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Despite all that outrageous behavior. Plus, looking ahead to next weeks republican primary debate in which trump now says he will not participate. Im not making Chicken Noises right now, but i really, really want to. And Morgan Freeman joined me, yes, i said Morgan Freeman. Joined little old moi to talk about his new documentary on The First Black Tank Battalion to fight in world war ii. That interview is straight ahead. But we begin the reidout tonight with the clearest picture yet of the expansive plot trump and his allies unleashed after he lost the 2020 election. The January 6th Committee and Special Counsel jack smith exposed the what as well as the who in the plot. But it was the georgia case led by Fulton County d. A. Fani willis that really shows us the full scope of characters in the trump gang. The indictment is full of bizarre cameos like Texas Attorney general ken paxton who is referenced on page 30, when prosecutors note how donald trump attempted to get the Georgia Attorney general on board with paxtons doomed lawsuit on behalf of texas to contest the Election Results in four other key states. Paxton is facing a lot of issues right now, namely impeachment, and hes only one, just one sliver of trumps latest ensemble cast. At the center of course is donald trump himself, and the officials tied to his efforts to subvert the 2020 election in georgia. Household names and some of his staunchest supporters mark meadows, the former white house chief of staff, along with Trump Attorneys John Eastman and rico pioneer, rudy giuliani, sorry, that jab will never get old. But as we walk you through this plot, we meet and remeet other characters, all of whom are facing damning charges, and who reflect the true scope of this alleged criminal enterprise. The first part of the scheme was the maneuvering to get dozens of fake electors on board across multiple states. Giuliani and eastman supported the fake elector scam. But theres a lesser known cast that pretty much invented the entire scheme. Kenneth chesebro, the architect of the scheme who allegedly devised the plan to admit fake slates of electors for trump to obstruct congresss certification of the Election Results. The protrump attorney and codefendant was also recently caught on camera, multiple times, among the crowd at the capitol on january 6th. Following around Big Lie Front Man alex jones. At no point does it appear he attempted to enter the capitol. Election worker intimidation is a key element of the conspiracy alleged in the georgia case. Which is where part two of the scheme comes in. Following the November 2020 vote, ruby freeman and her daughter shaye moss were falsely accused of rigging georgias election in favor of joe biden. The mother and daughter duo both Fulton County election workers, were targeted because trumps fraudsters needed a patsy for their fake elector plot. Now, just remember, these were not victimless crimes. Freeman and moss were viciously harassed. Their lives upended as trumps cronies tried to uhhuh has them into admitting something that wasnt true. Which brings us back to trumps ensemble character. Harrison floyd, the maryland based executive director of a group called black voices for trump, trev yawn cutty, a former publicist for now scandalized music stars r. Kelly and kanye west, as if this case wasnt weird enough, and we have steven lee, a lutheran pastor, i did say pastor, who is allegedly creepy guy history includes knocking on freemans door to, quote, get some truth on whats going on. All three according to the Charging Document pressured, threatened, and intimidated ms. Freeman, citing baseless claims she was involved in voter fraud. Then we have part three of the plot, prosecutors are now in possession of Text Messages and emails directly connecting members of trumps legal team to the early january 2021 Voting System breach and heavily republican Coffee County. A county trump won by nearly 70 of the vote. Those players include attorney sidney powell, misty hampton, a former Coffee County election supervisor, cathy lathem, a fake elector, and Bail Bondsman howell scott. And last but not least, we have the fake republican electors themselves, who claimed illegitimately that trump had carried the state. Not all of them are facing charges but two of the three charged are David Schaefer and shaun still, who know a thing or two about politics. Schaefer is the former chairman of the Georgia Republican party. And is still to this day a Georgia State senator. Another thing were learning about one of the main characters from our friends on the beat is that roger stone was already plotting right after the election. Any legislative body may decide on the basis of overwhelming evidence of fraud to send electors to the Electoral College who accurately reflect the president s legitimate victory in their state. Which was illegally denied him through fraud. Sounds awfully like the fake electors plot, right . He was calling for this on november 5th, 2020, days after the election, when people had voted but the race had not yet been called. Meaning roger stone was pushing his widespread fraud lie regardless of the results, which again, werent even in yet. And it would be still another month before Kenneth