie, obviously. how does he do that? how does he make sense of that on the debate stage? >> well, he does not have to. he's donald trump, he doesn't rule that way and his supporters have forgiven him time and again. and i really want to play more on what danielle was talking about, about donald trump really only running on, i was cheated out of an election campaign strategy. because you will have other candidates talking about serious issues, i believe. they don't want to just talk about donald trump either. i guess is that, you know, -- asking the question, you know, donald trump, should he be indicted? maybe a follow-up and then that is it. otherwise, they are going to be talking about the economy and climate change, and foreign policy. so, it is a chance for, again, these -- going to be watching, wanting to see, could they get behind someone else? and they can decide. >> what is the effect, daniel, of such a huge debate stage? by the way, so early on, right? we are looking at miami mayor, francis suarez, former congressman will hurd as well, they both claim that they've not qualified, although it's unclear if they really meant that threshold. we are looking at, i believe, right, now nine candidates that are going to be, so far, on that debate stage. what does that do to the folks that are running for president? i mean, i think the reality is, one, it gives and the opportunity to showcase what it is they know and think. what it is like an offer to the american public. i want people to be really clear about something. the republican party has no agenda, other than cruelty. they have no policies other than oppress other people and will back out democracy. whether it is donald trump at the top of the ticket, ron desantis, or mike pence, they are all about banning books, silencing the press, and oppressing other marginalized groups. that is what their policies are. they are not offering anything to america, they are just trying to take away. that is what you're going to hear on that debate stage. whether or not donald trump is there are not. it is going to be all of those people saying similar things about destroying our democracy. >> susie and i think this is interesting. the leaked desantis memo. let me read a part of it for. he is the memo calls under santas to defend trump for christie's attack it also urges desantis to convey himself as a leader best position to carry the torch of trump-ism forward all of that aside, i will be curious to hear rhonda santiff defending his actions especially when it comes to abortion in the state of florida considering how popular abortion rights are in this country right now and how unpopular the actions of the florida governor long with many conservative seats have been so far. >> yasmin, that is such a great question. we know the governor desantis did pass a 15-week abortion ban. before he was reelected governor. after he became governor he put in a six-week abortion ban, which is basically banning abortions let's not make any messes about that. he is now going to be asked, do you support a 15-week abortion ban. i don't know what he's going to say but i know no matter what he says he's going to lose any center right republican, independent a going with six weeks. it'll be interesting to see how other candidates will spawn to. that >> is certainly will. danielle moodie thank. you susan depot ceo. thank you, as well. coming up, rudy giuliani cannot seem to get help from his old how donald trump when it comes to his legal bills. my next guest argues that could spell trouble for the former president in georgia. we'll be right back. 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the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. welcome back. donald trump save america pack and spent more than $20 million in legal fees in just the first six months of 2020. 40 million going back to 2021. it is not just the former president. for some, his associates and employees, as well. -- msnbc digital writes it is actually not paying enough that could hurt him in his georgia case. based on recent reports it seems like the famously stingy trump is not helping several of his best known codefendants with their own legal bills. that decision may save trump cash in the short term but it may very well come back to bite him in the long run. hayes brown is joining me now. thank you for joining us on this. the washington post reporting this month, susie will, the save america pact. susie is making all the decisions on who will be paid for and who will not be paid for. and what is the criteria from what you've been learning in the reporting? >> looks like what the criteria if it is someone directly employed by trump, or his organization, or someone who has been a consultant for the trump campaign, they are getting money from the save america pact to just cover legal fees. that does not cover many of his codefendants in the georgia case, including his former lawyers like rudy giuliani, jenna ellis. john eastman. members of the administration like mark meadows jeffrey clark. people who are ordinary people, basically, who were caught up in the web of the lines and scheming to try to keep trump in office. those people are not being covered by the save america pact right now. they are in for a pretty expensive time trying to defend themselves in court from these charges. >> we know codefendants -- carlos de oliveira out of florida and the federal case. we know there are legal fees are being picked up by the former president, right? as you mentioned, some of the other folks who are not. specifically rudy giuliani there. you argue in your piece, essentially, some of these georgia codefendants, the decision to not cover their legal expenses is a little trickier. i am wondering if there was a feeling inside the trump world that, if in fact they do not cover their legal expenses, they could, possibly, flip? >> that is entirely a possibility. one of the reasons why prosecutors were so curious about the fact that -- are getting their legal fees covered by the save america pack is the concern that there is an agreement of some kind of pack that if you get these fees covered, as long as the stick by the boss and do not turn on him, that money will keep coming. he will be fine. you will not have to worry about these thousands upon thousands of dollars and fees trying to defend yourself. the flip could be true if you are looking at the georgia case. . i have not seen any direct reporting saying that they are getting worried about this. i do believe -- it is not a stretch of the imagination to look at this and think to yourself, if you are fani willis down in georgia, and the prosecutor are trying to lean on these people. look, these guys are really not here to help you out. are you sure you do not want to testify against him given the amount of trouble that you are in? >> you focused, specifically, on americas former mayor, rudy giuliani. that attorney in court last week essentially arguing that rudy is struggling under the crippling weight of these legal fees. there is also some reporting that he went to mar-a-lago to petition the former president to help him out. is he the biggest threat out there right now for donald trump? >> i think he should be. given the amount that he knows. he is coconspirator number one in a federal indictment from professional -- jack smith. charges still could be coming in that case. the fact that he has been charged in georgia. if i were trump's world, in trump circle, i would be concerned about giuliani flipping. the thing is while the new york times did confirm cnn's can reporting the rudy went hat in hand to mar-a-lago to beg trump to help out with the $3 million in legal fees he's racked up so far. the feeling is rudy is solid. it is so baffling to me and others. giuliani, faced with all of this, the fact that trump is not helping him out, he might actually be enough of a true believer to stick by trump and not flip, even though it is against his own interests. if that turns out to be the case, giuliani is far deeper in, less of a stooge, i guess, then a lot of people assume. people assume giuliani is one of the many bad faith actors who does not truly believe what he is selling. if he sticks by trump, who has billions of dollars not helping him out with these legal fees that he is racked up in trying to steal the election giuliani's and deeper than i thought. >> thank you. appreciate it. all right, we are back to tracking hurricane hillary, everybody. currently a category three storm as it heads toward southern california and poses life-threatening conditions. updates from local leaders they're expected to just couple of minutes. up first, tensions with china looming large over president biden summit with his japanese and south korean counterparts. we will be right back. is this your plan to watch the game today? 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, Disputes , Nations , Improvement , Tension , Nuclear Provocation , Security , Face , Crisis Hotline , Activities , Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation , Missile Launches , Dprk , Information Sharing , Criticism , Spokesperson , Foreign Ministry , Partnership , Opposition , Vigilance , Region , Nato , Pacific , Breathe Jackson ,

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