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Chance to get around, i dont know if you guys have, but theres a major data in the amount of paper theyre dealing with. Oh, its coming up. We got a full screen to that. I hadnt intuition that would be there. Thats a tease. Look at that. Come on, when you see stocks of paper compared to National Monuments you know were going to full screen that. You at home are going to get you to that in this a few seconds. Thank you my friend. You bet. Thank you all for joining us this hour. We have breaking news tonight, as i just mentioned, if your calendar was marked for this coming monday when President Trump was set to hold his conference if he would promise would exonerate him from the allegations laid out in that Fulton County indictments, if that was a date that was reserved on your eye kyle, im sorry to inform you that it has been called off. Trump says tonight that his legal team is instead putting all of the overwhelming evidence in formal legal filings. He adds, therefore, the News Conference is no longer necessary. That news comes right after trumps regal team and another case finally gave its answer as to when they believe the former president should go to trial. Trump seems arguing tonight that the federal 2020 election case brought by Special Counsel jack smith should go to trial in april of 2026. That is a whopping two years, seven months, and 16 days from now. It notably comes well after the points in which trump could be back in office, and able to pardon himself or just make this case disappear altogether. His legal teams justification for this date is it is classically trumpy. Remember, if you will, when President Trump first took office and had to prove to everyone that he had disentangled himself from his business interests, and he stood next to this giant pile of folders. There they are. And claim that they contain the evidence he unsigned everything over to his sons. Now, trump refused to let anyone actually look at the contents of those folders, but, hey it was a lot of paper, it was a lot of folders. Today, the arguments from his defense team felt a bit like that. In their formal legal filing, the defense included this graph, showing the heights in feats of all the evidence jock smith will turn over to the defense, and comparing that height to the Statue Of Liberty and the washington monument. You will see the Discovery Evidence is a lot taller than both the Statue Of Liberty and washington monument. Trumps counsel compared getting through all that evidence to having to read the entirety of one piece, 78 times a day from now until december, which honestly sounds like the Homework Assignment from hell. They do have a point, it is quite a bit of reading. One piece 70 times a day. Thats it, we have no idea how much of the evidence provided here will be duplicate information or how much of it includes things trump has always had access to, like for example the contents of his own twitter account. Moreover, typically its not just one person doing all that reading, its why people retain entire legal teams to help them in cases like this. Nonetheless, trump and his lawyers argue that they will not be ready to go to trial until april of the year 2026. This is a decidedly different date than the one proposed by jack smiths team, which would like a trial date set for january 2nd of the year 2024 which is well before the president ial election. Ultimately, both these states are just suggestions. The trial date in this case is the judges decision. At a hearing last friday, the judge presiding over this case made it very clear that a key deciding factor here as far as the date was going to be how trump conducted himself outside of the courtroom. This is what she said. Quote, even arguably ambiguous statements from parties and their counsel, if they could reasonably interpreted to intimidate witnesses or prejudice potential jurors can threaten the process. The more a party makes inflammatory statements about this case, which could taint the jury pool or intimidate potential witnesses, the greater the urgency will be that we proceed to trial quickly. There are a lot of reasons to think trumps april of 20 2016 is unrealistic, but this, the one outlined by the judge might be number one. Look at what happens today, for example. Today, trump and his former bill barr. Trump was on business, barr was on fox news. Both of them were happening at four pm remember, bill barr announced his resignation as Attorney General on the day that the trumps fake electors met all over the country, december 14th 2020. Trump had asked barr to use the apartment just as to named Special Counsel to investigate voter fraud, and a Huge Department of justice to seize voting machines. So, barr is a potentially key witness here. And barr has said, he will appear as a witness if called to do so. So, in the hours before trump and barrs dueling interviews, trump posted this online. Why does fox news constantly put on slow thinking and lethargic bill barr, who didnt have the courage or stamina to fight Election Fraud after the interview Marjorie Taylor greene plays that bill barr is a traitor. Also today, trump has retreated or posted arguably ambiguous potential threatening things about including mike pence, as well as georgias governor, its former lieutenant governor, and its secretary of state. Also today, again, he posted a bunch of videos like this. How dare lowlife prosecute a deranged jack smith, thats right, he is deranged. Deranged jack smith and the doj. The fake political indictment against me must be immediately withdrawn. The system is rigged and corrupt very much like the president ial election of 2020. We have plenty of proof on that. Does that kind of stuff count as a type of arguably ambiguous statements that might be perceived as threats . Joining me now to get to the bottom of all that is barbara mcquade, former u. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of michigan, as well as mark levy vic, staff writer for mark atlantic. Barr, let me start with you. The old, but the documents are taller than the monument defense. Have you ever seen an argument similar to this one complete with a graphic showing how the Discovery Evidence would measure up to the Statue Of Liberty . No, and i have not seen a defendant so desperate to delay the trial that they are asking for a date more than two years down the load. Its really a audacious request. Its not only the defendant who has a right to a speedy trial, its also the public that has the right to a speedy trial. The public has an interest and reasonably prompt disposition so a person can either be held accountable or exonerated. There is also an interest in making sure that witness memories do not fade, and that the evidence is Still Available when the case goes to trial. This argument about the terabytes of documents here is true and not only this case but in other cases as well. No, doubt it will take some time to work through all of this. But no, longer is at the world where you sit down which each page and page through it, the way discovery is refute todays and assorted, searchable, the way you would go about a modern Computer Search and not the way you would read warn piece of time was written. You know, had tip for the reference, martha. What is so abundantly clear in the sea of all days, the day trump is trying to kick this trial to 2026 is the same that hes out there making exactly the kind of statements that could be perceived as witness intimidation, stuff that will automatically trigger the judge to move the trial dates up in time. I mean, how do you square the sort of desperation that is evident in this legal filing as it pertains to the trial dates, and the behavior of the clients is at the center of all this . It doesnt, i mean like so many other things with trump world, this doesnt seem there we well thought out. I think, the 2026 date, the proposed state is something of a joke. I mean look how people have responded to it. I would of course worried that it would interfere with the midterm elections of 2026. Nobody talks about that, alex. But, there is actually going to be a very serious response to this and at some point the judge will weigh in on this probably sooner rather than later, especially as trump and many of the surrogates continue to sort of press her hand and behave in ways that are very close to the line if not over the line. At some point, shes going to have to give a solemn assessment of this and will probably come sooner. So, as you said, as you suggested, this is working against his interest if in fact he wants to delay this as much as possible. Just another sort of legal note, barb, to your point this evidence will be digested in a way that is not like reading war and peace. There is also the manpower concern. Its not just one lawyer that is going to be cast with doing that, presumably, but we talked about this last night. Trump does have a really skeletal legal crew assisting him in all this. I think todd blanche was representing trump in three cases is part of a law firm that has two lawyers. The question i think at some point needs to be posed, when will trump actually spend the money to hire more lawyers to deal with all this . That seems like a necessity at this point, does it not . I, mean most of the time in a case like this youll see a firm that has sufficient resources where they can call upon a number of associates, or even temporary associates that come on board to do discovery review. There will be a lawyer overseeing all of it telling them what it is there looking for, and the lawyers review that for the kinds of things they need. So, it certainly more resources can come to bear than just one lawyer reading each page the documents. I think what is going to happen is first a trial date will get set, and then he will retain the lawyers he needs to meet that deadline. Mark, as we talk about how incorrigible trumps behavior is here and everywhere, it is worth noting that he canceled the Press Conference that he was supposed to have on monday, which i know was marked in your calendar in all red you are busy all day, im sure. Because of the advice from his lawyers. Does that signal to you, and i think i can answer my own question before i finish, but does that signal to you that there is some part of trump and the Trumpy Reptilian Brand that is a wear of the legal peril hes in and at least occasionally listening to council . One with hope, i mean, The Big Question is sort of optic wise, i have a feeling donald trump is not going to sit next week out. I dont know if this means hes less likely to go to the debate in milwaukee on sunday, if hell have something kind of dramatic up his sleeve there. But, i wouldnt count him out of the news cycle next week by any stretch. This is not something he does. Also, just the stunning nonsense can be no legal filings, does seem to make some legal sense for once, there are a lot of ways you can get into the news and could insinuate himself into whats going to be a very big week for the Republican Campaign next week. Yes, im sure this is not the only time were going to be hearing from donald