Chesebro would author the memo that outlined the actual fake elector scheme. Now that we have got two indictments that tell the story in slightly different ways, are the prosecutions even close to being over, given the plot to steal the 2020 election is much broader and more national than we ever thought. Im joined by andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel, former Senior Member of Robert Muellers Special Counsel, and an msnbc legal analyst. Boy, andrew, the plot keeps getting thicker and thicker with more and more characters. I want to focus on a couple. Lets start with roger stone. So roger stone, we know now from this exclusive piece of video gotten from a documentary that folks at the beat got, was talking through what sounded like the fake electors plot days after the election. But i want to play you what he was doing even before the election. This is on november 1st, 2020. Here he is, roger stone. I suspect it will be, i really do suspect it will still be up in the air. When that happens, the key thing to do is claim victory. Possession is nine tenths of the law, no, we won, [ bleep ] you. Youre wrong. Andrew, roger stones name does not appear in either of the two indictments which i have read and am enjoying reading them because its so fascinating. His name aint in either of them. Does that surprise you . Now it does. Given what the thing you just played and also the evidence that the beat uncovered. Obviously, im very aware of roger stone. He was somebody that we prosecuted in the mueller investigation. He was convicted as just to remind everyone, on all counts at a trial by a jury, 12 citizens found unanimously he was guilty of all charges, and donald trump commuted that sentence just days before, and bill barr just to be clear had a role in that, because bill barr wanted to also sort of essentially get rid of the sentence recommendation there and help Donald Trumps friends, of which this was one. What did roger stone do . According to what you just played, is while youre out on bail, awaiting sentencing, youre engaging in a coup. So you can understand why the Department Of Justice would feel like he has not been sufficiently held to account, because essentially donald trump erased his last finding of criminality. So i think hes one of the people who i think were going to see charges. I think thats true of cheese bro, going to be true at the federal level for a whole variety of people. I would be very surprised if we didnt see charges against ches bro, rudy giuliani, a number of people. I think the federal government probably wants to wait and see what the trial date is with respect to donald trump, keeping their eye on the prize, so to speak, where their main focus is and should be, but these other players, they like georgia are going to hold them to account. I want to talk about the trial date. Im going to put a pin in that. Im writing it down because i want to ask you more questions. But before i get to trial date ill be back. You never leze. Does anyone understand this is a Hostage Situation and this man never gets to go home . So lets talk about chesebro because this is actually new information too. So he is, and we didnt even really Pay Attention to him when we were talking through and all on the big set with Rachel Maddow and everybody, all talking through the first set of indictments. He was sort of, he seemed like a less big player, bullets now he seems like a big, big player. Hes writing the memos that are saying heres how we do the coup. But then he actually shows up at the capitol. I believe he pleaded the fifth and asked in one of the many proceedings, were you at the capitol, he said i plead the fifth. What do you make of the fact hes doing the intellectual plotting of the coup and then showing up at the coup . So, one, i do think doj is fully aware of this, because remember, they had the full scope of all of the memos that he had written. Remember, the January 6th Committee had some but not all. But we learned from the indictment that chesebro had written one more memo that was quite incriminating. And then the New York Times actually got their hands on it and published that. So i do think doj is very much on it. I think the fact that he actually showed up on january 6th makes his defense so much harder because its motjust an academic exercise. Its not just, oh, i had some good faith legal argument. Hes fully invested in seeing this happen. This is not normally what a lawyer might be like, oh, heres some argument, by the way, heres what i think the merits are or i think it may not fly. Thats sort of one thing. When youre actually there on the scene with who else but alex jones, i mean, crazy man. I mean, that is such a terrible thing. So i think if i were doj, if im looking at the list of people i want to charge and quickly, to put more pressure on them to cooperate, he would be one. Jeff clark would be another. These are people where charges could be so strong and a good lawyer for them, one thats not maga affiliated, might say to them, you know what, what side of this do you want to be on . And you really need to work something out. Now, given that he is charged in georgia, hes got separate legal potential liability as youre explaining now on the federal side. Hes got liability in the state of georgia. Could pleading out in georgia in any way help him in a federal case . Is he now in a position where he could actually hurt trump on the federal side and help himself in georgia . Yeah, so theres no way to cooperate in one without cooperating in the other. And theres no way to plead in one without really pleading in the other. In other words, you either are all in as a cooperator and admitting your liability or youre not. Whether both jurisdictions would require him to plead guilty as opposed to one, thats sort of really more of the technicalities, but i do think if i were in the federal government, i would want to match what fani willis did, because you have your own separate interests and the more pressure on him, the better. These are people who tried to engage in a coup undermining democracy. Its so hard to understate this because its just the worst or sorry, hard to overstate it because its just the worst possible crime you can think of. You said trial date, i wrote it down. Now lets talk about it, donald trump, yesterday, there was laughter in response to the idea that they want to have this date in the month of neverty, apparently, when we talked about it on the show. What do you make of this attempt to push the trial date into far yonder and where do you think we wind up with a trial date, because we have so many trial dates . Do you see any chance of either of those cases happening before the primaries or before like march, april . Well, i think a really good thing for folks to remember is judge luting, who is a very respected, very conservative former judge in the Fourth Circuit in virginia, he has said repeatedly publicly he thinks the trump cases can and should happen before the general election, and that due process does not require that they be after the election, that he can prepare and do all this beforehand. Thats one good data point. The other is, you know, Paul Manafort in virginia, we indicted him in january or february. He was on trial in july. That was in front of a judge who also was very conservative. In d. C. , his trial took 11 months to go from indictment to trial. I actually found the submission from the defense sort of facially amusing, and if you scratch under the surface, it made no sense at all. To have a diagram of how many war peace volumes this would be, thats not how discovery works here. In the days where its electronic discovery, of course, theres mountains and mountains of evidence if you turn it into paper documents. Thats not what happened. That hasnt happened for over 25 years. Judge chutkan isnt going to be fooled by that. Thats something that was done for his base but not for the court. And by the way, this is how much of a nerd i am. I read War And Peace in high school. And walked around with it, looked like a giant door stop. And its actually by the way, you dont need to read it seven times to prepare. You only need to read it once. Once is enough, trust me. Half is like meals of like cabinet stuff. Lets talk about something that did surprise me. It seems like donald trump actually listened to his lawyers. Hes not going to do his Big Press Conference thats going to prove that the election is stolen. Somehow, his lawyers talked him down from doing that. What do you make of the fact that trump, who is the ultimate showman, is not going to do that particular show . And is that good legal advice he got to dont do that . Yeah, lets just remember, this is what the president is saying, which is i have concrete, as he put it, irrefutable, thats what he said, irrefutable evidence that the election was stolen. But im not going to share it with you publicly because my lawyers dont want to. And since when does donald trump ever listen to his lawyers . I mean, so the idea that he has irrefutable evidence but hes not going to share it, i mean, its so palpably laughable. This is a situation where his lawyers were able to exert some control, and i think its because he knows that there are about to be two trial dates, both in georgia and in d. C. , that are set. And thats kind of the whole ball of wax. They basically probably sat him down and said whatever you want to say, can you please say it after the trial dates. And the other is in georgia, theres going to be a bail hearing, and again, if he continues with the kinds of attacks that hes made, which that is one where, you know, its so important to talk about how serious that is, because as sure as were sitting here, we know that there is going to be continued threats and actual real life consequences the way there were to ruby freeman and shaye moss and potentially worse because of his conduct, and the prosecutors and the judges are not going to tolerate that. Absolutely. Anyone else would be in jail long ago for having done the stuff hes done and said about these judges and these witnesses et cetera. Sam bankmanfried in the Southern District of new york is in jail right now for engaging in this kind of conduct. There you go. Andrew weissmann, thank you very much. Im an oscar winner but im not going to show it to you. I have irrefutable proof. Not going to do it. And up next on the reidout, a trump list of eight is on the horizon, and i for one could not be happier that he wont be given yet another chance to spread his lies and accusations. My Mental Health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. Td can be caused by some Mental Health meds. And its unlikely to improve without treatment. I felt like my movements were in the spotlight. Ingrezza is a Prescription Medicine to treat adults with td movements. Ingrezza is different. Its the simple, oncedaily treatment proven to reduce td thats 1 prescribed. People taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most Mental Health meds. Ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. Dont take ingrezza if youre allergic to any of its ingredients. Ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. Dont drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. 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So apparently whoever that guy is hasnt even confirmed. If trump is not there, the top target will likely be the distance runner up in most of the polls, ron desantis. So whats his plan . Well, the Desantis Super pac, never back down, posted a Debate Strategy Memo that urged him to attack President Biden and distabout fourth of fifth place candidate vivek ramaswami, and amazingly, show emotion. It is hard to overstate how baffling it is that this stuff was written down, let alone published by somebody ostensibly on his side. One republican strategist told nbc, quote, if i wanted to sabotage ron desantis, i would write this dumb Debate Strategy Memo and put it online and tip off a reporter. Which someone apparently did. Joining me are Dean Obeidallah, and brian tyler cohen, Progressive Youtube creator and msnbc political contributor. Thank you for being here. Brian, i mangled your name because reading is fundamental so im going to make you go first. I used to work in campaigns. I can tell you one thing, we would never do, is put forward the Debate Strategy so that we could so dean could follow along and make fun of this man throughout the whole debate, which dean is going to do. Hes nodding. I want to get your take first. Heres his four basic mustdos. Tack joe biden and the media, state a positive vision two to three times. Hammer vivek ramaswami, and defend donald trump against Chris Christies attack. Your thoughts. Im no highprofile political consultant but im of the mind when youre competing with someone for anything, the goal is generally to try to beat them. Donald trump is the only thing standing between ron desantis and winning the republican nomination as it stands right now. And so it really is telling that weakness and capitulation are kind of built into his campaign. And so i dont see how theres a path to victory when losing is the strategy, the purposeful strategy to get you there. You know, dean, number one, first of all, how many times are you going to make fun of ron desantis per hour when he does any of these things . Because i anticipate its going to be hilarious and youre going to do it like every time. We will, but you know whos going to do it in real time, Chris Christie. Hes going to goic loorxic ron, youre following along. You attacked me twice and defended donald trump. Three to five times you attacked joe biden. Its going to be priceless. They should do a drinking game, every time he does one of the things. Whats missing from the list is ron desantis is going to come out wearing a maga hat and maga gear and carrying a maga flag. Its a salute to donald trump their fascist leader. Not a debate, its i love trump more, no, i love trump more. And then when Chris Christie criticized, theyre going to chant to his face, trump, trump, trump. This is doing to be unlike any debate we have ever seen. Its wild because whats happening is youre going to have a trump Cheerleading Fest on fox. And then trump cheerleading a Cheerleading Fest on what Twitter Space is or whatever they call the thing now, with the guy who use got fired from fox. Theyre all going to be Cheering For Trump. Why even have a debate if the whole point of all of it is theyre going to cheer for trump and trump is Cheering For Trump too . That is the whole point. Theyre all apparently running for second place. Im not sure what theyre trying to do. Theyre stuck in this weird spot where obviously they purportedly want to win the republican nomination themselves yet all of the are too scared to go after him, because they dont want to Ink Inkerrker the wrath of donald trump himself, and they believe anything that donald trump says. When he has said all these lies, now they believe every word he says, so they believe him now, theyre on his team now through thick and thin. Theres no way through this because of what they have done and what they continue to do by continuing to entrench his superiority in the republican party. Lets talk about this guy, ron desantis, for just a moment, dean. Some Florida Republicans say they really did expect him to implode. Theres a saying in florida. Theres two kinds of people in florida. People who think ron desantis can be president , and people who have met ron desantis. There is a famous or infamous story that gwen graham, who is a member of congress, fellow member of congress with him at one point, they were both running in 2018. Shes running for a spot, he was running for governor. They ran into each other in an airport. He had his headphones in and pretended he didnt see her. Shes