trump about his exoneration. Barb, i have to ask, to give the defense team and he sort of credit here they raised the issue of classified material that we now know maybe part of the discovery process. They talk about how the government is offering its own relevant documents saying were not going to have to go by her accusers selection of what is relevant. Do they have a point here in any of this filing that the judge will listen to that could cause a judge to actually say, you know what january is far too soon im going to give you july . Do you see any relevance points here that are going to get the judge pauses she schedules to file a trial date . Sure, i think joe asked me try to accommodate those things as well, 70 days is the first, usually the first charles bag that gets issued. January is still five months away. No doubt there are issues that i think could cause a judge to believe more time is necessary than that. As you point out, the small amount of classified information is one thing they will have to deal with. We dont know exactly what that is, for people many clearances, they need to figure out how theyre going to handle that. So, that will take some time. Then, also, the idea that youve got other kinds of things i need to be reviewed before than that there is a significant volume of documents here. Both of that makes sense. The judge has to decide what really is due process here, what amount of time is reasonable by balancing both defenses need to have reasonable preparation but also the governments right to protect the Public Interest in the speedy trial. Yeah. When we talk about the trial, whenever it scheduled market, the reality is that journalists, americans, other candidates are going to be witnessing the strangest split screen probably in american political history. Which is, do we have the counter . We have the iowa caucus is on the 15th of january, you have trump civil Defamation Case the same day, Trump Civil Fraud Case two weeks later, the Month Of March is peppered would caucuses and trials. I mean, this is election season 2024 is going to be, and it truly is unlike anything we have ever seen in this country. The fact that the presumed front runner is going to be bouncing back, pingponging between pressing the flesh in iowa and New Hampshire and the bar and South Carolina and going on trial. This seems like the reality we are barreling towards. Yeah, no, it does make your head explode in some ways. I mean, what im actually curious about is whether donald trump actually welcomes this. Obviously nobody wants to be indicted four times and no matter how many counts, is not an enviable position to be in. But, when you are someone who is as pathological as donald trump and fees on the attention as much as he does, and someone whos been so successful in leveraging attention like this you know in some cases very negative attention into political capital, i mean you have to wonder, could he just be so happy that hes going to be in the middle of all this . Yes its a split screen but hell actually be on both screens. I, mean its a weird weird think but its true. Its what we are looking at, and it feels kind of hellish. Certainly its fascinating but it is also unprecedented. I dont know that id even use the monarch, kinder. Maybe just hellish. Respect. Barbara mcquade and mark illegal witch, thank you guys very much for your time tonight. Thank you, alex. We have much more still ahead including new threats against jurors who recommended Donald Trumps fourth indictments and what Fulton County is doing to protect those citizens. But first, the republican response to their front runners, 91 felony charges. Just take it to the ballot box. Thats next. Stay with us. Changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Dont take breztri more than prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Ask your doctor about breztri. My a1c was up here; now, its down with rybelsus®. Vision changes, or eye pain occur. His a1c . Its down with rybelsus®. 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Where theyre going after trump because they messed with them. He challenged them across the board. He challenged their pro or policies. He challenged them on ukraine. He challenged her globalists agenda. Republican senator josh hawley, arguing that Donald Trumps legal troubles are not a result of mishandling of misclassified information or trying to overthrow the democratic elected governments. No, holley says donald trump is being targeted because he challenged the globalists agenda. Remember, this is the same josh hawley who egged on the january six rioters with an enthusiastic fist bump in the morning, and was later spotted running, sprinting, to safety once the insurrection began. In that moment, when he was running, senator hawley might have identified the mob he was running from as a group of Trump Supporters trying to overthrow the government if you asked him today, he would tell you the mob with an expression of defiance against the global cabal. So, those are some republican defenses of have floated since trumps fourth indictment this week. Here is one more. January the 6th, i was there, i saw it, he was impeached. Over the American People can decide whether they want him to be president or not. They should be decided at the ballot box, not out a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail. This is joe biden, and this is the democrats weaponizing the Justice System because they are afraid of the voters. I understand that democrats and liberals and the media cant stand donald trump, and, the do