talking to him, hes just not responding. And just acted like he didnt see her. She said it was one of the weirdest moments of her political career. Thats a well known story about ron desantis. People are openly giving quotes about how weird and awkward he is. What do you expect him to do other than do the things on his list . Like, is he going to be polling number two after the debate . Can you imagine that . First of all, ron desantis is doing a great impression of a human being, but hes failing at that. Hes humanesque. Theres no warmth at all. On paper, his pedigree very impressive. Yale, harvard law school, service in the military. He has that, then you meet the guy and go, thats the guy from the resume . So at the debate, i expect him to pick up the paper and read it, what hes supposed to going. I think honestly, trump is making a mistake. I think a star is going to be born. We have seen it in the democratic debates in 2020. Somebody emerges and the media gravitates around them. That person raises funds, and then trump is stuck with someone who is not going to catch him or not right away, but a competitor. It wont be ron desantis. Could be tim scott, nikki haley, but i can assure you the media is going to crown a winner of the debate and its going to drive trump crazy. The shout out i want to see is Chris Christie versus trump. I really want to see that. It is interesting, brian, that Rupert Murdoch has a candidate, as dean describes, and it is the governor of virginia, the book banning, you know, racistish governor, no black books, no black history governor of virginia. Your thoughts on them trying to find their own candidate, the murdochs . It was the same problem i was speaking about before. They have spent so long Running Cover for donald trump that the idea theyre going to be able to pry the same viewers who they groomed to follow donald trump off the cliff, is just asinine. He runs that party, and its by their own help. This idea that Rupert Murdoch thinks hes going to come and pry them away from the very people he pushed toward trump defies logic. Yeah, all of it does. Okay, dean and brian have graciously agreed to stick around. After the break, we need to talk about a certain republican governors decision to ban a. P. African american studies in her state. Claiming that it is teaching kids there to hate america. Well be right back. We, the moms who have lost our children to social media harms. We, we, we have had enough. Our politicians have failed. Working for lobbyists, not us. We need your voice to pass the kids Online Safety act this fall. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. lets lead the way. how can you sleep on such a firm setting . Gab, mine is almost the same as yours. Lets lead the way. Almost is just another word for not as good as mine. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add a base. Shop now only at sleep number. This is a bombas performance sock. For such a small item it performs big in so many ways. Big on comfort. Big on durability. Big on breathability. 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Sarah Huckabee Sanders who it does appear that the ron desantis brand, while it is putting fingers weird and unpleasant in antidisney, is catching. This is sarah Huckabee Sanders, lying about canceling African American a. P. Studies in her state. Theres an accusation that the Arkansas Education department removed credit for controversial a. P. African american studies course. Let me read to you what the naacp said and let you respond. They said the Arkansas State conference of the naacp is appalled at the recent decision of Arkansas Department of education to make a Hasteful Decision at the final hour to do away with a. P. African american studies. Is that really what happened there . Absolutely not. We cannot perpetuate a lie to our students and push this Propaganda Leftist Agenda Teaching our kids to hate america and hate one another. Dean, i didnt realize taking a. P. African american studies would make children hate america. Did you . No. And to call African American studies propaganda is despicable. This is all part of the Critical Race Theory bans that are laws in numerous republican states. The goal is to erase black achievement because it undermines the myth of White Supremacy and erase black suffering at the hands of white bigots in the past because these republicans dont want people to know about their ancestors and did in jim crow or further back. Were dealing with the idea of Republican Freedom is to ban classes, ban books, and everything they dont want you to know about, and one thing i wrote about for msnbc, joy, this has been going on for 20 years, hostility by the right to black history being taught at all in school. It 40 years ago, no problem, 20 years later, a big spike in that. Thats because they believe in polls, 75 of republicans, that white people suffer as much discrimination if not more than black people. They dont want to hear about black people suffering. They want to hear about white people suffering and teaching black history doesnt make sense. They want to teach white history and how much they suffered waiting 20 minutes at Cracker Barrel to get a table because thats oppression. It is interesting to me theyre doing this at the same time