anything to stop him. But, it be much better from their Point Of View and the Point Of View of the country if they tried to stop him on the Campaign Trail and not the ballot box. Let the American People make these choices. Republican senators Lindsey Graham and ted cruz and tom cotton or are making the argument of donald trump should not be held accountable for his actions in a court of law. Instead, Donald Trumps future should be decided by the will of the voters. The thing is, we are already tried that. The last time trump and his allies were given the chance to obey the will of the voters in 2020, they decided they did not like what the voters had to say. They didnt like the will of the voters. So, then they try to overthrow the alert rivulets of the election. Thats the essence of at least two of these indictments here. Perhaps a backstop that strategy, theres another continued of republicans and congress trying to shut the whole thing down. Cbs news reported this week that there are not one, not to, but three republican backed proposals in congress to defund jack smith investigation as a way to stop his charges from ever reaching the courtroom. Joining me now is former United States senator, claire mccaskill. Clare, thank you for being here. We put that Josh Hawley Sound in there just for you, but i would like you to respond to the notion that donald trump is being an indicted because hes pushing back against a globalist kebab. Doesnt hold any water for you, claire . Well well, its stupid. These guys are all lawyers. Three of them went to ivy league, i think three of them went to harvard. I mean, harvard has to be so embarrassed at this point. This is alice in wonderland stuff, alex. When the impeachment happens after the president tried to mastermind and conspiracy to hold on to power, to foment the big lie about the election, to push for an insurrection, they all said, ted cruz at a specifically, we have courts for this. We should not convict him on the impeachment, because we have courts, right . So no, the rule of law is doing what it must in this country and that is recognize the facts and apply the law and one of these guys single . Oh, lets let the voters speak. They are hiding under their desks. Its a bunch of cowards making things up. They are going to be in trouble in november because the vast majority of the country kind of sees what theyre doing. Yeah, pointing out the fact that they, all ted cruz these are guys of a gun to top tier law schools who are highly educated in the law and who for a time were seen as the leading lights of the next generation of republican leaders. I find it staggering that this is the position that they are taking, and i think when you couple that with the polling that we have, a new poll, this is from some before this morning, finds that Donald Trumps legal troubles can prove fatal in a general election. It finds a 24 of republicans say the charges make them less likely to vote for trump against biden. I mean, listen, polling is what it is, but that is the first indicator i think we have that this is not nothing. This is not business as usual. I wanted a degree to which you think there is any kind of internal recalibration inside the higher echelons of the Republican Party. I think people are scared to death because heres the problem. Theyre in a box canyon. Handcuffed to the base, more than 50 of the people who call themselves republicans in america are for donald trump. In spite of almost 100 Felony Counts against him, in the state and local jurisdictions. And state and federal jurisdictions. They cannot go against this base, they are too afraid they cannot they have real leaders. They wont get go against a space but, the vast majority of independents, which is a growing sector of the electorate. The and events are up now close to 50 . The majority of independence in this country do not want more donald trump, and certainly the democrats dont. So, they do not have a path to victory in the general election, and they kind of know it. Trump is kind of rigged speaking of, rigging he switched states to wear take all. These other republican candidates, if they cannot beat him outright in a bunch of states, he takes all the delegates from those states, which makes it very difficult for anybody whos poland at 10 15 even 20 now to ever have a chance. Yes, ron desantis were talking to you. Clare, i do wonder of the things that the republicans are doing to make the problem go away other than saying let the speed of science go to the ballot box. We chose to highlight this in congress to defund the Special Counsels office, because as much as i would sort of wave that away as a hair brain fringe idea, were talking about a speaker of the house Kevin Mccarthy whos willing to abide any lunatic idea that his base floats out there, whether its Packing Appropriation Bills to political non starters. What have you . Do you think the idea that Special Counsel jack Smiths Smiths efforts should be defended she could actually emerge as a line of argument was not going to happen in the senate. I can tell you that for sure. Keep in mind, there is a lot of senators are there from states where they have to win the independent voters to stay in office. They are not you have states like ohio and pennsylvania and arizona and nevada, montana, where people want to get elected and they cannot do it without independent voters. So, they are never going to go for defunding jack smith at this point. This is never going to happen. All its going to do is make the Republican Party look more isolated from most americans right