theyre panning abortion, which was also illegal for enslaved women because it was considered a property crime, and also doing in specifically in the state of arkansas, this same governor, governor Huckabee Sanders, has signed a bill allowing child labor. Which is one of the many replacements for enslaved labor. Cheap, cheap child labor. Perfectly legal now in the state of arkansas. Your thoughts. Yeah, look, history repeats itself, and theres a reason these people dont want us to know or dont want the students in the state to know about what came before us. Its a precursor to what theyre doing right now. But on its face, this whole thing is so ridiculous because since when, as if im actually humoring what theyre talking about here, but since when can students not learn something without internalizing it. When i was a kid, we learned about everything, the good, the bad, the ugly, and i didnt go home and give myself lashings or hold myself unilaterally responsible for all of the woes in this countrys history. So i learned. Thats it. And to deans point, this is just lazy, obvious excuses to basically prop up white Grievance Culture and just, you know, i guess prop up people whose views about race are so fragile that their only way to navigate through this is just to ban it outright. And the thing about it is, its a presumption that if you teach white kids about the negative parts of history, theyre going to identify with the bad guys. Theyre not going to identify with the abolitionists. Its a really interesting comment on their own children and really on themselves, because i dont think its their kids that are going to identify with the bad guys in history. I think its them. I think they identify with the slavers and not the abolitionists. Theyre afraid if their children are exposed to history, their children will actually be empathetic. Theyll be empathetic toward the enslaved. When you become empathetic, you might want to have policies that are positive toward young people, toward women, toward children, toward the poor. You know what that means . Tax increases for the rich. Its all about Making Unempathetic right wing republicans out of kids woo would otherwise be woke. This is my theory. They want to make sure they aint woke. These gentlemen are going to stick around with me. 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Tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. Ask your Asthma Specialist about dupixent. History but especially black history, is under attack in america. Which is why documentaries are crucial for understanding this countrys past. A new one, 761st Tank Battalion, the original Black Panthers, tells the True Story Of The First Black Tank Unit to serve in combat during world war ii. While the majority black battalion was fighting one battle overseas, they were also fighting another in their home country. Against racism, segregation, and inequality. These heroes helped to liberate more than 30 cities and towns. They were the pip of the spear. They fully integrated the armed forces. Black veterans become major figures in the civil rights movement. I really wanted to see the 761st finally get the recognition they deserve. Because these men really did Come Out Fighting. That is right, The One And Only Morgan Freeman is here with me on set. The academyaward winning actor is also the Executive Producer of 761st Tank Battalion, the original Black Panthers which premieres on the history channel. We should note that the documentary was produced under sags basic cable agreement, which is outside the scope of the strike order. As such, mr. Freeman is able to be here to promote the film. Im the luckiest person alive. That i get to be here with you, mr. Freeman. Thank you so much for being here. Its nice to be here with you, joy. Tell us about the 761st and also your personal connection to this story and why you wanted to do it. I had never heard of them until, what, 12 or so years ago. I dont know, 20 years ago, i think. A guy came to us with a script, a story about this Tank Battalion that served on the patton. Wait a minute, i saw patton. What do you mean, Tank Battalion . Well, we started getting into that. And the history, and yes indeed, when patton ran out of men and materials, a couple months after the invasion he said somebody go find me some tanks. So they went and they found the 761st. They had been training since like 1942. They wouldnt let them come over there and fight because, well, these people, they wont work out in the tank. You know, being in a tank needs courage to stay there, and you have to think fast a lot of times. These fellows, theyre not going to manage that. Here they come. And when it was all over, they never actually rotated back from the front lines. They were that effective. You needed something done, where the 761st now . Yeah, suddenly they realized these black lived matters and Come Out Fighting, i love that, Come Out Fighting was sort afftheir slogan. You got a chance to speak with a surviving member, Robert Curtis andre. Talk about him. Yes. Well, he was, i think he survived up to the second battle they had, the second encounter. Something went off in the tank, they got hit, shrapnel just littered his body. And they took him out of the tank, laid him on the side of the road in