now. You know, i think the metaphor of a box canyon is so. Right but, weirdly, equally, they also have a off ramp. Its a difficult off ramp, this is the point if you want to quit donald trump, 91 Felony Counts is a great exit sign. Yet, nobody seems to want to walk through that door. Claire mccaskill, always wise, the ever sage former senator from missouri, claire, great to see you. Thank you for your time. Thank, you alex. Still ahead this evening, the weird, weird, weird world of president ial politics and what this weird, weird, weird footage of Mitch Mcconnell helps explain about the Desantis Campaign. First, before that, while donald trump attacked Fulton County d. A. , the farright is now going after the grand jury. That is next. Woman why did we choose safelite . Vo for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. We went to safelite. Com. Theres no one else wed trust. Their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our cars advanced safety system. They focus on our safety. So we can focus on this little guy. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Detect this living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. No other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. 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Also available in sheets one of the comments reads, david as we start a new school year, theres something new happening in californias public schools. Theyre called Community Schools. Leslie it really is shared leadership with families, students, educators, and communities. Jessie i feel like were really valued as partners. David its a more innovative, holistic approach. Grant in addition to academic services, we look at serving the whole family. Narrator wellness centers, food pantries, and parental education. Jessie theyre already making a difference. David californias Community Schools reimagining public education. These jurors have signed their Death Warrant by falsely indicting President Trump. Threats like that have been lighting up fringe websites is the former president s supporters zero in on members of the Fulton County grand jury. As nbc news reports, the reporter names and addresses of those members have been featured on websites that feature violent rhetoric. Theyve also been posted online. Today Fulton County Sheriffs Office responded that it was aware that personal information of members of the Fulton County grand jury is being shared on various platforms. The office said it is working to track down the origin of threats in Fulton County and other jurisdictions and to ensure the safety of those individuals who carried out their civic duty. Joining me is when hes fleming, former d. A. For Dekalb County in georgia. Maybe we can begin with how and why it is customary in the state of georgia for the names of graham jurors to be included in an indictment. The simple answer is that it is required by georges code of criminal procedure, a specific statute saying that the grand jurors selected chosen and sworn in the county of here, fulton, to wit, and in every indictment that i have seen in my 17 years as a prosecutor, you then go on to list the names of the grand jurors who heard the matter and you cross off the names of anyone who was not there that day or didnt hear that evidence. This is required by the code. The only instance that i have been able to find where it is not required is when the grand jury is investigating a use of force case by a peace officer, a use of deadly force case, and after Hearing Evidence they decide not to return an indictment. That is not the case that we have here. So it was required by law that these names be listed and it is unfortunate that some apparently have taken it upon themselves to provide private information about these residents who were doing their civic duty and now we are seeing the threats that we are seeing across, and through various electronic means. I would assume nothing like this has happened before. Is that accurate . Not at least in my experience. I think what folks need to realize is that when you use Electronic Communications across straight lines, its not just a local issue for the sheriff to address. That was bring the federal Law Enforcement agencies into the play, and so, again, i would assume that sheriff the bat is working with all of the various Law Enforcement agencies that can bring resources to bear, to protect these residents. Can i ask, just in terms of the impact the impact this is gonna have on the trial itself when theres gonna be a new jury that has to be seated and witness intimidation. What does this have, and what is the actual climate surrounding in up to an actual trial . In my experience i have seen it where as you get to the actual trial jury, even when you have cameras in the courtroom, the judge orders at those cameras cannot show the jurors faces. They have to constantly be directed away from the jurors and in most instances the only juror that is known is the person who signs whether it is guilty or not guilty verdict so in that respect i think there are more protections or at least there arent means in the code that require the disclosure of the grand jurors names, or of the jurors names in a trial. That seems, given the landscape, a fortunate thing. Theres been a lot of back and forth about the proposed schedule the d a fani willis has laid out. Jeffrey clark, one of the codefendants in this indictment, is saying that the arraignment for defendants, the league of September 5th and a trial on march 4th, they are concerned, jeffrey kirk is concerned about the political nature of this case in the steps taken by the state thus far. How much credence do you think the judge is going to give to codefendants who are calling this all politics . I should, say how likely is it the d. A. Willis is going to get anything within the ballpark of march 2024 as far as a trial . Two things. First of all, d. A. Willis has said, both the night she returned the indictment and throughout the course of her career, that she makes her decisions based on the facts, the evidence she can present at trial, and the law. She does not make decisions based on partisan politics. So i find it interesting that those that may view this case through a political lens, are transferring this lens to her, when she has made it clear that its not her framing. With respect to the timing, we also heard her say that she was ready to try this case in six months. That may seem ambitious to some, but if you think about it, if she had said anything less than a ready to go sort of stance, people would question whether she actually has her witnesses together, her evidence together. She is making it very clear that she is ready to go. Now obviously with a number of defendants that we have theres going to be a lengthy pretrial motion, lengthy discovery process. But i think its important to keep things moving, and i think the d. A. Would want to keep things moving so that justice, whatever it may look like, based on the facts presented a trial,. ,. . Its important, these each case needs to be viewed separately. I can speak to about what its like to be the d. A. In georgia, faced with presenting a case of this caliber, this complexity, but the key really is to stay focused on your oath, on the facts of the law, and thats exactly what d. A. Willis is doing. Gwen keyes fleming, thank you as always for your time and thoughts. Great to see. You my pleasure. When we come back, some new reporting about the president ial campaign of Florida Governor ron desantis. Some new reporting on that campaign reminds us of this very odd video of republican senator Mitch Mcconnell that was taken nearly ten years ago. Here it is. There he is. Stick around for the explanation why. Thats coming up next. Ing up next. Try killing bugs the worryfree way. Not the other way. Zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you dont have to. Zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go become an aunty. Book a flight. Stay 4 nights. Meet the baby. Make the baby cry. Give the baby back. Fly home. 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Campaign finance rules, politicians are prohibited from coordinating with the super pacs that support them. But over the years, campaigns have found creative ways around those rules. A Campaign Watchdog group noted at the time that mcconnells campaign at the time likely put out that campaign publicly so hes super kept pack could use the footage to make their own Mitch Mcconnell. Adds the plausibility for Finance Collaboration would be hey were not collaborating with super pacs, we just want to make this strange Stock Footage video. We needed to be out there. The story of that weird very video is helpful in understanding what just happened with Ron Desantiss campaign. According to new york times, affirm associated with the super pac that is taken over desantis is president ial campaign, posted online hundreds of pages of blunt advice, research memos, and internal polling in early nominating states to guide the Florida Governor ahead of the high stakes republican president ial debate next wednesday. That reporting was confirmed by nbc news. The memo urges desantis to attack joe biden and the media 3 to 5 times, stayed his own positive isnt 2 to 3 times. Because apparently vision is less important than attacking joe biden in the media. It instructs desantis to hammer vivek ramaswamy, the outsider has been cutting into desantiss second place standing. And it urges desantis to defend donald trump in absentia in response to a Chris Christie attack. The strategy is to defend a guy who is beating you in the polls by attacking the guy who is losing to him. Notably the memo does not have any plans for what desantis to do if donald trump shows up to the debate. But the question is, why would affirm associated with Desantis Super pac post all of that sensitive Campaign Research online where anyone including desantiss opponents might see it . We cannot say for sure. But man, it sure seems like an attempt to get around those coordination rules about campaigns and super pacs. In other words, we are trying to tell the campaign what to do. We just really wanted to post this sensitive Campaign Guide thats on the internet. This evening a Desantis Campaign spokesperson told nbc news, this was not a Campaign Memo and we were not aware of it prior to the article. The debate is less than a week away and we will all now get to see whether desantis does try to execute on that strategy. Have your bingo cards at the ready. S at the ready. Voltaren. The joy of movement. When it comes to your hair, ingredients matter. 