a shallow ditch, ferns and grass and dirt. In order to, so they could find him when he is back. If he can back, or when it was coming back. He survived that. When they were talking to him, you talk to veterans and talk to them, they cant tell you much. It was hell, i was there. Details, somebody calls that before. But they got him, and he survived. His body is still shedding shrapnel, its working the way out of him. Wow. Thats amazing. The fact that you executive produced this documentary at this time when history is under attack. Black history specifically. There is this sort of sense amongst some people in this country that it is dangerous to tell our stories, that our stories will somehow make White Americans feel bad, and getting the truth of our history. Why do you think it is important to insist upon telling our history anyway . If you dont understand and learn from history, the mistake that you made it is going to come around again. This country, bless our hearts, tried really, really hard to tamp down what we know is under the rocks. And hiding in bushes. If we dont know about it, we dont learn from it. And to learn to recognize it, and have the courage to deal with it. We are just going to wind up back where we were. Which is not where we want to be. Yeah. The thing about the world war ii you know, the black man who fought in world war ii. There were significant numbers of them. They really were key to the civil rights movement. They came home from having seen the world, having traveled more than most White Americans overhead who didnt serve. They said, you know what, we insist on being able to vote. We insist upon being able to have dignity and be treated with respect. That was really key, its like you need the connections to understand history in general. Yeah, a lot of them have the First Experience with being respected in europe, when they got to england, and go to france. Welcomed with open arms, this is American Fighting men. Come on in. Treated with dignity. It can happen, so we are going to insist on it at home. Theres only one Morgan Freeman, the great Morgan Freeman. Thank you. It is an honor to meet you and be able to talk to you. I truly mean that. This seems like an incredible documentary. I appreciate you. Thank you so much for that, joy. Thank you very much. Wonderful looking into those old brown eyes. I hereby retire. The 761st Tank Battalion, the original black panters, premiers august 20th on the history channel. You must watch it. Youve been asked and commanded by god himself. Well be right back. Voltaren. The joy of movement. What do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I need it cool at night. Only pyou trying to iceeed. Me out of the bed . Baby, only on game nights. You know you are retired right . Am i . Ya save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add a base. Well friends, we made it to shop now only at sleep number. The end of another week. Which means its time to play our favorite game. Oh yes,. Back with me are Dean Obeidallah and brian tyler cohen. Dean, you are the veteran of this game. Im going to ask you to start by telling us, who won the week . You did. Youve got to interview Morgan Freeman. How cool was that . Exactly. Clearly. Fulton county d a fani willis. She went fall on the trump crime family. She took care of all Family Business she got the money. Trump, giuliani, meadows. And shes taking care of all of maga world as a strong powerful black women. Its driving them crazy. Maga, how do you like that Critical Race Theory . Its funny willis. She took a white Folding Chair to justice. We appreciate that. Brian, it is your turn my friend. Who won the week . Im going to go with a little bit of a curveball here. I had a feeling dean would pick fani willis. Ben shapiro issued this 45minute call to arms against party about how hard the right can flex its muscles and destroy this monument to woke communist leftist culture. What happened next was that barbie became the highest grossing release ever from warner brothers. Big thumbs up to ben shapiro and his boycott crusaders on the right, for showing all of us just how potent Grievance Culture can be. Barbie is now the first billion Dollar Film Helmed by a woman director. Barbie always wins, yall. Stop fighting her. Shes going to win every single time. With all of her black barbie friends. Yes, that is actually correct. But i too am joining dean, in saying that the heroic officers of the court one at the week. Not just the great fani willis, but jack smith, and judge tanya chutkan, all of them are swimming across the rivers of injustice. Taking Folding Chairs to the criminals, and a skipping in their genes to the crime. We appreciate them. Well Dean Obeidallah, brian tyler cohen, thank you very much. For more of brians follow him. Online this is the end of the readout. Bye, bye, bye. Chris hayes is now. Tonight on all in. We are going to walk down to the capitol. Seven days left to surrender. Tonight, the Department Of Justice drops the hammer on convicted seditionist, and a warning of people who said them. The indictment brings Felony Charges against mark randele meadows. The evidence against charms tries to escape georgia charges. Then you show up on wednesday ni

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