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Wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. Its to die for. And its all right here. Streaming was never this easy, you know. This is the way. You really went all out didnt you . Um, its called commitment. Could you turn down the volume . Here, you can try. Get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. The video we are about to show you was captured by a Security Camera at a Conservation Center on the Hawaiian Island of maui late monday night, just hours before devastating wildfires swept the island. It shows a bright flash, then the camera cuts out after losing power. According to a company that monitors power grids across the u. S. , this is an arc flash which can happen when a power line sparks after coming into contact with things like trees and vegetation. When the Conservation Centers camera kicks back on you can see a fire breaking out in the distance right there. That was the first of several fires reported early this week, and it is important to point out that it is not the exact one the destroyed the coastal town of the hyena. The official death toll is 111 people and its expected to rise with estimates with estimates of more than 1000 people unaccounted for. Videos like this one are adding to scrutiny of hawaiis largest utility, hawaiian electric, as residents are trying to pin down what sparked this wildfire. Joining me is breonna sacks, reporter for the washington post. She was recently on the Ground Reporting in hawaii. Thanks for being here. I found your reporting to be so illuminating in terms of whats going on here. This video, its riveting and very disconcerting. Can you tell me a bit more about the expectation, that these fires were caused by these powerlines . Is that the working thesis at this point . Yes. That became apparent early on. Residents say power lines have caused quite a few fires on the island over the years and they dont deploy a powered safety shut off program and there were reports from videos and residents themselves of Powerlines Swinging and sparking in the wind. So its definitely the overall sentiment that the Power Equipment caused the multiple fires on the island. From your reporting, it sounds like in the run up to these explosive wildfires that just hit maui, there were numerous calls made to the Electrical Company from residents who were trying to complain about or at least Register Lines that were in precarious positions and posed Public Safety risks. Is that right . Yes, there has been years of them demanding for the Power Company to put the infrastructure underground, to fix the lines, to clear the trees. It has been an ongoing plea from them because they know that they are susceptible to wildfire especially with drought making the grass around them much drier. The winds have also gotten more powerful. It really sounds like hawaii, or maui in particular, The Powers That Be have been very slow to adapt to the realities of climate change. Not only do you have this electrical grid that seems precarious, but you have the planting of these invasive non native grasses that are highly flammable. Theyre all over the island. There is no building standards as there are in california to make sure buildings are adaptive to wildfires or flame retardant, as it were. And then there is an issue with water and shutting down dams. What can you tell us about what is being looked at now in terms of the things that need to be ameliorated or changed so that Something Like this never happens again . There are a lot of factors that go back years that have complicated land and water rights. But the thing is, there is a big disconnect on the ground. This place is prone to wild fire. Everything everyone knows theres a wildfire every year, but officials dont think of wildfires. Theyre dialed in for Hurricane Response yet they did not deploy their Hurricane Sirens to warn residents about this incoming danger. Theyre under immense scrutiny for that. The grassland is the big problem. Theres a lot of issues with plantation lands shutting down, developers, who is responsible for managing these lands, taking water away from Native Hawaiians and diverting it toward the resorts. The Fire Hydrants run out of water. Thats not the first time this is happened. There have been melt bowl accounts for pacifiers and its unclear where whether any investigations have done to the causes of those fires. Residents feel they were just set up for this to happen. You just got back from hawaii. I dont know what time zone i am in right now. What can you tell us about the response . The stories we are hearing and locals are not getting what they need. We know biden will be visiting maybe next week on monday. But what about the Disaster Response . Has it been adequate . We are hearing about people crowdfunding. Going back to the fact that these people, specifically natives, this is not their first rodeo, so they have this Disaster Response infrastructure sat opposite just came online and really impressive. Theyre called pods. They have Distribution Centers that they were running. They were talking on Walkie Talkies because power has been an issue so they were wondering why 72 hours after this fire its one of the biggest ports in the world, why there wasnt more supplies coming in, why it took so long to get federal and state resources. Its definitely more bustling now than it was a week ago, but people are still struggling for information. Well thank you so much for the reporting you have been doing, brianna sacks. It has been essential, and so illuminating. Thank you for your time. We appreciate it. That is our show for the evening. Now it is time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening, lawrence. Las we have andrew waste men joining us with two georgia experts, Gwen Keyes Fleming and amy lee copeland. There is so much to cover in defendant trump news that just keeps coming, but apparently we are not going to get that big moment on monday, where we were supposed to hear the Trump Defense for the first time

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